Home Grape Dream interpretation what if a child is dreaming. Why do children dream - according to the dream book of Nostradamus. Based on the plot of the dream, dream books offer various interpretations

Dream interpretation what if a child is dreaming. Why do children dream - according to the dream book of Nostradamus. Based on the plot of the dream, dream books offer various interpretations

Our dreams are always shrouded in secrets, and sometimes, waking up in the morning, we can not think of anything other than the dream.

After all, everyone knows that our dreams are not just ridiculous, meaningless fantasies or dreams.

On the contrary, they very often unobtrusively and gently suggest something to us, perhaps very important. And it is worth learning to decipher these clues and signs correctly.

Many women, and sometimes men too, often dream of small children, babies, adolescents. These dreams are very pleasant and vice versa, very tense and disturbing, but they always mean something.

However, as every dream book testifies, a child often comes in a dream as a symbol of some changes in the emotional and spiritual sphere, but not at all in everyday life... It is worth immediately, before deciphering the dream, to note: children in a dream never mean themselves, that is, children.

If a mother dreamed, for example, that her baby was sick - do not be afraid, this dream does not at all portend any trouble with the child. The meaning must be looked for much deeper ...

What do dream books say?

Before trying to understand what children dream about, it is worth remembering and carefully analyzing the dream. And to recreate in memory all its details, as far as possible.

Most often, women (less often men) see children in their dreams in the following situations and incarnations:

  • Just somebody's child.
  • Give birth to a baby.
  • Hold the baby in your arms, lull.
  • Death of a child (don't be scared, it doesn't mean anything bad!)
  • Sick or crying baby.
  • Several kids, or a whole group.
  • Feeding a baby or newborn.

These situations are the most common in dreams, and you probably recognize your dream among the listed ones.

So, let's try to understand why a baby, an adult child, boys and girls are dreaming. And what to expect from such dreams?

Whose baby?

1. If in a dream you just dreamed of someone's child, unknown, not causing any emotions, then this, as a rule, is a sign that some kind of mental confusion awaits you. Difficulty making decisions, difficult situations or hassles, indecision.

2. But a friend's child, a neighbor's toddler, a familiar kid - this is for joy, pleasant communication with family and friends, for fun and carefree pastime.

3. It is worth remembering what the child was like. If you are clean and healthy in appearance, then difficulties and troubles will lead you to a good, new future, do not hesitate!

4. If you dreamed about a very small toddler, then this means a lot of petty squabbles, troubles and fuss. But don't worry - it will certainly lead to positive, enjoyable, good changes in life!

5. It is worth understanding that almost any image of a child in itself in a dream always means something that requires care from you.

You have a boy! Or a girl?

For example, why a child is a boy in a dream is easy for a woman to understand - chores awaits you on the personal front, some events that will make you work hard, show attention and spend your time.

Think in advance - maybe there is some slight friction in your relationship with a man, and you can fix everything on your own right now?

Well, why the child is dreaming of a girl is also quite understandable:

  • Most likely, you have troubles in friendship, and maybe even an ill-wisher or an envious person has appeared.
  • However, do not rush to make hasty conclusions, accuse someone, write them down as enemies and get angry - in this case, show wisdom and patience, try to find out the reasons.
  • By the way, such a dream may also mean that a woman who saw a girl in a dream lacks purely female natural qualities- tenderness, gentleness, compliance.

Open any dream book - a child, a girl, is always a sign for a woman to think, look around and, most importantly, look into herself. Listen to what your female intuition tells you, and you yourself will understand in which direction you need to act.

As for men, girls rarely come to them in dreams, but they certainly testify to the same. About the lack of gentleness and kindness, perhaps you are too strict with your chosen one and do not show enough love.

But if a man dreams of a newborn boy, then this is an important sign for a representative of the stronger sex. As for women, any dream book will tell you - a man dreams of a child, a boy, to hint at a lack of masculine character traits: firmness, perseverance, masculinity.

Tender age

Often, women dream of very crumbs. And such dreams, of course, raise many questions, bewilderment and even fear. You should not be immediately scared and think that this is for the birth of a child - the meaning of such dreams is different.

1. So, the question is - why dream of having a child and what to expect from such a strange, ambiguous dream? If a woman had a dream in which a child was born, then this good sign.

And it doesn't matter whether the childbirth was difficult in a dream or not, a boy or a girl was born - this dream always speaks of joy, a new life stage, good news. A good period in your life awaits you!

2. What can mean a dream in which you lull a baby, why is a child dreaming in your arms - is it a good sign or a bad sign? Holding a baby in your arms, rocking and cradling him may not be a good sign.

But before you understand why the baby is dreaming, remember the details of the dream. If the crumb in your arms was crying, was unwell, or was capricious - it doesn't matter if it is your newborn or not - this may be a warning.

Take care of your health, be careful in decisions, do not show excessive emotions - perhaps you are entering a not very favorable streak in your life. But remember, this is temporary!

3. Also relevant and frequent among women and girls is the question - what is the dream infant, which you have to feed in a dream. From a bottle, breastfeeding, or an older baby who is spoon-fed.

If, for example, you feed a child in your dream, then this is a wonderful sign. And it doesn't matter if yours is a little toddler, or a completely unfamiliar one - feeding a baby with milk, especially breastfeeding, is clear sign soon completion of some important matters, and excellent completion!

Your efforts, as such a dream testifies, will not be in vain and bear wonderful results. A dream in which you had to feed a child with milk always speaks of success, recognition - but in the area where you yourself have worked.

That just does not dream ...

Quite often, women have strange and frightening dreams in which there are dead children. This dream can leave a very unpleasant imprint - still, to see such a sight!

Do not be afraid, because the answer to the question of why a dead child is dreaming is not at all scary. This can mean difficulties, danger in a relationship with someone. Perhaps deception or disappointment, frustration.

But nothing really terrible will happen. Just be careful in communicating with others, do not build castles in the air and try to be circumspect in everything.


Dream Interpretations say a lot of useful things, suggest and direct, but do not forget to use your imagination and mind yourself. Sometimes you can intuitively guess what to expect from sleep.

Absolutely any dream, whether the child figured in it or not, carries its own emotional coloring- and if the next morning you woke up with a bad, heavy sediment inside, and the dream book, nevertheless, speaks of good things, then it is worth analyzing and thinking twice. After all, your inner instinct will also tell you whether the dream is bad, or, conversely, good.

If you had a dream after which you woke up with great mood and a strange, inexplicable foreboding of something wonderful, and the dream book tells you about impending difficulties - perhaps you should still listen to your feelings and wait for the good.
Author: Vasilina Serova

    This morning (already yesterday) I dreamed: I was swinging a stroller with a child of about eight months. Some aunts put their child in it (they asked, and I gave permission). I was distracted for a while. And then I looked - no women, no strollers. I began to shout loudly that this is not my child, and I cannot appear without him! But no one paid any attention to my cries. The aunts could be looked for if we walked around the apartment entrance of the house. But nobody wanted to help me. I woke up from my voice: she continued to say something desperately. I slept for work. And, besides me, no one can do it. I read from a dream book that seeing a child in a dream is a hassle, supposedly a child is to attack. Loss of hope. It looks like it is. Yesterday and today were very difficult. I worked alone, and they tried to set me up. The dream interpretation also says that an enemy will appear. This "enemy" exists. Another child talks about the loss of hope. Trying to find a way out of a predicament ...
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    I dreamed about Dad and his friends, he drank vodka, when I saw this picture, I went to my younger brother, I approached his house, I looked at me, I’m going to meet him, I started drinking to him again, but he doesn’t wash and beat, he hasn’t been drinking for a long time, and then I wanted to the toilet on the little one I told him that I went to the toilet I quickly, and I go to the toilet I hear the crying of the child and quickly ran to the child and I stopped in front of me the steps and below the crying child lies beautiful, lightly well-fed and without his left hand, his hand was up to the elbow half a meter away from him, I quickly went down the stairs and picked up the child and my hand also climbed back up and then a woman came up to me, I give her the baby in her arms and I say probably he fell down the stairs, hold him, I will quickly bring the doctors and then ran immediately woke up ... IN A DREAM I AM THE TYPE OF A CHILD'S SAVING, AND ON EVE TWO DAYS THERE WAS A QUESTION IN THE FAMILY. AND STILL THE FATHER DOESN'T DRINK OR DRINK AND THE BROTHER DIDN'T DRINK WITH ALL OF THIS ...
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    I have an almost four month old baby. he dreamed in a dream for about 20 years and we are with him in atel. it is water resistant. we are sailing with him. I hugged him and said how glad I am that I gave birth to you. and hugged him. he hugged me too and then pulled me down and kissed me once on the lips and we swam out. and then he pulled me down again and did not let go, as it were, killing me. I tried to pretend I was dead. so that he thought that I had already died and let me go. but he continued to hold me in the water and I died already the bulbs were coming. and he mostly breathed in water. and I died at the same moment and did not die. my son is dark by himself, just like me. and in the morning it was my son but he was bright. people please help me understand this dream. I've already tried to find the answer everywhere. but never found
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    I really wanted a brother! and when my mother got married a second time after a while she became pregnant and when it was 6 weeks the fetus froze, then a week later, that is, yesterday I had a dream that my mother and stepfather were entering the apartment (grandparents), the stepfather was carrying a crib and my mother had car seats with my brother (I really wanted Sasha so that I would have a brother Sasha and in a dream his name was Sasha) they go into the apartment and put a car seat, I take it out from there, he loves so much, I am so cool grandmother, grandfather played with him, he had fun then we went home, he was lying in the seat, then I sat down, I say mom put it down he's still small to turn gray she says there is nothing terrible and I woke up!

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    dreaming that he saw her husband's mistress, they talked so sweetly, she had a house, but it's difficult to name a house, it's just some kind of hut, there is a change of events and a child runs out from some door that looks like my husband, the girl quickly grabs him and takes away, apparently does not want me to know and did not admit before that she has a child, then I hear a rustle, I run to where it comes from, as a result I catch up with my husband, we find ourselves again in this girl's house, then a conversation begins how to be , still a child, and my husband seems to be staying with another family, but at the same time he got jealous of me on some issue, then a conversation begins, as if the child looks like her husband from that
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    The dream was repeated (I am unbearably scared). So: I can't get through to my son, he is out of reach. Finally beeps, I'm waiting with hope. Suddenly I hear in the receiver, as if the pipe is being pulled from hand to hand. Someone else's voice of a teenager right in my ear: "Your son is going to die." I tell him, sweetheart, honey, what he did to you, talk to me, I beg you. I'm terribly afraid that he will hang up and go to kill my son. I cry, I beg him to talk, and in response, silence. I screamed heart-rendingly out of powerlessness and fear. and woke up. When I had a dream for the first time (in the fall of 2011), I was ill for six months. Now what to expect. I have a son, he is studying at the institute. How scared I am, Lord.
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    I had a very strange dream that I was 16 years old, I go to school and then I got pregnant, I know that he is who, but he is not there, from June to October I was sitting at home, when my stomach was already visible, no one knew about this except my friend , mom, dad and two grandmothers, on October 19 I gave birth, I clearly remember this date, I don’t remember how I gave birth, how I was discharged, they took me home, I take care of the baby, a boy was born, and I go and I don’t know what to call him my name is Ratmir and my grandmothers offer me Ivan, I am categorically against it. So I didn’t name the baby in a dream, it all ended with the fact that I was caring for the child, walking with him!
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    For the second day in a row, I have a dream with a child. The first time the child was not mine, he fell from a tree in front of a cliff and rolled to the lake ... It was a baby.

    Everyone was waiting for the mother to run out and cry ... but no one ... he was like no one else. So I ran to him, took hold of him ... he was quite frail ... I started to feel sorry ... I tried to find my parents. Everyone began to condemn me that I had taken this child, they said that I would be unhappy now ... and then the dream got mixed up with some other one, and before waking up I saw that this child had died.

    On the second day, I was already pregnant ... I gave birth ... everything seems to be fine ...
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    I have no children, I plan later.

    I had a dream that my newborn baby was brought to me (in a dream I realized that this was my baby). the child is a girl. smiled, I still remember this sweet smile. I babysit her. in a dream I understood how much I love her. further, it grew rapidly. when she looked about 7-8 years old, I woke up.

    And I often dream of children. the stories are different everywhere. and children too. then the boy will dream, then the girl. and in every dream they smile sweetly at me. I wake up in the morning good mood... and then the whole day I puzzle about why I dreamed about it.
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    Assalamu Aleikum, had a very strange dream. In a dream, in the village where I live, a jihad begins with some kind of Persians, and our boss orders me to kill two children of their commander, with the words that these children were chosen by Satan himself and the most incomprehensible thing is that no matter how much I beat them, they died and did not get hurt after a long battle, I remember exactly killed one, but from the outside I know that I killed both of them, and my heart began to ache from experiences they were somewhere from 6-9 ... please explain to me this is what please answer me by mail [email protected]
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    I want to start with this - I broke up with a guy, he is dating another and she is pregnant. here, and the other day I had a dream that I was arguing with best friend because of some guy, after we lie under the covers she cries and says I have a little surprise, she lifts the blanket and stands in front of me ex-boyfriend whom I still love, he greets, asks how are you and everything like that, after I ask him who was born, he says that he is a son. I congratulate him, we smile at each other. after his words - son, come here "mom is here!" WHAT DOES IT MEAN???
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    I dreamed that I gave birth to a child, a girl, I felt all the pain ... such a beautiful daughter) I constantly carried her in my arms ... then I began to feed her, went to my mother and she said that no one should know about this, that she would raise her and I I will continue to study, and after that the girl disappeared from my hands, I was looking for her everywhere, and my mother picked up the clothes that I was wearing and pulled out something like a slug, something like a worm and said that the child had died ... I cried all day ... please tell me why this dream? (((
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    I dreamed that I gave birth to a child, a girl, I felt all the pain ... such a beautiful daughter) I constantly carried her in my arms ... then I began to feed her, went to my mother and she said that no one should know about this, that she would raise her and I I will continue to study, and after that the girl disappeared from my hands, I was looking for her everywhere, and my mother picked up the clothes that I was wearing and pulled out something like a slug, something like a worm and said that the child had died ... I cried all day ... please tell me why this dream? (((
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    I had a dream that I was holding my own son in my arms, I think that he is about a year old! Healthy boy, calm! Supposedly I see that I am in a small town, my mother is walking next to me, and I meet the father of my son in this town, he turns out to be married to another, and does not know that I gave birth to a son from him! I stop his car, he gets out of the car, and takes his son in his arms, and says, why didn't you say that you gave birth to a son from me, says and happily takes him in his arms and plays with him, and kisses him on the cheeks? what is it for?
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    hello, I dreamed that the child of my relatives drowned, but there was also 1 more child in my dream, it seemed to me that this child was also my relatives and he drowned too, I started looking for my child and found him near me like a stone from my shoulders, but At the same time, my relatives with two drowned children behaved calmly after we got into the car and left, I worry about it in my sleep, and my relatives feel calm. P.S: I do not talk to my relatives, I can say I am at enmity. help explain
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    hello. and I had such a dream, as if winter and I and my baby were going to the store and for some reason left him on the street, and went inside myself. I look through the window, while waiting in line, that some girl stole my little girl and rushes from everyone legs. well, I ran after her, caught up and knocked her off her feet. as a result, she fell and my baby was sitting in the snow, I took him in my arms, and he hugged me so tightly. and that was the end of the dream. this moment I don't have a child, but I really want to. Help me understand why I had such a dream.
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    I dreamed that I gave birth to a child, a girl, I felt all the pain ... such a beautiful daughter) constantly carried her in my arms ... then I began to feed her, went to my mother and she said that no one should know about this, that she would raise her and I I will continue to study, and after that the girl disappeared from my hands, I was looking for her everywhere, and my mother picked up the clothes that I was wearing and pulled out something like a slug, something like a worm and said that the child had died ... please tell me why this dream? (((
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    Assalamu Aleikum, had a very strange dream. In a dream, in the village where I live, a jihad begins with some sort of Persians, and our boss orders me to kill two children of their commander, with the words that these children were chosen by Satan himself and the most incomprehensible thing is that no matter how much I beat them, they died and did not get hurt after a long battle, I remember exactly killed one, but from the outside I know that I killed both of them, and my heart began to ache from experiences they were somewhere from 6-9 ... please explain to me this is why
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    I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago: oh, now I had a dream that before I broke up with him, I allegedly slept with him, and it turned out that I got pregnant when I was 17 years old, and in a month I should have turned 18 years old. I give birth to a boy who looks like my ex, he has the same eyes and hair, and to everyone else this child looks like me. a very beautiful child. and so I gave birth to him and I come to my ex to work, and I say this is your son, and I take off I'm reconciled. What is it all for ??? who knows write.
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    My girlfriend dreamed that she gave birth to two sons, one with light hair and the other with dark hair. According to her, they were very beautiful and active, they could not sit still.

    And also a very strange detail, she said that she gave birth to them as twins, right away. But over time, their ages became different. dark hair was younger (5-7 years) and with a light one - older (8-10.)

    Oh, yes, when they were only a year old together they fell ill with chickenpox and were in greenery.

    What does it mean?
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    I dreamed that I’m Beremina and I’m starting a fight with a stalemate, I’ll visit my family and there they accept Rodi and Ani, I don’t feel at all, and Ani Bistra are walking, and I’m two boys, and my boyfriend became and didn’t come back. I was holding the baby in my arms and the other beat a stranger to a cocoa and ana evo uranil with a pat I dreamed of how I was choosing a name for the children and arguing with papai for a shot, but the guy never came back.

    What does it mean?
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    My boyfriend dreamed that I was nursing a child at his house (in his own apartment), one year old girl, and I am very happy about it. his mom helps me. but this is not my child, but, as he put it, a foundling.

    Climbing the dream books, I did not find anything definite. this is how I understand it:

    His mom is sick with something. and this girl is herself and her help to me, investing herself in our future.

    Or my boyfriend cheated on me, and he will have a kinder surprise.
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    And I dreamed of a strange child in clean clothes and with a dirty face, and he was still crying, and then I flew past him, he calmed down and shouted that he loved me ...

    After that, a feeling of responsibility for this child volunteered, and I took him in my arms and washed him, and he became joyful as if I were his mother, and for some reason it seemed to me for a split second that I love this child as my own ... could this mean? Who will tell you?

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    I'm 13 and dreaming that I'm pregnant. I argue with some leftist guy that it is. We go to one strange red-haired girl. She says this is not possible. Then he probes my tummy and is surprised, and I look at the guy and show my tongue like: you lost. In a dream, I dream that I wake up and am not pregnant. And someone says that in a dream I am pregnant but in reality not. And I'm waiting for my baby to be born. And the feeling is that you don't even want to wake up. What is it for?
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    Once, that week, I had a dream that I was going pregnant and I was going to give birth in 2 days. This is the 31st, when I should give birth. But I woke up. And today I had a dream that I gave birth, straight so quickly and painlessly. I was holding my baby girl in my arms, breastfeeding. Her eyes are so beautiful blue. Please tell me what it is? I'm very scared, I've read so many dream books that it's bad. I will wait for an answer
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    And more than once I have had such a dream where I am babysitting about a child of about 6-8 months. The gender of the child is a boy. I haven't learned to walk yet. And every time I understand how much I love him and take care of him, and I myself am at the same age as now (16 years old, but at early age I do not wish children :)). And he is so handsome, healthy and cheerful. And every time it is a boy, and I loved him so much, so rejoiced.

    I myself dream of a son in the future :))
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    When I was pregnant, I had a dream that I gave birth to a boy, saw how it all happened before and after and clearly saw his face and black hair, I took him in my arms and he smiled at me ... And after a couple of weeks I gave birth, but only girl, and everything else was exactly as in a dream and even the appearance of a daughter, and she had exactly the same black hair. It turns out that the dream was prophetic, only she missed the sex of the child)))
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    Hello! about two years ago, I dreamed that I was the mother of two babies, I held them in my arms, but I had fear in my soul (probably because my age was small and I understood this in my sleep) ... and recently I already dreamed of one baby, boy, he looks about a year old! I nursed him, but it did not bring me some kind of joy (although I love children very much) ... after this dream my beloved person deceived me ... the dream book did not lie!
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    I had a dream that I was watching some children's videos, where my classmates were still children, I was also a child there. And then I, little, ended up in an apartment with me as an adult, I saw myself, such a daring, nimble. And then I photographed, it turned out pretty good pictures, and then some strange ones, either half-twisted in appearance, or some too red, slightly gloomy. The dream is vivid, I remember it very well.
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    I had a dream that I have two children (boys) and for some reason they put me in jail ... and my father raised them himself ... when I was released and I returned ... first of all I went to the children, but the younger for some reason did not accept me and seemed to hate ... the elder kind of understood ... but still the younger was with me all the time ... and he kept expressing his dissatisfaction. who understands dreams ... please write ... really looking forward to
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    I dream of a boy of 4 months so ... small at all ... but so cool ... I love him very much in a dream ... and feelings are so natural as if everything happens in life ... today I fought with his parents drunks ... to take this kid from them ... In a dream he loves me ... and I am him ... I am 18 years old ... explain to me what it might be ... I have been dreaming this dream for 3 days already ... every time the dream develops
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    I dreamed that my boyfriend was waiting for me in the courtyard of my house with my brother ... and I was at home with a child, and as I understand it with my husband ... but this is not the child I want ... I am generally at a loss how I ended up there, and now mine is not my beloved husband gives me my baby-baby in my arms ... I never had time to go out, and my boyfriend was waiting for me for a long time and left ... I went out into the street, but I see that he left ...
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    I saw in a dream interesting dream, although I have no children yet. I see my sister and I stand and see white clouds descending from the sky. The sister says: “Look carefully, your child is there.” I see on a white cloud Small child looks at me, and behind him stands his guardian angel. Then I see two more small children standing nearby - a boy and a girl. What does this dream mean?
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    dream: I see a boy 3-4 years old. funny, plays all the time. then I leave there, but longing for this boy makes me look for him. I was looking for him for a very long time, and when I found him for 18-20 years. but he remembers me, and is glad to me. you finally found me, ”he said. I fall on my knees before him and cry. and it becomes so easy for me.

    After 2 weeks, I realized that I was pregnant.
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    tell me I dreamed like this ... I don't have children yet I'm 17 but I really want a brother or sister ... I dream that my child is a very cute boy for a couple of months I held it a little bit and then put it on a blanket ironed and cried when I cried I told you I love him so much ... and kissed him ... I woke up already crying ... tell me what it is))))
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    I had a dream that I gave birth to a girl. when we left the hospital I lost her somewhere in the street. I sent my sister home who also gave birth to me, and took her eldest daughter. and together with her I started looking for a pile. but in my opinion I didn’t find her But I cried very hard while I was looking for what this dream could mean, because I often didn’t have dreams and I don’t have my own children yet.
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    I'm 5 months pregnant. I had a dream that I gave birth to a boy. There were no births themselves. As if I'm in the hospital, they show me insanely handsome boy in a burgundy suit. And I understand that this is my son, and I feel so much tenderness, joy and happiness. I heard that if we dream about children, then these are our children from the future. What do you think of my dream?
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    I dreamed that I was holding a child in my arms, in my opinion a boy, he slept sweetly, the dream was so real, as if for real, the dream was short but pleasant! Do not ask questions: what is it for? all the same, no one will answer, in one dream book I read that it is good, and in the other that it is bad, nothing is clear, on the one hand, why know what it is for? Whatever happens and that's it!
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    Greetings! I dreamed that I had a baby, I was holding him in my hands, when suddenly he starts to suckle the breast, but I understand that I am not nursing and I never had milk, but the child continues to suck, I become ticklish, I laugh and understand that I have milk next to me, supposedly husband, in reality this is my boyfriend we have been together for a long time, what would it all mean
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    Today I dreamed that I was at a friend's house and nursed a child, then I did not take him in my arms correctly, and his back fell, then his back broke, and I was afraid that my friend would find out that I had broken the back of her child, and quietly - quietly put him on the bed and he began to scream violently and after a couple of minutes he died (((which is interesting
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    I dreamed that I gave birth to 3 children, they were in a shell. The doctors told me that they were abnormal and would not even talk. They asked me to throw them away. And I sat with them and said say "aha" through the shell, they answered me aga ... And I say to the doctors: why deceive me, they are normal. WHAT IS A SLEEP FOR ??? Complete nonsense.
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    I dreamed that I found the baby and took it to my friend, I understood that the child was not mine because I was pregnant in a dream (and in reality I was also pregnant) and carried it to show my friend ... her mother suggested leaving the child at their house, and making my friend a mother child ... why is it not clear at all ... but I remember the baby was so beautiful and cheerful!
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    I dreamed that I was saving a child from the sea, she swam, (the child is about 1.5 years old and very plump) and I took her to her parents who were on the tray, I walked through the water and lifted the girl so that her head was higher than mine, since the waves were very high, and the depth was about my neck. Tell me what this can mean))))
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    In a dream I dreamed of a little girl mentally abnormal. I came to her psychiatric hospital and watched her from the side. She was sitting in a long white nightie on her bed, crying and writing to her non-existent friend, whom she called Fred. I was 6 years old. I was very frightened by a dream. I woke up in a cold sweat.
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    Hello! I dreamed about a maternity hospital where there are 2 departments. In one of them, the necessary children in the other left by women in labor !!! and I decided to take one child for myself (I chose the most beautiful child out of four children with green eyes and a sweet gentle smile ...) I was very happy with this baby !!! what does this dream promise ????
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    I dreamed that I was nursing a wonderful little child in my arms, well, maybe he is 1.5 years old and then I breastfeed him ... then my mother comes in, takes him away from me, I thought it was her child ... I woke up and still remember how he is touches my chest, it seemed to me that this is my real child

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    I had a dream that I was vagina and I had 2 boys. I am a folk, ale substitute for children, bachu yakhos 2 roslini with roots. All dovkola will calm me down. Everything is fine, so all the booters will have garnie lads for the first hour. Cholovik also known as radium, more than 2 syn. What is such a dream?
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    I dreamed that I was my husband, my sister's daughter and her husband was driving a cart in which horses were harnessed to some place where my sister's baby was located, that my sister was going to pick it up with the baby in her arms, dogs were barking at us and we were trying to escape from the people who were chasing us ... why is this a dream?
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    dreaming of a little boy katorago I left to die

    At first we walked and then it happened that he lay down on the floor and licked and I got into the car and I had a bad feeling, I got out of the car and ran to the child, and then I woke up, my child woke up. very strange dream I couldn't fall asleep at midnight
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Despite the fact that we live in a world full of high technology, the nature of dreams has not yet been studied. However, most people are sure that every dream contains some kind of message that can shed light on the future, warn of trouble or indicate that the dreamer is on the right way... We invite you to find out why children dream.

Miller's dream book

For a parent who has dreamed of his own child experiencing health problems, sleep has positive character... Your child will not get sick in the coming years.

Seeing a child in a dream doing homework or cleaning is a good sign. Harmony and mutual understanding will reign in your family, and all quarrels will be a thing of the past.

If you dreamed about a group of cute kids, then your business will go uphill. You can achieve a satisfactory result in any endeavor, earn large sum and move on career ladder.

If you dreamed of a dead or dying baby - this is a dream that should make you think, especially if you have your own child. Such a dream may indicate that in the future the child may have serious difficulties with self-realization.

Seeing a crying child in a dream is a negative sign. Most likely, there is a person next to you who dislikes you. He will make every effort to turn your life into a real hell. Be extremely careful.

Play with kids - success awaits you in reality. You will be able to find a way out of the most difficult situations, establish your own business or achieve a promotion. Also, such a dream indicates that your personal life will sparkle with new colors.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Seeing a child in a dream is a good sign predicting unrestrained joy, good luck in love affairs, career success. Watching the kids play - symbolizes inner calm dreamer. You have found your place in society and are completely satisfied with what is happening. Beautiful children who have dreamed at night indicate an imminent acquaintance with a nice person of the opposite sex, with whom you will build a strong and reliable relationship.

A crying child in a dream is an extremely negative dream, indicating that you will be disappointed in close person, troubles in professional activity... A sick child - to a difficult situation that will be resolved in an unexpected way and bring joy to the dreamer. If you dreamed about a baby, this is a controversial dream. Perhaps you will find small and pleasant chores around the house, well-being, and absolute satisfaction with life. Such a dream may also indicate someone's envy, a desire to destroy your family happiness, gossip.

If you dreamed about a naked baby, expect betrayal. Chances are, your significant other is unfaithful to you. Breastfeeding your baby - you have no reason to worry about your own health. A dream in which you saw a pregnant girl or a girl swaddling a baby has the same meaning. Observe someone breastfeeding - you should get tested, you may have serious problems with health.

Babysitting with children is a significant material profit. Rocking a baby - to disappointment, longing or sadness. Beating a child is a dream that promises continuous trouble. Kissing children in a dream is an absolute success. You will be able to achieve a positive result in any business, even in one that seems hopeless.

Bathing the baby - in real life you will become a victim of deception, which will cause you significant material damage. Pampering a child - in reality you will have a reason to think about your own health. Talking with children is a positive dream that predicts happiness and success.

Dream interpretation of Shereminskaya

Seeing beautiful children in a dream is an extremely positive dream. This source claims that such dreams promise happiness and success. Feel free to take on any profitable business. After all, in the near future, luck will be on your side. Watching kids doing useful things is a good sign. Peace and harmony will reign in your family. In a team, you will be able to strengthen your own authority or get another promotion.

If you dreamed that you were fooling around with the kids, then in reality you can expand your business, earn a significant amount. A sobbing child, dreamed of at night, symbolizes the dreamer's inner tension. Most likely, your concerns are justified. Someone from close friends decides to cheat you.

New family dream book

Beautiful children in a dream - positive sign indicating that you are on the right track. You will be lucky. You will be able to achieve material independence and establish peace within the family. A mother who saw her child sick in a dream should not worry, since such a dream indicates good health baby.

If you dreamed of sad or crying children, this is a reason to think. Some obstacles will appear in your life, which you can only overcome with outside help. Watching kids at school is a good sign. In the near future you will forget about the need, you will be able to restore the lost connection with close relatives and friends. Play with kids - you will be able to achieve incredible results in business.

Dream interpretation Hasse

For a more accurate interpretation of dreams in which you happened to see children, you need to pay attention to the gender of the child. The boy is a dream that has a positive character. Your financial condition will increase significantly. Any business that you take up in the near future is doomed to success.

If the dreamed child is a girl, the dream reflects state of mind dreamer. You are in anticipation of a miracle that will surely happen in the near future. To your own cherished desire destined to come true. Also, such a dream may indicate cardinal life changes that will only benefit the dreamer. Perhaps you will change the field of activity, learn to enjoy your work.

Dream interpretation of Zedkiel

To a married woman giving birth to a child in a dream is an auspicious sign indicating the good health of the dreamer. Most likely, in the near future you will be able to conceive and give birth to a baby. For a lonely woman, such a dream predicts trouble. Perhaps your reputation will be seriously damaged, and your easy behavior, a tendency to casual relationships will be to blame. If you dreamed that your baby was dead, then in reality there is no cause for concern. He will grow strong and healthy.

Zhou-Gong's Chinese dream book

To see a newborn child in a dream - in reality, the dreamer is waiting for absolute success. Try to use favorable time as efficiently as possible. You can achieve incredible career results and build relationships within your family.

If in a dream you happened to survive the death of your son, then in real life expect trouble. Most likely, you will enter into a verbal skirmish with one of your rivals, competitors. However, try to show restraint, not get personal. This is the only way you can elevate yourself in the eyes of others.

Hugging your child in a dream is a negative sign indicating disagreements within the family.

Eastern dream book

Many children in a dream is a warning dream, indicating that the dreamer will face many small troubles, the resolution of which will take a lot of time and effort. Do not give up, be persistent. Everything will definitely work out.

A small child in a dream with whom you dabbled predicts a quick change in the field of activity. But for now you have to work hard on old job.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Watching a group of cheerful children in a dream is a dream that has an ambiguous meaning. Most likely, a lot of problems will appear in your life that will be taken away last strength... But everything will end pretty well, you will find a way out even from critical situations... Also, sleep can be of global importance and predict an increase in the birth rate in the city in which the dreamer lives.

Seeing yourself small - in reality you need to pay attention to own behavior... Perhaps you are acting like a child, and your antics greatly offend the people around you.

Watching children crying is an extremely negative dream, indicating an impending military conflict that will radically change your life. Men will go to defend their families, and women will shoulder the hardest and dirtiest work that their husbands have done before. Also, a dream may indicate that you will shed a lot of tears because of your own children, whose behavior will leave much to be desired.

If the dreamer saw a disabled baby, then you should give up bad habits that negatively affect not only your health, but also the well-being of the people around you. Also, perhaps such a dream predicts ecological disaster in the region where you live.

And not to find him - bad sign... You will not be able to complete the work on which you have high hopes. A number of minor troubles will knock the soil out from under your feet, and you will spend too much time and effort to resolve them.

To indulge in a dream with children is a dream indicating your desire to change your occupation. However, despite all efforts, to find new job you can't do it.

Dream interpretation of Cleopatra

To dream of a crowd of children playing cheerfully is a good sign. In the near future, luck will be on your side. You will be able to achieve a positive result in amorous affairs, establish a business and strengthen your financial position. All set goals will be achieved, and any dream will be realized. Do not miss this favorable period, use it to the fullest. Fate rarely gives such gifts.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Children who dream at night, as a rule, foreshadow chores. Neat kids seen in a dream is a positive sign, symbolizing absolute luck and joy.

Ugly or dirty children - negative dream, indicating that you will not find an opportunity to implement own plans... You will become hostage to a difficult situation that will bind you hand and foot. If you dreamed about a foundling, you will become the successor of an impressive inheritance or you can win a big sum in a casino.

Female dream book

Nursing a baby in your arms is a positive dream. Most likely, in the near future there will be a long-awaited addition to your family. Also, such a dream may indicate an unexpected visit from a close relative or career success.

If a woman saw herself in the form of a mother with many children, then in reality there will be a meeting with an old friend, after which a whole series of troubles will follow.

Breastfeeding your baby is an extremely difficult time ahead. Most likely, your superiors will overwhelm you with difficult but responsible work that will take your time and energy. However, you will be completely satisfied with the result. You will be richly rewarded for your efforts.

Dream interpretation of Juno

If a dumb child has dreamed, in reality, be extremely careful. Some of the ill-wishers will start spreading gossip behind your back. Asking a dumb child for something is not a good sign, symbolizing loss. Some of your loved ones will die a natural death.

Helping a kid pull out a splinter is a positive dream that predicts success in business. You will be able to find a way out of the most difficult situations, deftly bypass obstacles prepared by ill-wishers and competitors.

If you dreamed about the bloody head of a child, the dream warns of a serious discord within the family. You will have to make every effort to bring harmony and understanding back into the house.

Seeing a kid in pain bad sign... The dreamer should be extremely careful, try not to make mistakes, since one of them can become fatal.

To give birth to a child with a pathology in a dream is a negative dream that predicts failure. To change life in better side, you should rely more on the mind and not be guided by emotions alone.

Look for your baby in the hospital walls - get ready to receive bad news.

To see a child with a big bump on his forehead - you will have to change your plans, as fate will present you with an unpleasant surprise. If in reality you have children, then you should pay attention to their well-being. Perhaps they will pick up some kind of infection.

Seeing a crying baby - take care of your health. Such a dream may also indicate that small chores that have fallen on your shoulders will disrupt all plans.

If you dreamed of a child bursting with sonorous laughter, in the near future you will meet a person with whom you will be able to build a reliable and durable union.

Seeing a homeless child in a dream is a symbol of an unbiased attitude to one's own life.

Screaming at a baby in a dream is a dream that reflects your internal state... Most likely, you experience both physical and mental discomfort, and suffer from remorse.

Nursing a child - to betrayal on the part of a person whom you trusted infinitely.

See a child in a dream ex-husband- you will never come to reconciliation with the person who once betrayed you.

Dream interpretation for children

Seeing children in a dream - in the near future, some event will occur that will delight the dreamer. Watching how kids play is to unbridled fun, joy.

If you dreamed about an unhealthy child, you will feel proud of your friends. Beautiful kids dreaming at night are a dream predicting an early acquaintance with an attractive representative of the opposite sex. Perhaps everything will end in marriage.

Small dream book

The dream, in which I happened to see many neat and pretty children, has a positive character. The dreamer will be able to achieve significant results in business, as well as make the life of his relatives happier, emotionally bright.

If you dreamed of your own child being sick, then in reality you should not worry, since such a dream predicts good health for your child.

Seeing crying or upset children is a huge nuisance at work. Your ill-wishers will do everything possible to ruin your reputation, turn colleagues and bosses against you.

Most often, newborn crumbs appear in dreams as harbingers of change. In ancient times, such a dream plot was considered a blessing from above. And what a small child dreams of, according to modern dream books, is described below.

Dream interpretation: small child

In Miller's dream book, a newborn child is a symbol of well-being. This is true for those stories in which the kids were beautiful and healthy. If a man or woman in a dream has a pleasant time with a newborn baby, then in real life it will be possible to achieve all the goals set.

A painful baby from a dream suggests that soon a person will face serious excitement, which will knock him out of his usual life rhythm for a long time. Fears about what happened will haunt and torment him for several years.

In Vanga's dream book, children in a large number turn out to be harbingers of minor troubles that need to be dealt with as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will accumulate over the shoulders and eventually fall on him huge snowball... While the troubles are still small and insignificant, they need to be eliminated.

If a newborn from a dream turned out to be disabled, then such a plot becomes an important warning for a sleeping person. He needs to convert Special attention not your addictions. Bad habits harm not only the dreamer himself, but also his loved ones.

In Freud's dream book, it is noted that cruelty in a dream against a child of the same sex with the dreamer is a sign of his unconventional sexual orientation.

To dream of a girl, a boy

When children dream, you first need to remember what gender the characters of the dream turned out to be.

  • A nursing baby wrapped in diapers, which a representative of the fair sex sees in a dream, promises the latter a strong sincere feeling in relation to a new acquaintance.
  • For men, the birth of a daughter portends success in business. It can be expected in a wide variety of areas of life.
  • For an elderly person, a newborn girl from a dream becomes a harbinger of improved health or a retreat of an old ailment.
  • A pale sickly boy from a dream promises minor financial losses, and a strong and handsome boy promises material prosperity.
  • A laughing boy dreams of unpleasant gossip. But don't pay attention to them. Rumors will not in any way affect the dreamer's reputation.

Every day in a dream we spend from 5 to 9 hours and live there our whole life. Since ancient times, people have had a special relationship with dreams. Some believed that sleep is an illusion of death, others that it is travel to parallel worlds.

But everyone agreed that dreams for people are harbingers of both good and bad events... Therefore, even in ancient times, dream books were invented, where the subject of a dream is analyzed in detail from different positions.

When analyzing dreams, it is important to take into account information from different sources, so you will get a more detailed and objective prediction.

The dreams in which you dreamed of children can be completely different both in content and in emotional color. It is important to pay attention to the state in which you woke up, whether you are comfortable or anxious, since this can also affect the prediction. So, why are children dreaming?

Was there a boy

First of all, if you dreamed about children, you should pay attention to the gender of the baby.

1. Why is the child a boy dreaming of? Let us turn to the literature, if in a search engine you type a dream book query: a child is a boy, then you will be told that the meaning of sleep directly depends on emotional state little guest.

To dream of a boy who smiles and takes an active interest in you, to very good events. Fortune has turned to face you, an unexpected and pleasant surprise or news awaits you. If you dreamed of a child, a boy who is sad or offended, this portends vanity and troubles.

2. What is the dream of a child boy, we figured it out. But why is a child dreaming of a girl?

To the fact that you will have a unique opportunity to finally prove yourself and your positive traits, talents and skills, be ready, soon a surge of positive emotions awaits you, so it will be pointless to hold you, you will rush into battle and gush with creative ideas. This is what the child girl dreams of.

If you are giving birth, this is a remarkable financial rise, new projects and career advancement.

According to Maly Velesov's dream book, a child girl dreams to surprise, unexpected news. And if you dreamed about a child, a girl infancy then it portends fast wedding, but not necessarily to yours, perhaps in the near future you will have the opportunity to attend someone's wedding.


Why is a newborn child dreaming? A newborn baby symbolizes a new beginning, it can be like new project and new relationships. It all depends on the gender of the child.

  • When you dreamed about a baby boy, it bodes financial success and new projects.
  • Newborn girl dreams of new romantic relationship and courtship, or your significant other (if you already have one) will bring novelty to the relationship.

Why is a baby dreaming? It is a symbol of happiness, well-being and success. If you have been waiting for a replenishment for a long time, and you dreamed of a baby, it means that soon you will have offspring.

But why is a baby dreaming if this is your blood from real life, but of a different age? The dream portends a reassessment of values. In speed, something will happen that will strengthen the general moral and ethical foundations.

If you dreamed about a child already at the age of 3-5 years, then this marks the beginning of an internal personal growth... Feel free to start going to trainings or looking for an experienced coach.

On hands or in a stroller

1. Why is the child dreaming in her arms? To hold the little one in your arms in a dream - to love relationship, which are likely to lead to marriage and procreation.

There is one more assumption about what a small child is dreaming about in her arms, the fortunetellers of Meridian express it - this means that you already hold your happiness in your hands, you have caught luck by the tail, now the main thing is not to miss it. Try to analyze recent events in your life and understand where future success lies.

2. And here is how it claims modern dream book, a baby in a stroller is a symbol of travel, in the near future you will go to new town or country.

More options for what small children dream of:

  • If we look into Ukrainian dream book, children in a dream portend wealth and pleasant chores in all respects, as well as preparation for moving to a new home.
  • If you dreamed of a child of the opposite sex with you, then this suggests that circumstances will develop in such a way that it will be necessary to show male qualities such as resilience, composure and focus on results.
  • Let's take a look at gypsy dream book, according to this dream book, children portend wealth, an unexpected inheritance or a good deal.
  • Seeing a negro in a dream means a change in your plans, but in the end, these changes will only play into your hands.

Some dream analysts say that when asked what children dream about? - it is not easy to answer unequivocally. When analyzing, it is necessary to pay attention to details, both positive and negative, since a dream is a mirror, and most often the negative in it predicts something good.

Other images

1. So, say with confidence what you are dreaming of crying baby, difficult, the meanings are very contradictory. Some argue that in speed they will swallow gray everyday life and the feeling of a holiday will leave you, while others, on the contrary, say: tears dream of laughter, joy and a fun pastime.

2. What is the dream of a sick child? More often, this vision suggests that it is time for you to improve your health and visit a doctor, or maybe go to a SPA or go to a sanatorium. V recent times you spent a lot of energy, and now you need to restore strength and energy balance.

3. It is important to dwell separately on what the child's death is about. Usually this is either good news or material wealth. Another reason for the dream of the death of a child is a change in your life.

If the baby died in your arms, then you should think about the new business that you are starting. Perhaps it is worth making adjustments to it or taking on another project.

Seeing in a dream how a baby died not in his arms, but, for example, in a cradle, promises that soon it is worth waiting for news from distant relatives. Maybe some of them need your help.

Well, if the baby died in front of your eyes a violent death, then you need to think about whether you are lovers of yourself, whether you are forbidding yourself to do something. And start at least sometimes to indulge your desires, since self-restraint will not bring you to good.

4. If you dreamed of a child, a boy or a girl who is lost and is looking for his mother, then soon you will help with advice or deed to people who will not remain in debt to you.

Suddenly, your offspring was lost in a dream, which means that you should be more attentive to your finances, review all planned expenses and try to control yourself during the next shopping.

Thus, on main question- what do children dream about, we can say that for something good, for change and new, the main thing is your attitude to the vision. If you believe this good sign, then it will be.

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