Home Roses How to open a flower boutique. How to open a flower business in stages, where to start and what to look for

How to open a flower boutique. How to open a flower business in stages, where to start and what to look for

The initial investment amount is 430 000 rubles.

Break-even point reached in the second month of work.

The payback period is 6 months.

Average monthly profit of the 1st year of project implementation 121 000 rub.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Flower shop - profitable business which will allow with minimal investment receive significant profits, because not a single holiday or celebration is complete without a bouquet.

Assortment of colors:

  • carnation, bush carnation (at least 3 shades);
  • chrysanthemums (3-4 shades);
  • roses (from 10 to 15 different shades);
  • spray roses (about 5 shades);
  • gerbera (3-5 shades);
  • tulips;
  • peonies.

In addition to the usual Russian territory flowers must be offered and exotic, brought from tropical countries:

  • orchids;
  • strelitzia;
  • freesia;
  • anemones;
  • ranunculus;
  • irises;
  • anthuriums.

Rare types of flowers, unlike those that are bought every day and in large quantities, must be submitted in several copies. For buyers, you can print special brochures in which there will be a story not only about this type of plant, but also about how to care for it, conditions of detention, etc.

The assortment of the offered goods:

  • Cut flowers;
  • A flower arrangement made by a florist using packaging materials playing important role in the flower business, because it depends on them beautiful design bouquets;
  • Souvenirs.

Characteristics of packaging materials:

  • gift wrapping for flowers and flower arrangements;
  • handbags made of various materials;
  • wrapping paper for every taste;
  • boxes for packing flower arrangements;
  • baskets for bouquets;
  • ribbons, floral bows, rhinestones.

To increase the profit of your business, you can provide the following types services:

  • services for the decoration of premises for celebrations;
  • conducting master classes in floristry.

3. Description of the sales market

Today the market for flower shops is quite competitive. There are low barriers to entry and good prospects development. Thus, in order to take your place in this niche, you need to make the most of your opportunities and find new and original ways of development. On this moment online flower shops are gaining special relevance. This is due to the fact that people are increasingly using the Internet to make purchases, including flowers and bouquets. Today flower shops sell not only flowers, but also baskets with sweets, wines, gifts, decorated with flowers. These gifts become especially relevant in the pre-holiday time. In general, the period from late December to mid-March can be called the highest due to a large number holidays in this period of time. Many flower sellers make more profit in those 3.5 months than in the rest of the year. The activity is also manifested in May and September.

There are specific dates for the peak of flower sales:

  • September 1;
  • The 14th of February;
  • March 7 - 9;
  • May 25.

The target audience

Flowers are actively bought and presented by the widest layers of citizens. The core of the target audience is working youth aged 18-35. This group of buyers can be considered the main one in terms of generating store revenue: they give flowers to each other, their parents, grandparents, and pay for the purchase of flowers for children during the holidays.

People buy flowers for different purposes:

  • The desire to congratulate someone on a special occasion;
  • Desire to show attention to the opposite sex;
  • Purchase a means of decorating the interior of both private homes and public places.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

The main goal of the project is to open a flower shop and maximize its profits.

Review of the real estate market for the selection of the optimal premises.

Requirements for store premises:

A separate stationary pavilion with an area of ​​20-40 m2 or a room of the same area on the ground floor of an office building or a residential building;

Windows and the entrance must open to the first line or be in sight from it;

It is desirable that the building is located near the carriageway and next to the bus stop public transport;

Possibility of placing a sign;

The presence of a water supply and a bathroom.

Registration of a legal entity.

Opening your own flower shop, special attention should be paid to organizational and legal issues. It is very important to have all the necessary information and work according to the law in order to avoid various fines.

  1. Organizational and legal form - individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. It is more profitable for an entrepreneur to choose the simplified tax system “Income minus expenses” 15%.
  3. The presence of the "Program of sanitary production control" is required. It is carried out only once - after approval by Rospotrebnadzor.
  4. It is obligatory to have contracts for deratization, pest control and disinfection.
  5. Ventilation and air conditioning systems must also be maintained and disinfected.
  6. Obligatory contract for the removal and disposal of solid waste.
  7. There are requirements for the internal documentation of the store. So, the organization should have:
    • journal for accounting of expired products;
    • disinfectants register;
    • assortment list of products sold.
  8. All products will require sanitary permits from the SES or corresponding quality certificates.
  9. It is worth reading Customs Code and Rosselkhoznadzor regulations that apply to plants.
  10. Please note that you do not need to obtain a license to sell flowers, but you will have to obtain a permit to trade in flowers.
  11. If you accept payment from clients by bank cards, then you need to open a checking account.

6. Organizational structure

Staffing table:

  • director - 1,
  • seller / florist - 2,
  • courier - 1.

The total number of staff is 4 people.

Requirements for all candidates:

  • active life position;
  • high communication skills;
  • benevolence;
  • honesty;
  • discipline;
  • a responsibility.

Florist requirements:

  • good taste;
  • the ability to interest the buyer;
  • work experience in similar positions;

Salary fund


Salary for 1 employee (rub.)

The number of employees

Salary Total (rub.)


Salesman/ florist


General fund of salary

7. Financial plan

The sales plan for the project is forecasted taking into account the seasonality of this business. A gradual increase in sales is forecasted in the first 3 months of the project. Despite the seasonality of this business, the sales structure is diversified in such a way that the store constantly makes a profit.

Thus, the considered baseline scenario is realistic, and the project has a reserve for increasing sales in case of a successful entry into the market.

Sales plan for the 1st year of project implementation, rub.

Sales structure

1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month

Cut flowers

number of sales

average check, rub

total, rub.

Flower arrangements

number of sales

average check, rub.

total, rub.


number of sales

average check, rub.

total, rub.

number of sales

average check, rub

total, rub.

Floristry workshops

number of sales

average check, rub

total, rub.

Total revenue, rubles

Sales structure

7 month

8 month

9 month

10 month

11 month

12 month

Cut flowers

number of sales

average check, rub

total, rub.

Flower arrangements

number of sales

average check, rub.

total, rub.


number of sales

average check, rub.

total, rub.

Services for the decoration of premises for celebrations

number of sales

average check, rub

total, rub.

Floristry workshops

number of sales

average check, rub

total, rub.

Total revenue, rubles

Procurement structure for the 1st year of project implementation, rubles

Purchasing structure

1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month

Flowers (realized)

Flowers (unrealized)

Flowers, total:



Purchases, total:

Purchasing structure

7 month

8 month

9 month

10 month

11 month

12 month

Flowers (realized)

Flowers (unrealized)

Flowers, total:



Purchases, total:

Thus, 15% of the purchased flowers remain unrealized and are written off as losses. The markup for flowers is 200%, the markup for souvenirs is 100%. The cost of packaging is 5% of the sale of the bouquet.

Taking into account the purchase of goods, raw materials and materials, the average monthly cost is 384,500 rubles.

The financial result for the first year of operations is presented in the table. The average net profit for the first year of operation is 121,000 rubles.

1 month

In the views of many ordinary people flower business is an attractive and profitable occupation. However, if the question of how to start a flower business from scratch is tackled closely, then a lot of "pitfalls" will emerge. Having an understanding of the peculiarities of the flower market, all the pros and cons, it will be possible to minimize possible risks.

The basic principle of the flower business

WITH bad mood people are unlikely to go to the store for flowers. This means that the main task of the owner of this business is to make sure that the great mood of the visitor is preserved. It is important to be able to guess what the consumer wants and offer the buyer different products, depending on the event for which the bouquet is provided.

Before starting your own flower business, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances that will come in handy for beginners.

  • The markdown of the goods must be made in a week, without waiting for the moment when the bouquets begin to fade;
  • The landlord must submit a so-called "rental vacation" (not involving payment), lasting 7-14 days in order to equip the premises;
  • Need to find out if utilities in the rental value.

Important! It should not be forgotten that the style and originality of the design of the bouquets is the guarantee of an inexhaustible flow of customers who always appreciate this approach.

Getting started is troublesome

The problem of how to start a flower business from scratch should be approached responsibly. It is highly recommended to establish what is the smartest place to start, what is needed to open a flower shop.

Collecting documents

Regardless of what area the trade pavilion will occupy, the owner must have a certain set of documents:

  • Permitting documents for engaging in trade (in accordance with No. 381-FZ), for obtaining which you can apply to the district council;
  • conclusion from the san-epidem. authorities that the retail space meets the required sanitation standards;
  • do not forget about the book of complaints and suggestions;
  • you should take care of the invoices for the products presented in the store;
  • a price list for the goods offered to consumers (this item can be omitted).

The package of these documents must be presented to the buyer at the first request. And here is a lease agreement, a document certifying registration cash register, as well as the documentation for the equipment should always be at hand in case the inspection authorities appear.

Each member of the team must have a medical book and a card indicating the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee and a photograph.

Choosing a place

Perhaps the very first steps in the flower business should be aimed at determining the location of the store. This largely determines how successful the whole event will be. For some, it is absolutely indifferent to where to buy flowers, any store is suitable, and some are ready to drive through the whole city to their favorite salon and buy a bouquet there.

In order not to be mistaken with a place, you need to have a clear idea of ​​potential buyers. Usually fresh, only cut flowers are in a hurry to buy the male half. They will not notice graceful potted plants, preferring beautiful roses or, at worst, chrysanthemums.

Women are more fond of potted plants and exotic flora. Ladies who are well versed in gardening are ready to acquire various types of plants with enviable consistency, replenishing their collections with them. In addition to flowers, they are interested in drainages, soil, fertilizers, and decorations. Such buyers will choose a flower shop located close to the house and, most likely, next to the bus stop.

Assortment features

For relatively small areas the best option will be the implementation of freshly cut flowers. In such establishments, customers will not look for houseplants or related products. Among other things, this category of space requires a lot. In such shops it is recommended to sell carnations, roses, gerberas, different types of tulips.

If the pavilion has an area of ​​more than 20 sq. m., then the varieties of the presented goods should be expanded. Orchids, irises, anthuriums are added. It would be nice to expand the varietal stock of roses.
Large flower shops (with an area of ​​30 sq. M.) Have the opportunity to diversify their product range with indoor potted plants, soil, fertilizers and various accessories.

Area 50 sq. m and above allows you to bring the variety of the store to maximum values... Exotic varieties, large potted plants, a wide variety of soil will sell well here. Pavilions with a large retail space can offer to pack products. Alternatively, you should start making designer postcards from fresh flowers.

Personnel is important

Resolving the issue of personnel in a business involving the sale of flowers is not an easy task, it deserves special attention... The return on investment depends on how professional the sellers are. Only those who are inherently capable of working in this industry creative thinking and developed fantasy. In addition, employees are required to have special skills and knowledge in caring for different types of plants. The seller's responsibilities include both creating custom-made bouquets and consulting consumers. Whether the buyer wants to come to this pavilion again depends on the friendliness and professionalism of the consultant.

For receiving special education, those who wish can go to special courses in floristry. However, the possession of a document confirming the completion of training on this issue does not at all mean that the employee has become a professional. A specialist must love his work, flowers are a special product that requires tenderness and respect for oneself.

Flower shop staff are expected to have another irreplaceable quality - sales skills. Attracting a buyer is not easy, you also need to know how to do it. To stimulate such qualities, an entrepreneur can use a special wage scheme. To do this, you need to not just limit yourself to setting a standard rate for work time but also provide a percentage of actual sales. Thus, the employee will have a task to sell maximum amount goods per day in order to earn more, respectively.

Setting up your flower business requires not only a trained florist and salesperson, but also an accountant and administrator. An online store will require a driver and a courier.

Decency and honesty are the main qualities that must be present in employees. However, the entrepreneur himself should behave kindly with his subordinates.

Important! Any business should be built on mutual understanding between workers and employers. The success of the event depends on this.

What equipment is required

Those who are puzzled by the problem of how to start their flower shop from scratch should purchase the required equipment.

I need to buy furniture good quality, flowerpots with flowers and already created bouquets will flaunt on it. Those who wish have the opportunity to contact specialized companies that will gladly offer their services in the supply of commercial equipment for different types business, including everything for a flower shop. It is recommended that you remember that a flower-based business involves attracting enough a large number buyers. What else can interest potential consumers, if not the colorful design and professionalism of employees, can you interest potential buyers ?!

Short shelf life is a distinctive feature of the flower business. Someone is afraid of this aspect. To extend the life of your flower garden, you should take care of purchasing special refrigerators and freezers. A less costly option is also allowed - the use of industrial refrigerators. Such equipment can be found in supermarkets and regular stores, they store meat, milk, sausage products and cheese.

If a flower pavilion acquires such a technique, then it should be installed in a warehouse, thereby hiding from prying eyes... Why should buyers know that the rose did not come directly from Holland, as they think, but retained its freshness and presentable appearance thanks to special conditions storage.

The benefits of a flower business

For those who have planned, but do not know how to start a flower business from scratch, the question of profitability is important. Whether the flower business is profitable is not problematic to calculate.

It should be noted that this area is perhaps one of the most profitable. The cheat for 1 flower is off scale and sometimes varies within the range of 100-150%. If we consider the average profitability of a store selling such products, then it can be estimated at about 50%, and this is taking into account rental costs, salaries, unforeseen expenses and marriage, without which you cannot do in this matter.

Shop profitability is largely determined by the experience and professionalism of the seller. It will be possible to achieve an increase in the sold goods due to the ability to competently make bouquets and properly care for flowers.

Positive and negative aspects of the flower business

Before starting a flower shop business, you need to consider all the pros and negative sides this event.

Among the advantages the following are worth noting:

  • Fast start. Like any other business, flowers also require a certain initial capital. but big money not needed here. It will be enough 8-10 thousand dollars to open your point at the metro or at a bus stop.
  • In case of failure, it is also easy to wind up a business. It will only be necessary to get rid of the equipment, sell it, and resolve the documentary side of the issue.
  • An impressive mark-up is a feature of this business. A rose purchased in Holland for $ 1 is sold here for $ 2, 3 and even $ 5.

But in flower sales there are also limitations:

  • Limited shelf life. The product is short-lived and there is always a marriage in a new batch, the plants begin to wither quickly, and lose their presentable appearance.
  • Business is seasonal. Sometimes on holidays, for example on March 8, you can expect to receive annual revenue. However, there are also "dead" seasons. Few flowers are sold in summer.

The listed nuances need to be taken into account by everyone who is tormented by the question of how to open a flower shop in small town or a millionth megalopolis.

How to do a flower business at home

Deciding where to start a flower business at home is not difficult at all. First, you need to register an online store. Resources for its location can be as follows:

  • Maintaining an independent website;
  • Implementation through social networks;
  • Fair sites offering various goods and services.

Any of these methods has both advantages and disadvantages. If you create your own site, then you need to try to promote it later, which implies certain costs. The social network limits the possibilities, but the site is absolutely free.

The online store has a significant advantage, which is minimal risks. To establish work, you just need to get a supplier who, as much as possible short time able to sell you the required batch of flowers.

Having an idea of ​​how to start a flower business from scratch, it will be possible to minimize the possible risk and implement a promising event that can bring good income.

The flower business is quite a profitable sphere - according to statistics, only one store is closed, out of ten. Therefore, if you decided to do it, then you made the right choice. In addition to all the so-called aesthetic beauty, it is also very profitable. In this article, this niche will be described in detail.

Initial attachments: RUB 320,000 The number of employees: 1
Planned income per month: RUB 250,000 Market competition: High
Estimated monthly costs: RUB 150,000 Payback: Low

Like any field, the flower business has its own nuances. Starting from the problem of finding suppliers, ending with storage and sale. Since this is a fairly competitive niche, it should stand out from the rest. Also, the success depends on many factors, consider everything in the business plan. Starting from climatic conditions, ending with population density and infrastructure development.

The advantages of such a business:

  • high profitability;
  • several ways of development;
  • the possibility of gradual scaling;
  • the ability to expand the range without investment;
  • many peak periods for sales;
  • the ability to embody aesthetic creativity.

Cons of such a business:

  • high cost of logistics to remote regions;
  • the problem of finding normal suppliers;
  • safety of goods;
  • dependence on the dollar exchange rate;
  • dependence on weather conditions.

Where to begin

How to start a flower business? First of all, you need to analyze the market for demand. This can be done simply by walking around the city and counting the existing stores. Further, it is necessary to calculate the available capital and the rental cost, in this case it is very expensive.

Where to get flowers

If the population of the city is about a hundred thousand people, then most likely you have large sellers. They can do wholesales... If you still could not find a supplier, you need to look in the nearest big city... If this option did not work either, you need to look for contacts on the Internet. It is also quite profitable to work directly with suppliers from Ecuador and Holland.

Business organization options

When you are a budding businessman, it is advisable to choose directions and options for development. In the paragraphs below, we will cover the main ones. Also, it is advisable to determine the scope of your competence in matters of this niche. This can be the ability to decorate flowers, define freshness, or beautifully combine a bouquet. Based on the capital available, determine what kind of flowers you will sell, what related products, and so on.

Sale of home flowers

If you have enough free time and free space, this is an option on how to start a flower business from scratch. But keep in mind that there are quite a few types of such plants. Build though small business, in such conditions it is quite difficult. But if you live in a rural area and have your own plot, this opens up more opportunities. It is quite possible to grow flowers on the site, creating greenhouse conditions for them.

Several types of flowers that can be grown at home:

  • chrysanthemums;
  • pelargonium;
  • tulips;
  • azaleas;
  • annual asters.

Photo gallery "Types of flowers"

Salon opening

It is fair to say that a flower salon is an order of magnitude higher than a regular store. The difference lies in the range of services provided to clients. In the first case, it is only selling flowers and making bouquets. But in the second, it is an opportunity to order the decoration of surfaces with flowers, the creation of designer baskets and so on. More often, showrooms even visually look more luxurious than shops.

average cost salon launch:

  • rental of premises (100,000 rubles);
  • showcases and stands (70,000 rubles);
  • florist (30,000 rubles);
  • expendable materials(20,000 rubles);
  • the first batch (150,000 rubles).

Total: 320,000 rubles.

Online shopping and delivery

In the case of this group of goods, you can start a business without capital investment. This can be done using the online store. The latter can serve as a channel for additional sales, and starting position at the start of a business. Shipping from an online store drives sales and positive reviews quite strongly. The main thing, in this case, is the punctuality of the courier and the availability of a vehicle.

Ask anyone if he would like to become a businessman, and he will surely answer that he would like to. Firstly, it is very prestigious, secondly, any businessman is his own boss, and thirdly, a business, as a rule, has no restrictions on profitability. But what business to open so that it brings income and success? Today it is not difficult to find, it is much more difficult to come up with them yourself. However, it is not worth reinventing the bicycle either; you can simply choose one of the most cost-effective and to your liking.

Business ideas are completely different. There are those that can work for a person without special knowledge and skills, there are those that practically do not require investment (for example,). Desire, analysis of your capabilities and the size of the start-up capital (or its actual absence) will help to make the choice. Opening a flower shop can be one of the most profitable and interesting types of business.

How to start a flower shop from scratch?

You don't have to be a florist to open a flower shop. However, it is advisable to have experience in running a business or at least in sales. In addition to routine things like choosing premises and purchasing assortments, you need to register your business. Registration must be carried out with the relevant authorities as an individual entrepreneur with OKVED (code 52.48.32 - Retail trade in flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers). After purchasing a cash register, you must register it.

The following package of documents will be needed:

  • SES conclusion;
  • Trade permit;
  • Delivery notes for goods.

In addition, you will need a cash register, a lease agreement for the premises, as well as a price list.

What does it take to open a flower shop?

It's no secret that to successfully open any business you need a desire, a business plan and some start-up capital... Specifically, the flower business requires the purchase of flowers and materials for decorating bouquets, the presence of a warm room, employees, and, of course, a beautiful and memorable name for the store.

Choosing a place for the store

Choosing a location to open a flower shop can greatly affect the profitability of your business. The most profitable places can be considered the places near the registry office or park. The transport interchange will also be an excellent location. In addition, the accessibility of the store for both pedestrians and motorists is important.

Room selection

The room must first of all correspond to SES requirements as well as being comfortable, warm and welcoming. By the way, on the basis of a regular store, you can also open an online store with delivery.

Types of premises:

  • Flower kiosk;
  • Floristry salon;
  • Flower shop.

The choice may depend on the profile and starting capital. For a flower kiosk, a room at 8-10 am will be enough square meters, for a large-scale store, you will need about 30-40 square meters.

Purchase of goods

To build relationships with good suppliers, you just need to find them on the Internet. Pay attention not only to their ads and portfolios, but also to the testimonials of their customers. As a rule, the work is coordinated 2-3 weeks before the deliveries themselves, and before the holidays - 3-5 weeks.

Advice: try to cooperate with at least two or three suppliers. This will help to avoid problems with supplies, even if some of your partners suddenly have force majeure circumstances.

Assortment selection

You don't need to be a florist to run a flower business. But you need to understand which plants should be included in the assortment and how to sort them.

In addition to standard cut flowers, keep potted plants, seeds, fertilizers, soil, roots, packing materials, stuffed animals, postcards, and souvenirs in the store.

The most popular flowers are roses, chrysanthemums, tulips, lilies, hyacinths, orchids and other popular plants. You should not buy flowers in large quantities. And in the salon it is necessary to maintain a special microclimate, especially for capricious plants.


A well-chosen staff is very important, especially in the early stages of your flower business. It will be enough to hire two experienced or at least just graduated specialists with medical books. Florist training is very important, especially when dealing with capricious plants and flowers.

Advice: over time, it will be possible to hire employees and train them from scratch so that they know all aspects of work in your store, and you have confidence in them as specialists.


First of all, in a flower shop or salon, you need an industrial refrigerator in which you can store plants without damaging them. Racks for souvenirs, packaging materials and potted flowers, stands, shelves and counters are also needed. The design of the store must be aesthetically pleasing, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness and fresh air in room.

Flower shop name

As you name the ship, so it will float - an old, but very true truth. And it is not always easy. You can contact advertising professionals, or you can call a flower salon by the name of your beloved wife or daughter, as well as by the name of an outlandish flower. The name should be stylish, memorable and trendy. The flower shop "Romashka" can only recall the remnants of the Soviet past, but if you call the flower shop "Azalea" or, for example, "Magnolia", even the sign itself will be striking. If a store delivers flowers along with baskets of fruits and gifts, it can be called "Eden", which will be associated with beauty and luxury. The name of a flower shop can also be associated with a location. For example, if it is located at an intersection, it can be called an "Oasis". If you call the flower salon "Eternal Summer" and make a thematic interior, it will be very bright, stylish and memorable. You should not give names that are trivial and meaningless. Then he will automatically doom himself to low popularity. The most important thing is that the name is not only beautiful, but also sonorous and memorable. This is important both for word of mouth and for simply hearing the store among the townspeople.

Flower shop advertisement

Today there are a huge number of ways to advertise any product or service. It can be advertising on television, and advertisements in newspapers and on message boards, and jingles on the radio ... It all depends on the budget and taste. It will be useful to create your own website and groups in social networks. By the very opening of the store and by the holidays, you can arrange promotions and distribute flyers. The brighter the store opening, the more likely it will be popular.

Advice: the idea of ​​opening a flower business is not new, and there are a lot of competitors in this business. Therefore, the approach to the store must be creative. It is advisable to come up with some own flavor or know-how that will be inherent only in your salon. Moreover, in this way you can not only attract attention, but also make the store constantly be heard.

Is the flower business profitable?

Today, business has become very popular, and also began to open up everywhere. Flowers are grown in the same way. This type of crop production in recent times has become not only popular but also very cost-effective. But is it profitable to sell flowers?

People have been buying flowers from time immemorial. Both before and now they are given to artists, wives, loved ones, teachers, and some buy bouquets for themselves, just to put them in a vase at home. Therefore, flowers have not lost their popularity, and their sales will be profitable for many more years.


So how much start-up capital should be in order to start a profitable business? This type of activity does not apply to methods, so you will have to either earn and accumulate, or apply to the state for subsidies. However, you can get by with an amount of 500-600 thousand rubles. The costs are the following:

  • Registration of an enterprise - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Premises rental plus its renovation (if required) - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment (including a refrigeration unit) - about 200 thousand rubles;
  • Salary for employees - 30-40 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising - 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of goods (first batch) - 50-70 thousand rubles;
  • Associated expenses - 30-60 thousand rubles.

Profit from the flower business

A flower business, like any other, must withstand a period when there is practically no income, and its owner will have to wait some time for the costs to pay off. This usually takes about 3-4 months, but sometimes even six months or a year. Don't wait and big revenue, it increases gradually month by month. The price of the product should be set at least 200% of the purchase price, otherwise there will be no profit at all. It is not worth buying huge batches of products for the first month either.

With the most conservative estimates and taking into account all costs, you can get the following picture:

  • The loss for the first month will be about 80-70 thousand rubles;
  • Loss for the second month - 40 thousand rubles;
  • Loss for the third month - 10 thousand rubles;
  • The profit for the fourth month will be 10 thousand rubles;
  • Profit for the fifth month - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Profit for the sixth month - 30 thousand rubles.

As we can see, in the first 3-4 months, funds will have to be invested without making a profit. Investments will have to be made, in particular, in the purchase of products and wages for employees. In the future, revenues will grow, and their growth will depend on advertising, demand and many other factors.

Flower business from scratch - reviews

Many people start a manufacturing business. Including today there are many owners, whose reviews can be found on the network in huge amount... Flowers can also not only be sold, but also grown, as some people do. However, if you do not understand the cultivation of flowers, it is better not to undertake such an activity. However, positive feedback there are also a huge number of people who specialize only in sales.

I loved flowers since childhood. Moreover, both potted and garden ones. Probably, this love is hereditary, because it is passed from generation to generation. My mother once kept a small flower stall, and from the early morning, having cut flowers at home (of which we had whole plantations), she sold in the city on a small area. Her father helped her, transported all the products. Often her mother's hands were chapped, but she loved her job. I decided to follow in her footsteps. First, she received a florist certificate, studying to be a manager at the institute, then, after working for some time in a flower shop and saving up money, she opened her own small stall. Only mine was already equipped and warm. Mom was already retired by that time, and it turned out that it was she who was the supplier of the products. And I'm glad. Together with her we organized small business with all certificates. We gradually began to expand. We opened another similar stall and hired a salesperson. We saved money. Today, my mother and I own a whole network of small flower shops and shops. My growing daughter also wants to become a florist. After all, flowers are wonderful! I will gladly help her in her endeavors.

It's not that I've always wanted to be in the flower business. I had my own car wash, which my parents helped me to open when I was 25 years old. And she brought in very good income. When I got married and my son was born, I brought my wife a huge bouquet of roses to the hospital as a token of gratitude when I took them home. We drove and talked, she admired the bouquet all the way. Then she said to me: “let's open a flower salon? I did a little floristry and am ready to work there! " Before that, my wife did not work, because there was no need for it. I told her so at the beginning, because the income from car washes (of which there were already three in the city by that time) met all my expectations. After two days of almost endless persuasion, I nevertheless agreed to open a small salon, in which my wife appointed herself as the chief artist and manager. We can say that I gave it to her. To my surprise, literally in a couple of weeks there was such a huge demand for bouquets and compositions from my wife that we did not even have time to buy products! From under her light hand from ordinary flowers and decorations, whole works of art were born, which buyers used not only at weddings and various holidays, but also presented to their women. Two months later, the wife began to recruit workers and train them herself. Her salon moved to a more spacious and beautiful room, and in addition to them we opened two more of them, in which her students worked. Perhaps it's time for me to close the car wash and open a whole network of flower shops across the country.

During her student years she worked in a flower shop on the night shift. Sleep was already terribly desirable, and the demand was very small. I didn’t understand at all why I was sitting in the pavilion from the evening until the morning, if there was practically no profit. I decided to talk to the owner of the store, I wanted to offer her some tricks and promotions to attract customers. Firstly, the bouquets were sold terribly boring! I wanted to diversify them with artistic compositions. Secondly, she did not have any discounts and discount cards, had to be done. Thirdly, it would not hurt to simply hand out product flyers. For some reason, my conservative mistress flatly refused my proposals, and everything remained the same. However, I firmly decided to save up money and open my own pavilion. Two years later, I did just that. During this time, I studied the entire market and the nuances of opening my store. Found lucrative suppliers with great products and worked on my own floristry skills. So, being a 4th year student at the institute, I have already become a businesswoman. I didn't do the night shifts, but, having agreed with the teachers, I worked in the store all day and was very happy about that. I not only sold standard bouquets, but also dyed white flowers in different shades, up to all the colors of the rainbow. I bought a variety of jewelry, even went to the atelier for it. There were no such bouquets as mine in the whole city. A lot has been said about my store. I sold bouquets in huge quantities and made them to order. One day before March 8, I had the idea to open a second pavilion, because I was sure that my bouquets would be sold with a bang. So I did. I hired a worker and told her what's what in my showroom store. She was immensely happy to be my subordinate, as she said herself, and glad to learn what I can do. A year later, she became my companion, and now the two of us own a whole chain of flower shops and several stores in two cities.

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Where can you start any business? With a business idea. And the choice of a business idea, as a rule, depends not only on demand, but also on the desire of the person who has decided to start his own business. A flower shop, salon or stall is of different scales and sizes of varying importance. But it is not always necessary to open a huge store that will pay off for several months. It is quite possible to start small, gradually expanding and developing yourself and employees. The flower business is very profitable, especially during the holiday periods. Although thanks to these holidays, it can be characterized to some extent as seasonal, which means that incomes will be different all the time. Like any business, floral requires care and accuracy, not only in the documentation, but also in the sales process. After all, flowers are a very fragile product, requiring special conditions of maintenance and care.

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Where to start a flower business: how to open and register a flower shop, what is needed to open (advertising, equipment, associated costs), premises and location, assortment policy and subtleties of purchasing goods.


This is not just a business. Over time, it turns into a way of life. Fascinates, fascinates, takes prisoner. How? Constant contact with nature. Permanent feeling that you bring a particle of beauty into the world, you give joy to people. An emotional activity. Those who once plunged into the flower business part with it only due to force majeure.

However, we will talk about the mentioned correct approach, which will allow you to get the most possible profit from trading such a complex product.

Procedure for opening a flower shop

Consider the question of where to start and how to properly organize the flower trade.


The registration process is perhaps the easiest thing in the flower business. IP is registered according to 52.48.32 OKVED " Retail trade in flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers. " You have to choose a taxation system (UTII or STS).

After registering an enterprise, you need to purchase a cash register, as well as register a cash register with tax office... Self-registration will take about two weeks. It is easier to use the service offered by the KKM sellers. In this case, the registration process with the tax office will take a maximum of 3 days.

Mandatory documentation

A retail outlet (regardless of its area) must have a package of documents, and most of them must be available to customers. This includes:

  • Permission for the right to trade (obtained from the council in accordance with N 381-FZ).
  • SES conclusion on compliance.
  • Book of complaints and suggestions.
  • Price (optional).
  • Packing list.

The rest of the documents (lease agreement, certificate of registration of KKM, cash register) are also preferable to keep at the point of sale. Sellers and florists must have medical books, as well as name and photo badges.


Certification is not required, but there is a nuance. This document inspires confidence, and it costs the business owner the cost of a photocopy. Most reputable suppliers are voluntarily certified. It remains only to take a copy from them when purchasing the goods.

What you need to start a flower business


from four sides. The box itself costs about $ 1000, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. The main expense is approval in the proper authority, which can cost $ 10 thousand (Moscow time). In the regions, these figures are much lower, but they cannot be ignored (a solid item of expenditure).

Flower shop equipment

You cannot open without a refrigerator. refrigerators compartment may be ready, but it is extremely inconvenient. It is preferable to do it "for yourself". In this case, you do not need to immediately contact the "masters of cold". First, you need to build the "room" itself (more profitable). One side of the refrigerator should be "dull". It's good if it's a wall. The rest are plastic "windows" made according to individual measurements.

The door is required, but rather several (depending on the size). After the camera is built, a cassette split-system or monoblock is installed in it (possibly, when there is another “blank” wall). Together with all the work, the refrigerating chamber will cost from 120 to 200 thousand rubles.

A standard split system with a winter option is installed in tonars or small pavilions. Accordingly, this is the cost of a conventional air conditioner installation.

Stands for flowers are needed, as well as flowerpots. In large chambers, they usually equip shelves and use glass vases. In tonars and small pavilions these are special designs (about 4 thousand one) and plastic flasks (from 80 to 150 rubles each) for them.

Cash machine

The cost of the cash register varies from 9 to 15 thousand rubles.

The purchase of a cut for a small pavilion will cost about 40 thousand rubles (Moscow time). Fully fill a large store with goods: from 300 to 400 thousand.

Related expenses

Packaging for flowers is required. For starters, you can not get too carried away. colors, purchase universal shades: mesh, felt, matting, sisal, tape. Transparent cellophane - No. 1. Always needed. This is the most popular type of packaging. In addition, you will need: wire for gerberas, tape, scotch tape, glue gun. Tools: secateurs, scissors, floral knives, wire cutters. All together will cost about 5 thousand rubles.

Premises for a flower shop and its location

A store or point of sale can be located:

  • In tonar. A small room on wheels. Essentially a car trailer.
  • In the pavilion. Small spaces, modular designs.
  • In a free-standing room (rare, almost unrealistic luck).
  • On the first floor of a residential building (only the first line).
  • In the mall.

The lowest rent is in shopping centers. Then - tonars and pavilions.

On a separate line: online store. It is worth opening it with a fully established business. It cannot exist separately.

The territorial location of the flower shop (IMPORTANT!)

From the right choice the location of the premises intended for a flower shop of any level depends, not much, not a little, the "fate" of the business.

The proximity to a metro station is not always a great advantage. It is important where the exit from the station goes: people come home or leave home. But this is not the main thing either. The main stream is motorway... She gives a large stream.

If a place is chosen on the highway closer to the city center, then the most powerful traffic will be where the movement is towards the region, and vice versa: when located in residential areas, you need a direction to the center.

If the store is located near the metro, but there is no road nearby, you can not expect large daily sales. Of course, if the professionalism of the staff is at the highest level, and the assortment is always full, including rare exotic flowers and plants, sooner or later the enterprise will start working in full force, but this will take at least three years. Plus, you will have to constantly make financial investments in advertising, pay for a highly qualified florist and maintain the assortment at the proper level. A similar arrangement of the flower salon is too long a ruble.

There are nuances. Not guaranteed on every track fast start... Purchasing power is reduced by 50% if the store is located:

  • on highways, on the sides of which it is prohibited to stop cars.
  • At the track with understudies.
  • Directly at a public transport stop, where parking is also not possible.

"Pitfalls" of rent

If they refuse rental holidays, you should be on your guard. There can be no urgency. Vacations are a standard requirement for any sales organization. It is necessary, at a minimum, to equip the premises, to bring in equipment, goods, to arrange showcases. In most cases, this takes a week. If you need cosmetic repairs, some alterations, it will take a month. The refusal of the landlord in the standard requirement serves as a reason not to rent this premises. Most likely, either there are no rights, or there will be difficulties with taxation.

The requirement for an advance payment of two months is justified only for shopping centers. Recently, however, even in them it is not practiced.

When making a lease, it is imperative to clarify whether the monthly fee is included in the amount communal payments ... Tariffs for electricity and housing and communal services for commercial enterprises differ significantly from consumer tariffs. Electricity bills can go up to $ 300 per month. Price garbage disposal is also significantly higher. In addition, it is necessary to clarify whether the landlord has this agreement at all. If not, then there is a risk of being left without the ability to get rid of packaging containers and other litter, of which there will be quite a lot.

When renting in a shopping center or residential building, please check availability immediately outdoor advertising opportunities... It may easily not be there. In this case, it is reasonable to refuse the premises and find something else. This rule also exists for pavilions. There are situations when the height of the premises is such that outdoor advertising cannot be placed due to inconsistency with the architectural plan of the area.

In general, when concluding a contract, you should seek the help of a lawyer. It is not so expensive, but it can save you from a lot of troubles, up to the fact that the landlord is ending the term of the land acquisition. It will be extremely unpleasant if the building is demolished in a couple of months.

Features of the assortment, what colors to trade

For small areas the best option is to trade in freshly cut flowers. Potted crops and related products are rarely looked for in such places. The product of this category takes up precious space, which can and should be used in order to increase the assortment of the cut.

Assortment for tonar

The assortment is minimal. The area does not allow maintaining any serious level.

  • Carnation ( several colors: red, white, variegated).
  • Shrub carnation ( several colors: white, pink, variegated).
  • Chrysanthemum single-headed ( white, yellow, lilac).
  • Chrysanthemum bush ( white, yellow, variegated).
  • The Rose ( burgundy, white, pink, yellow, variegated).
  • Shrub rose (pink, white).
  • Gerbera (mix).
  • Tulip ( February to June: white, yellow, pink).

Assortment for the pavilion

If the area of ​​the pavilion is about 10 square meters, then the assortment practically does not differ from that in the toner. Starting from 18 square meters, you can already buy: orchids, anthuriums, irises + increase the number of varieties of roses.

Assortment for the store

Starting from a 30-meter area, it already makes sense to trade in pot crops, soil, pots, boxes. On a 50-meter square, the assortment will be complete:

  • All possible cut, including exotic, in a large refrigerator.
  • Artificial flowers. Dried flowers. Potted crops, including large-sized crops.
  • All types of pots: plastic, clay, ceramic.
  • Soils, fertilizers and other preparations.
  • Vases: from ordinary glass to original works.
  • Postcards.
  • Various decor for home and garden.
  • Subject literature.

V large store gift wrapping can and should be organized. The production of copyright postcards is encouraged. Everything is used: dried flowers, beads, beads, ribbon, colored paper. The main thing is the florist's imagination.

How to purchase goods

The main immutable rule is never be limited to one supplier even if he has a super product. Some kind of force majeure and you can be left not only without profit due to lack of goods, but also incur unforeseen costs associated with wages staff. In addition, the lease should also be considered.

Choosing three main suppliers is ideal. The following are widely represented on the market: Holland, Ecuador, Russia. So you need to choose three wholesalers. If something happens for one, two-thirds of the ordered goods will be received anyway.

Colombia is very widely represented in Russia. This product is only suitable for pavilions. You need to sell it quickly. The price is relatively low. Russian flowers are definitely more expensive. Pot crops - Holland and Russia.

For small additional purchases, which will definitely be required at the beginning, the best supplier is “ 7 colors v". These are democratic prices, wide choice, flexible approach. Contact the manager, and all restrictions will be removed ( tested). This is a Dutch, international company. As for the rest of the suppliers, you will have to choose on your own, based on their prices and the quality of the supplied goods.

1. Basic purchase

In the process of work, the main assortment will be formed - positions and their quantity, which is sold in any case. This will be the main purchase. It will need to be pre order from all suppliers in order to be guaranteed to receive the goods in certain days... It is preferable to place such an order on Wednesday. First, it will have to be reissued several times, then the main purchase will take place automatically.

2. Additional purchase

This is a rather subtle point that requires experience. Flowers are bought here, which are supposed to be sold. It is almost impossible to build a persistent list. It should be borne in mind that additional purchase is always more expensive, since discounts apply to the main purchase.

3. Holiday shopping

On February 14, a double purchase is made. Moreover, the main + additional purchase. The item should be ordered three weeks before the holiday. Some wholesalers may require you to place your order one month before delivery. Their demand should be satisfied.

The order for March 8 is made one month before the 1st day. This purchase is tenfold. An advance payment of at least 30% will be required. When planning the movement of funds, this aspect must be taken into account, as well as the fact that prices rise quite seriously.

Trying to negotiate post facto payment with suppliers can lead to their agreement and disastrous results. Risk of being left without goods on the most trading days of the year is too large. The suppliers' claims are more than justified. They pay for flowers from their own funds, which are simply not enough for the festive volume. At auctions and plantations, flowers are not released on credit.


The standard mark-up is 200%. However, for a product that looks more expensive, the price should be set higher, since it periodically decreases on a fresh cut. In addition, when determining the cost of freshly cut flowers, one should start from the maximum price tag of the product, that is, from the cost of flowers purchased at additional purchase (it is more expensive than the main one). This is done for stability. Customers don't like hopping pricing. There is a tendency for buyers to look for flowers in advance, several days before the intended purchase. If the selected product suddenly became more expensive, the person will buy it, but will not come to this store again.

Price reduction

In the flower business, this process is mandatory and must be done on time. Flowers are stored in the refrigerator for a long time, but the price for them should be reduced not by their appearance, but by the date of purchase. Do not wait until the presentation is lost. This will happen immediately and irrevocably. If the flowers are not sold within a week, their cost must be reduced without fail. The florist should start them up first.

Seasonality and holidays

The flower trade is a fickle but predictable process. The decline is observed in the following periods:

  • The first two weeks of January due to vacations.
  • Great post. Weak trading all 49 days excluding March 8.
  • May holidays (vacations).
  • The last two weeks of August. This is due to the preparation of children for school.
  • September starting from the second week. Reason: velvet season.
  • The last two weeks of December. Everyone is preparing to celebrate the New Year.

In addition to these standard "failures", the flower market reacts to drastic changes exchange rates and crashes on stock exchanges. It is difficult to identify the reasons, but the trend is evident. With the right business, this does not have a significant impact on the state of affairs.

The main holiday is March 8th. Intensive trading has been observed for almost a week. The main excitement falls on March 6, 7, 8. The 4th, 5th and 9th numbers can be compared with less significant holidays. Then descending: February 14, September 1 (double main purchase), New Year, Teacher's Day, Tatyana's Day.

When the store is located in the city center, Saturday and Sunday are quiet days. Trade freezes. In residential areas, the opposite is true: Saturday is the most trading day of the week.


The most profitable option in all respects would be the choice of a large area located on the ground floor shopping center, as close as possible to the central entrance group... Of course, the location of the shopping center itself must be optimal and meet the above requirements. This will be a quick start.

Several immutable rules

  • You shouldn't feel sorry for old flowers... Illiquid goods spoil the shop window and cause much greater losses than getting rid of them.
  • Money for the purchase of sold related products must be set aside immediately. If you move it "for later", you can end up with an empty store.
  • The staff must be made directly dependent on profit. The minimum salary is prescribed. The rest is% of the proceeds. The more a florist earns, the higher the store's profit. The dependence is direct and very tough.

Make sure the florist is happy. This is creativity. Too much depends on him. However, one must not lose vigilance either. Organization of video surveillance is the best way out. You can pay a lot, but you cannot be deceived. Unfortunately, the flower business cannot be built on trust, no matter how much you want it. Otherwise, the store owner runs the risk that his profit will be lower than the seller's salary.

Should you start a franchise flower shop?

One of the options for opening a flower shop is to buy a franchise from an existing shop. With this option, you get a ready-made business model, with detailed description where to buy flowers, how to store them, and answers to many other questions that arise during the work of the store. But how is it necessary to pay for this information (as you know, free cheese is only in a mousetrap, and even then only for the second mouse).

Let's look at the example of the Mnebuket franchise offer, which gives the purchase of a franchise in comparison with opening a store from scratch.

Comparative table of opening a store by franchise and independently (according to the presentation of "Mnebuket")

Opening from scratch

Franchise "Mnebuket"

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