Home Vegetables Unusual photographers of the world. The best photographers in Russia

Unusual photographers of the world. The best photographers in Russia

What can make a world famous photographer even more visible? Is it really the number of years that he / she has devoted to the profession of a photographer, the experience that has accumulated, or a certain chosen direction of photography? Nothing like this; The most important reason for this may be hidden in any photo frame that the photographer managed to capture.

Most of the most famous photographers most often try to remain silent on this topic. It is quite enough for them to have copyright signatures on their works so that these works become recognizable. Some famous photographers prefer to remain unrecognizable by not revealing their face for personal reasons. These reasons may remain a mystery to a growing audience of admirers, or maybe it all lies in the excessive modesty of these people. The most famous photographers are honored, as a rule, for a certain shot of an incredible, amazing moment that can literally last some milliseconds. People are fascinated by the fact that such an amazing event or incident can be captured in such a short time.

As the saying goes, "One photograph can express a thousand words." And so, each of the world's most famous photographers, once or twice in his career, managed to capture such a frame that can elevate him to the rank of greatness. In this article, some of the most famous photographers in the world who have succeeded in their profession are presented, as well as the very works that made them famous. These photographers managed to touch the hearts of many people in the world with their amazing, sometimes stunning photographs. Most Famous Photographers Peace.

Murray Becker, photographer for the Associated Press, became famous for his photograph of the Hindenburg airship on fire. He died of cancer at the age of 77.

(1961-1994) - South Africa, Pulzer Prize winner Kevin Carter for artistic photography devoted several months of his life to photographing the famine in Sudan. As a freelance photographer for Reuter and Sygma Photo NY, as well as a former magazine illustration editor for the Mail and Gaurdian, Kevin has dedicated his career to reporting on conflicts in his home country. South Africa. He was highly acclaimed at the prestigious Ilford Photo Press Awards for Best News Photograph of the Year in 1993.

One of the most important figures in contemporary photography is Helen Levitt. For 60 years, her calm poetic photographs taken on the streets of the city in which she lived most of their lives have inspired and amazed generations of photographers, students, collectors, curators and art lovers. Throughout her long career, Helen Levitt has captured her poetic vision, humor and ingenuity in her most sincere portraits of the men, women and children who live on the streets of New York.
She was born in 1945-46. She made the film "On the Streets" with Janis Loeb and James Azhi, the peculiarity of this film was that in it she presented a moving portrait of herself. The most important Levitt exhibition took place at the Museum contemporary art in 1943, and a solo exhibition consisting only of color works was held there in 1974. Major retrospectives of her work have been held at several museums: the first in 1991, in association with the San Francisco Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and at International Center Photographs in New York and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York; and 2001 at the Center for National Photography in Paris.

Philipp Halsman (1906-1979) was born in Riga Latvia Riga, Latvia. He studied engineering in Dresden before moving to Paris, where he established his photography studio in 1932. Thanks to his spontaneous style, Halsman has earned the attention of many of his admirers. His portraits of actors and authors have appeared on the covers of books and magazines; he worked in fashion (especially hat design) and also had a large number of private clients. By 1936, Halsman had become known as one of the finest portrait photographers in France.
From 1940 to 1970, Philippe Halsman made brilliant portraits of celebrities, intellectuals and politicians who appeared on the covers of magazines: Look, Esquire, the Saturday Evening Post, Paris Match, and especially Life. His work has also appeared in advertisements for Elizabeth Arden cosmetics, NBC, Simon & Schuster, and Ford.

Charles O'Rear (born 1941) American photographer is widely known for his photograph of Bliss, which was used as the default wallpaper for Windows XP.
For over 70 years he has been involved in the DOCUMERICA project of the Environmental Protection Agency, and has been photographing for National Geographic magazine for over 25 years. He began his career as a photographer in the wine industry and took photographs for the Napa Valley winegrowers organization. He then went on to photograph wine products around the world. To date, he has submitted his photographs for seven books dedicated to winemaking.

Roger Fenton (28 March 1819 – 8 August 1869) was a pioneer of photography in Britain, and one of the first war photographers to cover events during the war. Crimean War, which of course is somewhat regrettable, as it only allowed him to display his talent for landscape photography to a small extent. In addition, he played a large role in the overall development of photography.

Today we will analyze photographs that were taken by recognized masters of photography. 10 great photographers. 10 famous photographs.

Philipp Halsman and his Dali Atomicus, 1948

A brilliant artist must have a brilliant portrait. Perhaps Halsman was guided by this. Perhaps he was inspired by Dali's unfinished work Leda Atomica by that time, which can be seen in the photo, perhaps he wanted to transfer surrealism to photography ... In any case, he needed a studio, additional sources of artificial light, several assistants who splashed water from buckets, calmed cats between takes and kept chairs in the air, 6 hours of work, 28 takes and, of course, Salvador Dali himself.

"Dali Atomicus", Philipp Halsman, 1948

Advice: Do not be afraid to make a large number of takes - one of them will definitely turn out to be successful.

Irving Penn and his Girl in Bed, 1949

Despite the apparent simplicity of this picture at first glance, it fascinates. Is not it? Yes, perhaps, all the work of this brilliant photographer can be described in his own words: “If I look at any object for some time, then the sight fascinates me. This is the photographer's curse." And he was able to convey this fascination with the subject like no one else. Natural light from the window, model, contemplative position of the author - and, in this case, the masterpiece is ready.

Girl in Bed, Irving Penn, 1949

Advice:: To take a beautiful picture of someone or something, you have to fall in love with the subject.

Richard Avedon and his Judy, 1948

Almost all of Richard Avedon's photos show bright, but fleeting moments that we usually don't pay much attention to. But sometimes it is moments like these that can open a person's soul.

Judy, Richard Avedon, 1963

Advice: If you want to become a good photographer, try yourself in different genres - this will help you find your niche in photography.

Ansel Adams and his Tetons and the Serpent River, 1942

Talking about the great photographers and their work, we cannot ignore the creator of the zone exposure system and famous author photography books by Ansel Adams. Let's take a look at one of his works: The Tetons and the Serpent River.

In addition to interesting composition, you can see how skillfully Adams uses his system for choosing the ideal exposure of a shot. If you look closely, you can see each of the 10 zones from absolute black to white.

The Tetons and the Serpent River, Ansel Easton Adams, 1942

Advice: even working with digital camera do not ignore traditional recommendations. You can't always rely on automatic exposure.

Henry Cartier Bresson

Naturally, this post simply could not be complete without Henry Cartier-Bresson. The legendary photo reporter, creator of the Magnum Photos agency, said: “I don't like organizing and managing events. This is terrible. We cannot imitate real life. I adore the truth and shoot only the truth.” We can think about Bresson's photography endlessly, but it's even more useful to read his books The Decisive Moment and Imaginary Reality in the English edition.

Advice: Waiting for a good moment, do not miss it!

Alfred Eisenstadt and his Times Square Victory Day

Alfred Eisenstadt became famous thanks to a photo of a sailor kissing his girlfriend. One photo taken at a turning point made him real star. And it doesn't matter if the photo is blurry. The photographer did a great job capturing the atmosphere.

"V-J Day in Times Square", Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1945

Advice: Always carry your camera with you.

Ernst Haas

Ernst Haas is a pioneer of digital photography. His famous quotes:

  • Photography is an expression of your ideas and feelings. If the high has no place in your soul, you will never notice them in the outside world.
  • Beauty speaks for itself. When the process reaches its peak, I take a picture.
  • I don't take pictures of new interesting objects. I try to find something new in familiar things.
  • When the photograph appeared, was born new language. Now we can talk about reality in the language of reality.
  • Your camera type doesn't mean anything. Any camera can capture what you see. But you must see.
  • There is only you and your camera. All rules and restrictions are in your head.
  • Tell me what you see and I'll tell you who you are.

Ernst Haas. Kyushu Island, Japan, 1981

Advice: beauty is everywhere. Find and feel it.

Yusuf Karsh and his portrait of Winston Churchill

Yusuf Karsh is a renowned Canadian photographer known for portraits of prominent politicians. The history of this photo is unusual. After a speech in the lower house of parliament, the British prime minister entered the meeting room and saw the photo equipment. He allowed me to take just one photo and lit a cigar. It is not known exactly why the photographer approached Churchill and removed the cigar from his mouth, but that is exactly what Karsh did. He returned to his camera and took a picture.

The photo shows all the skills of Yusuf Karsh. He managed to create an impression of depth and space with the help of light, perfect pose and gesture. The result is a dramatic, captivating portrait that vividly shows inner strength British premier.

Portrait of Winston Churchill, Yusuf Karsh, 1941

Advice: don't be afraid to provoke your models to show themselves. You can see what is hidden from everyone.

Guyon Miley

Guyon became popular photographer thanks to the unique mixture of "algebra and harmony" in his photographs and the effect of the moment stopped. Perhaps the light drawings gained popularity precisely because of Mili. Guyon practiced in different areas constantly experimenting. However, one thing remained unchanged. His ability to capture the grace and drama of the current moment.

Pablo Picasso masters light painting. Guyon Mily, 1949

Advice: do not forget that photography is not only an attractive drawing. Experiment with focus, exposure and shutter speed.

William Smith

We chose to mention this press photographer at the end of the article for a reason. His words should become the slogan of anyone who wants to become a good photographer: “Photography has no end. As soon as I reach highest point skill, an even higher peak is shown in the distance. And I'm on the road again."

William Smith, Dr. Tseriani with a Wounded Child, 1948

Advice: never stop reaching your goals. Shoot not with a camera, but with your soul.

Always analyze the work of famous world photographers in as much detail as possible. Soak up their experiences and notice what expressions they use. One day you will notice how this knowledge is absorbed into your own photographs and becomes the quality of your work.

The image can speak all languages. And their language is understood not only by photographers, but also by photography lovers, just grateful viewers. Photography has witnessed the evolution of cameras, from the traditional camera obscura to the modern digital one. All of them were used to obtain an excellent image. When you think of some of the most famous photographers from past years and the present, you understand that photography is an art, and not a simple “freezing” of a moment.

When William Henry Fox Talbot invented the negative/positive photographic process, he probably had no idea how popular his invention would be. Today, photography, and therefore the specialization of photographers, is divided into different categories that range from fashion, wildlife, interiors, portraits, travel, food to... The list is endless. Let's take a look at some of the most famous photographers in the most popular photography categories. See also examples of their work.


Irving Penn
This American photographer is known for his chic and elegant shots, especially from the post-World War II era. Since 1938, he has collaborated with Vogue magazine and actively uses the technique of white and gray backgrounds. It is the use of this technique that makes him the greatest photographer of the time. Penn's photography has always been one step ahead of its time. A series of nude shots made a lot of noise.

Terence Donovan
This British photographer was known for his photographs of the fashion world in the 60s. His indefatigable thirst for adventure is reflected in his work and for obtaining beautiful images the models performed some pretty daring stunts. Approximately 3,000 advertising images, this man was a member of the richest people in London and was a popular celebrity photographer.

Richard Avedon
It was he who moved away from the traditional understanding of models. Born in New York and set up his own studio in 1946. Richard Avedon showed models in natural light, and many of his works have been published in the pages of Vogue and Life magazines. As a photographer, he received many awards in his time and the images he created were recognized all over the world.

Nature and Wildlife

Ansel Adams
Born in the city of San Francisco. Made a huge contribution to the development black and white photography. He was interested in questions related to nature. Ansel Adams is the author of several epic photographic frescoes. Received three Guggenheim Fellowships.

Frans Lanting
Frans was born in Rotterdam. His work could be seen on the pages of such magazines as National Geographic, Life, Outdoor Photographer. Frans traveled a lot and his photographs clearly express his love for the flora and fauna of the rainforests.

Galen Rowell
For many years, Galen conveyed the relationship between man and the desert. His photographs, like nothing else, conveyed the fascinating and magnetic beauty of these sultry places. 1984 award winner. Collaborated with many well-known publications of the time. Rowell's work was distinguished by its depth and coverage of everything new in the displayed topic.


Henri Cartier-Bresson ( Henri CartierBresson)
French photographer who influenced the development of photojournalism for many years. Received international recognition for his coverage of Gandhi's funeral in India in 1948. He traveled extensively around the world and firmly believed that the art of a photojournalist was to capture the “right” moment. Some call him the father of the photo essay.

Eddie Adams
Laureate Pulitzer Prize and winner of over 500 awards. His photographs depicting the Vietnam War from the inside shocked the whole world. Adams also took portraits of celebrities, politicians and military leaders of the time. He believed that the photographer should be able to manipulate the scene in order to reflect the truth.

Felice Beato
Famous "war photographer". His penchant for travel has allowed him to capture many people's moods and moments in different corners earth. Traveled to India, Japan, China. It was Felice who captured the Indian uprising of 1857 and the events of the second opium war. His powerful and immortal work is still a source of inspiration for photojournalists.

Portrait photography

Ueno Hikoma
Born in Nagasaki. Fame brought portrait work and landscape photography. He started with his own commercial studio, where he gained tremendous experience in portrait photography. The author of portraits of many famous and famous people that time. In 1891 he made a portrait of the Russian heir to the throne.

Philippe Halsman
Although Halsman suffered some early setbacks in his personal life, this did not stop him from becoming a great portrait painter of his time. His photographs were somewhat sharp and dark and differed significantly from the portraits of the time. Portraits were published in many magazines of that time, including Vogue. After meeting the surrealist artist Salvador Dali, he decides to make a surreal portrait of Dali, a skull and seven nudes. Three hours were spent on the implementation of the planned work. It was he who developed the philosophy of displaying a person in motion, in a jump. He believed that this was the only way to show a “real” person from the inside. At the peak of his career, he took portraits of celebrities such as Alfred Hitchcock, Marilyn Monroe, Winston Churchill, Judy Garland and Pablo Picasso.

Hiro Kikai ( Hiroh Kikai)
The popularity of this Japanese photographer brought monochrome portraits of the inhabitants of the Asakusa district (Tokyo). In his early years, he witnessed many clashes and spent all free time taking pictures of visitors to Asakusa. Perfectionist by nature, could spend several days looking for right person- subject of shooting.

aerial photography

Talbert Abrams
The first pictures in this category were taken while serving in the Corps marines USA during World War II. Photographic images of the squadron during the period of insurgency in Haiti helped decide to continue this art.

William Garnett ( William Garnett)
Born in Chicago in 1916, he began his career as a photographer and graphic designer in 1938. Helped the US Army in production educational films for US troops. By 1949, he had already acquired his own aircraft and switched to aerial photography.

Underwater photography

Dustin Humphrey
A surfer and photography enthusiast who has his own photography studio in Bali. His passion for surfing helped him take some amazing photos for which he received the Sony World Photography Award in 2009. It's amazing how he managed to gather so many people and film it all without a single cut!

Photographer is a profession that appeared less than two centuries ago. During this time, its representatives managed to gain popularity and respect around the world. The best photographers in Russia today are valued and earn good money. And this despite the fact that today digital camera almost everyone has it. It is all the more important to know and understand who to look up to.

Profession - photographer

The best photographers in Russia are creative people who know how to cope with the difficult and constantly changing environment that photography is. It is worth recognizing that in our time it has become much easier to make a career in this business. First, there was mass technology High Quality which allow many to do quality work.

Secondly, especially on the Internet, it has developed so much that it is possible to declare oneself and advertise oneself much faster and easier than it had to be done in previous years. Nowadays, any aspiring photographer who shows talent can quickly make himself known to the whole world.

Digital technologies have brought modern life another plus. Creating and distributing content has become easier and more accessible. Beginning photographers have Free access to the works of the best masters, it became possible to follow new fashion trends and trends. The main thing at the same time is not to forget that a real master must also have his own look and vision in order to captivate the public. It is these skills that are famous the best photographers Russia. The rating of these specialists is headed by Andriy Bayda. This list also includes Abdulla Artuev, Viktor Danilov, Alexander Sakulin, Denis Shumov, Larisa Sakhapova, Alexei Sizganov, Maria Melnik.

Andrey Baida

The best wedding photographers in Russia are welcome guests at any celebration. Andrey Baida certainly belongs to them. He manages to capture the most unforgettable and amazing moments of the reality around us. He is one of the most famous wedding photographers capital Cities. His portfolio includes thousands of photographs taken in all corners of the globe.

He himself admits that photography for him is not just a job, but a hobby to which he devotes his whole life. He became interested in photography as a child. Then, of course, I didn’t think about genres yet, but shot everything I saw.

Now the division into genres has appeared, but Andrey is trying not to concentrate on just one, but to work in different ones in order to constantly improve.

Abdulla Artuev

The list of the best photographers in Russia, according to many specialists and experts, includes Abdulla Artuev. This is one of the most promising among the young masters of the capital, who made a name for himself by working for glossy editions. It is noticeable that in his work he puts not only skill and professionalism, but also his soul.

Viktor Danilov

Many of the best photographers in Russia today deliberately go to social networks, where they collect tens of thousands of likes and subscribers. One of those who made a name for themselves on the vastness of Instagram was Viktor Danilov. This is a fashionable modern photographer who works with models and girls who dream of getting on the catwalk.

In his Instagram today - about 50 thousand subscribers, which makes him popular in professional circles and in the public. Danilov has long earned fame in fashion houses, his pictures are eagerly taken to the front pages.

However, he is a very young photographer. He is a little over 20 years old.

Alexander Sakulin

The best photographer in Russia, according to some experts, is Alexander Sakulin. This artist specializes in advertising photography. Often shoots for major business magazines, ready to present almost any product in a favorable and original light.

About himself, Sakulin says that he grew up on Far East away from the lights of big cities. He moved to Moscow after serving in the army. At first he started taking pictures for fun, but soon his hobby turned into a profession. Sakulin constantly improved, went to exhibitions, studied albums of recognized masters. This desire to reach the bar set by professionals allowed him to enter the top of the best photographers in Russia.

In 2009, Sakulin began producing advertising projects. Photographed various popular brands. For example, the products of the famous watch manufacturer Ulysse Nardin.

He started his career as a photographer in 2012. Collaborated with modeling agencies, online stores, fashion designers and electronic online publications.

In 2014, he founded his own agency, which specialized in commercial photography. Engaged in the production of printing products, subject photography. Since then, he regularly shoots major popular projects of famous advertising brands.

Denis Shumov

If you are looking for a unique and unusual representative of the school of contemporary photography, then you should pay attention to the work of Denis Shumov. This is a versatile photographer who, despite his young age, has already achieved success in shooting models and advertising. His travel portfolio attracts hundreds of fans.

In fact, Shumov succeeds in the almost impossible - to combine in his work all the known trends in modern photography. But the master is famous not only for this. Among his pictures you can find hundreds of works with domestic and Hollywood celebrities who willingly worked with a young and talented photographer.

Larisa Sakhapova

Master Larisa Sakhapova appeared on the domestic photo sky relatively recently. Her portfolio is full of pictures of the most charming and attractive Russian girls. You have to know how to capture true beauty. Larisa proves every day that she is capable of doing this.

In all her photographs, one can notice an amazing feature, she knows how to subtly notice the most unexpected features of female beauty and bring them to the fore. The tenderness and grace of her models are simply mesmerizing. Nobody remains indifferent.

Maria Simonova

You have already noticed that the best photographers in Russia are not only men, but also women. Recently, many talented girls have appeared in this profession, who take a fresh look at things familiar to everyone.

Maria Simonova exceeds all wildest expectations. Her fame spread not only to Moscow, but also to America. Overseas, she works as a fashion photographer. She is regularly invited to fashion shows, models call Maria to make a bright and high-quality portfolio. Before her camera bow already For example, Jared Leto and Nick Wooster.

Maria Simonova is also a wonderful family master. The best children's photographers in Russia celebrate her work, which depicts happy families with your kids.

She notes to herself that her passion is individual shooting. It is when you work with a person one on one that he can fully open up, show the most secret sides of his personality. And that's great.

Elena Melnik

Speaking of the most promising and talented photographers, one cannot fail to mention Elena Melnik. She has a special place in this list. Her works are distinguished by the fact that they show an individual, independent direction of photography. A direction that almost no one had developed before Elena.

This is food photography. Elena Melnik - brightest representative this area of ​​photography. At one time, food pictures flooded social networks, especially Instagram. Elena Melnik on own example proves that even a plate of food can be an object of art. For the sake of this, today they dream of getting the best Moscow restaurants. After all, Elena's photographs often cause a conditioned reflex, like Pavlov's dogs, many visitors to her exhibitions admit. After viewing these pictures, the saliva flows so much that I want to immediately try all the captured dishes.

In her work, she gives Special attention appetizing food, paints and colors that accompany the serving of the dish. Making a man go to that restaurant where she just completed a photo shoot is her final goal, Elena Melnik herself admits.

Elena has been professionally engaged in photography for 10 years. She has a diploma in her specialty. Repeatedly held personal exhibitions.

Of course, the photographers listed in this article are not all talented and original masters that exist in Russia. However, the most famous, those who managed to gain fame in recent years, are mentioned here.

Lennon's photo is famous for being more than just a photograph. So let's take a look at the most famous photographs and learn about their history.

“John F. Kennedy Assassin Shot”

“Oswald was taken outside. I squeeze the camera. The police hold back the pressure of the townspeople. Oswald took a few steps. I press the shutter. As soon as the shots rang out, I pulled the trigger again, but my flash did not have time to reload. I started to worry about the first photo and two hours later I went to develop the photos.” — Robert Jackson. This photo is also one of the most famous in the history of photography.

"Boy with a Grenade"

An innocent boy with a toy grenade in his hand - notable work photographer Diane Arbus. The boy's name is Colin Wood, the son of the famous tennis player Sidney Wood. AT right hand the boy is clutching a grenade, his left hand is empty. The face of the child depicts either terror or fear. Diane took a long time to select the shooting angle she needed, as a result, the guy could not stand it and shouted “Shoot already!”. In 2005, the photo was sold for $408,000.

“Save the kitten!”

No, this is not a photo from a Korean restaurant. It was Helulu the kitten who decided to check out what the owners are preparing for dinner and dived into the pot of noodles.


Street punks threatening the photographer with a gun. Yes, the child is only 11 years old, and the gun in his hands is a toy. He's just playing his game. But if you look closely, you will not see any game in his eyes.

"The Most Famous Kiss"

This kiss was the first such photograph that was recognized around the world. The photo was taken in Paris and is called “Kiss at the City Hall” (Le baiser de l’hotel de ville).

"Torment of Omaira"

November 13, 1985. Eruption of the volcano Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia). Mountain snow melts, and a mass of mud, earth and water 50 meters thick literally wipes everything in its path from the face of the earth. The death toll exceeded 23,000 people. The disaster received a huge response around the world, thanks in part to a photo of a little girl named Omaira Sanchaz. She was trapped, up to her neck in slush, her legs trapped in the concrete structure of the house. Rescuers tried to pump out the dirt and free the child, but in vain. The girl held on for three days, after which she became infected with several viruses at once. As journalist Christina Echandia, who was nearby all this time, recalls, Omaira sang and talked with others. She was frightened and constantly thirsty, but she was very courageous. On the third night, she began to hallucinate. The photo was taken a few hours before death. Photographer - Frank Fournier.


A curious man with a dog fell into a trap carefully set by the photographer.


Look at the bread! Only four fingers! That's why I decided to call this photo "Picasso," Picasso told his friend, photographer Duwanuoshi.

“Roadside shops”

Just a few years before the “Great Depression” of the USA. Shops are overflowing with fish, vegetables and fruits. The photo was taken in Alabama, next to the railroad.

Broken mirror

Two mischievous people broke the mirror and started picking up the pieces. The rest of the children watch with interest and guilt what is happening, while the world around them continues to live its own life.

“Little adults”

Three American girls gossip in an alley in Sevilla, Spain. For a long time, the postcard with this image was the most popular in the United States.

"Winston Churchill"

January 27, 1941. Churchill went to a photographic studio at 10 Downing Street to have some of his portraits taken, showing his resilience and determination. However, despite everything, his gaze was too relaxed - with a cigar in his hands, great person did not match the image that photographer Yousuf Karsh wanted to get. He approached the great politician and with a sharp movement pulled the cigar right out of his mouth. The result is slightly higher. Churchill looks angrily at the photographer, who, in turn, presses the shutter. So humanity received one of the most famous portraits of Winston Churchill.


The retreat of the US Marine Corps in 1950 due to inhuman frosts. During the Korean War, General MacArthur overestimated his capabilities, and was absolutely confident in the success of the campaign. So he considered before the counterattack of the Chinese troops, after which he uttered his famous phrase: “We are retreating! For we are moving in the wrong direction!”

"Naked Runner"

In 1975, during the rugby final in England, all the main people of the country gathered in the stands - Her Majesty with her retinue, well-known politicians ... Naked Australian Michael makes an “honorary circle” around the stadium. According to rumors, the Queen fainted. The runner was sentenced to three months in prison.


The picture does not have any specific theme, but the frame is quite famous. The boy proudly marches home, holding two huge bottles of alcohol in his hands. His face radiates joy and a sense of accomplishment. The girls in the background can't hide their admiration.

“Hunger in Sudan”

Photographer - Kevin Carter - received the Pulitzer Prize in 1994 for his work. The card depicts a Sudanese girl crouched with hunger. Soon she will die, and the big condor in the background is ready for it. The photo shocked the entire civilized world. The origin of the girl is unknown to anyone, including the photographer. He took a picture, chased away the predator and watched the child leave. Kevin Carter was a member of the Bang Bang Club, four intrepid photojournalists who travel around Africa in search of photo sensations. Two months after receiving the award, Carter committed suicide. Possibly haunted by horrific memories of what he saw in Sudan.


Marilyn Monroe. During the shooting, the girl looked away, which gave the photo even more charm, mystery and mood.

"Pain in the eye"

Between the winter of 1948 and the spring of 1949, Henry Cartier Bresson traveled with his camera to Beijing, Shanghai and other cities. This photo was taken in Nanjing. The photo shows a line of starving people for rice.

"After you…"

Terry and Thomson decide who will start (or finish?) dinner. Hamster Jim did not suspect that it was him who would be served at the table today. All three are Mark Andrew's pets. Outside the lens, these three are wonderful and dedicated companions!

"Time Square Victory"

After the end of World War II, a photograph of a sailor kissing a nurse in Time Square made the rounds in the papers. The image illustrates joy and love. According to legend, after 40 years, photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt decided to find a sweet couple, and he succeeded. He was met by happy grandparents, surrounded by a noisy crowd of children and grandchildren! This picture is considered the most famous photograph

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