Home Beneficial properties of fruits Indoor plants suitable for your zodiac sign. Which home flowers to choose according to your zodiac sign. Virgo will grow best

Indoor plants suitable for your zodiac sign. Which home flowers to choose according to your zodiac sign. Virgo will grow best

For some reason, many of us are deprived of the opportunity to have a cat or dog in our home. But often the desire to get such a pet becomes just a fixed idea. Especially if it is difficult to implement or something interferes with it. That’s when we remember that not only dogs and cats are capable of playing the role of our smaller brothers, tamed and domesticated. In addition to these (so familiar to humans!) pets, our homes are inhabited by hamsters and ferrets, guinea pigs and turtles, various birds and fish.

However, caring for many of these alternative pets (e.g. aquarium fish) requires special knowledge, and for others it is necessary to create special conditions of detention (ferrets, birds). But there is a great way out - to literally have a pocket pet animal (warm, funny and even smart). As you may have guessed, this animal is a hamster. Moreover, keeping and feeding hamsters does not cause any difficulties, and caring for them is very simple.

Let us note right away that the hamster does not require any special conditions - its maintenance is quite problem-free. The only thing you need to purchase is a cage or an aquarium, since free movement of a hamster around the apartment is fraught with various unpleasant consequences. Firstly, the hamster can be accidentally crushed, and secondly, it can easily chew a hole in the furniture and make a nest for itself in a closet or chest of drawers.

An undoubted advantage of an aquarium is that there will be less garbage around the hamster’s habitat. In addition, you can even use an aquarium that is cracked or broken on one side for this purpose. Cracks must be covered with oil paint, since a hamster can chew the glass putty. Broken glass remove and tighten the resulting void with a metal mesh. But it’s still better to buy a special cage - low, medium-sized, but spacious. Wooden cages are not suitable for keeping hamsters, as the animal can chew through the bars. The cage should be metal, but not copper.

In any case, the aquarium or cage should be spacious enough for the hamster to set up his home. These animals equip themselves with a nest for rest, a pantry for storing supplies, and a latrine for defecating. A healthy and active animal is constantly busy putting its house in order, replenishing supplies in the pantry and constantly improving its nest.

To make it easier for the hamster to cope with its tasks, place small scraps of fabric, pieces of soft paper and pieces of cardboard in the cage. Alternatively, place a wooden box with an entrance hole or an upside-down clay flower pot in the cage. You also need to make a hole from the edge of the pot to enter the makeshift house. By the way, such ready-made houses can be purchased at a pet store.

A hamster's pantry is another indispensable attribute of a hamster's life. IN wildlife Such bins provide a comfortable and well-fed life for hamsters throughout the year. In captivity, these animals instinctively continue to fill their pantries, although there is no urgent need for them. However, your hamster will definitely equip himself with storage for supplies. Moreover, he will constantly replenish it, hiding most received food and even begging for food from the owners.

When cleaning out your hamster's house, you should try not to destroy or empty such storage. Otherwise, the animal may experience real stress. After repeatedly losing his treasured barn, the hamster will stuff his cheeks with food and nervously run around the cage, not daring to hide supplies elsewhere and not trusting the reliability of the new storage. So try not to disturb your hamster by cleaning his cage or destroying his pantry.

Hamsters are clean animals. Unlike the same birds kept in a cage, hamsters do not poop anywhere, but excrete for the toilet. separate place in a cage. By the way, the domestic hamster owes its fame as a foul-smelling animal to its toilet. But if you clean the cage at least once a week, and once a month you disinfect and deodorize the area that the hamster has allocated for the toilet, no smell will come from the cage.

To live comfortably and maintain health, a hamster needs to move. Since its habitat is limited, it is advisable to equip the cage with a special wheel. A ready-made hamster wheel, again, can be purchased at a pet store. You can make a wheel yourself from a spinning reel, two plywood disks and wooden twigs.

Sawdust, hay or special filler are poured onto the floor of the cage. They put out a drinking bowl and a feeder. That's all, actually the necessary conditions for the comfortable existence of this little animal. Agree that special troubles Keeping a hamster won't do you any good. Well, in order for him to live in your house completely freely and joyfully, the hamster, naturally, needs to be properly fed and cared for.

Feeding hamsters

Hamsters are considered very unpretentious animals when it comes to food. Some owners even feed their hamsters what they eat themselves. However, this is harmful to the hamster. Firstly, an unbalanced diet and improper feeding shortens the lifespan of animals and has a bad effect on their health. And secondly, some foods can cause digestive upset, provoke various acute and chronic diseases and even cause the death of the animal.

The basis of a pet hamster's diet should be cereals - they must be given to the animal daily. The amount of grain mixture for an adult hamster ranges from one to three teaspoons per day and depends on the size of the animal. The cereal mixture should contain wheat grains, sunflower seeds, oats, nuts and peas. These are the components that make up ready-made mixtures for hamsters.

In addition, the hamster must be given juicy food - fruits, vegetables and herbs (carrots, apples, cucumbers, pumpkin, bananas, corn, zucchini, pears, dill, celery, parsley). A supplement to the diet should be animal protein: boiled meat, fish, cottage cheese and eggs. Hamsters are given fruits, greens and vegetables every day, but protein food only once a week. Moreover, a hamster should receive only one protein product per feeding.

It is not advisable (but sometimes possible) to feed your hamster with ready-made grain mixtures for birds, bread, potatoes, persimmons and drops. But any spices, fried foods, milk, citrus fruits, melon and watermelon, sugar and honey, cabbage, garlic and onions are certainly harmful to hamsters and can cause irreparable harm rodent health.

Hamster care

Oddly enough, these miniature pets also need to be looked after. For example, long-haired hamsters need to be combed daily or at least every other day. Moreover Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the tummy and hind legs of the animal, where the fur rolls up and gets dirty with excrement. Short-haired hamsters do not need to be combed, but it is also necessary to remove dirt from their fur.

Hamsters are cleaned with a dry or damp soft brush, and bathed only in exceptional cases. If you are determined to give your pet a bath, then use baby shampoo for washing and make sure that soap and water do not get into the animal’s ears, eyes and nose. And under no circumstances wash your hamster with soap.

Hamsters' teeth are constantly growing, and if the animal does not receive enough solid food, the overgrown incisors can damage the hamster's tongue, lips and gums. To prevent this from happening, give your hamster the opportunity to chew on any wooden or rubber objects. And if the teeth have grown too much, then contact a veterinary clinic to solve this problem.

If your hamster moves enough, the claws on his paws will wear down. However, keeping a hamster in a cage without a wheel, as well as poor health and insufficient activity of old animals, cause claws to grow too long. They can grow so large that they begin to interfere with the animal’s ability to walk. In this case, the claws are simply carefully trimmed with nail scissors.

So, a spacious and properly equipped cage, a balanced diet and minimal but necessary care will make the life of your pet comfortable and long lasting. In gratitude for good care, the hamster will delight you with its excellent appetite, entertaining behavior and its funny habits. It is very interesting to watch these economic animals. And just holding this warm furry ball in your palms is always pleasant - it will relieve stress and improve your mood. Believe me, the hamster is guided not only by instincts. He is able to experience and show various emotions and even affection for a person. Be caring and attentive to this baby. Remember that you are responsible for the one you tamed.

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Cute fluffy hamsters with beady eyes are loved by both adults and children. They can be trained and take up little space. Keeping an animal does not require large expenses, and besides, caring for these unpretentious animals is very simple.

How to care for a pet hamster

Having decided to get this cute animal, you need to start by choosing a suitable cage. It should be spacious enough. The distance between the rods should not be too large so that the animal does not escape from the “house”. In addition, you will need to purchase accessories for your pet: a feeder and water bowl, a special stone to sharpen its teeth (don’t forget that you are purchasing a rodent), as well as a running wheel so that your hamster is always in good physical shape.

Of course, you will need a good filler. So that there is no unpleasant odors, it will have to be changed quite often. In addition to filler with good absorbent properties, you will need to pour sawdust into the cage: hamsters love to bury themselves in it.

Under no circumstances should a cage with a hamster be placed in drafts, since the animal may catch a cold, and this is detrimental to it. The animal must be constantly monitored; at the first sign of illness, you must immediately contact a veterinarian.

Hamsters are very susceptible to stress, so take care nervous system animal. To do this, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • Never yell at your hamster; they are very afraid of loud noises.
  • Do not do it sudden movements near the cage, otherwise the animal begins to feel in danger.
  • Provide the animal with peace and quiet. They don't like change, so don't move the cage often.
  • You should not show your hamster other pets or house it with other hamsters.
  • Try not to bathe your pet. If this leads to a cold, the animal may die.
  • Hamsters should not be punished as this may cause too much injury.
  • Only those that do not emit strong odors can stand near the cage.
  • Animals should not be taken outside Fresh air: Direct sunlight is deadly for them.

What to feed your pet hamster

As for the nutrition of hamsters, special attention should be paid to it. Feeding should occur several times a day, and the rodent's diet should contain special grain food rich in vitamins and minerals. You will determine the serving size yourself, in accordance with the hamster’s appetite. Usually no more than three teaspoons are enough for an animal.

You also need to make sure that your hamster always has water. To prevent him from knocking over and throwing sawdust into the bowl, you can buy an automatic drinker.

The most suitable food for hamsters is grains, nuts and seeds, as well as vegetables and fruits, although not all. Among vegetables, without any harm to your pet’s health, you can give potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, apples and seedless pears. Prohibited items include onions and garlic, which irritate the animal’s delicate stomach, citrus fruits and other Exotic fruits. Fruits and vegetables with high water content are also undesirable: cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelons.

You can include lean boiled meat and meat in your hamster’s diet, and also pamper him with healthy vitamin supplements.

It is advisable that the animal always has some food in its bowl. In addition, these animals are very thrifty and love to store food for future use. Children love to watch the cheerful glutton rush around his cage, hilariously hiding especially tasty pieces of food in reserve.

We must not forget about important rule: It is unacceptable to feed the hamster from your table. Animals love this very much, but this habit shortens their already short life.

How long do hamsters live at home?

Unfortunately, the age of hamsters is short-lived. When purchasing, you need to take into account that they live shorter than other pets. On average, this is 2-2.5 years, however, subject to care and good care your pet can live up to four years.

Given the short life of a hamster, it is worth buying a young animal. It is best if the hamster is about three weeks old so that he can eat on his own.

A hamster is a sickly animal, and it is difficult to treat them. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to choosing a healthy animal. You can even determine the state of his health visually. The hamster should have shiny eyes and even breathing, the fur should be smooth and without bald spots. Since hamsters can carry dangerous diseases, it is better to purchase them from a pet store, where all animals are checked by a veterinarian.

To extend your pet's life, carefully monitor the cleanliness of the cage. Any germs and infections can be destructive for him. The hamster must have a good appetite, so if the animal has stopped eating, this is also a serious reason to contact a specialist.

Buying a hamster will bring a lot of joy to the whole family. If you follow simple rules of care, a fluffy little ball with a wonderful character will bring a lot of pleasure to both you and your children.

Cute fluffy hamsters have long occupied a leading position among pets. They are not fussy about care and nutrition, do not need a lot of space, and do not need to be taken for daily walks. But this does not mean that hamsters do not require your attention and care. Little fluffies, like any other animals, need care and affection. Some part of your free time will still be taken up by caring for hamsters. It is not difficult to keep them at home. Study the following information and see for yourself.

Personal territory

The hamster must live in a cage measuring at least 50x40x40 cm. The twigs must be at least 1 cm apart from each other, otherwise a small hamster can crawl through them and run away.

The bottom of the cage is covered with sawdust, dry grass, torn paper or special filler, which is sold in pet stores. It is prohibited to use newspapers or magazines for these purposes, as a rodent can eat printing ink and die from it.

In the middle of the cage you need to install a house, a feeder, and a drinking bowl. They can be purchased complete with a cage. To prevent your pet from turning over food and water, it is advisable to fasten the feeder and drinking bowl with wire to the bars of the cage. at home it involves cleaning the litter from the bottom of the cage once a week, washing the feeder and drinker daily.

Don't forget to take care of the little rodent's entertainment. Install ladders, labyrinths, and a wheel in the cage. The hamster is a nocturnal animal; it will be awake when you go to bed. Therefore, choose a high-quality wheel that does not rumble or rattle, so that you do not wake up at night from the noise that pet hamsters make while having fun. Caring for playground equipment consists of washing it once a week.


You can buy food for rodents in every pet store. industrial production. The packaging contains various particles of vegetables, fruits, and chalk. And all this is enriched with special microelements and vitamins necessary for the full growth and development of your furry pet. If you are a fan of homemade food, then remember that it is strictly forbidden for rodents to be given sour, salty, sweet, or canned foods. As for plant foods, never put cabbage, garlic, onions, or citrus fruits in the feeder. All other vegetables, fruits and herbs are eaten with great pleasure by the domestic hamster. Caring for a rodent includes daily updating of the contents of the drinking bowl. Food and water should always be fresh.

To keep your pet healthy and active, periodically give him vitamins for rodents. They will help you pick them up at a pet supply store or veterinary clinic.

what kind hygiene procedures involves caring for hamsters at home? The hamster is a very clean animal, so it does not need bathing, combing, or cutting. If it suddenly happens that the fluffy one gets dirty in dust or its own feces, then you can quickly wash it in warm water and blot with a dry cloth. It is important to remember that you should not touch hamsters’ heads and ears with your hands or turn them over onto their backs. These manipulations are very unpleasant for the animal.

As you can see, caring for hamsters at home is not difficult. Even a child can do this. A small rodent can become a great friend for all family members. Make yourself and everyone in your household happy.

You probably noticed that some flowers take root well indoors, while others, on the contrary, quickly die and wither. This behavior of a houseplant can be influenced not only by improperly selected care, but also by the incompatibility of indoor flowers according to the zodiac sign with their owner.

There is a special flower horoscope, which will help you understand which colors are best to give preference to if you decide to decorate your home with indoor plants.

Why grow flowers that match your zodiac sign?

Which plants are suitable according to the horoscope and their photos

Aries (21.03 – 20.04)

An excellent choice for Aries will become homemade flowers that do not require constant and complex care. Representatives of this constellation should give preference to plants that can survive even in the most extreme conditions. For example, if you don’t water them for a week or even two. And all because Aries are flighty people and often suffer from slight forgetfulness.

Pay attention to flowers that will have a bright scarlet, almost fiery color on their buds or leaves. Suitable options are chlorophytum, dahlias, begonia and balsam.

won't get along with chrysanthemum, aster and orchid.

Taurus (21.04 – 20.05)

Taurus is the most earthly sign of all 12 constellations of the zodiac. Important role will always play for him material sphere. And therefore preference should be given to colors that have a beneficial effect on the monetary energy in the house.

won't get along with dracaena and hibiscus.

Gemini (21.05 – 21.06)

Geminis are different in their increased activity and restless character. When choosing a houseplant as a talisman, representatives of this constellation should pay attention to flora with lush small foliage or plants with climbing stems. Such fresh flowers will help Gemini to better concentrate on their own thoughts and goals, no matter how difficult they may seem.

Suitable options are palm, fern, tradescantia or ivy.

won't get along with pelargonium, mimosa and heather.

Cancer (22.06 – 22.07)

Cancer is an exemplary family man. It is very important for them to feel warmth and comfort in the house, the support of a loved one, his attention and care. And despite all this, this zodiac often suffers from its own jealousy and mistrust. Artisanal houseplants will help them keep their loved ones trusting relationship in the family, they will bring peace and harmony to the house.

Suitable options are fuchsia, agave, aloe, gasteria and calamus.

won't get along with azalea.

Leo (23.07 – 22.08)

The most narcissistic and royal sign of the zodiac you should think about getting a flower that requires constant care and maintenance. They will help them escape from their own thoughts and pay attention to something other than personal interests. They will become calmer and more responsive when communicating with others. In addition, such indoor plants will attract love and good luck to their home.

Suitable options - Chinese rose, pelargonium, mimosa and akalifa.

won't get along with balsam.

Virgo (23.08 – 22.09)

This zodiac sign Suitable for almost all types of indoor plants. In addition to the fact that Virgos are representatives earth element, they have a great sense of everything connected with flora and fauna.

Virgos are practical, and therefore they should select fruit-bearing plants for themselves, which, in addition to pleasing the owner’s eye, will also pamper him delicious berry or a flower. Such plants will help them improve financial well-being, will attract happiness and stability to the house.

Suitable options are Sudanese rose, cissus, syngonium and dracaena.

They won't get along with lily and fern.

Libra (23.09 – 22.10)

Often the life of representatives of this constellation is closely intertwined with mysticism. The Libra man has a great sense of his own intuition, he happens to see prophetic dreams and experience a feeling of deja vu. IN Everyday life This sign values ​​grace and comfort most of all.

In order to strengthen your connection with the aura and nourish energy flows in the house, Libra should take a closer look at those indoor plants that delight the eye with beautiful flower caps most of the year.

Suitable options are orchid, hibiscus, azalea, Decembrist, lily and croton.

They won't get along with aloe and geranium.

Scorpio (23.10 – 22.11)

Plants with strong energy will help Scorpios attract good luck.. Representatives of this zodiac sign are excellent at making contact with plants, using them as a powerful antenna transmitting into space information flows with their desires and dreams. You will notice that by placing such an assistant in a pot on the windowsill, it will become much easier for you to cope with problems and implement own plans and ideas.

Suitable options are cactus, ragwort, pisonia and rose.

They won't get along with violet and cyclamen.

Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/21)

A houseplant talisman for Sagittarius will help them develop a sense of calm and harmony. This zodiac is in constant motion, believing that stopping even for a minute could miss something important. Sagittarians have a lively, vivid imagination, which is why their home often resembles a blooming garden.

They love absolutely any representatives of the world of flora, however Preference should be given to tall indoor plants with strong stems and abundant flowering.

Suitable options include rosemary, gerbera, lily, hibiscus and lemon.

They won't get along with azalea, ficus, liana, violet and cactus.

Capricorn (22.12 – 21.01)

Capricorns are people with strong internal rod. They have almost superhuman willpower and will find the strength to cope with even the most stalemate situation at first glance. Indoor plants according to the flower horoscope will enhance them positive traits, such as benevolence, the ability to insist on one’s own, diligence and responsiveness.

By the way, if you choose long-lived plants that do not require intensive care, this will help you find faster mutual language with unfamiliar people.

Suitable options are yucca, azalea, dracaena, ficus, aglaonema and pandanus.

won't get along with cyclamen.

Aquarius (23.01 – 19.02)

Aquarians have a cold attitude towards indoor plants. Throughout its entire life, this zodiac sign concentrates only on what it can derive its own benefit from. For example, he devotes a lot of time and effort to work and creative development.

For them, home flowers are a waste of time, which is already not enough for them. The flower horoscope advises representatives of this constellation to pay attention to simple, unpretentious plants.

Suitable options are columna, jasmine, fuchsia, aeschynanthus and poinsettia.

won't get along with aloe.

Pisces (20.02 – 20.03)

Pisces select indoor plants for themselves, which are distinguished by their bright external beauty.. Home flowers for this zodiac sign will take responsibility for spiritual peace, development inner world and self-knowledge. Among other things, such helpers will make Pisces, who often suffer from excessive daydreaming, more purposeful and down-to-earth in their desires.

Suitable options are cyperus, hyacinth, pandanus, orchid and tolmia.

They won't get along with jasmine and dracaena.

Flowers, herbs, plants and trees are ruled by the zodiac signs. For each sign, there are flowers and plants that bring good luck and love according to their zodiac influences.

Knowing these astrological patterns will come in handy if you want to give flowers as a sign of love and respect.

If you love indoor flowers, give preference to those that match your zodiac sign; they will help create an atmosphere of harmony and well-being in your home.


The sign Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to Aries: honeysuckle, cactus, red roses, poppy, tulip, red pepper, amaryllis, all red flowers.

Gentian - attracts money and love

Hawthorn - for healing and protection

Snapdragon - for love

Orchid - protects from enemies and helps to seduce the person you like

Aries is a sign of Fire; flowers and plants that belong to the element of Fire bring good luck to representatives of this sign: linden, calendula, orange, mint, rosemary, sunflower, rowan, yucca.


Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this zodiac sign: rose, poppy, foxglove, lavender, lilac, aster, lily of the valley, sweet pea, flowers of all fruit trees.

Violet - attracts money

Apple tree flowers - for love and a successful marriage

Cherry flowers - for love and a successful marriage

Geranium - for health

Hyacinth - for health and happiness

Taurus is an Earth sign. Flowers and plants that are controlled by the elements of the Earth are good for this sign: buckwheat, cotton, fern, honeysuckle, oleander, tulip, verbena, wheat.


The sign Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this zodiac sign: lavender, cherry blossoms, ranunculus, coriander, acacia, mimosa, daffodil, lily, cactus.

Clover - for health and well-being

Schisandra - for health and protection

Fern - for endurance and physical strength

Gemini is an Air sign. This sign is suitable for flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Air: borage, hazel. palm, sage.


The zodiac sign Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this sign: all white flowers, especially roses, chamomile, cornflower, fern, passionflower, hydrangea, iris.

Melissa - for health and happiness

Rose - for love and fidelity

Gardenia - for love and a successful marriage

Lily - for love

Lotus - for peace, emotional balance and spiritual development

Cancer is a sign of Water. Representatives of this zodiac sign are suitable for plants and flowers that are governed by the element of Water: sea buckthorn, lilac, peach flowers, poppy.

a lion

The zodiac sign Leo is ruled by the Sun. Flowers and plants of good luck for this zodiac sign: marigolds, sunflowers, gerberas, dahlias.

Carnation - for love and marriage

Heliotrope - for fame and influence

Juniper - for health and protection

Linden flowers - for self-control

Willow - for healing and peace

Leo is a sign of Fire. For representatives of this sign, flowers and plants of the element of Fire are favorable, the same as for Aries. In addition, the sign Leo corresponds to: olives, pineapples, rosemary, rue, saffron.


The sign Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. Flowers and plants for good luck for representatives of this zodiac sign: ranunculus, aconite, St. John's wort, chrysanthemum, eucalyptus, violet, ivy, thistle flowers.

Orange flowers - for love and wealth

Lavender - for peace and health

Lemongrass - for health and protection

Mulberry - for protection and happiness

Virgo is an Earth sign. For representatives of this sign, plants and flowers related to the elements of the Earth are favorable: barley, fern, horsetail, magnolia, patchouli, peas and primrose.


The zodiac sign Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. Flowers and plants for good luck for this sign: bell, rose, orchid, gardenia, tea rose, tuberose, gladiolus.

Iris - for wealth and career

Heather - for love

Lilac - for love

Pear flowers - for health and protection

Violet - for wealth and fame

Libra is an Air sign. Flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Air bring good luck to Libra: clover, dandelion, lemongrass, marjoram, mistletoe, papyrus, pine, elm, anise.


The zodiac sign Scorpio is ruled by the planets Pluto and Mars. Flowers and plants that attract good luck to representatives of this zodiac sign: orchid, geranium, ginger, hibiscus, peony, cactus, all dark red flowers.

Broom - for protection and money

Holly - for protection, especially for children

Milk thistle - for health and protection

Snapdragon - for love

Yucca - for love and money

Scorpio is a sign of Water. This water sign flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Water will bring good luck: aster, camellia, cherry, cyclamen, lavender, chamomile, strawberry, lily.


The sign Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this zodiac sign: carnation, lily, crocus.

Borage - for money, health and protection

Sagittarius is a sign of Fire. Flowers and plants that are ruled by the element of Fire will bring good luck to this zodiac sign: rice, gentian, juniper, honeysuckle, pineapple, rosemary, rowan and snapdragon.


Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to Capricorn: tulip, violet, philodendron, snowdrop, jasmine flowers.

Belladonna - for protection

Ivy - for wealth

Pansies - for money

Quince flowers - for love and wealth

The sign of Capricorn is ruled by the element of Earth. Flowers and plants of the Earth elements are favorable for Capricorn: fern, horsetail, magnolia, oats, oleander, primrose, rye and wheat.


The sign of Aquarius is ruled by the planets Uranus and Saturn. Flowers and plants bring good luck to Aquarius: orchid, lily, lily of the valley, aloe.

Belladonna - for protection

Ivy - for wealth

Bindweed - for health and love

Mimosa - for love

Aquarius is an Air sign. For Aquarius, flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Air are suitable: borage, chicory, clover, dandelion, papyrus, pine, sage.


The sign of Pisces is ruled by the planets Neptune and Jupiter. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to Pisces: lily, violet, papyrus, lilac, narcissus, gypsophila.

Dandelion - for money and health

Honeysuckle - for wealth and fidelity in love

Hyssop - for health and true love

Linden flowers - for charm and attractiveness

Maple - for physical strength

Pisces is a sign of Water. Flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Water bring good luck to this zodiac sign: camellia, cherry, crocus, lotus, thyme.

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