Home Diseases and pests What are innovative products. An innovative product is a radical innovation examples

What are innovative products. An innovative product is a radical innovation examples

From the point of view of J. Schumpeter [well-known at the beginning of the 20th century, the key work - Theory economic development] the following types of innovations can be distinguished:
- creation of a new product;
- use of new production technology;
- usage new organization production;
- opening of new sales markets;
- discovery of new sources of resources (raw materials);

Groups of innovative products:

Innovative products can be conditionally divided (source - page 25) into the following groups:
1) Technology group, which includes new technologies and their applications - products and services;
2) Production group - depending on the form of production, scale of activity, method of attracting human resources, various production innovations will arise (such as);
3) Marketing and logistics innovation and product innovation;
4) Organizational and managerial, covering new organizational and managerial forms and methods;
5) Commercial - these are new markets, new businesses, fresh marketing, logistics and trade solutions and technologies.

Classifications of innovative products:

I. According to J. Schumpeter:
Innovation is the commercialization of all new combinations based on:
- the use of new materials and components;
- application of new processes;
- opening new markets;
- the use of new organizational forms;
- discovering new sources of raw materials;

II. Classification of innovations into products "pushed in" and "retracted".
According to J. Lambin, the level of risk associated with technological innovation largely depends on the source of the idea of ​​a new product. "Pushed by the labs" and "pulled in by demand". In one case, the engine of innovation is fundamental research and technological capabilities, and in the other case, observable needs are the engine.

60-80% of successful innovations are of market origin (page 26). Needs analysis contributes to

III. Christensen's classification is "disruptive" and "supporting" technologies.
Disruptive innovations are needed to replace established innovations. This is necessary for a new development cycle. innovative business... Disruptive innovation is a source of development.
“Supportive” innovation reinforces pre-existing core technologies that are already established in industry markets.

IV. D. Moore's classification - innovative products "interrupting" and "non-interrupting" technologies
This refers to whether the usual technology of the consumer's work changes when faced with an innovative product. Those innovations that require changes in conditions and behavior are called innovations that undermine the usual order. They are also "discontinuous" innovations and "discontinuous" technologies. Continuous innovation and technology simply enhances existing products and does not entail behavioral changes.

V. Classification by Chaoffrey and Dore
A classification of goods has been proposed based on the depth of change. physical characteristics product or a change in the perception of the characteristics of this product. So the following were highlighted:
- original products (significant innovations, radical innovations);
- updated goods (basic characteristics do not change, only some physical parameters have been changed);
- goods with a new positioning (only perceived characteristics have been changed);

Vi. Arthur D. Little classification
Research company Arthur D. Little distinguishes 4 types of innovations:
- Key technologies. They are little known in wide circles and give the enterprise an advantage. These technologies provide leadership;
- Basic technologies. Are well-known modern technologies... They give an acceptable level of quality;
- Emerging technologies - are at the stage of experiments. Promising;
- Closing technologies - technologies that are able to close entire industries.

The material was prepared on the basis of the textbook "Management of Innovations" - Barancheev, Maslennikova, Mishin. Very good book- I recommend to buy.

Most of the companies operate in saturated markets, in the face of a sharp struggle for the client. Selling in such circumstances requires significant human and financial resources. Competition can be avoided only by offering the consumer a new, unusual product. What exactly can make it not just in demand, but desirable? How to provide an innovative proposal with a win-win competitive advantage - in our article.

Vladimir Bely,

General Director, Alfa Smart Systems

In this article, you will read:

    4 principles of creating an innovative product

    How lateral marketing helps a newcomer to the market

    What are the difficulties of promoting an innovative product

When creating an innovative product you can either build on an existing proposal or develop it from scratch. Manufacturers more often choose the first path, but at the same time they receive only a short-term advantage in the struggle for the consumer, while an innovative product gives the company the opportunity to create new market and take a dominant position on it.

At the same time, in new markets there is a danger of being in a too narrow segment and losing the conditions for further development... According to Everett Rogers 1, only 2.5% of potential consumers are innovators, real buyers of new technologies. However, you can easily expand your audience if you stick to the right approaches when developing new products.

When we created the anthropomorphic robot, similar products already existed on the market. The idea is not new, but today it is either military development or small-format commercial models, while the market is new and unsaturated. We presented a full-fledged humanoid robot with the possibility of mass production, while avoiding serious costs for promoting an innovative product and maintaining a sales department. The unusual product has a target audience.

When creating it, we used several important principles that greatly facilitated the promotion of an innovative product and its sale.

1. The product must be attractive

It should evoke sympathy and desire from the consumer to possess it. It is necessary to take into account what a person perceives the world through images and impressions. We are not buying a thing, but the feeling that we get from the purchase, fulfilling our old dream. A person does not acquire a product for the sake of the product itself, otherwise people would not acquire clothes of famous brands, but would be limited to ordinary trousers, shirts, jackets that fulfill their purpose - they keep warm, protect the skin, and so on.

Thus, it is necessary to sell not a product, but impressions, emotions, and it is important to initially lay this opportunity in the creation of an innovative product. If your product is aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, the task of its development and promotion is greatly simplified. When the first iPhone appeared, it did not need to be promoted, it was not even particularly advertised, but people wanted to buy it and are still buying it.

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Therefore, in our robot, the consumer had to be attracted not only by the technical, engineering embodiment, but also by good looks. While working on the look of the android, we used various focus groups, applied ideas from third-party designers, but we made sure that the best thing is to make the robots in such a way that we like them ourselves. Therefore, we created the model of an anthropomorphic robot in accordance with our own tastes and preferences. The new product quickly found its customer.

Today, people often talk about the danger of replacing a person with a robot. However, the notion that robotics is pushing us out of the labor market is wrong. On the contrary, automation and robotization give a powerful impetus to development: people have the opportunity to engage in intellectual work, to master new areas of activity.

2. The product should make life easier

No matter how attractive a product is, first of all it should be of benefit to its owner.

People want to make life easier for themselves, save time, get rid of routine in everyday life. They prefer to do what they love, and not, for example, cleaning, which has to be done day in and day out. Today, robotic vacuum cleaners take on this function: they are able to clean the apartment on their own even in your absence, they orient themselves in space, they go to charge themselves when the energy runs out. It is not surprising that these devices are sold in millions of copies, and after all, they appeared only ten years ago.

In our developments, we went further and created a multifunctional anthropomorphic robot. Its advantage is that it fully integrates into the existing environment, it does not need to change the infrastructure for it. We see robots as a platform of possibilities: you can install new functions on a device, just like, say, on a smartphone.

The user installs additional software, and as a result, the robot gains new skills - for example, making coffee or making the bed; after all, he, in fact, is a multifunctional computer capable of moving in space and manipulating objects. The software can be found on the Internet; the main thing is that it matches the development environment of the robot and the platforms that are installed on it. Thus, we create a product that simplifies the life of the client and, moreover, can be easily upgraded.

3. The product should generate income for the buyer

When you create a product for sale in the B2B segment, remember that almost the only factor really important for consumers in this market is the product's ability to make a profit. Therefore, we are not creating just a device or a set of "hardware"; together with the customer, based on the type of his activity, we develop the possibility of commercialization, income generation. Anthropomorphic robots are most often used in promotional activities, at exhibitions and events; they are of great interest to the public. The effectiveness of their use in promotions is quite high: one ruble invested in a promotion using a robot is equivalent to one hundred rubles spent on traditional species promotion.

The "wow-effect" is confirmed in practice: if a robot and a car are placed next to each other at the exhibition, all attention will be focused on the robot, and not on the car, and even in the competition between a girl-promoter and a robot-promoter, the latter wins in the amount of sold handout material or the number of visitors who managed to get their attention. Therefore, companies that use robots get a much greater effect from the event than those who prefer traditional ways attracting visitors. The trend is repeated in the frequency of mentions of the company in the press: the media are much more active and with greater interest in responding to unique developments in the field of robotics and other innovations than to standard news stories.

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Thus, despite high prices and a narrow market segment, we do not have to spend a large number of resources to ensure sales: as a rule, clients find us themselves. Once we were visited by representatives of an event agency that deals with children's matinees. They decided to diversify their animation program and, in addition to traditional Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, introduce a robot into the show. They had already seen androids at the exhibition (these were small-sized models of another company), so they had an idea of ​​how they could use our products in their business.

We told them how to make a mini-show, what functions can be programmed to make the robot perform the required actions. We taught the androids to dance and integrated them into the show. The event agency conducted a large-scale tour of kindergartens and schools with a "robotic" performance. As we were later told, the company received a lot good reviews and invitations to similar events. Thus, the customers themselves understood why they needed our development, and we suggested to them how to implement the idea, and created a product that corresponded to their needs and tasks.

Most of the sales stories are exactly like this: representatives of companies come and order robots from us - this allows us to free up energy for research and launch new products on the market.

4. The product should emphasize the image of the buyer

The modern consumer strives to stand out from the crowd. Our product meets this need, because anthropomorphic robots are now at the peak of technological development. Business customers use robots to emphasize their uniqueness, exclusivity, commitment to innovation. Having a robot, even if it performs some simple functions, already says a lot about the company.

Robots are bought by those who are passionate about technology and want to demonstrate it. Sometimes a person, seeing our robot for the first time, immediately says: "I want to buy it." Why - he himself does not know; he just wants to have it, that's all. There are private collectors who buy expensive toys; we even know that their robots just stand indoors and are not used in any way in everyday life - they are only sometimes activated to show guests. There are customers who want a robot, for example, to open a bottle of beer, be able to say something pleasant, or make a movement that imitates a dance or wushu.

We create New Product lateral marketing methods

Evgeny Khramov, Development Director, Five Plus

There are ways to form new markets, develop original products that do not require many years of research and can be used in different areas of business. Such opportunities are provided by lateral marketing (LM).

The essence of LM is a special approach to the development of goods and the definition of the target audience, which implies the expansion of traditional ideas about the characteristics of goods, services and their consumers. Following some simple rules LM (Figure 1) will create a new offer on the market.

Products developed according to the principles of lateral marketing are all around us. Among the most famous is "Kinder Surprise", which combines chocolate, a toy and a gift. Another example is payment for goods and services via a mobile phone (the subscriber's account has acquired the functions of a bank account).

Based on our experience, we can say that LM has shown its effectiveness in the formation of a new target audience: it turned out that sports nutrition can be sold not only to bodybuilders, but also to parents whose children are starting sports career... This allowed us to increase sales by 18% at zero costs.

LM opens up new, sometimes literally revolutionary, opportunities for business development; but the knowledge and understanding of the target audience, existing or potential, has not been canceled.

Serving each client - an individual project

Innovative products are rarely massive at the start of sales, therefore great importance has an individual approach to the client. We perform work as a design office: a customer comes to us and asks to do what he needs, knowing that our experience allows us to fulfill his requirements.

Before starting a project, we identify the client's needs in a “question-answer” mode. “Do you want to attract attention at the exhibition? Do you want to receive a powerful informational occasion? Would you like to make things easier, or do you need a home helper? Or maybe you want to get an effective tool for solving these problems? " The customer describes what exactly and why he needs.

When we work with a private client, we find out what he wants and carry out the order in accordance with the received wishes. Target audience are people over the age of five, since the interface of our robots is designed, among other things, to interact with children and the elderly. It is another matter that, due to the high cost of our products, the lion's share of private buyers is made up of very wealthy clients; But this was the case with all new mass technologies: at first they cost the buyers very expensive, and then the price gradually falls.

If we talk about business sales, then, as already noted, we offer the opportunity to generate income based on the client's activities. Some customers say: “I don’t need complex form and beautiful materials - I need cheap and cheerful things to move, work, perform the necessary functions. " We optimize costs, carry out R&D, create an inexpensive product with maximum efficiency and range of functions. However, the client will in any case receive a device that is quite attractive in terms of design and aesthetics.

A separate category is government customers, primarily military departments. It is not necessary to identify the needs of such customers: as a rule, they clearly understand what they want and issue a questionnaire or technical task, which describes all the requirements for the final product. It can take a whole year to develop such contracts, since the volume of R&D is large and includes the study of existing technological base, definition of functions, monitoring of patent law.

Thus, the programs for each client are individual; they are developed by a dedicated creative team. Otherwise, we would not have created robots, but baked bread, because the consumer needs it much more.

An innovative product requires suitable sales channels

Don't miss big events. After all, every professional forum can be attended by your potential clients. We often speak at conferences and seminars on robotics and innovation. Such events are a great opportunity to find partners from different corners the world, from Asia to the West. Usually the presentation of our product grabs attention immediately. Of course, when it is already on display finished development, the effect is much stronger, because no one needs to be convinced of the reality of the robot. When you tell something based on slides, there are more questions, but they are usually interesting, and we can always answer them.

Usually, after the event, visitors come up to me or my assistants and a dialogue begins - it is at this moment that the basis for future contracts or agreements on further cooperation is laid.

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Try to get to closed events for a narrow audience. There are so-called closed presentations: the very first demonstration of certain developments takes place there, and the audience is only the chief officials of the state or large companies. At such events, key negotiations are held, which subsequently play a decisive role in the development of the product - and sometimes the entire direction - and lead to the conclusion of large contracts.

Choose promising intermediaries. We cooperate with several services and agencies (Figure 2) that promote and sell our robots around the world. Among other things, they conduct research on customer needs.

In addition, we now have plans to release a series of robots for sale to commercial structures, which would rent them out to ordinary users, just like renting cars.

Vladimir Bely graduated from the Moscow State Technical University. N.E.Bauman. Together with like-minded people, he created the first anthropomorphic robot in Russia, which was presented to the President of Russia. Winner of the British Invention Award for his contribution to the development of science.

Alpha Smart Systems- a research and production association engaged in the development of anthropomorphic robots for the mass market segment. Among the projects of the company are the android AlphaBot, the unmanned aerial vehicle AlphaDron, the system for determining the psychophysical state of a person Human Reader. Official site - www.alpha-smart.com

IN modern conditions innovation activity is an essential condition for increasing the efficiency of enterprises. External factors are characterized by uncertainty and dynamism, and the development of companies is always accompanied by high risk... Meanwhile, refusal to innovate can entail rather serious negative consequences.

Relevance of the issue

The largest corporations in the world place special emphasis on innovative products and technologies in their work. At the same time, they are based on the fact that innovation is an inevitable phenomenon. Managing them is key to maintaining a high level of performance. The inability to apply products reflects the inability of the company to adapt to external factors and often leads to bankruptcy.

Industry specifics

The creation of an innovative product is a set of activities related to bringing a scientific and technical concept to a result suitable for use in practice. This work includes design and experimental procedures, mastering. The final stage is the implementation of the results of work on the markets of innovative products.

Historical reference

Science, within which the study of the impact of innovation on the life of society and the development of the economy is carried out, appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. The first works on these issues were published by Kondratyev and Schumpeter. Innovative products and services became the most in demand in the 40s of the last century. At that time, it became necessary to explain the factors of a number of countries without the use of significant amounts of capital and labor. Within the framework of the discipline, the position that scientific and technical shifts and the creation of innovations constantly accompany the development of the national economic complex found its confirmation.

Specificity of management

It is a complex of principles, forms and methods of managing the work of enterprises engaged in this sphere and their personnel, which are involved in the promotion of products. The scope of management is constantly expanding. This is driven by the ever-growing demand for innovative products, which in turn stimulates work on their creation.


The product can be used in a specific area or be universal. It can also target internal use(within the organization) or act as a subject of circulation. An innovative product is viewed primarily as a result creative work... It is expressed in a specific subject, technology, method, etc. Innovation is also called the process of introducing elements, products, principles, methods, approaches instead of existing ones.

Key features

Any innovative product acts as an object. For it, its own determined on the basis of scientific and technological achievements is established. The development of an innovative product is aimed at meeting social needs with high level useful effect. Here, the key property is not technical, but consumer characteristics. New innovative products are the results of human mental work. Accordingly, the share of the intellectual component in them is quite large. In practice, the problem often arises of assessing the significance of the result of mental work, as well as its protection from unscrupulous users.


An innovative product must be distinguished from an invention. The latter also appears as a result of creative and mental work. However, in many cases it may remain unfulfilled. An invention will be considered as an innovative product only when it is demanded by consumers. The results of mental work should bring real beneficial effect... Innovation is specifically focused on obtaining benefits through specific changes in a product, technology, socio-economic or management approach.


In practice, experts identify the following groups of innovations:

  1. Technical. They represent new products and production methods.
  2. Organizational and managerial. These include new approaches to and administration.
  3. Social. They are forms of stimulation, training, educational work.

Technology is a complex of means, operations, methods by which the incoming production elements are transformed into outgoing ones. It applies to tools, machines, equipment, knowledge, skills.


The novelty of a product is a complex of properties that reflect the radical nature of changes in an object. It can exist at the level:

  1. Enterprises.
  2. Specific market.
  3. Globally.

From the point of view of the manufacturer, an innovative product is distinguished by a certain degree of novelty, which is reflected in the readiness of the enterprise for its release. This level can be expressed in reducing costs, using other materials, means, methods of organizing production and sales. In this case, efficiency criteria can be an increase in profits, an increase in sales, leadership in trade. From the point of view of the buyer / user, the degree of novelty and the effectiveness of the use of an innovative product is expressed in the ability to satisfy new needs or old needs in a new way. For consumers, the product may not carry some previously unknown technical solutions... However, it will be new.

Determining factors

The degree of novelty is directly related to the level of risk and the significance of management issues that are resolved when performing a set of measures to create innovative products. Scientists identify the following factors that influence it:

  1. Originality of ideas and the amount of allocations for R&D.
  2. Marketing expenses.
  3. OS update rate.
  4. The rate of return.
  5. Volume of sales.

Impact on consumer behavior

Innovative products can not only meet existing needs, but also create new ones. Imitation goods have the least destructive effect on established behaviors. They are modified models of pre-existing products. In some classifications, such goods are defined as continuous innovation. They bring enough good profit, since they do not require significant costs and efforts to explain to consumers useful properties... There are also dynamically continuous innovations. As a rule, they do not change the well-established patterns of behavior of people who acquire and use them. However, they can be radically different from existing products.

Discontinuous innovations are also distinguished - completely new products that fundamentally change existing patterns of behavior. They are considered as basic, fundamental technologies. The result of their application is the formation of new industries, generations, areas of activity. The American researcher Mensch found that technologies with such a significant impact on society appear during a period of economic depression. This thesis is confirmed by the emergence of major innovations in 1935-1945, as well as in 1970.

In the depressive phase, the conditions of survival and the structure of needs undergo significant changes. During such a period, previously existing technologies are useless. This, in turn, forces us to look for new solutions. In the depressive phase, the introduction of fundamental innovations becomes the only way to make a profitable investment and overcome the period of recession.

High technology criteria

Modern society is being formed on the basis of the fifth wave. It is based on advanced achievements in the field of telecommunications and informatics. High technologies are distinguished by precision of production, versatility, and high technology intensity. In addition, they:

  1. Based on major inventions and scientific discoveries.
  2. Reduce product losses at intermediate stages of the technological cycle.
  3. Have maximum consistency of components.
  4. Associated with related technologies.
  5. Requires a minimum amount of resources, materials, labor, energy.
  6. They are environmentally friendly.

Modern technology is focused primarily on meeting personal needs. In this regard, the emphasis is on the social and economic side of innovative products.


An innovative product, the right to which is offered in the framework of a market exchange, has common features consumer value characteristic of traditional products. Along with this, it has significant differences from the previous and existing product groups. First of all, they manifest themselves to a certain degree of novelty. Its presence allows the consumer to derive additional benefits from the application. Products that are outdated for one market can move to others trading platforms and stay there new throughout a certain period time.

Today there are corporations whose main work is aimed at mastering previously unknown technologies and production methods. Their activities are accompanied by a thorough analysis of forecasting the development of demand.

This includes several groups of innovations:

  • 1) technology group, including new technologies and their applications - products and services;
  • 2) production group - depending on the organizational form of production, the scale of activities, the method of attracting personnel, various production innovations arise, including outsourcing and outstaffing;
  • 3) marketing and logistics innovation and product innovation;
  • 4) organizational and managerial, covering new organizational and managerial forms and methods;
  • 5) commercial - new markets, new businesses, new marketing, logistics and trade technologies.

Classifications of innovative products

Innovative products are classified in different ways. Here are some classifications.

1. Schumpeter's classification.

The submitted innovation qualification is defined as the commercialization of all new combinations based on:

  • - on the use of new materials and components;
  • - the application of new processes;
  • - opening up new markets;
  • - the application of new organizational forms;
  • - the discovery of new sources of raw materials.
  • 2. Classification of innovations into products "pushed in" and "retracted".

Innovations coming from the laboratory or from the market. J. Lambin believes that the level of risk associated with technological innovation also depends on the source of the idea of ​​a new product. You can divide goods into "demand-driven", ie. brought into being by observable needs, and "pushed by the laboratory", i.e. based on basic research and the possibilities of technology.

European and American studies of many industrial sectors show that:

  • - about 60-80% of successful innovations are of market origin versus 20-40% coming from the laboratory (research institutes, design bureaus);
  • - innovations based on direct analysis of needs are generally more successful.

In other words, an innovation strategy based on analyzing market needs and then moving to the laboratory is more effective than a reverse trajectory strategy.

3. Arthur D. Little classification.

Research firm "Arthur D. Little", assessing the strategic role of new technologies, identified three types of innovation: key, basic, emerging. Then it became necessary to highlight the closing technologies.

Thus, the classification now includes four types of technological innovations:

  • - key technology, advanced little-known technologies mastered by the company, providing the company with competitiveness and leading position at the moment. Such technologies can be called "radical innovative products" or "high-tech products";
  • - basic technologies - well-developed and well-known modern technologies that provide the company with an acceptable quality of products;
  • - emerging technologies - that are still at the stage of experiments, but in the future they are able to provide a good position in changing the competitive base.
  • - closure technologies - some technologies, as a result of their appearance due to radical novelty or due to ultra-high quality, simply "close" some industries and their jobs. Thus, the advent of the personal computer "closed" the profession of typists on typewriters. The appearance of the car "closed" the animal-drawn transport. The advent of transistor receivers shut down the tube radio industry.
  • 4. Classification by Chaoffre and Dore.

Chaffre and Doret proposed a classification of goods based on the depth of changes in the physical or perceived individual characteristics of the goods:

  • - original goods, in which significant signs of novelty prevail in design, new elements, principle of operation, characteristics that can be attributed to radical innovative products. This can also include goods obtained using such a creative approach as "lateral marketing" (roundabout, non-standard);
  • - updated products, in which, while maintaining basic characteristics some physical parameters change. Such products are the result of vertical marketing technologies;
  • - goods with new positioning. Only perceived characteristics are changed, which can also be the result of vertical marketing technology.
  • 5. Moore's classification is "interrupting" and "non-interrupting" technologies.

D. Moore examined the relationship of consumers at each meeting with a product from the standpoint of how this product changes its usual technology, composition and sequence of actions, the usual production conditions - interrupts or does not interrupt them.

Products that require changes in conditions and behavior are called disruptive innovations, or discontinuous innovations and intermittent technologies. Accordingly, if the order of things does not change, then this non-interrupting innovations and technologies that relate to the usual product upgrades that do not require application changes.

For example, when Dell promises more speed and capacity hard disk, it does not change the usual way of things in any way. This product update is better innovation. But if new computer Dell will ship with the stipulated operating system"Ve", it will be incompatible with your software and you will have to look for a replacement. This innovation is radical — it breaks order.

D. Moore built his technology for marketing innovative high-tech products - high-tech product marketing. He believes that a high-tech product is not only high technology, which itself is the first marketable innovation product and the beginning of the market for innovation, but also its applications in the form of radical innovative products and related services that form the basis of the market for innovation. IN general view is a radical innovative product that requires radical innovation management (high-tech management) and radical innovative marketing (high-tech marketing).

For example, this personal computers, Cell phones, foundries mini-factories. ...

High-tech products have a number of features:

  • - have short life cycles;
  • - bring new knowledge to the organization, increase the requirements for professional knowledge require new knowledge from consumers;
  • - connected with creative approach to use;
  • - have a vague competitive environment when market boundaries are difficult to establish;
  • - they are accompanied by problems of implementation, adaptation, changing conditions;
  • - are characterized by complex pricing.
  • 6. Christensen's classification is "disruptive" and "supportive" technologies.

Innovations are classified according to many characteristics. However, although traditional classifications of innovations structure many innovations in some way, they rather poorly reflect the cyclical development of an innovative business and do not answer many questions. When does a new innovative business appear, due to what innovations? How is it developing? When does he yield to the new generation? When does the old basic technology change and a new technological era begins? How is the evolution of technologies, products and innovative business in general going on?

Christensen compared existing and established technology in the industry and industry markets (the underlying technology) with the technologies that supported it in every possible way. He called such technologies "supportive". Hence the "supportive" products, and the "supportive" innovations, and the "supportive" strategies. "Supporting" innovations have their own developed market.

In contrast to "supporting" technologies, Christensen highlighted "subversive" technology. The purpose of "disruptive" innovations is to replace the established basic innovations and provide a new cycle of technological development of the industry and the market, a new cycle of development of innovative business.

Thus, “disruptive” innovation is the main source of development. Naturally, "disruptive" technologies are radical innovative products, products high technology, or high-tech products.

Target: to acquaint with innovative products and technologies; with the value of innovative activities of enterprises in a competitive environment; develop attention, memory, educate the ability to work in a team.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework on the topic “The value of insurance in modern society”;

the message “Consumer Rights Law”.

3. Goals, objectives, motivation.

4. Explanation of the new material.

Innovation activity is a complex process of transformation of innovative ideas into an object of economic relations. The practical use of an innovative idea leads to the creation of new or improved products and technologies.

Enlarged innovations can be divided into product, technology and organizational and management projects.

Known classification of innovations on the following grounds: prevalence, place in the production cycle, continuity, market coverage, degree of novelty and innovative potential.

Initially, innovation arises and exists in the form of an idea presented with varying degrees of depth. The goal of an innovator is, as a rule, to promote this idea and introduce it into production, and he is not always interested in economic feasibility (making a profit or even covering costs).

The innovation activity of the enterprise has goals that may largely not correspond to the goals of the innovator. The objectives of the enterprise are:

    protecting or increasing their share of the existing market;

    gaining positions in a new, previously not mastered market;

    creation of a new market or market segment.

In turn, the final consumer of the products of innovative activity evaluates them in terms of functions, quality and cost, i.e. in terms of the degree of satisfaction of their needs.

Thus, innovation involves the application of marketing efforts in two directions.

At the stage of marketing an innovative idea, it is essential to determine the degree of its innovative potential. According to this criterion, innovations are divided into three types:

    Radical innovation. These are fundamentally new products and technologies. Radical innovations are few and far between and usually involve the emergence of a new consumer and a new market.

    Combinatorial innovation. This is a new combination of already known elements. Combinatorial innovation can be aimed at attracting new consumer groups or entering new markets.

    Modifying innovation. They are aimed at improving or complementing existing products. Modifying innovations are aimed at maintaining or strengthening the market position of the enterprise.

The global financial crisis in Once again identified raw material problems Russian economy... The country's leadership and business representatives realized that in the near future it is necessary to learn how to create and introduce innovations into production. Plans for the production of innovative products are already being implemented. But this is not enough, just as important is the ability to sell innovations in the market. The fate of many promising new products was unfortunate simply because they failed to sell, to convince the consumer of their benefits. For the first time, the topic of the diffusion of innovations in the market was described in the famous book by Everett Rogers Diffusion of Innovations, which was published in 1962. .

What is innovation? In a broad sense, this is a significant change in the life of society, aimed at achieving a positive result, which was applied in practice. Everett Rogers defined innovation as follows: “An idea, Practical activities or an object whose novelty is felt by an individual or a group. " It is important to take into account the distinction between the concepts of “new product” and “innovative product”. A product based on a fundamentally new solution is fully innovative. It is also associated with significant changes in technology and production. It is also important that it allows the consumer to get new opportunities and prospects. An innovative product is fundamentally different from a new product (version of an existing product). For example, the new kind yoghurt is not an innovative product, just as it is not a car that used to have a manual gearbox, and then it became automatic, etc.

Currently, innovative products can be considered as 4G communication, iPhone, GPS-navigator, drugs based on nanotechnology, new biotechnology products, new aircraft for space tourists, etc. Once upon a time, innovative products were mobile phones, laptops, players, digital cameras, foodstuffs fast food, children's Kinder Surprise, extreme tours, etc.

History shows that the number of innovative products is constantly growing. Currently, there are not as many innovative products sold in Russia as, for example, in Japan, the USA or Germany (countries with big amount innovation). Toyota, Sony, General Electric, Microsoft, Intel, BASF have long been known in this area. There is no doubt that the number of innovative products will increase in the near future, and there is a need for the ability to sell them. Famous inventor Thomas Edison said: “I will not invent something that cannot be sold” five . Updating the knowledge gained. Work in pairs (ask each other questions).

6. Homework: find material about nanotechnology in any industry

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