Home Indoor flowers Marina, a student at the Institute of Physical Education, goes in for equestrian sports. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences rgufxsmith Marina Zhiyar: when I give two marks, students say to me “thank you!” How to attract students to classes

Marina, a student at the Institute of Physical Education, goes in for equestrian sports. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences rgufxsmith Marina Zhiyar: when I give two marks, students say to me “thank you!” How to attract students to classes

Table 1

Energy and nutritional value cafe products fast food

Dishes and drinks

Energy value (kcal)

Proteins (g)

Fat (g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Ham sandwich (bun, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, cheese, ham)

Sandwich with meat cutlet (bun, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, cheese, beef)

Sandwich with chicken cutlet

(bun, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, cheese, chicken)

Omelette with ham

Vegetable salad

Caesar salad (chicken, salad, mayonnaise, croutons)

Country style potatoes

Small portion of French fries

Ice cream with chocolate filling

Waffle cone

Sweet highly carbonated drink

Orange juice

Tea without sugar

Tea with sugar (two teaspoons)

table 2

Daily nutritional allowances and energy requirement children and teenagers

Age, years

Proteins (g/kg)

Fat (g/kg)

Carbohydrates (g)


need (kcal)

16 and older

table 2Energy consumption at various types physical activity

Types of physical activity



Walk -5 km/h; cycling -10 km/h; amateur volleyball; archery; folk rowing

4.5 kcal/min

Cycling 13 km/h; table tennis; tennis (doubles)

5.5 kcal/min

Rhythmic gymnastics; walk at a brisk pace - 6.5 km/h; cycling 16 km/h; canoe - 6.5 km/h; horse riding fast trot

6.5 kcal/min

Roller skates 15 km/h; race walking 8 km/h; cycling - 17.5 km/h; badminton competitions; tennis singles; easy descent from the mountain on skis; water skiing

7.5 kcal/min

Jogging; cycling 19 km/h; energetic skiing down the mountain; basketball; hockey; football; playing with a ball in the water

9.5 kcal/min

Task No. 1

16-year-old Marina visited Kaliningrad during the holidays. Before the excursion to the Amber Museum, she

I had a snack at a local fast food cafe. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended caloric content of the first breakfast if Marina eats four times a day.

Offer the schoolgirl a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and maximum protein content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that Marina will definitely order vegetable salad. In your answer, indicate: the calorie content of the first breakfast with four meals a day; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; their energy value, which should not exceed the recommended calorie content of the first breakfast and the amount of protein in it.

Task No. 2

17-year-old Daria visited the State Memorial and nature reserve“Museum-Estate of L.N. Tolstoy Yasnaya Polyana" Before the start of the excursion, Daria had breakfast at a local fast food cafe. The girl ordered the following dishes and drinks for her first breakfast: an omelette with ham, a small portion of French fries, a vegetable salad and a glass of a sweet, highly carbonated drink. Determine: the recommended caloric content of the first breakfast, if Daria eats four times a day; real calorie content of the first breakfast; the amount of carbohydrates in dishes and drinks, as well as the ratio of carbohydrates received with food to their daily norm.

Task No. 3

Thirteen-year-old Nikolai, together with his parents, visited a fast food cafe in the evening.

nutrition. Nikolai's body weight is 56 kg. Calculate the recommended calorie content and amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (in g) in Nikolai’s dinner, taking into account that the teenager eats four times a day.

Based on the calculations carried out in task 31, offer Nikolai the most optimal menu for dinner in terms of calorie content and fat ratio from the list of proposed dishes and drinks.

When choosing, keep in mind that your teenager will definitely order country-style potatoes, as well as one of the drinks. Dishes on the menu should not be repeated. In your answer, indicate the dishes, the calorie content of the dinner and the amount of fat in it.

Task No. 4

Alexey and Ivan are passionate fans of calm hiking. On a sunny day summer days they decided to take another outing into nature. In a hurry, the guys forgot the packed rations they had prepared the evening before. The guys stayed in the forest for about 4 hours and, hungry, were able to get to the nearest roadside cafe only in the evening. Using the data from tables 1 and 2, offer one of them the optimal caloric value, with maximum number carbohydrates menu from the list of proposed dishes and drinks that will help compensate for the costs of walking for many hours (5 km/h). When choosing, keep in mind that each of the guys will definitely order a ham sandwich and orange juice, but will refuse ice cream with chocolate filling.

In your answer, indicate: energy consumption of walking; ordered dishes that should not

repeat; the calorie content of dinner, which should not exceed energy expenditure during a walk, and the amount of carbohydrates in it.

Problem #5

Denis plays football professionally and is a member of a football club. After the game, which lasted 2 halves of 45 minutes with an extra time of 3 minutes, the athlete went to have dinner at a fast food restaurant. Using the data from Tables 1 and 2, offer the young man the suggested dishes and drinks in order to compensate for his energy costs during the game.

When choosing, keep in mind that Denis will definitely order a ham sandwich. Please indicate in your answer:

energy consumption of a sports match; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; amount of carbohydrates; calorie content of dinner, which should not exceed energy expenditure during a football match.

Problem #6

17-year-old Nikolai the winter vacation visited Samara. Before the excursion to Samara

art museum, he had breakfast at a local fast food cafe. The teenager ordered the following dishes and drinks for his first breakfast: omelet with ham, orange juice and a portion of country-style potatoes. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, determine: the recommended calorie content of the first breakfast, if Nikolai eats four times a day; the real energy value of the ordered breakfast; the amount of carbohydrates in dishes and drinks, as well as the ratio of carbohydrates received from food to their daily norm.

Problem No. 7

Evgeniy is a 19-year-old first-year student at summer holidays visited Vladivostok. After

After a long excursion to Russky Island, he decided to have dinner at a local fast food cafe. The young man ordered himself the following dishes and drinks: omelet with ham, country-style potatoes and a glass of tea with sugar (one teaspoon). Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, determine the recommended caloric content of dinner for Eugene if he eats four times a day; the real energy value of the ordered dinner, the amount of carbohydrates in dishes and drinks, as well as the ratio of carbohydrates received with food to its daily norm.

Problem No. 8

Garik is actively engaged table tennis. After morning training he decided

eat at a fast food restaurant. Using the data from tables 1 and 2, suggest

Garik has an optimal calorie menu with maximum carbohydrate content from

list of dishes and drinks in order to compensate for energy costs during

workout if its duration was 130 minutes. When choosing, keep in mind that Garik will definitely order an omelette with ham. In your answer, indicate: the athlete’s energy consumption during training; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; the calorie content of breakfast, which should not exceed the energy consumption during training, and the amount of carbohydrates in it.

Problem No. 9

Lyubov is a master of sports in archery. During last month she is actively preparing for sports competitions, spending 6 hours a day at the shooting range. After one of her morning workouts, which lasted 3 hours and 20 minutes, she decided to have lunch with her friends at a fast food restaurant. Using the data from Tables 1 and 2, offer the athlete a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and fat from the list of dishes and drinks in order to compensate for energy costs during another training session. When choosing, keep in mind that Lyubov will definitely order country-style potatoes, dishes with minimal fat content and a drink. In your answer, indicate: the athlete’s energy consumption during training; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; the amount of fat in them; caloric content of dishes, which should not exceed energy expenditure during training.

Problem No. 10

Ivan Petrovich works as a postman and loves cycling, so

He delivers correspondence on a bicycle at a speed of 10 km/h. In the first half of the day he works for 4 hours and then goes to a fast food restaurant for lunch. Using data

tables 1 and 2, offer the man the optimal calorie content, with maximum

compensate for your energy costs for a four-hour bike ride. When choosing

Please note that Ivan Petrovich really loves country-style potatoes and will definitely order two servings. In your answer, indicate: the postman’s energy consumption; ordered dishes; quantity

carbohydrates; calorie content of lunch, which should not exceed energy expenditure while cycling.

Problem No. 11

On Sunday, 15-year-old Alexander visited the Tretyakov Gallery

in Moscow, and at lunch he decided to have a snack at a fast food restaurant. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended calorie content for lunch if Alexander eats four times a day. Offer Alexander a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and contains maximum carbohydrates from the list of proposed dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that he will definitely order a ham sandwich, chocolate ice cream and orange juice. In your answer, indicate: calorie content of lunch with four meals a day; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; their energy value, which should not exceed the recommended calorie content of lunch, and the amount of carbohydrates in it.

Problem No. 12

Alexey enjoys horse riding alpine skiing and is engaged in Ski school"Capital". Three times a week he goes skiing to Vorobyovy Gory. After a two-hour vigorous workout, Alexey goes to a fast food restaurant to relax a bit, chat with friends and have lunch.

Using the data from Tables 1 and 2, offer the young man the optimal calorie content, with

the maximum protein content of the menu from the list of proposed dishes and drinks in order to compensate for the energy costs of a two-hour workout. When choosing, keep in mind that Alexey always orders a sandwich with a meat cutlet and two cups of tea with sugar. Please indicate in your answer: energy consumption sports training; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; the calorie content of lunch, which should not exceed energy expenditure during training, and the amount of protein in it.

Problem No. 13

12-year-old Nikolai visited ancient Suzdal with his parents during the holidays. After an excursion to the Suzdal Kremlin, the family decided to have dinner at a local fast food cafe. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended caloric content of Nikolai’s dinner if he eats four times a day. Offer your teenager a menu that is optimal in calories and contains maximum carbohydrates from the list of proposed dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that Nikolai will definitely order an omelette with ham and tea with one spoon of sugar. In your answer, indicate: the calorie content of dinner for four meals a day; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; their energy value, which should not exceed the recommended calorie content of dinner, and the amount of carbohydrates in it.

Problem No. 14

11-year-old Nikolai visited St. Petersburg during the winter holidays. Before the excursion to

Peter and Paul Fortress he decided to grab a bite to eat at a local fast food cafe.

Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended caloric content of the second

breakfast if Nikolai eats four times a day. Offer the student a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and maximum fat content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that Nikolai will definitely order a glass of sweets

highly carbonated drink. In your answer, indicate: calorie content of the second breakfast

with four meals a day; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; their

energy value, which should not exceed the recommended calorie content

second breakfast, and the amount of fat in it.

Problem No. 15

On Sunday morning, 15-year-old Konstantin visited a historical museum, and at dinner he visited a fast food restaurant. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended calorie content for dinner if Konstantin eats four times a day. Offer the student a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and contains maximum carbohydrate content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that Konstantin will definitely order an omelette with ham. In your answer, indicate: calorie content of dinner; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; their energy value, which should not exceed the recommended calorie content of dinner, and the amount of carbohydrates in it.

Problem No. 16

15-year-old Nikolai visited the State Nature Reserve during the winter holidays

"Pillars" in Krasnoyarsk. After the tour, he had dinner at a local fast food cafe. Nikolai ordered the following dishes and drinks: a ham sandwich, country-style potatoes and a glass of a sweet, highly carbonated drink. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, determine the recommended caloric content of dinner, the energy value of the ordered dishes, the amount of carbohydrates received from food and the ratio of the amount of carbohydrates received from food to their daily norm.

Problem No. 17

Andrey and Peter went cycling out of town for the weekend. On the way back

after a 182-minute leisurely walk (13 km/h), they decided to have a snack at one of the

fast food restaurants. Using the data in Tables 1 and 2, offer one of the guys a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and contains maximum protein content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks to compensate for the energy costs of cycling. When choosing, keep in mind that each of them will definitely order a sandwich with a meat cutlet and orange juice. In your answer, indicate: energy consumption of cycling; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; the amount of proteins in them; calorie content of dishes, which should not exceed energy consumption during a bicycle ride.

Problem No. 18

Nikolay and Vasily are fans of playing tennis (singles). Every Sunday they compete in this sport. Using the data in Tables 1 and 2, offer Vasily a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and contains maximum carbohydrate content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks in order to compensate for his expenses in the game, which lasted 2 hours and 5 minutes. When choosing, keep in mind that he will definitely order a sandwich with a meat cutlet and a sweet, highly carbonated drink. In your answer, indicate: energy consumption when playing tennis; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; the amount of carbohydrates and calories, which should not exceed energy expenditure during the game.

Problem No. 19

A student at the Institute of Physical Education, Marina, goes in for equestrian sports. Every day after

Institute, she does horse riding for 95 minutes. After training, a girl comes in

eat at a fast food restaurant. Using the data in Tables 1 and 2, offer the student a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and contains maximum protein content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks in order to compensate for the energy costs of the workout. When choosing, keep in mind that Marina always orders an omelette with ham. In your answer, indicate: the athlete’s energy consumption, recommended dishes that should not be repeated; amount of proteins; calorie content of lunch, which should not exceed energy expenditure during training.

Problem No. 20

Fedor, striker football club, after the evening game I decided to have dinner at a fast food restaurant. Using the data from tables 1 and 2, offer Fedor an optimal calorie-rich menu with a maximum carbohydrate content from the list of dishes and drinks in order to compensate for energy costs during a football match that lasted 89 minutes for the athlete. When choosing, keep in mind that Fedor will definitely order a sweet, highly carbonated drink. In your answer, indicate: the athlete’s energy consumption; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; amount of carbohydrates; calorie content of dinner, which should not exceed energy consumption during the match.

Problem No. 21

10-year-old Alexander visited Veliky Novgorod with his parents. In front of the pedestrian

tour of ancient city The family decided to grab a bite to eat at a local fast food cafe. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended caloric content of Alexander’s first breakfast if he eats four times a day. Offer to the student

optimal calorie content, with maximum carbohydrate content menu from the list

offered dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that Alexander will definitely order tea without sugar. In your answer, indicate: calorie content of the first breakfast; with four meals a day, ordered dishes that should not be repeated; their energy value, which should not exceed the recommended calorie content of the first breakfast, and the amount of carbohydrates in it.

Problem No. 22

14-year-old Peter visited Kazan during the winter holidays. Before the excursion to the Kazan Kremlin, he had breakfast at a local fast food cafe. The teenager ordered the following dishes and drinks for breakfast: a sandwich with a chicken cutlet, a vegetable salad, and a small portion of French fries. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, determine the recommended caloric content of Peter’s first breakfast if he eats four times a day; real energy value of the first breakfast; the amount of carbohydrates in breakfast dishes and drinks, as well as the ratio of carbohydrates received with food to their daily norm.

Problem No. 23

17-year-old Polina visited Nizhny Novgorod during the holidays. After visiting the Nizhny Novgorod fair, she decided to have dinner at a local fast food cafe. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended calorie content for dinner if Polina eats four times a day. Offer your teenager a menu that is optimal in calories and contains minimal fat from the list of proposed dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that Polina will definitely order orange juice. Please indicate in your answer: calorie content of dinner; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; their energy value, which should not exceed the recommended calorie content of dinner, and the amount of fat in it.

Problem No. 24

14-year-old Sophia visited Pskov and its surroundings during the winter holidays. Before the excursion to

State Pushkin Nature Reserve she had breakfast at a local fast food cafe

nutrition. The girl ordered the following dishes and drinks for her second breakfast: a sandwich with

ham, a small portion of French fries and a glass of sweet, highly carbonated drink.

Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, determine the recommended calorie content of the second

breakfast, if Sophia eats four times a day, the real energy value

second breakfast items ordered, the amount of carbohydrates in dishes and drinks, and

the ratio of carbohydrates received from food to their daily norm.

Problem No. 25

Anastasia is a master of sports in alpine skiing. Over the past month she

actively prepares for sports competitions, spending 4 hours a day on the mountain slopes. After one evening workout that lasted 121 minutes, she decided to have dinner at a fast food restaurant. Using the data from tables 1 and 2, offer Anastasia a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and contains maximum carbohydrate content from the list of dishes and drinks in order to compensate for energy costs after the next workout. When choosing, keep in mind that Anastasia will definitely order orange juice and refuse ice cream. In your answer, indicate: the athlete’s energy consumption; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; calorie content of dinner, which should not exceed energy expenditure during training,

and the amount of carbohydrates in it.

Problem No. 26

18-year-old Elizaveta visited Khabarovsk during her student winter holidays. Before the beginning

excursions “Khabarovsk capital Far East, history and modernity" she had lunch

at a local fast food cafe. The girl ordered the following dishes and drinks:

patty sandwich, small fries, Caesar salad and glass

sweet highly carbonated drink. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, determine

Problem No. 27

Egor, a participant in a canoeing competition, decided to have a meal at a fast food restaurant. Using the data from tables 1 and 2, offer Egor a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and contains maximum carbohydrate content from the list of dishes and drinks in order to

to compensate for energy costs during the competition, which lasted 75 minutes. When choosing, keep in mind that Egor will definitely order orange juice. In your answer, indicate: the athlete’s energy consumption during competitions; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; the amount of carbohydrates in them; calorie content of dishes, which should not exceed energy consumption during competitions.

Problem No. 28

Alexander, a roller skating enthusiast, went on a two-hour walk through the streets of Nizhny Novgorod. Afterwards he decided to have a snack at one of the fast food restaurants. Using the data from Tables 1 and 2, offer Alexander a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and contains maximum protein content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks in order to compensate for his energy consumption during a walk on roller skates. When choosing, keep in mind that Alexander will definitely order a ham sandwich and ice cream with chocolate filling. In your answer, indicate: energy consumption during a walk on roller skates; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; calorie content, which should not exceed energy expenditure during a walk, and the amount of protein in them.

Problem No. 29

17-year-old Tatyana visited Tobolsk during her student winter holidays. Before the beginning

excursion “The Tobolsk Kremlin is a masterpiece of stone architecture” she had lunch at a local

fast food cafe. The girl ordered the following dishes and drinks: small

French fries, ham sandwich, Caesar salad and orange juice. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, determine: the recommended caloric content of lunch, if Tatyana eats four times a day; energy value of the ordered lunch; the amount of carbohydrates in dishes and drinks, as well as the ratio of carbohydrates received from food to their daily norm.

Problem #30

16-year-old Ivan visited Astrakhan during the holidays. Before the excursion to the Astrakhan Kremlin, he

I had a snack at a local fast food cafe. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended calorie content for a second breakfast if Ivan eats four times a day.

Offer him a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and contains maximum protein from the list of proposed dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that Ivan will definitely order a small portion of fries. In your answer, indicate: the calorie content of the second breakfast with four meals a day; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; their energy value, which should not exceed the recommended calorie content of a second breakfast, and the amount of proteins in it.

Problem No. 31

Peter, a guard on the basketball team, decided to have dinner at a fast food restaurant after an evening practice. Using the data from Tables 1 and 2, offer Peter an optimal calorie-rich menu with a maximum carbohydrate content from the list of dishes and drinks in order to compensate for energy consumption during a workout that lasted 1 hour and 40 minutes. When choosing, keep in mind that Peter will definitely order an omelette with ham. In your answer, indicate: the athlete’s energy consumption during training; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; calorie content of dinner, which should not exceed energy expenditure during training, and the amount of carbohydrates in it.

Problem No. 32

Nikolay and Vasily are fans of playing tennis (singles). Every Sunday they compete with each other in this sport. Using the data in Tables 1 and 2, offer Nikolai a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and maximum protein content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks in order to compensate for his energy consumption in the game, which lasted 2 hours. When choosing, keep in mind that he will definitely order an omelette with ham and a glass of a sweet, highly carbonated drink.

In your answer, indicate: energy consumption when playing tennis; ordered dishes that should not

repeat; the calorie content of lunch, which should not exceed energy expenditure during the game, and the amount of protein in it.

Problem No. 33

Konstantin, a defenseman for the hockey team, decided to have dinner at

fast food restaurant. Using the data from tables 1 and 2, suggest to Konstantin

optimal calorie content, with maximum carbohydrate content menu from the list

food and drinks to compensate for energy costs during training,

lasting 1 hour 30 minutes. When choosing, keep in mind that Konstantin will definitely order

omelet with ham. In your answer, indicate: the athlete’s energy consumption during training;

ordered dishes; calorie content of dinner and the amount of carbohydrates in it.

Problem No. 34

Olga, a master of sports in tennis, is at training camps, where every day for four hours(morning and evening) actively trains with her friends. IN free time Between two training sessions, the girls decided to have lunch at a fast food restaurant. Using the data from Tables 1 and 2, offer Olga the optimal calorie and protein ratio menu from the list of proposed dishes and drinks in order to compensate for her energy costs during the morning two-hour workout.

When choosing, keep in mind that Olga loves sweets and will definitely order ice cream with

chocolate filling, as well as a sweet drink. However, the coach asked Olga

consume dishes with the greatest content squirrel. In your answer, indicate the energy consumption of the morning workout, recommended dishes, calorie content of lunch and the amount of protein in it.

Problem No. 35

Svetlana, a theater school student, always watches her figure

and does rhythmic gymnastics at the fitness club three times a week. After an hour and a half class, Svetlana goes to a fast food restaurant to have a snack. Using the data in Tables 1 and 2, offer the girl the optimal calorie menu from the list of proposed dishes and drinks in order to compensate for energy costs during an hour and a half lesson.

When choosing, keep in mind that Svetlana chooses dishes with the least amount of carbohydrates and drinks tea without sugar. In your answer, indicate: energy consumption during gymnastics; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; calorie content of lunch and the amount of carbohydrates in it.

Problem No. 36

Anton is fond of water skiing and every year for the whole summer he and his friends go to the Black Sea, where they actively train. Every day the young man rides for three hours(in the morning, after lunch and in the evening for an hour). In his free time after morning and afternoon training, Anton goes to a fast food restaurant for lunch. Using the data in Tables 1 and 2, offer the young man a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and maximum protein content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks in order to compensate for the energy costs of two hours of water skiing. When choosing, keep in mind that Anton loves orange juice and will definitely order it. In your answer, indicate: energy consumption of two-hour workouts; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; the calorie content of lunch, which should not exceed energy expenditure during training, and the amount of protein in it.

Problem No. 37

Athlete Natalya every day during morning training does an hour of race walking at a speed of 8 km/h, then walks for an hour at a speed of 5.5 km/h. After training, she sometimes eats at a fast food restaurant. Using the data in Tables 1 and 2, offer the girl a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and contains maximum carbohydrate content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks in order to compensate for the energy costs of a morning two-hour workout. When choosing, keep in mind that Natalya loves a sweet, highly carbonated drink. Please indicate in your answer:

energy consumption of the athlete; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; the calorie content of lunch, which should not exceed energy expenditure during training, and the amount of carbohydrates in it.

Problem No. 38

14-year-old Zinaida took part in a one-day excursion, and in the evening had dinner at a fast food restaurant. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended calorie content for dinner if the girl eats four times a day. Offer Zinaida a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and contains maximum carbohydrate content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that Zinaida will definitely order a portion of country-style potatoes and tea with sugar. In your answer, indicate: the calorie content of dinner for four meals a day; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; their energy value, which should not exceed the recommended calorie content of dinner, and the amount of carbohydrates in it.

Problem No. 39

Vladimir does rhythmic gymnastics, after one of the training sessions he decided

have dinner at a fast food restaurant. Using the data from tables 1 and 2, suggest

Vladimir receives an optimal calorie-rich, minimally fat-content menu from

a list of foods and drinks to compensate for the energy costs of the workout

lasting 2 hours 30 minutes. When choosing, keep in mind that Vladimir will definitely order ice cream with chocolate filling and a sweet drink. In your answer, please indicate: Vladimir’s energy consumption; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; the calorie content of dinner, which should not exceed energy expenditure during training, and the amount of fat in it.

Problem No. 40

14-year-old Artyom visited Sochi during the winter holidays. Before starting a tour of the Olympic venues, he had breakfast at a local fast food cafe. The teenager ordered the following dishes and drinks for his second breakfast: a sandwich with a chicken cutlet, an omelette with ham, a small portion of French fries and a glass of a sweet, highly carbonated drink.

Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, determine: the recommended caloric content of the second breakfast, if Artyom eats four times a day; the real energy value of the ordered second breakfast; the amount of carbohydrates in dishes and drinks, as well as the ratio of carbohydrates received from food to their daily norm.

Problem No. 41

Nine-year-old Natasha visited Yaroslavl with her parents. After the excursion to

Yaroslavl Art Museum-Reserve, the family decided to have a snack at a local cafe

fast food. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended

calorie content of Natasha's dinner if she eats four times a day. Propose to a girl

optimal in terms of calorie content, with minimum quantity fat menu from the list

offered dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that Natasha will definitely order

ice cream with chocolate filling. In your answer, indicate: calorie content of dinner at

four meals a day; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; their

energy value and amount of fat in them.

Problem No. 42

15-year-old Svetlana visited Kostroma during spring break. After an excursion to the Ipatiev Monastery, she decided to have a snack at a local fast food cafe. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended calorie content for lunch if Svetlana eats four times a day. Offer the girl a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and maximum protein content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that Svetlana will definitely order a sandwich with a meat cutlet and orange juice. In your answer, indicate: caloric content of lunch; ordered dishes for four meals a day, which should not be repeated; their energy value, which should not exceed the recommended calorie content of lunch, and the amount of protein in it.

Problem No. 43

17-year-old Stepan visited Ryazan during the holidays. After visiting the ancient Ryazan Kremlin, he decided to have dinner at a local fast food cafe. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended calorie content for dinner if Stepan eats four times a day. Offer your teenager a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and maximum protein content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that Stepan will definitely order orange juice. In your answer, indicate: the calorie content of dinner for four meals a day; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; their energy value, which should not exceed the recommended calorie content of dinner, and the amount of protein in it.

Problem No. 44

Tamara took part in a city badminton competition, and then decided to have dinner at a fast food restaurant. Using the data from tables 1 and 2, offer Tamara a menu that is optimal in terms of calories, with a maximum protein content from the list of dishes and drinks in order to compensate for energy costs during the competition, which lasted 2.4 hours for the girl. When choosing, keep in mind that Tamara will definitely order ice cream with chocolate filling. In your answer, indicate: Tamara’s energy consumption during the competition; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; the calorie content of the dinner, which should not exceed the energy consumption during the competition, and the amount of protein in it.

Problem No. 45

17-year-old Fedor visited Moscow during the winter holidays. Before the excursion to the Tretyakov Gallery, he decided to have a snack at a local fast food cafe. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended calorie content for a second breakfast if Fedor eats four times a day. Offer the student a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and maximum fat content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that Fedor will definitely order a small portion of French fries and a glass of tea without sugar. In your answer, indicate: calorie content of the second breakfast; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; their energy value, which should not exceed the recommended calorie content of a second breakfast, and the amount of fat in it.

Problem No. 46

12-year-old Olga visited Vladimir with her parents during the holidays. After visiting the Golden Gate, the family decided to have dinner at a local fast food cafe. Using the data from tables 1, 2 and 3, calculate the recommended caloric content of Olga’s dinner if she eats four times a day. Offer your teenager a menu that is optimal in calories and contains minimal fat from the list of proposed dishes and drinks. When choosing, keep in mind that Olga will definitely order a Caesar salad and a glass of tea with one spoon of sugar. In your answer, indicate: the calorie content of dinner for four meals a day; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; their energy value and the amount of fat in it.

Tasks 32

32 . Which department nervous system provides regulation of fat metabolism? How is such regulation ensured?

Option 1

29. Using the content of the text "Beekeeping", answer the following questions.


From time immemorial, the bee became the pet of man, who provided bee family a suitable room for her and in return used the products she delivered: honey, wax and healing bee glue - propolis. Honey replaced our current sugar, and wax provided the best material for candles at that time.

In ancient times, people provided bees only with hollows of forest trees, where the bee colony settled. Such hollows were called “borti”, and this primitive method of beekeeping was called beekeeping. When extracting honey using this method, bee colonies were destroyed.

Later, as forests were cut down, beekeepers, instead of the previous beekeeping, began to organize special areas - apiaries, where bees were provided with special hives in the form of hollowed-out nests or logs that resembled the hollow of a tree. Essentially, these ancient hives were not much different from borti, and inner life the bee colony remained invisible to the beekeeper. The beekeeper did not know the lifestyle of the domesticated animal he was dealing with. Man could not direct the activities of the bees at his own discretion, and by extracting honeycombs from the hive, he simply robbed the bees, causing enormous devastation in the bee family. This method of beekeeping did not allow obtaining honey and wax in industrial scale, since bee colonies often did not survive after collecting honey.

Therefore, in early XIX century, a collapsible frame hive was designed, consisting of a box into which frames for honeycombs are inserted. It allowed the bees' products to be used without harming the hive population, since the frames filled with honey and sealed with wax were replaced with empty ones. Honey and wax were extracted without causing significant harm to the bee colony, and the process of producing beekeeping products became continuous. Special glassed hives, with the help of which it was possible to observe the activities of bees, made it possible to create a scientifically based doctrine about the life activity of bees - beekeeping.

1) What is the name of the type of hive in the form of hollowed-out nests that resembled the hollow of a tree?

2) With what type of hive is it possible to maintain the maximum number of bee colonies?

3) What beekeeping products are used that are not mentioned in the text? modern man? (Name one product.)

30. Using the table “Approximate daily allowance” water exchange person”, answer the following questions.


Approximate daily water exchange of a person (in l)

1) How much liquid does the human body consume during the day?

2) In what substances is water released from the body?

3) Why is the amount of water received somewhat less than the water released from the body?

31. Using the data from the tables (pp. 11-12), complete the task:

A student at the Institute of Physical Education, Marina, goes in for equestrian sports. Every day after college she rides horses for 95 minutes. After training, a girl goes to have a snack at a fast food restaurant. Using the data in Tables 1 and 2, offer the student a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and contains maximum protein content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks in order to compensate for the energy costs of the workout. When choosing, keep in mind that Marina always orders an omelette with ham.

Task 31

Example number

Task 32

Example number

Option 1

29. Using the content of the text "Beekeeping", answer the following questions.


From time immemorial, the bee became a pet of man, who provided the bee family with a suitable room for it and in return used the products it delivered: honey, wax and healing bee glue - propolis. Honey replaced our current sugar, and wax provided the best material for candles at that time.

In ancient times, people provided bees only with hollows of forest trees, where the bee colony settled. Such hollows were called “borti”, and this primitive method of beekeeping was called beekeeping. When extracting honey using this method, bee colonies were destroyed.

Later, as forests were cut down, beekeepers, instead of the previous beekeeping, began to organize special areas - apiaries, where bees were provided with special hives in the form of hollowed-out nests or logs that resembled the hollow of a tree. Essentially, these ancient hives were not much different from beehives, and the inner life of the bee colony remained invisible to the beekeeper. The beekeeper did not know the lifestyle of the domesticated animal he was dealing with. Man could not direct the activities of the bees at his own discretion, and by extracting honeycombs from the hive, he simply robbed the bees, causing enormous devastation in the bee family. This method of beekeeping did not allow the extraction of honey and wax on an industrial scale, since bee colonies often did not survive after collecting honey.

Therefore, at the beginning of the 19th century, a collapsible frame hive was designed, consisting of a box into which frames for honeycombs were inserted. It allowed the bees' products to be used without harming the hive population, since the frames filled with honey and sealed with wax were replaced with empty ones. Honey and wax were extracted without causing significant harm to the bee colony, and the process of producing beekeeping products became continuous. Special glassed hives, with the help of which it was possible to observe the activities of bees, made it possible to create a scientifically based doctrine about the life activity of bees - beekeeping.

1) What is the name of the type of hive in the form of hollowed-out nests that resembled the hollow of a tree?

2) With what type of hive is it possible to maintain the maximum number of bee colonies?

3) What beekeeping products are not mentioned in the text that modern people use? (Name one product.)

30. Using the table “Approximate daily water exchange of a person,” answer the following questions.


Approximate daily water exchange of a person (in l)

1) How much liquid does the human body consume during the day?

2) In what substances is water released from the body?

3) Why is the amount of water received somewhat less than the water released from the body?

31. Using the data from the tables (pp. 11-12), complete the task:

A student at the Institute of Physical Education, Marina, goes in for equestrian sports. Every day after college she rides horses for 95 minutes. After training, a girl goes to have a snack at a fast food restaurant. Using the data in Tables 1 and 2, offer the student a menu that is optimal in terms of calories and contains maximum protein content from the list of proposed dishes and drinks in order to compensate for the energy costs of the workout. When choosing, keep in mind that Marina always orders an omelette with ham.

Please indicate in your answer: energy consumption of the athlete, recommended dishes that should not be repeated; amount of proteins; calorie content of lunch, which should not exceed energy expenditure during training.

32. Why should a person limit his sugar intake? Give at least two arguments

Criteria for assessing assignments option 1.

Task 29



The answer to the first question.

1) Decks.

The answer to the second question.

2) Collapsible frame.

Answer to the third question.

3) Bee venom or royal jelly

The answer includes the three elements mentioned above and does not contain biological errors

The answer includes two of the above elements and does not contain biological errors.

The answer includes the three elements mentioned above, but contains minor biological errors

The answer includes one of the elements listed above and does not contain biological errors.

The answer includes two of the above elements, but contains minor biological errors

Wrong answer

Maximum score

Task 30


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

2) Urine, feces, exhaled air, sweat.

3) Metabolic water is not taken into account in the table

The correct answer includes all the listed elements and does not contain biological errors

The answer includes two of the above elements and does not contain biological errors.

The answer includes three of the above elements, but contains minor biological errors

The answer includes one of the elements listed above and does not contain biological errors.

The answer includes two of the above elements, but contains minor biological errors

Wrong answer

Maximum score

Task 31


The following are correct response elements:

Energy consumption during training – 618 kcal.

Ordered dishes: omelet with ham, Caesar salad, tea without sugar.

Amount of proteins – 35 g; calorie content of the ordered
lunch – 600 kcal

The energy consumption during training is correctly indicated, the ordered menu is given, the protein content and calorie content of lunch are indicated

The energy consumption during training is correctly indicated; a menu is given that corresponds to the caloric content task; The calorie content of lunch and the protein content are indicated, but the menu does not take into account the requirement that it should include an omelette with ham.

The energy consumption during training is correctly indicated; a menu is given that corresponds to the conditions of the task, but the calorie content of lunch and/or protein content is not indicated or indicated incorrectly

Only energy consumption during training is indicated correctly.

Wrong answer

Maximum score

Task 32

Students' responses to assignments option 1

Today, April 25, Marina Zhiillard, head of the handball department and director of the Institute of Scientific and Pedagogical Education, celebrates her birthday. She is also a member of the dissertation committee and the comprehensive scientific group on handball. According to the birthday girl, the experience she gained in team sports helps her successfully switch from one type of activity to another. And once she came to handball only to get an exemption from school. In the “Hero of the Day” project, she talks about how singing lessons at school were disrupted and how a sense of pride in GCOLIFK prevented her from drowning in Thailand.

Born in Nizhny Novgorod , which was then called Gorky. My parents live there, I go to them. And the city itself has changed and has become a little alien.

I've been involved in sports since first grade- I took part in athletics, swimming, skiing, and even got into gymnastics by accident. Then they told me - no, girl, you are so tall, go play basketball. I went to volleyball, then basketball. The class played basketball, football, and hockey together.

They fooled around to the fullest. Before the singing lesson, we ran to the kiosk for ice cream, ate it and then, naturally, wheezed when we were forced to take the solo. We didn’t have time to finish the ice cream, it was melting and dripping from the desk...

When we were called to sing in threes, it began - some into the forest, some for firewood, some booming, some squeaking... It was a lot of fun. We had a young teacher, and we, fifth graders, tested her strength in this way. We didn’t go to choir stubbornly, because the songs were not quite suitable for the fourth or fifth grade, for example, “The Alarm of Buchenwald”... The head teacher caught us and took us by the hand to choral singing.

I also went to music club, played the accordion. Grandma loved the song “Steppe and steppe all around,” my dog ​​sang along, and I accompanied them. But the accordion was not in my heart. I wanted to play the violin, but my mother said, here’s an accordion, we don’t need to play here. And then I gave up music, I had enough other activities - in the morning I went to basketball, in the evening to athletics. Now I think I needed to reach some final level, to better master the musical instrument.

She was a leader, then the chairman of the pioneer detachment. I remember well the solemn ceremony of admission to the Komsomol. Mom then cooked festive dinner, on the way, as usual, I broke my knee, they gave me first aid, then they congratulated me...

I read avidly, re-read the entire school library. The librarian thought that I just took books and brought them back. My favorites were “Two Captains” and “Timur and His Team,” especially after watching the films. We tried to help all the grandparents...

Received my first instructions in sports from teachers physical culture. At our school, physical education was taught very seriously, there were good teachers, and to get an “A” you had to work hard. And I was an excellent student, and getting a B in physical education was not normal for me. Moreover, I ran and jumped on par with the boys, I had only two rivals among the boys, and among the girls there were no competitors at all.

After seventh grade I was transferred to a class with in-depth study mathematics and physics. It was a shock for me - all the new guys, only four excellent students were taken from our school, the rest were from other schools. The level was very high; after six months, many excellent students became poor or C students and returned to their schools.

I came to handball by accident. A girl from class invited me to practice. At that time I went to basketball and knew nothing about handball. But a classmate promised - if they take you, you will get an exemption from classes, and we will go to the competition. The release from classes was enough motivation to do anything...

We came to training, and at first I really didn’t like it, because in handball, unlike basketball, you are allowed to push and block your opponent. I decided that this was some kind of wild sport. But the coach liked me, and he suggested that I switch to handball, since there was no adult basketball team as such, but here it was assumed that there would be a team. I came with a creak several times, then we went to the competition. Later, interest appeared, since there are more opportunities to express oneself in handball than in basketball.

Immediately after school I went to work as a coach, the executive committee gave me permission . I started working with kids, studied at the same time, and performed in my team. My children played well and beat the children of famous coaches.

In Moscow for twenty years already. She completed her postgraduate studies at the Lev Pavlovich Matveev Department of Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Physical Culture and Sports at the State Center for Physical Culture and Physical Culture, then her doctorate and remained at the department.

She started teaching with Vladimir Pavlovich Filin. He gave lectures to correspondence students, and I taught seminars. Most of the students were much older than me, I was very worried. I was so prepared for these classes! It seemed like I knew everything, but I thought that suddenly they would ask me about something, and I wouldn’t answer, what a disgrace... Although I read a lot and was an active athlete and coach, I had something to tell them.

It is especially difficult to speak in front of large audiences,where very different people, someone is not interested at all... It was difficult to find everyone mutual language. But I tried to adapt the material for students of different directions.

I love my job and my students, I scold them sometimes, I try to educate them. Vladimir Pavlovich explained to me how to evaluate students. He said: “When you give a bad mark, the student should understand what it is for and should be grateful to you.” I was inspired by this idea, and even for bad marks, which I rarely give, students sometimes say “Thank you” to me.

I live outside the city, in the village. I go there every day, the traffic jams are tiring, but what can I do? I wake up at 5 am, I’m already used to it. Sometimes I take papers home so I can leave before traffic jams and work in peace at home. I want peace, nature, silence. We are still finishing the house, then we will work on it landscape design. Last summer we tried the first berries from our own garden - raspberries, currants, blueberries, lingonberries...

I spend my holidays actively. We walk in the mountains, pick mushrooms, sail on a boat. Once we were on a three-day cruise on Lake Geneva with an excursion, we walked around the entire French coast, and visited all the castles.

During a trip to the Universiade with our teachers to Thailand for the first time in my life I did two dives , immediately to a decent depth - 19 meters. At first I got seasick on the boat on which we got to the dive point, but when I saw undersea world, everything passed, all that was left was delight.

We swam there in August, this is no longer the season, we were big waves . But we are athletes! We swam in the waves, rescuers rushed along the shore and tried to persuade us to return. We set sail, but it’s very difficult to swim back; the undercurrent pulls us back. It was impossible to disgrace yourself, otherwise they would say that they came from the Russian State University of Physics and Technology and Drowned! I strained all my strength and swam to the shore.

Life credo. If you undertake to do something, you need to do it well. Or it’s better not to take it at all. I encourage those who work with me to do the same.

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