Home Indoor flowers Roadside business where to start. Your own business: how to open a roadside fast food cafe

Roadside business where to start. Your own business: how to open a roadside fast food cafe

For people who are in constant movement and who have to travel between cities becomes real problem search suitable place, where you can have a tasty and relatively inexpensive snack.

Is it profitable to open roadside cafe on the highway and what affects the profitability of such a business? Read more about this.

The first steps on the path to success are registration and obtaining permits

First you need to notify the Federal Tax Service where to register as a individual entrepreneur. To do this, you need to fill out an application form, bring your passport with you and pay the state fee. Most important point– selection of the optimal OKVED code.

The idea of ​​how to open a roadside cafe falls under several articles of the 56.10 classifier, namely 56.10.1 and 56.10.21. The next step is choosing a taxation system, which will also have an impact on business development.

A simplified or UNS option is suitable, then the entrepreneur will not have to suffer with the preparation and submission of tax reports. You need to give 6% of the total income received to the state.

After all the manipulations, after some time the entrepreneur receives his OGRN number and a certificate proving this fact, which gives him the right to move on to implementing his idea and building a business. Here is a list of others necessary documents:

  1. Premises rental agreement.
  2. A document confirming the fact that the cash register has been registered.
  3. Evacuation plan.
  4. Agreements for disinfection, removal of biological and solid waste from activities.

You can save time and nerves by contacting a specialized organization, whose employees will help you collect a package of documents for a fee.

How much does it take to open a cafe and when will the expenses pay off?

It all depends on the region where the entrepreneur plans to work. An establishment near a small town requires only 500 thousand investments, while organizing a cafe on a busy highway near a city with a million population will require an investment of 1-2 million rubles.

Approximately average monthly expenses will be at the level of 350 thousand rubles, including the purchase of products.

Here is a list of approximate expenses that must be included in a roadside cafe business plan:

  • Purchase of equipment and repairs from 400 thousand rubles.
  • Obtaining various types of permits and approvals from 50 thousand rubles. About the same amount is needed for advertising the establishment.
  • Staff salaries from 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of products for an average menu of 15-20 different dishes from 15 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses – 70 thousand rubles.

Let's assume that the establishment will have 50 seats. About 150 people will visit the cafe per day with an average bill of 100-150 rubles. Such an establishment will bring the owner only 25 thousand rubles every day, the average monthly revenue reaches 675 thousand rubles.

The amount of profit will also depend on the location of the cafe on the highway and the presence of competitors in the immediate vicinity. So it will pay off in 12 months and in the second year it will begin to bring profit to the owner.

Selection of the optimal location for a cafe and requirements for the establishment

The choice of location has key value. Ideal for car gas stations, nearby locations settlements and close to various picturesque places such as the banks of a river or lake.

Premises that may be suitable for conversion into a cafe are usually not located in at its best, so it’s better to look for ready-made recreation complexes on which to place a cafe. The rental will be a little more expensive, but guests will definitely not drive by without noticing the sign, and they won’t have to spend money on repairs.

To open a roadside cafe from scratch successfully, pay attention to the following aspects regarding the premises:

  1. The area is at least 100 square meters, the average number of seats is 50-70.
  2. There should be a large and convenient parking area nearby, including for trucks and heavy vehicles.
  3. It is better to decorate the room in subdued colors so that it does not look boring and primitive. Establishments in the style of Soviet catering have not attracted guests for a long time.
  4. All communications must be connected to the room - starting from hot and cold water, ending with properly performed ventilation.

We select equipment based on the specifics of the menu

For a business at a roadside cafe, you can’t do without the following equipment:

  1. Grill and stove.
  2. Cooking cabinets.
  3. Several sinks, each of which will be used for certain products - fish, vegetables and meat.
  4. A couple of freezers and large refrigerators.
  5. Cutting tables.
  6. Food processors, mixers.
  7. Coffee makers.
  8. Crockery for guests, cutlery, etc. kitchen utensils type of cutting boards.

We select personnel

In the service sector, the human factor is of key importance, so hire cafe staff yourself, after first making sure of their professionalism. This will minimize possible unpleasant situations and the risk of emergency situations at work. A small establishment requires the following staff:

  • 2 administrators. Salary from 40 thousand rubles.
  • 2-4 auxiliary workers for shift work. Level wages from 15 thousand.
  • 2 bartenders from 18 thousand rubles.
  • 2 chefs who are paid from 40 thousand.
  • 4 waiters, rate for each from 17 thousand plus tips.

The rate can be either fixed or paid as a percentage of daily or monthly revenue. Of course, the “scope” of the establishment matters. At first, you can get by with one cook with an average wages from 30 thousand, but then hiring 2 more assistants will not be amiss.

In this case, specialized education is not as important as experience in the industry. Also, sellers must be extremely polite and stress-resistant.

The success of the restaurant business largely depends on the proper location and arrangement of the facility. And if city establishments are built according to a similar scheme, then a roadside cafe has a lot of features. Not taking them into account means forgetting about the payback of the project. So what steps will lead to a successful startup?

We make out necessary documentation. We open an LLC, obtain a license to trade tobacco and alcohol, and obtain the approval of firefighters and the sanitary and epidemiological station. We are choosing a place for a cafe. The ideal option is just outside the city on the intercity highway. This way we will attract not only passers-by, but also local residents

At the initial stage, it is worth taking care of the required communications (electricity, water and sewerage). Separately, take into account the need for a large parking lot, because some of our future guests are truck drivers. Passing tourists will appreciate any attraction located in close proximity to the establishment. Visitors with children will celebrate children's Corner or platform.

There is no need to involve designers for the interior design of the cafe. Drivers need basic needs; sophisticated decor will be superfluous here. The interior looks great in a rustic or national spirit. The main thing is to create a coziness, a warm atmosphere so that people can really relax.

We are hiring staff. If the cost of finishing the room is not important for the guest, then service plays one of the most important roles. Waitresses should be friendly, neat, and sociable. A chef, although not the most virtuoso, still needs to be hired. After all, passersby can buy semi-finished products and fast food at any kiosk, and we must offer them higher quality and more varied food.

Taking into account the above point, we are creating a menu. Guests will be pleased to taste homemade dishes, which are so missed on a long journey. First courses, simple second courses, a variety of meats and fish, and aromatic pastries are required. Take care of the grill, at least the barbecue will be a huge success. In addition, takeaway offerings will be well received by diners. To do this, you should stock up on appropriate containers. They are also happy to take with them mineral water, snacks, chocolates. The decisive factor in a roadside cafe is the fast delivery of the order. Many don't have physical ability expect within half an hour, so we focus on dishes that do not require long cooking.

As in the entire service industry, you cannot do without advertising. Place an attractive billboard at a distance of a kilometer from the cafe, and a bright sign at the establishment itself. Here on the facade you can hang information about some dishes and prices, and the price tags are highlighted in bold, paying attention to the establishment’s democratic pricing policy. As a promotion, offer cooperation to passenger transportation companies: the route makes a stop near a certain cafe, the driver receives lunch at the expense of the establishment, and passengers receive free tea. And many people will want to buy tasty additions to their tea, so here’s an increase in sales. And don’t forget about word of mouth, which will praise your cafe better than any advertising if customers leave happy.

With a successful set of circumstances, a small roadside cafe can pay for itself in 2-4 years. In this case, you can think about expanding: completing a mini-hotel, a bathhouse, and permanent gazebos. By putting love and knowledge into your business, you are sure to get a generous return.

The road infrastructure in Russia is developing every year. Increasingly, on the highways you can find entire complexes with gas stations, stations Maintenance, hotels and establishments Catering different levels. Such multidisciplinary service centers for motorists and travelers require considerable investment. Smaller amounts of expenses will be required to open a roadside catering establishment. We will talk about how to open a roadside cafe in this article.
The procedure for opening any restaurant or fast food is always the same. It differs only in the budget and class of the establishment. In the case of a roadside cafe, there are a number of other nuances that need to be taken into account.

Choosing a cafe location

The correct location of the restaurant, which is focused on serving motorists, is one of the main key points in organizing a future catering establishment. A roadside cafe as a business can be recommended to entrepreneurs who live in rural areas or small towns. If the future restaurateur owns land plot near the road, this will significantly reduce the amount of expenses associated with opening a cafe. As for the building, its presence on the site is also desirable. Big role plays a role in the technical condition of the building, the possibility of its reconstruction and retrofitting. Sometimes it happens that it is cheaper to build a new one modern building than to repair old building. All these possibilities should be displayed ready business plan for a roadside cafe from scratch. There you can also spend comparative analysis projects taking into account the construction of a new building or the renovation of an old structure.
The chosen location largely determines the range of clients that the cafe will serve. A food establishment opened near tourist attractions will accommodate mostly travelers. Stops at large traffic intersections and busy highways are most often made by truckers and business people on business trips. In any case, the task of the restaurateur is to quickly and tasty feed his guests.

Choosing the direction of the establishment

The interior of a roadside cafe, the number of staff, exterior design and signage depend on what kind of cuisine will be offered to visitors. The external impression of the establishment along the road plays important role, as it can attract or, conversely, repel the client. The sign on the building must be clearly visible from the road at any vehicle speed. The interior decoration should also not deceive the expectations of guests.
The most popular are roadside cafes serving the national cuisine of the area in which it is located. They have the format " home cooking"and are most often a family business.

Some features of business organization

Those entrepreneurs who are studying the question of how to open a roadside cafe from scratch should check the possibility of installing utilities into the building. Since most often the establishment is located at a distance from populated areas, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a water well, septic tanks or the installation of dry closets. The situation is similar with connecting to electrical networks. The entrepreneur will have to collect a lot of documents and obtain permission from energy sales, firefighters and other competent services. No example of a business plan for a roadside cafe can take into account the costs that will accompany this process. But there is no need to be afraid of difficulties. Many businessmen successfully follow this path and work for many years. In addition, once issued permits for land, communications and construction will always allow an entrepreneur to expand his business - open a car wash, service station, hotel.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to choose large buildings, the main thing is that your establishment is located near highways with high traffic. At the same time, as with any other business, there are a number of features. You can find out more about how to open a roadside cafe, what documents to collect, what equipment to purchase, etc.


As experts note, the catering industry outside the city is underdeveloped, so it makes sense to think about a roadside cafe. IN European countries both a coffee shop and a restaurant can coexist peacefully on the roads fast food. But judging by Russian experience, fast food is the most acceptable option, since visitors to such establishments are usually in a hurry.

In addition, it is worth thinking not only about how to open a roadside cafe, but also where exactly to establish it. Best options- gas stations, places near populated areas, as well as shopping centers. A cafe can also be opened near a recreation area (on the banks of a river or lake). Many people advise choosing south direction(that is, to the south of the city or village), so you won’t be bored even in winter.

Choosing a room

Very often, premises that are rented out for organizing an establishment on the road are in a deplorable condition. To bring them into proper shape, you will have to make expensive repairs. It is most profitable to open a cafe on the basis of ready-made complexes, which are located at major road junctions. Several nearby sales points will certainly attract the attention of travelers.

Some features

In addition, having decided how to open a roadside cafe, it is advisable to comply with several unspoken requirements:

  • the establishment must be designed for at least 70 seats and have an area of ​​at least 100 square meters. m;
  • the room should not be too spacious, a cozy atmosphere should reign here;
  • the cafe is equipped with parking, not only for cars, but also for trailers and trucks, in addition, it is necessary to create convenient driveways;
  • It is advisable to decorate the interior discreetly and simply, however interior decoration It shouldn’t resemble a Soviet canteen, which completely kills your appetite.

Required Documentation

To start a business, you need to register an individual entrepreneur. However, if the cafe plans to sell alcoholic drinks, then you only need to create a Limited Liability Company. Once the premises have been selected, permits should be obtained from the fire service and the sanitary and epidemiological station.

So that your roadside cafe responds sanitary requirements, it is necessary to take care of the availability of water and electricity supply, as well as connection to other communications. The entrepreneur also needs to obtain a license to sell alcohol. Without fulfilling all these requirements, a businessman may face big problems.

Equipment purchase

You will also need equipment:

  • retail (window displays, cash register);
  • kitchen (stoves, furniture, dishes, plumbing, household appliances);
  • warehouse;
  • ventilation

The cost of equipment can vary, on average it ranges from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles. It all depends on how seriously you intend to equip the living room and kitchen.

Roadside cafe menu

The cuisine should be hearty, but quite simple. lobsters, marble beef and lobsters are clearly not needed. But it is very important to focus on the quality and freshness of the products. If possible, the menu should be varied, but quickly prepared.

You must offer your guests hot first and second courses, sandwiches, and barbecue. It is also advisable to include several salads on the menu, but they need to be prepared immediately before serving, because you never know in advance what the guests will order. In short, you need to provide as many types of dishes as you can store, so that you can easily reheat or cook later.

You can diversify your roadside business a little by offering take-out food in closed containers. You can also sell related products: water, cigarettes, juices, coffee, tea. You can also allow drivers to fill a thermos with boiling water for free (which is especially important in winter). The service of a roadside cafe should be high quality and fast. Every visitor should have the impression that he has become a long-awaited guest, and even better - that he has visited home.

When thinking about how to open a roadside cafe, don't forget about competition. There may be several similar catering outlets in your area. You need to do something to attract a client, right? You can come up with some kind of “trick” of your own. For example, sell unusual, original snacks that your competitors do not have.

Then you will need to go to cafes of this kind and find out their menu. Not a bad option- open an establishment specializing in the preparation of a particular dish national cuisine. And, of course, we don’t forget that all people love gifts, even small ones, but pleasant ones.

Let's say, mini souvenirs or some other little thing - inexpensive, but necessary in the household (a package of napkins, a small towel, or who knows what else). Don't worry about what you have to bear additional expenses. The fact is that you can make a small markup on the cost of dishes (exactly as much as the gift itself costs), most likely, the visitor will not even notice that he is buying something other than lunch.

Financial component of business

Of course, the establishment’s income will depend on the number of visitors. There are unlikely to be regular customers in such road catering (due to the specifics of the business). In this regard, the main success factor is capacity.

Let's look at 50 “golden rules” for optimizing the menu of a small establishment

1. We cook only what can be put into preparations (vacuum, frozen, just lies under film for a long time)

2. We buy a vacuum sealer, vacuum and store in the black or freeze the workpieces

3. We cook only what we know how to cook well (simple dishes)

4. We do not prepare complex and low-tech dishes such as risotto, tartare, complex salads

5. We strictly adhere to the raw material matrix with a coefficient of 3 (an example of the raw material matrix in the appendix to the webinar)

6. Cook minimally on the stove. Only quick roasting and sautéing

7. We give as much as possible through deep frying, convection oven, combi oven, sous vide.

8. We do not hire professional chefs, except for the production manager or catering technologist

9. We divide the kitchen into front - kitchen and back - kitchen, i.e. for procurement and pre-production.

10. We outsource as much as possible. We buy minced meat, cut up chicken, ready-made puff pastry, chopped into azu and goulash meat, chopped pork loin, ready-made sauces (from which, by mixing, we make our own “author’s” type)

11. We maximize business lunches due to high speed of service (we will increase table turnover, increase the flow of guests, increase revenue and profit)

12. We sell large portions for a business lunch (examples below)

13. We discount the menu daily, including business lunch through compliments (a pie as a gift, a compote as a gift, a bun as a gift, coffee with milk as a gift (instant), an apple as a gift, etc.

14. We are introducing a bonus club with a 15%, or better yet 20% bonus on the card. discount cards we exchange for bonuses, and we cancel discounts even for VIP guests and friends of the owner (let him pay for these bonuses himself)

15. We switch to store-bought confectionery (inexpensive and very high-quality cheesecakes are sold frozen at Metro. There are more than 50 suppliers of frozen cakes and pastries in the Russian Federation). Delifrance, Patifrance, and any products in pastry shops.

16. Desserts: ice cream, fruit salads, cakes or waffles in a waffle iron with maple syrup etc. You are a cafe “about food” and not about a “confectioner”. Buy frozen shares and pies (strudels, charlottes, etc.)

17. Leave leaf salads absolutely not Chinese cabbage, lolo rosso, chard, arugula, romaine, spinach, batavia, lettuce, corn, iceberg, frieze, endive, etc.)

18. Work with baked eggplant, cherry tomatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots, apples, parsley, dill, cucumbers, bell pepper. Besides "Greek" and a couple oriental salads with cabbage, cucumbers, canned food there is nothing else to work with

19. Introduce salads without leaf types: “Chafan” salad, “Gill wood grouse’s nest”, “With baked beets, carrots, cheese”, “with tongue”, “with seafood”, 3-4 variations of vinaigrette with sprat, mushrooms, sauerkraut , “Mimosa”, “Fur Fur”, warm salads like ratatouille and ajapsandali.

20. Introduce snacks as independent meals(chakhokhbili, ajapsandal, sets for beer and vodka, etc.)

21. The shelf life of any semi-finished product must be at least 3 days in a vacuum or frozen

22. Enter lasagnas and casseroles. Serve big pieces as independent dishes. For example "Swabian potato casserole with minced veal and tongue”, “Cannelloni lasagne with three cheeses, tomatoes and fried chicken”.

23. More store-bought items – a plate of bruschetta (all toppings frozen) or a plate of mini sandwiches

24. We work a lot with chopping: schnitzels, kupats, sausages, cutlets, zrazy, beefsteaks

25. We work with chops: veal chop, pork chop, chicken chop, turkey chop with bacon crumbles, etc.

26. We work with batters: red fish in batter and egg white, fish and chips, chicken strips in batter (including spicy ones), champignons in batter, deep-fried, cauliflower in batter, etc.

27. We work in deep frying positions. Frying in Ottogi soybean oil - 5 times savings + premium taste of products

28. We work on store-bought frozen bread and bring a bread basket with some free bread (not buns, but sliced ​​bread). Entering into the calculation of hot dishes

29. There should be 12 types of soups. We freeze all soups in a shocker. We buy a shocker for soups and for deep-frying positions - three levels - the cheapest. There is no money - we take it on credit or in installments. Search here - http://ipelican.com/ru/t/catalog/horeca-equipment/refrigeration-equipment/blast-chiller-and-freezer-cabinets/s/shock-freezer-cabinet Price from 120,000 rubles.

30. We rotate dishes according to ABC analysis and remove positions from group “C” once a month – every two months, replacing them with more marginal ones and more attractive for the guest (we look at group A by quantity)

31. We introduce snack dishes such as shawarma, hot dog, gyros, pita - kebab, bouregov, schnitzel - burgers, etc. They are technologically advanced and easy to prepare.

32. Add 5-7 types of fruit drinks and freeze them in bags

33. We introduce “hot food for a company” - for 2,3,5 people - an assortment of hits in a sizzling large frying pan with various side dishes in the set

34. We do not sell side dishes separately - each hot dish comes with a “forced” side dish. If the guest strongly insists, through the administrator, we change the side dish and fill the dish with another side dish (duplicates of such dishes must be entered into the ACS)

35. We introduce a special gastronomic offer every month - 10 new dishes. We use dishes of Eastern European cuisine: Hungarian, Serbian, Bulgarian. Peoples former USSR: Uzbek, Georgian, Armenian, Azerbaijani. We copy dishes from the menu of trendsetters like Ginza Project.

36. Bake and freeze grissini or serve two pieces of salamander-fried mini-baguette with butter and jam in a rosette with a large teapot as a compliment

37. More home-cooked dishes in original dishes. Dishes can change often and this is a good thing. It doesn’t take long to retake the feed and post it

38. All pickles, fermentations, meat and fish plates are made only from purchased or contract products. For my establishments, they gave me minced meat at the market according to my recipe. It is not more expensive if you count the payroll of the meat shop, which needs to be closed and converted into a workshop for frozen semi-finished products.

39. Surprise your guests with taste - look for recipes in cookbooks published before 1970. Look for it in “Old Book” stores and second-hand bookstores, according to the ad on www.avito.ru

40. Work through new dishes daily. Constantly look for dishes suitable for them - not necessarily from professional companies. Half of the dishes in the ethnic restaurants of the Ginza Project are “made in Samarkand in the basement”

41. Make a list of products and brands, varieties and calibers that can be on your menu and a list of products and varieties (parts and cuts of meat) that can never get into your cafe (without going through cost)

42. Label all blanks and semi-finished products. Cling film, foil, vacuum bags, disposable trays, plastic containers, gastronorm containers 1/6, 1/9. Buy a gun and look at the expiration date label.

43. Fire the cleaning lady. The cooks must clean the shop themselves. Every day - to shine. Don't skimp on detergents. Buy the cheapest dome dishwasher from Chuvashtorgtekhnika. A person cannot wash their hands at a temperature of + 85 ° C.

44. Remember - the higher the sanitation, the longer the preparations and fresh products last

45. Do not hire people under 40 years of age to work in the kitchen. Do not accept male cooks. Women cook better, contrary to stereotypes.

46. ​​Never fine people for writing off products unless it becomes widespread. Scammers - fire them

47. Don't be afraid to use household appliances in a small cafe. There is no point in overpaying for a meat grinder if you only pass fish into cutlets and vegetable purees

48. Add baked goods to the menu. Pies, pies, croissants (frozen). People love flour. It's better than pancakes and pizza. Start unwinding for lunches. Soon they will ask you to sell pies to take away

49. Sell what you can sell from the hits of semi-finished products - from dumplings to frozen cutlets

50. Make the most of sous vide: it makes great stuffed peppers and cabbage rolls, meatloaf and lasagne in trays, not just steaks and foie gras.

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