Home Grape What does a wide chin say? What your face will tell you - the chin

What does a wide chin say? What your face will tell you - the chin

The chin

The shape of a person's chin speaks of his strength, independence and temperament. There is a direct dependence of character on the chin: the rougher and more significant the chin on the face, the more dynamic, persistent and tough a person has.

From the book Reading faces. Physiognomy author Schwartz Theodor

A protruding chin A protruding chin often speaks of the cruelty and stubbornness of its owner (Fig. 3.9). Rice. 3.9. Protruding chin Such people, as a rule, are accustomed to achieve their goals by any available and inaccessible ways, sometimes without stopping.

From the author's book

Long and Pointed Chin A long and pointed chin (Fig. 3.11) is often added to cunning fairy-tale characters. Rice. 3.11. Long and Pointed Chin And it is no coincidence. Such people stand out among others, on the one hand, with an astute mind, on the other, with cunning and

From the author's book

Poorly defined chin A poorly defined, almost invisible chin (Fig. 3.12) is often called weak-willed. And for good reason. According to physiognomic characteristics, he indicates a soft, timid, indecisive and nervous nature. What actions can be expressed

From the author's book

A fleshy chin A fleshy chin (Fig. 3.13) indicates intelligence, sensuality and strong character... No wonder the classic portrait of a thug - with a fleshy square chin. Such people are fighters by nature. Rice. 3.13. Fleshy chin

From the author's book

Strong-willed chin It is customary to call the chin as if bent upward (Fig. 3.14). Its owners are persistent in achieving their goals and at the same time possess such qualities as cunning, decisiveness and inconstancy. Rice. 3.14. Strong-willed chin, the heavier

From the author's book

A forked chin A forked chin (Fig. 3.15) characterizes people who are fickle and amorous. Rice. 3.15. Split Chin Despite their passionate nature, such people very often strive for solitude and peace. In their views and beliefs, they are a little

From the author's book

If you dream of a forehead or chin ... To dream of a high, beautiful forehead promises respect and good reputation, which will be achieved thanks to your prudence and desire for justice. A low forehead warns of danger, that you need to collect

From the author's book

Chin and jaw A mole on a man's chin indicates his domineering and oppressive nature. Such people are used to setting specific goals for themselves and achieving them in the same way. For which they do not neglect any means. Sometimes people with a mole on

The chin is located at the bottom of the face and is one of the main components that determine its shape. In turn, the shape of the chin depends on the lateral angle of the lower jaw and is determined by the degree of development of the base of the "chin triangle" - the elevation in the front of the chin zone (Fig. 43).

Rice. 43 Width of the chin triangle: a- narrow chin,

b- wide chin

If the angle of the lower jaw is more than 125 degrees and the "chin triangle" is acute - Bottom part face refers to narrow options (triangular or oval). If the angle of the lower jaw is closer to a straight line (less than 125 degrees), then the chin belongs to the wide options (rectangular or rounded) (Fig. 44).

Rice. 44 Chin options

The chin is separated from the lower lip by a chin-labial groove. This is a short and distinct depression, well visible in males.

From the chin region, located on the neck, under the lower jaw, between its base and the hyoid bone, the chin is separated by the chin groove. It runs under the edge of the lower jaw and transmits its transverse groove. This configuration is clearly visible in thin people and is almost always noticeable in the elderly, as well as with a slight tilt of the head. In older people, a fold is formed, sometimes double, this is the so-called " double chin". From the cheeks, the chin is separated by a thin fold (chin-buccal groove), from the side it is slightly convex. At a young age, it may be absent, but over time it becomes noticeable, especially in the elderly. In women and young people, the chin has a regular, convex, slightly rounded shape. In men, the chin is often massive, wide, flat and protruding.

There is often a dimple or vertical groove on the bulge of the front surface of the chin. Their presence is associated with the direct adherence of the skin to the bone structure (Fig. 45c, d).

Rice. 45 Varieties of chins

By race, chins have their own characteristics. In the peoples of Australia, the chin is wide, square, the jaw protrudes slightly. Polynesians have a massive lower jaw and an upturned chin. In representatives of the Negroid race, the chin, unlike the lips, protrudes slightly, and in the Mongoloids it is practically absent. The population of the American continent is characterized by a prominent, well-defined chin. For the peoples of the Mediterranean, there is also a protruding chin and a high lower jaw, as in the inhabitants of England, Iceland, Denmark and the northern part of Germany. The peoples of the Iranian group have a low lower jaw, the inhabitants of Scandinavia have a pointed chin, a wide and low jaw. A low and narrow jaw, with an upturned and high chin, is characteristic of the Adriatic population. Small chin typical of the people of India and northeastern regions of Africa.

The chin is important for facial expression and, according to physiognomists, fleshy, full, wide, upturned and protruding forward is considered favorable. In the opinion of the Chinese, such a chin is a "gift from the gods", and testifies to the increased sexuality and unyielding will of its owner. A rectangular chin speaks of stubbornness, and a pointed chin speaks of inner kindness. A short, narrow and sloping chin is considered unfavorable. Favorable for women is a full, rounded, protruding slightly forward, and preferably a split chin.

A delicate, fleshy and rounded chin is a sign of sensuality and weakness, while small, unpointed chins are characteristic of timid people. A flattened chin accompanies a cold and dry nature, with refined feelings. A backward sloping chin suggests prudence, discretion and caution (Fig. 45f). A strongly protruding chin, as a rule, is inherent in people who are decisive, strong-willed and stubborn, with overestimated self-esteem (Fig. 45e).

A wide chin is a sign of pride, arrogance, and sometimes rudeness and cruelty (Fig. 45a); sharp - symbolizes wit and some cunning of a person (Fig. 45b).

A flat, steep chin, according to physiognomists, betrays a cold-blooded phlegmatic person (Fig. 45g), a fleshy double chin (Fig. 45h) indicates a balanced, sensual life-lover, not indifferent to food.

The rounded chin with a dimple is a testament to the kindness and adornment of Russian beauties from museums and art galleries (Fig. 45c).

Prudence and composure are revealed in a person with a deep vertical fold of the chin (Fig. 45d), such people tend to think over each act a few steps ahead, they are reasonable, but tend to be alone.

The shape and type of the face are complemented by its lateral parts - cheeks... They are in proportional relationship with other parts of the face and determine its general configuration and constitutional type. So, for melancholic people, sunken, lean cheeks are typical, and round-faced phlegmatic people are characterized by round ones. Smooth, beautifully contoured cheeks testify to the sensuality, tenderness and generosity of a person. Parallel folds on young face when smiling, they are considered a sign of frivolity, but dimples on the cheeks, such as those of the people's artist Vera Vasilyeva, characterize sociability, kindness, and a slight irony of the character of their owner.

Hair does not belong to the elements of the face, but it plays an important role in shaping not only the external appearance of the face and head, but also has a certain value as a physiognomic feature. They are hard and soft, straight and curly, curly and fluffy. Hair quality is determined by genetic predisposition, it contains important information about a person's life, and largely reflects his fate.

Depending on the type of carotene pigment they contain, they are dark (brunettes), chestnut (brown-haired), blond (blond), light-haired and, less often, red.

Back in the XII-XIII centuries, astrologers tried to establish a person's character by their hair. In their opinion: smooth, soft, straight and blond hair is a sign of a timid and peaceful person, and the owner of thick curly hair is a restless, simple-minded and wasteful person.

According to ancient Chinese and modern physiognomists, coarse hair indicates a violent disposition, and thin hair is a sign of softness. In China, those born with redheads are predicted early death and bad luck in life, but the natural exceptions to this rule are dyed hair and artificially curled hair.

Wearers of straight, bright, soft and shiny hair are considered to be carriers of the auspicious sign, but hair color, type, density and condition must be considered in terms of ethnicity. So, residents of cold and temperate climates are predominantly blond hair, and people of the subtropical and tropical zones are more often dark color hair. The modern physiognomist, Italian A. Reposi, who has dark hair, nevertheless came to the conclusion that dark, straight, coarse and thick hair is characteristic of people who are not very spiritually developed, but hardworking and clean. Blond hair, in his opinion, is more common in people with a soft disposition (among sanguine and phlegmatic people) and capable of learning.

Curly hair is considered a sign of increased sexuality, temperament and cunning of its owner, but they are sociable people and good conversationalists.

People with coarse hair, although they carry an unfavorable sign, are sincere, honest, open and not prone to deception.

In contrast to the existing concept of the beauty of hair by its density, from the point of view of physiognomists, not thick, but sparse hair is considered a favorable sign.

Hair type in men and women has a different combination of meanings that characterize human nature. So, men with dark straight hair have a commitment to order and the habit of relying only on their own strengths. They are pedantic, but often boring. Men with dark curly hair are devoid of cunning, jealous, not indifferent to the weaker sex and temperamental. A person with such hair is more often choleric or sanguine.

Women with dark, straight hair are more temperamental than men and have a faster mood swings. Dark and curly hair in a woman betrays her stubbornness in achieving a goal, often with the use of cunning.

Men with light and straight hair are more phlegmatic in their temperament. They are not characterized by impulsiveness and, with a firm belief in an idea, they go to it stubbornly, purposefully, and sometimes with fanaticism and cruelty. Such men are prone to pride and selfishness. Blond wavy hair is inherent in romantic natures. These curly blondes easily converge with people, are the soul of the company, but besides their charm, they have an eccentric character.

Women with light and straight hair are considered spiritual and dreamy, they are slightly phlegmatic and often weak in character. The precious frame of a beautiful face is blond wavy hair, often of delicate romantic and vulnerable natures. Strong personalities, both male and female, are given away by light, thick and coarse hair.

Red hair at different times was considered a good sign, but more often an evil sign. In ancient times, because of their "devilish devilry" and supposedly witchcraft, red-haired girls with curly hair ended up at the stake. Nowadays, it is a sign of increased attention not only to the unusual hair color, but also to the inherent strong-willed qualities and extraordinary mindset of their owners.

For red-haired men characteristic feature is their good nature and shyness, but combined with thin lips and a hooked nose, they appear to be malicious and cunning people.

If you need to change your appearance, and sometimes the entire way of preceding life, women begin these changes with hair: change their color, length, styling. This fact proves the influence and significance of the external "crown" of the face on its configuration, proportions, expressiveness and perception. The most beautiful wig on a mannequin's head cannot be compared in perception with a similar hairstyle of a girl shining with happiness, expressing her inner sublime state.

It is believed that long, loose hair is worn by romantic, dreamy natures, gathered in a "ponytail" - purposeful and energetic. Curled long hair betrays sentimentality and some coquetry.

Pretentious and intricate hairstyles are preferred by girls who do not want to put up with the everyday life, who love variety and want to stand out.

Girls prefer short haircuts to a sporty style of clothing, and men, behind a short haircut with a comb back or on the right side, hide their conservatism. A clear parting emphasizes firmness of character, prudence and caution.

Artistic "chaos" on the head and disheveled hair give out the cheerful disposition of a good-natured guy, and a hedgehog haircut is stubborn.

Long hair on the head is inherent in spiritualized individuals, and gathered at the back of the head in a bun - in arrogant men, prone to narcissism.

It should be noted that the main purpose of the hairstyle is to give the face proportionality, expressiveness, attractiveness, but it should not distract from the perception of especially beautiful parts of the face and smooth out visual imperfections. Skillful hair styling can hide a girl's high forehead, a wide or elongated face configuration, smooth a protruding chin or sloping forehead.

With age, the volume, color, density and condition of the hair on the head change, gray hair and baldness appear. A sign of thick hair and early baldness is considered unfavorable in Chinese physiognomy. The reason for these changes is the aging of the endocrine system and changes in the production of sex hormones. The first signs of graying appear on the beard, mustache or temples at 40-45 years old, by the age of 50, the hair of the head turns gray, at 60-80 years - the eyebrows. Gray hair is formed as a result of the disappearance of pigment and the appearance of air bubbles.

Limited vegetation is typical only for humans, in other mammals the whole head is covered hairline... In humans, there are clear boundaries, the so-called hairline - on the forehead and in the lower part of the occipital region. The skin on which hair grows is divided into two areas - central and peripheral. The latter is located in the form of a crown, the contour of which is determined by the hairline. Its shape is purely individual: in front, the contour can be almost rectangular, concave, convex towards the forehead (more common in women), it can consist of two halves, and be far from the forehead, it can have the shape of the letter "M".

On each side of the head, the hairline is a curved forward curve, enveloping the temple, auricle and reaching the mastoid process of the temporal bone. In men, in a short area in front of the ear, the hair may join with the beard. In women, hair does not grow further than the zygomatic arches (Fig. 46).

Rice. 46 Hair growth zone in men

It is estimated that there are about 100,000 hairs on the head of an adult man (blondes have more), that is, about 300 hairs per square centimeter. The life span of a hair is from 3 to 5 years, and depends on race, gender, individual characteristics and health status. Having reached a certain length (a year the hair grows by 10-20 centimeters), the hair loses its vitality, the bulb atrophies. Old hair falls out and a new one begins to form in the same follicle.

Permanent hair loss (baldness) is a consequence of heredity and hormonal disorders. Big role racial characteristics also play a role: for example, representatives of the Negroid and Mongoloid races are practically not threatened with baldness.

Rice. 47 Stages of alopecia (Hamilton scale)

The beginning of the appearance of bald patches from the side of the forehead in the Chinese is considered a favorable sign, and from the center of the head (crown) - an unfavorable one.

Facial hair (mustache and beard) is largely determined by gender and race. In men, its presence is considered a secondary sex characteristic. In representatives of the Caucasian race, in comparison with dark-skinned and yellow-faced people, vegetation is more abundant and is characteristic of the cheeks, chin and the area above the upper lip (mustache). Hair that grows on the ears with age is considered a sign of longevity and intelligence, but not a sign of perseverance. The symbol of the masculine principle is the beard, and the harder it is, the sexier and more energetic a man is.

The lateral surfaces of the face define the cheekbones, the angles of the lower jaw and cheeks, which in turn determine the shape of the person's face and head (Fig. 48).

Rice. 48 Face shapes

Expressiveness zygomatic bones, like a narrow eye shape, is characteristic of the Mongoloid race and some East Asian peoples. V ancient China the cheekbones were considered "bones of strength and power" and served as an indicator of the level of power. By their severity, they judged the power qualities of a person and the level of political, military and financial abilities of a person.

The cheeks occupy the lateral parts of the face, have a plastic structure and consist of three layers: skin, subcutaneous and muscular. The general configuration of the face depends on the degree of their severity and development.

In people of ordinary build, the cheeks have a regular, slightly convex shape. Have overweight people they are fleshy, in thin ones - on the contrary, sunken in the middle part, a contrast is clearly visible with the clearly defined outlines of the zygomatic bone and lower jaw.

The shape of the zygomatic bone depends on individual and racial characteristics. High and prominent cheekbones give the face a flat look. In obese people, adipose tissue smooths out the outlines of the cheekbones. In the elderly and thin people the cheekbones stand out noticeably, this impression is enhanced by the depression in the canine fossa.

The naso-chin fold, more or less manifested when smiling and laughing, connects lateral surface nose with cheek, it runs along the wing of the nose in an oblique direction down and to the side. Its depth is individual, but on a mobile face, it becomes constant over time.

In older people, additional folds and grooves may appear, which is associated with the loss of skin elasticity and age-related changes in the subcutaneous layer. They can go along or across with respect to the main folds: nasolabial, chin-labial and chin.

The zygomatic arch runs horizontally: from the zygomatic bone to the tragus and temporomandibular joint and determines the width of the face. In ancient China, it was called a "horse bone", and the owners of such bones were prophesied longevity and a very large military and state power... The outstanding representatives of these prophecies were: Chiang Kai-shek and Deng Xiaoping. In obese and young people, it is not striking, but in thin and elderly people it is clearly delineated.

The posterior part of the cheek imperceptibly passes into the ear-maxillary region, which has a rectangular shape. Above it is limited by the zygomatic arch, behind - the posterior edge of the branch of the lower jaw, below - the base of the lower jaw, near the cheek - the anterior edge of the masseter muscle.

The skin covering the face is thinner than the skin of other parts of the body, but firm and elastic. Skin color depends on the presence of the coloring pigment melanin and is divided into three types: light, medium and dark. In each type, pinkish, light brown, yellowish shades are distinguished; on average - olive yellow and in the dark type - variants of brown and reddish shades. Distinguish between achromatic (colorless) and chromatic (color) colors. All colors differ from each other in lightness, tone, saturation, and are subdivided into warm - with an admixture of yellowness (the color of fire) and cold - with an admixture of blue (the color of ice). The color tone depends on the relief of the skin, which reflects the light flux in different ways and affects the color perception of the face. The relief of the skin is determined by the number and size of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands and the mouths of the hair follicles. According to these signs, porous, slightly porous and smooth skin is distinguished. Smooth skin reflects more light and is perceived as lighter, porous skin diffuses light and is perceived as darker.

The presence of a sharp chin in a woman speaks volumes. In general, such women are highly intelligent, but have a completely unstable mood.

Ladies with sharp chins are very sensitive, but at the same time they can spread gossip about other people and even be extremely treacherous!

However, the presence of a sharp chin in a woman affects all areas of life. They are discussed in more detail below.

Professional activity

Owners sharp chins are unanimously recognized as excellent employees. It is these women who are able to instantly accept the right decision... Perhaps this was the reason that the ladies with similar type chin easily occupy high positions, engaging in social activities.

Society and relationships

A woman with a sharp chin should never be left alone. Loneliness is an ordeal for her. These ladies need to satisfy the need to communicate with other people every day, they are drawn to where there is an audience and continuous movement.

It has been noticed that the owners of sharp chins feel supernatural phenomena quite well. This gift can bring some benefit to its owner if she trusts him

Personal life

Women with this type of chin have poor command own feelings and emotions, so in their personal lives they now and then face problems. For example, a woman with a sharp chin is desperately jealous of her man for the fact that he has a nice conversation with a certain girl, seeing in this not just flirting, but a whole betrayal.

Such women are very frivolous in their personal lives. They can easily marry, which they will regret very soon. All the fault is emotionality and instability of character.

Character and behavior

Girls with a sharp chin know exactly what they want. If her parents or friends give her advice, she will listen to them with respect, but in the end she will do as she intended.

Such women have a great sense of humor, they can easily play their close acquaintances, joke about a topic in a company or dispel boredom at a meeting. Friends of such women enjoy spending time with them, knowing about their unsurpassed humorous talents.

Most of the owners of sharp chins are prone to adventurism, they easily hide the results of their cunning and treachery. Of course, the nature of such women is very peculiar, but this is more than paid off by the incredibly good-looking appearance of women with a sharp chin.

The face reflects the character of a person through the look, the pattern of wrinkles, the corners of the lips. But his individual features have long been endowed with special personality traits, as evidenced by popular phrases and sayings: an intelligent forehead, honest eyes, a strong-willed chin. This article is devoted to the latter.

Chin types

Physiognomists distinguish the following types of chins:

  • Forked. Testifying to the passion of nature.
  • Leaned back. Characterizes patient and compliant people.
  • Double. Gives out lovers of sensuality.
  • Oval. Typical for creative people.
  • Round. Inherent in good organizers.
  • Pointed. Inherent in cunning and insincere people.
  • Square. Indicates firmness of character and the presence of stubbornness.

The last option is the answer to the question: what does a strong-willed chin look like? Obviously, the more it moves forward and the more powerful it seems, the more strong personality appears before people. It is difficult to negotiate with this person. Therefore, in dealing with him, it is preferable to use decisiveness, strength and fearlessness.

Impact of attitudes

Modern psychology classifies physiognomy as a pseudoscience that does not have an evidence base. At the same time, it recognizes the influence of social attitudes on human personality... Perceiving the appearance and behavior of another person, each endows him with character traits based on stereotypes prevailing in society. Scientist A. A. Bodalev in his experiments clearly demonstrated this phenomenon.

Two groups of subjects were shown a portrait of the same person. They were asked to give him an oral description. Only to the first group was a person introduced by a criminal, and to the second by a famous scientist. As a result of the experiment, two mutually exclusive variants of the characteristic were obtained. The offender appeared as a cruel person with a suspicious look and a massive jaw, indicating ruthlessness. To the second group, the scientist's eyes seemed tired, the expression on his face was intelligent, and its lower part testified to perseverance and perseverance. This confirms the idea that a strong-willed chin is a kind of stereotype of perception that has developed in society.

Diffusion of the concept

The chin is responsible for the shape of the face as a whole, completing its lower part. Each race has its own characteristics in its structure. So, Negroids differ in slightly developed chins, Mongoloids - in their almost complete absence. And representatives have the most pronounced lower part of the face. The most developed jaw, affecting its shape, is in the Americans. It is they who are closest to the ideal of what people put into the concept of "strong-willed chin."

It is believed that it was the Americans who greatly contributed to the spread of of this term... Spencer Tracy (1900-1967), who played gangsters at the beginning of his career, replaced the "American jaw" with a more glamorous concept, endowing his heroes with courage and strong-willed principles instead of impudence and rudeness. From his light hand a prominent chin became a sign of a real man, which began to influence the perception of others.

Male features

A strong-willed chin in men is often combined with large facial features: developed superciliary arches, and protruding cheekbones. It is typical for people with an athletic physique, in which broad shoulders with convex chest rise above narrow hips. Against the background of a well-developed trapezius muscle the neck also seems to be more massive. Long hands, large bones of the skeleton and developed muscles indicate strength and a certain amount of aggression. From such men, either good athletes, or leaders.

Male athletes are distinguished by a developed logical thinking, and the ability to resist pressure from others. Public opinion associates them with real masculinity and attributes to them the presence of the following character traits: confidence, determination, physical endurance, competitiveness, perseverance. Often they are condemned for thick skin, aggressiveness or, on the contrary, passivity. But it was noticed that during the period of increase hormonal background(ovulation) women subconsciously choose men with a strong-willed chin.

Bright representatives

Various world publications regularly rank the most beautiful and sexy men planets (Heart world, Life). Looking at portraits of celebrities, it is easy to understand what a strong-willed chin means. This is an invariable attribute of all sex symbols of our time. It is possessed not only by actors who traditionally star in action films - Steven Seagal, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dolph Lundgren. But also handsome George Clooney, Robert Pattinson, Justin Timberlake.

The situation is similar among Russians. Sex symbols from Nikolay Eremenko to (blockbuster " Inhabited island") - the owners of the prominent lower part of the face. Among the legendary politicians, whose contribution to history is confirmed by time, there are also many men distinguished by the presence of a strong-willed chin: John F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin. The existing exceptions only confirm the rule.

Strong-willed chin in women

Among women, there are also athletes whose figure resembles a man's. Their chins are often quite rough looking. This is a consequence high level the male hormone testosterone. The prominent lower part of the face scares off the representatives of the stronger sex, because it indicates the sexual activity of women. For long-term relationships, men are intuitively looking for a partner in whose loyalty they want to be confident. Therefore, polls show that women with strong-willed chins seem less attractive to them. The study was published in Personality And Individual Differences, citing developments from several universities in North America.

Notable personalities

The conclusions are confirmed by examples from the life of celebrities. So, the Duchess of Cornwall, whose strong-willed chin can be seen in the photograph, had an affair with Prince Charles before her divorce from her first husband, Andrew Parker Bowles. And the owner of a neat lower part of her face has lived her entire life in marriage with Paul Newman, a Hollywood star who drove women crazy with his bottomless blue eyes.

Women's strong-willed chins rarely have a quadrangular shape. They are more rounded and more attractive in appearance. They often make, especially in its lower third, more correct and perfect. Among the celebrities with a protruding jaw are Julianne Moore, Ksenia Sobchak. Many Hollywood careers began with chin augmentation through implantation. Among women, Angelina Jolie, Haley Berry, Jennifer Aniston decided on such an operation. Their appearance has benefited so much from this that today many are wondering how to make a strong-willed chin.


The section of plastic surgery for correcting the size and shape of the chin is called mentoplasty. To increase it, an implant is inserted under the periosteum. The operation does not leave any scars in a conspicuous place, because the incision is carried out on the mucous membrane of the oral part of the face. The rehabilitation period does not exceed three days... Surgeon Brent Möllken from California talks about hundreds of men who are trying to change their appearance in this way. The actors do this because they no longer want to play the role of weak characters, and the characters require a certain type of face.

Why do women do it? To look like real ladies. During implantation, several problems are solved at once:

  1. The proportions of the face are corrected.
  2. The neck is visually extended.
  3. Cheeks are removed, making the cheekbones more pronounced.
  4. If necessary, the double chin is removed.

Many years have passed since the times of Aristotle and Hippocrates, who saw the connection between a person's appearance and the features of his character. The ideas about the ideal appearance of a person, which cause respectful perception of others, are changing. Today, a strong-willed chin is becoming one of its most important indicators.

The chin is located at the bottom of the face and is one of the main components that determine its shape. In turn, the shape of the chin depends on the lateral angle of the lower jaw and is determined by the degree of development of the base of the "chin triangle" - the elevation in the front of the chin zone (Fig. 43).Rice. 43 Width of the chin triangle: a- narrow chin,b- wide chinIf the angle of the lower jaw is more than 125 degrees and the “chin triangle” is acute, the lower part of the face belongs to narrow variants (triangular or oval). If the angle of the lower jaw is closer to a straight line (less than 125 degrees), then the chin belongs to the wide options (rectangular or rounded) (Fig. 44).Rice. 44 Chin optionsThe chin is separated from the lower lip by a chin-labial groove. This is a short and distinct depression, well visible in males.From the chin region, located on the neck, under the lower jaw, between its base and the hyoid bone, the chin is separated by the chin groove. It runs under the edge of the lower jaw and transmits its transverse groove. This configuration is clearly visible in thin people and is almost always noticeable in the elderly, as well as with a slight tilt of the head. In older people, a fold is formed, sometimes double, this is the so-called "double chin." From the cheeks, the chin is separated by a thin fold (chin-buccal groove), from the side it is slightly convex. At a young age, it may be absent, but over time it becomes noticeable, especially in the elderly. In women and young people, the chin has a regular, convex, slightly rounded shape. In men, the chin is often massive, wide, flat and protruding.

There is often a dimple or vertical groove on the bulge of the front surface of the chin. Their presence is associated with the direct adherence of the skin to the bone structure (Fig. 45c, d).
Rice. 45 Varieties of chinsBy race, chins have their own characteristics. In the peoples of Australia, the chin is wide, square, the jaw protrudes slightly. Polynesians have a massive lower jaw and an upturned chin. Representatives negroid race the chin, unlike the lips, protrudes slightly, and in the Mongoloids it is practically absent. The population of the American continent is characterized by a prominent, well-defined chin. For the peoples of the Mediterranean, there is also a protruding chin and a high lower jaw, as in the inhabitants of England, Iceland, Denmark and the northern part of Germany. The peoples of the Iranian group have a low lower jaw, the inhabitants of Scandinavia have a pointed chin, a wide and low jaw. A low and narrow jaw, with an upturned and high chin, is characteristic of the Adriatic population. A small chin is typical for the inhabitants of India and the North eastern regions Africa.

The chin is important for facial expression and, according to physiognomists, fleshy, full, wide, upturned and protruding forward is considered favorable. In the opinion of the Chinese, such a chin is a "gift from the gods", and testifies to the increased sexuality and unyielding will of its owner. A rectangular chin speaks of stubbornness, and a pointed chin speaks of inner kindness. A short, narrow and sloping chin is considered unfavorable. Favorable for women is a full, rounded, protruding slightly forward, and preferably a split chin.

A delicate, fleshy and rounded chin is a sign of sensuality and weakness, while small, unpointed chins are characteristic of timid people. A flattened chin accompanies a cold and dry nature, with refined feelings. A backward sloping chin suggests prudence, discretion and caution (Fig. 45f). A strongly protruding chin, as a rule, is inherent in people who are decisive, strong-willed and stubborn, with overestimated self-esteem (Fig. 45e).A wide chin is a sign of pride, arrogance, and sometimes rudeness and cruelty (Fig. 45a); sharp - symbolizes wit and some cunning of a person (Fig. 45b).

A flat, steep chin, according to physiognomists, betrays a cold-blooded phlegmatic person (Fig. 45g), a fleshy double chin (Fig. 45h) indicates a balanced, sensual life-lover, not indifferent to food.

The rounded chin with a dimple is a testament to the kindness and adornment of Russian beauties from museums and art galleries (Fig. 45c).Prudence and composure are revealed in a person with a deep vertical fold of the chin (Fig. 45d), such people tend to think over each act a few steps ahead, they are reasonable, but tend to be alone.

The shape and type of the face are complemented by its lateral parts - the cheeks. They are in proportional relationship with other parts of the face and determine its general configuration and constitutional type. So, for melancholic people, sunken, lean cheeks are typical, and round-faced phlegmatic people are characterized by round ones. Smooth, beautifully contoured cheeks testify to the sensuality, tenderness and generosity of a person. Parallel folds on a young face with a smile are considered a sign of frivolity, but dimples on the cheeks, such as those of the people's artist Vera Vasilyeva, characterize sociability, kindness, and a slight irony of the character of their owner.

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