Home Roses Hypertonicity of the trapezius muscle. How to relieve muscle tone in adults

Hypertonicity of the trapezius muscle. How to relieve muscle tone in adults

Muscle hypertonicity is considered the most common syndrome in diseases of the nervous system. This sign can be key in diagnosing and identifying the disease.

Pathogenesis of hypertension and causes of its occurrence

There are spastic and rigid types increased tone muscles. The spastic appearance spreads unevenly and selectively. Rigid (plastic) - spasms all muscles at once. The causes of spasticity are damaged nerve centers and motor pathways, and rigidity is caused by damaged brain or spinal cord.

The state of spasticity is characterized by increased tone. As a result, speech difficulties and difficulties in normal movement arise. This condition can be caused by:

The cause may be damage to the cortical motor neuron and pyramidal tract, hypoxia, encephalitis, meningitis, phenylketonuria.

Patients with cerebral palsy do not always have increased muscle tone, since all functions are taken over by the spinal cord. Deformation of the limbs in this syndrome occurs only after a period of time.

Multiple sclerosis may be accompanied by flexion and extension spasticity. The legs are too straightened or, conversely, pressed against the body.

Muscle hypertonicity due to head injuries develops through the damaged brain stem, cerebellum and midbrain. Affected centers of reflex activity lead to stiffness, clenching of the arms and legs.

Very often, high muscle activity is accompanied by pain in the back and legs. During movement, muscle tone increases, which increases pain. Discomfort in the back develops through ischemia of the spinal root and due to other reasons. But tension in the legs occurs after heavy loads. The pain is localized in the muscle itself.

Signs of increased muscle tone

Determining this syndrome is not so difficult. Symptoms of hypertension in adults are as follows:

  • voltage;
  • inactivity;
  • discomfort when moving;
  • muscle stiffness;
  • muscle spasms;
  • spontaneous motor activity;
  • increased tendon reflexes;
  • slow relaxation of spasmed muscles.

Characteristic signs in children are sleep disturbances, unstable emotional condition, loss of appetite. People suffering from increased muscle tone walk on their toes, which indicates that the disease is already advanced in childhood.

Temporary cramps in an adult can occur after straining a certain muscle. The process is accompanied by nagging pain. This effect is often observed after physical exercise and loads. This also applies to back pain. The person is stiff and constrained. The presence of such symptoms may indicate the presence of serious illnesses, and not just about muscle tone.

In advanced cases of muscle spasticity, the affected muscle becomes too dense and cannot be felt. Any mechanical impact, even massage, causes severe pain.

When symptoms become quite obvious, immediate diagnosis is necessary. precise definition diagnosis.

To do this, you need to take a blood test, do an MRI and an EMG. Consultation with a specialist is required.

Complex therapy

Treatment of muscle syndrome includes two stages. The first is overcoming the underlying disease, against the background of which increased tone in the muscle arose. Second - correction already existing problem to facilitate therapy and normal recovery.

Only comprehensive treatment, which includes pharmacotherapy, massage, physical therapy, psychotherapy.

Drug treatment is aimed at minimizing pain and normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. The treatment method depends on the goals:

  • relief of any symptom;
  • reduction of spasms;
  • increasing activity and maintaining normal gait;
  • ease of movement.

Muscle relaxants and neuroleptics are used as the main drugs. Treatment can be based on one drug or a combination of drugs.

The electrophoresis method is very often used to treat spasticity. It promotes muscle relaxation and pain relief. Electrophoresis based on anticholinergics and relaxants is effective.

Kinesiotherapy occupies almost the main place among methods of treating spasticity. Movement therapy is based on therapeutic exercises and postural exercises.

Thanks to physical exercises, it becomes possible to move independently. You should alternate between relaxation and tension and do this from the very beginning of the disease. Supplementing gymnastics with massage is the right decision. Classic techniques must be performed slowly and with pauses. Massage different muscle groups separately.

Massage on certain biological points is also gaining popularity. This makes it possible to cure local hypertension. Points are selected depending on the task and functional purpose.

The last resort is surgery. The operation is performed on the brain or spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and muscles.

Psychotherapy can help speed up rehabilitation. Psychological impact will give the patient confidence in tomorrow, and will increase the chances of recovery.

Conclusion on the topic

Therapy for muscle hypertonicity is complex and lengthy. It requires a lot of effort and patience, complex treatment And good care. For maximum results, it is better to go to a sanatorium and get treatment and improve your health at the same time. Thus, there is an opportunity to spend time with benefit and pleasure.


The causes of hypertonicity are a group of factors that provoke excess tension in any muscle groups, which persists at the moment of their relaxation. With increased tone, a person’s muscles are dense, constrained, and voluntary movements are difficult and sometimes painful.

Increased muscle tone is one of the main syndromes of neurological diseases and disorders of the nervous system. Brain signals are incorrectly transmitted along nerve fibers, are interpreted falsely or do not reach their destination, which is the cause of incorrect, slow muscle response. Conventionally, three types of hypertonicity can be distinguished, depending on the group of people in whom it is observed:

  1. Hypertonicity of the uterus in pregnant women;
  2. Hypertonicity in children (infants);
  3. Hypertonicity in adults.

These three types of tone are characterized by different signs, have a number of different causes and consequences, and require various kinds treatment.

Hypertonicity is not a disease, but only its manifestation, a syndrome. Thus, treatment requires an initially correct diagnosis.

Increased uterine tone in pregnant women

Many pregnant women face the problem of hypertonicity of the uterus, which is a muscular organ. Excessive tension in the uterus of a pregnant woman can be dangerous for the unborn child and cause abortion, especially during early stages, when the embryo is not yet sufficiently attached to its walls. The body perceives the embryo as a foreign object and tries to get rid of it, push it out of the uterus through its contractions. Sometimes a woman may not feel any tone at all, but most often its signs are:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen or lower back;
  • “petrification” of the abdomen, it becomes hard and changes shape;
  • Uncharacteristic discharge, sometimes bloody.

Since the consequence of uterine tone can be a miscarriage, you should consult a doctor at the first signs. Based on the results of the examination, tests, and ultrasound, the doctor determines the cause of this pathological condition and prescribes the necessary treatment.

Causes of uterine hypertension during pregnancy:

  • physical exercise;
  • overwork;
  • stress, nervous state of the pregnant woman;
  • diseases of women reproductive organs such as: fibroids, endometriosis, inflammation;
  • infectious disease of a pregnant woman;
  • hormonal disorders, for example, the level of the male hormone is higher than the female one.

When eliminating uterine tone in pregnant women, the doctor needs to find the cause this phenomenon. Basically, women require inpatient treatment, complete rest, a minimum of movements and physical activity, emotional balance. A pregnant woman must understand that she is responsible not only for her life, but also for the life of her unborn child, so you should not self-medicate, but seek medical help at the first suspicion.

Hypertonicity in infants

In 90 cases out of 100, children in the first months of life experience increased muscle tone. There are two main causes of this condition in infants:

  • physiological characteristics;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

In the first case, the baby’s muscle tone is explained by the fact that during intrauterine life the child was in a limited, small space of the mother’s uterus and his posture was forcedly constrained, the so-called fetal position. The arms and legs of the fetus are pressed to the body, and the chin to the chest. After birth, this position is the most familiar and safe for the baby, the baby needs to get used to the new world around him, usually by 3 months the muscles gradually relax, and the increased tone goes away on its own, without the need for treatment. However, if hypertonicity persists after 3 months, this may indicate that the baby’s nervous system has been damaged. The main causes of hypertension in children older than 3 months lie in the influence of negative factors during the period intrauterine development fetus, diseases, birth injuries. It could be:

  • bad habits of the expectant mother: smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  • infectious diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy, or her chronic diseases;
  • early or late toxicosis of the pregnant woman, uterine tone, threat of miscarriage;
  • Rhesus conflict between mother and fetus;
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • rapid or prolonged labor;
  • fetal hypoxia in utero or during childbirth;
  • various birth injuries.

Typically, neurologists prescribe procedures for children with increased muscle tone that can only relieve the main symptoms, but they do not find the causes of the disorders and do not solve the problems. For example:

  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • aromatherapy;
  • massotherapy;
  • drug treatment.

The most effective method of treating hypertension in young children is osteopathic. An osteopathic doctor views the human body as a single whole, and sees all its systems and organs as interconnected. Osteopaths can treat one organ while influencing another, identifying the cause of the pathology and combating its consequences. Osteopathic treatment is based on a special massage. The doctor's fingers are extremely sensitive and receptive, and movements and manipulations are very soft and gentle. That is why the effects of osteopathic techniques on infants are safe, painless and effective. An osteopath can easily help a child’s nervous system, which is not fully formed, to function fully.

Increased muscle tone in an adult

In an adult, muscle tone is observed as a consequence of disruption of the nervous system; this is one of the indicators of the presence of neurological diseases. There are 2 types of increased tone: spastic (localized) and rigid (applies to all muscles at the same time). Hypertonicity can be caused by:

  • demyelinating neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis;
  • pathological processes in the vessels of the brain and spinal cord (stroke);
  • various brain or spinal cord injuries;
  • disruption of the functioning of nerve impulses.

With a spastic type of tone, disruptions in the functioning of nerve centers and pathways are observed, and with a rigid type, pathologies of the brain or spinal cord are observed.

Hypertonicity in adults is a sign of a serious neurological disorder resulting from the presence of severe diseases of the nervous system. In this case, it is most rational to use complex therapy. Along with traditional medicine, osteopathy can come to the rescue, which significantly alleviates the patient’s condition. Osteopathic techniques are very gentle, they bring the patient a feeling of relaxation, tranquility, and warmth. With his hands, an osteopathic doctor can improve muscle function, blood flow, and influence bones and joints, while he fights not the clinical manifestations of the disease, but its cause. The osteopath triggers the necessary mechanisms that, like a clockwork, normalize the functioning of the entire body as a whole.

Muscle hypertonicity in adults and children

Muscle tone refers to the presence of resistance in muscle tissue when performing passive movements in a joint. This is how muscle tone is examined. Symmetry is also compared in certain areas of the body, such as both arms or legs.

Muscle tone depends on:

  • elasticity of muscle tissue;
  • neuromuscular transmission conditions;
  • peripheral nerve fibers;
  • motor neurons of the spinal cord;
  • centers for the regulation of movements in the brain, its basal ganglia, reticular formation, cerebellum and brain stem, the state of the vestibular apparatus.

Thus, the causes of impaired muscle tone may be hidden both in damage to the muscle tissue itself and in the presence of pathology of the nervous system at all its levels (from peripheral to central). There are two groups of muscle tone disorders - hypotonicity (decreased) and hypertonicity (increased). It is the latter that will be discussed in this article.

Impaired muscle tone may occur due to damage to the neuromuscular transmission mechanism

What is muscle hypertonicity and how does it happen?

It is important to understand that muscle hypertonicity is not separate disease, but just a symptom of a large number of ailments and pathological conditions, the main part of which are neurological problems.

In neurology, it is customary to distinguish between two types of muscle hypertonicity: spastic (pyramidal) and plastic (extrapyramidal).

The spastic type occurs when the structures of the pyramidal system (the chain of neurons that transmit movement commands to skeletal muscles from a center in the brain) are damaged. In case of damage to the central neuron of this system, spastic hypertonicity occurs. In this case, passive movements are performed with great difficulty (resistance), but only at the very beginning of the movement. Then the limb gives in easily, the so-called “jackknife” symptom. This symptom is especially noticeable if you perform movements very quickly. Since the reason lies in damage to the motor center of the brain, such disorders are very often widespread, that is, not one muscle is affected, but a whole group of them, for example, leg extensors, foot flexors lower limbs. The most obvious example of spastic hypertonicity is in patients who have suffered a stroke with damage to the motor centers of the brain.

The plastic type of hypertonicity is observed with damage to the extrapyramidal nervous system (a set of brain structures and nerve pathways that take part in the regulation and control of movements that do not require activation of attention, for example, maintaining a posture in space, organizing a motor reaction when a person laughs, cries, etc. ). This type of hypertonicity is also called muscle rigidity, which differs from spasticity in that resistance to passive movement is constantly present, and not just at the beginning of movement. A characteristic feature is that the limb freezes in the position that is given to it, the so-called “wax flexibility”. In the case of rapid performance of passive movements, the “gear wheel” symptom is characteristic - a kind of intermittency of resistance during passive movements. The most obvious example of plastic hypertonicity is in patients with Parkinson's disease.

In some cases, when the pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems are damaged, a mixed type of hypertonicity may occur, for example, with brain tumors. Such patients combine signs of spastic and plastic hypertonicity.

Muscle hypertonicity in adults

Increased muscle tone in adults does not always indicate pathology. It can also occur as a physiological process. But it is important to remember that in medicine, hypertonicity is a persistent increase, and temporary disturbances should rather be called muscle spasms.

Physiological reasons

Consider the following causes of muscle spasm:

  • Overstrain and fatigue of muscles. When muscles have to do a lot of work, their energy reserves are exhausted and muscle fiber“freezes” in a state of contraction, since the process of muscle relaxation is not at all passive, but even very energy-consuming. Therefore, until the body replenishes its energy reserves, the muscle fiber will remain in spasm. Example: painful spasm calf muscles after a long run.
  • Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable or monotonous position with increased load on a certain muscle group. The mechanism of spasm development is the same as in the previous case. Most often, such a spasm occurs in the muscles of the neck when working at the computer for a long time, or in the back when working in the garden.
  • As a defensive reaction to pain. The development of spasticity of certain muscle groups can occur with pain syndrome as defensive reaction. For example, protective tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, spasm of the spinal muscles in cases of damage to the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae.
  • Bruises and stressful situations.

Hypertonicity of the spinal muscles increases painful sensations in patients with pathology of the spinal column

Pathological causes

There are many diseases that occur with muscle hypertonicity syndrome. Let's look at the most common of them:

  • Acute cerebrovascular accidents (ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke) – hypertonicity of the muscles of the extremities (thigh, foot, shoulder, hand), face, tongue occurs.
  • Tumors of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Spastic form of torticollis (hypertonicity of the sternocleidomastoid muscle).
  • Bruxism (hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles).
  • Dystonic syndrome.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Hepatic encephalopathy.
  • Myotonia.
  • Tetanus.
  • CNS infections.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Vascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Cerebral palsy.

Spastic paresis in a patient

Principles of treatment

Treatment of muscle hypertension includes two main areas:

  1. Elimination of the underlying disease.
  2. Correction of the consequences of pathology in the form of hypertonicity.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get rid of the root cause of the pathology. In such cases, only complex therapy, which includes the use of medications, massage, therapeutic exercises, psychotherapy, physiotherapy and reflexology.

Therapeutic gymnastics and kinesiotherapy are effective methods eliminating increased muscle tone

Drug therapy can reduce the tone of spasmed muscles, reduce pain, improve the function of nerve fibers, and improve microcirculation in the affected tissues. Most often, muscle relaxants and antipsychotics, B vitamins, and metabolic agents are prescribed for this purpose. In some cases, botulinum toxin is used to eliminate increased tone. With its help, you can eliminate stiffness in certain muscles, for example, the facial, chin, etc.

Hypertonicity in a newborn baby

Increased muscle tone in a newborn baby is considered absolutely normal. During 40 weeks of intrauterine development, the child is in the fetal position in the uterine cavity, so it is not surprising that the baby, when born, has arms and legs tightly pressed to the body. As a rule, this muscle condition persists for the first 1-3 months of a child’s life. Next comes normotonia, when the tone of the flexors and extensors is approximately the same. This condition in pediatrics it is commonly called physiological hypertonicity of the infant.

Hypertonicity in an infant may indicate the presence of a serious illness such as cerebral palsy


Suspect pathological hypertonicity in small child possible in the following cases:

  • a child of 1 month or earlier holds his head confidently;
  • at 3 months the baby still has a tendency to clench his fists (the child does not open his hand to take a toy);
  • tilting the baby's head to one side;
  • when checking the support reflex and automatic walking, the baby stands on his full foot, and not just on his toes;
  • trembling of the baby's chin;
  • the child throws his head back, arching;
  • frequent regurgitation.

Torticollis in a child may be caused by increased tone of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

How to identify the problem

From birth, the baby has certain reflexes, which normally should disappear between 1 and 4 months. Based on the severity, presence, and symmetry of such congenital reflexes, one can judge the presence of pathological hypertonicity in a child.

Support reflex and automatic moves. If a child is placed with his feet on a hard surface, he will rest his entire foot and straighten his legs. And if you tilt the baby forward in this position, he will “walk.” Normally, this reflex is pronounced until 1 month, and then it fades and disappears until 3-4 months. If it is determined at 5-6 months, we can talk about hypertonicity.

You can also check the tonic reflex. In the supine position, the child’s limbs are in an extended state, and in the prone position, the arms and legs are bent under the body. In case of hypertonicity, the arms and legs will bend in any position of the baby.

The support and automatic movement reflex allows us to identify hypertonicity in a child

Consequences and danger

So, why can hypertonicity, which is caused by the position of the fetus in the uterus, be dangerous? You should know that physiological hypertonicity disappears without a trace until 3-4 months and does not affect the baby’s health in any way. But pathological hypertonicity most often occurs due to damage to the baby’s brain tissue and can be very dangerous for the child.

The main pathological conditions that may indicate muscle hypertonicity in an infant:

  • Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy);
  • hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy;
  • syndrome of increased intracranial pressure;
  • birth injury;
  • cysts and brain tumors;
  • damage to the fetus by TORCH infections;
  • hereditary diseases of the nervous system (myotonia, myopathies);
  • spastic torticollis;
  • CNS infections;
  • vascular lesions of the brain.

In addition to the consequences of the underlying disease that caused hypertonicity, the child may experience the following consequences of this pathological condition:

  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • delayed motor development;
  • formation of abnormal gait and pathological posture;
  • development of pain syndrome;
  • speech disorder.

How to treat hypertension in an infant

The first rule in treatment is to get rid of the cause of increased muscle tone. And only after this is symptomatic therapy prescribed, which includes several techniques.

The main methods of treating hypertension in an infant are massage and exercise therapy. Therapeutic gymnastics You can do it yourself, but the massage should be done by a specialist.

Massage is a great way to eliminate muscle hypertonicity in a baby.

Also used in complex therapy:

  • warm relaxing baths, sometimes with the addition of soothing herbs (conifers, valerian);
  • warm paraffin wraps;
  • electrophoresis;
  • swimming for babies;
  • drug therapy ( medications should be prescribed only by a pediatric neurologist);
  • acupressure;
  • classes for gymnastic ball(fitball).

To summarize, it should be said that preventing hypertension and the diseases that cause it is much easier than dealing with muscle stiffness later. Therefore, you need to adhere to the principles healthy image life, and if pathology develops, consult a doctor immediately.

Increased muscle tone (hypertonicity)

Muscle tone disorders are one of the manifestations various diseases nervous system. The most common problem is hypertension.

Muscle tone– this is the residual tension of the muscles during their relaxation, or resistance to passive movements during voluntary muscle relaxation. In other words, this is the minimum muscle tension that remains in a state of relaxation and rest.

Changes in muscle tone can be caused by diseases and injuries on the different levels nervous system. Depending on the type of disorder, muscle tone may increase or decrease. As a rule, doctors in clinical practice are faced with the problem of increased muscle tone - hypertonicity.

Causes of increased muscle tone

Common causes of increased hypertension are the following types diseases and disorders:

  • vascular diseases of the brain or spinal cord with damage to the central nervous system (stroke);
  • diseases of the central nervous system in children (cerebral palsy);
  • demyelinating diseases (multiple sclerosis);
  • spinal cord or brain injuries.

IN to a lesser extent muscle tone is affected by mental and emotional state, temperature environment(cold increases and heat decreases muscle tone), the speed of passive movements. The state of muscle tone is assessed by the doctor during the study of passive movements.

Signs of muscle hypertonicity

General signs of muscles with increased tone: tension, tightness, decreased range of motion. In mild cases, hypertonicity causes some discomfort, a feeling of tension and muscle tightness. In these cases, the patient's condition improves after mechanical action (rubbing, massage). With moderate hypertonicity, muscle spasms are observed, which cause severe pain. In the most severe cases of hypertonicity, the muscles become very dense and react painfully to mechanical stress.

The main types of muscle hypertonicity are spasticity and rigidity.

With spasticity, the muscles are stiff, which interferes with normal movements and affects gait and speech. Spasticity may be accompanied painful sensations, involuntary crossing of legs, deformation of muscles and joints, muscle fatigue, slower muscle growth. The most common causes of spasticity are stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, encephalopathy, and meningitis.

Spastic hypertonicity is characterized by uneven distribution, for example, only the flexor muscles spasm.

With rigidity, the tone of skeletal muscles and their resistance to deforming forces sharply increase. Muscle rigidity in diseases of the nervous system, poisoning by certain poisons, or under the influence of hypnosis is manifested by a state of plastic tone - the muscles become waxy, and the limbs can be given any position. Rigidity, unlike spasticity, usually affects all muscles evenly.

Treatment of increased muscle tone

To treat muscle hypertonicity in adult patients, muscle relaxants (mydocalm, etc.) are most often used in combination with physiotherapy. In the treatment of local muscle spasms in certain cases Botulinum toxin may be used. To treat some forms of hypertension (for example, muscle stiffness in Parkinson's disease), medications that affect dopamine receptors are used.

Young children with signs of increased muscle tone are prescribed therapeutic massage, and in some cases, physical therapy.

Muscle hypertonicity in children

Increased muscle tone is a fairly common occurrence among newborns. In children, the peripheral nervous system has not yet been formed, so some disturbances in muscle activity appear. Common reasons muscle hypertonicity in children:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • illnesses suffered by a woman during pregnancy;
  • consequences of birth injuries;
  • intracranial hemorrhages;
  • congenital diseases of the central nervous system, etc.

A child with hypertonicity seems tense and tense, and does not relax even in sleep. His arms are crossed, his fists are clenched, and his legs are bent at the knees. A baby with hypertonicity holds his head well from birth, which is explained by the strong tone of the neck muscles, but this is bad. Normally, the baby begins to hold his head up independently 7-8 weeks after birth.

As a rule, increased muscle tone in children disappears on its own after a few months (3-4 months). But the potential danger of this condition cannot be underestimated - hypertonicity can lead to a disruption in the normal development of the child, which will subsequently affect his gait, posture, and ability to coordinate movements. Therefore, when signs of hypertonicity are detected, children are prescribed therapeutic massage or physiotherapy to normalize it.

Muscle hypertonicity is a pathological condition in which there is increased muscle resistance when performing any passive movements. Thus, during periods of relaxation and rest, muscle fibers remain tense. Increased muscle tone also creates an obstacle to performing voluntary actions.

In neurology, this pathological condition is diagnosed quite often. It occurs in both adults and children. This disorder has an extremely negative impact on a person’s ability to lead a full life, as it causes physical discomfort.

Causes of pathology

Hypertonicity of muscle tissue in most cases is a symptom of other pathological conditions and disorders. Muscle tone largely depends on the elasticity of muscle tissue and the correct functioning of motor neurons located in the spinal cord. In addition, the motor center of the brain is responsible for regulating muscle tone.

Thus, the appearance of hypertonicity may be the result of damage to both muscle tissue and the nerves of the central and peripheral nervous system that regulate tension and relaxation of the body’s muscles. The reasons for the development of hypertension in patients of different ages vary. In adults, the causes of this disorder can be divided into physiological and pathological. Physiological reasons for this problem include:

  • overstrain of muscle fibers;
  • being in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • defensive reaction to pain;
  • stressful situations and bruises.

With severe overstrain of the muscles, the energy accumulated in them is exhausted. This leads to the fact that the muscles freeze in a tense position until the necessary energy for relaxation is accumulated. Often, due to overexertion, spasm of the calf muscles of the lower leg occurs after running or intense physical exercise.

When staying in an uncomfortable position, overload occurs separate groups s muscles, which leads to an increase in their tone. Often such a violation occurs when working at a computer for a long time. Hypertonicity of the lumbar and cervical spine is often diagnosed.

With such prolonged tension, the back muscles do not relax completely even when the posture changes. With hypertonicity of the muscles of the neck and lower back, there is a high probability of lumbago. The spinal cord and the nerve endings that extend from it may be subject to compression.

Often, the appearance of spasticity in certain muscle groups can be a reaction to severe pain. This is often observed with vasospasm of the lower extremities. Less commonly, a similar problem occurs when the nerve roots of the spinal cord are damaged as a result of the progression of osteochondrosis. In this case, hypertonicity of the lumbar and cervical muscles is often observed.

TO pathological reasons The occurrence of muscle hypertonicity in adults includes disorders that occur in the following pathological conditions:

  • tumors of the spinal cord and brain;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • infectious lesion of the central nervous system;
  • spastic torticollis syndrome;
  • epilepsy;
  • vascular pathologies of the spinal cord and brain;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • dystonic syndrome;
  • tetanus;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • vasculitis;
  • lack of calcium;
  • hepatic encephalopathy;
  • hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke;
  • bruxism.

In children younger age symptoms of hypertonicity are often observed. The following disorders predispose to the appearance of such pathology in newborns:

  • hypoxia during fetal development;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • birth injuries;
  • intracranial hemorrhages;
  • congenital developmental anomalies;

There is an increased risk of developing this pathological condition in children born against the background of Rh conflict in the mother and fetus. Perinatal encephalopathy experienced by the child can contribute to the appearance of hypertonicity. The risk of developing pathology is higher in the presence of early and late toxicosis.

Localization of the disease

All muscles of the body can be affected by hypertonicity. Damage to the thigh and calf muscles of the legs is common. The subclavian, trapezius, deltoid and pectoral muscles may be affected.

In addition, a similar problem often affects the rhomboid muscles, as well as the elements involved in raising the scapula. When the spine is damaged, hypertonicity of the posterior cervical muscles is observed. Spasms of the quadratus lumborum muscle are often observed. The occipital muscle may also be affected.

Characteristic symptoms

The development of hypertonicity is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms. In adults, this pathological condition appears with the following symptoms:

  • feeling of tension;
  • increased muscle tissue density;
  • tightness;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • feeling tired;
  • deterioration of flexor function;
  • painful spasms;
  • tremor.

In children, in addition to these symptoms, additional signs appear. The presence of hypertonicity in a child may be indicated by impaired development of fine motor skills and movement coordination. Often, children at 3 months with hypertonicity still have a tendency to clench their hands into fists.

The baby begins to hold his head up too early. A trembling chin and frequent regurgitation may also indicate the presence of a similar problem in a child. In severe cases, children arch and throw their heads back. The emergence of a problem may be indicated by the support and automatic walking reflex. In this case, the child stands on one foot and at the same time tries to take a step with the other.

Diagnostic methods

If there are manifestations of hypertonicity, the patient requires consultation with a neurologist, since the presence of this pathology can be determined even by performing special neurological tests. Anamnesis is being collected. The patient may need to consult a psychiatrist and endocrinologist. After this, general and biochemical blood tests are performed.

The level of electrolytes and CPK in the blood must be determined. To determine the conduction speed of nerve impulses, an EMG is prescribed. To assess the patient's condition and identify the cause of the problem, CT and MRI may be prescribed.

A cerebrospinal fluid analysis is required. Often, to clarify the diagnosis, a biopsy of nerves and muscles is prescribed.

Treatment methods

To eliminate hypertonicity, therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the primary pathology that caused the problem. To relieve increased tone, various conservative treatment methods are used. Medications that have a sedative effect are often prescribed. These medications help suppress psycho-emotional stress.

In some cases, antispastic medications and muscle relaxants are prescribed to reduce hypertension. In addition, . can be introduced into the treatment regimen. In most cases only drug treatment is not enough to eliminate hypertension.

The course of therapy is introduced. At least 10 procedures are required to improve the condition. Electrophoresis procedures are introduced into the treatment regimen. Swimming and specially selected therapeutic exercises can help relax muscle fibers. Unlearn exercise therapy complex should be under the supervision of an instructor. In the future, you can do physical exercise at home.

To eliminate increased muscle tone, warm baths with herbal decoctions of thyme, chamomile, pine needles or valerian root may be recommended. Such decoctions can be made at home from herbs that are sold ready-made in pharmacies, because their recipe is extremely simple. To prepare a strong decoction for a bath, take approximately 50 g of the selected herbal component and pour 3 liters of boiling water. You need to put the mixture on the fire and boil for 5 minutes.

After this, remove the broth from the stove and leave for 3 hours. The composition must be filtered and added to the water collected in the bath. To reduce muscle tone, warm paraffin wraps and acupuncture are prescribed.

Folk remedies intended for oral administration are ineffective for hypertonicity. You should take such medications only on the recommendation of a doctor, because... in some pathological conditions that can provoke a problem, medicinal herbs may cause poor health.


Hypertonicity can be either a congenital or acquired pathological condition. Despite the fact that this disorder causes a lot of discomfort to the patient, with complex therapy it is possible to achieve a pronounced improvement. In mild and moderate cases, treatment can completely eliminate the problem.

The musculoskeletal system consists of a huge number of muscles that actively contract and provide people with movement. They are very elastic and stretchable fibers consisting of muscle tissue. When exposed to nerve impulses, a contraction process occurs. Muscles provide movement various parts our body, as well as the manifestation of emotions.

People perform various movements without problems, from the simplest - winking and smiling - to complex ones. Proper muscle activity ensures not only mobility, but also the normality of all organs and systems, as well as the processes occurring in them. The nervous system regulates the process of functioning of all muscle tissues and is a ligamentous link with the brain and spinal cord, and also takes an active part in the procedure of converting chemical energy into mechanical energy.

Long work and heavy loads contribute to muscle fatigue. Due to injury, as well as various diseases of the nervous system, the proper functioning of muscle fibers is disrupted and muscle tone occurs.

Muscle tone is the uncontrolled tension of muscle fibers, which results in their contraction while in a relaxed state. The main pathological conditions are:

  • muscle hypotonicity;


Hypotonia is a pathological change in which muscle tone decreases. Often this condition is diagnosed not only in children, but also in adults. As a result of this pathology, muscle fibers weaken and, over time, stop responding to impulses sent by the nervous system.


The main signs that indicate the presence of muscle hypotonia are:

  • severe muscle weakness;
  • the occurrence of atony;
  • decreased physical activity or its complete absence;
  • problems with the breathing process;
  • joint deformation;
  • the person is unable to sit independently, he falls into a lying position.


These changes can provoke more than a hundred diseases. As a result, there is a division into the following types:

  • diffuse;
  • local;

According to the degree of development of this condition, hypotonicity is divided into the following types:

  • gradually developing;
  • spicy.

Classification is also carried out in connection with the causative factors that provoke a decrease in muscle tone:

  • congenital – develops as a result of genetic abnormalities;
  • acquired – appears throughout life as a result of various systemic diseases.


Factors in the occurrence of muscle hypotonicity can be both genetic and other types of diseases. The main ones are:

  • Down syndrome;
  • Martin–Bell syndrome;
  • Rett syndrome;
  • Canavan disease;
  • Pituitary dwarfism;
  • Menkes disease;
  • dystrophic changes in muscles;
  • leukodystrophy;
  • atrophic processes in the spinal muscles;
  • meningitis;
  • polio;
  • sepsis;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • negative reaction to grafting;
  • celiac disease;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • jaundice;
  • rickets.


Muscle paralysis is a pathological condition that results in loss of important functions muscle necessary for motor activity. Muscle tone occurs due to conditions such as:

  • myopathy;
  • muscular dystonia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumor formation and hemorrhages in the brain and spinal cord;
  • accidents and various injuries.

Paralysis is divided into two types:

  • flaccid - this is a very strong decrease in the muscular torus, which leads to the death of muscle fibers;
  • spastic – characterized by excessively increased muscle tone, in which a person is unable to independently control the movements of his body.

In addition to the classification described above, there are certain diseases that are classified as paralysis. The main ones are:

  • Bell's palsy;
  • bulbar palsy;
  • Erb's palsy.

Bell's palsy

As a result of various factors affecting our face, damage to the facial nerve may occur, which will lead to its paralysis. The main reasons are:

  • hypothermia;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • injuries and surgical interventions.

The appearance of the disease brings with it many inconveniences and serious changes that reduce the quality of life and lead to disability. After a few weeks, some muscles lose function and then become completely paralyzed. As a result of such processes, a person cannot speak, eat, or close his eyes completely during sleep. It is extremely rare to experience a state of paralysis of all muscles on both sides of the face.

Bulbar palsy

This type of disease occurs due to damage to the brain stems and is characterized by impaired motor functions of the oral organs, pharynx and larynx. There are problems with speech, swallowing liquids and solid food. Breathing becomes difficult and suffocation and death can occur.

In medical practice, bulbar palsy is divided into two groups:

  • spicy;
  • progressive.

This type of paralysis is observed extremely rarely, but once it occurs, it cannot be completely eliminated. As a result, the patient's life expectancy can be several years.

Erb's palsy

This type very often occurs when a birth injury occurs to the brachial plexus. Damage to the fifth nerve of the spinal cord occurs. Difficult birth can result in paralysis of the muscles of the shoulder and forearm. Such cases are rare in newborn babies, but they do happen.

The child becomes restless, muscle tone decreases, problems arise with respiratory system and movements of the injured limb, or rather it is practically absent.


Paresis is a condition in which there is a decrease in muscle strength.
The resulting paresis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • when walking, a person shifts from one foot to another, like a duck;
  • motor activity of the limbs becomes difficult;
  • the head and feet hang down when lifting the leg up;
  • it is difficult for the patient to stand and sit.


Depending on the location, paresis is divided into the following types:

  • monoparesis – occurs in only one arm or leg;
  • hemiparesis – one side of the limb is affected;
  • paraparesis - localized only in both arms or legs;
  • tetraparesis - location is all limbs.


Paresis often occurs due to the following factors:

  • disruption of cerebral and spinal blood flow;
  • disseminated encephalomyelitis;
  • abscesses in the brain and spinal cord;
  • poisoning with various poisons;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • botulism;
  • epilepsy;
  • motor neuron diseases (amyotrophic sclerosis).


To determine the factor that causes an increase or decrease in muscle tone, a number of the following diagnostic methods are performed in a medical institution:

  • collecting data about the patient and his entire family;
  • examination of the affected areas by a specialist and checking for reflexes;
  • CT scan;
  • magnetic reflex tomography;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • genetic studies are carried out for hypotension;
  • myelography;
  • nerve conduction studies;
  • muscle fiber biopsy from the area where changes in muscle tone appear.

To thoroughly study the cause of pathological changes occurring directly at the site of muscle hypotonicity, topical diagnostics are used. During its implementation, a detailed study takes place:

  • peripheral nerve;
  • peripheral motor neuron in the spinal cord;
  • cerebellum.

Diagnosis of paresis, in addition to the above methods, is carried out on a 5-point scale:

  • 5 points - functions are not impaired, there is no paresis;
  • 4 points - slight decrease in muscle strength;
  • 3 points - significant decrease in muscle strength;
  • 2 points - muscle contraction when it is impossible to resist gravity;
  • 1 point - unproductive contraction of individual muscle bundles of the muscle;
  • 0 points - lack of muscle strength.

Based on the results of the diagnostic measures, a correct diagnosis will be made and an effective course of therapy will be prescribed that will help get rid of this condition and restore lost functions.


To treat hypotension, medications are used that will help cure the disease that causes muscle weakening.
A massage complex is performed, using active movements to influence weakened muscles. The following techniques are often used during manipulation:

  • tingling;
  • rubbing;
  • kneading;
  • tingling.

During the procedure, massage specialists apply pressure to special points that will help increase muscle tone.
Therapeutic gymnastics is also used. Performing a set of physical exercises helps strengthen muscles and maximize quick deliverance from hypotension.

Therapy for paralysis includes symptomatic treatment, and in parallel it includes therapeutic exercises, massage and medication. In addition to these measures, it is necessary to place the affected areas of the body in the correct position.
Treatment of paresis, as well as paralysis and hypotonicity, is aimed at eradicating the disease that provokes its occurrence. Thermal procedures are also used in conjunction with massage. As a result of such manipulations, blood flow and tissue trophism improve. The functionality of the affected limbs is restored.


Muscle hypotension can cause various unpleasant processes in the human body, such as:

  • metabolic disease;
  • gaining excess body weight;
  • deformation of the spinal column.

A course of therapy for paralysis does not guarantee that all muscle functions will be fully restored. Such people need special care, because they can be completely or partially immobilized for a long period. Staying in the same position for a long time provokes the development of a number of the following problems:

  • blood pressure increases or decreases greatly;
  • joint mobility worsens;
  • metabolic processes are disrupted;
  • the lungs are not fully functional;
  • problems of the urinary system;
  • disruption of the circulatory system;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • fainting.

Such people are recommended to use special compression devices that will help avoid thrombosis, and it is also very important to maintain body hygiene so that bedsores do not occur.

With paresis, a persistent neurological defect occurs, which leads to disturbances in social and labor adaptation.


To avoid such changes in muscles, you need to monitor your health and perform preventive measures, such as:

  • complete refusal bad habits(smoking, alcohol);
  • walks in the open air;
  • regular doctor's examinations;
  • getting rid of emerging diseases as quickly as possible.

Even in healthy newborns, the nervous system does not work properly at first, the arms and legs are enslaved and unable to make free movements. The body position is similar to that in which the baby was in the womb. If during pregnancy the baby's brain was affected by any negative factors, muscle tension can be excessive, which has a bad effect on its development. Muscle hypertonicity is the most common neurological diagnosis in children under one year of age. Let's figure out why increased tone is dangerous, in what cases this condition requires treatment, and what methods are used to relax the muscles of a newborn.

What is muscle hypertonicity

Hypertonicity in infants occurs due to insufficient development of nerve endings. Because of this, the brain does not receive impulses that cause the muscles to contract and relax. Hypertonicity is expressed in constant excessive muscle tension, often asymmetrical - one side of the body is more constrained. Healthy child keeps legs bent, fingers connected into a fist. In this case, the legs can be straightened without effort, and the fists can be unclenched. Hypertonicity leads to the fact that the legs can only be extended halfway. Because of this, the child is poorly mobile, constantly assumes the fetal position, holds his head not thanks to his own efforts, but only because he cannot relax his muscles.

A state of some muscle hypertonicity is normal for infants; it goes away on its own as the nervous system develops. If intrauterine development turned out to be pathological, without medical procedures and extensive treatment it won't work out.

Only a competent neurologist can determine the extent to which the muscles are in hypertonicity and the extent to which the development of the baby’s nervous system corresponds to the norm. Only a competent neurologist can prescribe treatment.

Why does muscle tone occur?

Normal, physiological hypertonicity occurs due to the fact that recent months During pregnancy, the baby is in a certain position - with the limbs drawn to the body, the chin pressed to the chest. After birth, this position remains for some time. Muscles begin to function properly by the age of six months, sometimes by a year.

Any factors that can influence the intrauterine development of the baby’s nervous system can lead to pathological muscle tone.

The main causes of hypertension:

  • infectious diseases suffered by a woman during pregnancy;
  • insufficient oxygen supply;
  • intoxication due to smoking, drug use or;
  • spinal injuries in cervical spine as a result of childbirth;
  • Rhesus conflict between mother and child.

Signs of hypertension

The following signs of hypertonicity are the reason to contact a neurologist:

  • the child tends to throw his head back;
  • head most time lowered to one shoulder or turned in the same direction;
  • a baby who is not even a month old holds his head up by himself;
  • , he flinches at the sounds;
  • attempts to unclench the limbs and fingers meet resistance, often painful for the baby.

As the child grows, the development of his body is asymmetrical - he better manipulates only one hand, in one direction, and tends to push off with one leg. A child with hypertonicity curls his toes and cannot fully stand on his foot, remaining on his toes.

If these symptoms of hypertonicity are detected, the baby should be shown to a pediatrician, who will determine the need to visit a neurologist.

Diagnostic measures

The initial diagnosis is based on observations of the infant's posture and movements. If the baby is pulled by the arms, they should straighten easily. When the muscles are too tight and hypertonicity is observed, the child’s body will begin to rise, and the arms will remain bent at the elbows. If the baby is positioned vertically, holding the head so that his feet touch the surface, he will rest on his full foot and his toes will be straightened.

To diagnose hypertonicity, the presence of the following innate reflexes is checked:

  1. Automatic walking. If an infant is placed on his feet and slightly tilted forward, he reflexively takes a step.
  2. When lying on his back, he straightens his spine and stretches his limbs; on his stomach, on the contrary, he bends his arms and legs.
  3. Asymmetrical reflex. When the baby's head is rotated, the tone of the extensor muscles on this side increases, the limbs are straightened, on the opposite side of the body the tone of the flexor muscles is better, the leg and arm are bent.

Normally, these reflexes disappear by three months of age. If they remain longer, this indicates hypertonicity.

To differentiate whether hypertonicity is normal or dangerous, many neurologists insist on performing neurosonography. This ultrasound test detects birth defects in brain development. It can be carried out only for children under one year old when they are still open. Electromyography may also be prescribed, which allows you to assess the condition of the muscles and nerve endings in them.

How can you treat

The goal of treating hypertonicity is to eliminate excessive muscle tension, normalize nervous processes, and general strengthening. Usually a relaxing massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy, swimming pool exercises are prescribed, and in some cases the baby has to be treated with medication. The scope of treatment for hypertonicity is determined by a neurologist; exercises and massage should be carried out only by specialists.

Self-study with the child is possible only after detailed instructions, since incorrect movements will only aggravate the problem.

Physical exercise

Physical exercise is necessary to stimulate physical activity and reduce hypertonicity. A physical therapy doctor can familiarize you with the set of exercises, and subsequently they are allowed to be performed at home. You need to do gymnastics with your baby when he is calm and well-fed. If you cry or feel anxious, it is advisable to interrupt the exercises.

The complex begins with movements that promote relaxation. Take the baby horizontally in your arms and give him a fetal position. In this position, you need to rock the baby away from you and toward you 10-15 times. Then take it vertically and swing it left and right. Good for reducing motion sickness muscle tone. You need to put the baby with his tummy on the ball and rock him evenly different sides. At this time, you can gradually straighten the limbs in which hypertonicity is detected.

Then shake the arms and legs. To do this, take the baby’s limbs one by one (hands by the forearm, legs in the calf area) and make several gentle shaking movements. If the baby is relaxed enough, this exercise is easy and the fingers move well.

In conclusion, they perform extensions - from a position on the back, first the arms bent at the elbows are spread to the sides, and then straight, lift them up together and alternately, draw circles and figure eights with their fists. The same movements are performed with the legs.

The amplitude of extension is needed to be small so that gymnastics does not cause discomfort to the child. Gradually, the movements of the limbs become more free, then they can be extended more strongly. The best effect from gymnastics is achieved when performed daily.

Water procedures

Muscle hypertonicity is weakened in infants in warm water, therefore, relaxing baths are used to treat it. To improve the effect, add motherwort, valerian, sage, eucalyptus, and conifers to the water. The course of treatment is usually 10 procedures and may include both plant collections and alternation of different herbs. They are selected by the attending physician depending on the child’s condition.

Swimming will also be useful for hypertension. At first, the child is placed in a regular bath, then you can visit the baby pool with him. To keep mom's hands free, it is convenient to use a special inflatable ring. Swimming can be combined with gymnastics; in warm water, movements are easier. Diving is prohibited for children with hypertonicity; it increases muscle tension.


The most commonly prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures are electrophoresis with relaxing drugs. Medicines Using an electric field, they are injected directly into the muscles, removing their tone. Electrophoresis is performed in a physiotherapist's office and the procedure takes no more than 15 minutes. Despite the menacing name, the treatment is painless; the child will only feel a slight tingling sensation.

It is also possible to prescribe paraffin wraps; they are usually used for hypertonicity of the legs. The effect of using paraffin is achieved through deep and prolonged warming of the muscles, which helps to relax them.

Drug treatment

Medicines are prescribed only when the above methods are ineffective and hypertonicity persists for up to 6 months. As a rule, these are B vitamins, muscle relaxants and nootropics, which have a calming effect.

Muscle relaxants affect those parts of the brain that are responsible for motor activity, weaken hypertonicity and relieve spasms. The most commonly prescribed are Baclofen and Mydocalm.

Nootropics include Cortexin, Hopantenic acid, and Semax. They affect brain functions, improve impulse transmission, and eliminate excessive excitement.

The need for massage

The purpose of the massage is to relax the baby’s muscles and relieve spasms. Massage for infants with hypertonicity needs to be gentle, it is performed with light rubbing movements, without effort. You can only trust your child professional massage therapist With medical education. It is also obligatory to have a certificate in the specialty “Children's massage”. A course for hypertonicity usually lasts from 10 to 15 days, by the middle of it the first results should be visible.

Even parents can perform the simplest massage movements, but the effect is not comparable to when a professional massages a baby.

Home massage:

  1. Stroking the fingers and toes with movements from the bases of the fingers to the nails.
  2. Stroking the arms from the shoulders to the palms, thighs and legs towards the feet.
  3. Gently rub the limbs and back in a circular motion.
  4. Stroking the soles from heel to toes.
  5. Lightly knead each finger individually.

Elements of such a relaxing massage can also be used in everyday communication mothers with babies, help improve their tactile contact.

What is the danger for the baby?

Hypertonicity is dangerous due to a number of consequences that persist throughout adult life. A child with overstrained muscles develops physically worse than his peers, as he is forced to constantly overcome muscle resistance.

Insufficient development of fine motor skills negatively affects his speech and mental abilities. Hypertonicity during the growth period leads to incorrect posture, worsens gait, and curves the spine. In adulthood, lack of treatment results in back and neck pain.

Timely diagnosis and treatment of hypertonicity allows you to completely restore the baby’s nervous system and relax its muscles.

be careful: if the development is not noticed in time, in the future it will result in serious pathologies.

Muscle tone refers to the presence of resistance in muscle tissue when performing passive movements in a joint. This is how muscle tone is examined. Symmetry is also compared in certain areas of the body, such as both arms or legs.

Muscle tone depends on:

  • elasticity of muscle tissue;
  • neuromuscular transmission conditions;
  • peripheral nerve fibers;
  • motor neurons of the spinal cord;
  • centers for the regulation of movements in the brain, its basal ganglia, reticular formation, cerebellum and brain stem, the state of the vestibular apparatus.

Thus, the causes of impaired muscle tone may be hidden both in damage to the muscle tissue itself and in the presence of pathology of the nervous system at all its levels (from peripheral to central). There are two groups of muscle tone disorders - hypotonicity (decreased) and hypertonicity (increased). It is the latter that will be discussed in this article.

What is muscle hypertonicity and how does it happen?

It is important to understand that muscle hypertonicity is not a separate disease, but just a symptom of a large number of ailments and pathological conditions, the main part of which are neurological problems.

In neurology, it is customary to distinguish between two types of muscle hypertonicity: spastic (pyramidal) and plastic (extrapyramidal).

The spastic type occurs when the structures of the pyramidal system (the chain of neurons that transmit movement commands to skeletal muscles from a center in the brain) are damaged. In case of damage to the central neuron of this system, spastic hypertonicity occurs. In this case, passive movements are performed with great difficulty (resistance), but only at the very beginning of the movement. Then the limb gives in easily, the so-called “jackknife” symptom. This symptom is especially noticeable if you perform movements very quickly. Since the reason lies in damage to the motor center of the brain, such disorders are very often widespread, that is, not one muscle is affected, but a whole group of them, for example, leg extensors, foot flexors in the lower extremities. The most obvious example of spastic hypertonicity is in patients who have suffered a stroke with damage to the motor centers of the brain.

The plastic type of hypertonicity is observed with damage to the extrapyramidal nervous system (a set of brain structures and nerve pathways that take part in the regulation and control of movements that do not require activation of attention, for example, maintaining a posture in space, organizing a motor reaction when a person laughs, cries, etc. ). This type of hypertonicity is also called muscle rigidity, which differs from spasticity in that resistance to passive movement is constantly present, and not just at the beginning of movement. A characteristic feature is that the limb freezes in the position that is given to it, the so-called “wax flexibility”. In the case of rapid performance of passive movements, the “gear wheel” symptom is characteristic - a kind of intermittency of resistance during passive movements. The most obvious example of plastic hypertonicity is in patients with Parkinson's disease.

In some cases, when the pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems are damaged, a mixed type of hypertonicity may occur, for example, with brain tumors. Such patients combine signs of spastic and plastic hypertonicity.

Muscle hypertonicity in adults

Increased muscle tone in adults does not always indicate pathology. It can also occur as a physiological process. But it is important to remember that in medicine, hypertonicity is a persistent increase, and temporary disturbances should rather be called muscle spasms.

Physiological reasons

Consider the following causes of muscle spasm:

  • Overstrain and fatigue of muscles. When muscles have to do a lot of work, their energy reserves are exhausted and the muscle fiber “freezes” in a state of contraction, since the process of muscle relaxation is not at all passive, but even very energy-consuming. Therefore, until the body replenishes its energy reserves, the muscle fiber will remain in spasm. Example: painful spasm in the calf muscles after a long run.
  • Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable or monotonous position with increased load on a certain muscle group. The mechanism of spasm development is the same as in the previous case. Most often, such a spasm occurs in the muscles of the neck when working at the computer for a long time, or in the back when working in the garden.
  • As a defensive reaction to pain. The development of spasticity of certain muscle groups can occur during pain syndrome as a protective reaction. For example, protective tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, spasm of the spinal muscles in cases of damage to the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae.
  • Bruises and stressful situations.

Pathological causes

There are many diseases that occur with muscle hypertonicity syndrome. Let's look at the most common of them:

  • Acute cerebrovascular accidents (ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke) – hypertonicity of the muscles of the extremities (thigh, foot, shoulder, hand), face, tongue occurs.
  • Tumors of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Spastic form of torticollis (hypertonicity of the sternocleidomastoid muscle).
  • Bruxism (hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles).
  • Dystonic syndrome.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Hepatic encephalopathy.
  • Myotonia.
  • Tetanus.
  • CNS infections.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Vascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Cerebral palsy.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of muscle hypertension includes two main areas:

  1. Elimination of the underlying disease.
  2. Correction of the consequences of pathology in the form of hypertonicity.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get rid of the root cause of the pathology. In such cases, only complex therapy, which includes the use of medications, massage, therapeutic exercises, psychotherapy, physiotherapeutic procedures and reflexology, will help alleviate the patient’s condition and relieve muscle rigidity.

Drug therapy can reduce the tone of spasmed muscles, reduce pain, improve the function of nerve fibers, and improve microcirculation in the affected tissues. Most often, muscle relaxants and antipsychotics, B vitamins, and metabolic agents are prescribed for this purpose. In some cases, botulinum toxin is used to eliminate increased tone. With its help, you can eliminate stiffness in certain muscles, for example, the facial, chin, etc.

Hypertonicity in a newborn baby

Increased muscle tone in a newborn baby is considered absolutely normal. During 40 weeks of intrauterine development, the child is in the fetal position in the uterine cavity, so it is not surprising that the baby, when born, has arms and legs tightly pressed to the body. As a rule, this muscle condition persists for the first 1-3 months of a child’s life. Next comes normotonia, when the tone of the flexors and extensors is approximately the same. This condition in pediatrics is usually called physiological hypertonicity of the infant.


You can suspect pathological hypertonicity in a small child in the following cases:

  • a child of 1 month or earlier holds his head confidently;
  • at 3 months the baby still has a tendency to clench his fists (the child does not open his hand to take a toy);
  • tilting the baby's head to one side;
  • when checking the support reflex and automatic walking, the baby stands on his full foot, and not just on his toes;
  • trembling of the baby's chin;
  • the child throws his head back, arching;
  • frequent regurgitation.

How to identify the problem

From birth, the baby has certain reflexes, which normally should disappear between 1 and 4 months. Based on the severity, presence, and symmetry of such congenital reflexes, one can judge the presence of pathological hypertonicity in a child.

Support reflex and automatic moves. If a child is placed with his feet on a hard surface, he will rest his entire foot and straighten his legs. And if you tilt the baby forward in this position, he will “walk.” Normally, this reflex is pronounced until 1 month, and then it fades and disappears until 3-4 months. If it is determined at 5-6 months, we can talk about hypertonicity.

You can also check the tonic reflex. In the supine position, the child’s limbs are in an extended state, and in the prone position, the arms and legs are bent under the body. In case of hypertonicity, the arms and legs will bend in any position of the baby.

Consequences and danger

So, why can hypertonicity, which is caused by the position of the fetus in the uterus, be dangerous? You should know that physiological hypertonicity disappears without a trace until 3-4 months and does not affect the baby’s health in any way. But pathological hypertonicity most often occurs due to damage to the baby’s brain tissue and can be very dangerous for the child.

The main pathological conditions that may indicate muscle hypertonicity in an infant:

  • Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy);
  • hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy;
  • syndrome of increased intracranial pressure;
  • birth injury;
  • cysts and brain tumors;
  • damage to the fetus by TORCH infections;
  • hereditary diseases of the nervous system (myotonia, myopathies);
  • spastic torticollis;
  • CNS infections;
  • vascular lesions of the brain.

In addition to the consequences of the underlying disease that caused hypertonicity, the child may experience the following consequences of this pathological condition:

  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • delayed motor development;
  • formation of abnormal gait and pathological posture;
  • development of pain syndrome;
  • speech disorder.

How to treat hypertension in an infant

The first rule in treatment is to get rid of the cause of increased muscle tone. And only after this is symptomatic therapy prescribed, which includes several techniques.

The main methods of treating hypertension in an infant are massage and exercise therapy. Therapeutic gymnastics can be performed independently, but massage should be done by a specialist.

Also used in complex therapy:

  • warm relaxing baths, sometimes with the addition of soothing herbs (conifers, valerian);
  • warm paraffin wraps;
  • electrophoresis;
  • swimming for babies;
  • drug therapy (medicines should be prescribed only by a pediatric neurologist);
  • acupressure;
  • exercises on a gymnastic ball (fitball).

To summarize, it should be said that preventing hypertension and the diseases that cause it is much easier than dealing with muscle stiffness later. Therefore, you need to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, and if pathology develops, consult a doctor immediately.

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