Home Mushrooms Holy month of Ramadan. What not to do during the month of Ramadan

Holy month of Ramadan. What not to do during the month of Ramadan

Ramadan is a holy month for every Muslim. That month when devout Muslims fast, devote themselves to prayer and abstain from many earthly pleasures. From the point of view of the calendar that we use in the world, Ramadan does not have constant start and end dates; these dates change every year. Let us remind you when the beginning and end of the holy month of Ramadan will be in 2018, and why these dates are not constant.

When does the month of Ramadan begin and end in 2018?

From the point of view of the Muslim calendar, Ramadan is more than constant. This is the same month of the year, the ninth, its name is translated from Arabic as “hot” or “sultry”. However, the Muslim calendar has one important nuance, thanks to which hot Ramadan can fall at any time of the year, including winter, and it is also thanks to this nuance that the start and end dates of Ramadan vary every year.

The thing is that the Muslim calendar is nothing more than a lunar calendar. The cycle from new moon to new moon consistently takes about 29.5 days. It would seem that this is practically a month from the point of view of the more familiar calendar with the astronomical year, which is guided by the period of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun. However, in the end it turns out that 12 months according to the lunar calendar are 354 days, that is, 11-12 days less than the year we are used to.

That is why it turns out that Ramadan, like any other month in the Muslim calendar, shifts by about a week and a half every year.

In 2017, Ramadan fell from May 27 to June 24; in 2018, it begins on May 16 and ends on June 14.

Thus, 2018 becomes the last year for the next few years and even decades when Ramadan falls in the calendar summer. The “hot” month will shift further and further towards winter.

As we see, the reasons for the instability of Muslim holidays are completely different from the floating dates of the same Easter among Christians. If the date of Easter changes due to the same lunar calendar, but still remains within one month in the spring, then with the Muslim calendar the story is somewhat different.

We will not particularly remind you of the traditions of fasting during Ramadan. Every true Muslim knows them better than any sources on the Internet. Morning prayer with a promise to fast throughout the day, without which the fast is invalid. Prohibition of food and drink and many other bodily pleasures during the day. Many other limitations and exceptions also exist.

Today in the world there are countless different religions and beliefs ranging from the worship of wind and sea gods in northern Russia to the worship of hand-carved gods in southern Africa. Over the entire multi-thousand-year history of human civilization, only two religions have been the most popular and numerous - Christianity and Islam. Moreover, both of them originated from the same faith - Judaism, which means the worship of the One God. Thanks to this, these two warring religions have quite a lot of the same features and, moreover, very similar manners of worship and laws.

But if very, very many people today have heard about Christianity and its traditions, and not only have they heard, but also consider themselves bearers of this creed, then much fewer people know about Islam, despite the fact that it is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. world. Let's look at the most sacred Muslim holiday, Ramadan 2020.

General facts about Ramadan

Ramadan is one of the five main religious holidays of Islam. In fact, “Ramadan” is the name of the month in which obligatory fasting occurs, which all devout Muslims must adhere to. Moreover, this is not just a month without food, it has its own rules: during the day you cannot consume any food or water, you cannot smoke, drink alcoholic drinks and have intimate relationships. All this must be adhered to very strictly for 29 or 30 days. The number of days varies constantly due to changes in the lunar calendar.

You can only eat at night, but they exist here too certain rules: You can finish and start eating only before the day or after it ends. In general, only in dark time days. And you can’t eat everything. It is necessary to eat light foods such as dairy products, vegetables, fruits or any low-fat dishes. During fasting, it is also necessary to perform various prayers, each of which has a specific meaning and time, and to make donations established by the Koran, as the Holy Law of Muslims.

The purpose of Ramadan fasting is to demonstrate and strengthen the faith of devout Muslims. Any fast carries with it purification, both bodily (physical renewal of the body) and spiritual (renewal of faith and strengthening of the spirit). During these days of fasting, Muslims study the Koran especially intensively, fulfill its commandments and try to become better and purer. There are certain actions that are strictly prohibited by law during this fast, but there are also some concessions without which a weak person will not be able to endure the fast. Usually do not participate in Ramadan the following groups of people:

  • Pregnant women.
  • Old people and sick people.
  • Women after childbirth or during the menstrual cycle.
  • Travelers.
  • Minor children.
  • Women who are breastfeeding and are in the postpartum recovery process.
  • Mentally ill people.
  • Those who do not accept Islam as their religion (i.e. are not Muslims).

Ramadan 2020. Schedule.

Like Easter, Ramadan falls on slightly different dates for Christians every year. These dates are calculated by following the lunar calendar. Usually this holiday fast is performed in the ninth month, which runs from the beginning of the new year according to the Muslim calendar. Many people are wondering when Ramadan 2020 will be.

Beginning and end of post it is already known: the beginning is April 23, 2020, and the end is May 23, 2020. It is during this period of time (exactly 30 days) that devout Muslims should limit themselves to food intake and love pleasures and begin to cleanse their souls. At the end of this holy month there will be a great Muslim holiday- Eid al Adha.

Ramadan 2020 schedule in Moscow coincides with these dates and falls at the end of spring. All devout Muslims who live in the capital Russian Federation must prepare in advance for this great fast and take part in Ramadan with great reverence. After a month, all of them will be able to take part in the Eid al-Fitr holiday, for which the capital is organizing special conditions. All Muslims must remember that participation in Ramadan gives you purification of soul and body, allows you to enter into New Year purified and renewed with strengthened faith, and ignoring this fast and holiday for a devout Muslim is considered a sin. The punishment for ignoring Ramadan is as follows:

  • For violation of fasting (eating or lovemaking), which occurred due to good reason Muslims are required to fast during the day next year before the onset of the new Ramadan. There is an alternative punishment in the form of money.
  • If a Muslim did not participate in fasting at all, he is obliged to take it at another time during the year.
  • For sexual intercourse committed on a holiday, a Muslim is obliged to fast for three months or provide food for 60 poor people.

This is the Ramadan schedule for 2020 and its rules.

What date does Ramadan start in 2020?
The beginning of the month of Ramadan in 2020 is April 23.
When does Ramadan end in 2020?
The end of Ramadan in 2020 is May 23.

Since the Muslim calendar depends on the cycles of the moon, the holy month falls on different dates each year. In 2018, it will be held from May 17 to June 16. It is worth noting that according to the Muslim calendar, a new day does not begin at midnight, but when the sun disappears below the horizon. Today, Muslims live in the most different corners globe, so the onset of Ramadan may shift slightly in time. At the same time, the word “Ramadan” itself is translated from Arabic as “scorching heat” and this is true - the month falls during the hot season.

During this time, Muslim believers fast. It is very important! During fasting, not only physical cleansing occurs, but also spiritual, every Muslim becomes closer to Allah. This month is the most important and revered for the Muslim world. At this time, Muslims rethink their lives, their actions, are not distracted by entertainment and physical satisfaction, they have time to think about the future, about the strength of their faith, to think about bad traits your character, try to find ways to change yourself in better side. That is why during fasting a Muslim believer observes the following things:

  • Do not consume food, water, or other liquids before dark. It is forbidden to chew gum and cause an abundance of saliva. In the morning, food can be taken until the sun begins to emerge from the horizon. Many establishments Catering V Muslim countries open late in the evening and are closed during the day during Ramadan;
  • Smoking cigarettes and hookah is prohibited during Ramadan;
  • Sexual intimacy is also prohibited;
  • It is forbidden at this time to slander, swear, entertain bad thoughts, or wish harm to someone;
  • all kinds of entertainment are prohibited during Ramadan;
  • in many Muslim countries it is forbidden to listen to loud music in public places;
  • You cannot play any games, especially gambling, or visit drinking establishments;
  • the use of medications is prohibited;
  • It is also necessary to refrain from gossip, lies, and disputes. After all, this is a time only for good intentions and actions.

At the same time, in daytime Muslim believers are allowed to brush their teeth, but so that water does not enter the oral cavity, they can kiss loved ones, they can bathe, donate blood or give injections if this is absolutely necessary.

In addition, fasting, namely food restriction, cannot be observed by everyone. Sick people whose health can be seriously undermined by the lack of food or its meager intake do not have to comply with this restriction. Travelers, those people who are far from home, even if on a business trip, may not limit themselves to food. In addition, women who are expecting a child, as well as nursing mothers, are allowed not to fast. Elderly people refuse to fast. But they have one duty: at the end of Ramadan, they must feed the poor or give money to the needy.

Another obligatory action in Ramadan is reading niyat - “motivation”, “intention”. A Muslim begins every morning of fasting by reading it. This shows the intention to dedicate the day to Allah, observe all the rules of fasting, clear the head of bad thoughts, cleanse the body and soul, and read prayers. Let us note that if a Muslim believer misses the procedure of reading the niyat, then the coming day will not be counted and for each such “missed” day he will need to fast for another 6 days at the end of Ramadan. Skipping the “intent” reading is considered a serious sin.

Traditionally, meals begin with water and dates - this is in the morning. If you skip one of the meals, this will not violate the terms of the fast, but it goes against the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.

The last 10 days of Ramadan are considered the most important for believers. Many Muslims prefer to retire to the mosque. Itikaf is a ritual of solitude for the worship of Allah, it is possible if a Muslim has made a voluntary vow. You can leave the mosque only for ablution and to relieve yourself. If a Muslim loses consciousness, leaves the mosque for no reason and does not return, then the ritual is considered invalid. During this ritual, Muslims read the Koran, pray, perform namaz and continue to fast.

At the end of Ramadan, there is the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, or a three-day breaking of the fast. Muslims begin these days with a certain prayer, it is read only twice a year. On these days, believers congratulate each other, wear their best clothes, hold dinner parties, and exchange gifts.

Ramadan 2018 in Russia

Muslims all over the world look forward to Ramadan. For believers, this is an opportunity to cleanse themselves, become better, brighter, and become closer to Allah. And although Ramadan occurs only once a year, it has very great power and impact on believers.

Moscow has 5 main mosques, where all kinds of Islamic rituals are observed, prayers are said and services are held, which are possible only during this fast. Despite the fact that Muslims here live in conditions that are unusual for them, not in a Muslim society, many still strictly observe all the requirements of Ramadan. Many people who do not practice Islam convert to this faith.

During Ramadan, it is customary to invite an experienced Quran reader to Iftar. They interpret certain lines, direct true path faith, have a positive effect on invited, often non-believing people.

Due to the fact that Muslims live in different parts of the country and the timing of Ramadan may differ, the council of muftis decided to create a unified Muslim calendar by 2019. This is necessary in order to remove discrepancies, and also so that all Muslims can start and end Ramadan at the same time.

In many regions, the first day of Eid al-Fitr is a non-working day. And some private enterprises and schools even organize three-day holidays.

Failure to comply with all the rules of Ramadan in some Muslim countries is considered a crime and is punishable community service or a fine.

Residents of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai different time start and end the fast. It all depends on the floor they live on.

Scientists have found that Ramadan affects the economy. For example, if fasting is shortened by several hours, then economic growth in the country increases, and if fasting increases over time, then economic activity, on the contrary, slows down.

It turned out that from this year and in the next 16 years, the duration of Muslim fasting will be reduced.

Ramadan is also often called the “month of the Koran.” Indeed, these days every Muslim believer tries to read as many lines from the holy book as possible.

Many Muslims prefer to eat light and healthy food so as not to harm the body during fasting.

Charity is one of the important components of holy fasting. Therefore, it is in Ramadan that it takes place greatest number donations for the whole year.

There are several myths that are associated with fasting. For example, if you do not pray during it, the fast will not be counted. This is not true, since they are two different worships.

Reimburse certain days You can fast at any time until the next Ramadan. You can fast all days in a row, or you can break it.

It is believed that if a person accidentally forgot about fasting and ate, then this does not violate the rules. It is important to stop eating immediately and continue fasting.

If a Muslim enters into intimate relationships during fasting, then subsequently he will have to fast for 60 days or feed 60 poor or homeless people or give them money.

The ninth month of the Muslim calendar is Ramadan, a month of fasting and prayer, thoughts of God and the desire for purification.

The Islamic religious calendar directly depends on the lunar cycles, and therefore does not at all coincide with either the Gregorian calendar that is universally accepted today, or the one that previously existed in the Christian world Julian calendars. Therefore, the question of what date Ramadan begins in 2018 is quite logical, because every calendar year marks the beginning and end of one of the most important events in the life of every true believer occur at different times.

It is worth remembering that in the Hijri calendar (this is the name of the Islamic calendar), the day begins not from midnight, but from the moment the sun completely disappears behind the horizon. That is, the fast will actually begin late in the evening of May 17th.

Ramadan is one of the five pillars of faith in Islam, one of the mandatory requirements of Sharia law, which every Muslim is obliged to fulfill. Without fasting during the holy month, a true believer cannot consider himself a true believer, because fasting is not only a restriction in food and drink, but a spiritual cleansing of a person, a symbol of his desire for Allah.

In the hadiths of the Prophet, Ramadan is called a blessed month. Why? If you believe the lives of the Prophet Muhammad, at that time the angel Gabriel handed him texts in the caves of Hira holy quran. Thus, the blessing of Allah descended on the followers of the Prophet, and all believers should devote their thoughts to God at this sacred time.

The main feature of the ninth month of the Hijri calendar is purification. And strict restrictions on food should contribute to bodily cleansing, and prayers read during the day should contribute to spiritual cleansing. In addition, it is believed that fasting helps the rich to better understand the suffering of the poor, and therefore in Ramadan it is customary to give alms and do good deeds - zakat and sadaqah.

Ramadan is a time of work and constant prayer; It will truly be a godly deed for a believer to read the entire Quran during fasting. This activity - reading surahs and hadiths - will not only strengthen his faith, but also help cleanse his soul of filth. After all, the Prophet taught: everything bad that happens in a person’s life comes not from the outside, but from the inside, that is, it is a consequence of internal filth, evil accumulated in the soul.

Fasting in Ramadan

The basis of fasting in Ramadan is short and clear - a follower of Islam should neither eat food nor drink water (and other drinks) while the sun is shining in the sky. Morning reception food - suhur - should end before the edge of the luminary appears above the horizon line (it is better to complete suhur no later than an hour and a half before sunrise.). The evening reception - iftar - begins only after sunset. Following these instructions, owners of cafes and restaurants in Islamic countries open their establishments only in the evening during Ramadan.

However, not everyone needs – and can – fast. Thus, limiting oneself in food during Ramadan is prohibited for the sick - that is, for those whose health can be undermined by meager food or food taken at the wrong time. Travelers also fall under this ban, that is, those who this moment is far from home (even if it is a long business trip). Neither pregnant women nor nursing mothers should fast; Old people can also refuse food restrictions - however, after Ramadan they must “feed the poor,” that is, either set a rich table for the poor, or make a monetary donation in favor of the poor.

Every day of fasting in Ramadan should begin with reading niyat - intention. By this, a Muslim seems to show that he intends to devote the coming day to God, intends to fast, read prayers and cleanse his body and soul. Missing niyat is one of the most significant sins in Ramadan, that is, a day without announcing the intention “does not count” and is considered missed. For each day missed, the believer will have to fast for six days after Ramadan.

After the niyat comes suhur - the morning breaking of the fast, breakfast. It must be completed before dawn, or rather, before sunrise; Believers greet sunrise with prayer. In the evening, after sunset and evening prayers, iftar follows - evening reception food. This is followed by another prayer, albeit optional. During fasting, all kinds of amusements and entertainment, smoking, sex, and taking medications (except injections) are prohibited. Ramadan ends with a big holiday - Eid al-Adha.

Muslim traditions and rituals are in many ways similar to Orthodoxy, as well as Catholicism. Together with Christians, Muslims adhere to the rules and principles of religious fasting. If the Orthodox are preceded by Happy Easter, then among Muslims the festive celebration of the end of fasting is Ramadan. The month itself, when Muslims adhere to strict fasting, called Ramadan. Of course, the history, as well as the main Ramadan traditions are very different from Orthodox customs, but both religions still have main meaning Fasting is a manifestation of tolerance and endurance. Fasting helps strengthen faith and also rethink. own life When will it be Muslim holiday in 2018 - Ramadan

? What is the history of this important event for faith?

Story Beginning and end of Ramadan 2018 determined by a special commission of Theologians. Every year the start and, accordingly, the end dates of fasting are completely different. The exact date of Ramadan is determined by the position of the moon; for Muslims this fast falls on the 9th calendar month.

lunar year When Islam began to emerge, it was during the hot summer months. According to religious legend, on the night of the onset of holy Ramadan, the Prophet Muhammad will receive a “sacred message” from Heaven, which described his mission. At the same moment, the Koran was given to people.

Since ancient times it has been believed that on the day of the holiday Allah capable of deciding the fate of people, it is for this reason that Muslims adhere to the principles and rules of fasting in order to appear in in the best possible way before the Almighty. The basic rules of fasting are to observe the basic restrictions in your usual diet. During the daytime, Muslims completely refuse to eat food, and they are allowed to eat permitted dishes only at night, when the Sun leaves the Firmament. Besides, post for the holiday excludes the presence bad habits

in the life of a believer, as well as the delights and passions of people’s sinful lives.

Fasting for Ramadan The entire Islamic calendar is based on lunar cycles . The months of the lunar year always begin with the new moon, so every year the beginning of any month of the year is determined at absolutely. different days When is Ramadan in 2018?

? In the coming year, the holy month begins on May 17 and ends on June 16.

  • During the holy fast, it is strictly prohibited:
  • ​ eat food during the daytime, that is, when the Sun shines with bright rays in the Firmament;
  • drink water during the day;
  • ​ lie and slander, especially if the name of the Almighty is used;
  • ​ do enemas;
  • ​ forcefully induce vomiting;
  • Chewing gum and any artificial actions cause abundant movement of saliva;
  • ​ Smoking (including hookah), as well as abusing other bad habits;

Indulge in human passions (sexual relations, hobbies, romantic relationships). As soon as it starts Ramadan date 2018

  • , Muslims are allowed:
  • Unknowingly eat any food or drink water during the daytime;
  • ​ Donate blood for donation, receive treatment in the form of injections;
  • ​ if water does not get into your mouth, then you can wash yourself and brush your teeth;

Kiss with dear and beloved people. The main basis of strict fasting is to show love and faith in Allah. Moreover, during the holy month, Muslims must realize and renounce their negative traits character that leads them to evil and misfortune. In addition to peace of mind and re-awareness, believers should honor and

Muslims cannot only adhere to restrictions in the form of eating during Ramadan. Spiritual cleansing is also very important here, which is at the most important place for the believer and his faith. During the duration of the holy month, Muslims should categorically refuse fun, human pleasures, entertainment and sinful thoughts. Believers are required to repeat the “intention” or niyat every day, read Koran

and give alms. By the way, alms during the season are divided into voluntary (sudaka) and obligatory (zakat). In Islam, there is confidence that all good deeds performed during the period of action increase in their significance several times.

Nutrition When does the schedule start? correct use food. Muslims are allowed to eat twice during the day, but each meal must fall at the time when in Heaven no sunlight.

Ideally, eat early in the morning (that is, before sunrise), as well as late at night (after sunset). According to tradition, any meal must begin with eating clean water

and dates. The Koran prescribes two meals a day during fasting; any deviation of the believer from this basis does not violate the conditions but leads to its non-compliance.

It is important to remember that not all Muslims can adhere to the basic principles of fasting. It is allowed not to participate in strict dietary restrictions for minor children, people with mental disabilities, pregnant women who are breastfeeding their newborns, and travelers who are currently on the road. Elderly people also do not have to adhere to the rules of fasting, but they must prepare food and alms for all beggars during Ramadan. Month of Ramadan in 2018

is obligatory for all Muslims.

Failure to fulfill the basics of fasting is a great sin. If a believer is released from fasting due to health reasons, then he will have to pay a certain amount to any beggar.

End of post As in Orthodoxy, the final 10 days of fasting are the most difficult and important. Deeply religious Muslims retire to the sacred mosque for a specified period of time, just as the Prophet Muhammad did. This ritual is historical; not all Muslims adhere to it today. Solitude itself is called Itikaf, it has its own rules. Already determined what date in 2018 During the holy month, Muslims repent of previously committed sins. At the same time, the Koran must be read. Ramadan ends with the three-day holiday of breaking the fast - Eid al-Adha. This event begins with the reading of a prayer, which is usually performed only twice a year. After this, Muslims dress up in beautiful outfits and congratulate each other on the coming of the Blessed Holiday. Be sure to triple a grand feast on Eid al-Fitr, prepare best dishes , is covered festive table

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