Home Grape Corn tortilla. Tortillas are corn tortillas. Ingredients for eight servings

Corn tortilla. Tortillas are corn tortillas. Ingredients for eight servings

If there weren’t many problems with the recipe and the experiments didn’t last long, besides, I got my hands on good recipe(those brought from Mexico did not work for us, as I wrote about this before) so with corn, everything was more complicated. Even Mexican friends could not suggest anything, since in Mexico there is a special flour for tortillas called Masa Harina. In Mexico, there is a special flour for tortillas called Masa Harina. There is wheat, there is corn. It has special processing and special grinding... In addition, the Mexicans themselves, for the most part, buy tortillas and do not bake them.

When I tried to make tortillas only from corn flour, it turned out somehow completely un-Mexican. Hard flatbreads, and the dough is very difficult to work with, even adding lard or vegetable oil, all due to the absence of gluten, which is present in wheat flour, which “keeps” the dough homogeneous, making it elastic, viscous and easy to roll out, respectively. And the taste of those real tortillas still haunts my memory. But, having become fascinated by buckwheat pancakes and pancakes, the flour in which, like corn flour, does not smell of gluten, I realized that I just need to simply take it as a basis wheat flour and add corn. The 2:1 ratio gave the very desired result! Tortillas taste like Mexico! After all, in Mexico itself, that same corn Masa Harina is not made from pure corn flour...

8-10 pcs.


  • 200 grams of wheat flour
  • 100 grams corn
  • 4 tbsp. vegetable oil (preferably corn)
  • 140 ml water
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
Dough rest: 40 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Total time preparation: 1 hour 10 minutes

1) Mix all ingredients and knead into a tight dough. Knead for 3-4 minutes until the dough begins to pull away from your hands.

2) Cover the dough with a kitchen towel and leave to rest for 30-40 minutes. After this it will be easier to roll out.

3) Divide the dough into 8-10 balls.

Roll each one out as thinly as you can, but without fanaticism. 2 mm thickness is quite enough.

NB: Homemade tortillas are not always round. And in Mexico there is a special tortilla press. Place a ball of dough in the middle, squeeze and get almost perfectly round tortillas.

4) Heat a dry frying pan over medium heat. Place tortillas one at a time. They will swell a little at first. This means that you did everything right.

In order to be friends with Mexican cuisine and cook in theme nights Mexican dishes, you definitely need to know how to make tortillas yourself, these are soft, thin wheat or corn tortillas. They are the basis for many dishes Mexican cuisine: , fajita, tacos, enchilada. Buying tortillas in a store is not quite the right decision. They don’t have any Mexican spirit, they contain ingredients that are of little use and are most likely quite expensive. And making them is simple and quick.

Mexican tortillas are made from wheat or corn flour. We will do . They are less elastic than wheat ones, so they are better used not for burritos, but for quesadillas or tacos. Besides, I was already preparing.

So we're in a Mexican mood now and we're starting to make .


  • wheat flour 150 g
  • corn flour 150 g
  • butter 50 g
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon
  • warm water 150 ml

Corn flour, although little used in Russian traditional cuisine, but is available in stores. Typically, corn flour is not as finely ground as regular wheat flour, and it is also a pleasant light yellow color. It is worth taking finer ground flour.

Instead of butter You can use vegetable oil, just not 50 g, but 40 ml.

From the specified amount of ingredients I got 8 corn tortillas with a diameter of 22 cm.


We prepare everything necessary ingredients. There is no need to take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance, we need it cold, we don’t sift the flour.

Place in a large Mexican bowl cornmeal, wheat flour, butter and salt and mix everything with your hands until it forms a homogeneous crumb.

This is how it turns out.

We make a small hole and pour 150 ml of warm water into it, the water temperature is between 40-60°C.

Mix the dough. It should not turn out too soft, otherwise when rolling out and transferring the tortilla to the pan it will tear. Place the dough in a bag and leave it on the table for half an hour. After resting, the dough will be much more elastic and easier to roll out.

Now we need to divide the dough into equal pieces - future tortillas. The quantity depends on the expected diameter and thickness. I make thin 22cm tortillas for my quesadillas, so I divide the dough into 8 pieces. If anyone wants smaller in size and thicker, you can make 7 or 6 pieces. These can be eaten simply like bread.

Roll out one piece of dough on a floured surface into thin round cakes with a diameter of 22 cm. The size of the cake should be such that it fits in the pan in which we will fry the tortillas.

Carefully transfer the rolled out flatbread to a well-heated flat frying pan without oil. Fry at almost maximum power of the stove. When the tortilla becomes opaque and begins to bubble, turn it over to the other side. It took me about 30-40 seconds to fry each side. It is important not to overdry the tortillas, otherwise they will be very fragile and will break at some point.

We stack the fried corn tortillas on a Mexican plate on top of each other, so they soften each other a little. By the way, when I bake, I do the same.

Corn tortillas ready! They are a versatile product as they can replace cutlery while holding meat products or when taking the sauce. They say that in Mexico they eat with tortillas without using spoons and forks! Corn tortilla can be eaten instead of bread with a hot dish, and is also used for cooking Mexican dishes(quesadillas, enchiladas, burritos, tacos and fajitas). You should try to eat the tortillas hot right away, but you can wrap them in film and store them in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 days, then they become dry. Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Today we will prepare corn tortillas, but for now a little background...
Are you also a homebody like me? Distant countries and unknown distances beckon, but only from the distance of your favorite chair and familiar monitor?

A great way to travel is cooking. Having prepared the national dish of a particular country, you can find yourself in completely unexpected corners of our Globe, see its most distant points, visit the most incredible lands. Believe me, taste buds can teleport you to this or that country - you just need to prepare the “right” dish and use your imagination.

Don't believe me? How about trying to visit, for example, Mexico? One of the most famous local celebrities is the legendary tortilla, which serves as the basis for many mexican recipes(fajitas, burritos, enchiladas, tacos, quesadillas). It is used as bread, a base for sandwiches, rolls, pies and casseroles, and even as a side dish.

The big plus of these flatbreads is that they are lean. The recipe is useful if you adhere to the dietary restrictions that Orthodox Christians usually impose on themselves in the period before Easter. Tortillas keep well, are a nice crunch to snack on between meals, and are super convenient to fill with veggies and take to work as lunch.

It’s hard to think of what these wonderful yellow rounds wouldn’t go with - fresh Chinese cabbage and pickled white cabbage, Korean carrots and spicy celery, juicy bell pepper and sunny tomatoes, elastic cucumbers and buttery avocado, spicy onions and any salad. Add a little sauce (soy, tomato, mayonnaise, narsharab, aioli and any other to your taste) - and the filling will “play”, making an ideal ensemble with corn tortillas.

If this is not relevant to you, you can put finely chopped and fried meat in the flatbreads, canned fish, ham and boiled pork, shrimp and mussels, egg salad or cottage cheese mixed with herbs and sour cream.

Convenient, simple and very crispy!

- 150 g finely ground corn flour;
- 150 g wheat flour;
- 30 g vegetable oil;
- 150 ml hot water;
- 1/3 tsp. salt.

How to cook with photos step by step

Well, here’s the recipe for corn tortilla:
My little secret helper is that before I start working with the dough, I put the bowl on an electronic scale. I pour all the ingredients that need to be weighed and added immediately into the bowl - while monitoring the amount on the scale. Very convenient - there is no need to take ten different bowls to measure out what you need.

So, first of all, sift both types of flour into a bowl. You will have to puff with corn flour, but in this case I strongly recommend not to neglect the advice and spend an extra 2-3 minutes to remove especially large particles (and in this type of flour there are usually plenty of them), leaving a perfectly fine mixture ; What doesn’t end up in the bowl should under no circumstances be thrown away; coarse flour can be used to make a lot of interesting and tasty things, from cookies and muffins to pies and casseroles.

Add salt, vegetable oil and pour in hot water. Very hot - I usually put the kettle on the fire, turn off the gas after boiling, wait a minute or two and add the required amount of liquid to the bowl.

And quickly knead the dough for the corn tortilla. By the way, this is a rare case when I prefer to work not with a mixer or food processor, but with my hands: the dough turns out soft, not sticky, elastic and very pleasant, so I simply cannot deny myself the pleasure and give it to lifeless whisks.

With an effort of will I stop playing with the dough and form a “sausage”. The length and thickness are arbitrary, however, it is convenient when the diameter is approximately 5 cm: optimal for further manipulations.

Cut the dough into pieces of equal size. We determine the size visually based on the size of the pan in which you will bake the corn tortillas: estimate by eye what diameter the tortilla will be if you roll out a piece of dough into a thin layer. If it roughly matches the pan, you've chosen the right size. More is not a problem: you will get more scraps, which we will then use again on tortillas. Smaller, however, is not a problem either, it’s just that the cakes will not be as large as the frying pan.

Round each piece and put it back into the bowl, covering it properly with a towel. This dough quickly cools down and dries - on the one hand, this is not scary, nothing special will happen to it, however, on the other hand, it is much easier (and more enjoyable) to work with “fresh” dough, so make sure that it is not weathered and preferably not completely cooled.

Place the first piece of dough on a well-floured surface, sprinkle flour on top, and flatten slightly.

And carefully roll it out into an even thin layer. There is no need to achieve special transparency - even if you manage to transfer the dough to the frying pan untorn, the cake will come out dry and just very dry. A thick one will not be as tasty, so the optimal thickness of dough for tortillas made from corn flour is about 2-3 mm, and this is what you strive for.

Cover the rolled out dough with a plate (remember the diameter of the pan).

And carefully trim off the excess. We combine the scraps into a ball and let them roll out again - it will be a little more difficult to roll out, the dough will become tighter, but, in general, almost as pleasant and interesting.

While we are getting ready to roll out the rest of the dough (or even before we start), take half a minute and put a frying pan on the stove to warm up. Fire is slightly less than average. In general, according to the original recipe, tortillas are baked over an open fire in special clay pans, completely flat, but I don’t think that our passion for travel is so great as to make a fire on the balcony, so I suggest making do with a regular stove.

By the way, fans of Mexican cuisine can try.
So, put the first cake on a dry, well-heated frying pan.

After a minute, turn it over - the tortillas fry quite quickly, don’t miss the moment when you should turn them the other side towards the “sun”. There should be nice brown-golden spots on the surface of the cake, however, it is better if they are a little lighter than a little darker.

The first one is ready. If you want to serve corn tortillas with vegetables, you should immediately give the tortilla the appropriate shape - after cooling, you will not be able to roll it up to fill it with filling, so, after removing it from the pan, immediately fold the finished “pancake” in half and hold it slightly with your fingers so that the dough cools a little and fixes its shape.

Oh, how much sun there is in each cake, how much warmth, how much radiant energy! There is something mystical in traditional round shape, which is found, perhaps, in all cuisines of the world. There's something magical about homemade baked goods, which women of all generations strive to master in order to delight themselves and their families with a special spirit of home, happiness, care...

Place the finished cornmeal tortillas in a stack. If you are planning lunch now, serve it that way; otherwise, store the flatbreads in a well-tied container. plastic bag- this way they will dry out less.

Corn tortillas are served with any sauce (guacamole, avocado paste - a classic of the genre) or vegetables as a snack, and are also eaten instead of bread with rich soups and meat with gravy.

Bon appetit!

Did you like the flatbreads? You are welcome to try one more recipe -

Corn tortilla

Mexican corn tortillas are known throughout the world, along with tacos, burritos and guacomole. Tacos and burritos are the same tortillas, only with filling and sauce and prepared differently.
Nowadays, even in their homeland, Mexico, they don’t often make their own tortillas. And they prefer to buy ready-made ones in the store to save half an hour of time. But quality and taste qualities homemade food has always been an order of magnitude higher than that of store-bought food. And making tortillas at home in the kitchen is no more difficult than making pancakes.

However, there is one difficulty in making corn tortillas. They require special corn flour - masa harina. If it is not there, then you will have to add either wheat flour to the dough or even use a tortilla recipe made from wheat flour.

“Masa” in Spanish means dough, “harina” means flour. And this mysterious masa harina is translated as “flour for dough.” To produce it, corn grains are dried, soaked in a solution of lime water and only then ground into flour. During the process of soaking in lime water (or nixtamalization), the husk of the corn comes off and the glue-like hemicellulose breaks down (this is what glues the dough together and allows us to roll it into a flat cake, like an analogue of wheat gluten). Nixtamalization also changes the grain structure, releasing niacin (making it digestible), balancing the amino acid composition, and making proteins better digestible. And excess calcium from lime neutralizes phytic acid. Without this treatment, corn cannot be considered balanced diet. In general, the process is several thousand years old and it justifies the extra hassle associated with the production of such flour.

Ready-made flatbreads should not be frozen, reheated before serving, or kept for a long time. outdoors. After any of these operations you will receive a cracker. After the cake is cooked, it is placed in a thick-walled pan with a lid. This will keep heat and moisture inside the pan, and the cake will be pliable.


  • Corn flour “masa harina”: 2 stacks. ;
  • Warm water: 325 ml (or 1.25 cups + 2 tbsp);
  • Fine salt: 1/4 tsp. ;

Even when I was little, I had little idea how you could eat cutlets, pilaf, salad with your hands, without a knife and fork, without cutlery at all. And eating soup without a spoon is absolutely fantastic.

As it turned out later, in the Caucasus, unleavened flatbread - lavash - often serves as both a fork and a spoon, Asian chopsticks perfectly replace cutlery (I even learned how to use them), Mexican tortillas - flatbreads made from corn or wheat flour - replace a fork, spoon and knife for Mexicans .

With the help of these tortillas they pick up sauce or hold pieces of meat, pick up salads, and in general, tortillas are the basis for many dishes of Mexican cuisine - enchiladas, burritos, fajitas, etc. The flatbread is used to wrap the filling or serve as bread for many dishes. They eat with them.

Tortilla (Spanish Tortilla) is a “round flatbread”, a thin flatbread made from corn or wheat flour, eaten mainly in Mexico, the USA, Central America and Canada. Corn flour tortillas were baked by the ancient Mayans. And the Spanish conquerors gave them the name from spanish word tortilla, which means omelette, because... in appearance, tortillas made from yellow corn flour really resemble an omelette.

Tortillas are baked without oil over an open fire, on clay pans (comal) or flat baking sheets. And then, right from the blazing heat, they roll up the flatbreads with the filling, usually spicy, and lunch is ready. Recipe taken from a Mexican cookbook.

Tortilla. Step by step recipe

Tortilla Ingredients (6 tortillas)

  • Corn flour 1 cup
  • Wheat flour 0.5 cups
  • Fine salt 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.
  1. The amount of ingredients is very arbitrary. Purely to show the proportions approximately. Usually up to 1 kg of flour is used.
  2. Corn flour, although little used in our traditional cuisine, is available in stores. Typically, corn flour is not as finely ground as regular wheat flour, it is more like bran. Pleasant light yellow color. It is worth taking finer ground flour.

    Corn flour

  3. Sift 1 cup (200 ml cut) cornmeal into a large bowl. Considering that cornmeal has much lower adhesive properties than wheat flour, and if you have never baked with cornmeal, it is worth adding 0.5 cups of regular wheat flour to the cornmeal. Adding wheat flour will give a certain “head start” in rolling out the tortillas; they will not fall apart.

    Mix corn and wheat flour, salt

  4. Add 0.5 tsp to flour. fine salt "extra". Thoroughly stir the flour and salt until the mixture becomes as homogeneous as possible.
  5. Pour 120 ml into a glass warm water- 35-40 degrees. Add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and shake with a fork. Next, pour the liquid into the flour and knead the dough. Most likely the dough will be a little liquid, so you need to add corn flour in small portions to achieve a very soft dough.

    Mix 120 ml warm water and vegetable oil

  6. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a napkin and let stand for 30 minutes at room temperature.

    Roll the dough into a ball and leave for 30 minutes

  7. The dough will be approximately 350 grams. Divide the dough into 6 parts, rolling into balls.

    Divide the dough into 6 parts

  8. Place the frying pan on the fire. The pan must be dry, i.e. no need to pour oil. By the way, it’s very convenient to use a pancake frying pan.
  9. Next you will need plastic film or a regular bag.
  10. Place the dough ball on a piece of polyethylene and press it with your palm - flatten it to form a flat cake. Cover the dough with a second piece of polyethylene and roll out the dough using a rolling pin between two layers of polyethylene into a round cake with a diameter of 15 cm. Approximately like a compact disc.

    Roll out the dough into a thin flat cake

  11. Take off top sheet polyethylene, turn the cake over onto your palm and remove the bottom sheet of polyethylene. Next, carefully place the flatbread on a hot, dry (!) frying pan.
  12. Bake for 1.5-2 minutes on each side. The edges of the cake may curl up a little, this is normal. Light bloating is also acceptable. The tortilla will change color to deep yellow and cook well.

    Bake in a hot dry frying pan

  13. Place the finished tortillas in a stack, on top of each other and cover with a napkin to cool. Tortillas, if they are not too dry, bend perfectly and fold in half.

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