Home Trees and shrubs The name Raisa – meaning, fate and character. The meaning of the carefree name Raisa is fate, character and love.

The name Raisa – meaning, fate and character. The meaning of the carefree name Raisa is fate, character and love.

According to Mendelev

This female name perceived as cold and brave. But this does not mean at all that most Rais are masculine warriors. They are strong, active natures, but cheerful and joyful. In the family they usually dominate and form the entire way of life; under the leadership of his wife Raisa, the family successfully overcomes all difficulties and solves all problems. As a rule, they do not try to create a good, albeit false, opinion about themselves; cunning and resourcefulness are not characteristic of them; they strive to go ahead, overcoming troubles and misfortunes with work and perseverance. General impression from the name - good, big and bright.

A simple nature, Raisa is always open, friendly, but also dangerous for those who dare to become her enemy. In a word, this is a large, independent personality and in no way petty.

The diminutive, truncated form of this name Raya emphasizes its other qualities. Oddly enough, Raya has a rougher, but also stronger nature. Apparently, the character traits inherent from birth - strength, courage, “loudness”, brightness and especially masculinity - soften somewhat with age. Raya is even more powerful and majestic than Raisa, that is, the properties of Raisa are expressed stronger, clearer, and more definite in Raya.

Summarizing the results of the analysis of the name on all attribute scales, it can be argued that its bearer is a support both in the family and in society. You can always rely on Rais, because, despising any mannerisms and never adapting to the opinions of others, they remain who they are - simple, strong, active women, somewhat cool (sudden emotional outbursts in Rais are rare), but bright, cheerful and brave.

The Rais rarely come across equally large male characters; usually in family union, where Raisa dominates, they melt and together form a completely stable and harmonious couple. It is almost impossible to shake such an alliance.

The active, even rebellious red color of the name Raya does not disappear with age, but is complemented by a pure and deep blue.

According to Popov

This woman uncontrollably crashes into the most diverse layers of life - work, family, and even the fall, and everywhere she comes out on top, because she knows how to bring things to the conclusion she needs. Independent, decisive, unyielding. In a word, not a woman, but a diamond drill.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Raisa is a cheerful, inquisitive nature, thirsting for new experiences, including sexual ones. She loves sensation, changes in sensations, and enthusiastically picks up new ideas. Sex for Raisa is always a good performance, where there is room for improvisation. Her sexual capabilities are enormous and practically unlimited, both quantitatively and qualitatively. She loves variety, change of sensations in erotic games. Before contacting a partner for a long time, she will thoroughly check his psychological and physical capabilities.

“Winter” Raisa manages to fully realize her sexual abilities with a “summer” partner, but with a “winter” partner she will have a much more difficult time, because he will impose his style of behavior on her, and Raisa does not tolerate this. She is easily excited and reacts with

frankness and enthusiasm, but does not want to completely submit to male desires.

Raisa’s sexual activity is often a way to make up for shortcomings in her emotional life, a means to diversify her personal life.

"Summer" Rais make good wives and devoted lovers. Husbands are not averse to cheating, but they never lose their heads. They are amazingly able to remain faithful to both their husband and their lover. “December” Raisa is the sexiest, sex comes first for her

a necessity without which she cannot imagine life.

1. Personality: strong women

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: will - activity - health

4. Totem plant: tulip

5. Spirit animal: lark

6. Sign: Sagittarius

7. Type. These women are strong, like nature itself. Possess several masculine character. They take off like an arrow or a lark. They are choleric, so it is better not to tease them.

8. Psyche. They enjoy contact with the outside world, but are completely uninfluenced

9. Will. They are very demanding both of themselves and of those around them. I often wish they were more tolerant.

10. Excitability. They are often restless, which sometimes spoils even their best impulses.

11. Reaction speed. These women respond to attacks so violently that you may lose your footing. Their husbands must come to terms with this... as well as their relatives.

12. Field of activity. They are unusually hardworking and always achieve their goals. The scope of their activity is very extensive: they become doctors, pharmacists, and are interested in exact sciences and languages. Among them are agronomists, even hostesses of bars and cafes. All of them are educators and teachers by nature and strive to teach in any work.

13. Intuition. They don’t even want to hear about it, considering it incompatible with intelligence and common sense.

14. Receptivity. These women prefer to wait until others make the first move.

15. Morality. Own moral principles depend on the environment.

16. Health. They tend to be overweight, so they need to watch their diet. They should go swimming, exercise, and spend vacations at sea, since they require iodine. Weak organs are the stomach and genitals.

17. Sexuality. For them it is, first of all, pleasure, how to live well and eat deliciously. They show a certain aggressiveness towards men. As children they stay closer to their father than to their mother. Growing up, they do not succumb to impulses of sensuality; they are guided by calculation. Great importance is attached to the bonds of marriage. They don't like other women.

18. Activity. They consider their work colleagues as opponents, even enemies, but, if necessary, they can moderate their aggressiveness.

19. Sociability. They are friendly as long as it does not conflict with their interests.

20. Conclusion. These are not the women with whom it is easy to live, but they move so persistently towards the goal, have such a capacity for work and so strive for good that it is not a sin to bow your head before them. Which is what some men end up doing... The only advice the last thing is to beware of their wrath!

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: Variant biblical name Raya, "Beloved" According to another version, the name Raisa comes from the Greek root radia, “light”

Energy of the name and character: With the name Raisa it is difficult to sit in one place for a long time; it, like a regular bus, calls its owner to make some changes, but at the same time requires accuracy in the schedule. Usually, it is this combination of mobility and commitment that is present in Raisa’s character both in childhood and in adulthood.

It is not difficult to notice that the name has sufficient firmness, and this firmness is quite active, which often forces Raisa to show indifference to the behavior of those around her, and especially close people. In other words, she may try to influence people and take on a leadership role. However, the same energy of the name at the same time reminds her of caution, so it is not surprising if, faced with resistance, Raya slows down somewhat and tries to influence people not directly, but in some indirect way. At the same time, the mobility and accuracy of her mind will most likely allow her to find the most effective and safe path, and her penchant for analysis will help her avoid an emotional explosion and eliminate the conflict in the bud. However, if it does explode, the force of this explosion can be colossal.

Raisa's inherent precision makes her quite strict not only towards others, but also towards herself. She is very hardworking and persistent, although these qualities are usually not noticeable, since everything that Raisa does happens to her without strain and unnecessary noise. On the contrary, often her firmness is combined with cheerful fun or at least with balanced good nature. Sometimes it seems that she is happy with everything in the world, but behind this apparent satisfaction, Raya usually continues to follow her line in the hope of getting people to desired behavior. In her youth, this can be expressed in the fact that she will try to captivate people with her example, to ignite them with some kind of enthusiasm, and often she succeeds. Subsequently, especially with the beginning family life, Raisa begins to look for other methods of influence, and often her husband does not even notice how he becomes a tool in her hands. It’s just a pity that in old age, her desire to influence people often turns into grumpiness and grumbling.

Usually a woman with this name does not want to limit her life to just one thing, especially the household. Raya loves to travel or just relax in nature. Her active nature makes her devote a lot of time to her career and professional growth, and Raisa’s character helps her achieve this great success. If fate nevertheless limits Raisa’s possibilities, then most likely her thirst for activity will find its way out in pure family matters, although from this Rai’s cheerfulness may gradually fade away. You can avoid this by learning to more calmly accept the vicissitudes of Fate and directing your sense of humor to your attitude towards your successes and failures.

Secrets of communication: Communication with Raisa is unlikely to cause any trouble for an outsider; she usually takes the initiative in the conversation and behaves very friendly and diplomatically. Nevertheless, it is quite difficult to win her over to your side.

The name's trace in history:

Raisa Gorbacheva

Not many years have passed since the name Raisa was associated with the name of the first lady of the state - Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva (1932 - 1999). Indeed, we can say that Raisa Gorbacheva managed to become the first in many senses of the word, for the first time in many decades showing the whole world that the Soviet head of state has a wife with whom she is not ashamed to appear either at a diplomatic reception or at a meeting with the leaders of other states Before the wife of Mikhail Gorbachev, the first and last President of the USSR, none of the life partners of the Soviet party bosses showed any desire to shoulder this difficult burden. Only Raisa Gorbacheva found the strength in herself, in front of the whole world, under the gun of annoying television cameras, to share success and adversity with her husband big politics, always being next to him - fit, energetic, smiling.

As the “first lady”, Gorbachev was not satisfied with second roles - she saw her mission not only in creating new image spouses of the head of state, but also to take on specific areas of work. Yes, she was actively engaged social activities, together with academician D. Likhachev, creating the “Soviet Cultural Fund”. The Foundation supported museums by returning valuable manuscripts, libraries, and archives that had previously been exported to the USSR. At the same time, accompanying her husband on his trips around the world, Gorbacheva managed to charm the Western political elite so much that in 1987 English magazine"Woman's Own" declared her woman of the year.

True, in her homeland she was not perceived so enthusiastically and unambiguously. The common people, about whose life she once wrote her dissertation, did not understand her political activity and composed many anecdotes about the inseparable presidential couple, in which the wife is in charge, and the husband acts almost as a henpecked man. However, heavy incurable disease Raisa Gorbacheva aroused genuine sympathy in society. Many at that moment thought for the first time: in fact, what’s bad about the fact that loving woman walks shoulder to shoulder with her husband? Moreover, if she has all the necessary qualities for this.

According to Higir

Ancient Greek origin: submissive, compliant, easy.

As a child, Raisa is an authority figure for the kids. No, she does not lead teams of atamans-robbers, she is not at all a leader in children's tricks and games, but there is something in her that makes children unite and do a common cause. If Raisa is on the sidelines, then the children's company itself somehow disintegrates. At first glance she seems shy and quiet. But Raisa is far from an angel, she is very self-confident, independent, resolutely asserts her position, and does not allow anyone to sit on her neck. If her rights are violated in a particularly rude manner, she is capable of defending them, using pressure, force, and sometimes outright rudeness.

She looks at life soberly, treats people kindly, but we do not recommend deceiving her - she will break it off once and for all. She's not cruel, but you can't call her sentimental either. In communication, she requires return equal to the mental strength she expended.

In family life, Raisa does not like to be cunning; she would rather remain silent than dodge. She senses falsehood a mile away. She has kind eyes and a penetrating gaze. It is enough for her to look at her husband to understand that something bad has happened. But she will not throw hysterics and drown in tears. She will remain silent for a long time, like an automaton, prepare food, call for dinner, but she will not sit down at the table. When things are good in the family, Raisa herself is like the sun. She will clean cleanly and cook well, although, to tell the truth, she is a bit of a master at the latter. But no one can provide their family with the necessary things better than Raisa; this is where she is a real talent. Raisa usually gets along well with her mother-in-law and meekly bears the burden of caring for frail old people. Raisa's children grow up persistent, with somewhat unbalanced characters. Most often, she gives birth to sons.

In company he behaves cheerfully, relaxed, and loves to sing songs. If she drinks too much, she loses control, becomes violent and uncontrollable.

He will find family happiness with Gleb, Mikhail, Sergei, Vladimir, Yuri, Fedor, Evgeniy. Least of all this can be expected from a marriage with Igor, Stepan, Felix or Yakov.

/ Raisa

Name Raisa - Russian name, original and quite rare. It is believed that the name comes from the word “reistos” - light (ancient Greek). The meaning of the name Raisa is “light, carefree, soaring.” According to another version, the name comes from Arabic word"raisat". Its meaning is “commanding”.

The name carries bright and light energy, associated with air and scattered streams of sunlight.

Raisa: the meaning of the name and its influence on character

The meaning of a name directly affects the character of its owner. On the one hand, Raisa is a joyful person, never discouraged, with a wonderful sense of humor. On the other hand, she is not devoid of authority and leadership qualities. She is very demanding both of herself and of the people around her. She is very purposeful and strong-willed woman. She is hardworking and diligent, thanks to which she achieves success in everything she undertakes. Raisa is self-sufficient and confident. Often gifted with creative talents.

In communication, Raya is friendly and welcoming. Complexes are alien to her. She is a realist, she is not used to soaring in the clouds, she evaluates everything logically. He does not have intuition and does not believe in it.

Origin of the name

IN Orthodox calendar the name appeared thanks to the great martyr Raisa of Alexandria (IV century). Initially in Rus' this name was a monastic name and was not found in the world. It became widespread after October revolution. On a par with etymological meaning, this name is often associated among people with the word “paradise”, with airy and light images, angels.


Fatalism is a meaningless term for Raisa. She strives to be the mistress of her own destiny. Succeeds in all areas of life: any business he starts is successfully completed. She is a wonderful housewife, a loving wife and mother, and successful in her career. Tries not to depend on other people and chance. Very prudent. The bright energy of the name has a beneficial effect on her destiny.

Name day

Raisa celebrates Angel Day on September 18 and October 16. She has only one patron - Raisa of Alexandria.


Raya is not doing well good health. To strengthen the immune system, she needs annual leave on the seashore, hardening and correct balanced diet. Vulnerable areas are the digestive and reproductive systems.


Raisa knows how to manage her partner very wisely and subtly. In the family, she takes on the role of a hidden or obvious leader. Under her sensitive and caring leadership, all family problems are solved. Usually, she is happy in love, and her marriage is strong and harmonious.

Names with which Raya good compatibility: Yuri, Fedor, Sergey, Evgeny, Mikhail, Gleb, Vladimir.

Relationships with a man named Stepan, Igor, Yakov can be difficult.

Charms, zodiac, colors.

  • Sign in harmony with the name: Virgo,
  • Stones-amulets: amber (a symbol meaning love and warmth) and agate (a stone denoting well-being, will bring Raisa health and longevity),
  • Totem: lark,
  • Amulet plants: tulips and pine.

The meaning of the name Raisa translated from ancient Greek is “yielding, easy, submissive.”

The girl, named Raisa, grows up to be a sociable woman, endowed with charm and the ability to avoid conflicts. Hesitation and doubt are alien to her, she does not have her head in the clouds, able to objectively assess the situation, and stands firmly on the ground. Treats others kindly.

Raisa never submits to emotions; she does not trust intuition, preferring to give a sober assessment of events. All her further actions are logically calculated. She is always ready to listen to others and provide help or advice, but she expects to be treated adequately.

In joy and sorrow, Raisa does not change her critical attitude towards life. -

She becomes the real head of the family. She boldly takes responsibility for her decisions. All family members obey her unquestioningly, and she, in turn, finds optimal solutions to get out of the most difficult situations.

Raisa is valued at work; the task assigned to her will be completed accurately and on time. She is respected not only by her colleagues, but also by management, despite the fact that she always defends her own point of view, ingratiation is alien to her, and she does not know how to flatter. However, a woman named Raisa always maintains warm relationships with people who can do her a favor. The Latin proverb “Hand washes hand” largely determines her life credo.

Lies cause her physiological disgust. Once the person who betrayed her trust is finally and irrevocably deleted from the list of friends or acquaintances. Raisa behaves exactly the same way in her own family. She immediately knows how to spot deception, so it’s better not to try to be cunning with her. By the way, Raisa not only cannot stand lies from other people, but she herself never resorts to them.

She just has a gift for leading household. Everything in the house sparkles and shines. She can turn every lunch or dinner into a small celebration, the dishes she prepares are so tasty and unusual. She becomes the center of a small Universe - the family. The children receive an excellent upbringing; Raisa easily finds mutual language with my husband's relatives. Carefully and caringly cares for the sick and infirm.

Sex for her is an opportunity to compensate for everyday life Everyday life. A woman named Raisa willingly experiments and seeks new sensations.

Most often, he chooses medicine, pedagogy, and journalism as his field of activity, where he achieves significant success.

See also the meaning of the name:

We hope that our interpretation of the mystery of the female name Raisa will help you better understand your character or the character of your friends. Of course, one decoding and analysis of the origin of the name Raisa cannot fully characterize the woman or girl to whom it belongs, so on our website you will also find various horoscopes, pages about compatibility, find out what it means to belong to certain signs of various calendars. We invite you to dive into the sea secret knowledge and find out what not only the name Raisa means, but also your zodiac sign, animal Eastern Calendar and much more.

The name Raisa came to Russia from Greece, where it is translated as “carefree”, “easy”. IN Arab countries This female name translates as “chief.”

Diminutive form of the name: Raya, Raechka, Raisochka, Risa, Raika, Rayushka, Raiska, Rayusha.

IN Orthodox faith Raisa's name day is celebrated on September 18, the day of the holy martyr Raisa, who was beheaded after the crucifixion of Jesus.

  • Raisa's character depends on the time of year of birth:
  • Winter - Sympathetic, hardworking.
  • Spring - Vulnerable, withdrawn.
  • Summer - Sociable, economic.
  • Autumn - Secretive, independent.


Little Rayechka is growing up positive, active child, knows how to please others. Unlike hyperactive children, Raisa knows how to quickly calm down and become serious. In any company he becomes a leader, comes up with various games, and leads the guys. He takes friendship seriously and values ​​his friends. Able to listen to other people's opinions

Raisa is an above average student and tries to get good grades in her favorite subjects. Outside of school, he finds a hobby to which he devotes his time, which he can also do during adult life eg dancing, photography. He never listens to his intuition and believes that it does not exist. In a critical situation, Raisa acts quickly and clearly.

As an adult, Raisa turns into an independent woman who achieves everything in life on her own. He goes through life with a smile and optimism. Leadership skills with age they manifest themselves more strongly than in childhood. She knows how to sincerely communicate with people who are happy to reach out to her. She only does what will bring her great benefit; it is better not to stand in her way to her goal - she will sweep away everyone. Capable of revenge.


Can fall in love with several guys at the same time, so that they for a long time don't suspect it. Loves sexual pleasures, Feel, role-playing games. He may cheat on his loved one for the sake of new sexual sensations on the side.


She is looking for an honest, self-confident man who she can completely trust as a husband. Creates an atmosphere of complete trust and support in the family, does not accept deception, secrecy and betrayal. From the outside it seems that the head of the family is a man, but in reality Raisa, unnoticed by those around her, guides her husband in the right direction for the family. Raisa has no desire for everyday life, so often, instead of a full dinner, she can put hastily cooked dumplings on the table.


In her work, Raisa is distinguished by her unusual way of thinking, which allows her to find a non-standard way out of any situation. He knows how to calculate steps in advance and almost never makes mistakes. Although Raisa is diligent, she can hardly endure monotonous work and does not stay in such work for long. She doesn't have the business acumen to make big money. Often needs money. Can work as almost anyone and achieve success in any field.


Sick often in childhood colds, but does not like to be treated, preferring to endure illnesses on his feet, which is why he cannot really recover. Parents need to be more attentive to their daughter, to prevent complications after suffering from bronchitis. August Rais have eye problems. Winter Raisa should follow a diet due to metabolic disorders. In old age, Raisa suffers from arthritis and hypertension.

Horoscope named after Raisa

Aries - Purposeful, hardworking, always achieves her goal. Doesn't trust strangers. Men don't stay with her.

Taurus – Energetic, calculating, independent. He doesn’t let anyone near him for fear of betrayal. It's hard for men with her.

Gemini - Beautiful, sociable, tries to please everyone. My mood changes several times a day. She will be happy with a powerful man.

Cancer – Open, business-like, conflict-oriented. Due to the inability to lose and listen to others, he makes mistakes. We need a calculating and calm man.

Leo - Workaholic, careerist. She is not interested in her personal life. She will be a strict and loving mother for her children.

Virgo – Selfish, freedom-loving. Men cannot stand her character. She will be happy with a man who is compliant in everything, she will make a wonderful housewife and mother.

Libra - Sociable, cheerful, delicate. The quarrel is extinguished in the bud. Carefully chooses friends for his company. She will marry late, but to a carefully chosen man.

Scorpio - Powerful, harsh, aggressive. Cannot tolerate betrayal or deception, and can take sophisticated revenge in response. There are almost no friends. She will be happy with a patient and honest man.

Sagittarius - Fast, responsible, hardworking. Before each task, he draws up a clear plan according to which he acts. She is a wonderful mother and wife.

Capricorn - Pessimistic, with moods that change sharply from good to bad. Avoids noisy companies and does several things at once.

Aquarius – Dreamy, thoughtful. She falls in love easily, is easy to communicate with, and knows how to behave like a true lady.

Pisces - Peaceful, polite, does not like people to get into her soul, and can rudely put the offender in his place. In love, she becomes soft and yields to her beloved in everything.

According to the first version, the female name Raisa comes from the Arabic word “rais” and means “boss” or “leader.” According to the second, this is a variant of the name Iraida, which, translated from ancient Greek, takes on the meaning of “heroine” or “daughter of a hero.”

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Patron Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman stone: sapphire
  • Color: gray
  • Wood: pine
  • Plant: tulip
  • Animal: lark
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

As a child, Raisa is a quiet girl who prefers quiet activities. She almost never takes part in noisy games and is not the leader in children's tricks and pranks. However, with her departure, all games stop, and the company goes home. There is something about a girl with this name that attracts others to her. From the very early years She is independent and self-confident. She is able to argue even with elders. Confidently defends his innocence. If someone allows himself to treat her rudely and infringes on her rights, he may be rude in response.

The secret of the name Raisa hides a realist who looks at life soberly and does not harbor any illusions in relation to others. This is a very practical person. She rarely has her head in the clouds, preferring to do real things. When communicating with loved ones, he absolutely cannot tolerate omissions and lies. To deceive Raya means to lose a friend in her forever. TO negative traits girls can be attributed to excessive vindictiveness. She remembers insults for a very long time and almost never forgives her offenders.

Autumn Raisa cannot get married for a long time. This especially applies to those born in September. Winter often finds herself involved in numerous problems of her relatives, which she is forced to solve even to her own detriment. Born in the spring, she is overly vulnerable and withdrawn. As for the summer one, she is usually a wonderful housewife and wife.

Interests and hobbies

Raisa has an analytical mind. She is calm and assiduous. Thanks to these features, she is good at exact sciences. She often chooses handicrafts as a hobby, and those that require a lot of attention and perseverance - for example, knitting or beadwork.

Profession and business

Raisa can choose any profession - from a saleswoman in a store to a programmer. It all depends on life circumstances and the education received in youth. If necessary, even with higher education, may agree to a not very prestigious job (if it pays well). This shows the practicality of a woman with this name. She would never allow her children to have nothing to eat.


Raisa may have problems with her kidneys and pancreas. She needs to monitor her diet, avoiding excessive consumption of fried and fatty foods. Obesity is another problem that often overtakes her in mature age. With the birth of a child, she often gains overweight, which can be very difficult for her to get rid of.

Sex and love

Raisa is a passionate and temperamental lover. But at the same time, he approaches the choice of a sexual partner with great caution. Most often, it turns out to be only the person she would agree to marry. If she makes a mistake in choosing such a man, then she endures personal disappointment in her soul for a very long time and does not trust others. The next gentleman must seriously try to make the owner of this name believe in feelings.

Family and marriage

Raisa is usually a patient and devoted wife, faithful to her husband. She can put up with her husband’s stinginess and even despotism, adapting to his difficult character. Family relationships very important to her. No matter what happens to the spouse: loss of job or serious illness, he will always find support and consolation in his wife. Raya can get a divorce only as a last resort. In a marriage, she often has two children, and usually boys are born.

There are several assumptions about the origin and meaning of the name Raisa. More than others it seems true that the name Raisa has Greek roots, it is based on the word radia, which means “light, carefree”. Or maybe this is a derivative of the biblical name Raya, meaning “beloved.”

According to other sources, it is believed that the meaning of the name Raya, or full name Raisa - has its origins in the ancient Arabic from the word “rais”, which means “leader”, or “chief”, and promises the bearer of this name the fate of a leader.

A girl named Raisa is just a gift of fate for her parents. Little Rayechka is an active, not capricious child, moderately restless and quite obedient. Growing up, Raisa becomes a leader in a children's company, although she does not do anything special for this. However, not a single game or entertainment is complete without her participation.

IN school years Raechka doesn't deliver special troubles neither parents nor teachers, although his studies are not brilliant, they are very good. The girl willingly takes part in public life, actively attends various sections and clubs.

The older a girl becomes, the more clearly the traits inherent in the owners of this crystallize in her character. old name. The name Raisa means that the girl gradually becomes calm, reasonable, purposefully moves towards her intended goal, without wasting time and energy on external effects.

For adult woman This name is characterized by practicality and an objective assessment of reality. Raisa never loses her head and always treats others kindly. She knows how to maintain relationships with the right people, but will never stoop to flattery. Lies are not accepted - anyone who attempted to deceive Raisa is removed from the list of acquaintances.

Most often, Raisa is choleric, but she knows how to keep her emotions to herself. When making decisions, he ignores feelings, focusing on common sense. In peak situations, he will not become hysterical, he will suppress his own emotions without giving in to panic. Finding himself in a scandalous situation, without hesitation, he will respond with rudeness to rudeness.

Raisa usually has excellent taste and excellent imagination, which helps her to be the best in everything.
The older a woman gets, the brighter some masculine traits appear in her character - independence, boldness of judgment, even some rigidity. Raya is demanding of others, especially towards loved ones, but treats himself just as strictly. She does not forgive insults, she is vindictive.

Dependence of the character of Rai on the date of birth according to the seasons

The name Raisa means that her fate is different for those born in different time of the year.

  • Raisa, born in winter, reasonable and serious, but can be unpredictably hot-tempered. She has a changeable character and is somewhat despotic with loved ones. Interests are varied.
  • “Spring” Raya is endowed with a charm that is difficult for both men and women to resist. Very sociable. He loves and knows how to perfectly organize the work process, but he will never learn to fully relax.
  • “Summer” Raisa is very active. She always makes life decisions herself, not paying attention to the advice of family and friends. He never admits his mistakes and reacts aggressively to criticism.
  • “Autumn” Raisa is stubborn and ambitious. With a very wide social circle, he has few close friends, usually from his youth. An excellent wife and housewife. Likes to live according to a strictly defined plan.

Meaning of the name Raisa for health

Raisa is susceptible to colds and infectious diseases in childhood. Metabolic disorders are possible. There is a predisposition to heart disease, which will fully manifest itself in adulthood. Over time, migraines may appear, as well as problems with joints, kidneys and pancreas.

The meaning of the name Raisa for marriage and family

Being very active and sociable by nature, Raya has many fans back in school age . Not being able to correctly interpret her own preferences, the girl goes through guys for a long time, trying to find the ideal one. But, most likely, teenage novels will end in nothing.

Having grown up, Raisa tries again and again to build relationships with men, and this will turn out to be quite a difficult task. The fact is that Raisa, with her leadership habits, likes strong men, preferring the first roles in everything. And Raisa, in relationships with the opposite sex, takes the categorical position of commander-in-chief. There are few men with leadership potential who would agree to be under a woman’s supervision.

Therefore, Raisa will most likely have several marriages, and divorces are usually to a greater extent– her fault, since she is always unhappy with her partner. It is quite likely that Raisa will be fascinated by two men all her life, not daring to make a final choice.

Once married, Raisa will become an excellent housewife. The husband and children will become somewhat tired of her constant care and persistent advice. Children will receive maximum care from their mother, but she will not spoil them unnecessarily. Rais more often gives birth to sons, and they are as stubborn as their mother.

Raisa maintains consistently warm relations with relatives, including her husband’s parents. If Raisa’s family doesn’t work out, then she will turn the full force of her unrealized feelings on her nephews.

Meaning of the name Raisa for career and hobbies

Raisa is usually endowed with an excellent memory, which allows her to easily master languages, so it is quite possible that she will make a career as a translator or teacher foreign language. But this is not the only potential professional path Heaven, she can make an excellent programmer, doctor, journalist.

In choosing a profession important factor is that Raisa has an analytical mind and good leadership abilities. Whatever profession she chooses, she goes to the top by ignoring standards and looking for extraordinary solutions. Therefore, quite often the name Raisa can be found in lists of professions with increased risk– for example, a stuntman.

Raisa is a lover of new vivid impressions, so she loves to travel. He prefers to relax in nature. Usually he has many hobbies, passionately devotes a lot of time to them, but can suddenly cool down and give up everything halfway.

Famous women named Raisa

  • Raisa Kotova - Russian singer;
  • Raisa Kirichenko - Ukrainian singer;

Raisa Kirichenko (famous Ukrainian singer, people's artist).

  • Raisa Bloch - Russian poetess;
  • Raisa Borovikova - Belarusian writer;
  • Raisa Smetanina – Russian athlete;

Raisa Smetanina (Soviet skier, master of sports of the USSR).

  • Raisa Lemberk - Russian writer;
  • Raisa Akhmatova - Russian poetess;
  • Raisa Kudasheva - Russian poetess;
  • Raisa Struchkova - Russian ballerina;

Raisa Struchkova (Soviet ballerina and teacher, People's Artist of the USSR).

  • Raisa Etush - Russian actress;
  • Raisa Mamentyeva - Soviet basketball player;
  • Raisa Esipova - Soviet actress;
  • Raisa Ryazanova - Russian actress;

Raisa Ryazanova (famous Soviet and Russian actress).

  • Raisa Bogatyreva - Ukrainian politician;
  • Raisa Sazonova is a Soviet and Russian film actress.

Raisa's birthday

  • 18th of March;
  • August 7;
  • September 5;
  • September 18;
  • 23 September;
  • October 6.

Dear readers, write, have you ever met a woman named Raisa in your life? To what extent does the information provided, in your opinion, correspond to reality, to what extent is the meaning of the name in in this case influences the fate of its owner? Do you want to name your daughter this beautiful sonorous name? Perhaps you prefer something that is in tune with it, or one that promises an equally strong character? We are waiting for your feedback.

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