Home Fruit trees 73 element of the periodic table crossword puzzle. D. I. Mendeleev's periodic law and the periodic table of chemical elements

73 element of the periodic table crossword puzzle. D. I. Mendeleev's periodic law and the periodic table of chemical elements

He drew on the writings of Robert Boyle and Antoine Lavusier. The first scientist advocated the search for irreducible chemical elements. Boyle listed 15 of these as early as 1668.

Lavusier added another 13 to them, but a century later. The search dragged on because there was no coherent theory of the relationship between the elements. Finally, Dmitry Mendeleev entered the “game”. He decided that there is a connection between the atomic mass of substances and their place in the system.

This theory allowed the scientist to discover dozens of elements without discovering them in practice, but in nature. This was the responsibility of the descendants. But, now is not about them. Let's devote this article to the great Russian scientist and his table.

The history of the creation of the periodic table

Mendeleev table began with the book "Correlation of properties with the atomic weight of elements." Labor was released in the 1870s. At the same time, the Russian scientist spoke to the chemical society of the country and sent the first version of the table to colleagues from abroad.

Before Mendeleev, 63 elements were discovered by different scientists. Our compatriot began by comparing their properties. First of all, he worked with potassium and chlorine. Then he took up a group of alkaline metals.

The chemist got a special table and cards of elements to play them like solitaire, looking for the necessary matches and combinations. As a result, an insight came: - the properties of the components depend on the mass of their atoms. So, elements of the periodic table lined up in ranks.

The find of the maestro of chemistry was the decision to leave emptiness in these rows. The periodicity of the difference between atomic masses made the scientist assume that not all the elements are known to mankind yet. The weight gaps between some of the "neighbors" were too great.

That's why, periodic table became like chess field, with an abundance of "white" cells. Time has shown that they really were waiting for their "guests". They are, for example, inert gases. Helium, neon, argon, krypton, radioactive and xenon were discovered only in the 30s of the 20th century.

Now about the myths. It is widely believed that chemical table Mendeleev appeared to him in a dream. These are the intrigues of university teachers, more precisely, one of them - Alexander Inostrantsev. This is a Russian geologist who lectured at the Petersburg University of Mining.

Inostrantsev was familiar with Mendeleev, he was visiting him. Once, exhausted by the search, Dmitry fell asleep right in front of Alexander. He waited until the chemist woke up and saw Mendeleev grabbing a piece of paper and writing down the final version of the table.

In fact, the scientist simply did not have time to do this before Morpheus captured him. However, Inostrantsev wanted to amuse his students. Based on what he saw, the geologist came up with a bike that grateful listeners quickly spread to the masses.

Features of the periodic table

Since the first version of 1969 periodic table has been refined more than once. So, with the discovery in the 1930s of noble gases, it was possible to derive a new dependence of the elements - on their serial numbers, and not on the mass, as the author of the system stated.

The concept of "atomic weight" was replaced by "atomic number". Managed to study the number of protons in the nuclei of atoms. This number is the ordinal number of the element.

20th century scientists have studied and electronic structure atoms. It also affects the periodicity of elements and is reflected in later editions. periodic tables. Photo the list demonstrates that the substances in it are arranged as the atomic weight increases.

They did not change the fundamental principle. The mass increases from left to right. At the same time, the table is not single, but divided into 7 periods. Hence the name of the list. The period is a horizontal row. Its beginning is typical metals, the end is elements with non-metallic properties. The decrease is gradual.

There are large and small periods. The first ones are at the beginning of the table, there are 3 of them. The list opens with a period of 2 elements. This is followed by two columns, each containing 8 items. The remaining 4 periods are large. The 6th is the longest, it has 32 elements. In the 4th and 5th there are 18 of them, and in the 7th - 24.

You can count how many elements are in the table Mendeleev. There are 112 items in total. Namely names. The cells are 118, and there are variations of the list with 126 fields. There are still empty cells for unopened, unnamed elements.

Not all periods fit on one line. Long periods consist of 2 rows. The amount of metals in them outweighs. Therefore, the bottom lines are completely devoted to them. A gradual decrease from metals to inert substances is observed in the upper rows.

Pictures of the periodic table divided and vertically. it groups in the periodic table, there are 8. Elements with similar chemical properties are vertically arranged. They are divided into main and secondary subgroups. The latter begin only from the 4th period. The main subgroups also include elements of small periods.

The essence of the periodic table

Names of elements in the periodic table- these are 112 positions. The essence of their arrangement in a single list is the systematization of primary elements. They began to fight over this back in ancient times.

Aristotle was one of the first to understand what all things are made of. He took as a basis the properties of substances - cold and warm. Empidocles identified 4 fundamental principles according to the elements: water, earth, fire and air.

Metals in the periodic table, like other elements, are the very first principles, but from a modern point of view. The Russian chemist managed to discover most of the components of our world and to assume the existence of as yet unknown primary elements.

It turns out that pronunciation of the periodic table- sounding a certain model of our reality, decomposing it into its components. However, they are not easy to learn. Let's try to make things easier by describing a couple of effective methods.

How to learn the periodic table

Let's start with modern method... A number of flash games have been developed by computer scientists to help memorize Mendeleev's list. Project participants are offered to find elements by different options, for example, name, atomic mass, letter designation.

The player has the right to choose the field of activity - only part of the table, or all of it. It is in our will, as well, to exclude the names of elements, other parameters. This makes it harder to find. For advanced, a timer is also provided, that is, training is conducted at speed.

Game conditions make learning numbers of elements in the Mendnleev table not boring, but entertaining. Excitement wakes up, and it becomes easier to organize knowledge in the head. Those who do not accept computer flash projects offer more traditional way memorizing list.

It is divided into 8 groups, or 18 (in accordance with the 1989 edition). For ease of memorization, it is better to create several separate tables, rather than work on an integral version. Help and visual images matched to each of the elements. You should rely on your own associations.

So, iron in the brain can correlate, for example, with a nail, and mercury with a thermometer. Item name unfamiliar? We use the method of suggestive associations. , for example, let's compose the words "toffee" and "speaker" from the beginnings.

Characteristics of the periodic table do not study in one sitting. Classes are recommended for 10-20 minutes a day. It is recommended to start by memorizing only the main characteristics: the name of the element, its designation, atomic mass and serial number.

Schoolchildren prefer to hang the periodic table above their desk, or on a wall that they often look at. The method is good for people with a predominance of visual memory. Data from the list is involuntarily remembered even without cramming.

Teachers also take this into account. As a rule, they do not force the list to be memorized, they are allowed to look at it even at the control ones. Constantly glancing at a spreadsheet is tantamount to the effect of printing on the wall, or writing cheat sheets before exams.

Coming to the study, remember that Mendeleev did not immediately remember his list. Once, when the scientist was asked how he opened the table, the answer followed: “I’ve been thinking about it for 20 years, but you’re counting: I was sitting and, suddenly, it’s ready.” The periodic system is painstaking work that cannot be mastered in a short time.

Science does not tolerate haste, because it leads to delusions and annoying mistakes. So, simultaneously with Mendeleev, Lothar Meyer compiled the table. However, the German did not complete the list a little and was not convincing in proving his point of view. Therefore, the public recognized the work of the Russian scientist, and not his fellow chemist from Germany.

Periodic table of chemical elements (periodic table)- classification of chemical elements, establishing dependence various properties elements from the charge of the atomic nucleus. The system is a graphic expression of the periodic law established by the Russian chemist D.I.Mendeleev in 1869. Its initial version was developed by DI Mendeleev in 1869-1871 and established the dependence of the properties of elements on their atomic weight (in modern terms, on atomic mass). In total, several hundred options for the image of the periodic system (analytical curves, tables, geometric shapes etc.). In the modern version of the system, it is assumed that the elements are reduced to a two-dimensional table, in which each column (group) defines the main physicochemical properties, and the lines represent periods, to a certain extent similar to each other.

Periodic table of chemical elements of D.I. Mendeleev

I 1 H


II 2 Li


III 3 Na

Ar 18

IV 4 K


V 5 Rb


VI 6 Cs


Vii 7 Fr
sea ​​anemone ×


Uut 113
284 ununtria


Uup 115
Uuh 116
Uus 117

Uuo 118



The discovery made by the Russian chemist Mendeleev played (by far) the most important role in the development of science, namely in the development of atomic-molecular teaching. This discovery made it possible to obtain the most understandable and easy-to-study concepts of simple and complex chemical compounds... Only thanks to the table do we have the concepts of the elements that we use in modern world... In the twentieth century, the predictive role of the periodic system in assessing chemical properties, transuranic elements, shown by the creator of the table.

Developed in the nineteenth century, the periodic table of Mendeleev in the interests of the science of chemistry, gave a ready-made systematization of the types of atoms for the development of PHYSICS in the twentieth century (physics of the atom and the nucleus of the atom). At the beginning of the twentieth century, physicists, through research, it was established that the ordinal number, (it is atomic), is also a measure electric charge the atomic nucleus of this element. And the number of the period (i.e., the horizontal row) determines the number of electron shells of the atom. It also turned out that the number of the vertical row of the table determines the quantum structure of the outer shell of the element (by this, the elements of the same row are due to the similarity of chemical properties).

The discovery of a Russian scientist marked new era in the history of world science, this discovery allowed not only to make a huge leap forward in chemistry, but was also invaluable for a number of other areas of science. The periodic table gave a coherent system of information about the elements, on the basis of it, it became possible to draw scientific conclusions, and even foresee some discoveries.

Periodic table One of the features of the periodic table is that a group (column in the table) has more significant expressions of the periodic trend than for periods or blocks. Nowadays, the theory of quantum mechanics and atomic structure explains the group essence of elements by the fact that they have the same electronic configurations of the valence shells, and as a consequence, the elements that are within one column have very similar (identical) features of the electronic configuration, with similar chemical characteristics. There is also a clear tendency for a stable change in properties with an increase in atomic mass. It should be noted that in some areas of the periodic table (for example, in blocks D and F), horizontal similarities are more noticeable than vertical ones.

Periodic table contains groups, which are assigned serial numbers from 1 to 18 (from left, to right), according to the international naming system for groups. In the old days, Roman numerals were used to identify groups. In America, there was a practice to put after the Roman numeral, the letter "A" when the group is located in blocks S and P, or the letter "B" - for groups in block D. The identifiers used at that time are the same as the last the number of modern indexes in our time (for example, the name IVB, corresponds to the elements of the 4th group in our time, and IVA is the 14th group of elements). V European countries At that time, a similar system was used, but here, the letter "A" referred to groups up to 10, and the letter "B" - after 10 inclusive. But groups 8,9,10 had the identifier VIII, as one triple group. These group names ceased to exist after they entered into force in 1988, new system IUPAC notation, which is still used today.

Many groups received unsystematic names of a travial nature (for example - "alkaline earth metals", or "halogens", and other similar names). Groups from 3 to 14 did not receive such names, due to the fact that they are in lesser degree are similar to each other and have less correspondence to vertical patterns, they are usually called either by the number or by the name of the first element of the group (titanium, cobalt, and the like).

Chemical elements Periodic tables belonging to the same group show certain tendencies in electronegativity, atomic radius and ionization energy. In one group, from top to bottom, the radius of the atom increases as it fills energy levels, the valence electrons of the element are removed from the nucleus, while the ionization energy decreases and the bonds in the atom weaken, which simplifies the withdrawal of electrons. The electronegativity also decreases, this is a consequence of the fact that the distance between the nucleus and the valence electrons increases. But there are also exceptions to these patterns, for example, electronegativity increases, instead of decreasing, in group 11, from top to bottom. There is a line in the periodic table called "Period".

Among the groups, there are those in which horizontal directions are more significant (in contrast to others, in which greater importance have vertical directions), such groups include block F, in which lanthanides and actinides form two important horizontal sequences.

The elements show definite patterns in relation to atomic radius, electronegativity, ionization energy, and in the energy of electron affinity. Due to the fact that for each next element the number of charged particles increases, and electrons are attracted to the nucleus, the atomic radius decreases in the direction from left to right, along with this, the ionization energy increases, with an increase in the bond in the atom, the difficulty of removing an electron increases. The metals located on the left side of the table are characterized by a lower indicator of the energy of affinity for an electron, and accordingly, on the right side, the indicator of the energy of affinity for an electron, for non-metals, this indicator is higher (not counting noble gases).

Different regions of the periodic table, depending on which shell of the atom, is the last electron, and in view of the importance of the electron shell, it is customary to describe as blocks.

The S-block includes the first two groups of elements (alkali and alkaline earth metals, hydrogen and helium).
The P-block includes the last six groups, from 13 to 18 (according to IUPAC, or according to the system adopted in America - from IIIA to VIIIA), this block also includes all metalloids.

Block - D, Groups 3 to 12 (IUPAC, or IIIB to IIB in American), this block includes all transition metals.
Block - F, usually outside the periodic table, and includes lanthanides and actinides.

How to use the periodic table For an uninitiated person, reading the periodic table is like looking at the ancient runes of elves for a gnome. And the periodic table, by the way, if used correctly, can tell a lot about the world. In addition to the fact that it will serve you in the exam, it is also simply irreplaceable when deciding huge amount chemical and physical problems. But how to read it? Fortunately, today anyone can learn this art. This article will show you how to understand the periodic table.

The periodic table of chemical elements (periodic table) is a classification of chemical elements, which establishes the dependence of various properties of elements on the charge of the atomic nucleus.

History of Table creation

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev was not a simple chemist, if anyone thinks so. He was a chemist, physicist, geologist, metrologist, ecologist, economist, oilman, aeronaut, instrument-maker and teacher. During his life, the scientist managed to carry out a lot of fundamental research in the most different areas knowledge. For example, it is widely believed that it was Mendeleev who calculated the ideal strength of vodka - 40 degrees. We do not know how Mendeleev felt about vodka, but we know for sure that his dissertation on the topic "Discourse on the combination of alcohol with water" had nothing to do with vodka and considered alcohol concentrations from 70 degrees. With all the merits of the scientist, the discovery of the periodic law of chemical elements - one of them fundamental laws nature, brought him the widest fame.

There is a legend according to which a scientist dreamed of the periodic system, after which he only had to refine the idea that appeared. But, if everything were so simple .. This version of the creation of the periodic table, apparently, is nothing more than a legend. When asked how the table was opened, Dmitry Ivanovich himself answered: “ I have been thinking about it for maybe twenty years, but you think: I was sitting and suddenly ... it's done. "

In the middle of the nineteenth century, attempts to order the known chemical elements (63 elements were known) were simultaneously undertaken by several scientists. For example, in 1862, Alexander Émile Chancourtua placed elements along a helical line and noted the cyclical repetition of chemical properties. Chemist and musician John Alexander Newlands proposed his own version of the periodic table in 1866. An interesting fact is that the scientist tried to find some mystical musical harmony in the arrangement of the elements. Among other attempts was the attempt of Mendeleev, which was crowned with success.

In 1869, the first schema of the table was published, and March 1, 1869 is considered the day of the opening of the periodic law. The essence of Mendeleev's discovery was that the properties of elements with an increase in atomic mass do not change monotonically, but periodically. The first version of the table contained only 63 elements, but Mendeleev undertook a number of very non-standard solutions... So, he guessed to leave space in the table for still undiscovered elements, and also changed the atomic masses of some elements. The fundamental correctness of the law deduced by Mendeleev was confirmed very soon, after the discovery of gallium, scandium and germanium, the existence of which was predicted by scientists.

Modern view of the periodic table

Below is the table itself

Today, to order elements, instead of atomic weight (atomic mass), the concept of atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus) is used. The table contains 120 elements, which are located from left to right in ascending order of atomic number (number of protons)

The columns of the table are the so-called groups, and the rows are the periods. There are 18 groups and 8 periods in the table.

  • The metallic properties of the elements decrease when moving along the period from left to right, and increase in the opposite direction.
  • The sizes of atoms decrease when moving from left to right along the periods.
  • When moving from top to bottom in the group, the reducing metallic properties increase.
  • Oxidizing and non-metallic properties increase when moving along the period from left to right. I am.

What can we learn about an item from the table? For example, let's take the third element in the table - lithium, and consider it in detail.

First of all, we see the element symbol itself and its name under it. In the upper left corner is the atomic number of the element, in the order of which the element is located in the table. Atomic number, as already mentioned, equal to the number protons in the nucleus. The number of positive protons is usually equal to the number of negative electrons in an atom (excluding isotopes).

The atomic mass is indicated under the atomic number (in this version of the table). If we round the atomic mass to the nearest whole, we get the so-called mass number. The difference between the mass number and the atomic number gives the number of neutrons in the nucleus. So, the number of neutrons in the helium nucleus is two, and in lithium - four.

So our course "Periodic Table for Dummies" has ended. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a thematic video, and we hope that the question of how to use the periodic table has become clearer to you. We remind you that it is always more effective to study a new subject not alone, but with the help of an experienced mentor. That is why, you should never forget about those who will gladly share their knowledge and experience with you.

The nineteenth century in the history of mankind is a century in which many sciences were reformed, including chemistry. It was at this time that Mendeleev's periodic system appeared, and with it the periodic law. It was he who became the basis of modern chemistry. The periodic table of D.I.Mendeleev is a systematization of elements, which establishes the dependence of chemical and physical properties from the structure and charge of the atom of the substance.


The beginning of the periodical was laid by the book "Correlation of properties with the atomic weight of elements", written in the third quarter of the 17th century. It reflected the basic concepts of the known chemical elements (at that time there were only 63 of them). In addition, for many of them the atomic masses were determined incorrectly. This greatly interfered with the discovery of D.I.Mendeleev.

Dmitry Ivanovich began his work by comparing the properties of elements. First of all, he took up chlorine and potassium, and only then moved on to work with alkali metals. Armed with special cards depicting chemical elements, he repeatedly tried to assemble this "mosaic": he laid it out on his table in search of the necessary combinations and coincidences.

After much effort, Dmitry Ivanovich nevertheless found the pattern he was looking for, and lined up the elements in periodic rows. As a result, having received empty cells between the elements, the scientist realized that not all chemical elements are known to Russian researchers, and that it was he who should give this world the knowledge in the field of chemistry that had not yet been given by his predecessors.

Everyone knows the myth that the periodic table appeared to Mendeleev in a dream, and he collected the elements from memory in unified system... This is, roughly speaking, a lie. The fact is that Dmitry Ivanovich worked on his work for a long time and with concentration, and it was very exhausting him. While working on the system of elements, Mendeleev once fell asleep. When he woke up, he realized that he had not finished the table, and rather continued filling in empty cells. His acquaintance, a certain Inostrantsev, a university teacher, decided that Mendeleev had dreamed the table in a dream and spread this rumor among his students. This is how this hypothesis appeared.


Chemical elements of Mendeleev is a reflection of the periodic law created by Dmitry Ivanovich in the third quarter of the 19th century (1869). It was in 1869 at a meeting of the Russian chemical community that Mendeleev's notice about the creation of a certain structure was read out. And in the same year the book "Fundamentals of Chemistry" was published, in which Mendeleev's periodic table of chemical elements was first published. And in the book "Natural system of elements and its use to indicate the qualities of undiscovered elements" D. I. Mendeleev first mentioned the concept of "periodic law".

Structure and rules for placing elements

The first steps in the creation of the periodic law were taken by Dmitry Ivanovich back in 1869-1871, at that time he worked hard to establish the dependence of the properties of these elements on the mass of their atom. The modern version is a two-dimensional table of elements.

The position of an element in the table has a certain chemical and physical meaning. By the location of an element in the table, you can find out what valency it has, determine other chemical features. Dmitry Ivanovich tried to establish a connection between elements, both similar in properties and different.

He based the classification of the chemical elements known at that time on the valence and atomic mass. Comparing the relative properties of elements, Mendeleev tried to find a pattern that would combine all known chemical elements into one system. Having arranged them, based on the increase in atomic masses, he nevertheless achieved periodicity in each of the rows.

Further development of the system

The periodic table, which appeared in 1969, has been revised more than once. With the advent of noble gases in the 1930s, it turned out to reveal the newest dependence of elements - not on mass, but on the serial number. Later, it was possible to establish the number of protons in atomic nuclei, and it turned out that it coincides with serial number element. Scientists of the 20th century studied the electronic one.It turned out that it also affects the frequency. This greatly changed the idea of ​​the properties of elements. This point was reflected in later editions of Mendeleev's periodic table. Each new discovery of the properties and features of the elements fit organically into the table.

Characteristics of the periodic table of Mendeleev

The periodic table is divided into periods (7 lines arranged horizontally), which, in turn, are subdivided into large and small. The period begins with an alkali metal, and ends with an element with non-metallic properties.
Dmitry Ivanovich's table is vertically divided into groups (8 columns). Each of them in the periodic system consists of two subgroups, namely, the main and the secondary. After long disputes, at the suggestion of DI Mendeleev and his colleague U. Ramzai, it was decided to introduce the so-called zero group. It includes inert gases (neon, helium, argon, radon, xenon, krypton). In 1911, the scientist F. Soddy was proposed to place indistinguishable elements, the so-called isotopes, in the periodic table - separate cells were allocated for them.

Despite the fidelity and accuracy of the periodic table, scientific society for a long time did not want to admit this discovery... Many great scientists ridiculed the activities of D.I. Mendeleev and believed that it was impossible to predict the properties of an element that had not yet been discovered. But after the alleged chemical elements were discovered (and these were, for example, scandium, gallium and germanium), Mendeleev's system and his periodic law became the science of chemistry.

Table in modern times

Mendeleev's Periodic Table of Elements is the basis of most of the chemical and physical discoveries associated with atomic-molecular science. Modern concept element was formed precisely thanks to the great scientist. The emergence of the periodic table of Mendeleev made dramatic changes in the concept of various compounds and simple substances... The creation of the periodic system by scientists had a huge impact on the development of chemistry and all sciences adjacent to it.

Probably all of you have seen periodic table elements. It is possible that she still haunts you in your dreams to this day, or maybe she is still just a visual background for you decorating the wall. school class... However, this seemingly random collection of cells contains much more than meets the eye.

The Periodic Table (or PT, as we will periodically call it in this article), as well as the elements that make up it, have features that you may never have guessed about. Here are ten facts, from creating a table to putting in the final elements, that most people don't know.

10. Mendeleev was helped

The periodic table has been used since 1869, when it was compiled by Dimitri Mendeleev, overgrown with a bushy beard. Most people think that Mendeleev was the only one who worked on this table, and thanks to this he became the most ingenious chemist of the century. However, his efforts were aided by several European scientists who made important contributions to the completion of this colossal set of elements.

Mendeleev is widely known as the father of the periodic table, but when he compiled it, not all the elements of the table were already discovered. How did this become possible? Scientists are famous for their insanity ...

9. Recently added items

Believe it or not, the periodic table hasn't changed much since the 1950s. However, on December 2, 2016, four new elements were added at once: nichonium (element No. 113), muscovium (element No. 115), tenessin (element No. 117) and oganeson (element No. 118). These new elements only got their names in June 2016, as it took five months of expertise before they were officially added to the PT.

Three elements got their names in honor of the cities or states in which they were obtained, and Oganeson was named after the Russian nuclear physicist Yuri Oganesyan for his contribution to obtaining this element.

8. What letter is not in the table?

V Latin alphabet there are 26 letters and each one is important. However, Mendeleev decided not to notice this. Take a look at the table and tell me which letter is out of luck? Hint: search in order and bend your fingers after each letter you find. As a result, you will find the "missing" letter (if you have all ten fingers on your hands). Have you guessed? This is the letter number 10, the letter "J".

They say that "one" is the number of the lonely. So maybe it would be worth calling the letter "J" the letter of the lonely? But here fun fact: Most boys born in the United States in 2000 were given names beginning with this letter. Thus, this letter did not go unnoticed.

7. Synthesized elements

As you may already know, there are 118 elements on the periodic table today. Can you guess how many of these 118 elements were obtained in the laboratory? From the entire general list in natural conditions only 90 items can be found.

Do you think that 28 artificially created elements is a lot? Well, just take my word for it. They have been synthesized since 1937, and scientists continue to do this to this day. You can find all these elements in the table. Look at elements 95 through 118, all of these elements are absent on our planet and have been synthesized in laboratories. The same applies to items numbered 43, 61, 85 and 87.

6.17th element

In the middle of the 20th century, a well-known scientist named Richard Feynman made a rather loud statement that scientific world our planet. According to him, if we ever find the 137th element, then we will not be able to determine the number of protons and neutrons in it. The number 1/137 is remarkable in that it is the value of the fine structure constant, which describes the probability of absorption or emission of a photon by an electron. In theory, element # 137 should have 137 electrons and a 100% probability of absorbing a photon. Its electrons will rotate at the speed of light. It is even more incredible that the electrons of element 139 must rotate faster than the speed of light in order to exist.

Aren't you tired of physics yet? You may be interested to know that the number 137 unites three important areas of physics: the theory of the speed of light, quantum mechanics and electromagnetism. Since the early 1900s, physicists have assumed that the number 137 could be the basis of a Great Unified Theory, which would include all three of the above areas. Admittedly, this sounds as incredible as the UFO legends and the Bermuda Triangle legends.

5. What about titles?

Almost all element names have some meaning, although it is not immediately clear. The names of the new elements are not arbitrary. I would call the element just the first word that came to my mind. For example, Kerflump. Not bad in my opinion.

Typically, item names fall into one of five main categories. The first is the names of famous scientists, classic version- einsteinium. In addition, elements can get their names depending on the places where they were first registered, for example, germanium, americium, gallium, etc. Planetary names are used as an additional option. The element uranium was first discovered shortly after the planet Uranus was discovered. The elements can carry names associated with mythology, for example there is titanium, named after the ancient Greek titans, and thorium, named for the Norse god of thunder (or the star "avenger", whichever you prefer).

Finally, there are names that describe the properties of the elements. Argon comes from the Greek word "argos" which means "lazy" or "slow." The name suggests that this gas is not very active. Bromine is another element whose name comes from the Greek word. "Bromos" means "stench" and it describes the smell of bromine quite accurately.

4. Was the creation of the table "insight"

if you love card games then this fact is for you. Mendeleev needed to somehow organize all the elements and find a system for this. Naturally, to create a table by category, he turned to solitaire (well, what else?) Mendeleev wrote down the atomic weight of each element on a separate card, and then proceeded to lay out his advanced solitaire. He arranged the elements according to their specific properties, and then ordered them in each column according to their atomic weight.

Many people cannot add regular solitaire either, so this solitaire is impressive. What will happen next? Probably someone with the help of chess will make a revolution in astrophysics or create a rocket capable of reaching the outskirts of the galaxy. It seems that this will not be anything unusual, given that Mendeleev was able to obtain such an ingenious result with just a deck of ordinary playing cards.

3. Unlucky noble gases

Remember how we classified argon as the "laziest" and "slowest" element in the history of our universe? It seems that Mendeleev was possessed by the same feelings. When pure argon was first obtained in 1894, it did not fit into any of the columns in the table, so instead of looking for a solution, the scientist decided to simply deny its existence.

Even more striking, argon was not the only element that initially suffered this fate. In addition to argon, five other elements remained unclassified. This affected radon, neon, krypton, helium and xenon - and everyone denied their existence simply because Mendeleev could not find a place for them in the table. After several years of regrouping and reclassification, these elements (called inert gases) were still lucky enough to join a worthy club of recognized as real.

2. Atomic love

Advice for all those who consider themselves romantic. Take a paper copy of the periodic table and cut out all of the complex and relatively unnecessary middle columns so that you have 8 columns left (you will get a "short" table shape). Fold it in the middle of the IV group - and you will find out which elements can form connections with each other.

Elements that "kiss" when folded are capable of forming stable bonds. These elements have complementary electronic structures and they will match each other. And if it is not real love like Romeo with Juliet or Shrek with Fiona - then I don't know what love is.

1. Carbon rules

Carbon is trying to be at the center of the game. You think you know everything about carbon, but you don't, it is much more important than you realize. Did you know that it is present in more than half of all known compounds? And what about the fact that 20 percent of the weight of all living organisms is carbon? This is really weird, but get ready: every carbon in your body was once part of a fraction. carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon is not only a super-element of our planet, it is the fourth most abundant element in the entire universe.

If the periodic table is compared to a party, then carbon is its main driver. And it seems that he is the only one who knows how to organize everything correctly. Well, among other things, this is the main element of all diamonds, so for all its intrusiveness, it also shines!

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