Home Perennial flowers Which metal suits Gemini best? Which metal suits your zodiac sign?

Which metal suits Gemini best? Which metal suits your zodiac sign?

If your friend, whose zodiac sign is Gemini, demands anything from you on your birthday, just not an amulet with a precious stone, don’t listen! Those born between May 21 and June 20 are paradoxical natures who change their minds more often than they blink. You shouldn’t ask them about what gems suitable for Gemini women or men - after all, these people have difficulty generalizing preferences and prefer variety.

Gemini Gems: Diamond, Emerald and Sapphire
How to choose an expensive gift for a priceless person

If your friend, whose zodiac sign is Gemini, demands anything from you on your birthday, just not an amulet with a precious stone - don’t listen! Born in the period from May 21 to June 20- paradoxical natures who change their minds more often than they blink. You should not ask them about which gemstones are suitable for Gemini women or men - after all, these people have difficulty generalizing preferences and prefer variety.

Gifts should match them - unusual, unique, universal. And the artistic and quick-witted Gemini (zodiac sign) will find how to use the precious stone!

Gems for Gemini under 20
...all about the stone of “clear conscience” diamond

A diamond is not only the most valuable and rare jewelry stone on the planet, it is also one of the few talisman stones that will not harm the owner. Diamonds are precious stones according to the Gemini horoscope, which astrologers recommend wearing from childhood. If we're talking about If it’s about a little girl, then it’s worth giving it for the third birthday; if it’s about a boy, then it’s an idea for a gift for the New Year.

Twins talisman gem a diamond is often worn throughout life. Especially if the jewelry was given to them in infancy or passed down to them by inheritance. Diamond allows Gemini to achieve inner harmony, look at things with an unclouded look. The talisman teaches children honesty and openness, promotes the development of their communication skills as opposed to a lack of tact.

The diamond teaches perseverance to schoolchildren, and sincerity to students. Diamond pendants for Gemini are also called a talisman of friendship and first love. In addition, they are changeable (depending on the lighting), like Gemini themselves!

Gemini men's gemstones
...all about men's amulets with sapphire

Gemini men are passionate, purposeful, with a thirst for self-improvement, passion for competition - be it competition for a girl’s attention or professional competition. Only one thing can prevent a representative of the sign from reaching the top - the inability to set priorities, get quality rest and sometimes think about himself more than about another victory. Therefore, if the Gemini zodiac sign hears which precious stone suits him, he will be surprised! After all, we are not talking about a shining ruby, but about a calm sapphire.

Sapphire is a stone of sages and oracles, which allows Gemini to see themselves from the outside and begin to develop those skills that they had not previously paid attention to. Kamen also helps to relax, restore strength, and get enough sleep. In a silver frame it is useful for those men who were born in June, in a gold frame - in May.

Silver has a calming effect on Gemini, while gold stimulates activity. Therefore, it is better to give accessories of the first category to those who are going on vacation to hot countries after their birthday, and gold - to those who would like to lead an active lifestyle and sit less at home.

A good practice for Gemini is to give “paired” gifts. Similar jewelry is given with emerald, sapphire and diamond. These stones are compatible with each other (it is important to choose two out of three) and look great in both gold and silver.

P.S. To choose a worthy gift to a loved one, date of birth is not enough! In we have collected a number useful tips about how to give a useful and attractive gift! Post your questions to the astrologer and jewelry consultants in the comments to the article.

Sincerely, Svetlana Starova,
Your home astrologer. Especially for an online store

Are you a horoscope aficionado? We, too!

Ruling planet of Gemini: Mercury.
Gemini lucky numbers: 3, 5, 12, 18.
Gemini zodiac sign symbol: twins, hand, star.
Gemini zodiac sign colors: sunny orange, pale yellow, blue-gray, violet.
Twin stones: emerald, sapphire, agate, chrysoprase, jasper, garnet, pyrite, rock crystal, beryl, petrified wood, tiger's eye, topaz, chrysoberyl, citrine, amber.
Gemini flowers: daisy, poppy, ranunculus, jasmine, narcissus.
Gemini metals: gold, silver, amalgam.
Gemini mascots: snake, mask.

general characteristics

Among the negative types of Gemini we meet the experimenter, fetishist, homosexual and pervert. Among the positive types of this sign are a person who takes a vow of celibacy, a self-denying artist, a poet, an athlete, a scientist, and a highly moral person. In general, Gemini's passions are so connected with their mental processes that it is their moods, boredom or interest, that stimulate sexual relations. Here you will find an eccentric who at one time denies all social conventions and joins a group of hippies and public life and then denies this bohemian life. If astrologers were allowed to give any other symbol to the sign, they would call it the chameleon, which changes skin color for camouflage and protection. Gemini's rich, varied abilities allow them to freely operate with a wealth of all kinds of ideas. They are unprejudiced, constantly interested in but very fickle ideas, susceptible to influence, slightly superficial and too absent-minded. People born under this sign are especially capable of mental and written work. They have a clear mind, are helpful and polite, easily make friends with everyone, but are not always constant, especially when it comes to something serious. It should be noted that in some cases they are not positive enough, restless, changeable, and depend on mood. However, they are very observant, endowed with a sense of humor, prone to criticism and do not mince words. Capable of engaging in the arts, literature and sciences, they nevertheless have difficulty concentrating. By temperament: sanguine.

Advantages and disadvantages of Gemini

Advantages. Geminis are remarkable because they are very changeable and have a dual nature. They are prone to quick, sudden changes of places, and not only places, but also work, clothes and even their loved ones. Ruled by fleet-footed Mercury, these people can, like Julius Caesar, do several things at once. In general, Geminis give the impression that they were born with a telephone receiver in their hand. Almost every Gemini knows a few foreign languages, but French is my favorite. People of this sign generally have an excellent gift of speech and can convince anyone of anything. That is why they make such excellent traveling salesmen and sales agents.

Flaws. All Geminis have the ability to carefully hide their true intentions. They are never shy about lying, but this is not a real lie, but more like a game imagination. With all their inclination to fool others, Geminis rarely take the path of crime and for the most part respect the Criminal Code. Like Pisces, they feel the need to behave in complete contradiction to their true desires. That is why they make unsurpassed politicians and good intermediaries in establishing profitable business relations and friendly contacts between by different people. Many Geminis have the gift of diction and become professional writers, but avoid writing autobiographies, memoirs, and especially personal letters, since the thoughts they expressed yesterday may completely contradict what they write tomorrow. They read extremely quickly, but have a bad habit of flipping through a book or magazine from the end.

Gemini men

The sign of Gemini is represented by the active, lively Castor and Pollux, the legendary sons of Zeus and Leda, and, of course, people of this captivating, mysterious sign confuse everyone, including astrologers, with their wavering, fickle personality. What kind of joke did Mother Nature play? What makes Geminis similar, the next moment different from each other? Perhaps only an astrological explanation for them ruling planet Mercury and its influence will help partially explain their duality, their “mercurial” mobility, and a wide range of character traits. Mercury, the “winged messenger of God,” even rules our mental processes. Therefore, Gemini, directly controlled by him, are very intellectual, often superior to other people in this area. Geminis are people of mood. IN bad mood they often do stupid, unwise things that they later regret. Diversity of interests is the main characteristic of Gemini. They are extremely multifaceted, but they must learn to concentrate on one thing and not scatter their strength. Mercury puts a pattern of curiosity into Gemini's brain, which forces them to analyze everything, split it, connect it again, and then move on to the next task. Some Geminis, aware of their mental powers, become smug and prim, adopt a posture of superiority and begin to indulge their desires, which generally ends in intellectual exhaustion and fatigue. Positive traits that Mercury endowed Gemini with: versatility, ease, courtesy, talent, diplomacy, intuition and insight. These are commendable qualities, and it is Gemini's duty to use them correctly to achieve high goals. There is a certain coolness in the nature of Gemini, which is often mistaken for high feelings by both Gemini themselves and other persons. But they are not as emotional as you might think, because the rapid change of their moods is a deceptive depth of feelings. They are democratic in their views, love to travel and find satisfaction in professions that offer comprehensiveness. This is a cheerful, seemingly forever young sign. it's the same classic type"split" personality.

Gemini woman

A woman born under this zodiac sign is rarely happy. She is doomed to yearn for a partner - an ideal one, whom she has been looking for all her life. Lives with a feeling of incompleteness of life. If she finds her ideal, then her life becomes heaven on earth, which happens extremely rarely. If she finds someone close to ideal, then she can be happy. Ordinary person, with whom she comes into contact, is unable to understand her. At times she falls into a state of deep depression, as if yearning for her beloved brother who once died. Continuing her search for her ideal, she encounters complete misunderstanding countless times. She is sensitive, talented, but gives the impression of being abandoned. She is always attractive and successful. Sex is not indifferent to her, but she is looking for a more meaningful partner. Physical pleasure does not give her complete satisfaction. Wanting to be convinced of her attractiveness, she changes partners. Time flies... Gray years pass in succession. Desperate attempts to find her happiness lead her to self-destruction. This is the search astral marriage“, without which life for her is just a pathetic joke of the cruel gods.

Gemini - child

If heaven has given you a child born under the sign of Gemini, you should learn to fly in order to keep up with him. The ideal case is when twins are born under this sign, but more often than not, one Gemini child will cause you more trouble than a couple of others. Duality and inconsistency are the most characteristic Gemini. Your child can be in two places at once, and it can be extremely difficult to keep track of them. Ruled by mercury, this child was born with wings on his legs. Extremely active in everything, the typical Gemini child hates feeling boxed in and seeks constant mental stimulation by exploring his Big world. Provide him with tons of books and toys. Gemini's limitation (spiritual or physical) will make him an emotionally oppressed and trapped adult in the grip of self-searching. Don’t forget to plug your ears with cotton wool more often—living and rebellious mercury bursts out from the Gemini’s throat and controls their vocal abilities. If they sing themselves, then at the top of their lungs; if they listen to music, then at the top of their lungs. An extremely restless sign, Gemini can do two things at once and is able to concentrate on both. A friendly, often problematic and inquisitive sign, Geminis often have a variety of friends. Extremely witty and endowed with a vivid imagination, the Gemini child lives in a dual world of fantasy and reality. Always encourage him to tell the truth because he may get confused between these two worlds. Geminis lack patience and consistency and find that few people are able to listen to them without interruption. It is very difficult to catch this child's moving attention until you arouse his curiosity. But then you will be rewarded with his adoration and diligence.

Gemini's life path

As a rule, Geminis are generous, distinguished by selflessness and generosity, versatile, loyal high ideas, inventive, distinguished by their lively disposition and restlessness. In communication, they are usually friendly and friendly, self-confident, inquisitive; Geminis are often distinguished by slight infantilism, childishness, are inclined to express ill-conceived judgments, are impatient, and fickle. Sometimes Geminis are too indecisive, do not know how to make a strong-willed decision, and are inattentive to other people’s troubles and to the words of their interlocutor; Moreover, most often they turn out to be inveterate debaters. To be successful, Geminis must not be scattered. There will be many changes in their lives, including economic ones. Difficulties due to haste. Quarrels over the other sex, but in the end they get their way by calming down and thinking about the situation or matter.

Gemini career

Geminis are attracted to all professions in which the situation or impressions change every minute, as well as all matters related to the distribution of any products, creative or industrial; they are friendly with agitation (recruitment) and trade. Geminis actively work in the verbal genre, are engaged in science and teaching, since they are natural speakers. A person of this sign will make an advertising agent, announcer, news commentator or weather forecaster, sound engineer, auctioneer, bookseller, office worker information service, person doing social survey, speech therapist, speaker, interpreter, journalist (reporter, librarian, linguist, broker, cartoonist (illustrator), speaker, debater, distributor, parodist, psychoanalyst, writer, composer. They make good lawyers. In ordinary life with a lack of education, this could be a postman, a porter, a manicurist, a typist, a driver, or even a car broker. Sometimes they engage in several professions at once. They are prone to travel, and it is almost always connected with a practical purpose.

Gemini Diseases

They are mainly hampered by nervousness. Stomach diseases and respiratory tract. Should avoid excessive consumption of meat and overwork at work.

Love for Gemini

Their secret relationships often end badly. There is some surface to their feelings. The liberated Gemini tries all types of sex at least once: nothing shocks the Gemini. Since Mercury rules writing, Geminis often keep diaries of their sexual victories, recording various strengths and weaknesses of their partners. Geminis are not overly aggressive and will happily be second in all areas, including sex.

Married life of Gemini

Between Leo and Gemini arises happy union, as a union of mind and strength. Only Leo needs to temper his pride. Taurus has a lot in common, there is a sensual attraction, but Taurus needs to control his character. With the sign of Aquarius and Libra, the union is very harmonious. In addition, there is a physical attraction between Libra and Gemini. Available harmonious union with Aries. A harmonious union with Virgo is very rare: the Gemini type gives a lot of anxiety to the passive nature of Virgo. An alliance with Pisces is unfavorable, since it is very difficult to establish contact between these signs. The same can be said about the sign of Sagittarius. With Scorpio there is a commonality of interests. Cooperation is easily established, but there is no physical attraction. A harmonious union with Capricorn is possible, but the physical differences between these signs are too great. An act of cooperation is possible, but a lasting alliance is very rare.

Probably everyone has heard that each zodiac sign has its own stone, plant, color or metal. The metal of the Gemini zodiac sign is gold - just like Leo and Taurus.

Gemini zodiac sign metal - gold

Since ancient times, metals have been attributed Magic force, and if it is correctly selected taking into account the zodiac sign, it will only benefit and enhance positive traits a person, will protect him from all sorts of troubles.

Astrologers consider metals as a separate kingdom of nature. Of course, it is important to know how they carry out subtle cosmic energies different constellations and planets, how they interact with stones and minerals, and, accordingly, on us.

Therefore, there are clear restrictions on frames made of certain types of metal for various stones. If an astrologer selects a frame for you, then for each stone its metal will be selected according to the person’s cosmogram and his goals.

What metals and stones bring good luck to the Gemini sign

But you can give General characteristics– the zodiac sign Gemini has its own metal. Even ancient beliefs said that metals are conductors of energy, can transform it and at the same time are powerful batteries creative energy. When they are melted down, they only change their shape, but not the properties of subtle matter.

Of the metals most recommended for Gemini, and the most popular, gold can be distinguished. This is a very powerful and strong metal. Not all zodiac signs can wear gold all the time. But Gemini can use metal all the time. Since gold is a solar metal, it has the property of awakening internal energy person, to show his charisma and creative spirit.

In itself, it is one of the most generous, festive and creative metals. Helps resolve heart problems vascular system. The metal of the Gemini sign, gold, “loves” people with a fully formed consciousness, those who have decisively made their choice.

It will help such people to concentrate forces to achieve their goals, direct them, give alternative forces and express a certain power.

It is convenient to combine with the image of almost any person; there are an incredible variety of options on the market - from cufflinks to piercings, and it has always been considered an excellent decoration. You just need to remember its power, but not use it for bad intentions, as it has its dark side.

GEMINI May 22-June 21
IN Greek mythology The Gemini zodiac sign is associated with the myth of Castor and Pollux, twin demigods born by Leda from Jupiter, who descended from Olympus in the guise of a swan. Actually, according to legend, initially only one of the brothers was a demigod - Pollux (or Polydeuces), who possessed immortality; Castor was mortal.

Ruling planet of Gemini: Mercury.
As children, the brothers were raised by Mercury (by the way, the patron planet of this sign). Castor and Pollux accomplished many feats together: together with Jason they participated in the campaign for the Golden Fleece, they defeated Theseus, the conqueror of the Minotaur. Finally, they fell in love with two beautiful princesses and, joining forces, stole them from their suitors. The ridiculed suitors pursued and overtook the brothers. As a result of a fierce battle, Castor died. The shocked Pollux begs Jupiter to grant his unfortunate brother immortality, and he shares eternal life for two equally: alternately living and dying, each of the brothers spends 6 months in the underworld and 6 on Olympus. Therefore, they never appear in the company of the gods together - just as of the two most important stars in the constellation Gemini, one disappears beyond the horizon as soon as the other rises.


Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure.

Sapphire - stone of wisdom

Agate – stimulant of spiritual awakening

Jasper - stone of life

Garnet is a stone that brings good luck in love and friendship.

Rock crystal - a stone of clairvoyants

Beryl - a stone of peace of mind

Topaz - a stone of inner enlightenment

Amber - the magical resin of the ancient forest




It opens shortly after sunrise, which is why it is nicknamed “the eye of the day.” In Greek, daisy means pearl. European knights regarded a bouquet of daisies sent to their beloved as consent to marriage. Louis IX ordered the flower to be depicted on national flag and on the royal ring in honor of his wife Margarita. For many peoples, the daisy is an image of kindness and restraint.

Where did it come from? Russian name This flower is not known for certain. True, some beautiful varieties indeed somewhat similar to the eye. According to others, pansies represent the face of an angry stepmother. Still others, seeing a face in them, do not find anything evil in its expression, but only curiosity, and say that it belongs to a woman who seemed to have been turned into this flower because, out of curiosity, she looked into places where she was forbidden. Three-colored pansies are rightfully considered a symbol of reviving nature: the snow has not yet melted, and they are already winking slyly from the flower beds. White color their corolla represents hope, yellow petals - surprise, purple - sadness. The Hellenes considered pansies a sign love triangle, and the French and English, on the contrary, presented their lovers with a simple bouquet, wanting to declare their love.

The first mentions of fragrant jasmine were found in ancient Egyptian papyri. The Hellenes believed that jasmine was given to people by the goddess of wisdom Athena. In France, pipes and flutes were made from its trunks. Jasmine flowers are honey-bearing, and young leaves are a good seasoning for salads. Scientists have noticed that the scent of jasmine tones and stimulates brain functions.

The legend of the narcissistic Narcissus is probably known to everyone. The name of the flower comes from the Greek word “narkao” - intoxicating. The refined white-yellow narcissus has a pungent, truly intoxicating scent.

The mountain nymph Echo fell in love with the young man Narcissus, to whom she was predicted long life, unless he never sees his face. The arrogant young man remained indifferent to the nymph, and the gods, seeing her torment, punished the proud man: wanting to drink from the stream, he bent over the water and saw himself... And after a while he withered away from love for himself. But the gods took pity and turned him into beautiful flower. “A creation of beauty, immeasurable delight,” Cyrus the Great said about him. In ancient times, yellow daffodils were used to greet triumphants returning to their homeland with victory. For the Chinese, narcissus is a New Year's flower.

Depending on the decade of birth, you can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.

May 22-31 - CHAMOMILE. The character contains the traditional: loves - does not love. She is difficult to understand, although she beckons. Despite her attractive appearance, she tries to sit on her opponent’s job for the sake of a career or just for sport.

June 1-11 - BELL. Conservative. Any change frightens and plunges into despair. Bluebell Rescue - good family, good home. Favorite remedy transportation, if they suddenly send you on a business trip, it’s a train. Fears of air travel.

June 12-21 - DASY. He is not distinguished by romanticism and courage. Quiet, homebody, reinsurer, observer. Most often he participates in events as a collector of gossip. However, in life he will always achieve his goal.


ASH May 25-June 3
Ash is strong and beautiful, slender and elegant, his movements are free. He has a lively character and laughs at life’s difficulties, which is why he may seem like an irresponsible creature to others. However, in fact, those born at this time know very well what they want, and even better - what they don’t want. Ash is proud and strives to ensure that those around him take care of him, think and live the way he likes best, prefers to do only what he wants.

Men. Their mind is based primarily on intuition, and they are characterized by special insight. This ability gives rise to the desire to predict the future. However, Yasen always plays a little with fate, which, however, does not prevent him from being very lucky.

Women. They are extremely selfish, but will generously share everything they have. In pursuit of their own happiness, they are so energetic that they can trample everything that gets in their way.

Love and marriage. Being capricious by nature, in love Ash is surprisingly prudent and constant. He rarely makes mistakes and makes a lot of efforts to improve life together, which he succeeds in doing. His marriage for love can at the same time be a marriage of convenience, but this does not mean that they will be unhappy with him.

GRAB June 4-June 13
Stately, even handsome in his youth, he loses his former charm over time. As a true esthete, Hornbeam treats the world around him with condescension. It is the form rather than the content that attracts his attention. He is ambitious, dreams of awards and honors, yearns for admiration from others. However, he likes to live in accordance with the established order of things, he rarely takes initiative, and is wary of new ideas.

Men. How great is their desire for discipline! They love to obey: the existing order of things, established standards, to the authorities, finally. However, they require "insignia".

Women. They do not like to deviate from accepted norms and rules and are rather reserved about various kinds innovations. In love, people take more care of themselves.

Love and marriage. In love, Hornbeam is distinguished by decency, he can be pleasant and sweet, but he can treat feelings rationally: if life offers him a choice between love and duty, he, as a rule, chooses the second.

FIG June 14-June 23
Figs are not always beautiful, but they have expressive features. He is impressionable, often suffers from an inferiority complex, does not feel good everywhere, does not tolerate difficulties well and needs a comfortable and warm living space. He needs stability, despite the fact that he himself is in many ways fickle. Distinctive features Fig's character is emotional and condescending.

Men. Active and enterprising realists, they are constantly busy with work, although by nature they are very lazy. They are impulsive and full of good intentions, but are constantly forced to struggle with their own weaknesses.

Women. Being attached to family and relatives, they need constant communication with them. Affectionate and emotional, they give to others good mood and a shining smile.

Love and marriage. Fig values ​​simple feelings higher than romantic fantasies; it needs to be understood and accepted for who it is. He is very vulnerable, so you need to be gentle and attentive with Figs.


Sunny orange

Pale yellow






LUCKY NUMBERS: 3, 5, 12, 18.

To the question: Which talisman is suitable for a Gemini Woman for good luck? given by the author Black Hundred the best answer is The Gemini woman is light and relaxed; she can remain a girl at heart until old age. In order to emphasize her youthful nature, she should opt for small rings, thin bracelets and miniature earrings. They will look perfect on her fingers silver rings with cubic zirconia or thin gold rings. Gold thread bracelets or silver ring bracelets will highlight the grace of your wrists. Hoop earrings or small studs will look great in her ears, but medium-sized earrings should be avoided. She needs to look for a more original chain: the classic will not look so advantageous. A Gemini woman can safely wear platinum: this metal suits her perfectly. And also: GEMINI
Gemini birthstones are agate, chrysoprase and beryl.
Agate is a semi-precious stone of various colors. Wearing agate on the left hand makes it possible to overcome irritability and slander. Saves from the evil eye, poisons and many other misfortunes. It gives the owner not only strength, but also eloquence, sharpens vision, quenches thirst and even averts storms and hurricanes. This stone is allowed to be worn during mourning. It is recommended to wear agate beads for chronic cough and diseases of the throat and teeth
Chrysoprase is a bluish green, apple green, grass green or emerald green stone. Considered the most the best mascot For business people. A stone set in gold protects against dishonest contacts, the dangers of trade travel and material damage. Considered a remedy for evil eye, envy and slander. Gives peace of mind. Helps with nervous diseases and eye diseases.
Beryl. Stone blue color brings happiness in matters of the heart, promotes constancy of feelings. Makes a person cheerful, cheerful and friendly. ////In Greek mythology, the Gemini zodiac sign is associated with the myth of Castor and Pollux, twin demigods born by Leda from Jupiter, who descended from Olympus in the guise of a swan. Actually, according to legend, initially only one of the brothers was a demigod - Pollux (or Polydeuces), who possessed immortality; Castor was mortal.
As children, the brothers were raised by Mercury (by the way, the patron planet of this sign). Castor and Pollux accomplished many feats together: together with Jason they participated in the campaign for the Golden Fleece, they defeated Theseus, the conqueror of the Minotaur. Finally, they fell in love with two beautiful princesses and, joining forces, stole them from their suitors. The ridiculed suitors pursued and overtook the brothers. As a result of a fierce battle, Castor died. The shocked Pollux begs Jupiter to grant immortality to the unfortunate brother, and he divides eternal life equally between two: alternately living and dying, each of the brothers spends 6 months in the underworld and 6 on Olympus. Therefore, they never appear in the company of the gods together - just as of the two most important stars in the constellation Gemini, one disappears beyond the horizon as soon as the other rises.
Ruling planet of Gemini: Mercury.
Gemini lucky numbers: 3, 5, 12, 18.
Gemini symbol: twins, hand, star.
Gemini colors: sunny orange, pale yellow, blue-gray, violet.
Twin stones: emerald, sapphire, agate, chrysoprase, jasper, garnet, pyrite, rock crystal, beryl, petrified wood, tiger's eye, topaz, chrysoberyl, citrine, amber.
Gemini flowers: daisy, poppy, ranunculus, jasmine, narcissus.
Gemini metals: gold, silver, amalgam.
Gemini mascots: snake, mask.
Areas on the twin map: England, Armenia, Canada, USA, Egypt, Belgium.
Gemini zodiac signs are extremely charming and surprisingly fickle. People of mood, being out of sorts, often do stupid, unreasonable things that they later regret.
Geminis are very versatile natures, often possessing outstanding intellectual abilities. Some representatives of this sign, aware of their mental powers, become self-satisfied and prim, take a position of superiority and begin to indulge their desires

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