Home Mushrooms Classification of general and professional competencies in the framework of the implementation of FGOS. List of core competencies of an effective leader with a description

Classification of general and professional competencies in the framework of the implementation of FGOS. List of core competencies of an effective leader with a description

A leader who competently and effectively manages a company must have the appropriate competencies. We are talking about a person's ability to perform the functions of a manager, corresponding to the position that he occupies.

List of important competencies required by a manager:

  • Achievement orientation;
  • Successful work with data, decision making;
  • Organization of activities, control;
  • Motivation, development of employees;
  • Ability to influence subordinates;
  • Ability to organize your own work.

Achievement orientation

it ability executive achieve the set goals under certain circumstances. The competence of a competent leader, focused on results, includes:

  • Ability to set ambitious goals that challenge the abilities of both the leader and subordinates, while focusing on the achieved level;
  • Decomposition - the definition of clear final as well as intermediate criteria that allow assessing future achievements;
  • Dealing with obstacles with an intensification of activity that allows you to transform the problems encountered into tasks;
  • Making unpopular decisions when the ability to move towards a set goal is used, even in non-standard conditions, overcoming obstacles in the form of resistance from other people.

Successful work with data, decision making

Includes the ability to work with information, accept the faithful in specific situation solutions. It is about the ability to perform structuring, analysis, systematization of the received data and make management decisions based on them.

The best candidate for a managerial position is someone who can identify even the most subtle factors that create a problem. He knows how to collect, structure information without errors, which will later be used for analysis. Such a leader bases his decisions only on an accurate analysis and subsequently always monitors the decisions that were made by him. With the appropriate skills, he accurately predicts performance, see possible problems and takes timely measures to eliminate them.

Organization of work, control

The list of competencies of the head of the enterprise includes his ability to set tasks, organize, direct, coordinate activities. At the same time, he must know the subtleties, nuances of work in order to be able to explain effective ways of solving problems. The manager must set tasks in such a way that the possibility of their untimely fulfillment is excluded. It is imperative to have the ability to work with control tools and conduct necessary changes and quickly and efficiently.

Motivation, development of employees

The ability of a manager to create such conditions for subordinates to willingly fulfill their work duties. This includes:

  • Knowledge of the needs, personal and professional characteristics of employees in order to choose the way to motivate them;
  • The ability to notice the success of subordinates in order to inspire them and inspire them to perform new tasks;
  • Competent use of the training system, which is carried out systematically and planned;
  • Ability to create a psychological climate that allows you to motivate employees to achieve the desired goals.

The ability to influence

Successful manager knows how to influence decision making other people. In that, he is helped by oratory skills, which allow him to seek the support of colleagues, employees in relation to their positions, views. The image of the leader, his authority, which must be impeccable, is also important. A competent leader conducts meetings regularly, constructively and at the same time effectively and confidently manages the group. In addition, his ability to navigate unforeseen situations is important, using them as an opportunity for personal as well as professional growth.

Organization of your own work

Considering the main competencies of a successful leader, examples of successful managers can be considered those who have the ability to plan, organize, and distribute their working time. A competent leader knows how to:

  • Make the most of the time allotted for the performance of his work duties;
  • Clearly allocate energy, as well as resources for the implementation of current and urgent tasks, intelligently highlighting priorities;
  • Minimize the volume of current tasks without creating problems out of them;
  • Use delegation as a time-saving and skill-building method for subordinates.

List of important competencies required by a leader - summary

As can be seen from the above, the list of competencies that a modern successful manager should possess is quite large. However, each of their varieties always has the opportunity to develop. How can this be done? Executive trainings help improve professional competencies. Their topics are varied, ranging from development systems thinking ending with mastering the tools of effective leadership. In addition to the theoretical part, they include a workshop. The practical elements of the trainings allow you to work out the acquired knowledge in practice, and then successfully use it in further management work. What kind of training is right for your particular case? It all depends on what basic managerial competencies need to be developed. If you have doubts about your choice, there is always an opportunity to contact competent consultants who will help you decide and undergo training that meets the needs of a manager.

Dictionary - list


1.Practical experience
1. No practical experience.
2. Practical work experience is very small and completely insufficient to cope with the work.
3.The experience of practical work is insufficient and it happens, it interferes successful implementation assigned responsibilities.
4. Practical work experience is sufficient for satisfactory performance of duties.
5. Possesses sufficient practical work experience, which allows him to successfully cope with the work.
6. Possesses extensive practical experience, which allows him to successfully cope with the work.
7. Possesses extremely extensive practical experience, which allows him to successfully cope with the work.

2. Ability to plan work
1. Doesn't know how to plan even simple work.
2. Poor job scheduling.
3. Not good enough to plan.
4. Ability to plan work is developed to an average degree, plans work satisfactorily.
5. Ability to plan work in necessary measure.
6. Good job planning.
7. Perfectly knows how to plan work.

3. Selection and placement of personnel
1. Practically does not deal with the selection and placement of personnel in his department.
2. Engaged in the selection and placement of personnel only occasionally, much less often than is necessary for the case.
3. He deals with the selection and placement of personnel from time to time, paying insufficient attention to this.
4. Issues of selection and placement of personnel are solved satisfactorily.
5. Removes enough attention to the selection and placement of personnel in his unit.
6. Systematically deals with the selection and placement of personnel in his department.
7. Carefully prepares any personnel decision.

4.Ability to process information
1. The ability to process information is practically absent. Letters, drawings, documents necessary for work can lie on the table for months.
2. The received information assimilates and transfers very slowly, the documents are unnecessarily stale.
3. Usually it is quite slow to receive, analyze and transmit information, which sometimes slows down the work of others.
4. The ability to process the information necessary for work is developed in an average degree.
5. Usually it receives, analyzes, transmits, transmits information at the speed necessary for work.
6. The ability to process current information is well developed, which helps to successfully cope with work.
7. Exceptionally quickly and efficiently processes the information necessary for work.

5. Exercise your rights and powers
1. Completely does not know and does not know how to use his rights and power
2. Rarely uses his rights and power.
3. Exercises his rights and powers insufficiently for work.
4. Knows his rights and powers, satisfactorily uses them in practice.
5. Knows well and fully uses his rights and powers, but never exceeds them
6. Knows well and fully and fully uses his rights and powers, sometimes even slightly exceeding them.
7. He knows perfectly, and makes full use of his rights and powers. Often exceeds them.

6. Knowledge of technical issues
1. Knowledge of technical issues is practically absent, absolutely not versed in this.
2. Knowledge of technical issues is very superficial, does not understand technical documentation.
3. Knowledge of technical issues is rather limited, it is difficult to understand technical documentation.
4. Knowledge of technical issues of medium depth, satisfactory understanding of technical documents.
5. Knowledge of technical issues is available to the required extent, well versed in technical documents.
6.Knowledge of technical issues is solid, deep, easily versed in technical documents.
7. Excellent knowledge of any technical documents, so he has an extremely deep knowledge of technical issues.

7. Knowledge of legal issues
1. Knowledge on technical issues is practically absent, complete legal illiteracy.
2. Knowledge of legal issues is very superficial, it is impossible to apply it in practice.
3. Knowledge of legal issues is rather limited, which affects the solution of various issues.
4. Knowledge of legal issues is sufficient for satisfactory solution of simple legal issues. 5. Knowledge of legal issues is available to the extent necessary for work, it solves legal issues well.
6. Knowledge of legal issues is available to the extent necessary for work, it solves legal issues well.
7. Perfectly versed in any legal issues, as he has extremely deep knowledge.


1. Economic knowledge is practically absent, complete economic illiteracy.

2.Very superficial economic knowledge, they cannot be applied in practice.

3. Economic knowledge is rather limited, it is not always able to understand the essence of economic phenomena and processes.

4. Economic knowledge is sufficient to satisfactorily address simple economic issues.

5. There is economic knowledge necessary for work, it is good at solving economic issues.

6. Economic knowledge is solid, deep, easily solves economic issues in practice.

7. Exceptionally deep economic knowledge, is well versed in the essence of complex economic processes and phenomena.


1. Knowledge of commerce and finance is practically absent, he does not understand at all in this.

2. Knowledge of commerce and finance is very superficial. They cannot be applied in practice.

3. Knowledge of commerce and finance is rather limited, cannot always figure out the essence.

4. Knowledge of commerce and financing of medium depth, has an idea and practically solves the issues of self-financing, self-financing and rent.

5. There are knowledge and practical skills necessary for work in dealing with issues of commerce and financing.


1. Knowledge of the organization and regulation of labor is practically absent.

2. Knowledge of the organization and regulation of labor is very superficial. They cannot be applied in practice.

3. Not well enough familiar with the issues of organization and regulation of labor, which affects practice.

4.. Knowledge of the organization and regulation of work of average depth, satisfactorily solves simple questions on the organization and regulation of labor.

5. There are knowledge and practical skills necessary for work in solving issues of organization and work rate setting.

6.. Knowledge on the organization and regulation of labor is strong, deep, easily solves the issues of the organization and regulation of labor in practice.

7. I have an exceptionally deep knowledge of the organization and regulation of labor and is perfectly able to use them.


1Knowledge in the field of modern achievements of science, technology, technology is practically absent, does not follow modern achievements.

2. Knowledge in the field of modern achievements of science, technology, technology is very superficial. They cannot be applied in practice.

3. Not familiar with the modern achievements of science, technology and technology well enough understands.

4. knowledge in the field of modern achievements of science, technology, technology of medium depth, satisfactorily versed in individual modern developments.

5. The knowledge and practical skills of working with modern machines, processes and technologies.

6.Knowledge in the field of modern achievements of science, technology, technology is strong, deep, easily versed in the most modern equipment, processes and technology.

7.Exceptionally deep knowledge, perfectly solves any issues and understands the most modern mechanisms, processes and technologies.


1. Knowledge in the field of theory and methods of management is practically absent, does not know either theory or methods of management.

2. Knowledge in the field of theory and methods of management is very superficial. They cannot be applied in practice.

3. Not familiar enough with various theories and methods of management, which affects in practice.

4. Knowledge in the field of theory and method of control of average depth, satisfactory understanding of individual control methods.

5. There is knowledge necessary for work in the field of theory and practical skills in the application of various management methods.

6. Knowledge in the field of theory and methods of management is solid, deep, easily understands the theory and methods of management, with the success of their application in practice.

7. Knowledge in the field of theory and methods of management is excellent, well versed in this, very effectively applies them in practice.


1. Professional knowledge is practically absent.

2. Professional knowledge is superficial, does not have the necessary professional knowledge.

3. does not have sufficient professional knowledge, which affects practice.

4. Professional knowledge sufficient for satisfactory solution of practical professional issues.

5. There is sufficient professional knowledge of the issues for work.

6. Professional knowledge is solid, deep, make it easy to understand practical professional issues.

7. Professional knowledge is extremely deep and extensive, well versed in many practical professional issues.


1. Organizational skills are practically absent.

2. Organizational skills are poorly developed. He performs organized work with difficulty and mistakes.

3. Organizational skills are not well developed. Can't always organize the work of people.

4. Organizational ability is sufficient to satisfactorily address organized issues.

5. Has the necessary organizational skills, can organize the work of people.

6. A good organizer, knows how to organize correctly and quickly effective work of people.

7. A great organizer is great at organizing the effective work of people.


1.Ability to find a way out in stressful situation absent.

2. The ability to find a way out in a stressful situation is poorly developed. There is clearly not enough character to find a way out.

3. The ability to find a way out in a stressful situation is not sufficiently developed. Sometimes there is not enough character to find a way out.

4. The ability to find a way out in a stressful situation is moderately developed. There is not always enough character to find a way out.

5. The ability to find a way out in a stressful situation is well developed. More often than not, there is enough character to find a way out.

6. The ability to find a way out in a stressful situation is well developed. Usually there is enough character to find a way out.

7. The ability to find a way out in a stressful situation is very well developed. He has a firm character and can even break out of a hopeless situation.


1. In matters of supply, he is not at all oriented.

2. Poor knowledge of supply issues and does not know how to solve.

3. He does not know well enough the issues of supply, he can hardly solve only some of them.

4. Satisfactorily knows and is able to solve supply issues.

5. Knows well enough and is able to solve supplies and solves many of them.

6. Knows well and skillfully solves most of the procurement issues.

7. Excellent knowledge of supply issues and is able to solve them very inventively.


1. Leadership skills are practically absent. Lacking official power, he cannot organize and lead people.

2. Clearly lacking leadership ability.

3. Sometimes there is a lack of leadership skills to organize work with people.

4. Leadership skills are moderately developed.

5. Leadership skills are sufficiently developed to organize the work of people.

6. Possesses good leadership skills.

7. Exceptional leadership ability. Even without having official power, he organizes work perfectly.


1. Teaching ability is practically absent. Doesn't know how to either encourage or punish subordinates.

2. Pedagogical abilities are poorly developed. In fact, he does not know how to properly stimulate the work of subordinates.

3. Pedagogical abilities are not well developed. It does not always competently stimulate the work of subordinates.

4. Pedagogical abilities are developed in an average degree, satisfactorily stimulates the work of subordinates.

5. Pedagogical abilities are developed to the extent necessary for work. Quite competently stimulates the work of subordinates.

6. Pedagogical abilities are well developed. He is fluent in the techniques of encouragement and punishment, and successfully applies them at work.

7. Excellent teaching ability. He is fluent in the methods of educating subordinates, skillfully applies them in practice.


1. Cannot solve simple issues on his own.

2. Obviously lacks independence. Constantly needs help, tips, instructions.

3. Sometimes there is a lack of independence and then help is needed in the work.

4. Self-reliance is moderately developed.

5. Self-reliance is well developed. Solves many issues related to work.

6. Possesses great independence in dealing with issues related to work.

7. Possesses exceptional independence in work. Solves all issues without waiting for anyone's help.


1. The level of culture is extremely low, primitive interests and needs.

2. The level of culture is quite low.

3. The level of culture is not very high.

4. has an average level of culture inherent in many people.

5. Possesses a sufficiently high cultural level.

6. Possesses a high cultural level.

7. Possesses a very high cultural level.


1The ability to understand the essence of the matter is practically absent. Even a simple thing has to be explained many times.

2. The ability to understand the essence of the matter is poorly developed. Often, when studying a particular issue, he cannot distinguish the main from the secondary.

3. The ability to understand the essence of the matter is not sufficiently developed. When studying this or that issue, it is difficult to distinguish the main from the secondary.

4. The ability to understand the essence of the matter is developed moderately, satisfactorily distinguishes the main from the secondary in the study of various issues.

5. The ability to understand the essence of the matter is developed above the average level, can quickly understand a particular issue and highlight the main thing.

6. The ability to grasp the essence of the matter is well developed. Can quickly grasp the essence of the matter and distinguish from the secondary.

7. The ability to grasp the essence of the matter is very well developed. Has an exceptional ability to instantly grasp the essence of the issue, immediately understand the situation, highlight the main thing.


1. The ability to solve complex problems is practically absent. Can only solve the most primitive tasks.

2. The ability to solve complex tasks is poorly developed, can only perform simple tasks.

3. The ability to solve complex problems is underdeveloped for the job.

4. The ability to solve complex problems is developed satisfactorily.

5. The ability to solve complex problems is sufficient for the job.

6. The ability to solve complex problems is well developed. Copes with work of high complexity.

7. has an excellent ability to perform the most difficult tasks.


1. The desire for the new is practically absent, it opposes any innovations.

2. is skeptical about innovations and reorganizations, tries to stay away from them.

3. can sometimes support a useful endeavor, although he does not particularly like it.

4. Refers to innovation, reorganizations quite calmly.

5. Seeks to support many endeavors, innovations and reorganizations.

6. Usually he is too fond of various innovations and reorganizations, wants to live and work in a new way.

7. Great innovator. He is sick of the new with his soul, he cannot imagine how it is possible to live and work in the old way.


1. Even on trivial matters, he does not have his own opinion.

2. Usually avoids expressing his own opinion, even on secondary issues.

3. Rarely expresses his own opinion, even in those cases when he has one.

4. Especially expresses his own opinion only when asked about him.

5.. Usually avoids expressing his own opinion, sometimes even in cases where it is not well thought out.

6. Often expresses his own opinion, even on issues in which he is not very well versed.

7. Seeks to express his own opinion on any issues, even on those in which he absolutely does not understand.


1. Ability to see perspective is absent. Sees only the current moment.

2. The ability to see the perspective is limited. Current issues are so urgent that there is no time to look into the distance, to see the perspective.

3. The ability to see the perspective is not developed enough for work.

4 The ability to see perspective is moderate, as is the case with most people.

5. Sees perspectives sufficiently and in a timely manner.

6. He sees well and understands the future, is able to predict the development of events in the future in a timely manner.

7. Possesses an exceptional ability to see the future and take measures in advance, taking into account the development of future events.


1. Completely not versed in people.

2. Obviously there is not enough skill to understand people. Often mistaken in people's assessments.

3. Sometimes there is not enough ability to understand people, sometimes makes mistakes in people's assessments.

4. The ability to understand people is expressed in an average degree.

5. Usually there is enough ability to understand people. Rarely makes mistakes in people's assessments.

6. Well versed in people. Usually not mistaken in assessing people.

7. An excellent psychologist. He is well versed in people.


1. Purposefulness is practically absent. Lives without a specific goal, only for today.

2. Usually he does not set any distant goal in life, any plans extend only for the next month.

3. The goals set in life and work can rather be called dreams, since they are unrealistic.

4. From time to time sets goals for himself for several months of life and tries to fulfill them.

5. Sets quite realistic achievable goals, usually for the next year of life.

6. Has a system of life goals tactical for the coming years, shows sufficient persistence to achieve them.

7. Purposefulness is extremely strongly developed. He sets himself both strategic goals for life and tactical goals for the coming years. Shows rare perseverance and ingenuity to achieve them.


1. There is no decisiveness, hesitates and hesitates for a long time before solving the simplest issue.

2. Determination is poorly developed. She is clearly not enough, she cannot make a decision in a timely manner.

3. Determination is not sufficiently developed. Sometimes he cannot make a decision in a timely manner.

4. Determination is developed in an average degree. Determination is not always enough, but it cannot be called indecisive.

5. Determination is sufficiently developed. Most often, there is enough decisiveness even when solving rather difficult issues.

6. Determination is highly developed. Takes decisions in a timely manner on complex issues.

7. Determination is highly developed. Possesses exceptional speed of decision making.


1. There is practically no responsibility for the decision and its implementation. He always avoids making single-handed decisions, he is afraid to take responsibility.

2. Responsibility for the decision and its implementation is poorly developed. There is clearly a lack of responsibility, therefore, it usually seeks not to decide anything on its own.

3. Responsibility for the decision and its implementation is not sufficiently developed

4. Responsibility for the decision and its implementation is moderately developed. There is not always enough responsibility.

5. Responsibility for the decision and its implementation is well developed. More often than not, responsibility is enough.

6. Responsibility for the decision and its implementation is well developed. Willingly takes responsibility.

7. Responsibility for the decision and its implementation is very well developed. Often takes responsibility even when it is not necessary.


1. Perseverance and tenacity is practically absent. Cannot show persistence and perseverance in any way to bring the matter to the end.

2. Obviously there is not enough persistence and perseverance to bring the matter to the end.

3. Sometimes there is not enough persistence and perseverance to bring the matter to the end.

4. Persistence and tenacity are moderately developed.

5. Most often, there is enough persistence and perseverance to bring the matter to the end.

6. Possesses great persistence and perseverance, does not like to stop until the matter is completed.

7. Possesses very great persistence and perseverance, will not stop until he reaches the goal.


1. Self-esteem is extremely low, always underestimates their abilities and capabilities.

2. Quite low self-esteem, often underestimates their abilities and capabilities.

3. Self-esteem is below average. It happens that he underestimates his abilities and capabilities.

4. Self-esteem of the average level. He considers himself to be no worse, but no better than most people.

5. Assesses himself above average. Sometimes he overestimates his abilities and capabilities a little.

6. High self-esteem. Overly arrogant, often overestimates his abilities and capabilities.

7. Very a high self-evaluation... He is extremely arrogant, constantly overestimates his abilities and capabilities.


1. Diligence, discipline are practically absent. Carries out orders at its own discretion, without considering itself to be obliged.

2. Obviously there is not enough diligence and discipline, often does not follow the orders of the management.

3. Sometimes there is a lack of diligence and discipline, it happens that he does not fulfill individual orders, finding various explanations for this.

4. Diligence and discipline are moderately developed.

5. Enough diligence and discipline, tries to accurately follow the orders of the management.

6. High diligence and discipline, even in the smallest detail does not want to deviate from the orders of the management.

7. Very high diligence and discipline, any request from the management is perceived as an order and is accepted to carry it out, even if he sees a more rational decision.


1. Demanding to oneself is practically absent. Forgives himself any mistakes and misdeeds.

2. Obviously there is not enough self-exactingness.

3. Sometimes there is a lack of self-exactingness.

4. Self-exactingness is expressed in an average measure.

5. Most often it is quite demanding of yourself.

6. Possesses high demands on himself.

7. Extremely demanding of himself, worries heavily about his minor mistakes and misdeeds.


1. Constant isolation, focus on your thoughts and feelings makes it difficult to find a common language with other people

2. Difficulty finding a common language, but does not know how to win over people and work with them.

3. Communication skills are not developed enough for work, can not always win over people and find a common language.

4. Communication skills are moderately developed. Although not always, he can find a common language with people.

5. Sociability is quite developed, in most cases it can win over people and finds a common language with them.

6. Easily disposes of people and finds a common language with him.

7. Perfectly knows how to win over people and find a common language with them.


1. Absolutely not interested in improving his qualifications, refuses any form of education.

2. Usually not interested in improving their qualifications.

3. Little is interested in improving their qualifications, and only in the forms of education that are convenient for themselves.

4. He regards professional development as necessary for work, although he learns without much desire.

5. Ready for advanced training, willingly studying at various courses, faculties.

6. Seeks to improve skills in the most different forms, studies independently, willingly enrolls in various courses, faculties, etc.

7. He considers advanced training as his professional duty, is intensively engaged in self-training, is always willing to study at various courses of faculties, etc.


1. Absolutely not able to establish business relations with other enterprises, as well as with other divisions of his enterprise.

2. There is clearly a lack of ability to establish business relationships with other enterprises and organizations, as well as with other divisions of their enterprise.

3. Sometimes there is a lack of the ability to establish business relationships with other enterprises and organizations, as well as other departments of the enterprise.

4. The ability to establish business relations with other enterprises and organizations, as well as other divisions of their enterprise, is developed in an average degree.

5. Ability to establish the necessary business relationships with other enterprises and organizations, as well as other departments of the enterprise.

6. Ability to establish good business relationships with other enterprises and organizations, as well as other departments of the enterprise.

7. Ability to establish excellent business relationships with other businesses and organizations, as well as other departments of the enterprise.


1. Never helps, even interferes with the work of employees.

2. Does not like to help workmates if he does not see personal benefit in this.

3. Usually he is reluctant to help fellow workers, does not go to meet those in need of help.

4. Does not always provide assistance to fellow workers in some cases may refuse assistance.

5. Usually does not help fellow workers if they turn to him.

6. Willingly assists fellow workers.

7. Likes to disinterestedly help fellow workers, spares no effort or time for this.


1. Absolutely does not consider with the interests of employees, for the sake of others will not cause himself even a trifling inconvenience.

2. Usually does not take into account the interests of employees.

3. Little consideration is given to the interests of employees.

4. Usually takes into account the interests of other people in moderation.

5. Your actions usually correlate with the interests of others.

6. Their actions correlate with the interests of other people to a sufficient extent.

7. Always consider the interests of other people.


1. The ability to perceive criticism is practically absent. He takes criticism as a personal insult. Can haunt criticism.

2. Obviously lacks the ability to perceive criticism. Often defends against it, although this is not necessary.

3. Sometimes the ability to correctly perceive criticism is lacking.

4. Ability to perceive, criticism is moderately developed.

5. Most often, he is able to correctly perceive criticism.

6. Knows how to correctly perceive criticism. Usually not protected from criticism, even if they are not entirely objective.

7. He always takes criticism in a business-like manner, without personal grievances. He believes that it is only for the good of the cause.


1. There is no fairness in dealing with other people.

2. There is a clear lack of fairness towards other people.

3. Sometimes there is a lack of fairness in dealing with other people.

4. Fairness in relationships with other people is manifested as often as in others.

5. Fairness in evaluating other people is usually sufficient.

6. Often shows fairness in evaluating other people.

7. Always shows fairness in dealing with other people.


1. Constantly does not fulfill its promises and does not even strive to do so. This word means nothing to him.

2. Often does not keep his promises and let other people down.

3. Sometimes he doesn't keep his promises.

4. does not always fulfill its promises, especially in important cases.

5. He tries to fulfill his promises, especially in important cases.

6. Usually he keeps his promises and does not let others down.

7. He always keeps his promises, does not let other people down, having given his word, keeps it.


1. In every possible way interferes with the professional development and career development of subordinates.

2. Prevents advanced training and career development of subordinates.

3. Usually has little interest in professional development and career development of subordinates.

4. Shows some interest in professional development rather than in the career development of subordinates.

5. Usually shows interest, both in professional development and in the career development of subordinates.

6. Promotes, hinders professional development and career development of subordinates.

7. In every possible way promotes, hinders the improvement of qualifications and career development of subordinates.


1. Politeness and tact is practically absent. Often rude and tactless towards other people.

2. Obviously lacks politeness and tact in dealing with people.

3. Sometimes there is a lack of politeness and tact in dealing with people.

4. Politeness and tact in relations with people are shown to an average extent.

5. Usually behaves with people politely and tactfully.

6. Often behaves with people quite politely and tactfully.

7. Always behaves with people extremely politely and tactfully.


1. Never defends the interests of the team, as they do not coincide with the personal.

2. Often does not know how and does not want to protect the interests of the team.

3. He especially does not strive to protect the interests of the collective, and sometimes does not know how to do it.

4. Does not always know how to protect the interests of the team, although it cannot be said that he does not try to do this.

5. Usually seeks to protect the interests of the team and knows how to do it quite well.

6. He is good at protecting the interests of his team, tries to defend them even in situations where they are not in danger.

7. Protects the interests of the team better than his own, while showing exceptional resourcefulness, perseverance and courage.

1. There is no focus on the cause. Interests are always in last place for business, they are remembered only when it is profitable.

2. The focus on business is poorly expressed. When solving certain issues, he is rarely guided by the interests of the case.

3. The focus on the cause is not sufficiently expressed. When solving certain issues, the interests of the case are insufficiently guided.

4. The focus on business is expressed in an average measure. When solving certain issues, he moderately takes into account the interests of the case.

5. The focus on business is quite pronounced. In most cases, when solving various issues, he tries to proceed from the interests of the case.

6. The focus on business is strongly expressed. When solving various issues, he is guided only by the interests of the case.


1. The performance is very low. Works very sluggishly, gets tired quickly.

2.. The performance is low. It works rather slowly, with long rest breaks.

3.. Performance is below average. It does not work very intensively.

4. . The performance is not worse than that of others, it works with a satisfactory intensity.

5. . Above average performance. It works with sufficient intensity.

6.. Work capacity is high, can work much faster, more intensively and with greater efficiency than most people.

7. Amazing performance, practically for a few people.


1. Dexterity is practically absent. Although the work produces a lot of noise and fuss, the results are very low.

2. Fussiness prevails in work, haste as a result of labor is insignificant.

3. Often in his work he shows haste and fuss, he personally works a lot, but the result is lower than expected.

4. In work he is businesslike and accurate, although sometimes he hurries and fusses unnecessarily.

5. Usually works without haste and fuss, efficiently achieves the required results.

6.Catching, accurate, collected, achieves good results due to the thoughtfulness of their efforts.

7. He achieves significant results in work exclusively due to the utmost efficiency, accuracy and concentration.


1. Absolutely dislikes work and suffers from it.

2. Dislikes his work, dislikes its nature and content.

3. I don't really like the work, although some of its elements are attractive.

4. In general, I like the work, although I do one part of the work with pleasure.

5. I like work, treats it with interest.

6. I like the work very much.

7. He loves his job very much, devotes almost all his free time to it.


1. Ignores discipline and order, even when not necessary.

2. Does not strive to observe discipline and the established order.

3. Often resolves personal and production issues in violation of discipline and bypassing established norms.

4. does not always strictly adhere to the established order, finds excuses as a violation of discipline.

5. As a rule, seeks to maintain discipline and order.

6. Strictly observes the discipline and the established order.

7. He strictly adheres to discipline and the established order, will never violate it.


1. There is no certainty about the ultimate success of the case. Drops his hands at the first failure.

2. Confidence in the ultimate success of the case is weak. Loses confidence in success if failure begins.

3. Confidence in the ultimate success of the case is not sufficiently expressed. In case of failures, he does not always remain confident in the ultimate success of the business.

4. Confidence in the ultimate success of the case is expressed in the average level.

5. Confidence in the ultimate success of the business is developed above average. Doesn't lose it even in case of failures.

6. There is no confidence in the ultimate success of the case. Doesn't lose it even with a losing streak.

7. Confidence in the ultimate success of the business is the principle of life. Failure only strengthens his will to win.


1. Performing a specific task, he never thinks about the benefits for the enterprise.

2. When performing production tasks, they usually do not think about their benefits to the enterprise.

3. Believes that working is already beneficial for the company and that is enough.

4. considers that our good work, overfulfilling tasks, brings great benefits to the company.

5. He tries to understand the necessity and usefulness for the enterprise not only of the results of labor, but also of its individual consequences.

6. Spares no time and effort to complete tasks that are important for the company.

7. The interests of the enterprise always come first. Refuses to carry out a personally beneficial business if it harms the enterprise.


1. Always ignores any, even simple social work.

2. Sometimes and reluctantly engaged in social work, more often he tries to avoid it.

3. Not always willingly engaged in social work, pays little attention to it.

4. He considers social work a part of production activity, and copes with it satisfactorily.

5. Devotes to social work, as well as industrial work, enough time and attention, copes well with it.

6. A lot and successfully engaged in social work.

7. Many and with great benefit for himself and people is engaged in social work.


1. The stability of morality is absent. Does not comply with the moral requirements of society.

2. There is clearly a lack of stable moral values.

3. Sometimes there are noticeable gaps in moral education.

4. The attitude to morality and values ​​of society is the same as that of most people.

5. It is characterized by moral stability, respect and observance of social values.

6. It is characterized by high moral stability, respect and strict observance of social values.

7.. It is characterized by a very high moral stability, respect and very strict observance of all social values.


1. Does not correspond to the position held and must be dismissed from the position held.

2. Does not fully correspond to the position occupied, is subject to transfer to a lower category or class of the position with a re-assessment in a year.

3.. Corresponds to the position held, however, attention should be paid to the comments made by experts. Transfer to a lower grade or category of position.





Institute of Law

Educational-methodical complex for the discipline

"Actual problems of business and commercial law"

for students in the direction Jurisprudence

master's program

"Business Law, Commercial Law"

1 course 1 semester of full-time education

Kaliningrad 2014

Approval sheet

Compiled by: Head of the Department of Business Law, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Nilov Konstantin Nikolaevich

The CMD was discussed and approved at a meeting of the Department of Business Law

Minutes No. _______ "___" ___________________ 2014

Head of Department: _________ / Nilov K.N ../

PLO Manager: ________ / Ezhova T.G. /

The CMB was approved by the methodological council of the Faculty of Law of the IKBFU. I. Kanta

Minutes No. _______ "___" ___________________ 20 ____

Chairman of the Methodological Council: __________________ / Zayachkovsky O.A. /

"I approve"

Dean of the Faculty of Law ____________________ / Zayachkovsky O.A. /

"I approve"

Head of the Department of Educational Programs

Zhitinevich D.G.

Chairman of the Expert Council ____________________ / _____________ /


1.1. Explanatory note …………………………………………………….. 4

1.2. Thematic plan ………………………………………………………… 7

1.4. Independent topics, control works and abstracts .. …….…. fourteen

1.5. Questions for midterm and final control. …………….… .... 18

1.6. Criteria for assessing knowledge.…. ………………………………………….… .. 29

1. 8. List of main and additional literature, normative documents, arbitrage practice …………..…………….….………………... 34


2.1. Theoretical part ……………………………………………………. 40

2.2. Workshop …………………………………………………………… .. 79

2.4. Glossary ………………………………………………………. ……. 114


3.1. Complex test items ………………………………………..… 124

3.2. Questions to prepare for the exams .. …………………………… .. 131





Explanatory note

Course annotation

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher vocational education(FGOS VPO) in the direction of training Jurisprudence (qualification (degree) "Master") the discipline "Actual problems of entrepreneurship" is a discipline of the basic part of the professional cycle of disciplines.

The initial level of training of students, necessary for the successful study of the discipline, requires higher education(bachelor, specialist). The student must know the basic provisions of such disciplines studied as part of the bachelor's (specialist's) training program, such as theory of state and law, economics, arbitration process, business law, civil law determining the status of business entities, the procedure for their creation and termination of activities, bankruptcy proceedings, legal regime of property, means and main directions state regulation entrepreneurial activity, antitrust and tax regulation of entrepreneurship, legal regulation of types of entrepreneurial activity, the concept of an entrepreneurial contract, the concept of legal responsibility and the sanctions applied to entrepreneurs.

Goals and objectives of studying the discipline

The purpose of studying the discipline "Actual problems of business law" is: mastering professional competencies and knowledge in the field legal regulation entrepreneurial activity.

In realizing this goal, the following tasks should be achieved:

1) knowledge formation:

On the role of entrepreneurship in a market economy and the importance of legal regulation of such activities;

On the problems of the legal status of business entities;

On the problems of the legal regime of property used in entrepreneurial activity;

On the problems of legal regulation of the privatization of state and municipal property;

On problems in the field of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity;

On the main problems in the field of legal regulation of investment activities;

On the basic guarantees and problems of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of business entities;

2) the formation of skills:

Allocation of legally significant circumstances in commercial disputes and settlement options controversial situations;

Preparing qualified opinions on legal issues;

Representing the interests of business entities in judicial and administrative bodies;

Application of methods of scientific research of economic and legal phenomena and problems;

3) education:

Respect for the law, the rights of citizens and business entities;

Feelings of intolerance for any violation of the law in one's own professional activity;

Necessary business, emotional and volitional qualities to ensure law and order.

Scroll professional competencies

As a result of studying the discipline "Actual problems of business law" the student must master the following general cultural (OK) and professional competencies (PC):

OK - 3 - readiness for self-development, self-realization, use creativity;

OPK - 3 - the ability to put into practice the acquired skills and abilities in the organization research works;

PC - 7- the ability to competently interpret regulatory legal acts;

PC - 8- the ability to take part in the legal examination of draft regulatory legal acts, including in order to identify provisions in them that contribute to the creation of conditions for the manifestation of corruption, to provide qualified legal opinions and advice in specific areas of legal activity;

PC - 11- the ability to professionally conduct scientific research in the field of law.

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:


Problems of Russian business law;

Theoretical and methodological problems of the development of modern legislation on entrepreneurship;

The main trends in the development of economic and legal phenomena in the present stage;

Problems of legal awareness and legal culture of entrepreneurs;

Problems of ensuring the rule of law and law and order and the fight against offenses in the field of entrepreneurship.

Be able to:

Apply the knowledge gained to research current problems of business law, use it in the process of professional research activities;

Use the acquired knowledge in the processes of lawmaking;


Skills of analysis of law enforcement practice in the field of business law;

Skills of solving problems of implementation of legal norms in the field of business law

1.2. Thematic plan

Anna Sudak

# Business nuances

Term meanings and detailed examples

American specialists in the field of labor psychology are supporters of the "personal" approach. They limit the scope of the concept of professional competence either by personality traits or by knowledge, skills and abilities.

Navigating the article

  • Definition of competence
  • List of professional competencies
  • Professional competence model
  • Factors shaping the competency model
  • Manager competence
  • What qualities should a sales manager have?
  • What qualities should an HR manager have?
  • What qualities should a Project Manager have?
  • Competence of the head
  • Competence assessment

In this article, we will look at the general and personal competencies required to achieve results in business and career. Let's talk about what qualities a leader should have in order to get what he wants without manipulation, stress and effort.

Definition of competence

Professional competence is an employee's skills and abilities to solve questions and problems in the subject area entrusted to him.

Also, this concept is used in assessing personnel and is a list of the qualities of an employee, a group of people or a company.

Let's divide it into three conditional groups:

  1. Corporate. General knowledge required by all employees of the organization.
  2. Managerial. The knowledge and skills needed by a group of people in leadership positions.
  3. Narrow profile. A set of qualities necessary for a specific employee (group of employees) to solve the target problem. Examples: copywriter, sales manager, layout designer, and so on.

List of professional competencies

Regardless of the position and wages, a person must have three basic skills:

  • educational and cognitive. The employee is obliged to learn new things, improve theoretical and practical skills. Read specialized literature, attend training events. Usually, the company provides an appropriate base for personnel development, or seeks help from a professional competence center;
  • informational. The employee is obliged to be able to find, analyze, process the information necessary for work;
  • communicative. The employee needs to be able to communicate with the team and customers. Work as a team to get great results.

Professional competence model

Professional competence models are the knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform a particular job. Divided into five groups:

  • personal;
  • social;
  • organizational;
  • administrative;
  • technical.

When developing a professional competency model for business, you need to understand that it should be:

  • structured;
  • simple and straightforward;
  • adapted to the requirements of a particular company for which it is being developed.

You can create a single model for all employees with amendments for leadership positions. After all, they include the implementation of administrative and management tasks to a greater extent, and functional to a lesser extent.

Thanks to the presence of such a document, it will be much easier to fill vacancies in the company, since jobs will be occupied by people who satisfy the pre-defined and thought-out requirements and are able to increase the efficiency of the work process.

It is better to delegate the task of developing professional requirements to an internal HR specialist right away. And to be directly involved in the closing of management positions, choose the best of the best and create a dream team for the development and scaling of the business.

But if you want to control the process from start to finish, you need to understand how this or that model is created. Its development includes the following stages:

  1. Project planning. At this point, you set clear goals and outline future (desired) results. This stage can be called "Fitting" of suitable knowledge, skills and abilities. A different model is developed for each position.
  2. Formation of a project team. To avoid falling under stereotypes and clichés, the value of each item on the skill scale must be justified.
  3. Analytics. At this stage, information is collected and the result of the work of each employee is analyzed.
  4. Working out the levels of the model. The main competence and the number of levels in which it is included are identified.
  5. Formation of job requirements. The validity of the draft competency profile is tested.
  6. Test run analysis and work on bugs.
  7. Launching the revised project.

Factors shaping the competency model

A huge number of factors affect the formation of a competency model, but only two of them are decisive. Let's talk about this.

Compliance with the plan for the formation of requirements and the reliability of the facts used. The most important thing in the process is the contribution of each individual employee to the development of the company. If this is not taken into account when forming the list of professional and personal requirements, then there is no point in launching this project, since it will become just a bureaucratic useless formality.

The value and constant reward of knowledge and experience. The company must understand that if it only takes it, the efficiency of the staff will decrease, motivation and desire to give all the best will disappear, and this will inevitably lead to a decrease in the performance of the enterprise. Therefore, labor should not just be paid, but be rewarded with additional material and non-material bonuses. The company must invest in staff development and training in order to get results that exceed expectations.

In any case, the requirements for the project manager will differ from the requirements for the personnel involved in production. Therefore, the competency model is formed for specific circumstances.

Manager competence

According to experts, today there are 533 competency models, but conditionally they are divided into two types:

  1. Technical. The qualities necessary to perform a particular job.
  2. Behavioral. Personal qualities that contribute to an increase in work efficiency.

What skills and qualities should a person in this position have in order to bring the company to a fundamentally new level development, and with it improve your career?

To begin with, a manager is too broad a concept to define specific model competencies. Therefore, we will try to analyze which managers are most often encountered in modern business and determine the optimal “package of requirements” for each of them.

What qualities should a sales manager have?

There are 10 basic qualities that a specialist in this field possesses.

  1. Understanding extension technologies customer base... The seller is obliged to know the psychology of the client, his needs and desires.
  2. Knowledge of effective sales techniques. He knows several sales techniques and skillfully combines them depending on the situation. He does not shout buy, does not press. Therefore, it always exceeds the monthly plan.
  3. Experience. Often, many companies look at previous work experience. They ask for characteristics and other confirmations of skills. But they always forget about one thing: what fits perfectly on one can destroy the image of another. Therefore, you should not pay too much attention to this point. Better to give the employee a chance to prove themselves by talking to a “test” client or design an exam that will validate the information from the resume and questionnaire.
  4. Desire to devote oneself to the profession. In sales, there are a lot of "passing by" people who go to work because they don't take anywhere else. It is understandable that they do not stay in companies for a long time. Personnel turnover is formed, and you, as the owner of the company, lose a lot of money on personnel search and training.
  5. Sociability. A person, only opening his mouth, fascinates. It doesn't matter who: the recruiter, you, your clients. A real salesperson should be able to find common ground with everyone. And not just speak well, but listen and hear the interlocutor.
  6. Ability to apply sales tools in practice. For example, in your company's arsenal, the only tool is a discount. And, of course, the employee who sells must be able to use it in such a way as to make a profit. To calculate an understanding of the specifics of a salesman's sales, ask him a simple task: a client has requested a discount that the company cannot provide him. How to get out of this situation by making a sale and not losing a client? A truly experienced salesperson who has had to work with discounts will provide you with 3 to 10 solutions to the situation, and one will mark it as optimal.
  7. Ability to resolve conflicts. This skill is especially appreciated. Because there are few of those who know how to smooth out the conflict in such a way that they will also sell the most expensive product to an angry client. What's more, the buyer will come back again and again.
  8. Analysis of customer potential. Of course, no one can immediately identify the potential of the client. But for an experienced salesperson, it is enough to hear a few remarks in order to put together a portrait of the client as close to reality as possible.
  9. Work with objections. A real seller is always at his best, because he knows how to sell what a person needs here and now to solve his problem or satisfy his needs. Dealing with objections is the foundation without which career advancement is impossible.
  10. Ability to find a common language with VIP clients. It so happens that customers want too much, and all because they really do not want anything. Just on this moment they have money to spare and are looking for best options for their investments, which in the long term will bring dividends: moral, mental or financial. This is where sellers usually apply all the skill, since VIP clients are the backbone of the whole business.

Many companies believe that you can teach anyone to sell, so they don't have any special requirements for candidates. But in vain. Not everyone can sell. If you do not have the inclinations and abilities, you will simply waste your energy, time and money on training, and the results are unlikely to please you.

The seller is a treasure for the company, Goldmine bringing money. Therefore, when choosing such people, it is important to discern talent and properly motivate him to obtain maximum results.

What qualities should an HR manager have?

To begin with, let's take a quick look at what a HR manager does.

  • Labor market control and monitoring of wages.
  • Search, selection of personnel to meet the needs of the enterprise, the creation of a personnel reserve.
  • Creation of an intangible system of motivation for employees of the enterprise.
  • Development of corporate culture and monitoring of its observance.
  • Adaptation of personnel.
  • Training.
  • Consulting for employees.

Based on this list, the requirements for knowledge and practical skills in a particular company differ significantly, but there are general provisions(the main competencies of the hr-manager), which are present in all models, namely:

  • The recruiter must know, understand and understand professional qualities ah, which should be possessed by candidates for this or that position.
  • A recruiter must be able to communicate with people.
  • The personnel inspector must understand psychology, sociology and have an idea of ​​the influence of certain behavioral factors on the result of work.
  • A person holding the position of a recruiter must thoroughly know the legislative labor base and the intricacies of the work process.

What qualities should a Project Manager have?

Each employee has his own specifics of work. Project managers are no exception. What skills should people of this profession have?

  • Management skills. Project manager - leader. Therefore, he simply must be a leader and be able to manage processes and people.
  • Communication skills. This is also a required skill, since a project is a teamwork. And in the process of launching it, you need to communicate with people: employees, customers, management.
  • Good sense of humour. The ability to be both a boss and a good friend is invaluable. And there is no way without humor in business.
  • Continuous training and introduction of new knowledge. The company values ​​employees who know how to use proven project management tools. But there are even more of those who have knowledge in related fields.
  • Implementation of corporate culture. The project manager is one of the main links in the team, so he not only has to deal with the launch and development of projects, but also pay attention to the "climate" within the team.
  • Negotiation skill. Ability to operate with facts, bargain and find compromises.
  • Thorough knowledge of corporate hierarchy and authoritarianism. The management of the company is the power. Each of the superiors has an authority that has a direct impact on decision-making in a particular structural process. The project manager is a kind of link that connects the senior management with the performers. Therefore, it is important that this person has tolerance and knows how to competently convey the views of one side to the other.
  • Resolving conflicts. The ability to smooth out rough edges is a must.
  • Sales skills. Understanding target audience- the foundation. Therefore, it is imperative to know it.
  • Change management. Any company is constantly changing. This process is inevitable, so you need to come to terms with it and accept it. In this case, the task of the leader is to convey these changes to employees with the least resistance and to implement them as painlessly as possible.
  • Always be in trend. You need to know the market, monitor it and keep abreast of new products in order to give customers the best.

Competence of the head

The leader of any link is a person with a pronounced charisma and the ability to raise, "wind up" and lead people. He must have a thorough theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as have a high level of professional skills. He is obliged to inspire the wards to new achievements. by example. What kind key features give out the class teacher, we will analyze it right now.

  • Knowledge and professionalism. Anyone who occupies a high position should not be able to launch and configure individual processes, but understand their essence in the long run. Knowledge is important to a person in a leadership position.
  • Strength of spirit and a high level of self-organization. If the boss is weak and under the influence of subordinates, does not know how to understand the situation and see it in all planes, he has no place in the director's chair.
  • Knowledge of economics. The leader must know what turnover, profit, payroll, ROI, EBITDA, etc. are.
  • Use of analytics and market monitoring tools. To calculate the current situation and determine the future of the company. You can't do without it.
  • Planning. It is important to always have a clear plan of action and a few spare ones in case of force majeure.
  • Organization of the workflow. This includes: setting tasks, feedback from employees, search optimal solutions and compromises, the ability to react quickly, adapt to the situation and make decisions.
  • Achievement of the goal. Set a goal - achieved it with minimal energy and financial costs. This item also includes time management and self-management.
  • Management skills. The leader must inspire and motivate employees to fulfill a common goal.
  • Oratorical skills. The boss must be able to speak correctly, correctly convey information to people and be responsible for words.
  • Personal qualities. A person in a leadership position must be positive, flexible, and responsible. To develop and organize the development of employees. To be team player and at the same time a leader.

Competence assessment

A recruiter is responsible for recruiting, adapting, training and consulting employees. And now let's talk about what methods are used to assess personnel coming (working) to a particular company.

  1. Certification. The description of the process for passing the certification is placed on the shoulders of the manager, since it is he who decides what employees his company needs for development and scaling. A special document is drawn up, in which the details are prescribed: what theoretical knowledge a candidate for a particular position should have. What practical skills do you need to have in order to work in an enterprise and so on? The assessment of competence, in this way, also includes recommendations and confirmation of professional achievements from past jobs, the results of activities within the company. Employees who work at the enterprise for up to a year, pregnant women and top managers do not pass certification.
  2. Assessment center (assistant center). This is a unit that extracts information about the personal and career achievements of each employee. Using this method, a comparative report is drawn up on how the staff meets the goals and policies of the company. The assessment is carried out in three stages:
    Preparatory. The stage at which the goals of the assessment and its model are determined for each specific employee.
    Procedure development and testing, including the use of techniques in practice.
    Development of cases, games and exercises center assistant. Reporting and feedback for the attested.
  3. Testing. Psychological and professional tests are used for this type of assessment.
  4. Interviewing. The interview method is called a question-and-answer session. Conducted in a free form to identify the applicant's reaction to certain questions. But there are also structured interview models. Reproduction of behavior in a stressful work situation from the previous experience of a potential employee is considered the most effective.
  5. Expert assessment of personnel. For the assessment, experts who have knowledge in the field and have a deep understanding of managerial competencies are involved. There is an internal assessment of the employee, which consists of the opinions of the immediate management and colleagues of the test taker. There is an external assessment, which involves outside experts.
  6. Business games. It is a simulation of an often challenging work situation in which an employee exhibits potential, stress tolerance, and problem-solving skills.

In each assessment method, the following are important: simplicity, reliability of the scheme, mutual understanding and trust between all participants in the process.

As you can see, competence in a particular area is a combination of personal and professional qualities that contribute to your growth.

To get the most out of your actions, don't stop there. Strive to be better. But do it in a balanced way so that work is not a burdensome factor, but a pleasure.

Key competencies

Key competencies

Competence from Latin competo - “I strive, I match the approach”. Professional competence, in fact, it is the ability to fulfill their work obligations in accordance with accepted norms and standards, that is, successfully, without supervision and constant (unplanned) assistance from outside.

The purpose of the competence allocation is to increase the efficiency of the work (quality and quantity) of the company. If a person can demonstrate the necessary skills and results of work, he is suitable for us. Competencies are needed for a preliminary and tracking intermediate assessment of his capabilities, helping him in development and correcting mistakes, for understanding himself in the end.

There are many interpretations of the concept of "competence" and, accordingly, approaches to their identification and use.

1. Key competencies - qualities and personality traits of a professional, allowing them to fulfill the tasks assigned to the employee in accordance with the main business function of the organization and division.

  1. Specific key business competence- at the level of the company's know-how, taking into account the peculiarities of the corporate culture.
  2. A set of competencies for a position from an exhaustive set of competitions(will be presented below).
  3. Competencies presented both personal and professionalhonors(see Attachment 4 ).

The presence of competencies in no way excludes the list naperformance evaluation parameters, which competencies can include, otherwise they only disorient managers and employees themselves, making the assessment too superficial and ineffective. How can, for example, replace quantitative indicators of employees' work or their assessment with competencies? appearance, discipline ?!

Competencies- these are simplified, reduced to absolute understanding and (or) synthesized, isolated from the "folklore" definitions (preferably in the working language of managers and employees) of the professional and personal characteristics of successful employees, according to which it is easiest to work quickly or in a set with other criteria (parameters) evaluate the work of employees of a given company, subject to availability common language corporate culture.

Competence as skills and abilities. The differences are that a skill is a specific action with an expected result, and competence is usually not described in terms of an end result, but can and ultimately should be described or created based on it.

In practice, all these approaches intersect and complement each other. For example, in the framework of the annual performance assessment or appraisal, employees in most companies are also assessed by a set of competencies. Based on the latter, HR services can draw up success profiles for each position and target levels of competence development for the year ahead in terms of career development and professionalism of the employee within the company. For any group of positions of a certain specialization, there can and should be its own hierarchy of competencies, possibly from a general exhaustive list. Within this hierarchy, there are 4-7 areas that are most valuable - key, or basic, competencies.

For the head of the sales department, the most important are:

■ communicative qualities;

■ organizational skills;

■ customer focus;

■ entrepreneurial and financial approaches. For a literary editor, the following are important:

■ patience;

■ attention;

■ ability to persuade;

■ "innate" literacy.

Below is an example prioritized by three occupational profiles (Table 1).

Practitioners within the company are almost always clear what they mean by "sociability" or "progressive views", but to prevent misunderstandings, it is still better to fix what it consists of and what it is in the activities of a certain group of employees. The secretary's sociability for the client may include:

■ positive self-attunement;

■ experience in telephone counseling;

■ attitude to help people;

■ personal sociability.

Sociability is “the ability, positively perceiving any client, any call, to be able to quickly understand its essence and focus and respond in accordance with certain cultural norms and in the information field of the given parameters” (the wording of the competence “secretary's sociability” from one of the Internet companies. - Note. auth.).

The process of working with competencies is best carried out in a technological sequence similar to the one presented below. This will allow them to be used with the greatest impact and benefit for all stakeholders within the company.

Full cycle of work with competencies at the level of the entire organization.

1. Description an exhaustive list important for successful work competencies of a group of employees, experts.

  1. Allocation of basic (core, core) competencies or, possibly, macro competencies. Macro competencies are unique combinations of professional knowledge, skills and experience expressed in technologies for creating and distributing products (management know-how, intellectual and organizational results) that are difficult to develop and useless to copy.
  2. Achieving the required level of detail.

table 1. Priorities of the three professional profiles 1









Ability to quickly establish contact with strangers on their own initiative




Polite, friendly communication




Ability to persuade




Ability to speak in public




The need for communication




Well-delivered speech




Grammatically correct speech




1 Table 1 is based on the book Ivanova S. The art of recruiting: How to rate a person in an hour. - M .: Alpina Business Books, 2004 .-- P. 15.

  1. Creation of profiles of success of positions (possibly within the framework of job descriptions, requirements for positions and vacancies) - standards.
  2. Description of target levels of development of competencies (using points or scales) in connection with the development and objectives of the company, as well as the individual development of employees.
  3. Setting achievable goals and defining a set of developmental actions: internship, training, etc. Schedule subtasks to achieve the target level of competence development, for example, “become more influential”: be able to attract attention, be assertive, substantiate ideas, actively listen, gain support, encourage others to action, negotiate.

7. Allocation of indicators of achievement of the level (to enlist support from the subtask "become more influential": to achieve the support of all members of the board of directors).

An example of a level (scale) representation of a competence (scheduling the levels of one of the key competencies of the Leadership block in the Managerial competence block) can be found in Table. 2.

table 2. Leadership in anticipating the future, inspiring employees, strategic planning (as a “lookout” function) for evaluating top managers.


Managerial competence

Creates the future of the company. Develops and implements useful guidelines for employee engagement effective planning the future. Systematically and continuously evaluates the effectiveness of these standards and employee participation

He actively participates in the creation of the future of the company. Polyvolume demonstrates the ability to create and articulate a vision of the future of the organization. Involves others in the process of forming a picture of the future. Strengthens belief in this future through behavior and demonstrated values ​​(by example)

Able to assess the importance of developing a vision of the future for the company, participates in the development of ways to achieve it as free time becomes available or when receiving direct instructions from shareholders


Almost does not think about ways to achieve a picture of the future, is preoccupied with everyday affairs

Uses rumors, "conjectures what is not," not sure about the future, fixated on routine activities, drowning in daily affairs, psychologically attached to them

The principles of identifying key competencies, drafting performance standards and customer service are best "seen" through the process of grading employees.

Step-by-step process of grading and standardization of work of employees

1. Allocation of grades (large groups of employees, close in management status, powers and, consequently, the level of payment) and within them categories of employees.

2. Allocation and description of the basic blocks of competencies or criteria for assessing employees. For example, management skills, sales skills, professional and specialized knowledge, personal qualities, etc.

3. Prescribing competencies within the basic blocks of competencies for the entire range of categories of employees in all divisions of the company. For example, in order to describe the block of "managerial skills", it is necessary to answer the question: what managerial skills are fundamentally necessary for various categories of employees? Ability to conduct meetings (can be broken down in more detail by meeting skills), ability to write a business plan (can be written in more detail - topics, scope, tasks, etc.), etc. dr.

4. Allocation of key (most significant) and secondary competencies for different categories of employees and depending on the specifics of the work of specific departments and positions. For example, for call center operators, external data will have minimum value, and the skills of communication on the phone (undersigned in detail), the speed of printing on a PC and the amount of RAM, that is, short-term memory, the speed of switching attention and personal "non-irritability" will have the maximum value.

If necessary, assignment of various weighted (index) values ​​to key and secondary competencies according to blocks of basic competencies and within basic blocks of competencies. Blocks of basic competencies are indexed relative to each other by different weights assigned to them. This allows you to highlight the main thing in the employee's activities, as well as to come to a comparative accounting of the effectiveness, usefulness of employees in different departments.

Some employees can be compared with others, as well as with point standards for compliance with a position, category across the holding or division, since each employee in the certification process gains a certain total number of points.

6. Each level of development of an individual competence within the basic block of competencies and, if necessary, this entire basic block is assigned its own point value (for example, from 1 to 5), which is then verbally described in detail as a rank or standard of performance. When describing performance standards, depending on the need, other approaches can be applied, in addition to describing competencies: personal and professional qualities, skills, knowledge and the level of their development:

■ process requirements - a description of business processes or algorithms of activity, or interaction with employees and departments;

■ requirements for the quality of work;

■ accounting of quantitative (volume of work done and (or) commodity, assortment and economic indicators, etc.) and time indicators of achievements (terms), indicators of labor productivity;

■ taking into account innovations, intracorporate, intradivisional and external image consequences of the employee's activities.

7. Further, in addition to being used in certification, work performance standards find their rightful place in job descriptions, annexes to them, requirements for positions and vacancies, descriptions of employee categories and other personnel and system-wide documents.

If they are already registered, the preparation of personnel certification is greatly simplified.

Stages of creating work performance standards, which should be tied to positions and jobs.

1. Isolation of common ( detailed list or specific competencies for the organization as a whole) the competencies of the organization's employees.

  1. Allocation of key competencies for employees of a certain type and level. For example, for all warehouse employees and managers of a certain level.
    1. Granting competencies with weight values, if necessary.
    2. Description of reference levels of work performance for each key competency, indicator, parameter) \ ', criterion at specific workplaces or for typical positions - creating benchmarks for work performance, customer service for groups of employees, a specific category of employees, etc.

The following criteria are applied to assess the success of an employee, the so-called digital reference:

"1" - initial level (unsatisfactory);

"2" - below the required level;

"3" - quite satisfies ( average level) - the standard for the position;

"4" - better than average;

"5" - exceeds expectations.

(Attention is primarily drawn to extreme values ​​- "risk zones" due to obvious non-compliance or increased compliance. - Note. auth.)

In determining level reference Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) are used, which combine rating and descriptive methods. The employee is assessed by the manager from the point of view of the compliance of his behavior with the predetermined scale behavioral values ​​(as necessary, as not necessary). If this technique is converted into a test, then the employees themselves can evaluate themselves. If the test is "open" for the employee, then the methodology is already a self-study aid.

A customer focus assessment might look like this:

■ an employee can ignore a waiting client if he thinks that he is not promising;

spends with the client as much time as necessary, additionally advises the client by phone and e-noah mail;

T may refuse to consult a client if he does not have the necessary information;

perceives an irritated client as a natural phenomenon, calmly and respectfully works with that;

and in the absence of the necessary knowledge, the independent receives thembut also uses in his work;

■ makes fair remarks to the client if the client is annoyed. ( Faithful choices in italics. - Note. auth.)

The principles of client-orientation can otherwise be called a manifestation of "teamwork" in relation to the client (customerpart of the businessfamilies, member of our team) and ideological basis to develop service standards.

Table 3 shows an example of assigning different weighting values ​​to criteria based on expert assessments the importance of this or that criterion for the successful work.

table 3. Assessment of an employee using the rating method and highlighting the weighting components of assessment criteria (coefficients)

Assessment criterion, competence

Specific gravity (coefficient)


Final grade, in points

Execution speed, performance

3 × 4 = 12


Discipline, presence in the workplace

Communication skills within the team (support of team spirit)

Communication with external agents

The sum of points for significant criteria: 24

Total points for secondary criteria: 6

Overall final score 30 (for comparison with other operators)

Note. The key, most significant evaluation criteria are highlighted in italics. According to them, a comparison of this employee with others or with a score standard of compliance is carried out.

In the above table, the three key assessment dimensions are marked in italics. They are most significant. According to them, first of all, one can judge the suitability of a specialist, comparing him with other employees or with a point standard of conformity.

The point standard of compliance is adopted in advance. It may not be lower than any certain amount of points for significant (key) criteria or the overall final score, etc.

The total final score is equal to the sum of the scores according to the criteria, multiplied in advance by the specific weights (coefficients).

The norm is when 70-80% of employees meet the specified criteria for success. The remaining employees are divided approximately equally: below and above the bar of the given criteria. If an employee is 30% higher than the set standards, then you need to think about transferring him to a higher position or expanding his powers. For those whose indicator is below the bar of the specified criteria or standards, you need to do the opposite.

In order to combine at the semantic level numerous terminological and practical differences in approaches to the allocation and use of competencies for personnel assessment, we will create a simple sequence of "dependencies".

■ For a person to be able to make an earthen pot (for example, a hotel claims originality and uses such pots as free souvenirs for guests), he needs to understand his mentor, have a certain natural skill and desire (motivation), take a course required volume). Then he will have the necessary knowledge of a practical and theoretical nature - he will be competent.

■ To hire him, we need to find out whether he wants to work with us and in this direction further, what is the motivation (to determine the nature and duration of possible relationships, ways of control and motivation), whether he has lost his work skills and communication skills, while did not work.

How to start highlighting key competencies? From the analysis of the content of the work in relation to the main business function of the organization.

1. Analysis of the work of the entire sales apparatus and the coordination of the duties of all employees, as well as determining how all jobs are connected with each other.

  1. Selection of specific jobs for analysis.
    1. Collecting the necessary information by observing the actual progress of employees, interviewing people at workplaces and interviewing employees using questionnaires "1.

1 Fatrell C. Sales management. - SPb .: Neva, 2004 .-- P. 220.

Based on the analysis of the content of the work, many important documents can be drawn up:

■ a list of key and additional competencies, the requirement of standards;

■ job description, qualifications, etc.

Highlighting key competencies and other assessment criteria

Recruiting agency "For family reasons", Moscow. Main business function: connecting qualified personnel with worthy parents and children. Mission: the best tutors and nannies for the active personal development of children. Competitive advantage: really high-quality staff, real terms of selection, verification of the proposed employees.

The agent's job (main actions, functions) to connect the two partner parties is to interview nannies and tutors, assess their personal and professional opportunities, maintaining databases on a PC, clarifying the needs of parents and children, introducing the parties to each other, concluding agreements of mutual obligations, tracking the success of employees in families, participating in solving difficult situations.

Based on all of the above information, key computerstendencies for employees will be:

■ discernment (understanding people);

■ Ability to conduct multi-stage negotiations (in person and by phone);

■ sociability and natural goodwill;

■ analytical skills to make accurate calculations;

■ self-organization and organization of time;

■ ability to work in a team.

These formulations are understandable for all employees of the recruiting agency without summing up the scientific base - at the level of a common language of communication.

Additional qualities: excellent memory for events and faces, skills in resolving conflict situations.

Additional requirements: own successful experience working with children and adolescents as a nanny, tutor, teacher and psychologist; natural inclination to work with children - love for children, commitment to family values; good physical health.

Special requirements: high speed of printing on a PC, good switching of attention, knowledge of the basics of drafting contracts for the provision of services.

It can be seen that key competencies have flowed smoothly and additional requirements, etc. This once again emphasizes that these competencies are key, but not unique. The secret is that the properties of our attention and memory force us to resort to various kinds of structuring, because there is no way to immediately cover the list of 40 required items. But this does not mean that the approach to identifying key competencies is random and temporary. On the contrary, it is quite natural: first we single out the main thing, then that without which the main thing will not make sense, and finally - the desirable. (See the section on drafting a staffing proposal and other sections.)

But that's not all, we can add some personal qualities and characteristics to the above assessment criteria.

C. Fatrell in the book already mentioned above gives an even more classical approach, historically and logically preceding the above, namely, qualification requirements.

“Most sales managers define the next minimum required salesperson characteristics.

  1. Intelligence is the mental ability required to perform tasks of a high level of difficulty.
  2. Education - graduation educational institution with above average academic performance.
  3. Strong personality - focus on achieving success, self-confidence, initiative, a positive outlook on life, tact, maturity and a ready-made realistic career advancement plan.

4. Experience - doing your job diligently, going beyond simple job responsibilities; if a person has just recently completed his studies, then his active participation in the activities of educational organizations and the development of projects is above the average level.

  1. Physical - good first impressions, good looks, tidy clothes and good physical shape "\ ''.

1 Fatrell C. Sales management. - SPb .: Neva, 2004 .-- P. 222.

Why can the Western society afford such high standards in relation to a seemingly ordinary sales agent, while we in Russia cannot? This will become possible when we pay the worthy really worthy. There are clearly not enough of them. As a result of improper upbringing with threats and intimidation, our children do not properly develop logical abilities, the ability to think independently and the desire for all-round personality development is lost, lack of will is formed, namely the will and a very strong desire to achieve the goals set are distinguished by a leader * and any successful personality... Thus, for the seller in the service sector, particular importance will be have a developed logical ability in a harmonious combination and with the development of imaginative, sensual, sensory (right-hemispheric thinking) plus his volitional qualities in achieving goals and the ability to convince yourself and others. Appendix 9 provides a simple but very effective test for determining the thinking patterns of others and ourselves. It can also be used as a test for understanding one's own personality, if you guess, without using a key, which of the three questions in each paragraph relates to a particular style of learning and thinking: right-brain, left-brain, or equal-hemisphere.

Before conducting more complex tests (multifactorial, multimodal), evaluate yourself and others on this, simple and forgotten: is your employee, the applicant more process oriented (right brain) or result (left brain) or is it a mixed type? For different types activity requires different people: some concentrate on the details, missing the main thing, others, seeing the main thing, forget about the specifics.

This test does not measure the level of personality development, even if it turns out that the tested personality is equal hemispheric, this requires a separate conversation. The test can be used to train in the construction of compact questionnaires, which are used for rapid assessment of someone. 10-15 questions followed by a discussion of the selected answers, a few questions from a standard structured interview - and you already understand how a person will build his strategy for achieving goals, how he will process information, what he wants to achieve, what is his map of ideas about work, etc. ...

There are only three factors in the test, and therefore, you can quite easily understand the reality behind the three psychological focus questions: left hemispheric information processing and the way to achieve the goal, right hemispheric, mixed. If you are lucky "through the prism of the test", you will see an image, a model of a developed, integrated personality, who thinks well logically and figuratively, with well-formed analytical and intuitive capabilities, who feels good both in the process of work and in the time pressure of achieving business goals.

Take your time using the key to the test. Sort the answers yourself and only then compare with the key - and you will have the opportunity to start a career as a psychodiagnostician, if you have not started it yet. In this regard, we present a quote from an excellent book that can be recommended as a rite of initiation into professional psychodiagnostics.

“With a correct approach to the development and interpretation of multidimensional test questionnaires, the following psychometric maxim should be taken into account: it is possible (with more or less difficulty) to come up with a question (and therefore a lot of questions) that, in a multivariate matrix analysis, will give a vector passing in the vicinity of any a predetermined point of the multidimensional space of traits. From this it follows that any locus of the space of traits (including a sparse one - one that does not give a grouping of items on a given specific list, does not give a scale) can be filled with a group of correlated questions and get a new scale that measures something intermediate to what the questionnaire measured in its original version.

The choice of one or another system of scales (features) is largely determined by the designer's intention or the initial list that he has at his disposal ”1.

As a result of the above considerations, some “corrective touches” are added to other criteria for assessing employees of the recruiting agency “For family reasons”, since the previously identified key competencies are a consequence of these qualities and personality traits: strong will, development of logicalabilities and imaginative-sensory thinking(sensual, emotional intelligence).

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