Home Flowers Sample Pierre Dukan diet menu for beginners for every day. Protein diet, menu for every day

Sample Pierre Dukan diet menu for beginners for every day. Protein diet, menu for every day

Hello, dear blog readers! Tell me, who doesn’t know the name “Dukan”? I don't think there are any. Doctor-nutritionist, author of weight loss methods and simply interesting person. His name has become a household name in matters of weight loss and for good reason. Pierre Dukan knows what he's talking about. He has been counseling his patients for many years. But he gained real fame after the publication of the book “ I don't know how to lose weight" On Ozone more than 100 reviews according to this book!

The Dukan diet, stages and menu - these questions excite those who want to lose excess weight. That’s what we’ll talk about today, touching on the most pressing of them.

The main idea of ​​the Dukan Diet is a structured approach divided into 4 stages. The first two should reduce the weight, and the second two should secure it. Each stage has its own name and its own list of products allowed for consumption.

An important point: before starting a diet, you need to decide on your weight loss goals. This determines the number of days it will take you to achieve results.

First stage "Attack"

Attack – short and effective. Duration – 2-10 days. Everyone has their own individual indicators, so the number of days may vary. Depends on how many kg you need to lose (see plate above)

Now let's move on to the list of products:

  • Lean meat: chicken, rabbit, horse meat, veal. You can have beef liver, lungs, kidneys, the very tip of the tongue. The consumption of ham is allowed, but the fat content is not more than 4%.
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Eggs with a slight reservation - no more than two yolks. And if you have problems with cholesterol, then the amount egg yolks maximum 4 per week. Proteins can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
  • Low-fat dairy products: natural yogurt without sweeteners, cottage cheese. You can consume 0% fat milk powder (no more than 3 tablespoons per day).

During this phase you can only eat protein products, the list of which contains 72 items. You can find more detailed information on the pages of my blog, in the article “”.

Every day we follow 3 rules:

  1. 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran (can be replaced with oatmeal or oatmeal);
  2. Drink at least 1.5 liters per day;
  3. 20-minute daily walks in the fresh air.

Example of the "Attack" menu

  • For breakfast Treat yourself to an omelet made from egg whites and milk. We remember that dairy products must be low-fat. Add a piece of fish and green tea to the omelette.
  • At lunch- baked chicken, maybe beef. It is better to bake with herbs.
  • Midday snack– a slice of cheese with seafood.
  • For dinner Steamed fish.

Second stage “Alternation”

Alternation or cruise – This is where the most basic weight loss occurs. Plus - 28 vegetables are added to the list of allowed products from the first phase. The list includes tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage. I will describe the cruise in more detail in the hotel article “”.

The number of days also depends on the desired weight (see table above).

The highlight of the stage is the alternation of days with protein intake with days where protein plus vegetables are eaten.

The most simple circuit second stage: one day eat only protein foods, the next - protein plus vegetables

There are several options for alternating days to choose from: 1/1, 2/2 and 5/5. You can choose the scheme yourself. But those who are overweight should stick to the first option - 1/1. With such a nutritional system it will be much easier for the body.

Prohibited foods: avocado; legumes (correction - all legumes), all cereals, pasta, corn and potatoes.

Well, it becomes much easier when vegetables are added to the “attack” list.

We also follow 3 daily rules:

  1. The volume of bran eaten is up to 2 tablespoons;
  2. We drink 1.5 - 2 liters per day;
  3. 30-minute daily walks in the fresh air.

Example of a "Cruise" menu

  • Morning- we start with bran pancakes and a cup of coffee.
  • Let's have lunch - vegetable stew with lean meat.
  • For afternoon tea- casserole from low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Let's have dinner ear.

Be sure to use a kitchen scale to control portion sizes.

Third stage “Consolidation”

Consolidation– at this stage the body gets used to the new system. The menu becomes more varied, and the duration of this period determined based on the kilograms lost. For example, if during the “attack” and “alternation” stages you lost 5 extra pounds, then it will take you 50 days to consolidate the effect. Approximately 1 kg of weight lost for 10 days of the third stage.

What about the allowed list? It continues to grow and delight with new products. Now you can also:

  • cheese (fat content no more than 40%) – 40 g;
  • a couple of slices of bread (rye or whole grain) - no more than a couple of slices;
  • you can afford fruits, and even melon and watermelon (but except for bananas and grapes)
  • Pork, lamb and bacon are added to meat products.
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • whole grain rice or (in smaller quantities) white;
  • boiled or baked unpeeled potatoes - 1-2 pcs.;

But the most enjoyable thing at the consolidation stage is the opportunity to arrange a real belly celebration for yourself. This includes the first course, second course and even dessert. The main thing is not to eat all this for dinner. Best for lunch.

One day a week is dedicated to eating exclusively Clean Proteins. For example, “protein Thursday”. Used as a key element in maintaining proper weight

And don't forget to follow:

  1. eat 2.5 tablespoons of oat bran;
  2. drink water 1.5 – 2 liters per day;
  3. 25-minute daily walks.

Example of the Pins menu

  • Breakfastoatmeal, cheese, coffee.
  • Dinner– chicken broth with meatballs, bread.
  • For afternoon tea egg, kefir with bran.
  • Let's have dinner baked fish.

Fourth stage “Stabilization”

Stabilization – the very last stage of the diet. From the title it becomes clear that our task is to finally stabilize the weight and get used to the new rules. They will help you maintain your results and not gain overweight.

What you need to adhere to:

  • 3 tbsp. l. bran every day.
  • drink at least 2 liters of clean water.
  • daily walks with a minimum duration of 20 minutes.
  • keep the amount of food you eat under control. Better protein and vegetables. And you should not overeat starchy fruits, cheese and bread.
  • 1 protein fasting day per week.

Restrictions are only for fatty, sweet and starchy foods. Eat no more than 40 grams of cheese. in a day. Products containing starch, 1-2 times a day. Food portions remain small.

By last stage Pierre Dukan states that it can be followed for quite a long time. Or you can continue to eat like this for the rest of your life. During the passage of three stages, there is a gradual change in eating habits. And the stabilization stage will strengthen new system nutrition and will not allow you to stray from the path to your intended goal - maintaining weight at the desired level throughout your life.

Example of the Stabilization menu

  • Breakfast– 1 egg, cheese, ham, cup of coffee
  • Dinnervegetable soup on chicken broth, tea
  • Afternoon snack- baked apple with cottage cheese
  • Dinner– baked fish with vegetables

In order not to break down, you should choose an assistant. For example, a book. Just not a simple one, but from Monsieur Dukan himself. He created a unique guide book “ 60 days with Dr. Dukan" This is not just a book, but step by step plan for 60 days with recipes, tips, tricks. This the best option to lose 10 kg forever!

You can also get more information on the pages of my blog. Read the article "". Presented here full list of all products, which will make your life much easier when shopping in the store. When the Dukan protein diet appears in life, it is better to think through the menu for all stages in advance. This will help you not to break down and follow the instructions clearly.

I would also like to advise you not to be lazy and not come up with excuses. They say there is no time, no time to cook, we need to select products. Yes, it’s more complicated than the pasta with sausages that many people are used to. Only as a result can you get a stable weight. Anyone who has experienced the delights of mass overload will understand.

I say goodbye and the last piece of advice for today is to share the article with your friends on social networks. Bye bye! 🙂

For many residents of this or that country, excess weight is a huge problem. For some, the struggle with it lasts a lifetime, some “swim” back and forth, losing and gaining kilograms again, but some still reach their ideal weight and maintain it with all their efforts throughout the entire time.

And for those who are tired of looking at the scales going off scale and sighing desperately, unable to overcome the fat layer on the stomach and cellulite on the thighs, there is a universal salvation and this Pierre Dukan diet. Haven't you heard of her? Yes, maybe this is all because it is popular in Europe, but the CIS countries either did not know about it at all or have only small grains of information. This diet is a salvation from boring rice, buckwheat, kefir and other mono-diets that give imaginary weight loss. The diet is varied, it ideal for those who love delicious food, without being lazy at the same time preparing food yourself.

The motto of the diet: “EAT AS MUCH AS YOU WANT!” Tempting, isn't it? It turns out that food will not be an enemy, but an assistant in the fight against calories and fat, and this is important.

- a famous French nutritionist, doctor, who for 30 years has been actively studying foods and their effects on the body. Working on such a concept as eating behavior, he was able to uncover the secret of ideal weight, as well as the path to achieving it.

Pierre Dukan is the author of 19 books, which are the fruits of his many years of experience and practice, but the most important is his miracle bestseller “ I don't know how to lose weight", which was published in 2011, but is already actively read by all his fans who want to lose weight without harm to their health and FOREVER! The book has been translated into several languages ​​and is sold in more than ten countries around the world.

Dr. Dukan Diet is based on the consumption of protein foods, which are easily absorbed by the body and help to lose weight. At the same time, the body is cleansed, all waste and toxins are eliminated, metabolism goes well. The main products of the diet are meat, fish, vegetables and, most importantly, bran. The most attractive and convincing is the duration of the diet, it depends on the number of kilograms excess weight, the time during which they will go away and the characteristics of your body.

Before Ducan's diet will be started, worth it find out your optimal weight , which is worth striving for. This can be done using services that are easy to find on the Internet. You can enter everything required parameters(current weight, desired weight, weight loss attempts, height, pregnancy, etc.) and get the IDEAL weight figure for you. As you can see, everything is individual. Plus, you will receive a “ruler” that will help you follow the diet in stages: each stage will be calculated by duration and weight loss, which will make it very easy to control the duration of weight loss.

So, let's move on to the stages into which the Dukan diet is divided. There are only 4 of them. Read more about each.

Stage No. 1 called “Attack”

Based on the name, you can understand that we will attack extra pounds, provoking their rapid and significant loss. This is the shortest and most progressive period of Dr. Dukan's diet. Its duration is calculated as follows:

If you have an extra 5 kg or less, the “Attack” will last a couple of days
Have you gained 5-10 extra kg? Then we attack kilograms for 3-5 days
If there are more than 10 kg extra, then the stage is delayed for 5-7 days, well, maximum 10

During this period, you can only eat protein: meat, fish, low-fat dairy products and eggs. During all this time, up to 6 kg of weight can be lost without much effort.

Now let's take a closer look at the products that we will use to attack the weight.

You can eat:

  1. Any lean meat: veal, rabbit, beef, horse meat (all meat except entrecote and fillet), rabbit. Pork and lamb are taboo! Prepared without a gram of oil.
  2. Liver, kidneys, lungs - any beef, veal, poultry offal, as well as the tip of a beef tongue.
  3. Any bird other than duck and goose must be without skin.
  4. Skinless ham with a fat content of 2 to 4 percent.
  5. Any fish, regardless of cooking method.
  6. Eggs, but no more than 2 yolks, whites in unlimited quantities. If you have high cholesterol, limit your consumption of yolks to 3-4 per week.
  7. Dairy products, low fat. You can also use 0% fat milk powder, but not more than 3 tbsp. in a day.

All this should be cooked without adding oil and fat, You can eat as much as you like whenever you want, calorie counting does not take place.

Some foods should be consumed in moderation:

  • coffee and any teas;
  • vinegar and soy sauce;
  • any greens, cumin, maximum one and a half onions per day and other spices;
  • gelatin, baking powder, yeast and agar-agar;
  • a pair of gherkins, can be used as a seasoning;
  • lemon juice for refueling;
  • salt and mustard - just a little, otherwise excess water will not leave the body;
  • zero-calorie sugar substitutes (non-fructose, glucose and sorbitol, etc.);
  • diet drinks;
  • you can eat 8 crab sticks;
  • As an oil, you can use paraffin oil (1 tbsp), because it is not high in calories, envelops the intestines, allowing it to normalize its function, and improves stool. Do not use for frying, do not heat, ideal as a salad dressing.

In any case, it is MANDATORY:

1) Eat 1.5 tbsp. l. oat bran per day
2) Light exercise and daily 20-minute walks
3) Drink 2 liters of water (tea, coffee counts)

If you feel an unpleasant taste in your mouth, don't worry about a bad odor, this is an absolutely acceptable phenomenon that indicates that you are the right way. You can move on to the second stage.

Stage #2 – Alternation or Cruise

This stage lasts until the scale arrow shows you the desired, optimal number. The peculiarity of this period is that protein days alternate with protein-vegetable days.

Diet of Pierre Dukan offers to choose your own alternation - 1/1, 2/2 or 5/5. For people with significant excess weight, it is advisable to adhere to the 5/5 scheme; for those who are slightly overweight, 1/1 is optimal, so it will be easier for the body and for you.

List of prohibited vegetables (starchy and not only):

Avocados, all legumes, non-green beans, peas, corn, potatoes, lentils, olives and olives, as well as all types of cereals and pasta. Artichoke has not yet been classified in any food group, so its consumption should be kept to a minimum.

All other vegetables are okay, but carrots and beets should be eaten in small quantities, as they contain sugar. For variety, you can include 1 tbsp in your diet. tomato paste (ketchup), as well as 0% yoghurts with fruit.

For cooking, you can use all the products from the “Attack” stage, which should be eaten there in moderation.

The innovations are as follows:

1) Now we eat 2 tbsp of bran. l. in a day.
2) If necessary, then one tbsp. wheat bran will help with constipation.
3) Dairy food should not exceed 1 kg, control this.
4) The same water 2l.
5) And now you need to walk for at least half an hour.

By alternating proteins with vegetables, you will normalize metabolism; water will leave the body, removing waste, toxins, fat and salts. As soon as you notice that the needle on the scale has reached the desired number, you should move on to the stage called “Consolidation”.

Stage No. 3 – “Consolidation” or “Weight Consolidation”

This phase will help you consolidate the results obtained and it will last based on the lost kg. That is, if you lost 5 kg in the second stage, then Consolidation will last 50 days, 10 kg - 100 days, etc. It turns out that for one lost kilogram 10 days of the 3rd stage.

Having gone through the two previous stages, do you want variety and something new? Please! Now you can afford 40 grams hard cheese, which contains no more than 40% fat in dry matter. The lower the fat content, the more cheese you can eat.

You can also have a couple of slices rye bread, one unit of fruit (except bananas, cherries, cherries and grapes), maybe a couple of slices of watermelon or melon.

As for meat, you can now eat fried pork, bacon and lamb in any quantity.

And a couple more bonuses: now you can indulge in a portion of starchy vegetables once a week, and also organize a “stomach holiday”, which allows you to eat any first, main course and dessert (aperitif - a glass of wine with cheese). But all this must be eaten in one sitting, for breakfast or lunch.

Now let's divide the entire stage in half. For example, you must adhere to 80 days Consolidation. The first part is 40 days: you can have one serving of starchy foods and one “feast” per week, but for the next 40 days you can feast and eat starchy foods a couple of times a week.

What do we mean by concept starchy? Here is the list and quantities allowed for consumption:

- Pasta. You can eat about 220 grams of them. filling with natural tomato paste with onions, or don’t crush big amount Parmesan cheese.

- Whole wheat, and couscous And wheat bulgur and is allowed in the amount of 200 g.

- Lentils. It can be 200-220 grams, it helps stabilize weight due to the content of slow carbohydrates.

- Beans, peas And chickpeas very nutritious, you can have a little of them too.

- Rice And potatoes It should be consumed very rarely, in small portions of 125 grams (potatoes must be in their jackets). Whole grain rice can also be consumed in an amount of 220 grams.

What not to do:

  1. have two feasts in a row
  2. demand extra - have a sense of proportion

Choose for yourself one day a week, so to speak, a protein fasting day, so that all the extra calories can easily go away and let this day always be the same, for example, Thursday.

Bran now needs to be eaten up to 2.5 tbsp. per day and walk at least 25 minutes per day.

Stage No. 4 – “Stabilization”

Well, now we have come to the final stage called “ Stabilization».

It has some rules, following which you will not gain weight throughout your life, the main thing is to stick to them.

1 . Eat as before, but controlling the amount of food. It's better to have more protein and vegetables, do not overdo it with fruits, cheese, bread and starchy foods.

2 . Stay true to one protein fasting day and the weight will never come back.

3 . Water at least 2 liters.

4 . Walk daily for at least 20 minutes.

5 . Walk more, forget about elevators, escalators, and if you can, get off the minibus a stop earlier/later and walk to home/work. Check it out!

6 . Bran should be eaten 3 tbsp. per day and every day.

Recipes for the Dukan Diet

There are a lot of recipes on the Internet for adherents of the Dukan diet, and so that you don’t think that it is boring and monotonous, try preparing several dishes.


Add a little salt to the starch and bran, add baking powder and mix thoroughly. In another vessel, mix kefir, eggs and cottage cheese. We combine everything, mix and put it in the form. Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

Pairs perfectly with salmon light salting and cucumber.

Pierre Dukan is a French doctor of venerable age. He is seventy-three years old, but he looks youthful, fit, energetic and active, which he says he owes to his own nutritional system. Many celebrities are known to adhere to it. It is believed that it was she who helped the Duchess of Cambridge and her mother Carol Midolton lose weight before the wedding, as well as get Jennifer Lopez back into shape after giving birth. Many people are looking for the Dukan diet in VKontakte and others. in social networks to lose weight using his method. You can also get acquainted with the diet on dukandiet ru, and learn about Pierre Dukan on Wikipedia.

Features of nutrition according to Dukan

The Dukan diet gained worldwide popularity in 2000 after the publication of the book “I Can’t Lose Weight.” In it, the little-known French doctor Pierre Dukan explained why it is extremely difficult for some people to lose weight, and why it quickly returns after strict diets.

According to Dukan, the human body contains a certain supply of cells capable of storing fat. Each person has a different amount, some have more fat cells, others have less. Those who “own” a large supply of such cells have a much higher chance of becoming overweight. Additionally, when a fat cell is unable to accommodate the fat it has stored, it begins to divide. And the amount of fatty tissue increases exponentially.

Diet principles

Based on this, Pierre Dukan made conclusions that formed the basis of his nutritional system.

  • Fighting obesity by reducing calories is useless. You can't just reduce your caloric intake for a while. When you return to your usual diet, your weight will return to its starting point. You should adhere to a diet in which a person simply cannot accumulate fatty tissue and constantly consolidate the result obtained.
  • You should not limit yourself to products and their quantity. The French diet of Pierre Dukan categorically refutes the effectiveness of mono-diets. You cannot limit yourself to any one product, as a breakdown will definitely occur. The Dukanist diet includes one hundred products, including meat, vegetables, and dairy products. There is plenty to choose from! In addition, there are no restrictions on the amount and time eaten. Eat enough to feel full, when you need it.
  • Going beyond what is “permissible” is dangerous. Before starting a nutrition course, Pierre Dukan recommends clearing the kitchen cabinets and refrigerator of prohibited foods. And leave only what you can eat safely and without restrictions. In this case, you will not be tempted to eat something wrong.
  • You can't do without bran. Oat bran is a key element in the Dukan diet. They should be present in the diet daily. The author considers them as confident assistants in weight loss, as they perform several tasks. Firstly, they provide quick saturation: bran is hygroscopic and absorbs water in a volume twenty times its own. Eat just one and a half tablespoons of the product, drink a glass of water, and your stomach will already have three hundred grams of nutritional mass that will not allow you to feel hungry. Once in the intestines, they reduce the absorption of sugars and clean out toxins from it, take away undigested food particles, thereby reducing the overall calorie content of the diet.
  • Physical activity is important! A nutritionist is not telling you to leave your favorite couch and spend hours in gym. But without physical activity it will be extremely difficult to achieve the expected result. There is a high probability that you will reach the “critical point of unburned kilograms”, which is difficult to overcome. This reduces motivation and forces you to give up a healthy diet. But movement and physical activity make the body work completely differently. Start small: commit hiking at least twenty minutes a day. Do squats and abdominal exercises at home. For young people, it is enough to start with twelve squats and thirty abdominal exercises. For people over the age of fifty, you can reduce the initial physical activity by half. Increase it gradually.

The diet involves a gradual transition from one stage to another. The author distributed the phases as follows:

  • attack - major weight loss, lasts up to five days;
  • alternation - continuation of weight loss, lasts until the desired result, possibly several months;
  • consolidation - fixation of results, duration is calculated using the formula ten days for each kilogram of weight lost;
  • stabilization - preservation and maintenance of results throughout life.

Each phase has its own list of products. The intensity of weight loss is determined by compliance with the main principles of the diet.

Detailed description of unknown facts

The Dukan diet is actively popularized around the world. Its author travels a lot and gives interviews, attracting followers in different countries. Recently it even appeared beautiful legend about how an ordinary doctor from Paris came to understand the correct concept of losing weight.

One day, an obese patient approached Dr. Dukan. She asked the doctor to choose a diet for her to lose weight, but with a condition. The woman was ready to give up any food except meat. The doctor thought about it and advised her to eat only lean meat and drink a lot of water. In a week, the woman lost five kilograms.

The medical community has formed an ambiguous attitude towards Mr. Dukan's nutritional system. Despite the fact that the number of its supporters exceeds twenty million in different countries, there are facts that are not known to the general public.

  • Protein diet Pierre Dukan is a successful commercial project. The author began developing it in 1975, while working as a simple therapist in Paris. For twenty years the project was “honed” until it came to modern look. His first “swallow” was the book “I Can’t Lose Weight,” the circulation of which in many countries was second only to the circulation of publications about Harry Potter. In subsequent years, other books were published, designed to “fill the gaps” in understanding the methodology. A little later, the diet’s official website was created, with more than thirty thousand people subscribed to its newsletter. Supermarkets and pharmacies offer more than fifty products designed specifically for this nutritional system. Every year, a successful commercial project brings the author about one hundred million euros.
  • The principles of nutrition according to Dukan are dangerous. About this at the international symposium on healthy eating stated physician Luris Aronije in 2013. In his opinion, the abundance of proteins in the diet is detrimental to the kidneys; in the future, it can lead to a failure in their work and the need to replace their functions with dialysis. And American professor Walter Longo compares the dangers of such a significant consumption of animal proteins with the dangers of smoking. And he strongly does not recommend following such a diet for middle-aged and elderly people, as it increases the risk dangerous diseases and decreased life expectancy.
  • Harmful diet. A commission of specialists from the USA who studied the effects of diet different diets on human health, noted the danger of this food system. According to doctors, the Dukan diet can harm health at each of its stages. The only exception is the last one, which is why the concept is recognized as one of the most unhealthy diets
  • in the world. In 2013, a commission of twenty-two doctors and nutritionists from the United States assessed the effectiveness of twenty-five of the most popular diets. According to the commission's findings, the Dukan diet is ranked twenty-fourth in terms of total points. The diets were assessed for short- and long-term weight loss, ease of adherence, nutritional safety, and compliance with diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Conflicting information about the effectiveness of the nutrition system and its harm to health has been repeatedly refuted by the author of the method. In one of the interviews, he focused on the fact that his diet is mistakenly called protein.

“The various studies on the dangers of protein are not relevant to my diet,” says Pierre Dukan. - I offer protein-rich meals only for a few days, only four, no more than five. I do have a lot of protein-rich foods in my diet, but in addition to them, I recommend eating as many vegetables as possible.”

According to Pierre Dukan, he does not recommend a protein-rich diet to everyone, but only to those who are seriously overweight. It is important to understand that obesity poses a threat to quality and life expectancy. If you are obese, eating protein for a few days is much less evil than taking medications or fasting.

Stage one - Attack

Doctors consider this stage the most dangerous for health. Pierre Dukan himself agrees with the general opinion, therefore he gives clear recommendations for its observance.

  • Calculate excess weight. To calculate your weight, you can use the free calculator available on Dukan’s official website. The calculation is carried out free of charge by filling out a form in Russian. After entering the data to your email You will receive a letter with the information you are interested in. You can also obtain averaged data yourself. To do this, subtract one hundred for men and one hundred and ten for women from height in centimeters. Thus, the weight for a woman with a height of 164 cm should be 54 kilograms.
  • Stick to the Attack phase for no more than the recommended period. There is a common belief that in this phase a person can immediately achieve the desired weight. This is not only impossible, but also dangerous! During the “Attack”, from one to six kilograms are lost. Observe the duration of the phase according to the table.
  • Control your condition. The danger of this stage is the consumption of only animal proteins. This puts a lot of stress on the kidneys and causes dehydration. According to a number of experts, this is precisely what is based on the rapid weight loss of the first week of the diet. It has a motivating effect, demonstrating that weight is beginning to fall. At this stage it is important to drink a lot. Drink at least one and a half liters of fluid per day.
  • Eat oat bran. Consume one and a half tablespoons of the product per day with plenty of water. This can be either a snack or a replacement for one of the meals.

Why does Pierre Dukan's diet for weight loss start with proteins? Its author believes that animal proteins are the optimal food for humans. Our body has been familiar with it since ancient times, and modern fast foods and sweets are not acceptable, since their formulas are foreign to our body.

In addition, proteins are among the most difficult to digest foods. The body spends an incredible amount of energy on their digestion, which eliminates the possibility of transforming excess calories into fat tissue. It is only important to get pure protein, without fat or with a minimum amount of it.

Authorized Products

At this stage, you will become familiar with the main list of permitted products in detail. It contains seventy-two ingredients of animal origin.

  • Meat. Beef tenderloin and lean fillet, roast beef, steak, escalope. Consumption of rabbit meat is allowed, beef by-products: tongue, kidneys, liver. Chicken, turkey and pork can be consumed in the form of lean ham. The diet may include chicken liver and poultry meat low-fat varieties: quail, pigeon, guinea fowl, ostrich, cockerel.
  • Fish. Fatty fish can also be consumed, since the composition of its fat is radically different from that of the animal. Include mackerel, cod, hake, saury, herring, flounder, blue whiting, halibut, and sea bream in your diet. Eat both small fish, such as sprat or sardine, and large river or sea fish: burbot, catfish, mullet, pike, trout, carp, sturgeon, tuna, salmon.
  • Seafood. Eat crab meat, squid, and shrimp without restrictions. Include in your diet scallops, whelks, oysters, mussels, crayfish, lobsters, lobsters, cuttlefish.
  • Eggs. Eat up to two chicken or quail eggs daily. With high cholesterol, the number of yolks per week should be up to four.
  • Dairy products. Homemade dairy products with high fat content are excluded. Your diet can only include completely skim milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, and curd cheeses.

At first glance, there are a lot of products, and there shouldn’t be any problems with choosing. But you may have some difficulty in what you can eat.

What to cook

Dr. Dukan was repeatedly asked what could be used to replace products from his approved list that are not available to most residents of the CIS countries. After all, many ingredients are not easy to buy in stores, some of them are generally considered a gastronomic luxury.

In response to this, the author advises Russians to eat foods that are familiar to them. “If Russians preserved their gastronomic traditions, and did not follow Western trends, you would not have an obesity problem in your country,” comments Pierre Dukan.

  • Choose what you can afford. As for meat products, we always have access to chicken and turkey, lean beef and pork. Sometimes you can treat yourself to rabbit or quail meat. There will also be no problems with purchasing offal. The same with fish: abundance river fish successfully replaces the inaccessibility of the oceanic one. But in the choice of seafood we are more limited. But there is no need to worry about this. Eat mussels and squid, which can be bought frozen in any supermarket.
  • Cook with minimum quantity salt. You can salt your food, but only a little. But sugar must be eliminated from the diet completely.
  • Food can be prepared the way you like. French nutritionist Pierre Dukan does not prohibit frying meat and fish. You just need to reduce the amount of vegetable oil for frying. Drop a little oil into the pan and rub with a napkin. It will absorb excess, but prepare the surface for frying. Products can also be boiled, steamed, stewed, or baked. Before cooking poultry, remove the skin.
  • Use spices. You may feel that your food has become bland due to lack of salt. Diversify flavors with spices: vinegar, mustard, onions and garlic, dry herbs, ground seasonings.

The table is an example of a menu for a week of the Dukan diet at the Attack stage.

DayBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1 Omelet with meat, coffeeCod fish soup, bran breadCurdMeat baked in foil, green tea
2 Whole cottage cheese, bran breadMeat soup with quail eggsLow-fat yogurtFish stewed in its own juice
3 Scrambled eggs, herring or salmon, lightly salted, coffeeMeat cutlets without adding onions and bread, yogurtKefirBoiled squid
4 Crispbread with bran and melted cheese, strong teaSoup with fish piecesCottage cheese casserole, teaBaked chicken fillet, kefir
5 Boiled eggs, kefirFish cutlets without onions and bread, yogurtMilk, bran breadBeef tenderloin stew, tea
6 Scrambled eggs, coffeeMeat soup with meatballsYogurt, oat branStewed mussels, tea
7 Whole cottage cheese, coffeeSoup with fish pieces, yogurtCottage cheese casserole, kefirMeat cutlets, yogurt

You can change the products on the menu at your discretion by replacing meat dishes fish, using cottage cheese in pure form and in casseroles and cheesecakes. The diet does not indicate fluid intake, but you should remember that between snacks you should drink a lot of water, at least one and a half liters per day.

Stage two - Alternation

The main weight loss occurs in this phase. Its duration is not regulated. In theory, you should stick with it until you reach your ideal weight.

Here are the basic principles of this phase.

  • Add vegetables. Fiber-rich foods are added to the exclusively protein diet. These are vegetables and greens. In total, Dr. Dukan allows the addition of twenty-eight new products, which makes the diet more balanced and varied.
  • We alternate protein days with mixed days. Protein days are periods when you continue to eat only animal proteins. Mixed - when vegetable products are added to protein products. Alternation schemes are selected individually. Use the table to determine your rotation pattern.
  • We eat more bran. Increase your daily intake of the product to two tablespoons.
  • We drink more liquid. It is optimal to bring the daily intake of water and tea to two liters.

During the Alternation stage, weight loss occurs steadily, but not intensively. The average is one kilogram per week. Therefore, you will need to be on a diet in this phase from several weeks to several months.

Authorized Products

You can continue to eat all the foods you are familiar with from the previous stage. The new one adds vegetables and all types of greens without exception.

Introduce seasonal vegetables into your diet: cucumbers and tomatoes, eggplants and zucchini, all types of cabbage, beets and carrots. Consume all types of onions, mushrooms, celery and asparagus. Try those vegetables that you were indifferent to before, for example, turnips and radishes, green beans. Healthy and tasty greens: spinach, sorrel, lettuce, cilantro, dill, parsley, green onions.

Despite the fact that all vegetables are healthy, some of them are prohibited because they contain a lot of starch and are therefore too high in calories. This applies to peas and beans, potatoes, and corn.

All the spices that you can use in cooking remain in the diet. Add new products to them:

  • low-fat cocoa is one of the Dukan products; it is impossible to find it in our stores;
  • starch - will help in preparing vegetable dishes;
  • cream - regular with up to four percent fat or soy;
  • cheese - up to six percent fat, an incredibly rare product;
  • white and red wine - up to three tablespoons;
  • ketchup.

During the day you can eat no more than two new foods. The norm for everyone is up to two tablespoons per day.

What to cook

In this phase, they usually form food preferences and habits, so the use of vegetables and herbs, some new products allows you to create a more or less complete diet without the risk of breakdowns. According to reviews from those who have lost weight, the Dukan diet at this stage may include the following diet.

Table - option of the Dukan Diet menu for the week of the Alternation stage.

DayBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1 Omelet, bran bread, coffeeSoup with meatballs, chopped vegetablesCurd mass, teaMeat baked in foil vegetable salad, green tea
2 Whole cottage cheese, yogurtFish soup with fillet piecesBran bread, lightly salted fish, teaBoiled meat, kefir
3 Cottage cheese casserole, coffeeMixed meat soupKefir, bran breadPoultry fillet cutlets, vegetable salad
4 Scrambled eggs with meatSoup with fish piecesCottage cheese casserole, teaBaked fish fillet, kefir
5 Boiled eggs, lightly salted fish, coffeeMeat cutlets, vegetable salad, yogurtKefir, branStewed squid, vegetables, tea
6 Cheesecakes, coffeeFish soup with fillet piecesBoiled mussels, yogurtBaked meat
7 Meatball soup, vegetable salad, yogurtCottage cheese casserole, kefirStew made from chicken and vegetables

This diet is suitable for alternating one after another. For other regimens, combine protein and mixed days in the required sequence.

Stage three - Consolidation

During this stage, weight loss occurs slowly. On average, he loses 0.4 kilograms per week. But the author notes that the task of the stage is not to continue to lose weight, but to consolidate the result obtained and maintain it for a long time, not allowing the weight to return.

Here are a few features of the Consolidation stage.

  • Add starchy foods. You may gradually introduce foods that you traditionally consumed before into your diet, e.g. regular bread, pasta and potatoes. But they should be used in moderation, not constantly.
  • We increase the volume of bran. Increase your daily intake to three tablespoons of this valuable component.
  • We eat honey. New element a nutritional system that will brighten up the complete absence of sweets in the diet. Now you are allowed to eat up to three teaspoons of this healthy and tasty product.
  • We're having holidays! Returning to the usual diet, according to the author, is impossible without some indulgences. Holidays or "feasts" are meals during which you eat whatever you want. Absolutely any products in any quantity. It is important to remember that a “feast” is one meal, and not the whole day. And you can repeat it only twice a week and not for two days in a row.
  • Let's return to the attack. This must be done once a week. You can choose any day convenient for you and any menu from the first phase.

The duration of the stage is individual. According to reviews from those losing weight, you have to spend quite a lot of time on Consolidation. But the presence of new and familiar products, the opportunity to deviate a little from the diet eliminates the psychological discomfort of the stage.

The duration is calculated using the formula - 10 days for each kilogram lost in the second stage. That is, if you lost 8 kilograms during Alternation, you will have to spend 80 days in the Consolidation phase.

What to cook

The kilograms will not return if you follow the recommended diet. Your constant companions are all protein products of the Attack phase, all herbal products from the Alternation stage.

Include new components in the power system:

  • fruits, except bananas and high-calorie grapes;
  • legumes, potatoes and pasta - consume no more than twice a week;
  • cheese - up to forty grams;
  • bread - up to a couple of slices per day.

Table - approximate diet for the week of the Consolidation stage

DayBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1 Curd mass, teaMeat soup, oat bran, kefirSeasonal fruitsChicken fillet baked with vegetables, side dish of potatoes
2 Turkey omelette, coffeeFish soup with fillet pieces, saladSeasonal berriesCheesecakes, fruit, coffee
3 Meat cutlets, vegetable saladMixed meat soupFruits, yogurtBaked meat, vegetable salad
4 Select any menu from the Attack phase
5 Scrambled eggs, kefir, coffeeMeatball soup, saladBerries, branBaked fish fillet, stewed vegetables
6 Cottage cheese casserole, coffeeFish soup with fillet pieces, yogurtSeasonal fruitsBaked mussels with cheese, salad, side dish of rice
7 Whole cottage cheese, boiled egg, coffeePoultry fillet cutlets, bran bread, saladSeasonal fruits or berriesFresh vegetables, stewed meat, 2 glasses of your favorite wine

At this stage, you can use the usual recipes that made up your diet earlier. Cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, all types of baked and stewed meats, fish, and seafood are complemented with vegetables, fruits and berries. In fact, the diet ceases to be perceived as any kind of dietary restriction.

Stage four - stabilization

Mr. Dukan himself calls this stage the habit of not only eating right, but also leading healthy image life. How long should you stick to it? As long as you want to stay slim, healthy and attractive, that is, always.

Follow the basic requirements of this stage.

  • Include any foods in your diet. Or continue to eat according to the “Reinforcement” menu. This is the best way to keep your body in shape and protect it from gaining excess weight.
  • Organize one “Attack” per week. For one day, eat only protein foods.
  • Continue to eat bran and drink a lot. The norms remain the same - three tablespoons of valuable fiber and two liters of water per day.
  • Pay attention to physical activity. The more you move, the better you will feel. Walk, avoid elevators, exercise simple exercises Houses.

During the Stabilization stage and even earlier, you may lose the feeling of being on a diet. Sometimes situations arise when permitted products are not available to you, for example, at a corporate event or family party. Remember that you can arrange “feasts” for yourself, this is not prohibited. But after relaxing, return to the protein menu for one day.

Is Pierre Dukan's protein diet effective? Undoubtedly. It helps you lose extra pounds. But it should not be considered suitable for absolutely everyone. According to the author of the method, he can recommend sticking to clean “protein days” only for obese people, whose excess weight poses a threat to health and life. IN to a greater extent Only the third stage of the diet can be considered adapted to the real needs of the human body.

People's results (photos)

Look at the results achieved by people who tried the Dukan Diet.

Diet type- low carbohydrate

Weight loss- 3-5 kg ​​per week

Duration- several months /can become your nutrition system for life/

After the publication of the book “The Dukan Diet” by French nutritionist Pierre Dukan, many people around the world began to successfully use the principles of the Dukan diet for weight loss.

Externally, this diet is very similar to other well-known low-carbohydrate diets - the Kremlin diet, the diet of American astronauts, the Atkins diet, etc. But there are some differences in the Dukan approach to weight loss.

As this one states famous nutritionist, every person from birth has a strictly defined number of fat cells - adipocytes. The more of them, the more likely it is to develop obesity. In addition, with enhanced nutrition, these fat cells can divide in two, thereby allowing the accumulation of even larger reserves of fat. When using diets, only the amount of fat decreases, but the number of cells remains unchanged. This is why it is so difficult to maintain the desired weight.

Before starting a diet, you can calculate your ideal weight using our free Dukan Diet calculator. After this, you will know exactly how much weight you need to lose, as well as the approximate duration of each phase.

The Dukan power system consists of several phases.

"ATTACK" phase

In the first phase, you need to attack your fat cells and turn on the process of breaking down fat tissue.

This phase is called “ATTACK” and its duration directly depends on both your initial weight and the weight you would like to have. The “ATTACK” phase lasts from 3 to 7 days, maximum 10. At this stage, on average, 2 to 6 kg are consumed.

If excess weight is less than 10 kg, the duration of the phase is 3 days;

From 10 to 20 kg 3 - 5 days

From 20 to 30 kg 5 - 7 days

From 30 kg or more - 5 -10 days

In the “Attack” phase, only proteins are allowed: meat, fish, eggs and low-fat dairy products. This phase can last for you one day, or maybe ten. During this phase, you may suffer from dry mouth and unpleasant odor from mouth. All this only confirms the fact that the process has begun and everything is going fine. At this stage, it is very important to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. You can eat any amount of food at any time, the main thing is to adhere to the following rules:

1. Eliminate boiled beef and veal, rabbit, pork and lamb, goose and duck from the diet. Meat can even be eaten fried, but oil and sauce should not be used when frying.

2. Chicken and turkey are allowed (you need to remove the skin from them before eating), lean ham, beef liver or chicken liver, any fish - boiled, grilled or steamed, as well as any seafood.

3. You can eat up to two eggs a day. If you have high cholesterol, eat no more than 3-4 yolks per week. Protein - unlimited.

4. Low-fat dairy products are allowed: natural yoghurts, as well as yoghurts flavored with coconut, vanilla or lemon. The number of fruit yoghurts should be limited to two per day.

5. Sugar is prohibited; salt can be consumed in small quantities.

6. When cooking, you can use a sugar substitute, vinegar, spices, seasonings, garlic, onions, gherkins, lemon juice, mustard. You can also use chewing gum(only without sugar).

In addition, during this period you need to eat one and a half tablespoons of oat bran per day. Oatmeal will generally accompany you throughout the diet and will become one of the main components of the diet after its completion. And this is not surprising: oat bran is rich in sugar and protein, and it also absorbs water in the intestines, increasing in size and giving us a feeling of fullness. Bran also improves heart function and relieves constipation (which can bother you during pregnancy). early stages diets).

Second phase - “CRUISE”

The length of this phase is also strictly individual and can be from one to several months until you reach the desired weight.

The phase consists of alternating two diets: protein days with days when you include an unlimited amount of vegetables in your diet, complementing meat, fish, poultry and low-fat dairy products.
The following vegetables can be introduced into the diet at this phase: raw, boiled or baked in foil artichoke, asparagus, eggplant, broccoli, any other cabbage, celery, chicory, zucchini, cucumbers, beans, leeks, onions, mushrooms, peppers, pumpkin , radish, sorrel, soybeans, spinach, tomatoes and turnips. If you want to achieve rapid weight loss, it is better to eat only when you feel hungry. All vegetables containing a lot of starch - potatoes, rice, grains, peas, beans, lentils and avocados - are prohibited during the cruise stage. The rules for the second phase are as follows.

1. You alternate one to five days on pure protein (as in the “Attack” phase) with one to five days when vegetables are added to protein foods:

If you want to lose less than 10 kg, it is recommended to alternate 1 PP / 1 PL (1 day of pure proteins, then 1 day of proteins + vegetables), but you can do 3/3 or 5/5

If you want to lose 10 to 20 kg, a 5/5 rotation is recommended

If you want to lose 20 to 30 kg, we recommend alternating: 5/5

2. Consumption of oat bran is increased to two spoons per day.

3. The duration of your daily walk increases to 30 minutes.

4. You continue to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day.

The alternation scheme can be changed at any time
In this phase the following are allowed:
- 1 teaspoon of low-fat cocoa;
- 1 tablespoon of starch;
- 2 tablespoons of soy cream;
- 1 teaspoon of cream 3-4%;
- 2-3 drops of oil in a frying pan;
- 30 gr. cheese less than 6% in dry weight (we don’t have that in kosher);
- 3 tablespoons of white or red wine;
- 1 tablespoon of Heinz ketchup;
ONLY TWO ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS PER DAY are selected from this list.

Can be used for cooking, baking or eating:
Agar-agar, gelatin
Marak of low fat
Light drinks only 1 kcal glass and no more
Sugar substitutes
All spices
Adjika, hot peppers
Milk powder, milk (semi-skimmed and skimmed)
Natural canned fish
Soy sauce
Surimi (fake crab sticks, no more than 8 per day!)

Example daily menu"Proteins + vegetables":
Breakfast: coffee or tea, two small low-fat yoghurts or 225 g low-fat cottage cheese, a piece of lean turkey, chicken or lean ham, or one boiled egg.
Second breakfast: one small low-fat yogurt or 115 g low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner: stewed mushrooms(without oil), tuna, tea or coffee with low-fat cream.
Afternoon snack: oat pancake with a piece of lean ham, chicken or salmon.
Dinner: zucchini soup, beef shish kebab, “Floating Island” dessert made from egg whites.

The third phase of "CONFIRMATION""

At this stage, it is necessary to consolidate the achieved result by returning to normal nutrition.
The main task of this phase of the diet is to prevent the return of lost kilograms.

The duration of phase 3 depends on how many kilograms you have lost. For every kilogram lost - 10 days.
During this 3rd phase you can eat following products:
- stage 1 products;
- stage 2 vegetables;
- 1 serving of fruit per day, except bananas, cherries, grapes;
- 2 slices of bread per day;
- 40 g of mature cheese;
*- 2 servings of starches per week (for example: potatoes, pasta, rice, corn, beans, peas).

And besides:
per week you can afford 2 meals, which Dukan calls a feast, a festive dinner ( we're talking about about ONE meal, not the whole day! During this meal you can allow yourself whatever you want! It is very important not to have feasts two days in a row)))
But be sure to: 1 time a week (preferably on Thursday) PURE PROTEIN DAY

Fourth phase of "STABILIZATION"

The goal of this stage is to stabilize the weight.

During this stage, you eat normally, but follow 2 principles:

1 day a week should be a pure protein day;

3 tbsp. l. oat bran per day;

The duration of this stage is not limited, but it is advisable to follow the recommendations of Pierre Dukan throughout your life.

Pros of the Dukan Diet:

The diet is not dangerous, since it is based on natural products. A diet allows you to get rid of excess weight even in cases where this is not the first diet and the body has already developed a stable reaction to various experiments;
- the first kilograms disappear quickly, which promotes motivation;
- not a very aggressive diet, suitable even for gourmets who love to cook and eat delicious food;
- no restrictions on the amount of food and time of intake;
- the diet is simple, you can follow it everywhere: at home, at work, in a cafe.


The body produces ketone bodies, they suppress appetite, but may cause fatigue in the first few days;
- deficiency of microelements and vitamins. It is recommended to take a complex of vitamins;
- fat deficiency. It is recommended to add a little fat plant origin;
- the diet can quickly get boring for those who don’t like to cook.

See also:

Average daily calorie content 950 Kcal.

The Dukan diet is not a diet in its direct sense (as), but refers to nutrition systems (as well as). The author of this nutrition system, Frenchman Pierre Dukan, has experience in dietetics for more than 30 years, which resulted in an effective multi-phase method for weight loss.

The Dukan Diet menu is based on foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates, such as fish, lean meat and eggs. These products can be consumed without restrictions in the first phase of the diet. Protein, low-carbohydrate foods do not contain excess calories and are good at reducing hunger. The author's version of the diet limits the duration of the first phase to no more than 7 days, otherwise unacceptable damage to health can be caused.

This diet fits perfectly into the modern rhythm of life, when high performance and concentration are required throughout the day, which are difficult to achieve on other low-carbohydrate diets (like).

The duration of the Dukan diet can reach several months, and the diet menu is quite varied and weight loss is not accompanied by stress for the body. And over such a long period of time, the body gets used to a new, normal diet, i.e. metabolism is normalized.

Are common Dr. Dukan diet requirements:

  • every day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of regular (still and non-mineralized) water;
  • add oat bran to your food daily (the amount will depend on the stage of the diet);
  • do morning exercises every day;
  • Take at least a 20-minute walk in the fresh air every day.

The Dukan diet contains four independent phases, each of which has special requirements for the diet and products used. It is clear that efficiency and effectiveness will depend on complete and accurate compliance with the requirements in all phases of the diet:

  • phase attacks;
  • stage alternation;
  • phase consolidation;
  • phase stabilization.

The first phase of the Dukan diet is “attack”

The first stage of the diet is characterized by a significant reduction in volume and rapid weight loss. The first stage has the most stringent requirements for the menu and it is highly advisable to fulfill all of them flawlessly, because... The total weight loss in the entire diet is determined at this stage.

In the menu at this stage, priority is given to products with a high protein content - these are products of animal origin and a number of fermented milk products with low fat content (low fat).

At this stage, dizziness, dry mouth and other signs of deterioration in health are possible. This shows that the diet is working and fat tissue is being lost. Because duration of this phase has a strict time limit and depends on your well-being - if your body does not accept this diet, reduce the duration of the phase to the minimum possible, but if your health allows, then increase the duration of the phase to the upper limit in your range for excess weight:

  • excess weight up to 20 kg - duration of the first phase is 3-5 days;
  • excess weight from 20 to 30 kg – phase duration 5-7 days;
  • excess weight more than 30 kg - the duration of the first stage is 5-10 days.

Maximum duration the first phase should not last more than 10 days.

Allowed foods in the Dukan diet in the first phase:

  • Be sure to eat 1.5 tbsp/l of oat bran every day;
  • be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of regular (still and non-mineralized) water daily;
  • lean beef, horse meat, veal;
  • veal kidneys and liver;
  • chicken and turkey meat without skin;
  • beef or veal tongue;
  • any seafood;
  • eggs;
  • any fish (boiled, steamed or grilled);
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • onion and garlic;
  • lean (low-fat) ham;
  • You can add vinegar, salt, seasonings and spices to your food.

All foods allowed in the diet can be mixed as desired during the day.

In the first phase, they should be excluded:

  • sugar
  • goose
  • duck
  • rabbit meat
  • pork

The second phase of the Dr. Dukan diet is “alternation”

This phase got its name because of the nutritional pattern, when two different diet menus “protein” and “protein with vegetables” alternate with equal duration. If before starting the diet the excess weight was less than 10 kg, then the alternation pattern can be lengthened or shortened at any time. Example options:

  • one day protein - one day “vegetables + proteins”
  • three days “proteins” - three days “vegetables + proteins”
  • five days “proteins” - five days “vegetables + proteins”

If before starting the diet the excess weight was more than 10 kg, then the alternation scheme is only 5 by 5 days (i.e. five days “proteins” - five days “vegetables + proteins”).

The duration of the second stage of the Dukan diet depends on the weight lost during the first stage of the diet according to the formula: 1 kg of weight loss in the first stage - 10 days in the second phase of “alternation”. For example:

  • total weight loss in the first stage is 3 kg - duration of the second phase is 30 days
  • weight loss in the first stage 4.5 kg - duration of the alternation phase 45 days
  • weight loss during the first phase of the diet 5.2 kg - duration of the alternation phase 52 days

At the second stage, the results of the first phase are consolidated and the diet approaches normal. the main objective this phase - to prevent the possible return of kilograms lost during the first phase.

The menu of the second phase of the Dukan diet contains all the products from the first stage for a “protein” day and the same products with the addition of vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, green beans, radishes, asparagus, cabbage, celery, eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, carrots, beets, peppers - for the day according to the “vegetables + proteins” menu. Vegetables can be consumed in any quantity and method of preparation - raw, boiled, baked or steamed.

Allowed foods in the Dukan diet in the second phase:

  • definitely every day add 2 tbsp to food. spoons of oat bran
  • mandatory daily drink at least 1.5 liters of regular (still and non-mineralized) water
  • all menu products of the “attack” phase
  • vegetables without starch
  • cheese (fat content less than 6%) - 30 gr.
  • fruits (no grapes, cherries or bananas)
  • cocoa - 1 tsp
  • milk
  • starch - 1 tbsp
  • gelatin
  • cream - 1 tsp
  • garlic
  • ketchup
  • spices, adjika, hot pepper
  • vegetable oil for frying (literally 3 drops)
  • gherkins
  • bread - 2 slices
  • white or red wine - 50 g.

Additional second phase products must not be mixed like products from the first stage - from them you can choose only any two products daily. In this case, mix the products of the first phase randomly, as before.

In the second phase should be excluded:

  • cereals
  • avocado
  • lentils
  • peas
  • potato
  • pasta
  • beans
  • corn

The third phase of the Dukan diet is “consolidation”

During the third phase, the weight achieved in the first two stages stabilizes. The duration of the third phase of the diet is calculated, like the duration of the second phase - based on the weight lost during the first stage of the diet (per 1 kg of weight lost in the first stage - 10 days in the third phase of “consolidation”). The menu is even closer to the usual.

At the third stage you need to follow one rule: during the week, one day should be spent on the menu of the first phase (“protein” day)

Allowed foods in the Dr. Dukan diet in the third phase:

  • definitely every day add 2.5 tbsp. spoons of oat bran in food
  • every day is mandatory you must drink at least 1.5 liters of regular (still and non-mineralized) water
  • all first phase menu products
  • all vegetables of the second phase menu
  • fruits daily (except grapes, bananas and cherries)
  • 2 slices bread
  • low-fat cheese (40 g)
  • You can have potatoes, rice, corn, peas, beans, pasta and other starchy foods - 2 times a week.

Twice a week you can eat whatever you want, but only instead of one meal (or instead of breakfast, or lunch, or dinner).

The fourth phase of the Dukan diet is “stabilization”

This phase no longer relates directly to the diet itself - this diet is for life. You only need to follow four simple restrictions:

  1. Every day you must drink at least 1.5 liters of regular (still and non-mineralized) water
  2. Be sure to add 3 tbsp to your food every day. spoons of oat bran
  3. daily any amount of protein food, vegetables and fruits, a piece of cheese, two pieces of bread, two any high-starch foods
  4. Any one day of the week should be spent following the menu from the first phase (“protein” day)

These four simple rules will allow you to keep your weight within certain limits by eating whatever you want during the remaining 6 days of the week.

Pros of the Dukan Diet

  1. The most important advantage of the Dukan diet is that lost kilograms do not return. Even returning to your normal regimen after a diet does not cause weight gain for any length of time (you only need to follow 4 simple rules).
  2. The effectiveness of the Dukan diet is very high with 3-6 kg per week.
  3. The restrictions of the diet are extremely minor, so it can be done at home, during your lunch break at work, in a cafe or even in a restaurant. Even alcohol is acceptable, so you won’t be a black sheep when invited to an anniversary or corporate party.
  4. The diet is as safe as possible - it does not involve the use of any chemical additives or drugs - every single product is completely natural.
  5. There is no restriction on the amount of foods consumed (only a small number of diets can boast of this - buckwheat, etc.).
  6. There are no strict restrictions on meal times - it is suitable for both those who get up early and those who like to sleep.
  7. Weight loss is significant from the very first days of the diet - you are immediately convinced of its high effectiveness. Moreover, the effectiveness does not decrease, even if other diets no longer help you (as in).
  8. The diet is very easy to follow - simple rules do not require preliminary calculations menu. A a large number of products provide an opportunity to show off your culinary talents (this is for those who love both cooking and eating).

Disadvantages of the Dukan Diet

  1. The diet limits the amount of fat. Discuss diet options and limits with your doctor. Menu may need to be modified with additional minimum additions vegetable oils(for example olive).
  2. Like all diets, Dr. Dukan's diet is not completely balanced - therefore it is necessary to take additional vitamin and mineral complexes.
  3. The first phase of the diet is quite difficult (but its effectiveness during this period is the greatest). Increased fatigue is possible at this time.
  4. Diet requires mandatory daily consumption of oat bran. This product is not available everywhere - may require pre order with delivery. Of course, in this case the order will need to be placed in advance, taking into account the time of order preparation and delivery.

The effectiveness of the Dukan diet

Practical results are confirmed by clinical practice. Under efficiency in in this case is understood as stabilization of the achieved weight after two time periods: the first from 6 to 12 months and the second from 18 months to 2 years with the results:

  • from 6 to 12 months - 83.3% weight stabilization
  • from 18 months to 2 years - 62.1% weight stabilization

The data confirms the high effectiveness of the diet, because... even 2 years after the diet, 62% of those who underwent observation remained within the limits achieved during the diet.

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