Home Diseases and pests Very black feces ate blueberries. Why is human stool black? The effect of diet and medications on darkening of stools

Very black feces ate blueberries. Why is human stool black? The effect of diet and medications on darkening of stools

The human body is a complex system that you need to be able to understand. It is designed in such a way that it periodically gives us signs. If we learn to recognize these signals and respond to them in a timely manner, we can live for many years. Poop is not just a waste product. In particular, with their help our body communicates with us and can call for help.

Normally, your poop should be brown or tan in color.

Changes in the color of poop can be the cause of a problem that needs to be corrected; sometimes, a seemingly harmless blackening of poop can hide a matter of life and death. Therefore, let's learn to understand what the body is telling us with black poop, what is the reason for its appearance?

The main reasons for the appearance of black stool

Understand exact reason The occurrence of black poop just by its color is very difficult. There are too many factors to consider, most of which we cannot check at home. But we can determine the degree of seriousness. Below we will tell you in which cases black stool is a cause for concern, and when it is just an accident.

How do you know if black stool is a sign of illness?

If your stool turns black and other symptoms appear, such as malaise, fever, nausea and even vomiting, then you have enough reason to sound the alarm and immediately run to the doctor. There is no need to guess and wait for the weather to come from the sea, as the disease can progress and, if left untreated, cause serious damage to your body. You should also pay attention to the shape and size of the stool.

The main reason why poop turns black is bleeding in the upper intestines. Digested blood colors your stool dark color. But bleeding may not always be in the upper sections. Black feces can also cause bleeding in the lower intestines, which may be indicated by low intestinal motility.

Intestinal peristalsis is a wave-like contraction of the intestinal walls that promotes pushing feces to the exit.

The cause of black shit can be a number of diseases such as: gastritis, ulcerative colitis, histoplasmosis, colon disease and hookworm disease.


Almost every person has gastritis. Advanced gastritis can develop into a stomach ulcer.

The above symptoms, accompanied by a change in the color of feces to black, require immediate intervention. But what could be the matter if you feel normal, but your stool is black? How long has it been since you pooped? How often have you pooped lately? One of the reasons for darkening of stool may be constipation. This occurs due to the long stay of feces in the intestines. But don’t think that constipation is a harmless thing and that it doesn’t lead to anything other than darkening your poop. He can also cause various diseases such as hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome. If the shape of your stool is type 2 or 3, then constipation may be the cause of your black poop. In the article about you can find out what parameters stool may have and what this indicates. Constipation, in turn, can cause damage to the intestinal walls and bleeding.

If your feces, in addition to darkening in color, also have other signs mentioned above, then sound the alarm. It is much easier and faster to cure the disease in the initial stage; do not allow the disease to progress, otherwise it can provoke a number of other health problems. A change in the smell to a more pungent and pungent one also indicates the presence of malfunctions in the body.

Black poop - no sign of concern

Black feces do not always symbolize any disease. The reason for the change in its color may be some foods that can color feces and intake. medicines.

If this is the reason, then remember what foods you have eaten recently. Try changing your diet. If this is the reason, then after a couple of days the color of the stool will normalize.

The following foods can change the color of stool to black: red beets (sometimes they can give the feces a reddish tint), pomegranate, prunes, black currants, blueberries and other products contribute to the color of feces.

In addition to food, the color of stool is affected by medications and vitamin complexes. Carefully read the instructions and side effects of medications taken the day before. Supplements with high iron content can cause darkening of the stool. This color appears as a result of iron oxidation.

If this is the reason why the shit changes color to black, then if you stop taking medications or change your diet, your stool should return to normal within a few days.


In the case of medications, it is better to consult with your doctor, as some drugs can cause internal bleeding.

Causes of black stool during pregnancy

The goal of every normal mother is to bear and raise healthy child. The state of health of the mother, especially in the first stages of fetal development, greatly influences the development and health of the child. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor all changes in your body. Black feces are quite common in pregnant women. However, pregnancy is not the cause of its appearance. In principle, it cannot influence the darkening of feces.

The most common cause of black stool in pregnant women does not always lie in the development of any disease. Mothers carrying a child consume large amounts of vitamin complexes, fruits and vegetables rich in iron and other nutrients that contribute to darkening of poop. If this is not the reason, then most likely it is caused by an illness. Perhaps you previously had any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or a number of other chronic diseases that are in remission. In any case, pregnancy is not the time when you can look for reasons on the Internet. Expectant mothers - run to the doctor!!!

Black feces in children

In most cases, the appearance of black poop in a child does not indicate problems in the functioning of his body. Young mothers are shocked when they see black poop on their baby. This is a fairly common situation. Newborns often have black and sticky stools, also called meconium. Such feces consist of mucus, amniotic fluid, bile, digested epithelial cells and water - this consistency gives them a dark color. In the first days of a newborn's life, such poop is normal and after a while your child's stool will normalize and become mustard-colored.

The formation of black feces in infants is influenced by feeding formulas that contain large amounts of iron and other vitamins.

In adulthood, black feces in children is not normal. As we already wrote above, there are two main reasons - diseases or side effect products, vitamins or medicines. Check your child's diet or consult a doctor immediately, as diseases in childhood progress much faster and, due to untimely treatment, will remind of themselves throughout his life.

As you can see, black shit has a dual character. On the one hand, such changes in color indicate quite serious things, and on the other hand, about the harmless consequences of the food eaten. In any case, pay attention to the color of your feces, as well as other changes occurring in your body. In addition, do not forget to check other criteria such as shape, size and smell. On air, we wish you strong brown stools and relief!

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Preparation, the process of defecation itself and the final result are a delicate topic, but relevant for discussion. Fecal masses of suspicious consistency, color, shape - can cause absolutely healthy person running to the hospital in a panic, while others are not bothered by the question of what it means.

If you see black feces at the bottom of the toilet, analyze why it is black and what it might be connected with. Reasons this phenomenon There are quite a few, sometimes they are harmless and natural, but sometimes they can become an alarming sign of a disease.

Norms of color, shape, consistency of stool

In a healthy person who does not have digestive problems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, leading healthy image life - the following standards related to the process of defecation are established:

  • Quantity and quality. The excretion of feces should occur 1-2 times a day, every day, but at least 3 times a week, provided wellness. Discharge occurs easily, painlessly, daily amount fluctuates between 200-400 gr. No stool for more than 72 hours - constipation, bowel movements more than 3-4 times a day - diarrhea.
  • Form. According to the “Bristol scale”, feces having a cylindrical, rounded shape are the norm; inclusions of undigested food and cracks on the surface are observed.
  • Consistency - dense, but soft, shaped.
  • The smell is unpleasant, but not pungent; normally it should not be putrid or sour.
  • Color. In an adult, healthy person who is on balanced diet, the color of stool varies from light to dark shades brown.

Factors affecting the color of feces

There are many reasons for the change in color of stool and it depends on what you eat, drink or take as a medicine, unless associated symptoms are observed.

Color of stool.Factors that influenced the result.
Light beige color, white with a gray tint.Obstruction of the bile ducts, low salt content in bile.
Light yellow.Eating dairy products.
Light brown.The predominance of plant foods in the menu.
Brown, dark brown.Balanced, mixed nutrition.
Dark green shade.Observed in vegetarians who eat vegetables, fruits and a lot of fresh herbs, seaweed. Preparations containing iodine.
Dark brown color with red tintUnchanged, undigested blood. Eating foods that are red in color: beets, pomegranate, red wine.
Black-brown.Mainly consumption of meat products, black berries: black currants, blueberries. Taking activated carbon.
The stool is black-green.May be associated with taking iron supplements.
Black feces.Black feces. Taking medications containing bismuth. Symptoms of internal gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, internal bleeding, colitis, malignant tumors and etc.
One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various medications. To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to do it every day. drink a simple remedy ...

Causes of black stools that do not require treatment

Before you start worrying about the color of your stool, think about what could be causing this phenomenon, consider the food you drank and ate the day before. Eating large amounts of certain fruits, vegetables, and drinks significantly affects the black color of feces.

These dye products include:

Children's surprise black

Do not worry if you see black-green liquid feces on the diaper of a newborn baby; this is nothing more than meconium - original feces.

The baby's first feces, consisting of digested in the womb:

  • amniotic fluid;
  • epithelial cells;
  • bile;
  • prenatal hair;
  • leaves the intestines within two - three days from birth.

In older children, the appearance of a black “surprise” in the pot may be associated with the popular food additive Hematogen, used to prevent anemia.

Modern milk formulas, cereals and their vitamin complexes, including iron, may well give the stool a dark tint.

If the child feels great, jumps, runs, eats and sleeps well, then an attack in the form of black feces should not bother you. If the baby’s general condition worsens, body temperature rises, nausea and vomiting occur - Seek medical help immediately!

Black stool in pregnant women

The “interesting position” does not affect the color changes in the stool of the woman who is in it.

The culprits are vitamins, namely their excessive amounts contained in the above-mentioned berries and fruits, which expectant mothers now eat “for two.”

Anemia in pregnant women is a common occurrence, so an iron supplement prescribed at a doctor’s appointment indicates a change in stool from the usual brown to unexpected black.

How does taking medication affect the color of stool?

When taking this or that medicine, it is advisable to carefully read the instructions for the drug, side symptoms, what can happen in case of overdose, and more.

The most well-known medications that affect the appearance of black stool include:

  • - enterosorbent, which has an antidiarrheal, cleansing effect on the intestines, removing toxins and poisons from the body, coloring feces black.
  • Iron preparations (Maltofer, Orferon, Ektofer, Monofer, etc.) - prescribed for iron deficiency anemia.
  • Multivitamin complexes containing iron (Vitrum, Elevit, Multi-Tabs).
  • Medicines for gastrointestinal diseases, antiulcer drugs containing bismuth oxide (,).

What diseases cause black feces?

You should start sounding the alarm when black stool occurs in a combination of the following symptoms:

  • Nausea, vomiting, vomit with;
  • Fever, high or low blood pressure;
  • Dizziness and numbness of the limbs;
  • Intoxication of the body after alcohol.

The combination of these signs may indicate serious illness and means immediate medical attention. medical care.

(colitis).An inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, affecting all its parts, characterized by the formation of ulcers and wounds on the intestinal walls.General malaise, fever, diarrhea, liquid stool mixed with blood.
Peptic ulcer disease.A chronic process in the upper parts of the digestive tract, frequent localization is the stomach, duodenum. The latter occurs more often in adult men and is aggravated by alcoholism and smoking.Pain that occurs on an empty stomach, goes away after eating, heartburn.
For complications: vomiting “coffee grounds”, tarry black loose stools, anemia, tachycardia,
Gastrointestinal bleeding.The source of bleeding can be a pathological process of any nature, localized from the esophagus to the rectum.Pallor skin, decrease blood pressure, excretion of unchanged or altered blood with vomiting or feces. The more massive the bleeding, the earlier melena appears - black, tarry stool.
LeukemiaAcute diseases of the blood system affecting the bone marrow.Joint pain, bruising of the skin after minor injuries, and in severe cases, gastrointestinal bleeding occurs.


The human body is a complex system that you need to be able to understand. It is designed in such a way that it periodically gives us signs. If we learn to recognize these signals and respond to them in a timely manner, we can live for many years. Poop is not just a waste product. In particular, with their help our body communicates with us and can call for help.

Normally, your poop should be brown or tan in color.

Changes in the color of poop can be the cause of a problem that needs to be corrected; sometimes, a seemingly harmless blackening of poop can hide a matter of life and death. Therefore, let's learn to understand what the body is telling us with black poop, what is the reason for its appearance?

The main reasons for the appearance of black stool

It is very difficult to understand the exact cause of black poop just by its color. There are too many factors to consider, most of which we cannot check at home. But we can determine the degree of seriousness. Below we will tell you in which cases black stool is a cause for concern, and when it is just an accident.

How do you know if black stool is a sign of illness?

If your stool turns black and other symptoms appear, such as malaise, fever, nausea and even vomiting, then you have enough reason to sound the alarm and immediately run to the doctor. There is no need to guess and wait for the weather to come from the sea, as the disease can progress and, if left untreated, cause serious damage to your body. You should also pay attention to the shape and size of the stool.

The main reason why poop turns black is bleeding in the upper intestines. Digested blood turns your stool dark. But bleeding may not always be in the upper sections. Black feces can also cause bleeding in the lower intestines, which may be indicated by low intestinal motility.

Intestinal peristalsis is a wave-like contraction of the intestinal walls that helps push feces towards the exit.

The cause of black shit can be a number of diseases such as: gastritis, ulcerative colitis, histoplasmosis, colon disease and hookworm disease.


Almost every person has gastritis. Advanced gastritis can develop into a stomach ulcer.

The above symptoms, accompanied by a change in the color of feces to black, require immediate intervention. But what could be the matter if you feel normal, but your stool is black? How long has it been since you pooped? How often have you pooped lately? One of the reasons for darkening of stool may be constipation. This occurs due to the long stay of feces in the intestines. But don’t think that constipation is a harmless thing and that it doesn’t lead to anything other than darkening your poop. It can also cause various diseases such as hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome. If the shape of your stool is type 2 or 3, then constipation may be the cause of your black poop. In the article about the size and shape of feces, you can find out what parameters feces may have and what this indicates. Constipation, in turn, can cause damage to the intestinal walls and bleeding.

If your feces, in addition to darkening in color, also have other signs mentioned above, then sound the alarm. It is much easier and faster to cure the disease in the initial stage; do not allow the disease to progress, otherwise it can provoke a number of other health problems. A change in the smell to a more pungent and pungent one also indicates the presence of malfunctions in the body.

Black poop - no sign of concern

Black feces do not always symbolize any disease. The reason for the change in its color may be some foods that can color feces and taking medications.

If this is the reason, then remember what foods you have eaten recently. Try changing your diet. If this is the reason, then after a couple of days the color of the stool will normalize.

The following foods can change the color of stool to black: red beets (sometimes they can give the feces a reddish tint), pomegranate, prunes, black currants, blueberries and other products contribute to the color of feces.

In addition to food, the color of stool is affected by medications and vitamin complexes. Carefully read the instructions and side effects of medications taken the day before. Supplements with high iron content can cause darkening of the stool. This color appears as a result of iron oxidation.

If this is the reason why the shit changes color to black, then if you stop taking medications or change your diet, your stool should return to normal within a few days.

In the case of medications, it is better to consult with your doctor, as some drugs can cause internal bleeding.

Causes of black stool during pregnancy

The goal of every normal mother is to bear and raise a healthy child. The state of health of the mother, especially in the first stages of fetal development, greatly influences the development and health of the child. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor all changes in your body. Black feces are quite common in pregnant women. However, pregnancy is not the cause of its appearance. In principle, it cannot influence the darkening of feces.

The most common cause of black stool in pregnant women does not always lie in the development of any disease. Mothers carrying a child consume large amounts of vitamin complexes, fruits and vegetables rich in iron and other nutrients that help cause darkening of poop. If this is not the reason, then most likely it is caused by an illness. Perhaps you previously had any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or a number of other chronic diseases that are in remission. In any case, pregnancy is not the time when you can look for reasons on the Internet. Expectant mothers - run to the doctor!!!

Black feces in children

In most cases, the appearance of black poop in a child does not indicate problems in the functioning of his body. Young mothers are shocked when they see black poop on their baby. This is a fairly common situation. Newborns often have black and sticky stools, also called meconium. Such feces consist of mucus, amniotic fluid, bile, digested epithelial cells and water - this consistency gives them a dark color. In the first days of a newborn's life, such poop is normal and after a while your child's stool will normalize and become mustard-colored.

The formation of black feces in infants is influenced by feeding formulas that contain large amounts of iron and other vitamins.

In adulthood, black feces in children is not normal. As we already wrote above, there are two main reasons - diseases or side effects of foods, vitamins or medications. Check your child’s diet or immediately consult a doctor, since diseases in childhood progress much faster and, due to untimely treatment, will continue to haunt him throughout his life.

As you can see, black shit has a dual character. On the one hand, such changes in color indicate quite serious things, and on the other hand, about the harmless consequences of the food eaten. In any case, pay attention to the color of your feces, as well as other changes occurring in your body. In addition to the color of the stool, do not forget to check other criteria such as shape, size and smell. A site about poop is live, we wish you strong brown stools and relief!

Sometimes it happens that the stool may turn black. Having noticed such changes, many begin to worry, which may be quite justified. This coloration of stool occurs in a number of cases serious illnesses, but some medications that a person takes can also be the cause. In this article you will learn why stool can sometimes be black.

What color of stool is normal?

Each person's stool color may be different at different times. The color of an adult's stool can range from yellowish-brown to dark brown. The color of the stool depends on what the person ate in the previous few days, on the amount of bile in the stool; if there is a violation of the outflow of bile, the stool will be light.

Sometimes the stool may appear black, but it will actually be dark brown. To determine whether stool is black or dark brown, you can perform a simple test at home.

Apply a little feces onto a sheet of white paper and spread the feces in a very thin layer over the paper. This way the color will appear more accurately.

If a person discovers black stool, then it is important for him to know the probable causes of this phenomenon. Let's consider the main etiological factors:

Eating foods that can turn stool black in the last 3 days

As a result of digesting prunes, large amounts of beets or red grapes, the stool may darken or even turn black. If you suspect that this is the reason for the appearance of such coloring of the stool, you should exclude these foods from the diet for 4-5 days and observe the color of the stool all this time. If 3 days after you consumed these foods, the stool remains black, then you should look for another reason for this.

Taking certain medications.

A number of drugs can cause black stool. These include iron supplements for anemia (Sorbifer, Ferrum Lek, Aktiferrin, Maltofer and others). Activated black carbon and bismuth preparations (De-nol, Bismofalk) also have a similar effect. The appearance of dark or black stool is not a contraindication to continuing to take medications. All changes to the treatment regimen must be carried out by a doctor; unauthorized withdrawal of drugs is fraught with serious consequences.

If you are taking bismuth preparations for treatment peptic ulcer, it is necessary to differentiate between two etiological factors - taking these drugs or bleeding from an ulcer.

Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract

When there is bleeding from the esophagus (bleeding from esophageal varices, esophageal injury, Mallory-Weiss syndrome) or stomach (stomach ulcer, stomach cancer), the stool turns black, also called melena. In this case, as a rule, there are other symptoms, for example, pain in the epigastric region, weakness, nausea, vomiting. The vomit has the appearance and color of coffee grounds. But with minor bleeding, the first and only symptom may be the appearance of black stool.

Taking antiplatelet agents (aspirin, cardiomagnyl) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac and their analogues) can provoke bleeding in patients with gastric or duodenal ulcers. Although the drugs themselves do not turn the stool black, they can cause bleeding!

What can help differentiate the likely causes of dark-colored stools?

General health - if the cause is bleeding, then symptoms due to blood loss are more likely to appear - weakness, pale skin, sticky sweat, epigastric pain. If the cause of such coloration of stool is food or medication, then general health, as a rule, remains normal. Duration this symptom– if the reason is the intake of certain foods, then the stool takes on its normal color after eliminating “coloring” foods after 1-2 days. With bleeding and long-term use of “coloring” medications, the stool may be black long time. If the reason was due to taking medications, then the usual coloration of the stool appears after they are discontinued, which is done by the doctor at the end of the course of treatment.

What can be accompanied by the appearance of black stool in adults? What features might there be?

Black stool in children

If black feces appear in a child, this can be very worrying for parents. In the first days of life, a child produces meconium - feces that was accumulated during intrauterine development. It may have a dark color, almost black. After 2-3 days it is replaced by normal-colored stool. Depending on what type of nutrition the newborn is on, it can be from light yellow to dark mustard liquid consistency.

In slightly older children, the stool may become dark when artificial feeding, consumption of cow's milk (which is not permissible under 2 years of age) or drugs containing cow's milk protein (colibacterin).

But in these cases, the stool is usually not black, but dark brown; at first glance, it may seem black. For differentiation, you should carry out the test mentioned above.

If your child is restless, crying, has a poor appetite and has black stools, then you should consult a doctor! Even young children may experience gastrointestinal bleeding. They can be especially common in children who consume cow's or goat's milk.

The degree of bleeding from the resulting damage to the intestinal mucosa can range from minor, but over time leading to iron deficiency anemia, to severe.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor if black stool is detected?

Black stools are accompanied by vomiting and/or fever. A history of gastric and/or duodenal ulcers. Blood tests reveal iron deficiency anemia. Presence of liver cirrhosis and (or) hepatitis. Recently had severe vomiting, especially if it was caused by taking alcoholic drinks(probable Mallory-Weiss syndrome). A history of intestinal or stomach cancer in the person himself or his relatives. If this is a child, and he has become restless, whiny, refuses to eat or is too lethargic.

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Why is feces black?

They ensure the normal functioning of the human gastrointestinal tract, metabolic processes occurring every second in the body - the breakdown of nutrients and the removal of their residues from the body through urine and feces.

Some substances have the ability to dissolve in a liquid and color it in different colors, coming out unchanged.

If they are water-soluble, they are excreted in urine, giving it different colors. If the substance is fat-soluble, it is excreted in the feces, coloring them in the corresponding color, including black feces.

Human stool (feces) is the end result of processing useful substances that enter the body with food. Its color, composition, consistency and smell - actual figures health status. Such signs were taken into account by the ancient Aesculapians.

Other names for the pathology are “melena” and “chernukha”

What symptoms of black stool should you be alert to?

Black feces in adults and children

Signs of black feces in an adult require special attention. This color of feces may be a consequence of the reaction of complex chromoprotein proteins and red blood cells with gastric juice (hydrochloric acid).

Therefore, the appearance of melena should be regarded as a distress signal for the body, indicating problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

It also smells like feces great importance, he can tell you a lot:

Putrid amber indicates problems in gastric digestion - abnormal breakdown of proteins (putrefactive dyspepsia) or chronic inflammation large intestine (ulcerative colitis). The rancid smell of oil indicates digestive problems - lack of bile in the intestines or pancreatic secretion. A pronounced sour smell of feces indicates the presence of one of the forms of dyspepsia.

Therefore, when melena appears, the reason for this transformation should be clarified. It is possible that they will be completely harmless, caused by the use of pigment-containing products or provoking medications.

In addition, the cause of black stool is often due to a variety of chronic pathologies, the symptoms of which are manifested by a change in the color of the feces.

The main factor in determining a particular cause is a person’s well-being.

If the presence of pathology does not cause concern and your health is normal, in most cases this is a reaction to food or taking provoking medications.

If darkening of feces is accompanied by:

stomach pain; heartburn and hyperthermia; signs of intoxication (vomiting or nausea); diarrhea or constipation (constipation); flatulence and anemia.

One can safely suspect ulcerative pathology of the initial part of the jejunum and stomach, the development of hepatitis or cirrhosis.

When is black stool caused by illness?

If melena appears suddenly, the cause should be sought in the gastrointestinal tract. In many diseases, black feces are the main symptom of the disease.

The reason for this coloration may be:

ulcerative intestinal pathologies; tumor processes in the stomach; varicose veins and inflammation of the lining of the esophagus; lymphoblastic leukemia in acute form; dystrophic-inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa; inflammatory lesion of the colon and small intestine; deep mycoses and helminthiases; black stool and pain in the epigastric zone indicate a gastric ulcer.

Internal bleeding contributes to the manifestation of the disease. Under the influence of the reaction of gastric secretions and hemoglobin, red cells are transformed into dark pigments - hematins.

The intensive transformation of feces into a shiny dark color is facilitated by the disintegration of malignant formations in the intestinal lumen, causing internal bleeding.

The effect of diet and medications on darkening of stools

Changes in the color of feces do not always indicate disease. When consuming foods high in iron, black stool is common and does not cause any health problems.

Such symptoms appear with excessive consumption of dishes made from beets or blood (blood sausages), red grapes and red wines.

Black spots in stool can appear due to partial digestion of various stone fruits (kiwi, raspberries, currants, etc.).

Some medications also cause stool coloration:

Iron-containing drugs prescribed for hematological syndrome (development of anemia); Vitamin complexes and bismuth containing medications. Enterosorbent drugs. Long-term use of salicylate-based painkillers. Long-term effects on the circulatory system cause the development of internal bleeding - possible reason black stool with blood. Taking antibiotics. When treating gastrointestinal pathologies, antibiotics can cause the formation of black-green stool. This is facilitated by a large accumulation of dead white blood cells in the foci of inflammation.

Black diarrhea (diarrhea)

black diarrhea photo

Such diarrhea can be triggered by a variety of reasons, both foods and medications. Only the liquid consistency of feces is due to the inability of the gastrointestinal tract to quickly remove harmful provoking substances from the body.

The appearance of liquid, blackened feces is a response of the body. Sometimes this helps sudden change usual diet or long-term poisoning of the body with fusel oils of low-quality alcoholic beverages. All this can be quickly fixed on your own at home.

But very often, suddenly blackened liquid feces can manifest as a clinical symptom of intracavitary bleeding due to:

ulcerative erosions and varicose veins blood vessels at the location of the pathology; intestinal diseases and tumor processes in it; pathologies of the biliary tract; polypous formations; damage to the polyp of the rectum or other parts of the intestine; viral and bacterial infections that change the color of feces to black-green feces.

The appearance of liquid black feces - sure sign exacerbations in the presence of diseases: ulcers, hepatitis, cancer or open internal bleeding after surgery of the stomach or intestines.

In this case, diarrhea is accompanied by:

scarlet or dark vomiting: pallor and dizziness; hypotension and development of anemia; intense paroxysmal pain in the abdomen; rotten belching - evidence of progression of the process.

If this condition continues for more than two days, you should not hesitate, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Black feces in pregnant women

The appearance of black stool in pregnant women is common. This is facilitated by the intake of various vitamin complexes enriched with iron, which are often prescribed to pregnant women to maintain the body.

In addition, women’s addiction during this period to vegetables, fruits and berries containing iron is known fact. There is no harm from this, your health does not worsen and there is no need to worry.

Women who have a history of diseases associated with chronic pathologies Gastrointestinal tract. Then, the coloring of feces in dark colors may be a consequence of inflammation of the gastric mucosa or its ulcerative lesions.

It is impossible not to notice this, since the state of health deteriorates sharply, vomiting and upset stool appear. It is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

Melena in children

Melena in children

Newborn children are exposed to true and false forms of the disease.

In the first case, black feces in a child appear due to hemostasis (poor blood clotting), accompanied by bleeding from the umbilical cord, subcutaneous hemorrhage, into the conjunctiva, etc.

In the second case, changes in feces are preceded by ingestion of blood during childbirth, sucking on cracked nipples, or damage to the mucous membrane of the nose or mouth.

In older children, a pathological change in stool to a dark color is the main symptom of bleeding of incomplete fusion of the Myckelian diverticulum. The release of blood can be massive, causing a sharp development of anemia.

Bleeding can be caused by:

the child has a diaphragmatic hernia; damage to the esophageal veins by varicose veins; infectious-allergic vascular pathologies; gastritis and intestinal and stomach ulcers.

The child must be urgently hospitalized. Until the cause of the bleeding is determined, he should not eat anything. Only short sips of cold water are allowed.

What to do if your stool becomes dark and when to see a doctor?

What you should not do is self-diagnose the disease and self-medicate.

If black feces do not affect your general well-being in any way, observe for a couple of days how the situation changes if provocative factors are excluded. Otherwise, you should seek qualified help.

Immediate consultation is necessary if there is a history of:

irreversible processes in the liver (cirrhosis); diffuse liver pathologies (hepatitis); iron deficiency anemia; ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract; malignant neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

If symptoms are accompanied by vomiting and hyperthermia, lethargy, weakness and indifference to food. Timely identification of the cause can protect against the development of oncological processes in the intestines.

Sometimes it happens that human feces are not painted in standard brown shades, but become deep black. Not many people may notice this change, but the most attentive ones notice it and begin to worry. We hasten to note that the concern is justified, since sometimes black stool indicates the presence of various pathological processes in the body. However, this is not at all necessary; sometimes drugs previously taken by a person can give such a non-standard color to feces. In this material, we will take a closer look at why black feces are formed in humans, and what color of feces is normal.

Many people, when asked by a doctor about the color of their stool, are often embarrassed and answer that they do not look at their own stool. Society has established its own rules, making everything that concerns human natural fluids and other masses indecent. However, experts do not ask the desired question out of idle curiosity. In fact, using the characteristics of feces, many different conclusions can be drawn about the state of the human gastrointestinal tract, as well as other organs of the body.

You should pay attention to the following parameters of bowel movements:

  • color;
  • shape;
  • consistency.

Normally, all these three parameters can be very diverse, because they are influenced by a great many different factors.

The standard shade of stool in an adult person can vary from a yellowish-brown hue to brown and almost brown. However, the color of feces is also directly dependent on the food eaten by a person in the several days preceding the moment of consideration of the masses.

In addition, it affects the color and functioning of the gallbladder. So, if for any reason the constant flow of bile in the body is disrupted, the stool will be several times lighter than usual.

As for the panic about the color black, it must be said that many people sometimes invent unnecessary problems for themselves. In fact, sometimes the stool turns a dark brown color, and this is completely normal, however, due to poor lighting in the bathroom or the patient’s particularly wild imagination, it may appear black.

If you are not sure whether the color of your stool is normal and you think it is black, use the following instructions to help you accurate verification. Let us warn you right away that there is little pleasant in it, but remember, feces are a natural element produced by the human body, and there is nothing disgusting in their study. Particularly sensitive citizens may want to wear a mask or fill their nostrils with cotton wool to block out the smell. However, it is better to carry out the examination with gloves, so as not to accidentally stain your hands and then surrounding household items.

So, let's look at the instructions.

Step No. 1 - prepare inventory

To examine your stool in detail to determine its exact shade, prepare the following items:

  • a sheet of white paper, best intended for printing, since notebook sheets or notebook pages most often do not match the shade;
  • the gloves you will wear for hygiene purposes;
  • a stick with a spade-shaped end or an unnecessary spatula;
  • If you wish, you can take an apron or other protective clothing to avoid getting dirty.

Step No. 2 - take out the feces

Of course, it is best to defecate into a jar for the sake of research, however, this is hardly possible, therefore, it is necessary to obtain a small amount of feces defecated into the toilet. No need to get it large pieces, for this study you will need really little material.

Step No. 3 - apply feces to paper

Next, you need to apply the collected feces to White list paper Using the spatula used to remove the feces, spread the mixture over the surface of the sheet, distributing it evenly. Now carefully examine the results obtained. On a white sheet, the color of the stool will be clearly visible.

Note! It is important to distribute the feces evenly over the sheet so that in some places it does not clump together and appear darker than it actually is. If you have taken an excess of biological material, it is better to throw away the excess in order to maintain the purity of the experiment.

Now you can tell if the stool looks black to you. Distributed over the paper, it will not lose its color if it really was originally charcoal. If you find that you initially correctly noted the color of the stool, proceed to reading the next section of the article.

Reasons why human stool turns black

The reasons for the change in the color of stool have different etiologies. If you discover such a deviation from the norm, you need to think carefully about each of them in order to exclude pathological processes. If no clue appears, you will have to undergo a medical examination.

Coloring products

First of all, try to remember what food you ate over the past three days. There is a specific list of foods that can cause stools to turn black. This process is completely natural, since the pigment was not formed as a reaction to some unfavorable process in the body, but was simply excreted with the remains of consumed products.

Such foods include:

  • prunes;
  • beet;
  • colored wine;
  • liver;
  • chokeberry;
  • blueberry;
  • black currant;
  • red grapes.

IN large quantities these herbal products food you eat can easily stain your stool. If you eat a small amount of beets, the stool is more likely to appear red or crimson, which also sometimes frightens people who think it is blood. However, when consumed in large quantities, the vegetable turns stool not into a pink, but a black mass.

The same goes for prunes. This one is very useful product not only cleanses the digestive tract, but also supplies the body with a large amount of useful vitamins. However, if you overeat it, you can get black stools.

Red grapes can also cause unexpected coloration of stool, which many people do not know. Therefore, if you have not eaten beets or prunes, try to remember if you have eaten large quantities red grapes.

Berries like chokeberries and blueberries, as their name suggests, can darken your stool while turning your mouth, tongue, and hands a wine color. There is nothing wrong with trying these plant-based delicacies in large quantities once. If their stool turns black, nothing bad will happen.

As for wine, dyes are added to some varieties to improve color, which, like all substances that are not absorbed by the body, are removed from the body through the intestines. In addition, some wines contain increased concentration stone component. As a result of drinking such a drink, blackening of the stool is almost guaranteed.

The presented list of products is far from complete, however, it is the items listed in it that are most likely to cause you anxiety by turning your stool black.

However, a similar effect can be observed from other elements of daily nutrition. modern man, for example, from sweets colored with black food pigment, coffee and other items.

If you did eat the foods mentioned earlier, and less than three days have passed since you ate them, you most likely have nothing to worry about. The action plan in this situation is as follows:

  • exclude the desired foods from your diet;
  • wait about 5 days, during which observe the color of the masses that come out during bowel movements.

If, after the specified period, the feces remain true to the acquired shade, you will need to look for another reason for the trouble.


The second reason for black stools may be the medications a person is taking.

First of all, we're talking about about drugs that relieve anemia - anemia, as a result of which the number of red blood cells in the blood is seriously reduced. To combat this pathology, a person must take medications containing iron, which the body can absorb. Most often, domestic doctors recommend such medicines, How:

  • "Sorbifer Durules";
  • "Ferrum-lek";
  • "Actiferrin";
  • "Maltofer"
  • other drugs with similar effects.

Why does stool turn black when taking iron? The thing is that when taken orally, iron in the body begins to undergo a series of biochemical transformations in order to ultimately be absorbed by the body. As a result of these transformations, it oxidizes and becomes the so-called hemin, a black substance. The desired iron compound ultimately settles inside the intestinal lumen, and when feces are formed, the substance is mixed with the stool during the act of defecation. This happens so actively that as a result, the entire stool is “saturated” with black color.

Not only do the drugs in question give the stool a black tint, they also affect the appearance of a specific odor from stool. However, there is nothing to be afraid of, since in this case all changes associated with feces are an absolutely normal physiological reaction of your body. Therefore, you should not stop taking medications or start taking additional medications due to blackening of the stool in this case. Once you stop taking iron, the stool will clear up and after a while will return to its normal color.

A similar effect on the color of stool can be caused by the usual Activated carbon, completely harmless to our body. Usually its use is associated with poisoning, however, many today use it to cleanse the body of toxins. According to the instructions for the drug, it is supposed to be consumed in the following proportion: one tablet is taken per ten kilograms of a person’s body weight. In other words, if your weight is approximately 60 kilograms, therefore, you need to take six tablets, if 65 - six and a half tablets.

It is not surprising that after consuming such an amount of coal, you will see black feces in the toilet. This is also completely natural and normal, because charcoal is eliminated from your body, at the same time taking with it toxins and other harmful substances, ending up in the feces.

Another category of medications that provokes the appearance of black stool are drugs that contain bismuth, a heavy metal, which is prescribed to people who have problems with the occurrence of various ulcers and erosions within the gastrointestinal tract. In an oxidizing environment, it forms a protective film on the damaged tissue, which helps in scarring ulcers, and at the same time protects the mucous membranes from aggressive fluids produced in the gastrointestinal tract.

Most often, patients who are indicated to use bismuth take the following medications:

  • "Bismofalk."

As a result of a series of biochemical transformations within the body, as in the case of iron-containing preparations, residual bismuth compounds are oxidized, acquiring a black tint. This mass is excreted in the same way, with feces, therefore, in this case there is no reason to panic.

If you suspect that there may be reasons unrelated to taking the listed medications due to which your stool has acquired a black tint, do not under any circumstances stop taking the medications yourself. Only a doctor who has been monitoring the progress of your illness from the very beginning can change the treatment regimen.

On one's own decisions made can have an extremely negative impact on your life, with consequences much more serious than black feces. For example, stopping taking medications containing bismuth leads to the fact that the ulcers begin to hurt and bleed again, but it will be quite difficult for the body to stop these consequences again.

Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract

The next category of reasons for stool turning black belongs to pathological processes. If you have not eaten foods that stain your stool, and do not take the medications listed above, then it is quite possible that bleeding has opened inside your gastrointestinal tract.

There is also a special name “melena”, which refers to black stool resulting from bleeding from:

  • stomach;
  • esophagus.

In the first case, it can be provoked by such pathological processes in the body as:

  • open, bleeding ulcer;
  • cancer processes inside the organ.

The esophagus can also bleed for a variety of reasons, for example:

  • blood may come from dilated varicose veins inside the esophagus;
  • due to a banal injury to this organ;
  • after the formation of a longitudinal rupture in the mucous membrane of the organ, which occurred as a result of the urge to vomit or in the process of regurgitation of stomach contents, the so-called “Malory-Weiss” syndrome.

Usually the occurrence of melena is accompanied by other symptoms, with the help of which it becomes possible definition whether your guess about the etiology of charcoal-colored stool is correct. These include such manifestations as:

  • painful sensations in the epigastric region, located directly under the xiphoid process;
  • constant weakness and apathy of the patient is also an important signal;
  • Melena is also accompanied by nausea, turning into vomiting.

The vomit coming out of the patient is also dark in color, more coffee than black, and often its consistency also corresponds to the thickness left after drinking coffee.

However, when the bleeding inside the stomach or intestines is small, its presence can be determined by the black tint of the stool that comes out.

Sometimes stool acquires the desired shade due to the use of medications, which in themselves do not color it in the color of interest to us, however, they influence the opening or intensification of bleeding in the elements of the system used to digest food.

Such drugs are called “antiplatelet agents.” They are designed to prevent the formation of blood clots, preventing blood clotting, as a result of which these deadly elements are formed. This group includes such well-known drugs as:

  • "Aspirin";
  • "Cardiomagnyl".


In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can have the same effect, for example:

  • "Ibuprofen";
  • other medicines with similar effects.

Most often, the listed medications provoke bleeding of ulcers formed on the walls:

  • inside the stomach;
  • or duodenum.

In case of possible occurrence thoughts that the stool has changed its color due to bleeding, you should immediately go to see your doctor. It is quite possible that the pathological process is progressing, and it will be possible to cope with it only in a situation where you managed to catch yourself in time.

Table 1. Causes of black stool

Eating large amounts of coloring foodsTaking specific medicationsCauses associated with gastrointestinal diseases
  • prunes;
  • beet;
  • colored wine;
  • blood sausage and other products containing blood;
  • liver;
  • chokeberry;
  • blueberry;
  • black currant;
  • red grapes.
  • Taking iron supplements:
  • "Sorbifer Durules";
  • "Ferrum-lek";
  • "Actiferrin";
  • and a similar effect of the drug.
  • Taking bismuth-containing medications:

  • "Bismofalk";
  • similar medications.
  • Taking adsorbent drugs:

  • "Activated carbon".
  • Bleeding in the esophagus:
  • longitudinal gap;
  • varicose veins;
  • injury.
  • Bleeding inside the stomach:

  • ulcer.
  • Bleeding in the intestines:

  • erosion;
  • ulcers;
  • other pathological processes.
  • Video - Black feces in an adult: causes

    How to determine the nature of dark colored stool

    To understand what reason caused the change in the color of the stool, you need to track some of the most important aspects of your own condition. This needs to be done calmly, preferably alone. Remember the most important thing: do not invent additional symptoms for yourself. If you find any manifestation from the list below, do not rush to panic, pull yourself together, analyze your own condition and go to the doctor.

    First of all, you need to track general state. If the cause of your charcoal-colored stool is bleeding inside the gastrointestinal tract, you will certainly experience symptoms associated with the loss of some amount of blood, such as:

    • weakness;
    • pale skin tone;
    • apathy;
    • drowsiness;
    • cool clammy sweat;
    • discomfort in the epigastric region.

    When the reason for the appearance of a black tint was the use of specific coloring nutrients or ingestion medical supplies, your overall health will remain at your usual level. If this is your case, try to study the composition and purpose of the medications you are taking. Having found iron, bismuth, and toxin-absorbing charcoal in them, calm down and stop panicking: the reasons for coloring the stool are absolutely natural, no harm is done to the body. As for food, if it is the cause of blackening of the stool, exclude the coloring elements from your menu and wait 4-5 days. Soon the normal color of the stool will be restored.

    Sometimes it happens that the reasons for the appearance of a coal-colored stool are mixed. For example, you experienced slight bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, and at the same time you took medications against duodenal ulcers. If the course of the drug has ended and the color of the stool has not changed, you will have to seek help from a doctor, as this means that you may need an additional stage of treatment.

    What symptoms are accompanied by black stools?

    Sometimes black feces are accompanied by some other manifestations and features, which people also often pay attention to and begin to panic.

    For example, many doctors receive the following complaint: “Doctor, I have black stool with large inclusions.” Subsequently, a medical interview reveals that the patient consumed large quantities of red grapes directly with the seeds, which, in fact, turned out to be the desired inclusions. Such lumps can occur without black feces, for example, after eating other berries with small seeds. The same can be said about grains, for example, flax, which many people eat raw with spoons for its benefits. However, they forget about important fact: If the beans are not ground, chewed or pre-soaked, our digestive system may not be able to digest them and they will be expelled through anus in an absolutely natural way, frightening people who discovered this impurity in their own feces.

    Bleeding that opens inside any component of the gastrointestinal tract is most often accompanied by the release of stool of a charcoal hue, but not of a dense, but of a liquid consistency. Gastric juice other digestive fluids secreted by our organs turn the red color of the blood entering the feces to black, contributing to the coloring of the feces in this unusual shade. If bleeding opens in the colon, the feces will not be black, but pink-red, jelly-like.

    Charcoal stools interspersed with bloody discharge can occur as a result of various pathological processes that occur inside the colon. If you see such a picture in the toilet, immediately seek qualified help from a doctor.

    After surgery, the stool may also acquire the shade of interest to us, however, this will still be a negative symptom. It usually appears after surgery on:

    • stomach;
    • esophagus;
    • upper intestines.

    Dark green stools are often accompanied by elevated body temperature. Both of these symptoms indicate the occurrence of various processes of infectious etiology inside the intestine, which must be treated in a hospital setting.

    Why does pregnant women's stool turn black?

    Very often, pregnant women notice an unusual color change in their stool and begin to panic. It should be noted that this panic is generally quite justified, since, despite the fact that an interesting position and subsequent childbirth have some effect on the motility of the intestinal system, however, they do not in any way affect the color of the stool.

    For pregnant women, all the same reasons are relevant as for other adults. However, most often fears turn out to be groundless, since modern women very often suffer from anemia, therefore, during pregnancy they constantly use iron supplements. Hence unusual color feces

    Black feces in children

    Babies may also pass black stools, potentially occurring within the first few days of birth.

    The fact is that after birth, the child defecates with the so-called meconium - a mass that has the most different colour: both yellow and green, and even so dark that it may seem black. However, by the third day of the baby's existence, masses of standard colors are observed after defecation. Depending on which nutrient element becomes the basis of the child’s diet, a specific shade is formed. Usually the range starts from a light yellow tint and ends with darkened green, mustard colors. The consistency is usually liquid.

    As children get a little older, their stool may become darker due to:

    • nutrition with mixtures;
    • eating cow's milk (not allowed immediately before reaching two years of age);
    • when using drugs with colibacterin.

    However, in these situations, the feces become not charcoal, but brown, and may only appear darker than they actually are.

    To determine the exact color of your baby's poop, you will have to do the test described earlier in this resource. To carry it out you need to prepare:

    • paper;
    • gloves;
    • stick;
    • protective clothing.

    Apply the mixture evenly onto the sheet and see what color it is. If you find black, consider whether your child exhibited the following symptoms:

    • anxiety;
    • poor appetite.

    If the answer is yes, you should immediately go to the hospital, because early age Children also experience various pathological processes within the gastrointestinal tract.

    Blood oozing from damaged gastrointestinal mucosa early stages may not lead to dangerous consequences However, as a result, this process provokes anemia and progresses.

    Let's sum it up

    Black feces have always scared people, since this shade is a deviation from the norm. This is true, however, the deviation is not always caused by any pathological processes. Perhaps you simply overate food that stains or are taking medications that stain your stool as prescribed by your doctor.

    You should go to the hospital immediately if there are no favorable reasons No changes in stool color were found. You should be especially careful if defecation with black substance is accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, weakness, dizziness or fever.

    If your relatives have a history of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, serious or not so serious, if this dangerous symptom is detected, it is better to immediately contact a specialist to find out the causes and determine future plan actions.

    In a healthy adult, the color of stool is brown, with variations in shades. The color is due to the presence of stercoblin pigment; depending on its concentration, the color can be darker or lighter.

    This indicator is greatly influenced by diet, as well as taking certain medications, especially those that contain iron. Unnatural greenish-black, red, gray and other shades are signs of the presence of ulcers, pancreatitis, hepatitis and other diseases.

    If you detect dark stool, you need to carefully analyze your diet over the past few days. Black stool resulting from the use of drugs and food products, does not cause any harm to health and purpose medical procedures does not require.

    Within a few days, the color of the stool should normalize, provided that provoking foods are excluded from the diet. In this article we will determine whether black feces are a sign of something dangerous in an adult or not.

    Why black stool occurs: dangerous reasons

    What does it mean? Black chair characteristic symptom bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract.

    Hemoglobin is exposed to acids and bacteria, which turns the stool black. If you have a diagnosed gastrointestinal disease or there are no other reasons for your stool turning black, call an ambulance immediately.

    What causes black stool in adults?

    In a healthy person, black stool may appear due to the fact that he has eaten large quantities of foods that contain a coloring fat-soluble substance. These include:

    • blood sausage;
    • liver;
    • Red beetroot;
    • meat products containing an admixture of animal blood;
    • tomatoes;
    • black currant;
    • prunes.

    In adults, this phenomenon can also be observed after consuming:

    • chokeberry;
    • blueberries;
    • red grapes;
    • grenade;
    • red wine with added dyes.

    Effect of medications

    You should not think that in this case the feces must contain blood: in the digestive tract, blood is processed by enzymes and bacteria along with food, coagulates and changes color from red to black.

    Typically, this cause of black stool is not accompanied by this symptom alone. ABOUT internal problems may also indicate one of the accompanying conditions of a person:

    • temperature;
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • pale skin;
    • cold profuse sweat;
    • enlarged and painful liver;
    • stomach pain.

    Also, internal bleeding may be indicated by the detection of occult blood during a stool test. If any of these symptoms occur in combination with the appearance of black stools, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Black stool during pregnancy, why?

    As for pregnant women, all multivitamin complexes for pregnant women contain iron, which colors the stool. This is considered normal and does not require additional measures.

    At the same time, doctors assure that this is how excess iron leaves the body, so you should not stop taking vitamins. The body simply absorbs the amount that mother and child need, and sends the excess to waste. In the following article you will learn why incontinence occurs. Therefore, if no other symptoms are observed, then there is no need to worry, and in order to calm yourself down, you just need to stop taking vitamins for a couple of days and make sure that your stool returns to normal.

    It’s another matter if black feces during pregnancy are not associated with vitamins. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor to get all the necessary tests.

    What to do with such a problem?

    Of course, before starting any therapeutic measures, you should find out why the stool turned black.

    If the dark color of the stool is associated with the nature of the diet or taking medications, then there is no need for therapeutic measures. Also, you should not stop treatment with medications and exclude coloring products, because a change in stool color in this situation does not lead to any negative influence on the body.

    Black stool itself is not dangerous. But it can signal serious problems in the body, even conditions that, in the absence of timely assistance lead to death.

    On the other hand, everything is often explained by the banal consumption of certain foods, which color the feces in an unusual color. In any case, you shouldn’t “disdain” studying the state of your own stool, and even more so you shouldn’t ignore its changes.

    Nature is wise - she has provided a whole system of signals and markers that should make a person think about whether everything is okay with him.

    What does black-green stool mean?

    Black-green feces always indicate trouble in the human body. Thus, liquid black-green stool (diarrhea) most often indicates an intestinal infection or other infection. Very often, dysentery begins with black-green diarrhea.

    Such black-green diarrhea at the very beginning of the development of the disease may not be combined with a rise in temperature, abdominal pain, nausea and other symptoms of infection. But gradually, the listed clinical symptoms of infection will join the liquid stool, colored black and green.

    Therefore, as soon as a person notices the discharge of black-green liquid stool, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help and not wait for the temperature to appear, since the condition will worsen in the future, and the infectious disease will still require treatment.

    What do black dots in stool mean?

    Black dots in stool look like inclusions, grains, thin threads, grains or grains of sand. All these options are usually called black dots. Such clear black inclusions in stool are almost always partially digested or completely undigested solid particles of food or medications.

    So, seeds of kiwi, raspberries, currants, pieces grape seeds, particles of seed husks, poppy seeds, etc.

    The most common cause of the appearance of black spots in the stool in children and adults is following products power supply:

    • persimmon;
    • banana;
    • apple;
    • kiwi.

    For example, when eating bananas, small black threads that look like worms may appear in the stool; this is especially common in children.

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