Home Flowers Is it always possible to get pregnant the first time? If you fail to get pregnant either the first or the second time, don’t despair. Let's look at the reasons. Incorrect calculation of auspicious day

Is it always possible to get pregnant the first time? If you fail to get pregnant either the first or the second time, don’t despair. Let's look at the reasons. Incorrect calculation of auspicious day

Reveal the secret of the name ERMINE(in Latin transliteration ERMIN) looking at the results of calculations in numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. You may not understand them, but you feel that you don’t know something about yourself and your loved ones.

The first letter E of the name ERMINE tells about the character

You know how to love passionately, wait a long time and learn news before anyone else. You are thorough, unfussy, and able to seize the moment. At the same time, he is a passionate person, although he knows how to wait. Reliable in family life and love to learn everything about everyone at least a day before others.

Characteristics of the name ERMIN

  • impressionability
  • peacefulness
  • subtle spirituality
  • thoughtfulness
  • shyness
  • pedantry
  • hard work
  • interest in health
  • sharp mind
  • creative ambitions
  • dogmaticity
  • constant pressure
  • self-confidence
  • curiosity
  • search for psychological balance
  • slyness
  • good speaking skills

ERMIN: number of interaction with the world “7”

People under the influence of a seven are less likely than others to be correctly understood by others. They are often considered arrogant snobs, not inclined to communicate and making little contact with anyone, but this is not at all the case; just in in this case behavior, especially among unfamiliar people, to a very small extent corresponds to the inner essence. So, the “seven-year-old” is not at all a gloomy beech who is just waiting for others to make mistakes or make themselves look funny; in fact, he is endowed with a love for the world and all its representatives, as well as the soul of a tireless seeker whose curiosity is boundless.

“Sevens” themselves choose with whom they communicate, and usually prefer loneliness to boring company and empty conversations, but they listen sensitively to the words of everyone in the hope of finding a reasonable grain in them. Prone to change and inconstancy, a person of seven understands better than others that you cannot step into the same river twice - but he believes that people change for the better, and is always ready to give the once guilty a second, or even a third chance. Self-development is an integral attribute of the life of “sevens”, and in order not to stand still, they need freedom and the absence of restrictions, including internal ones. That is why, growing up, the first thing they try is what for a long time prohibited by their parents, do not behave as they were taught, but, freed from guardianship, begin to form their own personality.

It is not difficult to win the favor of a “seven” person, since such a person is usually generous with emotions, but maintaining his affection for a long time is almost impossible. This is possible only for those who are ready to work on themselves, not to open up completely, to slip away and hide; the “Seven” will quickly get bored with someone who lacks unpredictability and mystery.

The personal life of people of seven is not easy. They experience a series of marriages, frivolous and serious relationships, and with them painful breakups, scandals, mutual claims. This is the price to pay for the right not to belong completely to anyone but yourself.

“Sevens” often strive for the unattainable and usually know this very well. In their struggle, even if doomed to failure, they gain invaluable experience they need to move forward. These people have a strong inclination towards philosophy and metaphysics; often it is knowledge of the occult sciences that helps them not to lose heart.

ERMINE: the number of spiritual aspirations is “5”

Those born under the influence of A would happily spend their entire lives traveling and searching for their dreams. Since childhood, they are extremely inquisitive, but they rarely succeed at school due to their restlessness. That is why these people prefer to learn from their own mistakes and choose practice rather than unfounded theory.

Even if an A student lives in a luxurious apartment, he is content with little, not devoting a lot of attention household amenities. His abode can hardly be called cozy, and if it turns out to be clean, it is definitely not thanks to the efforts of the owner.

IN at a young age people under the influence of the five strive to achieve the favor of others, while not forgetting about their own freedom. After 30, they avoid relationships because they quickly begin to get tired of them. Their marriage will be happy only if the partner comes to terms with the inconstancy of the A student and copes with all the problems that arise alone.

What you definitely shouldn’t do is try to re-educate a person with an A or burden him with any demands. Cupid relationships play huge role in his life. The duration of such connections, as a rule, is short-lived, but they are always filled with sincere emotions and experiences.

It is very important for those born under the influence of A to express their feelings, which is why to many their behavior seems too feigned. If in their youth these people are faced with misunderstanding, they withdraw into themselves, while continuing to hope for a meeting with sincere person who will not hide his feelings.

Despite the fact that people of the Five do not particularly delve into monetary issues and the nuances of even the most interesting matters, they manage to achieve success in their work, since they definitely cannot be denied the presence of reason. Full of self-confidence, A's enjoy speaking in public, so they often choose to pursue legal careers, public relations, or acting.

They have many acquaintances, and, being in a favorable mood, these people prove themselves to be wonderful interlocutors and business partners. However, if a five-year-old has encountered a dark streak in life, then, as a rule, he remains alone during this period, since few are able to endure his outbursts of anger in such a state.

ERMIN: number of true features "2"

People born under the influence of two are gladly accepted in any company. Moving towards their goal, they will definitely not go overboard, will not indulge in intrigue and will not break the rules. They are more interested in finding a compromise or giving in to their opponent rather than trying to impose their own point of view. People of 2 diligently carry out any task; no work is insignificant for them.

Losers are irreplaceable workers: they not only unquestioningly obey their superiors and avoid conflicts, but also strive to establish informal relationships in the team. These people are friendly and sociable, easily adapt to a new company and know how to carry on a conversation even with unsociable guests.

A person under the influence of a two has a strong charisma. He is confident in himself, uses his charm without embarrassment and can turn from a sweet dreamer into a cunning manipulator, although he quickly repents and loses interest in deception. A poor student feels most comfortable when demonstrating best features of your character: caring for friends and loved ones, helping those in need, showing yourself as a wonderful spouse and parent.

These people do not like to break the rules, since harshness and aggressiveness are completely unusual for them. However, they will not blindly obey either, since they always have their own point of view on current events, although they are in no hurry to share it with others.

Those born under the influence of two are not always able to cope with difficulties; they become nervous if they realize that the efforts made have been in vain. However, they prefer not to accumulate negativity in themselves, but to strive towards new dreams and goals.

Dreaming of universal well-being, people of two, as a rule, start with their own family. It cannot be said that everything comes easy to them, but these tireless workaholics know how to enjoy even the little things. Perfect family, Fixed salary, faithful friends- this is what brings real happiness to a loser.

What does the name Ermine mean?: name Ermine Armenian origin.

Synonyms for the name Ermine are the variants Ermen, Erminia, Germana, Germain, Irmi, and short form- Mina, Mimma, Mimmina, Erma. The name itself has several versions of its origin. According to one of them, translated from German language the meaning of the name Ermine can be interpreted as “courageous.” Another version says that the name Ermine has Latin roots, and it can be translated as “half-blooded”, “native”. Most often in the European part of Russia the variant Irmina (Ermina) is found. In addition, the name is often used in Spain, Portugal, and Italy as Erminia. Researchers believe that Ermina is female version male name Hermann.

Ermine Angel Day: Catholic name days celebrated on January 19, June 15, December 24

Zodiac named after Ermine: Aries, Scorpio

Characteristics of the name Ermine

Personality of the name Ermine: If we analyze the meaning of the name Ermine from a psychological point of view, it is worth noting that this is a very sensitive and emotional person. In the team, Ermine is appreciated for her charm and friendliness. She has the ability to adapt to behavior a certain person and win him over. Often the name Ermine tries to please everyone at once, which is not very correct, because at such moments she completely forgets about herself. You can talk to Ermine on almost any topic. She is liberal in relation to the opinion of her interlocutor and does not seek to argue with him. He usually does not participate in conflicts and tries to resolve any problem peacefully.

Sometimes Ermine can be indecisive. In her actions, she is often guided not so much by her feelings as by her mind. May be drawn to aesthetics, beauty, art. Comfort in life is very important to her.

Ermine and her personal life

Ermine's love and marriage: By creating a family, Ermine strives to achieve well-being and create a friendly and warm atmosphere in the house. It must be remembered that personal fortune Ermine's girl's name will always be reflected in her relationship with loved ones. She takes betrayal hard and often does not forgive deception, continuing to experience it in the depths of her soul for a long time. Sometimes prone to depressive states. It is important that Ermine never feels abandoned. She always needs to feel needed and loved. By the way, for this reason, Ermine gets married quite early and quickly gets divorced. Throughout his life he continues to search for his soul mate.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Concerning professional fulfillment, then it is extremely important for Ermine to realize her Creative skills, because it allows her to throw out her feelings outward, to realize energy potential. The name Ermine does not belong to the category of people who may not work and sit at home - for her it is important not to degrade and constantly develop.

Business and career: Ermine is an independent person, and in the decision-making process she prefers to be guided solely by her opinion. She can listen to a person if he is an authority for her, but still in most cases she prefers to learn from her mistakes.

Ermine's fate in history

  1. Erminia - the daughter of the Saracen king, who fell in love with a Christian knight, went in search of him, deciding that her lover was wounded, wearing the armor of a warrior maiden named Clorinda
  2. Hermine David - artist of the Parisian school of French origin, model and wife of Jules Pasquin
  3. Hermine Naghdalyan – public and political figure Armenian origin
  4. Armine (sometimes there is a variant of Armenui) Tutunjyan - People's Artist of the Armenian SSR, Armenian and Soviet Opera singer with a lyric soprano voice

Conceiving on the first try is a success that happens in 1 out of 4-5 couples; others have to repeat attempts. But there are cases when pregnancy cannot be postponed, since the chances of having sex again are minimal. It is important to know how to get pregnant quickly, the first time, when the preservation of the family depends on having a child together. In these cases, any methods are used - physiological, folk, astrological and magical. Not all are effective, but it is advisable to know firsthand and be able to use them.

Let's consider the physiological prerequisites for conception

The concept of “getting pregnant quickly” is quite relative. Not every couple achieves the desired result in the first six months after the wedding. In young girls, the egg is more viable, but the hormonal background is not always favorable for conception. Women over 30 are often fine with these components. After 40, reproductive functions fade away, men know this, so couples rush to have children while they can. But young women are often interested in what to do to get pregnant the first time.

Each girl or mature lady has her own circumstances:

  • a long break between the first and second marriage in the absence intimate relationships;
  • minimal repeat chances for entry into sexual intercourse;
  • couples work separately on shifts or on long business trips in different geographical locations;
  • guest marriage (spouses visit each other while living in different countries or remote regions);
  • difficulties in persuading your lover to marry or at least spending one night with him for the sake of a child from your beloved;
  • successful man can marry only a woman who is able to give him a son, etc.
Each option is a good reason to know how to get pregnant right away. Sometimes couples wish to give birth after a long period of hormonal contraception. Women's reproductive system while “resting.” It takes some time for the ovaries to produce full-fledged material again. allotted days(ovulation).

Is it possible to get pregnant after the first time and the role of a man in achieving the result?

If you are less likely to get pregnant the first time, married couple can contact family planning specialists. It is impossible not to take into account that the reality of getting pregnant is only during ovulation and with active sperm.
Advice: It is useful for a man to have his sperm examined if the couple does not become pregnant. It is important to refuse bad habits During preparation, eat protein and fortified foods.

If you manage to do this in the first 2-3 months, the result will be achieved, even if there was a minimal chance of getting pregnant after the first time.

Some statistics:

  • a woman’s reproductive cycle is 28-30 days, of which only 2-3 days are allocated for ovulation, after which the egg is destroyed;
  • seminal fluid, which gets into the internal female organs, remains viable for 2-5 days;
  • the seed remaining in the vagina dies much faster than the seed that penetrates the fallopian tubes - up to 2-3 hours;
  • for healthy couples, the chances of getting pregnant in 6 months are up to 60-70%, in the first year - up to 30-40%, if it doesn’t work out;
  • get pregnant on the first try (with all favorable factors) - no more than 10-15%.
Calculating the options, it turns out that conception is possible these days - the middle of the cycle from the beginning of menstruation. If sexual intercourse took place before ovulation, surviving sperm may reach their goal. Accordingly, if you fail to get pregnant the first time before the days of ovulation, the chances double the next time you try, but after ovulation the probability is up to 10%. This is possible with delayed (late) ovulation and very active “zhizhikami”.
Attention: Older men retain reproductive abilities, unlike women. But lifestyle, alcohol, smoking and unhealthy diet reduce the quality of sperm and genetic material.

Hypothetically, it can also be assumed that cellular level“mistakes” are possible. When a sperm meets an egg, the membrane must be permeable. Perhaps the seed, weakened by the long journey, cannot penetrate. This is why you can’t get pregnant the first time if there are no other reasons.

Some couples contact laboratories for artificial insemination and resort to services surrogacy. You have to borrow donor sperm if the man's seed is not viable, and there is no point in postponing the birth of a child.

For men, this is a difficult step purely psychologically. If there are problems with this, it is better to make such a proposal on behalf of a specialist, and not say it “head-on” to your wife or relatives. Initially, both partners will have to undergo a course of treatment.

Hormonal levels and the likelihood of pregnancy the first time

Oral contraceptives control the ratio of female hormones so that there are no natural prerequisites for conception. Upon completion of the appointment birth control pills the likelihood of pregnancy the first time increases, but the body needs a period to recover.

If execution marital debt happens from time to time, it is better to prepare a “surprise” in advance, canceling all methods of protection at least a month in advance. This is the period necessary for recovery.

Psychological restructuring about the importance of conception and birth of a baby is also important. The subconscious mind continues to carry out the “command” to cancel fertilization for some time. Sometimes women ask questions on forums like “after my first child I can’t get pregnant, what’s wrong?” Most likely, the body has not yet “tuned” to the birth of a second child.

A woman’s age directly affects her hormonal levels:

  • after discontinuation of oral contraceptives up to 23 years of age, reproductive function is restored within 1-2 months;
  • after 30 years, hormonal levels can return to normal within 4-8 months;
  • in women over 35 years of age, conception occurs after 1-2 years;
  • over 40 years of age, hormonal correction is required, which is prescribed by a doctor;
  • in premenopausal age, after long-term contraception, it is almost impossible to restore hormonal levels and ovarian function;
  • At an older age, pregnancy sometimes occurs if a woman was considered infertile and did not use contraception.
Correction hormonal levels used for different purposes, but if you didn’t get pregnant the first time, these points should be discussed with your doctor.

Ways to increase your chances if you don't get pregnant the first time

  1. Folk remedies. Rarely used in countries with developed and advanced medicine, their effectiveness has been proven by statistics of “unexplained” or “pseudo-scientific” methods of treating infertility. Among many peoples, the most popular was the use of herbs, fruits and roots. Sections of the Bible mention that barren women of the Mediterranean sought to buy mandrake roots at any price. Their use before performing marital duty led to conception. In our latitudes, other plants are used to stimulate ovulation and normalize hormonal levels. These are wintergreen, sage, boron uterus and rhodiola, tinctures of which are taken in a course according to the scheme.
  2. Before sexual intercourse " knowledgeable people“It is recommended to improve the environment in the vagina with a soda solution. This reduces the “acidification” of the bacterial environment and shifts the balance to the alkaline side. There are no statistics on the effectiveness of soda douching for conception, but it helps get rid of fungal diseases and viruses that indirectly prevent this. Sometimes this advice is given to the question “what should I do to get pregnant the first time?”
  3. The lunar calendar is the oldest way to calculate ovulation days. But the connection to lunar phases It makes sense that the first day of your period (where the name comes from) coincides with the new moon. This was probably the case during ancient civilizations; then the relationship between man and nature was disrupted. But when calculating the days of conception according to lunar calendar remains the middle between the first days bloody discharge- previous and subsequent.
  4. The influence of planets is also used for successful conception. Adherents of some cults do not recommend entering into marital relations during the day and on the night of Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. In the Islamic tradition, Friday night is considered blessed, regardless of ovulation. Astrologers consider the most “fertile” signs to be Libra, Leo, Virgo, Cancer, Gemini and Taurus. And the influence of the Sun, Mars and Saturn are considered unfavorable for fertilization.
  5. Physiological features Some peoples led to the extinction of entire civilizations, while others reached billions in number. It is not known for sure whether they know how to stimulate the birth rate, but each people had their own abortive methods. In some places, fruit and cereal crops grow, which increase the birth rate. It has been observed that one can become pregnant after the first time during the legume harvest, after eating bamboo and fern shoots. Today it is impossible to say for sure what these varieties were; there are poisonous seeds, cereals and legumes.
  6. Delaying the moment of conception may be associated with female or male pathologies. For example, there is obstruction fallopian tubes, adhesions, uterine bending, chronic inflammatory and tumor processes. In men, low sperm motility or the environment inside the female body is detrimental to them. Position during intercourse also matters. Some women were advised to roll over onto their stomachs after ejaculation; others were able to get pregnant only on their backs, while raising their hips high (the “birch tree” position). A banal change of positions during sex, as well as not rushing to wash yourself after intercourse, is how to get pregnant for sure.
It’s also worth getting thoroughly examined if you didn’t get pregnant the first time. There are specialists who deal with this issue closely, they have everything calculated possible options. Don't shy away from awkward questions or offers to get tested for ovulation. The psychological attitude is important, not just physiology.

While for some - horrible dream, for others it is a long-awaited miracle.

Many young parents, when trying to have a child, are faced with the fact that not everything works out the first time. Sometimes it is not possible to have a child for months, which negatively affects the relationship of lovers.

We will figure out how to conceive a child correctly the first time, and also discuss the factors that influence this process.

Myth or reality?

We will start by discussing the possibility of the first attempt.

Many girls, not to mention guys, are firmly convinced that all the time before and after menstruation predisposes to menstruation, but this is not at all the case.

Let's delve a little deeper into the theory to understand why it is quite difficult to get pregnant the first time.

The fact is that there are 2 main factors which determine whether you get pregnant or not:

  • sperm viability;
  • ovulation period.
Ovulation- this is the release of the egg into the fallopian tube, where it will be available to sperm. The ovulation process occurs once a month, sometimes more often. It would seem that only once a month you can get pregnant with the maximum probability, how does it happen that unprotected in many cases leads to fertilization?

It's all about sperm vitality- this is the second factor on which successful fertilization also depends. Sperm remain viable for about a week, after which they are killed by the acidic environment of the vagina. Accordingly, if 6 days before ovulation, sperm enter the fallopian tube, then, when the egg is released, they will still be alive and will be able to carry out fertilization. Also, the high probability of fertilization remains for about 2 days after ovulation.

However, we cannot put an end to this, since our body often lacks specifics, as is the case with pregnancy. For many girls, the egg can be renewed up to 2 times per menstrual cycle Therefore, 2 times during the ovulation process it will exit into the fallopian tube.

Why can't you get pregnant the first time if you choose the right time?

This is because even the most accurate calculations will not be able to give you 100% results, since there is great amount factors that, although slightly, influence the process of fertilization, however, in each special case shape their outcome.

It turns out that if you managed to get pregnant the first time, it means you were lucky, everything coincided as it should. If it didn’t work out the first time, well, you should choose the best one. the right time and try again.

Continuing the topic of how to get pregnant quickly the first time, let's talk about some tips that will have a beneficial effect on side factors and increase the chance of fertilization.

Let's forget about bad habits

Anything would be an excellent way to get rid of everyday problems. It doesn’t matter at all whether you go to the village for a few days, or to, the main thing is that you feel freedom from the pressing problems that daily torment your nervous system.

Think about whether you will have time after the baby is born. After all, this is not only a problem, but also a responsibility. It is extremely important for future parents to take a short break from the routine to enjoy the slow pace of life, enjoy the serenity, and see something new.

It may seem that this is by no means the most important factor which influences, however, think about the fact that in our lives many actions are influenced precisely by, and it will be better if you get a supply of positive impressions from before conceiving a child.

What a man should know

The stronger sex should also thoroughly approach the pregnancy process and follow a small set of rules that will help increase the chance of successful fertilization.

  1. At least a month before the expected conception, you need to stop drinking alcohol and give up.
  2. Reduce to a minimum, as it reduces sperm motility.
  3. Refuse to visit the sauna, bathhouse and steam room. We need to ensure that the genitals do not become overcooled or overheated.
  4. We remove skinny jeans and adjacent underwear so as not to put pressure on the groin area.
  5. A few days and better a week, refrain from It is worth understanding that the examination is carried out as expectant mother, and the future dad, because if a man is infertile, then there is no point in stimulation.

    Drug treatment is carried out with the appointment of an exact list medicines and the corresponding instructions for use. At the same time, tests and various examinations are systematically carried out.

    We will not describe the list of medications, since taking them without precise instructions can lead to serious consequences.

    The success of stimulation depends not only on the doctor and, but also on the age, health status of the future parents and the cause of infertility.

    Oral contraceptives

    Oral contraceptives are used not only to prevent pregnancy, but also to create optimal conditions. The fact is that while taking these drugs, ovulation does not occur, the egg remains in the ovaries, and the organ itself is at rest.

    Once you stop taking birth control (the end of a full or partial course), your chance of getting pregnant increases to almost 100%.

    Important! After stopping the use, about 1-3 months should pass, depending on the duration of taking contraceptives.

    This happens for the reason that in the process of taking oral contraceptives, the release of hormones is inhibited, and the receptors become more sensitive to these same hormones. After discontinuation of use, a natural release of hormones begins, to which receptors react more strongly, which helps stimulate ovulation.
    However, it is worth remembering that taking birth control will not help in every case, since this drug does not treat infertility, but only enhances ovulation during the withdrawal period. Consider the fact that the effect lasts for a short period of time, after which everything returns to normal.


    An alternative to drug stimulation is stimulation folk remedies. For this purpose it is used. To obtain an infusion, take 1 tbsp per 300 ml of water. l. sage, brew and take 3 times a day. Reception is carried out in the first 2 weeks after menstruation.

    Can be taken (a resin-like substance, also called “mountain oil”) paired with and quince juice in a ratio of 1 to 20.

    Now you know what to do in order to get pregnant. We strongly do not recommend using medications if you are unable to become pregnant in short time. Give your body a little time and you will easily get the expected effect. Try to get away from it more often life problems, maintain and comply with a number of rules described in this article.

Didn't get pregnant the first time? In this case, there is no need to panic. Let's understand what infertility means.

This is the absence of pregnancy with regular sexual intercourse for at least a year. Until this period expires there is no cause for concern. Of course, the possibility of conception the first time cannot be ruled out, but much more often in a healthy woman pregnancy occurs after some time. However, the answer to this question can be found. Let's start with ovulation.

Pregnancy does not occur on any day of the month, but only when the egg reaches the surface of the ovary - this is ovulation.

Readiness for fertilization lasts no more than 48 hours. For those who are interested in the question of how to get pregnant the first time, it is important to learn how to determine this day. It's simple: 14 days before menstruation is considered the date of ovulation, that is, if a woman has a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days, but the 14th day of the cycle occurs, the beginning of ovulation.

What should I do if I can’t get pregnant?

The maturation of the egg occurs in the middle of the cycle. Thus, with a 28-day cycle, the release of the egg should be expected on the 14th day. However, under the influence various factors this deadline may change, so favorable moment 13-17 days are considered to be the time for conception. But wise nature came to the rescue in this case: male sperm able to live in a woman’s body for 3 days.

Therefore, sexual intercourse that took place 3 days before the onset of ovulation can also result in conception. In about one menstrual cycle, you have a couple of days to conceive the first time.

For girls who are looking for an answer to the question: “why can’t I get pregnant,” there is another hint: objective sensations- they are the ones who will tell you the most prosperous time for conception.

Often, during a period favorable for fertilization, a feeling of heaviness appears in the lower abdomen or in the projection of one of the ovaries, Colorless and odorless discharge is possible, sexual desire increases. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and cervical mucus from the uterus in the form clear discharge indicates that ovulation has begun and the woman has a chance of becoming pregnant.

Moreover, the time of ovulation can be determined by measuring every morning basal temperature in the rectum. In the first half of the cycle it does not exceed 37°C, a few hours before ovulation it decreases slightly, and then increases again. If the temperature has increased by 1 degree, you can safely engage in intimacy. From this time on, the woman has about 24-48 hours to conceive. There are also special tests to determine the appropriate time for fertilization. They are sold in any pharmacy and perfectly determine the absence or presence of ovulation.

Sometimes women drink herbal teas to stimulate ovulation.

For example, a decoction of sage can help sperm reach their goal. Many people will find it incredible that you can get pregnant using oral contraceptives. It is a fact. The fact is that these drugs help stimulate ovulation. The ovaries rest after use contraception, and after that they begin to function intensively. This method reproductive specialists often recommend it to their patients.

Reasons if I can’t get pregnant

We have already found out that in most cases, a single sexual act does not lead to conception. This requires regular sexual intercourse, with the desirable use of an ovulation calendar. The reasons why you cannot get pregnant are very diverse, and without the help of a doctor it is impossible to determine the obstacle to motherhood.

All large quantity women wonder: “Why can’t I get pregnant?” Let us leave aside the situation when there are physiological obstacles to conception: diseases of the genital area, complications after abortion or gynecological manipulations, hormonal imbalance. In this case, treatment taking into account individual characteristics is indicated.

However, sometimes a healthy woman also experiences difficulty conceiving. Unfortunately, there are many negative factors, which can influence the possibility of fertilization. Smoking, alcohol or caffeine abuse, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity And overweight- the negative effect of these factors on female fertility has already been proven today.

On reproductive function Stress has a negative impact.

Therefore, it is very important to maintain a normal psycho-emotional state when planning pregnancy and fighting infertility. It is also important to use appropriate positions for conception. For example, the likelihood of pregnancy will increase sharply if during sexual intercourse a woman lies on her stomach with her pelvis raised. After the process, it is advisable to get up only after 15-20 minutes.

One should not rule out incompatibility between sexual partners - female body is capable of destroying sperm, mistaking them for foreign bodies. Therefore, when asked “I can’t get pregnant for six months or a year,” a woman can be advised to contact a fertility clinic. In addition, one should not exclude male infertility. Unfortunately, for centuries there was an opinion that only women could be childless. But today's statistics are inexorable: men are to blame for 30% of infertility.

But this can only be determined by undergoing a simple examination. Men take a spermogram, which allows you to determine the quantity and quality of sperm. In addition, men, like women, go through ultrasonography and undergo a number of other tests.

Therefore, there is no need to make guesses and assumptions. Specialists at the AltraVita reproductive clinic will prescribe the necessary tests. If any abnormalities are diagnosed, treatment will be prescribed. Quality equipment and doctors highest category- thanks to these factors, today the reproductologists of the AltraVita clinic are able to find a way out even in the most difficult situations.

Our patients after determination exact reason infertility patients underwent a highly effective course of treatment, after which they managed to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby.

Make an appointment now

What should I do if I can’t get pregnant for a year?

One of the most frequently asked questions, which women ask their gynecologist: “Why can’t I get pregnant? " The reasons for this may be different: endocrine disorders, immunological infertility, obstruction of the fallopian tubes are just a few of them.

If pregnancy does not occur within a year, and after 35 years - within 6 months, there may be something wrong in your body. You need to be examined to find out the causes of infertility. Next, the spouse who has been diagnosed with infertility is prescribed treatment. It is selected by the doctor based on the reasons causing the fertility disorder. These reasons are clarified during the examination.

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time after receiving treatment? At first, it’s unlikely, but in most patients, after receiving treatment at the AltraVita clinic, pregnancy sooner or later occurs if the couple follows all the doctor’s recommendations.

What should you do to get pregnant the first time for sure?

Unfortunately, no one can give you such guarantees. Even if you and your husband are absolutely healthy, it is not a fact that pregnancy will occur in the first month after you stop using contraception.

If you were examined at a reproductive center and found out that one of the couple suffers from infertility, you need to look for the cause of this phenomenon. It is eliminated, if possible, with the help of doctors, and after that pregnancy occurs. If not, they do IVF. This is an assisted reproductive technology that allows you to achieve conception when fertilization is not possible naturally.

The chances of getting pregnant the first time are about 40%, but this statistic is only an average. It differs in different groups patients. Sometimes successful fertilization occurs after the first cycle.

Often women write on forums: “I really want to get pregnant the first time!” – but, unfortunately, the desired does not always coincide with the actual. To significantly increase your chances of conceiving the first time, you can use ICSI. This procedure will be especially effective if there are fertility problems on the man’s side.

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In conclusion helpful advice. If you've tried everything possible ways How to get pregnant quickly the first time, but you didn’t succeed, it’s better to “forget” for a while about the passionate desire to conceive a child. It often happens that everything we dreamed about happens a little later than we would like and after we have forgotten a little about our goal.

According to studies, as a result of a stressful situation, a woman may experience a decrease in fertility. Vacations, doing what you love and meeting with interesting people- perhaps after this you will be able to see the two cherished stripes on the test. Don’t look for ways to get pregnant the first time, if you are mentally ready to conceive and give birth to a baby, just contact specialists who will help you overcome infertility as quickly as possible.

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