Home Useful tips Sexual horoscope - Scorpio woman. Sex life of a Scorpio woman

Sexual horoscope - Scorpio woman. Sex life of a Scorpio woman

A Scorpio woman is a real bomb in bed. But at the first glance at her, it’s hard to even think about it. Few people can guess that behind the cold, even somewhat indifferent appearance lies a real raging passion. But it is so. However, the erotic horoscope of such girls represents special interest, so it’s worth paying a little more attention to studying it.

a brief description of

Almost every Scorpio woman in bed is the embodiment of the dream of most men about a tireless, temperamental, sensual and liberated partner. These girls really love sex, and some even love sex so much that receiving physical pleasure almost becomes the meaning of life for them.

By the way, which is important, they have all the external natural data both to receive satisfaction and to provide it to their partner.

A girl born under this sign loves long-term intimacy. It starts with a half turn and, once excited, does not stop. Naturally, she knows how to act so that her partner continues further and further.

In bed, the Scorpio woman loves to experiment and often strives for dominance. Modesty and complexes? This is not about her.


The Scorpio girl is very inventive. No matter how educated her partner is in the field of sex, she will be able to surprise him. After all, she wants the man, in addition to her, to receive pleasure. Scorpios are not selfish in this regard. However, when opening up to her partner, the girl expects the same return from him.

Of course, the attention of this person flatters male pride. Scorpio girls do not have the habit of being ashamed of their arousal or hiding it, which ignites the passion of her partner. In addition, erotica for her is something more than an act of physical love. She approaches everything related to sex with passion, takes into account the smallest details, pointing out their importance to her man. If the evening is “organized” by a Scorpio girl, then the atmosphere will be magnificent - the entire space and even the atmosphere will be saturated with the spirit of sex, and she herself will appear in a luxurious, as if revealing outfit made especially for her.

And this has a special charm. After all, in public this girl looks like a true lady - elegant, highly spiritual, intelligent. But in a private setting, she is not averse to behaving like a call girl looking for a client.


The Scorpio woman is demanding in bed. She wants a lot - sometimes even more than anyone can give. Anyone who wants to be alone with her needs to be ready to satisfy any of her needs and fantasies. It is important. After all, often a Scorpio woman, if a man does not meet her requirements, emotions and desires, ceases to take into account his feelings, showing amazing intolerance.

It’s also worth mentioning that such a girl is very jealous. She believes that a man is obliged to give her all his respect and admiration. If attention is not enough, then the girl will quickly find hidden subtext in his behavior or even suspect him of intrigue.

Who does she need?

What she wants is a relationship with a fun, bold, intricate experimenter who must be confident and independent. And she gets it.

After all, girls born under the sign of Scorpio have amazing intuition, attentiveness, a penchant for analytical thinking and a sharp mind. All this helps her when choosing men.

Compatibility with fire signs

Now you can talk about with whom the Scorpio woman has successful and not so successful intimate relationships. Compatibility in bed with fire signs not bad:

  • Aries. Their relationship is built on mutual physical attraction. They are both very temperamental, “burning” and insatiable. And they don’t tolerate monotony. They both believe that it extinguishes the flame of passion.
  • A lion. There is a special attraction here with considerable strength. In bed, the Leo man and the Scorpio woman strive to get the maximum of vivid sensations - as in others life spheres. They will be each other's best lovers, and this will last as long as they want. True, both will have to make compromises. Since everyone wants to dominate and hear praise and admiration from their partner.
  • Sagittarius. With the representative of this zodiac sign, everything is ambiguous. The connection between Scorpio and Sagittarius is bright, but short-lived. Because their approaches to sex and love are very different. For Sagittarius, romance and lightness are important, but Scorpio considers this unnecessary tinsel to cover up passion. In general, in terms of emotional perception, they are different. So such relationships do not last long.

Compatibility with earth signs

It also needs to be noted with attention. So, the erotic horoscope gives the following predictions:

  • Calf. Relationships with a representative of this sign are built on the basis of powerful mutual physical attraction. In bed, the compatibility of a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman is almost perfect. These two fill their intimate life with variety and emotion. But only if Taurus does not neglect the desires of his girlfriend and forgets about his inherent conservatism.
  • Virgo. There are some nuances here too. Compatibility in bed between a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman is not bad, but it can be spoiled by excessive rationality and the materialistic approach of a representative of the earth sign, which manifests itself in everything. Sometimes they concentrate so much on the technique of sex that they forget about the sensual component, and this depresses Scorpio.
  • Capricorn. A partner close to ideal. Compatibility in bed between a Capricorn man and a Scorpio woman is determined by the absence of contradictions in characters and similar temperaments. There is no sentimentality in their relationship, but there is undying desire and enthusiasm. In bed, both reveal new sides, and they like it.

Watermark compatibility

Now we can talk about her. Here are the compatibility predictions written in erotic horoscope Scorpio girls:

  • Cancer. For him, as for her, sex in a relationship comes first. And this determines their absolute harmony. They don’t need to explain anything to each other - everyone feels their partner intuitively, so they come to agreements in bed without even agreeing on anything. By the way, the Scorpio girl’s desire to dominate the Cancer guy does not bother her. He, on the contrary, strives to give her maximum pleasure, demonstrating his devotion and desire to please.
  • Fish. There is definitely something in this union. Pisces are pliable, obsequious and sensual - Scorpios see in them an opportunity to satisfy personal needs. True, because of this, they often get carried away with dominance, which goes too far. Impressionable Pisces may take this in their own way and be offended.
  • Scorpion. Double the ardor, maximum attraction! Two Scorpios are perfect couple. They are ready to satisfy mutual sexual needs at any time and no matter where. In this union there are no complexes at all, which gives them the opportunity to realize the most unusual and bizarre erotic fantasies.

Compatibility with Air Signs

And it needs to be mentioned. So, sexual compatibility Scorpio girls with air sign guys usually develop as follows:

  • Scales. Sometimes it seems that in the relationship of these two there is only room for sex. Their attraction is so intense that it practically deprives both of them of common sense. At the beginning of the relationship, Libra and Scorpio are completely in constant state euphoria. They don't have problems. The main thing is that the Libra guy manages to calm down his habit of always flirting with others. For him, this is innocent fun, which he doesn’t even notice, but Scorpio can perceive it as an insult.
  • Aquarius. This is perhaps one of the few representatives of the zodiac signs with whom there is very poor compatibility in bed. A Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man cannot be a harmonious couple - they have different temperaments. Both realize this on the first date. Aquarius is not only not inclined to show passion - he deliberately emphasizes this position.
  • Twins. With a guy of this sign, the Scorpio girl will have an intense intimate life. But this relationship is an example of the thesis that sex does not always come first in a relationship. Geminis are too fickle, impulsive, expressive and even eccentric. Scorpios get nervous with them. So passion, having quickly begun, can just as quickly go out.


Well, based on all of the above, we can conclude: a Scorpio girl needs a man who is as passionate and even obsessed with sex as she is. Someone who will never say “no” in response to her intimate requests or desires. A man who can bring her to the peak of pleasure. And he, in turn, will receive such a volcano of passions that many can only dream of.

Scorpio man even in everyday life radiates insane passion and sexuality, which he cannot hide if he wants. Representatives of this zodiac sign are endowed with charm that attracts a large number of different people. Scorpio is an experienced lover who begins to hone his skills in early childhood. To build harmonious relationships With this sign, a woman must show her humility and demonstrate her feelings. Scorpios have one small drawback: they cannot always control their anger. This is what can cause the loss of the woman you love. Representatives of this zodiac constellation tend to conquer any girl they like. They have strong energy and just a crazy sexual horoscope.

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    Scorpio man in sex

    In bed with this representative of the zodiac constellation, women usually get more than they expected. Scorpios know the female body very well and have a wonderful erotic imagination. There are no barriers for them, nothing is forbidden in intimate relationships. They strive to get maximum pleasure from every meeting with the woman they love. Scorpios are energetic and insatiable.

    The Scorpio man is demanding and persistent in bed, he wants to completely dominate his partner. With his sexuality he brings to strong excitement your woman.

    In a fit of passion, he is capable of causing pain to his chosen one. And for him there is nothing wrong with this, because he expects from her only submission and fulfillment of all his desires.

    A Scorpio man may have a desire for violence. In sex, he tries to prolong the process of receiving pleasure. She loves experiments in bed and strives to try everything.

    Attitude towards your partner

    The partner must have:

    • patience;
    • passion;
    • devotion.

    The attitude of a Scorpio man towards his partner directly depends on her. If she does not show her leadership, is modest and sensitive, does not demonstrate her experience in sexual relations, then he will fall in love with all these qualities in her, she will become for him not only another mistress. He will treat her with tenderness and reverence, and try to give her maximum pleasure.

    Anatomy female body is for Scorpios open book. They know perfectly well where to kiss, how to move and where to press. If the partner allows herself to trust him completely, she will receive unforgettable pleasure.

    How to impress a Scorpio man

    In order to impress Scorpio in bed, you need to think carefully about this issue. You can surprise him using special methods. He does not tolerate uncertainty and any doubt from his partner is a danger signal for him.

    The Scorpio man is very critical, he subjects everything to careful analysis, and intimate relationships will not be an exception. To seduce him, conventional methods will not work.


    It's very easy to surprise a Scorpio guy. It is enough for a woman to abandon all the principles and conventions of upbringing, surrender to her feelings completely, and give him not only her body, but also her soul.

    Relaxation and desire will cause a pleasant surprise in your partner and a desire to stay with such a girl forever.


    In order to excite and surprise Scorpio, you can resort to various costumes. You just need to think carefully about your outfit option. You should choose something unusual, confusing.

    If you wish, you can choose something fairy-tale (a costume of Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, etc.). He will be happy and grateful for such attention from his woman.


    Scorpios love to talk with their partner about intimate topics. But in order for him to be truly interested, a woman needs to come up with an erotic theme that will surprise and satisfy him.

    Alternatively, you can tell him about your secret desires and fantasies. You just need to know that it must be sincere. Scorpio does not tolerate pretense in this topic.


    During intimacy with a man of this zodiac sign, a woman should behave relaxed, but this should not look vulgar. She can unobtrusively push him towards intimacy. These can be all of the above methods together or separately. The real reward will be your partner’s improvisation.

    He will be pleasantly surprised by the actions of his beloved. He will certainly want to reach the peak of pleasure with her and achieve complete harmony in intimate relationships.

    Sexual relationships with other zodiac signs

    Sexual compatibility of a Scorpio man with other zodiac signs:

    Zodiac sign Compatibility
    AriesThe union of an Aries woman and a Scorpio man is unstable. There may be a strong and sensual connection between them that does not last long. Sexually, they have excellent chemistry. They understand each other, both strive to get maximum pleasure from sex. Scorpio is very jealous for Aries, who is accustomed to freedom. Their relationship will be very short, but memorable.
    TaurusHigh sexual compatibility will allow for a long time maintain the union between these signs. In bed, they strive to fulfill each other's desires. But after sex they can have a lot of disagreements. Each of these signs strives to dominate their partner. They are both stubborn and proud
    TwinsThe compatibility of these signs in bed is good. Geminis perceive everything very easily and simply, but at the same time they are quite changeable
    CancerBoth of these signs belong to the element of Water, which allows them to get along well with each other. Sexual relationships will be filled with positive emotions. Disagreements in the union of a Scorpio man and a Cancer woman may arise as a result of jealousy
    a lionOnly passion can maintain the relationship of these two signs for some time. But a long-term union will still not work. In sex, the temper of signs can lead to violence
    VirgoSexual compatibility between a Scorpio man and a Virgo woman is practically zero. They agree on everything except intimacy. And even if their union lasts for some time, sooner or later they will go in search of new partners
    ScalesOnly passion in bed can force them to be together, but only for a short time. Libras for Scorpios are very lazy and sensual
    ScorpionThe relationship between these two zodiac signs can spark a flame, but it won't burn for too long. Determined, jealous, with intolerable characters will not be able to be together for a long time
    SagittariusThe sexual compatibility of these signs is not very good. The Sagittarius woman, who loves freedom, is not able to stay for a long time with a demanding and jealous Scorpio
    CapricornThe intimate relationship between Scorpios and Capricorns is at its best. The emotionality of the former has a beneficial effect on the restraint of Capricorns. The union can last a long time. It will be favorable and harmonious
    AquariusAquarius values ​​and values ​​their freedom very much. Scorpio will not be able to subjugate him. This will not allow the relationship to develop. Sexually there is also a lot of disagreement
    FishScorpio man and Pisces woman have perfect compatibility both in life and sexually. They feel a strong attraction to each other. The softness and pliability of Pisces is ideal for the decisive and strong representative another zodiac constellation. Such a union can be happy and last a long time

Scorpio woman.

General characteristics.

She could write a book on how to walk, talk and look when it comes to bewitching a man. A volcano of passion lies dormant in this soul and all its explosive energy will be aimed at satisfying her desires. Only a sexually underdeveloped man can resist the sensual magic of her eyes and voice. The Scorpio woman will not utter a sound, but a person speaking any language will definitely “hear” her when she thinks about sex.

When she meets an attractive man, she knows how to win him away from the herd, and soon he will be so enchanted that he will stop noticing all other women. And it’s better not to resist! He is doomed in advance - a defenseless object under the influence of all-destructive energy. Even if she is ugly, he will be hypnotized by her powerful gaze. He finds out what it's like for the poor rabbit under the gaze of the boa constrictor.
The Scorpio woman despises tight-fisted gentlemen. Wherever she goes, she loves to travel first class, and you should pay all her bills with a smile. If her attitude towards money turns you off, you better not show it. Otherwise, they will quickly forget about you and your money.
It has enough energy for several women. She spares no effort in both work and play. In any form of activity it goes to extremes. It sounds exciting, but it can also be exhausting. You won't be bored, but you may still miss a calmer, quieter life.
She takes love seriously. Like the Scorpio man, she lives by her passions. This is not necessarily directly related to sex: she is generally passionate about life. This makes her irresistible to men who seek to subjugate her and make her dependent. But even when they succeed, they are unlikely to be able to penetrate the secret depths of her sensuality.
In the bedroom she is quite demanding, and
most men have a hard time matching her
standards. She won't mess around with a loser
leaving her unsatisfied. But in other way,
she can and will work wonders with her lover,
suffering from impotence due to any
psychological barriers. And this is not altruism on her part: she provides him with the help necessary for him to satisfy her.
She has a penetrating mind and deep intuition. Overly critical and picky, she looks long and carefully at future friends and lovers before letting them into her life. She sees the underlying motives for certain actions of other people, while the reasons for her own actions remain a mystery. The true character of a Scorpio woman is not easy to discern, and sometimes it remains a secret to others.
She is stubborn and tenacious in achieving her goal, and on the way to it she will show both patience and resourcefulness. All her actions are planned ahead of time and carefully. You need to be unusually strong and at least as purposeful as she is to resist this woman, since she knows what she wants and will strive for the goal with irresistible force. It is impossible to throw her off course: she will adapt perfectly to changing circumstances.
Warning: if a Scorpio woman fails, then her characteristic excessive emotionality may make her vindictive. If she is cheated on, she becomes worst enemy. Hell is nothing compared to the fury of a Scorpio woman. She will stop at nothing to take revenge on the one who betrayed her trust. She needs not only to punish the offender, but to humiliate and destroy him.
Jealousy is her worst flaw. She believes that all of her lover's adoration should be directed towards her. She sees rivals and intrigue where there are none. If at a party her boyfriend spends a few minutes in a pleasant conversation with a pretty woman, she will decide that he is making a secret date with her and will act accordingly. She will not stand silently and motionlessly, like a floor lamp, on the sidelines - she attacks like a fury!
She despises weakness and those who could not withstand her pressure. If there is a weakness in your defense system, it will find it. And if you want to be close to her, you must teach her to “take a punch”, otherwise you will be removed from the ring after the first knockout.
When a Scorpio woman is in a good mood, she treats her lover like a king. However, if her mood changes (and it will), she will sort it out. Her quarrels are always the mode of a hundred-watt stereo amplifier turned on at full power. And if you didn't manage to make peace before you broke up, then don't call the next day. And if you call, it will seem to you that you have the wrong number and are talking to unknown woman.
One thing you can be sure of: this is a deeply feeling, very emotional woman, absolutely devoted to the one she loves. For the sake of the one who truly won her heart, she is capable of any sacrifice. If you are chosen, then you belong to her forever.
Scorpio women are devoted lovers who will publicly stand up for you, will not abandon you in the most critical situations, and they do not care what their neighbors think or say. But don't be stingy and don't be a weakling, because then her wrath will fall on you.
Marriage? As you probably already guessed, it will be either heaven or hell; there is no middle ground. Remember! This is the most "extremist" sign in the Zodiac. She is literally an amazing woman. The faint of heart should stay away.

Her sex life

Long night ahead, guys. Distribute your forces correctly. She may start by whispering obscenities in your ear that will excite your imagination. Just talking about sex can bring her to orgasm. It is she who will insist on a huge waterbed or a round bed without a back or headboard - they are comfortable in any position! In the bedroom, she is an activist and initiator: she will do everything to make this night memorable.
A woman of the Scorpio sign is inquisitive, prone to searching and experimenting. No matter how experienced you may consider yourself in sexual delights, something about all these tricks is sure to take you by surprise. She wants you to enjoy sex as much as she does, and her pleasure is close to ecstasy in intensity. This is the most sexy sign Zodiac.
She is demanding and wants her partner to live up to her. A clinical approach is not for her: her behavior in bed is completely controlled by instincts. No book will convince her that sex is just a system of yogic exercises.
A Scorpio woman is a balm for the soul of any man. When she is physically aroused, she knows how to ignite the same fire in her partner. She likes to make love for a long time, and she knows how to force an (under other circumstances) overly hasty lover to follow her desires. After all, she is sure that sex is much more than just an act of love. Even the smallest details are important here, and she will make sure that he understands their importance.
You can be sure she's wearing the sheerest lingerie there is, or crotchless panties, or a French cupless bra, or a black garter belt. IN Everyday life The Scorpio woman looks like a real lady, but in
intimate setting she will dress and act like a total whore. When a man is interested in her, she will pursue him with both force and cunning - the answer “no” does not exist for her!
During sexual intercourse, control over the onset of orgasm is very important to her, and she will try any method that will help her man maintain potency for as long as possible. Nupercaine or other desensitizing ointment, if applied to the head of the penis, delays orgasm - this, as I discovered, is a favorite technique of Scorpio.
Among them, I also met those who use artificial penises: single, double rectal. Scorpios are popular with flavored massage creams and lubricants, twelve-inch vibrators... The Scorpio woman will not skimp on achieving her goal, and her goal is always her own sexual pleasure.
If this woman is “wound up”, then it will be difficult to stop her. She wants more from you than you can give, and she, believe me, will be able to get you to give it to her. Perhaps during intercourse she will insert a vibrator into your anus and begin to massage your prostate with the vibrator. This is an experience you won't soon forget!
She will be very upset if you do not agree with these ideas of hers: the Scorpio woman strives for dominance over her partner. Not long ago I received a letter from a man who was having an affair with a “Scorpio”. At first he was intrigued by her exotic ideas about sex, but then he began to worry. During their last meeting, she wore a tight leather suit that covered her body from head to toe, and shoes with incredibly high and sharp stiletto heels. In these shoes, she walked along his bare back, and then made him kiss, lick and caress her “leather”, and all this before she gave herself to him!
This poor guy wanted to know how to switch her to something else before she started
whip him with a nine-tail whip. I wrote to him that the chances of changing a Scorpio woman are practically zero, and that it would be best for him to break up with her. (I bet he won't, because he was
The desire to dominate sometimes takes
lesbian forms, even when communicating with a male partner. I have met Scorpio women many times who said that what they would like more than anything in the world is to strap an artificial male sexual organ to their waist and “rape” a man. One in particular aggressive woman told me that the first time she used the handle of a whip was to "stimulate" her lover's anus.
In search of the most submissive and passive partners, Scorpio women sometimes enter into lesbian relationships. In these cases, the Scorpio woman, if she does not use an artificial male genital organ, then takes the “spoon” position, in which the anus and genitals are stimulated from behind. In any case, she plays the dominant male role, not only during sexual intercourse, but also in all other relationships with
your partner.
Whatever the method chosen by the Scorpio woman, she will command her Partner to get what she wants, and she always wants more than you offered. For her, sex is just another type of “slave-master” relationship; Scorpio must always be the master!

The man is Scorpio.

General characteristics.

A man born under this sign is ruled by his own genitals. He is passionate, emotional and unpredictable. His soul obeys his desires and, in order to satisfy them, he will accept any challenge, overcome any obstacles, while the consequences of his own actions do not interest him. Even if others call him a heartless Don Juan, their opinion will not stop him in search of new sexual adventures.
It's not hard to understand why people are drawn to him like iron filings to a magnet: they respond to his almost hypnotic sensuality. He is equal parts charm and strength of character. It seems that his excess sensual energy is coming out and it surrounds him like an aura wherever he goes.
But for a woman, there is also danger in being close to Scorpio: his smoldering sexuality can flare up suddenly, without the slightest reason. Energetic and unpredictable, he makes no effort special effort to self-control. “Hold back” is not a word in his dictionary. If you prefer risky flirting without consequences, then stay away from a Scorpio man. Consider this guy a big sign: "Danger - high voltage!"
Carnal love with him is either the heights of passion, or the abyss of bestial, inhuman sex. A woman who has become the object of Scorpio's sexual desire needs to be very happy or very afraid. Nothing will stop this man on the path to his goal, for he is a slave to his desires. In lovemaking, Scorpio is the same man who does everything to excite a woman. If this did not succeed immediately, then he is ready to use any tricks to awaken a reciprocal passion in her. But if all else fails, then... he will simply rape her!
Scorpio never forgets good and never forgives evil, and if he is offended, his only goal becomes revenge. In his relationships with people, as a rule, there is an element of struggle and panic, and at times cruelty. He easily makes enemies, but let his enemies be on their guard: in any kind of conflict he is a dangerous opponent. He is fierce, stubborn and resourceful. Those dealing with a Scorpio man should make every effort to avoid conflict. Charity is not one of his virtues, and compromise is not for him.
If you enter into a fight with him, then prepare for the worst, because you will get the worst. When Scorpio is challenged, he literally fights to the death. In a dispute, he will put everything on the line, trying to beat the whole world and... to hell with the loser!
His motives seem complex and incomprehensible, for he is an introvert, part of whose personality is hidden from others. He is dynamic and sometimes "excessive" in his communication, but is devoted to his friends. He doesn't want to depend on anyone, but needs a shoulder to lean on from time to time. Emotionally unstable, he despises weakness in others, but he is attracted to masochistic individuals who would appreciate his potential for cruelty and violence.
He wastes a lot of energy in pursuit of pleasure and often becomes a victim of alcohol or drugs. However, he has a better chance than others of getting rid of such addiction, since he has tremendous willpower and determination.
Work plays a big role in his life. He does not like hard physical work, but he has a rare ability for self-concentration, a vivid imagination, courage and enterprise - all the necessary components of success. In addition, it is practical financial matters: No one will ever force him to exchange a twenty-five dollar bill!
His disadvantage is that he prefers to solve problems “in a hurry” and then forgets about them. Sometimes the problem remains unresolved until the end.
In matters of the heart, he simply doesn't take no for an answer. He expects you to devote yourself completely to him and his needs. If you don't do this, he will mercilessly cut all the threads connecting you.
Those born under this sign often turn out to be cunning, selfish and unprincipled, which becomes especially obvious when they go in search of sexual adventures. From their point of view, passion is a law unto itself! Among Scorpios you will find the most outstanding champions of bed sports. They strive for dominance, for absolute control over sexual energy and emotions.
For a Scorpio man, sex is a game in which he has weighed all the pros and cons and has the maximum chance of winning. He may enjoy the chase itself, but ultimately he is only interested in one thing - getting the woman everyone else wants.
Making him jealous can drive a Scorpio man crazy, but by doing this you are taking a risk. He is used to dominating relationships with women, he is confident that he can subjugate them to his will, and his uncontrolled passion can turn into violence and cruelty.
In general, it is a fruit with a thick skin. Beware.

His sex life

Scorpio is a lustful sexual animal. In bed with him you will get everything you expected and much more. He knows female anatomy perfectly and has a vivid erotic imagination. There are no taboos, no moral barriers for him.
Each act should bring maximum pleasure. He is insatiable: at the very beginning he will take the highest note and continue upward. From the first kiss you will feel that he has decided to take the matter seriously. And he will go straight to his goal.
He is not interested in technicalities, all he is interested in is satisfying the imperative demands of his genitals. He is ready to start before he finishes undressing. Even a blind woman will notice his excitement when he stands in front of you, naked, with his legs spread. And this also excites the woman. As a rule, she begins to breathe heavily even before he enters her. One of my friends, whose lover is Scorpio, described their intimate meetings this way: “It’s like watching an avalanche moving towards you!”
He starts without the usual foreplay. He doesn't curl his lips when kissing, he likes to bite and suck, and he's an excellent cannilingus artist. Inflicting pain makes him aroused. During foreplay he may pinch a woman’s nipples or inner thighs, enter thumb into your vagina, and the middle one into your anus, and with a click, massage the thin membrane between them. This can give great erotic pleasure along with pain.
He needs to completely dominate the woman. The fact that she is willing to endure the pain he inflicts signifies her submission. He loves to indulge himself with fantasy, which almost all women like. being the object of sexual and physical coercion.
Driven by his sexual instincts, he loves to have his genitals worshiped by a woman. When his penis is run with a tongue, sucked on and bitten tenderly, it brings him to the brink of orgasm. He will especially like this schedule: he meets you, just out of the bathroom, you give him fellatio, and then he presses you, hot and wet, to the cool tiled wall and takes you standing. Moisture excites him (Scorpio's element is water), and his first sexual hunger is satisfied by quick copulation. Then he will want to continue in the bedroom. (Scorpios always want to continue!). Or he might get into the bathtub with you. One tip: keep vaginal creams and moisturizing lubricants on hand; your own secretion may not be enough for you.
In an effort to enhance pleasure, Scorpio men can go very far. I remember one who masturbated before each sexual intercourse, another bit his lips until they bled and pinched himself cruelly, so that the pain delayed the moment of orgasm. One interesting guy told me that he had developed special exercise for the muscles of the penis: when he urinated, he paused every few seconds. As a result, he assured me, women experienced incomparable pleasure from the fact that he increased the pauses between ejections of sperm.
The Scorpio man prefers to make love in a way that leaves a chance for conception, so he is delighted with women who do not use contraception. He does not like to use condoms and such methods of birth control as "coitus interruptus", that is, removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. Scorpio is more likely to use the following method: immerse the scrotum in hot water before copulation, which sometimes results in temporary infertility. (The testicles, in fact, are located outside the body because the sperm produced in them is sterilized by body temperature, starting at 36.6 degrees Celsius
The Scorpio man prefers to inflict pain on his genitals as a method of stimulating pleasure.
I've never met a Scorpio man who asked me how to have better sex. For those who are able to understand those born under the sign of Scorpio, this is not surprising: asking questions would mean admitting one’s sexual ignorance or inferiority. And no real Scorpio will admit to such a sin! Sex is too serious a matter for them.
The Scorpio man loves all sorts of sophisticated methods. He likes to experiment and use exotic techniques and anything that will make the erotic experience memorable. The simplest and most common thing is to make the penis bigger and harder. Men born under this sign love to use the most sophisticated varieties of artificial penises: those that are heated, have built-in vibrators, and eject a sperm-like liquid!
His hidden cruelty may come out. If Scorpio feels rejected, strong paranoid traits may emerge in him.
Scorpios take pleasure in the suffering of others, hence their tendency towards sadism. Not long ago, articles appeared in newspapers about a man who set up a real dungeon in his basement and tortured women there before taking possession of them. He hung his victim by
hands, chained to the wall, gagged her mouth with a tennis ball and secured it with a cord, so that the unfortunate woman could hardly breathe.
I don’t need to check the date of birth of this sadist to recognize the handwriting of Scorpio in his actions!
“Scorpio” obsession also exists in softer, less criminal forms. Such a Scorpio will prefer an unplaned wooden table and a bare floor to silk sheets and down pillows. He enjoys bringing a woman to multiple (really multiple!) orgasms, usually through electrical stimulation. It happens like this: he
attaches the vibrator to the palm of her hand and pinches the clitoris with her thumb and forefinger so that the vibration is transmitted through them, causing orgasm after orgasm. Sometimes he varies this procedure by inserting two fingers into the vagina before turning on the vibrator, or inserting forefinger in the vagina, and the big one is placed on the clitoris. Such caresses very quickly become almost unbearable, but nothing gives a Scorpio man greater pleasure than mixing pain with pleasure!

First steps

I once said that there are only two astrologers in the world who understand Scorpios - these two, unfortunately, cannot come to an agreement with each other. It was said as a joke: I just wanted to emphasize how unpredictable those born under this sign are. However, this does not mean that their behavior is not amenable to astrological interpretation.
There are a few general rules which you need to adhere to when communicating with Scorpio. Above all, take them seriously: their pride responds to the flattery of enthusiastic attention. Whatever Scorpio says, don't contradict him too harshly. However, one should not be a hypocrite, since Scorpios have extraordinary intuition, bordering on occult abilities, and will penetrate into your true thoughts.
However, they are very susceptible to compliments, including the most flattering ones, although flattery does not deceive them. Do not skimp on praise for her outfit (most likely, it will be something extravagant, provocative, designed to attract attention), her beauty and intelligence. When he jokes, laugh, otherwise he will feel offended. Try not to notice its shortcomings. It’s better to try to perceive these shortcomings as advantages, well, for example: “I have never noticed that anyone would argue with you,” or: “You are so courageous, dear”... -
You should not offer them a trip to the theater, a long car ride, or a party with group sex - Scorpios love the comfort of home too much. Try offering to spend the evening at home listening to your favorite records - this will be a better move.
Always ask his advice. Never ask him to do something he doesn't like, otherwise you'll have to work hard to smooth out your relationship. Take it for granted that Scorpio knows a little more about everything than anyone else, and you can consider that you have won his sympathy.
Be emotional: Scorpio will repay you handsomely.
And, most importantly, devote all your attention to the Scorpio (man or woman), otherwise they will become irritable and jealous. And agree with all the plans of Scorpios: they do not like when they are offered major changes, and will only agree with small amendments.
When going on a date with a Scorpio woman, be prepared to spend money without counting. If she invites you to dinner, don't forget to bring along a bottle of expensive, collectible champagne.
If you want to win the sympathy of a Scorpio man, then behave defiantly. Wear tight dresses, wear the harshest perfume. And remember: you can’t flirt with Scorpio!
Present? Try (this is suitable for both men and women) something exotic jewel, for example, a Mexican or African amulet. Scorpios love to decorate their bodies. Give her something to wear: sensual and extravagant, bright red. Black leather boots or an inlaid belt will suit him. precious stones. When your romance with a Scorpio man enters the decisive stage, give him a gold penis ring. This is the latest in men's jewelry fashion, and it suits very well sexy Scorpios. Try giving topaz earrings to your Scorpio girl. Topaz brings happiness to Scorpios, and heavy swinging earrings, lightly touching her neck, will cause subtle erotic excitement. You can always take them off and gently rub your clitoris with them. Rest assured, she will be delighted!
Little advice: If you're going to dine out, suggest a restaurant that specializes in seafood. Favorite dish Scorpio is a lobster, and you'll score extra points if you offer him or her a claw.
Keeping Scorpio in a romantic mood means creating an atmosphere of temptation: scatter sofa cushions on the floor, light incense sticks, turn on appropriate music. Although, in the end, the situation is not so important for Scorpio. He may want to make love on a cement floor, in a garage saturated with the smell of gasoline, to the accompaniment of car engines!

Erogenous zones

The most sensitive area for Scorpios is their genitals. Even a light touch of fingers to the genitals of a Scorpio man will turn him into a volcano of passion. And “why not? He gets excited just by putting on tight-fitting swimming trunks over his “house” panties!
A woman of this sign can get herself into an excited state by crossing her legs and moving them slightly so that her private lips rub against each other. (Other approaches to sensitive areas of Scorpio's anatomy are discussed above).
Nothing in this world gives a Scorpio man greater pleasure than light, quick touches of a woman’s tongue on the head of his penis. Need I add that the Scorpio woman especially enjoys cannilingus?
When you caress a Scorpio's genitals, you literally have your partner in your hands!

Last steps

Break ties with Scorpio? This could be dangerous. He has a bad temper, and open confrontation could result in disaster. It's better to use workarounds.
Stop showing Scorpio your emotions, which he so needs. Don't bother with hugs, kisses, or verbal declarations of love.
Put your interests above his. Complain about not getting enough attention. Sulk, withdraw into yourself. Point out to them more often and more specifically what they did wrong when you were together in public.
In a conversation, don’t let others (and him) open their mouths, even if you don’t have a very good idea of ​​what you’re talking about we're talking about.
In bed, do not let him (she) do as he (she) wants.
Never praise them.
If you are a woman trying to break up with a Scorpio man, then neglect the household, let everything in the house fall into disrepair. Throw a party and invite rowdy guests, about whom you know in advance that they will restore order in your nest.
If you are a man, then shake off cigarette ashes everywhere, throw your clothes and newspapers everywhere, and leave dirty fingerprints on the wallpaper. To bring Scorpio's house into disrepair is almost as unforgivable a sin as to doubt his righteousness!
Make Scorpio jealous, and then ridicule his sense of ownership while continuing to do what you were doing. When he demands an explanation, offer something that would be no more convincing than a plot from a cheap science fiction novel.
Scorpio will linger near you no longer than a pickpocket taken by surprise.
But remember: never quarrel!
You, of course, will part with him, but you always have a chance to leave your rendezvous in an ambulance!

Compatibility of Scorpio with other signs.

Scorpio about Aries

A very temperamental couple. In sex, Aries acts as an innovator, and Scorpio enthusiastically agrees to all innovations. But Aries is too flighty for jealous Scorpio. Both are egocentric, dynamic and ambitious. Mutual attraction is great, but individualism will create centrifugal force. Short relationship and unstable marriage.

Scorpio and Taurus

Both have enough strength and temperament to satisfy mutual appetites in bed. But they must work hard to iron out differences in character if they want to maintain a good relationship until morning. Scorpio despises laziness and is generally stingy. Taurus is careless and loves to spend the money he earns. Both are proud, stubborn and dominant. Their strong sexual attraction indicates the possibility of communication. Marriage is extremely doubtful.

Scorpio and Gemini

Sexually, they are quite the same, but that’s not the only thing. Compromises are needed on both sides. From Scorpio's point of view, Gemini takes everything too lightly. Scorpio is purposeful, and Gemini is changeable. At every opportunity, Geminis love to shine in the light; Scorpios consider this an unforgivable waste of time. Unstable relationships and difficult marriages.

Scorpio and Cancer

These two water signs go very well with each other, including in sex: Scorpio's passion finds a responsive partner in Cancer. Physical compatibility will help overcome attacks of jealousy from which both signs suffer. But if an outbreak does occur, no one will be left behind! Mostly -harmonious union those in need of protection. Good connection, great marriage.

Scorpio and Leo

Both signs get excited, and heated arguments can lead to violence. Passions are running high here. Physically, they are attracted to each other, but Scorpio is not able to give Leo due attention and respect. Leo's pride will be wounded, and Scorpio's sense of ownership will also suffer. Stormy possible short novel, but a long-term relationship will be terrible.

Scorpio and Virgo

Their interests coincide in many areas, but not in sexuality. This will make their relationship very difficult. Virgo can withdraw into itself, while Scorpio will be brutally frank. If Virgo makes the necessary compromises, then the romance can survive. A temporary union of minds, but Scorpio will soon begin to seek sexual satisfaction on the side.

Scorpio and Libra

Scorpio is too jealous and demanding for Libra, and Libra is too lazy and sensitive for Scorpio. However, the temperaments of both coincide (however, for Libra it’s like this: today - yes, tomorrow - no), and both will take seriously and responsibly life together. There are likely to be problems associated with Libra's love of luxury, which Scorpio may not be able to provide. Partly cloudy during an affair and in marital relationships.

Scorpio and Scorpio

Sexually, these two will be able to light a fire underwater. They are too similar to each other. Both are possessive, jealous, stubborn - terrible characters! Once they don't get along, dishes start flying around the house and love flies out the window. Their intense sexual attachment is unable to survive outside the bedroom. Communication - "wow!" Marriage - "Brrr..!"

Scorpio and Sagittarius

You shouldn't give this couple expensive household items: Scorpio loves their home, but Sagittarius is already packed and ready to go wherever their eyes take them. Sagittarius needs freedom. Scorpio must control and dominate. Even Sagittarius's sense of humor is not able to bridge the gap that has opened up between these two signs. They are attracted to each other only by sex, and that is not enough. Spend the night together - yes; but life is not!

Scorpio and Capricorn

Both are strong-willed, ambitious and match well in sex. There will be very few problems here. Scorpio tends to be emotional, which is beneficial for the melancholic, introverted nature of Capricorn. Capricorn likes the security that Scorpio's possessive tendencies provide. Scorpio does not mind sex without sentimentality, and Capricorn is also quite happy with this. A good connection and a strong marriage.

Scorpio and Aquarius.

Scorpio is infuriated by Aquarius's changeable moods. Scorpio's interests are focused on the home, while Aquarius is passionate about many community projects and values ​​freedom too much to allow Scorpio to dominate. Aquarius is a secular person, Scorpio is not. Scorpio is not interested in the impractical projects of Aquarius. Bed acrobatics will not be able to hold this couple for long. Let each of them go their own way.

Scorpio and Pisces

This couple experiences a strong mutual attraction. Indecisive Pisces need Scorpio's encouraging energy and literally idolize his will to dominate. Their sex life will be wonderful. Scorpio is temperament and endurance, Pisces is imagination. An ideal option for both connection and marriage.

People born under the sign of Scorpio are inherently quite strong individuals. They are almost always smart, intellectual and emotional. Being under the protection of the element Water, this sign stores all experiences within itself. Scorpios tend to exaggerate problems.

This zodiac sign always stands its ground, it is a little stubborn and selfish. However, the water sign knows how to endure defeats and losses with dignity. At first glance, it may seem that Scorpio is weak and defenseless. But this is not true at all. The water sign only misleads others, disguising itself in this way.

Compatibility in love relationships

Scorpio's love can arise suddenly and passionately. However, this does not mean that everyone will know about it at once. Scorpios are not used to showing off their feelings. A water man will conquer his woman for a long time and persistently. For her sake, he is capable of crazy acts and expensive gifts. Such a sign almost always conquers a girl immediately; he captivates her in his net.

The Scorpio lady is a passionate and jealous person in love. She can drive a man in love with her crazy. The love of such a woman has no boundaries. But there is another side to the coin - she hates just as much. The deceived woman of the Water element is capable of many things, she should be feared. Such a lady can even destroy the life of her former chosen one if he betrays her.

Marriage and family life

Scorpios strive to burden themselves with family ties. Often these signs marry in quite early age. This is already a fairly deliberate and serious decision. Some Scorpios search for their chosen one for a long time, approaching the issue especially carefully.

The family life of two Scorpios often resembles an Italian TV series. Two temperamental, possessive signs do not let each other get bored in marriage. Quarrels in such an alliance arise often and pass with all the passion inherent in Scorpios. When the scandals subside, water signs live in perfect harmony for some time.

A Scorpio husband always protects his wife from various problems. Often such a man takes care of all material matters himself, leaving household chores to the woman. However, the offended spouse will reveal everything to you negative sides of your character. He will not restrain himself in insults.

The Scorpio wife in such a marriage is often the head of the family. She demands from her husband a full account of everything, from spending money to returning late from work. This is often what causes quarrels in the family. The spouses fight for the leadership position mercilessly. In some couples this drags on for many years.

Friendship between Scorpios

Being friends with a Scorpio is not easy, but it is possible. Serious and unshakable natures, they often scare people away with their mere appearance. It seems to others that this person is selfish and arrogant. However, already with close communication it becomes clear that this is not so. The person who manages to overcome the coldness of a Scorpio will become a close and faithful friend for him for many years.

Having few friends, the water sign values ​​them. He will always help in difficult situations and help out in trouble. But Scorpio's friends never know what to expect from this sign tomorrow. A water sign is unpredictable. He is a man of mood. Today your friend is joyful and happy, but tomorrow he is overcome by gloomy and sad thoughts.

Two Scorpios can become great friends if they make concessions. After all, they, like no one else, are able to understand each other and forgive all the little flaws of their violent character.

Scorpio compatibility in bed

A couple of Scorpios in bed means a sleepless night. Nobody loves sex and experimentation more than these zodiac signs. To make love with a Scorpio, you need to stock up on strength and patience. He will never leave you unsatisfied. This sign is a passionate and unrestrained lover. Before going to bed, the water sign builds a whole plan, which it strictly follows.

You have to be careful with Scorpio. If sex with a partner begins to bore him, then the water sign can find a replacement for him. Women who are cold in bed should not even try to have a Scorpio lover. Firstly, you will not be able to satisfy him, and secondly, you will get bored of him very quickly.

Scorpio compatibility at work

The sign under the element of water is an excellent worker. He is responsible, serious, demanding and executive. Scorpio devotes himself entirely to his work. Not finishing a task or quitting halfway is not about him.

However, a tandem of two representatives of this sign is not an easy matter. With such a couple, everyone around them is constantly in the line of fire. Two born leaders with hot temperaments do not know how to share power. Passions are always boiling around them, they compete and constantly prove their superiority.

It is very difficult for water signs to get along in one team. Not only they suffer from this, but also those around them. Business projects and company affairs in such a situation are also under attack. After all, it is not clear what is in the head of the unpredictable Scorpio. This sign cannot come to terms with the role of the second.

It is possible for such a couple to work together only with one condition: one must give in. But not all representatives of the Water element will do this.

Compatibility percentage

The compatibility of a pair of Scorpios is very good. Such a union has every chance of a long and happy life together. If two representatives of water decide to unite, then, basically, they stay together, no matter what. No one says that it’s easy and cloudless for the two of them. Their life is full of passions, quarrels and resentments. But it is also filled with care, love and devotion.

Compatibility in love for two Scorpios is 80%, in marriage – 95%, in friendship – 85%.

Negative moments in the union

The union of two Scorpios, no matter how desirable it may be, already carries negative energy. And it's not that people are not suitable for each other. It’s just that the nature of these signs is such that they can’t live any other way.

Scorpios are like vampires. They "feed" from their partner. And a couple of these signs live from “mutual feeding”. They feel good together, but there comes a time when the spouses simply need to quarrel. Moreover, they can come up with problems for themselves, even if there are none.

Scorpio men are terrible owners. They do not want to share their wife with anyone. Parents, friends and even children often suffer from this. Such a spouse tirelessly demands attention to himself. He is used to always being in first place.

Scorpio women are jealous and impulsive. They can overthink themselves over trifles and thereby annoy their husband. Such a wife is used to living in abundance. Therefore, the husband will always demand material well-being for family.

Another negative in a relationship could be an attempt by one of the spouses to cheat. It may remain just an attempt, or it may become a test for the whole family.

Necessary conditions for a good relationship

Two Scorpios are one of the pretty good unions. Seeing their reflection in their partner, these signs are capable of analyzing their actions. They have a lot in common, but, unfortunately, not only good things. For such a marriage to succeed, it is necessary to constantly find a compromise and make concessions.

Scorpios are unable to live without passions. Their life will always be emotional and full of adventure. Such a couple needs to learn to cope with themselves, to control themselves. Water signs You need to trust your partner.

She may start with stimulating obscenities whispered into your ear. Even talking about sex brings her closer to orgasm. She will offer you to get a huge waterbed or a round bed on which you can comfortably sit in any position. She will be active in the bedroom. He will do everything to make the night unforgettable.

The Scorpio woman is a researcher, experimenter. No matter how experienced a lover you are, she will surprise you with her spontaneous actions. She wants you to enjoy sex as much as she does, and the pleasure a Scorpio woman receives is close to ecstatic. This sign is the sexiest in the zodiac.

Erotic, demanding, she expects from her partner the same ardor that she experiences herself, because she strives for complete satisfaction. She is not satisfied with the technical approach. The Scorpio woman follows her instincts. No manual will convince her that sex is just a complex physical exercise. She would rather go to bed with a bad lover than with a good book.

She is a balm for male pride. She always demonstrates her physical arousal, fueling her partner's passion. She likes to make love for a long time, so she restrains an overly impulsive man. She knows that eroticism is more than a purely physical act. The smallest details are important to her, and she will make her partner fully understand their significance.

She will appear in the bedroom wearing sheer panties or panties with a hole in the crotch for seduction and comfort. She can wear a French bra that exposes her nipples, or a black garter belt. A Scorpio woman can look like a true lady in public, but in an intimate setting she will dress and behave like a shameless whore. If a man interests her, she will pursue and charm him with fierce determination. She will never accept rejection.

During sexual intercourse, it is very important for her that the man controls the approach of orgasm. She will use all means to help him with this. Stock up on a special ointment that reduces the sensitivity of the penis and delays climax.

In my research, I have come across many Scorpio women using single-sided, double-sided and anal dildos. They also like scented oils, flavored moisturizers, and twelve-inch vibrators. The Scorpio woman decisively moves towards her goal - sexual pleasure.

If she's turned on, it won't be easy to satisfy her. She wants to get more from you than what you are willing to give and will find a way to unleash your full potential. Perhaps for this purpose she will insert a dildo or vibrator into your anus during the act and massage the prostate gland with them. You won't soon forget the sensations you experienced!

The need to dominate sometimes manifests itself in lesbian behavior with a man. I have had the opportunity to talk more than once with women born under this sign who liked to attach a dildo to their waist and “rape” their partner. One enterprising Scorpio woman told me that the first time she “stimulated” her lover's anus was with the handle of a whip.

In search of more compliant and passive partners, the Scorpio woman turns to lesbian love. In such an act, this domineering creature uses a dildo or a position called "spooning", in which she gains access to her partner's genitals from behind. Most of her love games are similar to heterosexual ones. A Scorpio woman usually plays the role of a man not only during sexual intercourse, but also in other areas of communication.

Whatever method the Scorpio woman chooses, she will demand from her sexual partner that he fulfill her will, going beyond the usual love duties. For her, sex is a form of master-slave relationship, and she, of course, must always be the master!

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