Home Fruit trees The vocabulary of a limited sphere of use. Terminological and a professional. vocabulary. Speech use in professional vocabulary

The vocabulary of a limited sphere of use. Terminological and a professional. vocabulary. Speech use in professional vocabulary

Professional and special vocabulary make up words, the use of which is characteristic of people of certain professions.
Special vocabulary - these are officially accepted, regularly used special terms.
Professional vocabulary ( professionalism) - these are expressively rethought words and expressions characteristic of many professions, taken from the general circulation.
The difference between technical terms and professionalism can be shown in the following examples.
In metallurgy, the term crust denotes the remains of frozen metal in the ladle, and the workers call these remnants a goat, therefore, frozen is an official term, that is, a special vocabulary, and a goat is professionalism.
In the manufacture of optical instruments, one of the abrasive devices is called a concave grinder (technical term), and workers call it a cup (professionalism).
Scientists involved nuclear physics, jokingly call the synchrophasotron (a special term) a pan (professionalism).
Doctors (primarily therapists) call a candle a special type of temperature curve with a sharp rise and fall.
Cabinet carpenters call sandpaper (the official terminological name) skin, and it is this professionalism that is also characteristic of colloquial vocabulary.
Special vocabulary is created by the conscious and purposeful efforts of people - specialists in any field. Professionalisms are less regular, since they are born in the oral speech of people, as a result of which they rarely form a system.
In contrast to special terms, professionalisms have a bright expressive coloring and expressiveness due to their metaphoric and, often, imagery.
In some cases, professionalism can be used as official terms. In these cases, their expressiveness is somewhat erased, faded, but the metaphorical meaning is still felt quite well. Compare, for example terms:
Lever arm; Gear tooth; Pipe elbow, etc.
It should be remembered that, despite the limited scope of the use of special and professional vocabulary, there is a constant connection and interaction between it and the national vocabulary.
The literary language masters many special terms: they gradually begin to be rethought in the process of use, as a result of which they cease to be terms, that is, they are determined.
Compare, for example, the use in modern journalism, in colloquial speech, and sometimes in fiction such phrases created according to the "term + common word" scheme:
Ideological vacuum; Bacillus of indifference; Orbit of Glory; Corrosion of the soul; Contact with the population, etc.

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Test work in the Russian language




1.1 The concept of "professional speech"

1.2 Lexical component of professional speech

1.3 Professional speech and professional communication


2.1 The concept of professional vocabulary and terminology

2.2 Use of professional vocabulary in the literary language

2.3 Stylistically unjustified use of professionalisms

3. Read the text. Give a description according to the plan: topic and main idea, type of speech, style of speech


1.1 The concept of "professional speech"

V scientific research in linguistics, language teaching methods, etc., the term "professional speech" is constantly used. Especially often authors refer to this definition in last years when the problems of studying professional speech are actively discussed. But with rare exceptions, no clear, well-grounded definition of the concept of "professional speech" is given. In the latest edition of the encyclopedia "Russian language" there is no such thing as "professional speech" at all. Professional speech is called "special speech", which is included in the literary language, namely in those areas that "reflect the narrow language practice of people of certain specialties." This speech, as indicated in the article of the encyclopedia, is determined, first of all, by the current terminology characteristic of a particular profession. In addition, this speech has "its own characteristics" in the field of vocabulary, word formation, phraseology, and sometimes in stress and form formation. The characteristics of this special speech “do not contradict ... common system literary language».

1.2 Lexical component of professional speech

When discussing business problems in an informal or non-strict formal setting, a significant part of the vocabulary of modern economists is occupied by professionalisms (by which we mean the unofficial names of phenomena and concepts of business life). This group is extensive and unites units that can be systematized according to structure, origin, level of entry into the literary language, etc. etc.

One of the definitions of professionalism is given by N.K. Garbovsky, who believes that there are 2 classes of professionally-colored units of the lexico-phraseological level, namely, special professional terminology and uncodified language units that arise and function mainly in the colloquial speech of specialists on professional topics in the context of informal communication. These latter units are usually called professionalisms.

1.3 Professional speech and professional communication

Professional speech of any area is also determined by its repertoire of genres, although the same genres can be used in professional speech of different specialties, but at the same time, each specialty has its own most important genres and specific laws of composition and speech design of general genres.

The complexity and multidimensionality of people's professional activities suggest a significant variability of forms speech communication, and with a fairly broad outlook on things, all speech genres that have developed in the process of communication in the professional field of activity can be defined as professional speech. In other words, all communication related to professional activity, regardless of whether it takes place in written or oral form, in an official or unofficial setting, that is, communication as a special, auxiliary type of activity that ensures the implementation of the main professional activity and is subordinate to its goals as goals activities over high order, and there is a professional speech.


2.1 The concept of professional vocabulary and terminology

TO professional vocabulary include words and expressions used in different areas human activities, which, however, have not become common. Professionalisms are used to designate various production processes, tools of production, raw materials, products obtained, etc. Unlike terms, which are the official scientific names of special concepts, professionalisms are perceived as “semi-official” words that do not have a strictly scientific nature.

For example, in the oral speech of printers there are professionalisms: the ending - "graphic decoration at the end of the book", the antennae - "the ending with a thickening in the middle", the tail - "the lower outer margin of the page, as well as the lower edge of the book, opposite the head of the book."

2.2 Use of professional vocabulary in the literary language

professionalism stylistic vocabulary language

At certain conditions professionalisms find application in the literary language. So, with insufficient elaboration of terminology, professionalisms often play the role of terms. In this case, they are found not only orally, but also in written speech... When using professionalisms in a scientific style, the authors often explain them in the text (The so-called light hay enjoys a well-deserved notoriety as a poorly nutritious food, with a significant use of which cases of fragility of bones in animals are noticed).

Professionalism is not uncommon in the language of large-circulation, branch newspapers (to land the cars after the dissolution of the train and divert for this shunting means, ... the dissolution of the train with the thrust of another). The advantage of professionalisms over their commonly used equivalents is that professionalisms serve to differentiate closely related concepts, subjects that for a non-specialist have one common name. Thanks to this, special vocabulary for people of one profession is a means of accurate and concise expression of thoughts. However, the informative value of narrowly professional names is lost if a layman encounters them. Therefore, the use of professionalism in newspapers requires caution.

2.3 Stylistically unjustified use of professionalisms

The inclusion of professionalism in the text is often undesirable. So, in a newspaper article, the use of highly specialized professionalisms cannot be justified. For example: At a mine, horizons are depleted, roads are skewed very untimely - only a specialist can explain what he had in mind

Professional vocabulary should not be used in book styles because of its colloquial coloration. For example: It is necessary to ensure that the loading of the furnaces does not exceed two hours, and the melting in the furnace does not sit longer than 6 hours and 30 minutes (better: It is necessary to ensure that the loading of the furnaces lasts no more than two hours, and the melting - six and a half).

3. Read the text. Describe according to plan: theme and basicsthought, type of speech, style of speech

The language of the people is the best, never fading and eternally dissolving the color of all its spiritual life. The whole people and their whole homeland are spiritualized in the language. It transforms into a thought, into a picture, into a sound, the sky of the motherland, its air, physical phenomena, its climate, its fields, mountains and valleys, its storms and thunderstorms. In the light, transparent depths of the folk language, not only the nature of the native country is reflected, but the whole history of spiritual life.

Topic: The language of the people,

Main idea: Love for the Motherland,

Speech type: Narration,

Speech style: Artistic.

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In special vocabulary, words and phrases used by groups of persons united by the nature of their activities (by profession), in various spheres of production, technologies that have not become common, however, are distinguished - the so-called professionalisms. Their status is rather complicated, because some specialists: a) identify with terms, b) refer to units of craft vocabulary; c) to special vocabulary of a non-nominal nature (verbs, adverbs, adjectives); d) non-standardized special vocabulary, limited to the use of professionals in oral speech in an informal setting, and often having emotionally expressive connotations. Unlike terms - the official scientific names of special concepts, professionalisms function mainly in oral speech as "semi-official" words that do not have a strictly scientific character. Professionalisms are used to designate various production processes, tools of production, raw materials, products, etc. For example, technical professionalisms: charge d "un atelier, calcul des tolérances, gestion de l" entreprise, escompte, par itération; theatrical: armoire a sons = piano de l "orchestre, baisser le torchon = baisser le rideau, un tunnel = longue tirade dans le texte, faire de la baraque = donner un mauvais spectacle, boire ta lasse = connaоtre l" insucci complet; artists: croýte = peinture qui n "est pas au goyt du peintre, navet = peinture horrible, cro-queton = croquis.

For example, in the speech of printers, professionalisms are used: cul-de-lampe - graphic decoration at the end of a book, mustache - an ending with a thickening in the middle. Professionalisms are characterized by significant differentiation in the designation of special concepts, tools and means of production, the name of objects, actions, and so on. For example, in meteorology, in accordance with the distinguished types of snowflakes, there are several of their names: astйrique- asterisk , aiguille- needle, hйrisson- hedgehog, lame- plate.

Professionalisms are either created anew using original or borrowed word-formation means according to general linguistic models, or (which is very often observed) are the result of a rethinking of general literary words. By the way of education, one can distinguish:
1) proper lexical professionalisms that arise as new, special names. For example, in this way arose in the speech of carpenters and joiners the name different types plane : moulure- kalevka, enlève-carré- zenzubel, etc.;

2) lexico-semantic professionalisms arising in the process of developing a new meaning of the word and its rethinking. This is how, for example, professional values words in the speech of printers: sapins - herringbone or oreilles - paws - a kind of quotation marks; in the speech of hunters, the professional names of animal tails differ: for a wolf - byche, the fox - tube, in the beaver - pelle, the hare - fleur, faisceau etc.;
3) lexico-derivational professionalism, which includes words such as a spare wheel - a spare mechanism, a part of something; chief director - the main director, etc., in which either a suffix or a way of adding words are used, etc.

4) One of the ways to educate professionalism is compression: when a word is removed from a compound name, which conveys its functional and semantic meaning to the remaining word, complicating its content. A distinctive feature of such names is brevity and semantic capacity (compare: hydraulic brake system - hydraulique).

Professionalisms can be grouped according to the area of ​​their use: in the speech of athletes, miners, doctors, hunters, fishermen, etc. Technicisms are distinguished into a special group - highly specialized names used in the field of technology. They are characterized by great detail in the designation of special concepts, tools, production processes, material. So, horse breeders distinguish horses by purpose: de trait- harness, de selle- horse, de bвt- pack, and the first in harness: limonier- root, de renfort- attached; in the speech of carpenters and joiners, the tool for planing the boards of the plane has varieties: varlope- jointer, riflard- sherhebel. In professional speech, logs and boards are distinguished by size, shape and are called: bois carré- timber, dosse- croaker, etc.

Professionalisms are often expressive, which brings them closer to jargon. So the drivers of buses, trucks, cars call the steering wheel a steering wheel, the typographers call the sign adopted in the letter - the quotation marks are figuratively called Christmas trees (""), paws (""), the general heading in the newspaper - a heading.

A kind of professionalism is professional jargon, which is not capable of acquiring a normative character, and their conventionality is clearly felt by the speakers. It has a reduced expressive coloring and is used only in the oral speech of people of the same profession. For example, engineers jokingly call the recorder “ cafard"-" sneaky ". Sometimes jargon professionalisms pass into the national language, while remaining stylistically diminished; for example, avoir le trac To be "afraid" in theatrical jargon, or barbouiller"Smear" from the jargon of artists. Professional slang words, as a rule, have neutral synonyms devoid of colloquial connotation, which have a precise terminological meaning.

Professional vocabulary contains words that contain semes of disapproval, disdain, contempt: tubercle - senior attendant, pile up marriage, paleness, etc., which bring them closer to jargon. Professionalisms bordering on jargon are used as an effective method of speech contrast. Such professional names are associated with the communicative process in labor activity. Imagery is a characteristic feature of professionalism in all areas of production. Uncodified professional vocabulary is outside literary norm, therefore, like colloquial or slang words, it is usually quoted in the text. But now the norm has become more free, quotation marks are not always used to highlight professionalism.

In works of fiction, as well as in newspaper and magazine texts, professionalisms, as a rule, perform a nominative function, and also serve as a pictorial and expressive means. Certain professionalisms, often of a reduced stylistic sound, become part of the common vocabulary: travail par saccades- assault. In fiction, professionalisms are used by writers with a certain stylistic task: as a characterological means in describing the life of people associated with any kind of production.

Covering the life of society, newspapers cannot but touch upon the scientific and professional-production side. In materials of this orientation, the vocabulary that makes up the sublanguage is used. national language, "Its subsystem, including special words required only for this profession. " Moreover, the more complex the purposeful activity of people, the more isolated from common language their special language, or sublanguage, therefore the use of special vocabulary in the texts of newspaper publications requires careful selection and a deliberate approach to it. The introduction of professionalism into the text as a modeling function is used not only in the speech characteristics of the characters, but also in the author's speech of the journalist. This technique allows you to show the author's involvement in the problem he writes about, his competence in this area. The text, which includes professionalisms, becomes similar to oral speech. This allows the reader to feel like a participant in the events, to delve deeper into their essence. A professional title in newspaper text is used to style the text, i.e. to bring it as close as possible to the reality of that professional and production sphere of human activity, about which the author writes, thus ensuring realism. Therefore, professionally oriented words are often found in interviews, where they create the speech characteristics of the characters. The unedited text should reflect the reality of living speech, and professionalism only emphasizes its situationality.

Sphere of use of professional vocabulary

Professionalisms, in contrast to their commonly used equivalents, serve to differentiate related concepts used in a certain type of human activity. Thanks to this, professional vocabulary is indispensable for laconic and accurate expression of thoughts in special texts intended for a trained reader. However, the informative value of narrowly professional names is lost if a layman encounters them. Therefore, professionalism is appropriate, say, in large-circulation industry newspapers and is not justified in publications aimed at wide readership.

As a product of practice, professionalism makes speech concrete and easily assimilated not only by ordinary representatives of a particular industry, but by a wide range of people in contact with this environment. He is preferred to a term that gives a generalized scientific, often using foreign language roots, the name of objects, phenomena, actions. Professional names allow you to quickly and easily get acquainted with the production, and the emotionality of professionalism makes this process interesting. These qualities of professionalism are becoming necessary for journalists who seek to draw the attention of the general reader to a certain professional field, to problems in it.

Narrow professional words usually do not receive wide distribution in the literary language, that is, the scope of their use remains limited. Most often, this is the colloquial speech of representatives of a particular profession, since professionalisms are semi-official names (and this is one of their differences from terms), fixed in the language of a particular profession. Sometimes they are a kind of informal synonyms for special names. Often they are reflected in dictionaries, but always marked "professional".

In the Russian language, along with common vocabulary, there are words and expressions used by groups of persons united by the nature of their activities, i.e. by profession. it professionalism .

Professionalisms are characterized by greater differentiation in the designation of tools and means of production, in the name of specific objects, actions, persons, etc. They are widespread mainly in the colloquial speech of people of a particular profession, being sometimes a kind of unofficial synonyms for special names. Often they are reflected in dictionaries, but always marked "professional". In newspaper and magazine texts, as well as in works of fiction, they perform, as a rule, a nominative function, and also serve as a pictorial and expressive means.

So, in the professional speech of actors, a complex abbreviated name is used. chief director; in the colloquial speech of builders and repairmen, a professional name is used overhaul capital; service staff computing centers are called machine operators and eweem people; on fishing boats, workers who gut fish (usually by hand) are called shkershchiki etc.

By the way of education, one can distinguish:

1) proper lexical professionalism that arise as new, special names. For example, in this way the above word arose in the speech of professional fishermen shker from the verb shker- "gut the fish"; in the speech of carpenters and joiners, the names of various types of plane: kalevka, zenzubel, tongue and groove etc.;

2) lexical and semantic professionalisms arising in the process of developing a new meaning of the word and its rethinking. This is how, for example, the professional meanings of words in the speech of printers arose: Christmas trees or paws- a kind of quotation marks; a cap- a common title for several publications, paddock- spare, additional set not included in the next issue; in the speech of hunters, the professional names of animal tails differ: in a deer - kuyruk, burdock, at the wolf - log, at the fox - pipe, beaver - shovel, squirrel - fur, the hare - flower, bunch, thistle etc.;

3) lexico-word-formation professionalisms, which include words such as spare wheel- spare mechanism, part to something; chief director - the main director, etc., which use either a suffix, or a way of adding words, etc.

Professionalisms are usually not widely spread in the literary language, i.e. the scope of their use remains limited.

TO terminological vocabulary refers to words or phrases used for a logically accurate definition of special concepts or objects of any field of science, technology, Agriculture, art, etc. Unlike common words, which can be ambiguous, terms within a particular science are usually unambiguous. They are characterized by a clearly limited, motivated specialization of meaning.

The development of science and technology, the emergence of new branches of science are always accompanied by the abundant appearance of new terms. Therefore, terminology is one of the most mobile, fast-growing and rapidly changing parts of the national vocabulary (cf. only the names of new sciences and industries: automation, allergology, aeronomy, biocybernetics, bionics, hydroponics, holography, cardiac surgery, cosmobiology and many other sciences related to the study of space, plasma chemistry, speleology, ergonomics etc.).

The way terms are formed are different. For example, there is terminology words existing in the language, i.e. scientific rethinking of the well-known lexical meaning. This process goes in two ways:

1) by rejecting the generally accepted lexical meaning and giving the word a strict, precise name, for example: signal in information theory, "a changing physical quantity displaying messages";

2) through the full or partial use of those signs that serve as the basis for the lexical meaning of the word in general popular use, i.e. name by similarity, contiguity, etc., for example: hole- defective electron in nuclear physics; drapery- a kind of form of aurora borealis; neck - intermediate part of the machine shaft, etc.

Note that the expressive-emotional meanings inherent in words with diminutive suffixes during terminology, as a rule, disappear. Wed also: tail(at tools, devices), foot(part of the machine bed; part of the instruments), etc.

The following methods are widely used to form terms:

- compounding: nuclear-powered icebreaker, smoke extractor, crank, current rotator;

- affixation method: casting, facing, constellation, melting, heater;

- joining foreign language elements: air, auto, bio and etc.

The method is widely used terminology of phrases: elementary particles, primary radiation, cosmic rays, optical density, space medicine and etc.

Big role in terminological systems, foreign language borrowings play. For a long time many Dutch and English nautical terms have been known; Italian and French musical, art, literary terms; Latin and Greek terms are found in all sciences. Many of these terms are international.

The spread of scientific and technical terminology, its penetration into different spheres of life leads to the fact that in the language, along with the process terminology common words, the reverse process is also observed - the development of terms in the literary language, i.e. their determinologization... For example, the frequent use of philosophical, art history, literary, physical, chemical, medical, industrial and many other terms made them common words, for example: abstraction, argument, dialectics, materialism, thinking, concept, consciousness; concert, plot, style; amplitude, battery, contact, circuit, reaction, resonance; analysis, vitamin deficiency, diagnosis, immunity, x-ray; nylon, harvester, conveyor, motor; heating, soldering, recoil, filtering and etc.

Determinologized words are widely used in different styles of speech: colloquial, book (in journalism, fiction, etc.). Along with them, professionalisms and terms are often used. However, the oversaturation of artistic, publicistic works scientific and technical terminology reduces their value and was condemned in the late 1920s and early 30s A.M. Gorky, who wrote: “There is no need to abuse the shop terminology, or the terms should be explained. It is absolutely necessary to do this, because it gives the book a wider distribution, makes it easier to assimilate everything that is said in it. "

Slang vocabulary

Special words differ from dialectal and professional vocabulary, with which individual social groups of people, according to the conditions of their social status, the specifics of the environment, designated objects or phenomena that already had names in the general literary language. This vocabulary is called slang ... Its variety is argotic vocabulary has an even more limited scope of use and is also not part of the literary language.

Especially a lot of jargon arose before the revolution in the speech of the ruling classes, which is explained by an attempt to artificially create a special kind of language by introducing specific elements and thereby somewhat separate the people of their circle from the rest of the speakers of the national Russian language.

This is how, for example, Russian-French salon jargon nobles, huckster's jargon etc. For example: plezir- in the meaning of "pleasure, fun", promenade- in the meaning of "walk"; sentiment- in the meaning of "excessive sensitivity", magarych- in the meaning of "a treat for the conclusion of a profitable deal", etc.

Sometimes slang vocabulary appeared in educational institutions pre-revolutionary Russia, for example: in the bursak jargon slamzy, stibril, dangled in the meaning of "stole", cheated in the meaning of "deceived", fell asleep in the meaning of “did not pass the exam”, etc. (see NG Pomyalovsky in “Sketches of the Bursa”).

V Soviet time changed social essence jargon, and their understanding has changed. In modern Russian, there are only single words"Slang-colored" vocabulary, which are either related to the facts of professional speech, or are characteristic feature the age community of the generation, mainly the young. For example,

- turn printers have a “foreign print on the print”, goat (goats) among printers “skipping text in prints”;

- goat for pilots "an involuntary jump of the aircraft during landing", "Annushka", "Ilyusha", "Duck"(biplane U-2) - aircraft names;

- spurs, cheat sheet, control, cock(five) and others for schoolchildren;

- wheel - wheels(vehicle), bullshit(nonsense, little proof) philonite(sit back), shine, strength, iron, awesome(fine), like a bayonet(required) - among young people.

The use of jargon in speech is not always justified. Therefore, the question arises about the protection of the modern literary language (see in more detail the article by Yu. Dolin "The question of the ecology of the modern literary language and its protection" in Appendix 21).


Find in the article "Musical shock" (see Appendix 22) jargon, define their meaning.

The use of such vocabulary clogs the language and should be suppressed in every possible way. In language fiction elements of jargon (argotically) colored vocabulary in limited quantities are sometimes used for the speech characteristics of some characters (see the works of G. Medynsky, D. Granin, V. Shukshin, Y. Nagibin, etc.).

1.4.3 Test questions to consolidate the material

1. What groups of vocabulary of the modern Russian language from the point of view of the sphere of its use do you know?

2. Give the definition of dialectal vocabulary.

3. Tell us about the phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexico-semantic features of dialect vocabulary.

4. Tell about the use of dialectal vocabulary in speech, in literary works, journalism.

5. Give the definition of professional vocabulary.

6. What groups are professionalisms divided into according to the method of their education? Tell us about each of them.

7. Tell about the use of professional vocabulary in speech, literary works, journalism.

8. What words refer to terminological vocabulary?

9. What are the ways of forming terms.

10. Tell about the use of terms in speech, literary works, journalism.

11. Give the definition of slang vocabulary.

12. What jargons do you know? Give examples of slang vocabulary.

13. Tell about the use of slang vocabulary in speech, literary works, journalism.

The initial level of students' knowledge for mastering the topic:

The student must:

Know the concept of "vocabulary", " lexical meaning», Some features of the origin of words;

Be able to to determine the belonging of a word to a certain layer of vocabulary and style.

The practical lesson examines next questions:

1. The concept of vocabulary, lexical and grammatical meaning words.

2. Direct and figurative meaning of words, uniqueness and polysemy.

3. Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronyms.

4. Features of loan words.

5. Use in speech of different lexical groups, speech etiquette formulas.

The final level of knowledge.

The student must:

Know the main purpose of the word, lexical means linguistic expressiveness, features of borrowed words;

Be able to correct lexical errors, admitted in speech, possess professional vocabulary and terminology.

Practical tasks

Exercise 1. Using the dictionary, determine the lexical meaning of the following terms:

Abscess, alteration, hyperemia, cyanosis, gangrene, phagocytosis, conjunctivitis, injection, flu, bulletin, immunity, allergy, hypoxemia, anemia, anamnesis, auscultation, percussion, epicrisis, palpation, biopsy, endoscopy, asthma, dysphagia, eupshagia exudate, ischemia, polyclinic, oncology, pneumonia, physiotherapy, peritonitis, asphyxia, astigmatism.

Task 2. Correct the sentences by eliminating duplicates:

1) A lonely house stood alone on the edge of the village.

2) Freight trains pass by the gatehouse, passenger trains pass by, and an express train passes once a day.

3) The depth of the dark forest frightened children, who lost their way in the darkness.

4) All students completed the assigned task on time.

5) The following drawback should be noted in the work: the topic was not fully disclosed.

6) The winter forest is very beautiful, all the trees are in winter decoration.

7) The fire spread to the neighboring house, which was soon engulfed in flames.

8) Everyone had to work hard to get the urgent work done on time.

9) The builders suddenly and unexpectedly accelerated the pace of construction of the hospital and now they are building even on weekends, because they know that the residents of the area are in dire need of the construction.

10) Shortcomings in health care for the population are mainly due to inadequate funding.

Task 3. Among the specified words, find unambiguous and ambiguous, confirm with context:

Window, blizzard, wall, elevator, ceiling, house, basement, washbasin, apartment, kitchen, room, corridor, piano, luggage, eggplant, booth, ballad, baron, barrier, parcel post, gang.

Assignment 4... Determine in which of the given examples of word combinations the words

used in figurative meanings:

A wedding ring is a blockade ring, a woolen carpet is a snow carpet, break a glass - break hopes, a well-aimed word is a well-aimed shooter, the Black Sea is a sea of ​​wheat, a searchlight is a ray of hope, a firm step is solid ground, a hay shock is a shock of hair, heart of stone- stone wall, hot soup - hot dispute, Caucasus mountains - watermelon mountains, gold ring- golden hands, solid matter - strong friendship.

Task 5. Make a table, delimiting ambiguous words, lexical homonyms, homoforms, homographs and homophones

Egg white- a lot of squirrels, sheer to attack - suddenly attack, a fast raft - a ripe fruit, interfere with work - interfere with porridge, get down to business - meet a brother, a paved road - a memory of a road, real evil - an evil answer, a company of friends - an election campaign, hour hands - well-aimed arrows, sit silently - quickly turn gray, Russian stove - bake pancakes, the city is young - a heavy hammer, a merchant's shop is a wooden bench, I'm treating a sick person - I'm flying in an airplane, my hand is a bunch of grapes, at the bottom of the river - about the day off, red carnations - drive in the carnations.

Main literature

1. Vvedenskaya L.A., Cherkasova M.N. Russian language and culture of speech. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008.

2. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M., 2007.

additional literature

Denisov P.N. The vocabulary of the Russian language and the principles of its description. M., 2005.

Fomina M.I. Modern Russian language. Lexicology. M., 2006.

Shansky N.M. Lexicology of the modern Russian language. M., 2005.

Shcherba L.V. Experience of the general theory of lexicography. M., 2000.

Shmelev D.N. Modern Russian language. Vocabulary. M., 2007.


Alexandrova Z.E. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. M., 2006.

Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of homonyms of the Russian language. M., 2007.

Belchikov Yu.A., Panyusheva M.S. Dictionary of paronyms of the modern Russian language. M., 2007.

Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language... M., 2006.

Abstract topics

1. Homonymy and polysemy in the Russian language.

2. The visual capabilities of synonyms, antonyms and paronyms in Russian.

3. Origin and constituents of medical terms.

Literature for preparing abstracts

1. Shansky N.M. Lexicology of the modern Russian language. M., 2005.

2. Shcherba L. V. Experience of the general theory of lexicography. M., 2000.

3.Shmelev D.N. Modern Russian language. Vocabulary. M., 2007.

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