Home Trees and shrubs Read Ant and Dragonfly on. Amazing school essay about Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and the Ant

Read Ant and Dragonfly on. Amazing school essay about Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and the Ant

The fable "Dragonfly and the Ant" by Krylov will tell the children how the lazy Dragonfly was rejected by the Ant in an attempt to take advantage of the fruits of his labor.

Read the text of the fable:

Jumping Dragonfly
Summer sang red
I didn't have time to look back,
As winter rolls into your eyes.
The field is dead,
There are no longer those bright days
As under each leaf of her
Both the table and the house were ready.

It's all gone: with a cold winter
Need, hunger comes
The dragonfly no longer sings
And who will go to mind
Sing hungry on your stomach!
Dejected by an angry longing,
She crawls to the Ant:
Don't leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather strength
And until spring only days
Feed and warm up!

Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work in the summer?
Ant says to her.

Before that, my dear fellow, was it?
In soft ants we have -
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So, that turned my head.

Oh, so you ...

I sang a whole summer without a soul.

Did you all sing? This case:
So go and dance!

Moral of the dragonfly and the ant fable:

The moral of the fable is that a lazy person condemns himself to death. And don't count on the one who long time worked hard, will share the results of his work with a bum. It often turns out that a person leads an idle lifestyle, squanders all his possessions, and after that turns for help, for example, to relatives. Should they help him? Of course not. In the same way as the Ant advises the Dragonfly to go dancing, you can directly indicate to such hangers their place.

Dragonfly and ant drawing

Fable dragonfly and ant read text

Jumping Dragonfly
Summer sang red
I didn't have time to look back,
As winter rolls into your eyes.
The field is dead,
There are no longer those bright days
As under each leaf of her
Both the table and the house were ready.

It's all gone: with a cold winter
Need, hunger comes
The dragonfly no longer sings
And who will go to mind
Sing hungry on your stomach!
Dejected by an angry longing,
She crawls to the Ant:
Don't leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather strength
And until spring only days
Feed and warm up!

Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work in the summer?
Ant says to her.

Before that, my dear fellow, was it?
In soft ants we have -
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So, that turned my head.

Oh, so you ...

I sang a whole summer without a soul.

Did you all sing? This case:
So go and dance!

Dragonfly and Ant - Moral of Ivan Krylov's Fable

Did you all sing? This case:
So go and dance!

Morality in your own words, the main idea and meaning of the fable Dragonfly and the ant

The moral of this fable is that if you do not want to be left homeless and starve to death, then you need to work. Here there is a clear condemnation of lazy people and people who loved to live at someone else's expense.

Thus, the essence of this fable applies not only to insects, but also to humans. Indeed, among them there are those who will live without thinking about anything, and then ask for help. You do not need to live in one day, you must always take care of the future and think not only about yourself, but also about loved ones. Perhaps someone will think that the ant acted too cruelly towards the dragonfly. Alas, such people cannot be helped knowing that they have not even bothered to do anything.

Time needs to be saved. Otherwise, you can miss it. You need to do everything on time.

Analysis of the fable Dragonfly and the ant, heroes of the fable

Another adaptation of the famous Aesop story was Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant." However, as Zhukovskaya notes, this fable cannot be considered a simple translation, because Krylov, taking the plot as a basis, reworked the classic plot and added national Russian flavor to the image of the Dragonfly and the world surrounding the heroes. The main acting character is the lovely dragonfly.

Krylov gives a detailed description of the character in the fable, emphasizing its lightness, liveliness, agility and gaiety. The dragonfly is the personification of the "red summer", beautiful and very short. Focusing on the transience of time, Krylov opens a new milestone in the classic plot, because neither Aesop nor European fabulists attach such importance to this.

And the whole point is in the transience of the Russian summer, in which winter (like the Dragonfly) comes unexpectedly. Krylov uses common word"Jumping girl" to convey the moral quality of the Dragonfly, which is reverse side her liveliness and gaiety - frivolity. And in terrible despair, the Dragonfly, who has not seen the horrors of the whitened fields and winter blizzards, runs to the Ant, which acts as the antipode of the Dragonfly.

The Dragonfly and the Ant fable is a prime example of two opposites. V in this case one of them is laziness, and the second is hard work. The main characters are a dragonfly and an ant. The plot of the fable is that a dragonfly, not prepared for winter, asks the ant to live until spring. All summer she sang songs and lived carefree, because she had food and shelter. The dragonfly lives for today without thinking about the future. She was not prepared for the winter, and in winter it is not easy to survive even if prepared. At the same time, the ant was preparing for the winter, storing food.

Winter is coming, but the dragonfly is not prepared in summer. Then she goes and asks the ant for help. Her request is to provide her with accommodation and food until spring. She thinks that the ant will not refuse her, because she needs housing for a short time. The ant was indifferent to her request and added that in the summer it was necessary to take care of himself and the food supplies. He asked if she worked in the summer. She was surprised by this question, because in the summer there are a lot of pleasant things to do, despite the fact that you need to prepare for the winter. Probably, he expected such an answer and therefore refused her. He said that she can continue to sing and have fun. The author shows what consequences idleness can lead to on the example of a dragonfly. The dragonfly did not think that the ant had to work and, perhaps, it was not easy to collect food supplies and build a dwelling. She just wanted to come to everything ready.

Here you can see hidden meaning, after all it comes not only about insects. If you transfer this to people, then it will be the same. Someone cares about the future and tries to do what is best, while others do not think about anything and live for their own pleasure. Many want to live without thinking about anything, but for someone to do everything for them. But this does not happen. To achieve something, you have to work hard and think not only about yourself.

main characters


The ant is a small, hardworking and sedate living insect. However, asking for shelter from Ant, the "jumping girl" does not repent of her behavior, does not want to improve, but only asks for shelter until "spring days", so that later she can enjoy the merry summer days again. With this, Krylov emphasizes the incorrigibility of the "jumpers", their constant craving for laziness, frivolity and idleness. The life of such people is meaningless and harmful to those around them, and those who shelter the likes of the Dragonfly may run into ingratitude and begging. The author condemns people who live only one day, do not think about the future and want to live at the expense of others.

On behalf of Ant, Krylov pronounces a dry verdict: “You all sang? So go and dance. "

In the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant", Krylov showed the ant as an intelligent and hardworking creature who works, regardless of the season and thinks about tomorrow.


While the dragonfly behaves stupidly and frivolously, having lived the whole summer without worries, and with the arrival of winter asks for help from the "godfather".

In life, this often happens to people: some work almost around the clock, thinking about the future and their family, while others simply sit back in search of easy money, and then ask for help from people close to him. It often happens that some people live at the expense of others without a twinge of conscience.
Moral: If you want to be well-fed and warm in winter, you need to work all summer. Every line of the fable speaks about this.

Essay on the theme of Krylov's Fable Dragonfly and an ant (grade 5)

Among a large number fables written by I.A. Krylov, fables, the heroes of which are animals, occupy a special place. And since this genre of literature is based on allegory, animals carry not only some features, but also whole characters. A prime example of this is the dragonfly and the Ant fable.

Krylov took the plot about the hardworking Ant and the careless Dragonfly from the French poet-fabulist La Fontaine. However, Krylov's fable, unlike its predecessor, is more reminiscent of a fairy tale about animals, where each character is endowed with a certain character trait. The ant personifies diligence, the Dragonfly - frivolity.
Young, carefree dragonfly everything summer days spends in dancing and fun. She doesn't need anything, she doesn't think about tomorrow. The main thing for her is to jump, jump, sing and dance.

The complete opposite of it is the Ant, which works all day. He works hard, storing up supplies so that he can spend the winter calmly.

Cold days come, and then Dragonfly realizes that she has nowhere to hide. Hungry, frozen, she asks Ant to let her overwinter. The ant is surprised, what has the Dragonfly been doing all summer days? The answer that she "sang and danced" makes him indignant. “Did you sing everything? This is the case: go on and dance! ”- he advises her. These words contain the main moral of the fable: for laziness and carelessness, reckoning always comes.
This is the case with people: one must live not only for today, but also think about the future.

Option 2 Analysis of Krylov's fable Dragonfly and ant 2 class

Dragonfly and ant. One of the most revealing, instructive and relevant fables at any time. For children and adults. For representatives of various classes and strata of the population.

Few know about this, but the very idea of ​​the fable did not belong to Krylov. He only spied on it from another fabulist - La Fontaine and altered it in his own way. And La Fontaine, in turn, took Aesop's story as the basis of the fable. This shows how old the very idea of ​​the fable is and how accurately the theme was noticed even during the heyday of Ancient Greece.

This is how life itself is arranged: in order to survive hard and fierce times (in the fable - winter), you need to prepare for them in times not so difficult (in the fable - summer).

Per easy at times and carefree, when in the ant you can frolic and sing without a soul every hour, hard times always follow. And this applies not only to the changing seasons. Rich years give way to crises, peace to war, fruitful years to years of drought. In the fable, the seasons are taken as a basis for clarity. In order to show the inevitability of the change of times, so obvious for a practical ant and for some reason turned out to be an unpleasant surprise for a windy dragonfly.

So: summer. At a time when, in theory, you can happily dance, the ant diligently prepares for the winter. Stores food, firewood, insulates the dwelling. Who knows: maybe he himself is happy to dance and sing. But the mind takes over the emotions, and the ant realizes that if he sings now, then in winter he will still "oh, how will he sing." The ant has an adult outlook on things. He knows how to draw conclusions from situations, knows how to see life every other day, week, months, understands the causal relationship between actions now and the consequences in the future. Prepared for winter - will not freeze, will not die of hunger, will survive. Will sing - certain death in winter. Among other things, he, having an adult outlook on things, is used to relying only on himself. Despite the fact that ants live in a huge society of their own kind (as well as people), and may well rely on the help of loved ones, he does everything himself, just in case.

What does a dragonfly do? The dragonfly has an infantile childish thinking, despite the fact that in the fable it is not represented at all as a child. She lives for today. She is not interested in what will happen tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and even more so in a few months. “It's warm now, good, why waste time and limit yourself in something? Why bother yourself with work, when both the table and the house are ready for me under every leaf? " - so she thinks. In addition, the dragonfly has absolutely no idea that life can change. Today is summer, and everyone is happy to hear her sing. And tomorrow is winter, and people have no time for songs. The second moment of the infantile thinking of the dragonfly: she is used to living at someone's expense. After all, in the summer it turned out that way. Therefore, she calmly expects that this trend will continue in winter.

And surely the ant would be glad to shelter this adult child if he himself was a big fan of singing. After all, singing - if it pleases the ear - can also be work. People pay for art. Connoisseurs. The ant is not a connoisseur. The ant is a hard worker, and at the same time a teacher. And not rich, apparently. the main task- survival. He's not soulless. He is not greedy ("I worked, but you - no! Look, I was found!"). He decides to teach the dragonfly a little wisdom. When an ant sarcastically recommends a dragonfly to change its role from a singer to a dancer, he at the same time recommends that the dragonfly "move", "work hard", dance, so as not to freeze. The expression of the ballerinas “If you want to live - be able to spin” has a double meaning, the phrase of the ant “So go and dance” also has a double meaning. Perhaps the expression "She will dance with me" has its roots in the same fable.

I would like to hope that winter will teach a dragonfly a lot. Even if the carefree Madame Dragonfly finds a kind soul, ready to shelter her for singing in the evenings by the fireplace, she will first have to receive a number of refusals and moralizing from wise ants.

The fabulist wrote Sheets and Roots in order to convey to people the problems of the state and society, the meaning of a common cause, the discrepancy of interests, actions and much more.

  • Aesop's Fable The Man and the Serpent

    The fable shows that an evil soul not only does not pay with gratitude in return for good, but even rebelles against the benefactor.

  • In 1808, Ivan Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant" was published. However, Krylov was not the creator of this plot, he translated into Russian the fable "The Cicada and the Ant" by Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695), who, in turn, borrowed the plot from the Greek fabulist of the 6th century BC. Aesop.

    Aesop's prose fable "The Grasshopper and the Ant" looks like this:

    V winter season the ant pulled out its supplies from a secret place to dry, which it had accumulated in the summer. The starving grasshopper begged him for food in order to survive. The ant asked him: "What did you do this summer?" The grasshopper replied: "I sang without resting." The ant laughed and, putting away the supplies, said: "In winter, dance, if in summer you sang."

    La Fontaine changed this plot. Aesop's Grasshopper male turned into La Fontaine cicada female... Since the word "ant" (la Fourmi) in French also feminine, then the plot turned out not about two men, like Aesop's, but about two women.

    Here is the translation of La Fontaine's fable "La Cigale et la Fourmi" / Cicada and Ant from N. Tabatchikova:

    Summer whole Cicada
    Day after day I was glad to sing.
    But goes away summer is red,
    And there are no provisions for the winter.
    She did not starve,
    She ran to Ant,
    Borrow from a neighbor, if possible, eat and drink.
    "As soon as summer comes to us again,
    I'm ready to return everything in full, -
    Cicada promises her. -
    I will give the floor if necessary. "
    The ant is extremely rare
    Gives in debt, the trouble is that.
    "What did you do in the summer?" -
    She says to a neighbor.
    "Day and night, do not blame me,
    She sang songs to everyone around. "
    “If so, I am very glad!
    Now dance! "

    As we can see, Cicada not only asks for food from the Ant, she asks for food on credit. However, Muravyha ​​is devoid of usurious inclinations and refuses her neighbor, dooming her to death by starvation. The fact that La Fontaine predicts death between the lines of the cicada is clear from the fact that the main character is the cicada. In Plato's dialogue "Phaedrus" about cicadas, the following legend is told: "Cicadas were once people, even before the birth of the Muses. And when the Muses were born and singing appeared, some of the people of that time were so delighted with this pleasure that among the songs they forgot about food and drink, and in self-forgetfulness they died. From them after that came the breed of cicadas: they received such a gift from the Muses that, being born, they do not need food, but immediately, without food and drink, they begin to sing until they die. "

    Ivan Krylov, having conceived to transfer La Fontaine's fable into Russian, was faced with the fact that the cicada was little known in Russia at that time and Krylov decided to replace it with another female insect - a dragonfly. However, at that time, two insects were called a dragonfly - actually a dragonfly and a grasshopper. Therefore, Krylov's "dragonfly" jumps and sings like a grasshopper.

    Jumping Dragonfly
    Summer sang red;
    I didn't have time to look back,
    As winter rolls into your eyes.
    Pure field has died;
    There are no longer those bright days
    As under each leaf of her
    Both the table and the house were ready.
    It's all gone: with a cold winter
    Need, hunger comes;
    The dragonfly no longer sings:
    And who will go to mind
    Sing hungry on your stomach!
    Dejected by an angry longing,
    She crawls to the Ant:
    “Don't leave me, dear godfather!
    Let me gather strength
    And until spring only days
    Feed and warm up! " -
    “Gossip, this is strange to me:
    Did you work in the summer? " -
    Ant says to her.
    “Before that, my dear, was it?
    In soft ants we have
    Songs, playfulness every hour,
    So that turned my head. " -
    "Oh, so you ..." - "I am without a soul
    Summer all sang whole. " -
    “Did you all sing? this case:
    So go and dance! "

    Krylov's ant is much more cruel than the ants of Aesop or La Fontaine. In other plots, Grasshopper and Cicada only ask for food, i.e. it is understood that they still have a warm shelter for the winter. From Krylov, Dragonfly asks Ant not just food, but also warm shelter. The ant, refusing the Dragonfly, dooms her to death not only from hunger, but also from the cold. This refusal looks even more cruel, given that a man refuses a woman (Aesop and La Fontaine communicate with same-sex creatures: Aesop has men, and La Fontaine has women).

    Dragonfly and ant. Artist T. Vasilieva

    Dragonfly and ant. Artist S. Yarovoy

    Dragonfly and ant. Artist O. Voronova

    Dragonfly and ant. Artist Irina Petelina

    Dragonfly and ant. Artist I. Semenov

    Dragonfly and ant. Artist Yana Kovaleva

    Dragonfly and ant. Artist Andrey Kustov

    Krylov's fable was filmed twice. This happened for the first time in 1913. Moreover, instead of a dragonfly, for the reasons already mentioned, a blacksmith participates in the cartoon by Vladislav Starevich.

    The second time Krylov's fable was filmed in 1961 by director Nikolai Fedorov.

    Writers in their moralizing works ridicule human vices... In IA Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant" we also see the shortcomings of people through the images of heroes and learn the main idea, morality, which the author has prepared for the readers.

    Each didactic work contains morality: the main idea that the author wanted to convey to us. Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant" also contains it. She, as expected in such works, is at the very end. And in front of her, whole events unfold in front of readers, showing human qualities and vices in the person of an ant and a dragonfly.

    It all starts with the fact that I.A.Krylov draws before our eyes how the summer has changed cold winter, the field was dead, and cold and need came. The dragonfly did not prepare for this, all summer she sang and sobered. And now she has no time for songs, she wants to eat and warm up, but there is nothing and nowhere. She made a request to an ant who had been working all summer to prepare for winter. He answered the dragonfly with sarcasm, telling her that since she was singing, then let him go and dance.

    Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant" shows us both the vices and the positive qualities of people. After all, insect heroes are chosen to be ridiculed human handicaps... In the image of a dragonfly, the author shows that category of people who do not think about the future. They are lazy and have an idle lifestyle. When times are tough, they try to escape with the help of other people's labor. It is no coincidence that the author chose such an insect as a dragonfly as one of the heroes. Indeed, among the people, frivolous people are often called so. Since ancient times, the ant has personified the image of a hard worker who is always busy with the improvement of his home and the search for supplies.

    The moral of the fable

    Any didactic work ends with the author leading the readers to the main idea. Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant" has the following moral: there always comes a moment when you have to pay for your idleness. Therefore, you need to be able not only to have fun, but also to work.

    This fable is always relevant, because it shows us how someone is trying to survive at the expense of someone else's labor, without doing anything for this. V real life there are always dragonfly people and ants people. Some only want to have fun, while others think about the future. This is what Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant" shows us. Moral of the fable: Everyone reaps its benefits.


    Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant", with the help of its heroes, shows us two types of people: the idle and the working people. However, it is still worth considering that these images are not just opposite. They also depict two extremes: excessive slovenliness and excessive industriousness. You need to be able to work and rest, but it is worth remembering that the first thing is work, and then rest and entertainment.

    Aryanov N., Krivokhizhin V.

    Project Manager:

    Sabinskaya Tatiana Anuprievna


    GBOU Secondary School No. 2 "OC" s. Kinel-Cherkasy

    V research work on literature "Secrets of the fable by IA Krylov" Dragonfly and the Ant "" the authors learn the history of the creation of the famous fable, perform a literary and biological analysis of the work. A survey is conducted, a literary and biological comparison of heroes is established, intersubject connections.

    Chapter 1. Fable and great fabulists.
    Chapter 2. The history of the creation of the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant"
    Chapter 3. Literary and biological analysis of the fable.
    List of used literature.


    The fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov are familiar to everyone with early childhood... But are you sure that you know well your favorite works and everything connected with them?

    If you read the familiar lines more closely, many questions may arise. It became such a mystery for me fable "Dragonfly and Ant"... Why did the fabulist make these insects his heroes?

    The highlighted contradiction made it possible to determine research problem: what is the secret of Krylov's fable?

    Object of study: fable by I.A. Krylova "Dragonfly and Ant".

    Subject of study: images of a dragonfly and an ant from the point of view of literature and entomology.

    Research hypothesis: the idea of ​​the author of the fable will be more understandable if we learn the history of the creation of the fable and analyze the images of the main characters.

    Fables I.A. Krylov are included in school curriculum on literature, therefore, this study is relevant, as it will help me and my classmates in understanding the work of the great Russian fabulist.

    Purpose of the study: learn the history of the creation of the fable by I.A. Krylova " Dragonfly and ant»And perform a literary and biological analysis of the work.

    Research objectives:

    • study literary sources about the history of fables by different authors;
    • study the literature on insects;
    • conduct a survey of class students in order to identify information that they know about Krylov's fables;
    • to conduct a literary and biological comparison of the heroes of the fable;
    • on the basis of the work carried out, establish interdisciplinary connections and draw a conclusion about the role various subjects in the formation of a diverse picture of the world.

    Research methods:

    1. Questioning classmates;
    2. Analysis of information sources;
    3. Comparative analysis.

    The practical significance of the study:
    Factual material, conclusions and results research project can be used as additional (illustrative) material in the study of literature, biology, extracurricular activities.

    Chapter 1. Fable and great fabulists

    What is a fable? Each student gets to know her, meeting already in primary school... He meets and immediately forgets.

    Fable- a rather unpopular genre, since it is perceived only as a moral teaching, or, in extreme cases, as little story entertainment plan.

    Fable undeservedly remains in the shadows, giving way to other genres. Why? Maybe we just don't know much about her !?

    What is a fable, where did she come from, of what is it “made, woven” and why is it gathering dust on the far shelf? Let's try to figure it out.

    1. What famous fabulists do you know?
    2. What are the fables of I.A. Have you read Krylov?
    3. Who became the hero of Krylov's demons?
    4. Do you know the story of the Dragonfly and the Ant fable?

    100% of the students named I.A. Krylov, 45% remembered Aesop.

    - "A Crow and a fox";
    - "Pig under an oak tree";
    - "The wolf in the kennel";
    - "Dragonfly and Ant".

    Animals and insects became the heroes of the fables. And the story of the fable " Dragonfly and Ant"Few know.

    « A fable is an allegorical, instructive story, a story, a fable, a parable, where it is customary to deduce animals and even things verbal". [No.2, v.1, p. 52]
    « Fable - a short allegorical moralistic poem, story". [No. 4, p. 37]

    The most famous in the world, perhaps, were only three sages-fabulists: the Greek slave Aesop, the French nobleman Lafontaine and our Russian "grandfather Krylov". Gogol called the collection of Krylov's fables "the book of wisdom of the people themselves."

    Krylov's fables were known not only in Russia: even during the author's lifetime, many of them were translated into Western European languages ​​and gained popularity in France, Germany, and England.

    The ancestor of fable as a genre, as well as the creator artistic language allegories, the Aesopian language, which has not lost its relevance from ancient times to the present day, is considered Aesop.

    Aesop- semi-legendary figure ancient greek literature, fabulist who lived in the YI century BC. Was Aesop historical person- it is impossible to say. Aesop's life story did not exist. Historians wrote only that Aesop was a slave on the island of Samos, then was released, lived during the time of the Egyptian king Amasis and was killed.

    He could not frankly condemn human vices, so he turned to fables, in which he expressed his thoughts not directly, but with the help of intricate allegories: it is said about a fox and grapes, but it is necessary to mean a person and the object of his aspirations.

    His fables have long been glorified throughout the world, and all later fabulists were influenced by his talent.

    Jean de La Fontaine- also famous, but only a French fabulist. His father served in the forestry department, and Lafontaine spent his childhood among forests and fields. In 1668, the first six books of fables appeared, under the modest title: "Fables of Aesop, transcribed into verses by M. de La Fontaine"

    The artistic significance of La Fontaine's fables is promoted by his figurative language, richness and variety of poetic form.

    Great Russian fabulist I.A. Krylov- was a writer of rare destiny. Born in Moscow into the family of a poor army captain. After his father retired, the family settled in Tver. After the death of his father, the family was left without any means of subsistence, and from the age of ten, Krylov had to work as a scribe in the Tverskoy court.

    In the winter of 1782, Krylov moved to St. Petersburg and entered the office in the office. In St. Petersburg, he found what he dreamed of: educated people, books, theater. He created a new satirical magazine "Spectator", which immediately became popular.

    He discovered his own happy genre - a fable. It brought together all the facets of his talent as a writer. In total, nine books of fables were published during Krylov's lifetime. When asked why he chose this kind of poem, he said: “ After all, my animals speak for me».

    Chapter 2. The history of the creation of the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant".

    In 1808, the fable of Ivan Andreevich Krylov was published " Dragonfly and ant"However, Krylov was not the creator of this plot, he translated the fable into Russian." Cicada and ant"by the French poet Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695), who, in turn, borrowed the plot from the great Greek fabulist of the 6th century BC Aesop.

    In winter, the ant took out its supplies from a secret place to dry, which it had accumulated in the summer. The starving grasshopper begged him for food in order to survive. The ant asked him: “ What did you do this summer?". The grasshopper replied: Sang without rest". The ant laughed and, putting away the supplies, said: “ Dance in winter, if sang in summer».

    La Fontaine changed this plot. The masculine Aesopian grasshopper became the La Fontaine feminine cicada. Since the word " ant" (la Fourmi) in French is also feminine, then the plot turned out not about two men, like Aesop, but about two women.

    In La Fontaine's fable, two neighbors are talking: the household Ant and the frivolous cicada.

    Summer whole Cicada
    Day after day I was glad to sing.
    But the summer is leaving red,
    And there are no provisions for the winter.
    She did not starve,
    She ran to Ant,
    Borrow from a neighbor, if possible, eat and drink.
    "As soon as summer comes to us again,
    I'm ready to return everything in full, -
    Cicada promises her. -
    I will give the floor if necessary. "
    The ant is extremely rare
    Gives in debt, the trouble is that.
    "What did you do in the summer?" -
    She says to a neighbor.
    "Day and night, do not blame me,
    She sang songs to everyone around. "
    “If so, I am very glad!
    Now dance! "

    As we can see, Cicada not only asks for food from the Ant, she asks for food on credit. However, Ant refuses her neighbor, dooming her to death by starvation. The fact that La Fontaine predicts death between the lines of the cicada is clear from the fact that the main character is the cicada.

    In Plato's dialogue "Phaedrus" about cicadas, the following legend is told: "Cicadas were once people, even before the birth of the Muses. And when the Muses were born and singing appeared, some of the people of that time were so delighted with this pleasure that among the songs they forgot about food and drink, and in self-forgetfulness they died. From them after that came the breed of cicadas: they received such a gift from the Muses that, being born, they do not need food, but immediately, without food and drink, they begin to sing until they die. "

    So, the speech in the primary source about the cicada. This is a really sonorous insect, as they say. And sings and dances. But cicadas were found in the Mediterranean. And the name "Cicada and the Ant" was perceived as something foreign.

    A. Krylov wrote for ordinary people... Therefore, he replaces the foreign cicada with the Russian dragonfly, endowing it with some features of a grasshopper - the closest relative of the southern cicada.

    I.A. Krylov not only translated. And he rethought La Fontaine's fable. This is how the original pair of Dragonfly and Ant appeared, over which more than one generation of readers laughs and thinks deeply.

    Chapter 3. Literary and biological analysis of the fable

    Every line of this fable is perfect! The heroes are alive, bright, recognizable. I.A. Krylov calls the Dragonfly Jumping. In one word, the author of the fable reveals careless character this character (agility, songs every hour).

    The dragonfly asks for shelter until the spring days. This is a lot, because it is still only late fall, and stocks must be protected until spring.

    But the dragonfly does not understand this. After all, she was not used to working, she was not stocked up for the winter, a carefree character would destroy the Dragonfly.

    Now let's look at this character in the fable from a biological point of view and find out how literary image the dragonfly corresponds to its biological characteristics.

    If you analyze this fable from the point of view of entomology (the science of insects), you can find many errors. Let's turn to the text of the fable. Here are the lines of the work, where the described I.A. Krylov's facts do not correspond to reality.


    When creating this image of Ant, Krylov uses only one verb that characterizes the hero. He is asking: " Did you work in the summer?". it life philosophy An ant, this is the main thing for him, therefore, no other characteristics are required. All clear. Ant in all literary and folklore works shown as a tireless worker. He is hardworking, hardy, tenacious.

    And to what extent does the literary image of the ant coincide with its biological characteristics?

    Although practically nothing is written about the ant in the work, our idea of ​​it almost completely coincides with the data we have: ants are hardworking, they constantly do something all summer.


    Based on our comparative analysis we can conclude: the literary image does not coincide at all with the biological portrait of the insect.

    So Krylov did not know elementary things. Of course it is not. The above "mistakes" can be attributed to the ingenious rethinking of classical images.


    Working on the project, we made sure that the world artwork and the living world are different. Art world- the world of art, created by the imagination of the author.

    And Krylov did not have to be a biologist for his work to remain in the centuries, talking about moral values.

    We love these fables, and their moral meaning is clear to everyone.

    This research(project) on literature "Secrets of the fable by IA Krylov" Dragonfly and the Ant "allowed us to look completely differently not only at this work, but also at academic subjects studied at school.

    We have seen how different the Dragonfly is in the fable of I.A. Krylov and in the world of wildlife and how the Ant is depicted realistically. With so much different approaches literature and biology to the knowledge of reality, they contribute to the formation of a single diverse picture of the world.

    List of used literature

    1. Krylov I.A. Fables. - M .: Education, 1985.

    2. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1988.

    3. Ettenborough D. "The world of insects." - Bustard, 2011.


    I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant"

    Jumping Dragonfly
    Summer sang red;
    I didn't have time to look back,
    As winter rolls into your eyes.
    Pure field has died;
    There are no longer those bright days
    As under each leaf of her
    Both the table and the house were ready.
    It's all gone: with a cold winter
    Need, hunger comes;
    The dragonfly no longer sings:
    And who will go to mind
    Sing hungry on your stomach!
    Dejected by an angry longing,
    She crawls to the Ant:
    “Don't leave me, dear godfather!
    Let me gather strength
    And until spring only days
    Feed and warm up! " -
    “Gossip, this is strange to me:
    Did you work in the summer? " -
    Ant says to her.
    “Before that, my dear, was it?
    In soft ants we have
    Songs, playfulness every hour,
    So that turned my head. " -
    "Oh, so you ..." - "I am without a soul
    Summer all sang whole. " -
    “Did you all sing? this case:
    So go and dance! "

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