Home Beneficial properties of fruits Raspberry leaf tea - how to dry raspberry leaves for tea. Schisandra leaves: how to collect and dry, tea recipes.

Raspberry leaf tea - how to dry raspberry leaves for tea. Schisandra leaves: how to collect and dry, tea recipes.

- what is useful, what is included in the composition, how to prepare and use correctly, and for whom it may be harmful to health, read more below.

Healing tea from raspberry leaves - preparation secrets

To do this, take the mixture in equal proportions, add boiling water and leave for 5 minutes.

If desired, you can add berries to the finished drink and leave for another 3 minutes.

Then strain the resulting drink and take 3 times a day to improve the immune system.

  • For the treatment of gynecological diseases

Raspberry leaf tea can be used externally.

You need to take crushed leaves, roots and stems of the bush in equal proportions, add water and boil for 10 minutes.

Strain the finished product and perform douching or special baths for the treatment of candidiasis and inflammatory processes.

Drinking raspberry leaf tea in sufficient quantities late in pregnancy is believed to prepare a woman for an easier birth.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that the benefits of tea made from raspberry leaves are obvious, this remedy still has certain contraindications.

In particular, it is forbidden to consume it in the first months of pregnancy, since active substances can provoke uterine tone and lead to miscarriage. In addition, you should first consult a doctor.

In addition, you should stop taking this remedy if you are bothered by chronic constipation, have stomach problems, as well as asthma and allergies.

Tea with the addition of raspberry leaves will help get rid of many diseases, strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being.

If about others medicinal plants people find out only when the need arises for them, then birch is heard from the very beginning early childhood. Beautiful poems about birch, walking in a birch grove, collecting birch brooms for a bathhouse...

But it turns out that birch can not only provide aesthetic pleasure, but also has medicinal properties. Moreover therapeutic effect render all parts of the plant: bark, buds, Birch juice and leaves.

Medicinal properties of birch leaves and composition

  • The leaves and buds of birch contain saponins, betulorethic acid, essential oil, sugars, tannins, triterpene alcohols, inositol, flavonoids, phytoncides, vitamins A and C.
  • Leaves and buds have diaphoretic, diuretic and hemostatic effects.
  • Infusions are made from the leaves, which are drunk for neurasthenia and atherosclerosis.
  • An infusion of birch leaves improves metabolism.
  • The buds and leaves have a diuretic effect. They are added to herbal teas in the treatment of cystitis, nephritis, kidney stones, and edema (especially of cardiac origin).
  • Preparations from birch leaves are used for cardiovascular diseases.
  • Birch leaves are a good diaphoretic and are used for colds and feverish conditions.
  • Birch leaves are used externally to treat rheumatism, gout, skin rashes, eczema, as well as burns and bedsores.

How and when to collect birch leaves

Of all the types of birch, the most common are white birch, silver birch (or warty birch), and downy birch. Despite slight differences in appearance, any of these birches is suitable for collecting leaves for medicinal purposes.

The procurement rules for all types are the same:

  • Leaf collection is always carried out in an ecologically clean area away from industrial enterprises And highways.
  • Leaves should be collected in dry, sunny weather, when the leaves are well dry from dew.
  • Birch leaves are collected in May - during flowering, when the trees are strewn with catkins, and the leaves are still young and fragrant. At this time, they still have a glossy coating on them, which gives them a slight stickiness.
  • The leaves are torn off by hand, placed in loose piles and transferred to a place of permanent drying. A convenient way to collect leaves: you need to grab the base of the branch and move your hand, slightly clenched into a fist, to the top. Then all the leaves will easily separate from the branch and remain in the fist.

How to dry birch leaves

Dry the leaves in well-ventilated areas (in the attic or in the room), as well as on fresh air under a canopy (if it’s not damp outside at that time).

The leaves are laid out in a thin layer on paper or flooring. You need to make sure that the leaves do not stick together, as this will cause them to turn black or become moldy. Such raw materials cannot be stored. For the same reason, as well as for uniform drying, the leaves must be stirred frequently during drying.

To avoid gluing and for faster collection, leaves are sometimes harvested without tearing them off the branches - in the form of brooms. The branches are cut with pruners or a knife, tied several pieces together and dried in this form. And after the leaves dry, they are freed from the branches. But this method is the most unsuccessful, since with such preparation the raw materials can practically turn into dust.

This drying method is suitable if only a few leaves are needed for treatment, and for each infusion or decoction it is carefully separated from the branches. required quantity leaves. Or, on the contrary, in the future it is planned to steam the leaves in large quantities together with branches and used externally, for example, to treat rheumatism or skin rashes.

Store raw materials in a dry, cool place, folded in paper bags or canvas bags. Brooms are hung in vertical position"upside down" The shelf life of dried leaves is two years.

Fragrant and delicious berries Many people love raspberries. And they eagerly await their appearance, every day looking under the leaves to see if the long-awaited berries have appeared.

But this time can be spent usefully - preparing raspberry leaves both to maintain health and for brewing fragrant tea.

Berries, leaves and even twigs have beneficial properties.

Beneficial properties of raspberry leaves

  • Raspberry leaves contain vitamins A, B, C, E, so they are a good vitamin supplement that improves the taste of many herbal preparations.
  • This is a good diaphoretic used for colds.
  • Raspberries have a calming effect positive influence in the treatment of neuroses.
  • Raspberries have an astringent and hemostatic effect and therefore are successfully used for diarrhea and bleeding.
  • Berries and leaves improve metabolism.
  • Used for hypertension and atherosclerosis.
  • Leaves and berries are used for hemorrhoids, hypermenorrhea and skin rashes.

When to Harvest Raspberry Leaves

The leaves of wild raspberry species have the best medicinal properties. Raspberries grow on the edges of forests, near reservoirs, in ravines and among other shrubs.

Raspberry leaves are harvested during its flowering period (June - July) or shortly before it. since it is at this time that it accumulates in the leaves maximum amount useful microelements.

For this purpose, raspberry bushes are chosen away from roads, factories, garbage dumps and industrial waste. To harvest leaves, choose dry and sunny weather. Raspberry leaves are susceptible to infection by fungi and rust, so they must be completely dry from dew.

Only green leaves without signs of wilting or any damage are suitable for collection. For this purpose, it is best to pick young leaves located closer to the tops of the plant. You cannot pick all the leaves from the bush, as this greatly depletes the plant.

The leaves are picked by hand with or without a small petiole. It is possible to prepare leaves with short branches, which also help against certain diseases: bronchitis, laryngitis, herpes and as an expectorant.

Drying raspberry leaves

Freshly picked leaves contain a lot of moisture, and if drying is carried out in cloudy weather, the raw material will become moldy and rot. To prevent this from happening, the leaves are dried very quickly.

But raspberry leaves cannot be dried in the sun, because then the chlorophyll in them is destroyed and many useful substances evaporate.

The torn leaves are laid out in a thin layer on matting, special flooring or burlap in the shade, where the sun's rays do not reach, and dried with good air ventilation. To ensure that the leaves dry evenly, they need to be carefully tossed periodically.

Properly dried raw materials are dry, slightly curled leaves Green colour, which crumble well when rubbed between your fingers.

Brown, blackened or rotten leaves must be removed immediately, as they will spoil all the raw materials.

Drying raspberry leaves for tea

If raspberry leaves are prepared only for tea, then they can be immediately dried together with other plants that are stored for this action, for example, with currant, cherry or mint leaves, since the rules for drying and storage for these plants are the same as for raspberry leaves. You just need to remember that mint is a highly aromatic plant and therefore you need to add very little of it to the collection. Best of all, add it directly during brewing.

Making tea leaves from raspberry leaves

  • First, the leaves need to be dried in the shade.
  • Then put several leaves together and roll them tightly into tubes.
  • When the juice begins to stand out, place the twisted tubes in a bowl, cover with a damp cloth and leave for 5-8 hours to ferment – chemical process, which occurs in the leaves. The end of fermentation can be determined by a pleasant fruity aroma.
  • Then the leaves are cut into ribbons, laid out on baking sheets and dried in an oven or oven with the door open at a temperature not exceeding 100°. The raw materials must be mixed for uniform drying.
  • This tea is stored in glass jars with a screw-on lid, brewed as usual and drunk 2-3 glasses a day. Of course, if there are no allergies or other contraindications.

Storing dried raspberry leaves

Dried raspberry leaves are stored in glass jars with a well-closing lid so that their aroma does not evaporate. Storage in canvas bags is possible.

Raw materials are stored in a dry, dark, cool room. Shelf life 1-2 years.


Raspberry is a valuable medicinal plant that is actively used in folk medicine for the treatment of a whole range of diseases. All parts of this subshrub have beneficial properties, but this article will discuss how to properly harvest its leaves and how to prepare fermented tea based on them, which brings invaluable benefits to the human body.

Picking raspberry leaves

Raspberry leaves are harvested before flowering begins: at the end of May or at the very beginning of June. It is at this time that the maximum of useful microelements accumulates in the leaf blades of the plant. Plant materials intended for the preparation of fermented tea can be collected until the end of the fruiting phase: experienced experts claim that well-ripened leaves give the drink a more bright taste and aroma.

For collection, choose clear, warm, dry days. When harvesting, preference is given to plants growing in shady places away from roads, landfills, chemical storage facilities, farms and factories. The leaves are carefully torn off by hand or trimmed with scissors, carefully ensuring that only young, bright green leaf blades without obvious signs wilting or damage by insect pests.

Basic rules for drying raspberry leaves

The collected raspberry leaves are dried in the fresh air or in well-ventilated rooms, spread in a thin layer on thick paper or fabric. From time to time, the leaf blades are turned, thereby preventing them from caking. During drying, care must be taken to ensure that the plant material is not exposed to sunlight.

If necessary, raspberry leaves can be dried in a special dryer at temperatures up to 50°C. The finished medicinal raw material should consist of dry, slightly twisted, green leaf blades that are easily ground into powder. The leaf moisture level should not exceed 14%.

Principles of making raspberry leaf tea

The process of making tea from raspberry leaves includes several stages.

  1. Washing and drying the leaves. The collected plant materials are dried in darkened rooms at a temperature of about 23°C. The leaves are carefully washed and laid out on linen or cotton cloth in a layer 3-4 cm thick. They are tossed from time to time to prevent caking. On average, the drying process lasts about 10 hours.
  2. Freezing of plant materials. The dried leaves are transferred to a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for 2 days. When frozen, the cellular structure of the leaf blades begins to break down, and this, in turn, significantly facilitates the process of their further preparation for fermentation.
  3. Preparing for fermentation. At this stage, the cellular structure of the leaves is completely destroyed. You can achieve this goal in one of the following ways:
    • by rolling the leaves between the palms until they darken from the juice that appears (the resulting rolls are cut to obtain small-leaf tea);
    • by kneading the leaves in a deep bowl until the juice is released (large leaf tea);
    • by passing plant materials through a meat grinder (granulated tea).
  4. Fermentation of leaves. The prepared plant material is transferred to a deep plastic or enamel container, pressed with pressure and covered with a slightly moistened cloth. The container is placed in a room with a temperature of 22-26°C for 7-8 hours.
  5. Drying tea. The plant mass that has undergone the fermentation process is laid out on a baking sheet in a layer of 10 mm and dried in a slightly open oven at a temperature of 90-100°C for an hour. After the specified time, the tea is dried until ready at a temperature of 50°C. During drying, the leaves are constantly stirred, preventing them from sticking together and forming lumps.

Storing raspberry leaves

To store dry raspberry leaves, you can use paper bags, fabric bags or cardboard boxes. Tara with medicinal raw materials Place in a dry, well-ventilated place, protected from the sun. The shelf life of the leaves is 2 years.

Fermented tea is stored in glass or ceramic dishes with tightly screwed lids, in cardboard boxes or paper bags. The shelf life of the tea leaves is 2 years.


Herbal teas from leaves, flowers and fruits of various plants were widely known in Rus' long before black and green tea. These days they are often prepared from fresh or fermented leaves of garden shrubs with edible fruits. This drink has a number of healing qualities and, in addition, does not contain caffeine.

Herbal teas based on raspberry leaves and black currant- not only aromatic warming drinks, but also medicinal infusions. Like anything medicine, herbal tea must be prepared correctly - it is important not only to collect the leaves in time, but, in addition, to dry and brew them so that all beneficial features were preserved as much as possible. To do this, you need to know when is the best time to collect raspberry and currant leaves for tea.

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Leaf collection time

The leaves of many shrubs for preparing herbal tea must be collected at a time when they are still young and most fragrant:

  • It is recommended to collect black currant leaves in June (you must ensure that the leaf blades are clean, whole, and not affected by mushrooms);
  • The optimal time for collecting raspberry leaves is considered to be late spring and early summer.

Beneficial features

Black currant leaves, brewed as tea, have a number of medicinal properties:

  • Due to their high vitamin C content, they are useful for vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity;
  • Due to its diuretic and diaphoretic effect, this tea is used for kidney diseases and excessive swelling;
  • Phytoncides found in currant leaves, make them indispensable for colds, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, bronchitis, whooping cough and sore throat;
  • Infusions and decoctions of leaves have an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect;
  • Regular consumption of black currant tea increases appetite and reduces blood pressure, stimulates the functioning of the stomach, liver and intestines.

No less valuable qualities Raspberry leaves have:

  • They are used in treatment colds as an antipyretic and diaphoretic;
  • Raspberry leaf tea is used during epidemics of viral infections for prevention purposes;
  • Flavonoids contained in the leaves have hemostatic properties;
  • The antitoxic effect of raspberry leaves is widely known - they remove toxins and harmful substances from the body;
  • Astringent properties help with digestive disorders;
  • Raspberry leaf tea strengthens and stimulates the immune system.

Methods for harvesting leaves

The easiest way to prepare raspberry and currant leaves for long-term storage– normal drying:

  • It is necessary to spread the collected leaves in an even layer on paper or plywood and place them under a canopy or leave them in a well-ventilated area;
  • When the leaves are dry, cut them and lightly dry them in the oven.

A more labor-intensive method of drying leaves for herbal tea is fermentation:

  • Collected fresh leaves are scattered in an even layer in the shade for a day or day until they wither;
  • Then they are rolled in the palms so that the juice comes out;
  • After this, put it in a box and, covered with a damp cloth, leave for 7-9 hours to ferment;
  • Next, the fermented leaves are dried in the sun or in an oven at 100 degrees for 40 minutes.

The tea leaves should be large, 3-4 mm in size, otherwise the tea will turn out cloudy. Each type of leaf is dried and stored separately, and mixed when brewing.

For storage, it is recommended to use paper bags or cotton bags. You can also use glass, ceramic or enamel dishes with a tight-fitting lid. The shelf life of herbal tea should not exceed 2 years.

This article is provided exclusively by informational purposes and cannot be used as a guide to action without prior consultation with qualified specialist in the relevant area (by a doctor), who must determine the appropriateness and regularity of using herbal tea in each specific case.

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Many people love fragrant and tasty raspberries. And they eagerly await their appearance, every day looking under the leaves to see if the long-awaited berries have appeared.

But this time can be spent usefully - preparing raspberry leaves both to maintain health and for brewing fragrant tea.

Berries, leaves and even twigs have beneficial properties.

Beneficial properties of raspberry leaves

  • Raspberry leaves contain vitamins A, B, C, E, so they are a good vitamin supplement that improves the taste of many herbal preparations.
  • This is a good diaphoretic used for colds.
  • The calming effect of raspberries has a positive effect in the treatment of neuroses.
  • Raspberries have an astringent and hemostatic effect and therefore are successfully used for diarrhea and bleeding.
  • Berries and leaves improve metabolism.
  • Used for hypertension and atherosclerosis.
  • Leaves and berries are used for hemorrhoids, hypermenorrhea and skin rashes.

When to Harvest Raspberry Leaves

The leaves of wild raspberry species have the best medicinal properties. Raspberries grow on the edges of forests, near reservoirs, in ravines and among other shrubs.

Raspberry leaves are harvested during its flowering period (June - July) or shortly before it, since it is at this time that the maximum amount of useful microelements accumulates in the leaves.

For this purpose, raspberry bushes are chosen away from roads, factories, garbage dumps and industrial waste. To harvest leaves, choose dry and sunny weather. Raspberry leaves are susceptible to infection by fungi and rust, so they must be completely dry from dew.

Only green leaves without signs of wilting or any damage are suitable for collection. For this purpose, it is best to pick young leaves located closer to the tops of the plant. You cannot pick all the leaves from the bush, as this greatly depletes the plant.

The leaves are picked by hand with or without a small petiole. It is possible to prepare leaves with short branches, which also help against certain diseases: bronchitis, laryngitis, herpes and as an expectorant.

Drying raspberry leaves

Freshly picked leaves contain a lot of moisture, and if drying is carried out in cloudy weather, the raw material will become moldy and rot. To prevent this from happening, the leaves are dried very quickly.

But raspberry leaves cannot be dried in the sun, because then the chlorophyll in them is destroyed and many useful substances evaporate.

The torn leaves are laid out in a thin layer on matting, special flooring or burlap in the shade, where the sun's rays do not reach, and dried with good air ventilation. To ensure that the leaves dry evenly, they need to be carefully tossed periodically.

Properly dried raw materials are dry, slightly curled green leaves that crumble well when rubbed between your fingers.

Brown, blackened or rotten leaves must be removed immediately, as they will spoil all the raw materials.

Drying raspberry leaves for tea

If raspberry leaves are prepared only for tea, then they can be immediately dried together with other plants that are stored for this action, for example, with currant, cherry or mint leaves, since the rules for drying and storage for these plants are the same as for raspberry leaves. You just need to remember that mint is a highly aromatic plant and therefore you need to add very little of it to the collection. Best of all, add it directly during brewing.

Making tea leaves from raspberry leaves

  • First, the leaves need to be dried in the shade.
  • Then put several leaves together and roll them tightly into tubes.
  • When the juice begins to release, place the twisted tubes in a bowl, cover with a damp cloth and leave for 5-8 hours for fermentation, a chemical process that occurs in the leaves. The end of fermentation can be determined by a pleasant fruity aroma.
  • Then the leaves are cut into ribbons, laid out on baking sheets and dried in an oven or oven with the door open at a temperature not exceeding 100°. The raw materials must be mixed for uniform drying.
  • This tea is stored in glass jars with a screw-on lid, brewed as usual and drunk 2-3 glasses a day. Of course, if there are no allergies or other contraindications.

Storing dried raspberry leaves

Dried raspberry leaves are stored in glass jars with a well-closing lid so that their aroma does not evaporate. Storage in canvas bags is possible.

Raw materials are stored in a dry, dark, cool room. Shelf life 1-2 years.

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