Home Garden on the windowsill What to do if you didn’t pass the exam - three scenarios. If the child did not pass the exam, or why a plan is needed

What to do if you didn’t pass the exam - three scenarios. If the child did not pass the exam, or why a plan is needed

Schoolchildren without a certificate are expected to study at colleges and abroad

In Russia in 2010, certificates of secondary education were not issued to 8251 people. "Trud" learned four ways to get an education without a certificate of the Unified State Examination and without wasting a year.

Yuri graduated from school this year, but did not succeed in the exam in mathematics: the young man was so worried that he failed miserably, gaining only 20 points. With such results, you can’t get a certificate: entrance to all universities is closed according to the law.

“I know that I myself am to blame, but I have no idea what to do now. Well, at least it’s too early to join the army, now I’ll prepare for a retake, ”Yuri says with regret.

This year, graduates received a certificate only if they passed the USE in Russian with at least 31 points and the USE in mathematics with at least 21 points. If one of these exams is not passed, the certificate of secondary education will be issued only in next year, and then at successful delivery unified state exam.

1. Become a free listener

How to pass the exam in a year if it didn’t work out? You can prepare on your own, you can with tutors. But successfully passing the exam does not mean that you can do without problems. That is why many universities organize training courses with preparation for the exam.

“Courses are created not only so that the child can successfully pass the exam. The main emphasis is on removing the difference between the school and university programs, - said the head of the press service of the Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman Irina Abramova. - In the first year, students with a simple school background are not able to master the material offered by the university. The preparatory department solves this problem.

Course dates and prices vary from place to place. For example, in Moscow State Law Academy named after O. E. Kutafin there are four-month and eight-month courses. “Preparation at the courses is carried out not only for the Unified State Examination, but also for an additional test of a profile orientation. Specifically to USE preparation is conducted in three subjects: the Russian language, the history of Russia, social science, it is also possible in English language”, – said acting. Director of the Center pre-university training Academy Irina Zubova.

“At the Russian State University for the Humanities at the Center for Pre-University Training, there are two-year courses, for the time the student is still in grades 10-11, and 8-month courses for 11-grade students. In addition, we conduct a rehearsal exam in almost all subjects. Enrollment has been open since October. Also, the applicant can receive counseling, including psychological counseling, ”Mikhail Netsatunyan, director of the center, told Trud.

For those who are far from Moscow, they have been working for three years distance courses preparation in the main subjects: history, Russian, English, mathematics. First, the student is given factual material, then a section test. At the end of the training, everyone has the opportunity to test their knowledge in the general testing.

2. Go abroad

A graduation certificate is indeed required in all universities of the country, but only ours. Therefore, do not forget about the option to go to study in Europe or America.

True, you will need to spend more time there: school leaving certificates in Russia are not recognized in almost any country, even though Russia has joined the European Convention on Mutual Recognition of Documents.

So first the compulsory college, and only then the university. In general, the same 4-6 years come out.

“I graduated from a university in London, and we had to go through college, because English children go to school for 11 years, and we - 10,” says Trud. former student Alexey.

A school leaving document is required, but what it will be - a certificate or a certificate - is not always important. All the same, you will have to adapt to the program of the country in which you want to study, and the USE is definitely not held there.

In some countries, such as the Czech Republic, you will have to confirm your upper secondary education by passing 2-3 exams under the auspices of the country's education department.

3. Act like a ninth grader

Failed in this USE year opened the way to colleges. To receive secondary specialized education, you need a certificate not for the 11th, but for the 9th grade.

After graduating from several colleges, you can enter the third year of the university. As we were informed in admission committee Moscow College of Mathematics, their graduates can both work in their specialty and receive higher education. Although they still have to write the Unified State Examination to enter the university for the third year.

In MESI, for admission to the third year of the university, it will be enough to pass an internal exam, the USE will no longer be needed.

Third-year student of MOSA (Moscow Open social academy) Alexander talked about the benefits of entering the academy after college. “It's much easier to get used to a university or an academy if you went to college first,” says Alexander. “In addition, this year we did not pass the exam, only our exams in the specialties.”

However, saving training time is still not possible everywhere. The term of study in most colleges is 3 years 10 months, at the university you will have to complete your studies for another 3 years. It turns out that these guys will receive a diploma anyway in 6 years. But they have the advantage of being able to work in their field after they graduate from college.

4. Go 3 years in 3 months

It is possible, in the absence of a certificate of the Unified State Examination, to find another alternative. Today, more and more often you can come across an offer to complete specialized courses, where on average in 3 months you will get an interesting profession.

The choice of specialties here is no less than in higher and secondary educational institutions. Girls may be interested in the professions of a flight attendant or a manicurist, and for boys there are courses in electricians or landscape designers.

"To find Good work, after completing a three-month course, you can. It all depends on whether good specialists trained you, and on your own desire and purposefulness,” said the ex-director of the Recruiter recruiting agency Mark Levin. “I myself have taught such courses for ten years. Trained advertising specialists. I can say for sure that after graduating from the courses, sales specialists can also find a well-paid job.”

The main trump card of such training is short time. Major centers additional education are engaged in further employment of their listeners. In addition to the obvious advantages, there are also disadvantages. Most employers will give preference to an applicant with a university or college degree. “Three-month training courses for specialists are a useful thing. But you can find a well-paid job with a salary of 25-30 thousand rubles only if you have a diploma, ”said Lidia Khadzieva, Executive Director of the MainStaff International Recruitment Agency.

The centers are employer-driven, and many jobs require certain skills, such as specialized programs, and the courses provide trainees with those skills. There are industries in which the presence of an average or higher education necessary, there are those where you can start with basic knowledge available at continuing education centers.

They take even without a certificate

It turned out that without the exam, you can enter not only colleges, but also higher educational establishments. The Trud correspondent decided to pretend to be an applicant who failed her school exams.

So, according to the conditions of the experiment, we passed: mathematics - 19 points, Russian language - 56 points, history - 58 points and social science - 64 points. With such results, instead of a certificate, the student receives a certificate of graduation.

We contacted the admissions committees of some universities and asked if we could enter the law faculty with such results. The results of the call were commented on by specialists from the Russian State Humanitarian University.

IPI (Professional Innovation Institute)

“If you do not have a certificate, then first, of course, you will have to get it. You can enroll in our external school. In a year, you will complete the 10-11th grade program and pass the exam in the subjects that you need. In parallel, he will be studying at our faculty of pre-university training, where the first-year program will be mastered. And after that, you can enter our second year, if all the exams are passed successfully. The cost of training both there and there is 30,000 rubles. Or you can graduate from an external school, get a certificate of secondary education and next year enter the first year of any other university.

Commentary of the Director of the Center for Pre-University Training of the Russian State Humanitarian University Mikhail Netsatunyan:

— This is profanity, this cannot be, the university just earns money, besides, not quite in a legal way. Let's reason logically: if a child has not passed the school curriculum, then he does not have enough knowledge to enter a university. Without knowing the multiplication table, you cannot study algebra.

MIIT (Moscow State University of Communications)

“It won’t be possible to enter us without a certificate,” the MIIT immediately noted. But you can try next year. We have preparatory courses where you can choose several subjects or only one - for which you need to retake the exam. Thus, over the course of a year, knowledge will not be forgotten, but, on the contrary, will be strengthened. We don’t know yet how it will be this year, but in the past, the exam in mathematics was passed at our university. A one-year course in one subject costs 10,000 rubles.

- This is legal and correct. The child simply listens to the training course. And it is important to understand what exactly to focus on. If this is the history of the fatherland, which is divided into periods, you need to find out for which period the graduate has problems, and it is this material that should be given. The child will be interested and useful.

AMI (Academic International Institute)

Different operators gave different answers.

“Without a certificate, it will not be possible to enter us. Pass the exam, come back next year, ”the first one clarified the situation.

But already the second operator, having received the same data, began to doubt: “I don’t know if it will be possible to enter us without a certificate, you need to come here and figure it out.”

“At the institute, recruitment is carried out in the so-called USE preparation groups. In practice, this means that the applicant is enrolled in the first year on a par with those who have no problems with exams. Same conditions, same items. Same price. But in addition to the main program, the student must attend classes in preparation for passing the exam for the next year. The first year of study for the student is an academic debt in the form of a failed exam. Without the Unified State Examination, they won’t be transferred to the second year, but if you try and pass everything, then the year will not be lost, ”the third girl on the wire noted already.

Comment by Mikhail Netsatunyan:

- These are just dishonest universities that are trying to earn as much as they can.

IMPE them. A. S. Griboedova

The admission committee of the university asked if the cost of education suits them, and asked my age: school graduates are usually 17.

- Come to our institute tomorrow with one of your parents, we will tell you everything. Take all the documents with you at once, your passport, the passport of one of the parents, three by four photographs. You can also pay tomorrow.

- Will I be enrolled in the first year already this year?

On Friday, you can start your classes.

After talking a little more with the representative of the admission committee, I found out that I would finish my studies together with those who had already entered the first year this year - in 2015. I will get a diploma. During this year I will be a student and in parallel I will prepare for the exam. And after the surrender USE in the summer In 2011 I will be able to be enrolled in the second year.

Difficult test. It is necessary not only to know the material and procedure of the exam well, but also to prepare psychologically, because even the most diligent student can fail due to excitement. After the announcement of the results, many will breathe a sigh of relief, but someone will find that they did not score the required number of points. What should a graduate do if he did not pass a single State exam, read in the material "RIAMO in the Queen".

Do not panic

stress due to difficult exam and feelings about bad result can get thrown off track. However, a graduate should not be led by emotions. A simple technique will help here: having learned about the failure in the exam, you need to take a deep breath, exhale and remember that this is not so scary. The famous American popularizer of psychology Dale Carnegie recommended in such situations to imagine the worst thing that can happen in life - against the backdrop of really terrible things, any failure fades and ceases to be perceived as the end of the world.

Next, the graduate should consult with their parents and decide what to do next. You can immediately retake the exam, you can also file an appeal with the conflict commission. As a last resort, you need to start preparing for the exam next year.

Go for retake

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If the exam is not passed, this does not mean at all that the student was doing nothing all school years. The result could be affected by excitement, time constraints, the conditions for passing the exam. Illness or family circumstances could also interfere. For such cases, a transfer is provided.

To retake the exam, you need to apply to the education committee. The school will help you write an application, you can also get all the information on the official information portal unified state exam www.ege.edu.ru. Those who failed the exam or could not come to it for good reasons will be assigned extra time.

A good reason is an illness and a corresponding certificate, graduation from a college or technical school, family circumstances, which must also be documented, as well as reasons of a religious nature, studying abroad and receiving a complete secondary education outside the Russian Federation.

Retake is provided only in the Russian language and mathematics. If the exam in another subject is failed, then the certificate will still be issued, and the only opportunity to retake it will appear only after a year.

A student can only retake the mandatory exam once. If it was not possible to score points in two subjects at once, then the second exam will have to be retaken in a year. In this case, in the current year, the student will not receive either a certificate or a certificate of passing the exam. He will be given only a certificate stating that he has attended a number of school subjects.

File an appeal

A graduate who is confident in his knowledge and believes that he did not pass the exam well due to violations during the exam can file an appeal with the conflict commission. Usually it is reviewed within 2-3 days, and then the result is sent to the school.

If the appeal is successful, the grade will be canceled and the student will have a chance to retake the exam on an extra day. Also, with a favorable outcome, the conflict commission can add no more than 2 points to the assessment.

If the student does not agree with the conclusions of the commission, then he can apply to the authority for more high level- to the city conflict commission. There, with a favorable decision, they can add no more than 8 points to the assessment. The processing time for an application is approximately 10 days.

When filing an appeal, you need to keep in mind that it can either improve or worsen the assessment or leave it unchanged. Therefore, you need to be as prepared as possible for this procedure.

Retake next year

If USE results turned out to be disappointing in several subjects at once, it is best to retake the exams in a year. This time should be used to the maximum.

You can prepare for the exam on your own, with a tutor or in special courses. Many universities open preparatory groups in which the emphasis is on preparing for the state exam. Such courses are also useful in that they teach the material that is studied in the first year of the university.

Get professional education

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In the freed year, you can not only prepare for the upcoming retake of the exam, but also get a special secondary education in parallel. You can enter a college remotely without passing the Unified State Examination, and in the process of studying you can get two diplomas at once - first about secondary vocational education, and then about higher professional education.

After two years of college, you can enter a university at good results learning. And the skills of a hairdresser, plumber, welder or cook will always come in handy. So in case of failure at the exam, the main thing is not to give up and boldly move towards the goal.

Answering the question “How to enter the tower without the exam (full-time, in absentia, remotely)?” it is advisable to consider three legal options for admission: through a college, through a retake, through a foreign institution. Where can I enter, or rather, which universities are allowed to enter without passing exams? It is worth noting that the list of these educational institutions is not secret, however, you will not see a sign on the assignment of each of them that the institute is recruiting students for education without the Unified State Examination. Let us consider in more detail the legal options for entering an institute, university, university for higher education without passing the notorious USE.

First option

Without the USE, it is possible by law to go to college, and after receiving the secondary vocational education there is an opportunity, according to the law, without the exam to enter the institute and study under an abbreviated program.

This is the first version of a legal and official way to get a higher education without passing the exam, that is, through entering a college.

Second option

Enroll in any foreign university and later transfer to a Russian university without passing the Unified State Examination. There are a number Russian universities, which can help with this, if for some reason the applicant does not have the necessary results of the exam, or he did not pass it at all.

This option is not obvious, not as simple as it seems, but in practice it exists and it can be used absolutely legally and legally.

Third option

Less popular, but also the place to be. If the results of the exam are unsatisfactory, in this case, the law provides for its retake. Thus, you can study with a tutor and eventually score the required number of points for admission in compulsory subjects - "mathematics" and "Russian language" and additional subjects, at the choice of the applicant.

One of the disadvantages of this option is the lost time for preparation and retake and the lack of guarantees that during the retake it will be possible to score the desired number of points.

The current legislation in the field of education allows you to enter a university, university, institute for higher education without passing the unified state exam - the Unified State Examination. In general, anyone can enter. Someone after the army, someone after college, there are students who want to study remotely (in absentia) and they graduated from school at a time when the USE was not mandatory for everyone. And some of the applicants simply did not score the right amount points and at the same time does not want to wait for a retake or the next set.

Oh, the agony of Tantalus! Today is the last day to decide what optional subjects to memorize for a whole year? “I vote against everyone” will not work. You need to note something, but your eyes widen when you remember the list of everything that you need to take for universities, faculties and departments, which you seem to like. Teachers, relatives and even friends, like doves on the table at McDonald's, look into the mouth expectantly, just to find out and comment on the fateful decision. If you now choose a piece of granite too tough, then on ambitious plans you can quietly erect a slab of the same stone. Therefore, it is important to soberly appreciate your abilities, limiting the pretentious list of items as much as possible. For example, if you are going to become a doctor, then you need to take chemistry and biology, but not every applicant needs physics (in some universities, the subject replaces chemistry). However, on the contrary, it is better for a future dentist to cross out chemistry and come to grips with physics, because for the mentioned specialty they pass it. What you should definitely not do is to take on all sciences and fields of activity: a lawyer or a mining engineer, a journalist or a psychologist, a teacher or a linguist - you need to clearly define yourself, otherwise you will have to catch a whole brood of hares. If an applicant equally averagely passes all possible exams, then the desired place is guaranteed to miss, but he will have twice as many certificates as he needs. An enticing prospect? Not really. Therefore, it is better to arm yourself with career guidance tests, listen to yourself (or the advice of trusted persons) and direct your efforts like darts to one goal. The profession, no matter how boring it may sound, should be regarded as a vocation, only then the work will be a joy. Thousands of people are daily humiliated to hateful labor for the sake of existence. Do you need it?

What will happen in the elective exams?

If everything is clear about mathematics and Russian, then about the rest of the exams - not quite. Often in the class one person rents, for example, literature, and all the rest, including him, the Russian language. The teacher, without thinking twice, replaces the "unimportant" lesson and the student is forced to prepare on his own. In such cases, the mysterious Unified State Examination is covered with a haze of fog, although there is no time for elegant expressions, because the high school student does not even know what awaits him. Our site briefly describes all the possible elective exams: the amount of work, types of tasks, features and proven loopholes from stalkers.

What should I do if I missed an elective exam?

If you can’t get into the exam due to illness, breathe deeply and don’t panic! your medical certificate take it to school (graduates of past years - to the authority executive power subject Russian Federation manager in the field of education, or a body local government administering education) in which they registered for writing the exam. The document will be sent to the State Examination Commission and you will be assigned another date shortly.

What should I do if the exams in the selected subjects are scheduled at the same time?

IN USE schedule(there is also such) the so-called reserve days, but the exact date must report to the school. If you are an erudite and take more than 8 subjects of your choice without meeting the deadlines, then you will pass the remaining tests in extra days in July. But don't forget to schedule yourself creative contests in universities and other mandatory events no one will cancel for you.

Is it possible not to come to the exam by choice?

Exhale, nothing criminal! Information about your absenteeism is not entered into the federal database. “Blockage” is considered only a shortfall of points, when the work did not even reach the threshold. In this case, a vicious philippic about your lack of education will be in the database, and in the certificate of the results of the exam - an empty line.

If you didn't apply by March 1, can you later?

If you did not have the opportunity to join the main wave of good reason documented (family circumstances, illness, final exams at a technical school, etc.), do not hesitate to apply for passing the exam(until July 5) in local authorities education department.

Can I retake the elective exam in the same year?

Unfortunately, it's not allowed. Retake is possible only next year. If you really want to, you can fill up compulsory subject and go take it again the same year. You personally need physics or English for admission, but without mathematics or a Russian certificate you will not see it at all (but you will save on graduation ceremonies).

The certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination has not yet been issued, and the acceptance of documents to the university has already begun, what should I do?

The applicant only needs to indicate information about the results of the exam. If they don't exist, exact information about the place and time of passing the exams. As a rule, the certificates themselves are not required for enrolling in a university, but it is better to get them as soon as possible in order to be ready for anything.

What can you use during exams?

Watching which ones. In mathematics - only a ruler, if not strange. On a wooden one, you can barely scratch formulas, as they say, and thanks for that. In physics, you can use a ruler and a non-programmable calculator (another surface for the necessary formulas). In chemistry, a calculator is also available, so you would know how and what to count, but you don’t have to calculate it yourself. Geography is the leader in our peculiar top: you take a ruler, a non-programmable calculator and even a protractor with you. It's time to shed a tear in gratitude for the unaffordable luxury.

Is it possible to enter a university without an exam?

Rumor has it that universities without state accreditation or creative workshops that issue “just the right” diplomas are accepted without certificates. Dreaming this time is harmful, you may encounter fraud. Remember: the adopted amendments to the law "On Education" oblige all educational institutions vocational education is accepted only according to the results of the Unified State Examination. The university may have its own internal competition (exams and interviews), but the results of the USE take into account everything without exception. If you are offered admission without taking into account certificates, and they also immediately slip Bank details, show the enterprising citizen the criminal code.

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