Home Blanks for the winter A script for a presentation on environmental protection for primary school students. Family and school projects. The course of educational activities

A script for a presentation on environmental protection for primary school students. Family and school projects. The course of educational activities

Elena Musina
Project activities of older children preschool age"Security environment»

Project activities

« Environmental protection»

Methodical passport the project.

Type of the project- research and creative.

The composition of the participants is for children and adults.

View project - intergroup, long-term.

The problem is protection environment.

Target: Clarify and systematize knowledge children about environmental protection.


1. Fix the received preschoolers knowledge of environmental protection.

2. Create conditions for children to use protection skills environment.

3. Call at preschoolers desire to guard the world .

4. Ensure the activity of each child in the development of knowledge.

A series of events.

o Lesson: "How to behave in nature" book "Ecological Holidays" L. Molodova p. 62;

o Reading a poem "Walk" WITH. Mikhalkov: reading, solving a problem situation.

o Planting flowers on the site kindergarten.

o Quiz

o Exhibition of drawings.

o Literary and musical composition using poems and songs

M. Plyatskovsky, E. Ptichkin "Don't Tease Dogs",

R. Rozhdestvensky "Earth is our home", "Big round dance",

I. Maznin "Let's be friends"

M. Plyatskovsky "Don't pick flowers"

V. Viktorov, D. Lvov-Kompaneets "Wider circle"

o Puppet show "About the hapless boy and true friends forests" p. 73

o Presentation "Let's Protect the Planet"

Specific expected results:

During implementation the project« Environmental protection» teachers plan to achieve the following results:


1. Development active speech children.

2. Development of skills of cooperation, partnership.

3. Increasing cognitive activity in children.


1. Increasing pedagogical competence in environmental protection.

2. Establishing the relationship between adults and children.

3. Creation of conditions in the preschool educational institution for the development of children of environmental knowledge.

Participants: teachers and children speech therapy group №4


L. P. Molodova "Environmental conditions for children

N.V. Nishcheva "Correctional work system"

T. A. Sharygina "What months of the year"

Presentation "Earth is our common home"

The earth is our home and everyone is responsible for order in it.

His activities a person improves living conditions, but causes great harm nature. This threatens with grave consequences for both humanity and nature.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, man more and more invades nature: new lands are plowed up, destroyed into forests, hydroelectric power plants are being built.

All this leads to being violated normal life animals and plants, they are displaced by humans from their native places and perish, chemical hunting, destruction of forests have done great damage to the animal world, so now the question of nature protection creating nature reserves.

Nature itself tries to fight pollution, for example, plants purify the air from harmful gases and dust. One single beech tree produces as much oxygen per day as is required for 64 people, and so on according to its capabilities, each blade of grass, burdock, nettle, bush, wood

In our country security nature is a matter of state importance, everyone should take good care of all living things, observe the rules of behavior in nature

On excursions, hikes and walks, do not break tree branches and shrubs, plant - Living being and branches, together with leaves, help him breathe, emit oxygen into the air, retain dust, where there are many plants, it is easy to breathe

Do not damage the bark of trees, understand that it hurts, they stop growing and die painfully for a long time, they just cannot say about it

Do not pick flowers in the forest and in the meadow, because a flower in a vase is a prisoner sentenced to death, let this miracle please the eye, rejuvenate the heart, the soul of everyone who comes after us, it was the old habit of picking flowers that led to the disappearance of many types of flowers

In the woods try to walk the paths so as not to trample grass and soil, folk wisdom reads: “One person leaves a trail in the forest, 100 people leave a trail, and 1000 leave a desert

You cannot take eggs from nests, destroy anthills, dig holes and disturb forest dwellers

Do not make a fire in the forest, if it is not necessary, a fire pit is wounds on the forest soil cover, it takes 15-20 years for them to heal, a fire may start from the fire

Do not shoot down mushrooms, not even edible ones, the one who knocks down fly agarics with a stick does not respect the forest does not understand it, fly agarics help trees grow, squirrels, moose, magpies feed on them

In the forest, it is forbidden to turn on tape recorders at full power, raise a cry and noise, from this birds and animals leave their holes, nests, you need to appreciate and guard the silence, be able to listen magic sounds forests

Do not leave a mess in the forest, remember, thrown paper takes 2 years to decompose, tin at least 70 years, a plastic bag will lie for a very long time, since there are no bacteria on the ground that can destroy it, and a glass shard in sunny weather can play the role of a lens and cause a forest fire

There are a lot of us guys, let each of us at least plant a bush for the garden now

A tree, grass, flower and bird do not always know how to defend themselves, if they are destroyed, we will be left alone on the planet

For fish you need pure water, we will guard our waters... There are different animals in the forests, steppes, mountains, we will guard our forests, steppes, mountains

Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest steppe and mountains, but man needs a Motherland and to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

Ruzida Islamgulova
Conversation about nature conservation in the preparatory group

"Love to nature like any

human love is sure

is laid in us from childhood. "

I. Sokolov-Mitkov

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Even a small blade of love.

Protect all the beasts inside nature,

Kill only the beasts inside you!

E. Evtushenko

Software content:

Clarify children's beliefs that animals need protection and care, many plants and animals in forests and vegetable gardens, in water bodies and meadows, need help and care of people. To consolidate and generalize the idea of ​​plants and animals as living beings (they need food, warmth, light, etc.)... Taking care of plants and animals, people protect them from death, strive not to harm and create good conditions life, provide them with food, protect them from the cold. Encourage children to express themselves, the ability to draw conclusions, think logically. Increase children's understanding of the need to protect plants and animals.

Developmental tasks:

To develop the speech, thinking of children.

Educational tasks:

To foster a careful, caring attitude towards plants and animals.

Vocabulary work:

Dictionary activation: body of water

Enrichment of the vocabulary: reserve, foresters, Red Book.


Pictures and photographs depicting the reserved corners of our Motherland, reflecting human concern for nature, about animals and plants subject to special protection.

Course of the lesson:

Guys, why do we love the forest? A park? The river?

Yes, right. We love the forest, park, river because they adorn our street, city, our land. Grow in the forest various trees, herbs, mushrooms, berries. The forest is quiet, the air is clean and transparent. Trees, bushes, flowers, herbs also grow in the park. They were planted by people, your mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers. We love the river because it is clean, clear water that she gives water to trees, shrubs and grasses growing along the banks. Children, what do plants need to grow well? Yes, in order for plants to grow well, you need light, heat, moisture, food.

Who lives in the forest?

Right. Animals, birds, insects, frogs and snakes live in the forest.

And what grows in the forest?

Various types of trees and grasses grow in the forest. There are many medicinal ones among them.

What kind medicinal plants you know? (The children name the plants, and the teacher shows the illustrations)

Right: tansy, coltsfoot, plantain, raspberry, linden, etc.

What trees do you know? (Answers of children)

Such breeds grow in the forest trees: aspen, maple, spruce, linden, oak.

Why do people need a forest?

Yes, in our life the forest has great importance... The forest gives people wood, medicinal plants, mushrooms, berries. Birds and animals feed on the fruits of trees. The forest decorates our land, purifies the air. And therefore, how should we relate to the forest?

That's right, we must guard him.

Guys, who looks after the forest, protects it?

Yes, guard Foresters are engaged in forests.

How do they care for the forest?

Foresters make sure that the forest is healthy, destroy pests, cut down diseased trees, protect the forest from fires.

How do children and adults care for the forest?

Yes, the forest is man's friend. No wonder among the people they say: A lot of forest - take care, a little forest - plant! "People protect the forest from fires, clearing dead trees, planting new young trees. Children also care about forest: collect tree seeds, take care of young seedlings, make sure that no one ruins bird's nest, did not break or chop trees, did not trample the grass in parks and did not play with fire in the forest, make sure that no one littered springs, lakes, rivers.

How should you behave in the forest?

Yes, guys, in the spring when the birds hatch their chicks, you cannot shout, you cannot destroy nests, anthills, break tree branches, tear a large number of flowers, you can not make a fire in a dry forest, in parks.

How should you behave in the field?

yes, there is bread growing in the field. Therefore, you cannot walk in the field, otherwise you will trample ears of grain. trampled plants will not grow.

Near a river, a spring, a lake, how should we behave?

Yes, do not litter reservoirs, do not scare the fish with a cry.

Physical education

Swans, swans flap their wings.

They bent over the water and shook their heads.

Proudly and stubbornly know how to hold on

And they quietly sit on the water.

Listen to the story. In the north, in the cold White Sea, there are many islands. Beautiful birds - eiders - lived on these islands. Warm fluffy things were made from eider down. And so they were hunted. The number of birds was getting smaller and smaller. Then people decided: you can no longer shoot the eider, you need to take care of this useful and beautiful bird, it must not be allowed that it does not disappear at all. A nature reserve was established on the islands. They called it "Seven Islands". Eiders live in it, and now there are a lot of them, it is even impossible to count them. So people kept this beautiful bird.

Man protects not only birds, but also all rare animals, of which there are very few left. For this, reserves are being created.

Who knows what a nature reserve is?

Animals and birds, insects and plants live and breed in the reserves. Reserves in our country have been created in different regions.

We also have a nature reserve in Bashkiria. Nature our republic is very beautiful and in the reserve it is carefully guard, and protect animals, and birds, and insects, meadows, forests and bodies of water.

Guys why nature requires respect?

Nature- this is the wealth of our Motherland, and it is necessary guard so that flowers in meadows, trees, birds, streams do not disappear from the face of the earth.

How should we treat trees, shrubs, flowers on the site of our kindergarten? (Children's stories)

Now we will play the game "What gives us nature? "For example, I will name the word" forest ", and you should list what people get from the forest.

"Forest" - mushrooms, wood, berries, nuts, medicinal herbs.

"Field" - wheat, oats, rye, corn.

"River" - water, fish, sand.

"Earth" - food for plants, minerals, clay.

Guys, let trees grow luxuriantly and birds calmly sing in our parks, gardens, forests. May springs and wells always be clean and clear water... Let there be a lot of fish in ponds, lakes and rivers. All this is our wealth, without which we cannot live. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest and mountains. And a man needs a Motherland. AND to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

Z. Alexandrova

If they say a word "Homeland",

Immediately in memory rises

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And a chamomile hillock ...

And others will probably remember

His own Moscow courtyard.

The first boats are in the puddles,

Where was the skating rink recently

And a large neighboring factory

Loud joyous beep.

Or the steppe, red from poppies,

Golden virgin land ...

Homeland is different

But we all have one!

Topic: Environmental protection.


  • to establish the consequences of environmental pollution, the influence of man on nature and nature on man; determine what feasible work to protect the environment children can do; to form environmental literacy; make sectional boxes for flower seedlings, sow the seeds of flower plants;
  • develop oral monologue, thought operations(analysis, comparison, classification); fine motor skills; creative imagination;
  • foster ecological culture; ability to work in a team; self-control.


  • tape recorder with recording;
  • TV set, video cassette "Ecological Almanac";
  • garbage bags, plastic bottles, cans, boxes, etc.
  • exhibits of the exhibition;
  • juice boxes 200 ml (23 pcs.);
  • flower seeds;
  • memos for students;
  • visual material.


I. Organizational moment

The recording sounds:

Good morning friends!

Nature! Good morning!

Hello rivers and lakes, seas and oceans, mountains and plains!

Hello birds and beasts!

Everyone, everyone, everyone! Good morning!

If a person greeted every day like this not only with family and friends, but also with all living things that surrounds him, maybe all those animals and plants that we will never see again live on the earth until now - the person destroyed them.

  • A fragment of the video film "Ecological Almanac" ( vivid examples human violations of ecology).
  • A minute of silence. Pause.
  • Grade 4 students (playing the role of tourists) enter the class and bring in garbage bags with cans, bottles, boxes, etc., and put them at the blackboard.

Wait, what are you doing?

What a pity that nature cannot speak in the language of man, she is powerless in the face of human onslaught.

What to do so that nature does not perish?

Reference: One family of 4 throws out 3 kg of garbage every day. And if a thousand people live in the city ...

II. Learning new material.

Think about the topic of the lesson? (Students formulate the topic of the lesson).

What is the main task before us today? (Objectives: 1. Investigate the causes of environmental pollution; 2. To think about how we can help protect nature)

What is the environment (world)?

(The world around us is nature, man, his labor and the result of his labor)

What two subgroups can we divide all objects of nature into?

(Living and inanimate nature)

What objects belong to wildlife? (Plants, animals, mushrooms, bulls)

What are the objects of inanimate nature? (Air, stones, water, space)

A scheme is built sequentially together with the students.

  • Only a person is able to create something and use it, so everything human society we will consider separately, although man is a part of nature.

What happens if even one link is broken?

The whole system is disrupted. All elements are interconnected.

III. Working with the tutorial.

Open the textbook on page 34 (“We and the world around us”, grade 1, N.Ya.Dmitrieva, A.N. Kazakov).

Consider carefully the illustration, read the text of the tutorial. Students independently work with the text of the textbook.

What is the connection between human activities, inanimate and living nature.

What does a person produce in enterprises?

Why is he doing this? This is good for a person!

And what is the harm from the work of these enterprises?

What is the threat to nature? And to the man himself? This will affect the health of the person himself.

IV. Group work.

In the last lesson, you received an assignment: to investigate the causes of environmental pollution. Introduce us to the research result.

Group 1: Our group investigated air pollution.

We found that one company emits 200 tons of soot into the atmosphere per year, and a car can emit up to 20 kg of harmful exhaust gases per day.

Are you proposing to close factories and plants?

No, you need to put sewage treatment plant on pipes so that waste does not pollute nature.

Which of your parents has a car? So now destroy all the machines? What needs to be done to keep the air clean?

Small coniferous forest cleans 35 tons of dust per year. Deciduous forest - 70 tons of dust.

One large tree gives off as much oxygen per day as one person needs.

Our city is surrounded by forests, Christmas trees near the school purify the air.

Group 2 investigated how humans affect plants.

Many things are made of wood. Books, notebooks are made of paper, which is also made from devesine, therefore forests are cut down.

1 tree has been growing for over 100 years.

80 kg of waste paper is saved by 1 tree. Our class collected 240 kg of waste paper this year, we saved 3 trees.

People go to nature, kindle fires, throw rubbish. Fires often break out in the forests, animals and birds die.

People break trees, pluck flowers, pick mushrooms with mycelium.

Abandoned rubbish contaminates the soil.

The time required for the complete destruction of materials buried in the ground: paper - 15 days,

tin can - 20 years, glass - many years.

What should be done with garbage?

The forest suffers, the animals suffer.

Group 3: We investigated what effect humans have on animals.

People hunt animals. There are many endangered animal species on Earth that are listed in the Red Book. 3 kinds of animals disappear from the Earth every hour.

Birds die from the cold, 9 out of 10 birds die during the winter.

We held an action "Help the Birds"

We studied what birds winter with us, we learned what they eat; made feeders and hung them in the yard and in the forest, we feed the birds.

Group 4: Human influence on the state of water bodies.

We learned how people pollute water bodies by throwing out trash cans and glass. This is very dangerous for fish and for the person himself.

Some enterprises dump waste, hazardous substances into rivers.

1 l Wastewater makes 100 liters of clean water unusable.

5 g of oil is tightened with a film of 50 sq. m of water surface.

There is very little fresh water on Earth - conserve water.

In order to summarize how to help protect nature, we will conduct a game: "Choose a rule of courtesy" (the rules are written on the cards)

1st group:

1.Do not break branches, do not cripple trees. Do not tear a blade of grass or a leaf in vain.

2. You can play in the forest: throw leaves, weave wreaths, pick bouquets. Just think, a lot of greenery, it will still grow.

3. Do not uproot flowering plants.

Group 2:

1.Finally you can make some noise, shout, paukat, the main thing is not to disturb anyone.

2. Try not to make noise, otherwise the forest will get scared, hides, and you will not learn a single secret.

3. Don't ruin bird nests.

Group 3:

1 the spear-eyed frog, creeping snake, hulking toad, nasty caterpillars you can drive them away, but it would be better if they did not exist at all.

2. All kinds of animals are important - all kinds of animals are needed. Each of them does his own useful work in nature.

3. Do not destroy anthills.

4 group:

1.Walking through the forest, you can set fire along the way, various sticks and blades of grass - interestingly they burn.

2. Do not leave the fire not extinguished.

3. Do not leave garbage in the forest or in the park.

From the rules that you have chosen, we have compiled a memo. Let's read it.


If I pick a flower
If you pick a flower
If everyone: both me and you,
If we pick flowers -
All the glades will be empty
And there will be no beauty!

-Not break tree branches.

- Not uproot flowering plants.

- Not pick flowers from the plants.

- It is forbidden rip off the bark from the trees, make cuts on it with a knife.

- It is forbidden leave garbage in the forest, in the park.

- Not pluck mushrooms with mycelium.

- Not ravage the bird's nests.

- Not destroy anthills.

- Not leave the fire untouched.

-Not litter the springs.

- Not noise in the forest.

Assignment 2: Each group has drawings in an envelope - these are environmental signs. What do they mean?

3 task: At home, come up with and draw your own signs - drawings.

V. Physical minutes. Visual gymnastics. Relaxation.

Vi. Creative work.

What should we do with these items? (Boxes are taken out, plastic bottles from bags).

How can you reuse them?

Probably every family has their own little reuse secrets. plastic bottles, boxes, bags, etc.


And today in the lesson, we will also try to do useful, necessary work!

1. From the juice boxes, we will make a sectional box for seedlings.

2. We will plant seeds of ornamental plants in them.

3. In May, we will plant seedlings on the school site - this will be a small contribution to the decoration of the world around us.

Let's call our project "Grow sunflowers, little suns"

The disciples are planting seeds, watering them.

In order for the plant to grow well, you need to plant it with love, in a good mood.

On each row, the boxes are connected with a stapler, and then tape into sectional boxes, a plate with the name of the flower culture planted in it is attached, and covered with a covering material on top for better seed germination.

IX. Lesson summary

What was the most important thing in the lesson?

With what mood do we end the lesson?

I think that thanks to the knowledge that you received in the lesson today, you will be able to keep our world so beautiful.

Protect the Earth! Protect

Lark at blue zenith

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

Sun glare on the paths

On the stones of a playing crab

Above the desert, the shadow of the baobab,

A hawk over the field,

A clear month over the river peace.

Take care of the Earth! Take care!

Man and nature are inextricably linked with each other. We are an integral part of all life on Earth. The living is especially important - its beauty excites babies, awakening their curiosity, developing fantasy and imagination. The importance of nature in shaping the personality of a child can hardly be overestimated. Therefore, it is very important from infancy to instill in children love and respect for nature, teaching them to work for the good of nature and do everything in their power to preserve it. After all, nature is our common home, which each of us must take care of.

Nature sounds for kids

Nature is diverse and there are also many ways to study nature. Children learn in nature in summer through play, observation, performing fun and exciting tasks in the form of quests, etc. Stories, illustrations, fairy tales, sayings and proverbs about animals and natural phenomena... The main thing is that all information is presented in an engaging way, so that a child who finds it difficult to concentrate can get carried away and become interested.

Not only animals, insects, plants and birds play an important role in raising babies. Nature sounds for children are also very important. Unlike adults, small children are excellent at recognizing the voices of the world around them. It is quite natural for them to listen for a long time to the noise of the wind, the splash of water and the rustle of leaves. Nature music for children is a great way to calm down and relax.

Surely you caught yourself thinking about how many sounds surround us. Did you know that there are no two places on Earth where the sounds would be completely identical. Our planet is so unique and diverse! As part of the study of the sounds of nature, you can go out into the forest, to the river or to the seashore. The sounds of water are especially good for children: they soothe and pacify, bringing good dreams... The sounds of the forest are also great for lulling kids. Kids have a great rest, listening to birdsong, rustle of grass and the sound of the wind.

It is useful for children of any age to listen to dolphins' conversations. Their singing occurs at certain frequencies that have a positive effect on our nervous system... Dolphin therapy is indicated for children suffering from autism and other diseases of both mental and physiological nature.

Of course, we do not always have the opportunity to get out into the forest or go to the sea; in such cases, recordings of the sounds of nature on a phone or on a computer are quite suitable. Turn them on to your child for 20-30 minutes before bedtime, and the baby will sleep soundly and peacefully.

Water in nature for children

Water is the habitat for most living organisms on Earth. She surrounds us everywhere: in the soil, in the air, in the sky, in plants and in man himself. Such a phenomenon as water in nature is natural for children, but not very clear. Therefore, adults should give this issue Special attention... The most important concept associated with nature is the water cycle. But how can you explain in an accessible way how the water cycle occurs in nature to children? What is the best age to do this? Most teachers believe that the sooner you tell your child about certain phenomena, the better.

The most important thing is to choose an accessible form. Toddlers understand illustrations and everything related to images best of all, so when explaining the water cycle, draw, and as much as possible. Use bright colors, in simple words talk about how water changes its shape and turns into steam or ice depending on the temperature. Tell that water is very necessary for all living organisms on Earth, ask for examples of children's communication with water (drinking, bathing, watering plants, etc.) Older children can already read illustrated books about this natural phenomenon, ask them to depict themselves what happens to water in the environment. Older children will watch TV programs about various natural phenomena with enthusiasm, you just have to follow the quality of the presentation of the material and support the discussion about what you heard.

Nature protection for children

Regardless of the age of the child, an important component educational program is nature conservation for children. How to educate children to respect nature? Everything is quite simple and complicated at the same time: you need to educate yourself. If a child from the very early age will see that his parents carefully clean up the trash after themselves in the forest or in the clearing after a picnic, throw every piece of paper into an urn, and not on the ground, make fires only in places equipped for this, he will simply begin to imitate adults. How best example You submit, the more correct your child will behave.

In addition, you can teach your child to save water, sort waste, collect waste paper, use reusable dishes, repair and reuse old things, etc. Explain to your child more often that the work of children in nature is just as important as the work of adults, that for nature we are all equal, and she is always grateful for every tree planted. We wish you success in bringing up your kids!

When you think about the many environmental issues facing modern world What ways of solving them come to your mind? You may be thinking about recent warnings scientists about global warming, about endangered species of animals and plants, about the loss of forests or about air and water pollution. Of course, the list of environmental threats is endless, and your kids no doubt have already learned about many of them at home or at school.

For many adults, it can be intimidating to study the scientific data that detail the state of the environment. How to teach your children the importance of caring for the environment and not to put in them the idea of ​​the inevitable end of the world and a universal catastrophe? To begin with, educate your children on what your family and friends can do to protect the environment. If you can help your children take care environmental protection from an early age, they will be able to see that their actions are actually playing important role and if you act in concert with others, you can play an important role in changing and improving the entire world.

This article provides simple, easy-to-do activities with children that you can incorporate into your daily schedule to help them manage their environment responsibly.

Conserve water

Did you know that one person uses, on average, about 200 liters of water per day? You may have guessed that in the bathroom people use more water than any other room in the house, or that a dripping faucet can spill up to 7,500 liters of water a year. But while you are most likely aware of these statistics, your kids probably have no idea how much water is wasted each day.

How to teach children to take care of our water resources? Consider the following suggestions:

  1. when brushing your teeth, washing your face or washing your hands, turn off the water, and do not pour it constantly;
  2. make it a rule to shorten the time you spend in the shower (use a timer if necessary);
  3. if it is the children’s turn to wash the dishes, do not let them pour water all the time when they are soaping or rinsing the dishes;
  4. if you are asking children to wash garden paths, give them a mop, not a hose;
  5. let your children water the plants early in the morning in spring and summer to avoid evaporation and thus waste less water;
  6. do not throw your garbage in the toilet, because you have to flush the water every time.

Waste recycling

In all likelihood, your bins are now much lighter than they were a few years ago. Today, bins for recyclable materials are already in many cities, and most houses also have trash bins with such waste, which are taken away by special vehicles once a week.

Your children may have also participated in school curricula collection of waste paper and World day environmental protection (celebrated annually around the world on June 5), which promote environmental protection. Maybe they even help their family collect and recycle aluminum cans and plastic bottles and get paid for it. Since garbage recycling is so widespread in last years what else can be done to reduce pollution?

Reduce waste

Probably the simplest thing your family can do first is reduce the amount of waste you generate. Because that handful of rubbish that everyone produces individual person, stacks up in huge mountains of everyone's trash, and reducing your personal trash can have a significant impact on the environment. The following ideas will help you:

  1. save paper, write letters and do homework on both sides of the sheet;
  2. Make a stack of note-taking paper that your children can use for their rough drafts - this helps to use the paper twice.
  3. When preparing lunch, use reusable dishes;
  4. encourage children to use reusable containers instead of plastic bags, wrapping paper or aluminum foil;
  5. Place clipped grass, leaves, and food waste in the compost pit in your garden, rather than throwing them away with the trash, which will also reduce the amount of garbage taken to city landfills;
  6. buy items made from recycled paper and other recycled materials;
  7. Show your kids how much packaging material is wasted when you buy individually packaged items, rather than having to take large packages and then dispense what you bought into reusable containers.
  8. buy rechargeable batteries and other devices that are ultimately less harmful to the environment and last much longer than conventional batteries;
  9. If you are in a store and buy a small item, put it in your pocket, purse or other shopping bag, and do not ask for a separate bag for it;
  10. Bring a reusable shopping bag that your family can use for weeks on end, or just a shopping bag.

Recycling old things

Old unwanted clothes, toys, or household items can get a second or even a third life if misused. For example, an old tire can make a great garden bed, and torn clothes can be used as a rag. Parts of broken toys may find new life as a material for crafts. You can also donate something still useful to a charity.

Recycling outside the home

Many people collect garbage carefully at home and completely forget about it outside. For example, what do you do with empty plastic bottles and soda cans? Do you throw them in a recycling container if there is one nearby? Or are you just sending it to the trash can?

Remind your kids to just make sure the can or bottle is empty, put it in their backpack and then throw it in a recycling bin at home. You can also consult with the administration of the gardens and parks of your city if it is possible to put such containers in areas of heavy city traffic. Some gardens and parks and beaches already have special containers for plastic bottles and metal cans.

Reducing air pollution, slowing global warming

If your children are in middle or high school, they may have already been taught about global warming... While it may seem that only governments and big business can take action to reduce the amount of gas emitted into the atmosphere, there is something that you and your family can do, not to mention that it helps you at the same time. and save money. For example, you might suggest the following to your children:

  1. If you need to get somewhere, walk, cycle, or get on the bus instead of driving. Maybe you live close enough to the school that your children can walk to it? Can you arrange with your neighbors to take turns delivering the children by car? Can your kids go to visit a friend on foot or ride a bike instead of using a car?
  2. Save electricity (turn off TVs, lights, radios, and other electrical appliances when not in use).
  3. Help conserve energy and raw materials by recycling, reusing, and reducing the amount of food you eat.
  4. Plant trees and other plants to help absorb excess carbon dioxide(they also provide shade and protection from the wind, which helps to better maintain a more or less constant temperature in houses and, therefore, reduce the energy consumption for their heating or cooling).

Less effort, more results

Our little daily activities are the most different ways can have significant positive effects on the environment. To get children to start thinking about the environment all the time, give them the opportunity to see everything you do to protect it day in and day out, and explain why you are doing it. For example, children may not understand why using energy-saving lamps or a power lawnmower is better for the environment until you explain it to them. Show your children that you are not throwing trash and explain the impact of pollution on the environment. Do not throw away unnecessary items, but donate them to charities. Be aware of environmental projects in your area, and you might be able to plant a tree or clean up the trash at your local park with your kids.

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