Home Fruit trees Lamb peas vegetable crops. Growing chickpeas in summer cottages and industrial volumes. Video: Sugar and shelling peas

Lamb peas vegetable crops. Growing chickpeas in summer cottages and industrial volumes. Video: Sugar and shelling peas

Chickpeas have many names - Turkish peas, Uzbek chickpeas, shish peas, lamb peas, bladderwort, nokhat (emphasis on the last syllable). This is a leguminous annual plant with swollen short pods containing 1-3 grains unusual shape. The rough grains resemble a ram's head with a bird's beak. They can be yellow, green and brown, depending on the type and place of growth.

The plant grows up to 70 cm in height. The erect stem, covered with glandular hairs, bears imparipinnate leaves. Beans are formed at a temperature of 24-28 o C, and pollination occurs when the flower is closed. Central Asia is considered the birthplace of cultivated chickpeas, but it is also cultivated in Central Asia, India, Eastern Europe, East Africa, Mediterranean region. Mostly white-seeded varieties are used for food.

How are chickpeas different from regular peas?

Regular peas and chickpeas are legumes, but the latter is significantly superior to its “relative” in terms of quality composition, although it is inferior to it in protein content. And the sprouted product completely satisfies the body in vitamins A and C. Chickpeas, whose calorie content per 100 g is only 128 kcal, also has, compared to other legumes, an increased amount essential acids- tryptophan and methionine.

If we talk about visual differences, then chickpeas are larger in size (a dry pea has a diameter of up to 1 cm) and is characterized by a lumpy surface. In addition, the grains are particularly hard, so Before cooking, they definitely need to be soaked for quite a long time. time. The finished beans have an unusual buttery-velvety structure and a pleasant nutty aftertaste.

Composition of Turkish peas

Dried chickpeas consist of 55-60% easily digestible carbohydrates and 20-30% protein, which is similar in quality to egg protein. Fat content varies from 4% to almost 8%, this indicator depends on the variety. The share of minerals and vitamins is about 11.8-12%, of which there are more than 80. Among the most basic are manganese, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, folic, pantothenic, nicotinic acids.

In addition, beans also contain lysine, which is vital for the production of hormones, antibodies, muscle mass support, and tissue repair. The benefit of Turkish peas also lies in the presence of soluble and insoluble fiber (fiber), which is known to help remove “bad” cholesterol and harmful substances from the body. Dry grains contain only 11% water.

What are the benefits of chickpeas?

Due to its nutritional value, chickpeas can fully replace meat, for example, during fasting. This menu will strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle.

Regular consumption of chickpeas has a beneficial effect on digestion, prevents constipation, and neutralizes other disorders. He also has unique property reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, improve heart function. In England, official medicine allowed the use of lamb peas as an astringent. Latest Research have shown that lovers of this product slow down the aging process, and their skin remains smooth for a long time.

The energy obtained from beans is consumed gradually, which allows diabetics not to worry about increasing sugar levels in the body. Even in ancient times, chickpea dishes were used as a component in the treatment of skin diseases. therapeutic nutrition. In addition, the high iron content makes chickpeas especially beneficial for women during pregnancy. breastfeeding, preventing anemia.

As they say traditional healers, the constant presence of chickpeas in the diet protects the eyes from cataracts, which leads to clouding of the lens and complete blindness. And, as you know, the transparency of the lens is affected by metabolic disorders, slagging of the intestines, liver, and blood. You can eat beans not only in for preventive purposes, but also for the treatment of cataracts.

Harmful properties of Turkish peas

Like all legumes, chickpeas increase gas formation, so it is not recommended to drink water immediately after eating. Due to digestion problems, older people should not overindulge in chickpea dishes. The cause of trouble is oligosaccharides, which are poorly soluble in gastric juice. This quality can be mitigated by soaking the grains for at least 12 hours before cooking.

Despite its beneficial properties, it is contraindicated in patients with bladder ulcers, acute nephritis and gout, as well as in cases of individual intolerance. People with circulatory failure, thrombophlebitis, and cholecystitis should not use it. Allergy sufferers and people with hypersensitivity are at risk.

Chickpeas are a very healthy legume, especially common in Asian cuisine. This unique plant is grown and consumed in India, Israel, Pakistan, China, Australia and other countries. IN last years chickpeas have become widespread throughout the world. It is used in vegetarian cuisine as an excellent alternative to meat.

Lamb peas, or Kabuli Chana as it is also called, actually have nothing to do with sheep.The name “mutton” is associated with the type of fruit itself brown-green in color, shaped like an owl's or ram's head, has a lumpy surface, like the curls of a sheep's wool. Have quite big size compared to ordinary peas - from 0.5 to 1.5 cm in diameter. The surface of the chickpeas is rough.

Chickpeas have a whole list of names: chickpeas, lamb's peas, bladderwort, nakhat, shish peas.

Chickpeas have been familiar to human civilization since the seventh millennium BC. At that time it was grown in the Middle East. His native country is considered to be Türkiye and other countries of the East. In the Bronze Age, chickpeas appeared in Greece and Rome. Moreover, even in those days people distinguished several varieties of this product and prepared various dishes from it.

The descendants of Cicero earned their bread by selling unusual peas.

In Antiquity, chickpeas were considered an attribute of Venus (Aphrodite). It was served fried in olive oil and eaten with cheese. Homer's Iliad serves as the first written mention of chickpeas.

Since the 17th century, chickpeas have become known almost throughout the world. It was used as a coffee substitute in Europe. Chickpeas came to Russia from the Bulgarians and the peoples of Transcaucasia.

Since ancient times, chickpeas have been grown in India and Pakistan. Today its cultivation is mainly concentrated in Turkey, North Africa, North America, Mexico and even Australia.

This plant is grown in more than thirty countries. The most favorable climate for growing is the tropics or subtropics. The product tolerates heat well and does not like precipitation.

The grains of the crop resemble a pleasant nutty smell, are distinguished by their oiliness, their configuration resembles a nut, and they come in different shades: green, red, black, beige, brown.

The growing season ranges from ninety to one hundred and ten days.

Late varieties have from one hundred fifty to two hundred and twenty. Oriental peas grow at temperatures from 3-5 degrees. Tolerates light frosts well.

In Russia, you can see beige or yellowish chickpeas on store shelves, although there are many more varieties, and in other countries there are the following types of plants:

  1. black peas, which have a persistent smell and nutty taste;
  2. green develops rapidly and can be consumed dry and fresh;
  3. reddish and brown are different increased content gland.

Useful properties of chickpeas

The main valuable properties of chickpeas that make this legume so useful:

  • Chickpea grains contain a large amount vegetable protein. This is why vegetarians love chickpea dishes - they fill you up perfectly and give you strength. Regular consumption of chickpeas reduces cholesterol levels in the human body.
  • In addition, the protein of the product contains a substance - lysine, which is so necessary for children to increase appetite, plus it has an antiviral effect.
  • Contains chickpeas greatest number vitamin C (8 mg), A (2 mg), riboflavin - vitamin B2 (212 mcg), choline - vitamin B4 (95 mg) and vitamin E (about 1 mg).
  • In addition to protein, this plant contains large quantities of folic acid, zinc, B vitamins, microelements, and carbohydrates. In short, this is a real treasure trove. useful substances:
    • Enriched with folic acid, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and nervous system. It has a beneficial effect on the growing body, helping to produce new cells.
    • The product is rich in fiber, both soluble and insoluble, the first helps the production of bile, and the second will help improve digestion and remove toxins from the body. Fiber also balances blood sugar levels.
    • Chickpeas contain iron and molybdenum; these minerals regulate immune processes, strengthening it. By eating peas, you can get rid of weakness, anemia, irritability, and headaches.
    • Manganese rejuvenates the skin from the inside, removing free radicals, and serotonin lifts your mood.
    • Modern research confirms the benefits of lamb peas in reducing cholesterol plaques in the blood.
    • It contains potassium and magnesium, which are so beneficial for the immune system and blood. Calcium and phosphorus found in chickpeas will help strengthen bone tissue.
    • Although the stems and leaves of these beans have no culinary use, they contain oxalic and malic acids, which are very beneficial.
  • Despite its high nutritional value, chickpeas have a relatively low calorie content (about 350 kcal per 100 g). When compared with the daily dose of nutrients, it contains 70% folic acid(folate), which every person needs, and 25% of the daily requirement of iron (source of hemoglobin).Therefore, it is perfect for anyone who is watching their figure or wants to get rid of a couple of extra pounds.
  • It is difficult to underestimate chickpeas as a means for weight loss and beauty. When you eat chickpeas, your stomach feels full and you feel full. This fact allows a woman to remain slim.
  • The benefits of chickpeas have been proven by scientists and traditional healers not only for sleep, but also general condition nervous system. People who regularly eat chickpeas are less irritated and worry about little things, they are also less susceptible to depression, apathy and headaches.
  • Eating chickpeas in the morning prevents the occurrence of kidney stones. It is best to soak half a glass of peas overnight and consume it with honey in the morning. It is not necessary to cook the chickpeas; in the morning they become softer and swell, resembling a nut. Moreover, during cooking, some of the vitamins are lost.

    This is an excellent preventative for genitourinary system, the composition also perfectly cleanses the kidneys of “garbage” - sand and salts.

  • An important advantage of chickpeas is its taste qualities. Chickpeas themselves have a fairly neutral taste. This means that it can be combined with dozens of different ingredients and used in a variety of dishes.

All these obvious benefits make chickpeas a truly special and unique product.

Application in cosmetology

If you decide to get rid of wrinkles, you want to purchase healthy color face and improve the condition of your hair - you just need to include chickpeas in your diet. And also make all kinds of masks and creams from it, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Which is very good acne or dermatoses of any etiology.

Very popular in the east useful face mask.

It must be prepared from soaked fruits. You need to grind a quarter cup of chickpeas and add one tablespoon of honey and olive oil. Apply the resulting composition to the skin, rinse after 30 minutes and rinse your face with the water in which the chickpeas were soaked. By making such a mask once a week, the result will be, let’s say, “on the face” - it will take on a fresh look, the youth of the skin will return, and inflammation will disappear.

Cooking secrets

This food product is very common in Eastern countries and is a basic ingredient for preparing dishes such as hummus, etc.

All dishes made from chickpeas are usually classified as vegetarian or vegan dishes. It is added to curries, sauces, and used in salads and vegetable stew. Also in some countries, chickpea flour is popular, the use of which gives baked goods an incomparable taste. And fried chickpeas in powdered sugar are an excellent sweet treat that both children and adults love.

Any dish with chickpeas acquires a special taste; soups are cooked with it and pies are baked. Plus, it’s very convenient to sculpt from it, so hearty and healthy vegetable cutlets are made from peas quite quickly.

Don't know how to cook chickpeas as a tasty side dish? There are a few important rules, which should definitely be observed when preparing this legume:

  • Like any other grain product, chickpeas must be thoroughly washed before cooking.
  • Under no circumstances should you soak chickpeas. long time. This is a common mistake that many people make. To make the grains softer and cooking faster, some housewives soak the chickpeas overnight. This gives the opposite result - grains soaked in this way cook for quite a long time (more than an hour). It is best to immerse chickpeas in water for three to four hours, no more. This will reduce the cooking time to 30-40 minutes.
  • If you don't have time to soak, you can do without it. But in this case, the dish will take a little longer to prepare - about an hour and a half. It is important to check the readiness of the grains from time to time and prevent them from overcooking.
  • Remember to maintain the correct proportions. One cup of chickpeas requires four cups of water. This is an ideal proportion that should not be violated.
  • Do not salt chickpeas before cooking, as this can lead to overcooking of the grains. It's best to add salt at the end, when the chickpeas are almost ready. To make the taste of the side dish more interesting, it can also be flavored with various spices and seasonings to taste. For example, chickpeas go very well with black and red pepper, coriander, fresh herbs, and lemon juice.
  • Don’t know how to cook chickpeas deliciously in a slow cooker? Doing this is no more difficult than boiling grains on the stove. To do this, you need to thoroughly rinse the chickpeas and soak them for 3-4 hours. Then you need to transfer the grains to a slow cooker and add water. It should cover the chickpeas by about a couple of centimeters. Then you need to select the appropriate mode (best of all is “quenching”). If desired, you can add spices. After this you can start cooking. After about an hour, we recommend that you check the readiness of the product. If the chickpeas are not ready yet, leave them in the slow cooker for a while longer, but do not allow the grains to boil.

By observing these important subtleties, you can surely cook chickpeas perfectly. Boiled grains can be consumed in this form, or you can prepare a variety of dishes from this base. Below are a few simple recipes that will help diversify your vegetarian diet.

Simple recipes

Chickpeas can serve as an excellent basis for such interesting and tasty dishes:

  • Falafel. This term refers to fried small patties or balls of chopped chickpeas. IN Lately This Asian dish is very popular. To prepare it, chickpeas are ground in a blender until pureed and seasoned to taste. Fried onions, garlic, spices, and herbs are usually added to falafel. The auxiliary components are eggs and flour. All this is mixed into a fairly thick dough, from which small balls are formed. They are fried in a frying pan or deep-fried until golden crust. Falafel can be served as independent dish, and can be supplemented with various side dishes.
  • Chickpea cutlets. They are prepared according to a similar principle. Unlike traditional falafel, chickpea patties often have other ingredients added to them. For example, chickpea cutlets with carrots, spinach or zucchini are very popular. Such vegetable dishes are widespread in vegetarian cuisine. They are served as a main dish and also serve as the basis for vegetarian burgers.
  • Hummus. A traditional chickpea snack that is especially common in Jewish and Arab cuisine. Hummus can be easily prepared at home. This simple dish is made from chopped chickpeas with the addition of olive oil, garlic, sesame paste, salt and spices. In traditional cuisine, hummus is used as a sauce in which unleavened flatbreads or vegetables are dipped.
  • Vegetable soup with chickpeas. Chickpeas are an excellent base not only for appetizers and main courses, but also for soups. There can be a great variety of cooking options. As a rule, tomatoes, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, potatoes and any other vegetables are added to chickpea soup. Such soups always turn out quite thick and satisfying and are great for cozy winter lunches.
  • Chickpeas with stewed vegetables. Another simple and affordable dish that can be easily reproduced at home. To prepare it, chickpea beans are stewed over low heat with any vegetables (fresh or frozen). It could be pumpkin, beets, carrots, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower etc. To make this vegetable dish less bland, add garlic, herbs, black pepper, turmeric, cardamom and other spices to taste.

Of course, these are not all the chickpea recipes you can use. There are many more options for preparing this useful plant. You can use the ideas described in this article, or you can be inspired to create your own unique recipes.

Sprouted chickpeas - benefits and harms

Chickpea sprouts contain even more useful substances. In addition to everything listed, there is much more ascorbic acid- increases to 36 mg, and important amino acids are methionine and cysteine.

Sprouted chickpeas do it an active fighter against ARVI and other colds. By including sprouts in your menu every day, you provide yourself with vitamins for the whole day. A The calorie content of such a product is noticeably lower - only 116 calories per 100 grams.

You can prepare this yummy dish by pouring whole peas into a shallow container. So you soak them overnight, then you need to drain this water, and cover the peas themselves with a wet towel, placing them on a flat dish. It is important to wet the towel every day so that you can soon notice how chickpea sprouts appear, the benefits of which in many cases outweigh the harm.

At room temperature The sprouts will hatch in about 2-3 days. Such a product should be stored in the refrigerator, leaving a small hole in the lid, or sealed loosely so that they do not “stale.” Then the benefits of sprouted chickpeas, which are great, will remain just as healthy and tasty.

Chickpeas are a very healthy crop rich in valuable substances, which can be an excellent addition to a vegetarian diet. We hope that in this article you found the answer to the question of how to cook chickpeas deliciously without meat, and in the future, include this unique product into your daily nutrition system.

Every year on our site one bed was always allocated for regular peas. Ripening green peas Both adults and children enjoyed it; we added it to salads and soups, and some of the ripened peas remained for the winter. Over the years, there has been some disappointment in this crop due to pest damage. All it took was a little time to waste and all was lost: half the harvest was gone. And one more thing: he matured too well, half already defeated. Now this previously indispensable representative of legumes has replaced chickpeas for us.

Chickpea fruit. © Soul Bridging

An incident helped me give up green peas. One day a neighbor came and, watching me sort through the peas, separating healthy from damaged ones, sympathetically called me “Cinderella,” while declaring: “Eugene, if I were you, I would replace this crop with another pea, which is called Chickpea. Pests don’t like it because it contains a lot of oxalic acid in greens.”

Further, with great pleasure demonstrating his knowledge of medicinal herbs, she did not fail to list all the healing properties of chickpeas. At the same time, it took me a lot of patience to listen to her to the end. Still, despite her tedious lecture, I thanked her for the information and promised to “take note.”

Chickpeas, or chickpeas, or peas ( Cicer arietinum) is a plant of the legume family. Chickpea seeds - food product, especially popular in the Middle East; base for hummus.


Useful properties of chickpeas

We will list the beneficial properties of chickpeas not from the words of my kind neighbor, but from the opinions of experts. Some of them believe that due to the tryptophan contained in chickpeas, it significantly improves the performance of human brain, the transition from prehistoric chaos in the minds of people to a highly organized mind was prepared.

Scientists have concluded that people have become “wiser” thanks to this amino acid, which is directly related to the production of the most important hormone serotonin, which ensures the transmission of electrical impulses from cells.

Chickpeas are rich in vitamins and minerals. He “pulls out of the ground and drives into a pea” almost the entire periodic table. It contains phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, lecithin, riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine (vitamin B1), nicotinic and pantothenic acids, choline. Vitamin C is also present in chickpeas in sufficient quantities, and in germinating seeds its amount increases significantly. It also contains healthy fats(from 4 to 7%).

But the most important thing is that it accumulates such a valuable microelement as selenium. This is especially important for regions with selenium deficiency. Selenium deficiency causes a number of serious diseases in humans - weakness, increased fatigue, pancreatic and thyroid glands, dystrophy of the heart muscle, multiple sclerosis, oncological and others no less dangerous diseases. It is believed that by eating chickpeas, you can reverse the disease, renew your blood, and protect your body from tumors.

Practice has repeatedly proven that chickpeas help diabetics, those who have been exposed to radiation, as well as anemia, heart arrhythmia, nervous diseases, dental diseases and gum inflammation, acne, skin rashes. In addition, it helps dissolve gallstones and bladder, cleans blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure. As you can see, chickpeas help in many cases, including in the prevention of diseases, and, importantly, they will not harm anyone.

Chickpea fruits and seeds. © Vishvagujarat

History of chickpeas

Because chickpeas are very ancient culture(people knew about it several thousand years ago BC), it has a rich world history. It was first introduced into the diet by the Greeks and Egyptians. IN ancient Egypt pharaohs on the frescoes were depicted with chickpea sprigs, symbolizing power, might and male strength. Believing in afterlife, the Egyptians accompanied their rulers to another world with the grains of this plant. They write that Japanese archaeologists found them in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Chickpeas have a very wide geographical distribution: North America, Iran, India, Burma, Italy, Tanzania, Australia and many other countries.

Quantity human lives, saved thanks to chickpeas during periods of severe droughts and other natural disasters, is not calculable. Among leguminous crops in terms of nutritional value and medicinal properties he is considered beyond competition.

Another important thing useful property chickpea: it has a tap root that penetrates the soil to a depth of 2 m, a branched root. Nodules are formed on it as a result of the symbiosis of plants with nodule bacteria, due to which the roots are good suppliers of nitrogen fertilizers for the soil (about 50 kg of nitrogen per 1 ha, which corresponds to 150 kg of ammonium nitrate). No matter how powerful the “investment” of chickpeas is for the future harvest of other crops!

Chickpeas, or chickpeas, or peas (Cicer arietinum). © Victor M. Vicente Selvas

Growing chickpeas

First of all, and best suited for these peas, is a site that has had the least amount of perennial weeds in all previous years. The soil should be loose and soft before planting. Chickpeas tolerate crowding well, so the beds can be placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. True, there are recommendations to plant chickpeas more spaciously, with a distance of up to 50 cm, in order to obtain a better harvest.

The depth of the bed should be at least 10 cm (there are recommendations - up to 15 cm). If you plant it so deeply, then it is probably advisable to treat the chickpea seeds with preparations before planting to improve their germination and increase productivity. Optimal time The time for sowing the seeds of this crop is when the top layer of soil warms up above +5 °C.

Caring for chickpeas is carried out taking into account some of its features. Chickpea is a self-pollinating plant, “ have a long day", does not curl like peas, does not crumble and does not lie down, although it reaches 50-60 cm in height. Not all gardeners consider it high-yielding, although in private gardens it is quite possible to obtain yields of 3 tons or more per hectare. The plant is resistant to heat and drought; seedlings can withstand frosts down to minus 7 °C. However, it is not recommended to expose it “unnecessarily” to frost tests.

All plants love warmth, so many summer residents recommend planting chickpeas in early June. It is believed that chickpeas grow well and bear fruit even on poor soils, so to obtain good harvest This crop does not necessarily need to take serious care of fertilizers. And yet it is recommended to feed chickpeas with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (and they already have enough nitrogen).

This crop does not tolerate herbicides at all, and plants can be destroyed not only by newly introduced chemicals, but also by residual chemical elements, for a long time persisting in the soil. For this reason, it is best to select a site for chickpeas that has not been treated with chemicals for more than 2 years. It is clear that the dacha is precisely the place where God himself ordered these peas to be grown, since summer residents, as a rule, use chemicals in their garden very carefully.

It is believed that chickpeas can be harvested within 80 days after planting, but for some varieties this period can be about 100 or even 120 days. Of course, you should not miss the moment of ripening, since it is undesirable for the chickpeas to be exposed to autumn rains, which will lead to damage to the crop.

Grains of white (European) and green (Indian) chickpeas. © Sanjay Acharya

Using chickpeas

Chickpeas are used as food, just like regular peas, to prepare various dishes: soups, salads, vinaigrettes, side dishes and pies.

To prevent and treat diseases, you can use the following recipe: rinse half a glass of beans twice and soak in water overnight. In the morning, the chickpea grains will approximately double in volume. This is the daily norm for an adult.

Beans swollen in water can be eaten raw, if the stomach allows, or cooked: add water again and cook for half an hour, periodically adding water to the original volume. Eat boiled chickpeas 3-5 tbsp. spoons and the same amount of decoction half an hour before meals for 20 days. Then they take a break for ten days, then repeat the procedure, and so on 2-3 times a year.

This group includes vegetable peas, beans, lentils, cowpeas, soybeans, chickpeas, chickpeas, and peanuts. They are used for food in the form of unripe beans (grains) or mature grains. It is a source of high-value vegetable protein (up to 20-40%), as well as fats (2-60%), which is close in nutritional value to meat. By virtue of biological features contribute to the accumulation of nitrogen in the soil, have high phytosanitary properties (heal the soil from diseases of other crops). They are good predecessors for other crops.


The culture comes from the Mediterranean. There are 2 varieties of peas - sugar peas (for obtaining young beans (shoulders) and shelling peas (for obtaining green peas).
Contains 19-20% dry matter, 5-7.2% sugars, 5.6-8.1% proteins, 37-45 mg% vitamin C. Used for fresh food and for canning. Good dietary product For baby food. IN folk medicine They use a decoction of tops and seeds as a diuretic for kidney stones. Poultices made from pea flour soften boils and abscesses.

Peas- one of the most cold-resistant vegetable crops: seeds germinate at +1...2°C (brain varieties - at +4...6°C). The seedlings can withstand frosts down to -6°C. The optimal temperature for seed growth and development is +16...20°C. Peas demanding of soil fertility and soil moisture - can withstand excess moisture. Long day plant.
Posted after different cultures. Sowing should be done as early as possible - in P-W decades Martha. The optimal plant density is 80-120 plants per 1 m2. The seeding depth is 5-6 cm. Usually, butts (trellises) are installed.

Take away the green peas after 45-60 days on the shoulder blade. After harvesting, cabbage, potatoes, radishes and other vegetables are cultivated as a second crop in this area.
Varieties: Early Gribovsky 11, Early 301, Early Canning 20/21, Alpha, Tiras, Saga, Vega, Yuzhny 47, Soyuz 10, Voskhod, PSM 129, Sphere.

General information:

Western Asia is considered the homeland of cultivated chickpea; the plant is cultivated in the countries of Central and Western Asia, East Africa, of Eastern Europe, India, Mediterranean region;
. chickpeas most likely entered Russia from Bulgaria through Ukraine, as well as from the countries of Transcaucasia and southwestern Asia, and began to be cultivated in fields and vegetable gardens in the 70s of the 18th century. Industrial crops of chickpeas in the arid regions of Russia appeared in the early 30s;
. Chickpea is a valuable leguminous crop for food and feed purposes; its seeds are rich in protein. In terms of acreage it ranks third in the world among leguminous crops, and in terms of nutritional values ​​it ranks first among them;
. the seeds are usually used for food in boiled and fried form as a delicacy, as well as for preparing soups, main courses, side dishes, for the production of confectionery, pasta, etc., for animal feed;
. nodule nitrogen-fixing bacteria settle on the roots, accumulating additional nitrogen (100 g per 1 m2);
. stems and green mass are incorporated into the soil as green manure (green manure)

The soil:

The optimal reaction of the soil solution for chickpeas is neutral or slightly alkaline (pH 6.8-7.4)

mechanical composition of the soil: any soil


row crops - cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes, beets, carrots, corn, as well as winter grains

specific cultural requirements:

Heavy loamy, swampy soils with close groundwater are unsuitable for chickpeas;
. in the fall, dig up the soil to a depth of 25-30 cm, add 4-6 kg of compost or humus, 20-30 g of superphosphate and 40-60 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2, and in the spring, when loosening, add 20-25 g of ash;
. returned to their original place no earlier than after 4 years


planting method: without seedlings

time for sowing seeds in open ground:

In early April - late May, when the soil to a depth of 10 cm warms up to +6-10°C;
. on the day of sowing, the seeds are treated with the drug nitragin, which contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria specific only to chickpeas

sowing depth:

The optimal seeding depth is 8-10 cm;
. in dry years on light soils, the depth of seed placement is increased to 10 cm, on heavy soils it is reduced to 4-6 cm

sowing/planting scheme:

Row sowing: 30-45 cm between rows;
. tape sowing: 50 cm between tapes, 20 cm between lines;
. with both schemes, the distance between plants in a row is 6-10 cm

Care and problems with growing:


only during the germination period you need to feed with nitrogen fertilizers - 5-10 g per 1 m2


Chickpeas are less demanding on moisture than other legumes and are different high degree drought resistance, responds well to irrigation;
. High air humidity is unfavorable for fruit formation, as it reduces the percentage of pollination. During prolonged rainy weather, chickpeas are affected by ascochyta blight, flowering is delayed, the ovaries fall off, which affects the seed yield


The minimum soil temperature at which seeds can swell is +3-4°C, but seedlings at this temperature appear in 3-4 weeks. At a soil temperature of +8-10°C, seedlings appear on the 9-10th day;
. optimal temperature for plant development and fruit formation +20-25°C, seedlings can withstand frosts down to -6°C, young plants up to -8°C

Hybrids and varieties:

According to the latest data from the State Register of Breeding Achievements, there are no zoned hybrids;
. varieties are zoned in Bashkortostan, Ossetia, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Samara, Orenburg, Rostov and Penza regions

Ripening time:


growing season 90-115: Volgogradsky 10, Krasnokutsky 123, Krasnokutsky 195, Krasnokutsky 28, Krasnokutsky 36, Privo 1, Sovkhozny, Yubileiny

Purpose of the variety:


Volgogradsky 10, Krasnokutsky 123, Krasnokutsky 195, Krasnokutsky 28, Krasnokutsky 36, Privo 1, Sovkhozny, Yubileiny

chickpeas are useful for diabetes mellitus, increases immunity, as it contains organically bound selenium

Far from being the most famous representative of legumes in our country is chickpeas. It is the most drought-resistant leguminous crop, characterized by resistance to most diseases and pests to which other crops in this family are usually susceptible.

Known to man since ancient times, suffice it to say that the first written mention of this culture is found in Homer’s Iliad; today this plant is widely cultivated in the countries of Central and Central Asia, East Africa, Eastern Europe, India, as well as in the countries of the Mediterranean region. It ranks third in the world among leguminous crops in terms of sown area, and first in terms of nutritional values. Chickpeas have many names: bird's eye peas, chickpeas, garbanzo, lamb's peas, etc.

An annual plant of the legume family. The root is taproot, branched. The stems are ribbed, straight, curved, less often - recumbent, branching, up to 70 cm high. The leaves are compound, imparipinnate. The flowers are solitary, small, of various colors. The pods are short, swollen, oval-elongated or rhombic, yellow or dark purple in color when ripe. Self-pollinating, refers to long-day plants. It is one of the most cold-resistant crops among grain legumes and is characterized by a high degree of drought resistance and easily tolerates short-term drought.

By nutritional value chickpeas are the absolute leader among other types of grain legumes, including peas, lentils and soybeans.

Chickpea seeds contain protein from 20.1 to 32.4%, which is superior to other legumes in terms of ease of digestion, as well as the amount of essential essential acids - methionine and tryptophan. Also contains phosphorus, manganese, potassium and magnesium, riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine (vitamin B1), vitamin C, nicotinic and pantothenic acids. Its leaves contain oxalic, citric and malic acids. The fat content in the seeds ranges from 4.1 to 7.2%; according to this indicator, chickpeas are superior to other legumes except soybeans.

Eating chickpeas helps prevent cardiovascular diseases; activities gastrointestinal tract; strengthening the nervous and immune systems; reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels; activation of body rejuvenation processes; prevents development oncological diseases; is an anticarcinogenic agent.

The taste of chickpea seeds is reminiscent of Walnut. Chickpeas are an indispensable product of Oriental and Asian cuisine. In the Middle East it is used to prepare traditional dishes: hummus, falafel, baba ganoush; and in Central Asia, it is impossible to imagine real pilaf without it, and the taste of numerous Indian sweets and sauces would not be the same without it. In modern cooking it is used to prepare various salads, soups, side dishes, as fillings for pies, and also as a sweet. Used in the canning industry and bakery.

After heat treatment it does not lose its useful qualities. Before preparing dishes, chickpeas must be soaked for a long time, and preferably cooked in water without salt. It also has another important advantage over its family brothers - it does not cause discomfort in the intestines.

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