Home Diseases and pests When to plant de barao seedlings. Bunches of tomatoes in any season: productive and tasty De Barao tomato. History of the variety

When to plant de barao seedlings. Bunches of tomatoes in any season: productive and tasty De Barao tomato. History of the variety

If you have never planted tomatoes, or any other crops, then you may not know about the De Barao tomato variety or have heard reviews about them. But you can already see them in the photo. Beginners may not know, but experienced summer residents understand what we are talking about. They have known the variety since the distant 90s, when it was grown almost everywhere. The tomato commands respect for its characteristics; it is actually good in all respects. Yes, it takes some work, but it's worth it.

general description

"De Barao" has been known for a very long time, but for a long time the tomato was not included in the register. This event occurred only at the beginning of the 2000s. It has a lot of advantages, and, according to reviews from most summer residents, there are no disadvantages, well, except that you need to follow some agricultural techniques to get good harvest. But the result pays off all the work. Tomatoes can produce record yields, which we will discuss later.

“De Barao” can be grown everywhere, both in greenhouses and outdoors. In the first case, you can collect a little more tomatoes. But everyone will be satisfied with the harvest, and besides, it is very easy to store, the fruits do not spoil, do not rot, and can ripen if they were collected not yet ripe. Unpretentious bushes can grow in different soils and in any climate.

For information!

Based on this tomato, a whole range of tomatoes with similar characteristics were created - these are “Red”, “Giant”, “Yellow”, “Tsarsky”, “Black”, “Orange”, “Pink”. We'll talk about the latter.

Tomato "De Barao". Characteristics and description of the variety

We told you the description of the De Barao tomato variety, taking the pink look. As you can see, there are only advantages. Anyone can grow such a tomato, even if you are a beginner, you still shouldn’t be afraid that tall bushes are not for you. It will be easier for you, because in theory you know how to do everything, and that’s exactly what we’ll tell you next.


Although this variety has excellent disease resistance, there is still one disease that can spoil the harvest - blossom end rot. You can fight it, and we will tell you how below.

Agricultural technology. Tomato variety "De Barao"

Sowing seeds for seedlings begins in the second ten days of March. Since the variety can get sick, although rarely, it is still necessary to carry out pre-sowing treatment. You can take a weak solution of manganese and soak the seed material in it a week before planting, then rinse it and dry it until planting. You can buy the ready-made preparation “Zircon”, summer residents praise it, it perfectly stimulates the immunity of plants.

Sowing can be carried out in one container to a depth of 1 cm, then picking into cups will be required in the phase of 3-4 leaves. There is an option to immediately take pots made of peat or cardboard, they are available in stores for gardeners and not only, and plant here using universal soil. So, you will avoid the picking stage and landing on permanent place It will be very easy to carry out, since the pots will not have to be removed. You place all the cups in a common tray so that they do not fall, cover with film, first moistening the soil. Within 7-10 days, the seedlings will sprout; if a seed in any glass has not sprouted, just tear it off, so the space will be used sparingly.

It is better to harden the seedlings a week before transferring them outside; you don’t have to do this in a greenhouse. In the latter case, planting will be 60-70 days after sowing, outside after all frosts. Of course, you must prepare the greenhouse in advance. To eliminate the risk of disease, careful processing is necessary, which you always do. It is better to use new soil every 1-2 years; be sure to spray it with boiling water to kill the pathogenic environment. Be mindful of supports, no matter where you grow. The soil must be disinfected, add a spoonful of superphosphate to it, now you can plant the seedlings.

Every year at the beginning of the season, or rather even long before it begins, gardeners select the varieties of tomatoes that they want to plant this year. Some people like low-growing varieties, others like tall ones. Some people want to collect the entire crop at one time and process it, while others want to constantly be with tomatoes throughout the season. And, in the end, the size of the fruit is of no small importance, since in order to prepare preserves with whole fruits they must be of a certain size, but large, juicy tomatoes are perfect for cooking tomato juice, lecho, all kinds of sauces.

Tomato de barao is a variety of tall tomatoes, characterized by high yield and resistance to disease.

Characteristics of tomato de barao:

  • The height of the bush reaches 2-3 m, depending on the type, the stem is powerful, well-leafed. Fruits are formed 8-10 pieces per cluster.
  • The variety is mid-late or late, the duration of fruiting is 3 months, until frost.
  • Productivity is high, with proper care from one bush you can get from 4 to 10 kg of tomatoes.
  • The keeping quality and transportability of the fruits are high. Unripe tomatoes picked before frost ripen in a warm place.
  • Plants develop well not only in the sun, but also in the shade.
  • Resistance to late blight is high.

Tomato de barao: seedlings

Like many other types of tomatoes, growing Tomato de Barao begins with growing seedlings. To do this, pre-prepare containers with soil. Drainage holes must be provided in the bottom of the containers. First, pour a layer of expanded clay or sand, then fill the container with soil. The soil is sold ready-made for seedlings, or prepared independently from peat and turf soil.

Tomato de barao seeds are sown on the surface of pre-moistened soil, sprinkled with a little humus or soil. The container is covered with film to form greenhouse effect, so the seeds will sprout faster. Temperature for seed germination – +18-20°C. Sowing time is the first ten days of March.

If the seeds are purchased in packaged form, they do not require additional processing. If the seeds are collected from your own garden bed, then they are first kept in a solution of potassium permanganate. Self-prepared soil for seedlings is also treated by watering it with a solution of potassium permanganate and freezing it.

The film is periodically lifted and the crops are ventilated so that they do not freeze. After the seeds hatch, the film is removed. To prevent seedlings from stretching out, provide additional lighting to extend daylight hours. After the appearance of several true leaves, a dive is carried out and the seedlings continue to be grown indoors until May.

Watering is moderate; if you overwater, the water stagnates and the seedlings get sick. To prevent blackleg disease, the soil surface is covered with calcined river sand.

At the beginning of May, hardening is carried out; for this, young tomatoes are taken to a cooler room with a temperature of +15 ° C, for example, to a veranda, balcony or greenhouse. During the warm part of the day, the greenhouse is opened for ventilation.

Tomato de barao: planting in open ground

The seedling bed is prepared in advance; it is better to do this in the fall. Humus and wood ash are added to the soil and dug up. Seedlings are planted in open ground in the 2-3rd decade of May, at which time the ground is already sufficiently warmed up and the risk of return frosts is minimal. Disembarkation time depends on the geographical location of the area and temperature conditions specific year. The temperature at night should not fall below 10°C; with such a drop, the seedlings stop growing and get sick. On cool nights, plants are provided with shelter using film or agrofibre.

Since tomato de barao grows very tall, the distance between the bushes is 80-100 cm, and between the rows - up to 120 cm. The day for planting seedlings is chosen to be cloudy, or planted in the evening. Tomatoes are very well accepted, survival rate is up to 100%. The seedlings are pre-prepared: 1-2 tiers of lower leaves are plucked from each plant to relieve the plant during stress from replanting.

First, dig holes and loosen the ground well so that part of the hole is filled with soft soil. The depth depends on the size of the plant. The hole is generously filled with water, the water is allowed to soak in a little, the seedling is placed vertically in the resulting liquid soil, and carefully covered with earth. The seedling is buried down to the leaves, this will allow it to grow additional roots on the stem, which it will feed on. A pit is formed near the seedling for convenient watering.

The day after planting, some seedlings wither. If you pull lightly or dig up such a seedling, you will find that its stem is separated from the root by a pest. This is the bear's job. To provide for such raids, when planting seedlings between the rows of tomatoes, they dig a furrow with a glander, put bait for mole crickets in it, and dig it in. This will distract pests from the plantings and help reduce their numbers.

For better rooting, seedlings are covered with white agrofibre for a couple of days. At first, you need to water with warm, settled water, for example, heated in the sun. The first watering is carried out a week after planting; in case of hot weather, water earlier.

Tomato de barao: cultivation

Since the variety is tall, it requires additional support. When planting next to the plant, a fairly high stand is dug or hammered in so that when the tomato begins to stretch upward, there is something to tie it to. It’s better to do this right away so as not to damage it later. root system plants.

To simplify the task, cucumber mesh or trellises are used for gartering; in this case, a support is not installed at each bush, but only two for several bushes, and a mesh or wire is stretched between them. Tomato de barao is also planted in places that are not intended for this purpose - near the fence, near tree trunks, in general, wherever it is possible to tie the plant up, securing its vertical position.

Tomato de barao - tall, strong, productive variety, but at insufficient watering You won't be able to get a lot of fruit. The developed root system of the plant is capable of absorbing a lot of moisture; the plants are watered at the rate of 2-3 buckets per bush once every 4 days. Watering tomatoes is done at the root; water getting on the fruits and leaves will lead to cracking of the fruits and create favorable conditions for diseases.

During growth, the bush is formed into 1 or 2 stems, all stepsons are regularly removed. The lower leaves from the bush are torn off, all dried and yellowed ones too.

During the fruiting period, the de barao variety is fed aqueous solution mullein or chicken droppings. To prepare the solution, manure or droppings are diluted to liquid state and insist for 3 days. Then the resulting slurry is diluted with water, the slurry is diluted in a ratio of 1:10, and the infusion of manure is diluted in a ratio of 1:20. During the season, 3 feedings are carried out with an interval of 10-12 days.

The bush is constantly growing and forms more and more tomato clusters. With good care, fruiting lasts until frost. In mid-August, the last watering is carried out, the tops of the branches are pinched off and the flowers and brushes that are just beginning to set are removed. This will help the bunches with previously formed tomatoes to ripen faster. To preserve the last unripe fruits, the clusters are cut off and hung indoors before frost. Tomatoes on clusters gradually ripen, which allows you to eat your vegetables until November.

Diseases and pests

The most dangerous disease all tomatoes suffer from late blight, and despite the fact that the de Barao variety is resistant to this disease, during periods of prolonged rains and low temperature when grown in open ground It is difficult to protect the plant from harm. The disease first affects the leaves, then the fruits, and eventually the plant dies.

If tomato de barao gets sick, it happens later than other varieties, and the disease does not spread as quickly. In case of unfavorable weather conditions carry out preventive spraying with preparations against late blight. From folk remedies Garlic infusion is used to combat the disease. Affected leaves, stems and fruits are removed and burned.

Tomatoes suffer from fungal diseases such as white spot, gray mold. If signs of disease are detected, all damaged parts are removed, the plants are treated with drugs against fungal diseases, maintaining the waiting period according to the instructions. Intact fruits of brown and white ripeness are removed from the bush for ripening, after which the plant is processed. Severely affected plants are completely destroyed.

If there is a lack of calcium in the soil and insufficient watering, tomatoes de barao get sick crown rot. To reduce harm, fertilize with calcium-containing fertilizers, increase the volume of watering, and treat diseased plants with a solution of wood ash.

Pests on tomatoes include whiteflies, slugs, spider mites, mole crickets, and wireworms. If the fruits have not yet set, the plants are treated by special means for pest control. If it is problematic to use insecticides due to the rapid ripening of the crop, non-toxic plant protection products are used. For many insects, a barrier will be ash and tobacco dust covering the plant and the ground around it. To prevent slugs, sprinkle the ground with ground hot pepper at the rate of 1 tsp. per 1 m². For mole crickets and wireworms, a special poisonous bait is placed between the rows.

Tomato de barao: photo

There are so many varieties of tomato de barao that choosing the ideal option for yourself will not be difficult. There are species with red, yellow, orange, pink, black fruits, the largest varieties are de barao royal, de barao giant.

De Barao red - medium late variety . Ripening period: 120-130 days. The fruits are pink, plum-shaped, weighing up to 90 grams. Good for canning.

De Barao golden is a mid-late variety. Ripening period is 110-125 days. The fruits are plum-shaped, with thick skin, yellow in color. The weight of the fruit is from 70 to 100 grams, the taste is excellent. Grown indoors and in open ground. Used fresh and for canning in its entirety.

De Barao black is a late-ripening variety, grown both in film shelters and in open ground. Ripening period is 115-120 days. The fruits are cherry-black in color and have a sweetish taste.

De Barao pink is a mid-season variety. Ripening period is 110-120 days after germination. The color of the fruit is pink, the taste is dessert, well suited for fresh consumption.

De Barao giant is a late-ripening variety. top scores shows when grown in a greenhouse. Ripening period - 125 days. The fruits are dense, weighing from 70 to 190 grams, plum-shaped. The color of the fruit is red with a green spot at the base. It practically does not suffer from late blight, provided proper agricultural technology is used. The taste is excellent. Smaller fruits are suitable for whole canning.

De Barao Tsarskiy is a mid-season variety, the bushes are powerful and vigorous. The fruits are dense, beautiful, oval-shaped with a beautiful spout, weighing 100-120 grams. Resistant to bad weather and diseases.

Tomatoes de barao are universal in use, their excellent taste allows them to be eaten raw, the size and density of the fruits of most types are excellent for canning in their entirety. The high yield of the variety allows you to grow a good crop of tomatoes in a small area, and if there is no free space, the harvest can be obtained even in the shade.

The bright red lanterns of De Barao tomatoes herald the arrival of autumn. The leaves turn red on the trees, the tomatoes ripen on the tall bushes. I want the warm weather to last as long as possible - not all the fruits are ripe yet. However, what’s the problem, these tomatoes with a secret may come to fruition later. De Barao - strange name and delicious tomatoes.

The history of growing De Barao tomatoes

De Barao tomatoes came to Russia from Brazil at the end of the twentieth century and immediately found fans. Behind short term De Barao varieties were registered in the State Register: gold, orange, pink, black. They differ not only in color: the nuances of taste, pulp structure and carotene content give gardeners plenty of imagination, because these tomato varieties retain the main advantage of De Barao - unpretentiousness.

Description of the variety

Tomatoes of the De Barao variety are recommended for growing on summer cottages, personal support and farms. Bushes are also planted in open ground, but when cultivated under film covers or in greenhouses, the yields are higher. The bushes need to be tied to a support, since tomatoes of the De Barao variety are plants of the indeterminate type.

Tomatoes of indeterminate varieties do not stop growing, and are able to bloom and bear fruit until cold weather. Determine (lat.) - to determine.

The height of plants is on average two meters, under favorable conditions it reaches three. The leaf is large. The first inflorescences, as with all indeterminate varieties of tomatoes, appear above the 9–11th leaf. Subsequently, flowers are planted every three leaves. Interesting feature stalks - presence of articulation.

Tall De Barao bushes produce a friendly harvest of small, egg-shaped fruits

The fruits are ovoid, green when unripe, the stalk has more dark shade. Ripe tomatoes De Barao varieties are red. The peel of the fruit is quite dense, thanks to which the tomatoes are well transported and stored. The pulp is red, dense, contains two seed chambers. The taste is excellent. Late fruits of De Barao absorb the fullness of the aromas and heat of summer. The sugar content is slightly less than three percent. Average weight- 30 g. It is recommended to use fresh tomatoes, puree, pickle and pickle. Due to their small size, the fruits are used for canning in their own juice.

Characteristics of the variety

Late ripening variety. The bushes need pinching. With proper care and proper formation of the bush, five to six kilograms of tomatoes are harvested from one square meter. De Barao tomatoes grow well in low light conditions and are undemanding to soil composition, which is why they are grown throughout Russia.

Another feature of the variety is a certain resistance to late blight and other tomato diseases.

Video: how De Barao's harvest ripens

Growing the De Barao tomato variety

To obtain a rich harvest, all the nuances of cultivation are important from the moment the seedlings are received to the time of planting in the ground, the formation of the bush and the determination of the watering regime.

Obtaining seedlings Depending on where the tomatoes will grow, choose the time for sowing. Usually, for greenhouses, seeds are sown at the end of February or early March; for open ground, seedlings are sown at the end of March. It takes 1.5–2 months to get healthy, strong seedlings. Important Terms

  • for this:
  • sufficient illumination;
  • balanced soil and air temperature;
  • provision of mineral supplements;


Without good lighting, seedlings stretch out; if there is a lack of heat, the seedlings die. At daytime temperatures of 23–25 o C and night temperatures of 19–21 o C, seedlings grow best. Without fertilizing, strong shoots with stable immunity do not form, the plants get sick, so the soil for seedlings is chosen to be nutritious and balanced in mineral composition.

There is nothing to say about watering; if you forget to water once, the results will appear before your eyes. Growing seedlings consists of several stages:

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse The first half of May is suitable for planting indoors, when it is already warm enough during the day and the seedlings will be protected from night temperature changes. Actions when planting seedlings in a greenhouse: There are also

Video: tomatoes in a greenhouse without watering

Planting seedlings in open ground

De Barao tomatoes are planted in open ground two to three weeks later: at the end of May or beginning of June, when the threat of return frosts has passed. Reinforcing bars are often used as support. They are durable, last a long time and do not take up much space after cleaning. Immediately after planting, the sprouts are tied to a support. The spacing between plants and planting depth are similar to those when planting in a greenhouse.

Plant seedlings on a sunny, windless day. If the nights are cool, the seedlings are covered under arches. Only in this case, the tomatoes are first tied to planting pegs so that they do not interfere with covering the plants, and then, as constant warm weather sets in, the arcs are removed and the main supports are secured. The formation of bushes is the same: the stepsons are removed, leaving two shoots.

Watering and care

Tomatoes need to be watered with warm water once a week, 5–7 liters per bush. It is advisable that water does not fall on the leaves. Many gardeners have already mastered drip irrigation. This saves water, and as it reaches the plant it warms up well. Fertilizing bushes with infusion of nettle or any other weeds has a beneficial effect. From the end of August, watering of plants in open ground is stopped, all remaining flowers and small ovaries are removed so that the remaining fruits have time to ripen. De Barao does not leave the owners without a harvest: if you pick tomatoes green or brown, they will still turn red at home.

Together with the tomato plantings, fragrant herbs or flowers are planted. They decorate the beds, at the same time repelling pests with a pungent odor.

The De Barao tomato variety is not very sensitive to late blight. The experience of gardeners shows that even if the leaves are affected by late blight, the fruits manage to ripen without damage. To prevent late blight, use solutions of Fitosporin or Alirin B.

Experienced gardeners love to shake tomato bushes. This improves fruit set, shakes off dew or condensation from leaves in greenhouses, and therefore reduces the risk of late blight.

Is it possible to grow giant tomatoes in cold climates in open ground?

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​De Barao red​

Favorite variety of tall tomatoes

​In mid-May, 60-65 day old seedlings can be planted not only in a greenhouse, but also in open ground. To protect the plants from return frosts, of course, it is necessary to prepare a shelter. On a bed prepared for planting tomatoes, seasoned organic fertilizer and ash, arcs are placed to create a cover with film or lutrasil 70-80 centimeters high. After warming the soil under cover for 2-3 days, you can plant tomato seedlings, on average 2-3 plants per square meter. Often seedlings stretch out by the time they are planted, but this should not be a problem. You can bury it horizontally, with its roots facing south and leaving only the top of the plant on the surface. Tomato De Barao, like all tomatoes, will rise easily when guided by the sun. The soil where the roots and part of the stem are located should be well watered warm water. This will give the root system a good start and speed up the germination of additional roots on the stem laid horizontally. This method of planting is one of the methods for increasing additional root mass, so necessary for indeterminate varieties and helping to increase the yield of your tomatoes.​

​After the seedlings have two leaves, the seedlings are picked. Diving can be carried out in paper or plastic cups. But before this, the plants in the boxes are well watered. You need to take out the seedlings with soil on the roots, this reduces the likelihood of damage to the weak root system, and the tomatoes will be able to more easily take root in a new place.​

This variety is considered one of the most popular for growing in greenhouses. It is a late-ripening variety that is recommended to be grown in open protected ground. From full sunrise to the beginning of ripening, 125 days pass. The plant is classified as indeterminate; its height can reach more than 2 meters. The fruits, whose weight is 70-190 g, look like a plum. They are dense, red in color and have a green spot in the place where the peduncle is adjacent. Late blight is practically not dangerous for the plant. Productivity is 5.5-6.4 kg/m². Both fresh and canned fruits have excellent taste.​

Giant site decoration

​Since ours the main task to grow De-Barao as high as possible and reap the largest possible harvest, I continue to form them into 2 stems, removing all the side shoots.​

Sowing giant tomato seeds

​With the second watering I begin fertilizing. For 10 liters of water I take 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and potassium sulfate and water at the rate of 1 glass per 1 pot. I form the bushes into 2 stems, removing all other stepsons.​

​Before picking, I always water the boxes with plants. After absorbing the water, I carefully pick up the plants with a fork, trying not to damage the roots.​

​When preparing large-volume pots, I always add 0.5 tsp to the soil composition. superphosphate. This stimulates the development and formation of the root system. After transplanting, I water the seedlings generously until the entire volume of soil is completely soaked.

Temperature for tomato seedlings

​The technology for growing giant tomatoes in open ground is somewhat different from growing ordinary tomato varieties.​

​It turns out that it is possible.​

What do you think maximum amount Can tomato fruits be collected from one bush? Considering that varieties are considered high-yielding at 10 kg and a little more, the answer suggests itself: “20-30 kg per bush.” So, 20-30 kg (or rather, 24-32 kg) for De Barao when grown in a greenhouse is not a record, but the norm. And its record harvest is hard to imagine - as much as 70 kg! Even in open ground, with good care and suitable conditions, it produces 8-10 kg per bush. Its fruits are of medium size, weighing 100-150 g, aligned one to one and tasty either fresh or canned. True, we must immediately warn that this variety is very demanding in terms of care and, moreover, does not grow well on clay soils. And besides De Barao red, there are several very close varieties, slightly inferior in yield and other characteristics, but with a different color - De Barao pink, De Barao yellow and even De Barao black (also known as Black Cream).​

​During the time of adaptation under cover, your De Barao tomatoes will get stronger, grow an additional root system, and gain the portion of ultraviolet radiation they need to start. Therefore, in early June, after removing the cover, they will immediately begin to grow, producing flower clusters. At this time, it is necessary to pay attention to the formation of bushes. Depending on the power of the bush and planting density, 1-2 branches should be left, removing all other stepsons. And, of course, prepare supports for further gartering of bushes. The De Barao tomato variety is very convenient to tie to a trellis - a wire stretched over supports standing along the planting row.

Watering giant tomatoes

​Tall seedlings are fed every 10 days. As soon as the days become warm, the seedlings can be moved outside to harden off. But you need to be very careful and make sure that the seedlings do not remain on fresh air during the sunshine. Tomatoes begin to be planted in the ground at the end of April. Initially, seedlings are planted in a greenhouse to protect them from night cold. The greenhouse must be opened during the day and closed at night. Only in the second half of May are tomatoes planted in open ground. During planting, each hole should be watered, but it is extremely important that the water does not wash away the plant.​

​According to reviews from experienced gardeners, the De Barao giant tomatoes do not have many advantages, but they are significant. These include:​

​By the way​

Picking seedlings

​In each hole we install one pole with a diameter of 30-40 mm, a height of 4 m, deepening it 50-60 cm into the hole. We plant tomatoes, backsprinkle and arrange holes around the poles for watering, pouring 0.5 buckets into them warm water.​

​Thanks to this technology, by the time of planting in open ground, plants reach a height of 1-1.2 m, form a powerful, well-developed root system and crown.​

I replant into pots prepared in advance and watered with a solution of potassium permanganate (0.5 g:10 l of water) as follows: if the seedlings have not outgrown, then to the previous level, and if they have outgrown, I deepen them halfway from the cotyledon leaves.

Tomatoes: second pick

The sowing dates for De Barao are early: February 20-25. This allows seedlings to be planted in open ground at the age of 80 days.​

Bolshakova Galina Sergeevna, a well-known gardener in Transbaikalia with a 45-year-old, shares in a unique way growing giant tomatoes without a greenhouse.​

​Hybrid Ivanhoe F1​

Feeding seedlings

​But there is a simpler and more convenient way to hold De Barao tomato branches in vertical position. To do this, pipes are driven along the planting row, into which long U-shaped brackets are secured. The height of the resulting structure is the expected growth of tomato vines. When tying the bush, a strong braid is tied to the root of the plant, wrapped around the stem a couple of times and tied vertically to the horizontal part of the bracket. Later, during the summer, as the crown grows, the branches must be wrapped around a stretched braid. Believe me, this is quite simple and is performed in parallel with the removal of newly grown stepsons. The lower leaves on the plants should be removed periodically, leaving no more than 7-8 pieces on the top.

De Barao giant tomatoes need to be planted all summer. And the flowering of this plant will be observed even in the first days of autumn. And if it is warm, then the tomatoes will bear fruit until October.​

​high productivity;​

Preparing the bed for De Barao

​In addition to De Barao, I like such varieties and hybrids as Cosmonaut Volkov, Heart-shaped, Marfa F1, Russian size F1 and varieties of our own selection Galina, Cascade.​


After picking, I shade the seedlings for 2-3 days. Once a week I water the established seedlings abundantly, and with the second watering I feed them (2 tbsp liquid fertilizer Ideal: Yul of water).

Installing the supports needed for giant tomatoes

I keep seedlings in this mode until they are 30-35 days old. I water them once every 10 days to prevent them from getting sick with blackleg.

​Preparing seeds and soil mixture is the same as usual. I sow the seeds to a depth of 1-1.5 cm at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other, and 5 cm between rows. I cover them with soil and do not water them.

​My husband and I grow tomatoes both in a greenhouse and in open ground. In open ground they grow tall in our country. Our favorite tomato variety is De Barao, which is cold-resistant, shade-tolerant and very tall.​

There are a lot of good early varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, especially salad tomatoes, but this one, one of the newest, can surprise anyone, even the most experienced gardener. When the fruits begin to ripen, he alone appearance is amazing - it seems that there are no less fruits on it than there are grapes on bunch of grapes, and all of them are perfect (even on the very top brush they don’t get smaller), and all of them are extremely bright. Each tomato weighs about 200 g, is closer to round in shape, only slightly flattened, and with barely noticeable grooves. In other varieties, so many of them grow only with growth stimulants. Yes, and they tie very well, no additional measures No need. It is perhaps possible to find fruits that are tastier than those of Ivanhoe F1, but there are not so many of them, and in terms of the combination of their quality and quantity, I personally still the best varieties didn't come across.​

Tomato De Barao does not require frequent watering, but the water must pass to the depth of the roots - 30-40 centimeters. Mulching the soil helps retain moisture in the soil around the roots. Weeded weeds, rotted manure, sawdust, and dry leaves are well suited for this.​

​The video shows a tall tomato bush of the De Barao giant variety; you can see the level of yield from the bush.​

​the fruits are suitable for whole-fruit canning;​


Super productive tomato De Barao Giant

To prevent the first ovaries from falling off on planted tomatoes, 4-5 days before planting in the ground I spray them with a boron solution (1 liter of water: 1 g of boric acid).


​Before planting, we must specially prepare the bed (1x4 m, fence height 20 cm), planting pattern 50x50 cm, in a checkerboard pattern.​ ​One of our “secrets” of growing giant tomatoes is double picking.​

​I don’t feed at this time, because... nutrients There is still enough in the soil for normal plant development.​


​I place the boxes with crops in a warm place (22-23°C) and cover them with film.​

  • ​We tried to grow it in a greenhouse, but its height (2.7 m at the ridge) was not enough for the plants. They literally “squeezed out” the top glass in the roof of the greenhouse and “broke out” outside.​
  • ​Its bush is quite large, with powerful thick stems (another would probably not be able to withstand such a bunch of fruits). But in addition to productivity, Ivanhoe has one more undeniable advantage - this hybrid suffers from almost no diseases, it is resistant to most fungi, tomato mosaic virus, verticillium and nematode. Just a real find for supporters of organic farming, allowing you to get a good harvest without harmful chemicals. It has almost no disadvantages, except for the expensive seeds and the fact that the tomatoes do not fit into the jar and therefore cannot be pickled.​
  • ​De Barao tomatoes begin to ripen somewhere around 120-125 days after emergence. If you follow the above technology in time, this moment will arrive by mid-July. Your tomatoes will delight you with excellent taste qualities fruits, the color of which will depend on the variety you choose. There are a wide variety of De Barao tomato varieties in color. Among them there are even white ones, not to mention red and pink, yellow and black. You will be able to collect fruits until the coldest weather, and those that are not ripe in the garden will ripen perfectly indoors.​

Features of cultivation

​Despite the fact that we consider tomato vegetable crop, in its biological essence it is a berry. IN currently There are many varieties of this plant beloved by gardeners.​

​wonderful taste.​

The De Barao giant tomato variety is characterized by powerful, tall plants. They require little maintenance and are also resistant to different types diseases.​

​We do the next watering after 7-10 days, depending on weather conditions.​

Video “Tomato variety De Barao”

​According to preliminary markings in the garden bed, I make 10 holes with a diameter of 35-40 cm and a depth of 40 cm. I pour 1 bucket of humus into each and dig it into the hole with the remaining soil, after adding 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 1 glass of ash.​


Tomato De Barao is worthy of your attention!

​3 weeks after the first picking, I transplant the seedlings into other pots, increasing the amount of food by 3 times, giving the plants the opportunity to create a powerful root system for transplantation to a permanent place and slightly delaying the growth of green mass.​

​I water the plants with boiled or settled tap water.​

​When the shoots appear, I place them in the brightest place near the window on a specially installed board and adjust the temperature by covering or opening the heating radiator, so that at night the temperature is 13-15°C, and during the day - 16-18°C .​

Tomatoes have long been one of those crops that are actively grown in garden beds and vegetable gardens. Yes, they need to pay a lot of attention. But what is the result! One of the most popular types De Barao tomatoes are considered. Exists a large number of varieties of this variety. De Barao has been grown on our territory for more than 20 years. Tall bushes with whole bunches of delicious tomatoes - that's what De Barao tomatoes are.

In the article:

Characteristics, description of the variety with photos

This tomato variety is divided into many varieties. But there is General characteristics, by which one can determine that it is De Barao. Firstly, the bushes do not stop growing when many fruit clusters have already been formed. Secondly, about 8-9 fruits grow on each of these clusters. De Barao's stem is very tall, but not frail, but strong and powerful.

Such tomatoes are considered medium late. Their growing season lasts about 4 months. De Barao can be grown not only in greenhouses, but also in open beds. Moreover, such tomatoes grow well and ripen even in shade or partial shade.

Most varieties of De Barao are characterized by small tomatoes, weighing no more than 90 g. They have an oval shape. One of the main advantages of the variety is its excellent resistance to late blight.

How can you use such vegetables? In this matter, De Barao tomatoes take first place. They are suitable for all types of cooking. They are marinated, salted, made tomato pastes, ketchups and other canned goods.

These tomatoes are incomparable either fresh – separately or in salads. People who have been growing this variety for a long time note another quality: the fruits of De Barao are stored for a very long time and can even ripen not on the bush, but after harvesting.

Speaking about De Barao tomatoes, we can safely say that these tomatoes have many more advantages than disadvantages. This is even evidenced by the popularity of the variety among gardeners.

The undeniable advantages of these vegetables include:

  • The harvested crop can be used very widely, which allows you to enjoy these tomatoes not only in summer, but also in winter.
  • De Barao are distinguished by very high yields per bush.
  • This variety is not too demanding in care. In addition, it has excellent disease resistance, which cannot be said about all varieties of tomatoes.
  • De Barao fruits are very beautiful in appearance, uniform, and of the same size. The variety offers a large variety of colors that look amazing on the plate.
  • The fruit pulp is very good, has excellent taste and a balanced composition.

As for the disadvantages of the variety, many attribute them to the fact that De Barao does not have time to ripen in regions with short summer. Inflorescences are laid quite late. Some gardeners don't like having to remove shoots. However, all these disadvantages are too weak arguments compared to all the advantages of the variety.

This variety of this variety is known to many lovers of growing tomatoes. The plant grows quite tall, the stem is powerful and strong. No special care is required for these tomatoes.

This species of De Barao is resistant to various diseases. But this is not all the qualities of the plant.

De Barao giant bushes tolerate cold weather well. In addition, they can bear fruit in shady areas, as they are characterized by excellent shade tolerance.

Most often, the giant is grown not in open areas, but in greenhouses. Approximately 125 days pass from the start of the giant's germination to the full ripening of the first fruits. Tomatoes from such bushes weigh approximately 70-190 g. Their shape is elongated, reminiscent of a plum.

Like all De Barao, the giant is a determinate plant, so the bushes can grow up to almost 2 m in height. Tomatoes of this variety are red in color, but have a green spot near the peduncle. The giant's yield reaches 5.5-6.4 kg per 1 m2.

These tomatoes have great taste. They can be preserved whole, which is appreciated by many housewives.

Tomato variety DE BARAO GIANT: video

Another indeterminate variety, capable of growing to a height of more than 2 m. The bush grows throughout the entire fruiting period. Therefore, it is necessary to generate it manually.

The stepsons are removed, leaving only the main stem. But you shouldn’t pinch such plants.

De Barao black is grown both in greenhouses and in outdoors. To provide good support for the bushes, they are tied to specially prepared slats.

You can plant bushes on soil where legumes, cabbage or cucumbers previously grew.

The ripening period for black De Barao ranges from 115 to 125 days.

Less than 8 fruits are formed on one brush. Tomatoes are egg-shaped and interesting dark color. The weight of one fruit reaches 60-80 g. One bush can produce up to 5-8 kg of tomatoes. The taste of tomatoes is sweetish, the flesh is quite dense. Can be consumed fresh or canned.

This variety of De Barao has another name - yellow. The period of its ripening from germination is approximately 110-120 days.

The bushes also grow up to 2 m and higher, so they need a garter. From one large plant you can get from 8 to 12 kg of tomatoes.

Each branch forms approximately 6-8 full clusters, on each of which about 8-10 vegetables grow. The color of the tomatoes is very beautiful - golden orange.

The shape is elongated, similar to a plum. On average, the fruits weigh 80-90 g. The tip of the fruit is pointed, like most other representatives of De Barao.

Tomatoes are suitable for canning, which looks very beautiful.

The powerful stem of this De Barao variety can grow up to 2.5 m, while it is densely covered with foliage and branches. The plant can bear fruit for a very long time - up to 3 months. Gardeners harvest at least 10-15 kg of vegetables from one bush. If you pick them before frost, the tomatoes will ripen well indoors.

Growing conditions for royal De Barao are standard:

  • Good soil, but maybe a dark place.
  • Reliable support, which will allow the bush to grow upward, developing new clusters of tomatoes.

The weight of one such tomato ranges from 100 to 150 g. On one bush, approximately 10 clusters grow, on which, in turn, approximately 7 tomatoes are formed. The variety is pink-red in color, tasty and suitable for canning.

It has a very beautiful bright pink color. The bushes grow tall. Ripening occurs approximately 120 days after germination.

It is best to grow such tomatoes under film covers. They need a garter because the bushes reach 2 m in height.

Smooth De Barao tomatoes Pink colour very tasty, have an oval shape. The weight of one vegetable reaches 50-70 g.

The yield of the variety is quite high, it is about 5-7 kg per 1 m2.

This variety is not very resistant to late blight, so it is better to carefully care for it.

Pink Tomatoes de Barao July 8: video

Another indeterminate variety. It has a bright and very beautiful red color. These tomatoes are not only great for canning.

They can be enjoyed fresh for a very long time, since the shelf life of this variety of De Barao is very long.

Three main advantages of these tomatoes can be identified:

  • Firstly, they are cold-resistant.
  • Secondly, such tomatoes grow well not only in sunny areas, but also in the shade.
  • And thirdly, the bushes bear fruit for a long time, which allows you to collect a large harvest from each bush throughout the season.

The weight of each vegetable reaches 65 g. Tomatoes have a high commercial value. And this is not surprising, because they are easily transported and have tasty, fleshy pulp.

After the germination of this interesting variety of tomatoes, the harvest can be harvested after 100-130 days. This is an indeterminate mid-late plant that can bear fruit right up to the autumn frosts.

Orange De Barao bushes reach two meters in height and need support. In addition, such tomatoes need space. It is necessary to leave space for them in height and width, otherwise the quality of the harvest will decrease and the plant may even die.

If tomatoes of this variety are provided good care, then you can collect more than 8-10 kg of vegetables from a bush. Orange De Barao is resistant to temperature changes and is immune to diseases.

Its color is very beautiful - bright, the surface is shiny and smooth. One tomato reaches 100-120 g in weight.

The disadvantages of the variety are considered too high growth, which complicates cultivation in greenhouses, and frequent pruning.

In addition, such tomatoes do not want to grow next to other representatives of their species.

Another variety of the De Barao variety. Up to 8-10 tomatoes develop on one cluster of this indeterminate plant. The result is a yield reaching 3-4 kg per bush.

The variety begins to bear fruit approximately 123 days after the first shoots.

The fruits have a pleasant yellow and an interesting ovoid shape. By the way, tomatoes owe their color to increased level carotene. They are quite dense, weighing 60-70 g each.

The variety is resistant to late blight.

It can be stored for a long time, which significantly increases the period of consumption of fresh vegetables.

De barao royal and yellow: video

Caring for De Barao tomatoes cannot be called too difficult. But such tomatoes still require attention and a little time.

You can start sowing the seeds of this variety in the first month of spring. Preferably, in the early days - earlier than other varieties of tomatoes are sown. After sowing, the containers are covered with film, which must be removed after germination.

It is very important to monitor the temperature - about 15 0 in the first days and at least 20 0 after the second week. Three weeks after germination, fertilizing is carried out. Suitable as fertilizer mineral compounds or vermicompost. When 2 true leaves appear, it’s time to pick the plants.

Planting in a permanent place occurs when the plants have at least 5 leaves and reach approximately two months of age. At the same time, you need to know for sure that the frost period has passed. The earth should already be warmed by the warm sun. No more than 2 bushes are planted per square meter.

When De Barao is planted in the ground and the plants take root, the bush begins to grow very rapidly. During this period, he needs help - add the necessary fertilizers, otherwise the plant loses its strength. Supports for gartering bushes must be prepared in advance. So it is important to take into account the height of the tomatoes before planting them in a permanent place.

As for watering, evening time is best. You only need to take warm water. You can water it abundantly; De Barao tomatoes love it. Water must be poured exclusively at the root. Loosening of the soil is carried out not at the very root, but between the rows.

Another important rule caring for this variety is stepsoning. All excess stepsons are removed from tomatoes in mandatory. No more than 2 stems are left. After the appearance of the first tomatoes, Bottom part leaves are removed. This process is repeated as the plant grows. You can leave no more than 8 leaves at the top of the bush.

If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, it is important to constantly ventilate it. If the temperature and humidity are too high, the ovary may not form.

De Barao tomatoes are a suitable variety for those who love to grow tomatoes. They need to spend a little more time, but the reward will be in the form of beautiful multi-colored bunches with small but very tasty fruits.

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