Home Trees and shrubs Early exam in the Russian language of the year. Early stage impressions

Early exam in the Russian language of the year. Early stage impressions

The national examination in the discipline "history" is not among the mandatory ones - this subject is taken at the choice of the graduate. According to official statistics of past years, history is chosen by about a fifth of schoolchildren. First of all, these are students who have chosen for themselves future profession in the field of jurisprudence, linguistics, design and architecture.

This subject cannot be classified as easy - exam questions require excellent memory and the study of a large array of information. Past research suggests that GPA in this discipline ranges from 45 to 55. The number of students who could not cope with the tasks submitted for the national examination is quite large and amounts to approximately 10% of the total number.

The exam in history is considered difficult - 10% of students cannot pass it!

Demo version of the exam 2016

USE dates in history

early period

  • March 23, 2016 (Wed) - Main exam
  • April 22, 2016 (Fri) - Reserve

main stage

  • June 16, 2016 (Thu) - Main exam
  • June 24, 2016 (Fri) - Reserve

History Exam Changes

In 2016, tasks in which students were supposed to choose one answer out of four offered were completely excluded from the history exam. A number of tasks were added to the first part of the exam ticket on knowledge of dates, processes, historical figures and facts from the history of culture, as well as to work with text historical sources. In the second part, a task was added to write a short historical essay. Exam time has been increased compared to 2015.

General information

The time allotted for the history exam in 2016 is 235 minutes. During this time, students will have to solve 25 tasks, of which 19 - with a short answer, and 6 - with a detailed one.

  • Part 1 (tasks 1-19)- serve to test basic and advanced knowledge of the subject. The solution of each of them should take 3-7 minutes;
  • Part 2 (tasks 20-24)- characterized by more high level complexity and require the student to formulate the correct answer, which must be entered on a special sheet. 5-20 minutes are allocated for each of these tasks;
  • Part 2 (task 25)historical essay(VIII - beginning of XXI century; the examinee can independently choose three periods in the history of Russia, which will appear in the essay). You can spend 40-80 minutes on this task.

To get a good grade for an essay, you will need:

  1. Indicate the main events of these periods;
  2. Mention row historical figures and explain their role in the above events;
  3. Observe causal relationships;
  4. Assess how given period influenced the history of Russia;
  5. Correct use of historical terminology;
  6. Avoid factual errors;
  7. Keep the form of presentation acceptable to readers.

For a successful USE exam in history, get ready to write an essay!

Each of the items will be evaluated separately, and in total the essay can bring 11 primary points. By the way, the minimum test score, which is required to score in this subject, is 32 (which is equal to 13 primary scores out of 53 maximum). The time allotted for students to pass the test is 235 minutes.

How to prepare?

A large number of tasks requires a competent distribution of time for their solution. This is one of the main difficulties of this discipline. It is difficult for students to set themselves up for passing the test in stressful conditions, and the number of questions can cause panic even in a well-prepared student. To solve this problem and successfully prepare for the delivery of this subject, you should work out a demo version of the test.

The materials that you can download on our website are fully consistent with the real exam in terms of their complexity, edition and structure. Competent and systematic preparation for the exam in history will give you the opportunity not to waste precious exam time studying the instructions for the ticket and will immediately set you up for the correct interpretation of the questions.

A) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate.

a) breaks the main clause with a subordinate clause and see if the subjects and predicates in each pair agree (this is

constructions like Those who... Many of those who.... All who);

b) abbreviations, define keyword and see if it agrees with the predicate in gender and number;

in) geographical names, we determine the gender of nouns by gender (river - she, city - he, etc.), look,

whether the subject agrees with the predicate in gender.

d) words whose gender many do not know (chimpanzee, cockatoo, veil, etc.), we look at whether these words are consistent with the predicate by gender.

Of all of the above in the sentences, we find only the construction of all who ... in the 2nd sentence. Let's look carefully:

"All , who listened professor's speech again was surprised by the brightness, originality and depth of his speech. "Color

the bases of 2 sentences are highlighted. At the heart of the main sentence, the subject and the predicate "everyone was" are not agreed in number.

BUT - 2. After the decision, do not forget to cross out the options in KIMakheti so that they no longer interfere with you.

B) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition.

We are looking for derivative prepositions. Particularly common are thanks to, in spite of, in spite of . These prepositions require a dative

case. See if there are any such words in the proposed sentences. Bingo! Sentence 5: "Contrary to the recommendations of doctors

the athlete did not reduce the load during training." We look at the case in which the word "recommendations" is in. What? Recommendations.

Genitive case, and d.b. dative.

B - 5

C) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover

First of all, find sentences in which there is a participle. Their m.b. several. Recall the adjectival questions:

doing what? having done what?

We have 2 sentences with adverbial phrases:

3)Low on the horizon created wrong performance about the size of the moon.

4)Caught in the house strangers, wait when you are introduced.

Emphasizing the basics: "creating a view" and "wait". We make sure that the proposals are not impersonal. If a

you will see the impersonal, there is definitely a mistake. Use participial phrases in impersonal offers are not allowed. Now we look

so that the action described in participle turnover, did the one who is named in the subject. View cannot be

low above the horizon. Waiting for you, you may find yourself in the house of strangers. Error in sentence 3.

AT - 3.

D) incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech

Look for other people's words in quotation marks and the words "said", "asked", thought, wrote", etc. We don't have quotes. But the word "asked" is.

7) I am surprised asked what where is the fortress?

The words "Where is the fortress?" not changed, they should be framed as direct speech, but the author of the proposal made a hybrid of

direct and indirect speech.

G - 7.

E) an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

First of all, we take sentences in which there are generally homogeneous members. And pay attention to the presence of

sentences of double alliances (not only ..., but also ..., both ..., and ...., not so much ... as ... etc.)

Proposals 2, 5, 3, 7 have already dropped out. At 4, 6 no homogeneous members. Let's take a closer look at the remaining proposals:

1) Reserves are created how for maintenance, so for recovery numbers rare species animals under

Professional categories for teachers were introduced in the first half of the 1990s: 16 digits, the 14th corresponded the highest category... This system is still being modified and improved, but almost always the attestation procedure itself causes at least anxiety among teachers, and for someone - real fear and panic. How to make sure that certification objectively confirms the pedagogical and personal maturity of the teacher, and does not serve as a punishing sword? The Honored Teacher of Russia, Candidate psychological sciences Alexander Snegurov.

Returning labor education to schools is a requirement of life itself. But now technology is in the curriculum instead of labor lessons. The topics are close, in fact - a boring theoretical subject. And children need practical experience real work with real tools. The country also needs this, because in three or four years the market will experience an acute shortage of young and ready-to-work personnel. What needs to be changed for this? The answer is in the article by Vladimir Semenikhin.

Being athletic is just as prestigious and fashionable as being well-read and witty. By at least, such is the case in the schools of England. And in Japan, more than 40% of high school students go in for sports for at least nine hours a week ... At the same time, in Russian schools"playing a fizra" is not shameful, there would be a convincing excuse or reference. Sergey Rykov reflected on why foreign teachers manage to motivate schoolchildren much more effectively to strain not only the convolutions, but also the muscles.

Good day, dear applicants. Many of you are interested in what happened behind the scenes of the early Unified State Examination 2016. This was preceded by dozens of messages in my personal VKontakte and I will lift the veil of secrecy for you, tell you about my impressions of checking the second part and we will analyze with you the real version of the second part and tell you about how it looks early USE history of this year

Early stage impressions

Let's start with my impressions of the first part, which, I confess, I saw briefly. But with a quick run through the option, I can say the following: the early exam was not difficult. I'll base it on real tasks. As you know, this year the structure of the entire work has been radically redesigned - the test part has been removed and the tasks of the current first one have been reworked. According to a quick analysis of the option, the first five tasks and No. 7-9, 11 were given without any difficulties to those who worked out the dates and worked with official documents, including with a list of dates from FIPI. Surprises, as I believe, for a prepared person, would not be found here

Next, you are greeted by the following type of tasks: work with the map and illustrative material. From the maps I can remember the settlement map tribal unions Eastern Slavs, was a map by era feudal fragmentation, the Battle of Kursk met, the socio-economic development of Russia in the 19th century ... Something, of course, could cause difficulties, but there were no surprises from the compilers, like the names of merchants / names of factories and factories, as last year

"Pictures" pleased most of the applicants. The only difficulty was caused by a friend whose famous children's song is attached below. Whoever found out, write in the comments 🙂 It was necessary to choose 2 positions for him and the composer with whom he / she collaborated (-a-). I'm waiting for your suggestions. Otherwise: Vysotsky, Tsoi, the main architectural monuments of the 18th century, posters from the 20-30s of the 20th century

Well, now let's move on to the analysis of the tasks of the second part:

Tasks No. 20-22: early exam in the history of 2016

No. 20. What period in the history of the USSR is discussed in the article? Name, using knowledge from the history course, the two main opposition I.V. Stalin directions among the party elite of the described time. What were the features of their views?

No. 21. What is the purpose of the repressions organized by I.V. Stalin against authoritative party and statesmen. Give at least two facts and phenomena related to this process in the army.

No. 22. Indicate at least five reasons that, according to S.A. Kislitsyn, led to the destruction of the inner-party opposition to Stalin

Test solving

So how can you complete this task? Naturally, reading the text 🙂 Kirov's murder, for knowledgeable boys and girls, already says that this is the 1930s. Groups are secretly highlighted in the text: S. Syrtsova and T. Ryutin (supporters of liberalization Soviet Union and moderate transformations). Well, let's touch on the "party boyars", tell us who it is and get 2 points for the twentieth task

Goal: establishing centralized system state power and management of the masses

Facts and phenomena:
1) Many representatives of the Red Army were repressed (example: Tukhachevsky, Blucher)
2) In years Soviet-Finnish war dealt a serious blow to the country's defense

  1. Fetishization of the CPSU (b)
  2. Infantilism
  3. Separation from the people
  4. Ambition of party members
  5. Detachment from human values

We will continue to work on the option in the following articles, very, very soon, if this article receives a response. Like, share articles in social networks, so you help the project and then we will analyze the early exam in the history of 2016 as soon as possible. See you soon, Ivan Nekrasov was with you. Bye everyone!

Do you want to understand all the topics of the history course? Sign up to study at the school of Ivan Nekrasov with a legal guarantee of passing the exam for 80+ points!

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