Home Vegetables How to pump up well at home. Optimal workouts or how to pump muscles correctly

How to pump up well at home. Optimal workouts or how to pump muscles correctly

Feeling uncomfortable and dissatisfied with your body? There is a great way out - special a training program that allows you to tighten and pump up your body in just one month!

The program is based on a four-day plan that allows you to effectively work and build muscle. After 30 days, the press will form in beautiful cubes, provided that all the exercises indicated below are strictly followed and with regular exercise.

In fact, building muscles quickly does not require too much effort, the achievement of the result can be accelerated using the training program proposed in this material.

No matter where to train at home or in the gym with the aim of pump up your body in a month, this process one way or another will be accompanied by a number of difficulties and even failures. To achieve this result, as a rule, calories are cut excessively, and cardio workouts are added in tons. As a result, a person loses patience due to a feeling of exhaustion and everything has to start over.

To avoid such mistakes, you need to adhere to a specific plan and recommendations below:

  • The lesson plan should be planned and should begin with the implementation of the set of exercises of the program - 4 workouts per week.
  • The diet must be formulated so that the daily calorie intake does not exceed two thousand... In this case, the share of fats per day should account for no more than 20%, the rest should be equally divided between proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Progress monitoring: take photos and weigh yourself.

It should be noted that planning is an important component on which the effectiveness of classes largely depends. No one should encroach on the time allotted for training, so it is better to first discuss this with others, focusing their attention on the fact that this is a matter of principle. Do not interrupt the exercise! The result directly depends on discipline, diligence and patience.

So, in order to achieve your goal in a month, you need to use the plan described below. The program is divided into 4 sessions aimed at working out three main muscle areas: upper and,. Each workout is done once a week, that is, four different workouts per week. Thanks to this training plan, within a month, the body will become beautiful, relief and fit, like a bodybuilder.

Training program: training plan for 30 days

It should be clarified right away that we are talking about intense training. Only hard work will deliver amazing results within four weeks. Beginners can increase their rest time and also avoid supersets.

Remember food plays important role in the classroom. The use will speed up the process of forming the relief. Abdominal muscles can be increased by including whey protein in the diet, which is rich in minerals, vitamins, and protein.

First day

Raises the hips to the maximum height

When doing this exercise, make sure to raise your hips as high as you can. Performed: two approaches with repetitions of 15 times.


Do the same as the first exercise with a 30-second rest.

"Wipers" using a rod

Take a prone position, and while holding the barbell, raise your legs to the right relative to the apparatus, then to the left. The number of sets and repetition is the same as in the first two paragraphs, but with a minute rest.

Press on a flat bench

Starting position: in the prone position, raise the projectile and hold it in this position. Inhale, slowly return to starting position. When moving the bar, you need to focus on the chest muscles. Performed: two approaches with repetitions of 10 times with a 1-minute break.

Bench press (narrow grip)

Keep your elbows closer to your body. The number of sets and repetitions, as in point # 4, one minute rest.

Extension of the arms

Triceps rope exercise. Starting position: take the ends of the rope, keeping the body steady, lower your hands, then smoothly return to the original position. Performed: two approaches with repetitions of 10 times.

Push up

Performed with cotton. Three sets of 12 reps with a 30-second rest break.

So that the result does not go down, it is recommended to strictly follow the plan and perform the exercises correctly, including the number of approaches and repetitions. The speed of this training depends on how quickly fat will be burned and a relief formed.

Second day


It is performed with the hips raised, that is, the body should form a straight line: from head to heels. Minimum time holding this position - half a minute. Performed: two sets of 1.5 minutes each.

Be sure to perform within the specified time: two sets of 1.5 minutes each with a minute break between sets.

Cyclic twist

The exercise is performed as follows: the right leg rises to the chest area, while the position of the left leg should be parallel to the floor. Then the body turns to the right, after a short pause, return to initial position... Performed: two approaches 20 times with a minute break for rest.


The exercise is performed in three sets of 10 times with a one-minute break.


When performing, the head must be held in a position with a slight backward tilt. Not looking at the ceiling, but pointing the chest forward. Performed: three approaches, 10 times.

Calf press

This exercise is especially suitable for beginners who do not have any physical training. The number of sets and approaches is the same as in exercise number 5 with a break of one minute.

The third day

Raising the knees

It is carried out on a machine equipped with thrust elements for the back and elbows. It is important that during the exercise, the back is near the machine, and the position of the elbows on the stops is under the shoulders. Slowly lift your knees up, then smoothly return to the starting position. In this case, during the execution, the position of the knees should be parallel to the floor. The exercise is repeated 15 times, two approaches.

Knee bending

When performing this exercise, it is important to monitor your breathing, not to hold it when the body is held in tension. Performed: two approaches with repetitions of 20 times.

Rotation of the legs 360˚ lying

In the prone position, perform rotational movements legs that are held together. Performed: two approaches 15 times with rest for a minute.


To complicate the exercise, it is necessary to keep the body as straight as possible, only the arms should move. Performed: three approaches 10 times with a break per minute.

Dumbbell Rows

When doing it, you need to try to keep your head straight. Repetitions and sets as in the previous exercise.


It is important that the arms do not go above 90 degrees (in the first 2 variants). Three sets, one at a time, with a break of one minute.

Fourth day

Ball throw

A medicine ball is being used. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, the ball is raised above the head. Throw as hard as possible so that the ball touches the floor. Two sets of 15 throws.

Side ball throw

Starting position: hold the medicine ball with straight arms in front of the thoracic region. Turn the body to the wall and throw the ball with maximum effort. Catch the ball and re-throw quickly. The number of approaches and sets is the same as in the previous exercise.

Rotation of the body with the ball

In a standing position, take the medicine ball with both hands. Then turn the torso into right side to the limit, while looking at the ball. Then turn the body into left side... Performed: two approaches 15 times with a minute of rest.

Army press

Before performing the exercise, you need to make sure that your hands are in the correct position - slightly in front of the projectile. Take the barbell and raise it to the thoracic region, then overhead and smoothly return to the starting position without jerking. Performed: three approaches 10 times with a break per minute.

Lifting the bar

In a standing position, hold the projectile parallel to the hips. In this case, the hands should be facing down. Raise the bar in front of you and hold for a second, then smoothly return to the starting position. The number of repetitions and sets, as in the previous exercise.

Dumbbell lifts (side)

In a standing position, hold your shoulders back, slowly raise the dumbbells to shoulder height to the limit. Pause and then smoothly return to its original position. Performed: three approaches with repetitions of 10 times with a 1-minute break.

This training plan allows you to achieve visible results in a month. You can practice together with other interested persons (acquaintances or friends) for more motivation. The body must look perfect - this must not be forgotten!

(3 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

How to properly pump up at home is a question that interests many. The article discusses the basic rules and recommendations that must be followed in order to get the desired result.

Many today are unhappy with their physical condition and are interested in how this can be corrected. Most of these people ask the question: How to pump up properly at home and can it be done?. It all depends on what kind of result you want to get at the output. You can bring your body into it at home, but to get the perfect result, of course, it is better to resort to the help of specialized equipment.

How to swing properly at home

When starting classes, you need to know that a positive end result will bring not only a clear adherence to the exercise program, but also, in general, a change in the approach to everyday life. There are a number of guidelines for people starting training from scratch.

Relaxation. Human body works correctly and smoothly when he is given time to recover. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day, in this case, the effect of the exercises will be much higher and the general well-being will also improve.

Avoiding alcohol. Alcohol, in general, has negative impact on the body, and its abuse, and even more so. not compatible, since it takes everything useful material and minerals necessary for the development and maintenance of the body.

To give up smoking. Smoking at work respiratory system and also reduces the quality of sleep. So you need to think about what is more important is the result or the indulgence of bad habits.

Proper nutrition. This factor plays one of the main roles in the training process. It is required to increase the amount of proteins that enter the body, approximately 3 times. That is, if the daily dose is 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight, then it should be increased to 1.5 g per 1 kg. Most of the proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese.

The amount of carbohydrates, with the right approach to exercise, must be reduced. Carbohydrates mainly contain bakery products, sugar, pasta, buckwheat. They can be consumed only in the first half of the day, when the body is actively working. V evening time days, such products must be completely abandoned, changed to protein food and fresh fruits and vegetables.

We swing right

Before you start exercising, remember that there is no need to rush. All approaches should be performed slowly, without sudden movements, jerks. You need to breathe through the nose, measuredly, at the same pace. When the body relaxes, breathe in, when stressed, exhale.

The exercise speed should not change. Your body should not experience stress during the program that it is not prepared for. The load on the body should be applied gradually.

Exercises for training

Exercises for training

Here are the most common and effective exercise, performing which correctly, you can get a good result:

  1. Warming up muscles. We lie down on our stomach. At the same time we raise our arms and legs, stretch up. We are trying to keep the body as long as possible. This will warm up the muscles.
  2. Pull-ups. We hold the horizontal bar so that the back of the hand is in front of our eyes, and we pull ourselves up without swinging and keeping in a straight position.
  3. Push-ups with push-ups. When doing push-ups with maximum strength push the body up so that the hands are off the floor.
  4. Side plank. Performed alternately on each hand. Bend your arm at the elbow and rest on it, the torso should be straight, and be approximately 45 degrees relative to the floor. Hold this position for at least 45 seconds. Try to increase this time a little at each workout.
  5. ... We take dumbbells, the right leg should be in front, the left leg should be behind. We squat, bending the right knee at 90 degrees, while the back is in an even position, we rise to the starting position. We do the approach for each leg separately
  6. Pull to the belt. We bend forward, bend our legs a little, take dumbbells. Alternately and slowly, without jerking, we raise our hands with dumbbells to the belt, lower them.
  7. Pull-ups with a girth. When pulling up, hold the horizontal bar in such a way that the inside of the palm is turned towards the face.
  8. Squats with a chair. Put your right leg forward, throw the left toe back on the seat of the chair. Do lunges forward, bending right leg 90 degrees.
  9. Push-ups on chairs. We put our legs on one chair, rest our hands on the second. Raise and lower the body.
  10. Traction. We take dumbbells, a slight bend in the knees. We bend forward, without bending the back, arms and legs, straighten up.
  11. Bench press. We hold the dumbbells at shoulder level. Without spreading our arms to the sides, we align them to the maximum height, lower them.
  12. Ascents. Hanging on the horizontal bar, try to raise your legs as high as possible. Do not wobble while doing this. Only the press should work in the exercise.

Circular training

In home lessons, the principle is applied, that is, the lesson takes place in a repetition mode. Time devoted to maintaining perfect shape should be the same. Therefore, when it takes less time to complete all the exercises, some of them need to be repeated a second time.

How to finish correctly

After exercising, slowly catch your breath and do not lie down right away. Better to walk for a few minutes, do light relaxing exercises so that the body gradually relaxes.

Activity Mode

Activity Mode

Home workouts should be repeated every other day so that the muscles have time to recover. at home should be designed for a time of no more than one or a maximum of one and a half hours. The time of day, each lesson should be the same, and the established schedule should be adhered to without deviations.

The load should increase every day. At home, this can be done only by increasing the number of approaches, but the body will quickly adapt to such a similar approach.

To increase the load, and accordingly further development muscle mass of the body, it is better to consult a professional trainer. The specialist will select an individual program, indicate weak spots that will need to be tightened.

The gym also gives you access to everything necessary equipment- kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells and other exercise equipment that cannot be recreated at home.

How not to quit swinging

How not to quit swinging

Improving your fitness should be approached with perseverance and enthusiasm. The person who made the decision to swing should clearly see in front of him ultimate goal and not deviate from achieving it. You can always find excuses or reasons to skip a workout, but if you do this, then there will be no result, and all efforts will go to emptiness.

A person who has decided to change himself must clearly prioritize and see the ultimate goal. Physical activity should bring joy and satisfaction, and not be carried out under duress. Remember, this is your personal initiative.


Now you know how to properly swing at home. All these tips and tricks will help you achieve your goal, namely, finding a beautiful and healthy body. If you gather your courage and approach the task correctly, then success undoubtedly awaits ahead.

In order to have a beautiful and healthy body a reasonable approach and correct adherence to the recommendations of specialists is important.

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Many of us know that external appeal largely depends on a good, beautiful figure. Surely, meeting a pumped-up person on the street, you thought: “This is a jock! " A beautiful figure you seem to show everyone your both inner and external health and the fact that you are a purposeful and disciplined person, since you were able to achieve such results with the help of hard work. But beautiful body You can get it not in gigantic terms, but, for example, in just a week. You just need to make every effort and believe in yourself!

Step-by-step procedure

From the outside it seems that getting in shape and pumping up in a week is unrealistic. Of course, you will not turn into a fitness trainer in a week and become a jock with a perfectly pumped figure, but it is quite possible to achieve muscle relief in a week. The main thing is to adhere to the plan of exercises and nutrition, you need to start pumping up the body gradually. First step - it's about finding time to train. Best of all, if it will be a time interval of 2 hours, this time will be quite enough for a full workout. Remember, building muscle is hard work.

Next step- nutrition. Nutrition is the most important part when playing sports, it will allow you to pump up your body efficiently and correctly. You need to eat often enough, but not very large portions... But nutrition should not become simple: you should consume fewer carbohydrates, since they provide not only energy, but also a large number of calories, but proteins with fats contribute to gaining mass, increasing muscle mass and pumping up muscles.

For the morning diet, foods high in carbohydrates are best suited, such as bread, various cereals, potatoes, etc. One of the most popular carbohydrates is sugar, but do not overuse it. Honey is also a carbohydrate, but unlike sugar, it contains more fructose. It's better to choose for lunch protein foods such as cheese, light cottage cheese, poultry meat, low-fat varieties fish, any nuts. Dinner - a balance of proteins and carbohydrates, dairy products, pork, poultry are best, you can eat a little chocolate. All of the above products contain all the necessary components for the nutrition of the body.

The next step is exercise... All the exercises presented are basic and will allow you to pump up the body without injuries and disruptions. If done correctly, you can see the results on the second day, because proper nutrition, combined with heavy muscle loads, allows you to quickly gain weight and build up.

Here rough plan exercises for daily workouts... Each exercise must be done 3-4 approaches, in each approach at least 15 times.

All of the above exercises will help you build and build your muscles quickly.

Three steps to get muscle definition

When professional athletes start training, they tend not so much to increase muscle mass as to maximize muscle expression. main reason hikes of people in gym- this is the desire to improve your body, to make it more attractive. That is why people are constantly looking for the most effective way to give the muscles relief.

Newbies in this field often try to find the best supplements, exercise complexes, nutrition programs, and other methods on their own to help make the relief more pronounced. But only professional bodybuilders, pitching and athletic trainers know effective ways workouts. So, in order not to waste your time and money just like that, it is best to read these three simple rules for pumping the relief.

And we must remember that long and grueling workouts on a variety of simulators and exercises with giant weights will not be the main way to build up muscles. Moreover, a beautiful muscular body can be pumped up without sophisticated simulators, without training with a trainer in the gym, and even at home. You will need a few steps to do this.

Bodyweight Exercises

First step- start doing bodyweight exercises. This type of exercise is very easy to make you an alternative to exercise machine. The most popular and affordable bodyweight exercises are pull-ups, squats, different kinds push-ups, bends, all kinds of lunges of the trunk, etc. So that these exercises help you gain muscle mass, you need to do at least 3 times a week. But we must not forget about rest between workouts, since it is at this time, after intense stress on the body, that fat will be burned. But in order to burn not only fat, but also to grow muscles, you need to constantly exercise, without gaps and gaps.

Cardio load

Next step- cardio load on the body. It is these exercises that most effectively burn subcutaneous fat... But the intensity of training should also increase, it is best to do cardio at least 5 times a week. Then you will see the result. The minimum class time is 30 minutes. Alternatives to cardio are jogging, swimming, an exercise bike, and brisk walking.

Attention! If you are faced with the task of simply burning calories, then choose running, exercise bikes, walking. And if you are trying to get rid of fat calories, then give preference to exercise at a low intensity.

Proper nutrition

Many people who are far from sports are always surprised how you can eat five or even six times a day. But if you want to get a beautiful relief body, then this diet is perfect. And the main thing is the number of meals, not food.

Trends proper nutrition:

  1. Small portions and frequent meals help speed up metabolism and reduce hunger several times;
  2. Before training, it is advisable to eat foods containing proteins and carbohydrates;
  3. It is best to consume healthy foods with equal amounts of protein, fat, and carbohydrates at each meal.

Violate healthy eating foods that contain foreign additives such as sugar, salt, spices, fats, etc.

Muscles grow not only after training, but also during them, and even throughout the day, so try to stay active.

And the last thing: try to adhere to the correct diet, burn more calories than you consume, but do not overdo it, otherwise the body will decide that you are starving and will begin to accumulate energy, that is, fats.

Another important reminder. The main thing in training and practicing at home is it's perseverance and patience... If you skip workouts every other time, you will be lazy, etc., then you will not have to wait for the result. And even if you have absolutely no sports equipment at home, it doesn't matter, because you can work with scrap materials, such as water bottles, books, a bag with things.

Only with constant training and physical activity you can achieve visible results, build muscle, make your body more prominent and become more muscular. Remember: we create ourselves!


How often to train at home. What exercises should be done, their technique. Diet advice.

There is an opinion that it is almost impossible to quickly build muscles at home. The reason for this is the lack of experienced trainers, the necessary equipment and simulators. In fact, everything is not so categorical. There are exercises that will allow you to effectively work out all muscle groups and get a beautiful body without spending money on the gym. So how to build muscle at home? What tips to follow? What exercises should you do?

Training features

To quickly build muscle at home, you need to prepare for painstaking work. Moreover, the word "fast" does not mean at all that you will become a "Schwarzenegger" after 1-2 months of training. Even when going to the gym, the result does not come so quickly - only after 1-2 years. Here it is even more so. But don't be discouraged. If everything is done correctly, then the first changes in the figure will appear after a few months of training.

Before doing the exercises, keep in mind a few important points:

  • First, review your diet. As practice shows, 70-80% of success depends on this factor. If there is something horrible, then even active training will not give results. It will never work out quickly to achieve success. Good nutrition refers to the consumption of protein foods such as fish, eggs, meat, dairy products, and so on. When choosing a diet, consider the amount of protein you need. For the average person, that's about 0.5 grams per kilo. With active training, this volume is not enough - you need about 1.5-2 g per kilogram of weight.
    Second important point- reduce your intake of fat and simple carbohydrates. So, products such as sweets, cakes, bread, rolls and others should be banned. Focus on complex (slow) carbohydrates, which are large volumes are found in cereals - buckwheat, pasta, oatmeal, and so on. Plan your dinner in such a way that it consists entirely of vegetables, fruits and other "light" foods with protein content.
  • Second, coordinate your workouts correctly. Exercising at home eliminates heavy lifting such as barbells and dumbbells. Therefore, it is necessary for the body to come up with new types of stress. A good option- a circular training regime and the addition of cardio loads. This approach to workout design allows you to quickly and efficiently work out the main muscles. What these exercises are, we will consider below.

How to train?

Now let's look at which exercises are the most convenient for practicing at home:

  1. Pull-ups. With the help of a horizontal bar, you can perfectly work out your back muscles. At the same time, for maximum load, it is enough to slightly spread your arms wider than your shoulders. In addition, the horizontal bar is a reliable assistant when working out the biceps and posterior deltoid muscles. A shift in emphasis on certain muscle groups occurs through a change in grip. For example, for the biceps, a reverse and narrow grip is best.
  2. Push ups. The benefits of this exercise are endless. With its help, you can relatively quickly pump the pectoral muscles (top and bottom), triceps and shoulders. Moreover, everything you need for training is always at hand. Let's take a look at how to build pectoral muscles at home. The main rule is not to overdo it. You will have many different exercises in your program, so push-ups should be done no more than 2-3 times a week. In doing so, always alternate positions, which will allow you to focus on the various pectoral muscles.
    The main types of push-ups include:
    • push-ups on the rise (for example, on kettlebells or books) with the classic setting of the hands allow you to quickly pump the middle part pectoral muscles... In the simplest version, for the exercise, you need to prepare 10 books with an average of 400-500 sheets. Place them in stacks and place them at a distance of about 60-70 centimeters. After that, start pushing up so that the chest drops to the lowest point. Average duration lowering - about 7-8 seconds. Do 3-4 sets of 12-14 reps. To achieve results, take each approach as slowly as possible;
    • simple push-ups. V in this case you can do without books. The hands are classical. Here, when going down, you need to pause for a few seconds somewhere in the middle of the way. For example, start lowering, pause for 3-4 seconds and then continue moving until your chest touches the floor. Then rise and again linger in the middle part for a few seconds. Such approaches need to be done 3-4 s total number repetitions of about 10-12. A feature of the exercise is the ability to quickly work out the middle part of the pectoral muscles;
    • explosive push-ups. You can proceed to this type of training if you have sufficient strength in your hands. It is necessary to go down slowly. As for the rise, here you need to act not just quickly, but with a certain "explosion". Inertia should be enough to clap your hands in the air and stand on the floor;
    • tilt push-ups involve placing your feet on some kind of elevation, for example, a small chair. Otherwise, nothing changes. The peculiarity of this exercise is the maximum load on upper part pectoral muscles. For greater efficiency in the lower part, you need to hold the body for a few seconds, after which you can return to the starting position. Real aces can start doing explosive push-ups. But here it is already necessary to have very strong hands.

  3. Bars. If there is a desire to quickly achieve results, then you should not ignore the push-ups on the uneven bars. With this exercise, you can perfectly download lower part pectoral muscles. The number of workouts per week is 2-3 times. Putting the bars at home is ideal, but you can set aside time to work out somewhere in the yard. The principle of the exercise is very simple - you need to do 3-4 sets of 17-20 repetitions. At the same time, at the lower point of the body, it is worthwhile to linger for at least a few seconds to give the muscles a little stretch.
  4. Push-ups from the wall. In order to pump the muscles of the shoulders well, you can use all your own mass. All that is required is to go up to a flat wall and throw your legs up. Now gently lower yourself on your hands until the top of your head touches the floor. The number of approaches is 3-4. As for the number of repetitions, here focus on your strength. It's good to do at least a few reps initially. Over time, their number can be increased to 10-12.
  5. Chair push-ups are a great way to push your triceps. Everything is simple here. Prepare two chairs and place them about a meter apart. Put your feet on one chair, and sit on the second yourself. Now leave your hands on the edge, and lower the pelvis from the surface and begin to bend your arms at the elbow joint. You don't need to go down quickly. The slower the exercise is performed, the better the triceps are worked out. The number of approaches and repetitions is standard - 3 * 12.
  6. Raising your legs on the horizontal bar is an opportunity to pump the muscles of the press. During the exercise, try to lift your legs as high as possible. At correct technique there should be no swaying - feel how the abdominal muscles work. Do 3-4 sets with 12-14 reps each. Again, here you can start small, gradually increasing the level of load.

  7. Squats are great exercises for working your hips. A backpack full of heavy things can be used as a weighting agent.


Performing the simple exercises described above, you can safely pump the main muscle groups. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to go anywhere - everything can be done at home.

Good day, friends. Most lovers of lifting iron ask quite a logical question: "How quickly to pump up?" After all, we, as a rule, do not want to spend a lot of energy to achieve a result. I want everything at once. To achieve any goal, there is a certain sequence of actions, a plan that can be adjusted along the way to achieve the result. But without a clearly built path to the goal (ideal body), a person can wander around for years, like a kitten lost in a night forest.

Every bodybuilder (bodybuilder), regardless of the level of training, has his own philosophy of bodybuilding. Over time, our beliefs change to more perfect ones and then we reach new heights.

But absolutely every athlete will tell you that his approach to muscle building is correct. And including me. THERE ARE NO GOOD OR BAD training schemes, but their effectiveness, on different stages bodybuilding, for different purposes, and even more so for different people will be significantly different.

I do not want to tell you that only my point of view is correct, but this moment In my development, I believe that this approach is at least reasonable and logical, so I decided to show it to you.

Our views change in connection with the acquisition of new knowledge, so over the years you will more and more understand what is more effective for you, and what practically does not work.

Hare and turtle

The most interesting thing in bodybuilding is that not always a large amount of knowledge is a guarantee of the effectiveness of any philosophy. So many bodybuilders who have impressive muscle mass have no idea why. They were both lucky and unlucky at the same time.

They were lucky, of course, because they spent much less resources (time, money, effort) to achieve an amazing body and now they are several steps ahead of others.

And unlucky for the reason that if it happens that the previous methods stop working on them or become less effective (the body gets used to, adapts), they will spend much more time selecting a new, working scheme.

The situation is similar to the tale of the turtle and the hare, where the hare immediately runs forward, but subsequently exhales quickly enough, and the turtle slowly, but systematically and stubbornly moves towards its intended goal.

Now, I think you understand why it is important not only to choose the correct methodology that works for you as much as possible, but also to understand why you are working according to this particular scheme. Then you will get the maximum effect!

How to pump up quickly

Imagine that you are a beginner climber, and you are about to conquer some kind of peak. What are the main questions you will have? I think there will be two main ones:

  1. What will we take with us?
  2. Which route are we going to climb the mountain?

After all, this is logical. To climb to the top, we need to know what we need when climbing and, in fact, how to climb this very peak.

But for some reason, many are looking for some completely irrational ways to reach the top. Someone will try to go around the mountain in a circle so as not to increase the load and rely on the fact that this will reach the very top.

And someone, instead of the necessary equipment, will take a boat and oars with you. Do you understand what I am bringing such analogies to?

All people want a beautiful body for themselves, but not many achieve truly impressive results, because doing the wrong thing. They walk around the mountain, instead of purposefully moving up.

To move along the shortest and most effective path, I have a cool article for girls and men about. Be sure to read it. Many things will become clear to you.

Choosing your training program

Choosing a truly effective individual training program can throw even a “seasoned” pitching into a stupor. It is important to understand that in order to judge the effectiveness of any training program, you need to practice it for at least a few months.

Because first, muscles use less energy-intensive ways of adapting to a new load (improving the brain-muscle connection, increasing glycogen stores, ATP, etc.), and only then does muscle growth begin.

I will not consider the stages of muscle growth and how much you can pump up, because I have already spoken about this and I see no point in repeating myself. Now I'm just telling you the RIGHT, in my opinion, road on the way to a beautiful body.

For example, it will differ significantly from the program for the endomorph, and even more so from. I think this is understandable.

Now, the next thing you need to decide is what muscle quality you want to develop:

  • Strength (powerlifting)
  • Performance (bodybuilding)
  • Endurance (crossfit, etc.)

And only then begin to draw up your training program.

There is no need to change one training program to another until we have practiced your program for 3-4, or even 5 months, because muscle growth is, by far, not a fast process.

Load progression. The basis of everything

The undeniable key to bodybuilding success is exercise progression. Moreover, the load is not only the weight on the bar. There is one simple postulate here:

It makes no sense for the muscles to increase if the load does not increase.

And this is more than logical. The body is very greedy when it comes to energy, and building more massive muscles is a very time consuming process.

Firstly, big muscles by themselves consume a lot of energy, even in calm state when you are sleeping, for example.

Secondly, in order to build these same muscles, again, you need to spend a lot of energy. First, during training, you need to resist the load, then recover, then make the muscles a little stronger and larger. It is not profitable! Therefore, the body leaves you with as much muscle as you need to do a particular job.

Not playing sports? Here are as many muscles as you need just to walk. Are you running? There you are the right amount muscles. Lifting heavy weights? You need more muscles. Everything is commensurate with the cost.

Therefore, at the BEGINNING of your workouts, it is easiest to increase the load using the weight on the equipment. When the weight grows, the body makes the muscles a little stronger, through certain time, in a certain phase, which is called the SUPER-COMPENSATION PHASE!

This is an incomprehensible recovery. Supercompensation

When the body has undergone stress (training in the gym), it begins to recover. After a certain time, it returns to its previous state. But the body is not a fool, and it perfectly understands that such a load can be repeated, and in order to be ready for this load, it is necessary to make the muscles a little stronger than they were before training.

He begins OVERRESTORATION (supercompensation) in order to protect himself from possible repeated stress.

But we are not stupid either, so it is during the supercompensation period that we must increase the load! We should train next time for this muscle group in the supercompensation phase! But the load must again be increased (weight on the bar or the number of repetitions in the range of 6-12 repetitions) for the body to start recovering again, and then again to make the muscles bigger and stronger.

Complex development of all muscle structures

First, there is different types muscle fibers that are designed to do different jobs:

  • slow muscle fibers (running, walking, monotonous long load);
  • fast muscle fibers (average load for 15-30 seconds);
  • high-threshold fast muscle fibers (very hard work, requiring maximum concentration and quick engagement in work);

Second, muscle growth isn't just due to muscle cell growth! There is also an increase (hypertrophy) of sarcoplasm!

Only the development of all muscle fibers and other systems will contribute to the maximum growth of your muscles!

In professional bodybuilders, all muscle fibers are equally developed, as well as they have a larger volume of sarcoplasm and glycogen. This proves that a holistic approach must be taken to achieve a truly powerful body.

Cyclic load

Each body system (nervous, cardiovascular, energy, etc.) requires different terms recovery and, as a consequence, supercompensation also occurs in different time.

If we train only for myofibrillar hypertrophy, then we lose supercompensation for other systems.

For example, in order to train energy, you need to train easily (30-40% of the working weight) and not to failure, so supercompensation occurs already on the 5-6th day. We train myofibril hypertrophy to failure in the range of 6-12 repetitions, and supercompensation occurs on the 11-13th day after such training.

Any normal physiologist knows about this, but very few use this incredible opportunity in their training.

Therefore, only with the uniform development of all body systems can we count on a truly impressive result.

If you always train only hard (for hypertrophy of myofibrils), then sooner or later it will stall your results or, even worse, drive you into a state of severe overtraining.

Act consistently

When, it is no longer possible to progress the load linearly (simply by increasing the weight on the bar from workout to workout), because progress will sooner or later greatly slow down until it stops altogether, then it is necessary to consistently connect the training of other systems in order to expand the possibilities for muscle growth.

It is not necessary to train everything in a row, because this will diffuse focus on a specific target.

If the goal is to better feel the muscles (as in the first 3-4 months of training), then concentrate on that. No need to rush back and forth. Otherwise, you will get an average, unexpressed result.

Your dope is food

Food is a great tool for getting a great figure! Competent manipulation of carbohydrates and proteins in the diet, as well as the timing of their intake, can lead to significant progress in the growth of muscle mass, as well as fat burning!

Eating is an essential part of post-workout recovery because building a house takes bricks.

It performs the most important functions:

  • acceleration / deceleration of metabolism (metabolism);
  • acceleration of anabolism (building body tissues);
  • slowing down catabolism (destruction of body tissues);

Adequate, anabolic (growth-promoting) nutrition is a prerequisite for progress.

Also, a good addition to the main diet is an appropriate sports nutrition(protein, creatine, L-Carnitine, Arginine, etc.). But at the very beginning of classes (9 months-1 year) there is no point in it. You will grow well anyway.

The most powerful weapon

I think that I will not open the unknown if I say that ALL BODYBUILDING PROFESSIONALS use steroids. This is the most powerful weapon, which forgives many mistakes against the background of increased anabolism.

Indeed, all athletes have their own "natural ceiling", which does not allow them to grow further, at the same rate. It is difficult to come to terms with gains in the size of the biceps 0.5 cm per year. For further growth(if you are a professional athlete) it makes sense to resort to the help of pharmacological support.

But there is one amendment, in order to use steroids, an athlete must learn to build muscle mass on his own, without pharmacology, in order to prepare the body for stress and understand for himself whether he wants to move on. Otherwise, the question is: "How to quickly pump up?" can't even stand.

Many make the fatal mistake of starting steroid medication in the first 2-3 years of exercising with iron, thereby undermining their endocrine system, reducing the susceptibility of receptors to them, and, what can I say, as a result, losing all their results, and sometimes health, after several similar courses.

If you do not participate in competitions, you are not a professional, and, moreover, you "naturally" did not gain 15-20 kg of muscles (only not "dirty mass", but pure muscles, without fat), then ABOUT ANY STEROIDS AND SPEECH CANNOT BE! Dot.


  1. Choose a training program responsibly. Remember that it is better to immediately follow the right road, in the right direction and at the same time be able to turn onto a more efficient path.
  2. Learn to contract your muscles correctly (work with small weights for 3-4 months).
  3. Muscles do not grow if the load does not increase.
  4. It is necessary to increase the load during the super-recovery phase (supercompensation).
  5. To develop your muscles to their maximum, you need to develop all types of muscle fibers and related systems.
  6. Supercompensation for different systems comes at different times. Alternate hard and light workouts (load cycling).
  7. Do not rush to train everything at once. Act consistently. Concentrate on a specific goal and walk towards it until it becomes necessary to change your orientation.
  8. Eat well.

I hope now you understand how to pump up quickly. The main thing is to approach bodybuilding wisely. Compliance with these rules will lead you to an amazing body with the least loss of time. And this is the most expensive resource.

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Best wishes and best regards!

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