Home natural farming Interesting facts about everything in the world (38 photos). Interesting facts about everything in the world

Interesting facts about everything in the world (38 photos). Interesting facts about everything in the world

A selection of interesting facts from different areas which will be very interesting and informative for many of us.

In 1988, Arnold Schwarzenegger refused to star in the sequel to Commando. The script was reworked for the new protagonist and called "Die Hard". Thus began the rise of the career of Bruce Willis.

The world population has almost stopped growing. Fertility rate of women in this moment is 2.36. And for simple reproduction of the population, a female fertility rate of 2.33 is required.

As a young man, George Clooney lived with a lazy roommate who had a cat. Once he had to wash the cat litter box for four days in a row. On the fifth day, Clooney got tired of it and he shit in the tray himself. The neighbor was afraid that the cat was suffering from constipation and dragged the animal to the veterinarian.

In 1600, after a volcanic eruption in Peru, about two million people died ... in Russia. The fact is that the accumulation of ash in the Earth's atmosphere caused a "small ice Age”, which caused a terrible crop failure, and then the “Great Famine”, which occurred during the reign of Boris Godunov.

France is the only European country capable of self-sufficiency in basic foodstuffs.

If you see a cloud from atomic explosion, stretch your hand towards him and bend thumb so that it obscures the "mushroom". If the cloud is more than a finger, then you are in the radiation zone and you need to urgently evacuate.

In the American city of Anthem (Arizona) there is a monument that functions only once a year, on Veterans Day - November 11th. On this day, the sun's rays fall on the monument at such an angle that they pass through all the rings in five concrete structures, symbolizing the five branches of the US military, and illuminate the mosaic in the form of the "Great Seal".

One person tried to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco), but survived. He later admitted that this "flight" completely turned his whole idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife upside down. “I suddenly realized that there is absolutely nothing in my life that could not be corrected. Except for one thing - this very jump, which I just decided on.

The first visitor to Disneyland was a college student named Dave McPherson. But at that time, he did not have time to ride on any of the rides, as he was in a hurry to go to class. But later he had a chance to more than catch up - he was given a lifetime pass to all Disneylands on the planet.

Japan imports rice from the US - but only to meet the requirements of the World trade organization. The Japanese almost never eat this rice. Most of goes to North Korea as humanitarian aid, the rest is fed to pigs or rots in warehouses.

The ancestors of the first whales were medium-sized land-dwelling mammals.

Before Hitler arrived in Paris during World War II, the French cut all the cables eiffel tower. If the Fuhrer wanted to look at the city from above, he would have to climb the stairs to the top, which he did not do. Therefore, the Parisians are proud to say that although Hitler captured France, the Eiffel Tower was too tough for him.

In 2006, Claudia Mejia, a resident of the American city of Orlando, went to give birth in a local hospital. When she woke up after giving birth, it turned out that she had neither arms nor legs. To all attempts to find out why all the limbs were amputated to the woman, the hospital replies that, they say, they cannot voice the reason, because, in this way, the rights of other patients will be violated. Allegedly, she contracted some kind of disease already in the hospital from other patients, and the hospital has no right to disclose this information. As a result, Claudia was never able to find out why she was left without arms and legs.

In Vilnius (Lithuania) there is a small district of Uzupis, which declared itself an independent republic. This republic has its own flag, its own currency, a president, a cabinet of ministers and even an army of 11 people

Once the Indian Maharaja Jai ​​Singh visited the pavilion of the Rolls-Royce company in London. One of the workers, not understanding who was in front of him, allowed himself a caustic remark that, they say, "our product is clearly beyond your means." Singh bought ten cars, brought them to India and ordered them to be used to transport garbage.

In 1998 during Open Championship Australian sisters Serena and Venus Williams recklessly declared that they could easily beat any man ranked below the 200th in the ranking of tennis players. The German tennis player Carsten Braasch, the 203rd racket of the world, responded to the challenge. He came to the match, refueling with beer and not really straining, beat Serena first, and then Venus with a score of 6:1 and 6:2, respectively.

Due to confusion with similar names, representatives of the Slovak and Slovenian embassies have to meet regularly (once a month) to exchange mail delivered by mistake.

The very first version of Cinderella was written in China.

No one knows the name of the inventor of the fire hydrant, because the patent for this invention burned down during a fire.

The inventor of Vaseline, Robert Chesbrough, ate a spoonful of his invention a day and assured that he felt tremendous benefits for his body from this. He lived to the age of 96.

The daughters of President John F. Kennedy donated a puppy from the first dog in space. The gift was made in order to improve relations between Kennedy and Khrushchev. This puppy managed to bite the entire Kennedy family.

Pink colour does not exist. What we see is a big scientific mystery. This color is a combination of red and purple - two opposite spectrums of the rainbow, and such a mixture in nature is impossible. In fact, certain wavelengths, when reflected, are converted in our brain to pink.

Hitler, Stalin, Trotsky, Tito and Freud all lived in Vienna (Austria) at the same time in 1913.

While the person is eating the pineapple, the pineapple is eating the person in return. This is the only plant that contains bromelain, an enzyme that effectively breaks down protein. And since human body consists of protein, pineapple tries to "digest" it. This is what explains the sores on the tongue of those who overdo it with eating these fruits.

During the 9/11 rescue operation, the dogs were so rarely able to locate survivors that they were under extreme stress as they felt guilty and unable to cope. Therefore, the rescuers had to regularly hide in the ruins themselves in order to enable the dogs to find them and, thereby, maintain their “fighting spirit”.

Billionaire and cocaine smuggler Sal Magluta won the American National Speedboat Race three times and appeared frequently on television, although he was a wanted man. Nobody noticed anything for 6 years.

The chemical name of titin consists of 189819 characters. To pronounce it in full, it will take at least three hours.

It turns out that eggs are even better kept dirty because they have a protective layer that can be washed off with water. In many countries, eggs are washed before they are sold to give them a more "tradeable" appearance, and thereby open the pores in the shell through which harmful bacteria can enter during storage.

16% of Lithuanians are immune against HIV.

There is a legend that the Orson Welles radio show "The War of the Worlds", which aired on the CBS station on October 30, 1938, was taken at face value, as a result of which more than a million inhabitants of the northeastern United States allegedly believed in the attack of the Martians and panicked. Entire families were said to have barricaded themselves with weapons in the basements of their homes, or hastily packed their belongings to leave the country. In fact, the effect was not so strong, it was just that the competitors of the CBS station were trying to compromise it as a news source.

In China, there is an organization called the Mistress Association, which brings together women who live off married wealthy men. On their website, these women not only share their impressions and experiences, but also help each other collect dirt on their patrons in case they decide to “cut off funding”.

In 2004, humanity produced more transistors than grains of rice, and by 2010, 125,000 transistors could already be bought at a price rice grain. Electronic device with a memory of 16 GB contains more transistors than neurons in the human head

Biotech company Pembient has learned how to 3D print "rhinoceros horns" that are genetically identical to natural ones. The company plans to sell this product to the Chinese market at a price 8 times cheaper than real horns, hoping to defeat poaching in this way.

In 2009, an expert on anti-kidnapping in Mexico was abducted in Mexico just after finishing a lecture titled "How not to get abducted in Mexico".

Abstract algebraic principles are usually only taught in college. Meanwhile, mathematicians have proven that even a five-year-old kid, that is, almost any member of society, is quite capable of comprehending them.

75% of the world's food comes from just 12 plant species and 5 animal species.

Nervous movements like tapping your fingers on a table or tapping your feet can burn up to 350 calories a day. It is easy to see that such habits are characteristic mainly of slender people.

One day, a 2.5-year-old girl named Michelle Funk fell into a river and was submerged for 66 minutes. When the rescuers lifted her to the surface, the baby had no pulse or breathing. After more than 3 hours, her blood suddenly warmed up. When the temperature reached 25 degrees Celsius, the girl came back to life and lives to this day.

The world is beautiful and amazing, and it is also full of mysterious and interesting things that you might not even know about. Users of the popular site Reddit have collected a whole collection of funny and true facts that can really blow your mind.

Perhaps these 27 facts will make you look at the world in a completely different way.

1. There are more trees on Earth than there are stars in the galaxy. Milky Way- 3 trillion trees versus "only" 100 billion stars.

2. The largest living organism on the planet is a giant mushroom, or rather its mycelium, which stretches underground for 4 km. It grows at the foot of the Blue Mountains in Oregon.

3. Miss Piggy from The Muppets and Master Yoda from star wars speak with one voice - they were both voiced by actor and puppeteer Frank Oz.

4. During the Second World War, Wojtek, a Syrian, was drafted into the Polish army brown bear. He rose to the rank of corporal and often drank beer and smoked cigarettes.

5. In Japan, traditional manga comics use more pulp to print than to produce. toilet paper.

6. From the discovery of Pluto in 1930 to its removal from the list of planets in 2006, he did not even have time to make full turn around the sun. The full daily cycle of Pluto lasts 248 Earth years.

7. Chinese broccoli, collard greens, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli come from the same plant - garden cabbage (brassica oleracea), they are just different varieties of it.

8. The time when Cleopatra lived is closer to the time of the landing of the first man on the moon than to the time of construction Great Pyramid in Giza.

9. The mantis shrimp can rotate its claws so quickly that the water around them boils, and flashes of light appear around them.

10. In Spanish national anthem no words.

11. Honey never spoils. It is perfectly safe to eat even if it is 3,000 years old.

12. The dead can get goosebumps.

13. A small part of the interference that we see on the TV screen when it does not pick up a signal is residual radiation from the time big bang. This is how we observe the consequences of the creation of the universe.

14. The official sport of the US state of Maryland is jousting.

15. When breathing through the nose, we always inhale more air from one nostril than the other, and every 15 minutes they change.

16. If you remove all the empty space between the atoms of the bodies of all people on Earth, the population of the planet will fit in an apple.

17. When the pyramids were being built, mammoths were still alive.

18. There are more combinations in chess than there are atoms in the known part of the Universe.

19. If you find a way to extract all the gold from the core of the Earth, it can cover the planet with a knee-high layer.

20. It would take 1.2 million mosquitoes to drink all the blood from an average person (assuming each one takes one bite).

21. Writing was invented by the Egyptians, Sumerians, Chinese and Mayans independently.

22. To determine right time mating, the male giraffe butts the female in the area Bladder until she empties it and then tastes the urine.

23. The path from the solar core to the surface can take a photon up to 40 thousand years, while the rest of the distance to the Earth it takes only eight minutes.

24. Tardigrades, or "little water bears", as they are also called, are about 0.5 mm in size. However, they can survive in almost any conditions - even in space vacuum.

25. Glass can be made from almost any fusible material. You just need to cool the molten mass before the molecules have time to rearrange back into the structure in which they were before melting.

26. The bird kakapo (owl parrot) emits a strong and pleasant musky scent, by which predators easily find it. That is why it is endangered.

27. In 1903, the Wright brothers made the first flight over the earth. 66 years later, in 1969, a man landed on the moon for the first time.

There are so many interesting things in the world!
1. The Goniurellia tridens fly found in the UAE has… two more flies on its wings. Thus, the fly is protected from predators, pretending to be a “fly flock”.

2. The 1934 $100,000 note is the largest banknote ever issued. It was not widely used and was used for various transactions between banks.

3. There are "antivitamins" - substances that suppress the activity of vitamins in the body. For example, thiaminase, found in fish, destroys useful vitamin B1 (thiamine), necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

4. Kiribati was recognized as the fattest country in the world a couple of years ago: it has only 100,000 inhabitants and about 82,000 of them are obese.

5. Dinosaur bones displayed in paleontological museums around the world are not actually bones. Strictly speaking, these are stones, since the bone tissue collapsed millions of years ago, leaving behind an organic sediment. Under the influence chemical processes, this bone sediment has turned to stone in the form of bones over the years.

6. Once a year in Honduras comes the season of fish rains. Between May and July, a dark cloud appears in the sky, lightning flashes, thunder rumbles, and heavy rain pours for 2-3 hours. As soon as it stops, hundreds of live fish remain on the ground.

7. The "smell of leather" that comes from leather products is the smell of fragrances. Real leather does not smell.

8. Basenji or African barking dog is one of the oldest dog breeds. The uniqueness of the breed is that its representatives do not bark, but make special sounds peculiar only to the basenji, similar to rumbling, but they can only be heard when the dog is excited.

9. In 2003, Shelley Jackson invited everyone to become "pages" of her book. 2095 volunteers responded to the call, on whose bodies the words that make up the story were tattooed. The book "Skin" exists only in this form.

10. American entomologist Derek Morley described many unusual behaviors in ants. For example, he noted that when an ant wakes up, it stretches all six of its legs, as if stretching, and then opens its jaws, as if yawning.

11. About half a billion Chinese have never brushed their teeth. Instead of buying toothbrush and a tube of pasta, the Chinese resort to branches and green tea.

12. Fredrik J. Baur was so proud of his invention that he wanted to be buried in it. Baur passed away in May 2008 at the age of 89, and his children complied with this request - his ashes were divided between a pair of urns and ... packaging from under Pringles.

13. In the Middle Ages, farm animals were often subjected to human punishment. In 1470, for example, a rooster was burned in public for allegedly laying an egg.

14. Platinum used to be considered “wrong silver” and thrown into rivers or seas so as not to get underfoot. Only later, when jewelers from Spain discovered that platinum is perfectly alloyed with gold, they began to use it as a jewelry raw material.

15. The total tension of all strings of a tuned piano is 7 tons (7000 kg).

16. The Chinese mountain Jiankunzhu (“Southern Pillar of Heaven”), which became the prototype for some landscapes in the James Cameron film “Avatar”, has been renamed local authorities and has since been called "Hallelujah, Avatar!".

17. It is difficult to say whether the American stuntman Evel Knievel was lucky or unlucky. During his life, he did many motorcycle stunts, but in doing so, he broke 37 different bones in his body and spent a total of three years of his life in hospitals. However, despite this, he managed to live up to 69 years!

18. The disciples of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato once asked him to give a definition of man, to which he replied: "Man is an animal on two legs, devoid of feathers." However, after Diogenes of Sinop brought a plucked rooster to the Academy and presented it as a "Platonic man", Plato had to add: "And with flat nails."

19. Fluid that flows out of raw meat- It's not blood. It consists mainly of water, and the presence of the protein myoglobin gives it a reddish hue.

20. To stop the illegal cutting of trees in parks before Christmas, the authorities of some cities sprinkle the trees with fox urine. On the street, it freezes and is not felt at all. However, if such a sprinkled Christmas tree is brought home, it begins to spread an unbearable stench that cannot be got rid of.

Who parks the car better - girls or men, in which country do the most big people, how much time we spend kissing in terms of a lifetime, and what is demodex. About this and much more in a selection of interesting facts about everything in the world. We only have , stay with us and see for yourself.

Fact #1: Hawaiian women are not shy about "confessing" to men that they crave their attention. They show this with the help of flowers, which are laid behind their right ear. Stronger desire- more flowers.

Fact #2: 44% of people love watching their partner's emotions while kissing. But others prefer to kiss, tightly covering their eyelids.

Fact number 3: not all lovers, rejected by partners, are able to calmly endure a breakup. 40% of them get rid of depression in the clinic.

Fact #4: Adults laugh about 15 times a day on average, while kids laugh about 400 times.

Fact #5: It takes each of us an average of 7 minutes to fall asleep soundly.

Fact number 6: the first love ends with a wedding for only 2 out of 5 people.

Fact #7: People spend an average of half a month or 20,160 minutes kissing in their entire lives.

Fact #8: Having visited public toilet, wash their hands only 75% of the stronger sex and 90% of the weak.

Fact #9: Women are better at parking than men.

Fact #10: When kissing, 65% of people prefer to tilt their head to the right.

Fact #11: On average, women have sex with 4 partners in their lifetime.

Fact #12: People in their 20s and 70s spend approximately 36,000 minutes or 25 days in sex.

Fact number 13: the natives of England arrange tea ceremonies more often than residents of other countries. For comparison: 20 times more Americans.

Fact number 14: a lady uses so much lipstick in 5 years that if this amount is presented in the form of a tube, then it would be equal to her height.

Fact #15: The most tall people(if taken on average) are considered residents of the Netherlands.

Fact #16: Out of 10 people, 8 are sure - further relations completely dependent on the first kiss.

Fact No. 17: If you take the average, then the people of Japan are considered the shortest in stature.

Fact number 18: the ancient mountains all over the world, dividing the Russian land into Asia and Europe - the Urals.

Fact number 19: the higher the intelligence of a person, the more content of zinc and copper in his hair.

Fact #20: Many of us have Demodex in our eyelashes, micro mites that have mouths and even claws.

Fact No. 21: Throughout life, each of us produces saliva and so much that it would be enough to fill 2 pools, each of a medium size.

Fact number 22: if we take on average, then in a lifetime people are given kisses for about 2 weeks, and having sex - 3,000 times.

Fact #23: Men shave 8.4 meters of stubble in their lifetime, spending 3,350 hours doing it.

Fact #24: Of all mankind trying to meet for sex through virtual communication, make up 35% of married people.

Fact #25: 47% of people have nightmares at least once a month.

Fact number 26: almost every person in his life "winds" a straight line equal to 5 earth's equators.

Fact number 27: Mostly babies 1-3 months old cry without tears.

Fact #28: It is documented that largest number orgasms, which can be in 1 hour - 16 for one man and 134 for one woman.

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