Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Love horoscope for February for Pisces women. Love horoscope for February Libra. Zodiac signs by birth - horoscope by decade...

Love horoscope for February for Pisces women. Love horoscope for February Libra. Zodiac signs by birth - horoscope by decade...

A Roller-Cat-man and a Dog-woman can create an excellent union. The Rabbit-Cat appreciates comfort and a homely environment, loves when he is taken care of and pampered. Also, the Rabbit-Cat Man cannot tolerate lies, deceptions and tricks towards himself, so the Dog woman is ideal for this gentle person. Mutual respect and understanding of partners reigns in this pair. The woman is honest, friendly, smart, although she can be impetuous and hot-tempered. Nevertheless, the partners are prone to compassion and try to support each other in the pursuit of a calm and comfortable life; this couple does not like quarrels over trifles. So this union can exist for a long time in peace and quiet. IN intimate life passion prevails, they give themselves to each other without reserve. According to the eastern horoscope, the Rabbit-Cat-Dog couple is a promising union, and even in the most difficult situations they can come to a compromise and build strong relationships.

The female Rabbit-Cat and the male Dog will immediately find an approach to each other. Their relationship will develop quickly and will soon develop into marriage. The Rabbit-Cat needs a faithful and reliable partner, such as a man - a Dog. It is precisely because of the Dog’s devotion and stability that a woman sees in him perfect couple. The man will feel important and needed, and will gain peace of mind. Couple Dog – has the most favorable forecasts. As a result of their union, success will come not only in the family, but also in professional life. One can only envy the mutual understanding of this couple. However, it will not happen without some disagreements, but everything can be overcome.

The Dog and the Rabbit-Cat suit each other well. A couple of them is excellent material for work and creating an exemplary family.

When entering into a new relationship, we take a step into the unknown; we don’t know what it will lead to or what to expect from it. The Chinese horoscope, based on the year of your birth and your chosen one, will help you understand the issues of the future, and you will find out whether you are suitable for each other.

One of the most strong alliances can be formed from the following representatives of the eastern horoscope; the compatibility of Rabbit and Dog is close to one hundred percent. Let's take a closer look at what to expect from such a union.

If the Woman is a Rabbit and the Man is a Dog

The combination of a Rabbit woman and a Dog man suggests extremely harmonious tandem, good compatibility, harmonious love relationship And strong family. The Year of the Rabbit and the Year of the Dog gave the world a couple that can be compared to two swans, which are a symbol of boundless fidelity and constancy.

The stamp in the passport is placed once and for all, since neither the Rabbit woman nor the Dog man likes change and both strive for stability. Such a union can probably be called the calmest. Their home is a quiet haven, there is no place for shouting, swearing or breaking dishes; rather, you will find them for reading together books or doing crossword puzzles by the fireplace.

Eastern horoscope for 2018 for the Rabbit


RABBIT (CAT)!!! Eastern horoscope 2018

Relationships in a couple where a Rabbit woman and a Dog man are based primarily on friendship. Absolute trust and one hundred percent support are the words that are the basis of the union of a Rabbit woman and a Dog man. A man needs constant support and care, and she is ready at any moment to become a support and support her companion, giving him wise advice and guidance.

A woman can become right hand Dogs are not only at home, but also in business relations. But if the man’s zodiac sign is Aquarius, the situation can change radically. With this combination, the man is especially devoted to his professional activity, his career will always come first for him. He will direct all his strength and energy to his personal growth, and there will be no time left for his partner. Such a man is not a romantic, which will absolutely not suit his partner. And it is extremely important for the Rabbit woman to feel her importance and primacy.

Rabbit Man – Dog Woman

The Rabbit man is a soft and fluffy kitten who desperately needs affection and care. His life credo is devotion and fidelity, there is no place for lies and understatement. For him, an alliance with a Dog woman is an ideal match. The clash of the stability of the Rabbit and the impulsiveness of the Dog, the restraint of a man and the love of freedom of a woman - all this is present in this tandem. A man in such a union can be quite powerful and demand complete devotion and even submission from his partner, but the Dog, being an extremely wise ally, will find a compromise and slightly moderate his ardor and love of freedom.

Union Man Dog Woman Rabbit – aerobatics in the matter of finding compromises, they try to be loyal to each other, avoid conflicts based on trifles. Their ideal is normal, comfortable, measured and prosperous. living together.

With outward calm and balance, there is a place for passion in this couple. Maximum amount emotions are manifested in the union of a Cat and a Dog in sexual relationships; there is a place for sensuality and experiments in bed.

In the professional sphere, such a tandem is also good, since it will reveal the most best features, talents and hidden possibilities both sides, and all of them will definitely be jointly implemented.

How to avoid discord in the union of Rabbit and Dog

Relationships are always work

The compatibility of the Rabbit and the Dog is great, and their union is quite successful, but any relationship needs to be worked on. Of course, it will not be possible to completely avoid scandals and quarrels, but following the recommendations Chinese horoscope you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Try to be as understanding as possible.
    Without mutual understanding, no relationship is possible. If a conflict arises, try to put yourself in your partner’s shoes, then you will understand the true reason for your quarrel, it will cease to be global, and you will immediately find a way out of the current situation.
  • Respect each other.
    The Cat and the Dog are two self-sufficient people, with their own character, their own views on life and their own principles. As said French philosopher Pascal “We are only happy when we feel respected.” Try to adhere to this wisdom. And you don’t need to think that wisdom is inherent only in years.
  • Find compromises.
    The ability to make concessions is the key to the strength of the union between Dog and Rabbit. However, it is important to understand that there is no equal sign between the expressions “to compromise” and “to give up one’s interests in favor of the opposite party.” Try not to demand if you are not ready to give it yourself.

Examples of the union of Rabbit and Dog

An excellent example of a real marriage between a Dog and a Rabbit is the union of the world famous voice of America Frank Sinatra and Hollywood star Ava Gardner. Their official relationship was not so long, despite perfect compatibility Rabbit women and Dog men according to the horoscope, they separated after being married for only 6 years. But even after the official breakup, despite the years, they did not let each other go, but continued to be drawn to each other like two magnets.

Even despite the new relationship that Sinatra had, he was with his beloved to the end, and sang about her in his legendary songs:

“You are a part of me. You are deep in my heart. So deep that you truly became a part of me.”

Isn’t this proof that the union of the Rabbit-Cat with a dog is wonderful and they are compatible in love?

According to the Dog's compatibility horoscope, this union can become happy and permanent. Only these people should be helped by chance. According to classical traditions, such a union is considered impossible. But from the point of view of astrology and psychology, they have a lot in common. They love security, both are deeply decent, jealously protect their property and are endowed with many virtues.

They understand each other and can support each other Hard time. Their life flows monotonously, without much shock. In the event of a misunderstanding, the Dog can overcome fear and sacrifice its own ambition, because it is reasonable and knows how to see in a partner what it itself lacks. In turn, the Hare hates trouble and will prefer to follow this decisive partner.

Dog Man and Rabbit Woman

Compatibility between Dog man and Rabbit woman promises harmonious union and chances of creating happy family. The Rabbit girl will find a strong and devoted partner in her lover. For both of them, the issue of fidelity is of paramount importance, so they will find a stable and reliable partner in each other.

The Dog man will be happy with this girl in no way to a lesser extent, since next to her he will feel that someone needs him and that for his actions she will take care of home comfort and relaxing holiday after working day. By staying close, they reveal themselves and recognize the best in their partner. For them, such a union is an excellent opportunity to realize themselves in love, career, family and creativity. The intimate component of this union will please both. In relationships, they know how to negotiate, exchange ideas and make joint plans.

In any case, this union will work out well and harmoniously if both partners realize the value of the relationship and respect the partner’s opinion.

Dog Woman and Rabbit Man

Compatibility between Rabbit man and Dog woman suggests harmonious relationships in love and family. The Rabbit man is looking for a reliable person, and in the Dog woman he will find a devoted and strong partner. For him, the issue of fidelity in love is of paramount importance. He wants his beloved to be a reliable and stable partner.

The Dog woman will be happy with the Rabbit man, because next to him she will feel needed and even needed, as well as calm and homely. Both partners, when interacting, can open up themselves and learn best sides each other. This is a wonderful opportunity to realize yourself in love, marriage, profession and creativity. They will work out great and sexual relations, they know how to negotiate, exchange ideas and generally live peacefully.

A lot depends on how balanced the woman is, and her man can take care of this. Showing her attention, caring, solving her problems, giving her compliments and gifts. At the same time, she must make sure that her loved one receives what is extremely important to him - he wants to be needed, free and to be accepted for who he is. In addition, the Rabbit man needs approval of his actions and support in all matters. They will be able to create strong relationships.

If Pisces in January could start with new point countdown, make a new one important step, then the horoscope for February 2017 Pisces should be read like a book on the operation of what has been started. In February you must put all your strength into work, but we're talking about not about new projects and new places of work, but about stabilizing one’s position in one’s current place.

Everything is smooth and stable for you, and if you don’t iron it against the grain, it will remain that way almost until summer. Don't tempt fate, don't rush things, because everything is going well.

Find time for expression, for self-expression, for creativity, otherwise you will become bored and you will think that everything you do is in vain. It is important for you now to remain in a good mood and move mountains with the mindset.

Your family appreciates your effort at work and even helps, but don’t forget about them and your friends who have been waiting for your invitation for a long time, or are waiting to visit you.

The second half of February is your star basket. You will succeed in literally everything, but on the condition that it is you who crave it. At this time, it is very possible to discover new knowledge, skills, and learn a new craft. The main thing is your true desire, coming from your heart.

Don't trust promises strangers, do not get treatment from charlatans, be serious about spending. Stop traveling and spend weekends with relatives. Do not take out debt or credit - it will be difficult for you to return what you borrowed, and you may be let down on payment terms for the work, or you yourself will not complete the work on time. This can complicate things.

Health and leisure

The beginning of the year was quite active and rich in news, beginnings, new relationships or just acquaintances. Now the time of stability begins for you. You need to live it wisely, without making sudden leaps, thinking through every step. Take care of your inner peace and don’t look for a catch where there is none.

The beginning of the month can “give” colds, start taking vitamins right away, get enough sleep, and toughen up. Avoid drafts and overheating.

Pay attention to inhalations, which will make breathing much easier. Do not rely on antibiotics, and try not to lead to complications.

A trip to the doctor in the second ten days of February will be successful. As soon as something bothers you, immediately seek help. Take care of your back, avoid stress, both physical and emotional.

Not everyone can combine rest and work, and Pisces absolutely do not know how to properly plan their day. Try to create a work schedule and stick to it. Yours good mood and performance directly depend on rest.

Finance and deposits

You are not sure that the business you are doing now will bring you income, but you are afraid of being left without a stable means of subsistence. In fact, everything is quite good, and financial affairs are improving. Just see this and you will understand that you are on the right path.

From the third ten days of February, you can start investing in construction and repairs; you can easily take out a mortgage or loan to purchase real estate. Don't delay if you have such plans. If you decide to save, carefully analyze your deposits and invest your money wisely, this is a good start - up. In the future, you will invest more and more, increasing your reserve. Take your time and do not withdraw money from your accounts.

Don’t agree to money transactions that people you don’t know can offer, don’t change your priorities.

It is important to pay close attention to documents and shares. You shouldn't sell now. Entrust paperwork only to experienced and trusted specialists.

Don't spend money on small things - they cost too much, and if you get into the habit of home accounting, you will see where the money goes.

Love and relationships

You are more stable and confident in your relationships and in your choices than ever before. You're a homebody for the next couple of months and are happy to admit it. Love horoscope as of February 2017, Pisces is interpreted as the foundation of current peace of mind.

There is no egoism in you, there is no desire to do the opposite - to sharply change course, you are pleased with the absence of fuss and change.

Free Pisces enjoy soul-searching and analyze their attachments. They have the opportunity to think, choose, they are not rushed, they are not expected to make decisions or quickly respond. This is somewhat similar to laziness, but they like it, they are satisfied with this state of affairs.

Family representatives of this sign, having enjoyed the attention to themselves, strengthened in the feeling of their superiority, remove their “foam” - they are kindly treated by their other half, calm and even imposing. They are satisfied with everything and, moreover, they are ready to give their loved one a new feeling of love, joy from communicating with each other. This looks like another one Honeymoon. They will see attractiveness, intelligence and sexuality in their spouses.

By the end of the month, you will make an important contribution to relationships with loved ones - you will regain full trust, debunk their speculations, and thereby get rid of constant reproaches on their part, from which you will gain more than you give - peace.

Career and service

If you are an inventor, creative person, law enforcement officer or military officer, you will experience some setbacks in growth and find that the promotions or profits you were looking for are passed over. A little later you will realize that this is only for the better, since you will have time to internal growth, and you will easily overcome the new level - the level.

If you are in sales, do not decide to change tactics, since untested moves will not be successful.

Do not trust employees who are trying to gain confidence, do not allow them to know more about themselves than is necessary for their job, do not share plans and new ideas - they will definitely be taken away.

Be careful when communicating with management, do not allow yourself to become familiar, even if ordinary life You best friends– now you can’t clearly differentiate between work and friendship. Don’t expect patronage, you must achieve everything yourself. Only the strength, passion, and attitude you personally invested should be allies in your work, and then its fruits will not keep you waiting.

Don’t be distracted from the work you are doing, don’t leave it unfinished, don’t put it off for later, as now is the best time to implement ideas and expand your existing business.

Pisces Man

Are you on good standing, and try to further strengthen your professionalism, be constantly aware of new products, changes, take an interest in your field of activity - this way you will constantly be aware of current improvements.

Develop firmness in yourself, and if you made a promise - keep it, or don’t promise - now you are forming an opinion about yourself, and later it will be fundamental when choosing you as a leading specialist when deciding on a promotion.

Now you must put all your strength into work, not be distracted by other seemingly important matters, this way you will strengthen your position, become an indispensable employee, or raise your business to the next level. new level. Horoscope for February 2017 Pisces - a man should take it as an impetus to master his field of activity. There is no need to try to cover many roles, but seriously take on one and become the best in your profession.

You are attractive to women, your inner rod makes you trust you, open up to you, be honest with you. But you also have to be honest, first of all because it is easy, and then there is a threat that you will be caught in deception, and this threatens collapse.

Stay in the relationship you have chosen, do not change your loyalties, do not trust new people, and especially women. Be careful of being discovered, and if you play too hard, you will become an easy target.

Women - Pisces

Any horoscope for February 2017 Pisces - a woman examines skeptically and for a long time and looks for the point that everything will be given to her for free, quickly and in required quantities. But this is not so, and she herself knows that she will have to practically plow to solve her affairs. Therefore, you need to start “plowing” from the first days of February, otherwise you will not achieve anything you have planned.

You spend a lot of time analyzing your priorities, but you know that you will always prefer what you strive for with your soul. Don’t break yourself and try to think rationally, besides, this takes a lot of time and effort.

Learn to trust the people you love. Don't look for a catch, and think about the fact that not everyone expresses love the way you do.

Don't be angry with your loved ones if they don't live up to your expectations, no ideal people, and children – even more so. Spend more time with them, don't get lost, and show your love and your trust.

Don't trust men who overly praise your intelligence, as most likely they are trying to interest you and inspire confidence. Be wise and keep a level head.

Horoscope for February 2018 woman. Love horoscope for February. February takes up the baton of January and until the 18th it gives light energies of inspiration and enthusiasm; with the support of friends and like-minded people, your plans will come true. There is a lunar eclipse in the middle of the month, so it is better to devote the days around it to completing burdensome affairs and ending outdated relationships. The third decade slows down the course of events and inclines towards solitude. To prepare for spring means to fall in love even before it arrives and save money for new bright outfits and vacations. The stars promise: in February everything will be possible - and even more. The horoscope for February 2018 guarantees an incredible rise in sensitivity and will be marked by empathy and attention to others. Use emotional outbursts productively - now good time for charity.

Horoscope for February 2018 Aries. Love horoscope for February Aries

The soul craves interesting acquaintances and fresh impressions. Sign up for acting classes, a public speaking club, or go on a group fitness tour: relax your body and soul with new friends. Is everyone getting sleepy? but you need it especially. You can also relax by spending quiet evenings at home, on vacation, or at least in a spa. Read more. When you cheer yourself up, follow people who inspire you on social networks.

Until the middle of the month, you want to rush headlong to implement all the ideas that come to mind. And the more you do now, the more powerful the result will be. After the 15th, a lack of fuel will be discovered and you will be drawn to a “safe haven” to restore your health. After an eventful January, February may seem too slow for you: things will not move as quickly as you want, and relationships with friends may become strained. But don’t rush to radically change your life—the time is not right for such impulses. Be patient and wait for spring. Your own ideas will seem incomparable to you. Those around them who criticize them are narrow-minded people. The most interesting thing is that maybe you are right - however, this is not so important, since starting from the middle of the month you yourself will rethink all these ideas and turn them on their heads. An excellent period for learning. Not the best for concluding long-term contracts.

Love horoscope for February Aries

You are looking for a compromise, not wanting to give in on anything, as if you are saying: “Yes, I want this, but I’m not ready to sacrifice something valuable.” As you will soon discover, this approach is not very effective. The solution, oddly enough, is to withdraw completely from yourself, allowing the situation to come to a state of natural equilibrium. It is quite possible that you will end up winning. Don't let yours bad mood ruin your relationship with your partner. Relax, order pizza, turn on a movie - and so on every weekend. Yes, you're not doing well right now easy time, but this does not mean that you need to turn your partner into an enlarged version of a handkerchief. The love horoscope for February tells Aries that if you have not yet found your soulmate, then in February Love will unexpectedly appear - this is what will happen to you at the beginning of the month. And although you weren’t really expecting these feelings, don’t be afraid to let them into your life - they are the ones that will save you from the blues, give you happiness, and at the same time give you an incentive to finally sign up for the gym.

Aries, it is better to understand your feelings, make frank confessions and resolve other love issues in the first ten days of the month - they will understand you, support you, and listen to you! And you will finally spend Valentine's Day in complete harmony - according to all the laws of Hollywood melodramas.

Horoscope for February 2018 Taurus. Love horoscope for February Taurus

If you are planning to change jobs or you unexpectedly receive new offers, do not rush to implement them. It is better to prepare the ground for change after the 16th. Change is inevitable, so make sure that your most important plans come true. The February horoscope tells Taurus that they should reconsider their goals at work. At the end of January, household chores could fall on you, but by mid-February you will be free to meet with friends. If you're alone, there's a chance you'll meet a man at a party. Last month winter always smacks of bitter melancholy. So don't blame yourself for being permanently sad, it's normal. Don’t be afraid to seem weak and helpless, turn to your loved ones for advice. They will also treat you to tea and carrot cake. In the first half of February, phenomenal career success awaits you, which will be facilitated by close friendship with one of your colleagues. You've taken the lead - that's good, but there are a lot of pursuers behind, each of whom is trying to take your place, so you can't slow down. At the same time, you may have to decide what is more important to you - your personal life or your career, and in conditions of lack of time you will have to act on a whim and hope for the best. Don't be afraid: usually these decisions turn out to be correct.

Love horoscope for February Taurus

Passion, sexuality and aggression will control you, but only if you cannot cope with yourself. But the period is extremely favorable for start-ups, championing projects and, in general, for any business that requires perseverance and initiative. Try to minimize contact with casual partners. Be in nature more often. The love horoscope for February tells Taurus that under the influence of loving Venus, Taurus may have an office romance. The stars advise not to advertise your relationship and, most importantly, not to dive headfirst into this pool. And at the end of the month, refrain from cosmetic procedures and driving trips.

Don't worry if your partner suddenly starts to move away from you - in this case this is not a break, rather a banal one hibernation. As Valentine's Day approaches, you'll want your man to show you more love and care—be sure to tell him about it. But don’t rush to take your relationship to a new, more serious level - feelings now can be deceiving.

Horoscope for February 2018 Gemini. Love horoscope for February Gemini

Set yourself goals related to personal development for the next 2-3 years. Now it is important to pay attention to your status in your profession and relationships. It won't be without conflicts, but you can handle it. The spouse and business partners are very active. And you are guaranteed good luck if you fit harmoniously into their fairway. Gently transfer any conflicts to the negotiation zone. The first half of February is ideal for travel, the second half is ideal for implementing long-cherished plans. Someone here suddenly begins to be drawn to adventure. There will be a desire for new sensations and acquaintances. The February horoscope says that you should listen to your desires, because all changes will be for the better. Fortune will definitely smile on you, so go for it. Whatever you plan to do in public will turn out very well. Working alone, on the contrary, will go very badly. So it’s better to devote the first ten days of the month to brainstorming and negotiations. And in February, it would be ideal to move outside the city - so that spending the night in a sparsely populated area will return your strength and good-natured mood every day. This month you are quiet and thoughtful. Perhaps the reason is that it became clear: your intentions will have far-reaching consequences, therefore, before you act, you must carefully analyze all options for the development of events. The main thing is that this does not shake your confidence - in your own abilities or in the final result. Most likely, it will be exactly as you imagined!

Love horoscope for February Gemini

Love horoscope for February says Gemini that patience will be useful to you in everything in February. Your personal life will be more similar to the plot of “The Perfect Storm” than “Pretty Woman,” and in your work affairs you will have to be the hero of the movie “Gladiator.” But you can finally make a big purchase.

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and you are bogged down in work and some boring everyday life. Get out of the darkness immediately! Try to find inspiration. Prepare for Valentine's Day pink dress in the spirit of Marine Antoinette - this particular date should be unforgettable! And if your counterpart suddenly begins to make far-reaching plans for life together, take the conversation seriously. If you are single, don’t worry, the stars finally aligned in February and you will definitely meet the one. Each your action will contribute to this. Just be prepared for the fact that they will try to make you, so light and airy, more practical, so get ready for re-education. Well, or you can try to re-educate him.

Horoscope for February 2018 Cancer. Love horoscope for February Cancer

Cancer, you are thinking about moving to another city, or even country, at least until the cold weather ends. You have acquaintances and finances, but the stars call: make up your mind - you will always have time to return. If you work in media, education or communications, things may increase in February. In your personal life, the question of sexual experimentation will arise: it’s time to try something new! The February horoscope tells Cancers that it’s time to take care of your health and appearance - and you will succeed! If you are happy with yourself, you will want changes in your work processes and relationships with colleagues. Before the 15th there is a chance to enrich yourself at the expense of your spouse and partners. Role business man this month suits you very well, and the opportunity to express your professional ambitions will appear as early as the 20th. You won’t be able to relax even with your family members - they now need your support and financial assistance. In February, Cancers should not start new things, even if you feel that you have enough strength. First, complete everything you started in January, and then do household chores and improve relationships with loved ones. Things haven't been going smoothly for you lately, and February is the best month to fix it. The month prepares good luck in almost any undertaking, provided that they have been carefully planned and thought out. In addition, February will be an ideal period for taking care of your health - medical examinations, sports, and detox will work as efficiently as possible. You've had your eye on something for a long time, but now it's unavailable or, worse than that, turned out to be not as wonderful as it seemed. At first, you are angry with yourself for wasting time and money, but when you calm down, you realize that in fact all this is only for the better. Lead by depriving one opportunity, fate opens new way, is the one that was worth following from the very beginning.

Love horoscope for February Cancer

The love horoscope for February tells Cancers that the question of sexual experimentation will arise in their personal life: it’s time to try something new! Crayfish, exotic - this is the main word of this month. And the ideal plan of action is to go on a trip: it doesn’t matter whether it’s long or not, with or without a partner. The main thing is not to sit still. For couples, such a trip will help them relive falling in love, and singles have a great chance to start a holiday romance. In love they are waiting for you interesting events. And so that they come sooner, be active. If you already have a guy, don’t expect surprises from him - arrange them yourself, he will appreciate it and respond in kind.

Horoscope for February 2018 Leo. Love horoscope for February Leo

The month will be busy - studies, business trips, new project At work. But even in the whirlpool of events, do not forget to be gentle and attentive with your man - fly, for example, to the mountains for a weekend. Mars in Sagittarius gives you activity in love, creativity, and business. Fateful meetings are likely from February 1 to 10. The horoscope for February tells Leo that the second decade will slow down your activity in order to shift your attention to finances and collective projects. Your affairs in February are going so well that boredom takes over. But look, don't relax! Arm yourself with dumbbells and tone your muscles. Spring is just around the corner, and no one is going out on a date in a fashionable fitted dress instead of you. All month you will have to make difficult decisions, and what they will lead to depends only on you - rely on your prudence, and not on your intuition. And under no circumstances listen to other people's advice. Listen to yourself and follow your heart. The body will confidently beat the head in all respects. Sport? Amazing! Sex? Better! Noisy play with children? Perfect! But it will be difficult to concentrate on a complex book, on monotonous work that requires attention. You will begin to look for emotional release - and find it in movement. A great month for the start of pregnancy and childbirth, for those at risk financial transactions and for new novels. If someone offers to give you a ride to a party, then you have to wait until the benefactor gets bored there - eating, of course, you don’t want to walk home. The events of the coming weeks are developing in a similar way: you are limited by other people's circumstances, despite the fact that those around you sincerely tried to help. Only at the end of January there comes a moment when patience is running out.

Love horoscope for February Leo

The rhyme “love - blood - in February will not seem so banal to you. Experiences will go off scale, doubts and reflections will be replaced by frenzied passions - in general, you will not be bored. The whole point is that you are now at the peak of emotionality, but those around you are. on the contrary, they are slightly frostbitten (February is like that, yes). All this is temporary. The love horoscope for February tells Leo: catch the rays and try not to make fateful decisions in the heat of the moment. At the beginning of February, living together with a man may seem tense. Draw conclusions, chat with a loved one you haven’t seen for a long time, or get creative. If you are already in a relationship, then do not quarrel with your significant other. Hot temper is the result of eating too much stress. Try to relax. And if you are still forever alone, don’t worry, your soulmate is already on the way and won’t keep you waiting long.

Horoscope for February 2018 Virgo. Love horoscope for February Virgo

Until February 18, it is favorable to conclude deals, negotiate and make business acquaintances. If you are planning to change your job, implement it before the 15th or postpone until April. The second half of the month will give love to single people, harmony and romance to families. Virgo, try to get over your routine by the middle of the month. They will help good habits and your own ways to recharge. Your partner or friends will help you cope with your problems. In the foreground are issues of career growth. In the middle of the month, a conversation with your superiors awaits, after which you will feel that you are finally appreciated, but with dignity. The February horoscope says that in the first ten days of February you will be surprisingly lucky. Shopping with big discounts at TSUM, a competitor who left in time, an enviable suitor: all the victories are yours - just don’t get arrogant! In the 20th, stop the race for leadership and avoid quarrels. Virgos will act as psychologists: this month all your friends will need help, and you should not refuse them. Especially if these are members of your family. Listen patiently to everyone and give yours wise advice- by the end of the month they will thank you. The influence of Saturn is obvious: caring will be replaced by authority, sensitivity by capriciousness, homeliness by social phobia. To reduce Negative influence period, you should learn to keep your feelings under control and listen not to them, but to logic and common sense. Your home environment is now preferable to social life, old friends are better than new acquaintances.

Love horoscope for February Virgo

The love horoscope for February tells Virgos that the planet of love Venus in February acts in collusion with the Sun and Mercury - together this trinity is preparing an interesting meeting for you. But it’s not so simple: at first glance, the person most likely will not make a strong impression on you. Listen to your intuition: some people this month just need to be given a second chance. Now you have a lot of fans - you are in great demand, constantly in the spotlight and just delighted with it! Keep it up, take advantage of the moment and remember that how the relationship will develop depends only on your desire. You can just have fun, or you can find love, but for the rest of your life. New novel very similar to the fling you were recently into. It seems like you just decided to give the old story another chance. But even if you find someone new, you still follow the same path, and the result will be identical. Think about what you are trying to achieve? Find a happy future or relive the past over and over until everything turns out well. It's time to make adjustments.

Horoscope for February 2018 Libra. Love horoscope for February Libra

Vanity of vanities - that’s what February puts on both sides of the scales. Fortunately, you have enough strength and energy, although by the middle of the second decade these donkeys will dry up somewhat and you will have to look for external sources - for example, in the form of support from family, friends and reliable colleagues. In order not to overexert nervous system, try to eat right, follow a daily routine and do not skimp on relaxation.

The horoscope for February says that success and luck accompany you, Libra - isn't it time to set yourself more ambitious goals? True, you will first need to finish all your household chores, and the beginning of the month is just right for this. At the beginning of the month, take care of your finances, and then discard the pleasures that no longer bring you joy. It’s better to devote time to reading, communicating and understanding what is happening. Libra, until the 15th you have rich and vibrant leisure time, life is a holiday, and love is an extravaganza! You will remember this period for a long time as one of the happiest and most passionate. Maybe. will offer new job. Only Libra can afford to work half-heartedly until the end of winter; the stars say that there is no point in tirelessly demonstrating professionalism now. On vacation, you can safely watch Oscar films and opening days. In February you will succeed! Don't be afraid of obstacles, take everything into your own hands and act. Only your laziness can interfere, so down with procrastination, it has never benefited anyone. At the beginning of the month you will have to spend a lot, so plan your budget in advance, make a list really necessary purchases and only after that go shopping, otherwise you risk spending every penny. When you act consciously, you automatically automatically take responsibility for the success or failure of the enterprise. But what if something in life happened by chance? And if everything goes down the drain, how can anyone blame you? Unexpected events in the coming weeks will often lead to similar numbers. Remember, you are the one who determines what each step will be, so once again make sure that you are striving for exactly what you wanted.

Love horoscope for February Libra

The love horoscope for February tells Libra that even the most modest representatives of the sign in February should take the initiative more often - it is the first step on your part that can mark the beginning of bon voyage in life. Get acquainted, confess your feelings, make bold proposals - you will succeed, the stars will not let you lie. Libra, in February you will have to show all your diplomatic abilities and adapt to your loved one all month, then harmony will come in your relationship. Are you ready? Great. No? Then talk about your desires very delicately and try to find a compromise. There is a chance that this will lead to a new round in your relationship.

Horoscope for February 2018 Scorpio. Love horoscope for February Scorpio

The February horoscope tells Scorpios that the first half of February may be upsetting with the situation in the family. Keep a respectful distance from relatives! And then create a sense of miracle through creativity, love, or attempts to conceive a child. Are you ready to change your life by spring? Don't leak power training, include yoga or Pilates in your schedule and follow the diet instructions. All this will ensure both a magnificent figure and clarity of thought. Until the 18th, your home is restless: the arrival of relatives, taking care of your parents, looking for options to improve your living conditions, general cleaning. Afterwards - a “celebration of life”: fun, pleasure, entertainment, hobbies, creativity and, of course, love! In the first half of February, throw all your energy into developing your own project. Moreover, in creativity, the stars advise Scorpios to act carefully and progressively, but in business, on the contrary, to boldly declare themselves and go ahead. Everything secret becomes clear. For Sagittarius, this phrase is now more relevant than ever, so if you are keeping a secret, get rid of it as soon as possible: tell a friend, share with your parents, or confess everything to the person from whom you are hiding something, otherwise the secrets will ruin your whole month . And if confession is not an option, then encrypt three times better. But, even if everything comes out, don’t panic and turn to friends for help. No matter what happens, they will always support and console. Your behavior is quite impulsive. Refrain from sports, risky business projects and alcohol. On the other hand, you now have increased sex appeal, charm and the ability to influence others, so the month as a whole will be successful and full of bright moments. How to switch from one project to another without losing momentum? While old story gradually slows down, start working on the next one. This is very labor-intensive - after all, you will have to deal with two things in parallel; plus you need to catch the right moment for the decisive move. And you will have to act tough - but, frankly, you have no other way.

Love horoscope for February Scorpio

As a serious person, in February you will be slightly discouraged - too much flirting, too much play, too little sense in all this (at first glance). Don't frown or dismiss adventures in advance. Romance without obligations will give you excellent emotional release, that adrenaline that has been so lacking lately. Love horoscope for February says to Scorpios that if you are single, then in the near future you can meet an incredibly cool guy - smart, handsome, funny. In short, a real movie hero. Just choose your outfit carefully, don’t overdo it with makeup, and try to look your best every day.

Horoscope for February 2018 Sagittarius. Love horoscope for February Sagittarius

You have been thinking too long instead of acting, but this month you will catch up. Theory and practice are far from the same thing, and real life there will not necessarily be room for your high principles. To move forward, you need to take the initiative, take the initiative and bargain, like in a market. You won't believe how effective this tactic is! In the middle of the month there will be a desire to change business style for sports - don’t resist, combine turtlenecks and bomber jackets with midi skirts and heels high heels. Closer to March you will feel that your man is hiding something, do not play spy, but immediately talk to your souls. You are both on horseback and on fire: they demand a lot from you, but you have the strength. IN controversial situations think about what the “ideal you” would do, and hang out at home or with friends. Just don’t abuse alcohol and food! Mars in your sign has turned on the “magic button” in you - you are active and ambitious. You achieve everything with speed, pressure and pressure. The greatest successes are in training, commerce, mediation, real estate and issues hearth and home. The most important thing for you now is to take care of your own health, which may falter in February, but you will gain confidence in your relationship with your partner - he will surround you with care from all sides. The 10th of the month is good for a short vacation for two. Horoscope for February says to Sagittarius that you are full of optimism and readiness to continue cutting any ropes that interfere with your freedom of action. Favorable period for aggressive behavior on the market, purchasing real estate at attractive prices, abandoning non-performing assets. Unfavorable for investing and planning.

Love horoscope for February Sagittarius

Greetings from the past this month may turn out to be especially ardent - a sudden text message or song heard by chance will make you relive feelings that seemed to have exhausted themselves. Or have you not exhausted it? You will be able to find out closer to the end of February - there is a meeting ahead that you are both waiting for and afraid of. The 10th of the month is good for a short vacation for two.

Horoscope for February 2018 Capricorn. Love horoscope for February Capricorn

Capricorns, since the beginning of winter you have been immersed in reflection and introspection, and now the stars promise an end to this torment - passing fancy and a lucrative contract will allow you to accept others as they are. And spring shopping will lift your spirits. Agree with yourself how you will earn money, spend it and save it. Absorb as much information as possible and relax whenever possible - you will have to work hard in April! You're on the wave financial success, and if you are planning large purchases, make them before February 15th. Later, you will have to take care of the needs of relatives and your immediate environment. The Star promises: in February you will receive a position for which you have been working for several years, and you will finally be able to forget about the problems that have been bothering you. Breathe a sigh of relief and think about spring vacation. The horoscope for February says that for Capricorns, February is a month of opportunities that you simply need to learn how to use correctly. You will literally be inundated with interesting offers, but don’t lose your head. Before you get down to business, think carefully - not everything this month offers will be beneficial. Judgment and observation are yours best friends. Capricorns will prefer to spend February in silence and solitude. You will also be more compliant and tolerant than usual, which is why there is a high risk of financial losses. The path you have chosen is unlike anything you have encountered before. Here it is impossible to understand how far you will advance. Yews never count on arriving at their final destination. In the next few days, one of your friends will accidentally mention something that will find a deep response in your soul and show you the way. Congratulations! You are already learning to listen to your inner voice.

Love horoscope for February Capricorn

The horoscope for February says that in search of love (or just interesting acquaintances) do not ignore high tech, they are the ones responsible for your personal happiness this month. Download, for example, a dating app and take action. In love, it is important not to miss your chance. There will be a lot of guys around you in February, so take your pick. The relationships you build this month promise to be interesting and emotional, and maybe even lead to something more than just dates - everything you dreamed of. Horoscope for February says to Capricorns that in your personal life, try to be more attentive to your partner. Short trips, including business trips, are what you need.

Horoscope for February 2018 Aquarius. Love horoscope for February Aquarius

Aquarius, from the beginning of the month, active Mercury will not give you peace - there will be so much trouble at work and at home that you will many times regret that there are only twenty-four hours in a day. Instead of trying to embrace the immensity, focus your efforts on your career. Moreover, peace and love now reign in relationships and your man will happily take on household chores. Celebrate your birthday together with your loved one - in a warm, romantic atmosphere. In the first half of February, you need to take stock of the past year of your life. You can even have an evening of memories with looking at photographs and voting on which events are considered the most important. There will be a new moon in your sign on February 15th: set new goals for yourself. Although you need to leave the past behind, you will have to face and work on some of it this summer. But if you find enough inspiring landmarks now, the summer detour will not cause big problems. Towards the end of the month, go out more often, acquire connections. The horoscope for February says that this is a good time to update your wardrobe. Until February 18, your life is rapidly being rebuilt: new activity, new people, new love. Moon eclipse The 15th in your sign will provide an opportunity to take a fresh look at your partner and rebuild your relationship. You strive for independence and change - engage in self-realization. Shine, you will definitely be noticed and appreciated! You need to grab every opportunity to be at the top by the end of the year and amaze your family and friends with your achievements. Your speech and emotional abilities They will make you the life of the party, help you conduct successful negotiations, and make the best impression when you meet them. Also, the month can indicate a rather tough life crisis. If you don't want major changes, don't do anything, just wait it out. In the company of an old friend, you find yourself both seemingly wondering whether you will decide to develop your wearing into something more? An affair will begin between you, a lot of problems will immediately arise, and in general everything can go awry. But are you able to get closer, but at the same time stop and stay in time? good friends, as before? There will be no other opportunity like this, but you can only find out the answer by trying.

Love horoscope for February Aquarius

Before your birthday, you traditionally want some privacy. House, love story, a purring cat at your side - that’s all. The stars are not so much discouraging such nesting, they are simply warning that the main gift of this holiday month may be new love. And in order not to miss the fateful meeting, you will have to go out in public - it’s good that there will be enough reasons for parties in February. For those who are not looking for romantic adventures, an active social life is also highly recommended - interesting acquaintances are already looming on the horizon. Your personal affairs are suddenly in complete chaos. Do not rush to despair: in difficult times, your loved ones will support you. Shopping therapy will also help: with finances during this emotionally difficult period there will be complete order. The horoscope for February says that if you haven’t even thought about relationships in pursuit of independence, now is the time to change your mind. The meeting that will take place in February will greatly influence how you spend the rest of the season, and falling in love will give you a lot of positive emotions.

Horoscope for February 2018 Pisces. Love horoscope for February Pisces

Perhaps you have not fully realized how strong your current position is. You are so used to working “on the fly” that it doesn’t even occur to you to do as you please. Therefore, when a promising opportunity appears on the horizon, you push, only a few days later, when the chance is reminded again, it becomes clear: those around you are counting on you to lead them. Fame, admiration, public recognition - moments to which Pisces are usually rather indifferent - will unexpectedly excite you. But a slight influx of energy from the outside is enough for you to express yourself in all your splendor - so success in most endeavors (especially those related to creativity, sexuality, esotericism and contacts with people) in February is guaranteed. Throughout February, Pisces will want only one thing: for the sun to shine outside the window. So what's the deal? The stars advise you to fly for your dose of vitamin D as early as the 10th of the month. Listen: it is better to rest now - in March you will have to work hard. The horoscope for February says that you feel comfortable, but don’t let this stop you from fighting for an important (career?) goal in the 20th. Say goodbye to something and rest. Or break up with someone who has a “toxic” effect on you. The horoscope for February tells Pisces that almost all hairstyles, all dresses, any makeup and even the absence of it suit you - let's say thanks to Venus, it is she who gives Pisces special attractiveness and magnetism this month. Use the gift wisely - flirt for fun, but also decide important career and domestic issues. People are willing to agree with you on almost everything. In February, suspicious Pisces will see conspiracies and intrigues everywhere. In fact, there is no reason to panic, so direct your energy in a peaceful direction - rearrange your apartment and dacha. The month is favorable for travel, dating and communicating with people from afar. At the beginning of February, it is ideal to go with the flow and gain strength for exploits after the 19th. Expect important changes. The main thing is to keep your cool. especially at the end of the month. The stars recommend not to rush and take risks - carefully consider your actions and carefully weigh all decisions. Your friends will be good advisers this month, so listen to their recommendations. And if you prefer proven knowledge, read a couple of books on psychology. This is very interesting, and some knowledge will even be useful to you in the future.

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