Home Indoor flowers A business plan with calculations for creating your own farm from scratch. Ready-made samples and examples of business plans for a grant for kfk

A business plan with calculations for creating your own farm from scratch. Ready-made samples and examples of business plans for a grant for kfk

Business form: LPH, KFH, IP
2.5-3 million rubles
Payback period: 1 year

Fish farming as a business

Business form: LLC, IP, KFH
Project implementation cost: from 4 million rubles
Payback period: 3-4 years

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse as a business

The cultivation of various crops, which include vegetables, is considered quite profitable, although not quite an easy type of business from the point of view of organization. Grown goods can be sold to specialized retail outlets, shops, establishments Catering... In addition, if your greenhouse facility is functioning all year round, this makes it possible to receive constant profit, especially in cold period of the year, […]

How to start a greenhouse business (business plan)

Business form: SP
Project implementation cost: 470 thousand rubles
Payback period: from 2 years

Greenery business (business plan)

Business form: SP
Project implementation cost: 470 thousand rubles
Payback period: from 6 months

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse (business plan)

Business form: IP, KFH
Project implementation cost: 652 thousand rubles
Payback period: 6 months

Growing strawberries all year round as a business

Strawberries are delicious, juicy and popular when eaten raw or used to make jams, cakes, or other foods. She acts as the personification of summer and joy, sun and lightness. It is in demand not only among children, but also among adults, therefore it is always in demand. Strawberries in the greenhouse all year round as a business is [...]

Business plan for breeding chickens and organizing a poultry farm

At present, poultry farming occupies one of the key positions in the agronomic sector of the country. Breeding chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, and even breeding ostriches today as a small business is very popular among rural and villagers... First of all, it is for this category of blog readers that the proposed business plan for breeding laying hens is intended.

Careful planning will help ensure profitability of any agricultural activity. Only a clear representation of f financial, labor and other prospects will give results. What is a business plan Agriculture How it is correctly composed and what the concept includes, we will tell our readers.

The value of a business plan in entrepreneurship

Any agro-company, starting its activities, must clearly understand what financial investments it is necessary to know the source of obtaining labor and intellectual resources.

It is important to understand the main objectives and goals of planning even before drawing up the plan.

Goals and objectives of the business plan

Planning is a working tool of an already operating company or just a newly formed one, on which all activities are based. The main goals and objectives of the business plan include the following:

  1. Planning is the core of a prospective and already operating business, it helps to understand and calculate the profitability and return on investment of the project.
  2. With the help of the developed documentation, the subtleties of the company's activities are revealed. It will become easier to carry out management work.
  3. A well-designed business plan will help attract investment and ensure profit.
  4. Provides the entrepreneur with an understanding of the entire market of the chosen niche: competitors, risks.
  5. Will help you calculate the estimated investment and coordinate costs.
  6. Planning is a source of advertising for a start-up company (it is more profitable for an investor to invest in a project that is understandable and presented to them correctly).
  7. The document will help to avoid mistakes and serve as insurance for a start-up company against various economic risks.

Drawing up a plan is a creative process that requires knowledge from an entrepreneur in the field of economics, management, marketing, and accounting. A professionally drawn up business plan for agriculture allows an entrepreneur to fully control and forecast his activities for several years ahead.

What does agricultural planning include?

Depending on the type entrepreneurial activity in the agro niche, a plan can have different chapters. They have sub-chapters and can be adjusted, with change economic situation and the expansion of activities.

The main components of a business plan:

  1. Title page with a table of contents.
  2. Summary.
  3. Activity history (for an already operating business).
  4. Description of the services provided or the type of activity.
  5. Assessment of the branch to which the activity belongs.
  6. Strategy for working in a competitive environment and identifying the main competitors.
  7. Production plan.
  8. Marketing plan.
  9. Financial plan.
  10. Development proposals and possible risks.

Let's take a closer look at each stage of planning.

Title page with table of contents

Any documentation should start with title page from the table of contents. The page should give a clear idea of ​​what kind of planning in question and for whom the document was drawn up. For example: Business plan of the dairy farm "Zoryushka".

Business plan summary

A resume is a short introduction to your business. It includes all the ideas and guidelines for planning. According to the rules, a resume has three main blocks:

  • introduction ( short description essence of the project, goal);
  • main part (brief description of significant key points, forecasting demand, financing and its sources);
  • conclusion (prospects, cost-effectiveness, possible course of action and methods).

The executive summary should give a clear understanding of the entire document. The main task of the resume is to attract the reader to the business plan. After reading the summary, the reader should want to familiarize himself with the entire document, to understand the essence of the project. The resume is made briefly, without unnecessary digressions and trifles. The main thing is to draw attention to the project. It depends on the resume whether investors are interested in business or not. We can say that this is the face of the whole project.

Activity history

The chapter is being drawn up for an already operating company. In the section they emphasize the merits of the company, highlight the merits. The history of the company's creation and its role in the market is described. Despite its simplicity, the section is important for understanding what the company is and what it has already achieved.

Particular attention is paid to the management of the company. You can mention in the section honored workers, talk about the team in general.

Description of the type of activity, services, products

In the section, it is important to present the product or services that the company will be engaged in, with better side... Describe the product in detail from all sides, highlight its competitiveness. Investing companies are interested in the potential of a product or service. The subtleties and features of a product or service are described, how they differ from competitors, why it is better and more interesting.
Is being done comparative analysis and is revealed life cycle goods. The motives for which the buyer wants to use your product or service are singled out separately. If a product is described, then pay attention to its packaging. Any little things are important: design, features.

The score has grown as a whole

Analysis of the environment in which the company will develop, its superiority and prospects. So, if you decide to start breeding cows, then you need to analyze the neighboring farms and the industry as a whole in your region.

The section reflects the market with its size, state. An analysis of potential buyers is given. How does the external or internal influence on the state of the market in the industry. Seasonality, fluctuations are characterized. Only by analyzing the market can one assess the company's competitiveness.

Analysis of competitiveness and identification of major competitors

To analyze the competitiveness of a product or service, you need to highlight the main competitors of the company. Large competitors stand out in the industry they occupy on several grounds:

  1. Companies holding leading positions in sales in the industry in question.
  2. They have been working for over 2 years.
  3. They have an extensive base of regular customers.
  4. They can afford to provide significant discounts to their customers.

Identifying competitors describes the strategy of the company in a competitive environment with specific actions.

Company production planning

In the part of the production description, suppliers and work with them are described. The production capacity that is required for the operation of the company, which is already available. The entire production process, costs and technologies are described in detail.

Special attention is paid to raw materials and materials that are necessary to ensure the smooth operation of the company.

If necessary, the equipment used is listed, a list is drawn up with full description where it will be purchased and when. What qualifications are needed for specialists to work on the equipment.

Marketing plan

V marketing analysis a description of all market issues is given. Potential clients, their material capabilities are characterized. Clients are divided into groups, focusing on the following characteristics: age, gender, financial situation.

The market segmentation is revealed, the part for which the company can apply is analyzed. Sales are described, prices for services or goods are planned.

Financial plan

The financial part of the business plan includes:

  • balance sheet for profit;
  • balance sheet for losses;
  • forecasting the movement of financial flows.

The balance is compiled in the form of a table and shows the sources financial influences and their placement. It is planned where the profit will be spent and how to reduce costs in case of losses. An important point: the accounting department must be supplemented with reports every quarter. The financial plan is recalculated and changed under the influence of internal and external influences: inflation, crisis, rising prices.

It is important in the financial part to show the transparency of all influences and their distribution. If the company assumes debt obligations, then they are reflected in financial plan: amount of payments, terms.

Costs for staff training and professional development, salaries and taxation are calculated.

Prospects and risks

The section predicts risks in detail and describes various options for getting out of them. A risk mitigation strategy is essential for any investor. The more risks are analyzed, the fewer unforeseen situations will arise in future work.

It tells what plans for the development of the company are supposed to be, how to implement them. You can calculate several different options development and move one by one, chosen by the leadership.

A professionally written agricultural business plan should have an appendix in the form of diagrams and tables. The main task of a business plan is not only to help the entrepreneur and develop a strategy with step by step guide, but also to interest investors. Serious entrepreneurs will not invest their finances in a company with an unclear business plan.

Top most successful business plans in agriculture can be viewed in the video:

Can you draw up a business plan yourself?

Draw up a business plan for agriculture without having a few higher education impossible. A whole team of specialists works in the companies to draw up the documentation. You can make short sketches and present an idea yourself, and draw up detailed plan only professionals can. The price for drawing up a business plan in large cities starts from 35,000 rubles. Depends on the amount of work, accuracy. Downloadable ready business plan on the internet, but it will not take into account individual characteristics your business. The financial side, production. Competitors must be calculated individually in each case.

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Nowadays, business in the field of agriculture is a profitable investment. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, this is serious support from the state in the form of subsidies for lending or purchasing agricultural equipment, as well as tax incentives. Secondly, the constant growth of demand from the population wishing to purchase products Russian manufacturer... Thirdly, it is high marginality and fast expansion opportunities both within the country and abroad. Considering these factors, the payback period of the project is 21 months, the break-even point is 11 months.

A staff of 23 will be required to open a wheat and potato business. It is also necessary to find land for rent and build a hangar for storing products. The minimum land area should be 350 hectares, the hangar - 1 200 m2.

The annual harvest of wheat is 1,330 tons, potatoes - 5,250 tons. Each year, these crops replace each other, since it is forbidden to plant closely related plants annually. Therefore, when opening, you need to select several crops that will be the main ones for your production. Sowing wheat should start in September in order to get the first harvest in the summer and start the first sales. This business has a pronounced seasonality for production work. The peak of work falls on the spring and summer periods... However, it is possible to sell products throughout the year with proper storage in the hangar. average cost sales of 1 ton of wheat is 7,000 rubles, potatoes - 8,000 rubles. Thus, the financial indicators of the project are as follows:

Initial investment amount - 12 740 000 rub

Average monthly profit - 918 591 rub

Payback period - 21 month

Break even - 11 months

Return on sales - 43%

2. Description of the business, product or service

Today everyone large quantity people want to consume locally produced products, to support the national producers. Considering the fact that the cost of imported food products is increasing, and the demand is constantly growing, there are great opportunities for starting a business for growing wheat and potatoes. You can also grow the following crops: barley, rye, oats, etc.

You can open a similar business in the following parts of our country:

  • Uralsk
  • North Caucasian
  • Central Black Earth
  • West Siberian
  • Volga

Competent territorial location of land is one of the critical factors that determines the success of a business. It is also necessary to rent agricultural land. The minimum area should be 350 hectares. When choosing a land, be sure to pay attention to its composition and study how it was previously used and what was grown on it. Land can be rented both through an auction organized by the city / district administration, and from private owners. Based on the results of the signing of the lease agreement, it is necessary to build a hangar for storing products in this area.

Also, to open agricultural production, you will need the following equipment:

  • seeding complex
  • tractor (2 pcs.)
  • harrow
  • harvester
  • cultivator

The equipment can be purchased both new and used. Also, be sure to check the possibility of buying equipment on lease, which will significantly reduce the cost of opening.

It is also necessary to purchase wheat and potato seeds for the first sowing of the area. Then use your own raw materials for growing. Be sure to take care of buying crop feed. This is necessary for faster ripening and the fight against diseases that may be in the ground.

Also, when starting a crop growing business, you need to study legislative framework regulating this activity... TO regulations relate:

  • Land Code of the Russian Federation
  • FZ-264 "On the development of agriculture"
  • FZ-149 "On seed production"
  • FZ-29 "On the quality and safety of food products"
  • Orders of the Ministry of Agriculture
  • Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Regional regulatory legal acts

By complying with these legal acts, your company will meet all standards in the field of agriculture.

So using modern technology as well as high quality staff, your business will quickly take a leading position in the city / region and will receive constant profit.

3. Description of the sales market

The main factor determining the success of a crop enterprise is the sale of the entire volume of the grown crop.

The main the target audience production - manufacturers of bakery, pasta and confectionery products. It can also be both flour mills and trading companies that sell grain further for export. They can be located both in your region and in remote areas of the country. This business is characterized by constant growth in demand.

Therefore, in order to build the most effective pricing policy, it is necessary to constantly monitor prices in the market. Insure the risks of price changes using financial instruments. Also, to increase the likelihood of selling the entire volume of cultivated wheat / potatoes, long-term supply contracts can be concluded.

The main consumers of potatoes are trading companies that wholesale their products on the domestic market.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

The full calculation of the payroll for 24 months, taking into account the premium part and insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

Sales plan for 24 months, investment performance forecast and calculation economic indicators business is represented in a financial model.

8. Risk factors

When implementing of this project the main risks include.

Growth in popularity healthy eating entails an increase in the demand for natural farm products... The increase in the number of farm stores once again proves this trend, which means that the demand for the products of their suppliers (farms) will only grow.

According to statistics, the share of small farms from 2006 to 2016 increased from 47.35 to 67 percent. This confirms the trend of development of small enterprises in agriculture.

In addition, market analysis shows that the imposed sanctions against Russia have become an impetus for the development of this segment of the economy. This, in turn, influenced the market situation, because over the past two years, there has been a steady increase in competition.

Farming is a fairly profitable type of business if properly organized. There are a number of reasons for this: firstly, the tax burden in this industry is lower than in many others. Secondly, if you wish, you can get subsidies for organizing a business, since the state is interested in the development of farms. Thirdly, our country has the necessary natural conditions to start a business in this industry.

The initial investment amount is 6 552 500 rubles.

Break-even point reached on sixth month of work.

Payback period: 24 months.

Average net profit: 280 831 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Before you start organizing a project, you need to decide on the direction of your activity. The following options are possible:

  • raising young cattle for the sale of meat;
  • production and sale of milk;
  • production and sale of straw and hay;
  • growing fruits, vegetables or mushrooms;
  • growing grain crops;
  • fishing;
  • beekeeping.

This business plan will consider a farm that works in the following areas:

  • raising cattle and selling meat;
  • production and sale of milk.

Working hours farms- daily, workers can live on the farm (excluding freelance workers).

3. Description of the sales market

The farm products are sold to the following groups of buyers:

  • large processing companies in the region;
  • wholesale companies;
  • farm shops;
  • population.

The target audience of the farm is wholesale stores and farm stores, since with a small business it will be quite problematic to produce products in gigantic volumes. At the same time, within the framework of this project, the sale of goods to the population will not be carried out, because for this you need to have your own retail outlets which are not in our project.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

Let's consider the main stages of opening a farm.

Registration with government agencies

A peasant farm is a form of individual entrepreneurship, the state fee for its registration in 2018 will cost 800 rubles. To sell your products in markets and other retail outlets, you will need to provide documents such as:

  • help from veterinarian(since animals will be raised on the farm);
  • conclusion of the SES;
  • certificates for product compliance with quality standards.

Also in order to sell products in outlets, you will need:

  • Permits from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Permission from fire officials.

As a taxation system, it is most profitable to use the unified agricultural tax (USHT). It accounts for 6% of the difference in income and expenses of a farm.

When registering a company in our example, you must specify the following types OKVED:

OKVED 01.41.1- Breeding of dairy cattle;

OKVED 01.41.21 - Production of raw cow milk

Finding land and preparing it for exploitation

The business starts with the search for a land plot. To implement the project, the enterprise will need:

  • administrative buildings;
  • utility buildings.

A farm of our type needs at least 1500 sq. m of land, land prices vary greatly depending on the distance of the land from the city, in our case, 1 square meter will cost 30 rubles. On this territory, you need to place a hangar for keeping cattle, a warehouse for storing feed, a summer enclosure for animals, as well as administrative building for employees, which will also house a warehouse for storing feed. Finding a ready-made farm with ready-made structures will be problematic, so prepare yourself for the fact that all the necessary buildings and communications will need to be carried out on your own.

It is desirable that the site is located as close as possible to meadows and pastures (this is the natural fodder base of cattle), otherwise the work on stocking up fodder will be very expensive. In addition, there is a need to locate the site near transport routes, because products will have to be transported, and a strong distance from the road can negatively affect the cost of transportation.

Next, you need to bring communications to the structures (hangar). You will need to connect electricity, water supply and gas. These procedures can take a long time, so you need to take care of them in advance. This stage can take up to 6 months, the cost of implementation will cost a businessman 100-200 thousand rubles.

Purchase of the necessary inventory and equipment

To work, you will need the following list of equipment:



Price for 1 piece

total amount

Farm equipment

Milking machine


Conveyor for removing manure and debris

Feed mixer

Stationary feeder

Containers and pallets

refrigerators compartment

Slaughter equipment


2 755 000

Communication equipment

Lighting system

Heating system

Ventilation system


Staff equipment


A computer


Total amount:

3 297 500

A lot of work on farms is done with machines, this will save you time and money, so you should attend to the purchase of milking machines, a loader and a conveyor.

Buying animals

The costs of this item can vary significantly depending on the type of animals that you will purchase. A cash cow (2-3 calving) will cost at least 60 thousand rubles, a heifer from 3 months will cost 10-15 thousand rubles, but she still needs to be raised, and finished products can be postponed for about a year. Within the framework of this project, 30 dairy cows, 20 bull calves and 20 young animals will be purchased. Thus, the cost of purchasing animals is at the level of 3,200,000 rubles.

Personnel search

If there are not enough farm members, you will have to hire employees. You will need:

  • Veterinarian.
  • Slaughterer;
  • Auxiliary workers;
  • Accountant.

Conclusion of contracts with buyers

Sales of finished products - important stage farm, on which all the profit depends. Most favorable development events will be the conclusion of an agreement for the supply of products for a chain of stores. Depending on the chosen niche and form of production (individual entrepreneur or LLC), it is possible to use various wholesale and retail sales channels.

Project launch schedule

Stage / duration of execution, weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Registration of peasant farms

Searching for land

Site preparation for operation

Purchase of inventory and equipment

Purchase of animals

Finding and hiring employees

Conclusion of contracts with suppliers

6. Organizational structure

On a farm, you will need the following employees:

  • Veterinarian. His duties include carrying out measures to prevent diseases and death of animals, compliance with the implementation of zoohygienic rules, examination of animals, implementation of therapeutic treatment, acquisition drugs, conducting veterinary and sanitary examination. The veterinarian comes to the farm 3-4 times a week, is on the staff and receives a salary of 30,000 rubles;
  • The slaughterer performs all slaughtering and processing operations for meat products. The basic requirements for this specialist: 5+ years of work experience, knowledge of meat cutting technology, the ability to work with a lift and other tools. The slaughterer receives 25,000 rubles, the employee appears on the farm when necessary;
  • Ancillary worker is an irreplaceable staff that is always required in farms. Such people should monitor the cleanliness of the farm and in the boxes, control the availability of feed for animals, walk livestock, lead animals to mate, prepare equipment for obtaining dairy products. You will need at least 3 workers, the salary of each is 22,000 rubles.
  • An accountant can be hired on a freelance basis, the salary of this employee is 8,000 rubles. The accountant brings together data on the performance of the enterprise, prepares reports for government agencies, calculates tax base, advises the director on optimization of certain indicators.
  • Director - this employee deals with the distribution of duties, participation in exhibitions, the conclusion of contracts, the search for clients, obtaining all kinds of permits, the purchase of equipment, the distribution of flows Money. Wage director consists of a salary (25,000 rubles) and a bonus in the amount of 5% of the proceeds.

Dairy farming is the largest livestock sector in Russia. In different natural and economic zones, the development of dairy cattle breeding has its own characteristics, which is primarily determined by the structure of agricultural land and the direction of agricultural production, soil and climatic conditions, the development of industrial centers and communication routes. The business plan involves the creation of a dairy farm for 120 fodder cows with the rearing of replacement young animals in the Novomalyklinsky district of the Ulyanovsk region and the choice of an optimal development strategy (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

  • Business plan for the production of livestock products (for the sale of milk)

The aim of this project is the production and sale of milk on a personal subsidiary farm. The production of this type of product is a promising type of activity, since the dairy market is one of the largest markets for food products. At the same time, milk produced by domestic producers is used increased demand among the population (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

  • Business plan for the production of livestock products (sale of beef)

The purpose of this project is the production and sale of beef in a personal subsidiary farm (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

This business plan provides for the creation and development of a pig farm on land plot 6 hectares. (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

The aim of this project is to provide services rural population... The cost of the project consists of a subsidy (financial assistance) provided by the employment center and investment of its own funds (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

  • Business plan for the production and operation of outdoor systems for keeping and breeding rabbits

This business plan will tell you about the basics of planning the work of a personal economy in the conditions of rural households, peasant (farmer) households and the development of agricultural consumer cooperatives (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

We present you an example of a business plan for a farm for self-completion (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

This business plan provides for the creation and development of a folk arts and crafts enterprise (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

This business plan provides for the creation of a longline flotilla (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

  • Business plan to create an efficient seafood fishery

The goal of the project is to create a Fishing Management Company for organizing effective fishing expeditions for fish and other sea products with company registration in one of the free economic zones (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

This business plan provides for the creation and development of an enterprise for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

  • Business plan for the production and sale of vegetable products

This business plan provides for the creation and development of an enterprise for the production and sale of vegetable products (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

The aim of this project is the cultivation of potatoes on a land plot and its implementation (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

  • Business plan expansion and promotion of products of the military forestry enterprise

This business plan provides for the expansion and promotion of the products of the military forestry enterprise (source - http://www.openbusiness.ru/).

Organization of a mini-farm for the production of pedigree livestock of fur-bearing animals - chinchillas on the available and prepared for production areas (source - http://www.ideibiznesa.org/).

The essence of the project proposed for consideration: growing goose and producing products from it (source - http://www.wibes.ru/).

Quail eggs have long gained popularity in food markets major cities... Only the lazy did not write or talk about their usefulness and nutritional value. Nevertheless, the quail market is still developing slowly: experts believe that the supply quail eggs lags behind demand by four times (source - http://www.wibes.ru/).

  • Business plan of the enterprise for the cultivation and sale of mushrooms

In Russia, almost everyone is a mushroom picker. In autumn, housewives salt, dry and pickle mushrooms, and in winter for any festive table these crispy hats, legs - best snack... It would seem that doing mushroom business in our country is like selling drinking water by the spring. Nevertheless, experts call mushroom growing one of the most profitable types of agricultural activity (source - http://www.wibes.ru/).

Managers and specialists of practicing farms helped to understand the peculiarities of the work of breeding pig farms. Pig breeders not only revealed the secrets of their success, but also told how one can flourish even in difficult times for livestock breeding (source - http://www.wibes.ru/).

Creation of a leasing company to attract long-term investments in agriculture on the basis of an existing leasing company (source - http://www.wibes.ru/).

Ostrich breeding, or farming of ostriches, has been practiced for a long time. The industry experienced a rebirth in the 80s of the XX century, then low-calorie ostrich meat became fashionable. Black african ostriches, but only such pets are kept in pens today by entrepreneurs who are able to exist in northern conditions and tolerate the winter relatively easily - it turns out that they the immune system highly adaptive. All this led to the fact that a potentially promising and long-term agribusiness a few years ago fell into Eastern Europe and Russia (source - http://www.wibes.ru/).

Greenhouse vegetables are the most demanded product in agriculture today (source http://kakbiz.ru/)

Everyone knows that goat milk has many useful properties, therefore, the demand for such products is constantly growing. In addition, you can sell wool and goat meat, so breeding these domestic animals is considered a fairly profitable line of business (source - http://www.wibes.ru/).

Rabbit breeding is attractive and enough profitable view entrepreneurial activity. If you have private house with outbuildings, you can safely do this. Rabbit meat is always in great demand. Additional income can be obtained from the sale of fur. (Source of Ideas for Business - KakBiz.ru) Breeding hens is one of the most profitable areas of entrepreneurial activity. Chickens grow quickly. They begin to lay eggs at the age of five months. Some breeds are distinguished by high year-round egg production. Anyone can breed poultry. The most important thing is the desire to work. (

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