Home Diseases and pests Mosaic tomato disease treatment. Blossom rot of tomatoes. Video about tomato diseases and their control

Mosaic tomato disease treatment. Blossom rot of tomatoes. Video about tomato diseases and their control

Tomatoes can be grown on open field and under greenhouse conditions. To obtain a quality crop, this vegetable crop requires special care and prevention. various diseases under any growing conditions.

If we consider the diseases of tomatoes in the photo, we can see that many diseases affect not only the leaves and stem, but also the fruits. Diseases of tomatoes can be conditionally divided into infectious and non-infectious. TO infectious diseases include fungal, bacterial and viral infections, brief information which you can see here and below. We will also talk about tomato lesions that are non-infectious in nature.

Warm greenhouses can also be used for roasting. Seeding rate is 2.5-3 g per square meter. 10 are needed to plant a decare square meters seedlings. Seeds germinate in 5-6 days. The humidity of the substrate and air also decreases. Seedlings provide maximum sunlight. Places where the seedlings died from the disease are watered with a 3-4% solution of blue stone. Good results are also achieved by immersing cubes of the second earth, plastic glasses and others.

Direct immersion in bedding should be avoided as planting slows down and lags behind in fruit production. The object must provide maximum inflow sunlight. Before planting, the temperature gradually decreases at 8-10°C during the night and 7-8°C higher during the day. The humidity of the air and soil also decreases. To prevent disease and unpleasantness before planting, plants are sprayed with 4% perocin or other suitable preparations. During planting, the plants should be in a tense state, so they are watered in advance.

Some infectious diseases

One of the most common viral diseases of tomatoes is mosaic. Moreover, this disease can affect not only greenhouse plants, but also those plants that grow on open soil. Mosaic affects the leaves, changing their color and shape. First, yellowish-green spots appear on the leaves, while they begin to wrinkle and curl. As a result, tomatoes practically do not produce fruits, turn yellow and die.

Soil preparation and planting. For growing tomatoes under polyethylene tunnels, wind-protected areas with light, well-drained soil were chosen. Suitable precursors for tomatoes are cereals, legumes and cucurbits. The best way to determine the amount of fertilizer is by chemical analysis soil samples. With strong compaction, precipitation in winter passes up to 20 centimeters in depth. Small plots can be planted on flat surface- after cultivation and crushing of the soil. Plants are planted at a depth of 3-4 cm above the root.

Plants affected by the mosaic are recommended to be pulled out and burned. To prevent the occurrence of this disease, the seeds should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and subsequently also water the seedlings with them every three weeks. Pasynkovanie also refers to the preventive measures of this disease.

Some tomato diseases in the photo give a clear idea of ​​the course of the disease. For example, brown spotting of tomatoes is typical for film greenhouses and manifests itself in the formation of brown spots with a velvety coating. gray color on the underside of the sheet. As a result, the plant dies. The disease is spread by spores of the fungus, so it is easily transferred to other healthy plants.

Immediately after planting, they are watered - in warm furrows and in cool weather by hand with 1-2 liters of water per plant, then covered with tunnels. Preservation thermal regime is a serious problem for plants. In the first few days after planting, it is exclusively ventilated only at noon, as the tunnels open from the narrow sides. Due to the high thermal conductivity of polyethylene foil, the temperature drops sharply at night. To reduce the large amplitude, this is a more intense ventilation during the day.

By covering the perforated foil tunnels, ventilation occurs with less maintenance and labor costs. The influence of perforated foil tunnels is also favorable in terms of relative humidity - it is reduced. Under these conditions, fruiting also improves. The plants are then attached to the supporting structure. Gradually, with the growth and lightening of the fruit, remove 1-2 leaves at the base of the stem. This ensures the normal growth and maturation of fruits and upper inflorescences. Torring immediately after irrigation at doses of about 20 kg per acre.

Brown spotting actively develops with high humidity. Therefore, as a preventive measure, it is necessary to stop abundant watering and ventilate the greenhouse well. And after removing the ripe fruits, spray the plants with foundationazole.

Noncommunicable diseases

Irrigation errors

Often signs of suboptimal watering are confused with infectious diseases.

In well-drained soils, tomatoes can be fed multiple times from molding fruit in the first inflorescence to mass fertilization and fresh manure fertilized in irrigation water. Tomatoes are often victims of diseases. We will tell you how to identify the most common tomato diseases and how to treat them.

Tasty but demanding tomatoes

Tomato season is by far the most anticipated part of the year, so whenever we have the opportunity we are excited to grow these delicious vegetables on our own sites. Unfortunately, besides being delicious and healthy, tomatoes are also one of the most sensitive and demanding vegetable crops. Therefore, if we want to wait for tomatoes from our crop, we must not only provide plants right conditions but also to protect them from diseases.

With a lack of moisture, tomatoes slow down growth, abundantly throw off ovaries and flowers. The leaves fall down, turn yellow from the tips and wrinkle. To bring plants to life, it is not recommended to flood them immediately. big amount water. It is better to give them some settled water and water it as it should be after a couple of days.

Excess water also affects the development of the tomato. Most often, stagnant water causes rotting of the roots, the leaves on the tomatoes grow dull (old and young at the same time) and they begin to fall off. Watery or brown spots may appear at the root collar. If it is immediately impossible to carry out drainage work in such areas, then it is better to transplant the bushes, having slightly cleaned the roots from rot.

Tomatoes - bacterial flounder

However, in order for our actions to be effective, we need to know what might threaten them. One of the most common tomato diseases is bacterial flounder. Pathogens enter tomatoes through rainwater, mechanical damage, contaminated garden tools or plant debris. The symptoms of the disease they cause are small, irregular, initially light and watery, darker and brightly spotted maculae appearing on all parts of the plant. Under favorable conditions, the spots grow rapidly, resulting in drying and drying of large areas of tissue.

Improper watering can lead to cracking of tomato fruits. This usually happens when summer residents suddenly appear on the site in the heat and, seeing a dull picture in the garden, rush for a hose. Plants experience shock with a sharp supply of water and quickly supply it to the ovaries. Integumentary tissues burst and infections can enter there. It happens that the tissues overgrow in time, create a new coating. It has been noticed that tomatoes are prone to cracking when overfeeding with mineral water.

In disease control, prevention can be effective, consisting of planting resistant varieties, accurate collection of crop residues, and adherence to shifts. However, if the disease does appear, one of the recommended plant protection products may help.

Potato cooker also inflicts tomatoes

Bacterial strains cause a lot of damage in crops, but even more dangerous can be potato plague, which can destroy an entire tomato plantation. Mushroom spores are mainly potato tomatoes scattered at great distances from the wind.


Burnt areas on the fruits of tomatoes are whitish spots of various sizes. It happens that solar radiation burns very most fetus. The wounds that appear under the influence of the rays dry out over time and do not allow the fruits to develop. Then they wither, and the taste of such fruits deteriorates greatly.

Blossom rot

This non-infectious form of the disease is very typical for greenhouse cultivation of tomatoes. It manifests itself at low humidity (about 40%) and high temperatures, as well as with an excess of nitrogen. Such extreme conditions for the development of tomatoes cause an outflow nutrients from the fetus, metabolism is disturbed, tissues are destroyed.

Tomato diseases and their treatment - from A to Z about tomato diseases

The symptoms of potato plague are large, brown, irregular spots that occur mainly on leaves and fruits. In place of the spot, the fruit tissue hardens and rises slightly, and a fungal mycelium appears at the bottom of the leaf. Infected plants die quickly and fruits are not suitable for harvesting.

Tomato alternative - fungal disease

In case of a pest, it is important to prevent in order to grow tomatoes away from the potato plantation. The disease thrives best at elevated temperatures and is therefore a major threat to greenhouse crops. Its symptoms are small, brown, angular spots appearing on the leaves between the nerves. The spots gradually increase, they dry and crumble, and the leaves curl, turn yellow and die. Brown, slightly sunken spots appear on the fruit, reaching the flesh. Infected fruits rot quickly and are not suitable for harvesting.

Initially, green oily-watery spots appear on unripe fruits (as a rule, on the first set brushes). Then they acquire a brown hue and, as it were, are pressed into the fruit and compacted, having a concentric shape at its top. Affected fruits begin to ripen faster, become the site of penetration of secondary infections, and can rot and fall off.

If you have not previously encountered such a disease, then it is easily identified from the photo, unlike many other diseases, where you have to analyze the symptoms in a complex. To prevent the occurrence of blossom end rot, the following measures are necessary:

  • Greenhouse ventilation;
  • Regular watering;
  • Adding calcium to the soil before planting;
  • Strict control of nitrogen doses applied.

If the greenhouse is installed in the country and in the middle of the week there is no way to control the level of moisture in the soil, then it is better to install an automatic water supply. There are all kinds of sensors and programmable relays (timers) that will help ensure at least daily watering. Such devices work both from the mains and from alkaline batteries.

For automatic ventilation of greenhouses, special transoms are installed, which, depending on the temperature of the environment, rise themselves, providing an inflow fresh air. They are autonomous and volatile.

So, when determining the causes of deviations in the development of a tomato from a photo, keep in mind that diseases can be infectious and non-infectious. In the latter case, it is important to observe the dosages of mineral water, observe the lighting, watering and ventilation regimes.


Tomato diseases and their treatment - from A to Z about tomato diseases

Fungal diseases of tomatoes and their treatment

The most common are fungal diseases that can appear when low temperature, due to heavy rainfall, due to improper care of seedlings.

Tomato disease control:

The main thing is that you should carefully read the instructions for each of the listed drugs so as not to oversaturate the plants with them. After all, this can also harm tomatoes no worse than diseases.

Bacterial diseases of tomatoes and their treatment

There are various bacterial diseases of tomatoes and measures to combat them. It is advisable to find out in advance what sores threaten your garden in order to prevent the appearance of diseases. Otherwise, you are threatened with crop loss, and diseases can spread to other crops in your garden.

Protection and treatment of tomatoes from diseases: prevention

As you understand, there are a wide variety of diseases, and their treatment is a rather complicated process. That is why it is much easier to prevent the appearance of an infection in your garden than to fight it. And gardeners need to know the basic preventive measures to protect garden beds from diseases. So, for example, tomato seeds should not be planted near potatoes, as well as in the beds where you previously grew eggplant and peppers.

And if the cultures were sick with something, then it is not recommended to plant any horticultural crops on this site for at least three years.

Try not to thicken the plantings, remove the lower leaves, fight weeds. It is also important to water the plants in a dosed manner, without over-wetting them, because high level Humidity is one of the causes of fungal diseases. Loosen the soil more often, do not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizing and avoid using fresh manure as a fertilizer. It is necessary that the planting of vegetables takes place according to all the rules: choose the seed material wisely and take care of the plants.

Preventive protection of tomatoes from diseases:

  • Before planting, treat the seedlings with a 0.5% solution of Bordeaux mixture, and repeat the work a week later.
  • Treatment with copper oxychloride helps (40 grams of the drug is used for a 10-liter bucket of water), however, work must be carried out at least 20 days before harvesting.
  • You can sprinkle the soil with ash or prepare an ash infusion (200 g of ash is boiled for about 10 minutes in a liter of water, filtered through gauze, after which the liquid is poured into 10 liters of water).

Taking preventive measures in advance will help you reduce the risk of not only diseases, but also various pests on your site. The main thing is to carry out all the work in a timely manner so that the infection does not have time to penetrate the plant.


How to deal with blossom end rot of tomatoes. What is this disease, photo

Summer residents and avid gardeners often grow tomatoes. They know - to get good result, you need to have information about all diseases of the culture. Therefore, the question is: “How to deal with the top rot of tomatoes?” - is fairly common. This disease can affect a vegetable both in the open field and in greenhouses.

infectious stain

Blossom rot takes over most of the tomato very quickly. The disease first begins to appear on the green fruit from below. Then a watery spot becomes visible at the top of the tomato. It is darker than the green vegetable. Over time, the stain will change and become dry and greyish brown. It will be taken with a dense skin, which will crack and hit the entire fruit. Therefore, you need to know how to deal with the top rot of tomatoes. Otherwise, there will be no harvest.

The dry skin of the spot is pressed into the depths of the tomato. The disease affects the entire vegetable with mold. The pulp of a tomato is populated by saprophytic fungi. They damage the fabric, which then simply rots. Sometimes it happens that the fruits do not rot, but dry up. In some cases, the signs of the disease are not visible on the tomatoes. The vegetable is damaged inside, ripens before healthy fruits and falls off. Such tomatoes are not suitable for consumption. They have low taste qualities; seeds cannot be processed and used as planting material.

Conditions for the spread of the disease

Before you start growing tomatoes, you need to learn how to deal with tomato blossom end rot. It is also desirable to understand from what conditions it can begin. What should be done in advance?

The most important cause of the disease is the violation of water equality. This is if there is a lack of moisture in the vegetable cells during external high temperature. When a crop grows outdoors and in a hot climate, evaporation increases. From tomatoes, moisture will mix into the leaves, this leads to dehydration and death of the fetus. The disease of tomatoes (vertex rot) is very common, it is well known among gardeners. After all, in our country summer time there is a lack of moisture, and the air temperature reaches 30 degrees above zero.

Before you deal with the top rot of tomatoes, you need to find out all the causes of this disease. For example, lack of calcium and uneven watering. Therefore, to prevent rot, the culture can be sprayed with calcium nitrate. Such actions need to be done a couple of times in seven days. Forty to fifty grams of calcium nitrate should be diluted with five liters of water.

Root top dressing

The most common disease is tomato blossom end rot. Cultivation treatment consists in treating the plant at the stage of fruit set. If the rot is not stopped, then it will become a source of new infections: gray and brown rot, fungal diseases.

When brown spots appear, you need to immediately do root top dressing. It is desirable that these are complex fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. Ash can also be added under the root. Calculation: dilute 250 grams of ash per 10 liters of liquid. Ash contains zinc and iron, sulfur and calcium, phosphorus and potassium. When planting, a fresh solution is added to the dug hole. When feeding an adult plant, you need to add 5 grams of superphosphate to the water with ash.

Pre-sowing processing methods

The disease most often affects tomatoes grown in greenhouses. Top rot of tomatoes in the greenhouse is a very common occurrence, the disease quickly begins to destroy the fruits. In the open field, the nightshade plant is also susceptible to the disease. It is necessary to undertake methods for saving tomatoes in advance.

Often summer residents and gardeners buy more resistant varieties tomatoes. This method is the safest, it is environmentally friendly and profitable. Also hybrid varieties are very resistant to blossom end rot. For example: Bolshevik F1 and Glombe master F1, Benito F1 and Pharaoh F1, Rotor F1 and Grand Canyon and many others.

After the final harvest, you need to carefully dig the site. Collect the roots of the affected tomatoes. Then again carry out deep plowing. For the next season, do not plant tomatoes in this place, this can be done only after three years.

Seed disinfection

Blossom end rot of tomatoes in a greenhouse is a very common occurrence. Experienced gardeners take steps to prevent it in advance.

You can soak the seeds three months before sowing in a solution of one percent potassium permanganate or twenty percent of hydrochloric acid. This will disinfect the planting material. Prepared seeds are placed in gauze and tied. Then they put it in a container and fill it with a solution. Keep the planting material in the liquid for about half an hour. In this case, the solution should fill the seeds completely. Then the planting material is washed in water for 15 minutes and allowed to dry.

A solution of succinic acid

Almost all measures to combat blossom end rot of tomatoes are pre-treatment of seeds. After all, you need to take care of a healthy plant from taking care of planting material.

This approach increases the percentage of plant resistance to infectious diseases. It can be not only top rot of tomatoes. Photos of infection on tomatoes show how it affects the entire fruit. So, let's figure out in what solution you can still soak the seeds. Dissolve 17 milliliters of succinic acid in one liter of water. You can also use a 1% solution of zinc sulfate. Soak the seeds in the liquid for at least a day. This method will not only make the plant more resistant to infectious diseases, but also speed up the process of fruiting and ripening of the tomato itself.


Diseases of the tomato. Fighting Tomato Diseases

Types of tomato diseases. Prevention of diseases of tomatoes. How to deal with tomato diseases?

It is known that tomato leaves have insecticidal properties, so their infusions and decoctions are used against aphids, leaf-eating pests, caterpillars of the codling moth, caterpillars of the cabbage scoop and onion moth, against the gooseberry sawfly and moth. Planting tomatoes in the aisles of gooseberries also scare away the sawfly and moth. All this is true, but the tomatoes themselves are attacked by pests and the invasion of various diseases.

late blight

This is the most common and dangerous disease that affects tomatoes. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that affects fruits, leaves and stems. At first, the disease usually manifests itself on potato leaves and, if it grows nearby, then after a couple of weeks the infection can spread to tomatoes. First, spots appear on the leaves of tomatoes, and then they dry up and die (do not confuse with the natural death of leaves in determinant varieties). The development of phytophthora is favored by damp and cool weather. However, the development cycle of the fungus, fortunately, is quite long, and even in a cool summer, plant damage in our climatic conditions in the open field does not appear until early August. Therefore, early ripening varieties generally have time to ripen before the onset of the mass spread of the disease. Such varieties can be grown every year without chemical treatments, without fear of a decrease in yield due to phytophthora.

To prevent the disease, it is necessary to isolate potatoes from tomatoes, to carry out deep digging of the soil every season. Control measures include spraying plants with an infusion of garlic during the period of fruit set every two weeks (grind 50-100 g of cloves, leave for a day, dilute with water up to 10 liters), regular treatment of plants with 1% Bordeaux liquid, and at the first signs of illness - treatment with 10 % saline solution. When spots appear on the fruits, it is necessary to remove all formed tomatoes and warm them for 1-2 minutes in hot (not higher than +60 ° C) water. At the same time, the peel of the fruit will become wrinkled, ugly, but the fruits will ripen and will have a normal taste.

Blossom end rot

With this disease, a watery, initially yellowish-green, then turning brown spot appears on the top of the fruit, indicating the beginning of decay. Bacteria that survive on plant debris and nightshade weeds cause blossom end rot. The disease spreads in damp weather, in more affecting large-fruited varieties with delicate skin. In greenhouses, this disease develops at high temperature and low humidity. The disease is aggravated by a lack of potassium in the soil. The introduction of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers increases resistance to the disease.

An effective method of combating blossom end rot is the treatment of plants with phytosporin. Spraying with 0.3-0.4% calcium chloride, Bordeaux liquid or its substitutes helps. For the prevention of the disease, it is recommended to treat seeds before planting.

Spotted fruit ripening

This disease is characterized by the appearance on the surface of the fruit yellow spots, which become almost transparent by full maturity; under the skin is dead tissue. The prevention of the disease is considered to be fertilizing with potassium nitrate.

Fruit hollowness

Signs of illness - when pressed, the fruits shrink like a ball, empty chambers are visible on the cross section. This is the result of poor pollination of flowers. Prevention of the disease - additional pollination (shaking the plants in the morning), fertilizing with potassium sulfate.


Seedlings are affected, its root neck darkens, thins out and rots. In this case, the plant withers and dies. The disease spreads with plant debris, lumps of soil, and partially with seeds.

Control measures are moderate watering of plants, a sufficient distance between seedlings. To prevent the disease, trichodermin is introduced into the soil before planting.

Brown leaf spot

The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that affects leaves, stems, less often fruits. The first signs of the disease appear on the lower leaves during flowering and fruit set. The disease then spreads to upper leaves, this occurs during fruit ripening. The fungus spreads at high air humidity, while several hours of high humidity are enough to infect plants. The incubation period of the disease is 10-12 days. The spores of the fungus tolerate dryness and freezing well and remain viable for up to 10 months. At humidity below 70%, the disease does not spread. To prevent the disease in greenhouses and greenhouses, vegetable waste is burned in the fall, and the soil is changed.

A good way to combat this fungus is to treat plants with solutions of foundationazole and phytosporin.

Dry spotting, or macrosporiosis

She is a brown spot. It is a fungus that infects leaves, stems and, less commonly, fruits. On the leaves, round brown spots with concentric circles are formed. Gradually they merge and the leaves die. Then the stems die off, depressed rounded spots appear on the fruits, very dark, mainly at the stalk. The fungus spreads well with watering, with rain and wind.

Spots are treated with a copper-soap emulsion, taking 20 g of copper sulfate and 200 g of soap per 10 liters of water. The affected tops are mowed 7-10 days before harvesting, collected in heaps and burned.

Fusarium wilt

It develops in young plants in greenhouses. The veins of the leaves brighten, the petioles droop, the leaf turns yellow, fades, and shoots may fade. At the same time, plant growth is stunted. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that develops at high temperatures, low soil moisture and poor lighting. The causative agent persists in the soil long time. The fungus penetrates through the roots and water-conducting vessels of the plant. Plants wither, as the mycelium clogs blood vessels and poisons the plant with toxins released during life. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature in the greenhouse. temperature regime, and at the first signs of the disease, remove the affected plant along with the roots and a clod of earth.

To combat the disease, plants are sprayed with a solution of foundationazole or phytosporin.

Gray and white fruit rot

These rots usually develop at the base of the fruit. Gray rot is a watery gray spot that quickly spreads to the entire fruit. When affected by white rot, the fruit is covered with white mycelium. It is necessary to fight these diseases with the help of phytosporin.

Streak, or streak

This disease is caused by the tobacco mosaic virus. Spots appear on tomato leaves irregular shape. On the petioles, stems and stalks, superficial intermittent strokes of red- Brown color. Brown stripes can also be seen on the fruits. As a result, the leaves of the plants die off, the stem becomes brittle and breaks easily, sometimes the top of the plant dies. Strik develops at a temperature of 15-20 ° C, at 24 ° C and above, the disease stops. The incubation period of the disease is 10-14 days. The streak virus persists on post-harvest residues and on seeds.

In order for the virus to spread less, the affected plants and plant remains must be burned, and the plants treated with phytosporin.

Bacterial canker of tomato

This is a bacterial disease. The optimum temperature for the development of bacteria is 25-27 °C; bacteria die at 50-53 °C. Bacteria enter the plant through wounds and infect at first vascular system. Sources of infection - seeds and last year's plant residues. Bacteria in the soil persist for no more than a year, and on seeds for 2.5-3 years. During the growing season, cancer can be carried by insects, transmitted through watering and inventory. Small brown sores appear on the leaves, stems, petioles and stalks of tomatoes, and spots appear on the fruits. On green fruits, the spots are white with dark small cracks in the center, and on ripe ones they are brown, surrounded by a light halo. The spots are located closer to the stem.

Cancer prevention: burning plant residues in the fall and seed treatment before sowing, which consists in soaking them in a phytosporin solution for 12-24 hours.


Tomato diseases (with photo)

What are the diseases of tomatoes

Fruit Blossom Rot

This attack appears even on green fruits - in the form of a brown or black top. All this is due to a lack of calcium, or its conflict with potassium, when one blocks access to the plant to the second.

To prevent this disease, even when planting seedlings, add 1 tbsp. calcium nitrate and some charcoal. Or, as an option, spray green fruits with a solution of calcium nitrate.

Fusarium wilt
This fungal disease affects seedlings and young plants. The infection enters through the roots, and is masked by the alleged lack of water for the plants. As a result, tomatoes wither, the lower part of their leaves turns yellow, and the stem turns black and cracks.

To prevent this, it is important to observe crop rotation, and the disease can be treated with Trichodermin and Previkur preparations.

Gray rot

This fungus appears in cold rainy weather, affecting leaves, stems, inflorescences and fruits. You can find it out by dark spots with a gray coating.

During bad weather, you need to cut off 2-3 lower leaves on the plants - this will increase the air circulation of the lower tier, and after the weather improves, everything will pass.

Late blight or brown rot of tomatoes.

This most dangerous disease can be calculated by brown spots of yellowing on drying leaves.

Soon these spots pass to the fruits themselves, until the entire crop is affected. And all because of high humidity - that's why only drip irrigation or watering under the root is suitable for tomatoes.

After the phytophthora has already put its marks on the plant, it is very difficult to change the situation. It is best, of course, not to forget about prevention.
If there is nothing at hand, and the tomatoes turn black, use the Bordeaux liquid that has been proven for decades - spray every week.

Phytophthora and the treatment of tomatoes with freshly prepared garlic infusion are very effective against tomato disease. During the season, you can spray up to five times with an interval of 15-18 days. 1.5 cups of mashed garlic, 1.5 g of potassium permanganate and 2 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap, dissolve in 10 liters of water, stir, strain and process the bushes, spending 100-150 g of the mixture for each m2.

And here is the advice of an experienced gardener: "In mid-June, I spray tomatoes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. A week later, with a solution of boric acid (1 tsp of boric acid per 10 liters of water). A week later, with a solution of iodine (1 tsp per 10 liters of water). This is quite enough for the whole summer " .
This variety of tomato never suffers from late blight

Watch the weather. As soon as the thermometer begins to hang at +10 ° C at night, it is undesirable to leave tomatoes on the bushes. It is better to remove them unripe, then there will be much more chances to save and save them. And so that seemingly healthy tomatoes removed do not turn black, immediately after harvesting, dip them for 1.5-2 minutes in hot (up to 60 degrees) water. At the same time, the peel will wrinkle, become ugly, but the fruits will ripen and will have a normal taste.
There is another forecast method: if phytophthora appeared on potatoes, then wait for it to appear in 5-7 days on tomatoes as well. The fact is that the pathogen is mainly preserved in potato tubers, therefore, during the entire growing period, the infection accumulates and, under the first favorable conditions, the disease appears on this crop. Then, with air currents, it is transferred to tomatoes.

Septoria tomato, or white spot

It can appear on seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses in the form of separate foci, white spot is found almost everywhere where tomatoes are grown, but especially in areas with sufficient moisture.

Tomato disease Septoria appears on the leaves first of the lower tier, and then of the middle and upper tiers in the form of small, first brown, later dirty white spots with a dark brown border. Spots appear throughout the growing season, especially on mature plants.
Early varieties are especially affected by septoria.

Control measures:
1. Careful collection and destruction of dry leaves while removing heavily damaged green leaves.
2. Proper agrotechnical care of plantations.
3. Selection of varieties more resistant to the disease.
4. Carrying out three sprayings with 1% Bordeaux liquid in the following terms: the first - at the time of exposure of the buds, the second - 10 days after the first, the third - immediately after harvesting.
When spraying, make sure that the solution also reaches the underside of the leaves.

Mosaic tomato
The primary source of infection is infected seeds. Some plants also become infected through infected soil. Tobacco mosaic virus spreads rapidly from plant to plant during care, when the hairs (pubescence) of leaves and stems are injured - when picking, planting seedlings, pinching, tying plants, pruning leaves, harvesting.

Control measures
To avoid mosaic disease, do not plant tomatoes in the same place next year. For growing seedlings, you need to use only pickled seeds.
As a preventive measure, healthy seedlings should be watered once every 2 decades with a weak solution of potassium permanganate within 2 months after planting in a permanent place.

Hybrid "Evpator" does not get sick at all, a brush of smooth beautiful fruits.

Here is what they write about him:
a promising tomato hybrid recommended for extended turnover. One of the most early maturing among the latest selection of indeterminate hybrids, it sets fruits well at early planting dates. It is suitable both for soil greenhouses and for growing in a low-volume way. A plant with an open habit, powerful, very tall. The average fruit weight is 130-150 g, it has 4-6 seed chambers. The hybrid is genetically resistant to all tomato diseases.

black leg of tomatoes

Upon reaching approximately 1 cm, the plant falls and dies.

Tomato blackleg is a tomato disease caused by fungi. It appears most often due to wrong mode and poor ventilation of greenhouses and greenhouses during the cultivation of seedlings. The lower part of the tomato stem (root neck) turns black, becomes thin and rots.

Blackleg is a fungal disease. There are almost no tomatoes in normal soil. Try spilling a solution of furacilin, which is used to gargle.

Like many other crops, tomatoes are susceptible to the harmful effects of diseases and pests. For this reason, tomatoes need agrotechnical protection during the entire period of growth - from planting seeds to harvest.

If appropriate measures are not taken, infected plants may die before the appearance of the ovary.

But, even having successfully overcome the entire path of cultural development, one cannot relax. Diseases and pests of tomatoes threaten to destroy not only leaves and stems, but also an almost ripe crop.

Leaf curl in tomato viral diseases

Strik (streak). The stems and fruits of affected plants are covered with yellowish spots in the form of stripes. With this tomato disease, the leaves become twisted and drooping. Flowers and fruits from diseased bushes crumble. With extensive damage, the plants die completely. Insufficient lighting contributes to the development of the disease. To prevent the reproduction of this viral tomato disease, the culture is not planted next to other plants of the Solanaceae family, and distances between plants are observed during planting.

Verticillium wilt. The lower leaves on the affected bushes turn yellow, wither and ahead of schedule fall off. With this disease, leaf twisting occurs, and diseased bushes are inhibited in growth and development, but remain viable. On the cut of the stems and petioles of the leaves, brown contours of the vessels are visible. To prevent the disease, plant residues are removed from the beds, when growing tomatoes, they follow the rules of planting and care, and feed them in a timely manner to increase plant resistance to infection.

Tomato diseases and their control

Fruit cracking. The reason for the defeat of tomatoes is excessive watering, especially after a drought. The unripe fruits are most often affected. The infection penetrates into the cracks and the fruits rot or grow of poor quality. To save the crop, it is necessary to adjust the irrigation regime.

Late blight (brown rot). With this disease of tomatoes, brown or brown spots appear on the leaves, stems and fruits. indefinite form. The underside of the leaves is covered with a white bloom. Gradually, the affected part of the fetus increases more and more.

To prevent the disease, tomatoes are not planted next to potatoes, they follow the rules of crop rotation, and fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Young plants 3 weeks after planting are sprayed with Barrier for the prevention of late blight, and a week later with Barrier.

Then, with an interval of 1 week, the tomatoes are treated twice with Oxyx. Effective in the fight against late blight infusion of garlic.

Top rot. As can be seen in the photo, this tomato disease is characterized by the appearance of dark green weeping spots on the top of unripe fruits. Affected tissues darken and become hard, the fruits ripen faster. Sometimes signs of damage to the fetus are noted only on the incision. Low-lying fruits are most often affected. Plants are watered sparingly and regularly. In autumn, dolomite flour, lime or chalk are added to the soil in the beds to replenish calcium. In the spring, when planting, deoxidizing fertilizers are added to the wells.

Cladosporiosis (brown spot). In tomatoes, light gray blurry spots appear in the form of a velvety coating on the underside of the leaves in the lower part. The spots then turn brown and spread to upper part plants. Leaves with signs of the disease dry up and the plant quickly dies. To prevent the disease, the seeds are treated before planting, watering is done moderately. For the treatment of tomatoes, when the first signs of cladosporiosis appear, they are sprayed with Hom and Oxyx preparations.

Phomosis (brown rot of fruits). Large brown spots with a diameter of 3-4 cm appear on the fruits of tomatoes. Usually they are located next to the stalk. The affected area looks depressed. The rot spreads into the fruit. The disease affects both mature and unripe fruits. Excess application of nitrogen fertilizers and high humidity environment contribute to the development of phomosis. Affected fruits are destroyed. With this disease of tomatoes, for their treatment, the bushes are sprayed with Hom, Oxyh, a solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Fusarium wilt. Affected tomatoes are distinguished by the appearance of yellow and wilting leaves at the bottom of the plant. Then the leaves wither on all branches. On the cut of the stems, dark contours of the vascular pattern are visible. A pink coating appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe root collar of tomatoes. Excessive soil moisture and high nitrogen content in it contribute to the development of the disease. To prevent Fusarium wilt, the rules of crop rotation are observed, the bushes are spudded, adding soil to a height of 15 cm. To combat this disease of tomatoes, plants are fed with the Barrier preparation and sprayed with Hom.

Alternariosis (dry spotting). At the beginning of development, the disease resembles late blight and bacterial spotting. The underside of tomato leaves is covered with brown spots. They quickly increase in size and spread to stems and fruits. The affected part of the surface looks depressed. On the leaves and stems, the spots are oval in shape, and on the fruits - round. Measures to combat this tomato disease are spraying infected plants with Antracol, Consento, Tattu preparations.

Bacterial spotting. The leaves and fruits of tomatoes are affected. First on bottom surface leaves appear small round brown spots. Then they merge and take on an irregular shape.

On fruits, spots similar at first acquire big sizes and darken, and the tissues around them lighten, forming a border.

First, the affected leaves wither, and then the whole plant. The treatment of tomatoes from this disease, when the first signs appear, is carried out by spraying the plants with a solution of Bordeaux mixture, copper sulphate, and feeding them with fertilizers containing copper and nitrogen. Withering bushes are destroyed.

Blackleg. The disease usually affects seedlings and young tomato bushes with improper care. In the lower part of the stem, the tissues turn black, thin and dry. The leaves of affected plants are covered with small dark spots. Usually tomatoes with signs of a black leg die. To combat the disease, seedlings are watered moderately, the room in which it is located is regularly ventilated. When protecting tomatoes from this disease, plants are watered with a solution of potassium permanganate (1-1.5 g of dry matter per 10 liters of water).

Protection of tomatoes in pest control

Whitefly. This tomato pest with two pairs of white wings causes spotty yellowing of the leaves. Gradually, the leaves turn yellow completely and wither. The pest covers the plant with secretions on which sooty fungi multiply. As a result, the diseased plant turns black. To combat insects, the drug Confidor is used.

Slugs. The pest eats the leaves and fruits of tomatoes. Damaged plant parts are susceptible to rot. To control the pest, the soil around the bushes is sprinkled with a mixture of ash, tobacco dust and lime, or sprayed around the beds with slaked lime. fresh cooking. To combat these tomato pests, the soil under the bushes is loosened after watering, sprinkled with ground hot pepper (1 tsp per 1 m2).

Spider mite. A small insect looks like a bright dot on tomatoes. Entangles the leaves with cobwebs and sucks the juice out of them. On the upper side of the leaves, punctures are visible that the insect makes. Affected tissues in their area turn yellow and merge into spots. Then the leaves dry up. To combat spider mites, tomatoes are sprayed with Karbofos or an infusion of garlic and dandelion leaves with the addition of liquid soap.

Medvedka. A large brown insect up to 5 cm long with powerful front legs and short elytra. It makes moves in the root layer of the soil and makes holes at a depth of 10-15 cm. Medvedka gnaws the roots of young vegetable crops and causes their death. To fight harmful insects use the drug Thunder, an infusion of hot pepper or a solution of vinegar.

Wireworm. The pest is the larva of the click beetle. They are distinguished by a dense body of yellow color, do not exceed 2 cm in length. Wireworms damage the roots of tomatoes and sometimes penetrate the stems. 3-4 days before planting tomatoes, bait for the pest is laid in the soil. Pieces of carrots, beets or potatoes are strung on sticks 16-20 cm long and buried in the beds. Before planting, seedlings of the pest are destroyed. To protect tomatoes from these pests, Bazudin is used and acidic soils are limed.

Gnawing owls. Caterpillars of moths are dark gray or black, 3-4 cm long. They gnaw through leaves and their petioles, as well as tomato stalks. To combat the insect, the beds are weeded, the soil is deeply dug up in the fall, the pest is collected by hand and destroyed. To destroy the caterpillars use the drug Strela.


Tomato diseases and their treatment - from A to Z about tomato diseases

Fungal diseases of tomatoes and their treatment

The most common are fungal diseases that can appear at low temperatures, due to heavy rainfall, due to improper care of seedlings.

Tomato disease control:

The main thing is that you should carefully read the instructions for each of the listed drugs so as not to oversaturate the plants with them. After all, this can also harm tomatoes no worse than diseases.

Bacterial diseases of tomatoes and their treatment

There are various bacterial diseases of tomatoes and measures to combat them. It is advisable to find out in advance what sores threaten your garden in order to prevent the appearance of diseases. Otherwise, you are threatened with crop loss, and diseases can spread to other crops in your garden.

Protection and treatment of tomatoes from diseases: prevention

As you understand, there are a wide variety of diseases, and their treatment is a rather complicated process. That is why it is much easier to prevent the appearance of an infection in your garden than to fight it. And gardeners should know the basic preventive measures to protect the beds from diseases. So, for example, tomato seeds should not be planted near potatoes, as well as in the beds where you previously grew eggplant and peppers.

And if the cultures were sick with something, then it is not recommended to plant any horticultural crops on this site for at least three years.

Try not to thicken the plantings, remove the lower leaves, fight weeds. It is also important to water the plants in a dosed manner, without over-wetting them, because a high level of humidity is one of the causes of the appearance of fungal diseases. Loosen the soil more often, do not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizing and avoid using fresh manure as a fertilizer. It is necessary that the planting of vegetables takes place according to all the rules: choose the seed material wisely and take care of the plants.

Preventive protection of tomatoes from diseases:

  • Before planting, treat the seedlings with a 0.5% solution of Bordeaux mixture, and repeat the work a week later.
  • Treatment with copper oxychloride helps (40 grams of the drug is used for a 10-liter bucket of water), however, work must be carried out at least 20 days before harvesting.
  • You can sprinkle the soil with ash or prepare an ash infusion (200 g of ash is boiled for about 10 minutes in a liter of water, filtered through gauze, after which the liquid is poured into 10 liters of water).

Taking preventive measures in advance will help you reduce the risk of not only diseases, but also various pests on your site. The main thing is to carry out all the work in a timely manner so that the infection does not have time to penetrate the plant.


Diseases of tomatoes and their treatment photo: viral and fungal infections

Delicious, beautiful and healthy tomatoes are the pride of every gardener. But in order to grow them, it is important to know about all possible diseases and how to get rid of them effectively.

Fungal diseases of tomatoes and the fight against them photo

The most common tomato diseases are fungal. Their peculiarity is that they can affect absolutely any part of the tomato and are practically not treated.

late blight

Fungal diseases of tomatoes and the fight against them photo: late blight

All gardeners are familiar with late blight and special brown spots. Such a tomato disease as late blight is not a verdict on the crop, but it can significantly reduce its volume, since treatment can only be effective on early stages. First of all, the tips of the leaves suffer, and after a few days the spotting appears already on the shoots.

The fruits of a diseased plant are also damaged, they look like burns with a light or dark gray coating. In order for late blight not to spread, they use the preparations "Barrier" or "Barrier". For a 10 liter container warm water(+30 °) dilute with about 8 g until all components are completely decomposed and proceed to a thorough spraying of the bushes.

Cladosporiosis of tomatoes treatment

Fungal diseases of tomatoes and the fight against them photo: cladosporiosis

It is also called - brown leaf spot of tomatoes, the treatment of which is carried out with fungicides. It can spread in any conditions and is not affected by humidity. Brown tans affect the leaves, and later spread throughout the plant. In connection with the defeat of the foliage, photosynthesis stops, the amount of substances necessary for life decreases, and the tomato becomes unhealthy and dies.

Cladosporiosis, as a rule, occurs in areas with improper crop rotation, since fungal spores are located directly in the soil. At the first manifestations in the greenhouse, you can fight by lowering the temperature (night ventilation). In the open field in the initial stage - by reducing watering or irrigation with well-heated water.


Fungal diseases of tomatoes and the fight against them photo: fusarium

Diseases of tomatoes in a greenhouse usually appear due to excessive moisture, such as Fusarium. In the beds, it occurs due to non-compliance with crop rotation and during cold weather that is atypical for the season. The fungus penetrates the plant during frost and begins to multiply with the onset of heat.

To get rid of Fusarium wilt, tomatoes should be processed at least 2 weeks before harvest. blue vitriol, you can also apply the "Barrier" (up to 20 g per 10 liters of water).


Fungal diseases of tomatoes and the fight against them photo: macrosporiosis

This is the name of another common fungal disease that occurs during temperature changes. Its rapid development is facilitated by prolonged rainy periods and frequent dew.

The most a big problem macrosporiosis infection is the amazing persistence of spores that remain not only in the ground, but also on harvested next year tomato seeds.

The main preventive measures for macrosporiosis include:

  • soil disinfection before the start of sowing;
  • correct crop rotation;
  • at the stage active growth treatment of beds with pesticides;
  • removal of affected plants.

Gray rot

Fungal diseases of tomatoes and the fight against them photo: gray rot

Fungal diseases of tomatoes, such as gray mold, most often spread in cool and humid weather. It is not able to particularly harm tomatoes, because it affects vegetables only by the end of October - in rainy weather and with the onset of frost.

Fungal diseases of tomatoes and the fight against them photo: stem damaged by gray rot

The signal of the appearance of rot is small marks of a bright red or rusty color, wetting and rotting over time. You can’t confuse it with late blight, because there is no gray coating on the shoots and foliage. But there is only one solution to these problems - the systematic processing of the "Barrier" and "Barrier".


Fungal diseases of tomatoes and their treatment photo: Alternariosis

Brown marks on the lower leaves are also a symptom of alternariosis, which, like other tomato diseases, affects not only the stems, but also the fruits themselves. To get rid of such a nuisance will help tillage "Barrier" or its analogues (once a month - 14 g per 10 liters of water).

Viral diseases of tomatoes and the fight against them photo

Tomato diseases, which are caused by various pathogens, are no less dangerous for the plants themselves and for the future crop.

Diseases of tomatoes photo: tomato mosaic

Diseases of tomatoes photo: tomato mosaic

One of the most dangerous viral diseases is tomato mosaic, which equally quickly affects both greenhouse and soil crops. It manifests itself in yellowish and green spots, creating a kind of mosaic effect on the sheets. With prolonged infection, the leaf plates wrinkle and fold in the form of tubules.

Infection leads to a decrease in yield and deterioration palatability tomato. Mosaic treatment is considered very expensive and ineffective, it is much easier to remove infected bushes and treat the area for preventive purposes with a one percent solution of potassium permanganate and potassium.

tomato streak

Diseases of tomatoes photo: tomato streak

A tomato virus that completely destroys their cells from the inside. Once infected, it is incurable, so care must be taken to prevent it before planting. To do this, the prepared wells and the plants themselves are treated with a solution of manganese prepared in proportions of 10 g per 10 liters.

Strik is visually similar to such diseases as late blight, the difference is only in the dryness of the leaves, which, in the case of late blight, get wet and covered with a milky coating.

So that viral diseases of tomatoes photos and their treatment are not confused with fungal ones, it is necessary to navigate by several signs at once and choose the most effective remedy for disease prevention.

Tomato diseases and their treatment: effective ways to protect

Tomato diseases and their treatment

Today there are many modern means protection of vegetables aimed at obtaining decent harvest. For prevention, biological, agrotechnical and chemical methods, allowing to resist all kinds of pests, viruses and fungi.

Rules of prevention and agricultural technology

The agrotechnical method provides for the correct and timely cultivation of the soil. The first thing you need to pay attention to is loosening the earth up to 25 cm deep. Insects and fungal spores die during frost, so the procedure carried out in October-November at the first frost will help to cope with pests.

The annual planting of the same crops on the site significantly reduces the yield. Here, experienced gardeners resort to the help of the so-called predecessors. Tomatoes are ideal for cucumbers, onions or perennial herbs.

Chemical protection

As for chemical methods of protection, disinfection of earth and tomato seeds with fungicides is mandatory before sowing. For achievement maximum effect dressings are best treated not only for seed, but also for irrigation water sources if wells are used.

It is recommended to spray tomatoes for the prevention of diseases before harvesting (it should be stopped 10-15 days before). The frequency of such events is determined individually, depending on climatic conditions. In case of disease of tomatoes, the photos of which you see, in greenhouses, spraying is permissible only if there is good constant ventilation.

Diseases of tomatoes and their treatment photo. Biological protection methods

Diseases of tomatoes and their treatment photo

To date, all diseases of tomatoes and their treatment are known. It is most often carried out using special antibacterial preparations containing microorganisms.

Environmental friendliness and complete safety for human body are the benefits of using such tools. Healthy and tasty vegetables are grown without pesticides, insecticides, pesticides and fungicides. It also reduces labor costs, because most often one treatment is enough.

Most often you can hear good feedback modern gardeners about soil fungi (the most common of them are called trichodermins). Natural compost is added to accelerate growth, to it in the complex - "Arenarin".

The drug, created on the basis of soil fungi, will help you forget about how spoiled diseases and pests look like tomatoes. In order to isolate the culture from harmful microorganisms, the rhizomes of seedlings are soaked in it before planting and the seeds are thoroughly processed.


Growing tomatoes is not difficult, the main thing is to follow preventive measures against diseases and follow the recommendations proposed by our specialists for their treatment in a timely manner. good harvest- it is always the pride of the owner and his merit for the time spent on care.


Tomato diseases in the greenhouse (with photo) and control and treatment measures

When the prevention of plant diseases is not carried out, then the crop may be lost. For each climate zone specific tomato diseases are inherent. And it is useful for the gardener to know about this in order to take the necessary actions in time.

white spotting

One of the most common diseases in tomatoes in the Urals, manifests itself as follows: the leaves and stems are covered with small spots, off-white in color, with a dark border. Already at the end summer period, small black dots appear, which are the fruiting bodies of the fungus.

When the leaves and stems become infected, they dry up and turn brown, and then die off. The disease, as a rule, begins with the lower leaves, then moves to the upper leaves. Fruit yield drops sharply. It happens that the disease can begin in the seedling phase. The spread of the disease - the fungus can overwinter on plant debris, can be carried by wind and water, as well as on clothes, with tools and just on the hands.

You can fight this disease in a tomato by observing sanitary and hygienic rules. To do this, plant residues must be collected and burned. Observe crop rotation so that the tomato is planted in the same place only after three years.

"White spotting" in a tomato can also be defeated with the help of chemicals. A positive result will be obtained by spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid, or 0.5% copper oxychloride.

If "white spotting" is found in greenhouses, then the chemical fight against this disease should begin already during the cultivation of seedlings and then continue in the open field, from time to time dusting or spraying plants.

black bacterial spot

This disease infects the leaves and petioles of tomatoes, oppresses the stems and fruits. First, black spots appear on the petioles and stems, elongated, the spots on the leaves are more often along the edges. In this case, the plants grow very poorly. The onset of the disease may already be in the phase of slightly grown seedlings. And plants can die. The spread of this disease to some extent depends on the weather, it is the increased humidity of the air that will contribute to its development.

In the Urals, this tomato disease often appears in August during damp, not cold weather, affecting primarily leaves, stems and small fruits. Tomato fruits affected by "bacterial blotch" are first covered with numerous dark raised dots, which are surrounded by a thin watery border. Subsequently, depressed spots are formed in their place, consisting of dark convex pimples.

The causative agents of this disease are bacteria that hibernate under the remains of leaves in the ground, but the disease will also be transmitted with seeds.

The fight against "bacterial spot" in tomatoes has the same mechanisms as against white spot. An additional and obligatory type of this struggle is a good heating of the seeds, washing and disinfection of planting boxes and, of course, greenhouses. The main thing is the observance of the regime of temperature and humidity when growing seedlings.


Tomato disease called "black leg" usually affects plant seedlings. In seedlings, the lower part of their stem begins to blacken, and filamentous thinnings appear in the tissues. At the time of picking, these plants no longer take root. This disease occurs when there is an excess of moisture not only in the soil, but also in the air.

Control measures. with this disease

To protect the sprouts from the "black leg", you must:

  • disinfect the used soil,
  • make sure that there is no thickening of crops,
  • watering should be moderate, and ventilation of the room more frequent,
  • avoid shading.

Blossom rot

Blossom rot is a disease of tomatoes that has a physiological character, which develops under the influence of intense evaporation of moisture from the fruit from its entire surface. As a rule, this occurs when the weather is dry and hot, relatively low humidity, in addition to this, there is a lack of moisture on the soil. In this case, an area with hard and dry brown spots appears on the top of the tomato fruit, which deeply affect the entire tissue of the tomato.

The main measures to combat blossom end rot in tomatoes are proper irrigation and sufficient soil aeration.

Streak (streak)

Streaking is viral disease fruits of tomatoes, which will affect all organs of this plant. As a result of the disease, brownish-red strokes and stripes appear on the stems and petioles, the leaves become covered with dark spots, irregular in shape. As a result, the leaf dies. The plant becomes very brittle and fragile. Tomato fruits are covered with angular, brown spots in color, with a shiny, slightly convex surface.

The main source of this disease of fruits and tomato plants are seeds collected from diseased plants. The disease can also be transmitted during the period when pinching is carried out.

It should be taken into account that the disease accelerates at a moderate air temperature (no more than 20 degrees) and sufficiently high humidity.

Tomato streak control measures:

  • seeds should be selected from healthy plants,
  • Seeds are treated with 1% manganese solution,
  • observe the basic rules of hygiene, caring for plants throughout the growing season,
  • If found, immediately remove all diseased plants.


Disease of tomatoes, widespread in the Urals. It affects not only tomatoes, but also potatoes - this is especially evident in wet years. Then, on many fruits of tomatoes, brownish spots are formed in color, hard in consistency, different in size and shape. Then, over time, phytophthora covers the entire pulp of the tomato. Additionally, high humidity gives a white cobwebbed coating on the surface of the fruit.

This rot begins to especially affect the fruit at the time of ripening. Here, under favorable humid conditions, a host of other microorganisms join the main phytophthora viruses. Tomato fruits will be spoiled and not fit for consumption.

Mushrooms, as an infectious principle, remain on the seeds, they are stored not only on sowing boxes and pots, but also in humus and on plant residues. Tomatoes are most affected on rich, fertilized soils that are seasoned with organic matter and manure.

Measures to combat late blight in tomatoes

  • Follow the basics of crop rotation,
  • place tomatoes in places where potatoes or tomatoes have not been grown for 3 years,
  • burn plant debris
  • change the soil when growing seedlings and in greenhouses,
  • spray the plants with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, Figon can be used.

Tomatoes placed for ripening must be disinfected. for this, the tomatoes should be dipped for 2 minutes in water at 60 degrees, they can be placed in a formalin solution.

Solution preparation

1 part formalin (40%), 300 parts of water, combine and mix. Fruits treated with formalin, before cooking, canning, should be washed well in running water. Tomatoes affected by the disease should be heated for 4 hours, with an air temperature of 40 to 45 degrees.

Fruit rot (gray, pink, bacterial, black)

Tomato fruit rot is caused by a variety of pathogens that begin to appear at the time of ripening. Affected fruits can collapse very quickly. Rots develop faster with increasing humidity and air temperature. Mechanical damage is also the cause of fruit spoilage.

To avoid the spread of all rot, it is necessary to ventilate the room as often as possible during ripening, maintain temperature and humidity conditions, and, if possible, keep the fruits intact. The remaining measures to combat rot are the same as with phytophthora.

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