Home Blanks for the winter An animal whose drawings do not exist. Psychological test "Non-existent animal": interpretation of the results

An animal whose drawings do not exist. Psychological test "Non-existent animal": interpretation of the results

One of the most interesting and illustrative drawing tests is "Non-existent animal". You can do it yourself, and then see the interpretation, decoding. Of course, to understand more deeply and in detail the features of your character and emotional sphere only a psychologist can.

Conducting the test "Non-existent animal"

In order to conduct this test, you will need a sheet of paper (preferably A4 format, but you can also use a notebook sheet), as well as a pencil. Ball pen less suitable, because the pressure is not so noticeable.

Lay the sheet upright and draw a non-existent animal on it. Try that it was not an image you spied on in a movie or cartoon, but a creature invented by yourself. Turn on your imagination, you can combine elements of different creatures in the image, decorate your animal at your discretion with fangs and thorns or bows and flowers. No restrictions are imposed - draw whatever you want.

When performing this test, a person may have one problem - the inability to draw. People often get lost when given such a task. How to draw some kind of animal, and even a fantastic one, if I don't draw a simple house with a pipe? This should not confuse and stop you. Nobody will appreciate your artistic talents. Any of your drawings will be correct. Confusion must be overcome and draw what comes to mind, and how it turns out.

After you think that the drawing is completely complete, name your little animal. Since your animal is non-existent, you need to come up with an appropriate name.

Non-existent animal

Interpreting the drawing

So, after the animal is drawn and named, it is possible, in accordance with the "key", to decipher the meanings of its elements.

Layout on the sheet

The drawing can be located in the center, in the upper or lower part of the sheet, as well as closer to the right or left (from the drawing) edge.

The location of the image closer in the upper half indicates an overestimated self-esteem, in the lower half - of an underestimated one. People living in the future place the drawing closer to the right, and those who are past-oriented and nostalgic to the left.

Character of the lines

This indicator is perhaps the most important in drawing tests. By the nature of the lines, you can determine and general level energy, and the mood of a person.

  • Weak, thin lines talk about low vital energy, about timidity and indecision.
  • Dashed lines, trembling - evidence of anxiety, fear and self-doubt.
  • Clear, continuous lines with good pressure are an indicator of good vitality of sustainable positive mood, confidence and adequate self-esteem.
  • Bold lines with strong pressure, often with sharp, sharp corners - an indicator of a state of increased excitement, most often irritation, displeasure, anger. Such lines are also typical for self-confident people with high self-esteem.

True, it should be borne in mind that uncertain lines can also be due to the fact that a person has to perform an unusual task - to draw.

Main body: head

The head is a very important detail, its drawing can say a lot about a person, because people themselves, first of all, pay attention to the head and face of their communication partners.

If the head of the depicted creature is turned to the right, then this is an indicator that the author of the drawing is focused on activity. He is a business man who quickly moves from planning to implementing plans.

A head turned to the left means a tendency to reflection, to contemplation. The author of this drawing loves to plan, but is afraid to take action.

A full-face head is a sign of egocentrism and even selfishness.

Head details

The main focus when interpreting the test results is on the eyes and mouth of the drawn animal.

Large eyes that occupy a significant part of the animal's muzzle are a sign of fear, anxiety, anxiety.

Careful drawing of the eyes: cilia, irises - evidence of a tendency to demonstrative manners. For men - a manifestation of femininity, for women - coquetry, interest in the admiration of others.

The mouth of an animal characterizes the features of communication, interaction with others.

A large mouth, especially open and with a protruding tongue - a tendency to talkativeness, incontinence in conversation. And, on the contrary, the small, almost imperceptible mouth of the animal testifies that it was drawn by a taciturn person.

Teeth and canines are an indicator of verbal aggression, but mainly defensive. Details on the head such as horns, thorns, and a sharp crest also speak of aggressiveness. But the image of feathers adorning the head, a lush mane, the likeness of a hairstyle testifies to the author's inclination to self-adornment and demonstrativeness.

Animal torso

The more solidly, solidly the body looks in relation to the head, the more rationally and pragmatically a person is inclined to act. If the animal's body is frail, unstable, or even soaring in the clouds, then the author of this drawing does not like to make well-thought-out decisions. His actions are often spontaneous. impulsive and often frivolous.

Details outside the main shape

Such details include thorns, crests, feathers, wings, bows, carapace details, or protruding fur.

The number of these details "decorating" the figure as a whole speaks about the level of energy, and the presence (or absence) of fantasy, imagination. But the details themselves can be of a different nature.

If a non-existent beast literally bristles with a variety of prickly-biting elements, then this indicates the aggression of its author, as a rule, protective. If the needles, thorns, sting on the tail are directed upwards, then the person feels the need to protect himself from those who are higher in status - bosses, parents, teachers. If down, then the aggression is directed against the subordinates - subordinates, children, etc.

The level of intelligence and creativity

And these characteristics are closely related to the number and compatibility of details, the thoughtfulness of the image, the presence of an animal's “individuality”. The point is not only in the presence of unusual, original parts, but also in their combination with other elements and functionality.

The name of the creature depicted also matters. Too primitive names, such as, for example, "hippopotamus" or "flying dog" - evidence of standard thinking and not too developed imagination. The names of arbitrary sound combinations, unrelated to the nature of the image (lydnik, furunda, etc.), often speak of frivolity. And the combination of parts of the Russians and foreign words- about erudition and the desire to demonstrate it.

The interpretation presented here can give the impression that a person, creating the image of a "non-existent animal", is, as it were, drawing a self-portrait. He only portrayed not an external resemblance, but internal features personality. So, this impression is absolutely correct. Indeed, that strange animal that you drew is a kind of projection of your inner world.

  • You like? It's fine. A person who is satisfied with himself is not prone to conflicts and is open to the world.
  • Don't like your look? Well, what does it mean, it's time to think about how to change your inner world.

It might be interesting

Drawing a non-existent animal is a fairly popular test that you can do on yourself. Perhaps he will give the opportunity to learn something new about your personality or just have fun.

In the photo: a drawing of a non-existent animal. Photo source:http://engels.ucoz.hu

Test "Drawing of a nonexistent animal"

The "Drawing of a nonexistent animal" test is quite simple and quick to perform. You don’t have to make painful calculations or delve into memory. It is enough to surrender to the will of imagination and not limit your imagination to a framework.

All you need is a piece of paper and a pencil to complete the Drawing of a Non-Existent Animal Test.

Test method "Drawing of a nonexistent animal"

The test method "Drawing of a nonexistent animal" is simple and does not take much time. The procedure is as follows:

  • Draw an animal that doesn't even exist in Chernobyl zone... The main thing here is to give free rein to your imagination and avoid any patterns. Cheburashka or a mutant chicken as non-existent animals will not work. You will have to feel like the Creator and invent something completely new.
  • Come up with a name for a non-existent animal. Better if it is also new.
  • Create a story about the animal: where does it live, what it eats, does it have friends and enemies, and so on.
  • Don't read the article any further until you've finished drawing!
  • Are you finished? Now you can scroll the mouse wheel and learn a lot about yourself!

In the photo: a drawing of a non-existent animal. Photo source: 2diggers.ru

Drawing of a nonexistent animal: interpretation

So what have you been doing all this time? Let's try to explain.

The test "Drawing of a nonexistent animal" refers to the projective test (as well as "House, tree, person" or the famous "Rorschach Spots"). "Projective" means that you project, transfer to what you do (in in this case, draw) features of your own personality.

Simply put, your nonexistent animal is ... yourself!

Now let's start interpreting your drawing of a nonexistent animal.

By the way, the site staff also drew their non-existent animals:

Where did you locate your nonexistent animal?

If your pet is in the center of the sheet, then you are in harmony with yourself and your self-esteem is adequate. The higher to the top edge of the sheet is a non-existent animal, the higher your self-esteem. The location of the beast at the bottom of the sheet speaks of self-doubt and indecision.

If your non-existent animal in the picture looks to the right, then your plans most often come true. If the head of the beast is turned to the left, you often engage in introspection, replay old conversations in your mind, coming up with witty remarks that did not come to mind in time - in general, this is called "hindsight is strong." If the animal is shown full face, you are probably a sociable person who makes friends easily.

What does a non-existent animal look like?

If your non-existent animal in the picture is dressed like a person or resembles a person, this may indicate your infantilism.

Does your non-existent animal have a weapon of defense or attack? If, for example, the beast is covered with armor from above, it means that you tend to defend against those who are higher in rank than you. If the lower part of the animal is covered, you are probably worried about those who are weaker or equal to you. Defense weapons (armor, needles, etc.) on the sides indicate the readiness to defend themselves anytime, anywhere.

Does your non-existent animal have legs? If so, you are confident and make smart decisions. If not, you are probably frivolous and impulsive. Lack of legs is a sign of self-doubt.

A large head is added to a non-existent animal by those for whom erudition and rationality are important. Big ears indicate that the opinion of others is important to you. And an open mouth is a sign of talkativeness. If your animal has such big teeth, you are probably prone to verbal aggression.

Is the pupil clearly visible when drawing the eyes? You are probably worried about something. And carefully traced eyelashes are a sign of excessive attention to your own appearance.

Horns are a sign of aggression. But is it a defense or an attack, you know better.

If your nonexistent beast is decorated with a tuft or a feather, then you are trying to stand out from the crowd.

The tail is your unfinished business or intentions. A sticky tail is evidence that you are proud of your actions. A lowered or set tail, on the other hand, speaks of regret.

What is the name of your nonexistent animal?

If the name of your non-existent animal combines two semantic parts that you understand (whale horse, stone-eating fish, etc.), this indicates practicality and the desire to adhere to generally accepted norms.

A name similar to a scientific one (Cotonarius, West American Cretarin, etc.) shows that your pride is your erudition and erudition.

A set of sounds that has no meaning (brdynypen, etc.) is evidence of frivolity.

And repetitive syllables or sounds (cru-cru, etc.) mean infantilism.

Summary: Criteria for decoding a drawing of a non-existent animal. Location on the sheet. The head or its substitute elements. Eyes, mouth, ears. Additional drawing details. The name of the animal.

If you are concerned about the "wrong" behavior of your child in a team, if he does not have relationships with peers, let's check how serious your fears are, using one of the projective techniques - "Drawing a nonexistent animal". What is the meaning of the technique? It is known that when a child draws, he transfers, projects onto paper his inner world, the self-image. A psychologist can tell a lot about the mood, inclinations of a little artist, looking at his work. One test will not help us to recreate the exact psychological picture, but we do not have such a goal. Now it is important for us to understand whether the child has problems in relationships with the outside world.

You will need: A standard sheet of white or cream paper and a simple medium-hard pencil. Felt-tip pens and pens cannot be used, soft pencils are also undesirable.

Instructions for the child: invent and draw a non-existent animal and call it a non-existent name.

Explain to the child that the animal must be invented by him, captivate him with this task - to create such a creature that no one has invented before. It doesn't have to be a cartoon character you've seen before, computer games or fairy tales. After the drawing is ready, ask the artist about the creature that he got. It is necessary to find out the gender, age, size, purpose of unusual organs, if any; ask if he has relatives and what kind of relationship he has with them, if he has a family, and who he is in the family, what he loves and what he fears, what is his character.

The tested person unconsciously identifies himself with the drawing, transfers his qualities and his role in society to the depicted creature. Sometimes children talk on behalf of an animal about their problems. But this does not always carry enough information and depends on the child's ability to analyze his inner world. It is important for us to understand how adapted he is in the team.

We will use special criteria for decoding the picture, which I have tested in practice during 12 years of constant work with "problem" children. So, what should you pay attention to.

Layout on the sheet

Normally, the drawing is located on the middle line of the sheet or slightly above and to the right. The location of the picture closer to the upper edge indicates high self-esteem and the level of aspirations, which, according to the child's feelings, are not fully realized. It is important to understand that the higher the drawing is, the more pronounced the child's feeling of dissatisfaction with his position in society, the need for recognition and self-affirmation. He believes that he deserves more and may worry about being underestimated.

The lower the picture is, the lower the child's self-esteem. Self-doubt, indecision, lack of striving for self-affirmation - that's what is characteristic of such an artist. The child remembers failures for a long time and may refuse to act altogether if he is not sure of a positive result. He focuses on the obstacles to meeting the needs that arise in him.

A shift of the picture to the right indicates the desire for self-control, extraversion. The more the drawing goes to the right, the more "rebelliousness" is manifested in relation to something important for the painter.

If the picture is located in the upper right corner, we can say that the child is most likely claiming leadership and is actively in conflict with one of the other candidates for this role or stood in opposition to the already existing "ruling". In this case, parents, teachers, and children who enjoy full recognition and authority from the rest of the collective can turn out to be "ruling".

The shift of the picture to the left, possibly, expresses social inactivity, shyness, introversion.

According to my observations, these patterns may not work if the drawing extends beyond the edge of the sheet.

We consider the location of the picture in such detail precisely because now it is important for us to understand the position of the child in society and his assessment of his position. A sign of maladjustment is dissatisfaction with their role in the team, and this must be addressed Special attention... Since the location of the figure is only one of the criteria, during the analysis, our assumptions will be refined or even changed. Therefore, we will continue to consider the figure.

Head or its substitutes

This is the central semantic part of the figure. If it is turned to the right, then the artist is characterized by high determination and activity, which adults sometimes take for excessive stubbornness. It is important to understand that his plans are realistic and feasible, and not to interfere, but to help the child set goals and achieve results.

Turning the head to the left characterizes the tested person as a person prone to thinking, fantasizing, his dreams often exist only in his imagination and are not realized in reality. Perhaps this is just a temperament, but such a situation can arise under fear of failure, which leads to a loss of activity, so you need to pay attention to this.

An image with the head in frontal position indicates the presence of egocentrism or lack of control in behavior.

If the head is much larger than the body, it is possible that the child values ​​the intellectual qualities in himself and those around him.


Large, with a clearly traced iris of the eye can mean that the child is tormented by constant fear.

Drawing eyelashes is an indicator of interest in admiration from others, general recognition of one's attractiveness.


The toothy creature is drawn by children who are characterized by verbal aggression of a protective nature. Their rudeness should be taken as a way of self-defense against attacks from others.
Language denotes the need for speech activity, the authors of such a creature are big talkers.
An open mouth without drawing lips and tongue, especially painted over, shaded, is a sign of readiness to be frightened, such children are often distrustful and cautious.


If they are, this is a sign that the opinion and information of others about him is important to the child. The more ears, the more attention the child pays to what they think and say about him.

Additional details

Horns - protection from aggression. In combination with claws and bristles - spontaneous or defensive-response aggression.

Feathers - striving for self-affirmation, self-justification, demonstrativeness.

Mane, wool, semblance of a hairstyle- sensitivity.

The animal's paws, pedestal, support and the like must be judged in shape and proportionality to the whole figure. If the supporting part is solid, then the child has rationality, a tendency to make deliberate decisions based on existing information. He has his own opinion, which must be reckoned with, otherwise a protest will arise, which can be expressed in both direct and latent form.

Lightheadedness, impulsiveness, superficiality of judgments are evidenced by the image of a lightweight supporting part - small paws, for example.

The method of connecting the support and the body itself speaks of the degree of control over one's judgments and decisions. Accurate and thorough connection - high level, careless and weak - a tendency to rash actions or lack of confidence in one's opinion.

It happens that a figure has parts that rise above the general outlines of the drawing. These can be wings, additional limbs, tentacles, details of the shell, feathers ... They can serve as decoration or be of a utilitarian nature. Ask your child what they are for. If they are needed for some kind of animal activity, most likely, the tested person is energetic, strives for self-affirmation. Decorative parts are drawn by children seeking to attract the attention of others.

Tail . Reflects the child's self-esteem.

If it is turned to the left - we can judge the self-esteem of thoughts and decisions, to the right - actions and behavior.

A tail raised up means positive self-esteem, cheerfulness.

Downward - dissatisfaction with oneself, self-doubt, regret about what was said and done.

Branched tails, multiple tails - addiction or self-esteem inconsistency.

Two tails are turned to the sides and the animal has large ears - the child's self-esteem is highly dependent on the opinions of others.

When analyzing the contours of the figure, pay attention to the protrusions such as ribbed carapace, thorns or growths, and the like. They reflect the characteristics of the child's psychological protection. The degree of aggressive protection is characterized by the presence of sharp protrusions and their directionality. Raised up, they say that the child is protecting himself from people who have power over him and the ability to suppress, prohibit, restrict him in anything. These can be parents, older children, educators, teachers.

If the protective elements are directed downward, this may mean that the child is afraid of being unrecognized, becoming the object of ridicule, or worries that he is already in such a position, is afraid of losing authority with children.

The protrusions on the sides are drawn by children who expect danger from all sides in any situation and are ready to defend themselves.


A child with increased fatigue, extreme sensitivity, sleep disturbance and similar problems associated with a reduced vitality, draws weak, cobweb-like lines.

But bold, with pressure, lines, shading are characteristic not of energetic, but anxious children. Pay attention to which details are made with special pressure to determine what exactly might be disturbing the child. But, of course, you need to take into account that if a child learns to draw in the studio or is simply fond of it on his own, shading will be present simply as an element of the drawing.

Other details

Unusual details - for example, mechanical objects built into the body - can be a sign of psychopathology or simply a manifestation of special originality, as well as an echo of an excessive passion for robots and science fiction.

Name of the animal

The name that the child assigned to his creation carries information about the character of the child.

Rational content semantic parts- a flying hare, running and the like - speaks of a child's rational mindset.

Word formation with a book-scientific, Latin ending - reptilius - expresses the desire to emphasize the level of one's development, erudition.

Superficially sound, without any comprehension, words speak of a frivolous attitude towards the environment.

The ironic-humorous ones - bubbleroid, dumplings - expresses the same ironic-condescending attitude towards reality.

Repetitive elements - tru-tru, cous-cous - perhaps denote infantilism.

Excessively long names can be given by children prone to fantasizing, which, perhaps, has a protective character as a way of avoiding reality.

Now that you have analyzed all the details, write them all down, review the results and bring them together. A full-fledged psychological portrait, as I have already said, cannot be compiled with the help of one test, but it is the drawing technique, as far as my experience shows, that reveals the child's maladjustment in society. Try to test your child, let it be a game for him, connect friends and relatives, just warn that the ability to draw in this matter does not matter and all test takers can freely dream up.

Examples of analysis of children's drawings

Figure # 1.

By the location on the sheet (the drawing is strongly shifted upward), we can conclude that the child is dissatisfied with his position in society, considers himself unrecognized, but claims to be recognized.

The head is turned to the left - speaks of a tendency to reasoning, perhaps a fear of active action, only part of the plans is being realized.

Big ears - the great importance of the information that he hears about himself. Gives great importance the opinion of others about yourself.

Mouth with teeth - verbal aggression (snaps, defends itself in response to censure).

Legs - sufficient independence, control over their reasoning, conclusions.

The tail is a fairly positive assessment of your actions.

The contour of the figure indicates that the child is defending himself from adults, and the claws on his paws indicate that he is defending himself from peers. The nature of the lines indicates anxiety.

Figure # 2.

A drawing of a quiet, reserved girl, a 5th grade student, Nadia S. Obedient, diligent in her studies, but she seems to be not in the class.

By the position on the sheet (lower part), we see that the child is insecure, has low self-esteem, depressed, not interested in his social position, there is no tendency to assert himself.

The head is a tendency towards activity, that is, Nadia is a "man of action", but because of self-doubt this does not manifest itself, but is suppressed.

Legs - because they are practically absent independent decisions, then it is difficult to control them. There is no opinion.

Tail - Self-esteem depends on the situation.

Strong pressure - anxiety.

Other publications related to this article:

For adequate socialization, a person must be able to correctly assess himself and those around him. It is possible to determine how the subject is able to do this, as well as which model of relationships with people is closest to him, using various psychological tests. For example, using the "Draw a non-existent animal" diagnosis.

The essence of the projective technique "Draw a nonexistent animal"

The author of the test "Drawing of a nonexistent animal" is a Soviet psychologist, a specialist in projective diagnostics Maya Zakharovna Dukarevich. Diagnostics refers to projective techniques, that is, it does not imply the presence of stimulus material. Accordingly, there is no standardized analysis procedure. The subject is simply asked to portray a fantastic creature, a full-fledged interpretation of which must be performed by a specialist. However, there are a number of criteria that make it possible to test personality traits even without special education. Such research will help:

  • get an idea of ​​the level of self-esteem of the test subject;
  • assess the degree of his anxiety;
  • determine the propensity for aggression;
  • to examine creative potential tested.

Psychological test procedure

To create a picture, the child should be offered a non-glossy White list A4 size pencil and a medium soft pencil. It is impossible for a baby to use felt-tip pens or pens, since these tools make it difficult to decipher the image.

The use of felt-tip pens is not allowed, as the lines drawn by them will be difficult to decipher

The work is carried out one-on-one. The subject is asked to draw an animal that does not exist either in nature, or in art, or in computer space. Also, the child will need to choose a name for his hero.

The time for completing the task is 3 minutes. After the subject finishes the image, he will not only have to write the name of the character, but also answer a number of leading questions:

  • Where does the animal live?
  • With whom?
  • What is eating?
  • What does he usually do?
  • What does he / she like?
  • What does he not like?
  • Does the character have friends, enemies?
  • What is he most afraid of?

Processing and interpretation of the results of drawing diagnostics

Considering the manner of drawing


Bold lines indicate constant fears, fears, anxiety. If prevail sharp corners, then the subject is very suspicious of others. Many shaded blackouts, especially at the bottom of the figure, indicate that the child seeks to protect himself from ridicule, does not consider himself authoritative among his peers. The dark outlines on the right signal the ability to defend one's point of view in matters involving real action, while the doubled lines on the left indicate that the defense is about beliefs and tastes.

A person is inclined to draw an animal consisting of closed shapes (circles, rectangles) and simple lines - this indicates a closeness and unwillingness to participate in testing.

If the lines are fragmentary, interrupted, then the person is not inclined to finish what he has begun, he is impulsive. Carelessness, carelessness indicate a tendency for a rapid change in activities.


Light pressure indicates passivity and possible depression. Strong (with imprint on back side sheet) suggests that the subject suffers from severe anxiety. If the child presses on the pencil so that the paper breaks from this, then this can be considered a sign of aggression and conflict.

The size

An animal occupying the entire sheet speaks of high self-esteem its author

Since the invented animal is a kind of alter ego of the subject, its size directly depends on self-esteem: the larger the character, the higher it is. A small drawing speaks of low self-esteem and possible recent problems in relations with others.

Layout on the sheet

The space that is filled in the process of drawing is associated with the emotions that a person experiences, as well as with the reality in which he lives. The right side, top of the sheet and the foreground characterize the future and the present, and left-hand side and the bottom is the past. Thus, according to the picture, one can judge at what period of life the subject is fixated.

The norm is considered if the drawing is located in the middle of a vertically placed sheet. The closer the animal is to the upper edge, the higher self-esteem, as well as growing dissatisfaction with the position in the peer group, the claim for recognition and the desire to assert itself. If the beast is drawn below, then this speaks of self-doubt, depression.

Analysis of the image of the depicted creature


The following types of characters are distinguished:


  • If semantic parts are combined in the name of the animal ("begelis"), then rationality dominates in the subject's personality.
  • The test taker came up with a name with a Latin suffix or ending as in popular science books or cartoons (for example, "ragolessius") - this indicates normal level intelligence and the desire to demonstrate it.
  • Superficial sound names ("kaktiya", "nyaker") indicate a frivolous attitude towards reality, a tendency towards emotional assessments.
  • Humorous names ("belly-eater") speak of a condescending attitude towards peers and the world around them.
  • Names with repetitive syllables ("mur-mur") signal the infantilism of their author.
  • Too long names ("abelisinctosone") give away a tendency to fantasize.

Central part of the figure

If the character's head is turned to the right, then the subject has a tendency to reflect on his actions, planning (even though he does not always bring his plans to the end); to the left - the "artist" is not a man of action, he is afraid of decisive actions and being active. The frontal position indicates that the subject is an egocentric, directing everything towards himself.

The head is more than other parts of the body - the subject appreciates erudition in people.

When there are ears on the head of a drawn character, it is a symbol of the fact that the opinion of others is important to a person. The presence of a mouth, especially a slightly open one, indicates increased speech activity. If the tongue and lips are not drawn, then the subject easily succumbs to panic. The teeth show verbal aggression, most often of a defensive nature. This element is especially inherent in characters of adolescents going through a period of acute anxiety. Eyes with a clear drawing of the iris are a symbol of fear. Eyelashes are considered an indicator of hysterical-demonstrative demeanor, especially for boys. As for girls, this is evidence of an interest in admiration from others. The hairstyle shows that gender is important for the subject.

Support and other parts of the body

If the limbs are well drawn, then the subject is thorough in his decisions, knows how to choose information that is meaningful to himself; paws are shown in fragments - the person is rather frivolous, impulsive. The careless connection of the legs with the body and the limbs directed in one direction indicate that the subject has little control over his reasoning and is not inclined to creativity. The different position of the paws indicates creativity in personality.

Wings, tentacles and other details symbolize the desire to fill as much space as possible, self-exaltation, as well as curiosity and mannerism. Claws, teeth, beaks are signs of the wickedness of the author of the drawing.

When considering the character's tail, it is important to pay attention to its direction: turned to the right - a person is inclined to analyze his actions, to the left - any actions are faced with indecision, dissatisfaction with oneself; up - the subject assesses his activity positively, down - often regrets what was said or done. The more magnificent the tail, the stronger the narcissism in a person.

Assessment of answers to questions

Discussion with the child of the character invented by him is a mandatory stage of testing

If in the figure the animal is equipped with protective equipment, and in the conversation the subject indicates that this is necessary for defense, then this clearly speaks of the person's fear of aggression. Although he himself may not manifest it. The following stories of the author of the image testify to the viciousness and rancor of the subject:

  • the animal has a quarrelsome character;
  • the creature feeds on people or other animals;
  • the character's house is isolated and removed from the usual place of residence ( uninhabited island, Other planet).

In this case, you should definitely pay attention to the fact that in the picture the animal may not be depicted as aggressive at all, but in the story the corresponding characteristics are present. This suggests that a person suppresses manifestations of malice in himself. In addition to identifying aggression, the conversation can reveal some details of the subject's personality. So, if the character, according to the person being tested, does not live alone, then the child clearly has little attention from loved ones. The animal has a violent character - the baby may be too suppressed at home, that is, they do not allow him to express himself, but they try to completely subjugate general rules... As for the answers to the questions about what the creature loves or dislikes, the answers will mirror the preferences of the subject himself. But about the fight against misunderstanding, most likely, the child will talk about a desired situation, and not about a real one. The presence of enemies and friends also projects the baby's lifestyle, and the age of these fictional characters will help determine the social circle that is most important for the test subject.

V modern society psychology is actively developing. Now almost every organization seeks to include a psychologist on the staff. What is it for? To know the emotional state of employees, to help them relieve stress, to assist in solving various problems... The test "Non-existent animal" allows you to consider many and at the same time not take a lot of time from the employee. In this article we will try to learn more about this technique.

Psychological test "Non-existent animal"

In general, an experienced psychologist will tell you that it would be more correct to conduct not one, but four tests with animals. This is necessary in order to fully "see" the psychological portrait of a person. These tests are:

  • "Non-existent animal".
  • "Angry animal".
  • "Lucky Animal".
  • "Unhappy animal".

But still, the main and most informative is the first option, which is most often used by practicing psychologists around the world. The rest of the options can also be taken for analysis, but as an addition to the main test.

For the first time, the method "Non-existent animal" was proposed by M. Dukarevich, but then it did not receive such popularity, it was refined and tested. Although already in those days it was clear that this technique could give a lot useful information... Now psychologists often resort to guidelines A. Wenger and his deciphers give the results of "Non-existent animal".

It is quite easy to understand the theory of this technique or any others similar to it. When drawing, a person depicts on paper everything that is happening in his soul. And he does not do it on purpose. His subconscious is working for him. it projective test"Non-existent animal", the decoding of which shows us the inner world of the tested person. Here everything is expressed in the form of lines: character traits, fears, desires, pressing problems and much more.

The task of the psychologist in the test "Non-existent animal" is to interpret the results, i.e. understand: why a person drew this or that line, why one has sharp corners, while the other has all of them rounded. Many questions can be answered here. And sometimes people, listening to the results, wonder how a psychologist can know such innermost secrets... But they themselves told about everything by drawing a drawing.

One cannot be completely sure that a drawing test such as "Non-existent animal" will give a result that will be correct. This is influenced by many factors. If you need a more serious and accurate assessment internal state, then use When processing the results of a "nonexistent animal", the psychologist can give an exclusively subjective assessment. These are just hypotheses that require confirmation from the person being tested.

Having received the test results, the psychologist compares them with the statements of the patient, with his behavior, emotional state, makes inquiries about how a person lives and what is in him this period time worries.

Validation and approbation

Before being applied in practice, a methodology must be validated and tested. What is this This is a kind of test of the accuracy test. Researchers take a group of people and find out in advance about their life situation, about their problems and desires, and then they offer to draw an animal that does not exist. According to the test "Non-existent animal", the interpretation of the results from the psychologist is compared with the data that are actually available. If these indicators have something in common, then the hypothesis is considered accepted and the next stage begins.

Now the researchers will need a group of people about whom nothing is known. They are asked to draw the same animal, and then the results are processed. If during the study it was revealed that in this group there is a person who has a tendency to psychopathy, additional testing is carried out. If this diagnosis is also confirmed and experts recognize him as a psychopath, then the technique can be officially considered valid and tested, and can also be used by all psychologists.

What the drawing hides

With this test, you can find out:

  1. What level is mental development the subject.
  2. Which approach to reality prevails: emotional or rational.
  3. At what level is psychomotor tone, increased or decreased activity.
  4. Does a person know how to control himself and whether he plans his future actions, and we can also say about his impulsiveness.
  5. What's on more high level: validity or rigidity.
  6. Is there anxiety in a person's character, and at what level it is at the time of the study.
  7. What fears prevail and how strong are they.
  8. Are there depressive tendencies.
  9. How does the patient respond to stressful situations.
  10. Does the person show aggression, and if so, in what form.
  11. Whether the subject is an extrovert or an introvert.
  12. How demonstrative are his actions and expressions.
  13. Whether his need for communication is satisfied.
  14. Perhaps he himself avoids communication with others.
  15. Is he a full-fledged member of society.
  16. Are there antisocial tendencies.
  17. What is the attitude to the sexual sphere, are there any problems in this direction, and if so, what kind.
  18. How does the subject feel about family issues, is this topic important to him, and what kind of relationship he has with individual relatives.


To take the Non-Existent Animal Test, you will need a pencil and a white sheet of paper. The task is to draw an animal that does not exist anywhere in the world. This may include parts of other animals, but not an exact copy of them.

It is desirable that the subject was in silence and without unnecessary witnesses. He should not think about any problems or be distracted by extraneous conversations. Now we will consider the options for which non-existent animals can be encountered during the test and what each stroke means.

Position of the picture

In the test "Non-existent animal" the interpretation begins by considering the position of the drawing on the sheet of paper. This detail can tell a lot about your self-esteem and position in society.

If your animal is drawn in the upper corner of the sheet, then this indicates that you have too high self-esteem, you love yourself very much and are always happy with any of your actions. And at the same time, it is a sign that you are not happy with how others evaluate you. By placing the drawing in such a place, you are trying to show what heights you plan to achieve. And also the fact that you direct all your efforts to please others, or rather, strive to comply with the norms that are accepted in your social circle.

The animal at the bottom of the page indicates low self-esteem. You are insecure and extremely indecisive. Most likely, you just put up with what is happening around, and are not trying to change anything. Simply put, "go with the flow." Although it is impossible to say anything unequivocally. Perhaps this is due to fatigue or events that occur in your life at the time of testing.

Another thing to say is that if the animal is on the left side of the sheet, then you stopped in the past and do not want to leave it. The right side says that a person thinks a lot about his future, makes plans and tries to realize his dreams. Those who live in the present and do not look back at the past, and also do not look into the future, prefer to draw in the middle of the sheet.

The gaze of an incredible beast

In the test, a non-existent animal is interpreted as to where the painted miracle is looking. To the left look animals, the authors of which are inclined to introspection. Such people quite often engage in replaying conversations in their heads that have already passed and trying to come up with more witty phrases. In most cases, the invented remarks would have been more successful at the moment of communication, but, unfortunately, the brilliant thought did not visit the subject. The authors of such drawings are usually people who have rather serious intentions, but they all remain only in thoughts.

If the head or gaze of the beast is directed to the right, then this is more good sign... This is evidence that, unlike the previous test subject, you not only plan a lot, but also try to do it all in a timely manner. These people have many friends and are valued at work. Because they know what to do and how to do it. Agree, everyone likes to deal with a person who makes a promise, and then fulfills it.

In self-centered individuals, a non-existent animal looks directly into their eyes. It can also be a sign that this is a rather outgoing person who communicates a lot and makes new friends easily. Such people are always noticeable even in big company... They joke a lot, they find quickly mutual language with new acquaintances. There is always something to talk about with them.

In addition to individual details, pay attention to which direction the whole figure is more directed. It is considered ideal to be located simultaneously in three dimensions: future, present and past. This is evidence that the author is completely happy man, who knows how to enjoy life, he has already achieved certain heights and knows what he wants.

The animal can be moved to the left. This usually happens in people who have experienced some bright negative events in childhood. This includes incidents such as parental divorce or death. loved one, and also take place and not too serious problems, but they greatly influenced the psyche of the child and now, even in adulthood, do not give rest. But these are not always echoes of the far past, it is quite possible that something in the subject's life happened quite recently and does not give him a calm life.

If it can be seen on paper that the drawing goes far to the right, then this is a sign that the person is trying to protect himself from something. Perhaps these are events that occur during this period, but it is possible that these are incidents from past life... Such people usually dream a lot, they see themselves in the distant future and try to run away from their present as far as possible.

General impression

When analyzing a non-existent animal, a psychologist can consider not only individual details but all the work. As in wildlife, animals in the drawings may have some classification, or rather, they are divided into:

  • Those who threaten people around them (they have sharp teeth, fangs or claws).
  • Those who are in danger from others (cute animals that are not able to offend anyone).
  • Those who have menacing body parts, but at the same time resemble a cute defenseless bunny.

Be that as it may, the drawn animal is a reflection of the subject. This is how he sees himself in this world. Let's take a closer look at this section.

If the depicted individual wears human clothing or is simply able to walk upright, then its author has not yet matured emotionally. He's too childish. Usually, normal adults do not attach genitals to their animals. This is the lot of young children who do not yet understand what can be drawn and what it is better to refuse. But if such organs are visible, then this is a sign of a disturbed psyche. Any hints of gender characteristics are a signal that a person has an unhealthy fixation on sex, which is not considered the norm.

Proportions and sizes

The drawing may have the average size and not stand out too much, however, its presence on the sheet will be quite harmonious. This suggests that the subject has a positive attitude towards the world and towards himself. He is content with his life and has no evil intentions. He is satisfied with the environment, he does not hold any grudge against his acquaintances and, perhaps, does not even have enemies.

Drawing too large is open narcissism. Small children prefer to draw large animals. In this way, kids are trying to portray their high self-esteem. Another reason for the appearance of a huge beast on an adult's leaflet is a kind of protection of the individual from being influenced by others. And such animals are drawn by people who have recently experienced severe stress.

It remains to analyze the reason for the appearance of small animals on paper. Usually these are present in people who have mental problems. Such images are rare. This happens when testing people with schizophrenia or other mental illnesses. In addition to the little critters at the bottom of the pages, mentally ill people like to draw diagrams and outlines. Moreover, depicting completely illegible drawings, they see in them historical figures, famous people or representatives of the fauna.

Lines and contours

Quite often, people, without even knowing this, try to provide their animals with protection. And if in living nature we are accustomed to seeing horns, shells, needles and other "weapons", then on paper these can be completely random lines that, one way or another, protrude above the animal. Sometimes they are hovering a little fatter than the rest. This is considered protection for a fictional pet. But much more interesting for a psychologist is not how they look, but which side they are on.

If such a shell covers the animal from above, like a turtle, then the subject tries to protect himself from those who are higher than him: bosses, parents, authorities, etc. If the author is trying to ensure the safety of the lower part, then this indicates that the person is afraid for his authority. Below they have protection from people who occupy an equal position with him, or even are even a step lower.

Armor can be drawn on both sides. Such people are ready for any life blows. They can fight back everyone. Particular attention should be paid to elements with right side... A sign that a person is ready to defend his opinion to the last. He is absolutely sure that he is right.

There are times when on the body of the beast some line stands out especially strongly. This is a sign that the subject is very anxious or is expecting some kind of blow in the near future. Below is an example of a non-existent animal that shows what methods of protection can exist. But this is only a small part of what the subjects' imagination is capable of.

Bottom part

When determining the results in the test "Non-existent animal", you need to pay special attention to the legs. Here about them, as well as about the eyes, we can say that this is the mirror of the soul. So, if the legs are well traced, then this indicates that the subject is confident in himself and in his own strengths, knows exactly what he wants and how he can achieve his goal. But the legs may be poorly visible or absent altogether. Such drawings prevail in people who have an impulsive character and are too frivolous. Pay attention to the fact that there may be support under the frail legs. She plays the role of strong, clearly visible legs and has a corresponding interpretation.

If the legs are poorly or not at all connected to the body, then in front of you is a person who loves to talk a lot, but even himself, at times, does not understand the meaning of his sayings. You shouldn't expect him to keep his word. But if you see that the legs and body are tightly connected, then this person can be trusted. He speaks confidently and understands the essence of his expressions. More often than not, such people keep their promise.

The lower limbs can be exactly the same: every line, bend, drawing. This is how conformists draw. They rarely generate new ones. original ideas... But if the legs of the beast look in different sides or in general each of them is busy with their own business, then in front of you creative person... She always has her own opinion and does not depend on the criticism of the people around her.


Large heads represent those who prefer rational thinking. They educate such qualities not only in themselves, but also appreciate in the people around them. If the beast has especially large ears, then you have a very curious personality. He is not only interested in the attitude of others towards him, but also tries to find out more about what is happening around.

Next, you should consider the mouth. If it is open in the animal, and even the tongue looks out, then the subject is very talkative. He loves to talk, gossip. Sensual people put special emphasis on the lips and draw them well. In some pictures, the teeth are particularly prominent. This is observed in people who are prone to verbal aggression. Moreover, such aggression is manifested only if a person is forced to defend himself. It happens that the mouth of the animal is slightly open, but the teeth and tongue are not visible there. Such a person is very suspicious and is always in a state of alertness.

The nose has been considered a phallic symbol for many years, but only if you do not analyze a man's drawing. In this case, it is considered a completely expected component of the face. But if a girl focuses on this organ, then this is a clear sign that she is not sexually satisfying, and her young man you need to think about it. When subjects draw eyes, they can place special emphasis on the pupils. This is a sign that in this moment they are very worried about something or they are wary. Eyelashes are drawn by those who are very concerned about their appearance, especially not befitting to add this detail to men.

And the finishing touches: hair, which is often simply copied from itself. But sometimes the hairstyle is a pointer to sexual orientation... If horns or other sharp objects are clearly visible on the head, then this clear sign aggression. She might just defensive reaction or, conversely, express a propensity to attack people. More precisely, only the author of the image himself can say about their purpose. But if a hairpin or a feather or other object that serves as an ornament is woven into the hair, then this is nothing more than a desire to stand out.

Additional touches

Quite often, people add organs or body parts to their animals that do not play too much of a role, but are a great way to attract the attention of others. These items are:

  • tails;
  • feathers;
  • brushes;
  • curls and more.

If you see any additional limbs in an animal: a third leg, wings and other "accessories", then you have a person who is trying to cover too many activities at once. This may be evidence that the subject is simply a versatile personality who has many interests and develops comprehensively. But these parts of the body can also have a negative message. For example, the fact that a person does not meddle in his own business and often interferes with others with his advice or gives them unnecessary information, and perhaps tries to do someone else's work.

The tail is the part of the body that is always behind and pursues its owner. In the drawing of a non-existent animal, he personifies all the deeds committed earlier, various intentions and even the words that were or will be said. A tail that points to the right is a sign that the subject has big plans for the future and will soon try to implement them. But if to the left, then the person cannot let go of the past in any way and periodically returns to those events. And also pay attention to where the tail is directed. If up, then the subject is proud of everything that he has done in the past, or expects great victories in the near future. And if downward, a person regrets the deeds committed earlier, or is afraid to look into the future.


The test "Draw a non-existent animal" is almost complete. The last step choice of name is considered. It should be as original as the painted animal. This is where fantasy can play out. And, most interestingly, each part of the name carries some meaning. Take a close look at your drawing of a nonexistent animal and think about what nickname you can give it.

Often times, people simply put together parts of already known words, and something unusual comes out. This style is inherent in those who are dominated by rational thinking. These people try to do everything strictly according to the instructions, always follow the instructions received. They make excellent workers.

There are names that are somewhat reminiscent of scientific ones. In this way, people try to show their intelligence and erudition. They are generally very confident in their abilities, most likely, they read a lot and can support almost any conversation. Sometimes, the subjects do not think about the name for too long and just write a set of sounds. This is done by frivolous people and those for whom the aesthetic side is more important than the rational. V Everyday life they often commit rash acts.

Funny names are chosen by those who like to laugh at others, and not always in a positive light. Perhaps a person just really loves to make fun of people, point out their shortcomings or weaknesses. In dealing with them, you need to be careful. Names from repetitive sounds, for example, "Nuf-Nuf", are chosen by infantile personalities. And those who like to fantasize and those who live in their invented world call their animals very long names.

So we examined the interpretation of the method of a non-existent animal. All this data will help you to know yourself, to understand many problems, to find answers to exciting questions.

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