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Canadian colleges for foreigners. College education in Canada. Education in Canada for foreigners - new government plans

In some states, in addition to the university system, there is a college system - educational institutions, offering vocational training, preparation for admission to universities in America and other programs. However, some colleges in the US also offer full-fledged first-time programs. higher education.

Private universities in America independently determine the policy of admission and entry requirements- and often they are tougher and more extensive than in state ones, the main criteria of which are based on academic performance. Also, the cost of studying at private universities in America for foreigners and local residents higher than in the state, but they offer more scholarships.

Fully free universities and colleges in the USA do not exist even for Americans - however, for them the cost of education is significantly cheaper than for foreign students and they have ample opportunities to receive financial assistance from the university or non-governmental organizations. Foreign students entering American universities can apply for scholarships to study in the USA, which will partially or fully cover their expenses.

Paradoxically, it is true that the most prestigious universities in the US - the universities that occupy the highest positions in the rankings of US universities - can be more affordable for foreigners due to significant scholarship funds. So, tuition fees at Princeton University start at $40,000 per year, and taking into account scholarships or grants, it can be a little less than $7,500; at Yale, $44,000 can be reduced to $5,600 in the same way. Of course, to count on such attractive options, the student must demonstrate significant previous merit and high potential.

Most famous universities The United States is among the permanent winners of the rankings of the world's leading universities. Among them are prestigious universities USA like Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, MIT and others.

Technical universities in the United States specialize primarily in science, technology, engineering and mathematics - these subject areas are called STEM in English-language sources. AT recent times in the US, the demand for technical specialists and the level of their payment is growing, so Forbes calls the money spent on paying for their programs one of the best investment in the coming years.

Most significant amount technical degrees are awarded by such US universities as Colorado School of Mines, Missouri University of Science & Technology, Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts, Massachusetts Institute of technology. Oregon University offers market-demanded programs in robotics, space exploration, and renewable energy.

The most attractive states for international students are New York, California and Texas. The most attractive universities in the US for foreigners, according to U.S. news:

  • Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts - about 50% of foreigners from the total number of students;
  • Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - about 50% of foreigners from the total number of students
  • New York University - 30% of foreigners from the total number of students.

Russian-speaking students who choose American universities often seek to enter the universities of New York and Boston.

An excellent addition to an American diploma will be the opportunity to do an internship in an American company after graduation. In turn, internships and work experience in the United States will help you find permanent place work and stay permanently.

The USA is an incredibly diverse country geographically, so everyone can choose the climate and landscape to their liking. Studying at an American university is a great opportunity to plunge into the cosmopolitan atmosphere of American society and travel around this vast and hospitable country.

Higher education in the United States is rightfully considered one of the best in the world. It is significant that 80% Nobel laureates are graduates of American universities, and the presence of an American diploma of education guarantees successful employment anywhere in the world. On the this moment There are almost 5,000 higher educational institutions in the country, where more than 20 million students study.

What makes American universities so in demand in the global educational market? Firstly, the most serious approach to teaching: practice orientation, modern equipment in classrooms and laboratories, as well as a broad scientific and technical base. Secondly, the presence of a variety of specialties with a decent level of training in each. Thirdly, a rich infrastructure: most universities have vast territories where laboratories, libraries, museums, hospitals, cafes, and even theater venues and galleries are located. Fourthly, a brilliant teaching staff. The profession of a university teacher is considered very honorable and highly paid in America. AT best universities In the United States, one can see Nobel laureates, world-famous politicians and owners of transnational corporations behind the lecture chair.

Higher education in America is paid, regardless of the type of educational institution, while the prices are quite high. But talented students and people from poor families can count on scholarship programs and benefits issued both by the universities themselves and by the state.

Among the most prestigious educational areas in the United States include:

  • IT-sphere. America is the undisputed market leader information services, so here they approach the training of future developers and programmers very responsibly.
  • Jurisprudence. A highly demanded industry, in the USA a good lawyer will never be left without a job.
  • Finance. The market of consulting and brokerage services is very developed here.
  • The medicine. In America, a doctor is a very respected, sought-after and highly paid profession. The state and private companies allocate a lot of money for the training of such specialists.

But sociologists, historians and public relations specialists will have to look for work for a long time. Despite the fact that to this day these areas remain one of the most popular among American applicants, the labor market is already full of such specialists.

Types of Higher Education Institutions in America

  • Colleges. These are educational institutions in which any research programs are poorly developed or completely absent. A college education is considered less prestigious than a university education, although there is an opinion that a number of liberal arts colleges may well compete with some Ivy League universities. In colloquial American language the word "college" has been assigned to all universities, even if they are universities.
  • Universities. The main difference between a university and a college is the presence of a wide research base and a postgraduate program. These are institutions where education is closely connected with practice and deep theoretical research. There are two main types of universities in America:
    • Private. It is traditionally believed that it is in private universities that students receive the best training, although this is not always true. These institutions include some of the Ivy League universities (for example, and). Education here will be very expensive, but fundamental and of high quality. It is noteworthy that private American universities are endowed with absolute freedom in choosing curricula and managing finances, so each of these institutions has its own internal order.
    • State or public universities. As the name implies, these institutions are created by the state governments to train necessary specialists from local boys. Due to state funding, education here will not be very expensive. It is believed that received state universities education will be an order of magnitude lower than the training provided by private universities. However, many state educational institutions have a serious research base, and their graduates today occupy the highest positions in science, art and industry.

There are also a small number of institutions throughout the United States that offer four-year training in the field of high technology, science or art.

Structure of higher education in the USA

Higher education in America is two-stage. At the end of four years of study, the student receives a bachelor's degree. If the student has the desire to continue and deepen his education, he can also take a two-year master's degree. After that, those who wish to devote their lives to science can enter graduate school.

  • First level: Bachelor's degree. You can get a bachelor's degree in any American university. The first year or even two students study the general education program, but after this time they will have to choose a specific faculty for themselves. Moreover, training can be carried out in several areas at once and, as a result, receive a diploma in several specialties.
  • Second level: master's degree. Far from all bachelors receive further education, however, for specialists in the field of education, library science, mechanical engineering, and security mental health obtaining a master's degree is mandatory. In order to enter the magistracy, you need to write a special test: LSAT (for lawyers), GRE or GMAT (for economists or businessmen), MCAT (for medical workers). In the course of training, a master student prepares a dissertation, following the results of its defense, he is issued a master's degree.
  • Third level: Postgraduate. In some universities, studying for a master's degree is considered the first stage in obtaining a doctorate, and in some, postgraduate studies are a fundamentally new educational level. The duration of training is from three years. For the first two years, graduate students attend lectures and seminars, and for the third year they are engaged in the development of their own scientific research. In addition to a defended dissertation, many universities require applicants to Additional requirements: for example, knowing two foreign languages and successful delivery qualifying exams.

Admission to an American university

As such, there are no entrance exams in America. Yesterday's students can take several standardized tests and send their results to pre-selected universities (up to 10 different institutions). This system convenient in that applicants can enter remotely. Usually the list of documents required for admission is as follows:

  • Application for admission. A long questionnaire, where the applicant must enter not only personal data and information about school performance, but also information about their interests, hobbies, main character traits and extracurricular achievements. Often, the questionnaire also asks you to write an essay on a chosen topic.
  • Recommendations from teachers. The ideal option would be to submit two recommendations: from teachers leading, respectively, humanitarian and technical disciplines.
  • Test results. Usually, an applicant is required to pass the SAT Reasoning Test to enter the university. Unlike the Russian United State Exam, SAT is a comprehensive test. It consists of three sections: text analysis, mathematics and writing. Another popular test is the ACT (American College Testing). It also contains questions on several areas of knowledge at once: English language, mathematics and reading, as well as an analysis of the applicant's ability to scientific reasoning.
  • In addition, when applying for creative specialties, you must provide a portfolio.

If the submitted documents are of interest to the admission committee, the applicant is invited to a personal conversation. This is a great chance to demonstrate to the university leadership your ability to express thoughts, reasoning, as well as ambition and creativity.

Features of studying at American universities

As in Russia, in the USA the academic year lasts about nine months and is divided into semesters, less often into trimesters. The very system of education in America is flexible and varied. Admission of applicants at most universities is carried out both in the fall and in the spring, so you can start studying at any, the most preferred time. In America, there is no concept of an academic group and a common schedule for all. The student chooses the courses he would like to attend. At the same time, subjects are divided into mandatory (those that will become the basis of specialization) and optional. Each of the selected courses gives the student certain number credits, that is, credit units equal to one academic hour per week throughout the semester. To obtain a bachelor's or master's degree, a certain number of such credits is required. The credit system has a number of advantages, it allows the student to more freely and rationally manage his time.

Due to the fact that in the first years students pass basic program and only after a couple of years are determined with specific direction their training, young people consciously approach the choice future profession. Even after the choice is made in favor of a particular faculty, the student can change his mind and try his hand at something new. And in order for the student not to get lost and be able to orient himself, several mentors work at each university, ready to support the student and reveal the main pros and cons of each direction.

One of the main features of education in american university- this is the presence of special items created at the junction of several disciplines. This approach guarantees a comprehensive study of certain objects and phenomena. Often, whole disciplines are born from the symbiosis of individual disciplines. scientific directions or departments. It is very remarkable that the field of higher education in America is inherently connected with fundamental scientific research. Universities provide a harmonious fusion of science and education, so here senior students very often become assistants and assistant professors, thus making their own contribution to the development of the most important academic research.

Classroom classes are both seminars and lectures. To prepare for the seminar, the student must familiarize himself with the literature and sources proposed by the teacher, and also complete homework or lab work.

Exams are usually taken in the middle of the semester and at the end school year.

In addition to attending classroom classes and working in laboratories and libraries, students can also participate in the extracurricular life of the university. At every American university there is a considerable number of various circles, leagues and associations. They can be very different: sports, environmental, philosophical, or unite lovers of pets or cartoons.

The US government is currently close attention state of higher education in the country. Gifted young people from other countries are actively involved in training, Remote education, numerous programs for financing higher education institutions are being implemented. Private investors are also investing in education, interested in training future personnel for their companies.

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Editors: Michael Noer, Zach O'Malley Greenberg

Study: Bethany Christie, Michael Garfinkel, Robert Mundy, Charlotte O'Herron, Noah Schifrin

Prepared in collaboration with the Center for collegeaf for dability and productivity.

Studying at the university costs a fortune. For four years in an elite private institution like University of Chicago(#4) or Stanford (#3), you'll shell out a quarter of a million dollars. A degree in a more affordable location, say the College of William and Mary (#40) or UC Berkeley (#50), still costs at least $100,000, even for students living in the same state.

Is it worth it? For many students, the answer to this question is “no”, unless you are enrolled in one of the most prestigious universities America.

In the annual Forbes ranking « Top Universities USA, created in partnership with the Center for College Affordability and Productivity in Washington, D.C., we focused on what matters most to students - teaching quality, career prospects, and low debt levels.

Returns to the first place in the ranking for the first time since 2008 Princeton University. It is replaced by Williams College, which leads our rankings for two years in a row. In the top ten of the list, the Ivy League universities are in the lead - in addition to Princeton, these are Yale (No. 5), Harvard (No. 6) and Columbia University (No. 8). The only Ivy League member not in the top 50 was Cornell University (#51).

The rating is based on five main criteria: the success of graduates (32.5%) - salary and fame are evaluated here; student satisfaction (27.5%), which includes the assessment of teachers and the percentage of students remaining in training after the first year; the level of debt (17.5%) is a high debt of students and a penalty interest rate. We also took into account the percentage of graduates curriculum in four years (11.25%), awards in various competitions (11.25%) and students who have received prestigious Rhodes, Marshall, Fulbright, etc. scholarships, as well as the number of doctoral students.

1. Princeton University

Location: Princeton, pc. New Jersey

Number of bachelors: 5203

Total tuition per year: $53,934

Interesting Facts:

In 1783, Nassau Hall, owned by the university, became the US Congress building for four months.

Charles "Pete" Conrad (class of 1953) became the third person to set foot on the surface of the moon. He delivered the Princeton flag there on November 19, 1969.

Of students hired immediately after graduation, 16% of 2006 graduates landed jobs on Wall Street. Four years later, that figure was 12%.

2. Williams College

Location: Williamstown, pc. Massachusetts

Number of bachelors: 2070

Total tuition per year: $57,141

Interesting Facts:

The first collegiate baseball game was played in 1859 between Williams College and Amherst College.

Among the graduates who have become billionaires:

Robert Rich Jr. - issue of 1997; $2.1 billion; Rich Products Company;

Chase Colman - Class of 1997; $1.1 billion; Tiger Global fund.

The university is in second place in terms of the number of students who graduated full program four years (91%).

3. Stanford University

Location: Palo Alto, pc. California

Number of bachelors: 6988

Total tuition per year: $57,775

Interesting Facts:

In Stanford's 121-year history, 107 students have been awarded Rhodes Scholarships, 86 Marshall Scholarships, and 60 Truman Scholarships.

Some of the most innovative companies in Silicon Valley - Google, Yahoo, Cisco, Sun Microsystems - were founded by Stanford alumni.

Students who later became sports stars: Tiger Woods, John Elway (grad. 1983), John McEnroe and others. Woods and McEnroe did not graduate.

4. University of Chicago

Location: Chicago, pc. Illinois

Number of bachelors: 5402

Total tuition per year: $59,950

Interesting Facts:

Janet Davison Rowley (class of 1944; doctor degree in 1948) discovered in 1972 that cancer is a hereditary disease. In 2012, a new department at the university was named after her.

The students themselves call the university "the place where the fun ends."

In 2008, fund manager David Booth donated $300 million - the most great gift in the history of the university - its business school, which became known as the School of Business. Buta.

5. Yale university

Location: New Haven, pc. Connecticut

Number of bachelors: 5349

Total tuition per year: $58,250

Interesting Facts:

In 1852 on Lake Winnipesaukee, pc. New Hampshire hosted the first intercollegiate competition in American history, between Yale and Harvard.

99% of first-year students choose to continue their studies.

The university has produced five US presidents: Bush St. (Class of 1946), Bush Jr. (1968), Clinton (1973), Ford (1941) and Taft (1878).

6. Harvard University

Location: Cambridge, pc. Massachusetts

Number of bachelors: 10,305

Total tuition per year: $56,000

Interesting Facts:

Harvard faculty and students have received a total of 46 Nobel Prizes.

In 2011, following the repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Act, Harvard returned non-search reserve officer training to campus for the first time in 42 years.

The university fund is $32 billion, or $1,168,224 per student.

7. United States Military Academy (West Point)

Location: West Point, pc. New York

Number of bachelors: 4624

Interesting Facts:

General Benedict Arnold tried to hand over the port of West Point to the British during the American Revolution.

West Point is open to a limited number of international students, but tuition up to $71,086 per year is paid for by their country's government.

8. Columbia University

Location: New York, pc. New York

Number of bachelors: 8127

Total tuition per year: $59,208

Interesting Facts:

Founded in 1754, it is the fifth oldest university in the country.

Barack Obama (Class of 1983) transferred to Columbia University from Occidental College.

The university has graduated nine justices of the Supreme Court.

9. Pomona College

Number of bachelors: 1586

Total tuition per year: $55,319

Interesting Facts:

In Pomona there is unique tradition ski and beach day. Students spend half a day skiing at the Mountain High Resort, an hour's drive from the university, and relax for half a day at Newport Beach.

Despite the high cost of education, the university has the 11th lowest student debt level.

Pomona is part of Claremont Colleges, an association of seven independent institutions located on adjacent campuses.

10. Swarthmore College

Location: Swarthmore, pc. Pennsylvania

Number of bachelors: 1545

Total tuition per year: $55,895

Interesting Facts:

On Sunday evening before the start of the school year, students traditionally get together and watch the film "The Graduate".

If desired, students can attend programs University of Pennsylvania, which is located 20 minutes drive from the campus.

One fifth of the students choose to continue their studies and get a doctoral degree.

11. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Location: Cambridge, pc. Massachusetts

Number of bachelors: 4384

Total tuition per year: $55,270

12. Notre Dame University

Location: Notre Dame, pc. Indiana

Number of bachelors: 8452

Total tuition per year: $55,257

13. amherst college

Location: Amherst, pc. Massachusetts

Number of bachelors: 1791

Total tuition per year: $56,898

14. Bowden College

Location: Brunswick, pc. Maine

Number of bachelors: 1778

Total tuition per year: $56,540

15. University of Washington and Lee

Location: Lexington, pc. Virginia

Number of bachelors: 1790

Total tuition per year: $54,843

16. Wellesley College

Location: Wellesley, pc. Massachusetts

Number of bachelors: 2502

Total tuition per year: $55,300

17. University of Pennsylvania

Location: Philadelphia, pc. Pennsylvania

Number of bachelors: 11765

Total tuition per year: $57,360

18. Caltech

Location: Pasadena, pc. California

Number of bachelors: 978

Total tuition per year: $54,090

19. Brown University

Location: Providence, pc. Rhode Island

Number of bachelors: 6380

Total tuition per year: $56,150

20. Vassar College

Location: Pokepsie, pc. New York

Number of bachelors: 2386

Total tuition per year: $57,385

21. Wesleyan University

Location: Middletown, pc. Connecticut

Number of bachelors: 2882

Total tuition per year: $58,371

22. Northwestern University

Location: Evanston, pc. Illinois

Number of bachelors: 9466

Total tuition per year: $58,829

23. Claremont McKenna College

Location: Claremont, pc. California

Number of bachelors: 1301

Total tuition per year: $57,865

24. Duke University

Location: Durham, pc. North Carolina

Number of bachelors: 6680

Total tuition per year: $57,325

25. Colby College

Location: Waterville, pc. Maine

Number of bachelors: 1815

Total tuition per year: $55,400

26. Boston College

Location: Chestnut Hill, pc. Massachusetts

Number of bachelors: 9826

Total tuition per year: $56,728

27. Haverford College

Location: Haverforth, pc. Pennsylvania

Number of bachelors: 1198

Total tuition per year: $57,712

28. Harvey Mudd College

Location: Claremont, pc. California

Number of bachelors: 784

Total tuition per year: $57,968

29. Colorado College

Number of bachelors: 2026

Total tuition per year: $52,150

30. Davidson College

Location: Davidson, pc. North Carolina

Number of bachelors: 1775

Total tuition per year: $52,498

31. Carleton College

Location: Northfield, pc. Minnesota

Number of bachelors: 2018

Total tuition per year: $56,340

32. Tufts University

Location: Medford, pc. Massachusetts

Number of bachelors: 5194

Total tuition per year: $56,600

33. Vanderbilt University

Location: Nashville, pc. Tennessee

Number of bachelors: 6817

Total tuition per year: $58,554

34. Dartmouth College

Location: Hanover, pc. New Hampshire

Number of bachelors: 4194

Total tuition per year: $58,638

35. US Air Force Academy

Location: Colorado Springs, pc. Colorado

Number of bachelors: 4413

Total tuition per year: $0

36. University of Virginia

Location: Charlottesville, pc. Virginia

Number of bachelors: 15762

Total tuition per year (state residents): $23,986

(out-of-state and foreigners): $48,980

37. Rice University

Location: Houston, pc. Texas

Number of bachelors: 3755

Total tuition per year: $50,171

38. Georgetown University

Location: Washington DC

Number of bachelors: 7590

Total tuition per year: $58,125

39. Kenyon College

Location: Gambier, pc. Ohio

Number of bachelors: 1658

Total tuition per year: $55,680

40. College of William and Mary

Location: Williamsburg, Virginia

Number of bachelors: 6071

Total tuition per year (state residents): $24,974

(out-of-state and foreigners): $47,804

41. College of the Holy Cross

Location: Worcester, pc. Massachusetts

Number of bachelors: 2905

Total tuition per year: $54,358

42. Middlebury College

Location: Middlebury, pc. Vermont

Number of bachelors: 2507

Total tuition per year: $57,050

43. US Naval Academy

Location: Annapolis, pc. Maryland

Number of bachelors: 4576

Total tuition per year: $0

44. Whitman College

Location: Walla Walla, pc. Washington

Number of bachelors: 1596

Total tuition per year: $52,856

45. University of California In Los Angeles

Location: Los Angeles, pc. California

Number of bachelors: 27,199

Total tuition per year (state residents): $31,556

(Out-of-State and Foreigners): $54,434

46. ​​Emory University

Location: Atlanta, pc. Georgia

Number of bachelors: 7441

Total tuition per year: $55,992

47. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Location: Chapel Hill, pc. North Carolina

Number of bachelors: 18,430

Total tuition per year (state residents): $21,315

(Out-of-State and Foreigners): $41,140

48. Colgate University

Location: Hamilton, pc. New York

Number of bachelors: 2947

Total tuition per year: $55,570

49. Lafayette College

Location: Easton, pc. Pennsylvania

Number of bachelors: 25,885

Total tuition per year: $55,720

50. UC Berkeley

Location: Berkeley, pc. California

Number of bachelors: 25,885

Total tuition per year (state residents): $32,632

(out-of-state and foreigners): $55,510

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