Home Vegetables The design of the beds in the country 6 acres. Site planning - the main initial task

The design of the beds in the country 6 acres. Site planning - the main initial task

As a rule, sites are divided into 3 conditional zones:

  • house and outbuilding area
  • garden and vegetable garden area
  • rest zone

House and outbuildings

House- most important object on the site, so planning should begin by determining its location.

If you want to use the main part of the territory for placing a garden and a vegetable garden, then it is more expedient to build a house in the northern part of the site next to the fence.

If you purchased a plot in order to place a recreation area on it, then housing can be built in any part. The main thing is that complete harmony and comfort reigned on your site.

It is desirable that the windows face east and west. Otherwise, in rooms with windows facing north, it will be too cold, and in the south, on the contrary, it will be too warm.

To decorate the house, you can land on its perimeter ornamental plants. To prevent the house from overheating during the hot season, build a veranda or terrace on its south side. If desired, shade-tolerant plants can be planted next to the house - raspberries, currants, apple trees.

Outbuildings- this is a bathhouse, a barn, a toilet, a compost heap.

Additional buildings should not darken the site. Place them along the border of the territory. So the buildings will perform another function - protecting the future garden from strong winds.

When determining a place for building a house and additional buildings consult with neighbors. It will not be very good if, for example, your compost heap is located next to the neighbors' apartment building, separated from it only by a fence.

Garden figures in the country:.


For planting fruits and vegetables, use an area that receives as much sun as possible. Only then will you be able to grow a good crop.

The most advantageous breakdown of the garden zone is geometric. Such a breakdown involves a neat design of the beds, their location parallel to each other.

Geometric layout saves precious space

On your own site, you can plant any fruitful crops. Ask your family what vegetables they would like to see in their summer cottage. Plant as many berries and vegetables as your household can eat. So you will not take up much space for planting, you will not regret the fruits thrown out next fall.

When planting trees, keep in mind that soon the seedlings will grow to huge sizes. For this reason, between young trees, make a gap of at least 3 meters.

The flower garden looks very good next to the porch or along the garden. Plant flowers that change each other every season. For example, violets will bloom in spring, phloxes and lilies will bloom in summer, and dahlias and asters will bloom in autumn.

Take care of the arrangement of garden paths and irrigation systems. If they are available, caring for the garden and garden will only be a pleasure.

Rest zone

Place the seating area closer to the house.

Fence it off with a small fence or create a fence of flowers. An artificial reservoir can be placed in the recreation area.

Remarkably, a gazebo fits into the recreation area, saving from the summer heat or rain.

Hops, grapes or others can be planted around the gazebo, thereby creating shade and additional comfort.

The recreation area should be on the lawn. To decorate the lawn, flower beds or trees are used.

If you have children, create a playground for them. Here you can install a swing, a sandbox. small carousel. Children will be delighted.

Site layout examples

I would like to cite as an example the most successful ideas for planning a site on 6 acres.

Layout option with a swimming pool, a sandbox for children, a sauna and a garden.

Compact arrangement of elements on six acres. At the same time, everything you need is present.

A working draft of landscape design for a small area. Pay attention to details.

Do not know ? Read our tips.

Everyone has known the word barberry since childhood. However, it is not only delicious candy, but also good for your garden.

Gone are the days when every centimeter was reserved strictly for the arrangement of beds or the cultivation of horticultural crops. The wind of change has blown, and now almost every summer resident wants to see in his land allotment not just a place for endless work, but also an area for a pleasant stay with the whole family. How arrange a backyard with your own hands (6 acres) to achieve both of these goals at the same time?

Drawing up a drawing of a summer cottage with your own hands

First of all, you need to draw up an arrangement plan suburban area on the paper. You can use more modern method- create a diagram using computer program. Be that as it may, it is important that the schematic representation is strictly scaled. For example, it will be convenient to draw up a drawing in which each centimeter will correspond to a meter of land. So, to create a site diagram, 20x30 m in size, you will need to draw a rectangle 20x30 cm.

First of all, mark the location of the house, toilet, gazebo, barbecue, sauna, barn, garage on the diagram of the summer cottage, taking into account their actual size. It is important to take into account such points regulated by law:

  • From the red line of the street to any building on the summer cottage should be at least 5 m. This also applies to modest allotments of 6 acres.
  • There must be at least 3 m from the border with the neighboring plot to the residential building.
  • From the border with the neighboring plot to any outbuildings, a distance of 1 m must be observed.
  • From the windows of a residential building to the outbuildings of a neighboring site should be at least 6 m.
  • Between two residential buildings a distance of 6 to 15 m is required (depending on fire resistance).

Drawing of a suburban area

Before compiling detailed plan arranging your 6 acres, study in detail all the building and fire safety standards. In addition, the following tips will help you most successfully zone the territory.

  • To prevent the beds from being in the shade, it is better to place all massive structures and trees on the summer cottage on the north side.
  • If the site is sloping, then in the lowest place where water constantly accumulates, it is better to arrange a recreation area, and not beds.
  • When determining the location of the gazebo, terrace or windows of the house, try to take into account what kind of view will open around.
  • It is better to place a garage or a carport for a vehicle closer to the entrance to the summer cottage, which will save absolutely no extra meters in a summer cottage of 6 acres.
  • Make sure that the garage or carport is not adjacent to the gazebo or terrace.

columnar trees

Design tips for arranging a summer cottage of 6 acres

The arrangement of a summer cottage, the size of 6 acres, is not an easy task, because it is quite difficult to make such a small piece of land both beautiful and as functional as possible. Most likely, some advice from designers in this regard will help you.

Arrangement of beds and garden

Instead of following tradition and planting crops in straight rows strictly one after another, make the beds in your area semicircular or any free form. This should visually enlarge the territory. To make them look spectacular, make a fence for them from plastic bottles, old tires, slate or logs. Instead of planting all the trees together, it is better to place them separately at the edges of the plot.

Unusual beds

Flowerbed decoration

Of course, when decorating a recreation area, you can’t do without flowers. For a plot of only 6 acres, great solution there will be a rock garden. You can also arrange ordinary flower beds and plant flowers along the paths, as long as there are no strict geometric shapes. A small suburban area does not tolerate clear contours and smooth paths. It would be advisable to use the vertical method of gardening.

Flowerbeds for a small cottage

Style direction

To make your entire cottage seem like a complete picture, you need to choose a single style and follow it when arranging. The most popular of them for a summer cottage are:

  • English- imitation of the natural landscape;
  • French- strict order and symmetry;
  • Italian- height differences;
  • Chinese- water, stones, fences;
  • Muslim- marble, fountains, roses;
  • country music- Simplicity, handmade.

Country style

Suitable fencing

In such a small area in question, the fence is clearly visible from any place. To prevent it from giving a feeling of constriction, surround your site with a hedge. Another option is a translucent fence (for example, from a mesh). If you want to be safe from prying eyes, but do not want to resort to a hedge, then choose the most neutral tones for the fence and create it from heterogeneous materials.

By and large, everyone decides for himself how to equip a summer cottage with his own hands. 6 acres is quite a bit, so planning the location of the house and outbuildings, recreation areas, beds and gardens on such a site is not an easy task. These tips can be of great help to you in this matter.

The breakdown and planning of a summer cottage is a process that requires knowledge of land management, construction technology, landscape design, and also includes your creative fantasies. Competently connecting both sides of the issue, you can achieve the result that so far is only in your dreams. Do-it-yourself site planning makes sense to start with preparatory work.

To get the cottage of your dreams, it is important to plan the right place

Discuss preparatory work

We start with a visual inspection of the site to determine the type of relief, general outlines, the presence of buildings and their location. Perhaps your site has a slope or pond. Any of these natural objects should be included in the plan; it can be interesting to beat it by tying it to general concept landscape design. Pay special attention to the conditions for the location of your allotment: forest - steppe, lowland or hill.

Based overall assessment situation, and landscaping should be planned. Additional preparation may include backfilling or removing soil, laying gutters. Proper placement and design of summer cottages will facilitate the zoning of the site and the placement of other landscape objects. A detailed space assessment includes:

  1. Relief. The scheme for laying engineering communications depends on the features of the relief. Hilly or perfectly flat, with ravines and slopes, it requires the owner to take into account all the features.
  2. Priming. The quality of the soil is important for planning the garden, laying out flower beds and planting ornamental plantings. The soil can be clay, sandy or high in humus. For vegetable crops increased soil fertility is needed. Soil acidity is important for the selection of flowering plants.
  3. Shape and size. Find out what shape your site has: square, triangular or rectangular in order to correctly fit all the planned objects into it.
  4. Ground water. Knowledge of the groundwater level will help to solve the issue of drainage and water drainage, if necessary.
  5. Climatic conditions. Influence the choice of plants, thermal insulation of buildings.
  6. Illumination. An important parameter for the placement of buildings, plantings and decorative objects. Tall trees and buildings are recommended to be placed on the north side of the site in order to reduce the effect of shade on vegetation.

This is how a bathhouse with a pond may look like in the country

Territory zoning is a smart decision

It is impossible to plan a summer cottage without first determining the necessary zones. The number of zones is determined by many factors and is always calculated strictly individually, applicable to a specific site and the desires of the owners. We list the standard set of zones, which includes:

  • living sector;
  • recreation area;
  • various outbuildings;
  • garden area;
  • garden.

When performing zoning, you should calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach zone. Professionals express zoning areas as a percentage of the entire area of ​​the site. As a rule, the residential area accounts for 20%, outbuildings occupy 15%, and 75% is left for the garden. Such a plan will allow you to fully reveal and ensure the optimal "cutting" of the site and will allow you to implement a competent landscape design.

When planning the site and zoning, it is necessary to take into account the needs of all family members

Subject features of zoning:

  1. The house on the plan is placed in the center of the site. Ancillary buildings are located in the depths of the territory. Green spaces can be used to camouflage a barn or toilet.
  2. A place to stay is chosen according to the principle of convenience and a beautiful location relative to all buildings. The zone can be made in a combined form or scattered in separate corners. Read also:
  3. Garden beds are laid out on the most illuminated part of the territory. Buildings should not obscure them. Read also:
  4. For a bath and a pool, a place is allocated near the fence so that they do not take up too much free space in the center.

An example of zoning a territory using trellises

Plot shapes are different.

Majority summer cottages are a rectangle, which is ideal for creating any design pattern. However, there are territories with non-standard geometry. So, for example, complex L-shaped sections that require a carefully thought-out approach to their planning. The protruding part of such a territory can be used for the improvement of a playground or recreation area.

Get it right on paper

When planning an independent breakdown of a summer cottage, get ready for the fact that all your thoughts and ideas will need to be transferred to paper. If you are good with computers, you can apply special program for project development. A simpler option is to transfer all objects to paper. The ideal solution is to make a drawing of the site on whatman paper at a scale of 1:100. For convenience, first draw the entire sheet with a grid with 1 cm cells.

The next step is the direct transfer of the intended objects to paper. For drawing, you can take felt-tip pens, pencils, magazine clippings, and so on. We proceed to work with the scheme, given the following sequence:

  • we place the house on the drawing, taking into account the entrance doors;
  • allocate space for utility buildings;
  • we mark the recreation area and mark the reservoir, if any;
  • we reserve a place for a children's town;
  • we connect all the objects with the necessary paths;
  • mark the location of the fences;
  • we reflect flower beds, rock garden;
  • draw lines of engineering communications.

Site sketch will help to plan the area

When engaged in independent planning, one should take into account the requirements of the law for the norms for the location of various objects on the site. Today they are:

  • from the main housing construction to the "red line" - 5 meters;
  • from the house to the neighboring fence - 3 meters;
  • space between brick buildings - 6m, wooden buildings - 15m, between mixed buildings - 10m;
  • from the fence to the wall of the house - 3m, buildings for animals - 4m, outbuildings - 1m, trees - 4m;
  • from the windows of your house to neighboring outbuildings - 6m.

This is what commercial buildings might look like.

Buildings and decor in assortment

It's time to elaborate on the future site plan. Schematically, we have already considered the main buildings and decorations, but did not go into details. Let's categorize all objects:

  • the central object is a residential building;
  • outbuildings - garage, summer kitchen, cellar, sheds, water well;
  • recreation area - patio, swimming pool, gazebo, terrace, outdoor shower, playground;
  • the territory of vegetable plantings - beds, a greenhouse, a front garden, flower beds.

Toilet and pond can be nearby

Each of these points involves the choice of material, shape, location. It is necessary to decide on these nuances before the start of construction. Of course, when you put something into practice with my own hands, it is difficult to take everything into account, but mistakes should be avoided. We have prepared for you some useful tips, which will help you competently equip all areas.

Do-it-yourself children's sports town in the country

Let's start with the rules for arranging the proposed buildings. Let's find out where it is more rational to place them and how to combine them with each other:

  1. Garage or parking. The area under the car should be allocated with a small margin if you are going to receive friends. The garage is right to build in the foreground. If there is not enough space for a garage, you can build a canopy from a metal frame and polycarbonate. For the stability of the structure, one of the walls of the canopy is attached to the wall of the house.
  2. Bath. When laying the bath, we take into account the degree of illumination of the site. The south side is not suitable for such construction. The building should not obscure your garden and flower beds.
  3. Outbuildings. It is appropriate to place a shed and a toilet next to the bathhouse. In addition, they can be installed along the fence or become part of it. Make sure that the toilet is not located near the house, recreation area, playground and neighbor's house. We make the barn compact in size, because there you will store only garden supplies, so there is no need to inflate it in size.
  4. Rest zone. When locating a recreation area, make sure that it is adjacent to decorative elements your landscape by creating beautiful view. If you plan to build a barbecue or gazebo in the recreation area, try to keep them away from the neighbors' house. Thus, you will be able to relax without disturbing anyone. It is undesirable to plant trees near the pool. Anything that falls from them will certainly end up in the water, and you will have to clean it often.
  5. Children's or playground. A special object that requires your constant attention, so place it in a zone of good visibility. Remove it from the large pool if it is planned to be built, and place it closer to the recreation area in order to be able to control children. The use of improvised means is encouraged.

This is what the beds might look like

We have not forgotten the decoration elements

Having decided on the location of the buildings, we proceed to the placement of the garden, garden, flower beds and other decorative elements. They also have their own rules:

  1. Garden. For good yields, we break the beds in the southern or southeastern side of the site. Be sure to take into account the depth of groundwater and the terrain (it is better not to break the beds in the lowland). Fruit trees we plant away from the beds, excluding their shading. When planning for a large garden, it is worth "scattering" trees throughout the territory, they will add romance to your site.
  2. Flowerbeds. It is advisable to flaunt them, that is, equip them where they will be clearly visible. Correctly surround them with a recreation area, place them along the paths, near the porch. If there is not enough space for voluminous compositions, you should pay attention to vertical flower beds. It will be great to complement the design of a small area and a well-equipped rock garden that does not require large areas.
  3. Water. We introduce an artificially constructed pond or lake into the landscape, in accordance with its decorative significance. Some can be seen in the photo.

A solid site - a solid body of water

What plot, such and layout

Whatever grandiose ideas you have, their transition into reality depends on the size of the site. Agree, it is difficult to squeeze a huge swimming pool or a double garage into the same 6 acres. We have to reckon with the available meters in order to correctly plan the entire territory. We will present you the most common layout options for various areas.

Plot 6-8 acres

Small lot needs more planning

The traditional size for an ordinary cottage. What can be placed on the territory of 6-8 acres:

  1. Country house with an area of ​​not more than 20 square meters.
  2. Outbuildings. Toilet, outdoor shower, hozblok - allocate 15m² for them.
  3. Garage or carport - 12m² (ideally 4x3m).
  4. Recreation area and playground– 70m².
  5. Open beds and greenhouse - 130m².
  6. Garden paths and paths - 38m².
  7. Flowerbeds, shrubs and trees - 310m².

Four views of a small suburban area

The small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe country house is explained by the fact that there is a need for it only in warm weather. Fruit trees in such a plot are usually represented by apple, cherry, plum, pear, and apricot. Currants of all kinds, raspberries, gooseberries are suitable for berry bushes. Household buildings are best hidden behind the house and away from the recreation area. Free areas are planted with a green lawn and garden figurines are used as decorations.

Put on 10-12 acres

Even in a small area, with proper planning, you can place everything you need.

Creating a landscape design for a summer cottage of 10 acres with your own hands is much easier than accommodating all your dreams on the usual 6. Approximate parameters for objects with 10-12 acres are as follows:

  • residential building - 160m²;
  • buildings for household needs - 40m²;
  • recreation areas and a children's playground - 180m²;
  • garden area (with a greenhouse and beds) - 220m²;
  • garden area - 540m²;
  • paths and paths - 55m².

Summer kitchen on a plot of 10 acres

The order of the location of buildings in the landscape design of a summer cottage of 10 acres with your own hands remains the same as when working on 6 acres. However, with 10 acres you get additional areas for landscaping. The number of fruit plantations is increasing, there is freedom in the choice of forms for flower beds, it is possible to build a pool, gazebos, terraces. Evening lighting of the site can also become a decorative effect in the design of 10 acres. Approximately the same plan is suitable for 9 acres.

Ownership of 15-20 acres

A plot of 20 acres opens up a wide field for fantasy

Owners of 15-20 acres do not need to limit their flight of fancy, a lot will fit on such an area. An example plan looks like this:

  1. House - 200m². The area is given taking into account the presence of a veranda and an attic.
  2. Summer kitchen - 35m².
  3. Guest house - 45-55m².
  4. Bath - 40m² (means a sauna or a hammam).
  5. Outbuildings - 75m².
  6. Garage and parking - 30-40m².
  7. Recreation area (including barbecue, children's playground, barbecue area, gazebo, benches) - 280m².
  8. Decor objects (pond, fountain, garden figures) - 120 m².
  9. Flowerbeds, flower beds - 75m².
  10. Garden area - 400m².

It makes no sense to give detailed advice when designing such a site. Remember what we said about linking to the terrain of communications, but otherwise rely on your desires and capabilities. The main thing is that as a result everything is harmoniously combined. Find time for a thorough study of plant species and their growing conditions, so that your site is buried in greenery all season long and pleases with bright colors.

Making a summer cottage is a rather responsible and time-consuming process, in which it is worth considering many factors. But when we are talking about six acres, then the task becomes somewhat more complicated. The owner of such a personal plot needs to decide what he wants to build and what he will have to give up. By following certain recommendations of experts, you can create original design cottages 6 acres with their own hands.

In contact with

Secrets of competent planning

When planning a cottage on a plot of 6 acres, you need to consider certain rules. First of all, this concerns the presence of mandatory buildings and facilities:

  • residential building;
  • economic objects;
  • rest zone;
  • garden and orchard.

Given the presence of mandatory objects, need to plan. It clearly depicts all the buildings and zones. Here it is also worth considering how to properly equip objects:

  1. The residential building is located at a distance of at least 5 m from the street. This also applies to other buildings.
  2. The distance to the boundary should be 3 m or more.
  3. Also important is the remoteness from neighboring residential buildings. This takes into account the material of construction of the structure and their degree of fire resistance. So, the distance between brick houses can be 6 m. As for wooden buildings, there must be at least 15 m of free space between them.
  4. According to the norms, economic facilities are located 1 m away from the border.
  5. The windows of the living quarters should not face the utility block. Otherwise, the distance from the object is 6 m or more.
  6. A barn and other structures used to keep animals can be built with your own hands. They are located away from residential buildings. The distance is at least 15 m.

All these points are stipulated in building codes and regulations. Their violation lead to penalties. In some cases, it is possible to transfer one or another structure. And this subsequently is fraught with significant material costs. Therefore, before proceeding with the planning of the cottage, it is worth studying the necessary documentation.

When planning a cottage on a plot of 6 acres, certain rules must be taken into account.

The nuances of a small area

To date, there are various options small area plans. With their help, you can create a cozy and beautiful cottage, even despite the lack of free space.

Plot rectangular shape is a fairly common design. You can do the planning very easily with your own hands. The main thing is to follow the basic rules. The main goal is selection of strict lines and clear right angles. Landscape objects are arranged geometrically.

In other words, objects on the territory are located along one or more lines in compliance with the established distances. This option is best suited for people who love order. Often used on a narrow rectangular plot of 6 acres or more.

Of course, we are not talking here about the planning of the territory, which has round shape on 6 acres. AT this case the cottage is decorated in a circular motif.

The bottom line is to use smooth and rounded lines. Landscape elements are represented as a circle, ellipse or oval.

Planning a plot of 6 acres of this form is quite difficult. the main task- harmoniously combine different elements into one composition.

And given that we are talking about a small area, then it is better to entrust such work to professionals, especially if you have not previously encountered such a task.

Do-it-yourself design in this way involves placing the main elements of the landscape diagonally. Experts consider this option the best for decorating a small cottage. The diagonal layout allows you to visually increase its boundaries.

Place for home

The main objects are the houses on the site. Therefore, their construction must be approached very carefully. And first of all it concerns the choice of a place for building a house. Since we are talking about a small area, the relief is not important here.

In deciding this issue, a number of factors should be taken into account. First of all it concerns the purpose of the dacha. It is used for various purposes.

Someone prefers to spend the summer away from the city, while others consider the cottage as a piece of land where you can grow flowers and food.

So, if the main goal is to place beds in a summer cottage, then it is better to place a residential building in the northern part near the fence.

If the cottage will be used for recreation, then the residential building is placed anywhere on a plot of 6 acres. Of course, here it is worth considering the presence of recreation areas. All elements of the landscape should be harmoniously combined with each other. This will create a cozy atmosphere for relaxation.

Important! The windows of a residential building should face east or west. This will ensure normal daylight rooms.

If the windows look to the north, then the room will be somewhat cold. The southern location of the house will lead to excessive heating of the rooms under the influence of sunlight.

When choosing a place for a summer residence, it is worth considering the placement of plants. After erection the building will create a shadow which will negatively affect their growth. Therefore, only shade-tolerant plants, such as raspberries, currants or apple trees, can be placed near the house.

Zoning of the territory

During the planning of a summer cottage of 6 acres, special attention should be paid to the zoning of the site. First of all, it is worth deciding what will be located on it. In the country, they often distinguish:

  • zone of a residential building and outbuildings;
  • recreation area at their summer cottage;
  • garden and orchard.

When the issue with the zones is resolved, you can proceed to the direct zoning of the space.

Space zoning is in progress by using. By appointment, such hedges are divided into several types:

  1. Open or low hedge. Presented in the form of a fence of thuja, juniper or other plants. They can be placed on the territory in cases where it is not possible to organize a closed fence.
  2. . The height of such a "fence" reaches 2 m. For the construction, fast-growing, tall or compact plants are used. They are widely used to separate the economic and decorative zones.

When choosing plants for hedges, it is worth considering the characteristics of the soil.

Zoning is carried out by deepening or raising a certain territory. The “drowned garden” is especially popular. Such an element of the landscape implies the organization of a decorative waterfall in an artificial deepening of the territory.

Plots are often decorated with arches and trellises. In the future, they are made out by climbing plants, which will protect the territory from noise and wind.

During the planning of a summer cottage of 6 acres, special attention should be paid to the zoning of the site.

When a list of objects under construction and elements of the landscape is compiled, you can start planning a summer cottage of 6 acres. This task is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Draw a plot and mark on it country houses for 6 acres.
  2. If the bathroom will be located in the house, then you need to designate the installation site of the septic tank and the path for laying sewer pipes.
  3. Designate a parking place for a car or garage, if necessary.
  4. Outdoor shower and place in the far corner of the site. This will allow save usable area. They can be built by hand.
  5. Allocate a place for a recreation area.
  6. Outline the laying of all engineering communications.
  7. Think over and outline on the project the location of important decorative elements.
  8. Connect all objects with a system of tracks. Along them you can arrange flower beds and flower borders.

Making up the design of a dacha of 6 acres with your own hands, there is no need to rush. All objects and places of their installation must be carefully thought out.

When a list of objects under construction and elements of the landscape is compiled, you can start planning a summer cottage of 6 acres.

A dacha is not only a residential building and a utility block. On the site you can erect various buildings, which will perform certain functions. Of course, do not forget about the decorations that will add beauty to the site. As for the objects, you can equip a summer cottage with the help of such buildings:

  1. Bath. The construction of the object must be approached very carefully. This is especially true for thermal insulation work. These facilities may vary in size and design features. Therefore, they can be used in various personal plots. Do-it-yourself cottage design of 6 acres will look complete with such a structure.
  2. Alcove. The perfect place to spend time on fresh air. Such structures perform not only certain functions, but also act as landscape design. Beautiful designs will become a unique feature of your dacha.
  3. Swimming pool. On 6 acres, you can place not only a small decorative pond, but also a full-fledged reservoir. Its presence will improve the quality of recreation in the country.

In fact, in the country house, you can place not only buildings that will perform certain functions, but also original decorative elements. They will become a real decoration of the territory. This is worth considering when developing a landscape design of 6 acres.

On the site, you can build various buildings that will perform certain functions.

The design of the suburban area must be approached from the creative side. This will allow you to create an original design with your own hands, which will exceed all expectations. Among the available options, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Original flower beds and flowerpots. Standard and classic products no longer seem so elegant. To create an original composition, various old things are used that have long been gathering dust in a closet. As a base, you can use an old clay pot, barrel or watering can.
  2. Artificial reservoir. To prevent the growth of algae and microbes, it is better put in a shady place. Stones are used to decorate the reservoir and various items. Its planning is carried out taking into account all norms.
  3. Floating flower bed. It will complement not only the artificial reservoir, but also the site itself. The best option there will be an old boat in which you can place a flower bed of various flowers.
  4. Garden figurines and funny sculptures. Here we are talking not only about garden gnomes, but also handmade products.

Important! All elements of landscape design should be optimally combined with each other.

Useful video: how to properly plan a plot of 6 acres

In fact, landscape design can be diluted with various decorative elements. Of course, one should not forget that when designing a landscape design of 6 acres, it is worth considering the location of the main buildings, and then auxiliary decorations. This will create a composition in which all the components will be organically combined with each other.

Often, for the construction of small houses outside the city, an economical option is purchased. land plots six acres. In this case, there is little space, so it must be distributed in such a way that there is enough space not only for construction, but also for organizing an outdoor recreation area.

Most summer residents prefer to lead a calm lifestyle and instead of traditional beds they place original flower beds, decorate courtyards with compositions of various plants. For this use special techniques landscape design. They allow you to turn even the tiniest piece of land into a real one. paradise for family vacation and meeting friends. The development of such a project is considered a difficult process, but it is quite possible to create it yourself.


The landscape design of a plot of 6 acres should include not only rational use land, but also the planning of its zones in such a way that a modest area acquires an attractive and voluminous appearance.

Therefore, when designing the territory, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Multifunctionality. Each corner on an area of ​​​​approximately 20x30 meters must simultaneously cope with several tasks.
  • Landscaping. All plants should be placed compactly, it is not recommended to use many plantings.

  • visual illusion. Exist various ways, with which you can visually enlarge the area.
  • Exclusion of massive structures. It is advisable to install small buildings and choose light ones for their decoration. Construction Materials. They look beautiful on a small area of ​​alternating structures with natural decor in the form of shrubs or "living" hedges.

  • Fences. In this case, their installation is not welcome. Deaf fences will not only take up a lot of space, but also disrupt air circulation.
  • Proper selection of trees and shrubs. The design of a small area needs compact and low-growing plants.

It is also worth noting that all compositions in the landscape should be in harmony with each other, creating a cozy atmosphere. Therefore, before starting construction and designing the exterior, it is necessary to carefully consider all the nuances and make an appropriate project.


Any layout of a suburban area begins with the distribution of land. An area of ​​​​6 acres is considered small, but you can beautifully place a house, garden, small garden and other objects on it. To facilitate the process of arrangement, first drafts of the territory are drawn up, in which they indicate detailed plan site and a diagram is drawn indicating the location of the sewerage and water supply. It is recommended to create several sketches, and already in the process of work, choose the best and most suitable one.

After the drawings are ready, you can safely proceed to zoning. At this stage of design, it is important to take into account many nuances. A suburban area should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable for living, so it is traditionally made with a cozy house, a garage and a bathhouse. Many use the dacha as a place to relax, but there are also city dwellers who love to grow vegetables. A special design project is created for them, and household plot the house is complemented by a small garden.

If there is no toilet in the room, it is installed on the street, you will also need to build a veranda and gazebos. For families with children, do not forget about playground- you need to allocate a small area for an inflatable pool, a sandbox and a swing. The recreation area for adults should include an artificial reservoir and a barbecue area. All zones can be arranged at your discretion by combining them.

First of all, the location for the dwelling is chosen, and based on this, the installation of other buildings is determined. At the same time, household structures should not be visible from the recreation area, windows of the house and from the street. On an area of ​​6 acres, all buildings should not exceed 10% of the territory. If the land is divided into a garden and a garden, it is recommended that no more than 60% of its area be allocated for planting shrubs and trees, as well as 17% for a garden.

As for the recreation area, a gazebo is perfect for it. located deep in the garden. Next to it, you can install a decorative pond or small fountain. On a square plot, the structure is best placed in the center; a barbecue or barbecue will look harmonious next to it. It is recommended to make a playing place for children in a rectangular shape and it should be accessible for parental supervision. For the playground, you should allocate a site on the sunny side with little tree delights.

In order to revive an area of ​​6 acres, it must be decorated with flower beds and lawns, which should not exceed 13% of the entire territory. As a rule, they are located between the fences and the house. The design style can be chosen both free and strict geometric. At the same time, the first one looks more impressive and neat, as strict lines visually reduce the space.

a huge role in the zoning of the summer cottage, its shape will play. The ideal option is rectangular area land, but sometimes elongated territories can also be found. For the corner plot, they choose the location of the house near the fence, after which they break up the zones for the garden, city and buildings. Due to the narrow area, in this case, it will be necessary to place a recreation area and a children's corner directly near the house. The L-shaped layout is considered the most comfortable, in which a small area turns out to be beautiful and functional.


The backyard territory is the “face” of the owners of the house, so it should always look well-groomed and tidy, especially for small areas of 6 acres. To equip them in an original way, you can apply various options for landscape design, among which landscaping is the most popular. garden trees, bushes and flowers will become a real decoration for land plot and help to distinguish it from the background of simple neighboring buildings. To create a "green" decor, a landscape is chosen from various elements.

  • Flower beds. They are located both opposite the living quarters and on its sides. To show the beauty of the scenery, they use not only ordinary pots, but also plant plants in old tires, after filling them with soil. Small "flower streams" planted in various geometric shapes also look beautiful.

  • Vertical decor. It is often chosen for small areas, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich needs to be visually expanded. In addition, the space is rationally used and does not require extra square meters. Walls of plants are best placed near gazebos, trellises and fences. Such a green "curtain" will not only hide the recreation area from prying eyes, but also provide the site with a shadow, dividing it into different corners. good choice for vertical gardening will become a pergola.

  • Bush plantations. Since the area of ​​\u200b\u200b6 acres is small, you can’t choose a lot of shrubs to decorate it. It is advisable to plant beautiful plants like rosehip, cotoneaster, jasmine and lilac. They take up little space, are beneficial to human health, and are undemanding in care.

  • Trees. No matter how rational the layout of a small area is, it does not provide for planting tall trees. The space should be light and free, so it is advisable to choose dwarf plants that are placed in pairs. Trees planted around the perimeter look original.

  • Garden. For many, it is associated with the usual piece of land on the field. But it's not. If you make every effort and add imagination, you will get real masterpieces, the beds will serve as an additional decoration for the design. On the ground, only the most essential plants and not turn the garden into a "collective farm" space. As a rule, carrots, all kinds of greens and onions are grown in summer cottages.

  • Beds. On a miniature square, they need to be decorated creatively. Therefore, if the dacha has an old brick, stones, plastic bottles, unusual fences of any shape can be laid out of them. In addition, to save space, preference should be given to trellis growing, in which the beds take on a vertical appearance. It is good to plant flowers next to vegetables, so after harvesting the land will not look empty. For example, gladiolus, marigolds and zinnia can be planted near the onion.

Landscaping must be original in everything. Therefore, many summer residents for decoration prefer to combine several plants at the same time in a flowerpot. The result is the so-called flower beds. When creating them, it is important to pay attention to the height of the plants and select flowers with greenery according to the time of their flowering. Such compositions not only have an aesthetic appearance, but also protect vegetables from insects. For example, marigolds and nasturtium will save plantings from pests, and garlic and onions will protect crocuses and tulips from bugs. Similar decor can be placed in different corners site. The decorations look beautiful both between the outbuildings and at the entrance to the house.

special attention in design country house deserve decorative "barrels". Large pots, boxes, old dishes and even baby baths are suitable for their creation. The container needs to be painted to match the style of the buildings and decorate additional elements. Beans, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes can be grown in such artificial beds, while flowers such as caliberhoa, petunia and mirabilis look good in containers. The main advantage of such a flowerpot is the ability to place it in any convenient place.

A small country plot of land of 6 acres is difficult to plan, since the design must be done correctly, excluding various obstacles and partitions in the project. This is especially true for the organization of a long and narrow space. Applying interesting ideas, you can quickly turn a small cottage into a beautiful corner.

If landscape design is done on their own, then novice masters are advised to consider the following points:

  • It is impossible to install closed and deaf fences, otherwise the cozy atmosphere will lose its meaning and the site will take on the appearance of a “box”. The right choice there will be neat fences with forged inserts. Low wicker fences made of wood also look good. They do not close the territory and harmonize well with climbing plants. If the house is fenced with a concrete fence painted in dark shades, it is recommended to decorate it with separate inserts with a mirror surface, they will reflect the space and enliven the design.

  • It is important to correctly distribute all the decor elements on the square, including outbuildings and trees. It is not allowed to make some places oversaturated and others empty.
  • Much of the design is really do-it-yourself. For example, all paths adjacent to the house can be covered with gravel, flower beds can be placed along them and decorated with stone or brick compositions.
  • It is advisable to plant plants in such a way that their height on the north side is greater.

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