Home Diseases and pests Business plan for receiving waste paper. We calculate the profitability of the project. We organize the supply of waste paper

Business plan for receiving waste paper. We calculate the profitability of the project. We organize the supply of waste paper

Nowadays, the waste paper business brings a decent income. Waste paper recycling companies do not want to open collection points for recycled materials in small settlements... In this regard, there is practically no competition in this area. How to open a waste paper collection point, let's try to figure it out in this article.

Where to begin?

Before starting the waste paper business, you must first determine the distribution channels for raw materials. This is very important stage from which to start work. Before starting a business for the collection of waste paper, you must know exactly how much you can sell the accepted raw materials. It is advisable to pre-conclude an agreement with a paper mill. Do not forget to immediately stipulate the price at which you will buy waste paper. You will be guided by it when drawing up a business plan for collecting waste paper and calculating the main costs.

Business registration

If you want to open a waste paper collection point as a business, you first need to open your own company. Businessmen who do not plan to further develop their business can register a private entrepreneur. In addition, it is necessary to obtain all permits from the fire inspectorate for the collection and storage of paper waste.


Since raw materials need to be stored somewhere before customers pick them up, you need storage space. In order not to spend money on renting a suitable room, you can adapt a garage for this. The collection point must be located in an area where there are no competitors, otherwise your business will be unprofitable.

If you properly schedule the sale of raw materials, you will not have to rent a large warehouse, since you simply will not need it.


At the start, you can work independently, without hired workers. But every business owner has certain problems and concerns, so it is better to involve assistants in this business. They can be employees or members of your family. Such work does not require any specific qualifications, so there will be no problems with the selection of personnel. If you organize the collection of waste paper correctly as a business, over time your business will turn into a large, highly profitable enterprise.

Where to buy raw materials?

Waste paper can be handed over to individuals, shops or some kind of organization. It is desirable to establish long-term cooperation with suppliers. Any small shop can hand over 100-200 kg of waste paper per month. It is also worth negotiating with schools, restaurants or cafes. A stable supply of raw materials will have a beneficial effect on your income.

In order for private persons to pay attention to the reception point, conduct a short advertising campaign... Pass out leaflets on the streets urging you to hand over unwanted paper. Such earnings attract utility workers. By the way, they can be hired to sort the raw materials for a small fee.

Principle of operation

Many enterprising people are interested in how to make money from waste paper? Everything is very simple. All paper waste that arrives at the collection point should be carefully sorted into classes:

  • First class is the most expensive. It is uncoated White paper but not newsprint, as well as other types of white paper based on unbleached pulp;
  • The second class is cardboard boxes, books, magazines;
  • The third class is pulp and newsprint.


In order to organize the reception of waste paper as a business, you need to take care not only of the collection of paper waste, but also of their sorting and delivery to the point of sale.

If you want to make your business more profitable, recycling can help you with this. For this you need a special press. It is not worth buying new equipment for recycling waste paper for a regular collection point. A used machine for pressing paper into bales will cost you 50 thousand rubles.

To deliver the sorted raw materials to customers, a truck should be purchased. Initially vehicle can be rented. You can save a lot of money if you negotiate with other collection points to use one vehicle for the collection of raw materials.

Pulp production

It is worth noting that the business idea of ​​waste paper will be more profitable if it is partially processed and pulp is produced.

To do this, you will need:

  • Mixer;
  • Pump;
  • Tanks and other containers.

The first step is to soak the paper in water. Further, it goes through the process of disinfection and bleaching. After that excess fluid removed, and the remaining mass is churned into foam. Such raw materials are purchased by factories for the production of paper. It is bought at a much higher price than ordinary compressed paper. You can establish your own from secondary raw materials, which will significantly increase the profitability of the enterprise.


Let's see how much you can earn on waste paper? Some people think that waste paper cannot bring good profit... But in addition to private individuals, large companies also hand over raw materials, which accumulate a huge amount of paper. This allows you to earn decent money on collecting waste paper. For example, in Moscow, one collection point receives a net income of up to 1 million rubles per year. If we talk about the profitability of this business, it reaches 30-50%.


If you are interested in collecting waste paper, a business plan should be drawn up taking into account all the basic costs. To organize a business, you need a certain start-up capital. The initial investment depends largely on your plans. You can try to get a loan to open a business on waste paper. But if you have your own savings, it is better to do without outside help. Start working in your own garage and rent a vehicle. You can refuse to buy a press for now. If you invest 1 million rubles in the business, they will pay off in about 1-1.5 years.

Make new contacts constantly. At the start, you can try to accept waste paper from companies and organizations for free. Some businesses that do not want to pay for the disposal of old archives and papers will gladly give you unnecessary junk. If you can manage to find such suppliers, the business will be successful anyway.

Pulp and paper mills accept raw materials at 3.5-5 thousand rubles per ton. Cardboard is even more expensive. You can try to establish relationships with nearby schools, whose students can collect waste paper in their free time. It is also worth attracting residents of nearby houses to this type of income. To do this, you should distribute flyers, for example, on mailboxes... They need to focus on social significance your project to get people interested in selling waste paper. Offer special prizes and bonuses to those who hand over a lot of paper waste. Small gifts can be of interest to schoolchildren, and they will enthusiastically take up the task.


As you already understood, the waste paper collection point is enough promising business... When the enterprise begins to develop, you can purchase equipment for


The term of registration of an unincorporated legal entity or LLC usually takes no more than 5 days. If you plan to hire more than 15 people, then the extract from the USRIP / USRLE must indicate OKVED codes, in accordance with the information about the main types of work. Registration of OKVED will take you from 2 to 4 days. Order stamps for your company.

Find and rent (or buy) a space (or several) where you can store and receive recyclable materials. Get positive opinions on the satisfactory condition of the premises from the environmental expert commission, sanitary and epidemiological supervision and the fire service.

Due to the fact that many types recyclable materials to the IV class of hazardous waste, obtain a license from the local branch of Rostekhnadzor for the provision of its reception. Submit the following documents:
- statement;
- passport and TIN;
- constituent documents SP;
- a list of wastes (of all hazard classes - from I to IV), the reception of which you plan to carry out;
- a copy of the conclusion of the environmental impact assessment;
- copies of lease or purchase agreements - premises where the collection will be made recyclable materials;
- a copy of the conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision about proper condition premises.


  • how to make a business using recycled materials
  • Business idea: How to open a scrap metal collection point?

Points reception payments began to bring large income to their owners when an opportunity arose in addition to cellular pay with their help also for the Internet, cable TV, utilities and even fines imposed by the traffic police. In this case, the organization of the point reception payments, as before, is not at all as expensive as one might imagine at first glance, even a novice entrepreneur can open it.

You will need

  • 1. Registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity
  • 2. Agreement with the payment system
  • 3. Rent is not large room
  • 4. Office equipment and mobile communications
  • 5. Two cashiers-operators of the receiving point
  • 6. One or more automatic payment terminals


Select item format reception payments - there are two main ways, although they may well be combined at one point. The first one is an automatic payment system located on the street or in any one visited by people - shopping or business, cinema. The second method is accepting payments using, sending funds through a computer or mobile phone connected to a WAP site.

Enter into an agreement with a payment system that is a dealer - various, payment for which you will accept. There are several such systems, standard conditions cooperation with each of them are different, how different and technical means, used by each of them in the work. Before choosing, carefully study the proposals of each system, based on the search for the most profitable option from the opportunities that you have.

Rent a small room in a busy place if you decide to equip an office anyway reception payments with an operator sending information using a computer or telephone. Buy office equipment and software that meets the requirements of your chosen payment system... It costs two shift cashiers to hire for this job.

Buy a payment terminal that will be located autonomously or inside your point where the operator works. In the second case, the terminal will significantly speed up the service process, in addition, nothing interferes, having its own stationary point reception, place in different places also a few terminals. When choosing, pay attention to its resistance to temperature, as well as various external influences("Anti-vandal" equipment), the number of available functions.

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Helpful advice

If you see that the terminal is making a small profit, try moving it to another location, which, perhaps, will be more successful - while you will not lose anything.

Remember that choosing a terminal with a large number of the provided services that can be provided with its help, you choose a terminal that will more often "hang" and need maintenance more than simple.


  • An article dedicated to business using payment terminals

Reception scrap metal- not only a profitable, but also a noble occupation, because there is a collection for subsequent processing of unnecessary, worn out items. Instead of decaying in a landfill for decades, scrap metal will find new life.


Register individual entrepreneur, OKVED code 37.10.1.

Make a business plan. In it, take into account not only the costs of renting and purchasing equipment, but also the costs of buying a large amount scrap metal among the population. Plan initial capital to open a business at least 150,000 rubles.

Find a business location. When choosing, keep in mind that you need an area of ​​at least 50-200 sq. m. for storage of metal and for placing scales. Provide the site with security. It is best that your paragraph was located next to the private sector and had a convenient access road.

Purchase equipment: tonnage scales for ferrous metals and dial scales with weights for non-ferrous metals. Over time, your business may expand and require expensive automated equipment, but these costs will quickly pay off.

Hire employees, initially it may be a receiver and sorter. To save money, you can temporarily take metals in person, and hire a sorter.

Advertise admission scrap metal among the population. To do this, use the local press and posting leaflets in the street. Strictly supervise the acceptance process personally and instruct employees to prevent illegal scrapping of items obtained by illegal means. Keep a record of the accepted metal. These measures will avoid problems with law enforcement agencies.

Also organize the sale and export of the accepted metal for further processing.

The problem of recycling, in particular, waste paper very relevant for our country. The potential for the development of this business, without exaggeration, is enormous, since every year Russians throw several million tons of paper into the trash. By organizing paragraph reception waste paper, you will not only be able to contribute to the solution of this problem, but also get a stable source of income.

You will need

  • - transport;
  • - premises.


Find distribution channels waste paper... It is necessary to start this business from this stage, since you must clearly understand where and in what volumes you can sell the collected raw materials. These can be paper factories or factories that make roofing material or gypsum. Construction Materials... Negotiate the price with future buyers: it is from it that you will build on, calculating your main expenses.

Purchase a cargo vehicle. At first, you can get by with only one car, with which you will go around certain places where it will already be collected for you waste paper... It is advisable to choose a transport with a covered body.

Find a room for reception and storage waste paper... It can be any utility block or even a garage. For possibilities, choose a room with heating and electricity. Install the scale. To operate legally, you need a permit from the fire department.

Determine the price for 1 kg of raw materials accepted. Keep in mind that it is unlikely that potential customers will pay too much. That is why focus on the social value of your work, and also target the low-income segments of the population. Post notices in the surrounding area and place free advertisements in the newspaper to inform the public about the opening of your paragraph a.

Try to get the reception waste paper from the population for free. This is much easier to do than it seems at first glance. Many organizations will only be happy if you simply take out paper waste from them to permanent basis... In addition, you can find volunteers among schoolchildren or organize an environmental action in a number of educational institutions. As a bonus, give out Thanksgiving letters and small prizes.

The established ecological situation v modern world makes everything more people think about the recycling of waste, especially one consisting of difficult-to-decompose materials. In this regard, a business for the reception of recyclable materials and its processing appeared.

What can be taken for recycling

For many decades, waste paper has been accepted - paper packaging, books, newspapers, magazines, cardboard, office paper. There are many points for receiving glass - bottles, cans, cullet. We also receive scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, aluminum cans. There are points where you can drop off your old clothes, textiles, toys and shoes.

The cheap and easy production of plastic has made it one of the most popular materials on Earth: bags, film, containers and bottles for food and drinks, dishes, equipment cases, furniture and much more are made from it. With ever-growing production and consumption volumes, the spread of plastic is rampant. Great amount plastic containers are disposable (for example, food is sold in it) and ends up in the trash can immediately after unpacking the goods. To decompose into natural conditions, it takes more than one hundred years, while it will also poison the soil. Fortunately, there are points where plastic products are accepted and sent to recycling facilities. There, raw materials are obtained from it in the form of polymer granules, from which plastic products are then again made.

Hazardous waste deserves special attention: batteries, accumulators, mercury lamps and appliances. Recycling is difficult and costly, so there are far fewer hazardous waste collection points than needed and it is not always possible to find them nearby. However, it is important to collect such waste and recycle it periodically, as it is highly polluting and harmful to human health. They are increasingly being taken in large stores and supermarkets.

There are also points where various specific waste is accepted: household appliances, computers and laptops, electronic scrap, car tires, cartridges for office equipment, etc.


To denote waste recycling, there are also terms recycling, recycling, recycling, waste disposal. It implies reuse and production waste. Processing can be secondary, tertiary, etc.

In order for raw materials to be suitable for processing, they must meet certain requirements. So, the waste paper must contain an admissible proportion of impurities, different for production different types paper. The waste paper handed over should not contain any other elements besides paper - glued backs of books, polymer fabrics and films, wooden and metal elements. Plastic containers must be without paper labels, clean, etc.

Therefore, before delivery, recyclable materials should be prepared and sorted so that they can be accepted without problems. You can check the requirements in advance at the reception point.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from 1 to 5 hazard class

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Waste collection in Russia is as necessary as in most other countries. This business will not only bring material benefits, but also contribute to the preservation environment and ecology. It is much easier, and most importantly cheaper, to use already spent materials than to purchase new raw materials for production at a high price.


Reception points for the collection and sorting of recyclable materials greatly simplify the system of disposal of many types of waste, but only in highly developed countries. With us, the situation is different. It is difficult for people to overcome their stereotypes. Our people either throw everything in one trash bin or even leave garbage in nature conservation areas.

Due to the amount of waste, the collection point for recyclable waste is very profitable business in our country. This activity is much more profitable than opening a hairdressing salon, advertising agency or other type of small business. Collection and sorting of recyclable materials gives a "second life" a large number used materials.

The collection of secondary raw materials and its further use has its advantages:

  1. Savings on the extraction of new natural resources.
  2. Protecting the environment from possible contamination.
  3. Reducing the use of natural materials.

Collecting recycled materials as a business decides important role for solutions environmental issues and is a source of income for the entrepreneur.

After initial use, such types of raw materials as:

  • Cardboard.
  • Paper.
  • Scrap metal.
  • Glass.
  • Rubber.
  • Polymeric materials.
  • Textile.

If we consider the collection of secondary raw materials as a business, then it is possible to reduce imports from abroad and ensure progressive development. domestic economy. Waste sorting helps to preserve the environment.

Enterprising entrepreneurs have long been engaged in separate waste collection. They earn money by transporting the collected raw materials to waste processing plants. The delivery of unnecessary consumer goods to the sorting point contributes to the rational use of resources and minimizes the energy consumption of manufacturing enterprises.

Collecting recyclable materials as a business benefits the entrepreneur, the environment and the person who hands over a specific type of recyclable material. In the collection points there are prices for each type of waste. You can profitably hand over garbage and get a certain amount for it, it is certainly not large, but the main thing is to save the environment!


Having become interested in the idea, an entrepreneur asks the question of how to open a collection point for recyclable materials?

Naturally, registration as a business entity is indispensable. Then there is registration in tax authority at the place of registration. The next step is to obtain a single tax payer certificate.

Registration procedure for individual entrepreneurship

To open a reception point, you must have the following documents:

  1. Passport.
  2. An identification number.
  3. Statement.
  4. Compiled list of leading business areas.
  5. Constituent documents of the newly formed company.
  6. Bank account (if necessary).

With a detailed business plan, you can take part in the competition for a grant from the local municipal authorities.

The state benefits from such entrepreneurs, since the volume of waste is growing every year, and the authorities of our country have not yet been able to offer reasonable proposals for solving this problem. If you win the competition for the received grant, you can purchase the necessary equipment, for example, a press, it will be useful for working with all types of raw materials.

For business

  • Next, you need to acquire a warehouse. Its dimensions depend on the type and volume of the material being received. The number of the living population is also important. For a warehouse, you can rent a garage for small volumes of work, or a warehouse.
  • Purchase of transport - a truck. Its presence is necessary to carry out the transportation of recyclable materials to larger collection points.
  • Set a certain price for the received material.
  • Creation of a base of regular customers.
  • Sorting of raw materials: metal, paper, plastic and glass.
  • Purchase necessary equipment, you need a scale and a press to start.

Work permit

Since most types of accepted recyclable materials belong to the 4th hazard class, it is necessary to obtain special permit at the Rostekhnadzor service to open a reception point.

You can provide yourself with tax-free income, as well as save forests from deforestation. All you need to develop such a source additional earnings, this is a small initial capital for the acquisition freight transport or a trailer for a car to transport the collected recyclable materials, as well as funds for the purchase of unnecessary paper products from the population.

Waste paper collection as a business Is a great way to provide yourself with additional income in free time or in crisis period unemployment. With the right organization and a skillful approach to business, you can get an annual income of 1.5 - 2 million rubles. This work does not require special equipment or qualified personnel.

Depending on the start-up capital, you can start developing a business alone, and then hire schoolchildren who want to earn extra money after school as assistants. They will carry out all the work on organizing the notification of residents of residential buildings about the collection of waste paper, and load it into the car.


First you need to develop business plan for waste paper as a material that generates income. This is a fairly light and voluminous recyclable material that needs to be transported to your own warehouse by a vehicle with a carrying capacity of at least a few cubic meters.

Moreover, the weight of each cubic meter will not exceed 0.5 tons, which means that a heavy-duty vehicle is not needed here. For such purposes, it is quite suitable the following types transport:

  • all-metal van;
  • flatbed truck of the Gazelle type;
  • minibus;
  • station wagon;
  • a car with a trailer;

you also need to take into account the fuel consumption of the car, for example, on trucks such as Kamaz, it will be unprofitable to travel 100 km in order to buy only a ton of waste paper, so a small van or the same passenger car with a trailer would be more appropriate here.

Warehouse space

For those who want to know how to open a waste paper collection point, the following information will be of interest, regarding the choice of a warehouse and its size.

Initially, you can use a regular garage as a storage room, and an outbuilding in countryside... Since renting a large space is quite expensive, and the initial collection of recyclable materials will not cover such waste.

Determine the size of the room, very important question, since surplus free footage will incur unnecessary waste, and too small size will not allow the waste paper business to develop properly. To do this, determine the area of ​​the city in which the collection is carried out and the monthly volume of purchased recyclable materials.

Business development stages

First step

Many companies develop their business on recycling waste paper, they set the price for collecting this recyclable material throughout the region, which means that you need to start developing your business by establishing contact with representatives of such organizations. Initially, you need to determine the following factors affecting your own:

  • wholesale and retail prices for all brands of waste paper;
  • minimum and maximum volume of accepted products;
  • terms of delivery of goods from a personal warehouse to a factory premises;
  • and most importantly, allowable norms the level of contamination of recyclable materials by foreign substances or moisture content.

Second phase

The second stage can be considered the beginning of direct work. After choosing a vehicle, preparing a warehouse and concluding an agreement with a processing company, all that remains is to find a source of waste paper, which can be considered as:

  • educational establishments;
  • accounting institutions;
  • offices;
  • mail;
  • the shops:
  • residential buildings;

such places can supply:

  • unused unbleached paper or its waste;
  • printing editions;
  • cardboard containers;
  • paper packing bags;

many people will be happy to dispose of such waste without any financial compensation. For example, they take up a lot of space in the premises, their disposal costs money, so the offer to get rid of unnecessary worries for free will be accepted. Educational institutions also have similar archives, in which tons of waste paper have been collected over the years. A similar situation is with shops, they, as a rule, receive goods in cardboard packaging, and then dispose of it in the nearest trash can.

Worth knowing! The average is $ 20.

Information advertising

Collecting waste paper as a business will bring ever-growing income only if the work develops and covers new territories all the time, and for this it is necessary to inform people about their activities.

Nowadays, there are many paid and free ways advertising own business, it could be:

  • newspaper advertising;
  • posted advertisements at bus stops;
  • posting notes on yellow pages;
  • creating a page in social networks with the services offered for the removal of waste paper;
  • advertising on a local TV channel or radio station;

the more there will be customer base, the higher the profit and net income from the work done.

According to statistics, more than 100 million tons of paper waste is thrown into the trash every year on the territory of Russia, if translated into monetary equivalent, the amount will be $ 8 billion. How much of this money you can earn will depend only on own desire work.

Today in every city there are firms that buy waste paper. It is used to make toilet paper, cardboard, recycled into writing paper. Some companies organize waste paper processing themselves. Others press and rent it to the nearest pulp mill for decent money.

Most often, points of reception of paper raw materials accept it at a price of 2 to 3 rubles. for 1 kg. Large supermarkets recycle from 50 to 200 kg of cardboard containers every day. About 20 kg of waste paper appears in the average office every week.

Most of all paper trash is thrown away at wholesalers, markets, shops, educational institutions, offices, organizations. These archival papers and already unnecessary packaging are removed by trucks.

How to organize collection of waste paper from scratch

To collect waste paper, it is enough to enter into partnership agreements with these suppliers of paper trash. For a serious business, you need a lot of such suppliers - more than 100... You will have to spend time and effort to develop connections.

These organizations and firms take out unnecessary paper, paying for the garbage collection at their own expense.

You can suggest retail outlets, organizations and so on. to conclude an agreement that you will not only take out all the paper they do not need, but pay them for it, solving the problem of their paper trash.

The frequency of export of this raw material depends on its volume. This is usually 1-5 times weekly. The fee for unnecessary paper is set at 50 rubles. for 200 kg of raw materials.

Over time, many such points will be developed for collecting paper raw materials. To remove waste paper, you need a warehouse, a truck or a trailer. At the initial stage of the development of this business, you can rent them or use your own garage.

Important competently plan a route every day to reduce the mileage of the car.

Calculations of profitability

If 1 ton of raw paper is collected per day, then the cost of purchasing it will be 250 rubles. (that is, the price per kg will be 25 kopecks). The costs for gasoline and for renting a warehouse will be about 500 rubles. daily. This waste paper will be handed over to the collection point in the amount of 3 thousand rubles. The net profit will amount to 2,250 rubles daily.

V big city there is a real opportunity to collect 2-3 tons of waste paper per day.

Organization of a paper waste collection point

It is possible, collecting waste paper on low prices from collectors. To do this, it is necessary to organize a reception point and an advertising campaign "I will accept waste paper" in a residential neighborhood in an accessible place.

It can be done sparingly by affixing an ad to the back of your car and making several trips through a busy part of the residential area.

Large batches of sorted and packaged waste paper can then be sold to recycling factories at decent prices. Recycling factories accept 1 ton of waste paper for $ 50 - $ 120.

The pros of this business

  1. , except for the cost of gasoline and warehouse rent.
  2. There is no need for special knowledge and business experience.
  3. Working capital spent on the purchase of waste paper pays off on the same day.
  4. The profit can be decent.
  5. Low competition in this segment of the business, as few people enjoy fiddling with paper trash.
  6. This business contributes to maintaining the ecological balance on the planet, reducing deforestation.

Collecting waste paper as a business is very, if it is organized correctly.

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