Home Mushrooms Hybrid of human and alien. Why are aliens creating a race of hybrids? Gray – Type C

Hybrid of human and alien. Why are aliens creating a race of hybrids? Gray – Type C

One of the rather fantastic assumptions why indigo children are born explains their extraterrestrial origin. Allegedly, the child’s father is a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization, hence the paranormal characteristics of the children. And similar experiments on the birth of hybrid people are carried out in various parts of our planet, hidden from the eyes of civilization.

IN In some cases, the experiments are completed successfully, and as a result, the earthly woman gives birth to a completely normal child. However, some of the feelings that are familiar to us are much more developed in them, and very often there are additional ones that are absent in an ordinary person.

IN first of all, it is noted high level intelligence, as well as a developed sense telepathy, And intuition. As a rule, everyone indigo children, heightened sense of danger. Presence telepathic opportunities, and more developed other senses, made it possible to talk about these children as “ new race of people”.

A similar “splash” birth indigo children, was recorded from 1980 to 1990. During the same period, a frequent appearance was also noted UFO, with which one of the versions of such a numerous appearance of indigo was associated. They say aliens abducted earthly women, and either medically or naturally, the process of fertilization took place.

So Thus, the aliens are pursuing some of their own goals in the experiment. Perhaps this is really an attempt to “bring out” a new person. It is possible that scientists extraterrestrial civilizations, observe what can happen if human and alien mix. But such experiments do not always end successfully; in some branches of the experiment, terrible ones appear.

And they try align the gene code so that the resulting offspring are viable and no difficulties arise in the future, as happens with indigo children. During the period of observation of indigo children, it turned out that they not only have pronounced genius abilities, but also developed extrasensory senses.

Often indigo children As they grow older, they become uncommunicative, more often withdraw into themselves, but show their individualism more and more clearly. At the same time, showing ease in mastering digital technologies, and in comprehending something new. It is possible that these are the qualities that alien scientists are trying to predict. When the crossing of two individuals occurs, human + alien.

The question is not “when the meeting will happen,” the point is “it will happen.”

By According to American researcher David Jacobs, aliens behind the planet have long been working to create a hybrid race. In his book “The Secret Life,” the researcher writes that the aliens have already bred several hybrids. And the extraterrestrial civilization sets itself the priority goal of capturing the Earth. — (though I haven’t found an explanation why aliens won’t immediately take over the Earth).

So here it is, it turns out that indigo children are not the first generation of hybrids. Because, as David Jacobs argues, what happens first is artificial insemination earthly woman, the genetic material of aliens. The result is semi-intelligent mutants that bear little resemblance to humans. However, subsequent mixing, in a natural way, makes it possible to obtain intelligent individuals that are outwardly indistinguishable from humans.

But possessing other abilities, precisely those that are inherent in the so-called indigo children, people “ tomorrow" And there would be nothing wrong with that, but the fact that the “selection” was made not by nature, but by someone from the outside, makes you think and causes anxiety. And according to researcher Jacobs, “the time” for replacing people with a hybrid is already close.

About, that the approaching “replacement day” may not be completely painless, say the unusual abilities of indigo children. One opinion suggests that indigos have developed the qualities of a super soldier. Telepathy, - excellent remedy communications are not only for communicating with each other, it is also an opportunity to create a unified appearance of the battle picture and manage the clash.

And With the help of telepathy, you can suppress the will of the enemy, depriving him of the ability to resist. Even now, earthly military equipment requires high management skills. But considering that scientists from extraterrestrial civilizations have worked on the “man of the future,” it is likely that the technology will be different.

High probability that indigo will have to operate equipment in outer space, where other navigation skills are required. And here the highly developed intelligence of indigo children comes in handy. Of course, one could say that everything will be fine in the future of humanity.

Telepathy, intelligence, needed for further growth, improvement, and human prosperity. But there is another question, why indigo children have a heightened sense of danger. As experts say, they sense a threat vector directed specifically at them.

All this is because hybrids will have to participate in . When the battles take place in outer space, at high speeds, using equipment made using extraterrestrial technology. This will require a different level of development, a different speed of decision-making, a different degree of endurance. That is, precisely those qualities that indigo children came so close to developing.

The concern is the “day of replacement of people”, how it will be to look like .

Concern is caused by the fact of how the “new people” will behave. There will simply be a release of information that indigo children have powerful paranormal abilities. And perhaps full access to information on how to use them is “blocked” at the genetic level. Since multiple observations show that for some indigos, abilities appear only in moments of strong psychological arousal (anger, stress).

Interest It also raises questions about what other information may be blocked by aliens when creating hybrids. People of the future can be prepared for war with whom. In David Jacobs' book The Secret Life, this is described as the replacement of all humanity with "new people". In terms of extraterrestrial civilizations, the program will replace life on Earth, taking the planet into its own hands.

What are indigos needed for, what is the purpose of creation.

One one of the most popular versions, voices the thoughts of most ufologists. Allegedly, the world government has long entered into. Which, in exchange for technology and security, allowed the aliens to conduct experiments with a number of their fellow citizens.

But ultimate goals experiment, not the capture of the Earth, and the absorption of humanity, otherwise what is the point of creating a “man of the future”, when having developed technologies and capabilities, immediately captivate the inhabitants of the Earth. On the contrary, the “man of the future” has all the emotions of an ordinary person, pain, sex, joy, compassion - thus, the development of new senses of perception, and the improvement of familiar ones, makes the standard of living better. The purpose of hybrid people is seen differently - protection of the planet, readiness to move to a new level of development.

People who have been abducted by aliens often talk about the painful medical procedures they underwent on the alien ship. Contactees also meet children with whom they feel a seemingly unjustified family connection.

The kidnapped people are absolutely sure that they are the parents of the children, but they don’t remember anything about it! But is this possible? If you believe one of the theories about alien activity on Earth, which talks about hybrid children, then yes, it is possible.

In fact, some people are abducted by aliens again, probably giving them a chance to look at their children - born from an alien. Although it is difficult to imagine what the “strangers” are actually guided by.

Hybrid children.

As an experiment, aliens sometimes feed hybrids with human milk, and sometimes kidnap earthly children to play with hybrid babies. Hybrids are probably also an object of study for aliens, just like people.

When the hybrid is born, he is given the opportunity to communicate with the human mother. At the same time, the aliens themselves avoid close relationships with hybrid children. With the help of robots, they transport children in metal containers, allowing communication with the mother, the only one who can give the love and care that the kids so need.

During hypnosis sessions, abduction victims, remembering what happened to them, experience understandable despair and horror. During their monstrous experiments, aliens convince people that they will not cause harm, and the event itself will be erased from memory.

In addition, aliens use strong anesthetics. Therefore, during the experiments, abducted people feel a pleasant light vibration, peace and relaxation.

But there are cases when anesthesia does not work, and a person is completely given over to feelings of indignation, rage and despair, which he is unable to control. Of course, the aliens' attitude towards the victims as experimental animals is extremely insulting to the captive.

Even a forgotten psychological trauma has an irreversible impact on the consciousness of the abducted person. Obviously, some experiments relate to the field of genetic engineering.

The aliens with inexplicable persistence pursue the goal of breeding hybrids of humans and aliens. And although doctors have not yet found any abnormalities in the reproductive system in the test subjects’ bodies, nothing can be said for sure, especially when an unknown intelligence is involved.

Information messages from aliens.

In addition to the trick with genetic engineering, the aliens are clearly manipulating the consciousness of people. containing no cognitive data. Obviously they want to get in emotional sphere and change the worldview of the abducted person.

At the same time, there is a significant difference - such an effect captures all the organs and senses of a person, deeply implanted in the consciousness. The alien transmitting information inspires a person that the information received is of vital importance both for him and for all of humanity as a whole.

The kidnapped person is shown pictures of the biblical apocalypse: people see the vivid consequences of the activities of “unreasonable” humanity - destroyed nature, floods, terrible footage of epic fires. Earthquakes tear the planet apart so violently that it literally bursts into pieces!

Along with this, the aliens mournfully admit how deeply they are saddened, how they suffer from the fact that they are forced to traumatize the human psyche. Sometimes people are told that they have a high mission, to bring the light of a “clean world” to the survivors of a nuclear disaster.

Not the entire population of the Earth will perish, as the newcomers claim, the best of the best will be saved. They will move to other planets and become participants in the creative processes of the Universe. But how much can you trust those who come from other stars?

Are deceitful aliens preparing an invasion?

Can we believe that aliens are driven solely by concern for the fate of the unfortunate Earth? Or are they interested in the reaction of experimental subjects to vivid imaginative impressions, in other words, the processes occurring in the nervous system? It’s not without reason that they don’t reach the highest echelons of power, usually kidnapping ordinary people

Concern for our planet is a hoax! Some ufologists believe that since they have already lost their own planet as a result of their unreasonable activities, pictures of this are shown to forced contactees.

Some people, who probably have a fairly strong will and little suggestibility, ask a logical question: why don’t “good” aliens appear to humanity and reveal the true state of affairs, why do they act indirectly?

The answer sounds extremely strange: people are too aggressive and irreconcilable, they are not yet able to realize the importance of the present moment and do not want to accept what contradicts their worldview. - Probably, in the eyes of the aliens, it is easier to convey the truth by abducting housewives.

However, let's put aside the sarcasm: The main obstacle, according to alien agents, is radically different methods of influence. They allegedly do not want to engage in primitive persuasion. Their goal lies deeper - to rebuild a person’s psychology so that he independently realizes his own wrongness and takes a progressive path of development.

Sometimes, apocalyptic information is supplemented by global space battles between two alien races. One race of aliens is favorably disposed towards humanity, seeing us as partners and friends. Another race is evil, openly aggressive and wants to destroy the human race on Earth!

However, let’s not forget that all reports about aliens and the nature of the incidents are brought by people allegedly abducted by aliens. Upon returning home, people later remember what happened to them, not all of them, of course.

The abductees remember the return home more vaguely than the abduction process. Usually people are returned to the place where the abduction took place. But sometimes, a person is left several kilometers from home, although such misunderstandings are extremely rare.

What do you think about this? How realistically can what is happening under the note “aliens” reflect reality?

How many species of aliens are there in space? Presumably, a great many. It would be naive to believe that humanity is the only race in our Universe. Our Universe is fraught with many mysteries. We cannot know how many aliens live in it, but we can talk about how many types of aliens are known to ufologists today and what are the characteristics of each of them. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Let's start from afar - let's turn to such a science as logic. One of the popular tasks in this discipline is: “Determine the type of a given concept by volume.” Alien is a vague concept. What does it mean?

As you know, all concepts are divided by volume into indefinite, empty, general and singular. Single ones are those that contain only one element (A.S. Pushkin, Moscow). General ones are those that include two or more elements (“river”, “planet”). The volume of empty concepts is an empty set. In other words, it does not include a single object from the universe of reasoning (“perpetual motion machine,” “water”). And finally, vague concepts are those whose scope has not yet been established. This is precisely what “alien” refers to. As you can see, it is impossible to establish clear boundaries of the concept that interests us.

Our knowledge of how many species of aliens there are is based on information received from contactees who claim to have been on a spaceship or talked to aliens. In addition, information about them was collected from mediums who established channels to communicate with them through channeling.

There is a special science - exobiology, which gives us more accurate information about various types of aliens. Ufologists, based on the stories of witnesses and the results of research, have concluded that there are several races of aliens that differ from each other in external characteristics. Aliens have completely different appearances, each race is defined by its own character and unique characteristics.


These amazing humanoids resemble insects in their own way. Insectoids are a specific, extremely rare race of aliens. They are characterized by large and convex limbs. The limbs of these aliens have a bizarre shape. They are sharp, reminiscent of claws or tentacles.

Insectoids have incredible features that allow them to travel in space at high speeds. Aliens of this type can withstand very high accelerations (up to 40 g). Under gravitational overloads, they easily endure colossal stresses.

Even K. E. Tsiolkovsky determined the characteristic properties of insects. He personally studied cockroaches and conducted tests on them. This scientist was one of the first to determine that insects are able to withstand gigantic accelerations and large differences in gravity much better than mammals and animals. It is not only during braking or fast flight of a spacecraft that intense tension arises. And in case sudden change direction of the ship, an unimaginable load is noted. Only an alien ship is capable of stopping abruptly at full speed and, having frozen for a moment, instantly change its course by 90°.

Three-toed giants

These aliens were most often seen in Lower Saxony (Germany). The distinctive features of this race are as follows:

  • great height (from two to three meters);
  • large glowing eyes reminiscent of car headlights, as well as a huge head;
  • blurred external features, their ears and nose do not stand out;
  • Representatives of this race have special skin with a light blue tint;
  • The limbs of humanoids are very impressive: an awkward long hand, larger than a head in size, with only three fingers.

Ufologists have established that representatives of this race are male. It has also been observed that these giant cyclops never appear alone. A whole retinue of midgets (naturally, too cosmic origin) certainly accompanies them.


Reptoids are very interesting extraterrestrial creatures. This type of alien received this name because their skin is scaly. In addition, reptoids are cold-blooded, like amphibians. They have a lumpy torso, and long claws have been seen on the limbs of these aliens. Their terrible eyes glow with yellow and green tints. In the area of ​​the mouth and nose they have a blunt appendage resembling a trunk, giving these dragon-like creatures an almost human appearance.

Some argue that reptoids are characterized by a tendency towards aggression, as well as sexual violence against representatives human race. Contactees even liken these aliens to Satan and his army. It is believed that aliens of this type are representatives of the dark forces of the Universe, belonging to the demonic sphere. According to some reports, any mention of the name of Christ causes a negative reaction among reptoids. There is even an assumption that it is a representative of this race that is the prototype biblical serpent, who tempted Adam and Eve in ancient times. Some believe that reptoids have very powerful energy, however, they are extremely kind and sensitive creatures. However, the more widespread opinion is that they are hostile to humanity.


Space dwarfs, unlike reptoids, are peaceful creatures. They mostly accompany other humanoids, more intimidating ones. However, there have also been cases of single visits to Earth by space midgets.

Let's briefly describe appearance aliens of this type. These creatures are about a meter tall and have short legs with hooves. The forelimbs of dwarfs are long and have three toes. The arms of space midgets are very thin. They dangle and hang all the way to the ground. However, this does not prevent dwarfs from moving quickly, as well as from running away from the pursuit of curious people.

So, the appearance of space midgets is quite funny. As for their character, they are friendly. Dwarfs usually wear silver spacesuits. A thin film that covers the nose, mouth and ears, like a mask, is present on their face. It seems that dwarfs hide their appearance from us, leaving only their eyes open.

Perhaps some people saw not space aliens, but inhabitants of the Earth in carnival masks and costumes? This question should be answered in the negative. After all, people with such appearance features, such specific anatomical data, simply do not exist on our planet. And why would there be a carnival procession in Lower Saxony, a rather deserted place?

Synthetic workers

This race of aliens has its own specific characteristics. Their representatives are believed to be capable of even telepathy. The height of these creatures is about 1.1 m. Their intelligence is compared to that of a swarm of bees. Representatives of this race were seen mainly on board their spaceships, as well as in underground bases created by these aliens.

Gray humanoids

The height of gray humanoids is also small. It ranges from 0.9 to 1.2 m. Representatives of this race are inconspicuous in appearance. They are distinguished by a thin body, their limbs are underdeveloped. The fingers of gray humanoids are very thin, with sticky suckers or sharp claws at the tips. The classic image of representatives of this race is as follows: a huge head (no hair), gray skin, a blurry, slightly convex nose, and a poorly defined lip line.

Evidence of gray aliens was received mainly from residents of America. In July 1947, the famous crash of an alien ship occurred in the state of New Mexico (Roswell). It was the remains of gray humanoids (pictured above) that were discovered at the scene of the accident. Scientists performed autopsies on the bodies and found that the structure internal organs these aliens are truly amazing. They had no outlets or digestive system, and instead of blood there was an unknown substance. Pathologists also did not find a liver and heart - perhaps these organs were also absent in humanoids. As for the brain, its nervous tissues were significantly different from human ones. There was no gray matter, but the brain was well formed and had good structure.

In the state of Texas, crashes were also recorded on board of which the bodies of gray aliens were found. In 1947, visits from these creatures were very common in the United States. It seemed that this was the country that aliens had chosen for their research. The US authorities were seriously concerned about the frequent visits of uninvited guests. They seriously considered the possibility of their massive invasion and were preparing for it. Fortunately, the invasion never took place.

Among the grays there is such an interesting type as the long-nosed grays. The height of these creatures is about 2.4 m. These aliens have a genetic structure similar to insects. They lack external genitalia. These aliens are very aggressive towards people. They are considered a group from Orion, main goal which is the alleged capture of humanity and its enslavement.

Another type is gray with Ceta Reticuli. Many abduction victims and witnesses have described small, robot-like creatures. Others noted that these were short, stocky aliens in dark overalls. Their faces are wide, depending on the lighting they have a dark blue or dark gray tint. They have deep-set, shiny eyes, wide mouths and upturned noses. The other types that witnesses spoke of do not appear to be human.

Group from Sirius

According to some reports, the group from Sirius, like the grays, is involved in kidnappings. The height of these creatures is about two meters. They have blonde hair, short-haired. Their eyes are blue, having the following feature: vertical pupils, like those of cats. These beings are supposedly part of a group that arrived from Orion to take control of our planet.

Humanoids in black clothes

There are also some types of UFOs, the aliens of which can easily be mistaken for humans, since they appearance practically no different from humans. Humanoids in black clothes, for example, are very similar to us. It would seem that they should not cause horror among eyewitnesses. However, these humanoids are dressed in special black robes, making their appearance terrifying. Aliens belonging to this race were discovered in almost all regions of our planet. Most often, eyewitnesses watched them exit their ship, which sank to the ground in front of everyone. People from different countries reported that representatives of this race appeared in groups to carry out repairs on the ship.

Cases have been recorded when black aliens made contact with us. However, the tone of their communication, as eyewitnesses note, was demanding and impudent. They spoke quite well, and the manner of speaking of these humanoids resembled the slang characteristic of the criminal environment. The aliens always wore black suits and had black headbands.

Eyewitnesses experienced fear while communicating with them, as these creatures threatened them, and also demanded not to tell anyone about their visit. During the conversation, the aliens were interested in the profession and life of their interlocutors. They were very curious about a variety of small household items, which surprised eyewitnesses. Some even thought that these aliens were recluses who for a long time lived in isolation from civilization. Others suggested that these were secret workers living on military bases of the Fourth Reich.

Nordic aliens

Representatives of this race are very similar to people. Their appearance has features that are inherent to the Nordic race:

  • high growth;
  • blond hair;
  • nice appearance.

Nordic-type aliens usually avoid people, but according to eyewitnesses, they have a benevolent and peaceful nature. These aliens were mostly men, but there were also women who had amazing beauty. American T. Beturum provided information about one such alien named Aura. He said that he met her at night in deserted places. An alien flew on a spaceship that landed in 1952. The aura inclined Beturum to establish a “Sanctuary of Thought” on our planet. The goal of this community was to be peace on Earth.

The types of aliens that visited Earth are numerous. We only talked about Aliens scare you? Let's try to find out if they are dangerous.

Are aliens dangerous?

Having described different kinds aliens, photographs of which, unfortunately, are few, we can conclude that among them there are both peace-loving and hostile ones. Therefore, it cannot be said unequivocally that aliens are good or bad. Species of aliens hostile to humanity (reptoids, long-nosed gray humanoids, groups from Sirius, etc.) threaten us with reprisals. They predict future disasters on our planet. On the contrary, peaceful types of aliens speak of calmness and goodness. There are also aliens who are aimed at creating colonies on Earth. According to a fairly common version, aliens, with the help of earthlings, want to change and improve their gene pool. To this end, the aliens secretly abduct representatives of the human race and conduct tests on them. This is how hybrids arise, which are created by aliens. The species, races, and varieties of hybrids are probably numerous. By at least, their descriptions vary significantly.


Almost all types of aliens on Earth are characterized by an increased interest in the peculiarities of human biology. However, not all of them are kidnappers. What types of aliens take people on their ships for research? Many victims claim that they are gray. Victims of abductions or simply observers often talk about how certain types of aliens conducted medical experiments on human reproductive organs. Some say they were forced to join sexual relations with aliens. Others were shown newborns or embryos resulting from contacts between aliens and humans.

What are the intentions of different types of aliens? Why do they create hybrids? Some believe that they want to create a "superior race" by combining the best qualities of alien and human. Space guests want to prevent their disappearance or save people. It is also possible that friendly alien species intend to resettle groups of people on distant planets. The fact is that human society, as they believe, is heading towards self-destruction.

Now you know what types of aliens exist. Photos and images of aliens will help you correctly classify them when you meet them. But it should not be ruled out - you need to be prepared for anything.

This is just an excerpt from the book - "Sal Rachel - Changing the Earth and 2012 (Book 2), Messages from the Founders." One of the episodes described in this book formed the basis for the film “Fire in the Sky.”

Zeta Grids

Representatives of the Zeta Reticuli star system came to Earth at the same time as the Andromedans, but for different reasons. They are known as Zeta Reticuli, Zeta, Gray or White, or by other names due to the fact that several planets are habitable in the Zeta Reticulum star system.


There are certain Zeta factions and hybrid groups that, for various reasons, have entered into alliances with various military and government groups on Earth. One of these groups came to Earth because their species was on the verge of extinction. They believed that they needed certain parts of your DNA to save their race. The channel classifies as "Zeta 2" ("Gray") humanoid species those involved in what you call "alien abductions."

For many years, approximately between 1947 and 1984, the Grays abducted members of the human species, interbred with them, and extracted DNA from various parts of their bodies. They were trying to raise what you call "human-alien hybrids" or "human/Zeta hybrids." Experiments were carried out on board spaceship and at some underground bases on Earth.

Their goal is to save their species. This is a wonderful reason to come to Earth. They are not devils. However, their species has not evolved enough spiritually to understand free will. Some of the more enlightened Zetas have managed to incarnate in human form (by coming through the birth canal of human mothers). Most of the abducted members of your race were Zetas incarnated in human form. Before incarnation they entered into a contract or soul agreement that they would be used for this purpose when they reached childbearing age. However, this does not apply to all abductions.

The people who were taken onto the Zeta spacecraft to participate in the breeding program can be roughly divided into three categories:

  1. Conscious volunteers - Zeta, embodied in human bodies.
  2. The unaware volunteers are Zetas incarnated in human bodies.
  3. Forcibly abducted people who are not Zetas incarnated in human form.

Since the beginning of the Zetas in the 1940s, at one time or another, approximately a million human beings have been involved in their breeding program. About 30% were conscious volunteers who were invited onto Zeta spaceships and given intensive instruction before interbreeding. They were reminded that they came to Earth and incarnated in human form to help save Zeta from extinction. Since Zeta, like all conscious beings, have a spiritual component, Zeta spirits had more and more difficulty incarnating in their worlds due to the atrophy of the genital organs. Basically, this problem arose due to an imbalance between the mind and emotions, which caused sterility and inability to function sexually. In essence, the Zetas had an overdeveloped mental body and an underdeveloped emotional body.

Due to the hostile nature of many people on Earth and their intolerance towards other races, Zeta volunteers incarnating on Earth were implanted with implants that partially suppressed the memory of the Zetas. Later, before incarnation on Earth, additional implants were inserted into the volunteers who were taken onto the ships participating in the crossing program, suppressing the memory of their stay on the Zeta ship. However, many of them recovered their memory under hypnosis or in deep meditation.

Roughly speaking, about 60% of the "abductees" were Zetas incarnated in human form who took people onto ships without conscious consent. On the spaceship, the Zetas carrying out the breeding program attempted to contact the Zeta Higher Selves embodied in human form, and in some cases obtained their consent to conduct the experiment. Due to the fact that the condition of these subjects was not at the level necessary for conscious consent to the experiments (they were usually taken to the spacecraft in sleepy state), and in order not to frighten the conscious mind, after crossing they were returned back with an implant that erased the memory of contacts. Many of them later recalled the abductions, and often their conscious minds were very frightened by what had happened to them. This is the most famous group abducted. It was this that caused the greatest hostility towards Zeta, even among those people who were aware of the intentions and goals of this program.

While hostility towards the Zetas may seem justified, their only intention was to save their race from extinction. And no diabolical intentions. They didn't understand human feelings enough to realize that they were causing a lot of pain to the subjects. In this they are like your scientists who conduct experiments on animals without taking into account their feelings.

About 10% of the abducted people were not Zetas incarnated in human form, but were people whose DNA was dominated by representatives of other star systems. From a limited point of view, you could say that these people's free will was violated and that they were taken by mistake. Real stories these souls and the reasons why they were taken are too complex to talk about now. Suffice it to say that not all Zetas involved in the breeding program fully understood the principles of free will. Some of them saw no difference between people with Zeta DNA and people with DNA from other star systems. In most cases, all of the humans taken onto the Zeta ship may have possessed Zeta DNA, or lived on Zeta worlds long ago, or interbred with other incarnated Zetas on Earth. Suffice it to say that 10% (approximately) did not consent to experiments on themselves, and as a result of their “mistakes” Zetas accumulated karmic states.

Dear Creators, keep in mind that karma and mistakes only exist in the four lower dimensions of Creation and are ultimately not truth. However, the souls involved in the "mistakes" had to learn hard lessons as they evolve into higher spiritual states of awareness. For example, some of those forcibly abducted came to Earth with a soul history of abuse and the role of victim. Others in past life were abusers and needed to experience what it was like to be a victim to balance the lesson. Most spiritual contracts, karmic agreements and lessons between races can be too complex. Therefore, now we do not have time to go deeply into the details of this topic.

Approximately 90% alien UFOs, observed in your skies between 1947 and 1984, were Zeta spacecraft representing different groups. In some cases, they fought each other due to problems between factions. Problems included kidnappings of people not part of soul pacts and contracts.

Species 3 Zeta

Species 3 Zeta closely resembles draconians in their natural state. But they are smaller and walk upright, like the humanoids of the Lyra/Vega species. Their overall DNA consists of approximately 2/3 Zeta DNA and 1/3 Draconic DNA, although it is obvious that many have DNA from other species as well. star races, depending on how their souls have evolved since emerging from Divinity millions of years ago.

Species 3 Zeta tend to remain in ships and rarely land on the surface of the Earth, they have difficulty withstanding the Earth's atmosphere and gravity. If they experiment on humans, they usually take them onto ships before examining, analyzing and extracting fluids to serve their own selfish purposes. Species 3 Zeta's intent is to enslave the human race and use slaves for development mineral resources planets. They themselves will watch over the slaves, staying safe in ships and in underground bases (there are few of them).

The impact of human interbreeding with aliens on human DNA

How do abduction cases affect human DNA? Does human DNA change as a result of experimentation and interbreeding with Grays? Is man losing the DNA of his root race or is it hopelessly diluted?

Yes, as a result of abductions, a person's DNA changes. However, we don't really care because the Grays are trying to save their race and humans have enough Pleiadian Root Race DNA that they are relatively unaffected by this. Humans now possess sufficient quantities of certain DNA strands to revive the Zeta DNA helices and reactivate the organs that had atrophied through misuse and underuse during the period of disorder that led to the near extinction of these races.

Recently, the human-Zeta breeding project has fizzled out due to the fact that the Zetas now have enough human DNA to spread their species, there is no need for additional abductions.

Occasional kidnappings still occur. People are being kidnapped by uncontrolled groups whose goal is not just to save species, but to perform a small anatomical analysis in laboratories. It sounds pretty ominous, and it is. We do not downplay the significance of the following fact: some aliens have the same evil qualities as most people. However, in the coming years, everything will change in your world, which will be discussed by the Founders (entities of the 12th dimension) about the Great Cycle.

Other alien groups visiting Earth

Various other species have visited your Earth from time to time, including the Venusians, who make up less than 1% of your population. Venusians are creatures who came to the 5th and 6th density of the atmosphere and surface of the planet Venus in solar system. Venus can only accept beings of 5th density and higher. Souls of 3rd and 4th densities cannot incarnate on Venus due to the hot and toxic atmosphere.

Aliens on Earth in natural form

Some of the extraterrestrials present on your world today have descended from spaceships and are walking among you in their natural form, but the majority have come through the process of incarnation. Do you know that there are approximately 6.8 billion people living in your world right now? human souls. Humans occupy the majority of inhabited land on Earth. (Of course, there are also less inhabited regions with few or no people, such as Antarctica, parts of Australia, Siberia in Russia, northern Canada and several other places.) Due to the relative lack of privacy and extensive military presence on your world, aliens have to take extreme precautions if they come and go from your world in natural form.

Currently, there are approximately 20,000 aliens in natural form on your planet. Over the past 50 years, their number has fluctuated between 16 and 23 thousand. In fact, there were slightly more of them during the Zeta-Man hybridization program.

Interbreeding between aliens and humans today

Some people have a question: “If there are groups of aliens walking on Earth today in natural form, are they interbreeding with humans?”

By definition, aliens include both humanoid and non-humanoid life forms that did not come to planet Earth through the birth canal. There is confusion when we say that aliens incarnate in human form, but the child has both human and alien DNA. The fact is that the word "alien" is used in different meanings and means different things. If the alien is in its natural form, then we can say that the offspring will be half-human and half-alien.

Many people ask: “Where are the real aliens, 3rd density beings who came from outer space? Can we see them?

Some real aliens came to Earth in spaceships, others are in your atmosphere, but only a tiny percentage of the humanoids walking the Earth are real aliens. There are aliens living in 3rd density form (and other levels up to 12th). 3rd density aliens and some 4th density aliens are visible to the human eye.

Many 3rd and 4th density aliens have interacted with humans. Some "close encounters of the third kind" have been observed and reported by pilots, military personnel, and researchers such as Dr. Stephen Greer. Dr. Greer has interviewed hundreds of people who have had contact with extraterrestrials and seen them through the eyes of a 3rd density human.

It should be understood that many species have technology that allows them to make ships invisible to human vision. This does not mean that they are not 3rd density. This means that they have mastered the art of invisibility, or optical invisibility, through the use of what is popularly called a "cloaking device." Other aliens have the ability to create a partial dimensional shift around a spaceship, where the ship's frequencies or vibrations are slightly out of phase with your 3D linear time. Then they too can become invisible.

An alien race often has advanced technology that is undetectable by the optic nerve (visible to the human eye). If they are visible, it means that something is going wrong, or they deliberately allow themselves to be seen for some reason. specific reason. This is true even for many of what you call "negative aliens." Many of them have the technology to phase shift their ship or even their bodies to become invisible to the human eye.

Another popular question concerns the number of alien races coming to Earth and the number of humanoids versus non-humanoids. Also, some people want to know what color they are and what each type looks like.

There are many species other than humanoids in your galaxy (and the Andromeda galaxy). There are many human hybrids that have interbred with other species when allowed from time to time. Therefore, if you were to line up all the different life forms in your galaxy that are capable of taking on a 3D form (in other words, souls with 3D bodies that evolved in systems other than Earth), you would find several colors, sizes, variations in skin type, and so on.

Therefore, we would say that appearance is not particularly important. The consciousness and purpose of each group is important. Let's say aliens on Earth have certain skin color characteristics, such as grey, white or blue. Since humanity began to develop on the planet, more than two dozen different star races have visited it. More large quantity watched her from the relative safety of the atmosphere and higher planes.

Human-animal hybrids

Some have asked, “What happens when a person crosses with an animal? What happens to the DNA in this case?”

This is not allowed under the current Guidelines. This was only allowed during the time of Pangea. We briefly mentioned the Guidelines that came into effect after the disappearance of Pangea. Under this particular Permit, many of the laws and principles allowing the interbreeding of humans with animal species were changed. Following the destruction of Pangea, which occurred partly as a result of natural events (including precessional cycles) and partly due to the misuse of spiritual energies by the inhabitants of Pangea, it was decided that human-animal hybridization would never again be permitted. This is too risky and in many cases people would degrade to the level of animals and would not associate themselves with their spiritual heritage. Therefore, it was decided that allowing humans to interbreed with animals would be too dangerous.

In cases where animal DNA was very closely linked to human DNA, there were a number of exceptions. We won't deal with this story now.

Unicorns were a mutation of an organism that resembled a horse, with a single horn growing from the top of its head. IN different times this has been observed in other mammals. This was purely mutational, not permitted, die-off. By this we mean that things were not at all as described in mythology, where the unicorns were not taken into the ark so that they would escape the flood, or something else of that nature.

They became extinct as a result of hybridization and interspecific hybridization, in which the horn-producing gene became recessive and was eventually replaced by a dominant gene. Therefore, everything was not as in mythology.

Centaurs and pegasi disappeared for the same reason that many other species that existed during the time of Pangea became extinct. Today, only 1/4 of the species of Pangea exist on Earth. In addition, many hundreds of species are becoming extinct every day for reasons we will discuss in Specific changes Solar system.

Now that we have explored the history of the Earth and the involvement of physical alien races, let me say a few words about the friendly aliens assisting the Earth from higher realms. We will use the most famous names, transmitted by your channels and teachers, although some of these groups use these names in the areas from which they came.

Galactic Confederation (also known as the Galactic Federation)

This group of souls consists of many of the Earth's assistants - beings of higher density. The Galactic Confederation (GC) includes over a thousand star systems in this sector of your galaxy. The headquarters of the Civil Code is located in the star system of Halcyon (a star in the constellation Taurus, the brightest of the Pleiades), and the Councils of the Civil Code also meet there. Keep in mind that they do not call themselves the Galactic Confederation (or any other name common on your world). The names are provided for your convenience only. They recognize themselves as ambassadors of Light in service to the Radiant One, the One and True Creator of All That Is. The high councils of Alkyone include 9th density beings. They oversee the various GC factions and determine their missions and responsibilities. The GC is not a hierarchical organization, but has observers to help those at a lower level of understanding.

There are many factions within the GC, and we will give their earthly names so that you can view them from their proper perspective. There is a Great White Brotherhood, which, of course, is not white and does not consist only of male souls. It belongs to the 8th density division of the Civil Code. There is the Ashtar Team, a relatively small group of souls working with Earth and several other planets. They are basically 7th density. There is a group that used to be called Solar Cross and at first it consisted of representatives of the Great White Brotherhood and the Ashtar Command. There are Andromeda Councils, they work with the GC and have several overlapping responsibilities. They include beings from 7th to 9th density. There are the high councils of the Dragon - these are mainly 7th density creatures. They recently joined the GC once they had found enough light to be in harmony with the GC's principles of love and service. There are the high councils of the Pleiades, ambassadors from Antares, representatives of Alpha Centauri and Tau Ceti.

There are other groups that deserve mention. There are representatives of Arcturus (from 5th to 9th density) who voluntarily assist the GC in achieving its goals. There are Angelic Orders of Elohim and Metatron (7th and 8th density). There are the Orders of Enoch and Melchizedek (7th to 9th density). There are great 8th density Archangels. There is the Order of Isis, adjacent to supreme councils Sirius. These 8th density souls represent the best and brightest of the Sirians. There is an Order of Thoth - these are 7th density Pleiadians.

Overseeing the GC members working with the Earth is Lord Sananda, an 8th density being of Light, the oversoul of the one you know as Jesus Christ. There is a body of Buddha souls also known as Maitreya - 8th density ascended masters (not to be confused with the various impostors who use this name). There are seven well-known Archangels - beings of Light of 8th density. You have great yoga masters, including Babaji, a 9th density being of Light.

Mahavatar Babaji - Indian yogi and the saint who developed Kriya Yoga in the 19th century and passed it on to Lahiri Mahasaya, who spread it to India. "Mahavatar" means the supreme avatar and "Babaji" is translated as Great Father.
(approx. site)

Above the GC (in the sense of expansion of consciousness) is a group of 10th density soul complexes of the Central Sun of the galaxy, then there is a group of 11th density soul complexes of the Great Central Sun of this universe and a group of 12th density soul complexes capable of traveling to alternative universes. The latter are known as the Creator Gods. We - the consciousness coming through this channel - are part of the energy and frequency of 12th density.

In this book you will find very little information about the Divine planes (densities 10 to 12). Your language is completely inadequate to describe the Divine realms. However, you have Selves in these dimensions, and as you evolve, over time you will become aware of these Selves.

The purpose of describing the GC is to help understand what you and your planet are going through, to help in the process of awakening. Entity names have only limited value; it is better to use what the channel calls "energy signatures." Every being in the universe has a unique vibration. And all you have to do is learn how to recognize the individuals and groups mentioned above. They are here to help. They love you. They care about you. We love and care about you. And although we have expanded consciousness, we cannot always provide the best assistance in different situations of your lives. Each creature and group has a specific function. And only you can decide who to ask for help in each situation.

Dr. David M. Jacobs, a scholarly historian, has been studying the UFO phenomenon and alien abduction for over 40 years. He does this through regressive hypnosis. Since 1986, he has conducted more than 1,500 hypnotic regression sessions with people who have been abducted by aliens. And although the study method itself is relatively “shaky”, from a scientific point of view, the enormous amount of evidence for the same phenomenon, according to him, cannot be denied.

At the beginning of his research, Jacobs was full of enthusiasm and even excitement about the fact that aliens were making contact with earthlings, the realization that we were “no longer alone in space,” and so on. However, the more Jacobs studied this phenomenon, the more convinced he became that the trajectory of this research was pointing in the opposite direction. He is the author of several books on this topic. Now he is convinced that humanity is in danger of destruction alien lives. Dr. Jacob says that his enthusiasm has given way to horror, and sometimes he even regrets that he even “got involved” in this area, but on the other hand, he is glad that, as a pioneer, he can still tell and warn people about the great danger that threatens humanity.

All people abducted by aliens describe very similar stories. First, their memory is erased, and all the information that Jacobs receives from these people is revealed during hypnosis. Usually these people either notice strange things about themselves (for example, waking up in someone else's clothes, or with scars on their bodies), or they just vaguely remember that something similar happened. There are probably some parts of the brain that store memory, but these can be closed to normal waking consciousness.

How does this happen?

The most people different ages(mostly young and middle-aged people), social classes and nationalities are abducted by aliens at night, but not in a state of sleep, but on the verge of falling asleep. They are transferred to a UFO, where experiments are carried out on them. This is usually done on a table. Experiments related mainly to the nervous system (test the nervous system, for example, by running the index and index fingers almost closed along the spine thumb), but not with cardiology (heart), as is often common in people. The aliens are not interested in the heart, their interest is in the nervous system and reproductive organs. Sperm and eggs are taken from people and carried out artificial conception. Sometimes they force a man to copulate with a woman, and right before ejaculation, they take the man aside to collect the sperm. When they experiment on women, they look directly into the pineal gland through the eyes, and somehow induce a sexual response, then take the eggs from the woman's body. The fertilized egg is then placed in the woman’s uterus.

The mention of the pineal gland is similar to what Falun Dafa says about this gland, saying that it is in this area that the image is formed. Perhaps this is why aliens carry out such a procedure, causing an image in the area of ​​the pineal gland, which apparently affects the human psyche, and the psyche already leads to physiological reactions, in particular, lactation in women.

Quote from Zhuan Falun: “This pair of eyes has the power to capture the objects of our current material space in this state. Their ability is limited to this. When people look at objects, the image is not directly in their eyes. The eyes, like a camera lens, only play the role of a tool. When the distance is photographed, the camera lens lengthens. Our eyes play the same role. In the dark, the pupils of the eyes dilate, just like in a camera the aperture is increased when shooting something in the dark, otherwise there will be underexposure and the entire picture will turn black. In a very bright place, our pupils sharply constrict, otherwise the light blinds the eyes and nothing is visible. The camera operates on the same principle: the aperture also needs to be reduced. The camera can only take pictures of objects, being just a tool. In fact, when we look at something, look at a person, look at the form of existence of some object, we get an image in our brain. In other words, what is visible passes first through the eyes, then through the optic nerve, and finally reaches the pineal gland, located at the back of the brain, and in this area an image is formed. This suggests that the real reflection of the image of objects is formed and seen by the pineal gland as part of the brain. I knew this and modern medicine» .

UFOs sometimes abduct a person several times in a row, or many times during a person's life. After 2-3 weeks, the fetus is taken from the woman's womb and placed in an incubator. Born hybrids have to varying degrees“hybridity”, some are more like people, others like aliens. The aliens themselves are also different: some are gray, some look like a praying mantis. Jacobs believes that the praying mantis aliens are the most important.

Over time, the aliens again kidnap the “parents” of the hybrids, and they must now “nurse” these babies. Even if the mother does not produce milk, the aliens can cause it. They ask the mother to hold the baby in her arms, and somehow affect her nervous system, then the mother begins to produce milk.

Hybrids grow up on a ship, so they are taught life on Earth, which they do not know at all, and must learn everything. They ask such trivial questions as: “What is a plate used for eating?” They are taught everything: what a sheep is, what horses and goats are needed for; what to say to the cashier when he asks you “What do you have?”, and so on. Even though they have undergone intensive training on the ship, they have to learn many things additionally.

Dr. Jacob says that hybrids are no different from people, they are the most “average”, so they can mix with people. They could be your neighbors or co-workers.

Evidence for the Credibility of Experiences

Interestingly, many abducted people describe how their body passed through a window during the abduction. This point may be especially interesting for skeptics, because if a person wanted to come up with something more plausible, he would say that someone opened the window (be it humans or aliens, at least remotely), but this did not happen.

Moreover, when returning, many people woke up with wounds on their bodies, or with scars from a cut, which, strangely, healed very quickly. Some returned with clothes on backwards, or in someone else's clothes. Others woke up with a broken limb. If a person fell out of bed at night and broke his arm, it is difficult to imagine that he would not wake up.

Naturally, pregnant women all went through the same stages of pregnancy, and the disappearance of the fetus after 2-3 weeks.

These identical stories are repeated one after another, one after another, while these people knew nothing about these things before.

It's also safe to assume that if people just made up these stories, they could provide a rational explanation for the aliens' actions, but the aliens don't tell them, so the abducted people also don't understand why this is happening.

All people from different social classes, geographical locations, religions, ages, nationalities describe similar experiences. This also serves as strong evidence of the veracity of the phenomenon.

Why do aliens need this?

Research indicates that the main goal of the aliens is to create hybrids of aliens and earthlings. However, why the aliens need this, there is no exact answer. The hybrids themselves simply say: “We are here to live on Earth.”

How do they travel?

Science cannot explain how UFOs can travel so fast. According to the teachings of Falun Dafa, they travel to other times and spaces, their highly developed technologies help with this.

Science turns a blind eye to this

The UFO abduction phenomenon originated in late XIX century. Surprisingly, scientists show absolutely no interest in this phenomenon; no one wants to study it. Moreover, it is not included in any of the scientific branches, for example, astrophysics or cosmology. The question arises, maybe aliens influence the consciousness of scientists, not allowing them to “unravel their insidious plan”?

Imminent changes in the human world

According to reviews from abducted people, the aliens claim that there will soon be changes on Earth, and that everyone will be the same. They, the aliens, view this fact as something very good. But how should we, earthlings, look at this? This is the fundamental question. And what does it mean that everyone will be the same?

According to the teachings of Falun Dafa, the aliens, in order to achieve their goal of replacing humanity, took many steps to make people as homogeneous as possible. They mixed races and destroyed diversity traditional culture peoples, and created modern culture, based on technology similar to our own.

Quote from Falun Dafa:

“...But you brought up the point that people don't directly communicate with each other, even when they see each other, and instead send text messages. I can tell you that this is what aliens do. People must communicate with each other. For thousands of years of human society with a traditional, God-given culture, people have always lived in communication with each other.

Then what living beings do not communicate with each other? As you may know, the aliens on their planets do not have feelings. But if globe there were no feelings, it would be very scary! However, for cultivators, feelings are attachment. Freeing oneself from feelings is a difficulty that is planned for cultivators, and it helps one eliminate karma and human attachments during the cultivation process. The existence of feelings also serves to maintain the human way of life. However, aliens cannot cultivate, and they do not have the special environment that humans have. People around the globe call them “aliens,” but they are just such monsters, they are just that: monsters. Strictly speaking, man was created by the Gods from clay. The gods believe that the basic particles of the Three Realms are the soil or dust in the Universe. The way I see it, aliens crawled out of a garbage dump, they are lower than people.

If they have no feelings, then what unites their communities? Technologies. The one whose technology is higher has a higher status there. And the one whose technology is even higher becomes the leader. They live for technology. Originally, they were simply a low form of life, existing simply for the sake of existing. As they gradually began to use technology to support their existence, technology became their top priority. They are like this. They do not understand human thinking, and of course you wouldn't understand their thinking either, since it's completely different. Since their technology is already highly developed, they can understand quite well what you want to say. They know it. That's the thing."

(Teaching the Fa at the 2015 Western Fa Conference)

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