Home Trees and shrubs Erogenous zones in Capricorn girls. Erogenous zones of Capricorn: sexual relations, spicy places, coincidences with other zodiac signs, intimate relationships and love. Sexual side of Capricorns

Erogenous zones in Capricorn girls. Erogenous zones of Capricorn: sexual relations, spicy places, coincidences with other zodiac signs, intimate relationships and love. Sexual side of Capricorns

Astrology will help you make your personal life, and more specifically, the bed part of it, much, much more pleasant. So let’s explore the most secret erogenous zones according to the Zodiac Signs.

Erogenous zones of Aries

Men: For Aries boys, the most erogenous zone is the head. And, in the literal sense. They love head massages and gentle stroking of hair. And also, they simply go crazy from caresses on the lips of the ears (for example, biting the lobes).

Girls: For Aries girls the situation is similar - always start from the head, paying attention close attention ears. But don't forget about kissing all other parts of the body.

Erogenous zones of Taurus

Men: Aries attach particular importance to their tactile sensations. So gently stroking their skin (especially while blindfolded) can do wonders for them.

Girls: Aries girls add more to gentle touches greater value than men. So, if you want to conquer such a girl, start early with light and gentle touches.

Erogenous zones of Gemini

Men: For Gemini men, the most sensitive part of the body is the fingertips. Light nipping and sucking will always do the trick.

Girls: For Gemini girls, the most erogenous zone is the wrists, so give them some time. Special attention!

Erogenous zones of Cancers

Men: They love kisses. In general, for Cancer guys, lips are the main erogenous zone. So give them special attention.

Girls: The most erogenous zone for Cancer girls is the breasts. Pay special attention to her kissing and gentle biting (only be gentle - this is a very sensitive place).

Erogenous zones of Lviv

Men: Want to drive your Leo crazy? Give him a back massage. Only passionate and confident, with claws and scratches.

Girls: For Lioness girls, everything is almost the same - massage drives them crazy, just don’t overdo it. Although they are Lionesses, they are still girls.

Erogenous zones of Virgos

Men: The most erogenous zone for a Virgo man is the upper abdomen. Gentle stroking will be just right.

Girls: For Virgo girls, you should also pay special attention to the stomach, only to its lower part. Ideally, run a stream of water there or play with an ice cube.

Erogenous zones of Libra

Men: For Libra men, the most important area is their fifth point. It's amazing what happens to them when tender and affectionate marigolds touch it.

Girls: But Libra girls really like half-stroking along the spine. Moderately gentle but confidently move two fingers up and down - you will be pleased with the result.

Erogenous zones of Scorpios

Men: Scorpios like preliminary advances to the lower abdomen and the most important place.

Girls: Pay special attention to the same part - the lower tummy with all kinds of caresses and flirtations with the Scorpio girl gives every right to count on reciprocity.

Erogenous zones of Sagittarius

Men: Sagittarius will appreciate increased attention to his lower back.

Girls: Sagittarius girls will be grateful for a head massage. Run your fingers through your hair as if you were combing your hair back - it just blows their minds.

Erogenous zones of Capricorns

Men: Capricorns really like gentle and leisurely touches. Kisses, stroking and other caresses will definitely do the trick.

Girls: Do you want a real storm of passion from a Capricorn girl? Just kiss the bottom of her tummy - and you are guaranteed an unforgettable night!

Erogenous zones of Aquarius

Men: Aquarians, who are usually inclined to experiment, will appreciate gentle touches to the most important organ.

Girls: Aquarius girls love having their feet stroked. Nature usually rewards them with luxurious legs and they love to be pampered with kisses and strokes.

Erogenous zones of Pisces

Men: The most sensitive part of the body for Pisces guys is the neck. Gentle kisses and passionate biting will drive him crazy.

Girls: The most erogenous zone for Pisces girls is the thighs, or rather their inner part. So, by stroking and caressing her there, you will receive a pleasant bonus afterwards.

The fact that each zodiac sign has its own character traits has been known for a long time. It turns out that in addition to the specific character and temperament, there are also their own special erogenous zones.

Let's recognize male erogenous zones by zodiac signs

This will help in building relationships, an integral part of which is sex.

Women who have had relationships with different men, claim that they react differently to female affection and tenderness depending on their zodiac sign.

Scorpios, for example, can become very aroused by a light touch. female fingers to their genitals. Pisces and Libra, on the contrary, are not so easily aroused, and their lovers will have to try to force a man born under this sign to reach the peak of pleasure.


Capricorn men consider sex to be something sacred. You will have to be patient if you seriously decide to drag a representative of this zodiac sign into bed. The wait will be worth it. Erogenous zones Capricorn – buttocks and back. If you envelop them with tender kisses, your man will not be able to find a place for himself with delight. Don’t forget to gently touch his knees - the excitement will be even stronger.


Representatives of this sign are very unconventional and original. They are endowed with a rich imagination, which can present you with more than one surprise, and even in the most unexpected places. The most sensitive areas of an Aquarius man are the feet and ankles. The caresses of these zones will turn his head. Another, no less sensitive area for Aquarius is the cheekbones. If everything is done correctly, an Aquarius man will never be in debt.


There simply cannot be anyone more tender than Pisces men in bed. If you want tender, sensual and long foreplay, you have come to the right place. The main thing is to help him relax and relieve him of discomfort. Erogenous zones are the back and lower back. Pisces will also enjoy a massage of their feet. And the hot breath on your ear will ignite a real fire.


Hot and temperamental Aries love to have their ears caressed and the back of their heads stroked. This will excite them so much that you won’t even notice how you find yourself naked in pastels. They also love head massages, so be sure to include this element in sexual foreplay.

One strange feature Aries - they love to have sex after a quarrel. So be prepared - these are very interesting personalities :-)


Another case when you need to be patient. Taurus men are big fans of long foreplay. Erogenous zones are the nose, lips and neck. Use your tenderness, caresses, light touches to drive them crazy. If we reinforce this also erotic massage, the effect will be excellent!


Representatives of this sign love new things in all areas of life. Get ready for the fact that you will have sex with a Gemini man in any places and positions. Erogenous zones – chest and arms. Especially the inner side of the arm, starting from the palm and ending with the armpits. So don't forget about this during foreplay.


Very gentle and childishly sensitive. Say sweet things in his ear and touch his nipples. If you also decide to bite them, the Cancer man will become aroused with incredible force. And if he allowed you to approach this erogenous zone, it means that he really experiences passionate feelings.


This zodiac sign will tell you everything himself if you ask. But just in case, remember that Leo men really love massage, especially their backs. Even simple stroking movements along the spine can seriously excite them.

When making love to a Leo man, try lightly scratching his back with your nails. You will excite him to greater effort and more confident actions.


Virgo men spend a long time preparing to come to your bed. It is important to them that everything is clean, beautiful and neat. Turn on light, unobtrusive music, be sure to pay attention to your appearance(manicure, light makeup, beautiful lingerie) - this will help you relax and get excited. Erogenous zones are the navel, stomach and knees. Also pay attention great attention kisses on the lips!


Libra men perceive everything visually. Therefore, they will appreciate and remember the striptease like no other. A Libra man can easily submit to you in bed and fulfill many desires. Erogenous zones are the lower back, butt and stomach. Kisses in stomach, light stroking or drops of hot wax on this part of the body will bring him to ecstasy.


Big fans of oral sex. Their erogenous zone is below the waist. A Scorpio man can surprise you in bed. But he is unlikely to say anything about what he wants. Most likely, you will need to proceed by trial and error.


Erogenous zones are the knees, hips and groin. You will never be able to give a Sagittarius a complete foot massage. For the simple reason that when touching erogenous zones, Sagittarians lose their heads and “pounce” on their partner. But you can still try. And remember that comfort is very important to Sagittarius.

Male erogenous zones according to zodiac signs will help you achieve “heat of passion” in intimate relationships, make them bright and harmonious.

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Astrologers are convinced that the location of erogenous zones on the body depends on a person’s belonging to one or another Zodiac Sign. With the help of a sexual horoscope, you can learn about the most sensitive areas of your partner and, thereby, surprise him in the process of love games.


The erogenous zones of the representative of this Zodiac Sign are the face and head. Aries are quickly aroused by gentle touches to the earlobes, back of the head and lips. Biting, light tickling and gentle kisses in these places will bring true pleasure to Aries.


The erogenous zones of Taurus are the neck and shoulder blades. He simply loves a relaxing massage in this area of ​​the body. Stimulation of the neck and upper back first has a relaxing effect on the representative of this Zodiac Sign, and then leads to excitement. Stroking the neck and back, turning into passionate kisses, will drive Taurus crazy.


The erogenous zone of Gemini is the hands. According to erotic horoscope, this is the most sensitive part of the body for this Zodiac Sign. Caresses for Gemini must always be gentle and soft, turning into more confident and passionate.


The erogenous zone of Cancer is the breast. He quickly becomes aroused by touching, kissing and stroking in this area. During the process of caressing, Cancer can receive indescribable pleasure from any touch in this area.

a lion

Leo's erogenous zone is the lower back. A massage in this area can quickly excite a representative of this constellation and awaken the real predator in him. The hollow of the spine is especially sensitive. It can be included in love play, for example, by running a piece of ice over it.


Virgo's erogenous zone is the stomach. Virgo’s partner must know that by caressing his lover’s stomach of this Zodiac Sign, he not only gives him pleasure, but also helps him relax and get rid of stress.


Astrologers do not identify specific erogenous zones on the body for representatives of this Zodiac Sign. According to the Libra sexual horoscope, the body of a person born under this constellation is completely covered with sensitive points. Libra's entire skin is very receptive to touch and caresses, so it is very easy to excite the partner of this Sign.


Scorpio's erogenous zones are the buttocks and genitals. The sensitivity of these parts of the body in Scorpio is several times higher than the sensitivity in this area in other constellations.


The erogenous zone for Sagittarius is the hips. The inner thighs are considered a particularly sensitive area. Active stimulation of this part of the body will reveal a passionate and irrepressible lover in Sagittarius.


The erogenous zone of Capricorn is the knees and elbow joints. Kissing and caressing these parts of the body will increase the desire of the partner of this Zodiac Sign and make him lose control over his feelings and emotions.


The erogenous zones of Aquarius are the feet and ankles. Massaging these parts of the body will make Aquarius more sensitive in sex and will reveal a passionate lover in him.


The erogenous zone of Pisces is the legs. Stroking and kissing from the heels to the thighs will awaken real passion in Pisces and desire. The only thing you need to know about this erogenous zone of Pisces is that caresses should be very gentle and slow.

With the help of a sexual horoscope, you can determine your erogenous zones, as well as the erogenous areas of your partner, which will help you better understand and feel each other in bed. We wish you happiness and don't forget to click and

21.03.2014 13:39

Which Zodiac Sign is the sexiest according to the horoscope? Astrologers have long found the answer to this question and...

Sexual horoscope will tell the fair sex how to seduce any man. We will tell you about the weaknesses...

Each woman, in whose bed several men have been, will confirm that lovers born under different signs Zodiac signs react differently to affection and tenderness. For example, even a light touch of a woman’s fingers on the genitals of the sophisticated Scorpio turns him into a real volcano, and in order to excite the romantic representative of the sign of Libra and gentle Pisces you have to try very hard. Of course, every man who is a womanizer knows well how and where to caress a woman born under different zodiac signs. But for those who don't have much sexual experience, we advise you to excite your loved ones, taking into account where they are located.

1. Aries. Both Aries men and women love it when they are gently stroked on the head, playing with their hair. The most sensitive areas are the head, face and ears. By caressing them, Aries can be brought to ecstasy. Biting the lips, earlobes and kissing the eyes of Aries, you will understand how all this causes pleasant spasms in his back. In bed, Aries imagines himself as a participant combat battle and is determined only to win. To get a powerful release from sex, he can deliberately heat up the situation. A banal quarrel can serve as a reason for him to good start intimate pleasures. Aries women are crazy about kissing bearded men. Soft tingling sensations on the face men's hair give them an incredible feeling of pleasure.

2. Taurus. If you have ever cared for a calf, then you probably know how these animals love to stretch their heads forward and close their eyes with bliss when their neck is stroked. So it is with Taurus, they get the highest pleasure when they get a massage of the neck and throat area. Start gently stroking the Taurus with your fingers at the base of the head, then move on to kissing the neck.

Passionate kisses and light bites to the neck make Taurus incredibly inflamed. But quick reactions One should not expect anything from representatives of this sign; they like to make love slowly and indulge in long foreplay. If your goal is to seduce a Taurus, then invite him to tie a tie. If he agrees, you will have the perfect opportunity to lightly touch his throat and gently stroke his neck with your fingers. Within a few minutes you will feel how Taurus is trembling with pleasure and desire to be in the same bed with you.

3. Twins. Representatives of this sign are very inquisitive, they are interested in everything that is new. Any experiments on the part of loved ones make a strong impression on Gemini and cause enthusiastic trembling. All Geminis, regardless of gender, respond well to hand kisses. Gently run your fingers over his hand, gently caressing his fingertips and palms. Kissing the inside of the hands, each finger, and sucking them can cause pleasure throughout the Gemini's entire spine. As an experiment, try running your tongue across inside Gemini's arms, first to the elbow, and then to the armpit. Such caresses will give him the highest pleasure and will arouse in him a reciprocal desire.

4. Cancer. Cancers are very touchy and vulnerable, so you should not show them tricks from the Kama Sutra. Be gentle and kind with them, tell them more words about love. They need it to get excited. Cancers can experience orgasm already during a passionate kiss, but they get the greatest pleasure when they are gently caressed on the chest. Caressing the chest area and biting the nipples causes strong sexual desire in Cancers.

Surrendering to love pleasures, Cancers love to kiss long and passionately, using not only their lips, but also their teeth and tongue. If you want to seduce a Cancer man, don't miss the moment when he strips to the waist. As if by chance, touch his chest with your fingers, and you will immediately notice how the hair on his body “stands on end,” which indicates that he wants you to continue caressing his body, without stopping in the same place.

5. a lion. The king of beasts, Leo, will not wait for you to finally guess where his erogenous zones are. He will lie on his stomach and ask you to massage his back. This is where Leo's cat nature comes into play; he loves to have his back scratched, stroked and massaged. Whatever you do with Leo’s back, everything will be to his taste. Kiss his back, gently stroke along his spine and lightly scratch with your nails. And if you put Leo in the bath and rub his back until his skin turns red, and at the same time kiss him passionately, biting his lower lip, then this proud predator will forever lose his head from passion and love for you.

6. Virgo. Virgo, compared to other signs of the Zodiac, is quite cold, and therefore it is not at all easy to bring her to the temptation of “tasting the forbidden fruit.” To melt external coldness, kiss her on the cheek first. Virgos love to be kissed on the face. But don’t forget to brush your teeth and make sure your breath is fresh beforehand. Virgos are obsessed with cleanliness, so they only completely relax in the shower. Virgo likes it when a stream of water from the shower hits her stomach and crotch area.

They excite her by stroking her body from the crotch to the chest with a sponge, soap and warm water. To seduce a Virgo man, hug him from behind and run your nail along his stomach from the front. This will create a strong desire in him, and all you have to do is invite him into the bathroom, turn on the aroma lamp and soft music. Very soon you will be surprised to discover a passionate and fiery nature behind the outer cold shell of Virgo.

7. Scales. Distinctive feature Libra's body type is rounded and attractive buttocks. This is Libra's most highly active erogenous zone. If you want to give pleasure to a man of the Libra sign, then learn to dance a striptease. Libras love to lie on silk sheets, drink expensive wine and enjoy their beautiful buttocks. If, in intimate moments, you begin to massage their lower back, then Libra will receive the highest pleasure. Libra women are aroused by playful pinching, patting and stroking of the buttocks. Many Libras react positively to spanking with a whip and sharp spanks with the palm of the hand in a soft place during love games.

8. Scorpion. Be careful if you accidentally find yourself on the beach next to a Scorpio man walking around in tight-fitting swimming trunks. Even from touching the fabric of swimming trunks to the genitals, Scorpio can become very aroused. Nothing in the world brings so much pleasure to Scorpio as gentle touches female hands, lips or tongue to the head of his penis. A Scorpio woman becomes very aroused by gentle touches to her clitoris. Any manipulation of the genitals turns Scorpios into a volcano of passion, and they can even become aroused by the touch of their feet to the genitals when crossing them.

9. Sagittarius. In women and men of this sign, the erogenous zones are located in different parts bodies. A woman will purr like a kitten if you comb her hair and stroke her head. Any manipulation with hair can rekindle dormant passions in female Sagittarians. But to excite a Sagittarius man you need to caress inner part his thighs, from his groin to his knee. Light massage with aromatic oils, kisses and tongue touches from the knee to the crotch will delight him and make him forget about everything in the world.

10.Capricorn. Capricorn will not go to bed with just anyone. He must be sure that his partner truly deserves his trust. Therefore, do not expect that Capricorn will agree to have sex with you after the first date. You will have to look after Capricorn for a long time and slowly bring him to the conclusion that he will not find a better lover than you. Once convinced of this, Capricorn will show you what hurricane force his passion can have. Erogenous zones Capricorn women- the navel and the bend of the knee, and the Capricorn man is driven crazy by caresses and stroking of the abdomen, chest, face and groin area. Capricorns of either gender get aroused by a back massage and slow circular movements of the tongue around each vertebra.

11. Aquarius. Any pose during which you touch an Aquarius's calves and ankles will cause an immediate reaction from him. It is in these parts lower limbs The erogenous zones of Aquarius are located. But Aquarians prefer to make love not in bed, but in water. Prepare a fragrant bath, light candles and stroke the feet and ankles of Aquarius, then gently run your tongue along the calves of the legs. Aquarius will not be able to remain indifferent to such caresses and will give you a sea of ​​pleasant sensations.

12. Fish. The sensitive area of ​​Pisces is the legs. Foot massage, gentle stroking of the back and lower back incredibly excite Pisces. Pisces men become tireless and tender lovers from such caresses, and the Pisces woman is easily aroused by rubbing her legs in her partner’s crotch. Regardless of gender, all Pisces love warmth and water.

Therefore, before making love with Fish It is best to find a comfortable bathroom, a swimming pool, a place on the beach or a warm bed next to a large aquarium. In such an environment, Pisces’ excitability increases significantly and he will show you where heaven on earth is.

Video presentation on the erogenous zones of men

- Additionally we recommend:

Aries Nerve endings, especially sensitive in Aries men and women, are located on the head and face. Aries respond to soft stroking of the forehead or...

The earlobes are extremely sensitive, and women get a strong desire if you blow in her ear. Lip biting gives good result, and light kisses of closed eyes for some reason cause pleasant spasms in the back.

Kisses from bearded men drive Aries women crazy. The soft hair of a man's beard is a thousand wonderful sensations received by its nerve endings. If you don't have a beard, don't worry. Simply touching her lips with your fingertips will create incredible sensations.

If you communicate with an Aries man, then you will be amazed by the result when you lightly touch his lips with your fingers - but don’t say then that you weren’t warned!

The sensitive area of ​​Taurus is the neck. Start with light touches and stroking your fingers at the back of the head, slowly moving down to the neck. Keep kissing the throat and soon Taurus will ignite. There are unlimited possibilities for "accidental" touches. For example, when straightening a man's tie, you can stroke his neck or gently run your nails along it. You will be surprised at his quick reaction.

On the beach, gently touch a woman's bare neck, shake the sand off her, and this will serve as a signal to her. When alone in a room, the neck should be the center of attention. Sensual kisses and tender loving bites of the neck will especially excite Taurus. But do not forget that Taurus prefers leisure and naturalness. Therefore, behave with restraint and do not force things.


Particularly sensitive places are the hands. Gemini women respond well to hand kisses. Gemini men love it when they kiss their fingers one at a time, sucking them.

Try to carefully “run” your fingers along your hand, regardless of the gender of Gemini. This will make a strong impression, it will seem to you as if the nerve endings are trying to touch you. An accidental caress of the fingertips can cause an enthusiastic shiver. Special treatment for Geminis is kissing the inside of the hand. A more provocative option is to lightly sweep your lips and tongue from the elbow to the armpit. You will simply feel the desire signals that arise.

Both men and women born under this sign will find the greatest pleasure in deep kisses involving the tongue and teeth. It is known that they are even able to experience an orgasm!

However, the most sensitive part of the body remains the chest. Both sexes react acutely to oral and manual stimulation of the nipples. Gently stroking the breasts with your fingertips evokes strong sexual desire. They also like pinching their nipples with big and index fingers. Even in the final part of foreplay, gently pinching the breasts or nipples can increase their desire.

Advice for women making love to a Cancer man: run your hand over his chest, gently touching it. If you do this repeatedly, you will be able to greatly excite him.

So, let's assume that you have placed Leo in the appropriate setting for the moment. How to start?

You can go to the bathroom. Rub the Lion with a sponge until his skin turns pink. The back is especially sensitive. Slowly go down your back from top to bottom, perhaps. Leo will invite you to climb into the bath too.

If you are dealing with a Leo man, while making love, gently scratch his back. This will have an exciting effect on him.

Take a shawl (cashmere is best) and touch its fringe to the naked person female body- from the shoulder along the entire back. Then do the same with a brush, like the one hairdressers use to apply powder. After this, your lady will turn into a passionate lioness.

TIP: while studying foreplay With a Leo woman, look for the degree of her sexual arousal in the reddening of the skin, which begins in the abdomen and then slowly spreads to the chest and neck. The intensity of the color will be directly proportional to the degree of stimulation. As soon as the desired shade appears, it’s yours!

When you have reached the point of outright affection in your relationship, do not forget about the belly.

For Virgo, everything - from the crotch to the chest - reacts to the touch of the tongue, light stroking with the fingers or barely noticeable touches with the hair. Run your nail horizontally across the body - this will cause extraordinary sensations.

Stroking the abdominal area with a sponge, soap and warm water is a good stimulation. Virgo really likes it when the stream of water from the shower gets there. Don't forget about this if you first find yourself in the shower (which is very fortunate, since Virgo has a “fixed idea” - cleanliness).

If the bathtub is narrow, place the Virgo woman on your lap so you can enter her from behind, while caressing her belly with the shower.

While lying in bed, do a light massage in the navel area. Finish it by touching the tip of your tongue to the navel itself. You will see how quickly it will work.

The most sensitive places for Libra are: Bottom part back and buttocks. In a social setting, at a dance, or even while walking together, lightly touch Libra's lower back with your fingers. For a more intimate moment, place your hands on Libra's bare buttocks and make small rotational movements with your palms, gradually moving up the back and back down again. Real Libras will go into ecstasy.

If a Libra man is a Libra man, he will go crazy with the soft touch of your nipples on his lower back. You don't have to repeat this twice.

For all Libras, the buttocks are an extremely erogenous zone. Women love having their buttocks stroked, patted, and playfully pinched and become sexually aroused. They also prefer positions where their buttocks are clearly visible to their partner, as, for example, happens when they enter her from behind. Libras of both sexes react to blows to the buttocks with a hand, a whip or other objects. By the way. Libras can be easily identified by their round buttocks correct form.


The most sensitive places for Scorpios are their genitals. Even a light touch of your fingers can turn a man into a volcano. Why not? A woman of this sign can become aroused by simply crossing her legs and in this position rubbing her “lips” together. (Some other approaches to Scorpio's sensitive areas have already been discussed.)

Nothing brings a Scorpio man such pleasure as lightly touching the tip of his penis with her tongue. Need I add that women experience special delight from canilingus?

When you play with a Scorpio's genitals, you can literally tell that you have your partner in your hands!

For the ninth sign of the Zodiac the most erotic zones- hips and thighs. But for Sagittarius women, this also includes hair. Play with them, stroke them, comb them. She will purr like a kitten. If it lasts long enough, it can awaken her sensuality.

His vulnerable area is near the genitals. Kissing the inside of your leg or lightly touching your tongue from your knee to your crotch will give him pleasure. The same can be said about gently stroking the thighs. Homosexuals like their partners to smear Vaseline on the inside of their thighs. After this, just inserting the penis between tightly clenched legs can lead to orgasm.

Rubbing with warm oil has the same effect on Sagittarius men and women. This should be done on the thighs rotational movements, on the thighs - with vertical strokes. Lightly run your fingernails over the curves and this will wake you up. erotic feeling throughout the body.

And don’t be surprised if you never manage to complete the massage.

Capricorn men love a woman to touch his face, mouth, chest, stomach, groin with slow sliding movements with her nipples. It drives him crazy.

A Capricorn woman's passion will turn into a hurricane if her partner kisses her on the stomach or under the knees. The skin around the navel is especially sensitive in women born under this sign. And the skin under the knees is easier to stimulate than the thighs of other women.

Both the Capricorn man and woman will respond to a massage from the lower back to the top if the tongue is slowly touched to the body in a circular motion.

Unusual a large number of Capricorns prefer to replace the vagina (as a source of pleasure) with the armpit. Don't agree.

Sensitive areas are calves and ankles. Any position in which you touch these areas will significantly increase desire.

As if by chance, stroke your leg from the ankle before playing, very carefully. You will be happy to see Aquarius's reaction.

Try making love while standing, with the woman wrapping her legs around the man's knees, touching his calves. During the act, natural friction of the erogenous zones will occur. (Particularly effective in the pool.) Other positions that allow contact with the calves and ankles will always increase sexual satisfaction.

Aquarius is receptive to gentle touches.

When it comes to the moment that requires the perfect setting for lovemaking, consider the following: Pisces enjoys a warm place and moving water. So try a heated blanket and waterbed, or look for a bathtub that's comfortable enough for two.

Feet. Pisces will respond to gentle massage and stroking of the heels and feet, soft stroking of the sole with a feather, and kissing of the toes. Make circular movements with your fingertips, starting from the ankle, along the instep and to the toes, stroking your toes with your hands or lightly biting them, you will give Pisces a lot of pleasure.

Pisces women love to masturbate men with their feet. She does this by gently gripping the penis with her feet. Pisces men get a special extra stimulation by sticking their toe into the vagina or simply stroking the perineum with their foot.

Pisces' excitability increases if they hover their legs before having sex.

Based on the horoscope of Joanna Woolfolk

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