Home Potato Explanatory at the factory. What is an explanatory note? When to write an explanation

Explanatory at the factory. What is an explanatory note? When to write an explanation

Explanatory letter- this is a normative intra-company act, the writing of which is allowed in free form.

However, there is a certain structure and recommendations for filling out this document. First of all, it is the use of business and official style in the text.

In what cases is an explanatory written

At their core, explanatory notes are documents explaining the reasons for certain facts, and are written in cases of committing disciplinary offense in more in labor relations, refers to the second group of explanatory notes on OKUD.

In the all-Russian classifier of management documentation, it is indicated unified form“Explanatory note on violation of labor discipline”, has code 0286091 and belongs to class 0286000 “Documentation for the execution of disciplinary sanctions”.

Explanatory notes are drawn up on a white sheet of A4 format, both in written format by hand and in printed form. Moreover, in some companies there are special forms for explanatory notes.

In some cases, explanatory notes include annexes. It is usually used as medical certificates, documents from the place of study and other things that can confirm good reason misconduct.

Such notes can be both exculpatory, which describes the cause-and-effect relationships of an incorrect action or inaction, as well as explanatory, where clear details of the incident are prescribed, while the employee himself this case is not guilty.

The explanatory note addresses such aspects as:

  • being late
  • Absenteeism
  • Theft
  • Company Policy Violations
  • Arriving at work while intoxicated
  • Amoral behavior

Filling Requirements

According to Russian legislation, an explanatory note is written in the name of the head and transferred to the immediate supervisor structural unit in which the composer is working.

In the event that the employer has decided to apply a disciplinary sanction, an order or instruction is drawn up. Within three working days from the date of issue, this order must be announced to the employee against signature. If the employee refuses to get acquainted with it, an appropriate act is drawn up.

The explanatory note has the following structure:

  • Header of the document, which indicates the name of the organization to which the official is sent this document.
  • The name of the document in this case is "Explanatory Note"
  • Application date and registration number
  • Subject of the statement (reason pr. concerning, about and so on)
  • Main text
  • Name, surname, patronymic and position of the compiler and his signature

IN business style it is important to apply sustainable business turnovers, which in some cases are enshrined in law.

In this case, it is necessary that the completed document meets several requirements at once:

  • authenticity;
  • objectivity;
  • logic;
  • reasoning;
  • brevity;
  • clarity;
  • uniqueness;

An important point of intra-company business correspondence is the fact that all documents must be registered.

In this case, the registration of such documents is carried out according to the order of the head. After the head has studied all the circumstances of the violation and decided on further actions, a signature is put.

Procedure and rules for filling

The explanatory note has a fairly simple structure, which must contain the following data:

  • Name of the structural unit
  • To the head of the organization of the division Resolution
  • FULL NAME. EXPLANATORY NOTE on violation of labor discipline
  • FULL NAME. employee, job title
  • Subdivision name
  • Date of commencement of employment relationship
  • Type of violation
  • Description of the reasons, circumstances of the violation
  • Date of violation
  • Employee position
  • Signature / Signature transcript

Thus, as such, there is no normative form of an explanatory note; each company independently prescribes the necessary requirements.

However, the explanatory note should include two main parts:

  • actual- here it is important to indicate the facts that served as the reason for writing this document
  • causal- here it is necessary to prescribe cause-and-effect relationships.

The practice of using explanatory notes is also used in educational process for violations committed by students in educational institutions.

Sample explanatory note

To the director of LLC "Romashka" Krasina P.P. from the administrator of the trading floor Korneva N.V.

Explanatory letter
Regarding the broken showcase of the trading floor on July 7, 2015, I, Korneva Natalia Vladimirovna, on July 7, 2015, placing the goods in the central showcase of the trading floor, did not calculate my own strength and touched the glass of the showcase door. I do not find my fault in what happened.

I think the reason for this is the incorrect organization of the work of the employees of the trading floor, since when placing large-sized goods, according to the internal regulations, the male administrator should be in charge, while all the men work in a different shift. Please pay attention to organizational structure companies.

Thus, it is important to remember the following:

  • Business style is required.
  • When writing an explanatory note, it is necessary to adhere to a certain structure and indicate the necessary data.
  • After writing the document, you need to register it.

Noskova Elena

I have been in the accounting profession for 15 years. She worked as a chief accountant in a group of companies. I have experience in passing inspections, obtaining loans. Familiar with the areas of production, trade, services, construction.

With situations where you have to writing to provide explanations about a particular error made in the work process, almost every working person faces. Usually such explanatory note the authorities ask for it in the case when the violation committed is significant - i.e. there has been a breach of labor or official duties, and must be kept from wages employee disciplinary action. And then the “violator” has a question of how to write an explanatory note about errors in work so as not to cause even more anger from higher management.

The procedure for compiling a written explanation

The explanatory note on the fact of the identified violations should be drawn up as follows:

  1. In the upper right corner, the position of the person to whom the explanation is intended is indicated.
  2. The following is the name of the organization.
  3. Without abbreviations, the last name, first name and patronymic of the person to whom the explanation is intended.
  4. The position of the employee providing this note and his last name, first name and patronymic are also without any abbreviations.
  5. After the header has been filled in, the name of the document provided is written, i.e. the word "Explanatory" is written in the middle of the line.
  6. An explanatory text is written.
  7. The surname and initials of the employee compiling this document are indicated, as well as his signature and date of compilation.

A sample explanatory note looks like this:

To require an employee to provide an explanatory note in writing is directly only the director, i.e. the employer himself.

Neither managers, nor heads of departments, etc. have the right to demand that the above explanation be written., although they can intimidate employees with this in case of any violations, which is unacceptable.
If the fact of violation on the part of the employee really was, then the best option for him is really to write an explanatory note. Since in case of refusal of this procedure, such behavior on his part may be regarded by higher management as a violation of discipline at work, which may entail more serious consequences up to and including dismissal.

Read also: Vacation for harmful conditions Labor Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Rules to consider when writing a note

How to write an explanatory note correctly so that the boss does not have the opportunity to find fault too much? Before embarking on the preparation of the above document, it is better to consult with a lawyer. If this is not possible, then at least talk about the current situation with colleagues at work and carefully listen to their advice.

You should not lie, trying to justify yourself on paper, if you are really to blame for something. Since this behavior can lead to the creation of more big problems. After all, the lie will still be revealed, and the employee will be “stigmatized” as a liar and a deceiver. Such a turn of events can significantly harm career growth in the future. If the situation did not depend on you, but the management considered you guilty, you can add the following phrase in the explanatory text: "in this case, my actions were oriented to the current situation" or "in this situation, I acted in accordance with the circumstances." Such an explanation can help to get out of the situation with dignity. Also, this record may be at hand in the event of a case in court.

Try to present the facts of violations softer. For example, you should not indicate that you were late for work. This offense seems too serious and for this you can get not only a reprimand, but also a fine that will have to be paid from wages. If instead of “late” to use the word “delayed”, the authorities may treat this misconduct more condescendingly.

It is better to draw up the above document on a computer, and then, after verification, print, sign and provide to the management. This is necessary in order to keep a secret about how worried you were when writing the note. If the document is drawn up manually, the director of the enterprise may expose your excessive excitement, which will be completely displayed on the handwriting (crooked letters, uneven writing of text in a line, etc.), which can also be displayed on how you will be punished - with a fine or just a reprimand.

What if it is necessary to draw up an explanatory note to a person on whom the situation did not depend and other employees are also to blame for what happened? The main thing in this case is not to blame others for everything that happened, thus trying to protect yourself from punishment. And as objectively as possible to approach the situation and write a note as objectively as possible. A well-written explanatory note, the sample of which you saw above, can contribute to the fact that the director will only reprimand you and those who are responsible for what happened. Thus, you not only do not set up colleagues and save normal labor Relations in the team, but you will also look worthy in the eyes of your superiors.

If the violation brought against you is serious enough, but you know that you did nothing wrong, and you are not guilty of anything that happened, then you can defend your innocence to the last and even apply to the court for restoration of justice.
An explanatory note must be provided to the management of the enterprise by the employee within two working days.

How to write an explanatory note correctly is a topical issue when you are late, absent from the workplace or not fulfilling the plan.

This document is characterized by a strict business style, consistency of presentation, lack of emotional coloring, the credibility of the facts.

In case of being late or another unfavorable circumstance at the workplace, the question arises: how to write an explanatory note?

You can draw up such a note either by hand or print it out on a printer and sign it.

Written in a business style. To make the document look weighty, it must contain several mandatory items.

The purpose of writing an explanatory

The explanatory note itself is a document that is in the internal circulation of the enterprise.

The text contains an explanation of the incident, usually with a negative connotation.

To confirm the reasons, attach the relevant documents: certificates from the doctor, including.

The writing of the explanatory note is fixed in article 193 of the Labor Code. It contains the following items:

  • when committing a disciplinary offense, the head of the enterprise may require the employee to write an explanatory note to the director;
  • the employee has the right to reject this requirement;
  • in the absence of an explanatory note, the manager has the right to impose on the employee.

You have to write an explanatory note in the following situations:

  • absenteeism during working hours;
  • being late;
  • non-compliance with the order;
  • failure to meet deadlines.

Important:the explanatory note does not contain requirements or statements; it simply reflects the full picture of what happened.

What does the explanatory

There is no single template on how to write an explanatory note at work.

Although it is free-form, it is recommended that the following items be included:

  1. Name of the organization.
  2. Full name and position of the person in whose name the note is written.
  3. The title is an explanatory note.
  4. The title, which reflects the reason for writing an explanatory note.
  5. Main content.
  6. The date the document was created.
  7. Full name of the compiler and his signature.

It is useful to consider a sample, notes for different situations are presented below.

Important: some enterprises establish their own algorithm on how to write correctly explanatory note at work. In this case, you need to use the established sample.

It is necessary to draw up an explanatory note in the spirit of business correspondence. The following rules apply to her:

  • conciseness of the stated thoughts;
  • truthfulness of information;
  • lack of vernacular turns and profanity;
  • writing in the first person;
  • listing events in chronological order;
  • logic of construction;
  • the presence of the date and personal signature of the employee.

It is preferable to write an explanatory note plain language.

It is important to avoid florid phrases and words that can be interpreted in different ways (and not necessarily in favor of the employee).

If the employee does not see his guilt in what happened, this should be emphasized. This meaning is introduced by the phrases "was forced to ..." and the like.

It is important to indicate in the explanatory only reliable information and to focus on the facts.

In this case, you need to pay enough attention to the choice of words. In some cases, instead of "late", a synonym for "delayed" can mitigate the situation.

If other employees became participants in the events, this can be mentioned without shifting your share of responsibility to others.

Important: when writing an explanatory note, the facts must be conveyed with restraint, as if the events are described from the outside.

It is worth noting that before you write an explanatory note at work correctly, you need to decide on the format.

You should not paint all the details so that the text takes up an A4 sheet.

Just a few sentences are enough to convey the essence of what happened. Otherwise, the text will be difficult to read.

Who should submit the document

When the explanatory note is written, it should be submitted for consideration to an authorized official. Most often, this is the leader.

After reviewing the text of the explanatory note, the head puts his resolution on further actions there.

When a decision is made on disciplinary action, the document is attached as confirmation.

Rules for compiling an explanatory note for being late

You can be late for work for a variety of reasons.

A well-written explanatory note in this case will be very helpful.

  1. In the upper right corner, the data of the head or other person in whose name the document is written are indicated. Full name and position, as well as the name of the enterprise are entered.
  2. Further, it is written from whom the explanatory note is presented: full name and position.
  3. Then the name of the document is indicated in the middle of the line. In this case, "an explanatory note about being late."
  4. Now comes the main body of the document. It is necessary to reliably and restrainedly list the facts that led to the delay. It is useful to attach certificates fixing the indicated reasons for the delay.
  5. At the end, the date is written and a personal signature is put.

It is almost impossible to prepare a single sample for an explanatory note in case of being late.

You can leave for work later than the set time for a variety of reasons.

Wherein general principles layouts remain unchanged.

If there is a possibility that being late will result in backfire and they will have to be challenged, you need to prepare two copies.

One remains in the office, and on the second, which will be in the hands of the employee, a mark of acceptance is put.

Important: after stating the reasons for being late, you can add an insert “considering the circumstances described above, I consider the reason for being late to be valid.”

Sample explanatory letter for being late

As an example, the main part of the explanation for being late might look like this.

“On 10/31/2016, I went to work after a 5-hour delay. There was a pipe break in my apartment. To minimize the damage, immediately, at 9:30, called the emergency service. The waiting time was one hour. Then they started the work, which lasted an hour and a half and was completed by 12 o'clock. Since I live alone, immediately after the completion of the repair work, it was necessary to do the cleaning. As soon as he put things in order, he went to workplace. I notified the head of the department about the current situation and calling the emergency service by phone. Attached to the explanatory note is a document confirming the repair work in my apartment.

Or such an option.

“Regarding being late on August 11, 2016. On August 11, 2016, I was two hours late for work. The reason for this was an incident that happened next to me. Going to a stop public transport, saw how the girl school age A stray dog ​​attacked me in front of me and injured her. The girl was very scared. I stopped, gave first aid and took the girl to the emergency room. After that, I immediately went to the office. In view of the foregoing, I consider the reason for being late to be reasonable.

Writing a note when getting injured

In some cases, the absence from the workplace or failure to fulfill the plan is caused by circumstances that are beyond the control of the employee.

Among these are domestic injuries. In such cases, in the text of the explanatory note, it is necessary to describe what happened and attach a sick leave to the document.

This confirmation is required for payment under a temporary disability certificate.

An explanatory note regarding the injury must be submitted to the Commission on social insurance enterprises.

The chairman of this commission must have a sample of its completion.

Be sure to write down the details of what happened and indicate the name of the medical institution that submitted the sick leave. If the medical institution refuses to issue you a document, you can write to them.

Sample explanatory note in case of non-fulfillment of the plan

One of the cases when you have to write an explanatory note at work is the failure to fulfill the labor plan.

The procedure for registration remains the same - at the top in the right corner it is written to whom the document is addressed and by whom it was drawn up. The name is indicated. Only the main text will differ.

If the plan is not fulfilled, the note may look like this.

“Regarding the failure to fulfill the plan for February 2016. An analysis of the circumstances led me to the conclusion that failure to fulfill the plan was provoked by the bankruptcy of Luch. As a result, many investors suffered. Now, through the media, they spread negative reviews, which also affect the activities of the Nadezhda cooperative. The influx of new customers Lately decreased significantly, and regular visitors began to worry about the safety of their deposits. If we pay more attention to the advertising of services, the situation may improve.”

At the end, the date of compilation is indicated and the signature of the employee is put.

Sample document in case of non-fulfillment of the order

If, due to some circumstances, official assignments were not fulfilled, the note is drawn up in the same business style.

“Regarding the damage to the advertising stand. On November 1, 2016, an advertising stand of Svet LLC was damaged on Pervomaiskaya Street. On the occasion of vandalism on the same day it was reported to the police. I ask you to take into account the expediency of installing anti-vandal installations.”

What to consider in non-standard situations

There are cases when you have to write an explanatory note after one of your colleagues has submitted a memo to the director. The reasons for this may vary.

If as a result there were claims from the authorities, an explanatory note should be well prepared.

In such a situation, it is important to take into account a number of points.

  1. It is worth finding out why the memo was written.
  2. Invite the director to get acquainted with his version of what is happening so that his view is more objective.
  3. Write a note so as not to aggravate relations in the team.

Often, audits and inspections are carried out at the workplace.

If inconsistencies were identified during such a check, an explanatory note may be required.

Important: if after the check an act of violation or non-compliance was drawn up, it must contain a reference to a specific paragraph job description .

Before writing an explanatory note, you need to:

  • check the requirements presented with the requirements of the job description;
  • if there was no violation as such, this should be indicated in the explanatory note.

In all these cases, when thinking about how to write an explanatory note to the director, the same rules should be observed.

First, indicate in whose name and from whom the paper is being written, then briefly state the reasons for what happened.

To correctly write an explanatory note at work, you need to learn the basic rules for compiling business documents.

It is maintained in a strict style, thoughts are presented concisely and consistently, only reliable information is provided.

It is necessary to indicate the reasons for what happened in chronological order. The document is dated and signed at the end.

Client Creating a memo and sending it for approval

How to write an explanatory note: Sample and basic principles compiling

The text is drawn up in free form, but the document itself must have a number of mandatory details:

  • addressee - full name and position of the head, name of the organization, the document must necessarily have an indication of who it is intended for;
  • the name of the document and its title;
  • date of writing;
  • employee's signature;
  • a text describing the event and explaining what happened.

The focus should be on the text. It is necessary to briefly and succinctly describe the situation - what kind of error was made in the work, what consequences this error caused for the organization's activities.

The text should be concise and short. An explanatory note should not be turned into an essay, it is still an important document intended for the head of the organization. Excessive information, emotions can cause unnecessary questions from the management, so you should write concisely and to the point.

After the description of the error made by the employee is given, the reasons for this should be written. It is necessary to try to indicate an objective and good reason. But if this is not possible, you should not shift the blame on another, blame other employees, management will not approve of this. It is better to try to refer to the circumstances - a heavy workload at work, a large and continuous flow of customers, a mechanical error due to a busy day, bad feeling or some other reason.

If an employee admits his guilt in a mistake, it is imperative to express his remorse, assure management that such a mistake will not be made in the future, convince everyone that everyone will be accepted necessary measures to prevent such a thing.

An example of an explanatory note about an error in work:

Director of Alfa LLC

Tupolev A.A.

from an accountant

Kukharkina A.P.

Explanatory letter

about an error in filling out documents

On August 26, 2015, I incorrectly indicated the prices for products in the consignment note No. 432 and invoice No. 564, they were overstated by 10%. The buyer, seeing the inflated prices, refused to accept the goods, in connection with which he returned to the warehouse of Alfa LLC.

The error that occurred was caused by the increased workload on the day the document was prepared. On August 26, my partner was absent due to illness, and therefore, I had to do the work for two. The documents were prepared at the end of the working day, when severe fatigue caused inattention in the performance of work.

I admit my mistake. I will try to be more attentive to the work and filling out documents in the future.

08/26/2015 Kuharkina A.P.

Also, as an example, we suggest downloading a sample explanatory note from the link below.

Sample explanatory note about an error in work -.

Discussion: 5 comments

    Hello, I made an overpayment upon dismissal, you need to write an explanatory note.

    To answer

    1. Hello, Elena.
      Write in free form, indicate the reason for the overpayment - inattention, workload, fatigue, someone distracted, incorrect initial data, etc. Use the sample in the article.

      To answer

    Hello! At the company with which I was fired on 11/18/16, there was a check from the statistics, as a result of which distortions of the data on the report of 12 tons were revealed. They drew up an act and a protocol for me. Court tomorrow. I need to write an explanatory note so that if they punish me, then at a minimum. In the job description, the duties included "Preparing established reports." By order, I was not responsible for this report. + to this I was on sick leave and on vacation, and I don’t know who gave the data for the report. In general, tomorrow you need to explain everything to the judge.

    To answer

    Hello, could you please tell me how to write an explanatory note. I work as a nurse in a hemodialysis laboratory. I made a mistake in the nephron program. In the month of August. And now, after verification, they demand an explanation. I have been working in hemodialysis since June of that year. And so in August I still did not understand this program very much. And I don't know what to do

    To answer

    1. Hello Veronica.
      So write, did not possess sufficient level knowledge in the area of ​​the program, there was little experience. You made a mistake, so in the explanatory text, realize the mistake, promise to be more careful.

      To answer

Be sure to use it. But, based on the laws, you have both duties and rights. Remember that a subordinate's failure to provide a written explanation is not a disciplinary offence. That is, it is up to you to write an explanatory note or not to write.

Explanatory: sample

The explanatory has a very simple standard: the information is presented as briefly as possible in the simplest possible language. Avoid complex ambiguous expressions and ornate verbal expressions. In disputed cases, they may be interpreted not in your favor.

Here is an example explanatory text:

« On such and such a date of the month of the year such an event took place. I, first name, patronymic, can report the following about what happened. » If you do not see your guilt in this situation, be sure to emphasize this in the explanatory note. Do not forget to use the magic phrase, especially loved by the police and the military: In the current situation, I was forced to act on the basis of these circumstances. ».

Proper formatting of the explanatory

If you have a choice, try not to write an explanation by hand, and print it. In serious cases, specialists are involved in the study of what has been written: forensic specialists, handwriting experts, and graphologists. By their appearance, shape, sizes of letters and lines, they draw different conclusions, sometimes even unpleasant for the accused.

How to write an explanatory note at work

The perfect explanatory is the pure truth. Try to state only the facts, without distorting or embellishing them. But remember that synonymous words are sometimes perceived differently. For example, "delayed" and "late". Being late is definitely a disciplinary offense. But the forced delay-violation is much smaller, almost harmless.

If other employees are involved besides you, be objective in describing this fact. Do not shift the blame on others if you are also to blame, and do not try to reduce personal accounts: the team does not forgive such actions. State the facts as discreetly, dryly, as if from the outside.

Explanatory is not a sentence

Your career and life do not end with writing an explanatory note. In some cases, you can even turn this document to your advantage. For example, to state in it your proposals for improving the production process. Try to compose an explanation correctly and correctly. And suddenly it will be the impetus for the development of your career?

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