Home Mushrooms Speech therapy speech card for a child of the middle group. Speech card for speech therapy examination

Speech therapy speech card for a child of the middle group. Speech card for speech therapy examination

Surname, name:


Date of birth, age:

Home address, telephone:

Date of enrollment in classes:

Date of Birth:

    Complaints from teachers and parents: does not pronounce the sound [p], indistinct speech, does not want to learn to read, poorly teaches poetry.

    Have you previously consulted a speech therapist, the effectiveness of takingtiy: attended speech therapy classes in the clinic (sounds [s], [s], [c], in speech therapy group did not hit, was sick).

    Real academic performance in Russian (by the timesurvey): unsatisfactory (2nd grade).

    Anamnesis: a child from the 2nd pregnancy, on time (40 weeks), toxicosis I sex., the mother was on preservation, cesarean section, asphyxia, screamed after 2 minutes, Apgar 8-9 points, gr. good.

School lumber station: organization and content of work

5. Data on the course of speech development: delayed speech development:

babbling - in 6 months; first words - to 2 years old; phrasal speech - after 3 years; speech environment - satisfactory.

    Hearing condition: fine.

    Vision state: fine.

    Psychiatrist's conclusion: delayed speech development.

    General motor condition: motor awkwardness, sluggishness, impaired coordination of movement, a sense of rhythm.

Fine motor skills: the movements of the hands are inaccurate, he almost does not perform tests, the tone of the hands is reduced, the lines in the drawings are uneven, intermittent.

    Leading hand: right.

    The state of the articulatory apparatus (structure and mobility):

lips - large size, does not perform lip movements in full;

teeth - large, uneven, replaceable, large upper incisors, overlapping the lower;

bite - prognathia;

language - massive, the movements are indistinct, the range of movements is incomplete (lifting up is limited), the switchability of movements is impaired. In a static position, there is a slight tremor of the tip of the tongue, deviation of the tongue to the left, hypersalivation;

sublingual ligament - shortened;

solid sky - tall, gothic;

soft sky - movable.

12. Characteristics of speech.

    Comprehension of speech: understands the addressed speech, performs tasks according to verbal instructions.

    General characteristics of speech (recording of a conversation): He names the names of the mother, father, does not know his patronymic and patronymic of his parents. Home address: "102 - 7" (does not know the name of the street, city). Finds it difficult to talk about home and your home activities. He talks with interest about the types of transport, car brands. The answers are monosyllabic, he does not develop the topic on his own. Shows no interest in conversation.

    Vocabulary (quantitative and qualitative hacharacteristic): volume vocabulary does not match

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age level (reduced). Names simple generalizing concepts, does not know the concepts of “wild and domestic animals, birds, tools, insects, shoes, hats, furniture, professions”. Seasons and days of the week are listed mechanically. Does not answer questions about the calendar structure of the year. Insufficiently uses adjectives, verbs, adverbs in speech, uses pronouns inadequately. A story based on a plot picture does not constitute, a series of plot pictures has been laid out correctly, the story is made up only with the help of a speech therapist.

    Grammatical structure of speech: insufficiently formed.

    Type of sentences used: simple, uncommon.

    Number of words in a sentence: 2-3.

    The presence of agrammatisms: errors in the use of plural nouns ("windows" - windows, "catfish" - catfish, "fish soup", "fish soup" - ears, ears, "belt, belts" - belts, etc.). Violation of the agreement of numerals with nouns; mistakes in the case endings of nouns and adjectives singular and plural, in the use of prepositions.

    Sound pronunciation characteristic: violation of the sound pronunciation of a polymorphic nature - rotacism (great [p], [p "], hissing sigmatism [w], [w] with the lower position of the tongue), fuzzy pronunciation of the affricate ([h], [u]), mixing [ s] - [w], [h] - [w].

12.9. Phonemic hearing: insufficiently formed. Mixing sibilants - sizzling, solid - soft sounds. Errors in repeating a series of syllables: sa-sa-za - "Sa-sa-sa", sa-sa-sha - "usa-sha-sha", pa-ba-pa - "pa-pa-pa", da-da-ta-ta - "ta-ta-da " etc. Errors in the use of catch-paronyms.

    The level of formation of the skills of the sound-alphanumericth analysis and synthesis: short. Selects only the first vowel sound in words, the first consonant - names the entire first syllable; does not analyze the sound-letter composition of simple words such as SGS, SG-SG.

    Reproduction of words of complex sound-syllable withstava: with mistakes. When repeating words that are complex in structurere, reduces the number of sounds, syllables, rearranges syllables;similarity is noted:"Akvurum", "skovoda", "sang" - aquarium, frying pan, propeller.

School lumber station: organization andThe content of the work

    Speech rate: delayed.

    Clarity of speech: illegible, sounds indistinct.

    Breathing characteristic: breathing of the chest type, shallow. When increasing the rate of speech is marked by discoordination of speech and respiration.

    Manifestation of stuttering: does not stutter. Sometimes repeats the first syllable in words that are complex in structure or semantics.

    Letter (the presence and nature of specific mistakesside) - 2nd class: skipping, rearranging and assimilating letters andsyllables: t (r) ava, d (e) vochka, from cor (o) bka, m (a) tire, extinguished (- la), continuous spelling of two words napo, on the edge of the forest, smchanging labialized vowels: vozo (y) x, Le (yu) sya, na po- (o) lu, spring (e) yy, mixing voiced-voiceless consonants: usad (t) th, but (d) et, t (d) oktor, in gazed (t) e, on shkav (f), skav (f) andr, mixing of sounds (letters) by articulatory-acu-static similarity:"Birds" - - birds, "zvet" - - color, optically and kinetically similar letters: d (b) olyioy, grit (n), hedgehog (s) k, stom (l), kupo (a) tsya. Grammatical errors: at the dachas (e), at the factories (e), at the mountain ash (and) etc.

    Reading (level of reading skill formation):1 class - does not read; Grade 2 - way of reading letter-by-letter-syllable, stress - with mistakes.

    Reading pace - short; reading comprehension - incomplete.

    The presence of specific errors: reading is mechanical. Does not answer questions about the text, cannot find it in the text the right word... When reading, omissions of letters, syllables, truncation of a word, guessing of the ending, mixing of optically similar letters, and grammatisms are noted.

13. Brief psychological and pedagogical characteristics of teachingscheduling: contact is available.

Emotions adequate to the situation, critical; visual perception not violated; auditory perception not in full; Attention unstable; auditory memory reduced. The level of development of mental operations average; stock of freshdeny about the surrounding reality below the age level; working capacity low.

14. Conclusion of a speech therapist.

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    class: dysarthria (minimal manifestations), general notadditional development of speech (IIIur.).

    grade: reading and writing impairment due tospeech underdevelopment (IIIur.) in a child with dysarthria(minimal manifestations).

Date of examination Signature

Appendix 4

The population of groups of students with developmental disorders of oral and written speech

Groups of students

Maximum occupancy (people)

General education institution located in the city

General education institution located in countryside

WITH general underdevelopment speech (OHP)

With mild general speech underdevelopment (HBOND)

With phonetic-phonemic (FN) and phonemic speech underdevelopment (FN)

With deficiencies in reading and writing due to general speech underdevelopment

With deficiencies in reading and writing, due to a not sharply expressed general underdevelopment of speech

With deficiencies in reading and writing due to phonetic-phonemic (phonemic) speech underdevelopment


With deficiencies in the pronunciation of certain sounds

Note: the minimum number of students in the group is 3 students.

Appendix 5

Approximate thematic planning of speech therapy sessions

Continuation of table.

Continuation of table.

Continuation of table.

The end of the table.

Appendix 6

Consulting and methodical work

A speech therapist is a specialist in correcting speech disorders. In addition to work plans, examination logs and other documents, the speech therapist must keep a speech map for each child registered with him.

A preschooler who is a pupil of a speech therapy garden who attends a speech center or is seen by a speech therapist must have such a card.

Speech card for examining a child - these are special forms that are filled in by a speech therapist.

At the same time, there is no unified system these documents. Each specialist maintains his own speech map, which is compiled individually, based on the requirements of a speech therapist and the characteristics of his work. The speech card is a reporting document for the examination of children with various speech disorders.

What is a speech card for?

Such a document is very important for the work of the teacher and for tracking the dynamics. speech development child.

This allows you to see causes speech disorders, to determine the mechanism of defects, to reveal the abilities of the preschooler and to outline the ways of correctional work.

There are two types of speech maps: general and expanded.

A general card (sometimes such a card is called speech therapy characteristics) is one or two forms with general information... It includes brief information about the child and a brief description of the speech.

An expanded map is a much more user-friendly document. In addition to the anamnesis, it includes specific examinations of sound pronunciation, the state of coherent speech, studies of the child's vocabulary and much more. In addition, the cards are subdivided according to the age of the child. V different ages starting from the 1st year of life, the tasks differ from each other.

Some speech therapists prefer to lead extensive maps until the child reaches school age... Such documents are very convenient in that the teacher does not need to create a new card every time, but only needs to enter information into an already existing column corresponding to the child's age.

What is included in the survey?

1. General information.

it information about the child, parents, a brief description of the preschooler.

2. Anamnesis.

Information from the mother's words about the birth, condition and first days of the child's life is recorded here. Also, the serious illnesses suffered by the child and the early speech development of the child fit here. This data is important for overall health picture preschooler, identifying deviations.

3. Research of non-speech functions.

This data is made up of the results visual observation for the child. This is where data on general and manual motor skills, auditory attention, visual perception, rhythm perception. The preschooler is offered several tasks, based on the results of which conclusions are drawn and recorded.

The kid may be asked to: assemble a cut picture, mold a certain figure from plasticine, draw the proposed geometric shape, show right and left, play with lacing or mosaic. All tasks are focused on a certain age of the child, they become somewhat more complicated with increasing age.

4. Investigation of violations.

With these tasks, the child is invited repeat after speech therapist some sounds (in game form) or pronounce them yourself.

In the process of these examinations, the state of sound pronunciation, the state of the articulatory apparatus, the reproduction of sounds, and speech motor skills are revealed.

After the child reaches 3 years of age, respiratory and vocal functions are also assessed (type, frequency and duration of respiration, voice characteristics).

The preschooler is offered to repeat the words after the speech therapist, to perform imitation exercises (to stretch the lips, yawn, move the tongue). The teacher at this stage of the examination records the anomalies anatomical structure (malocclusion, crooked rare teeth, soft or hard palate, etc.).

5. Research of the phonemic side of speech (starting from the age of three).

To kid invited to show in the picture are the items that the speech therapist calls.

6. State of phonemic speech perception.

This includes the repetition of syllables, and from 5-6 years old: highlighting the first and last letters in the suggested words.

7. Research of understanding of speech.

At this stage of the examination, the speech therapist assesses passive dictionary baby, understanding of words and actions, understanding of phrases and interrogative sentences.

From 3 years old: understanding prepositions.

From 5 years of age: the formation of diminutive forms.

The speech therapist will invite the preschooler to show certain objects in pictures, answer questions, and form words.

8. Research of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech.

The speech therapist evaluates: child's active vocabulary(nouns, adjectives, verbs), correct use cases, coordination of adjectives with nouns, generalizing concepts, selection of antonyms, names of professions, body parts, groups of objects.

Tasks are carried out on pictures with a request to name the proposed word.

9. The state of coherent speech (if any).

These tasks are given to children over 4 years old. Coherent speech is checked by retelling the suggested passage. Four-year-olds are offered an excerpt of 4 related sentences. For 5-year-olds, repeat a 5-sentence story.

Six-year-old children will already be offered to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures.

Sometimes a retelling of a familiar fairy tale may be offered ("Turnip", "Ryaba Chicken", etc.)

After all the examinations, it is written speech therapy opinion indicating the diagnosis and necessary plan correctional work. Also, for a complete speech map, conclusions are needed. following doctors: neuropathologist, ENT specialist, neuropsychiatrist, surgeon or other specialists.

Here are approximate examinations, each specialist can add something or, conversely, remove something, focusing on the age of the child and his capabilities. Such speech therapy examinations with filling in the speech card are usually done in the first two weeks of September. The speech card is kept directly by the speech therapist during the entire period of observation of the preschooler.

I. 1. Surname, name of the child Katya Petrova

2. Age 5 years 7 months

3. Home address at. Voskhod, d. 83, building 2, apt. 54

4. Anamnesis: Child from third pregnancy (childbirth - second). The mother is registered with the urologist. In the second half of pregnancy, there was a threat of miscarriage. The birth went well. Disease of the first year of life - measles rubella (at 3 months), otitis media (at 10 months), acute respiratory infections (at 1 g 7m), ARVI (at 10 months).

Began to walk from 1 year 1 month. Babbling appeared at 8-9 months, uttered the first words at 10 months, phrases at 1 year 7 months.

5. The state of general and fine motor skills. There are no disorders in the development and condition of the musculoskeletal system and general motor skills. Is mobile, coordination is satisfactory, but with some basic movements according to the program age group does not own enough fine motor skills hands are poorly developed: finds it difficult to hatch, uncertainly owns scissors, movements are inaccurate.

6. Hearing - no pathology.

7. Vision - without pathology.

8. General development child. The stock of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality within the age norm.

Memory: visual - stores 4 out of 6 pictures.

Auditory - memorizes 4 out of 6 words.

Associative - from 6 pictures - 5.

Verbal-logical memory - the listened text memorizes and retells quite fully and accurately.

Attention, efficiency. Concentration is good, but volumetric stability is insufficient (quickly distracted); working capacity is low: takes up work with interest, but is not persistent enough, gets tired quickly.


Constructive activity - + (a pyramid, a cut picture, puzzles are made by the method of visual correlation)

Direct and reverse counting - + (within 10)

Counting operations and basic tasks - + (within 10)

Classification, generalization - + (sometimes with explanations)

Causal relationships - + (arranges a series of plot pictures in a logical sequence).

The structure is normal (slight prognathia).

Articulating motor skills - lip movements are normal; there is a lethargy of the tongue, there is no "groove".


13. Sound Analysis:

at cloth, O wax, a ist) - +

NS, NS T, then To)-+

d ohm, R from, NS from) - +

14. Pronunciation of words of complex sound-syllable structure - slightly disturbed (rhythmic contour, stress, number of syllables are preserved)

Strawberry - + coma n dirovka - "komadirovka"

Frying pan - + verse T thief - "poem"

Medicine - + led O with and pedist - "velesedist"

Understands antonyms and synonyms.

Knows and names baby animals, common professions.

Generalizing (specific, generic) concepts (clothes, shoes, furniture, dishes) - owns.

16. Grammatical structure. Is simple sentences by picture (with the given sound by reference words). Makes mistakes in the coordination of quantitative numeral nouns - "five apples". Understands the meaning of simple prepositions and uses them correctly in speech. It can form: adjectives from nouns stone (stone), nouns from adjectives - wooden (house), nouns from verbs - glue (glue), nouns with diminutive meaning - hand (pen).

17. Coherent speech. Logical, consistent, but not expressive, schematic. Free communication is difficult

II. 1. Surname, name of the child Dmitry Shelokhov

2. Age 5 years 9 months

3. Home address at. Pirogova, 19, apt. 70_

4. Anamnesis: Child from the first pregnancy. In the second half of pregnancy, there was a threat of miscarriage. The birth went well. Illness in the first year of life - ARVI (at 9 months).

Began to walk from 1 year 3 months. Babbling appeared at 8-9 months, uttered the first words at 11 months, phrases at 3 years 1 month.

5. The state of general and fine motor skills. There are no disorders in the development and condition of the musculoskeletal system and general motor skills. Coordination is satisfactory, fine motor skills of the hands are poorly developed: it is difficult to circle small objects, he is uncertain about scissors, movements are inaccurate.

6. Hearing - no pathology.

7. Vision - without pathology.

8. General development of the child. The stock of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality is not sufficient.

Memory: visual - remembers 3 out of 6 pictures

Auditory - memorizes 4 out of 6 words

Associative - from 6 pictures -4

Verbal and logical memory - the listened text memorizes and retells uncertainly, confusing events and sequence.

Attention, efficiency. The concentration of attention is not formed, the volume is insufficient (quickly distracted); working capacity is low: takes up work with interest, but is not diligent enough, gets tired quickly.


Constructive activity + (a pyramid, a cut picture, puzzles are made by the method of visual correlation)

Direct and reverse counting - (within 10)

Counting operations and basic tasks - (within 10)

Classification, generalization +

Causal relationships - (he does not lay out a series of plot pictures in a logical sequence).

10. Condition of the articulatory apparatus.

The structure is normal.

Articulating motor skills - lip movements are normal, there is no "fungus", "spoon".

11. Features of sound pronunciation.

Whistling C, C ", Z", C - interdental

Hissing Sh Zh, Ch, Shch - interdental.

12. Phonemic hearing- fine. Selects a given sound from the sound row by ear (n - t - k - x)

Syllabic (pa - ta - ka - ha)

A number of words (port - cake - court - chorus)

Distinguishes by ear similar sounds in:

Pairs of sounds (n - b), (s - h), (w - w)

Pair of syllables (pa - ba), (sa - za), (sha - zha)

Pairs of words (kidney - point), (juice - tsok), (ball - heat).


Sound row (b - p - b); syllable row (ba - ba - pa)

A number of words (kidney - dot - barrel), (catom - lump - house).

13. Sound Analysis:

Emphasizing the first stressed vowel ( at cloth, O wax, a ist) -

Isolation of the last voiceless consonant (su NS, NS T, then To)+

Highlighting the first consonant ( d ohm, R from, NS from)-

14. Pronunciation of words of complex sound-syllable structure - significantly impaired (rhythmic contour, stress, number of syllables are preserved)

Strawberry - + coma nd rivka - "komarirka"

Frying pan - + verse T thief - "poem"

Medicine - + led O with and NS e dist - "velesopodist"

15. Vocabulary. Errors in interpretation lexical meanings words: cup - mug, key - lock, hat - hat, jacket - sweater;

Significance of words, abstract concepts - does not own.

Understands antonyms and synonyms.

Knows and names the young animals, names less professions.

Generalizing (specific, generic) concepts (clothing, footwear, furniture, dishes) - has little command.

16. Grammatical structure. Composes simple sentences based on a picture (with a given sound based on key words). Makes mistakes in the coordination of quantitative numeral nouns - "five apples". Can form: adjectives from nouns stone (stone), nouns from adjectives - wooden (house), nouns from verbs - glue (glue), nouns with diminutive meaning cannot form - hand (pen).

17. Coherent speech. Inconsistent, not expressive, schematic. Free communication is difficult

18. Conclusion on the state of speech development: ОНР III level.

Speech survey map

non-speaking child

1.Surname, name of the child _____________________________

2. Date of birth, age ___________________________________________________________________

3. Nationality (bilingualism) _____________________________________________________________ _

4. Home address ________________________________________________________________________

5. Where did you come from ________________________________________________________________________

6. Date of admission to the speech therapy group _______________

7. Conclusion PMPK from ______________

8. Psycho-neurological status _______________________________________________________________

9. Hearing condition _________________________________________________________________________

10. State of vision _______________________________________________________________________

11. Date of filling in the speech card ____________________________________________________________

Speech therapist ___________________________________

I ... Study of non-verbal communication components

Establishing contact with a child (productive, unproductive) __________________________________

Manifestation of motor and speech negativism _____________________________________________

Demonstration of the ability to imitate:

- "Do as I do" (indication, negative gesture, etc.) _________________________________________________________

- "Fly like a bird", "Jump like a bunny", "Drown like a bear" ___________________________

Manifestation of fixation of the child's gaze (speaker's eyes, organs of articulation, picture) ______________________


II ... Learning auditory perception

Defined e changing the number of non-speech sounds ___________________________________________________

Distinguishing and reproducing a 2-complex rhythm by ear ______________________________________

Determination of the direction of non-speech sound __________________________________________________

Distinguishing by ear of onomatopoeia ____________________________________________________________

III ... Studying motor development

1. General motor condition:

(gait - confident, unsure, with camber; walking on tiptoes in straight lines; jumping on one or two legs)

coordination ____________________________________________________________________________

2. Fine motor skills:

(try: repeat sequentially the poses "cam", "roof", "boat", "goat", "circle", "glasses"; alternating two poses: "fist / palm", "fist / goat", "palms / boat "," glasses / fist; lacing)

accuracy of movements _______________________________________________________________________

switching ___________________________________________________________________________

pace ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. The state of the facial muscles:

Face (meaningful, presence of facial expressions, indifferent, asymmetrical, nasolabial fold) ___________


The ability to perform mimic movements in imitation (tests: raise eyebrows up ("surprised"),

frown ("get angry"), squint eyes, puff out cheeks ("fat")) ____________________________________


(shows negativism; visually perceives, tries to repeat, but unsuccessfully; tries to repeat, but the pose

does not hold; performs movements independently)

IV ... Examination of the articulation apparatus

1. Articulation apparatus structure:

lips ____________________________ muscle tone lips _______________________________

teeth ____________________________________________________________________________________

bite _________________________________________________________________________________

tongue (shape; position, muscle tone at rest, condition of the hyoid ligament) _________________



solid sky ___________________________________________________________________________

2. The state of the motor skills of the articulatory apparatus:

lips ______________________________________________________________________________

lower jaw __________________________________________________________________________

language ____________________________________________________________________________________

soft sky _____________________________________________________________________________

V ... Learning Impressive Speech:

1. State of the nominative dictionary

Assignment own name with personality

(knows his name, responds to it)


Assigning items to their names

Show where the doll, ball, clock, book, table


Show body parts (hand, nose, knee, elbow, forehead, fingers, neck)


Show parts of objects (house, car, plane, doll, watch)


Show animals (cat, dog, hare, wolf, fox, horse, goat)


Correlation of objects with their purpose (objects, pictures)

Show me what you play with, how you brush your teeth, what you eat, etc.


Understanding generalized words

Show (take, give) dishes (clothes, etc.)


2. State of the predicative dictionary

(plot pictures in which one object performs different actions)

Show where the girl is walking (standing, running, eating, sleeping, playing, washing)


(plot pictures on which different objects perform different actions)

Show who is washing (standing, running, etc.)


3. State of the attribute dictionary

Understanding the names of the attributes of objects

Show me where is the big table? where is the little one? (thick / thin stick, long / short tape, high / low house) ____________________________________________________________________

Show me which cube is bigger? which cube is smaller? (pencil is longer / shorter, pyramid higher / lower) _____________________________________________________________________________

Show me where the red (yellow, blue) ball is? _______________________________________________


4. State of the grammatical structure of speech:

Understanding the forms of the one and only plural noun

Where is the doll? where are the dolls? (pyramid / pyramids, car / cars, book / books)


Understanding the meanings of prepositions that reflect spatial relationships

Put the toy in the box (on the box, behind the box, under the box, in front of the box)


Understanding nouns with diminutive suffixes

Show me where the table is? where is the table? (book / booklet, doll / doll, box / box) ________________________________________________________________________________________

Understanding prepositional-case construction (2-hard instruction)

Take a bear and put him on a chair; go to the table and take a pencil; take the cubes from the table and put them in the box


Understanding the content of the text, told by a series of plot pictures


VI ... Learning expressive speech

1. General sound of speech

Breath (volume, duration of exhalation, smoothness) _____________________________________



Pace (bradilalia, tachilalia, moderate) ___________________________________________________

Intelligibility (indicate the reason) __________________________________________________________

2. Condition speech activity

Sound unconditioned reflex reactions ( grunting, smacking, squealing, whining,

joyful exclamations, laughter, crying, screaming) _______________________________________________


Possibilities of pronouncing words (babbling, onomatopoeia, amorphous words, single words, preservation of the syllable structure) __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

Phrases Pronunciation Capabilities (the nature of pronunciation: conjugate, reflected, arbitrary; structure of the phrase, the presence of agrammatisms) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Possibilities of pronunciation and differentiation of individual sounds

(sound pronunciation)

(differentiation of sounds)

Vii ... Research of non-speech mental functions

1. Thinking:

Seguin board ownership __________________________________________________________________

Folding the pyramid _________________________________________________________________

Classification _________________________________________________________________________

Allocation of 4-extra ____________________________________________________________________

2. Account:

Straight mechanical account: ______________________________________________________________

Correlation of the number with the number of objects ("give 2 pencils, 3 cubes, 5 pictures") _________

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _

Naming numbers ____________________________________________________________

3. Optical-spatial gnosis:

Distinguishing concepts up / down, right / left, front / back ___________________________________


4. Optical-spatial praxis:

Folding cut pictures from 2 - 3 - 4 parts _______________________________________


Folding figures from sticks according to the pattern (3-6 sticks) ______________________________________


Speech therapy conclusion: _______________________________________










  1. Last name, first name, age

  2. School Class 1

  3. Home address

  4. 18.09

  5. Academic performance(by the time of examination) The beginning of the school year,

  6. Complaints teachers and parents: From the words of the teacher: incorrectly pronounces several sounds. From the words of the mother (options): 1) incorrectly pronounces sounds, is embarrassed to talk with strangers: 2) the mother does not notice incorrectly pronounced sounds.

  7. Psychiatrist's conclusion: on a child with FFN is not required.

  8. State hearing: data from the medical record is reproduced; checked if necessary.

  9. Data on the course of speech development:According to the mother: words - with 1 year (1.5 years): phrasal speech - from 1.5-2 years old.

  10. (structure, mobility): The structure and mobility of the articulatory apparatus without pathology.

  11. ^ general characteristics speeches (recording of a conversation, independent coherent statements): My mother is Nadezhda Ivanovna. Works as a nurse in a polyclinic. My dad's zo-vut Ivan Petrovich, he works as an engineer. I'll tell you about the summer. I was at the dacha in the summer. In the summer I helped my grandfather build a well. I helped my grandmother at the dacha in Wowkind. And then she cleaned the house, fed the dog. Swinging with her sister on a swing. The path leads to the swing .. Roses grow there. Then my mother and I went to the city (mixes and replaces sounds;r-l, w-z, s-t).
a) Vocabulary(quantitative and qualitative characteristics). Quantitative characteristics: the total volume of the dictionary. Qualitative characteristic: errors v the use of words (replacement in meaning and acoustic similarity). Give examples. Vocabulary within the age norm (see the recording of the conversation).

B) Grammatical system:
the presence of agrammatism. Give examples. Within the age norm.

V) ^

  1. pronunciation of sounds: absence, distortion, replacement and mixing of individual sounds, r - throat., rl, s-t, z-t (zha-knife - zhanose, shasha-shasa, lalek-ralek) ;

  2. distinguishing between opposition sounds: ra-la-la (laZ) ta-da-ta + ka-ka-ha + sa-sa-sha (shaZ) la-ra-la (laZ) da-da-ta + ha - ha - ka + sha - sha-sa (shaZ) sa-sa-za (sa-sya-sya) pa-pa-b a + za-zha-za (za-za-za) for-for-sa (zya-sya-sya) ba-pa-ba + zsa-zsa-za (zhaZ);

  3. reproduction of words with different sound-syllable composition; give examples: motorcyclist, policeman, cosmo-navt; railway, transport, motorcyclist on a motorcycle; orange juice.
C Pronounces words with different sound and syllables correctly.)

D) the pace and intelligibility of speech:

12. ^ The level of formation of the skills of analysis and synthesis
sound composition of the word:

Cotton wool - what is the 1st star? - v; 2nd? * - a; 3rd? - T;

4th? - a.

Drying - name the 1st star. - s, 3rd star - with.

Cloak - name 2 - th star? - ah, the last one - ?

Book - how many syllables? - 2; name the 1st syllable - kni;

2nd - ? - ha.

How many sounds are there in the 1st syllable? - 2; name them - k, n.

13. Letter: the presence and nature of specific errors (mixing and replacement of consonants, agrammatism, etc.) in the writing of students - dictations, statements, compositions performed with initial examination and in the process remedial education(written works are attached to the speech map). The options are:

  1. reproduces selected printed letters (A, N, P, I ...), syllables (PA, NA ...), words (MOM, DAD, CAT ...);

  2. reproduces only individual block letters.
14. Reading:

a) the level of mastering the reading technique

  1. names and displays individual letters (A, O, N, P, T, M ...);

  2. names letters A, O, N, U, I, P, K, T and G, L, R, but does not read;

  3. reads syllables (AP, TA ...), monosyllabic words like "cat" and two-syllable words like "vata";
b) reading errors:

c) reading comprehension:understands the text read by the speech therapist.

^ 15. Manifestation of stuttering:

A) the reason; the severity of stuttering; situations that determine its manifestation (answers at the blackboard and etc.):

B) the formation of linguistic means:

C) features of general speech development (organization, sociability, isolation, impulsiveness):

D) adaptation to the conditions of communication:

  1. ^ a brief description of child on pedagogical observation (organization, independence, steadiness of attention, efficiency, observation, attitude To defect, cognitive activity in the field of linguistic phenomena): unstable attention, critical of his defect.

  2. Conclusion speech therapist:FFN (this conclusion reflects the level of formation of the oral form of speech).

Speech therapy station

at comprehensive school



  1. Surname, name, age:Petrov Vanya, 7 years old

  2. School№ 1 Class 1

  3. House. address

  4. Date of admission to speech therapy center18.09

  5. Academic performance in the native language(by the time of examination) The beginning of the study. of the year.

  6. Complaints from teachers or parents: According to the teacher: on inactive in the lessons, hesitates to speak. According to the mother: speaks indistinctly, distorts words, does not memorize poetry.

  7. Psychiatrist's conclusion(filled in as needed): from the medical record indicating the date of the examination and the name of the doctor.

  1. Hearing condition checked if necessary.

  2. Data on the course of speech development: The words mothers: words appeared by 2-2.5 years old, phrases- by 4-5 years. The speech is incomprehensible to others.

  1. ^ The state of the articulatory apparatus (structure, mobility): Structure- N. Mobility- has difficulty holding a given posture and has difficulty switching from one articulatory position to another.

  2. ^ General characteristics of speech (recording of the conversation, the independence of coherent statements): In a conversation about the family, the child's answers can be as follows: "Vanya", "Mom's name is Zoya-koy", "I don't know" (middle name), "Dad's name is Petya", "I don't know" (middle name), "Sister name is Luda "," At work "(about mom)," Cashier "(to the question- who works?), “I don’t know” (about dad).
^ Vocabulary(quantitative and qualitative characteristics). Quantitative characteristics: the total volume of the dictionary. Qualitative characteristics: errors in the use of words (replacement in meaning and acoustic similarity). Give examples.

The dictionary is limited by the realities of everyday life: an insufficient number of generalized words and words related to adjectives, verbs, etc. Qualitative characteristics (answers to the tasks presented): lampshade (lamp), hose (water), decanter (bottle), driver (instead of the driver), watchmaker, crane operator (does not know), postman (instead of the postman), glass-maker (glazier), car (instead of the word transport), boots (instead of shoes), etc .; brave- weak, lies- does not lie, the crow is the gate, etc.

Grammatical system: types of sentences used,

The presence of agrammatism. Give examples (see entry

Conversations and coherent statements):

^ He pulled out a pencil from behind a book. The boy jumped a puddle.

The first leaves appeared on the trees.

Mn. h., Im. NS.- trees, eyes, wings ...

Mn. h., Rod. NS.- tetrads, gates, donkey ... jam yab-

pubic; orange water; teddy bear.

^ Pronunciation and distinction of sounds:

  1. pronunciation of sounds: absence, distortion, replacement and mixing of individual sounds R- uvular; in the stream of speech L = R (ralek - stall); NS= F (lower); W = C; F- 3;

  2. distinguishing between opposition sounds embroiderer (watchmaker), holoshina (pea), yasselsa (lizard), pa-ba-ba (N), ta-da-da (N), ha-ka-ka (N), for-for-for (Ms-Ms-for), cha-cha-cha (cha-cha-cha), cha-cha-cha (cha-cha-cha), ra-ra-ra (ra-la -ra), for-for-for (for-for-for), for-for-for (for-for-for), for-for-for (for-for-for), for-for-for (for-for-for), la-la-la (for -ra-ra);

  3. reproduction of words with different sound-syllable composition (give examples): ligulivat (regulates); tlansp, stamps (transport); green-green ... (railway), bourgeois (policeman), pisin (orange).
Speech tempo and intelligibility:slurred speech, slow pace.

^ 12. The level of formation of skills of analysis and synthesis

Sound composition of the word cloak: How many sounds are there?- "2". 1st sound?- "NS". 2nd sound? - "A". 3rd sound?- "A". Name the last sound.- "A". Name the 1st sound.- "T". Name the 3rd sound.- "A".

  1. Letter: the presence and nature of specific errors (mixing and replacement of consonants, agrammatism, etc.) in the written work of students - dictations, statements, compositions performed by them during the initial examination and in the process of correctional education. (Written works are attached to the speech card.) Options; 1) reproduces individual printed letters: A, P, M; 2) prints individual words like МАК, МАМА.

  2. Reading:
a) the level of mastering the reading technique(letter by letter, word by word, words). The options are:

  1. knows individual letters: A, P, M, T;

  2. knows all letters, but does not read;

  3. reads syllables and monosyllabic words;

  4. reads syllables, slowly, monotonously; skips vowels, does not read words; distorts syllabic structure the words; confuses some letters;
b) reading errors:leaf (leaves) on trees (trees)
turned yellow and purple (turned brown). The angry wind was blowing
(circled) them ... (through) the air.

c) reading comprehension. The options are:

  1. has difficulty understanding what the speech therapist has read, retells only with the help of questions;

  2. understands the main content of the story, hidden meaning understands with difficulty;

  3. has some difficulty.
^ 15. Manifestation of stuttering: does not stutter.

A) the alleged reason; the severity of stuttering; situations in which it manifests itself (answers at the blackboard, etc.);

B) the formation of linguistic means;

C) features of general and speech development (organization,
sociability, isolation, impulsiveness);

D) adaptation to the conditions of communication.

Brief characteristics of the child according to pedagogical observations (organization, independence, stability of attention, working capacity, observation, attitude to his defect): attention is unstable, decreased performance, difficulties in switching from one type of activity to another; low level self-control and independence.

Conclusion of a speech therapist. ^ Options: 1) HBONR; 2) OHR II- IIIlvl. (these conclusions reflect the level of formation of the oral form of speech).

The results of speech correction (marked in the card by the time the students graduate from the speech therapy center).

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