Home Indoor flowers Where Luzhkov and his family now live. The daughter of Luzhkov and Baturina about her parents: I have not seen people with such an age difference who would understand each other so perfectly. Where did she meet?

Where Luzhkov and his family now live. The daughter of Luzhkov and Baturina about her parents: I have not seen people with such an age difference who would understand each other so perfectly. Where did she meet?

Where does ex-Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov spend his days and nights now? Some say: lives in London. Yuri Mikhailovich himself was categorical in a recent conversation with our correspondent. But we found a place where the now disgraced politician is “licking his wounds.”

Maloyaroslavsky district, Kaluga region. It's a 2-hour drive from Moscow, if there are no traffic jams. You can be stuck with traffic jams all day. Since it’s impossible to get by without traffic jams when leaving and entering Moscow these days, and Yuri Mikhailovich no longer has the “boss flashing light,” it takes a long time to get there. But he loves these places.

Luzhkov's dacha is located in the village of Obukhovo. Maybe the unpresentable name caused problems at work? There is a saying: “It’s like a blow to the head.” It was precisely in this way that the former mayor of the capital at one time lost his warm chair.

In retirement, lonely elderly people usually babysit cats and dogs, relieve stress, and make up for the lack of communication. Yuri Mikhailovich, they say in Obukhovo, communicates with his bees, here he has a huge apiary.

It was the bees that at one time became one of the reasons for the resignation of the boss in the cap. Exactly two years ago, when Moscow was experiencing terrible heat and smog from peat fires, a sum of money from the city budget was allocated to save bees, many times more than to help people. The information was leaked to the press. And Dmitry Medvedev, who was then president, was very angry with Luzhkov: how can you think about insects in such a time? hard time?! After a while, the situation came back to haunt the mayor...

After losing his position, Yuri Mikhailovich’s income decreased noticeably. For example, previously there were funds to protect a country estate, but now there is no extra money. Currently, the former mayor’s “country residence” does not have any security guards on staff. There is nothing to pay salaries.

But the beekeepers remained on the estate - working, caring for the bees. They sell honey. Employees are paid from the sale of sweet products.

“But now there is no honey, come during the season - in September,” one of the farm workers, Sergei, told me.

He showed Luzhkov’s house in the village. This is such a modest little house, not a castle or a mansion. It's even awkward that big man lives in such conditions.

“Yuri Mikhailovich comes here often,” said Sergei. “When the newspapers wrote that he and his family fled to England, he was here. And the investigators came here to see him, he gave evidence (the couple was suspected of embezzlement of budget funds. - Author). Sometimes he visits with his wife, sometimes without her. There were many jokes that he even wore a cap to the bathhouse. I didn’t see him in the bathhouse, but in his garden he really doesn’t take off his hat.

Even Luzhkov’s former subordinates in Moscow noted that the head of the family communicates with his wife Elena Baturina mainly on business. But for some reason there is no such thing to have intimate conversations. Although pensioners - and 76-year-old Yuri Mikhailovich is no exception - love to talk.

In Obukhovo, according to neighbors, the ex-mayor’s day begins with a tour of a large farm - beehives. He wishes good morning to your winged pets. This is both funny and touching to watch.

The estate of Yuri Mikhailovich, measuring 2 hectares, is clean and tidy. As it once was in its capital. But the fields around are overgrown with thorns. Perhaps the former mayor would be happy to clean up the area, but again, money is needed. Where do the extra ones come from?

There is one more misfortune good man: businessmen with a strange sense of humor. A few kilometers from Luzhkov’s estate, someone built a hotel, calling it “New Luzhki”. As if in mockery of a man who still did something good for Russia.

And in the village there are stories, which have already become local folklore, that “Luzhkov bees” sting more painfully than any others. Moscow summer residents are especially disliked. Maybe they are taking revenge for the fact that their owner was not treated very nicely in the capital?

Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich was born on September 21, 1936 in Moscow, USSR. Russian state and political figure. Mayor of the Russian capital, Moscow (from 1992 to 2010). Co-Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Party " United Russia", member State Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

Family, childhood and youth

Father - Luzhkov Mikhail Andreevich, a carpenter by profession, but having moved to Moscow from the Tverskaya village, he began working at an oil depot.

Mother - Luzhkova Anna Petrovna, worked as a laborer at a factory.

Brother - Luzhkov Sergei Mikhailovich (born 1938).

The Luzhkovs lived in Moscow near the Avtozavodskaya metro station. Yuri was the average three sons Mikhail Andreevich and Anna Petrovna.

Yuri Luzhkov graduated from Moscow in 1953 high school No. 1259 (then No. 529).

Then he studied at the Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas and chemical industry named after Gubkin. Since the family did not live well, he began to earn extra money while still a student: he was a janitor, unloaded cars at the Paveletsky station, and went to collective farms to harvest hay. At the institute, he was actively involved in Komsomol work and organized public events.

In 1954, he worked in the first student detachment that developed virgin lands in Kazakhstan, and received the medal “For the development of virgin lands.” Luzhkov recalls that he often gave this medal to his friends who wanted to show off their award to a girl or impress the teacher taking the exam.

Working career

Yuri Luzhkov was assigned to the Research Institute of Plastics (1958-1963), and then became the head of a department at the USSR Ministry of Chemical Industry (1964-1974).

In 1968 he joined the CPSU and remained a member until 1991.

Yuri Luzhkov worked as director of the experimental design bureau of automation of the USSR Ministry of Chemical Industry (1974 - 1980), was general director of the NPO Neftekhim-Avtomatika (1980 - 1986), head of the department for science and technology, member of the board of the USSR Ministry of Chemical Industry (1986 - 1987).

Mikhail Luzhkov has three higher education, including military, his specialty is a chemical design engineer.

Work in the mayor's office

In 1975, Yuri Luzhkov was elected people's deputy Babushkinsky District Council of Moscow, then - deputy of the Moscow City Council (1977-1990). He became the first deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Moscow City Council and at the same time the chairman of the Moscow city agro-industrial committee (1987 - 1990).

Soon Luzhkov was elected chairman of the Moscow City Executive Committee (1990-1991). In June 1991, the then mayor of the capital, Gavriil Popov, and Luzhkov ran for the positions of mayor and vice-mayor. Luzhkov was elected vice-mayor (1991-1992), became prime minister of the Moscow city government formed on the basis of the Moscow City Executive Committee (1991).

In August 1991, Luzhkov became the center of practical actions for the defense of the White House, bringing together all the resources of Moscow transport organizations, banking and informal structures.

Soon Yuri Luzhkov was appointed one of the deputy chairmen of the committee on operational management national economy USSR (1991).

On March 10, 1992, he appealed to the Supreme Soviet of Russia with an appeal to impose a ban on the so-called “Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR,” organized by deputies who did not recognize the collapse of the USSR, and the “National Assembly,” assembled on the initiative of “Labor Russia.”

Yuri Luzhkov - Mayor of Moscow

In June 1992, by decree of Russian President Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin, Luzhkov was appointed mayor of Moscow.

During the phased constitutional reform legislative branch formed the City Duma instead of the Moscow City Council. Luzhkov himself called the new government of Moscow “a government of economic reforms.”

One of Luzhkov's first legislative acts was a decree banning the sale of domestic alcoholic beverages in commercial tents and private stores (1992).

In September 1993, he unconditionally supported President Boris Yeltsin's decree on the dissolution of parliament. As a measure of pressure on deputies who did not want to leave The White house, ordered the lights to be turned off in the White House and hot water, and throughout the surrounding area there are telephones.

After the seizure of the city hall building by parliament supporters and an attempt to siege the Ostankino television company, on the night of October 3-4, 1993, he went on television calling on Muscovites and guests of the capital to stay at home and not go out onto the city streets.

Since 1993, Luzhkov has actively advocated the establishment in Moscow mandatory registration visitors.

His program for the demolition of dilapidated housing ("Khrushchev's" five-story buildings) and the construction of a new one, as well as the construction of the third transport ring of the capital, the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a shopping complex on Manezhnaya Square, the demolition of a number of hotels, including the Moscow Hotel and the Voentorg building, the construction business center of Moscow City - all this brought Luzhkov the fame of the “chief foreman” of the capital.

Political activity

Yuri Luzhkov has repeatedly expressed his support for the policies of President Yeltsin and the government in Chechnya.

In April 1995, at the request of Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, he took part in the creation of the Our Home is Russia (NDR) movement, delegating Moscow Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Resin to the NDR organizing committee, but he did not join the ranks of the NDR. During the 1995 parliamentary elections, he supported the NDR list.

In accordance with his position, Luzhkov was a member of the Federation Council (1996-2000), and also became a member of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and Judicial and Legal Issues.

In 1996, he took an active part in the campaign for the re-election of Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin as president for a second term.

In June 1996, he was elected mayor of Moscow, receiving 88.49% of the vote, and formed a new city government, in which he retained the post of chairman. His powers as a member of the Federation Council were also confirmed.

In December 1996, the Federation Council, on the initiative of Luzhkov, recognized Sevastopol as part of the territory Russian Federation and qualified the actions of the Ukrainian leadership to “reject” this part as contrary to international law.

In December 1997, he held the next elections to the Moscow City Duma, ensuring a complete victory for the unofficial “city hall list” (28 out of 35). Vladimir Platonov became the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma.

In May 1998, he was approved as a representative of the Russian Federation in the House of Representatives of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe.

In 1998, Yuri Luzhkov created the socio-political organization Fatherland. He also announced his intention to run for president. Soon the Fatherland united with the All Russia bloc (1999). New block OVR headed by Evgeny Primakov at parliamentary elections 1999 took third place. Subsequently, OVR merged with the pro-Putin Unity bloc in new organization- "United Russia".

In December 1999, Yuri Luzhkov again won the elections for the mayor of Moscow, gaining 69.89% of the votes, and was elected deputy State Duma on the OVR list, which received 13.33% (2nd place), but refused the mandate. His powers as a member of the Federation Council were confirmed.

On presidential elections In 2000, Fatherland officially supported the candidacy of Vladimir Putin.

On April 12, 2001, Yuri Luzhkov and Sergei Shoigu at a joint press conference announced the intention of the Fatherland movement and the Unity party to create “a single political structure and a single political party.” Soon Shoigu made an amendment that this would be a coalition.

In the summer of 2001, at the founding congress, Yuri Luzhkov became co-chairman of Sergei Shoigu of the all-Russian union of the Unity Party and the Fatherland Movement, and in the winter of 2001, at the founding congress of the party, he was elected co-chairman of the Supreme Council of the party (together with Sergei Shoigu and Mintimer Shaimiev).

In September 2002, Luzhkov came up with the idea of ​​returning the monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky to Lubyanka Square in Moscow, but this initiative did not receive support from the authorities.

In December 2003, Yuri Luzhkov proposed returning to the forgotten idea of ​​Soviet land reclamation experts: to direct 6-7% of the waters of the Siberian Ob River through a special canal from Khanty-Mansiysk to Kazakhstan and the republics of Central Asia.

In September 2003, the Moscow city regional branch of the United Russia party invited Yuri Luzhkov to head the party's regional list in the State Duma elections.

On December 7, 2003, he again won the elections for the mayor of Moscow, gaining 74.82% of the vote. Refused the mandate of a State Duma deputy.

In July 2006, at a meeting of the capital’s government, on the initiative of the mayor, a program was adopted to increase international authority and form positive image Moscow for 2007-2009.

In October 2007, Luzhkov headed the regional list of candidates for deputies from United Russia in Moscow in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation. Refused the mandate of a State Duma deputy.

In May 2008, Luzhkov was declared persona non grata in Ukraine for saying that Sevastopol should be handed over to Russia.


Yuri Luzhkov was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, "For Services to the Fatherland" I, II and III degree, "For Military Merit", the Order named after Akhmad Kadyrov (from the Chechen Republic) and the Order of Honor; medals “Defender of Free Russia”, “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth”, “In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”, “In Memory of the 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg”; Certificate of honor Government of the Russian Federation and three letters of gratitude from the President of Russia. Luzhkov is a laureate of the USSR State Prize. Holder of the titles "Honorary Chemist of the USSR" and "Honored Chemist of the RSFSR".


Luzhkov is a member of the board of trustees of the State Tretyakov Gallery, chairman of the board of trustees of the TV channel "Ren-TV-7", chairman of the board of the international foundation "Promotion of Entrepreneurship", honorary foreman of the "Executive Club "Moscow". Luzhkov is an honorary professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University, the Academy of Labor and social relations, a number of domestic and foreign universities, academician of a number of Russian academies.

The mayor of the capital has more than 50 patents for inventions. For example, he came up with a “half-open baked pie” (No. 44880), which is characterized by “being made in the form of a small elongated volume with a convex upper surface and slightly open ends where the filling is visible,” but also has an innovation - “a flat base in the shape of a quadrangle with convex long sides turning into the lateral planes of the surface, as well as the presence in the central part of the upper surface of an oval hole in which the filling is visible." He also developed new types of hives, improving their design. Luzhkov also received patents for “Kulebyak” (No. 44881), “Open Pie” (No. 45672), “Rasstegai” (No. 44879), “Method for producing a drink from curd whey “Alena” (No. 2082298), “Method for producing sbitnya” ( No. 2158753), "Method for the production of fruit drink" (No. 2161424), "Method for the production of kvass or fermented drinks from grain raw materials" (No. 2081622). Luzhkov also patented the "Consortium of microorganisms propionibacterium shermanii, streptococcus thermophilus, acetobacter aceti", used for the preparation of fermented milk products and production method fermented milk product"(No. 2138551), declared along with it by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Dairy Industry. (REGNUM 09/23/2003)

Yuri Luzhkov is a co-author of a group of engineers from the State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal, who created an installation for water ozonation. In 2003, at the annual special exhibition "Eureka" in Brussels, the mayor of Moscow received the highest award of the Belgian Chamber of Invention.

Yuri Luzhkov is the author of more than 200 published works and books. In addition to works devoted to the problems of socio-economic development of Russia, collections of his stories and essays have been published. The most famous books that have received public outcry are memoirs about the August 1991 events “72 Hours of Agony” (1991), “We Are Your Children, Moscow” (1996), “Russian Parkinson’s Laws” (1999), “The Mayor and About the Mayor” in collaboration with M. Shcherbachenko (2003), "The Secret of Gostiny Dvor. About the city, about the world, about yourself: Articles and essays" (2006).

Personal life

The first wife is Luzhkova Alevtina. They got married as students, but quickly divorced. The marriage was childless.

Second wife - Marina Bashilova. From his first marriage, Luzhkov has sons Mikhail (born 1959) and Alexander (born 1973). Marina Bashilova died in 1989.

Third wife - Elena Baturina, director and co-owner of a large construction company"Inteko". They have two daughters: Elena (born 1992) and Olga (born 1994).


Yuri Luzhkov's sports hobbies include tennis and football, as well as equestrianism. In winter he prefers downhill skiing.

Yuri Luzhkov is a beekeeper, fisherman and hunter.

Yuri Luzhkov sometimes writes poetry, but reads them only for friends or at artistic skits.

About the emergency hospitalization of the former mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, but then his official representative denied this information. After this, Interfax, citing an unnamed source, reported that Luzhkov was still hospitalized, doctors brought him out of his condition clinical death.

Luzhkov was urgently hospitalized on Friday in one of the Moscow clinics, doctors resuscitated him and are now fighting for his life, an informed source in the capital’s medical circles told Interfax.

“Yuri Mikhailovich was indeed hospitalized on Friday in one of the Moscow clinics. He was placed in intensive care,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

“Yuri Luzhkov was brought out of a state of clinical death, and now doctors are fighting for his life,” the source emphasized.


According to Life, Luzhkov fell into a frill in the fundamental library of Moscow State University. The portal also published a video from the hospital, where supposedly the former mayor lies on a stretcher. Life claims that Luzhkov for a long time took a potent medicinal product, after which he had a seizure.

December 23, 16:12 An Interfax source in medical circles: “There is no danger to the life of Yuri Luzhkov now, his health condition is improving. An ambulance was sent to Luzhkov on an emergency call. The ex-mayor was hospitalized in one of the capital’s clinics. Doctors suspected clinical death. However, with efforts "He was brought out of this state by Moscow resuscitators and is now feeling better."

December 23, 16:34 Rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy: “We had a meeting today, we talked with him about his work in the field of agricultural science, he is involved in crops, soils, harvests. At this time he felt unwell - he had a cold after the flight. Now he is in the hospital" .

December 23, 17:09 Luzhkov's representative Gennady Terebkov: "It is absolutely unreliable that Luzhkov had a clinical death."

December 23, 17:59 Luzhkov said that he had inflammation of his right lung due to viral infection and that he would be discharged in a day or two.

“All this talk about clinical death is complete nonsense and untrue,” Luzhkov told RIA Novosti.

He explained that doctors diagnosed him with a slight inflammation of his right lung due to a viral infection.

“I was given a full examination, the diagnosis and treatment are clear. In a day or two, I hope to leave the hospital and attend the concert of my friend Mikhail Turetsky,” added the 80-year-old ex-mayor of the capital.

RIA News"

December 24, 13:46“There is a positive trend in Luzhkov’s condition, he is already feeling well. Today we plan to transfer him from intensive care to a regular ward,” a medical source told Interfax.

December 27, 11:07 Former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov has been discharged from the hospital, Luzhkov's press service told TASS. “I can confirm that Luzhkov is feeling well and has left the hospital. He will spend the New Year holidays with his family and friends,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich is a prominent political figure of the Russian Federation, who ruled Moscow for 18 years, a doctor of chemical sciences, a writer, and more recently a farmer.

Yuri Mikhailovich was born in Moscow (date of birth - September 21, 1936), but early childhood, as well as seven school years he spent in Konotop - in his grandmother’s house.

By the time he was born, the situation in the family was disastrous. Trying to survive, the parents were forced to work a lot: the father worked at the capital's oil depot, the mother got a job as a laborer at a factory. Therefore, it was decided to entrust the child to his grandmother. paternal line.

In 1953, Yuri Luzhkov, a graduate of the seven-year secondary school, returned to his parents in Moscow, where he completed his studies at school No. 529 (current school No. 1259) and entered the Institute. Gubkina. Studying was not easy, especially since at the same time I had to earn a living. During the institute, the future doctor of chemical sciences managed to work as a janitor and loader at a railway station.

At the same time, his outstanding organizational skills were revealed - the student was responsible for organizing social events, continuous Komsomol work. At the initial stage of his working life, through the Komsomol line, Luzhkov ends up in Kazakhstan - he works as part of a student detachment, mastering virgin lands.

Career and politics

Immediately after receiving his diploma, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov becomes a junior research fellow Research Institute of Plastics, where he is promoted to group leader and deputy head of the laboratory. Further career developed on an increasing basis.

In 1964, Luzhkov took up the position of head of the department for improving management of the State Committee for Chemistry, and seven years later he became head of the automated control system of the Ministry of Chemistry. industry of the USSR, and then director of the Khimavtomatika division of OKBA. Soon followed by a promotion to the position of director of NPO Khimavtomatika.

Since the mid-80s, Luzhkov was again transferred to serve in the Ministry, this time to leadership position to the Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. A year later, Yuri Mikhailovich gets a job in the Moscow City Executive Committee, where he first becomes deputy head and then receives the position of acting chairman. In 1991, Luzhkov became prime minister of the Moscow government, essentially performing the function of mayor.

In addition to work, all these years Yuri Mikhailovich pays attention to social activities. In 1968 he joined the ranks of the CPSU, in 1975 he became a deputy of the Babushkinsky district, and from 1987 to 1990 he served as a deputy. Supreme Council.

The ex-mayor of Moscow still pays attention political events in Russia and the world, he expresses his thoughts on Twitter. Quotes from the former mayor of the capital are popular on the social network, but Luzhkov does not have an official website.


  • Luzhkov's activities in many positions were awarded honorary awards:
  • medal “Defender of Freedom of Russia” for protecting the White House;
  • Order of Honor for the restoration of architectural monuments of the capital;
  • Order "For Military Merit" - for work for the benefit of Russia's defense capability;
  • Order named after – for invaluable services to the Chechen Republic;
  • Its archives contain many departmental and public awards, as well as foreign insignia: from Armenia and Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia, Germany and Lebanon.

Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov (born September 21, 1936, Moscow, USSR) - Russian politician, second mayor of Moscow (1992-2010), co-chairman of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party (2001-2010), dean of the Faculty of Management major cities International University in Moscow.

Born on September 21, 1936 in Moscow in the family of a carpenter. My paternal ancestors lived in the now defunct village of Luzhkovo in Tver province; father Mikhail Andreevich was born in the village of Molodoy Tud (now Oleninsky Tverskoy district region); in 1928 he moved to Moscow and got a job at an oil depot. Mother Anna Petrovna is a native of the village (currently the village) of Kalegino.

In 1953 he graduated from school. Three last year(grades 8-10) Yuri Luzhkov studied at school No. 1259 (then No. 529). In 1954, he worked in the first student team that explored virgin lands in Kazakhstan (together with Alexander Vladislavlev). Graduated from the Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry named after. Gubkina.

From 1958 to 1963, he worked at the Research Institute of Plastics as a junior researcher, group leader, and deputy head of the technological process automation laboratory.

From 1964 to 1971 - head of the control automation department State Committee in chemistry, joined the CPSU in 1968, remained a member until 1991, from 1971 to 1974 - head of department automated systems control (ACS). From 1974 to 1980 - Director of the Experimental Design Bureau for Automation under the Ministry of Chemical Industry.

In 1980, he was appointed general director of the research and production association Neftekhimavtomatika, and in 1986, head of the department for science and technology of the Ministry of Chemical Industry.

Member of the CPSU from 1968 until its ban in August 1991. In 1975, he was elected as a people's deputy of the Babushkinsky District Council of Moscow, and from 1977 to 1991 - a deputy of the Moscow City Council. He was a deputy of the Supreme Council (SC) of the RSFSR of the 11th convocation (1987-1990).

In 1987, on the initiative of the new first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU, Boris Yeltsin, who was selecting fresh personnel, he was appointed first deputy chairman of the Moscow City Executive Committee. At the same time, Luzhkov became chairman of the Moscow City Agro-Industrial Committee and headed city ​​commission on cooperative and individual labor activities.

The secretary of this commission was Elena Baturina. As the head of Mosagroprom, he came into conflict with Literaturnaya Gazeta over the publication of an article about the unsuitable quality of sausage produced at the Moscow meat-packing plant.

He filed a lawsuit against Litgazeta, banned the access of journalists and trade inspectors to all enterprises producing food products, but after publication in the newspaper it statement of claim and letters from readers in support of the author of the article, the lawsuit was withdrawn.

In April 1990, before the first session of the newly elected democratic Moscow Council, he became acting chairman of the Moscow City Executive Committee as a result of the resignation of the last communist chairman of the executive committee, Valery Saikin.

The new chairman of the Moscow City Council, Gavriil Popov, on the recommendation of B. Yeltsin, nominated Yu. Luzhkov to the post of chairman of the Moscow City Executive Committee.

In the summer-autumn of 1990, Yu. Luzhkov tried to actively implement the resolution of the Moscow Council signed by G. Popov on the introduction of trade in goods using passports with Moscow registration and “ business cards buyer”, which caused retaliatory measures from the regions neighboring Moscow, which stopped supplying food to Moscow.

In July 1991, Luzhkov was proposed for the post of vice-mayor of Moscow and chairman of the Moscow government by the chairman of the Moscow Council, Gavriil Popov, as an experienced business executive and was approved by a vote of deputies.

In 1992, Moscow Mayor G. Kh. Popov unexpectedly resigned. On June 6, 1992, by Decree of the President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Luzhkov was appointed mayor of Moscow and was subsequently re-elected to this post four times (1996, 1999, 2003, 2007) (receiving 88.5%, 69.9%, 74.8%, respectively) votes and 32 out of 35 votes of Moscow City Duma deputies; V.P. Shantsev was elected vice-mayor together with Luzhkov the first two times, the post ceased to be elective).

From 1992 to 1996, Luzhkov served as mayor of Moscow without elective powers, on the basis of a decree.

In October 1993, during the dispersal of the Supreme Council, he sided with the president. By his order, the White House building, along with nearby residential buildings, was cut off from all communications.

In December 1994, Luzhkov established the first commercial television company in Russia, Teleexpo.
In the 1999 elections, together with Primakov, he headed the Fatherland party, which criticized Yeltsin’s policies and advocated his early resignation.

Member of the Federation Council (1996-2002). He held the position of member of the Federation Council in accordance with the procedure in force at that time as the head of a subject of the federation.

Yu. Luzhkov - member of the State Council under the President of the Russian Federation, representative of the Russian Federation in the Chamber of Regions of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, former member Federation Council Committee on Budget, Tax Policy, Currency Regulation, Banking.

Since the end of 1998, Yu. Luzhkov has been the leader of the All-Russian political public organization"Fatherland", now co-chairman Supreme Council All-Russian political party"United Russia".

During Luzhkov's tenure as mayor, Moscow grew significantly as an important economic center. Thus, the total retail area of ​​the city increased from 2.3 million square meters. m in 1997 to 3.06 million sq. m. by January 1, 2001. The number of hotel-type organizations has increased by almost a quarter.

The industrial production index, as a percentage of the previous year, was 77% in 1992, 99% in 1997, 102% in 1998, 114% in 1999. Industrial production in 2007 alone in Moscow it grew by 11.5%.

The retail market has grown significantly. IN this moment active support for small businesses is provided: for example, rent for premises for small businesses should now not exceed 1000 rubles per sq. m. meter.

In this period appearance Moscow has undergone significant changes: many new buildings have been built, highways and transport interchanges. The Third Transport Ring has appeared, the purpose of which is to relieve congestion on the capital’s roads and reduce the number of traffic jams.

Due to the constant increase in the number of cars on the roads, the problem of traffic jams in the capital remains one of the most important in the life of the city. Has been significantly expanded Moscow Metro. Under Luzhkov, monorail transport and light metro were put into operation for the first time in Russia. The construction market has risen quite strongly.

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior was completely restored. To the 50th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War a memorial complex and Victory Park were founded on Poklonnaya Hill. The Bolshoi Theater is currently undergoing active restoration.

  • The opposition often accuses the mayor of his control over the Moscow courts and corruption. At the same time, critics regularly refer to the fortune of his wife, Elena Baturina, which, according to Forbes, is 4.2 billion US dollars, and her sister’s husband, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, the main shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sistema JSFC, whose net worth is Forbes estimates it to be worth US$10 billion. Thus, in September 2009, a brochure (positioned as an independent expert report) by Boris Nemtsov “Luzhkov. Results."
  • Luzhkov, as mayor, is often criticized for densely building Moscow with an excessive number of offices and housing, disturbing the historically established urban landscape and littering the city with sculptures that are, in the opinion of some, “dubious.” artistic value"(see Zurab Tsereteli, Mikhail Shemyakin).
  • Under Luzhkov, at the suggestion of animal rights activists, the capture and euthanization of stray dogs was banned in Moscow, which led to such problems as frequent attacks by feral packs of dogs on people; the outcomes of some of them were fatal.
  • In 2009, Luzhkov was criticized for introducing a new program to redistribute rainfall in Moscow and the Moscow Region in order to reduce the cost of cleaning Moscow streets. Environmentalists and the leadership of the Moscow region fear that such an act could harm environment capitals and regions.
Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov became famous for his inventive activities in the early 2000s. He has more than a hundred inventions to his credit, including such as a method for producing hydrogen and thermal energy and a rotary engine internal combustion, two options for the Vorobyovy Gory sports and recreation complex and a method for photoinactivation of the bird flu virus.

Here is an incomplete list of inventions of Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov:
1. Device for extracting gel-like concentrate when processing hydrocarbon oils
2. Plant for desalination of salt water and method of desalination of salt water using the plant
3. Installation for water ozonation and method of water ozonation
4. Means and method for protecting non-metallic materials from biodestruction
5. Method of photodisinfection of water
6. Method for producing aluminum chloride
7. Method for producing filter material and filter fibrous material
8. Method for producing 5-aminolevulinic (5-amino-4-oxopentanoic) acid hydrochloride
9. Method of analysis of multicomponent gas mixtures
10. Sorption gamma resonance detector
11. Multifunctional polynomial gas filter
12. Quaternized phthalocyanines and method of photodisinfection of water
13. Catalyst for purifying air from carbon monoxide
14. Baker's yeast cultivation plant
15. Method for producing sbiten
16. Method for producing a drink from curd whey “Alena”
17. Method of production of fruit drink
18. Method for producing honey drink
19. Method for producing kvass or fermented drinks from grain raw materials
20. Method for obtaining a biologically active food product from yeast processing
21. A consortium of microorganisms propionibacterium shermanii, streptococcus thermophilus, acetobacter aceti, used for the preparation of fermented milk products, and a method for producing fermented milk products.
Luzhkov has a large number of awards

Russian awards:
* Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree (September 21, 2006) - for outstanding contribution to the strengthening Russian statehood and socio-economic development of the city
* Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (November 14, 1995) - for services to the state, great personal contribution to the implementation of reforms aimed at restructuring the city’s economy, successful reconstruction of the historical center of the capital, revival of churches, construction memorial complex Victories on Poklonnaya Hill
* Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree
* Order of Military Merit (October 1, 2003) - for great personal contribution to increasing the combat readiness of troops and ensuring the defense capability of the Russian Federation
* Order of Honor (August 19, 2000) - for his great contribution to the preservation and restoration of cultural and architectural monuments of the city of Moscow
* Medal “Defender of Free Russia” (November 9, 1993) - for fulfilling civic duty in defending democracy and constitutional order August 19-21, 1991
* Medal “In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”
* Medal “In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg”

Soviet awards:
* The order of Lenin
* Order of the Red Banner of Labor
* Medal “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth”

Awards of Russian regions:
* Order named after Akhmat Kadyrov (2006, Chechen Republic)
* Medal “For Services to the Chechen Republic” (2005)
* Order of the Republic (2001, Tuva) - for many years of fruitful cooperation and great personal contribution to the socio-economic development of the republic
* Medal “60 Years of Education” Kaliningrad region"(2006)

Foreign awards:
* Order of St. Mesrop Mashtots (Armenia)
* Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus, February 16, 2005) - for great personal contribution to strengthening economic, scientific, technical and cultural ties between the Republic of Belarus and the city of Moscow of the Russian Federation
* Order of Francis Skaryna (Belarus)
* Francis Skaryna Medal (Belarus, September 19, 1996) - for significant contribution to strengthening friendly relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation
* Anniversary medal “Tynga 50 zhyl” (“50 years of virgin soil”) (Kazakhstan)
* Medal “Astana” (Kazakhstan)
* Order "Danaker" (Kyrgyzstan, February 27, 2006) - for significant contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation, development of trade and economic relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation
* Order of Yaroslav the Wise, V degree (Ukraine, January 23, 2004) - for significant personal contribution to the development of cooperation between Ukraine and the Russian Federation
* Order of the Polar Star (Mongolia)
* Order of the Lebanese Cedar
* Bavarian Order of Merit (Germany)

Awards religious organizations:
* Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, 1st degree (November 1993) - for participation in the restoration of the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon Mother of God on the Red Square
* Order of the Saint St. Sergius Radonezh I degree (ROC)
* Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, 1st degree (ROC)
* Order of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Demetrius Donskoy, 1st degree (ROC)
* Order of St. Innocent Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, 1st degree (ROC, 2009)
* Order of St. Andrei Rublev, 1st degree (ROC, 2009)
* Order of St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow, II degree (ROC)
* Order of St. Sava, 1st degree (Serbian Orthodox Church)
* Order of Al-Fakhr (Order of Honor) (Council of Muftis of Russia)

Departmental awards:
* Medal of Anatoly Koni (Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation)
* Golden medal Ministries Agriculture Russia "For contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia"
* Medal “Participant in emergency humanitarian operations” (EMERCOM of Russia)
* Olympic Order (IOC, 1998)
* Medal “100 years of trade unions” (FNPR)

Public awards:
* International Leonardo Prize 1996
* Badge of honor (order) “Sporting Glory of Russia”, 1st degree (editorial office of the newspaper “ TVNZ"and the board of the Russian Olympic Committee, November 2002) - for organizing the mass construction of sports facilities in Moscow

Awards and honorary titles
* Three thanks from the President of Russia
* Laureate of the USSR State Prize
* Laureate of the State Prize of Russia
* Laureate of the State Prize for Peace and Progress of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
* Laureate of the Prize of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
* "Honored Chemist of the Russian Federation"
* “Honored Builder of the Russian Federation”
* "Honored Worker" railway transport»
* Honorary Citizen of Yerevan (2002)

* He married his first wife, Marina Bashilova, in 1958. They had two sons - Mikhail and Alexander. Marina died in 1989. In 1991, Yuri Luzhkov married for the second time, to Elena Baturina. In his second marriage, two daughters were born - Elena (1992) and Olga (1994).
* Luzhkov’s wife, Elena Baturina, is currently a billionaire entrepreneur, owner of the Inteko company, which carries out numerous construction and production contracts in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation.

Characteristic features of Yuri Luzhkov’s image:
* permanent headdress - cap;
* hobbies: beekeeping, tennis, horse riding. A few years ago, a statue of the mayor-tennis player was erected in one of the Moscow parks. Luzhkov likes to give honey from his apiaries as a gift on any special occasion.

Luzhkov is a Doctor of Chemical Sciences. Luzhkov is an honorary professor at Moscow State University, the Academy of Labor and Social Relations, a number of domestic and foreign universities, and an academician of a number of Russian academies.

* October 19, 1996 in the Moscow newspaper “ A New Look“The first assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, the head of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation, Alexander Korzhakov, published a sensational statement, from which it followed that Boris Berezovsky persuaded him to kill Luzhkov, as well as Vladimir Gusinsky, Joseph Kobzon and Sergei Lisovsky. Western media reacted to the sensational statements of the Russian newsmaker.
* On New Year's party « Russian newspaper“On December 24, 2007, an auction took place, during which Yuri Luzhkov’s silver cap was sold for one million dollars. The cap was purchased by the first deputy general director company "DSK-1" Andrey Pankovsky.
* On May 12, 2008, Yuri Luzhkov was declared “persona non grata” on the territory of Ukraine for anti-Ukrainian statements.
* In June 2008, the issue of declaring him “persona non grata” on the territory of Georgia for anti-Georgian statements was considered.
* In May 2009, the Security Service of Ukraine declared Luzhkov “persona non grata” due to his statements at the 225th anniversary of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, which were regarded by the Ukrainian authorities as provocative.
* Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov lives in the Moscow region (in the Molodenovo residence on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, 20 km from the Moscow Ring Road).
* In 2006, Luzhkov demanded that artists provide information about the performance of songs accompanied by a soundtrack.
* Since 2003, Luzhkov and his wife Elena Baturina regularly visit the UPDC golf club of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Nakhabino near Moscow

On September 28, 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree “On the early termination of the powers of the mayor of Moscow,” according to which Luzhkov was relieved of the post of mayor of Moscow “due to the loss of confidence of the President of the Russian Federation.”

On October 1, 2010, Luzhkov was appointed dean of the faculty of management of large cities at the International University in Moscow. The appointment order was signed by the president of the university, former mayor Moscow by Gavriil Popov. The Faculty of Management of Large Cities was created in 2002 on the initiative of Yu. M. Luzhkov, in that year Luzhkov became the scientific director of this faculty and an honorary professor of the university.

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