Home natural farming Developing speech therapy. Types of articulatory gymnastics. Speech therapy classes at home

Developing speech therapy. Types of articulatory gymnastics. Speech therapy classes at home

Improving the speech of the child at home

When a child begins to make the first sounds, we are touched, it seems so funny and funny to us. But if you hear such a speech from an adult, then this admiration will disappear. But the ability to speak correctly must be developed in early childhood, and if this is not done, in the future a person will not be able to fully communicate with other people, his speech will be distorted, ugly and incomprehensible. And if your child is already experiencing difficulties in pronouncing any sounds, spend with him speech therapy classes and exercises - they perfectly develop the articulatory apparatus, improve speech, teach children to correctly express their thoughts.

Ideally, by the age of 4-5, children master a clear pronunciation of all sounds. For various reasons, the process of forming the correct sound pronunciation in many preschool children slows down.

Defects in sound pronunciation will not disappear on their own; systemic exercises with a speech therapist, as well as joint classes with parents, are necessary to eliminate them. A well-organized training system is yours chief assistant. In this article, we will reveal for you some simple tricks and exercises, by doing which, your child will learn the correct pronunciation.

Where to start speech therapy exercises? The structure of a well-structured lesson.

After a thorough diagnosis of the child's speech, you can begin classes aimed at correcting it. It is worth noting that as a result of a speech examination, the specialist receives information related not only to his speech development but also intellectual and psychomotor.

A competent specialist uses this data to influence the child using the most developed resources of the child himself, based on what the child is interested in. He will offer you the most optimal scheme for constructing a speech therapy lesson.

Remember that at this age 15-20 minutes are enough, the material given in excess of the norm will not bring results and will not be learned in in full. Also understand that the game is the main activity at 4-5 years old, so the whole process of sound pronunciation correction is built in game form.

Types of speech therapy classes for kids

Speech development sessions may include:

  • finger games;
  • articulatory gymnastics;
  • games for onomatopoeia, ear development, logorhythmics (poetic works with movements);
  • poems for vocabulary replenishment, speech development.

Speech therapy sessions should be carried out daily. The most difficult thing in them is to be able to interest the child. Therefore, it is not at all necessary that such classes be conducted according to the type of lessons at school, where students humbly sit at their desks, and the teacher explains in a monotonous voice new topic. For kids, such activities are akin to torture. Turn on your imagination: let the baby learn with you, playing on the rug, sitting on the pillow, hiding in his hut, jumping or running ... The main thing is the final result. Build classes in a playful way - so the baby will remember the material better and will not get tired at all.

In addition, arranging speech therapy classes with a child at home, you should:

  1. Start classes with 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing their duration to 15-20 minutes.
  2. Make classes interesting so that the child has a desire to study. Never force your baby to do exercises by force - you will get the opposite result.
  3. Do tasks more often, but keep them short-term.
  4. To relate to the failures of the baby is easy, without shouting, with understanding. Analyze each situation together, for example, look for the reason why the child has such a naughty tongue, how to fix it.

Now consider each of the types of speech therapy games listed above.

finger games

Through finger games, the fine motor skills of the child develop. How does it help speech development? Scientists have found that there is a close relationship between the human hand and the part of its brain that is responsible for speech. Therefore, learning texts using finger gymnastics, the child develops spatial thinking, imagination, speed of reaction, attention and emotional expressiveness. Memorization of texts is faster, and speech becomes more expressive.

The effectiveness of finger games is achieved if you work with your child every day, devoting only 5 minutes to such exercises. Consider a few examples of finger games.

  1. "Flower". The fingers are pointing up, together. From half-bent palms we make a bud, pressing them against each other. We begin to pronounce the quatrain, performing movements for every second line:

    The sun rises -

    The bud is blooming! (we spread the fingers of both hands to the sides, holding lower part palms together)

    The sun is setting -

    The flower goes to sleep! (return to starting position).

  2. "Kitty". Put your palms on the table, clench into fists. To the words “Fist - palm. I'm walking like a cat "at the same time we straighten our fingers, without lifting the handle from the surface of the table, and squeeze them. To complicate the exercise, unclench your palms alternately at the expense of "one, two." You need to repeat the exercise 3-5 times.
  3. "The bird is flying." Cross your arms, palms in front of you. Intertwine thumbs, which will imitate the bird's head. The remaining fingers are wings that will need to be flapped without separating the fingers.

    The birds have flown, (waving wings)

    Sat down - sat down, (we press our palms to our chest)

  4. "Maple". This game is suitable for children of the 3rd year of life. All movements are performed in accordance with the text of the poem:

    The wind quietly shakes the maple, (spread your fingers and pull them up)

    Tilts to the right, left: (we shake our palms to the right and left)

    One - tilt and two - tilt, (tilt the palms as low as possible in the indicated directions)

    The maple rustled with leaves. (quickly move fingers)

  5. "Cake". We perform movements according to the text of the poetic work.

    We remember the dough with handles, (squeeze, unclench fingers several times)

    We'll bake a sweet cake. (me imaginary dough)

    Lubricate the middle with jam, (we make circular movements with our palms on the surface of the table)

    And the top - delicious cream(in a circular motion, three palms against each other)

    And coconut crumbs

    We will decorate the cake a little (simulate the action with both hands)

    And then we'll make tea

    Invite a friend over! (shake left hand with right hand).

  6. "Winter". Suitable for kids 4-7 years old.

    One, two, three, four, five (fingers curl one at a time)

    We went out to the yard for a walk.

    They sculpted a snow grandmother, (we perform the movement of sculpting snowballs)

    They fed the birds with a grain, (we throw the grains, rubbing our fingers against each other)

    After we rode down the hill, (swipe with the palm of your hand right hand on the left palm)

    Fun to roll in the snow. (alternately put the pens on the surface of the table with the palms, then the back side)

    We came home in the snow, (shake your hands from the snow)

    We ate borscht and went to sleep. (we perform movements with a spoon and depict a dream, folding the hands of the palms to the palm and placing them under the cheek)

Finger games can be used as a physical education session in speech therapy classes. They help to change the type of activity without loss children's attention and desire for learning. In addition, it is interesting, fun and useful. The main thing is to tell the poems with a captivating expression and clearly show the movements.

Besides, finger games help:

  • develop the coordination of movements of both arms of the child;
  • combine the speech and physical activities of the baby, use them at the same time;
  • develop accurate and differentiated movements of the fingers and hands of children's hands;
  • learn to repeat the movements of adults;
  • become more attentive, develop visual perception;
  • improve memory, imagination, perseverance.

Finger games should be carried out systematically. Classes are possible both with one child and with a group of kids. However, it is important to take into account the age of children, their mood, readiness for classes, desire and opportunity.

Articulation gymnastics

You can find a presentation and musical accompaniment for articulation gymnastics on this page.

Articulatory gymnastics is necessary for correct sound pronunciation, strengthening the muscles of the face, tongue, lips, and soft palate. There are many exercises, a specialist will help you choose the most suitable for your sounds.

Tasks are divided into static and dynamic. Each has a name that your baby will easily remember, which will make it much easier to understand the instructions during classes. With a little imagination, you can go to fabulous travel with a child where main character will be the tongue of the child. There are many variations, it all depends on you. Below are the same exercises, after reading the descriptions, you will understand that they are not difficult, do not require additional knowledge from you (parents).

Articulatory gymnastics is a group of exercises for the tongue and lips. They are the main ones in the process of sound pronunciation. If the language is not developed enough, a person will not be able to pronounce sounds, which means that his speech will be incomprehensible or not clear enough.

They perform articulatory gymnastics in front of a mirror - this way you can see the correctness of the movements of the tongue and lips in the process of training. It is very important for children to see how his tongue and lips move, how and where they are located. So the understanding of their correct location comes faster, on which the effectiveness of articulatory gymnastics depends. Speech therapists recommend doing exercises twice a day for 5-7 minutes. As a result, your child will receive correct and clear speech.

Consider a few simple but effective exercises.

  1. "Smile". Strongly stretch the lips in a smile, but the teeth should not be visible. Hold a smile for 30 seconds.
  2. "Fence". Smile strongly so that the teeth are visible, keep the smile.
  3. "We will punish the naughty tongue." Slightly open your mouth, put the tongue on the lower lip and, slapping your lips on it, pronounce "five-five-five ...".
  4. "Tube". Open your mouth, stick out the tongue and try to bend its side edges up in the form of a tube, hold it in this position for 30 seconds.
  5. "Let's lick the jam." Slowly, without tearing off the tongue, first lick the upper lip from corner to corner, then repeat the procedure with the lower lip.
  6. "The clock is tick-tock." Make a smile, open your mouth, then alternately touch the corners of your mouth with the tip of your tongue.
  7. "Brushing our teeth." Smile, open your mouth, then with the tip of your tongue, pressing it hard enough, we clean the inside of the teeth of the lower row (7-10 times). Repeat the same exercise with the teeth of the upper row (7-10 times).
  8. "Swing". Smile and open your mouth wide. Then lower the tip of the tongue for the lower row of teeth by “one”, and raise it by the upper one by “two”. Repeat - 4-5 times.
  9. "Snake". Open your mouth, stick out the narrow part of the tongue from the mouth and quickly hide it back. Touching the teeth and lips is prohibited.
  10. "Roll the pencil." Put a pencil on the table in front of the child. Ask him to smile, put the wide front part of the tongue on the lower lip and, slowly (exhaling air), blow on the pencil so that it rolls over the surface.

In addition to articulatory gymnastics, exercises aimed at developing voice, breathing, and speech hearing are used. In such a complex, classes will allow you to put the correct sound pronunciation in a child.

Logorhythmics, hearing development and onomatopoeia

Phonemic hearing (also called speech hearing) is the ability to distinguish, understand and produce sounds. With insufficient development of speech hearing, the perception of what is heard is distorted, respectively, speech is produced incorrect, fuzzy. To correct or prevent the development of this problem, the following exercises are performed with children:

  1. "Hearing ears" - a game for the development of hearing. The goal is to improve auditory attention, to consolidate the ability to distinguish sounds. The adult shows the child different items that can make sounds - spoons, a drum, glasses, rattles, maracas, etc. Together with the baby, you need to listen to how the objects sound. Then the adult asks the child to turn away and guess what object will sound behind him.
  2. "Where does it ring?" - an exercise in the development of hearing. To play, you will need a bell and a spacious room. The child stands with his eyes closed, the adult at this time quietly moves around the room, ringing a bell in different places. The task of the child is, without turning around, to point out with his hand where the bell rang.
  3. Onomatopoeia games: in principle, any story-driven children's picture is suitable for such an exercise. For example, in the picture, a girl is rocking a doll: “Oksana puts the doll Masha to sleep and says ahhh. Let's help her together! A-ah-ah!". Help the child, use movements that imitate motion sickness of the child, control the articulation of your baby.
  4. Exercises to imitate the voices of birds, animals. To similar games were more interesting, it is recommended to use pictures or figurines of animals and their cubs as visual material. For example, the game "Komarik". For her, you need an image of a mosquito. The adult says: “Meet, this mosquito is called Stepan. When he flies he loves to sing song z-z-z. Can you sing this song? Let's try together with Stepan! Z-z-z. Then we offer the baby to catch the "mosquito" in the fist and listen to his song. We grab the air with a fist, bring it to our ear and say: z-z-z. Next, we offer the child to also catch the "mosquito" and listen to his song. You can imitate everyday noises: scissors cut - chik-chik, water drips - drip-drip, etc.
  5. Logorhythmics are speech therapy exercises in which movements, speech and music are combined. Children like this type of activity very much - they have fun and interesting. First, an adult reads a verse and shows movements, all this is accompanied by skillfully selected music. Then the children repeat everything themselves or with an adult - it’s easier not to think of it. The main thing is to carefully prepare in advance. For example, the game "Walk".

    On a narrow path (we walk in place)

    Our legs walked (we walk, raising our legs high)

    On pebbles, on pebbles (we slowly shift from foot to foot)

    And into the hole ... wow! (jump up and sit on the floor)

Poems for vocabulary replenishment, speech development

You can download poems and exercises for them.

Tongue twisters are great for developing speech - these are small rhyming phrases. With their help, speech becomes clear and competently correct, they increase the child's vocabulary, improve speech hearing, and improve diction.

    Beavers go to cheese forests,

    Good beavers, good beavers.

    Dali along with curdled milk

    Our Clash of porridge.

    Ate-ate porridge Klasha

    Along with curdled milk.

    Six mice rustle in the reeds.

    Sasha hit the bumps with a hat,

    Got a bruise on his forehead.

    Mom Milu soap soap,

    Mila did not like soap.

There are many such tongue twisters, you can find them in special literature for children. Do not immediately learn complex poems with your baby - start small. And remember: the child knows and understands much more words than he pronounces, they are just, so to speak, “in sleep mode”. And in order for the baby to start using these words in communication, you need to help him. And you can do this by constantly studying with him, reading books to a child, looking at pictures with him, commenting on what he saw or heard. Help your child become an erudite person with beautiful diction and competent speech. And then successful happy life he will be provided.

Children with speech defects last years increased significantly. A decade ago, the picture was different. The most common problems are burriness, distortion of sounds, replacement or omission of those that are difficult to pronounce. These types of defects are considered mild and are referred to as dislocation. They are relatively easy to correct in the classroom with a speech therapist.

But there are more complex variants of them that lie in the defeat of the central nervous system, in which there are problems with the normal functioning of the tongue or the entire lower jaw. Such defects are corrected very, very hard. At the same time, uttering hissing and whistling sounds, the child sticks out his tongue between his teeth, which is why instead of a whistling sound he gets the sound "f" ("mafyna" - instead of "machine"). The incorrect pronunciation of the sound "r" (laryngeal or its complete absence) is also very common. As a rule, start speech therapy 3-4 years, sometimes earlier.

The nature of speech therapy disorders

Complex defects occur for a variety of reasons - such as past infectious diseases mother during pregnancy, birth trauma or fetal hypoxia. If the child who was born subsequently underwent a serious illness, the result may be a circulatory disorder with damage to the nerve endings and, as a result, speech defects.

The reasons include malocclusion, and the source of certain disorders (for example, the throat "r") can even be the baby's imitation of one of the adults who also distorts speech. In addition, a child can copy heroes modern cartoons very detrimental to development.

Illiteracy is directly related to correct pronunciation. That is why the parents of each preschooler must make sure that the baby is corrected in time. The problem may lie in the inability of parents to detect a speech defect in children. It is believed that any baby burrs, and this will pass by itself.

When to start worrying

But most often, regular sessions with a speech therapist are indispensable. If a one and a half year old baby does not know how to compose phrases from individual words, or speech in a two-year-old child is practically absent, an appeal to a speech therapist will most likely be required. The planning of speech therapy classes by prudent parents is carried out ahead of time, taking into account the dynamics of child development.

The speech therapist works with each child individually. The production of one individual sound, as a rule, takes place over several sessions. If there are serious developmental deviations, it will take much longer to attend speech therapy sessions.

It happens that the cause of the violation is too tight frenulum of the tongue, while there are no organic lesions. Then at home you should do stretching exercises with your baby. A speech pathologist will help you with this.

The parent family is the basis of everything

Often in the family it is not customary to talk a lot with the baby. They can communicate with him in a lisp "childish" language. Or does he witness family scandals. In all these cases, as a rule, the development of speech is inhibited.

For the normal development of language skills, a favorable home environment is extremely important. You should always talk with your baby - during a game or a walk, at meals and at bedtime. Be sure to memorize poems and read books aloud to your baby.

If you have recorded even a slight violation of sound pronunciation in a son or daughter, do not fence yourself off from the problem. It is quite possible to organize speech therapy classes at home, since specialized literature is now a dime a dozen. For example, you can arrange a game with singing special songs. And only when homework does not give the desired effect, you should think about visiting a specialist.

Do you need a speech therapy kindergarten?

Often parents tend to send their baby not to an ordinary kindergarten, but to a speech therapy one. There is an opinion that the conditions there are preferable for solving the problems that have arisen. Is it really that important to get there? If yes, at what age? Will speech therapy classes bring real benefits in kindergarten just for your child?

As a rule, giving a child younger than 3-4 years old into the hands of specialists is not very effective. Parents can successfully deal with the smallest, after consulting with a speech therapist. He will tell you a set of measures and the necessary activities with a child of 3-4 years old are already able to give a lasting effect.

The arsenal of parental communication with children is huge. This is a constant correct and active verbal communication with a baby, finger gymnastics, a lot of speech games, hand massage, special exercises designed to develop fine motor skills, drawing, sculpting and so on.

When to go there

Most often, speech defects in a baby under 3-4 years of age are classified as physiological. If by four years of self-correction of speech has not occurred, you can turn to specialists. By this time, the child's initial speech skills should already be formed. And it is then that it makes sense to send the baby to a speech therapy kindergarten.

The advantage of the latter is saving parental time and money in private lessons with a specialist. There are free speech therapy classes in public kindergartens. If the benefits of visiting a group for a long time is not detected, most likely, you will need the services of a speech pathologist-defectologist in order to general development speech.

When communicating with the baby, try to forever abandon the funny children's language, which mothers and, especially, grandmothers often suffer from. As mentioned above, communication in such a "corrupted" manner inhibits the development of normal children's speech.

What should a child be able to do by 4 years old?

But even if everyone in the family speaks correctly, but there are still problems, do not rush to get upset. It is not so difficult to organize speech therapy classes with a child of 3-4 years old at home. And the main thing here is a sensitive attitude to the baby's speech and careful monitoring of any changes.

As a rule, the vocabulary of a two-three-year-old child is about a thousand words. A four-year-old child should normally be able to tell or describe something using prepositions and various parts speeches, build a simple dialogue. But his speech apparatus may still not be sufficiently trained, which is why a clear pronunciation of complex phonemic structures does not work.

Well, if in 5-6 years there are speech disorders, this is a serious reason to think. Below simple exercises related to help parents at home get results.

Activities with a child at home

To stretch the short frenulum of the tongue for 5 or 10 minutes daily, follow these steps. You need to ask the child to lick his upper lip with his tongue, invite him to knock on their teeth like a horse with hooves, open his mouth wider and try to reach his upper teeth with his tongue.

Everyone knows that the areas of the brain responsible for fine motor skills and speech development are interconnected. That is, the more deftly the baby wields his hands and fingers, the less problems he has a speech.

There are simple exercises for speech therapy classes that teach the pronunciation of whistling sounds ("s", "z"), as well as hissing ("zh", "sh", "h" and "u"). In addition, there are often problems with the sounds "r" and "l", but this can be corrected independently at home. Being engaged, the child needs to be planted, putting a mirror in front of him for self-control. Home speech therapy classes "r" will not always be able to "put" this sound is considered one of the most difficult and usually requires the intervention of a specialist.

Exercise examples

  • Exercise "Pipe". Ask the baby to close his teeth, stretch his lips with a pipe as far as he can. Make sure that when lifting the tongue, the lower lip remains motionless. The exercise should be repeated 3 to 5 times.
  • Exercise "Cup". Open your mouth wider, stick out your tongue and try to give it the shape of a cup, lifting the tip and edges. While you count up certain number, let the child try to keep the tongue in this position. The exercise is also repeated 3 to 5 times.
  • Exercise "painter". Smile, then open your mouth. After that, with the tip of the tongue, like a brush, "paint" the sky from the inside.
  • "Drummer". Quickly strike with the tip of the tongue behind the upper row of teeth, keeping the mouth open. Another thing is to remove the tip of the tongue alternately behind the upper and lower teeth. The exercise is done counting.
  • "We eat jam." Smile with your mouth open. Widely lick the upper lip, watching the immobility of the lower jaw.

After completing the exercises, proceed to the repetition of words containing problematic sounds. You can prepare cards with them in advance. The sound that is being worked on should be repeated first separately several times (from 7 to 10), then in words. Very useful to pick up the right words tongue twisters, their pronunciation significantly accelerates the correction of shortcomings.

Where do speech disorders come from?

Speech defects can also appear in an adult - due to a serious operation, trauma or a serious emotional experience. This can be the loss or death of a loved one, divorce, serious financial troubles. Speech deficiencies also occur when the main organs associated with sound pronunciation are injured - the tongue, teeth, lips, ligaments and muscles of the larynx, as well as the palate.

This happens when there is damage to the center located in the cerebral cortex and responsible for our speech. Even chronic emotional stress can cause speech problems.

Normal speech means the pronunciation of all the letters of the language, without exception, distinctly and clearly. Such speech must be rhythmic and smooth. If the words of the speaker are difficult to make out, it is undoubtedly a violation. Adults and children with speech disorders have the same types of speech defects. These include dumbness, stuttering, lisping, lack of correct pronunciation of individual sounds, and much more.

Types of speech pathologies

The most widespread of these are:

  • Aphonia. This term refers to disturbed phonation (that is, incorrect sound pronunciation). Aphonia (or dysphonia) develops as a result of changes in the speech apparatus that are pathological in nature.
  • Dyslalia call the phonetic speech defects of an adult or a child with impaired hearing and grammatically correct speech.
  • Stuttering- a type of disorder that occurs in the case of convulsive reduction of the muscles related to the vocal apparatus. It is found as a violation of the tempo of speech, its rhythm and regularity.
  • Another disorder that manifests itself in an abnormally slow speech rate is called bradilalia.
  • The opposite of it (when a person speaks too fast) - tachilalia.

  • Rhinolalia- a type of speech pathology associated with a violation of the anatomical nature of the organs that form the speech apparatus. Manifested in a distorted sound pronunciation and voice timbre.
  • dysarthria- a type of disorder when the nerve endings that provide communication between the cerebral cortex and the speech apparatus do not function enough.
  • aphasia call the complete or partial loss of speech that occurs as a result of damage to the central nervous system.
  • If the speech of a child or an adult is underdeveloped, which often occurs with lesions of the cerebral cortex, we are talking about alalia.

Experts will help you

These anomalies can be caused by various factors. These are birth defects such as cleft palate or upper lip, abnormal bite, malformed jaws, defects in the lips, tongue or teeth. Acquired disorders are found in cases of diseases of the ENT organs or the central nervous system. Violations can be either permanent or temporary.

The peculiarity of young children is that each of them strictly individually proceeds such a phenomenon as the development of speech. Speech therapy classes are held in every kindergarten - not only in a specialized one.

If your child was sent to speech therapy classes, you should not refuse - they will not bring any harm to the child, and the benefits will be undeniable.

For children 3-4 years old, speech therapy classes exist in two forms - individual or group. One-on-one sessions with a specialist (individual) are most effective. In turn, being engaged in a group, the baby feels more comfortable and relaxed.

Individual speech therapy session

What are these speech development classes? They usually take the form simple games and events. Toddlers most often do not understand that some kind of purposeful work is being done with them. With a speech therapist they play, have fun and have fun.

A child is usually sent to an individual speech therapy session when the violation consists in mispronunciation any individual sounds. With the help of specially selected games and exercises, the speech therapist corrects the defect. If the baby stutters, the already mentioned exercises for the tongue (as well as others) are combined with learning the skill to properly distribute the breath.

Singing songs, the child trains to breathe correctly, and stuttering spontaneously disappears. Gradually, children learn to control their own breathing, and the better this skill is mastered, the more likely it will be possible to get rid of stuttering once and for all.

Front lessons

Group speech therapy classes (otherwise they are called frontal) are conducted among children with various deviations in the development of speech. These include not only impaired sound pronunciation and hearing problems. For example, a baby may not distinguish between paired sounds. Other problems of the same series are a violation of speech grammar, a lack of communication between spoken words.

Groups for classes are selected in the amount of 6-8 people of the same age with similar speech problems. Speech therapy plans contain common goal- expand vocabulary and improve Children purposefully learn oral speech, are engaged in practical development of the skills acquired in individual lessons. Most often, most children are engaged both in a group and individually.

Speech therapy lesson on the theme "Autumn"

Consider how you can build a remedial lesson with children using a specific topic, for example, the seasons. Let us have an "autumn" lesson. It is good to spend it in September or October, decorating the room with yellow leaves.

In class, a speech therapist, using the theme of autumn and natural phenomena, expands and activates vocabulary on the topic, teaches children from pictures to first compose separate sentences, and then from them - a coherent story. Along the way, children reinforce their answering skills. complete offer and coordination of speech and movements.

A speech therapy lesson on the theme "Autumn" solves the problem of a correctional and developmental plan - improving fine motor skills with the help of finger gymnastics, developing memory, thinking through exercises and games. Children learn the poems of Russian poets about autumn, listen to the music "Sounds of the Autumn Forest", list the weather, guess riddles on the "autumn" theme.

Kids collect bouquets of leaves, squeezing their fingers into fists blow on the leaves, depicting the autumn wind (breathing exercises).

We continue at home

Those skills that speech therapist lessons give must be worked out and consolidated in the family, at home. To do this, experts conduct explanatory work with parents, give the most detailed recommendations on building homework.

A lot here depends on the responsible approach of parents to solving the problem. If mom or dad is not too lazy to regularly set aside a few minutes a day for the development of the child's speech, then success will not be long in coming. The most important task parents at the same time - help the child in gaining a sense of confidence in the fight against the fear of communication and speaking in public.

Future mothers and fathers should encourage the child. Even the most little success should be appreciated. As a result, the self-esteem of the baby grows, there is an incentive for further achievements.

Be tactful

At the same time, one should not be too zealous and fundamentally force the child to constantly use only correctly constructed words and phrases. This will lead to unnecessary stress, it can discourage the baby from exercising. Let him be a child. We remind you once again - speech therapy classes with a child of 3-4 years old should be built exclusively in the form of a game!

With a baby, exercises should be performed unobtrusively, without focusing on existing problems. If, as a result, the baby is upset or depressed, such training will not bring success. You will achieve nothing but isolation and an aggressive reaction.

Between sessions, let him continue to speak with errors that may disappear spontaneously. At one point, parents will discover with surprise and joy that the baby himself is trying to control the correctness of speech.

For the development of fine motor skills, it is useful to massage the child with each finger, bend and unbend them, play board games. More often let the baby sort out the grits or mess around in the sand. At home, any bulk material is suitable instead. Do not forget about articulation gymnastics. Pay as much attention as possible to reading, learn simple songs and rhymes with your baby.

Each loving mother I want her baby to be able to pronounce sounds correctly and speak coherently as soon as possible. For the formation of the baby's speech, it is very important to constantly talk with him and pronounce words without distortions. However, this is not enough for the development of the articulatory apparatus of the child.

With language gymnastics, parents will help the baby quickly learn how to pronounce sounds and words correctly. Regular and short-term classes will give the child an advantage over their peers, and adults - another reason for joy and pride.

Speech therapy gymnastics allows you to:

  • get rid of lethargy of speech (the so-called "porridge in the mouth");
  • improve the blood supply to the tongue;
  • develop the baby's speech apparatus not by months, but by days;
  • identify physiological disorders at an early stage;
  • save the child from peer ridicule due to speech defects.

Gymnastics of the language can achieve the correct pronunciation of both individual sounds and their groups. To start the sessions, it is not at all necessary to demand perseverance unusual for him and take him to a specialist by force. Even a couple of minutes of the right “antics” a day can bear fruit. While dressing, snort, click and purse your lips with your baby. On the one hand, he will have fun doing routine things. On the other hand, such innocent pranks will help develop his speech apparatus.

Basic rules of tongue gymnastics

Like any set of exercises, speech gymnastics brings results only if it is correct and regular.

To develop the articulation ability of children, the following rules should be followed:

  • Classes should last no more than 10 minutes, as the baby quickly gets tired. It is difficult for him to concentrate on something for a long time, so parents need to be patient and undemanding.
  • Let the child follow the position of the tongue with the help of a mirror.
  • Turn classes into another exciting gaming activity. Do not focus on the importance of speech gymnastics, do not tire the child with boring explanations and do not force him to hold his tongue in one position for more than 10 seconds.
  • Choose to practice at a relaxed pace. Do not rush the baby, but at the same time, do not let the child be lazy.
  • Watch for the accuracy of performing gymnastics for the tongue so that classes do not turn into meaningless antics in front of the mirror.

If the exercise for the development of the speech apparatus is given to the baby with great effort, then do not be zealous, but contact a speech therapist.

Types of articulation gymnastics

From an early age, parents should pay attention to the development of the child's speech, namely, the performance of articulatory gymnastics. Speech therapy trainings are static and dynamic. The first group of classes suggests that the language "freezes" in one position. When performing dynamic exercises, all organs of the speech apparatus are involved. Only regular and correct repetition of articulatory gymnastics for children will have an effect.

Static exercises:

  • "Chick" - the child opens his mouth wide, like a chick, to which his mother puts a treat there. The tongue lies in a relaxed position in the oral cavity.
  • "Shovel" - the baby opens his mouth wide and puts his tongue on the lower lip in a relaxed state. It is important to ensure that during this exercise there is no tension in the child's actions.
  • "Cup" - the baby opens his mouth wide and raises the lateral edges of the tongue so that they do not touch the teeth.
  • "Tube" - the child closes his lips and stretches them as much as possible in front of him.
  • "Mushroom" - a small student puts his tongue to the sky and opens his mouth as wide as possible.
  • "Gorka" - the baby opens his mouth wide. The tip of the tongue should rest against the lower incisors.

While doing static exercises it is important not only to fix the organ of the speech apparatus in the correct position. The occupied position should be held for 5-10 seconds. Performing dynamic exercises is accompanied by a score. An adult must ensure that the baby changes the position of the tongue and other speech organs in time and copes with tasks without difficulty.

  • "Watch" - the child opens his mouth and shows his smile, and then makes his tongue narrow and tries to reach the corner of his mouth with its tip.
  • "Swing" - the baby opens his mouth and stretches his tongue to his chin and nose.
  • “Candy” - the child closes his lips and alternately sticks his tongue into the left and right cheeks. From the outside, it should look like he's hiding a lollipop. Be sure to show your child correct position language.
  • "Horse" - the baby puts his tongue to the sky, loudly and distinctly clattering.
  • "Malyar" - the child opens his mouth wide and with a wide tip of the tongue, as if with a brush, leads from left to right from the upper incisors to the soft palate.

These simple exercises adults can perform with their crumbs anywhere, even without the help of a speech therapist. But if some task causes difficulties for the baby, then you should not refuse to consult a specialist.

Articulation exercises will be of interest to children who are only 2 years old, and kindergarteners 4 years old, and preschoolers at 5.

Gymnastics of the tongue: interesting and fun

Parents should turn speech training into an exciting game. Feel free to show creativity. For example, promise that you will give your baby a lollipop if he shows you how to hide it behind his cheek. Spread some chocolate or jam on your little one's nose and have him lick the treat with his tongue. Promise to play your favorite game with your child after the “antics”.

Help the baby with a spatula to take the desired position of the tongue. At the first performance of the task, tension is possible, but after several repetitions, the child's actions will be meaningful and easy. Remember to do both static and dynamic exercises. They give the desired effect only in the complex.

If, after doing tasks regularly, you still notice weak spots in the child's speech, then consult a speech therapist.

Complex of articulation gymnastics for cheeks and lips

For the development of speech, you need not only to train the language. To increase letter coverage, it is important to pay extra attention to the lips and cheeks. Basic exercises articulation gymnastics:

  • The kid bites, pats and rubs his cheeks as if they had just been patted by frost.
  • "Satiated hamster." The child puffs out his cheeks, and then releases air from them. When doing this exercise will not cause special problems, it should be complicated. Ask the baby to puff out his cheeks one by one.
  • "Shrimp". Invite the baby to pull in his cheeks with an effort. Don't forget to show an example.
  • "Bloated ball". The kid puffs out his cheeks, and then lightly claps his hands on them to let out air with noise.

For the development of the articulatory apparatus, parents need to constantly engage with the child. The above exercises can take the attention of the baby when you are standing in line for a therapist, going to public transport or go home with preschool. While walking, ask your child to repeat the sounds he hears: a song on the bell, the sound of a motorcycle passing by, a dog barking, and so on. If short-term speech therapy gymnastics performed regularly, your treasure will quickly learn coherent and meaningful speech. Show all exercises own example and do not scold the child at the moment of failure, so as not to discourage him from following your instructions. If you start with two year old, then by the age of 4 he will be able to clearly and clearly recite all the verses on matinees.

The ability to speak is a magnificent skill bestowed on man. In order for the baby to clearly pronounce words, you need to make efforts and spare no time for development competent speech. The support and attention of parents is something without which harmonious development personality is simply impossible. Patient mentoring and regular repetition of exercises to train the tongue and the entire articulatory apparatus will allow the baby to delight parents with their successes.

From an early age, a child, with the help of an adult, can perform tasks to train speech. At the same time, it is very important to observe the “golden mean”: to take the exercises seriously, but, at the same time, not to demand the impossible from the crumbs.

Some babies suffer from speech disorders, their form is quite different, from simple to severe, those that require urgent intervention or are not yet firmly established. In this case, you will need speech therapy lessons at home to correct speech disorders. Of course, severe forms should be corrected by a professional speech therapist. Many parents, in order not to injure the kids, invite a speech therapist to the house. Some, on the contrary, take the little ones to specially equipped rooms, believing that this sets the right mood little child. How you do it depends on your abilities and preferences.

The tasks of a speech therapist in the lessons to correct speech disorders.

1. Lessons of a speech therapist: correction of sound pronunciation

There are several stages of sound pronunciation correction.

  • preparation, at this stage all attention is paid to exercises for the development of articulatory organs;

    For correct setting children's speech, it is very important to use articulation gymnastics. Tongue training will help you learn pure speech faster

  • sound setting;
  • assimilation and development of sound-pronunciation.
  • 2. Development of phonemic perception with a speech therapist

    Phonemes are various sounds speeches. Toddlers must learn to distinguish by ear similar-sounding syllables and words.

    To check how your baby is doing with this, ask him to repeat certain sets of words and sounds after you. For example: pa-ba-pa, too-doo-too, la-ra-la, hop - cop - fop, day - shadow - laziness and others.

    If the baby copes with this task, it means that everything is in order with him.

    A book with a speech therapy bias that helps automate sounds C, Z and C. An experienced author is a teacher and speech therapist and ideally selects classes for teaching these sounds.

    We learn to pronounce the sounds of Ch and Shch correctly. Interesting tongue twisters in pictures will help the baby master these sounds.

    Together with the book, we are learning to distinguish between the sounds of Sh and Zh. Interesting rhymes and tongue twisters will quickly help you master difficult sounds

    3. Learning with a speech therapist to form the syllabic structure of a word

    Toddlers must learn to pronounce words correctly, they must not rearrange letters in words, exclude them or add new ones, i.e. break the word structure. Practice pronunciation with your child compound words, such as: veterinarian, policeman, terrarium etc.

    4. Lessons of a speech therapist: increasing vocabulary and forming the grammatical structure of speech

    By the age of five, the child is able to speak in rather complex phrases, while correctly constructing case constructions and the use of childbirth. AT vocabulary crumbs - five-year plan about 3000 - 4000 words.

    5. Lessons with a speech therapist: training in writing stories and the ability to retell

    A shortened expiration is the most common phenomenon in violation of speech. The following exercise will help you.

    "Along the stairs"

    Well, if you have a children's piano or a regular one at hand, this will help you in completing the task. If not, do not despair, trust your intuition and hearing. You will have to pronounce vowel sounds, as if by notes, moving up and down. And you need to try to breathe enough, as long as possible. In the end, it would be great if the baby sings all 10 letters in one breath.

    So, moving up, we sing: a, o, y, s, i, e, yo, yu, i. And now, too, the same thing, but the direction of intonation is down, from the ladder. The voice will become deeper and the breath longer.

    The sound is divided into "narrow" and "wide". The first, as if squeezed out by a narrow stream, is meager. And the second is wide, it fills the space.

    To train the second type of sound, do the following exercise: sit comfortably with the baby so that nothing interferes with him, let him take 2 deep breaths and exhale. Place the palm of your right hand on his chest, and the palm of your left hand under the diaphragm and begin to sing the previously used vowels on one note. It is necessary to ensure that the baby sings them on one exhalation, starting with three and bringing them up to 10, and smoothly, without interruption and without throwing sounds.

    Experts say that the daily performance of these two exercises for six months will lead to an increase in lung volume, voice, and reduces SARS.

    You see how important the lessons of a speech therapist at home are! But do not overdo it, so as not to plant the ligaments to the baby. And if your baby has it, then a speech therapist can also cure it.

    You need to practice speech therapy at home, then the book "Home Speech Therapist" will help you master known methods setting sounds.

Speech therapy exercises for children will help develop correct speech the most important form of communication. The child learns to speak by listening to the speech of adults. Articulation is provided by the folded work of the muscles of the tongue, pharynx, larynx, palate, and respiratory muscles. Hearing impairments, even minimal ones, can complicate this process.

By the age of 4-5, most children develop a fairly correct, clear pronunciation, and less and less words are observed. By the end of the fifth year, the child is most often able to pronounce all the sounds of his language, although sometimes there are difficulties with hissing and "r". But some babies have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds. Parents are worried about how to help the baby, and whether everything can go without intervention. Unfortunately, this usually does not happen, special classes are needed.

Baby development from infancy

To avoid problems with speech, it is important to develop the baby's fine motor skills from the first months. The parts of the brain that are responsible for these functions are located quite close and are closely interconnected. Various positively affect how the child will speak.

It is useful to massage the fingers and palms, to offer objects for study that differ in materials and textures. Good for development is joint drawing, including finger paints, or dough, stringing beads, puzzles, mosaics, various lacing, designers. Also great importance has communication between the elders and the baby. It is important from the first weeks of life to talk with him, to tell poems and fairy tales, to pronounce your actions.

How to start speech therapy exercises?

In order to correct the speech disorders of the crumbs of 4-5 years old, it is necessary to start by determining which sounds the baby cannot pronounce. To do this, it is necessary to consistently show him pictures so that the child calls words. The desired sound must be in different parts words: beginning, middle, end. Once the problematic sounds are identified, you can start working on them. This should be done with each one separately, from easy to more difficult.

In order for a child of 4-5 years old to learn to speak correctly, you first need to work on the pronunciation of individual sounds, not words. It is important to correctly explain to the baby how the tongue and lips should be located. It will be easier for him to understand and follow instructions if they are given in a playful way. After the crumbs succeed, it is necessary to enter the learned sound into everyday speech. This process is often slow and can take more than one month. At the same time, you should start working on the next sound.

Classes must begin with a special warm-up for the tongue and lips. They do it while sitting, in this position the child's back is straightened, and the body is relaxed. It is important that he sees the face of an adult and his own face. So he can control the correct execution. Therefore, you need to charge in front of a mirror of sufficient size.

After being selected right place, an adult, using game techniques, tells what exercise will need to be done now. Then he shows it, and the kid repeats. An adult controls the process, if necessary, helps with a small spoon, clean finger or other object.

Exercises can be:

  • stretch your lips in a smile, while your teeth are hidden;
  • extend lips in the form of a proboscis;
  • with clenched jaws, lift the upper lip;
  • do rotational movements lips extended into a tube;
  • stretch out your lips, clasp them with your fingers, massaging at the same time;
  • inflate first two cheeks, then each separately, draw in the cheeks;
  • open your mouth, lick your lips in a circular motion;
  • stick out your tongue, stretch it up and down, while it should be tense;
  • at open mouth press the tongue to the palate and pull down the lower jaw.

After the gymnastics is completed, you can proceed to the production of sounds. As a rule, most often problems arise with "r". Very many peanuts cannot cope with this on their own and up to 5-6 years. Most often, children either skip this sound or replace it with another. Therefore, parents should help them, for this there are special speech therapy techniques.

Although parents can do most of the exercises themselves with their child, consultation with a speech therapist is desirable. Often, problems with speech, and especially with this sound, in children of 4 and 5 years old arise for physiological reasons. For example, the case may be in an underdeveloped frenulum, due to which the tongue does not reach the palate. This can only be determined by a specialist, he will also give recommendations to correct the situation: he will prescribe massages or surgery.

To check how the baby copes with this difficult sound, you should ask him to growl, then pronounce words in which “r” is present. If he does not get a single sound, then you need to put it. If the problem occurs only with whole words, then work out the syllables. For some exercises, a special spatula is used, which can be bought in specialized stores. They should act carefully, but confidently.

Classes often consist of a series of exercises.

  • The kid, opening his mouth and pressing his tongue to the place where the upper teeth grow, quickly pronounces “d” several times in a row. Then he does the same, blowing on the tip of his tongue. So he can remember the vibration that accompanies the "r".
  • The baby, opening his mouth wide, should pronounce "g". In this case, the tongue must be slowly raised to the upper teeth. After that, the adult gently inserts the spatula under the tongue and moves it in one direction and the other, creating vibration. The baby should blow at this time.
  • The child pronounces the syllable "for", pulling the tongue as far back as possible. If at this time to introduce a spatula and make rhythmic movements to the sides, then you can hear a clear sound "p".
  • For a softer “p”, the previous exercise is repeated, only the baby at the same time sentences the syllable “for”.

Exercises for setting hissing

The sibilants start betting with "sh", on the basis of which in the future it turns out "w". To do this, the child pronounces the syllable "sa", smoothly raising the tongue to the base of the teeth. When a hiss occurs, an adult helps to remember this moment with the help of a mirror. Then the baby blows and adds “a” to the exhalation, so that the syllable “sha” is obtained.

The child pronounces “sa”, and the adult sets the tongue to the desired position with a spatula. After several trials, he checks whether the baby himself can put the tongue correctly. After mastering this sound, you can learn "zh", including the voice during pronunciation.

To put "u", usually use "s". The child pronounces "si", stretching out the hissing component, and the adult moves the tongue back with a spatula, lifting it. The sound "h" is put through "t", the syllable can be both direct and reverse. The kid pronounces it with a noticeable exhalation on a consonant. An adult with a spatula pushes the tip of the tongue back.

Children love to imitate adults, so the elders must show how to do the exercises correctly. The kid should see the adult's face, facial expressions and lip movements. For a child of 4 or 5 years old, it is important that it is interesting to study. Parents should diversify classes, supplement them with elements fun game. For the crumbs speech exercises - great work. And if it brings pleasure and positive emotions, then it will be much easier to achieve success.

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