Home indoor flowers Child 2y 3 months development. Baby first, second, third month. Chicken cream soup with broccoli

Child 2y 3 months development. Baby first, second, third month. Chicken cream soup with broccoli

Halloween celebration script (for children 11 years old)

Apartment decoration

Big room ghosts
.3 balloons
.white fabric (gauze) for the apparel of ghosts
.black marker
.white threads
Inflate the balloon, it will serve to simulate the head. Throw chintz on the ball so that the imaginary head is in the center of the canvas. Use a marker to draw the face of a ghost on the ball-head. With the help of fishing line, fasten the ghost to the ceiling by the ends of the robe. Ghosts can be made not only white, but also black. To do this, pre-paint the chintz, and draw facial features with white paints.

Mini ghosts for the room
.candy chupa chups
.chintz (gauze, paper towels, white napkins)
.black marker
.white threads
.base where ghosts will be attached (pumpkin, long loaf, loaf of bread)
The table decorations will also support the idea of ​​ghosts in the room. Little, cute ghosts will also live there. Chupa-Chups candies will help to make them. Throw chintz or gauze over the candy so that the candy head is located in the center of the garment. Tie a thread around the neck of the ghost, straighten the shroud, draw a face for the ghost, stick the baby into the prepared base and thus form several ghosts with different facial expressions. At the end of the holiday, each invitee will receive several mini-ghosts.

severed head
.gypsum bandages
.big plastic bag
.deep dish with water
.acrylic paints
.if necessary, a printout of a photo or drawing of a severed head
.large round dish
.candy to fill the head
The head of my husband served as a model for the severed head. We decided to do all the preparations in the bathroom to minimize the dirt that will inevitably arise. I pre-cut the plaster bandage into strips about 10-12 cm long. They put a bag on my husband's head and cut holes in it at the nostrils. The package was smoothed along the contour of the face, expelling air and achieving the effect of the closest possible fit to the skin, the package was tightly tied around the neck. Make sure your model can breathe comfortably and start shaping the head. Dip a strip of plaster bandage into the water, wring it out, straighten it and attach it to the head, carefully smoothing it. The gypsum hardens quite quickly, and the models under the package are not very comfortable, so you have to work quickly and smoothly. We did everything together with my daughter. The procedure for applying the plaster took no more than 10 minutes, but I had to carefully remove it from the head without damaging the form. With a marker, I drew a circle on the top of the head (approximately where the Indians were scalped) and drew from it vertical line in the center of the neck. These are the marks that need to be cut. I couldn’t slip the scissors, so, taking a small but sharp knife, I began to carefully make cuts, holding the knife with a sharp (sharpened edge) towards me. This is a necessary precaution, since the incisions have to be made with a very limited scope of the knife, it is necessary to saw plaster, as it were, and I was afraid of injuring my husband or cutting off part of his hair. By the way, the package is cut along with the plaster. Having made all the incisions, my daughter and I released the father and immediately put a cast on the vertical incision near the neck, completely disguising it. They didn’t mask the incision around the circumference, since, according to the idea top part the head should lean back so that children can get candy out of there.
After the plaster was completely dry (after about a day), my daughter and I painted a face on our head. However, it should be noted that before applying facial features, the inner and upper surfaces of the head should be primed so that the plaster does not crumble.

Branches with Halloween symbols
.vase with branches
.pumpkins from yarn
.paper figurines of halloween characters
.the bats
Put mossy branches collected in the forest in a vase, if possible, tape a wire with mini-light bulbs (or a garland) to the branches with tape, then the branches will glow beautifully. Hang trolls, pumpkins from yarn, paper figurines of Halloween characters and bats on branches by strings or fishing line.

maple wreaths
.Maple leaves
.wax or paraffin candles
.thick wire
.glue gun
.glue gun sticks
.pot of water
.aluminum bowl
.baking paper
Prepare small maple leaves of various shades. In order for the leaves not to wither and to please us and our children for a long time, we will subject them to wax or paraffin lamination. To do this, boil in a saucepan more water. Once the water boils, reduce the heat and place an aluminum bowl over the pot. In a bowl, put wax or paraffin candles cut into small pieces. While the wax is being kindled in the steam bath we created, cover the work surface with baking paper. It is necessary so that the laminated leaves do not stick to the table and do not stain it. Alternately dip the leaves into the melted wax, let the excess wax drain and lay the finished leaves on baking paper. Prepare the number of leaves you need.
Measure the size of the child's head and form a hoop from a thick wire (preferably with a braid to make the head comfortable). With the help of a thread, fasten the leaves on the hoop with an overlap (like fish scales). Eliminate all blots (places where leaves move away from each other, or where threads are visible) using a glue gun.


Fruit salad "Jack - lamp"
.4 large oranges (according to the number of guests)
.2 kiwi
.2 bananas
.a few seedless grapes
.whipped cream or yogurt
. gummy worms or snakes
Clean out the insides of the oranges and sharp knife carve faces on them. Finely chop bananas, kiwis, oranges, and grapes. Mix all the ingredients in a large dish, top with whipped cream or yogurt and fill the hollow oranges with the salad. Insert gummy worms or snakes into the holes.

Cake "Halloween"
.wafer cakes
. kiwi
.cream for vanilla cake
.cream for chocolate cake
. milk
.boiled condensed milk
.nuts (or banana chips)
.sugar pencils
Whip vanilla and chocolate cake cream with milk in different containers. Lubricate the first cake with chocolate cream, put bananas on top, cut into thin rings. Cover with a second cake and coat it with vanilla cream, on top of which put a dense layer of kiwi rings. Alternate cakes in the selected sequence. The top layer should be chocolate. Draw Halloween symbols on the cake with sugar pencils. Coat the sides of the cake with boiled condensed milk and paste over with banana chips or nuts.
The cake is very easy to prepare and does not take much time. My daughter made it all by herself.


Pinata for Halloween
Do you know what a pinata or pinata is? This is such a surprise for the holidays. Serves as decoration. Hangs from the ceiling or from a tree branch. At the end of the holiday, the hero of the occasion with his eyes closed must find this very PINAT and smash it with a special festive stick. Pinata crumbles to the delight of guests with a rain of confetti, souvenirs and sweets.
There is a version that it began in Italy, and had the name "fragile pot" - pignatta. Pignatta was filled with jewelry, candy or other trinkets, hung from ropes and swung while a blindfolded player attacked it with a stick. Then, just like today, when the pignatta was broken, guests would pick up fallen souvenirs and sweets.
Some claim that PINATA is a Chinese invention, used during New Year's celebrations. Figures of cows, buffaloes and other animals made of paper with many ribbons of various colors and sizes were used during the New Year. After breaking the figures with multi-colored sticks, the remains were burned, and people collected the ashes for good luck in the new year.
PINATA is a beautiful holiday decoration for both children and adults. Today's pinatas - have absolutely different forms and sizes. According to the Spanish tradition, pinatas are filled with confetti, fruits and candies, and can also be filled with toys, souvenirs, and jewelry.
According to the method of breaking Piñatas can be divided into two types:
Traditional Piñatas are Piñatas that are smashed with a stick or bat. These Piñatas are best used for playing outdoors, in nature or in large rooms.
Pinatas with ribbons, equipped with special ribbons or ropes. If you pull on a certain rope, Piñata "opens" and crumbles with many candies. All other ropes do not open anything and bring intrigue and additional interest to the game. This Piñata is ideal for playing in small spaces. Note that even Piñatas with ribbons can also be broken with a bat!

.inflated balloons (according to the number of guests)
.gypsum bandages (2 for each participant). Bandages should be pre-cut into strips about 10 long and about 4 centimeters wide
.deep plates or dishes (for fixing the balls)
.2 basins with warm water(one for two children)
.printouts of zombies, mummies, skulls
.candy for piñata
.chocolate medals
.mini prizes

The Halloween pinata competition is divided into several stages, so you should think about what the children will do in the pauses necessary for the plaster to dry.

I stage
Place the inflated balloon in a deep plate and fix it so that when further work the ball was stationary. Dip a strip of plaster bandage in a basin of water, wring it out and straighten the bandage, gently apply it to the surface of the ball. In the same way, glue the entire ball with the exception of a small area needed in order to put sweets and prizes. Let the bandage dry (about 30 min.)

While the plaster dries, I propose to carry out small competition with a light meal.
Pear Witch Contest

II stage
After the plaster frame has dried, the guys need to decide which character they want to get. Depending on this, choose the color of the paint and cover the entire surface of the frame with it (white for the mummy, zombie and skull, orange for the pumpkin). After the background has dried, draw eye sockets, mouth and nose on the face of the character with black paint (for greater clarity and credibility of the image of the features of the characters, I printed drawings of mythical heroes for girls in advance).

pear witch

.4 oatmeal cookies
.4 green pear halves
.4 pairs of raisins (for the eyes)
.4 chocolate M&M blues (for the wart)
.4 small knives (participants bring their own)
.Red Apple
.4 wafer cone cups
.carrot, grated (for hair)
.boiled condensed milk (for gluing parts)
.4 disposable plates
Cut the pears in advance along the fruit and remove the core. Invite the children to put the pear on a plate with the cut down and carefully, at a slightly angle, cut off a piece of pear along the supposed forehead of the witch. This piece will be her nose. In the center of the “face”, make a deepening-cut with a knife and insert the “nose” there.
Poke small holes for the eyes and the warts with a knife and stick the raisins and M&Ms in them.
Cut out a mouth from a red apple and fix it on a pear, making a recess for it with a knife.
Using boiled condensed milk, glue the waffle cone on oatmeal cookies. If empty waffle cones are not available, you can buy ice cream according to the number of participants, put it out of the straws first, and when the witch pear is completely finished, offer the guys ice cream as an addition to dessert. Attach a hat - oatmeal cookies to a pear for condensed milk. Attach hair - carrots to your head and enjoy the treat! Serve a banana smoothie here.
The competition is approximately 15 minutes long.

The bats

.4 sets of printouts of bats and the moon (cut out). Go to the Canon papercraft website. There is a lot of material for various holidays. The mobile bats kit is taken from there.
.scissors (bring each guest with you)
.line (yarn, twine or thread)
.4 old hangers (or hanger-shaped wire rods)
.syringes with glue "Titan"
.synthetic winterizer
.paints (to each invited person to bring with him). If the guys have paints glowing in the dark, they can separately work out the eyes of bats.
.brushes (bring each invitee with you)
.spill-proof jars (bring your own for each invitee)

Before assembling the movable structure, the children will have to color both halves of the month on their own. To do this, you can use different colors (yellow, sinister purple, reddish, orange). You can also draw the face of the moon (depending on desire and imagination).
While the paints are drying, it is necessary to glue the front and back parts of the bats by inserting a thread or fishing line between them. After the paint has dried, we also glue both halves of the moon (no thread is needed).
It's time to assemble the structure. Invite the children to lay out a wire structure on the floor and attach the ends of the threads from bats to it (the children themselves choose the length of the thread and the place of its attachment to the wire hanger, checking whether the mice are well balanced).
Having broken the synthetic winterizer into small fragments, you can start gluing it to the hanger, forming a cloud on which the crescent lurks (the guys choose the shape and volume of the cloud themselves).

Catching apples

.basin with water
.12 apples
.2 handkerchiefs
.2 large towels
Participants of the competition are divided into teams (2 people each). Pre-washed apples are lowered into the water (by the number of apples there must be more than the participants, so that the competitors always have a choice). The presenter ties the hands of the two contestants behind with a scarf, ties a wide bath towel around their waist, I recommend that the girls tidy their hair to save their wonderful hairstyles. The guys are invited to get any apple from a basin of water with their teeth. The one from the pair who grabs the apple with his teeth wipes himself, puts himself in order and gives way to the next participant, and his partner remains at the pelvis until he copes with the task. (Unscrew the stalks from the apples in advance, otherwise the especially smart ones will grab them with their teeth). Be prepared for the fact that the most daring will not be afraid to dive headlong into the basin and press the apple to the bottom to prevent it from slipping out when captured. This is exactly what my daughter did, and then she advised her friends to repeat this maneuver. Everyone tried! Definitely the most fun and funny contest of the evening! Both participants and spectators received real pleasure and laughed a lot. The team wins, both members of which coped with the task faster. If necessary, the host should always have dry towels on hand.
The competition is approximately 20 minutes long.

Making Halloween Scrapbooking Paper Treat Bags

.4 handbag sample printouts (Canon papercraft website)
.glue (invited bring with them)
.ribbons, pieces of fabric, decorative cords, buttons, beads…
.previously taken photos of the invitees (approximately 3 for each participant)
The children are offered pre-cut bag templates (the most complex elements are already glued together). Following the instructions of the facilitator, the participants completely complete their handbags. Everyone is invited to let their imaginations run wild and decorate them in Halloween Scrapbooking style using their Halloween themed photos and available decorative items. various properties(paper, fabric, beads, beads, twigs, yarn). Guys receive handbags as a gift and fill them with sweets from a severed head.
The competition is approximately 25 minutes long.

treasure hunt

Arranging in advance with the parents of the children about the holiday, I suggested that they bring me a gift that they would like to give to their child. The fact is that gifts are an individual matter, and it is always nice when children get exactly what they dream of. After receiving gifts for each invitee, I began planning a treasure hunt contest. I wanted the treasure-hunting activities to be joint, but at the same time with elements of individual work, because everyone will look for their own personal treasure!
On the eve of the holiday, I printed 4 different photos(according to the number of participants). In each photo - the girl's face close-up. On the back of the photo is a text explaining the exact location of the treasure. For example: Look for your treasure behind the blinds. The text is printed in a mirror image. My husband and I cut each photo into 12-14 parts (like puzzles), counted total number pieces (in our case there were 46). For myself, I wrote down where whose treasure will lie, so as not to confuse anything in the confusion.
After all the main competitions were held and it was time to start looking for the treasure, I asked the girls to play for 5 minutes in my daughter's room and not leave it. During this time, my husband and I hid 42 pieces (puzzles) in the hall, hallway and corridor. 4 puzzles we did not hide. Having called the guests into the hall, I announced to them that everyone will have to find their own treasure, but for this the children will need ingenuity, analysis, ingenuity, patience and mutual assistance. (The girls' eyes sparkled so much that I realized that the treasures have no chance of remaining unfound!) I gave each girl one puzzle and said that they had to find 42 more such pieces (outlined the circle of searches). And she warned that without finding all the pieces, they would not be able to guess the message. What started here! They searched everywhere and everywhere, there were offers to look even in the ground in flower pots!
Having found all the puzzles and counted them several times, the children sat on the floor in the living room and looked at me inquiringly, waiting for further instructions. I said that if they wanted to find the treasure, they would have to figure out the rest for themselves. The brainstorming has begun! The girls immediately realized that they needed to put the puzzle together and started working as a team, but a little later it turned out that the photos were different. They figured that each should put together their own photo. I am proud to say that it was not so easy for them to do this! After the photos were collected, the question arose of how to read the text on the back. Here I quietly put tape and scissors on the edge of the sofa. Active bonding has begun. (While the children were sitting in one place and gluing together, my husband and I put the gifts in the places indicated in the messages. We didn’t do this on purpose in advance so that the children would not find the treasure ahead of time).

The photos are glued together, the text is read, but its meaning is not clear, because on the back is gibberish. The young treasure hunters quickly guessed that the letters were printed in mirror image and ran to read the text in front of the mirror. The secret is out! At this point, my husband and I had to seriously take care of our own safety, because. the girls rushed for the prizes so much that we almost got knocked down!
Prizes have been found, everyone is happy! The competition was a success!!!

Games and competitions for adults The best way entertain guests at your Halloween party.

Halloween Contests

Although it may seem like only children in their costumes are having fun during the traditional rounds of neighbors and receiving sweets, it can be wonderful holiday and for adults. Adult costumes can be a little more revealing and the party atmosphere can be more creepy. Otherwise, you just need to plan a few holiday games to make the party unforgettable.

"Catch an apple."

This classic game is actually suitable for all ages. She may not really like those who are tricky with makeup, but everyone else simply adore her. Using a large basin or a baby bath filled with water, you can play it anywhere you're not afraid to splash the floor a little. Free float the apples and have each participant try to catch the apple with their mouths. You can't use your hands for this. Usually a small group of people take part in the game, so the one who first managed to get an apple out of the water, or the one who caught the most fruits, wins.


This game is usually more interesting if you can use more than one room to play it, and possibly your own backyard if you have one. Make a list of five to ten things for your guests to find and try to tie them to the Halloween theme. Then hide the items in different areas of the house and invite guests to look for them, guided by your prompts. Be specific, because if you need to find, for example, "an item that can be found in a cemetery," then do not be surprised if especially resourceful guests bring you a stone or a handful of earth.

Also, this game can be a Halloween version of the Easter Egg Hunt. Hide the clues in plastic gourds and distribute them around the house. Each team begins their quest with a clue that will lead them to the next clue. The first team to bring all the hidden objects to the leader wins.


In this game, participants are divided into pairs and compete against the clock. One man uses a roll of toilet paper to turn his partner (partner) into a mummy. The couple in which the mummy was wrapped the fastest, moreover, wrapped with high quality, from head to toe, so that only the eyes were visible, wins. In some variations of this game, the team may include more than two people.

"Pin the Devil's Tail"

Instead of the devil, an image of any character symbolizing Halloween can be used. You can use or make your own. In any case, the participant is blindfolded, spun for slight disorientation, and asked to pin the tail to the image of the devil. The one who managed to pin the tail as close to the required area as possible wins.

"Pass the organ."

Take a sponge big size shaped like a heart, line up the participants and pass the “organ” down the chain without using your hands. Two teams can participate, to complicate the task, participants can be blindfolded. The blindfold option is definitely the most fun. The "organ" must be clamped between the chin and the neck and passed to the next player so that he can take it in the same way. The first team to complete the "organ transfer" to the end of the chain is the winner.

"Guess what it is."

For this game you will need five or six pitchers made of opaque material. Fill the containers with substances that may be unpleasant to the touch, and invite guests to put their hands in the jugs to determine their contents. Skinned grapes can feel like eyeballs to the touch, and the gelatinous mass can feel like brains. By the way, do not forget to prompt the participants with just such nasty associations. The contents of the jars should be room temperature and the players had better be blindfolded. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins the competition.

In addition to the above games, there are also well-known classic pastimes, such as holding a séance with a special board or by category (most original, sexiest, and so on). In a properly decorated room, with a scary movie on TV (but with the sound off), scary music in the background, and an uplifting mindset, these adult games will be the highlight of your Halloween party.

A lot can be done at a Halloween party popular games adapted to the theme of the holiday. For example, everyone knows the game with the transfer of an object in a circle to the music. Whoever has an object in his hands at the moment when the music stops, he must, for example, crow and leave the game. And then the transfer of the item continues until one participant remains. On Halloween, you can have a similar entertainment by passing around a pumpkin or a plastic model of a skull. The one who has the transferred object in his hands at the moment the music is turned off needs to scream loudly, as if from fear, and leave the circle.

The well-known entertainment "Musical chair" (everyone walks around the chairs, and when the music stops, they rush to sit down) can also be adapted. You can, for example, walk around the table, on which there are heads of garlic - one less than the number of participants. When the music stops, everyone takes a head of garlic in their hands. Whoever didn’t have enough was bitten by a vampire. It means that he has no place among people, and he leaves. You need to choose the appropriate music - forcing, disturbing. The soundtrack from The Pink Panther will do.

You can arrange speed drinking competitions tomato juice, which at the Halloween holiday is called nothing more than blood.

And among adults, you can hold a pair competition for the absorption of "Bloody Mary": cocktails are made in tall glasses (vodka with tomato juice), each pair is given a glass and two straws. Which pair will empty the glass faster through the tubes - that prize.

Relay races are traditional on holidays. On Halloween, you can hold a relay race on the high-speed transfer of "eyes" in a spoon. The eyes are painted tennis balls. The eye ball is placed in a spoon and carried by the team members.

We offer a few more games and contests for Halloween.

Competition "Terrible spell"

To warm up, all party participants will have to come up with the most terrible, gloomy, terrible spell and pronounce it in the most terrible, gloomy, terrible voice. At the same time, your spell may not contain wise words or deep thoughts. It's even better if it's just a set of inarticulate sounds, but said heartbreakingly and convincingly - the main thing is that everyone around becomes creepy (or funny). The winner is the most feared caster.

Game "Witch's Eyes"

For this game you will need props:

  • a large cardboard box without one side wall so that the audience can clearly see what is happening inside;
  • cut a hole from above so that the hand can pass, but the owner of the hand himself could not look into the box;
  • several plates of grapes, orange slices, unwrapped soft jelly candies, boiled pasta, mashed potatoes, semolina, etc.

The participant is invited to put his hand in the box and determine by touch the menu of today's festive evening: "Boiled witch's eyes", "Meal worms in Italian", "Brains of a young virgin", etc. At this time, the host puts another plate with the voiced "delicacies" in the box. The audience can only have fun watching the hand, and most importantly, the facial expression of the participant. Don't forget to offer the participant a wet wipe afterwards to wipe off the "traces of the crime".

Competition "Feed Leshy"

One pair from each team participate. The goblin from each team sit on chairs, and Kikimoram is blindfolded, they give out treats for the goblin, for example, boiled potatoes, slice of bread, cake or pickle. Kikimor is wrapped several times around the axis to confuse. Leshen do not talk, but only make hissing sounds "shhhh" or "hhh", by which Kikimors must find them. The task of Kikimor is to find his Leshy and feed him before his rival. It turns out very funny if Kikimors suddenly feed someone else's Leshy.

Ball game

Two people are involved. They sit down at the table opposite each other, and an inflated balloon is placed on the table. Participants are blindfolded and offered to blow on the ball so that it is on the opponent's half. But as soon as the participants begin to blow, the ball is removed, and a full plate of flour is put in its place. From the outside it looks like fun.

Competition "Go through the swamp"

For this competition, you will need sheets of A4 paper - these will be bumps. The task of the participants is to go through the "swamp", stepping only on bumps. To do this, after each step, you need to take the sheet behind you, shift it in front of you and take the next step. A participant who misses and does not hit the bump with his foot is pulled into the "swamp", and he leaves the game. The winner is the one who went through the "swamp" first.

Game "Sushi on the body"

A girl and a boy are invited to participate in the game. The girl lies down, and medium-sized edible products are laid out in bulk on her: sweets, cookies, nuts, etc. A guy with a blindfold and hands behind his back must find and eat treats from the girl. While the guy is being explained the task with his eyes closed, the girl is quickly exchanged for a guy. At the command of the leader, the participant in the game begins to absorb pieces of food, unaware of the replacement.

Game "Yellow Bows"

Three or more people participate. A girl is invited to the center to begin with. Two (three) male players are blindfolded. The first blindfolded man is given yellow ribbons in his hands, and he must tie a bow on the girl anywhere. The task of the second man is to find the bow on the girl and untie it. Then the girls carry out the same manipulations with the man. And so on, until everyone has tried these roles.

Competition "Mummy"

What is Halloween without the traditional and beloved Mummy! Here are just several options for the execution of the competition: the already familiar economical one - with the help of a roll of toilet paper, or more expensive, but much more interesting - wrapping with bandages. The competition can be made more difficult by asking two (or more) teams to build, for example, a Snowman Mummy or a Mummy - polar bear. And how do you like the Autumn Mummy - decorated with colorful leaves? And the Stationery (Office) Mummy - with attached pencil pens? By hiding apples, nuts or other protruding objects under layers of bandages, you will get a creepy monster with tumors and warts. Of course, the most original copy wins.

Maniac letter

Players are divided into two teams, which are given newspapers. The task of the teams is to compose and paste a “threatening” letter on paper in the allotted time, cutting out only whole words from newspapers. The winning team is chosen based on the quality and quantity of the text.

Mystery of Destiny

The host gives the participants their new characteristics: cards with an inscription are fixed on the backs of the players (for example, a vampire, a demon, a sorcerer, a werewolf). At the same time, everyone can read the name of the others, but cannot find out who he himself is. During the allotted time, players can ask questions about their “rank” to the others, and answer the questions of others only with “yes” or “no”. At the end, the players tell the facilitator what they think is written on the card. Those who guessed correctly or were closest to the solution win.

Zombies and mummies

chalk drawing big circle, inside put 2 chairs far apart. The hosts divide the players into teams of "zombies" and "mummies", blindfold them and mix them together. Zombies say "Whoo" and mummies say "Uh-uh-uh." It is necessary to gather your team in a "heap" around the chair, without leaving the circle. The one who crossed the border is out of the game and helps the leaders. The team with the most members in the allotted time wins.

Sabbath pass

The facilitator asks the players a question: “Who wants to get on the Sabbath?”. Each participant must say who he is (any word: witch, skeleton, closet, cucumber) until the leader misses him. You can skip a person according to any pre-selected criterion (for example, the first letters of skip words are vowels). The task of the players is to find out what criterion the leader uses.

Bridge over the abyss

The players are divided into pairs. Each is given three sheets of A4 format. The task of the contestants is to get over them, moving from one to another, through the “chasm”. Since walking over the abyss is dangerous, team members must insure each other - hold hands during the transition, without letting go. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Festive makeup

Participants are divided into several teams of 3-5 people. Each team receives a set of props for applying “make-up” and a task: a list of monsters to color in. Props can be cosmetics (or gouache and brushes) in white, black and red. In the allotted time, the team must color all their players according to the list received, and the guests must choose the best option.

Ghoul Dinner

For the competition, you will need a “cauldron” (any sufficiently large container will do) and toy or edible “nasty things”: spiders, eyes, worms, jaws, etc. Ordinary sweets will do as a last resort. Participants need to take turns throwing ingredients for the “soup” into the cauldron. The winner can be determined different ways: This could be the one who dropped the last ingredient or the one who never hit.

Potion of the Werewolf

Requires pre-training. Edible ingredients are poured and poured into containers of various sizes and shapes. From those who wish, an "alchemist" is selected. He collects 3-5 random containers, from which, in any proportions (for example, a pinch of powder from a jar, a glass of one liquid and 3 drops of another), he mixes the “potion” and invents who the recipient turns into. The rest of the werewolves must take a sip of the potion and determine who they have become and why. The winner is the one who guessed what the alchemist intended, or the one who came up with the best explanation.

terrible witchcraft

Participants need to come up with and pronounce a "real spell", which should not contain meaningful words or phrases. It is important that the invented set of sounds sound as gloomy as possible, and most importantly, to explain to others what magical effect is obtained with the help of the spoken. It will be interesting if the result of the spell is something funny, for example, "This curse makes a man grow frogs on his nose."


The "witch hunter" is blindfolded and spun. The rest of the participants ("witches" and "citizens") randomly move around. The highlight is that the witches have bells in their hands, and it is them that the Hunter must catch in a minute or two, after which the next Hunter is selected (by lot). The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.

The art of reincarnation

Participants are divided into teams, each chooses a volunteer and a mystical character. After that, the teams are invited to dress up the chosen one from the opposing team in the allotted time. To create an image, newspapers and paper clips (clothespins) are used. The audience guesses which characters are in front of them. The team with the most recognizable result wins.

ghost head

An inflated balloon with a painted face is placed in the middle of the table. Two participants are blindfolded, and seated at the table opposite each other and offered to blow the ball towards the opponent. Before the contestants start, the ball is removed and a plate of flour is placed in its place. Not only the ball turns out to be a ghost, but also the participants.

Catching apples with teeth from a bucket of water

To do this, fill a large clean container almost completely with water (it is better to use wide rectangular household containers, not buckets). Children take turns putting their heads into the container and trying to catch the apple with their teeth. You cannot help yourself. You can set the condition that the first one to catch the apple is the winner, or that the game does without winners, just each participant must catch his own apple from the water. The game must take place in the presence of adults.

"Pumpkin Blast" Halloween Game

Want to start Halloween off with a bang, not a boom? Then make such a playful wall decoration. Any participant in the party can come up and blow up a part of the pumpkin-ball and get a candy from there.

Tools and materials for creating the game "Pumpkin Blast": a piece of foam, 2 meters of burlap or other fabric, double-sided adhesive tape, removable hooks (for hanging the board, but you can just put it on the floor), thirty-five orange balloons, confetti, green paper, ribbon (string), latches (pen with a sharp nib or darts for large children), funnel.

  1. We make a cover from foam and burlap. Fasten to the wall with double-sided tape or removable hooks.
  2. Fill the balloons with confetti (using a funnel) and sweets. You can leave a few balls empty or add their wishes inside.
  3. Inflate the balloons (the pump makes it faster); tie a knot. Attach the pumpkin-shaped balloons with double-sided tape (you only need a little).
  4. Cut out the back of a pumpkin from green paper and fasten it on top.
  5. Cut off the tape and attach darts or pens to your pushpin to make them easier to hold (and find if dropped).

"Hit the Pumpkin" Halloween Game

Cut out a pumpkin (or two or three) and line the inside with aluminum foil. Make the top hole bigger. Place the pumpkin a couple of meters away from the player. Give each player ten to twenty kopecks. Each time a penny hits a pumpkin, a candy wins.

"Pumpkin bowling" Halloween game

Choose a small pumpkin (depending on the age of your guests).

Still need 1- or 2-liter plastic bottles and tape for the bowling starter line. Fill the bottles with some sand or rice if they tip over too easily. You can also decorate the bottles ominously with markers, stickers, and other art supplies.

"Undead in touch" Halloween game

A game similar to "broken phone". The players sit in a line and whisper to each other a phrase invented by the leader. The task of the participants is to convey the phrase with minimal distortion. An interesting addition in the spirit of the holiday is that the game takes place in complete darkness and phrases such as: "I'll eat you", "Let's go drink blood", "Fresh meat", "We'll get to you" etc. .

"Spooky howl" Halloween game

Participants take turns emitting a terrible cry (howl, groan). The one who made the wildest and most terrible scream is declared the winner and receives a prize.

Will-o'-the-wisp Halloween game

You will need: a flashlight, music.

All participants sit in a circle. The light in the room is turned off, one of the players is given a burning flashlight in their hands. Soft music should play, preferably something creepy. A wandering light (flashlight) is passed from one player to another until the music breaks. The player who at this moment has a Will-o'-the-wisp is out. The game continues until there is only one player left, and he wins.

"Mummy" Halloween game

You will need: Lots of toilet paper.

This is a team game. Players are divided into teams of two. One will play the role of the Mummy, the other will be the Egyptian. On a signal, the Egyptian must wrap the Mummy as quickly as possible. toilet paper from head to toe (eyes, mouth and nose, of course, remain "free"). The one who made the Mummy faster wins. Just be careful: if the paper is torn, the team is out of the game!

ghost hunting

You will need: a scarf.

To begin with, you must select the "ghost hunter". He needs to be blindfolded with a handkerchief. The rest of the members are now ghosts, they are dancing around the hunter, and the hunter is trying to grab them. If he succeeded, then the captured ghost moans plaintively and wails. If the hunter recognized the ghost by his voice and called his name, they switch roles. However, if the hunter did not guess correctly, he must try his luck with another caught player.

Sinister Pouch

You will need: a small bag; a number of strange or unpleasant objects (dried plums, shriveled carrots, mushroom caps, wet sponges, etc.)

First you need to put all the items in a bag (preferably before the guests arrive). Participants sit in a circle. The facilitator, in a creepy tone, tells a chilling story about where and how he found the bag (for example, in a cemetery, in a haunted house, or is it a gift from a ghost, etc.) The first player is invited to take something in the bag (look inside and you can't touch the bag!). It is prohibited to remove the item. After the player has grabbed any thing, he must invent as scary a story as possible about it. For example, a player has groped for a dried plum and assumes that it is someone's torn out shrunken eye. And invents a story about him. At the end of the story, the narrator finally pulls the thing out of the pouch, and usually marvels at how far his fantasy can take him. After that, the bag is passed to the next player, who tells his story about another item.

Blowing up a "balloon" for Halloween

An inflated balloon is placed in the middle of the table. Two participants are blindfolded, and they sit at the table opposite each other. They are offered to compete in blowing up the balloon. However, as soon as the contestants begin to blow, the ball is removed and a plate filled with flour is put in its place. Participants are amazed, and when they are unleashed, they usually have fun with everyone

"Take Care of Your Eyes" Halloween Game

You will need: a table tennis ball painted like an eyeball; tablespoon. Participants should be divided into two groups. A small segment of the path is indicated (start and finish). Each participant, in turn, must overcome this distance, carefully carrying the "eye" in a spoon. "Eye" should not fall! If he still falls, the player returns to the start and goes through the path again. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

"Soothsayer" Halloween Game

You will need: lemon juice, pieces of paper, a thin brush, a lamp.

With this game you can make a strong impression on your guests! Everything looks as if you could predict their future. First you need to prepare. Write a few words on pieces of paper with a brush dipped in lemon juice. On some write some number, on others the words: “yes”, “no” and “maybe”. Do not be discouraged that you do not see the inscription, everything is going according to plan. Put the leaves in a certain way in a pile (those with numbers - in one, and those with words - in another), just be sure to remember where you have what: where are the numbers, and where are the words. Your lamp, which you put on the table, will serve as a magic crystal ball. Now let's move on to the game itself. Ask guests to ask you a question. If the question involves yes, no, and maybe answers, then you take a piece of paper from one pile and hold it up to the lamp. After a while, the invisible font appears and your guests are delighted! If the question suggests a number as an answer (for example, what grade will I get next in math?), then just take a piece of paper from another pile and develop it.

Game "I'm Scared"

For this game, you will need felt-tip pens and inflated balls in an amount equal to the number of participants in the game. The task of the players is to draw the face of the monster on the ball. The author of the scariest balloon wins this competition.

"Witch Dance" Halloween Game

You will need: a broom (you can use a broom, mop, etc. instead), music.

Participants stand in a circle with a broom. When the music turns on, the witches begin to dance merrily and pass the broom from hand to hand. The witch who has a broom after the music stops is out of the game (of course, without a broom). The winner is the one who in the end will be left alone to dance with a broom.

"Proverbs about wickedness" Halloween game

For this competition, the following proverbs and sayings about evil spirits are suitable:

  • the evil one was with the evil one, but both fell into the pit;
  • you will not save yourself for every hour;
  • fear is worse than death;
  • frighten the one who does not understand anything;
  • fear of strength takes away;
  • fear has big eyes;
  • the devil is not so terrible as he is painted;
  • look fear in the eyes, do not blink, but if you blink, you will be lost;
  • fear is the first helper to the enemy;
  • in the middle of nowhere;
  • it would be a swamp, but there are devils
  • like hell in the bosom;
  • sell your soul to the devil;
  • sits like a devil in a swamp
  • the devil was in him.

Each participant pulls a piece of paper, on the back of which one or another saying is written. Then the players must portray it, and the rest need to guess and say this proverb or saying aloud.

You can also use these sayings for another game. The host says the beginning of the saying, and the participants must continue it faster. Whoever guesses most of the sayings the fastest wins.

Picking up candy through a straw

Another easy game that children find very entertaining is to suck air through a straw to collect as many chocolate chips or colored M&Ms as possible.

"Witch's closet" Halloween game

In the room (the more spacious - the better) it is necessary to hide in the corners, under the sofa, table or hang any "evil spirits" from the walls and ceiling: toy and rubber frogs, snakes, spiders, lizards, bats, insects, cobwebs, etc. . The lights are turned off in the room and the players are turned on, who can illuminate themselves, for example, mobile phones. Participants are asked to find as many ingredients as possible (and list all that are hidden) for a magical witch soup. It is advisable to limit the search by time, after which the winner is selected, who found the best in the witch's pantry. large quantity creatures.

"Scary Face" Halloween Contest

Participants take turns making terrible faces. The one who made the wildest and most terrible grimace is declared the winner and receives a prize. (The best prize in this competition will be a small mirror.)

"Get the candy" Halloween game

Flour is piled in a bowl. A candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, for which it can be pulled out. If the nose, cheeks are not stained with flour, you can take the candy as a prize. Anyone who wants to test their skills can take part in this competition.

Competition for the best spell

When it gets dark, you have to come up with and pronounce the most terrible and chilling spell (and, of course, explain to others what this spell does).

Game "Running on chicken legs"

2 pairs of “chicken legs” are sewn from foam rubber. Two teams of 4-5 people line up at one end of the hall. At the other end of the hall is a counter. On a signal, the first players of the team put on “chicken legs”, run around the rack, return to their team and pass the “chicken legs” to the next player. The team wins, the first to finish the competition.

Game: Pack up the mummy

Props: toilet paper and stopwatch. Children are divided into two teams - "mummies" and "priests". In one minute, the priests must wrap the mummies in a shroud. Whoever has more of the mummy's body will be closed, he won.

Game "Web"

Props: balls of thread, inside of which a surprise is hidden. It is necessary to unravel the ball and get to the surprise, but do it so that the thread does not get tangled and does not turn into a web!

Game: Quick Donut

Props: a rope on which gingerbread and donuts are hung on threads Children must quickly eat a gingerbread or donut for a while and do it WITHOUT the help of hands!

Game: Pumpkin Hockey

Props: panicles and small pumpkins, gates. With the help of a whisk, you need to roll a pumpkin into the gate. Whoever completes the task the fastest wins!

Game: Three-legged racing

The essence of the game: the players need to be divided into pairs, put side by side and tied together standing feet(handkerchief, scarf or rope). The task of each "three-legged" racer is to run to the finish line faster than other pairs.

Game "Draw a good ghost"

Props: white air balloons, black markers. The essence of the game: children are given markers and balls, they draw faces of funny ghosts))).

Game "Go through the spider's web"

A web of threads is hung on the doorway, on some threads there are bells. The essence of the game: go carefully through the web and do not touch the strings so that the bell does not ring. The winner is the one who copes with the task without a single sound))).

Game "Wizards"

Props: hats, capes of wizards, magic wands (long pencils) The essence of the game: children take turns becoming wizards and turn each other into different animals, birds, fairy-tale characters and even objects. The child who has been transformed reincarnates into this animal, bird, character or object, moves in accordance with it and, in turn, transforms further (already in a new image).

Shadow theater game: children and adults are given the silhouettes of the most popular characters on Halloween. A stage is set, a candle is lit, children and adults improvise in accordance with their characters. Everyone is watching the shadow theater on the wall.

Halloween pranks

Prank game "Mummy"

The host invites everyone to visit the crypt of the mummy in turn. The mummy's crypt is arranged in the next room. The lights in the room are turned off and a few candles are lit. A person lies down on the sofa and closes the top with a sheet. An open trough with yogurt or soft cottage cheese is placed on the face of the mummy. The driver, having entered the “crypt” with the “victim”, begins to tell in a sepulchral voice: “This is the crypt of the mummy. This is the coffin of the mummy (pointing to the sofa). This is the leg of the mummy (at this moment the driver takes the palm of the “victim” and applies it to the leg of the person lying under the sheet). This is the hand of the mummy (the palm of the victim is applied to the hand). This is the neck of the mummy (the palm is applied to the neck). And this is the eye of the mummy (the leader, holding the victim by the finger, pokes it in a place on the sheet, covering the trough with yogurt This prank needs a few rehearsals to be successful, try not to prank overly impressionable people.

"Pharaoh" Halloween prank

Choose a girl and blindfold her. We bring her to the table on which someone lies. Her hands are taken and applied to different parts lying body. At the same time, each time it is said: “here is the leg of the pharaoh, here is the belly of the pharaoh, here ...”, and at the end the hands fall into some kind of salad and it is said “and here are the brains of the pharaoh”. The result is unpredictable.

"Horror Room" Halloween Prank

The organizer of the holiday invites the bravest volunteer to visit the horror room. The volunteer comes with the leader into the dark bathroom. He receives the task of shouting to extinguish the burning candle there. After that, the volunteer is forbidden to tell the rest of the guests what happened in the horror room. As a result, the next contestant who heard the terrible screams goes into the horror room with some apprehension. And after several participants who have been in the room let out heart-rending "screams of horror", the rest of those present are afraid to go there.

"Old Dead Joe's Cave" Halloween Prank Game

It's charmingly "scary" fun for older kids. To organize such a game, you will have to work hard in advance to equip a special darkened room, placing various “body parts” of “Old Dead Joe” on stands or just chairs: “eyes”, “tongue”, and so on. They should be placed in vessels or containers of suitable volume, mostly filled with warm water. Each of the children who is brave enough to do so is blindfolded and allowed to enter the "cave" - ​​no more than one child at a time. You, as a good host, must lead the child from one terrible object to another, allowing, each time, to put your hands into the vessel and try to determine by touch what it contains. All other children at this time should sit still and, with bated breath, listen to the squeals and cries of the daredevil, who is being led through the “cave”.

Any room with tightly closed curtains or even a corridor (if the holiday takes place after sunset) can serve as a cave - just turn off the light, and terrible impressions are guaranteed to the participants :)

Here are the parts of the body of "Old Dead Joe" that you need to make and place in the "cave" in advance:

  • "Bones of Old Dead Joe" - find tree branches of a suitable size on the street and free them from knots and leaves;;
  • "Old Dead Joe's Guts" - a large bowl filled with wet, slimy vermicelli;
  • "Heart of Old Dead Joe" - a very large peeled tomato ;;
  • "Eyes of Old Dead Joe" - a small container filled with water, in which two large grapes float;
  • "Teeth of Old Dead Joe" - a metal pot or cauldron filled with small pebbles or hard candy;
  • "Old Dead Joe's Hair", a human hair wig pulled over a ball;
  • "Ears of Old Dead Joe" - two halves of an artichoke (with sharp spines trimmed);
  • "Old Dead Joe's Nose" - a raw potato cut into the shape of a nose;
  • "Old Dead Joe's Fingers" - cold sausages;
  • finally, "Old Dead Joe's Blood" is a pot or jug ​​filled with warm tomato juice.

You will need to have a towel handy to dry your child's hands after he has dipped them into the "blood".

When you leave the “cave” with a child, you can do a great job of intimidating children who have not yet visited the cave by loudly declaring: “Run and wash the blood off your hands: otherwise the whole parquet will be covered in blood!”. The squeal and delight of the participants of the holiday are guaranteed.

You'll also need a flashlight to help you navigate your way through the dark room. Of course, the child will be blindfolded, but you will need some light to lead him by the hand from vessel to vessel. Be sure to videotape the entire party (including a visit to "Old Dead Joe's Cave"); it can be successfully demonstrated to guests closer to the end of the holiday.

A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hi all! Glad to see you again in my cozy blog. I want to turn to mothers: how often do your kids can’t fall asleep because they are afraid of the dark, “under the bed” monsters, rustles? How do they feel about Halloween? Certainly with interest. After all, it is often the very thing that scares us, and attracts just as much. Today I propose to find out what Halloween games for children can be included in the holiday program. You can add them to your piggy bank and for subsequent events, slightly changing the theme and props.

Halloween Games for Kids: Kids Options and Ideas for Teens

I propose to introduce children to evil spirits in a playful way. All Saints' Day is just a great occasion to have a great time by organizing a fun themed party and rid its participants of fears and nightmares.

For the little ones, you can spend a festive evening at home. If you have taken on the organization, then you need to properly prepare. Invite guests. It can be friends of your child from the yard, kindergarten or circle. Be warned that the party will require costumes and make-up. However, you can dress up the children on your own, it’s even more interesting. Children will come to the holiday, and little monsters, vampires and witches will leave.

Prepare the necessary surroundings. Be sure to buy a few large pumpkins, gut, put inside the candles. Hang pictures of all kinds of monsters on the walls. Do not forget about small souvenirs that children will receive for winning competitions.

After the guests have a bite to eat, you can start having fun. It is advisable to intersperse outdoor games with calm ones, and we will start with the well-known and very appropriate game of ... Mummy in such a situation!


You will need props: several rolls of thick toilet paper (2 per participant, to stock). Divide the kids into pairs. One will depict a mummy, and the other will wrap it in paper. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and more accurately. On ready-made white "monsters" you can draw scary faces, scars, bruises.

Appease the monster


  • a dense large sheet of cardboard or a box with a painted monster with a large hungry open mouth;
  • a few balls (rubber or tennis are suitable).

Kids should feed the monster as quickly as possible by throwing balls into his mouth. The team that manages to hit the most times wins.

Air nightmares

For this competition, you will need balloons, pre-inflated (you can use helium) and felt-tip pens / markers, one for each child.

The essence of the task: paint the ball as scarily as possible in 5 minutes. The victory is awarded to the most terrible, for which the majority of participants will vote, provided that you cannot vote for yourself.

Devils tailed

This fun has long been popular at parties for children and adults. We need pencils, strings and bottles, preferably glass, according to the number of participants. We tie pencils to the threads and the belt of each baby at the back. The “tail” should hang down to about the knees. To the music, the "devils" should, without the help of hands, get into the bottle with a pencil.

Maniac's message

This game is suitable for children who already know how to read and write a little. Cut out letters, syllables and whole words of various sizes from color and b/w newspapers and magazines in advance. Distribute equally to either each player or teams. From the letters, the children will have to make a scary letter and stick them with glue on a thick sheet of drawing paper. Finished "masterpieces" can be placed on the wall.


Moving again fun game. But it should be carried out in a large room where you can run and not sharp corners and glass fragile furniture. If there are girls in the company, great. We arm them with small bells, and we blindfold the boys' eyes with a scarf. Task: to catch all the witches while they run around and tease the hunters with their ringing.

Vampire Dinner

Did you run? You can also refresh yourself. And then perform the "rite of Dracula." Don't be scared, this is not about bloodshed, but about drinking cherry, pomegranate or tomato juice through a long ornate tube at speed. The most agile vampire wins, who will drink blood faster than the rest.

Where is the couple

preschoolers love table games, therefore, I propose for the finale of the evening to take them with calm tasks for logic, thinking, ingenuity. For this contest, you need cards prepared in advance and cut in half with the image of monsters, pumpkins, skulls, crosses, etc. on the theme of Halloween. Task: get the halves out of the box and collect the finished pictures.

In the final, do not forget to burn fears with the children. Place the papers with inscriptions in a small bowl (which is not a pity) and set fire to it with a candle. You can come up with a comic spell, like: “Burn a nightmare brightly, go far away fears. We are the bravest guys, we can handle them easily!”

It is good if you prepare small surprises as a keepsake for each participant of the evening. It can be:

  • Small calendars or other souvenirs with Halloween symbols.
  • Masks of monsters, vampires and witches.
  • Certificates and diplomas for the “Fastest”, “Most quick-witted”, “Most smart”, etc.
  • You can make cookies with a chocolate web or a picture of skulls and pumpkins, or order ready-made cupcakes.

Read: how to make a Halloween mask that can be a great surprise.

Halloween games for teens

For older children, you can make an equally cool and memorable holiday. You can hold it both at home and in a cafe, ordering the necessary props in advance, preparing audio accompaniment and dimming the lights.

If guests come to the party undressed, then right at the entrance you need to dress them scarier and apply makeup. Take with you large bags (for garbage), burlap, old rags, washcloths, and, of course, unnecessary cosmetics or theatrical makeup. If you have the funds, you can call a professional make-up artist who will apply real face painting with special effects.

For children aged 12 and above who are already studying foreign language, it is necessary to conduct a short digression into the history of the holiday. Most likely, the children themselves will tell you that it originated in England, and dress up in scary monsters in order to scare away the real ghosts that roam the city. And the treat, which was put up at the doorstep of the house, was intended to appease the evil spirits and prevent them from entering the dwellings.

You can start with a greeting in English:

Hello, ghosts and witches, sceletons and bats! (Hello ghosts and witches, skeletons and bats!) Halloween is coming soon! (Halloween is coming!)

And then learn a fun song called "Trick or treat" (Treat or life).

Trick or treat? Give me something good to eat.

Apples, peaches, tangerines.

Happy Halloween.

Give me something sweet to eat.

Cookies, chocolate, jelly beans.

Happy Halloween.

Trick or treat? Trick or treat?

Give me something sour to eat.

Lemons, grapefruits, limes so green.

Happy Halloween.

Trick or treat? Trick or treat?

Give me something good to eat.

Nuts and candy. Lollipops.

Now it's time for us to stop.

If you want to immerse the guys even more in the atmosphere of the original English Halloween, then you can learn new (or maybe familiar) words with pictures on the theme of the holiday with them.

Scull (skull), coffin (coffin), hat (hat), spider (spider), poison (poison, poison), haunted house (haunted house), ghost (ghost, spirit), vampire (vampire), witch (witch ) etc.

Such a mini-lesson for the holiday will expand the vocabulary and horizons of children, so do not be too lazy to prepare cards, find a video or audio version of a song or short videos in English on the theme of Halloween and its history.

Well, after such an introduction and a small snack, you can start the contests!

Competition for witch girls for the best potion

A great way to lift everyone's spirits and morale is to drink potions! Of course, non-alcoholic and freshly prepared by the caring hands of the participants themselves. Prepare foods: lemon, apples, cucumbers, parsley, bananas, tomatoes, tangerines, cookies, ice cream, chocolate, tubules. You will have to squeeze the juice from the fruit manually, and you can chop some ingredients with a grater or knife.

What young chefs will cook, they decide for themselves. It can be juice, smoothie, puree, salad. The main thing is to look spectacular and be called scarier. The tasters of the dishes will be the boys and the parents present.

pumpkin slaughter for boys

While the female half is cooking, the strong one is preparing pumpkin lanterns. Since they will have to cut out eyes, mouths and noses from already gutted vegetables on their own, you need to keep an eye on the process so that no one gets hurt. The most creative, funny or scary pumpkin and its owner are rewarded with a souvenir. We insert small stable candles into each and place them on the windowsill or tables.

Blood transfusion point

All participants are divided into two teams. From the props you will need cherry or pomegranate juice, two vessels and a pipette or syringe without play.

Purpose: to quickly pour "blood" from one glass to another. Each player draws only one pipette or syringe at a time.

fried eggs

This is not about scrambled eggs, but about real human eyes. To prepare such a dish, you need to collect as many eyeballs as possible in a bowl. They can be made from tennis balls or you can buy ready-made rubber balls with this pattern. The task of both teams is to bring the eye in the spoon as quickly as possible and not drop it along the way. Whoever has the most is declared the winner.

Your friend Frankenstein

No preparation is required for this competition. This is the same well-known "crocodile", where you need to depict a concept or phrase without words, facial expressions and gestures. You can prepare tasks in advance and write on pieces of paper or improvise.

For example:

  • A cat that can cook soup.
  • Okroshka from mouse hearts and chicken feathers.
  • Witch at the bowling competition.
  • Fool hunter.
  • Candy box ripper.

Disco on a broomstick

We call in turn a pair of participants, preferably of different sexes, and arrange a dance battle with a broom (well, or a mop). You can spin around her, sit on horseback or imagine her as an impromptu partner and perform a passionate tango. Laughter and lots of positive emotions are guaranteed!

Path to the cemetery

Children simply love these competitions. But for him you need to sacrifice ... mobile phones!

We collect a “tribute” from each participant in the form of a favorite gadget and lay out a path from them. Smartphones will symbolize mousetraps, hungry hyenas, mines or something else potentially dangerous. Approximately half of the participants who are previously removed from the playing area will follow the "path". The rest take a vow of silence and watch the action from the side.

And now the most interesting. We remove the phones from the floor and lay out anything there: matchboxes, plastic glasses, fruits. And you can not put anything, it will be even funnier. Blindfolded players will go "to the graveyard" to the music, trying not to step on other people's phones! From the outside it looks very funny. Imagine their surprise and confusion when they learn that there was no danger!

After games and competitions, children will probably want to dance and chat. Prepare a suitable music library for them in advance, don't forget to reward them with souvenirs and choose the king and queen of the party in the most spectacular outfit and makeup!

Today we looked at games and contests for young children and teenagers on Halloween. Add them to your piggy bank and often arrange memorable events for your children on various occasions. And although the preparation and purchase of props takes time and money, but children's emotions, real, alive, are priceless, as are memories that will remain for a long time!

Subscribe to my blog and learn even more interesting and useful. Soon I undertake to prepare for you something new, unexpected and "delicious"! Share the publication on social networks, write your comments, reviews and wishes. Criticism is also welcome.

See you again, my dears!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Halloween contests are a huge success for absolutely everyone. Children of the younger school age and teenagers up to grade 6 are happy to portray vampires, werewolves and other evil spirits at school, come up with magic spells for speed and catch witches. High school students and students organize theme parties home or go to night club to take part in competitions there. best suit, the most frightening makeup or the most witty joke in the style of black humor. If you haven't decided which contests to include in your Halloween program yet, be sure to check out our unusual ideas. With them, the holiday will be extraordinary and leave the most vivid impressions and only pleasant memories in the souls of the participants.

High School Halloween Contests

For high school students school holiday halloween pick up cool contests with a touch of horror. The original entourage of the competitions is given by specific paraphernalia and thematic accessories (pumpkin, witch hat, broom, Magic wand etc.). The guys with passion and great pleasure play the role of magical negative characters and take the opportunity to try themselves in all sorts of unusual and strange activities.

  • "Maniac's Letter". The class is divided into two teams. Each is given several newspapers, paper, glue and stationery scissors. The task is to compose a completely terrible threatening letter in the allotted time by cutting out words from newspapers and pasting them onto paper. The victory is given to the team that will make the longest, neatest and scariest message.
  • "Donkey Tail". On a thick sheet of drawing paper, felt-tip pens draw the outline of a donkey, and behind a circle with a diameter of 10 centimeters mark the location of the tail. They attach the drawing to the board and invite everyone to attach a tail to the donkey. The trick is to do it with your eyes closed. The winner, who placed the tail most accurately, is awarded a sweet prize and ... a donkey's tail.
  • "Makeup for Monsters". The class is divided into teams of 3-5 people, they are handed pre-prepared boxes with props (jars of white, red and black gouache) and a list of monsters. In a short time (up to 10 minutes) the teams paint their participants in accordance with the list received, and the audience then determines the brightest, most successful and effective make-up option for the monsters.

Halloween contests for teenagers at school

For teenagers at school on Halloween, interesting and moving competitions-games are held in which children can demonstrate dexterity, dexterity, creative thinking and creativity. The theme of Halloween entertainment should be a bit sinister, but generally playful and conducive to laughter, active fun and a good time.

  • "What is your purpose?" Participants are called to the stage (from 5 to 10 people, depending on the number of applicants). The leader of each player attaches a card with the name of his character (“werewolf”, “witch”, “sorcerer”, “vampire”, etc.) to his back. The task of everyone is to find out what is written on their own back in a strictly allotted time (4-7 minutes). To do this, you have to ask questions to colleagues in the competition and answer others yourself, but only in the “yes” and “no” format. At the end of the time, everyone must announce what is written on his back. The guys who are closest to the solution win.
  • "Apocalypse". In the center of the stage, a large circle is drawn with chalk, and inside two chairs are placed at a distance from each other. The host divides the players into two teams: some guys play for "zombies", and the second - for "mummies". Then everyone is blindfolded and ordered to mix with each other. Zombies make the sound "Oooo", mummies - "Uh-uh-uh." Each team must gather as quickly as possible in a pile near their chair, while not leaving the boundaries of the circle. Anyone who goes over the line is out of the game. The winner is the team with the most members remaining at the end of the round.
  • "Who will catch the witch". Among all comers, they choose the "Hunter", blindfold his eyes with a handkerchief and unwind him. "Witches" are given bells and invited to mingle with the rest of the participants. All this funny company moves randomly around the stage. The task of the "Hunter" is to catch all the "Witches" in 2 minutes, guided by the sound of the bell. A worthy prize awaits the most successful catcher of evil spirits.

Halloween contests for students and youth

For students and youth, more frivolous and frivolous contests with elements of black humor are organized on Halloween. Ambiguous jokes, piquantly subtle hints and scary funny practical jokes are welcome. The main thing is that on Halloween everyone should feel comfortable and come off in full.

  • "Pharaoh's Mummy". Two pairs of participants are selected for the competition. One gets the image of the pharaoh, and the other - the role of an ordinary Egyptian. At the signal of the leader, the Egyptian must wrap the pharaoh with toilet paper, thus turning him into a mummy. The winner is awarded to the one who completes the task better and faster.
  • "The New Victim". Pairs of participants are invited to the stage and they are given a sheet of white paper, a felt-tip pen and scissors. First, the players draw a silhouette of the victim on paper, and then, at the “Start” command, they try to cut it out with scissors. The piquancy of the situation lies in the fact that the figure will have to be cut out together, that is, one participant will take the right handle of the scissors, and the second - the left. The winner is the pair that gets the most accurate figure, indeed, similar to a human.
  • "Kiss of the Witch". All young people present, ready to take part in a fun and spicy entertainment, are called to the center of the hall. Witch girls (5-6 people) are handed lipsticks of different colors and asked to make up their lips. Then the host announces the task - each witch must kiss the maximum number of guys present on the cheek. When the music turns on, the girls resolutely get down to business. The difficulty lies in the fact that only two witches can “smack” one man. After the allotted time, the competition is stopped and the leader determines the winner by the number of lipstick prints of a certain shade on the cheeks of the male representatives.

Halloween Contests for Club Party

For a Halloween party in the club, contests are selected very carefully, because as a rule, people of completely different ages come to watch the festive program, social status and inclinations. To make it interesting, easy and comfortable for everyone present, they try to make thematic competitions fun, original and creative. Usually preference is given to tasks that do not require too active tactile contact from the participants with each other, because not all guests like it if strangers touch them, even if this is required by the rules of the competition. But simple competitions for the most terrible spell, performing a terrible song or dancing with a broom are almost always perceived as “Hurrah!” and bring a lot of pleasure to those present.

Halloween contests at home for children and adults

Halloween contests held at home are chosen so that they are interesting and understandable for both high school students, students and adults, as well as preschool children and teenagers. If the family has kids 2-4 years old, too scary costumes not worth getting involved. There is a great risk that the child will not recognize his father in the role of Dracula, and his mother in the form of a mystical witch and will simply be frightened. To avoid such a situation, it is worth preparing more “peaceful” outfits for the holiday party and explaining to your child in an accessible form that everything that happens on Halloween is just a game.

  • "Bows". A muffled consecration is made in the room, and yellow flower bows are laid out in places that are not too noticeable. On a signal, the children go to look for trophies. The task is given from 4 to 8 minutes. The winner who finds the largest number of bows will be awarded a prize. This competition is considered one of the most popular and it is often held not only at home, but also at school at a matinee or at a nightclub at a party.
  • "What's in the jar". First, objects that are unpleasant to the touch (a shriveled carrot, a moistened sponge, a mushroom cap, dried plums, etc.) are placed in a jug with a wide neck. Participants (adults and children 6th grade and older) sit in a circle in a semi-dark room. The facilitator brings in a jug and invites the participants to put their hand into it. The first player gropes inside one of the objects, but it is not allowed to take it out. After that, the participant on the go comes up with a terrible story related to a mysterious object, and at the end takes out his hand, and everyone looks at how correct the guess was and how far the narrator's fantasy flew.
  • "Wandering Fire". In a dark room, the participants sit in a circle, the host turns on soft frightening music and hands one of the players a burning flashlight. While the music is playing, the flashlight is passed around. When deathly silence suddenly reigns, a person is eliminated from the game, in whose hands at that moment there is a burning flashlight. The last participant left in the circle gets the victory and a sweet prize.

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