Home Flowers Getting pregnant if you are not ovulating. Why does ovulation not occur during regular periods? What is anovulation, what are the causes and how to get pregnant. Pills to restore ovulation

Getting pregnant if you are not ovulating. Why does ovulation not occur during regular periods? What is anovulation, what are the causes and how to get pregnant. Pills to restore ovulation

If a woman experiences disruptions in her menstrual cycle, including lack of ovulation, she will not be able to get pregnant.

What is ovulation? The process of release of an egg from the ovary after its maturation 12-15 days before the arrival of the “red number of the calendar,” that is, menstruation. Its goal is the uterus (where fertilization occurs), the time of release is the 2nd half of the cycle, the “path” is the fallopian tube. If the egg is not released or matured, ovulation will not occur.

By the way, in a year, any woman’s body can have several “idle” cycles without ovulation, and this is the norm. If anovulation occurs more than three times a year or is permanent, doctors talk about treatment.

Why might there be no ovulation?

The reasons for the lack of ovulation can be of different nature:

  • physiological;
  • chronic or pathological.

Chronic absence of ovulation develops due to autoimmune lesions of the ovaries, enzyme secretion, abnormal structure, under the influence of radiation and chemical therapy. If there is no ovulation for physiological reasons, then this is most likely a consequence of puberty, childbirth, menopause and lactation.

Failure can occur in any phase monthly cycle: both in the first, when the follicle matures, and in the second, when the egg goes into the uterus.

You may have already heard advice from women older than you (mother, grandmother, neighbor) that you must get pregnant before thirty. These words are not entirely unfounded. After a certain age, ovulation occurs less and less frequently, and menopause stops this process altogether.

So why is there no ovulation? Even young women can experience prolonged anovulation. The reasons may be:

  • Operational disruptions thyroid gland;
  • decreased estradiol levels;
  • high level FSH (follicle stimulating hormone);
  • irregular menstrual cycle (for example, with sudden weight loss or long-term strict diet);
  • problems with the ovaries or brain (pathologies, tumor, injury);
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • there are large adhesions in the appendages and uterus;
  • problems with blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • Previous infectious processes affected the endocrine system.

The ovaries can fail due to a congenital reason (genetic anomaly) or an acquired one (polycystic disease, sclerocystic disease, tumor, wasting syndrome or resistant ovary). In addition, preoral contraceptives affect the functioning of this organ.

And of course, pregnant women and breastfeeding women do not ovulate (sometimes until the baby is weaned).

You also need to be wary if you have:

  • a lot of stress
  • weight problems (both underweight and obesity),
  • a lot of physical activity.

Signs and symptoms of anovulation?

It can be shown by a special test, or a basal temperature calendar - in the middle of a healthy girl’s cycle it will show a jump. However, if 10-16 days before your period the appearance and amount of your discharge have not changed, and you do not feel discomfort in the lower abdomen, most likely you are not ovulating.

In addition, disruptions in the menstrual cycle can “scream” about anovulation:

  • infrequent periods (so-called oligomenorrhea),
  • absence of menstruation (amenorrhea),
  • strong uterine bleeding in the very middle of the cycle,
  • if the discharge does not change (in the middle of the cycle it should be viscous, transparent and in large quantities).
  • breast disease;
  • presence of hair male type;
  • endometrial hyperplasia and cancer;
  • the inability to bear a baby during pregnancy, it is often impossible to get pregnant yourself in the first place.

Symptoms of lack of ovulation can also be: severe body hair, especially of the male type, acne, hair loss.

You can check yourself using an ultrasound - such a diagnosis will show the presence of dominant follicles in your body. Has the disappointing diagnosis been confirmed? Don't delay treatment! By postponing a visit to a specialist, you are only making the problem worse.

You may be referred for tests

A doctor won't make a diagnosis just by feeling your stomach. He needs to know a lot of accurate data.

  1. Basal temperature chart for 3 or even 8 months.
  2. Ultrasound: size of the ovaries and uterus, follicle development, endometrial thickness. You may be sent to the ultrasound specialist’s office more than once to create a complete picture.
  3. Your hormones (blood test), and primarily progesterone.

Treatment of ovulatory dysfunction

There can be many reasons for the lack of ovulation, so you may be prescribed different treatments. The easiest way is, if the reason is “nervous,” avoid stress, and you will be happy. Or if you are simply overtired, change your job or workload in the gym, and within a month your body will work as it should.

Doctors try to do without medication even if the body’s functioning is disrupted by a weight gain. They adjust the woman’s menu, and if she is obese, they recommend that she go in for sports. Of course, ovulation will not occur immediately, but if you lose (or vice versa, gain) from 7 to 10 kilograms - but without medications.

Before a woman is given a referral to a pharmacy, she is checked for:

  • obstruction or adhesions fallopian tubes,
  • inflammation in the vagina, tubes, uterus,
  • the presence of infertility in her man.

What is the principle of operation of drugs aimed at returning ovulation? They stimulate the maturation of follicles, the production of gonadotropins, and also “adjust” the work of the pituitary gland. Needless to say, such hormonal drugs are prescribed only after a series of studies and tests, and they should be prescribed by an experienced doctor.

Sometimes women decide to wait, “in case it goes away on its own,” or they are looking for traditional methods treatment. And in vain! The sooner you eliminate hormonal problems, the easier the treatment will be. Once changes in the reproductive system have begun, over time they may become irreversible. Don't let your body "relax" to such an extent! Contact a specialist, and very soon your ovulation will disappear for another reason - because of a happy pregnancy.

Reading time: 6 minutes.

Many people encounter the concept of “ovulation” at the stage of pregnancy planning, namely, its long delay. Not all women know that they have pathologies. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the reasons why there is no ovulation. They can be very different: from hormonal imbalance to infertility. In these situations, it is customary to contact a specialized specialist. After determining the reasons, the doctor will be able to understand why there is no ovulation and prescribe appropriate treatment.

What is ovulation?

In healthy girls reproductive age this process occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. With the arrival of new periods, the formation of several follicles with eggs begins. One of them subsequently takes on the role of the dominant one. On the 14th day of the cycle he should ovulate. It is assumed that an egg is released from it, ready for fertilization.

The timing of this process may shift, because everything depends on individual characteristics body. If this chain is not carried out, then we can talk about such a phenomenon as anovulation. By the way, it is normal if it occurs no more than three cycles a year. The remaining cases are considered pathological.

Why isn't it coming?

Why doesn't ovulation occur? This question is most often asked by those who for a long time are planning a pregnancy. According to statistics, in Lately Almost 30% of couples face this problem.

So, ovulation does not occur due to physiological and chronic reasons. If the question belongs to the first group, then here it is possible drug treatment or surgery.

There are also natural cases of egg failure:

If this is just an anovulatory cycle, then bloody issues will still be observed.

Pathological absence is caused, first of all, by abnormal structure of organs or diseases of the thyroid gland:

  • hypothalamic dysfunction;
  • frequent stress;
  • blood does not flow to the brain;
  • Availability malignant tumor in the pituitary gland;
  • genital injuries;
  • lack or excessive weight gain;
  • or ;
  • inflammation in the ovaries;
  • early menopause;
  • long-term use OK;
  • unregulated physical exercise;
  • excess prolactin.

Diseases leading to anovulation

Many people wonder what causes the lack of ovulation. The fact is that it often does not occur due to developing illnesses. The process depends on hormonal levels, and there is often an imbalance in it.
Diseases in this category include tumors of the appendages, inflammatory processes occurring in the ovaries, and PCOS. The second group affects the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The latter is a gland central authority The central nervous system, responsible for the production of hormones.

The condition of the thyroid gland has key value in the matter of formation and maturation of NC. She is generally responsible for the operation of all systems, including the reproductive one. If something is not done, the cycle becomes anovulatory.

Sometimes there is simply not enough iodine. Therefore, during the planning period, doctors advise taking iodized salt.

How to determine anovulation

Not all women feel the rupture of the follicle and the release of NC. To understand how the body functions, it is necessary to track its work. To clarify “day X”, you can use home tests or measuring basal temperature. The egg itself lives 1-2 days, so this period is the most favorable for conception.

Vaginal secretion often changes. It becomes more viscous, similar to protein raw egg. There is also an increased sexual desire and abdominal pain on the side where the dominant follicle has matured.

A woman can independently establish signs that there was no ovulation. All manifestations will be recorded depending on the time of onset of the pathology and the degree of established disorders:

  • over the course of several months, the nature of the bleeding and the interval between them changed significantly;
  • smooth BT schedule;
  • LH tests show one line;
  • homogeneous milky discharge is recorded;
  • The condition of the skin and hair has deteriorated sharply.

It should be taken into account the fact that. This phenomenon is rare and occurs mainly in women with. However, this fact is also worth considering when there is speculation about anovulation.


At the appointment, the doctor must understand the nature of the patient’s menstrual cycle. If it turns out that menstruation does not come on time, then there is a reason to diagnose a violation of the ovulatory stage. Next, various examinations are prescribed:

  • donating blood for hormones;
  • general blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, pelvic organs;
  • MRI or CT scan of the brain (in rare cases);
  • folliculometry.

Based on the general clinical picture, treatment methods are developed.


To restore the ovulatory process, some people just need to follow a diet, eliminate stress and get more rest. If hormonal pathologies are detected, then appropriate medical correction or metabolic therapy is prescribed.

Many patients are offered stimulation; it is acceptable for the majority who cannot become pregnant on their own. In order for the procedure to bear fruit, it is important to find out whether there are other reasons preventing conception:

  • infertility in men;
  • infectious diseases of the uterus and ovaries.

A common diagnosis is PCOS - polycystic ovary syndrome. Often the follicle reaches 22 mm, but does not burst. As a result, the egg dies inside the capsule. For tracking at this moment you need to visit folliculometry several times in a cycle. Using a special sensor, the ultrasound specialist examines the retrouterine space on the screen and determines whether the corpus luteum has appeared.

It has been scientifically proven that in case of stimulation, a woman can already in the second cycle. It all depends on her age and body. There should be rest between treatments to allow the appendages to recover. If conception does not occur with the first regimen, the doctor must change the treatment regimen. Often, when stimulated, twins are born, since several nuclear cells emerge and are eventually fertilized.


Prevention of this anovulation is very simple. It is recommended to promptly treat endocrine and gynecological pathologies, healthy image life.

The key aspect is nutrition. In the diet expectant mother meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products must be present. Better to avoid flour products, sweets, alcohol, carbonated drinks, fatty and fried.

If you have a tendency to be overweight, then you cannot do without physical activity. At the same time, violations are also recorded in girls who are too thin.


The reasons why there is no ovulation can be very different. When ladies suspect that it is absent for several cycles, they need to make an appointment with a specialized specialist. After the examination, the doctor will figure out the reasons and why there is no ovulation for a long period, and prescribe treatment. It is important not to take any medications on your own.

A woman's ability to become pregnant depends on whether she ovulates. Approximately 40% of couples who are unable to conceive a child are faced with this disease. Some of these cases are physiological characteristics women who do not require treatment. However, in most cases the problem is a consequence of existing diseases and requires medical intervention. Why is there no ovulation with regular or irregular periods? Why doesn't an ovulation test show ovulation?

Ovulation- this is the process of the release of a mature and ready-to-fertilize egg from the ovarian follicle.

A woman's menstrual cycle is divided into two phases:

  1. The first is characterized by the formation of a follicle in one of the ovaries and the maturation of the egg in it.
  2. The follicle then ruptures and the egg is released. It travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus, and if fertilization does not occur, menstruation begins.

With anovulation (absence of ovulation), such a process is not possible. Anovulation is a disruption of the process of growth and maturation of the follicle, and as a result, the inability to release an egg from it. Moreover, this is typical for both regular and irregular cycles. Accordingly, fertilization and pregnancy are not possible in this case.

Most sure sign , indicating anovulation is the absence of pregnancy for 1-2 years with active sexual activity without contraception.

Another symptom is that the nature of the discharge in the middle of the cycle does not change(normally, by the middle of the cycle they should become more mucous and abundant). During this period, there is no discomfort in the lower abdomen in the area of ​​the appendages.

Ovulation may not occur if or they are not regular. Heavy bleeding during menstruation may also indicate anovulation.

Diagnose pathology possible in several ways.

  • Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries certain days cycle;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid and mammary glands;
  • blood test for FSH (follicle stimulating hormone);
  • blood chemistry;
  • independent (with anovulation it remains unchanged in the middle of the cycle);
  • ovulation test (sold at the pharmacy).

With the test results, you need to contact a gynecologist and endocrinologist, who will make a conclusion and choose the optimal treatment.

Anovulation – almost main reason infertility. If a woman has impaired ovulatory function, she is unable to become pregnant for the simple reason that the egg is missing, which means that the sperm will have nothing to fertilize.

Irregular ovulation (when an egg does not mature in every cycle) also reduces the chances of successfully conceiving a child. Firstly, the egg itself may not be very good quality that's not in the best possible way will affect your attempt to get pregnant. Secondly, anovulation is associated with a woman’s hormonal imbalance.

In turn this leads to the emergence of no less serious pathologies, negatively affecting the ability to conceive a child: changes in the thickness of the endometrium, lack of progesterone, luteinizing and other hormones.

Reasons why ovulation does not occur

What are the reasons for the lack of ovulation during regular periods or their absence? Cause of anovulation There may be other diseases, as well as individual physiology and characteristics of the body.


  • pregnancy;
  • postpartum period and lactation (until the menstrual cycle has been restored);
  • menopause (last menstruation);
  • rest periods for women of reproductive age (1-2 times a year);
  • the first 1-2 years after the onset of the first menstruation.

Such physiological reasons are not a pathology and do not require treatment.


It happens that anovulation is a consequence of an abnormal structure reproductive organs or problems in the functioning of the endocrine and other systems. Among these reasons are:

  • diseases of the appendages of an inflammatory nature;
  • excess weight;
  • anorexia;
  • gynecological diseases (fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, etc.);
  • poor blood circulation to the brain;
  • constant stress;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hyperprolactinemia;
  • liver diseases;
  • injuries of the reproductive system;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • hormonal contraception;
  • oncological diseases of the pituitary gland.

What to do if there is no ovulation? If the problem of anovulation is physiology, then the correct good nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding stressful situations.

In other cases, treatment will depend on the cause(which are established during the examination).

  1. So, if there are problems with weight, its correction will be necessary. You may have to visit a nutritionist, who will prescribe effective diet individually for your body.
  2. When there is a lot of stress and anxiety in life that leads to health problems, it is necessary to take courses of sedatives. A specialist will tell you which ones to choose.
  3. In case of hormonal imbalance, you will need to consult an endocrinologist, who will prescribe a course of treatment.
  4. If you have gynecological diseases or organ pathologies, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

One of the common treatments for anovulation is. The doctor prescribes medications that stimulate ovulation. Such drugs include tamoxifen, pergonal, human chorionic gonadotropin, etc. Selects medicine directly to the doctor after conducting the necessary examinations and tests.

Preventing problems associated with ovulation

  1. It is necessary to promptly treat gynecological and endocrine diseases.
  2. Lead a healthy lifestyle, pay due attention to your diet and avoid stressful situations.
  3. Keep yourself in shape, monitor your weight if you have a tendency to be overweight or, conversely, to be underweight.

Video about the reasons for the lack of ovulation

In the video below, a specialist medical center will tell you in detail about the reasons for the lack of ovulation and the main methods of treatment.

No ovulation, how to get pregnant? This is the question asked by women who dream of conceiving a child, but fail. Ovulation is the process of the release of an egg from the follicle. Maturation occurs in the first half of the cycle. After approximately 14-16 days, the cell is ready for fertilization and ovulation occurs. When a sperm is encountered, conception occurs. Women under the age of 35 can have 2 cycles per year without ovulation, after 35 years - 6 cycles, which is also considered normal.

Why is there no ovulation?

The main reason for the lack of ovulation is hormonal imbalance. Estrogen is responsible for the development of the egg in the first half of the menstrual cycle. Under his guidance, ovulation occurs. A variety of factors can disrupt the balance of hormones. Among them:

In the absence of ovulation, the menstrual cycle is irregular and the discharge is scanty. A doctor can prove or disprove the absence of ovulation; you can trace the trend yourself by measuring basal temperature. The main sign of lack of ovulation is the inability to become pregnant within a year with full sexual activity without the use of contraceptives. The menstrual cycle is disrupted.

How to get pregnant without ovulation

Initially, you should seek help from a doctor, undergo comprehensive examination, since it will not be possible to get pregnant without ovulation:

  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • visiting an endocrinologist;
  • examination internal organs, especially the pancreas.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor draws conclusions, makes a diagnosis, and prescribes treatment. The course and methods of therapy depend on the reasons for the lack of ovulation. In most cases, the woman will have to undergo hormone treatment.

  • If there is excess or too little for normal woman weight, select a special diet.
  • If the reasons for the lack of ovulation are nervous stress, eliminate irritating factors and take sedatives.
  • In the presence of venereal diseases, diseases of the thyroid gland, pancreas, they are treated initially.

The most difficult thing to cope with is genetic predisposition. There is a high probability that the cycle will not be restored. Lack of ovulation can be eliminated by medication. Stimulation of hormone production begins after a thorough examination, if inflammatory processes, obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Stimulation is carried out under the constant supervision of a specialist. Ultrasounds are performed periodically and changes are monitored throughout the menstrual cycle.

Despite the high achievements of science in the field of medicine, stimulation methods do not give 100% results. Then women resort to another method - folk recipes fight against infertility.

Folk ways to get pregnant without ovulation

From previous generations, recipes have come down that helped women get pregnant without ovulation. Or rather, normalize hormonal levels. Thus, some plants contain phytohormones that are similar in structure to female sex hormones. Infusions were prepared from them and consumed in courses.

  • Sage, hog queen. At the beginning of the cycle, take a decoction of sage, in the second half - boron uterus. Prepare the medicine as follows: pour 1 tbsp. spoon of plant in glass boiled water. Leave for 20 minutes. Drink three times a day. The course of treatment ranges from 3 to 6 months.
  • A decoction of rose petals is prepared in the same way. Take it for a month, take a break for 2 weeks.
  • Tincture of Euphorbia Pallas. Drink for one month. The tincture normalizes the functioning of the ovaries. Take a break for a month and repeat the course of treatment again.
  • Horse chestnut tincture is taken for 30 days, with a break in treatment for 3 weeks. The course of treatment is repeated three times.

It is impossible to get pregnant without ovulation. All efforts are aimed at causing it. To do this, the woman’s hormonal background should be restored. Then the menstrual cycle normalizes. A woman should constantly keep a diary, where she should describe her feelings every day, the nature of the discharge, basal temperature. On the graph you can see for yourself the moment of ovulation.

It denotes the natural ability to bear children. During this period, the woman becomes pregnant as the egg is released.

This process occurs in the middle of the menstrual period. However, if pregnancy does not occur, then it is worth thinking, perhaps there is no ovulation, why? What are the reasons?

Ovulation may not occur for physiological reasons.

For example, it is believed that if a girl starts her period, she can become pregnant. Of course it can, but the likelihood of this is very low. Stable functioning of the reproductive system and regulation of hormone secretion are not established immediately, which is why teenage girls have irregular menstruation. Research shows that many menstrual cycles anovulatory. Is this related? that the follicles do not mature normally, which improves over time.

Anovulation may also occur during pregnancy. The woman’s hormonal background is changed, there is no cyclic rhythmic release of hormones.

And during lactation, there is an increase in prolactin in the blood, which also prevents ovulation, as with pathological hyperprolactinemia.

Do you want to know more about the treatment of gynecological diseases?

Our gynecologists have summarized the most important information.

Presence of diseases

Most often, the lack of ovulation is caused by a number of serious gynecological and endocrine ailments.

Here are the main reasons why there is no ovulation:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome ();
  • reduced estradiol content;
  • excessively high level of follicle-stimulating agent ();
  • infantilism;
  • high degree obesity;
  • exhaustion (anorexia);
  • hyperprolactinemia;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • thyroid disease.

If you examine patients with such diseases, you can understand why they do not ovulate. Usually they have hormonal imbalances that affect all stages of egg development.

Endocrine diseases play a special role.

The fact is that the regulation of the secretion of some hormones is interdependent. Therefore, women with diabetes and thyroid diseases often have problems conceiving.

For example, a pathology such as insulin resistance, associated with impaired transfer of sugar into the cell, can cause anovulation. When glucose supply is disrupted, insulin production in the pancreas increases. The effect of insulin resistance on conception is still being studied, but it has been found that in women, with changes in the HOMA index, which determines the level of disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome is more likely to develop. This also occurs when diabetes mellitus second type.

Insulin resistance may be physiological or pathological in nature. Physiological is observed even in teenage girls and if not adhered to proper nutrition If you do not follow the regime, it can lead to the development of diabetes, PCOS and anovulation.

Problems with conception can occur even if a woman simply gets sick before ovulation, this can also negatively affect the process.

After all, at this moment the body becomes involved in the fight against infection, the organs work in stress mode, the production of hormones changes, and this is the reason why ovulation is delayed and does not exist. It may come later or not appear at all.

Chronic stress

Constant and increased stress is one of the significant reasons why there is no ovulation. Nervous overstrain, mental overload and chronic stress are among the most frequent occasions when this process is delayed. Excessive shock can become a stopping mechanism for ovulation. Moreover, with its complete absence for a very long period.

Regulation reproductive function the body is called neurohumoral. This suggests that the brain controls the secretion of hormonal substances.

Stress and overexertion create pathological foci in the brain tissue that affect the production of gonadotropic hormones. Therefore, treatment of this type of disorder can be difficult and sometimes lengthy.

If external factors are not eliminated in a timely manner, the process may deepen and then not only will pregnancy not occur, but diseases of other organs may also develop.

Stress ulcers most often appear in the stomach; they can lead to bleeding and impaired intake of nutrients, and as a result, decreased immunity, changes in the blood coagulation system and much more.

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Stopping taking hormonal medications

In this case, the cycle returns to its natural state, for which the body requires some time. And hormonal imbalance explains why there is no ovulation.

This period is different for every woman. Some need short term, for others – up to several months.

It all depends on:

  • health conditions;
  • physiological age of the body;
  • duration of drug use.

Sometimes women decide to plan a pregnancy and stop taking contraceptives, but pregnancy does not occur. There is no need to get scared ahead of time, because the reason why there is no ovulation is clear, but before planning, you still need to visit a doctor. Contraceptives can also have the opposite effect and instead of one egg, 2-3 will mature, which will lead to multiple pregnancies.

It is much more difficult to endure, the risk of complications for the mother and fetus increases, which means more careful preparation is required.

Change in body weight

The reasons why there is no ovulation may be related to weight loss.

The fact is that the female body needs fat to ensure normal physiological processes. It is a natural estrogen (female hormone) store and androgen converter. The latter is an important element that supports optimal ovulation. In women who are extremely thin, menstruation may disappear altogether. Especially if the process is complemented by a lack of appetite due to stress.

Fine female body should contain at least 18-20 percent fat of the total weight.

Otherwise, problems arise and there is no ovulation, why? Mainly due to the fact that the body is not able to reach the level of estrogen required for the maturation of eggs and their release from the ovaries.

Obesity also causes problems with conception. Estrogens accumulate in adipose tissue, an excess of which in the body leads to a decrease in the production of follicle-stimulating hormone and impaired follicle maturation. Therefore, in obese women, pregnancy may not occur. Many cases have been described where, by following a diet and reducing the index, only 10% of women became pregnant naturally.

Even when preparing for IVF, body mass index must be taken into account. To increase your chances of getting pregnant, you need to improve your diet and exercise to lose weight.

Increased physical activity

Intense physical activity and sports do not always benefit a woman. Especially with excessive enthusiasm. As a result, this is another reason for the lack of ovulation. Of course, you should not abandon such activities. You just need to do them in moderation, without overloading, unless, of course, you are planning a pregnancy.

This mainly applies to women with low body weight and low level fatty tissue. This includes those who do running, swimming, ballet, etc.

They usually have in combination:

  • physical stress of the body;
  • emotional stress;
  • low fat ratio;
  • changes in thyroid function.

All these factors explain why there is no ovulation and no pregnancy.

Problems with ovulation are often observed among female athletes, especially during the period of intensive preparation for competitions. When a woman is planning a pregnancy, she should reconsider her lifestyle. This does not mean giving up sports completely.

Moderate-intensity training can be continued. But participation in competitions is not only physical stress, but also psychological stress.

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