Home Berries Prayers to Allah for business. Muslim spells for good luck. The most powerful money spell for Muslims

Prayers to Allah for business. Muslim spells for good luck. The most powerful money spell for Muslims

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dear readers of my blog. Today I will write in sha Allah a post about dua, namely about dua for good luck in business. The life of each of us is filled various events and we always need the support and help of the Great and Mighty Allah. It is important to understand that you need to rely only on Him, the Gracious and Merciful. When we all start something important to us, we hope that it will be successful and that everything will work out for us, and that this business will ultimately bring us good.

If you are going to start some new business, then before that you should read not only the dua, but also the prayer. Such prayer and dua are called istikhara. In fact, istikhara is the real sunnah of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

Istikhara is performed as follows - 2 rak'ahs of prayer are read with the intention that you are performing istikhara (you do not need to say the intention out loud, you just need to have it in your heart). After you have read the prayer, you need to make the following dua (attached pictures):

The Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) encouraged such actions before starting any new business.

Here is another dua for doing things easily:

Simple dua for good luck in business

And now here is another simple dua for good luck in business, but the author of this dua is myself. We can ask Allah for exactly what we need. That is, you have the opportunity to turn to Allah with prayers (dua) in which you will ask for something, simply in your own words, so do this more often! Here is a simple example of a prayer for good luck in business:

O my Lord, Mighty, Wise and Merciful. Only You I worship and only You I pray for help. O Allah, help me in (name the thing you want to do). O Generous One, grant me barakat in my affairs. Protect from the evil of these things. O Allah, you can make sure that there is good in them and no evil, so do it. O Allah, forgive me and have mercy on me, O Forgiving and Merciful!

This is the dua for good luck in business.

Here is another very necessary “crib” for you, these are reliable time periods when Allah will accept your prayers without delay, this applies to any dua.

A real story related to Dua Istikhara from my life.

After you read “Istikhara”, you will be able to notice how quickly this or that matter makes sense and goes well, or you will immediately be able to notice negative aspects that you had not noticed before.

My personal experience. I'll tell you a story from my personal experience! One day, one of my brothers in faith and I gathered to unfold small business(this was about 2 years ago). He and I spent several days thinking about everything and considering various options bringing our idea to life. When everything was almost ready for launch, he and I read the “istikhara”. After that, we were going to sign a cooperation agreement, because we know that according to the sunnah it is necessary to conclude agreements, and not just draw up verbal agreements.

In general, we listened to him, he gave us dali (evidence) that such a strategy was prohibited, and we, of course, abandoned such an idea. This story serves as a reminder to me of how important it is to read istikhara before starting a new business.

Try to turn to Allah with sincerity and hope. After all, if you call on Him with faith and hope, then He will definitely reward you. Think about how great His mercy is to you and me. Appreciate this and praise Allah many times, and then in sha Allah your affairs will go well, dear friends!

Muslims turn to Holy Scripture using dua for good luck in business. Turning to Allah makes it possible to prepare for eternal life and gain success in worldly deeds. In Islam, everything that happens is predetermined and depends on the will of the Almighty.


The main conditions for achieving success through prayers

When reading the Quran to improve personal affairs, you need to remember that help does not come from sacred text, but from the Almighty, who gives relief to man with the help of the Holy Word.

Reading a dua is a means to an end that helps attract success. The result is achieved thanks to the Generosity and Grace of the Creator. Devout Muslims condemn witchcraft and communication with evil spirits

. These acts are a great sin. Having soiled the soul, a person loses the destined blessings. Prayers are used to turn to Allah. It is unacceptable to recite and listen to verses of the Koran without making physical and mental efforts. Acts of worship must be performed. Great importance

has the distribution of alms and abstinence from earthly sins. Before leaving home for work, ablution (wudu) is performed, which allows you to cleanse and spiritual world

. The act contains great wisdom. Ablution is intended to protect against shaitan. Ritual purity pleases the Almighty and helps to achieve rewards for worship. This video reads main prayer

Muslims Courtesy of Shukr Lillah channel.

Prayers to attract success in all endeavors

In Islam there are suras that have the same power as spells. In Muslim they are called ruqyas. It comes from Allah and consists of words taken from the Koran.

  • With their help:
  • ask for the fulfillment of plans;
  • get rid of life's troubles;

attract good luck in your endeavors.

Conspiracies for success are very effective, because they attract good luck to the person asking. All types of spells are recommended to be used on the waxing Moon. They attract goodness and help drive away evil spirits.

For well-being, read the surah:

We belong completely to Allah! I am responsible for understanding misfortune. Help overcome adversity and reward for your patience.

By reading the surah daily, you can quickly improve your life. To achieve success in business, rich people correctly manage their own thoughts and capabilities, protecting their success.

Prayers to attract good luck in business

  1. Dua helps to connect a person’s thoughts with God and receive help. The texts are read in both Arabic and Russian.
  2. For 7 days do not eat meat and sweet products. The diet should include bread and water.
  3. Read surahs from the Koran 10 times daily.

Wash thoroughly first.

To attract good luck, read the following prayer:

After pronouncing the dua for good luck in business, you need to go out into the street and give alms to the poor.

The most powerful duas and surahs for gaining wealth

Effective appeals to Dua to Allah- a type of worship that is recited on different occasions. Muslim magic for money is a great way to direct your strength and thoughts in the right direction and get the desired result.

For financial success, it is recommended that before using “magic” you undergo preparation, which includes giving up meat and sweets. It is permissible to eat only bread and water during the week, which strengthens spiritual capabilities.

To gain wealth:

Oh Allah! I come running for help from evil, everything is under your control! Get rid of poverty and debt!

The second option sounds like this:

Oh Allah! Improve my life. I ask for protection from the torment of the grave, unbelief and poverty. I ask for useful knowledge and deeds, which you will accept for a good destiny.

For wealth use strong prayer, strengthening it with additional duas. Preliminary preparation brings the person asking closer to the Lord, so his prayers will be heard faster.

Dua for good luck in trading

They help increase sales by improving business. It is not enough to say a prayer to achieve success.

There are several rules to improve trading:

  1. Fast (eat bread and drink water for 7 days).
  2. Do not deceive the buyer and start work in the morning - as the Prophet Muhammad believed, this is the surest path.
  3. To be submissive is to humbly accept everything that Allah gives.
  4. Do not refuse help to a person who asks for help; Allah loves the generous.
  5. Sell ​​useful products that contain grace.
  6. Do not envy the faithful, but pray for their success.

By observing these simple rules, you can count on the Almighty to hear your prayers.

To attract good luck in trading:

Oh Allah! Pay off our debts and help us get out of poverty! I call through Muhammad the prophet! Please give me food and help me achieve improvements.

Best duas for good luck at work

Prophet Muhammad lived a life that was full of sacrifice, patience and hardship. He did a lot in anticipation of the fruits of his efforts.

For success in work, Muslims read istikhara - a word meaning a prayer for help from Allah.

Oh Allah! Help me with knowledge and strengthen me with power. If what you plan is evil, then turn it away. Predetermine good and lead to contentment.

After Istikhara, say what is intended and perform an additional prayer of two rak'ahs. This helps you make the right decision in your work, which will be a step towards achieving your goals.

Dua for a successful job search

Lord, don’t bother, make it easy. Oh Allah! Help me complete this task with grace.

Dua for a successful marriage

To get married successfully, ask the Almighty for this. By its strength muslim prayers equal to full-fledged magical rituals.

To get married, you should say the following words early in the morning:

Oh Allah! Only you know what is destined for us. If you think that (man’s name) is better suited for me than others to maintain religiosity and well-being, then help me become his wife.

Dua for strong love and understanding between spouses

To strengthen feelings between husband and wife, you should ask the Almighty for this. By reading the sacred texts and proper operation with your energy you can greatly change relationships in better side.

Muslims for love in marriage and improving relationships between spouses say:

For husband:

My Allah, I ask you to strengthen my marriage. Make my wife love me. Protect from troubles and misfortunes, give great prosperity and pious children. Save me from suffering in this and the afterlife and give your goodness.

For the wife:

My Allah, I ask you to strengthen my marriage. Do this to me. Away from gossip and separation. Strengthen our feelings and give us godly children and long life.

Spells help to bring back old relationships and passion, as well as restore the spirit of love. Any religion provides the opportunity to pray, but Islam rewards a person with incredible power. After reading a surah for love, you can achieve the same result as a love spell or ritual.

Muslim conspiracy to love a man

With the help of Muslim prayer for strong and mutual love You can win the favor of the guy you love.

The words should be spoken on the thing of the beloved. Before reading the sacred words, you should wash your face, chest, arms and legs with water at dawn and collect it in a transparent vessel.

Spell for a man's love:

Oh Allah! If you think that (boyfriend's name) the best choice for well-being and preservation of religiosity, then make him love me.

Muslim prayer for health

The main Muslim prayer for health is namaz. It improves the internal connection between the Almighty and man. Read 5 times a day to cleanse yourself of sins and strengthen your inner faith. First perform ablution and bow to the ground to prove submission.

For good health:

Allah, Lord of the worlds! I ask you to bring mercy closer to me, forgive my sins and protect me from new ones. I'm sorry for everything I didn't good deeds. Help cleanse your soul and body. On behalf of Allah, I welcome happiness coming to my home.

Dua for Study:

OriginalHow to readTranslation
اَللّٰهُمَّ اَخْرِجْنِيْ مِنْ ظُلُمَاتِ الْوَهْمِ وَ اَكْرِمْنِيْ بِنُوْرِ الْفَهْمِ اَللّٰهُمَّ افْتَحْ عَلَيْنَا اَبْوَابَ رَحْمَتِكَ وَ انْشُرْ عَلَيْنَا خَزَآئِنَ عُلُوْمِكَ بِرَحْمَتِكَ يَا اَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِيْنَ :
OriginalHow to readTranslation

اللَّهُمَّ ذَا السُّلْطَانِ الْعَظِيمِ ، ذَا الْمَنِّ الْقَدِيمِ ، ذَا الْوَجْهِ الْكَرِيمِ ، وَالْكَلِمَاتِ التَّامَّاتِ ، وَالدَّعَوَاتِ الْمُسَتَجَابَاتِ عَافِ الْحَسَنَ وَالْحُسَيْنَ مِنْ أَنْفُسِ الْجِنِّ وَأَعْيُنِ الإِنْسِ

Alahumma za sultanil azimi wa manil kadimi hall wazhil karimi waliyal kalimati tammati wa daawatil mustajabati afil Hasan wa Husayna (the name of the patient must be mentioned here) min anfusil jinni wa ayunil insi.Protect yourself, your wives and children with this prayer. And never has a person who protects against the evil eye read a prayer similar to hers

Dua in difficulties:

In order to receive barakat in business, you need to try the best way turn to Allah Almighty, and in actions beware of what He has forbidden and do what He has commanded. Muslims need to trust in the Almighty Creator and turn to Him with prayers for help.

Barakat in business and food is the mercy of Allah Almighty, without which a person’s affairs are not complete.

In order for the Almighty Creator to grant barakat and increase the lot in business, there are different duas, and today we offer you several of them:

Allahumma rizkan halalyan tayyban bilya kyaddin vastajib duana bila raddin wa nauzu bikya anil fadikhataynil-fakri wad-dini subhanal-mufarriji an kuli makhzunin wa ma'mumin subhana mann jaala hazainihu bi qudratihi bainal kafi wan-nuni. Innama amruhu iza arada shayan an yakulyalahu kun fayakun. Fa subhanal-lyazi beadihi malakutu shain va ilyaykhi turj’aun. Khuval-avvalyu minal avali val-akhyru ba'dal ahyri va zahyyru val-batinu wa huva bi kuli shain alim laysyakya mislihi shayun fil ardzyy valya fis-samai va huvas-samiul alim. La tudrikukhul-absarun wa huva yudrikul-absara wa huval-latiful habir. Walhamdulillahi rabbil ayalmin.

Translation of dua:

“Oh, Almighty Allah! Grant me barakat in my abundance, and give me the opportunity, as a result of my most productive work, to earn a lot of permitted benefits. O Allah Almighty! Grant the opportunity to spend this property for Your satisfaction for the benefit of yourself, your family and others, avoiding excess! O Allah Almighty! Save our movable and immovable property, our workplace, our wealth and our lives from various troubles, fires, theft and other adversities! O Allah Almighty! Grant us knowledge about the permissibility and rights of other (Your) slaves. Grant us the opportunity to earn eternal happiness by spending our property, wealth and soul for Your pleasure. Praise be to Allah Almighty, Lord of the worlds!”

What duas to read for good luck in business and to receive barakat?

Dua for success and barakat in business

Most entrepreneurs, especially those who have achieved some success in business, argue that in order to achieve something in business, we need to work, work and work... Of course, we must create reasons for the fulfillment of our desires. However, if there is no barakat (grace) and tawfiq (assistance) from Allah Almighty, a person will not achieve any success in business and in other areas. Allah Almighty in the hadith al-qudsi, which is transmitted from Abu Zarra al-Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) says: “O My servants! If the first and last of you, humans and jinn, stand in one place and ask Me (for something), and I give everyone what he asked for, this would reduce what I have only to the extent that a needle decreases (the amount water) when immersed in the sea." (Muslim, 2577) That is, if Allah Almighty gives every person everything he asks of Him, this will practically not reduce His wealth. Allah Almighty instructs his slaves to turn to him with prayers and ask him to fulfill all their desires and promises to fulfill them: “And your Lord, Allah Almighty, said:

“Call upon Me (address Me), and I will answer you (give you what you ask).” (Surah Ghafir, 60)

In order for the Almighty Creator to grant barakat, provide assistance and increase the lot in business, there are different duas. Therefore, anyone who wants to achieve success in business should make dua and ask for barakat and assistance from Allah Almighty. From Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) it is reported that one person said to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “O Messenger of Allah, this world has turned away from me, and it is moving away and moving away from me.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to him: “Have you not heard the prayer (salt) of the angels and the tasbih of all the creatures of Allah, through which they receive their inheritance? Read a hundred times at dawn: “Subhana Llahi wa bihamdihi Subhana Llahi l-'azim, astaghfiru Allah” “Glorified is Allah, all praise is to Allah, Most pure is the great Allah. I ask forgiveness (of sins) from Allah,” and the whole world will humbly come to you.” This man left and after some time returned and said: “O Messenger of Allah, truly this world has turned towards me in such a way that I do not know where to put it (property).” (Al-Khatib) It is also reported from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When Allah sent Adam (peace be upon him) to Earth, he stood up, went to the Kaaba and performed two rak’ah prayers . Then Allah inspired him to read this dua: “Allahumma innaka ta'lamu sarirati wa 'alaniyati fa-kbal ma'zirati, wa ta'lamu hajati fa-'tini suli, wa ta'lamu ma fi nafsi fa-gfir-li zanbi. Allahumma inni asaluka imanan yubashiru kalbi, wa yakinan sadikan hatta a'lyama annahu la yushibuni illya ma katabta li, wa rizan bima kasamta li" “O Allah! Verily, You know my hidden and obvious deeds, so accept my apologies. You know all my needs, give me what I ask. You know everything that I hide in my soul, forgive my sins. O Allah, I ask You for iman (faith), which controls my heart, I ask for deep, correct conviction, which will inform me that nothing will befall me except what You have prescribed for me, I also ask for contentment with what You have endowed me with.” . Further, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Then Allah Almighty informed Adam (peace be upon him): “O Adam! Verily, I accepted your repentance and forgave your sins. Whoever turns to Me with this dua, I will forgive his sins, deliver him from the most difficult problems, drive away the shaitan from him, make his trade the best among all traders, and this world will be forced to favor him, even if he himself does not want it. "". (Tabarani)

Dua with transcription and translation into Russian

  • Va minkhum man yakulu rabbanā ‘ātinā fi ad-dunya hasanatan wa fi al-‘ākhiratihasanatan wa qinā gyazāba an-nār. The semantic translation of the prayer from the Koran into Russian: “Lord, grant us good in this life and good in eternity and protect us from hellish punishment” (Surah al-Baqarah, verse - 201).
  • Rabbana la tuzig kulubanā bagda ‘iz hyadaitana va hyab lana min ladunka rahmatan ‘innaka ‘anta al-wahhyab rabbanā ‘innaka jamigyu an-nāsi liyavmin la raiba fihyi ‘inna Allah yukhlif wal-migyad. Meaningful translation of the verse from the Koran: “Our Lord! Do not lead our hearts astray from the path of the true after You have guided them on this path. Grant us Your mercy; truly, You are the endless Giver. Lord, You will gather all people for a Day in which there is no doubt. Allah always fulfills his promises. [The news of the Day of Judgment was conveyed by all the prophets and messengers, it is promised by God, and therefore there is no doubt that it will come sooner or later]” (Surah Ali Imran, verses - 8-9).
  • Rabbi ishrakh li sadri va yassir li amri wahlul ukdata-m-min al-lisani yafkahu kauli. Translation: “Lord! Open my chest for me! Make my mission easier! Untie the knot on my tongue so that they can understand my speech" (Surah Ta Ha, ayah - 25-28).
  • “Allahumma, inni astakhiru-kya bi-'ilmi-kya wa astakdirukya bi-kudrati-kya wa as'alyu-kya min fadli-kya-l-'azimi fa-inna-kya takdiru wa la akdiru, wa ta'lamu wa la a'lyamu, wa Anta 'allamu-l-guyubi! Allahumma, in kunta ta'lamu anna haza-l-amra (here a person should say what he intends to do) khairun li fi dini, wa ma'ashi wa 'akibati amri, fa-kdur-hu li wa yassir-hu li, sum barik li fi-hi; wa in kunta ta'lamu anna haza-l-amra sharrun li fi dini, wa ma'ashi wa 'akibati amri, fa-srif-hu 'an-ni wa-srif-ni 'an-hu wa-kdur lia-l -haira haisu kyana, sum ardi-ni bi-hi.” Translation: “O Allah, truly I ask You to help me with Your knowledge and strengthen me with Your power and I ask You out of Your Great Mercy, for truly You know, but I do not know, because You are the Knower of the hidden. O Allah, if You know that this matter will be good for me in my religion and for my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or for this life and the next), then predetermine it for me and make it easier, and then make it blessed for me . And if You know that this matter will turn out to be evil for my religion, my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or for this life and the future), then give him away from me and give me away from him, and predetermine good for me, wherever it may be it, and then make me happy with it.”

"God! Open my chest for me! Make my mission easier!”

Dua of Prophet Musa, alayhi ssalaam

What to do to gain barakah?

You can often hear Muslims wishing barakat for themselves and others. What does the word “Barakat” mean and what is its essence. Barakat is a blessing from the Almighty.

The word "barakat" translated from Arabic means "grace". Barakat is mercy and addition from Allah regarding literally everything that surrounds a Muslim.

Man always strives for well-being and greater good. But only the blessings sent down by Allah are blessed and bring true happiness to a person.

Barakat is the endowment of things with divine grace, so that even small things can become big and bring benefit. The greatest fruits of baraka come from using this goodness or mercy in acts of obedience to Allah. We need Allah's blessing in everything, family, finances, relationships, health, children, work, etc.

There are some actions that can lead a person to receive God's grace:

  • Sincere intentions. If you want your actions and deeds to bring you barakah, start things with good intentions. Intentions are the basis of Islam, our every action will be judged based on them. It is important that every action you take is for the pleasure of Allah. If we do something not for the sake of Allah, this matter will be devoid of divine grace.
  • Faith and fear of God. The Koran says: “And if the inhabitants of (those) villages believed ( True Faith) and would beware (of the punishment of Allah), (then) We would certainly open for them blessings [the gates of every good thing] from the heavens and the earth [from all sides]" (7:96).
    “And whoever fears (the punishment) of Allah [following His commands and abstaining from His prohibitions], He will make a way out (of any difficult situation), and He will give him [the one who is wary] food from which he does not expect” (65:2 –3).
  • Trust in Allah. God says in the Quran: “And whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him. (After all) truly Allah brings His work (to completion). (And) Allah has already established a measure for every thing” (65:3).
    Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If you had true trust in Allah, He would provide you with food, as He provides for birds - that they fly out in the morning with empty bellies and return in the evening with full ones.”
  • Reading the Qur'an. This is a fountain that brings barakat!
    God says in the Quran: “And this [the Quran] is a book that We have sent down to you (O Muhammad), blessed [there is great benefit in it] (and) it confirms the truth of what was revealed before it" (6:92) .
    Don't forget the grace and mercy we can find through reading Holy Quran. Our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him!) said that for every letter read from the Holy Quran, a reward will be given and this reward will increase tenfold. Subhanallah, it's so simple!
  • "Bismillah." Every action of a Muslim begins with sacred words and the name of the Almighty. By remembering at the beginning of each action, you gain the pleasure of Allah and his grace when performing this action. “Bismillah” is the simplest and shortest dua, by pronouncing which we protect ourselves from Shaitan.
  • Eating together. The hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) says: “In eating together, there is grace for you.” There is also this hadith: “He who has enough food for two people should invite a third, and he who has enough food for four people should accept a fifth or sixth.”
  • Honesty in trading. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “The buyer and seller have the opportunity to confirm their transaction if they do not disagree. And if they spoke the truth and made it clear (did not hide) the shortcomings of their goods, they will be blessed in their transaction, and if they lied and hid some facts, their transaction will be deprived of the blessing of Allah.”
  • Making dua. Call upon Allah asking for barakah. Dua is a connection between the Creator and His creation. The Prophet himself (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam) appealed to the Almighty with a request for barakah. By making dua, you become closer to the Almighty, and he bestows his blessing on you. In general, every deed aimed at obtaining the pleasure of Allah is blessed and brings grace.
  • Halal earnings and food. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Allah loves what is good, so he accepts only what is good.” This applies to food and earnings obtained through lawful means. The limbs of the one who earns haraam and eats haraam will not be subject to Allah, whether he likes it or not, and the one who eats halal and strives for halal income will also do good deeds.
  • Following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in everything. The person who had the greatest barakah in the entire history of mankind was the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He is an example for Muslims in all matters and it is his example that we should follow. By studying his sunnah and following his example, we can become better, thereby gaining the grace of the Almighty.
  • Reading the dua "Istikhara". “Istikhara” is an appeal to Allah with a request to help in starting a business if there is good in it, and to ward off misfortune from it if there is evil in it. After performing the prayer, a Muslim must rely on Allah and accept it, with the understanding that Allah's decision regarding his slave always surpasses any human decision, both in matters concerning this world and the world to come. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught us the Istikhara prayer. He said: “If any of you is going to do any deed, then let him recite two rakats of the optional prayer, then say: “O Allah, verily, I ask You to help me with Your knowledge and strengthen me with Your power and I ask You about Your great mercy, for, truly, You can, but I cannot, You know, but I do not know, and You know everything about what is hidden (from people)! O Allah, if You know that this matter... (here a person should say what he wants) will be good for my Religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs, then predetermine it for me and make it easier for me, and then send it down to me in this matter Your blessing; if You know that this matter will become evil for my Religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs, then turn it away from me, and turn me away from it, and predetermine goodness for me, wherever it may be, and then bring me to satisfaction with it."
  • Gratitude to the Almighty. In the Quran, Allah says: “If you are grateful, I will give you even more. And if you are ungrateful, then the torment from Me will be grievous” (14:7).
  • Charity. The hadith al-Qudsi reports that Allah Almighty said: “O son of Adam, spend and I will spend on you.” Most quick way Barakat can be achieved by helping those in need, sadaqah and alms. It can be expressed in money, in words of support. By helping others, you cleanse your heart of sins and gain the pleasure of the Almighty.
  • Strengthening family ties. In the Koran, the Almighty says: “And beware of (punishment from) Allah, by whom you ask each other, and (beware of breaking) family ties. Indeed, Allah is watching over you!” (4:1) The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said: “Whoever wishes to have long life“Whoever wants there to always be abundance in the house, let him always remember his relatives.” The hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) says: “The Almighty says: “I am merciful, I created family connection and gave him a name from My name. I will keep in touch with the one who maintains the connection with his family, and I will break the connection with the one who breaks the connection with his family” (Tabarani).
  • Get up early. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Allah made the first hours a blessing for my ummah.” Get up for Tahajjud, do morning prayer. Try not to wake up during the hours during which the Almighty sends blessings to people. In addition, these hours are much more productive for work than all others.
  • Marriage. Marriage is a godly act and entails barakah. The Quran says: “And marry (O believers) the unmarried (men and women) of you [from among the believers] and the righteous [believers] from among your male slaves and your female slaves [those you own]. If they [free and celibate] are poor, (then this is not an obstacle to marriage, since) Allah will enrich them from His generosity. [Marriage is the reason for getting rid of poverty.] And (after all) Allah is all-embracing [possessing all benefits], knowing (the position of His slaves)! " (24:32)
  • Don't skip prayer. “And command (O Prophet) your family (to perform) prayer and be patient in it [performing it]. We [Allah] do not ask you (O Prophet) for inheritance, We (Ourselves) will feed you, but a (good) outcome (both in this world and in Eternal life) - for (those who had the quality of) caution (from the punishment of Allah)" (20:132). Just imagine your life without this act of worship. How can barakat be possible in such a life? - the basis of Muslim worship, and they are the key to the pleasure of the Almighty.
  • Ask for forgiveness of your sins. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If someone constantly asks forgiveness from Allah, Allah will provide him with a way out of every trouble and relief from every anxiety and will provide him with food from where he does not expect.” May Allah help you to achieve barakah!

Dua for success - dua of the prophet Musa (peace be upon him)

Watch the video from YouTube: dua of the Prophet Musa (alayhi salam)

“My slave will receive what he asked for” (Muslim 395)

Watch the video online from YouTube:

“If you see that your time is wasted and life goes on, and you still have not achieved or acquired anything useful, and you do not find barakah in your time, then beware that you do not fall under the verse:

“And do not obey those whose hearts We have made careless in remembering Us and who followed their own whim, and their work was in vain.” (18:28). Those. has become worthless, vain and absent-minded, there is no barakah in it. And so that he knows that some remember Allah, but they remember Him with a careless heart, from which, naturally, he will not benefit.”

Various rituals have long been popular among different nations, because, as you know, with their help you can both improve your well-being and find love, and send damage to the enemy. Separate place Muslim conspiracies occupy a number of differences from Orthodox ones:

Features of Muslim conspiracies

The main feature of Muslim magic is that they often use verses of the Koran in their conspiracies, as a result of which they become similar to their traditional prayers. In some cases, during the sacrament, excerpts from Holy book Muslims

What types of rituals do Muslims have:

Christian and Muslim rituals have only one thing in common: in both cases, the person conducting them must believe in their action, because without this, their effectiveness may be reduced, or it will not be possible to achieve the desired result at all.

The most powerful money spell for Muslims

This wealth plot is believed to have the highest magical power. It is customary for Muslims to read it in Arabic, but if this is not possible, you can do it in your native or Russian.

The text looks like this:

"In the name of the merciful and merciful Allah! I welcome the happiness that has come to my home! Welcome to my family! My happiness, appear like music near me! Remind me of the sun and joy! Shower next to me like blessed rain! Like the first snow, appear unexpectedly! Just as winter gives way to autumn, come quickly to me! My happiness, open a passage for me to material benefits and bring me joy! Rays of gratitude will illuminate the world around you. My happiness, I’m waiting for you!”

The above text must be repeated at dawn 7 times, and it is advisable to read it on an empty stomach.

The most popular Muslim ritual for wealth

This ritual is used by Muslims more often than others for a reason: with its help you can gain unprecedented wealth, as well as achieve success at work and great career growth.

The ritual itself consists of several stages:

Finally, when the seventh day has passed, it is necessary to make a donation at the mosque, and the more generous it is, the more more money will arrive at the donor. You can also help a low-income family. If the ceremony was carried out in compliance with all the rules, the performer and his family will soon achieve sustainable material well-being.

Muslim amulets and amulets for money

Traditionally, Muslims not only resort to spells, but also wear amulets, which also have great magical power. They help achieve financial well-being, strengthen family relationships, find love, and even cope with illness.

What amulets are the most popular:

It should be remembered that purchasing or making an amulet is not enough for it to work - you need to activate it. This is done in the following order:

  • Even when purchasing, the amulet is inspected for scratches and chips: there should not be any on it;
  • When the amulet is already a verse, you need to read the protecting sunnah, and then go to the mosque;
  • You cannot talk to anyone on the way to the mosque. Arriving at a sacred place, you need left hand put it on the heart, and attach the right one to the wall;
  • Standing in this position, you need to ask Holy spirit endow the talisman with all the necessary properties, taking into account the symbol itself. For example, you cannot ask to give the Eye of Fatima the ability to heal diseases, because... it is designed to protect against damage and the evil eye.

According to Eastern wisdom, luck and wealth come only to those who believe in them and think only about good things while performing rituals. The same applies to amulets: it is important not only to wear them correctly, but also not to doubt their effectiveness.

Ritual to attract money and good luck

To financial well-being and luck were constant companions in life, Muslims often perform rituals to attract them. To do this, it is enough to read a personal prayer-appeal to Allah asking for protection from troubles and achieving wealth.

Despite the fact that the words of the prayer are not strictly described anywhere, because... It is personal; when reading it, you still need to follow some rules:

  • The beginning should contain praise and glorification of Allah, then you need to repent of all your sins;
  • The words of the prayer are repeated three times with the main essence;
  • During prayer, it is necessary to make low bows, because... this brings the praying person as close as possible to the Creator.

Who can use magic?

Absolutely all people belonging to this faith can use money conspiracies for Muslims: those who want to travel, develop their business, purchase housing or any other property, because all of the above requires banknotes.


Muslim prayers those given here need to be read if suddenly dark days have come and luck in business and business has declined, then it is time to remember about spiritual help and read Muslim prayers for good luck. Every faith has magical rituals and love spells, Islam is no exception, and correctly read the kunut dua prayer can return good luck, for this read:

Innaa lil-lyahi wa innaa ilyaihi raaji "uun, allaahumma "indakya ahtasibu musyybatii fa"jurnii fiihe, wa abdilnii bihee hairan minhe.

Translation of Muslim prayer for good luck:

Verily, we belong completely to Allah and, verily, we all return to Him. O Lord, before You I will give an account for my understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience I have shown and replace the misfortune with something that is better than it.

Faith is built on prayers and if you read Muslim prayers every day that will help in hard times, then the day will come when life will change for the better. Islam provides prayers for all occasions, which is why everything more people Muslim prayers begin to be read.

I think you will be interested in the following Muslim prayer against difficulties, needs and problems on the path of life:

Before reading the dua, a ritual ablution is performed (taharat, abdest), after which one must perform two rakats of additional prayer and say the ancient magic words:

Alhamdu lil-lyahi rabbil- "aalamiin, as" alyukya muujibaati rahmatik, va "azaaima magfiratiq, val-"ismata min kulli zanb, val-ganiimata min kulli birr, vas-salayamata min kulli ism, laya tada" liy zanban illya gafartakh, wa laya hamman illya farrajtakh, wa laya haajaten hiya lakya ridan illya kadaitahaa, ya arkhamar-raahimiin.

Translation of Muslim prayer - dua:

True praise belongs only to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I ask You, O Allah, for something that will bring Your mercy closer to me, the effectiveness of Your forgiveness, protection from sins, and the benefit of everything righteous. I ask You for salvation from all mistakes. Do not leave a single sin that You would not forgive me, not a single anxiety from which You would not deliver me, and not a single need that, being correct, would not be satisfied by You. After all, You are the Most Merciful.

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