Home Grape How to open a children's entertainment center? Features of the institution for organizing children's leisure

How to open a children's entertainment center? Features of the institution for organizing children's leisure

How to open a children's entertainment center

The number of children's entertainment centers is growing from year to year. These are rooms or rooms where kids can have fun. In theory, they are designed so that adults can safely go shopping, but in fact, people bring their children to such centers on purpose. Well, why not? There the child can have fun and interesting time. Often, children are brought to children's entertainment centers to celebrate birthdays and other events. The popularity of these establishments is growing every year. But they are still not enough, and the competition is not too high. Therefore, opening a children's entertainment center is a good investment to make a profit. On this topic, I would like to give a few instructions and valuable advice.

So, let's say you wanted open a children's entertainment center... Where to begin? Traditionally with registration. An LLC or an individual entrepreneur will do. We recommend the latter. In this case, you can count on preferential taxation of UTII, USN or patent form. When deciding on the OKVED codes, we recommend specifying No. 92.7 - Other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment. Next, register with the Pension Fund and other state funds.

Further, in order to open a children's entertainment center, you will definitely need to visit the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor. There you will be told about the basic requirements and regulations of federal importance. Also there you can find out about possible legislative nuances local significance... In any case, you will need to familiarize yourself with international and Russian security requirements. The first are spelled out in one document, and the second are spelled out in six GOSTs, which we will not list now. If necessary, it will not be difficult to find them.

Well, we have dealt with part of the bureaucracy. Further, to open an entertainment center, you will need a room. Which? Where? It is important to consider the size of your settlement... If this Big City, then you can accommodate in the periphery. If it is an average or even more small town, then it is desirable to be closer to the center. In all cases, your center should be in close proximity to crowded areas. These include parks, shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas, that is, places where people come to rest. A number of entrepreneurs claim that the location inside such centers is more preferable and profitable. But it is not always the case. Most likely, this will allow you to spin up faster and earn your full strength.

Otherwise, the income will be about the same. Your center area may vary. If you are planning a "soft playroom", then we can talk about an area of ​​30-50 square meters... But it is better to organize a "full-fledged entertainment center". This will significantly increase the audience of your small clients. The area of ​​such a center may vary, but on average we are talking about 150-200 square meters.

When preparing premises for a children's entertainment center, you should familiarize yourself with the following documents: "technical regulations", which is devoted to the requirements fire safety; SanPin and, which prescribe mandatory daily wet cleaning of the premises, coatings and washing of toys; RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" Article 9, 10 (paragraph 2) and Government Decree No. 1025, which stipulate the need for a sign or a stand with the details of the organization, work schedule, list of services, order of their provision with prices, company rules.

The next step, before how to open a children's entertainment center, will be the purchase of equipment. Let's make a reservation right away. All equipment must be certified, must have permission for use for children.

Therefore, do not save on this! Choose only the best firms who are ready to advise, develop and assemble, carry out installation, and in the future engage in maintenance. In general, you will need to organize two zones. The first one is for kids, where there will be inflatable slides, trampolines, multilevel labyrinths, pools with balls, children's simulators. The second is for older visitors, in which there should be adult simulators, video games, machines using water and balls. In the common area there may be tables with educational games and the ability to draw, as well as a TV with cartoons and other children's programs.

Of course, to open a children's entertainment center, you need staff. According to the order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402, each employee must have a medical book. No special education is required. The only requirement is the stress resistance of the staff. It is advisable that employees are with teacher education... The fact is that children are different, and you will sometimes need to find an approach to them. And in some cases, there will be outright mischief and whims. There must be at least one administrator and operator per shift. The latter may be several, depending on the number of attractions and shells. Your center will have to work every day, seven days a week, twelve hours a day.

Also, when answering the question of how to open a children's entertainment center, you should understand that you are taking on great responsibility for the life, health and safety of children. Therefore, read the information in advance: 69 of the Code of Civil Procedure, article 79 of the Criminal Procedure Code, article 118 of the Criminal Code, article 109 of the Criminal Code, article 1068 of the Civil Code, article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, article 151 of the Civil Code, article 1081 of the Civil Code. Ignorance of the laws will not absolve you of responsibility.

An approximate list of equipment for equipping the teenage zone of the play center:

  1. dance simulators,
  2. sports video simulators,
  3. video simulators of auto racing, shooting,
  4. air hockey and mechanical football.

The cost of one such device is from 60,000 rubles. In total, it will take 400,000 rubles or more to equip the teenage zone. Also, a gaming center cannot do without a TV.

How to open entertainment centers for children: step by step

Children school age they like to walk in such centers after a hard day at school.

The range of services offered by employees of play centers for children depends on their imagination and initial capital.

In addition to the playground itself, it is advisable to open a small cafe where parents can buy food and drinks for their children.

Many parents order children's parties in entertainment centers. Here you can celebrate your birthday, completion school year, children's graduation, spend sport's event etc. The area for the center is much smaller than for opening an adult entertainment center.

In the first place in this business is the equipment for games.

The procedure for opening a children's playroom

This mainly applies to remote places, in which such a corner can become almost the only way to organize leisure for children and adults.

Franchise on the theme: "The Town of Craftsmen" (franchise of a children's playroom, investments 390 thousand.

rubles, profit from 90 thousand rubles. The company is registered at the tax office (LLC or individual entrepreneur). We recommend registering as an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur).

This will cost less and will allow further use of preferential tax regimes- UTII, STS, and since 2013 patent form of taxation.

How to open a children's development center from scratch? What is needed to open a children's development center?

Of course, it all depends on your financial capabilities, but in general outline methods of attracting customers can be as follows:

Before opening a children's development center, it is necessary not only to study the activities of competitors well, but also to carefully calculate the costs.

The main monthly items of expenses will be as follows: rent of premises, expenses for utilities; remuneration of hired personnel; taxes; day and night security; One-time expenses are also possible: repairs in the premises; purchase of furniture, toys and sports equipment; expenses for registration of a package of documents and permits of various authorities (SES, firefighters, etc.)

How to open a children's entertainment center and recoup it in six months

The traffic indicator determines how many random passers-by will become customers of the institution that has opened here. You can even do without exact numbersthe main thing is to understand that every day people from all over the city come here.

Play equipment is the main expense for starting a children's entertainment center project. The minimum recommended set looks like this here:

  • game labyrinth for outdoor collective games
  • dry pool for those who like to be more relaxed
  • slides made of fiberglass (safe material, unlike conventional plastic)
  • soft modules constructors
  • frameless furniture with toys for toddlers

The rest depends on the chosen theme of the entertainment center.

For example, a carousel palm tree or a tropical volcano climbing wall is suitable for a jungle theme, and a pneumatic cannon for a pirate ship theme.

Modern research shows that in an era of information abundance, news feeds and ubiquitous Internet use in smartphones target audience of any project, it is more important to constantly see the brand than to find out something loud about it on a one-off basis.

It is important not to overcharge. Today, on weekdays, it is not recommended to set a price over 150 rubles for one child.

Our production

Improvement of territories

Improvement of territories and the construction of playgrounds is an important and significant moment following the construction of buildings. The company "DiKom" offers the widest selection of all kinds of play designs for a pleasant, useful and interesting pastime for children.

Who should be entrusted with the improvement of territories?

The improvement of playgrounds in apartment buildings and kindergarten courtyards is unthinkable without the installation of children's slides, sandboxes, various tables and much more. That is why help in such important process as the improvement of territories - the main goal of the company "DiKom".

Our organization is one of the largest enterprises in Russia for the production of baby equipment, landscaping without which it is simply unthinkable. Improvement of territories with "DiKom" will turn any yard into a wonderful children's park with bright and entertaining play structures that will not leave indifferent any child.

High-quality landscaping is characterized by the rubber coating

One of the essential elements on any playground for children is the rubber coating.

It can easily be used to assess how well the landscaping is carried out. Ideally, there should be a rubber coating. The rubber coating is resistant to temperature extremes and mechanical stress, it has a shock-absorbing effect, excludes slipping, is durable and does not require any complex maintenance.

All rubber covering is made from environmentally friendly and safe materials. Ideal for venues preschool institutions and courtyards of houses. The rubber cover is also safe from the point of view of accidental fires.

Rubber coating - a guarantor of safety

During play, children often fall, which is why the rubber coating has such useful property like slip absorption. This allows children to remain stable in such moments, despite the increased humidity after rain or any other factors.

Another plus is that the rubber coating is able to protect children as much as possible while playing. In addition, it will prevent babies from getting dirty, which means that you no longer have to wash clothes after every walk.

Competitive advantages

Children's playroom - small world for games

The children's playroom is a whole complex for a pleasant and good time little children. Soft playrooms attract them bright colors, all kinds of gadgets, the ability to jump and have fun.

Parents willingly bring their children to visit the inflatable play center with a slide or other types of soft rooms, as it is useful for the baby and absolutely safe.

Soft play rooms as a profitable investment

It is worth remembering that children's playground rides in general, and children's soft rooms in particular, are a great way to make money. Children can play in these rooms long time freeing up parents for their affairs. For example, in shopping malls in soft playrooms, parents can leave their children under the supervision of children's animators to make purchases in peace.

Children's soft rooms are installed in shops, hotels, large restaurants, entertainment centers and pay off very quickly. Parents pay for the stay of their children without any doubts, and the children themselves return again and again to the places where such attractions are installed.

Are you a beginner businessman who wants to start a business that does not require special knowledge and brings pleasure and joy? Opening a children's entertainment room is what you need. In this business, the main thing is to create an atmosphere of celebration and fun. Children's entertainment is a very profitable business, it is very difficult to save money on children, sometimes it is sometimes impossible. Children are the flowers of life, parents always want to please their children and give them pleasure. There is always a stable demand for this type of service. In this article, we will consider a small business plan on the topic "How to open a children's entertainment center from scratch."

Where to begin?

First you need to decide what exactly you want to open. If you want to open a children's development center, for this you will need much more time and Money... This is argued by the fact that you will need a license to maintain educational activities, selection of appropriate personnel, development or purchase of mandatory training methods. With the opening of a children's entertainment center, everything is much easier. The entertainment room will require several employees, thanks to this, at the first stage, you will save on salaries, perhaps you can even perform some functions yourself. Compulsory knowledge in order to open a children's entertainment center from scratch is not required, you also save on a license.

Room selection

The choice of premises is a very important parameter that affects the payback and profitability of a business. The entertainment room should be located in a place where there is a large flow of people. If you decide to open your business in big city then it is advisable to choose large shopping centers. Young parents who come to shop will be able to leave their child in the children's entertainment center for at least an hour. Mom-girlfriends who came for shopping will leave the children for two hours. Children quickly get tired of shopping and walking, so a playroom with entertainment will be a lifesaver for parents. If you decide to open a business in small town, then choose a place near kindergartens, near playgrounds. In small towns, entertainment centers for children are rarely found, so this can become great idea for starting a business.


Children's playroom (children's entertainment center) is a place where a child or a group of children can spend their leisure time under the supervision of the staff of the institution.

The first such business lines began to be organized in Russia at large shopping centers about 10 years ago. First of all, entrepreneurs focused on the needs of visitors to these centers. Or rather, the need of parents to accommodate their children during a long shopping trip. The lack of preschool institutions in the country was also taken into account. Both factors have contributed to the fact that children's playrooms have become a very profitable and actively developing line of business.

On the profitability of the children's entertainment center and the importance of the place

Opening a playroom is much easier than a children's development center, and even more so than a private kindergarten. You do not need to obtain a license to carry out educational activities, highly qualified personnel are not required, and it is possible to organize a business with relatively low costs.

  1. When opening a soft playroom of 30 m 2, designed for a maximum of 20 children per day, you will need about 300 tr. (this will include the cost of repairs (15%), equipment (65%), rent (10%), company registration (5%), salary to personnel (5%). With an average monthly cost of 50 thousand rubles and income of 100 thousand rubles, the net profit will be about 50 thousand rubles.
  2. If you organize a game entertainment complex for children of about 70 sq. m, designed for a maximum of 70 children per day, you will need at least 1 million rubles. With an average monthly cost of 80 tr. and income of 250 tr. net profit will be about 170 thousand rubles.

It happens that game rooms find their niche in sleeping areas, but this is more the exception than the rule. This mainly applies to remote places, in which such a corner can become almost the only way to organize leisure for children and adults.

Franchise per topic:"Town of Masters" (franchise of a children's playroom, investments 390 thousand rubles, profit from 90 thousand rubles.

Normative base

Before starting a business, you need to try to carefully study the regulations regarding its organization. You can find out about them by contacting the territorial bodies of Rospotreb and Gospozhnadzor. Employees of these services must notify about the sanitary standards and safety rules, the observance of which is necessary to open the children's care room. Including there they will orient and legislative framework local significance.

  • For example, the Moscow Consumer Market Department has developed special “Recommendations for finding children in children's playrooms ...”.
  • It is also important to understand the documents of federal significance. In particular, with those regulations that relate to children's play equipment. It must meet the requirements of international (EN - 1176) and Russian (GOST R 52169-2003, GOST R 52168-2003, GOST R 52167-2003, GOST R 52299-2004, GOST R 52300-2004, GOST R 52301-2004) standards security.
  • In accordance with the RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", Art. 9, 10 (clause 2) and Government Decree No. 1025, it is necessary to take care of the presence of a sign or a stand, which would indicate the details of the organization, the work schedule, the list of services provided, the procedure for their provision, prices, company rules, etc.
  • In advance, you need to provide for the presence medical books from employees. (Order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402). Special education documents are optional.
  • When preparing a room for a children's playroom, it is necessary to follow SanPin and SanPin It is imperative to carry out daily wet cleaning of coatings, washing of toys, etc.
  • It is also worth knowing about the types of criminal and administrative liability that are provided for harm to the life and health of a child in the event of certain actions or inaction of the playroom employees (69 Code of Civil Procedure, Art.79 of the Criminal Procedure Code, Art.118 of the Criminal Code, 109 of the Criminal Code, Art.1068 of the Civil Code , article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, article 151 of the Civil Code, article 1081 of the Civil Code).
  • The "Technical Regulations" dedicated to fire safety requirements will also come in handy.

What you need to open

  1. The company is registered at the tax office (LLC or individual entrepreneur). We recommend registering as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). This will cost less and will allow in the future to apply preferential tax regimes - UTII, STS, and from 2013 a patent form of taxation.
  2. Next, you need to decide on the OKVED codes. We recommend to indicate: 92.7 - others. activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment.
  3. Then you should register with the Pension Fund and other extra-budgetary funds
  4. It will take cash machine, or forms strict accountability... They are subject to registration with the tax
  5. The room for the playroom must be brought in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Consumer Rights Protection Department

Equipment for a children's playroom

In order to organize a small playroom, it is enough to purchase one children's labyrinth for 15-20 m 2, which will cost at least 180-200 thousand rubles. You will also need a table and a chair for an employee - 10 thousand rubles and lockers for clothes (about 800 rubles for 1 section). The set is minimal, in the future it can be supplemented as much as the owner's imagination and finances are enough.

Three-storey labyrinth for children's play

Not a single children's playroom can do without labyrinths. These spatial structures are usually made to order (about 1 month). However, sometimes, especially at sales, you can buy them ready-made. Labyrinths can be of any size (from 10 to 100 m2) and configurations (slides, obstacles, shafts, transitions, stairs, soft modules, climbing elements, a dry pool with balls, etc.)

Foreign variants of labyrinth game complexes

As a rule, one organization is engaged in drawing up a design project, manufacturing and installing a labyrinth. This play element is intended for children aged 3 to 12 years. Separately, you can put a children's trampoline, which will cost an average of 70-90 tr.

Children's trampoline

If your business is also focused on children 1.5 - 4.5 years old, then you need to arrange a separate corner with stuffed toys, construction sets, drawing tables, dry pools with balls.


Employees of the company must be able to work with children, understand high degree responsibility that is assigned to them. They are obliged to monitor the safety of equipment, order in the room, compliance with the rules by visitors. Usually, ped students are hired for such work. universities or retired teaching staff. The work is carried out by 2 people in shifts.

Organization of activities

1 Game rooms are usually open from 9 am to 9 pm. The average payment for 1 hour of a child's stay is 100-120 rubles on weekdays and 150-180 rubles on holidays and weekends. Parents with children under 3 years old are usually free, and an additional 20-30 rubles is charged for adults accompanying children over 3 years old.

2 The stay of the 1st child in the room should not exceed four hours. The rules need to spell out the obligation of visitors to pick up their children after this period.

3 The employee of the center must carry out the reception of the child upon presentation of the passport by the parent. Information about the child and the time of his admission must be entered in a separate notebook or accounting program.

4 Employees of the company must ensure that incoming children are healthy. Toddlers with clear signs diseases cannot be taken into the playroom. Otherwise, the reputation of the organization may be damaged, some clients will not want to return to places where they are irresponsible in matters of children's health.

5 On weekdays, most visitors are from 4 pm to 9 pm, when parents pick up their children from schools and kindergartens and go shopping. In the morning, you can try to increase the number of visitors by offering them discounts. They can also be installed for regular customers.

6 Consider seasonality. Children's rooms are in great demand from October to April, when the weather outside is less conducive to playing on fresh air... The decline occurs in the summer. This season, many kids are trying to take out the countryside and spend more time with them on the street.

7 If you are in the mood for further development center and increase its profitability, be sure to provide for the opening of such areas as the organization of holidays, competitions, creative circles, the creation of a children's cafe.


If you decide to start this business, first you need to register the company and the accounting system. It is best to choose an individual entrepreneur when registering. Registration does not take much time, you can contact a specialized company. Choosing a scheme tax accounting, it is worth paying attention to the simplified taxation system. The essence of paying taxes under the simplified system is that single tax replaces the payment of a number of taxes and is 6% of the company's income.

The most important point on the way to create own business is the choice of premises. The best location for a nursery game complex there will be a place with high traffic. The experience that parents, who have no one to leave their children with, go shopping with them. centers... Children are bored and hard to endure shopping with their parents, it is much more pleasant to frolic in the play complex with their peers. Shopping centera good option but not the only one. V small towns or in residential areas, as a rule, the infrastructure is not as developed as in the center, there is almost no entertainment. A children's play complex in such a place will be the center of entertainment.

It is worth getting to grips with recruiting. It is not difficult to find workers for this area of ​​business: students and retirees willingly agree to such a part-time job. But nevertheless, it is worth giving preference to a pretty one with a pleasant voice - children are more disposed towards them. As a male, some children may get scared. You will need two shift workers. Your salary may differ depending on your city, but, as a rule, they put a salary plus a percentage of the proceeds to stimulate employees to attract customers. You may also need an accountant.

The largest and most important investment is the purchase of gaming equipment. Also, it will not be superfluous to install a video surveillance system in order to monitor the general situation and control employees at the checkout. There are two formats of children's entertainment - a soft play and an entertainment complex. A soft room will cost you less: 150-200 thousand, but the profit from it will be less than from a large gaming complex for a million rubles. For a soft room and the area you need is not as large as for the complex. And the age categories for these two entertainments are different: children from 3 to 6 years old play in the soft room, while in the play complex - from 4 to 14 years old.

Children's leisure center is a place where the knowledge of the world and the development of early and preschool age pass in the form fun games... The purpose of such a center is not only to provide the child with a pleasant pastime, but also to help him create positive attitude To cognitive process, awaken the desire to explore the world. If you decide to open a children's leisure center, follow the instructions.


The first step towards the implementation of the selected project is registration entrepreneurial activity... To do this, you can use different ways: individual or legal form of LLC. Choose the most suitable registration form for you, fill out the TIN and receive permits for opening children's center.

Next, start looking for a suitable room. A three-room apartment on the first floor of a residential building is suitable for a leisure center. It is better if it is located in a residential area of ​​the city. Equip the room with a fire alarm. Centre child development should not have a catering and medical office, unlike kindergarten, but must comply with sanitary and technical standards and fire safety rules.

Online publishing offers many ways to enter the entertainment industry. With the help of Alexey Zagumyonnov, an expert of the largest B2B player in the entertainment industry in Russia, manager of the Avira group of companies, the magazine "Business Smart" tells how to open a game room and achieve its payback in just 6 months.

Today, the entertainment industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The market is growing every year: in 2016 alone, the total production and sales of play equipment increased by 43%... The popularity is due to three reasons. Firstly, the play equipment is adjusted for each customer. In other words, if you need a labyrinth in the form of a seven-meter boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant in the form of a perpendicularly twisted symbol of Russian cinema, you are guaranteed to get it. Proven manufacturers of gaming and entertainment equipment are ready to fulfill any whim of the client, because if the client orders a non-unique project for himself, he will go bankrupt.

The second reason for its popularity, oddly enough, is national tension. People started working more and getting less money, they want entertainment., because negativity is densely embedded in the news and in the minds, they want quick and inexpensive entertainment for their children and, preferably, with their minimal involvement. The playroom in the restaurant is the most suitable option here.

Finally, thirdly, "Business for children" is one of the fastest paying off types of entrepreneurial activity... Thanks to this, manufacturers today offer great amount formats for organizing play areas, ranging from a modest " children's corner"In the nearest branch of the bank and ending with a full-fledged amusement park, such as" Veselkino "in the Barnaul shopping and entertainment center" Galaktika ". And between the crumbs and giants, there was an endless string of intermediate options, among which there was a place for mobile trampolines, and bouncy castles on trailers, and ninja quests, and a record high hills and much more.

The combination of these factors makes the opening of an entertainment zone attractive for private entrepreneurship. The format will also depend on the amount of investment. You can open a small playroom of 30 square meters, you can open an entertainment center of 100 square meters, or you can even run your own amusement park. In terms of the ratio of costs and payback periods, an entertainment center with an area of ​​100 square meters or more looks the most optimal. Alexey Zagumyonnov

Where to open an entertainment center

To understand whether a particular place is suitable for placing an entertainment platform, you can play the game "PUSK" with yourself. The rules are simple. Put a piece of paper on the corner of the table - it will be a symbol of your business in a specific place. Clench your hand into a fist, ask yourself a question, and if the answer is yes, extend one finger. The questions are simple:

  • Passability?
  • Uniqueness?
  • Neighbors?
  • Hooks?

The traffic indicator determines how many random passers-by will become customers of the institution that has opened here. You can even do without exact numbers - the main thing is to understand that every day people from all over the city come here.

The question of uniqueness concerns the site itself. How profitable does the project look in comparison with competitors? Is there something in it that children - the main contingent of the entertainment center - will not find at other venues? If the uniqueness is close to one hundred percent, with a competent pricing policy, you can not even be afraid to open across the street from a competitor with the same center in terms of area.

Correctly chosen neighbors are a guarantee of the regular workload of the project. Do not believe someone who says that an entertainment center should be opened next to a school or kindergarten. Children run to these institutions on schedule and without money for entertainment in their pockets. But a cafe or restaurant is an ideal partner. After all, while the children are having fun, their parents can sit quietly over a cup of coffee. Hairdresser, beauty salon or gym? Ideally! Shop underwear? Risky but attractive. But a tattoo parlor or a hookah bar, most likely, will annoy the parents, which means that they will not leave their children in the entertainment center next door.

Hooks are Additional services or suggestions that could stop the child or his parents. These hooks include, for example, drawing courses, from which you cannot pick up a child without a finished drawing, or attractions for parents. V recent times classic children's play labyrinths began to give way in popularity to so-called mix projects - entertainment centers where a playground is adjacent to a sports track or a ninja quest for older people.

Obviously, you cannot lift a sheet of paper with one finger. Two is almost impossible, three is already possible. How many fingers you straighten, your business will be so successful. Please note that it will be possible to recoup the project in six months only if your sheet is on all four fingers. Alexey Zagumyonnov

How to fill the entertainment center

Children's entertainment center should be bright, attractive - and suitable for the most of different ages, including junior preschool and adolescent. This requires the manufacturer to produce uniqueness and an individual approach to each client. When choosing equipment, this filter helps to save a lot of time: if the manufacturer offers a ready-made version, then it is better not to mess with its "uniqueness".

Play equipment is the main expense for starting a children's entertainment center project. The minimum recommended set looks like this here:

  • game labyrinth for outdoor collective games
  • dry pool for those who like to be more relaxed
  • slides made of fiberglass (safe material, unlike conventional plastic)
  • soft modules constructors
  • frameless furniture with toys for toddlers

The rest depends on the chosen theme of the entertainment center. For example, a carousel palm tree or a tropical volcano climbing wall is suitable for a jungle theme, and a pneumatic cannon for a pirate ship theme.

I think it would be superfluous to say that you should not trust dealers. Children's entertainment center - object close attention supervisory and regulatory authorities, which means that absolutely all equipment must have appropriate certificates of quality and conformity and passports. Unlike manufacturers, resellers often neglect the accompanying documents. Alexey Zagumyonnov

How to tell about the entertainment center

Don't believe in the effectiveness of word of mouth. Do not believe in the desire of parents to travel with their child from the other end of the city to your entertainment center. Do not believe that by investing 2 million rubles in advertising on local radio and television, you will skim the cream for the rest of your life. Believe in targeted ads.

Modern research shows that in an era of abundance of information, news feeds and the ubiquitous spread of the Internet in smartphones, the target audience of any project is more important to constantly see the brand than to learn something loud about it at once.

Who to hire for the entertainment center

One of the most frequently asked questions is about the staff for the children's entertainment center. On the one hand, a novice entrepreneur must include salaries and taxes in the planned expenses. On the other hand, many positions in the children's entertainment center can be successfully combined.

Who exactly should you hire? The administrator of the hall, responsible for the placement and sale of tickets, and the so-called "nanny" - a junior employee who is constantly among the children and supervises the safety in the play area. Everything else, including the accountant, is optional and depends only on the abilities of the owner of the entertainment center.

Some entrepreneurs do an excellent job with the role of an entire accounting department, equipment adjuster, animator. There was a case when an entrepreneur who received 300,000 rubles of net profit a month went to his site in the evenings with a mop and a bucket in his hand - working as a cleaner helped him to relax and, of course, save on the salary of an additional employee.

The salary of an employee of a children's entertainment center is the most sensitive issue of an entrepreneur. The amount depends on the region, and on the city, and on the functionality. At the same time, the same functions can be performed by specialists of different quality. For example, only teachers can teach in a children's center, and the very fact of teaching will require the owner of this institution to have a license for educational services.

Our attachments are more likely to be the cause of our everyday worries than our inherent needs. Do not look at neighbors and colleagues in the shop, but only hire the staff who will provide you with quality work with children. Alexey Zagumyonnov

Video case of opening a children's center in Barnaul

What is important to pay attention to before starting a project

It is important not to overcharge. Today, on weekdays, it is not recommended to set a price over 150 rubles for one child. On weekends, the cost of visiting the gaming complex may be 30% higher.

The main source of income of the children's entertainment center is not casual passers-by, but birthday people."Children's corporate parties" usually ensure the workload of the gaming complex both on weekends and on weekdays, and the average market cost of such a service is about 1,500 rubles per hour.

Do not be afraid to offer your children and their parents something that no one else has suggested. Each new children's entertainment center is an important social phenomenon in the life of any region, city, even microdistrict. Do not skip the little things, and six months for payback will become easier for you than saying: "Let's go!". Alexey Zagumyonnov

The approximate estimate of the project for the first month is as follows:


As already mentioned, the children's entertainment center is one of the fastest types of net income. However, it is important to understand that the entertainment industry is a permanent Las Vegas with its lights, glitters and daily premieres... Each season, the center needs to be renewed with at least new decorations, posters or illustrations on the walls. Each month, the center will have to conduct special marketing campaigns, attracting new visitors and maintaining relationships with existing ones. Every day you will need to conquer new heights, and not every entrepreneur is ready to really work. Of course, it is more profitable for someone to open an institution that does not require effort and gives a modest profit with the hope of a payback in ten or twenty years. But if the thirst for activity in you is combined with the desire to create something new, fun and profitable, then the entertainment industry is your way.

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