Home Vegetables Terminological vocabulary of the Russian language. Professional vocabulary: education and use

Terminological vocabulary of the Russian language. Professional vocabulary: education and use

Terminology is the most representative part of special vocabulary, in which specificity is most clearly manifested vocabulary people belonging to the same professional group. In each area a separate profession related to a specific industry social production or science, there is always a greater or lesser vocabulary associated with subjects or concepts that are essential for a given industry.

The role of terminological vocabulary in modern Russian is growing. So, in the dictionary of V.I. Dahl contains only 200 sports terms, in D.N. Ushakov's dictionary - 800, in the Small Academic Dictionary - 1400, and there are over 25 thousand of them in modern sports terminology.

Terminological vocabulary is contrasted with the commonly used one, firstly, by its substantive connection with the objects of a special field, and secondly, by the fact that it has a very high frequency within the framework of special communication.

In the language of science, there are three layers of vocabulary: 1) non-terminological - words with an abstract meaning - essence, sign, object; 2) general scientific - speed, frequency; 3) actually terminological - special names in the field of professional communication - peritonitis, tectonic, diffraction.

The terms constitute the most regulated part of the vocabulary of the language, in a certain sense - the most artificial, consciously regulated, created and providing for regulation. Consider the signs of terminology.

The question of the motivation of the term deserves special consideration. As you know, the motivational feature (even if it exists) does not play a significant role in the process of the functioning of common words. But what about the terms? Is it necessary, is it useful to have the quality of motivation for terms that are fundamentally focused primarily on communication with non-linguistic objects? It is difficult to give a definite answer here. On the one hand, the meaning of the term should be determined scientific definition and not depend on the meaning of those words that are used to form it. This is fully answered by foreign language terms, conditional terms such as binomial Newton, Cora's assumption, black box(in cybernetics) or noise(in information theory), as well as terms like ACS, LIK, Uranium-235. On the other hand, in any terminology system we come across derivative words that are linked by word-formative relations, for example: syllable - syllabic principle, sign - sign, variant - invariant... It is only undesirable to try to exaggerate the meaning of the motivational feature in determining the content of the term. For example, the term atom comes from the Greek word "indivisible", this feature is absolutely incompatible with modern understanding structure of the atom. Another example: it would be inappropriate within the framework of the modern theory of case, defining the term case, associate it with the meaning of the verb fall, although etymologically there is such a connection.

Despite the foregoing, the terms generally obey the laws of the Russian language. So, the methods of forming new terms are the same as for ordinary words, for example: computer memory(semantic way), Control block(compound name), sanding(suffix method), hydropower(compounding). However, within these common ways the features characteristic of the terminology are manifested.

In terminology, more often than in ordinary words, you can indicate the person who created (or proposed) a particular term. For example, the term biosphere introduced by V.I. Vernadsky, 104th element Periodic table was named kurchatov G.A. Flerov, term spaceship was proposed by S.P. . Korolev. It is in the terminology that the percentage of foreign words (especially international ones) is much higher than the corresponding indicators in the field of common vocabulary. It is in it with the maximum activity that the standard international elements of word composition, genetically related

1. The meanings of the terms are specific in the sense that they express scientific concepts that require a fairly accurate definition in accordance with the level of development of a particular branch of knowledge.

2. Terms always function as members of certain terminology systems. Within the framework of the terminology of a particular industry, they are naturally related to each other, and the content of one term is formed and comprehended against the background of others. Semantic relationships in terminology are identified and emphasized by the systematic design. So, the names of language units use the same suffixes (phoneme, lexeme, morpheme), in the titles of the sections of linguistics (as in other sciences), the model is used compound words with element -logy (morphology, phonology, lexicology, phraseology, morphonology, accentology etc.). Atomic accelerator names are modeled after the component -tron (bevatron, betatron, cosmotron, synchrotron, synchrophasotron, synchrocyclotron, phasotron, cyclotron); the names of the newly discovered components of a living cell are decorated with the element -soma (chromosome, ribosome, informasome, centrosome). The models by which the terms of the same series are formed can be specialized within individual sciences... So, in geology, using the suffix -it from proper names the names of minerals are formed (altaite, baikalite, voluevite, vorobyevit, lomonosovite etc.), and in medical terminology the homonymous suffix is ​​used to form the names of diseases inflammatory nature from the names of the bodies human body (colitis, nephritis, gastritis, meningitis, cholecystitis, bronchitis, pleurisy etc.). It is in the use of certain models that the regularity of terms is clearly manifested, the possibility of their artificial and conscious formation.

3. The ideal requirement that can be presented to a term is the requirement of unambiguity and absence of synonyms. In different terminology systems, the same lexemes can be used to designate different concepts. For example, the word reduction as a chemical term it means "release from oxidation", in biology it means "simplification of the organism associated with the loss of function", in technology - "lowering the force of pressure or tension", in linguistics - "weakening the sonority of vowels", in medicine - "insertion a piece of bone to replace the damaged one, "in history - the seizure of indigenous lands in Sweden from feudal lords in the second half of the 18th century. From a lexicological point of view, all these meanings can be regarded as polysemy, but since each of these terms is included in its own terminological system and, functioning in it, does not correlate in any way with another that outwardly coincides with it, it is more correct to define this phenomenon as an intersystem terminological homonymy.

Task 28. Complete test tasks(based on the content of the text from ass. 24)

1. Terminological vocabulary is used:

a) in professional communication;

b) in scientific and educational-scientific activities.

2. Words system, element, function, factor, method refer to:

a) general scientific vocabulary;

b) terminological vocabulary.

3. Words terminal, osteochondrosis, flash memory, quantum generator refer to:

a) general scientific vocabulary;

b) terminological vocabulary.

4. Indicate the method of formation of the following terms: immunogenetics, neurobionics, sitall (silicate and metal):

a) semantic way;

b) word composition.

5. Indicate the method of formation of the following terms: Darwinism, drilling, ionization:

a) suffix;

b) semantic.

6. Indicate the method of formation of the following terms: laser beam, solar generator, phraseological unit:

a) word composition;

b) compound name.

7. Define a series where all units are included in one term system:

a) bronchitis, cystitis, pleurisy, altaitis, arthritis;

b) phoneme, morpheme, lexeme, phraseme;

c) cardiography, tomography, radiography, phraseography.

Task 29. Based on the content of the text (item 24) and using these grammatical constructions, compose a linguistic description of the concept term.

1. In the language of science, stand out ...

2. Terminology is ...

3. Terminological vocabulary differs from ...

4. The terms are ...

5. New terminological lexical units are being formed ...

6. The totality of terms of a certain discipline with branched semantic and conceptual connections between the elements forms ...

7. Semantic relationships in the terminology system are emphasized ...

8. The term has ...

Task 30. Write a description scientific discipline(specialty) you are studying(definition of which branch of science it belongs to, subject of study, history of development, well-known scientific theories, scientific schools, division into directions, basic terms).

Professional and terminological vocabulary

In the Russian language, along with common vocabulary, there are words and expressions used by groups of persons united by the nature of their activities, i.e. by profession. These are the so-called professionalisms, which are characterized by greater differentiation in the designation of tools and means of production, in the name of specific objects, actions, persons, etc. They are distributed mainly in colloquial speech people of a particular profession, being sometimes a kind of unofficial synonyms for special names. Often they are reflected in dictionaries, but always marked "professional". In newspaper and magazine texts, as well as in works of fiction, they perform, as a rule, a nominative function, and also serve as a pictorial and expressive means.

So, in the professional speech of actors, they use the complex abbreviated name of Glavrezh; in the colloquial speech of builders and repairmen, the professional name for capital repairs is used; the service personnel of the computer centers are called machine operators and e-mail workers; on fishing boats, workers who gut fish are called shkerschik, etc.

By the way of education, one can distinguish:
1) proper lexical professionalisms that arise as new, special names. For example, in this way, in the speech of professional fishermen, the aforementioned word shkershchik from the verb shkerit - “to gut a fish” arose in the speech; in the speech of carpenters and joiners the names different types plane: kalevka, zenzubel, tongue and groove, etc.;
2) lexical and semantic professionalisms arising in the process of developing a new meaning of a word and its rethinking. This is how, for example, professional values words in the speech of printers: Christmas trees or paws - a kind of quotation marks; heading - a common heading for several publications, corral - a spare, additional set not included in the next issue; in the speech of hunters, the professional names of animal tails differ: a squirrel has a fur, a beaver has a shovel, a hare has a flower, a bunch, a burdock, a wolf has a log, a fox has a pipe, a deer has a kuyruk, a burdock, etc .;
3) lexical and derivational professionalisms, which include words such as a spare wheel - a spare mechanism, part of something; chief director - the main director, etc., in which either a suffix or a way of adding words are used, etc.

Professionalisms are usually not widely spread in the literary language, in other words, the scope of their use remains limited.

Terminological vocabulary includes words or phrases used to logically precise definition special concepts or subjects of any field of science, technology, Agriculture, art, etc. Unlike common words, which can be ambiguous, terms within a particular science are usually unambiguous. They are characterized by a clearly limited, motivated specialization of meaning.

The development of science and technology, the emergence of new branches of science are always accompanied by the abundant appearance of new terms. Therefore, terminology is one of the most mobile, fast-growing and rapidly changing parts of the national vocabulary (compare only the names of new sciences and industries: automation, allergology, aeronomy, biocybernetics, bionics, hydroponics, holography, cardiac surgery, cosmobiology and many other sciences related to with the study of space, plasma chemistry, speleology, ergonomics, etc.).

The way terms are formed are different. For example, there is a terminology of words existing in the language, i.e. scientific rethinking of the well-known lexical meaning. This process goes in two ways: 1) by rejecting the generally accepted lexical meaning and giving the word a strict, precise name, for example: signal in information theory "changing physical quantity displaying messages "; 2) through the full or partial use of those signs that serve as the basis of the lexical meaning of the word in general popular use, i.e. name by similarity, contiguity, etc., for example: a hole is a defective electron in nuclear physics; drapri - a kind of form of aurora borealis; journal - the intermediate part of the machine shaft, etc. Note that the expressive-emotional meanings inherent in words with diminutive suffixes during terminology, as a rule, disappear. Wed also: tail (for tools, devices), foot (part of the machine bed; part of devices), etc.

For the formation of terms, the word composition is widely used: nuclear-powered icebreaker, smoke collector, crank, current rotator; affixation method: casting, facing, melting, heater, constellation; attachment of foreign language elements: air, auto, bio, etc. The method of terminology of phrases is widely used: cosmic rays and space medicine, optical density, primary radiation, elementary particles, etc.

An important role in terminological systems is played by foreign language borrowings... For a long time many Dutch and English nautical terms have been known; Italian and French musical, art history, literary terms; Latin and Greek terms are found in all sciences. Many of these terms are international (see § 10).

Dissemination of scientific and technical terminology, its penetration into different areas life leads to the fact that in the language, along with the process of terminology of common words, the opposite process is observed - the mastery of terms in the literary language, i.e. their determinologization. For example, the frequent use of philosophical, art history, literary, physical, chemical, medical, industrial and many other terms made them common words, for example: abstraction, argument, dialectics, materialism, thinking, concept, consciousness; concert, plot, style; amplitude, battery, contact, circuit, reaction, resonance; analysis, vitamin deficiency, diagnosis, immunity, x-ray; nylon, harvester, conveyor, motor; heat, soldering, recoil, filtering, etc. Often finding themselves in context with common words, terms are metaphorized and lose their special appointment, for example: anatomy of love, geography of feat, sclerosis of conscience, inflation of words.

Determinologized words are widely used in different styles of speech: colloquial, book (in journalism, fiction, etc.). Along with them, professionalisms and terms are often used. However, the oversaturation of artistic, publicistic works scientific and technical terminology reduces their value and was condemned in the late 1920s and early 30s A.M. Gorky, who wrote: “... There is no need to abuse the shop terminology, or the terms should be explained. It is absolutely necessary to do this, because it gives the book a wider distribution, makes it easier to assimilate everything that is said in it. "

Art style how functional style finds application in fiction, which performs figurative, cognitive and ideological and aesthetic functions. To understand the features of the artistic way of knowing reality, thinking, which determines the specifics of artistic speech, it is necessary to compare it with the scientific way of knowing, which determines the characteristic features of scientific speech.

Fiction, like other forms of art, is inherent concrete-figurative representation of life in contrast to the abstracted, logical-conceptual, objective reflection of reality in scientific speech. A work of art is characterized by perception through the senses and re-creation of reality , the author seeks to convey, first of all, his personal experience, your understanding and comprehension of this or that phenomenon.

For an artistic style of speech, it is typical attention to private and casual , followed by the typical and common. Remember "Dead Souls" by N. V. Gogol, where each of the shown landowners personified certain specific human qualities, expressed a certain type, and all together they were the "face" of the contemporary author of Russia.

The world of fiction- this is a "re-created" world, the depicted reality is, to a certain extent, the author's fiction, which means, in the artistic style of speech central role plays a subjective moment. All surrounding reality is presented through the vision of the author. But in literary text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in artistic world: his preferences, condemnation, admiration, rejection, etc. This is associated with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphor, meaningful versatility of the artistic style of speech.

The lexical composition and functioning of words in the artistic style of speech have their own characteristics. ... The words that form the basis and create the imagery of this style include, first of all, figurative means Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words of a wide range of use. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic credibility when describing certain aspects of life.

In the artistic style of speech, the speech polysemy of the word is very widely used. that opens in it additional meanings and semantic shades, as well as synonymy at all language levels, thanks to which it becomes possible to emphasize the subtlest shades of meanings. This is due to the fact that the author strives to use all the riches of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also various pictorial means from colloquial speech and vernacular.

Come to the fore in literary text emotionality and expressiveness of the image ... Many words that in scientific speech appear as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and publicistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech - as concrete-sensory representations. Thus, the styles complement each other functionally. For artistic speech, especially poetic, inversion is characteristic, that is, a change in the usual order of words in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of a word or to give the entire phrase a special stylistic coloring. An example of inversion is the well-known line from the poem by A. Akhmatova "I see everything Pavlovsk hilly ...". Variants of the author's word order are varied, subordinate to the general idea.

In artistic speech, deviations from structural norms are possible due to artistic actualization., that is, the selection by the author of some thought, idea, feature that is important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms.

In terms of the diversity, richness and expressive possibilities of linguistic means, the artistic style stands above other styles, it is the most complete expression of the literary language.
As a means of communication, artistic speech has its own language - a system of figurative forms, expressed by linguistic and extralinguistic means. Fiction speech along with the non-artistic, it performs a nominative-pictorial function.

Language features of the artistic style of speech

1. The heterogeneity of the lexical composition: combination of book vocabulary with colloquial, vernacular, dialectal, etc.

Feather grass has ripened. For many miles the steppe was dressed in swaying silver. The wind elastically accepted him, surging, rough, bumped, drove now to the south, now to the west, gray-opal waves. Where the flowing air stream ran, the feather grass sloped in prayer, and a blackening path lay for a long time on its gray ridge.
The variegated grasses have faded. On the ridges of Nikla, there is a joyless burnt-out wormwood. The nights were decaying quickly. At night, innumerable stars shone in the charred black sky; a month - the Cossack sun, darkening with a damaged sidewall, shone sparingly, white; the spacious Milky Shlyakh intertwined with other stellar paths. The astringent air was thick, the wind was dry, wormwood; the earth, saturated with the same bitterness of the all-powerful wormwood, yearned for the coolness.

2. Use of all layers of Russian vocabulary in order to realize the aesthetic function.

Daria hesitated for a minute and refused:
- No, no, I'm alone. I'm alone there.
Where "there" - she did not even know close and, leaving the gate, went to the Angara. (V. Rasputin)

3. Activity of polysemous words all styles of speech.

The river is seething with a lace of white foam.
Poppies are crimson on the velvet of the meadows.
Frost was born at dawn.

(M. Prishvin).

4. Combinatorial increments of meaning (B.Larin)

Words in an artistic context receive a new semantic and emotional content, which embodies the imaginative thought of the author.

I was dreaming of catching shadows that leave,
Fading shadows of a dying day.
I climbed the tower. And the steps trembled.
And the steps trembled under my foot

(K. Balmont)

5. Greater preference for the use of specific vocabulary and less - abstract.

Sergei pushed open the heavy door. The porch step sobbed under his foot. Two more steps - and he is already in the garden.
The cool evening air was filled with the intoxicating scent of acacia blossoms. Somewhere in the branches, a nightingale was iridescent and subtly drawing out its trills.

6. A minimum of generic concepts.

One more advice essential for a prose writer. More specificity. The more precisely, the more concretely the object is named, the more expressive is the figurativeness.
You: " Horses chew corn... The peasants are cooking " morning food "," Rustled birds"... In the artist's poetic prose, requiring visible clarity, there should be no generic concepts, if this is not dictated by the semantic task of the content itself ... Oats better than grain. Rooks more appropriate than birds(Konstantin Fedin)

7. Wide use of folk poetry words, emotional and expressive vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms.

The dog rose, probably since spring, has still made its way along the trunk to the young aspen, and now, when the time has come to celebrate its name-day for the aspen, all of it flashed with red fragrant wild roses.(M. Prishvin).

New time was located in Ertelev Lane. I said fit. This is not the right word. It reigned, reigned.(G. Ivanov)

8. Verb speech

The writer names each movement (physical and / or mental) and state change in stages. The pumping of verbs activates the reader's tension.

Gregory went down to Don, carefully climbed through the fence of the Astakhovsky base, came up to the shuttered window. He heard only frequent heartbeats ... Quiet knocked in the binding of the frame ... Aksinya silently came up to the window, peered... He saw her pressed to the chest of the hand and heard an indistinct moan escaping her lips. Gregory is familiar showed so that she opened window, stripped off rifle. Aksinya flung open sash. He became to the heap, bare hands Aksin'i grabbed his neck. They are so trembled and fought on his shoulders, those dear hands that tremble passed on and Gregory.(M. A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don")

The dominants of the artistic style are imagery and aesthetic significance of each of its elements (up to sounds). Hence the desire for freshness of the image, unbroken expressions, a large number of tropes, special artistic (corresponding to reality) accuracy, the use of special expressive means of speech characteristic only for this style - rhythm, rhyme, even in prose, a special harmonious organization of speech.

The artistic style of speech is distinguished by its figurativeness, wide use of pictorial and expressive means of the language. In addition to his typical linguistic means, it uses the means of all other styles, especially colloquial. In the language of fiction, vernaculars and dialectisms, words of a high, poetic style, slang, rude words, professional business turns of speech, journalism can be used. HOWEVER, ALL THESE MEANS IN the artistic style of speech SUBMIT TO ITS BASIC FUNCTIONS - AESTHETIC.

If conversational style speech predominantly performs the function of communication, (communicative), scientific and official-business function of the message (informative), then the artistic style of speech is designed to create artistic, poetic images, emotionally aesthetic impact. Everything language means included in artwork, change their primary function, obey the tasks of a given artistic style.

In literature, language occupies a special position, since it is one building material, that perceived by ear or sight matter, without which a work cannot be created. The artist of the word - a poet, a writer - finds, in the words of L. Tolstoy, “the only necessary location, the only the right words", In order to correctly, accurately, figuratively express an idea, convey the plot, character, make the reader empathize with the heroes of the work, enter the world created by the author.
All this is available ONLY TO THE LANGUAGE OF LITERARY LITERATURE, therefore it has always been considered the pinnacle of the literary language. The best in the language, its strongest capabilities and the rarest beauty are in the works of fiction, and all this is achieved artistic means language.

The means of artistic expression are varied and numerous. You are already familiar with many of them. These are tropes such as epithets, similes, metaphors, hyperbole, etc.

Trails- turn of speech in which a word or expression is used in figurative meaning in order to achieve greater artistic expression. The path is based on a comparison of two concepts that seem to be close to our consciousness in some way. The most common types of tropes are allegory, hyperbole, irony, lithote, metaphor, methomy, personification, periphrasis, synecdoche, comparison, epithet.

For example: What are you howling about, the night wind, about which you lament madly - personification. All flags will visit us - synecdoche. A little man with a fingernail, a boy with a finger - litota. Well, eat a plate, my dear - metonymy, etc.

TO expressive means language include stylistic figures of speech or just figures of speech : anaphora, antithesis, non-union, gradation, inversion, multi-union, parallelism, rhetorical question, rhetorical appeal, silence, ellipsis, epiphora... The means of artistic expression also include rhythm (poetry and prose), rhyme, intonation .

Terminological vocabulary (terms)- words or compound names (stable phrase), which are exact designations of special concepts from the field of science, technology, law, sports, art, etc.

For example: lemma'An auxiliary theorem used to prove the main theorems', voltmeter‘Device for measuring’ electrical voltage in the section of the circuit with current.

PU-terms: securities, foreign exchange transactions, share, magnetnaya arrow, punctuation marks, viral flu

Terms must be distinguished from professionalism. Professionalisms are words and phraseological units characteristic of a particular professional group, used in the speech of people united by a common profession. Basement, corridor, nephew, stripe, hat, fresh head in the speech of printers and journalists.

The term does not just name any concept, but, unlike other words, has a strict scientific or legal definition - a definition.

The terms should be distinguished from professional jargon (professionalism):

- terms characteristic of book speech, professionalism are characteristic of oral speech and are not included in the literary language.

- terms a particular branch of knowledge or production is created by the conscious and purposeful efforts of people - specialists in this field. There is a tendency here, on the one hand, to eliminate doublets and ambiguous terms, and on the other, to establish strict boundaries for each term and its clear relationships with the rest of the units that form this terminological system.

The emergence professionalism spontaneously. The relationship between different professionalisms is also characterized by a certain randomness and uncertainty.

    terms officially adopted (GOST) and regularly used, have a strict definition; professional words not officially accepted, irregular in use. The meaning of professionalism, which usually arises on the basis of a metaphorical rethinking of a word or phrase, often overlaps with the meanings of other professionalisms.

    T ermins form a terminological system - a set of terms available in the vocabulary - "covering" the entire given special area of ​​science or technology: all basic concepts, ideas, relations. Professionalism rarely form a system (no one specifically cares about creating such a system). Some objects and concepts have professional names, while others do not.

    T ermins do not have expressive qualities, they are characterized by stylistic homogeneity. Among the terms there are neither those that are diminished in stylistic coloring (colloquial, jargon), nor those that have a tinge of "highness", solemnity, nor emotionally expressive words.

Unlike terms professionalism(professional words) are brightly expressive, expressive (due to their metaphoricity), and this property of them is especially clearly found in the vicinity of the official, bookish special term, the meaning of which this professionalism duplicates.

The difference between terms and professional words can be shown in the following examples. In metallurgy, the term crust denote the remains of solidified metal in the ladle, the workers call these remnants goat (stuck- official term, goat- professionalism). Concave Grinder(special term) optics also call a cup(professionalism). Physicists jokingly call synchrophasotron pan, doctors call a special type of temperature curve (with a sharp rise and fall in the patient's temperature) candle. Sandpaper is the official, terminological name, and skin- professionalism, widely used in non-professional vernacular, etc.

In some cases, professionalisms can be used as official terms; at the same time their expressiveness is somewhat erased, but the underlying metaphoric meaning is felt quite well. Wed terms such as lever arm, gear tooth, pipe elbow and under.

Terms and common vocabulary

There is a constant connection between the terms and vocabulary of the whole people, expressed in two opposite processes. First - terminology common words, for example: tooth, knee, box(gearbox, skull), tip, fan, hole, peak. The second process is determinologization, in which the terms, losing some of the soybean features, pass into the general literary language, for example: acceleration, algorithm, antibiotics, hologram, laser, sensor, argument, concept, consciousness; drama, concert, contact, contour, tension, romance, style, resonance; analysis, synthesis, spike etc.

As noted by G.Ya. Solganik, if in the 19th century. the literary language was fed mainly by dialects, but now terminology has become one of the bases for replenishing its composition.

An everyday word and the same word in the role of a term are essentially different words. They have different meanings, different areas of use. For example, the common adjective imperious in expression She has an overbearing character means ‘strong, oppressive’, and this is an adjective in a legal term in the expression The document is slick in nature(example V.P. Danilenko) means that the document has the character of power.

The process of transition of a term into common vocabulary is rather complicated.

Functional and stylistic role of professional and special vocabulary

Under certain conditions, the terms are used in literature and journalism.

The methods and purposes of including terms in the general literary language are different. From a functional point of view, one can distinguish:

1) situational inclusions due to the requirements of the topic and genre of the message;

2) inclusions due to the stylistic task;

3) the inclusion of terms in figurative and figurative use.

1. Situational inclusions... Here it comes on the use of terms in their direct nominative function in materials related to science, technology, production, art, etc.

For example, an excerpt from the story "Thoughts and Heart" by N. Amosov, one of the first Soviet surgeons who began to sew artificial valves into the heart. In the named story, it is difficult to separate the author from the image of the protagonist, therefore, it is so natural for him to use medical terms, without the use of which the reader would not understand the medical problems raised by the author and methods of their solution.

Was a complex congenitalheart disease - calledFallot's tetrad ... This is when narrowedpulmonary artery and inthe septum between the ventricles a hole remains. Darkdeoxygenated blood mixed witharterial , the kids gasp and turn blue even with a little effort ... We need to make sure to operate slowly, so that the apparatus does not destroy the blood. When they collapseerythrocytes , thenhemoglobin enters the plasma and stains it red. And, oddly enough, it becomes poisonous to the heart, to the kidneys. This is problem number one -hemolysis .

The nature of the terminology used both in fiction and in journalism depends mainly on the author, who, due to life circumstances, is familiar with certain groups of professional words. For example, I. Turgenev was a passionate hunter, therefore the corresponding vocabulary was reflected in his "Notes of a Hunter". S.Aksakov, an inveterate fisherman, could not help but use fishing vocabulary in the Notes on Eating Fish. F. Dostoevsky, who is well acquainted with the card game, reflected this knowledge, for example, in the novel The Gambler. In many works of Soviet writers - K. Simonov, Y. Bondarev, V. Bykov and others - devoted to the events of the Great Patriotic War, military terms are necessarily used.

During the Soviet period, there was a genre of "production novel". In the works of this genre, the description of labor processes often overshadowed the story of the fate of people. Passion for production topics led to the fact that technical terms poured into fiction in a wide stream.

You can name dozens of Soviet writers, known at that time and little-known, who flooded the pages of their works with industrial terms: V. Popov ("Steel and Slag"), Vs. Kochetov ("Zhurbiny", "The Brothers Ershovs"), A. Chakovsky (" The Roads We Choose ”), E. Karpov (“ Shifted Banks ”), V. Tevekelian (“ Beyond the Moscow River ”), etc. They, as it were, continued the "traditions" of Soviet writers of an earlier period, in whose works the use of production and technical terms disproportionate to artistic tasks is striking: F. Gladkov ("Cement", "Energy"), M. Shaginyan ("Hydrocentral").

In the essays by B. Mozhaev (agricultural terminology), in fiction and documentary prose by D. Granin ( scientific terminology) and etc.

Many trade journals use the terms: Popular Mechanics, Computerra, Health.

Of course, the extent to which terms are entered into the text depends on the level of preparedness of listeners, readers, in a word, on the audience. Now there are a large number of genres and types of speech that freely operate with any terminological series. These are, as a rule, materials intended for professionals, trained audiences.

In articles and notes intended for the general reader, little-known terms are usually explained. Complex and often subtle techniques for entering terms into various genres have been developed. Explanation of terms can be short or detailed, precise or approximate, for example: So calleddressing (in other words - impregnation) ...; The composition of a semi-biological prosthesis also includes substances that prevent blood clotting -anticoagulants ; Attracheotomy , or, in Greek, throat section, so that the patient can breathe freely, a metal tube is usually inserted.

2. Inclusion of terms(literally), due to the stylistic task. In fiction, in journalism, terms can perform stylistic functions (for example, characteristic), recreate a certain color, the setting in which the action takes place.

Don't you respect Van Gogh? Noise, din, sweaty faces, crush, with different sides like shells, words: utilitarianism, realism, modernism, form, expression. A great student controversy erupted.

(V. Tendryakov)

There are only a few terms, but they succinctly and succinctly convey the atmosphere of student dispute.

So, in the spirit of the times, V. Barkovsky brings out a karate coach among the characters and puts in his mouth a lot of sports terms: ... Bystrov was dealt a powerful blow. In technologyjan kaiten . Direct punch, piercing, Giyakutska ... Notboxer beat -karate ; I jumped to him and in the tempo of the movement inflictedside impact foot,Yoko geri ...

3. Inclusion of terms in figurative and figurative use. This is a large and peculiar area of ​​use of terms. Thanks to a metaphor based on associative imagery, the term finds a second life as a commonly used word with a special clarity. For example: The time pump is gradually pumping out of the world the carriers of the era that Dovlatov wrote about(From newspapers).

Abstract concept time is likened to a pump. Time is like a pump in its nature of action, like a pump, it works mechanically and mercilessly. The idea of ​​ruthless time is actualized. At the heart of the metaphor is thought. Impressiveness, clarity colors this thought, serves as a kind of background for it.

Other examples of metaphorizing terms: mental trauma, public resonance, ideological (moral) vacuum, the bacillus of indifference, the virus of money-grubbing, the orbit of glory, the corrosion of the soul, contact with the population.

Terms play a special role in modern poetry, where they are one of the signs of the "intellectualization" of verse.

Comes the worst ofdepreciation - depreciation

hearts and souls.

(V. Mayakovsky)

And you won't hone

No shovels

To raise all layers of these again,

Where is going atomic decay

Elusive elements the words.

(L. Martynov)

And the melody high voltage supplications

Printed, as a prescription, in a separate edition.

(P. Antokolsky)

4. Terminological vocabulary is used not only for descriptive purposes or for the speech characteristics of characters, but also in humorous purposes... So, to create a comic effect, the authors deliberately concentrate computer terms, moreover, borrowed ones, mixed with colloquial vernacular words. For example, Yu. Nesterenko (Computerra. 2000. No. 12) wittily uses computer terms in combination with non-literary vocabulary!

Terminal reading

Valve Quarantino presents

Scene one

Vincent Mega and Julis Winfile are riding in a car.

Julis ... Oh "kay, tell me about the cutout boards.

Vincent. What are you interested in?

Julis. Well, Varese is legal there, right?

Vincent. Well, almost legal, but not one hundred percent. Like you can’t get a job in a cool office and use the software there. But you can safely use it at home or upload it to BBSK.

Julis ... Those same varez boards?

Vincent ... Well, yes. You can upload software or download software, or keep it on the board if you are a sysop. The cops over there don't mess with the boards. They don't know what it is at all.

Julis ... Cool, damn it.<...>

Scene three

Vincent. Where did Bill get it?

Julis ... Who knows. They say she broke his record inMinesweeper... In general, she once programmed something.

Vincent. Did I see anything that she was weakening?

Julis. I think her coolest project was the applet in the beta of the sixth beadle.

Vincent. What?

Julis. Well, do you know that Windows have different versions?

Vincent ... I do not use Windows.

Julis ... Of course, but have you heard that computers have such crap - operating systems and they are sometimes upgraded?

Vincent. Yes.

Julis. So, before the final release is released, beta versions are launched. Some modules start to fail right away, and they are thrown out, and some later, and they are left. Its module did not start at all.


    Golub, I.B. Stylistics of the Russian language / I.B. Golub. - 6th ed., M .: Ayris-press, 2005 .-- 448 p.

    Solganik, G. Ya. Practical stylistics in the Russian language: study guide for students. philol. and zhur. fac. higher. study. institutions / G.Ya. Solganik. - M .: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2006. - 304 p.

2.1 Semantic essence of the term

The most significant group in specialized vocabulary are scientific and technical terms, which form a variety of terminological systems. Terminological vocabulary includes words or phrases used for a logically accurate definition of special concepts, establishing the content of concepts, their distinctive features.

Term - a nominative word or phrase (noun or phrase with a noun as a pivot word), which is the exact designation of a certain concept of any field of knowledge, production, science, art. Each term is necessarily based on the definition (definition) of the reality it denotes, due to which the terms represent an accurate and at the same time succinct description of an object or phenomenon. Each branch of knowledge operates with its own terms, which constitute the essence of the terminological system of this science. Consequently, for a term (as opposed to any word in general), the main characteristic function is the function of definition, called the definitive, and the very terminological disclosure of the content of the concept is the definition.

The semantic essence of the term and its specificity lie in the nature of its meaning, which is established in the process of a conscious, deliberate agreement and within a given terminological system, is direct, nominative, syntactically or constructively unconditioned. In different systems, the meanings of terms can be expressed differently - using words and phrases, formulas or other systems of signs. The terms are, to a certain extent, an artificial lexical and semantic formation, their semantic essence must necessarily reflect that amount of information, that amount scientific knowledge that help to reveal the content of the concept.
Unlike non-terms, words are nothing limited use, many of which are ambiguous, terms within the same science, as a rule, should be unambiguous. They are characterized by clearly limited, predominantly motivated specialization and absolute semantic accuracy. However, the concept of unambiguity, usually used as an absolute differential feature of terms, is somewhat relative. This is most likely a requirement for ideal terminological systems. In real-life terminologies, there are many terms that are inherent in the so-called categorical polysemy. For example, one of the types of terms that possess it are nouns with the meaning of an action and its result: bobinage- 1) the distribution of turns of something; 2) conical or cylindrical shape product acquired as a result of winding (compare also the ambiguity of a number of other terms in textile production: chevauchement, transformation other). So, the term "conversion" in linguistics means: 1) in grammar and vocabulary, a way of expressing subject-object relations in sentences equivalent in meaning (a machine removes garbage - garbage is removed by a machine), 2) in word formation, a way of forming a new word without using affixes , that is, the transition from one part of speech to another without changing the form of the word. This term is widely used in other terminological systems, and in this case, they usually speak of intersectoral homonymy. For example, it is used in economics and politics with the meaning of adaptation of production or industry to other needs (conversion of the military-industrial complex). But, opening a dictionary entry in Petit Robert, we will find that it is included in a number of other terminological systems: fin. Conversón d "une somme d" argent liquide ef valeurs; math, Conversion des fractions ordinaires en fractions décimale *; inform. Changement de code; milit. Mouvement tournant effectué dans un but tactique; sport. Demi-tour sur place_ effectué par u \\ skieur; psijehan. Somatisation d "un conflit psychique.

Thus, due to its etymological meaning (from lat. conversio"Transform, change") the term "conversion" is in demand various industries human activities.

Fast growth the number of terms, due to scientific and technological progress, leads to such negative phenomena as the emergence of ambiguous terms ( accélération, impact, area), synonymous terms, lack of uniform principles of terminology ordering.

The ambiguity of terms, as well as their synonymy (linguistics - linguistics) as well as homonymy (reaction - chemical and socio-political) and antonyms (polysemy - monosemy) are usually noted among the shortcomings of many modern terminologies. In this case, apparently, the general lexical and semantic laws of the functioning and development of the language apply to terminological systems. Consequently, speaking about the uniqueness, polysemy, homonymy, synonymy of terms, it is necessary to take into account the known real-life relativity of this feature.

Terminologists suggest different classifications synonymous terms. For example, B. N. Golovin and R. Yu. Kobrin, while exploring the issues of synonymy, distinguish three types of terminological synonyms [Golovin,

Kobrin 1987: 54 - 58]: 1) terms-doublets of foreign language origin, for example, linguistics - linguistics - linguistics; 2) terms are syntactic synonyms, i.e. syntactic constructions, correlated in structure and coinciding in value. Scientists subdivide this type of synonyms into three subgroups: word - phrase (tonnage - registered tonnage of the vessel); phrase - phrase (passenger ship - ship for passengers); full - short form of the term (TU - technical conditions); 3) definitional synonymy, i.e. coincidence of the meaning of the term and its definition. For example, a sensor is a remote measuring transducer.

The problem of polysemy also does not have an unambiguous solution. Polysemy is interpreted as “the presence in the same word of several related meanings, usually arising as a result of the modification and development of the original meaning of this word” [Akhmanova 2004: 335]. The solution to the problem of polysemy is again associated with two directly opposite views on the nature of the term. Some scholars regard the term as a word, a unit of a general literary language, thereby recognizing the term's right to polysemy. Adherents of a different point of view ascribe to the term the quality of unambiguity. The term is "one sign, which corresponds to one concept" [Danilenko 1977: 36]. Consequently, the phenomenon of polysemy is excluded from the terminology and it is argued that any shade of meaning should receive its own designation [Kulikova, Salmina 2002: 36].

There is one more way of looking at solving this problem. Polysemy exists, but within the same terminological field, within one definite terminological system, since the principle of unambiguity is never achieved in terminology as a whole [Komarova 1991: 25, Kutina 1970: 94].

VM Leichik reveals several cases of ambiguity. The most common is the use of the term in related branches of knowledge, the reason for this ambiguity is intersystem borrowing. The second case, he considers categorical polysemy (for example, designation by one term and process and result) [Leichik 2006: 45]. In this case, metonymic relations are established between meanings, one term serves for the name of both science and the aspect of language (phonetics, morphology) [Kulikova, Salmina 2002: 31]. Categorical polysemy, according to EN Tolikina, belongs to the category of true polysemy, and only this type has the right to exist in terminological systems [Tolikina 1970: 60]. As a special type of polysemy, the author's polysemy is called, which is defined as “the designation by the term already existing in science of new objects and concepts, depending on the author's research position, belonging to scientific school"[Golovin, Kobrin 1987: 51].

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