Home Trees and shrubs The emergence of fluent vowels e and o. Fluent vowels

The emergence of fluent vowels e and o. Fluent vowels

    Fluent vowels mean those vowels that are different forms words alternate with a zero sound. Basically, two letters of the Russian language act as fluent vowels - the letter e and the letter o. It turns out that when the form of a word changes, the vowel seems to run away.

    Runaway vowels are very different from runaway blacks from the times of European slavery or runaway prisoners who, having escaped, do not return. Fluent vowels either disappear or emerge as part of prefixes, roots (Example - Take away - move away, step over - crime)

    Runaway vowel- these are the vowel sounds o and e, which disappear from some part of the word when the form of the word changes.

    It appears in many nouns and adjectives in one of the declension forms.

    For example: sleep-sleep, forehead-forehead, town-town, stump-stump.

    Fluent vowels are those vowels that, during formation or word formation, fall out of the root. These vowels include O and E.

    For example: day - day, stump - stump, sleep - sleep, well done - well done, etc.

    And the whole point is that when the alphabet was not as truncated as it is now, instead of these vowels the letters b (EPЪ - closer to o) and b (EPь - closer to e) were written. Thus, a dream is a dream, and a day is a day. IN strong positions the vowels O and E remained, but in the weak position they simply disappeared.

    A fluent vowel is a vowel that is present in one word, but is no longer present in another word with the same root in the same morpheme. Most often, such vowels are the vowels E and O, although there are also cases where other vowels are dropped. Fluent vowels can be observed in roots, prefixes, and suffixes. The fluent vowel in the root is the most interesting, it can change the appearance of the root morpheme and give the word an unfamiliar appearance. An example of such a fluent vowel in the root is Zvat-Zovu. We see that between the consonants in the root of ZV a fluent vowel O appears. Similar to Take-Beru.

    In a prefix, a fluent vowel is also not uncommon: for example, Complete-Complete.

    In suffixes, fluent vowels are common when declension of a word: Proboscis-Proboscis. In the nominative case we see the suffix -OK, in the genitive -K, the runaway vowel O has escaped.

    Well, there are some other cases of the appearance of fluent vowels.

    A fluent vowel is those vowels that in certain words, when their grammatical form changes (declension, conjugation, change in number), are replaced by other letters. Fluent vowels represent quite the hard part grammars, because they do not obey unambiguous rules - they just need to be memorized.

    Russian sounds O and E, running away when changing shape. For example: forehead-forehead, day-day, etc.

    Don't confuse dubious vowels with runaway vowels. The first is when it is not clear to the ear which vowel should be in a word.

    A fluent vowel is when in adjectives one letter is replaced by another when forming short forms. For example: light-bright.

    Fluent vowels are mainly the letters o and e, which can appear in different parts words, but when declined the word disappears (saying scientific language, alternate with zero sound).

    Examples: sleep - sleep, day - day, stump - stump, etc.

    In general, a very simple definition, if you get into the essence and give illustrative examples. If you understand, then no definitions or rules are needed.

    The name itself is a fluent vowel. It denotes the appearance or disappearance of a vowel when the form of a word changes or in word formation.

    Usually such vowel sounds are o or e.

    In the root or in the suffix, when a word is changed, these sounds can disappear: sleep - sleep, ditch - ditch; padlock - padlock; broom - broom.

    When forming a short form male Some adjectives have a fluent vowel, for example:

    dark - tmen;

    sour - sour;

    light - light

    When forming the genitive plural form of nouns of the first and second declension, we will also see a fugitive:

    birches - no birches; felt boots - no felt boots.

    But in the initial form of words these vowels are not present, which is why they were called fluent.

    In education verb forms a fluent sound is noticed and, for example:

    wipe - wipe.

    In words of the same root, in the same root word, there may be a fluent sound:

    lay - spread out (root stel-, -stl-).

    Runaway vowel a sound (or a fluent vowel) is when the sound O or E is present in one form of the word, but absent in another, modified form. For example: ditch ditches, day days, lion lions. Fluent vowels occur not only in the root, but also in the prefix (collection collection) and in the suffix (beautiful, beautiful).

The Russian language hides many secrets. The rules for writing words, their structure and morphological components are based on the realities that existed in ancient times. Gradually, changes occurred in the structure of the language. They provoked phenomena that significantly influenced modern grammar. The phenomenon of fluent vowels is no exception.

Meaning of the phrase

Fluent vowels are the sounds [o], [e], less often [and]. They are found in the formation of case and quantitative forms of nouns with zero ending(tent - tent - tents), in adjectives denoting quality (when forming a short form: sad - sad, hearty - well-fed) and belonging (badger - badger - badger, lynx - lynx - lynx). When transforming a word, such vowels drop out (angle - angle - about the corner; cover - cover - about the cover), whereas in other similar words, as a rule, they are preserved. For example: cat - cat - about the cat; boron - bora - about boron; goose - goose - goose. This leads to the fact that the composition and sound of the morpheme in which it occurs this phenomenon, changes. Such transformations often complicate learning the Russian language and can lead to errors in writing and parsing.

The Old Russian language was characterized by syllables ending with a vowel sound, otherwise they are called open. During the period of change in the vowel system, in the process of eliminating short vowels, syllables ending in a consonant (also called closed syllables) appear. Thus, in modern Russian, the initial form of the verb ends with -т [т "], that is, with a soft consonant. Previously, they would have written “not to disdain,” but “to disdain.” The appearance of syllables ending in a consonant was also facilitated by the disappearance of the letters ъ ( er) and ь (er). This process took a long time and completely ended during the reform of the seventeenth year of the twentieth century. The letters were abolished, and the absence of sound that remained in their place gave rise to the phenomenon that in modern Russian is called fluent vowels.

So, in Old Russian language the word angle would be written as ugol, and its derivative - angle - angle; cover - cover, cover - cover. The phenomenon in phonetics gave rise to transformations in morphology, that is, according to this principle, case and quantitative forms began to be formed. Therefore, such sounds can also be found in words that appeared in the language later or borrowed from other languages. For example, Egypt - Egypt.

On the other hand, if a word contains a phenomenon that was mentioned earlier, it means that it once had letters, the styles of which have remained to this day, but the function has completely changed. Solid and soft signs have nothing in common, other than spelling, with their historical counterparts.

In what parts of the word can it appear?

Most often you can find fluent vowels in the root of a word (vikhor - vihra, lay - lay). But the phenomenon is also characteristic of prefixes (call - call, grind - grind, accomplished - accomplished) and suffixes (flag - flag, horn - horn, funny - funny). In terms of quantity, fluent vowels in prefixes are less common than others.

Effect on spelling

The current picture helps to distinguish in writing the often identical-sounding suffixes -ek, -ik in nouns. In order to correctly write the words son, handkerchief, bunny, boy, you need to decline them. If a vowel alternates with the absence of a sound, then in this morpheme it is necessary to write the letter “e”, since the letter “i” is always preserved when the form changes.

Impact on word composition

To clearly see how the number of components in a lexeme changes, let’s take the following cognate words: icy, where the root - ice [l"od] consists of three phonemes, and ice, in which the root - ice [l"d] contains only two sounds.

In addition to the quantitative component, it is difficult to determine the boundaries of the root morpheme, since it is usually used to determine the main lexical meaning, and one or two letters do not give an idea of ​​the meaning of a linguistic unit.

Guess what “ice” is without certain knowledge impossible, especially when you consider that a root can have identical sounding units that have completely different concepts. For example, in the words “lordly”, “leopard”, “badger”, the morpheme “leopard” in each of the three cases has its own meaning. Barsky - related to the master, leopard - belonging to the leopard, and badger - to the badger.

Effect on grammar

In words with fluent vowels, various metamorphoses occur. This often provokes the appearance of several forms of the plural instrumental case of the number of nouns. It is quite difficult to figure out which of the words is correct: “doors” or “doors”, “daughters” or “daughters”, “horses” or “horses”.

Initially, the quantitative form was formed using the endings -ami, -ami, and after the appearance of the phenomenon under discussion, a second option appeared. In modern Russian, each pair of words must be approached individually. For most of them, it is possible to use both options (door, horse, daughter). For others, the form with a fluent vowel is obsolete and only the component with -ami (bones) is used. In another case, on the contrary, the only correct variety was na-ьми (children).

Particularly difficult are words where a sound is added to form the plural (earring - earring, poker - poker).

It is not only native Russian lexemes that pose difficulties. Borrowed units are sometimes mixed into this confusion. It's about about the noun "keychain". According to all the rules, there should be the only possible modification of “trinkets”, since the plural form is formed using the endings - and, -ы. However, there is another word - “keychains”, which is used in colloquial speech, but is gradually replacing the original version.

Any science is an exciting journey into the unknown and mysterious. Linguistics is no exception. But only by plunging into history and turning to modernity can one learn about all the subtleties of the structure, spelling, usage, and meaning of a word as a unit of language.

Examples with fluent vowels prove this and help to avoid errors in spelling, morphological changes, and word parsing.

How many of us, as schoolchildren, thought about how important it is to learn the rules of the Russian language? Sometimes such a simple childhood mistake as unlearned lessons can play into adult life a cruel joke. Yes, this is the computer age, and Word points out errors, so you don't have to worry about grammar. But we still fill out a lot of documents by hand, we write many applications the old fashioned way with pen on paper, and making childish mistakes in the text is simply unacceptable for an educated person.

Quite often, spelling with a fluent vowel causes difficulties. With this linguistic concept children are introduced to it in the fifth grade, but upon leaving school, few can remember the rules for spelling words that fall into this category. In this article you can find information about the origin of these vowels, their spelling and methods of verification.

Definition of the term

What are fluent vowels and why are they called that? Fugitive - because it either drops out when the word is changed, or appears where it was not there before. If we talk linguistic language– vowels alternate with zero sound during the formation and formation of new words.

For example: sleep - sleep, oak - oak, nut - nut.

–o- and –e- alternate with zero sound. A fluent vowel can appear and disappear in the prefix, root and suffix of a word.

Spelling meaning

Where did fluent vowels come from? What reduced vowels are is not known to everyone today. But in the Old Russian language, instead of some of the letters familiar today, the so-called super-short vowels were used in writing: Ъ – “er”, which was read as “O” and ь – “er”, which was read as “E”. Therefore, when their position is strong, they are transformed into the vowels -о- and –е-, and when they are weak, they disappear.

For example: father - father; father - father.

IN modern language V oral speech Fluent vowels are used to make clusters of consonant sounds easier to pronounce. That is why in some word forms and words, when the case changes, the sound either appears or disappears. For writing There are several writing rules that you need to remember to avoid mistakes.

Basic forms with fluent vowels

Before learning the rules, you should determine in which word forms this spelling is hidden. There are fluent vowels in words related to nouns, adjectives and verbs.

It occurs in three forms without ending:

For example: bag - bag, hammer - hammer.

  • nouns used in the plural in the 1st declension and in the neuter gender of the 2nd declension in genitive case, as well as some forms that only have plural with the suffixes -yor, -ok, -ets.

For example: sister - sisters, day - days, ring - rings.

For example: sad - sad - sad, doggy - doggy - doggy.

Fluent vowels can appear both in a separate form of a word and in its related derivatives. In addition, they can act as percussive and unaccented sounds. As a rule, the sounds -о-, -е-, -е- appear in the stressed position; -и- is extremely rare. It is important to remember here that before the letter “th” in the stressed position, “e-” is used, which is heard during pronunciation.

For example: family - family - family - family, sparrow - sparrow.

Given the difficulty of identifying a fluent vowel in a word, spelling can be challenging. To check most cases of this spelling, two basic rules can be distinguished. The first rule applies to writing adjectives and nouns, the second to verbs.

Knowing what fluent vowels are and remembering simple techniques for checking them, you can avoid serious mistakes in writing.

Rule one

This test method applies to the spelling of nouns and adjectives. It is important to pay attention to the neighborhood here. Namely, which consonants stand next to the fluent vowels.

  • If these are hard paired consonants, then you should write the letter “o”.
  • When these are hissing, soft paired consonants, as well as -ts-, then there is a place for the letter -e- in the word.
  • In the case of the proximity of paired soft sibilants, the letter –i- should be used before -y-.

Rule two

How to write verbs with this vowel? In fact, everything is quite simple: if a word has the suffix -a- after the root, the letter -i- is written in the root. If this suffix is ​​not there, then the letter -e-.

List of exceptions

There are words that are not subject to rules; you just need to remember them in order to use them correctly.

  • Instead of the expected -e- the letter -i- can be used: hare - hare.
  • The expected -e- can be replaced by -i-: worthy - worthy, dignity.
  • The letter -e- instead of -i-: judge - judges, gun - guns, hive - beehive, boil - boil.

Knowledge of what fluent vowels are will definitely come in handy! And it’s very easy to learn the rules and save yourself from mistakes!

Fluent vowels

Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992.

See what “Fluent vowels” are in other dictionaries:

fluent vowels- Vowels o and e of modern Russian. language, alternating with zero sound during formation and word formation. Sleep/sleep. Day/days. Fluent vowels are explained by the fact that in the Old Russian language in their place there were not (o) and (e), but reduced ones, so ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

fluent vowels- In Russian: vowel sounds o and e, appearing in some forms of the word and disappearing in others (for example: forehead forehead, day of the day) ... Dictionary of many expressions

Vowels- Vowels are a class of speech sounds, distinguished on the basis of their articulatory, acoustic and functional properties. The articulatory properties of vowels lie in the fact that these are sounds formed with the obligatory participation of the voice (whispering vowels ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

Reduced vowels- Reduced vowels 1) ultra-short vowels of the middle rise of the non-front and front formations, inherited by the ancients Slavic languages from Proto-Slavic (for example, Proto-Slavic *sъnъ ‘sleep’, *dьnь ‘day’). According to tradition, R. g. are designated ... ... Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary

fluent- oh, oh. 1. Escaped from where. And he was not a runaway soldier of the Austrian powder squads. Pushkin, My genealogy. | in meaning noun runaway, wow, m.; runaway, oh, well. Well, he says, Dosekin, so I’m lost, because, he says, I’m a brother, a fugitive, one of the soldiers... Small Academic Dictionary

vowel- ▲ speech sound prolonged sound vowel sounds speech sounds formed by the free passage of air in the mouth, consisting mainly of the voice (voice tone); There are 10 vowels in the Russian language. A. I (a+y). u. Yu. e. e.o. e.i. s. long vowels. fugitive... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

FLUENT- FUGITIVE, oh, oh; fugitive 1. full Fleeing, running away from somewhere. B. serf. 2. Fast, not delayed. B. look. Reading fluently (without difficulty). B. review of the manuscript (done hastily). Fluently (adv.) play the piano (skillfully and... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

fluent- oh, oh. see also fluently, fluency 1) Escaped, on the run (about deserters, prisoners, and in the old days about serfs) An escaped convict. Scared soldier. 2) Done quickly, without difficulty. Second reading... Dictionary of many expressions

Morphoneme- (morphophoneme) the elementary unit of morphonology, the limiting element of the signifying morpheme. Kh. Ulashin, who proposed the concept of “morphoneme” (1927), defined it as a phoneme in a semasiological morphological function; term in this meaning (J. L. Trager, ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

Ukrainian language - This term has other meanings, see Ukrainian language (meanings). Ukrainian language Self-name: Ukrainian language of the Country... Wikipedia

Fluent vowels in roots and suffixes of nouns and adjectives

Unstressed fluent and connecting vowels.

Correct writing letters in place of an unstressed vowel in some cases is determined by the fluency of this vowel.

The fluent vowel is present in those forms where there is no ending (in forms with the so-called zero ending), namely: in nouns husband. kind of II declension - in the form named after. p.un. h. ( meshO to – bag, frome c – father); in nouns of the 1st declension and environments, gender of the 2nd declension, as well as in some nouns that have only plural forms. h., - in the form of genus. p.m. h. ( sister - sistere r, gut – kishO k, ring - counte c, day – dayO To); for qualitative adjectives - in short form units h. husband kind ( strong - strengthe n – strong, smart – minde n - smart); for possessive adjectives with suffixes −th And −whose (−yachiy) - in the form named after. p.un. h. husband kind ( foxAnd th - fox - fox, catAnd th - cat's - cat's). In all other forms of declension of the listed groups words there is no fluent vowel.

A fluent vowel may also appear not in a separate form of the word, but in another related word(in all its forms), e.g.: needle - needleO linen, igO lka; glasses - very goodO glasses; taiga - thate gentle; Moscow - MoscowO Vsky, Moscow regionO prominent; hundred - sO ty, withO tnya; ship - shipe linen, shipe flatterer; war - ine ny; benefit - gendere knowledgeable; casting - lite yny, lit.e box; minister - ministere Rsky, ministere rstvo .

Fluent vowels occur both under stress and in unstressed position. Fluent vowels are common under stress O(in writing also conveyed by the letter e ) And e, rare vowel And (odAnd n – one, egg – IAnd ts, digit – digitAnd ry). At the same time, before th (in contrast to the unstressed position, see § 64, paragraph 3 and paragraph c) here the letter is written, in accordance with pronunciation e , eg: nightingale - nightingale, family - families, family and little family, friends (plural) - friends, cell - cell and cell attendant, whose - whose, third (third) – arbitration, draw(noun) - no one's.

Unstressed fluent vowels are represented by letters e , O or And By following rules(below, after each example, a form or word is given in parentheses where the fluent vowel is missing).

1. After hard paired consonants, the fluent vowel is conveyed by the letter O , eg: pawsO t (bast shoes), kittenO To (kitten); banO To (jar), pusheenO To (fluff), daughtersO To (daughter), kitchenO no (kitchen), OKO n (window), daysO To (day), woreO To (stretcher); thunderO To (loud), nearO To (close galO whose (jackdaw, galO To), utO chka (duck, utO To), resolutionsO personal (staging, stagingO To), daysO personal (day, dayO To).

2. After soft paired consonants, hissing, ts And j before all consonants except th , the fluent vowel is conveyed by the letter e , eg: little fingere ts (little finger), woodpeckerse l (woodpecker), vete R (wind), steame no (guy), Pave l (Pavel), lumpe To (lump); weddinge b (wedding), bane To (bathhouse), doge n (song), bashe n (tower), lee To (watering can), roofse To (lid), light bulbe To (bulb), dumplinge To (dumpling), heelse n (spot), canvasese ts (towel), feathere To (feather), dene G (money); mountainse To (bitter), tastee n (delicious), importante n (important), calmlye n (calm), it's cleare n (sultry), straightforwarde n (straightforward); the same in derivatives from such words, for example: mountainse whose (bitter, mountaine To), linee personal (line, linee To), on foote personal (pawn, pawne To), tendernesse nka (gentle, gentlee n), mae chka (T-shirt, mae To), Rave society (equal, equale n), uze lok (uze l, knot).

3. Before th an unstressed fluent vowel is conveyed by a letter And , eg: kelAnd th (cell), pancakeAnd th (fritter), GOSTAnd th (guest), warblerAnd th (songbird), gorgeAnd th (gorge), copAnd th (a spear), upsurgeAnd th (hillock), footstoolAnd th (foot), VarenAnd th (jam); wolfAnd th (wolf), camelAnd th (camel), rubsAnd th (third); the same in derivatives from such words, for example: pancakeAnd yika (pancake, pancakeAnd th), kelAnd yika (cell, cellAnd th), but cf. option kele yika.

A) with a letter O in place of a fluent vowel (after hard paired consonants): bestolO whose (stupid), vetO sew (dilapidated), copO t (smoke), ropO T (grumble), whisperO T (whisper); beechO vka (letter), lawsuitO rka (spark), pokeO vka (pumpkin); lay downO personal (lungs), runny noseO personal (runny nose), passO personal And passO student (Easter, food), blancO personal (form), broadspectrumO ryny And narrow-spectrumO ryny (range), fireworksO personal (fireworks), SherenO gentle (line); directO R (headmistress), emperorO R (empress);

b) with a letter e (after soft paired consonants): mountainse nka (upper room), goosee lki And goosee people (harp), wheree ryki (curls), foreste nka (ladder), digitale rka And digitale rblat (number); airshipe linen (airship), toadse ryny (gills), large-calibere ryny And small calibere ryny (caliber), kege linen And kege lban (skittles), sune personal (Sun), I'm withe linen And I'm withe lki (nursery); burgomiste Russian (burgomaster), master's degreee Russian (master), along with the option master's degreee Russian; furnituree l (furnish, furnished), shabe R (locksmith tool) (to scrape, to scrape);

V) with a letter And (before j): VasilAnd th (Vasilevich And Vasilevna), GrigorAnd th (Grigorievich), VitalAnd th (Vitalievna) and so on.; lotAnd th (drawing of lots), manAnd I (maniac), ItalyAnd I (Italian). Exception ( And not before j): rabbitAnd To (rabbit, little rabbit).

Fluent vowels in the root, suffix and prefix. Example words

Here are examples of words with fluent vowels "o", "e" in the root, suffix and prefix of words of different parts of speech.

What are fluent vowels?

When the form of words changes or when new words are formed in different morphemes, some vowels or consonants may be replaced by others. This is called alternation. Let's take an interest in examples of alternations of vowels and consonants.

Sometimes vowel alternation "O" And "e" can occur with zero sound. This means that a vowel may appear between consonants in a word or its form "O" or "e" where it was not there before, or, conversely, disappear. We are talking about fluent vowels, for example:

  • r about in - there is nothing? ditch;
  • tent - a lot of things? chambers about to;
  • box about to - edge of what? box;
  • courtyard e c - steps of what? palace;
  • human - silhouette of whom? little man.

Examples of fluent vowels in the root

Fluent vowels "o", "e" We observe in the root of nouns in the genitive singular and plural form:

Pairs of nouns in the nominative singular and plural forms have fluent vowels, for example:

In the short forms of the masculine singular of qualitative adjectives, we note the appearance of fluent vowels:

When new words are formed, fluent vowels may appear or disappear at the root:

  • glossy - glossy;
  • mesh o k - baggy;
  • window - ok about school;
  • needle - needle needle, linen needle;
  • hundred - from this, from this, from this;
  • z o v - to call;
  • take - take.

Examples of words with fluent vowels in a prefix

If the prefix ends in a consonant, and the root of the word is often a cluster of two or more consonants, then for ease of pronunciation, a fluent vowel appears in the prefix "O", For example:

  • spread out - spread out;
  • overclock - acceleration;
  • ascend - ascend;
  • tear - tear apart;
  • drive away - drive away;
  • take away - I will take away;
  • accomplish - accomplish;
  • enter - enter;
  • pour in - pour in;
  • pick up - pick up;
  • to tear - to tear.

Examples of words with fluent vowels in the suffix

Let us indicate the word forms of different parts of speech in which there are fluent vowels in suffixes:

  • weeding - weeding;
  • hairstyle - hairstyle;
  • dark - dark;
  • smart - smart;
  • owner - owner;
  • craftsman - craftsmen;
  • stubborn - stubborn;
  • book - books;
  • girlfriend - girlfriends;
  • mongrel - mongrels;
  • broom - broom;
  • shoe - shoe;
  • petal - petal;
  • frog - frogs;
  • old woman - old women, old woman;
  • baby - babies;
  • glass - glass;
  • baby camel - baby camel;
  • turkey - turkey;
  • little pebble - little pebble;
  • scallop - scallop;
  • pocket - pocket.


Fluent vowels rule

Unstressed fluent vowels in roots and suffixes of nouns and adjectives

Introductory remarks. The correct spelling of a letter in place of an unstressed vowel is in some cases determined by the fluency of this vowel.

The fluent vowel appears in many nouns and adjectives in one of the declension forms, between the two final consonants of the stem (as part of a suffix or root).

The fluent vowel is present in those forms where there is no ending (in forms with the so-called zero ending), namely: in nouns husband. kind of II declension - in the form named after. p.un. h. (mesh o k - bag, from e c - father); in nouns of the 1st declension and environments, gender of the 2nd declension, as well as in some nouns that have only plural forms. h., - in the form of genus. p.m. h. (sister - sister e r, gut - kish o k, ring - ring, day - day o k); for qualitative adjectives - in the short form of units. h. husband kind (strong - strength ё n - strong, smart - um ё n - smart); for possessive adjectives with the suffixes -y and -achiy (-yachiy) - in the form im. p.un. h. husband kind (fox and y - fox - fox, cat and y - cat - cat). In all other forms of declension of the listed groups of words, there is no fluent vowel.

A fluent vowel can also appear not in a separate form of a word, but in another related word (in all its forms), for example: needle - needle linen, needle; glasses - very glasses; taiga - that kind; Moscow - Moscow region, Moscow region; hundred - s o ty, s o t ya; ship - ship, ship's shipper; war - military; benefit - useful; casting - casting, casting; minister - ministerial, ministry.

Fluent vowels occur both under stress and in unstressed position. Under stress, the fluent vowels o (also represented in writing by the letter ё) and e are common; the vowel and (one - one, egg - eggs, number - number) is rare. In this case, before th (in contrast to the unstressed position, see § 64, paragraph 3 and paragraph c) the letter e is written here, in accordance with the pronunciation, for example: nightingale - nightingale, family - families, family and little family, friends (plural) - friends, cell - cell and cell attendant, whose - whose, third (third) - arbitration, draw (noun) - no one's.

§ 64. Unstressed fluent vowels are represented by the letters e, o or and according to the following rules (below, after each example, a form or word is given in parentheses where there is no fluent vowel).

1. After hard paired consonants, a fluent vowel is conveyed by the letter o, for example: bast shoe (laptya), kitten o k (kitten); ban o k (bank), pushin o k (fluff), dochur o k (daughter), kukh o n (kitchen), okon (window), sut o k (day), wore o k (stretcher); thunder about to (loud), close to (close); the same in derivatives from such words, for example: gal about chiy (daw, gal about k), u ochka (duck, duck), staging (setting, staging), diurnal (day, day o k).

2. After soft paired consonants, hissing, c and j, before all consonants except j, the fluent vowel is conveyed by the letter e, for example: little finger e c (little finger), dyat e l (woodpecker), wind e r (winds), par e'en (guy), Pavel (Paul), komochek (lump); svad e b (wedding), ban e k (bathhouse), pe sen (song), tower (tower), le k (watering can), krysh e k (lid), light bulb (light bulb), kletz e k
(dumpling), stain (stain), towel e (towel), feather e k (feather), den e g (money); bitter (bitter), tasty (delicious), important (important), calm (calm), sultry (sultry), rectilinear (straightforward); the same in derivatives from such words, for example: bitterness (bitter, bitter), line (line, line), pawn (pawn, pawn), nezhenka (gentle, gentle), T-shirt (T-shirt, T-shirt), equality (equal, equal), knot (knot, knot).

3. Before th, an unstressed fluent vowel is conveyed by the letter and, for example: kel and y (cell), olad and y (pancake), gost and y (guest), pevun and y (singer), gorge and y (gorge), kop and y (spear), vzgor and y (hill), foot and y (foot), varen and y (jam); wolf and y (wolf), camel and y (camel), tret and y (third); the same in derivatives from such words, for example: olad and yka (pancake, olad and th), kel and yka (cell, kel and th), but cf. variant of kel e yka.

Exceptions: the letter l (instead of the expected e) is written in the word za yats (hare) and in the derivative za ya chy; the letter and (instead of the expected e) - in the form of dignity (worthy) and in the derivative dignity; the letter e (instead of the expected i) - in the words ul e y (hive), chir e y (chirya), in the forms genus. p.m. including ruzh e y (gun) and sud e y (judge), along with the option sud e y.

According to the same rule, unstressed fluent vowels are conveyed in writing, appearing not in a separate form of a word, but in the word as a whole, in all its forms (as opposed to other words with the same root, where there is no fluent vowel). List of such words:

a) with the letter o in the place of a fluent vowel (after hard paired consonants): bestol o ch (stupid), veto sh (decrepit), sokot (to smoke), ro p o t (murmur), whisper o t (whisper) ; buk o vka (letter), isk o rka (spark), pumpkin (pumpkin); pulmonary (lungs), runny nose (runny nose), pasochny and pasochnitsa (Easter, food), blank (blank), wide-spectrum and narrow-spectrum (spectrum), fireworks (fireworks ), sheren o zhny (rank); direct o r (directress), imperator o r (empress);

b) with the letter e (after soft paired consonants): gorenka (upper room), guselki and guseltsy (harp), kuderki (curls), lesenka (ladder), tsiferka and tsif e rblat (digit); dirigible (airship), gilly (gills),
large-caliber and small-caliber (caliber), skittles and skittles (skittles), solar (sun), nursery and manger (manger); burgomisterskiy (burgomaster), magisterskiy (magister), along with the variant magisterskiy; furniture (to furnish, furnished), scraper (metalwork tool) (to scrape, to scrape);

c) with the letter and (before j): Vasil and y (Vasilievich and Vasilievna), Grigor and y (Grigorievich), Vital and y (Vitalevna), etc.; lot and y (draw), man and ya (maniac), Ital and ya (Italian). Exception (and not before j): rabbit and k (rabbit, little rabbit).

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Summary of a Russian language lesson in 5th grade according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Russian language lesson in 5th grade on the topic: “Alternation of sounds. Fluent vowels"

This educational and methodological development developed according to the new standard and intended for a lesson in methodological assistance for Russian language teachers in the 5th grade. All stages are described in the course, according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Russian language lesson on the topic: “Alternation of sounds. Fluent vowels."

Lesson type: ONZ. The wonderful is near us


- formation:

a) concepts of alternation of sounds and fluent vowels by observing words;

knowledge about vowel fluency as a variant of alternation, developing the ability to parse the composition of words with fluent vowels.

- development: ability to identify morphemes that contain fluent vowels leading into active dictionary and cognitive activity of students using the term “fluent vowels”;

spelling and punctuation literacy;

mental operations: research, observation, analysis, generalization.

Handout: diagnostic card.

N Required equipment: textbook.

Demonstrative material: algorithm for checking alternating vowels in the root; standards for self-testing.

During the classes:

1. Motivation for educational activities.

Teacher: Hello, guys!

Now we have a Russian language lesson. We read the instructions for the lesson together.

You came here to study,

Don't be lazy, but work.

Work diligently

Listen carefully.

Teacher: Guys, in previous lessons you studied ways to form words, and in the last lesson you wrote a summary; you can see the results and analysis of errors on the interactive board (slide). I hope you will come to a conclusion and not make such mistakes.

Teacher: At home you should have prepared questions for each other. Now we will ask them in a chain. To do this, the class had to be divided into four zones. (according to the location of the desks)! The 1st zone sets the 2nd, etc.


What parts of the word do you know? (Prefix, root, suffix, ending)

What are the parts of a word called? (Morphemes).

What morpheme comes after the prefix? (Root).

What morpheme is used to form word forms? (end)

Which morpheme retains main meaning words? (root)

II Updating and recording individual difficulties in the trial

Teacher: During the lesson you need to evaluate your cognitive activity:

The task was completed correctly, put + (plus);

The task was not completed accurately, put a question mark (?).

Where do we begin to learn something new?

Student: By repeating what we know about morphemes

Teacher: Which way of repeating our topic will we choose?

Student: Parsing words by composition (Performing morphemic parsing of words)).

Students in the first three desks of the first row in a chain work on a card, comment on the topic “Similar words and forms of the same word” studied in the last lesson and highlight the roots.( Someone might work at the board, the rest - in notebooks).

room-room, moved-in, new-news, build-build, walnut

Teacher: I propose to write down words with the same root for the word nut, cognate (hazel), subdoreshnik), baker- (oven)

Teacher: Select the root, what did you notice? (Some sounds were replaced by others in the same part of the word)

Teacher: Correct, as a result of the alternation of sounds, variants of the same significant part of the word are formed. What can we conclude?

(This means that the words baker - oven have the same root, in which there is an alternation of consonants)

Teacher: We check by reading along the chain. We name the roots in pairs of words. Change the form of the word, the case of the word cucumber, day and write it down.

(cucumber-cucumber, day-day)

What changes have occurred in the root of the word? (Vowel e ran away)

Teacher: Are all these words the same root or not? Give reasons for your answer (Of course, the lexical meaning contained in the root is the same.)

Teacher: What happens to the letters in the roots of some of these words?

(Sounds replace each other in turn. Alternation is a queue of sounds. The meaning of the root does not change.)

Teacher: Is it possible to use words with alternating sounds as tests?

Teacher: Let's see how our classmates worked with morphemic parsing. Who wants to become a consultant? (One of the students checks the completion and says “The word analysis was completed correctly”)

- What conclusion can be drawn about your knowledge and skills on the topic “Root morphemes, suffix endings and prefixes - (material learned on sufficient level)

Teacher: What spelling patterns did you find in these morphemes? (We don’t know enough about the alternation of sounds and examples of alternation, where and why vowels disappear in words).

Teacher: Don’t forget to evaluate your cognitive activity at this stage of the lesson.

Teacher: Are all the spellings mentioned familiar to you? (No. We do not know enough about the alternation of sounds and examples of alternation. We do not know which spelling rule is associated with the fluency of vowels in the words cucumber-cucumber, sleep-sleep, day-day ).

Teacher: What are pairs of words? (Word forms)

Teacher: Try about explain the spelling in these words . (We have no options for explanation.)

Teacher: Why can’t you explain where the vowel goes when the word changes? (- What is the difficulty? (Lack of knowledge about the spellings of alternating sounds and fluent vowels)

III.Identification of the location and cause of the difficulty.

What are these words called? (Same root words with alternating sounds).

What's the problem? (Alternation of sounds in these roots, disappearance and appearance of vowels when the form of the word changes).

IV. Construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty (goal, topic, method, plan, means).

Teacher: - What is the goal of our further work? (Determine the reason for the alternation of sounds and vowel fluency

Teacher: Match the given words with the same root and write them down, highlighting the root in them.

1st row – the word circle; 2nd row – the word meadow; Row 3 – the word snow.

Checking the task: children read the written words, name the root, note the alternation of consonants. (circle-circle g//f, meadow-meadow g//f, snow-snowball g//f)

Teacher: Can you check the word snow with the word snowball? Why. (yes, they have the same lexical meaning, but you need to know that the consonants at the root alternate g//g)


Teacher: Listen to the rhyme. During the pause, try to find a word with the same root with an alternating consonant.

Roots can change

But remain family

Side-...(side), friend-...(friend),

Ear-...(ears), fluff-...(fluff),

I’m writing-…(write), I’m flying-…(fly)

We will call them the same root.

Teacher: How do you understand the phrase shining in gold?

Write down: gold - gold (teacher writes on the board)

What do you notice interesting about the forms of this word?

Teacher: Correct: the second vowel in the word gold alternates (o - a), the first vowel o completely disappeared in the first case.

Observe the shapes the following words(cards with words are distributed to each zone)

1- Shore, coastal - shore, coastal

2-Gate, gateway - gate, goalkeeper

3-Head, head, title - head, primacy, main

4-Health, healthy – health, hello

One student works at the blackboard: - Youth, young - baby, junior

Conclusion: Therefore, words can alternate not only consonants, but also vowels. Vowels that alternately appear and “escape” from the root are called fluent vowels.

Teacher: How can we formulate the topic of our lesson? (Alternation of sounds. Fluent vowels).

How do you understand the meaning of the word fluent? Name your associations (disappearing, running away)

Using the explanatory dictionary, Ozhegova will find and read the meaning of the word “runaway”,

(FUGITIVE, ah, oh; fugitive 1. full. Fleeing, a serf who has escaped from somewhere. 2. Quick, not lingering. B. glance. Fluent reading (without difficulty). B. review of the manuscript (done hastily) Fluently (adv.) play the piano (skillfully) Ozhegov's Olkov Dictionary)

Is this concept found in Russian? (Yes)

When? (when we talk about fluent vowel)

How many fluent vowels are there in Russian? Name them. (O and E)

Why are they called runaways? (Alternate with zero sound). P. 125.

Where did we encounter fluent vowels? (At the root of words).

What are we going to talk about today?

Suggest whether fluent vowels can occur in other parts of the word? Which ones?

Teacher: Today we will conduct a linguistic study and each zone performs a part general assignment on the topic “Fugitive vowels”. We will work by zones (groups). Assignment for zone 1: Using the material from the book “Funitive about the Russian language”, refer to the history of the language and answer the question: “Why did the vowels run away?”

Work plan: -Read the article yourself

Name the language process that led to vowel fluency

Explain what happened.

Zone 2: Which vowels can escape?

Work plan:

1. Compare the words Zorkiy-sight, noon-noon,

2. Name the vowels that run away

3.Give your examples, use the textbook material (take-take, wind-wind)

3rd zone:

In what parts of the word can vowel fluency be observed?

Work plan:

Review Rule Examples

Answer the question: “In what parts of the word can vowel fluency be observed?”

3. Give examples from the textbook and supplement them with your own

4th zone.

What spelling rule is vowel fluency associated with?

Work plan:

Observe the declension of the following words: bag, key.

2. Highlight suffixes in words, emphasize vowels

3. What conclusion can be drawn about the spelling of the vowel in the suffixes -ek, -ik? (with declension -ik is preserved, and -ik- becomes a fluent vowel.

Group performance.

Teacher: Let's listen to a prepared student who was given the advanced task of learning about fluent vowels and composing a fairy tale about them. Let's listen to what he will tell.

(On the island of Slovansk once upon a time there lived friendly vowels, there were much more of them than now. By the way, how many vowel letters are there in the Russian alphabet? 10. And there were 12 of them: b and b. b and b were used in strong and weak positions : SN, DAY. But the evil ruler of TIME ordered that these vowels disappear forever: SON - SN, DAY - DAY. And these vowels went on the run. only O and E, they became fluent vowels, and I was strong and stubborn, this vowel always stands in its place and does not disappear anywhere.)

Teacher: At the end of the lesson, let's once again formulate questions on the topic studied and ask each other by zone. The rest will answer my questions.

. Implementation of project construction.

Open your textbook to page 99, exercise 298.

Read the text carefully. What case of alternation of sounds did you learn about?

(- Such sounds are called “fluent”. Because they “run away” when the word changes (most often it is enough to put the noun in the genitive case)

WITH O n – sn a, p e ny – Mon I e ny – days I am from e ts – o shopping center ah, bite O k – ku sk a, p O T - rt a, p e With - ps A

What other observations did you make? (that fluent consonants appear not only in roots, but also in suffixes. Only “round” ones have this feature oh, oh . And here And – strong! She always stays in her place.)

What does vowel fluency depend on? Can we conclude? (From changing the form of the word).

Well done! You are very observant.

Let's express our conclusion in a generalized form and create a standard. Who will try?

On the desk: Step I. Change the form of the word.

Step II.

Not really

Write E or O Write I

- T Now can we explain the spelling of words that caused difficulty at the beginning of the lesson? (We know that there are vowels that either appear or “run away” from the root, called fluent vowels.).

-How determine the fluent vowel in these words? (Refer to the standard).

Read the examples on the board :. What will you do to fill in the missing letters? (Let's use the standard).

What conclusion can be drawn? (We have completed the task, we can identify alternating sounds and fluent vowels).

V I. Primary consolidation in external speech.

What is our next step? cognitive activity? (It is necessary to consolidate knowledge of the rule and the ability to apply it in practice).

I completely agree with you. Let's do exercise No. 421 of the textbook in pairs, taking turns commenting on the words to each other. Let's start with option 1. Let's put the first two words together for a sample

Option 1 Sleep-sna (the fluent vowel O in the root, “runs away” if we put the word in the genitive case).

Option 2. Kubanets-Kubanets (fluent vowel E in the suffix, “runs away” if we put the word in the genitive case

We continue on our own

Did you have any difficulty doing this exercise? (No, we dealt with it easily).

V II. Self-control with self-test against a standard.

Are you confident in your skills? (Yes).

How to check? (We can complete the task independently and test ourselves against the standard). Using the algorithm, fill out the table. Place a “+” sign in the appropriate column.Step 1- Change the form of the word. II step.Determine whether the vowel “runs away”.

Not really

Write E or O Write I


Write E

Write O

Write I











Assignment for everyone: Help me return fluent vowels, what needs to be done for this? (. Change the form of a word )

window - windows

fluff - fluff

close - close

loud - loud

feather - feather

song - songs

towel – towels

spot - spots

whoever finishes first will continue the same work with the remaining sentences (p. 6-10). 7 minutes to work.

-...minutes have expired. What are your next steps? (We will conduct a self-test using the standard). Standard: I step.

Who made the mistakes? How to proceed? (Correct errors yourself or use a standard).

Well done. Put a “+” sign in the margin if you have no mistakes.

VIII. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

What new knowledge have we added to our “treasury” of knowledge? (We can determine the alternation of sounds, correctly identify the root and determine the fluent vowel).

To which group can the sound testing technique be applied? (To alternating ones).

Have we secured the new rule enough? (No).

Why? (Small volume practical application new knowledge).

Then we are working on the following task: 1) Read the sentence “A light breeze plays with the silver leaves of the willow and they tremble slightly from this.” Write out the predicate verb from the second part of the sentence, select cognate words for it (trembles) -( Tremble, tremble g//f, tremble o//a)

2) Are these pairs of words the same root? Op O give - op A Hello, Vl e zt – ow A zit, Goto V it - goto ow Yu.

3) Are the words the same root? Stump stump. Checkbox - checkbox

4) Find a word in which alternation of sounds in the root is possible:

1) oak tree, 2) success, 3) night, 4) guitar

5) Find a word with a fluent vowel:

1) lock, 2) look, 3) shoot, 4) bird

6) Select parts of the word and draw a conclusion in which parts of the word can fluent vowels appear? Select parts of the word and draw a conclusion in which parts of the word fluent vowels can appear?1. sleep - sleep, call - call, ditch - ditches, take - take, lion - lion, flax - flax - (at the root)

2. collect - gathering, bend - bend, tear - tear, respond - review (in the prefix),

3. gift - gifts, ravine - ravine, beautiful - beautiful (in the suffix)

Copy the phrases written on the board, inserting the missing letters, and indicate the conditions for choosing the letters A and O.

It's good to be fluent. To shine with non-presence...

Have a wonderful gift
Runaway "E" (catcher - catcher):
Was under attack
And disappeared from the word. Larisa Miller.

“Fugitive” are vowels that are dropped during declension: sleep-sna; bag-bag

I X. Reflection of educational activities.

What was the lesson about? (We learned about alternating sounds and fluent vowels).

What is the essence of spelling these words? .

What difficulties did we experience? (We don’t always highlight the root of the word correctly).

What helped us overcome them? (New knowledge about alternating sounds and fluent vowels).

I learned to identify alternating sounds and fluent vowels, but I still had a question about the topic of the lesson. I'll put a question mark.

I learned to check alternating sounds and a fluent vowel in different parts of a word, but I’m not sure that I can independently distinguish the roots with alternation from the stressed vowels being tested. I’ll tell myself: “I worked well!”

! ! !

I learned to recognize alternating vowels and consonants, fluent vowels in different morphemes, and I can explain the topic to a friend and say to myself: “Well done!”

1. Who learned to identify roots with alternating sounds, apply learned rules, explain the choice of spelling, and can identify morphemes that have fluent vowels, but there is still a question about the topic of the lesson, put a question mark and do the exercise. No. 419 from paragraph 71. Consider the table and draw a conclusion: in which parts of the word there are fluent vowels

2 Anyone who has learned to check alternating sounds and fluent vowels, but is not sure that he can independently distinguish roots with alternation from the vowels being tested by stress, then tell yourself “I worked well!” and do the exercise. 420. Consider the table and draw a conclusion: in what parts of the word are there fluent vowels?

3. I have learned to recognize alternating vowels and consonants, fluent vowels in different morphemes and I can explain the topic to a friend, I will say to myself: “Well done!” and come up with 5-6 sentences on the topic “In the forest.”

4. Tasks for smart people and smart girls!

Select 5-6 examples on a topic from a piece of software that you are currently studying.

Write down your examples of words with alternations. Complicated write-off on ID cards

Thank you, I'm pleased with you.

How many of us, as schoolchildren, thought about how important it is to learn the rules of the Russian language? Sometimes such a simple childhood mistake as missing lessons can play a cruel joke in adult life. Yes, this is the computer age, and Word points out errors, so you don't have to worry about grammar. But we still fill out a lot of documents by hand, we write many applications the old fashioned way with pen on paper, and making childish mistakes in the text is simply unacceptable for an educated person.

Quite often, spelling with a fluent vowel causes difficulties. Children are introduced to this linguistic concept in the fifth grade, but upon leaving school, few can remember the rules for spelling words that fall into this category. In this article you can find information about the origin of these vowels, their spelling and methods of verification.

Definition of the term

And why were they called that? Fugitive - because it either drops out when a word is changed, or appears where it was not there before. Speaking linguistically, vowels alternate with zero sound during the formation and formation of new words.

For example: sleep - sleep, oak - oak, nut - nut.

-o- and -e- alternate with zero sound. A fluent vowel can appear and disappear in the prefix, root and suffix of a word.

Spelling meaning

Where did fluent vowels come from? What reduced vowels are is not known to everyone today. But in the Old Russian language, instead of some of the letters familiar today, the so-called super-short vowels were used in writing: Ъ - “er”, which was read as “O” and ь - “er”, which was read as “E”. Therefore, when their position was strong, they were transformed into the vowels -o- and -e-, and when they were weak, they disappeared.

For example: father - father; father - father.

In modern language, fluent vowels are used in oral speech to facilitate the pronunciation of clusters of consonant sounds. That is why in some word forms and words, when the case changes, the sound either appears or disappears. For writing, there are several writing rules that you need to remember to avoid mistakes.

Basic forms with fluent vowels

Before learning the rules, you should determine in which word forms this spelling is hidden. There are fluent vowels in words related to nouns, adjectives and verbs.

It occurs in three forms without ending:

  • nouns used in the masculine gender of the second declension, in the singular nominative case with the suffix - approx.

For example: bag - bag, hammer - hammer.

  • nouns used in the plural in the 1st declension and in the neuter gender of the 2nd declension in the genitive case, as well as some forms that have only a plural with the suffixes -er, -ok, -ets.

For example: sister - sisters, day - days, ring - rings.

  • a short form of qualitative adjectives used in and masculine possessive adjectives in the form of the nominative case in the singular with the endings - en, -iy, -achiy, -yachiy.

For example: sad - sad - sad, dog - dog - dog.

Fluent vowels can appear both in a separate form of a word and in its related derivatives. In addition, they can act as percussive and unaccented sounds. As a rule, the sounds -о-, -е-, -е- appear in the stressed position; -и- is extremely rare. It is important to remember here that before the letter “th” in the stressed position, -e- is used, which is heard during pronunciation.

For example: family - family - family - family, sparrow - sparrow.

Given the difficulty of identifying a fluent vowel in a word, spelling can be challenging. To check most cases of this spelling, two basic rules can be distinguished. The first rule applies to writing adjectives and nouns, the second to verbs.

Knowing what fluent vowels are and remembering simple techniques for checking them, you can avoid serious mistakes in writing.

Rule one

This test method applies to the spelling of nouns and adjectives. It is important to pay attention to the neighborhood here. Namely, which consonants stand next to the fluent vowels.

  • If these are hard paired consonants, then you should write the letter “o”.
  • When these are hissing, soft paired consonants, as well as -ts-, then there is a place for the letter -e- in the word.
  • In the case of the proximity of paired soft sibilants, the letter -i- should be used before -y-.

Rule two

How to write verbs with this vowel? In fact, everything is quite simple: if a word has the suffix -a- after the root, the letter -i- is written in the root. If this suffix is ​​not there, then the letter -e-.

List of exceptions

There are words that are not subject to rules; you just need to remember them in order to use them correctly.

  • Instead of the expected -e- the letter -я- can be used: hare - hare.
  • The expected -e- can be replaced by -i-: worthy - worthy, dignity.
  • The letter -e- instead of -i-: judge - judges, gun - guns, hive - hive, boil - boil.

Knowledge of what fluent vowels are will definitely come in handy! And it’s very easy to learn the rules and save yourself from mistakes!

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