Home Vegetables Day of the Holy Trinity: traditions and signs of a Christian holiday. Trinity: what can and cannot be done on this holiday, signs on the Trinity

Day of the Holy Trinity: traditions and signs of a Christian holiday. Trinity: what can and cannot be done on this holiday, signs on the Trinity

Trinity is a very important holiday for Orthodox Christians. Another name is the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. It is from the second name that it follows with which event the holiday is connected. The appearance of the Holy Spirit on earth, which was predicted by Jesus, is precisely what religious people call the trinity of God, that is, the existence of three Persons of one essentially God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Orthodox Christians very much believe in this.

The Trinity also has a third name - Pentecost. This name has a logical explanation: it is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. And this is not strange, since many Orthodox holidays tied to the Great Resurrection.

Since there is no old date for Easter and the date fluctuates every year, Trinity is celebrated in different days differently. Troitsa in 2018 falls on May 27.

History of the Trinity

Orthodox Christians believe that this holiday was established by the apostles, who were disciples and followers of Jesus. Simply put, they just wanted people to celebrate and remember the 50th day from the date of Jesus' Resurrection.

The Holy Scripture explains that on this day the Holy Spirit descended precisely to these apostles, who by that time had been praying for exactly fifty days in a row in the upper room of Zion, which, as you know, later became the first Christian temple.

Religious people believe that the life of the apostles after the descent of the Holy Spirit: they began to see the future and heal, and they received these skills, as well as knowledge foreign languages so that they can preach all over the world. After what happened, the apostles dispersed around the world in order to tell people about the life of Christ and his torment for human sins.

As for the official confirmation of the Trinity, it happened in 381. It was in Constantinople during II Of the Ecumenical Council, on which the doctrine of the Trinity was formed in the version in which we know it. It was then that the decision was made about the trinity of God.

But the Slavs began to celebrate the Trinity only after the baptism of Rus.

Trinity traditions

Since this holiday is celebrated by Christians, it is not complete without church service... It consists of liturgy and vespers.

On Trinity, the temples are very beautifully decorated: on the floor freshly cut grass, icons and young twigs are decorated with flowers.

People also like to decorate their houses with greenery, wildflowers, twigs. In churches, small home-made bouquets, birch branches are consecrated, so that later they can be left in their homes. People believe that they protect both the house and its inhabitants from evil.

The main attribute of the holiday is the birch, which is the symbol of the Holy Spirit.

On this day, it is customary to gather with family and loved ones for a feast or go on a picnic, set rich tables, and relax. There is even a main dish - a loaf, which has symbolized this wonderful light holiday for many years.

Previously, this day was celebrated brightly and loudly: with festivities, in the evening they sang, danced and danced in round dances. And it's nice that such traditions are still alive today.

There is one more interesting tradition for Easter. It is customary to get married on this day. The ancestors believed that there is to get married on this day, to marry on the Pokrov, then family life will be very happy.

If we know a lot about Easter, then what does the feast of the Holy Trinity mean? At first glance, everything is clear enough: believers mark the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Christ.

However, what does the day of the Holy Trinity mean for us, people of the 21st century, what is its tradition and history? A detailed answer to this question, a comment by a clergyman - all this can be found in the article.

Trinity in Orthodoxy: one holiday - three names

First of all, let's figure out the names. There are simple cases when everything is clear: Christmas is Christmas, and Easter is Easter (or Bright Resurrection Christ). But with Trinity, the situation is a little different - the holiday has several names at once:

  1. Trinity Day (Day of the Holy or Most Holy Trinity, Trinity Day) - i.e. a holiday in honor of the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  2. Pentecost is a word that has exactly the same meaning in the world. It just reminds us that the descent of the Spirit took place on the 50th day after Easter. Therefore, the celebration always falls on Sunday as well: May 27, 2018, June 16, 2019, etc.
  3. Spirits day, or the day of the Holy Spirit - this name emphasizes the key event in honor of which the holiday is celebrated.

By the way, the Day of Spirits falls on Monday, and Pentecost itself falls on Sunday. But what does the three days of the Trinity mean? They symbolize the same holiday, it is simply celebrated for three days.

What does the feast of the Holy Trinity mean among Christians

The sacred meaning of the holiday is closely related to its prehistory. The descent of the Holy Spirit was also promised by Christ, who called him the Comforter. Why was it necessary to console people?

Everything is very simple. The Savior died, but rose again on the 3rd day, and in honor of this we celebrate Bright Easter. However, after 40 days he ascended to heaven - he went back to his Father, since the earthly mission had already been completed.

And what about the believers, followers of Christ, his disciples, who later became apostles of the gospel faith? They seemed to be orphaned, because the Lord, although resurrected, still left them.

Very little time passed, only 10 days (not years, not decades and not centuries!), And the promise was fulfilled - the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples in the form of tongues of inextinguishable flame.

But what does the feast of the Holy Trinity mean for us? It is interesting that even after 20 centuries the relevance of those events has not been lost: rather, on the contrary.

With the advent of the Spirit, a special period in the history of mankind begins - a time of grace. Now every person, even the most sinful soul, can come to the Lord, ask him for forgiveness with sincere prayer, and receive what is asked.

The Holy Spirit is our Comforter, and besides, he is the third person of the Trinity. So it turns out that it was with his coming to earth that the triune God was revealed in all his fullness.

The Father created heaven and earth, the Son saved sinful humanity at the cost of own life, and the Spirit remains with us today to maintain our spiritual strength.

What does the Trinity mean for the Orthodox: a commentary of a clergyman

Church representatives give approximately the same answers to the question of what the feast of the Trinity means in Christianity. Traditionally, clergymen tell about a story that happened almost 2,000 years ago (how the Holy Spirit descended on Christ's disciples).

The priests also emphasize that the Spirit is an invisible force that is always near the believer. Thanks to him, we can not only receive what we ask for in prayer. We are also able to do good deeds - to help people, teach them and inspire them, especially in those situations where they have already given up and lost all hope.

The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, the Teacher, he personifies the power of God. Moreover: the Spirit is God himself, his third person. Therefore, there will be no mistake to say that the Lord is always with us, because the Holy Spirit is still on earth.

And the question of what the feast of the Trinity symbolizes can be answered like this: it denotes our unity with God. And this is expressed in the fact that we can always turn to him for forgiveness and help and will certainly be heard.

That is why Trinity is no less bright and important holiday than Easter or, for example, Christmas. And it is necessary to celebrate it in any home not only with respect, but also with great joy - that sunny feeling that especially often comes to us in spring and summer.

On a bright fiftieth day,

How the crucified Lord was resurrected,

The Holy Spirit descends on the earth,

Grace brings down from heaven.

The Trinity was revealed to the people:

Son, Father and Holy Spirit.

All creation was sanctified

Unearthly beauty.

Traditionally, at the end of spring and beginning of summer it falls 50th day from Easter The most important and ancient holiday in Orthodoxy, always falling on Sunday, is Trinity.

Holy Trinity Day (Trinity Day or simply Trinity) also called Pentecost and the Descent of the Holy Spirit- one of the most significant holidays of Christians and one of the twelve Orthodox tradition(i.e. twelve the most important holidays after Easter).

When is Trinity celebrated in the next 5 years?

Before Christian traditions celebrations

Even before the birth of Christianity, at this time, they celebrated annually Green and Mermaid of the week, magnificently decorating the home with plants and bringing gifts in the name of fertility and favorable weather.

In ancient times, people worshiped the elements of fire, water, wind. The calendar beginning of summer gave a little respite to the farmers, when everything had already been planted, and it was too early to harvest. Then there were mass celebrations, games, fortune-telling.

It was believed that during Green Week, mermaids possessed special strength, could easily drag a gape into the water, went out onto land, and helped young girls in fortune-telling about their betrothed.

Why the holiday has three names

In Orthodoxy Trinity is celebrated on Sunday 50 days after Easter and thus Trinity coincides with Pentecost.

In Christian churches following Western tradition(Catholic and Protestant), these two holidays are separated: on the 50th day after Easter, Pentecost is celebrated, and the Day of the Holy Trinity is celebrated on the following Sunday.

On Monday after Trinity, Spirits Day is celebrated - a holiday in honor of Life-giving Holy Spirit.

By Trinity Day, everything is dismissed, after long winter nature is filled new life, strength and freshness. The floors of churches on Trinity are covered with grass, churches are decorated with fresh flowers, green birch branches, priests put on green clothes. There is a fresh scent of grass, flowers and greenery in the air. This is a symbol of the beginning, renewal, a symbol of the growth and formation of the Christian church.

The name was given to the holiday in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, about which Jesus Christ spoke to them before Ascension into heaven. The Descent pointed to the threefold nature of God: "God the Father created all that exists, God the Son redeems mankind from slavery to the devil, God the Holy Spirit sanctifies the world through the foundation of the Church and the preaching of faith."

During the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the creative essence of the third component of the Holy Trinity was revealed to the apostles, and the teaching of Christ the Savior about the Triune God reached absolute clarity and completeness. This extraordinary event marked the beginning of the Christian Church.

Let's look at the very essence of what the Trinity is according to Christian teachings.

The essence of the Trinity

According to the Niceo-Constantinople (or Niceo-Constantinople) Symbol of Faith, which is the basis Christian doctrine, dogma about Holy Trinity tells us the following:

God the Father is the creator of everything in the world (visible and invisible);

God the Son is eternally born of God the Father;

God the Holy Spirit originally and eternally comes from God the Father.

According to church teachings, God is one in three hypostases (triune) and is an invisible disembodied spirit - eternal, living, omnipresent (all-embracing) and all-good.

It cannot be seen, since God is not material, there is nothing of the visible world in him.

History of the Feast of the Holy Trinity

Like Easter, the celebration of the Day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost) goes back to the distant Old Testament times.

The name of Pentecost has a holiday not only because it is celebrated on the 50th day of Easter, but also because the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles took place on the day of the Old Testament holiday of Pentecost, dedicated to the gift of Jewish people the prophet Moses of the Law of God at Mount Sinai, at the same time he founded the Old Testament priesthood. It was celebrated on the 50th day after the Jewish Passover (Passover) and fell on the end of the harvest and gathering of the fruits that people brought as a sacrifice to the temple.

And on the same day, almost 2000 years ago, all 12 apostles (instead of Judas, Matthias was elected the 12th apostle), the mother of Jesus Mary and other people gathered in one of the houses in Jerusalem on Mount Zion. In the upper room of this house, Christ appeared to the disciples twice after His Resurrection. And there, 50 days after the Resurrection of the Savior and 10 days after His Ascension to heaven, the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and the Virgin Mary.

For fifty days the apostles did not go to their homes, meeting every day in the same upper room in Zion. Because Christ asked them not to leave the city, waiting for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And then, finally, it happened: in the house on Mount Zion, God appeared to them in his third hypostasis, and this day has since been dedicated to the Holy Trinity.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, when people usually gathered in the temple for prayer and sacrifice, suddenly a noise arose over the Zion chamber, as if from a gust of a very strong wind. This noise filled the house, and tongues of fire appeared over the heads of the apostles, there were many of them, and they began to descend on each of them. The fire of these extraordinary languages ​​shone, but did not burn. But even more wonderful were the spiritual qualities that they imparted to the apostles. Everyone who was hit by this flame felt a powerful surge of spiritual strength, inspiration and great joy. He felt peaceful and strong full of life and love for God. The apostles expressed all these inner changes and new unexplored feelings in loud glorification of God and in joyful exclamations.

Moreover, all of a sudden the apostles began to speak in languages ​​unknown to them until now, and people at first took them for drunken loud exclamations and incomprehensible words... But the apostle Peter came out to them and explained what had happened.

God the Father created the world and sent His Son Jesus to earth to show people the way to salvation, and God the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, and through them on each of us, to be close to people. And on this day, God gave the apostles the ability to speak in many languages. After all, if the earthly path of Jesus Christ ended, then the life of His Church was just beginning. The apostles had to go to different countries to tell people about the Truth that God has told them in all possible ways.

They received 9 special gifts from the Holy Spirit: the gift of wisdom and knowledge, the gift of prophecy, the ability to discern spirits, the gifts of shepherding, faith, healing and miracles, the gifts of knowledge and interpretation of tongues.

Having received from God the ability to heal, prophesy, and most importantly - to bring the Truth to people on different languages, the apostles dispersed throughout the world and preached tirelessly in the most distant corners of it. They were all executed (only one of the 12 apostles died a natural death - John), but the teaching of Christ has existed for almost two millennia, to which they contributed a lot.

The Zion chamber, where the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the form of wonderful fiery tongues, became the very first Christian temple, and from the day of this extraordinary event the New Testament Church began on earth.

Such is the history of the emergence of this bright church holiday of the Trinity, which is permeated with the sun, freshness and thirst for life of a thriving nature at the beginning of summer, when it seems that God's grace is poured everywhere and in everything, in every glare of the sun, in dewdrops and in every green blade of grass, and everything around grows, blooms, blooms , lives and breathes!

On Sunday, May 27, Orthodox believers celebrate one of the main holidays in Christianity - the Day of the Holy Trinity. This holiday is also called Pentecost, since it falls on the 50th day from the day of the celebration of Easter, and the holiday of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is one of the twelve feasts, that is, the twelve most important in Orthodoxy after the Bright Sunday of Christ.

Jesus Christ kept his promise

Trinity is the abbreviated name for the Day of the Holy Trinity, celebrated by the clergy. The Bible says that Jesus Christ promised his disciples to return after His Ascension and kept his promise on the feast of the Trinity.

According to legend, on the 50th day after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and 10 days after His Ascension, the disciples of Christ and the mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, gathered in Jerusalem. During prayer, a divine flame suddenly descended on them from above. The lights circled over their heads, and at that moment they felt in themselves the ability to communicate in many languages ​​of other peoples. According to the Gospel, on this day the fiery tongues of the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, and they spoke in different languages the world. Since then, the apostles began to preach the Christian faith throughout the world, so the Trinity is also considered the birthday of the Christian church.

The theological term "trinity" itself reflects the Christian teaching about three persons of one God: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. On the feast of the Holy Trinity, they glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as well as commemorate the dead.

Sunday at Orthodox churches one of the most solemn and beautiful services of the year is performed, and after the Divine Liturgy, Vespers is celebrated in memory of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus.

On this day, believers go to church with birch, maple, oak branches, as well as wildflowers. Then they are taken home, dried and preserved for icons. Also, branches are left at windows and doors so that evil power does not penetrate.

On Trinity, brooms for a bath are dried. It is popularly believed that they will have healing powers.

A house filled with the scent of medicinal herbs

The Trinity is part of a series of days called in the Ukrainian tradition Green Christmastide or Green Resurrection. These days, Christian traditions are closely intertwined with all kinds of folk cults and magic.

Before Trinity, it is advisable to carefully clean your house. You can also cleanse your home of spiritual dirt by going around the room with a candle and crossing the corners three times.

The main tradition is to fill the house with aromatic medicinal herbs. Herbs are placed on the floor and windowsills. Bouquets are prepared in advance from fragrant herbs... Mint and thyme create a special joyful mood with their aroma.

On the eve of Trinity, Ukrainians collect an iconic plant for the Green Resurrection - calamus, the stems of which are famous for their healing properties and aroma. A good omen is considered to be birch branches, which are laid on the floor in the house for those who want to find a groom or a bride. By the way, 3 days after the holiday, it is recommended to remove all herbs from the house, they are thrown away or burned.

Better to wait with marriage

There are popular beliefs about what can and cannot be done on the Trinity. It is believed that there is no need to appoint a wedding on Trinity - supposedly nothing good will come of such a family.

As in other major Christian holidays, you cannot sew, knit, bake and work in the garden on Trinity. According to folk beliefs, those people who do not rest on this day are waiting for adversity. Those who plow the cattle will fall. For those who sow, the hail will beat the crops. Those who spin wool will lose their way.

The day after Trinity is called the Day of Spirits. On this day, it is forbidden to work on the ground, but you can look for treasure in it. Allegedly, the earth on this day will surely give good man something of value.

The people believed that people came to Trinity mythical creatures- Mavki and mermaids, so it is undesirable to go to the forest or field alone. You cannot drive into the forest and livestock. You cannot swim on Trinity, otherwise, according to ancient beliefs, mermaids will drag the bather to the bottom.

On the feast of the Trinity, one cannot think about bad things, one cannot be envious and angry at someone, because it will not end well with anything.

The Day of the Holy Trinity is one of the twelve twelfth holidays in church calendar... Other names for the holiday: Trinity, Pentecost, Descent of the Holy Spirit.

On this day, we remember an event that happened fifty days after the Resurrection of Christ - the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, and they went to preach the Risen Christ to all nations in all lands.

It is not for nothing that this day is called the birthday of the Church. Trinity Day always falls on Sunday. Most The best way spend this holiday - in the temple, among brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Liturgy for Pentecost is unusually picturesque: the floors in the church are lined with field herbs, birch branches, and flowers are in vases. The fragrance of freshly cut greenery, green vestments of priests, kneeling prayers - everything tells believers about the great plan of God, about the victory of Christ over death, about the Kingdom of God.

We have collected answers to the most common questions about what can and cannot be on Trinity:

Trinity - what is this holiday and what cannot be done?

Trinity is a great Christian holiday, which is one of the twelve - the most important of the year. It takes place on the fiftieth day after Easter, therefore it is also called Pentecost. On this day, Orthodox Christians remember the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, after which the Lord's disciples became able to speak in different languages ​​and dispersed throughout the world to preach the teachings of Christ.

The Feast of the Holy Trinity always falls on Sunday. Believers always try to be present at the service on this day, to receive Holy Communion. The service on Trinity itself is especially solemn - inside the temples are decorated with greenery, branches of plants and flowers. After the Liturgy, the evening is served with the recitation of kneeling prayers, during which, turning to the Lord, we ask Him for help and intercession.

There is a mass folk customs related to the holiday: - you can't do that, you can't do that ... But most of them have purely pagan, folk roots. And often such customs contradict the very essence of the Christian faith. Therefore, while studying the Russian traditions of the holiday of the Trinity, one must clearly distinguish between what is consonant with Orthodoxy and what is not.

In the Church there are no everyday rules of what is forbidden and what can be done on the days of certain holidays. The main thing that can and should be is to be in church and pray.

If you still have any doubts about how you should spend the day of the feast of Trinity (Pentecost), you can find below a selection of the most common questions and answers about what can and cannot be done on Trinity.

What cannot be done on Trinity?

On Trinity, one should not follow common omens and superstitions, many of which give advice on what supposedly "must not" be done on Trinity (swim, walk in the forest and in the field, work, etc.). And you need to live this day in a Christian way - go to church, pray, take communion, try to be kind and attentive to your loved ones, spend free time with them.

For a Christian, there are no prohibitions on certain types of activities on a regular or holiday day, if they do not harm his soul. Bathing, walking, or work will not hinder a believer if he remembers God.

On Trinity, every believer tries to be in the church, where on this day after the Liturgy, special kneeling prayers are read for the forgiveness of sins, the mercy of God and the bestowal of the grace of the Holy Spirit. But a Christian can only preserve and increase this grace in his life, following the Gospel, and not superstitious rules.

Can you work for Trinity?

You can work for the Trinity, if the circumstances are so.

The feast of Trinity (Pentecost) always falls on Sunday, and for most believers this is a day off, which is dedicated to going to the temple and praying. But in modern world there are many works that must be performed daily, without breaks and weekends, and believers are also involved in them. If a Christian working that day fails to change and go to church on Trinity, this should not be a reason for despondency.

You can also make time for prayer at the workplace, but you will have to go to church on another day. The Monday following Trinity, the Day of Spirits, is considered a continuation of the holiday of Pentecost. And the giving of the Trinity takes place almost a week later, on the next Saturday.

Can you work on the second day of Trinity?

The feast of the Holy Trinity is divided into two days. The first day is dedicated to the glorification of the Trinity and the remembrance of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, therefore it is called Trinity Day. The second day sings the All-Holy Life-giving Spirit and in honor of this is named Spiritual day.

Orthodox believers, realizing the holiness of the holiday, are sure to try these days to be present in the church at the service, to postpone all vain affairs and devote time to prayer. Since the first day of Trinity always falls on Sunday, a Christian usually has no problem attending services on that day. The second day of Trinity - Spiritual day - falls at the beginning working week... It is clear that on Monday modern man it is difficult to postpone your affairs, work. But if possible, it is better to start performing it after attending the morning worship service in order to pay tribute to the holiday.

Is it possible to work in the garden for Trinity?

The feast of the Holy Trinity always falls on a Sunday, so believers always try to attend the festive service in the church, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, refrain from doing any work and devote time to prayer.

By working on the day of Trinity, we seem to show our disrespect to God. No wonder people have always tried to postpone all external, vain affairs on the days of great holidays - this is not pleasing to the Lord. The work, as a rule, turned out in vain and did not bring positive results. Of course, there are especially important matters that cannot be rescheduled. It is better to start their implementation only after attending the service and prayer. But if possible, on the days of major holidays, such as Trinity, it is better to postpone all business, including work in the garden.

Is it possible to commemorate the suicides on Trinity?

The feast of the Holy Trinity is preceded by a day of universal remembrance of the dead. On Trinity Saturday, a funeral service is served in churches, during which the Church commemorates all early Orthodox Christians.

As for the commemoration of suicides at the funeral service, the Church does not bless us to do this - not on Trinity, or on any other day. Taking the life of another person is a great sin, but the killer can always sincerely repent of his sin and the Lord will forgive him. A person who has committed suicide does not have the opportunity to repent of his deed. The soul of the suicide is left to God's will. However, this does not mean that you cannot pray for such people at all. On the contrary, their souls especially need the prayers of loved ones, which can be performed at home.

Why can't you kneel down to Trinity?

Hieromonk Constantine (Simon) answers:

We do not kneel between Easter and Pentecost because this is a time of joy. We very often kneel in prayer during Great Lent, as this is a time of repentance. But the period after Easter is a joyful time, we should not be sad. Of course, we must always ask the Lord for the forgiveness of our sins. But Easter is special time, this is the time of the triumph of Jesus Christ over death. These days we live special in a special way we live by Easter grace. And this grace does not allow us to kneel.
And on the day of the Holy Trinity, at Great Vespers, we kneel down for the first time after Easter. On it, kneeling prayers are read, during which we can again ask God for the forgiveness of our sins, we can repent. The moment of repentance is clearly reflected in the texts of these prayers.
It is also worth noting that the Great Evening refers to Monday, to the second day of the Holy Trinity - Spiritual Day, since according to the rules of the Nicene Council, Orthodox Christians should not kneel on Sundays.

Is it possible to swim on Trinity?

You can swim on Trinity.

It is often said that you cannot swim on Trinity for three days. This is explained by a certain belief that it was during this period that mermaids “walk”, which can “lure the bather to the bottom”. At the same time, some "well-wishers" extend the ban on swimming on Trinity not only to the seas, rivers and lakes, but also to swimming pools and home showers. It is clear that not only from the point of view of the Church, but also from the point of view of any sane person, there is and cannot be any reason not to allow swimming on the Trinity.

Another thing is that you should not replace going to church and prayer with a beach vacation, but you can go to nature to the reservoir after the service. Moreover, Trinity always falls at the end of May or June, it is always celebrated on Sunday, and the weather on this day is hot.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery on Trinity?

Do not visit the cemetery on Trinity. On this important day for Christians, you need to visit the church, pray and, if possible, take communion.

On Trinity, believers remember how, after His Ascension to Heaven, the Lord sent all believers in Him the Holy Spirit - the Comforter. This holiday is considered the birthday of the Church, since it was after this event that the disciples of Christ began to preach the Gospel around the world. This event is so significant and so joyful that it is not customary to commemorate the departed on the day of Trinity. But the Church does not turn away and does not forget about them: the day before Trinity - Trinity parental Saturday, is intended for commemoration and visiting the cemetery. Moreover, in the kneeling prayers that sound at Vespers, which is served on Trinity immediately after the Liturgy, there is a separate prayer for the departed.

Of course, in life there are different situations, and sometimes it is impossible to refuse to go to the cemetery, even on a completely unintended day. But even when forced to visit the cemetery on Trinity, it would be good to try not to forget about the meaning and significance of this day in church history.

What can you do on the Saturday before Trinity?

The Saturday before Trinity is also called Trinity parental Saturday, on this day in churches it is celebrated special commemoration all the dead. Believers come to the morning service, after which a requiem is performed. In addition, on the Saturday before Trinity, as on the eve of other great holidays, newlyweds are not crowned. Also on Saturday before Trinity it is recommended to visit evening service and to confess on it, so that on Sunday morning to come to church for the Liturgy and take communion. The Church does not introduce any other special restrictions on this day.

Can I work on Wednesdays until Trinity?

You can work on the Wednesday before Trinity. This day in the church calendar is listed as a day of non-strict fasting - believers abstain from meat, but there are no other special restrictions.

Can you marry before Trinity?

The church does not get crowned directly on the eve of the great holidays, as well as on fast days weeks: Wednesday and Friday. As for the rest of the days of the week before Trinity, then these days, as a rule, you can get married. Of course, in any particular church there may be special circumstances related to the schedule of its work and services. Therefore, it is worth agreeing in advance about the time and place of the wedding.

The Week After Trinity: What Can't Be Done?

The first day of the week after Trinity is called Spiritual Day. It is also a great church holiday, on which pious Christians try to come to the temple again. But there are no additional restrictions on the week after Trinity in the church tradition (with the exception of fasting on Wednesday and Friday). From ancient times preserved pagan beliefs that in the week after the Christian holiday of the Trinity it is worth, allegedly, staying away from the water, or even not leaving the villages and villages at all: the most superstitious peasants feared an attack by mermaids, believing that the week after Trinity was a special time for evil spirits. However, such mythology never had anything to do with Christianity, and over time, the belief in mermaids remained only a part of rural folklore.

Is it possible to make wishes for the Trinity and what?

With this question, secular people often turn to their church-going acquaintances, and sometimes just to random sites on the Internet. But if sites can answer in different ways, then believers, like the whole Church, will tell you one thing: signs associated with making wishes are in no way connected with the Orthodox faith and are pure water superstition. Christians believe that it is always possible to turn to God with a request, but it will not work to "deceive" him by making a wish at some special moment in time. This also applies to making wishes for the Trinity.

How many days is it forbidden to work on Trinity?

Another popular question from people who are just diving into church tradition... The answer will disappoint someone, but will please someone: there are no restrictions on work on the eve of the Trinity. So workaholics can calmly enjoy work, but lazy people will not have a new reason to relax, alas, they will not be presented.

Can you baptize on the Trinity?

It is possible to baptize on Trinity, but it should be borne in mind that on big holidays there are many believers in churches, services are longer, the priests are very busy, and therefore you will most likely be offered to postpone the baptism to another day.

On the day of Trinity, Christians remember the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. it miraculous phenomenon, which happened almost two thousand years ago, attracted a lot of people, many believed and were baptized, and therefore the Trinity is also called the birthday of the Church. Of course, it is symbolic to be baptized or to baptize a child on this particular holiday. But in fact, there are no more or less suitable days for baptism, and the grace of the Holy Spirit, which a person receives through the Sacrament of Chrismation, joining the Church, is the same both on Trinity and on any other day of the year.

Is it possible to marry / get married / marry Trinity?

It is impossible to get married on the Trinity, since the Sacrament of marriage is not performed by the Church on the twelve days (i.e., the twelve main holidays after Easter).

On Trinity, Christians remember one of major events church history - the descent of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, whose coming to earth was promised by Christ, ascending to heaven. On this day, immediately after the Liturgy, Vespers is served, at which the believers kneel down to the Trinity in all its fullness: God the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Son of God. The meaning of this holiday is so great that it is hardly possible, without missing anything, to take into your heart on this day the experience of a great personal event - the Sacraments of marriage.

As for the registration of marriage, then in this sense, getting married to Trinity, most likely, will not work. Trinity is always celebrated on Sunday, and the registry offices usually do not work on Sunday.

Is it possible to play a wedding before Trinity?

You can play a wedding before Trinity in the period from Antipascha (the next Sunday after Easter, also called Fomin) until the Friday before Trinity, when in last time before Peter's Lent, weddings are held in churches. You can conclude a church marriage on the days designated for this (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, not falling on the eve or the twelve and church patronal holidays themselves). Before going to church, you need to register your marriage in government bodies... And the newlyweds can win back the wedding, that is, celebrate the birth of a new family, on any convenient day, but for a feast and fun it is worth choosing a day when there is no fasting.

To play a wedding right in front of Trinity is not entirely appropriate and not very convenient. Saturday before is the day of commemoration of the dead and preparation for the holiday itself, in which most believers try to take communion, which means they try to devote the days before Trinity to fasting and prayer.

Can I sign for Trinity?

It is unlikely that it will be possible to sign for Trinity, since this most important religious holiday It is always celebrated on Sunday, and in the registry offices Sunday is usually a day off.

The church has determined the days when weddings are not performed, but the choice of the day of the week for registering a marriage is not regulated in any way. But if the question arises because it seems to future spouses that it is precisely the marriage concluded, for example, on the feast of Trinity that will be strong and happy, then here the opinion of the Church is unequivocal. Neither the date of the wedding, nor the attempt to comply with any wedding signs will make your family life happy. There will be peace and love in the family if the spouses themselves daily try to preserve and increase them, asking the Lord for help in this.

Trinity: traditions and rituals of the holiday

The Slavs called Trinity, or Pentecost, Trinity Day. And also - Trinity-Mother of God, Wreaths, Venoshnik, Day of the Birch.

Birches in the temple

On Trinity, temples were traditionally decorated with birch branches and grass. This custom has several explanations. First, birches can remind of the oak grove of Mamvre, where there was an oak tree, under which the Lord, the Holy Trinity, appeared to Abraham in the form of three angels. She is depicted in the icons of the Trinity.

Second, on the day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, the Jews. On the fiftieth day after the exodus from the Egyptian land, the Jews approached Mount Sinai, where the Lord gave Moses the ten commandments.
It was springtime, and the whole of Mount Sinai was covered with flowering trees. Probably from here to the ancient Church there was a custom on the day of Pentecost to decorate their temples and houses with greenery, in order, as it were, to find ourselves again on Mount Sinai with Moses.

Trinity parental Saturday and Trinity day

Often, the "Trinity" was called the entire time period from Semik to the Spiritual Day, that is, the Day of the Holy Spirit, which the Church celebrates on Monday after Trinity.

Trinity festivities marked the transition from spring to summer. By Trinity, as a rule, all spring agricultural work was completed.

For the holiday, the hostesses traditionally washed and cleaned the house and yard, fathers of families and sons mowed the grass in the fields. They baked pies and loaves, curled wreaths of birch and flowers, went to visit. Boys and girls walked in the forests and meadows, and the girls specially sewed outfits for the holiday. The heads were decorated with wreaths of flowers or headdresses embroidered with gold threads.

In the Belgorod region, for each day of the Trinity cycle, a special dress was supposed: in the Trinity parent's saturday they put on red shirts, on Sunday - white from grandmother's chests, on Monday, Spirits Day - sewn from factory fabric.

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