Home Indoor flowers Shaping with Cindy Crawford the perfect figure. The secret to a perfect figure with Cindy Crawford. Set of exercises “The secret of an ideal figure”

Shaping with Cindy Crawford the perfect figure. The secret to a perfect figure with Cindy Crawford. Set of exercises “The secret of an ideal figure”

As summer approaches, we all think about our figure. We want to be beautiful, attractive and get rid of the kilograms accumulated over the winter. While guys focus on building muscles, girls want to get in perfect athletic shape. Still would! Putting on summer skinny jeans or leggings with confidence and walking around the city, leaving envious glances behind you is every girl’s dream. If you want to become the owner of an elastic butt and a slender waist, then weight loss classes in the style of shaping will help you with this!

Why you need to do shaping

Shaping will help you acquire beautiful shapes body

The word “shape” is translated as “to shape, to give shape.” Shaping classes help you lose weight and correct even such congenital figure defects as: flat butt, ugly breasts, very full or very thin hips, stooped posture. But that is not all.

The system includes many approaches that help prevent the development of osteochondrosis. Other important direction– development of the pelvic and abdominal muscles, which significantly activates hemodynamics in the pelvic area, thereby preventing diseases of the genital organs caused by inflammatory processes.

But physical education is only part of an integral system, which is shaping. Important components of fitness - proper nutrition and special daily routine. Before you engage in shaping for weight loss, you should think about your diet. If you are hesitant to choose it yourself, consult a nutritionist. That is, in order for this type of fitness to be truly effective, you need to lead a healthy life.

Is it possible for beginners to do shaping at home?

It’s more comfortable to practice shaping at home

You can practice shaping both in fitness centers, under the guidance of an instructor, and at home. You can practice shaping via video – it’s free and convenient. Then the living room will replace gym, and an alternative to exercise equipment will be ordinary dumbbells. The room must be well ventilated and a rug placed under your feet. Rhythmic music will help maintain your mood.

Suitable for the chosen type of fitness comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement, and also be sure to wear bra. After each workout, you need to take a cool shower and rub your body with a hard towel. Time on average 40-50 minutes. You should not exercise during menstruation, or late in the evening, less than two hours before bedtime.

Before you start exercising, you need to assess your physical fitness. If your performance is poor, you need to exercise carefully, constantly monitoring your well-being (especially after very intense, heavy physical elements).

A heart rate of 100-130 beats per minute can be considered very good, 130-150 is within normal limits, 150-170 is above normal indicator, 180-200 - maximum permissible.

Beauty is working on yourself

The first thing to do is structure your training. You can't just do a random lunge for a few minutes when inspiration strikes, or do a set incorrectly 100 times just to finish it quickly. You need to understand a few important things:

  • during training you need to use about 3 different complexes;
  • weight can be used. More than 12-15 repetitions with weight and the muscles are already working for growth and endurance;
  • a progressive load is required, that is, the intensity should gradually increase, the number of repetitions increase, and the movements become more complex;
  • you won't be able to focus on just one muscle. There are always several working at once.

Is it possible to lose weight, how many calories are burned?

To answer this question, let's think about what shaping is? First of all, it is a sport. Losing weight and sports are almost inseparable concepts. With regular exercise and proper nutrition in just a few months you can lose 5-6 kg of weight.

Losing weight with shaping is easier than you think

To understand why you can lose weight, you need to remember the differences between male and female. women's sports and think about what shaping is. If it is enough for men to do 1-2 approaches with weights, then for women the most effective is considered to be repeated repetitions of the same physical element. What is it based on? this system fitness. This is a repetition of the exercise in several approaches.

The complex is designed to combat overweight and help you get the coveted slim shape. Fitness involves muscle groups that are Everyday life are practically not used, and, therefore, are in a relaxed state and need training.

In 1 hour of active shaping training, you can burn 200-250 calories if your body weight is 60 kg.

10 most effective shaping exercises for beautiful buttocks and legs

You need to perform squats as deeply as possible, especially if the squat is performed with only your body weight. The back should remain straight, since these workouts are designed to train the “fifth point”. When squatting, you should keep your feet shoulder-width apart, or even a little wider, depending on your build.

To prevent your knees from sagging and your upper back from slouching, you can bring your palms together in front of your chest, with your elbows apart. Gradually increase the difficulty: slow down the pace and increase the number of squats with each session.

The horseback position or riding position is one of the main forms of martial arts, and it is an important part of the body shaping routine that trains the gluteal muscles and also improves the size of the thighs. Stand straight with your feet 1-2 feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat down as if you were about to sit on a chair. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

You will definitely feel the tingling and burning sensation and you will have to focus on not giving up. Try to hold this position for as long as you can. For neophytes, the average time is 15-30 seconds. Over time it can be increased. Advanced practitioners can hold this position for 5-10 minutes to achieve effective results.

Recommended next plan: 3 sets with weights in hands, 10-12 reps. The number of repetitions can be increased to 15-25 if you use only body weight. Over time, you can add weight, number of repetitions, slow down the pace, or add 1-2 more approaches.

Sports step is a dynamic lunge that activates the “5 points” and provides good cardiovascular training. All you need is a platform that is slightly above your knees - somewhere around mid-thigh, but you can also try from a lower platform, such as a stable bench.

You step on it with one foot, lift your body and then lift the knee of your other leg as high as you can before stepping back into initial position. You can make it more difficult by performing it with a load in the form of dumbbells or, for example, a jug of water.

Effective swingswho train gluteal muscle, so be prepared for painful sensations in this area when performing exercises. To perform, simply lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. Raise your pelvis, keeping your shoulders, head, and feet on the floor.

While lying down, raise your hips as high as possible, tightening the part that is below your back. If this is too easy for you, then you can, while in an elevated position, straighten one leg and keep it suspended for a few seconds, then you should change legs.

To perform the workout, you need to get on all fours with your arms straight. Next, lift your leg off the floor and push it up. You need to raise your legs slowly, one at a time. Execution may not be easy at first.

Watch your body, because... you may start to slouch. Over time, when your hips are trained, you can add weights to them to make the workout more challenging.

How many times a week should you do shaping? It is recommended to attend training at least 3 times a week. It is best to combine or alternate with cardio sessions, such as running. In addition to the fact that this will affect the effectiveness of weight loss, it will also help train your legs, which are often used in shaping. This will help you avoid a training imbalance. different parts bodies. There is no need to overdo it more than 3 times a week if you do all the physical elements correctly.

This exercise is best performed on a relatively soft surface. For example, on a double folded blanket or yoga mat. First you need to lie down on the floor. Lying on your side, lift your leg up and slowly lower it down. Having done required quantity once, turn over to the other side and train the other leg. This is a great exercise that works your legs and glutes well.

It's a great way to lose weight and improve flexibility and balance while your legs and butt do some serious work. Squat down with your feet on the floor. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width, arms crossed in front of the chest. Shift your weight from one side to the other. Once you have shifted your weight to the left, pull your fingers right leg forward, hold this position for several seconds. Then place your foot on the floor and transfer your weight to right side. Repeat several alternating approaches.

An excellent workout for problem areas - thighs. Take the starting position: get on all fours, keeping your back straight. Raise one leg to the left as far as possible until it is parallel to the floor. Then rotate your leg: first, making small rotations, keeping your leg bent, then straighten your leg and do a few more large rotations with your entire leg. Perform the exercise for as long as you can, spending about 20-30 seconds on each leg. Just 3 approaches with each leg. This good exercise to train the hips, improve mobility, and also to strengthen the small muscles of the legs.

First try sitting on the floor, then lying down. The exercise should be performed from a position lying on your back. At the same time, raise your legs and knees, resting your palms on either side of your head. The fingers should be turned towards the shoulders. Gradually lift your body by pushing your hips up. You will feel your shoulders and wrists mobilize and your arms tighten.

Shaping lessons will help you train your glutes, legs and shoulders while stretching your abs ( abdominal muscles) and upper body. Hold your torso for as long as possible - first 30-60 seconds. But you shouldn’t hold on for more than 2–3 minutes if you don’t want to feel pressure in your head due to a rush of blood. Return to the starting position slowly, rest for 60-90 seconds and repeat the exercise.

To add load, you can lift and extend one leg while performing.
Physical elements for those who want to lose weight are more similar to aerobics and include fewer strength elements. If you need to dial muscle mass(of course, due to muscles, not fat), training is carried out with elements of athleticism - exercises with various weights. They are less intense.

A super effective exercise for the gluteal muscle and abs - 2 parts of the body that any woman wants to get in order for the summer. Lying on your back, lift your legs off the ground about 45 degrees, then push them up and slowly return to the starting position. This physical element is considered one of the best for creating athletic forms of the lower body, but do not forget about upper parts bodies.


A few useful things to help you get motivated and master the art of fitness:

Shaping for beginners at home with Claudia Schiffer

German top model Claudia Schiffer is recognized as one of the most beautiful girls in the world. However, her success lay not only in good external data, but also permanent job above oneself. Claudia Schiffer's photographs have appeared on magazine covers about 900 times.

Shaping classes: video lessons with Cindy Crawford

There probably wasn't a woman or girl in the late 90s and early 00s who didn't have a videotape from Cindy. Cindy Crawford is one of the Big Six models who has achieved incredible success in the modeling field.

Shaping lessons based on lessons from YouTube with Marina Leonova

Strength training exercises with Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels is a fitness trainer. Her program, due to its intensity, is recommended for women no older than 50 years old, as well as for those who have no health contraindications.

Almost everyone wants to lose weight and look good these days, because healthy image life and a slim body become indicators financial well-being and success. Some people prefer diets to achieve their goals, others go to sport Club, and some join fans of home fitness or video recordings of exercises.

We won’t discuss which of them is right now, but one thing is clear: sport prolongs life, improves its quality, changes habits and has a great effect on a person’s appearance.

From the moment shaping with Cindy Crawford appeared on the market (“The Secret perfect figure", "How to achieve perfection" and others), almost 20 years have passed, but this video material is still in great demand. What is the secret of the popularity of Cindy and her program?

What is shaping with Cindy Crawford?

The target audience for whom Cindy's classes are designed are housewives and those who for some reason do not want to go to the gym.

There can be many reasons for this - from banal laziness to zero level of sports training and a complex from a much improved figure.

To understand what shaping with Cindy Crawford is, let's go back to history. A few years before Cindy’s famous video lessons were released, a set of exercises called “shaping” was patented in Russia in the late 80s, the author of which was the Leningrad scientist I.V. Prokhortsev. The goal of the method was to achieve feminine contours of the figure and create the image of a shaping model who could not only demonstrate her ideal body, but also correctly present it where needed.

But the concept of shaping includes not only exercises aimed at losing weight or creating curves, there is also choreography, massage, and special diet. Furthermore, leading trainers from shaping are categorically against any exercise at home, since testing is carried out for each woman and an individual complex is selected. Only in this case can we talk about obtaining the desired result.

This means, by default, it is no longer necessary to talk about the fact that shaping is being carried out with Cindy Crawford (video), since the philosophy of shaping goes against the concept of video lessons and home exercises. But then what is shaping with Cindy, which is talked about not only on the Internet, but also in many sports clubs?

According to fitness professionals, the so-called shaping from Cindy Crawford is nothing more than a mixture of yoga, callanetics, sports dancing, strength aerobics and Pilates (see pictures):

For beginners who want to get rid of several extra pounds, these video exercises will really help strengthen muscles and reduce the number of subcutaneous fat. But for those who want to achieve ideal body contours and aspire to more, such video tutorials, unfortunately, are not suitable.

This is understandable, because all types of exercises that Cindy uses have a slightly different task, namely: to lose weight, strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and abs, remove cellulite, and so on. Shaping helps to bring a woman’s body closer to the standard, and this, you see, is a slightly different approach.

The selection of exercises for Cindy was made by her personal trainer (Radu), who helped her train and monitored her condition. For those beginners who have never had sports experience, do not want to go to the gym and want to really get their body back to normal (like in their younger years), shaping at home with Cindy Crawford can be simply irreplaceable. All exercises can be done at home, and there is no need to seek the help of a trainer.

This is probably the whole success of Cindy Crawford - she definitely found her target audience and continues to work for her for many years. The first results can be noticed within 3-4 weeks from the start of classes, if, along with regular classes, you begin to limit yourself in food and follow a diet. You can follow Cindy’s lessons using any of her routines, the main thing is not to skip training and have a great desire to get a beautiful body.

What set of classes with Cindy Crawford is best to use?

To ensure that the result meets your expectations, choose the complex wisely, and then everything will work out:

  1. The “Secret of an Ideal Figure” complex is intended for beginners who have no sports experience. Exercises will help you tighten your figure and burn subcutaneous fat.
  2. The “New Dimension” complex is intended for women who have given birth to a child and want to return old forms bodies.
  3. The “How to Achieve Perfection” complex contains power loads, so it can and should be used by those who have already had experience in training and want to continue in the same spirit.

In addition, when using video lessons, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • Before starting classes, consult with a professional trainer and listen to his advice, because an incorrectly selected complex may not only be useless, but also harm your health.
  • When starting out, don't do intense or strength exercises.
  • During classes, do not be distracted by extraneous calls, noises or other factors.
  • Be careful to perform the exercises correctly, as incorrect technique can lead to health problems or injuries.
  • Monitor the regularity and time of each workout - skipping and reducing the time of training will worsen the result or make it zero.
  • Don’t forget to follow a diet and periodically measure your body measurements and weight - this will give you the greatest motivation to continue the video lessons.

Despite long discussions about the disadvantages and advantages of independent training, many still prefer to conduct fitness classes not under the guidance of an instructor, but at home, listening to the popular video “Shaping with Cindy Crawford.”

The advantage of such activities is a significant saving of time and money - you don’t need to purchase a subscription, nice clothes for training (you can jump at home in old, washed-out shorts and a T-shirt), and you don’t have to waste precious time on the road.

But at the same time, there is a significant drawback - you risk doing the exercises incorrectly, because no one will be able to control how you perform crunches, swings, etc. At best, you simply will not be able to achieve the desired result, and at worst, you risk getting injured . But if you have already visited the gym and mastered the basic technique of performing exercises, then nothing prevents you from exercising at home, especially if you have treadmill or other home exercise equipment.

Cindy Crawford and her video program “The Secret of the Ideal Figure” demonstrates to everyone how a slender beauty easily does at first glance simple exercises, looking energetic and cheerful, and even claiming that her toned muscles and beautiful shape are the result of this specially developed Shaping program. Few people can resist the temptation to immediately start training.

Description of training with Cindy Crawford

“The Secret of an Ideal Figure” includes three blocks: two full workouts of 40 minutes each and a short 10-minute lesson. One training session is conducted by Cindy against the backdrop of the ocean, on outdoors, the second - indoors. You can alternate these workouts, doing one program once a week, another time the second, and on the remaining days keeping fit with an additional 10-minute workout.

Before starting active exercises, you must do a warm-up, perhaps the most wonderful of all that you have seen performed by other trainers.

Shaping classes with Cindy are really effective, because the exercises are given for all muscle groups. After your first workout, you will have sore muscles that you didn't even know you had. But the muscles will tone up quite quickly, and as a bonus you will gain good stretching. Cindy completes her workouts with a very effective exercises for stretching.

Thanks to the exercises, many have already been able to lose excess weight. The main thing is not to rush to food after training, otherwise all your torment will be in vain.

Shaping with Cindy Crawford has another important advantage: Cindy comments on the exercises very competently, telling you how to do squats, lunges and crunches correctly. For example, when performing lunges, you need to make sure that your knee does not protrude beyond the toe of the leg in front. Even during training in fitness clubs, not all instructors focus on this point. Not to mention the fact that the trainers themselves do not always do such lunges correctly, but this poses a risk of injury to the knee ligaments.

Currently, shaping with Cindy Crawford is very popular, it can be purchased on disk or found on the Internet. This famous video course is not a year old or two, however, it still successfully competes with other sports video programs and does not lose its popularity among home fitness lovers. “The Secret of the Ideal Figure” is a well-proven, time-tested and timeless classic, ideal for those who want to exercise at home in a relaxed environment. Hurry up to discover shaping with Cindy Crawford!

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Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


In the 90s of the last century, a real boom in home training began, and many thematic video courses were released. One of the best training videos of those years on the topic of fitness is Cindy Crawford's course The Secret of an Ideal Figure. Cindy turned out to be a forward-thinking trainer, so she developed a simple and accessible program. The complex requires a minimum of equipment and time, helps women of any age to exercise at home and maintain their beauty.

What is the success of the course “The Secret of the Ideal Figure”

Even before its release in the early 90s, the course was predicted to be a resounding success, since at that time Cindy Crawford was at the peak of world fame. In the training video, the model openly says that an ideal body, including hers, is the result of daily hard work. Similar words from the mouth of one of the most beautiful women planets are a powerful incentive that forces you to work on your own appearance every day.

An important advantage of The Secret of an Ideal Figure is the way it presents information: Cindy does not easily talk about effectiveness different exercises, but also performs them herself. It creates a feeling group lesson, and training together is much more interesting than training alone. The creators of the video took care of the rhythmic musical accompaniment, making the activity more lively.

A set of exercises from Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford's training course about the secret of an ideal figure cannot be clearly attributed to any one area of ​​fitness. The training program includes popular elements of aerobics, Pilates, callanetics, and strength fitness. The course consists of three workouts, which successfully alternate and help diversify the load.

Workout #1 is a mini-lesson for beginners, includes exercises for all muscle groups. During the 10-minute class, the audience, together with the star, performs a short warm-up, working the muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks, chest and abs. As Cindy herself says, the ten-minute complex is convenient to perform at any time. The lesson will be easy, but effective.

Workout #2 lasts 40 minutes and includes:

  • warm-up;
  • exercises for the muscles of the legs and buttocks;
  • exercises for chest muscles.

Workout #3 is aimed at working the muscles of the upper body and includes:

  • warm-up;
  • exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder torso;
  • exercises for the abs;
  • stretching.

How to do the program correctly

Cindy Crawford's course is divided into three parts, so everyone determines the order of classes and their combination. However, there are recommendations that, if followed, will help increase efficiency and prevent overload of the body. To perform the exercises, a minimum of equipment is required: a mat, light dumbbells, a chair with a backrest.

Beginners are recommended to start getting acquainted with video lessons from the first 10-minute workout. A simple but intense ten-minute exercise will stress your muscles and help prepare your body for more intense exercise. When performing part No. 1 ceases to cause difficulties, it is permissible to move on to a more complex level - to workouts No. 2, No. 3.

The second and third parts last 40 minutes each, the pace is intense, so it is advisable to perform only one part of the complex per day. For example, dedicate even days to working on bottom body and chest with workout No. 2, and on odd days - work out the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and abs with workout No. 3. In each complex it is permissible to increase the load, including part No. 1.

Video lessons of the course "The Secret of the Ideal Figure"

Regular completion of all three parts of the course is the key to slimness and good health. During the workout, everyone receives the excellent cardio and strength training needed to get rid of excess weight, formation of a beautiful relief. The order in which parts of the complex are performed is determined individually; Cindy does not establish strict rules regarding this.

Part 1

A simple but intense ten-minute workout is what busy women need. During a short workout, Cindy Crawford shows exercises for warming up, strengthening the muscles of the arms and legs, tightening the buttocks, abdomen, and chest. It is convenient to perform the complex both in the morning - as exercise, and in the evening - for a little warm-up after a hard day at work.

Part 2

The second part is aimed at creating slender legs, toned breasts, elastic buttocks. Together with the beautiful Cindy, everyone will have to give their best in 40 minutes. The complex is not easy and requires some preparation. Necessary equipment: chair with backrest, mat, dumbbells.

Part 3

Lesson No. 3 from the series “The Secret of the Ideal Figure” is devoted to exercises for creating a slender waist, sculpted abs, beautiful shoulders, and arms. To exercise the arm muscles, you will need dumbbells weighing 1–3 kg. You also need a mat to work out your abdominal muscles. The complex is intense, so it is recommended to perform it only when feeling good and having sufficient physical fitness.

Almost all girls and women strive for an ideal figure, but each realizes her dream in her own way. As for fitness, some prefer to regularly visit clubs and work out under the guidance of an experienced trainer, while others work out at home, drawing on the necessary knowledge from video tutorials.

For two decades now, video tutorials on shaping with Cindy Crawford have been consistently popular. They can confidently be called time-tested, because they have helped millions of women around the world with different social status and with wealth to acquire the desired body.

Who is Cindy Crowfraud

One of the stars of the 90s shaping was the legendary model of that time, Cindy Crawford. She was born in 1966, 20 years ago she was the face of many world brands, the world's catwalks could not do without the presence of this beauty.

Many years have passed, many other video courses on fitness and shaping have appeared, but some of them most in demand still are classes with Cindy Crawford. VK, YouTube and other resources contain these videos in free access, and you don’t need to spend money, like the girls of the 90s, even on videotapes, all the information will be free.

How to choose the right set of exercises

To achieve the desired results from sports, you need to choose the right set of exercises from Cindy Crawford, because there are several of them:

Before you start training, you need to consider the following recommendations:

Set of exercises “The secret of an ideal figure”

This proprietary program from Crawford consists of three blocks:

  • two large workouts of 40 minutes each;
  • short lesson of 10 minutes.

Typically, Cindy would do one workout in front of the ocean or some other outdoor location and the other indoors. Classes can be alternated, for example, one day you can do one algorithm, and the second - another, but on the other days you can limit yourself to 10-minute workouts.

Shaping exercises with Cindy are very effective and involve all muscle groups. Your muscles will probably ache after your first session. But they will quickly tone up, and you will also get excellent stretching. Stretching exercises from Crawford also give excellent results. Studying on permanent basis, you will quickly receive beautiful figure. All your efforts may be in vain if you immediately rush to food after training.

This complex, like other programs from Crawford, is good because the legendary model comments on everything very interestingly, tells in detail, how to do crunches, lunges, or squats correctly. In particular, during lunges you should make sure that your knee does not protrude beyond the toe of the leg in front. It is worth noting that even during training in clubs, not every coach will dwell on this issue in detail. And some of them themselves do not know how to perform them correctly, which can lead to injury to the ligaments in the knee joint.

Other Exercise Programs

“The Secret of an Ideal Figure” is far from the only exercise program from famous model. You can find other video tutorials on the Internet.

For example, " Perfect body in 10 minutes" is a program that the celebrity developed together with coach Radu. It is believed to be the optimal combination maximum effect With minimal costs by time. You only need to exercise for 10 minutes a day, at least, this is the stated interval. In fact, it may be different.

This complex consists of warm-up and exercises for key muscle groups. You don't need to purchase special accessories or look for a training room. You can exercise both on the street and in an ordinary apartment.

More one set of exercises It's called "How to Achieve Excellence." It differs in that within an hour there is a load on all the muscles of the body. The training is designed in such a way that changing positions occurs constantly, and repetitions are kept to a minimum. So, it includes 20 repetitions of abdominal exercises, and the rest will be performed 10 times.

The training includes activities such as:

  • light warm-up;
  • dynamic classes for legs with original exercises;
  • blocks for the press, interrupted by exercises for the chest, biceps and triceps, back and shoulders;
  • shallow stretch at the end.

Additionally, you will need dumbbells for chest exercises.

Crawford developed the New Dimension Complex after the birth of her children, taking into account the problems women face after childbirth. It is often extremely difficult to regain your shape; this complex is designed to help women do this without difficulty and unnecessary stress.

The program includes three levels of varying complexity. They start with minimal loads and end with the most difficult ones. By practicing this method, you will quickly recover after childbirth and receive the necessary energy boost.

Diet according to Cindy Crawford

If you decide to follow the programs developed by Crawford, for maximum effect, do not forget about proper nutrition. The model herself believes that it should be balanced and nutritious. You should eat regularly to maintain proper metabolic levels. Fasting is not recommended.

Cindy eats 5-6 times during the day, between main meals there should be snacks. This will maintain a moderate appetite, prevent hunger, speed up metabolism, and daily norm calories will not be exceeded.

Crawford calls his favorite diet the soup diet, where the main dish is cabbage soup. Thanks to the diet, you can lose about 5 kilograms within two weeks. Nutritionists do not recommend keeping it longer given period, since it includes a minimum protein content.

This soup is very easy to prepare. cut white cabbage and cook together with other ingredients:

  • parsley;
  • onions and green onions;
  • pepper;
  • carrots;
  • celery.

Additionally, you can add greens, beans or tomatoes.

Vegetables for soup should contain a minimum of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is better to avoid potatoes. Such fresh soup It is recommended to eat daily along with vegetables, black rice and fresh fruit except bananas.

Once a week you can eat about 200 g chicken breast steamed fish, drink a glass of milk and yogurt. Only low-calorie dairy products are allowed.

Acceptable drinks:

  • freshly brewed herbal or green tea;
  • natural coffee without sugar (rarely);
  • vegetable juice;
  • drinking water.

You can occasionally treat yourself to something tasty, but only if you then make every effort to burn calories.

You can get in shape like the famous top model by exercising regularly and actively, also enjoy life and be purposeful. According to Crawford, you should not look for excuses for your laziness or blame your reluctance to study on being busy or lack of time. Anyone can find just half an hour a day to exercise.

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